Hydrothermal synthesis and photocatalytic properties of layered La2Ti2O7 nanosheets
研究结果显示,该电极检测葡萄糖的灵敏度高达32.7944 mA·mM−1·cm−2,明显优于某些镍基材料电极,线性范围为0.15 μmol·L−1~ 1.475 mmol·L−1,检出限低至50 nmol·L−1,并且该电极对葡萄糖表现出良好的选择性,且具有较好的重现性、长期稳定性及抗氯离子毒化性能。
7 hydrolysis synthesis anatase
Journal of Hazardous Materials 176 (2010) 139–145Contents lists available at ScienceDirectJournal of HazardousMaterialsj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /j h a z m atSynthesis of nanocrystalline anatase TiO 2by one-pot two-phase separated hydrolysis-solvothermal processes and its high activity for photocatalytic degradation of rhodamine BMingzheng Xie,Liqiang Jing ∗,Jia Zhou,Jingsheng Lin,Honggang Fu ∗Key Laboratory of Functional Inorganic Materials Chemistry (Heilongjiang University),Ministry of Education,School of Chemistry and Materials Science,Harbin 150080,PR Chinaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 7August 2009Received in revised form 6October 2009Accepted 2November 2009Available online 10 November 2009Keywords:Hydrolysis-solvothermal method Nanocrystalline TiO 2Anatase thermal stability Charge separationPhotocatalytic activitya b s t r a c tSi-doped and un-doped nanocrystalline TiO 2samples have been synthesized by simple one-pot water-organic two-phase separated hydrolysis-solvothermal (HST)processes,and characterized by XRD,BET,TEM,FT-IR,DRS and surface photovoltage techniques.The effects of the solvothermal temperature and Si doping on the anatase thermal stability,and on the photocatalytic activity for degrading rhodamine B were investigated in detail.The results show that,as the solvothermal temperature rises,the crystallinity and thermal stability of the resulting nano-sized anatase TiO 2gradually increase.Noticeably,the as-prepared TiO 2obtained at appropriate solvothermal temperature (160◦C)exhibits high photocatalytic activity.Moreover,although Si doping does not improve the photocatalytic activity of the as-prepared anatase TiO 2,it greatly enhances the anatase thermal stability and inhibits crystallite growth during the process of post-thermal treatment.Interestingly,the Si-doped TiO 2post-treated at high temperature displays much higher photocatalytic activity than commercial P25TiO 2.It is clearly demonstrated that the joint effects of high anatase crystallinity and large surface area lead to high photocatalytic activity.This work provides a simple and effective strategy for the synthesis of high-performance TiO 2-based functional nanomaterials.© 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.1.IntroductionSemiconductor photocatalysis has attracted much attention in the past two decades owing to their applications to environmen-tal purification [1–6].It has been shown to be especially interesting for the treatment of dye compounds usually present in wastewaters from textile industries,because of the possibility of utilizing solar light as the energy source for the decontamination of these efflu-ents [7–12].Among several oxide semiconducting photocatalysts used often,TiO 2is taken as one of the ideal photocatalysts,because of its outstanding photocatalytic activity,chemical stability,low cost and non toxicity [4–6].It usually has two crystalline phases,anatase (Eg =3.2eV)and rutile (Eg =3.0eV),and the anatase phase frequently exhibits higher photocatalytic activity than the rutile one [6,13].Until now,the most popular commercial TiO 2named by Degussa P25,containing around 85%anatase and 15%rutile,usually possessed excellent photocatalytic activity [4–6].Its high activity is mainly attributed to its mixed phase composition and high anatase crystallinity,which would favor photoinduced charge separation,as well as to large surface area (about 55m 2g −1).∗Corresponding authors.Tel.:+8645186608616;fax:+8645186673647.E-mail addresses:Jinglq@ (L.Jing),Fuhg@ (H.Fu).In addition to the phase composition,surface area and anatase crystallinity are two important factors influencing photocatalytic performance of TiO 2.It is widely accepted that photocatalytic reactions mainly take place on the surfaces of photocatalysts.Expectedly,the adsorption of pollutants in advance is one of the most important steps in photocatalytic reactions [4–6].Thus,large surface area is generally favorable to enhance photocatalytic activ-ity of TiO 2.High anatase crystallinity usually means few defects,which easily act as the recombination centers for photogenerated electrons and holes [14,15].Thus,high crystallinity would promote photocatalytic reactions.It has been demonstated that the increase in the anatase crystallinity could usually lead to the enhancement in the photocatalytic activity [16,17].However,there is an obvi-ous inconsistency between large surface area and high anatase crystallinity,since large surface area,often resulting from porous structure and very small particle size,usually corresponds to low anatase crystallinity of TiO 2.Therefore,the solution to the above inconsistency is the crucial to fabricate high activity TiO 2-based photocatalysts.Thermal treatment at high temperature is generally adopted to improve anatase crystallinity of nano-sized TiO 2.However,the anatase-to-rutile transformation will happen if the treatment tem-perature is too high (over 600◦C).On the basis of the phase transformation mechanism that the rutile phase starts to occur at0304-3894/$–see front matter © 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2009.11.008140M.Xie et al./Journal of Hazardous Materials176 (2010) 139–145the interfaces between the anatase particles in the agglomerated TiO2particles[18],it is expected that the phase transformation usually leads to the remarkable increase in the particle size and consequently make surface area greatly decrease.Therefore,it is predicted that the increase in the anatase thermal stability might be a feasible strategy to solve the inconsistent issue mentioned above.The sol–gel technique based on the hydrolysis of titanium alkoxide is widely developed to synthesize nano-sized TiO2 [19].However,this technique usually has marked shortcomings, such as weak anatase crystallinity,complicated synthesis and post-treatment procedures,poor monodispersity,and possibly accompanied by too much of waste liquids.Those shortcomings would greatly influence the performance and large-scale pro-duction and successful applications in industry of the resulting TiO2nanomaterials.Thus,simple methods that are easily oper-ated to obtain monodispersed nanocrystalline TiO2simultaneously with high anatase crystallinity are still desired.Very recently, Tang et al.developed a one-step synthesis method to prepare high-quality ultrafine inorganic semiconductor nanocrystals via a two-phase interface hydrolysis reaction under hydrothermal conditions[20],which is named by the two-phase separated hydrolysis-solvothermal(HST)process in our work,and mainly demonstrated that the prepared ZrO2nanocrystals have good monodispersity and high crystallinity.This newly developed method spurs us to carry out this work,in which we aim to design and synthesize high active nano-sized TiO2-based photocatalysts.Herein,we synthesize Si-doped and un-doped nanocrystalline TiO2by the simple one-pot phase separated HST processes.It is found that the un-doped TiO2obtained at160◦C exhibits higher photocatalytic activity than that prepared by the traditional sol-hydrothermal method at the same temperature.Moreover,the resulting Si-doped TiO2post-treated at high temperature exhibits much higher photocatalytic activity than well-known P25TiO2. Thesefindings are in good agreement with our expectations. It should be suggested that the joint effects of high anatase crystallinity and large surface area are responsible for the high pho-tocatalytic activity.This work would provide an effective strategy to design and fabricate high-performance TiO2-based functional materials with high anatase thermal stability,and further expand the application areas due to high anatase thermal stability.2.Experimental sectionAll used chemicals are of the analytical grade and are used as received without further purification,and doubly deionized water is employed throughout.2.1.Synthesis of materialsNano-sized TiO2is synthesized by the HST process[20].The key point to the synthetic reaction is to combine the hydroly-sis and nucleation process at the confined water/toluene interface with the subsequent crystallization process in the toluene under solvothermal condition.A30mL of Teflon lined stainless-steel ves-sel,in which a10mL of weight bottle is installed to contain the organic toluene,is used as the reaction device to carry out the HST experiment.In a typical process,10mL of water phase and8mL of toluene phase,which contains a desired amount of Ti(OBu)4, was placed in the device separately.Then,the sealed device is kept at certain temperature(120–200◦C)for2h,followed by naturally cooling to room temperature.Under the solvothermal conditions, both the water and toluene are evaporated to diffuse gradually to the other side to form an interface.It is expected that the inter-face may locate near the organic phase side since the toluene has a higher boiling point than the water.When the water steam and toluene steam containing a certain amount of Ti(OBu)4molecules meet,the hydrolysis reaction between Ti(OBu)4and water will occur immediately,simultaneously leading to the crystal nucleus of TiO2.Then,the formed crystal nucleus is further crystallized in the organic phase.Thus,the resulting nanocrystalline TiO2is col-lected in the toluene,and subsequently the dried TiO2nanopowder is obtained by distilling the toluene system at120◦C.At last,dif-ferent TiO2samples are produced by further calcining dried TiO2at different temperature for2h.T X-Y,in which X is the solvothermal temperature and Y is the calcination temperature,is used to repre-sent the specific TiO2sample.In addition,to obtain Si-doped TiO2 by the HST process,a desired amount of(C2H4O)4Si and Ti(OBu)4 are added together to the organic phase,and ST X-Y indicates the3 in mole%Si-doped TiO2sample.2.2.Characterization of materialsThe samples are characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD)with a Rigaku D/MAX-rA powder diffractometer(Japan), using Cu K␣radiation( =0.15418nm),and an accelerating volt-age of30kV and emission current of20mA are employed;The specific surface areas of the samples are measured by BET instru-ment(Micromeritics automatic surface area analyzer Gemini2360, Shimadzu),with nitrogen adsorption at77K;Transmission elec-tron microscopy(TEM)observation was completed on a JEOL JEM-2010EX instrument operated at200kV accelerating voltage; The Fourier transform infrared spectra(FT-IR)of the samples are collected with a Bruker Equinox55Spectrometer,using KBr as diluents;The ultraviolet–visible diffuse reflectance spectra(UV–vis DRS)of the samples are recorded with a Model Shimadzu UV2550 spectrophotometer;The SPS measurements of the samples are car-ried out with a home-built apparatus that had been described in detail elsewhere[21–23].2.3.Evaluation of photocatalytic activityRhodamine B(RhB)is commonly used as a dye,and it has been found to be potentially toxic and carcinogenic[24].Thus, RhB is chosen as the representative organic dye pollutant to evalu-ate photocatalytic activity of the as-prepared TiO2.Photocatalytic experiments are carried out in a100mL of photochemical glass reactor,and the similar solar light is provided from a side of the reactor by a150W GYZ220high-pressure Xenon lamp made in china without anyfilter,which is placed at about10cm from the reactor.During the measurements of photocatalytic degradation rate of RhB,0.05g of the TiO2sample and60mL of50mg/L RhB solu-tion are mixed by a magnetic stirrer for30min in the darkfirst,in order to make the reactive system uniform and the adsorption equi-librium,then begin to illuminate.After photocatalytic reaction for 1h,the RhB concentration is analyzed by means of the optical char-acteristic absorption at553nm after centrifugation with a Model Shimadzu UV2550spectrophotometer[24].To obtain the evolu-tion curves of photocatalytic degradation of RhB,0.1g of the TiO2 sample and60mL of50mg/L RhB(15mg/L phenol)solution are employed and the RhB concentrations after photocatalytic reaction for different time are measured.3.Results and discussion3.1.Measurements of XRD and BETThe XRD peaks at2Â=25.28◦and2Â=27.40◦are often taken as the characteristic peaks of anatase(101)and rutile(110)crystal phase,respectively[25,26].The mass percentage of anatase phase in the TiO2samples can be estimated from the respective inte-grated characteristic XRD peak intensities using the quality factorM.Xie et al./Journal of Hazardous Materials176 (2010) 139–145141Fig.1.XRD patterns of different TiO2samples.ratio of anatase-to-rutile(1.265),and the crystallite size can also be determined from the broadening of corresponding X-ray spec-tral peak by Scherrer formula[26].Fig.1shows the XRD patterns of different TiO2samples,including home-made un-doped and Si-doped TiO2and commercial P25TiO2.It is seen from the Fig.1 that the T160-120sample has a pure anatase phase,and its crystal-lite size is6.6nm.As the thermal treatment temperature increases, the anatase XRD peaks gradually become strong,indicating that the anatase crystallinity increases,meanwhile the correspond-ing crystallite size gradually becomes large(Table1).When the temperature increases to750◦C,however,the rutile phase(17%) appears,indicating that the phase transformation begins to take place.In general,the beginning temperature of phase transfor-mation of nano-sized anatase TiO2prepared by the sol process is generally at about600◦C[5,14].It should be pointed that the T160-Table1Phase composition,crystallite size and surface area of different TiO2samples.Sample Phase composition(%)Crystallitesize(nm)Surface area (m2g−1)Anatase RutileT160-120100– 6.6131.9 T160-500100–20.756.4 T160-700100–25.341.6 T160-750831728.126.2 ST160-120100–7.4152.3 ST160-600100–8.1128.9 ST160-700100–9.489.5 ST160-800100–11.563.4 P2*******.558.2120sample exhibits high anatase crystallinity and large crystallite size compared with that obtained by the sol-hydrothermal process at the same temperature based on the XRD patterns,shown in the supporting information(SI-I).High anatase crystallinity and large crystallite size mean low surface energy,and the low surface energy is unfavorable to the phase transformation process,consequently leading to the enhancement in the beginning phase transforma-tion temperature.This is also further supported by the results that the XRD intensity of the resulting TiO2gradually increases and the corresponding beginning phase transformation temperature also rises as the solvothermal temperature is enhanced supporting information(SI-I).Moreover,it is expected that the high dispersity of the original anatase nanocrystals obtained by the HST process, which had been well demonstrated[20],also should play an impor-tant role in the inhibition phase transformation process based on the mechanism mentioned above[18].Therefore,it can be deduced that the enhanced beginning phase transformation temperature is attributed to the high crystallinity,large crystallite size and high dispersity of the as-prepared anatase crystallites.As the thermal treatment temperature increases,the anatase XRD peaks of the Si-doped TiO2gradually increase,demonstrating that the corresponding anatase crystallinity becomes high.Inter-estingly,compared with the un-doped TiO2,the Si-doped TiO2 exhibits high anatase thermal stability since no rutile appears in the Si-doped TiO2by the thermal treatment at800◦C.This demon-strates that the introduction of Si inhibits the phase change,which is in good agreement with the literatures[27,28].In addition,the phases related to Si are not detected from XRD patterns.For the un-doped TiO2,the T160-120has a large BET surface area (131.9m2g−1)(Table1),and the surface area obviously decreases as the thermal treatment temperature increases.Noticeably,Si doping effectively maintains the large surface area of nano-sized TiO2.After thermal treatment at the temperature as high as800◦C, the ST800still has larger surface area than P25TiO2.3.2.Measurements of TEM and FT-IRThe TEM photographs of different TiO2samples are shown in Fig.2.It can be seen that all the samples have similar spherical form.The T160-120has an about7nm average particle size with narrow size distribution(Fig.2A),which is in accordance with the crystallite size evaluated by the Scherrer formula,indicating that the obtained TiO2crystallites are easily separated.After the thermal treatment at750◦C,the average particle size of the un-doped TiO2 has increased to about30nm,with wide size distribution(Fig.2B), which is attributed to the occurrence of rutile based on the XRD patterns,accompanied by the particle agglomeration[18].By com-parison,it can be noticed that Si doping effectively inhibits the growth of nanocrystalline TiO2,since the ST160-120and ST160-800 exhibit about6.0and12nm particle sizes,respectively,both with narrow size distribution(Fig.2C and D).Thus,these TEM observa-tions are well responsible for the corresponding surface areas listed in the Table1.Fig.3shows the FT-IR spectra of different TiO2samples.The IR peaks at about1630and3400cm−1are ascribed to surface hydroxyl and adsorbed water molecules[29,30].The IR band at 400–850cm−1corresponds to the Ti–O–Ti stretching vibration mode in crystal TiO2[29].The IR peaks at about3000and1497cm−1 are ascribed to the C–H and C C stretching vibration mode in aro-matic ring[31].As the thermal treatment temperature increases,the intensity of IR band related to Ti–O–Ti vibration mode also increases,indicating that the corresponding TiO2crystallinity becomes high,which is in accordance with the XRD results.Moreover,the surface hydroxyl amount of the Si-doped TiO2sample gradually decreases.However, the ST160-800still displays a larger amount of surface hydroxyl142M.Xie et al./Journal of Hazardous Materials176 (2010) 139–145Fig.2.TEM images of different TiO 2samples (A)T160-120,(B)T160-750,(C)ST160-120,(D)ST160-800.than the T160-700.In addition,all the Si-doped TiO 2samples have a IR peak at about 1050cm −1,which results from Si–O–Si mode in SiO 2[32].Based on the above analyses of XRD,TEM and IR,it can be deduced that Si doping inhibits the anatase-to-rutile phasetrans-Fig.3.IR spectra of different TiO 2samples.formation and simultaneous particle growth of nanocrystalline TiO 2,which is attributed to the existence of amorphous SiO 2.The SiO 2would hold back the contacts between the anatase nanocrys-tals,the diffusions between anatase crystallites,and the surface ionic mobilities [27,32–35].3.3.Measurements of DRS and SPSThe UV–vis DRS spectra of different TiO 2are shown in Fig.4.According to the energy band structure of TiO 2,it can be con-firmed that the strong optical absorption below 390nm is mainly attributed to the electron transitions from the valence band to con-duction band [21,29].It can be noticed that the DRS spectrum of the doped TiO 2shifts slightly to the red with increasing the treatment temperature from 120to 800◦C,which strongly demonstrates that the crystallite size and the phase transformation are effectively sup-pressed.This is in good agreement with the above XRD and TEM results.The surface photovoltage generation mainly arises from the cre-ation of electron-hole pairs,followed by the separation under a built-in electric field,also called space-charge layer.Thus,it can be expected that the stronger is the surface photovoltage spec-troscopy (SPS)response,the higher is the photoinduced charge carrier [36,21].Fig.5shows the SPS responses of different TiO 2sam-M.Xie et al./Journal of Hazardous Materials 176 (2010) 139–145143Fig.4.DRS spectra of different TiO 2samples.ples.For all the samples,an obvious SPS response can be found at the wavelength range from 300to 375nm,which is attributed to the electron transitions from the valence band to conduction band (O 2p →Ti 3d )on the basis of the DRS spectra and TiO 2band structure [21,29].For the Si-doped TiO 2sample with anatase phase compo-sition,the SPS response gradually becomes strong with increasing the treatment temperature,which is mainly because of the increase in the antatase crystallinity.The high crystallinity makes electronic band perfect so as to enhance the built-in field strength,which can promote charge separation [22],meanwhile leads to the decrease in the defect amounts,which is also favorable for charge sepa-ration [37,14].This is also supported by the point that the SPS response of un-doped TiO 2increases as the solvothermal temper-ature or the post-treatment temperature is enhanced supporting information (SI-II).However,compared with the un-doped TiO 2,all the Si-doped TiO 2samples exhibit low SPS responses,which are possibly ascribed to the SiO 2as the nonconductor.In addition to the band-to-band SPS response,a weak SPS response related to surface states,located at the wavelength range from 375to 420nm,is found in the ST160-800sample.This surface state-related SPS response might result from the electronic transitions from the anatase sur-face states to the rutile conduction band in the phase-mixed TiO 2[38].According to the above XRD results,there is not rutile phase in the ST800.Actually,there might be a small amount of rutile since the XRD detection is very limited.3.4.Photocatalytic activityGenerally speaking,the high photocatalytic degradation rate corresponds to the high photocatalytic activity.In thephotocat-Fig.5.SPS responses of different TiO 2samples.Fig.6.Photocatalytic degradation rates (A)and evolution curves (B)of RhB solution on different TiO 2samples (the corresponding degradation rate constants are listed in the parentheses).alytic experiment,The 150W Xenon lamp,with similar emitting spectrum to the sun,is used as light pared with the photocatalytic degradation,the direct photolysis (1%)is so small that the corresponding degradation is neglectable.The photocat-alytic degradation rates of RhB,which equal to the differences between the total degradation rates in the presence of light and the adsorption degradation rates in the absence of light,on the different TiO 2samples,are shown in the Fig.6.It can be seen from Fig.6A that,for the un-doped TiO 2,the pho-tocatalytic activity gradually decreases as the thermal treatment temperature increases.This seems un-imaginable since the pho-toinduced charge separation situation should be improved with increasing the treatment temperature on the basis of SPS responses supporting information (SI-II).Thus,it is deduced that the decrease in the activity is mainly attributed to the great decrease in the sur-face area shown in Table 1.However,it should be pointed that,among the as-prepared three TiO 2samples at the solvothermal temperatures of 120,160and 200◦C,the TiO 2obtained at 160◦C displays the highest activity,and also it is superior to the TiO 2obtained by the traditional sol-hydrothermal process at the same temperature supporting information (SI-III).It is expected that the high activity of the T160-120is attributed to the high anatase crys-tallinity and the high crystallite monodispersity [20].As expected,it can be confirmed from the photocatalytic degra-dation rates of RhB (Fig.6B)that the Si-doped TiO 2gradually exhibits much high photocatalytic activity as the thermal treat-ment temperature is enhanced.Noticeably,the TiO 2sample by thermal treatment over 600◦C possesses high activity compared with the P25TiO 2,which is also proved by the photocatalytic degra-dation of phenol Appendix B (SI-III).Based on the above SPS,TEM144M.Xie et al./Journal of Hazardous Materials176 (2010) 139–145and BET measurements,it is concluded that the high photoindued charge separation rate,small particle size and large surface area are responsible for the high photocatalytic activity of Si-doped TiO2treated at high temperature.Moreover,a certain amount of surface hydroxyl and rutile phase are also favorable for photocat-alytic reactions[17].In addition,it is also confirmed that the RhB photocatalytic degradation processes in our experiments follow one-order reactions,which is accordance with the literature[39].4.ConclusionsOn the basis of the above systematic investigation,mainly by means of XRD,BET,TEM,IR and SPS measurements,the follow-ing conclusions can be drawn:(i)Nanocrystalline TiO2with high anatase crystallinity and high crystallite monodispersity is success-fully synthesized by the HST processes,and its anatase thermal stability is enhanced with increasing the solvothermal tempera-ture.(ii)The as-prepared nanocrystalline TiO2obtained at160◦C exhibits higher photocatalytic activity than that prepared by the transitional sol-thermal method at the same hydrothermal temper-ature,demonstrating that the HST route is an extremely effective synthetic approach.(iii)As expected,Si doping greatly enhances the anatase thermal stability,meanwhile effectively inhibiting the growth of the TiO2crystallites,resulting in high photocatalytic activity,superior to that of P25TiO2.It is suggested that the photocatalytic activity of nano-sized TiO2 is jointly determined by the photoinduced charge separation ability and the surface area.Based on the SPS responses,high anatase crys-tallinity,which can be produced by enhancing the anatase thermal stability,greatly favors photoinduced charge separation.The phase separated SHT synthesis overcomes the difficulty of producing high anatase crystallinity and also with large surface area,resulting in highly active nanostructured TiO2-based functional materials with high thermal stability.AcknowledgementsThis work isfinancially supported from the National Nature Sci-ence Foundation of China(No.20501007),the programme for New Century Excellent Talents in universities(NCET-07-0259),the Key Project of Science&Technology Research of Ministry of Educa-tion of China(No.207027)and the Science Foundation of Excellent Youth of Heilongjiang Province of China(JC200701),for which we are very grateful.Appendix A.Supplementary dataSupplementary data associated with this article can be found,in the online version,at doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2009.11.008. 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Material Sciences 材料科学, 2019, 9(6), 549-557Published Online June 2019 in Hans. /journal/mshttps:///10.12677/ms.2019.96070One-Step Hydrothermal Synthesis of ChiralCarbon Quantum DotsYao Wang, Yupeng Lu, Yuanzhe Li, Lumeng Wang, Fan ZhangCollege of Materials Science and Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan ShanxiReceived: May 21st, 2019; accepted: Jun. 4th, 2019; published: Jun. 11th, 2019AbstractCarbon Quantum Dots (CQDs) have many excellent properties, such as low toxicity, biocompatibil-ity, photoluminescence, etc., which play an important role in many fields such as photocatalytic electrocatalytic chemical sensing in biological imaging and endowing CQDs with chiral proper-tiesto broaden its applications in chiral recognition and separation and asymmetric catalysis and chiral detection. Chiral carbon quantum dots (L-CQDs and D-CQDs) were synthesized by one-step hydrothermal method using tryptophan (L-Trp and D-Trp) as carbon source and chiral source and sodium hydroxide as reaction regulator. The optical properties and surface structures of L-CQDs and D-CQDs were characterized by high resolution lens electron microscopy, elemental analyzer, ultraviolet-visible absorption spectrometer, steady-state fluorescence spectrometer and circu-lar dichroism (CD). The results show that the prepared L-CQDs and D-CQDs with particle size less than 10 nm presented similar characteristics and optical properties, with strong fluores-cence characteristics and the property of stimulating independence, whose the maximum emis-sion wavelength is 476 nm as well as the optimal excitation wavelength is 360 nm. CD signals taking on mirror symmetry feature near 223 and 290 nm indicate that L-CQDs and D-CQDs are enantiomers.KeywordsHydrothermal Method, Chirality, Carbon Quantum Dots, Circular Dichroism一步水热法制备手性碳量子点王耀,鲁羽鹏,李远哲,王璐梦,张帆太原理工大学材料学院,山西太原收稿日期:2019年5月21日;录用日期:2019年6月4日;发布日期:2019年6月11日王耀 等摘要碳量子点(Carbon Quantum Dots, CQDs)有着很多优良的特性,如:低毒性、生物相容性、光致发光等特性,在生物成像、光催化、电催化、化学传感等许多领域起着重要的作用,赋予CQDs 手性特性。
当代化工研究Modem Chemical Research35 2021・05基础研究氮掺杂花状黑色二氧化钛(TQ)的制备及光催化性能研究*秦莲郭紫露刘娜马海燕王强段志英(西北民族大学化工学院甘肃730000)摘耍:本论文以金属钛粉和尿素为原料,利用水热法制备出氮掺杂黑色二氧化钛(Ti()2)光催化剂,并对其光催化性能进行了红外光谱、紫外光谱和SEM等表征实验,探讨了氮掺杂花状黑色二氧化钛(Tit)2)光催化剂的光催化性能.将甲基橙溶液作为目标降解染料,在模拟太阳光条件下照射含有不同氮掺杂含量的光催化剂的甲基橙溶液,紫外一可见分光光度计测试不同光催化剂的光催化性能.通过对不同形貌,不同掺杂量的催化剂比较研究,探讨结构与光催化性能之间丝关系.实验结果表明:以尿素:黑色花状二氧化钛=2:1餉比例制备的氮掺杂花状黑色二氧化钛催化剂对甲基橙溶液的催化降解效果最好,提高了对染料的降解作用°关键词:水热法;氮掺杂;花状黑色二氧化钛;可见光催化中图55•类号:0文献标识码:AStudy on Preparation of Nitrogen Doped Flower Black Titanium Dioxide(TiO2)and ItsPhotocatalytic PerformanceQin Lian,Guo Zilu,Liu Na,Ma Haiyan,Wang Qiang,Duan Zhiying(School of Chemical Engineering,Northwest University for Nationalities,Gansu,730000) Abstract:In this paper,the nitrogen-doped black titanium dioxide(RO)photocatalyst was prepared by hydrothermal method using titanium powder and urea as raw materials.The photocatalytic performance of the nitrogen-doped f lower black titanium dioxide(TiO^photocatalyst was studied by infrared spectroscopy,ultraviolet spectroscopy and SEM.Methyl orange solution was used as the target dye for degradation.Methyl orange solution containing different nitrogen doping content was irradiated under simulated sunlight conditions.The photocatalytic performance of different p hotocatalysts was tested by UV-Vis spectrophotometer.The relationship between the structure and p hotocatalytic p erformance was studied by comparing the catalysts with different morphologies and doping amounts.The experimental results showed that the nitrogen-doped f lowery black titanium dioxide catalyst prepared yvith the ratio of u rea to black f lowery titanium dioxide=2:l had the best catalytic degradation effect on methyl orange solution,which improved the degradation effect of d ye.Key words:hydrothermal method^N-doped\floral black titanium dioxide^visible light catalysis随着人类生活方式的改变和工业化的持续发展,如危险响口甸。
We use a two‐step hydrothermal method to successfully synthesize Sn2Nb2O7 nanocrystals with an average size of approximately 20 nm. The as‐obtained samples are characterized by powder X‐ray diffraction, ultraviolet‐visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, Brunauer‐Emmett‐Teller analysis, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. The photocatalytic activity of the Sn2Nb2O7 nanocrystals is evaluated by photocatalytic water splitting under visible light irradia‐ tion. The Sn2Nb2O7 nanocrystals with a large surface area of 52.2 m2/g show an enhanced visi‐ ble‐light‐driven photocatalytic H2 production activity, approximately 5.5 times higher than that of bulk Sn2Nb2O7 powder. The higher photocatalytic activity of Sn2Nb2O7 nanocrystals is mainly at‐ tributed to its relatively high dispersity of nanosized particles and larger specific surface area when compared with the bulk powder.
图 1 不同的 [A l, Fe ] / [ Si]摩尔比对剩余浊度的影响
由图 1可以看出 , [ A l, Fe ] / [ Si ]摩尔比为 1 ∶1 时 ,处理后的含油废水浊度较低 。当絮凝剂中的 [A l, Fe ] / [ Si ]的摩尔比为 1 ∶1 时 ,当加量为 6g· L - 1时 ,除浊效果最好 ,脱色效果也最佳 。
絮凝后废水浊度 (NTU ) 10 9 14 17 22
3. 3 [ A l, Fe ] / [ Si ]的摩尔比对絮凝性能的
固定 A l/ Fe = 4 ∶6,改变 [ A l, Fe ] / [ Si ]摩尔比 , 有相关报道指出 [ 4 ] , [A l, Fe ] / [ Si ]摩尔比为 1 ∶1或 10∶4效果佳 ,重新制备聚硅酸硫酸铝铁絮凝剂 ,对 这两个组合进行评价 ,通过试验研究硅含量对絮凝 效果的影响 。以剩余浊度 (NTU ) 对投药量 (mg· L - 1 )作图 ,得到 [A l, Fe ] / [ Si ]的摩尔比对絮凝效果 的影响曲线 ,如图 1所示 。
理印染废水 [ J ]. 江苏石油化工学院学报 , 200113 (4) : 14 - 16.
(上接第 37页 )
[ 24 ] Zou Z G, Ye J H , A rakawa H. Op tical and structural p roperties of the B iTa1 - xNbxO4 ( 0 ≤x ≤1 ) compounds[ J ]. Solid Statc Communications, 2001, 119 ( 7) : 471 - 475.
率。从£一0的吸光度来看,掺杂各种离子的产物吸附性能均 有一定提高,其中掺杂W、Si则大大提高了产物的吸附性能。 由图5(b)可知,亚甲基蓝在665nm有1个吸收主峰,在 616nm有1个吸收肩峰。随时间的延长,亚甲基蓝的最大吸 收峰减小,且最大吸收峰随时间的延长有蓝移现象,这可能
图5为不同掺杂元素的BiV().在664nm附近对亚甲基 蓝的最大吸光度和降解时间的关系及以Cu掺杂为代表的,怔
度均随时间的延长而减小。曲线的斜率反映了降解速率,从 曲线的斜率看,Cu、Ag、Co、Ni等元素的掺杂提高了降解速 率,其中Cu掺杂产物的降解速率最大,2h后亚甲基蓝的吸
BiV04合成 水热法合成BiV04参见文献[12]。
(XRD)、扫描电镜(sEM)、透射电镜(TEM)、紫外可见漫反 射表征,然后统一采用浸渍法掺杂了Cu、Ag,Co、Ni、Fe、La、
Hydrothermal synthesis of single-crystal CeCO3OH and their thermal conversion to CeO2
OriginalarticleHydrothermal synthesis of single-crystal CeCO3OH and their thermal conversion to CeO2Kun Gao a,Yi-Yang Zhu a,Da-Qing Tong a,Li Tian a,Zhao-Hui Wang a,b,Xiao-Zu Wang a,*a College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Nanjing University of Technology,Nanjing210009,Chinab State Key Laboratory of Materials-Oriented Chemical Engineering,Nanjing University of Technology,Nanjing210009,China1.IntroductionIn recent years,cerium compounds have been widely used incatalysis[1–4],fuel cells[5]and chemical materials[6–8]due totheir specific4f energy levels of the Ce-element[9,10].Among allthe cerium compounds,cerium carbonate hydroxide,as animportant functional material,has been attracted much attentionbecause of its novel electronic properties,optical properties andchemical characteristics arising from their4f electrons[9–12].Recently,cerium carbonate hydroxide with different morphol-ogies was synthesized by different methods,such as self-assembly,sonochemical[13,14],hydrothermal[15–18],and microwave-assisted hydrothermal route[19].Among all the preparationmethods,the hydrothermal process is considered to be an effectiveand economical route due to its merits of low synthesistemperature,high powder reactivity and versatile shape control[20–23].In a hydrothermal system,CeCO3OH with differentstructures corresponding to distinct morphologies have beensynthesized[18,24,25].There have been sufficient studies report-ing on the synthesis of different morphologies,for example,Guoet al.reported the synthesis of triangular micro-plate,bundle-like,shuttle-like andflower-like structures of CeCO3OH by hydrother-mal method[15,16,18].Li and Zhao synthesized single-crystallineCeCO3OH with dendrite-like structures through a facile hydro-thermal method and obtained CeO2by heating CeCO3OH at5008Cfor6h[26].Zhang et al.synthesized CeCO3OH rhombic micro-plates by the precipitation method in the presence of3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane[28].However,most of these reportson the synthesis of CeCO3OH micro/nanoparticles were preparedusing CO(NH2)2or HMT as the alkaline and carbon resource[13–18]and added surfactant or template to adjust the nucleation andcrystal growth of CeCO3OH particles[13,15–18,28],which makesthe process complex and raw materials more costly.So it isimportant to explore a facile method to synthesize morphology-controlled CeCO3OH micro/nanomaterials.In this paper,we report a simple method to synthesize dendrite-like CeCO3OH crystallites using CeCl3Á7H2O as the cerium source,triethylenetetramine as both an alkaline and carbon source.Thepolycrystalline CeO2was obtained by calcination of the precursor at5008C for4h,partly maintaining the dendrite-like morphology.Theoptical absorption properties of CeO2were also investigated.2.ExperimentalAll chemical reagents were of analytical grade without furtherpurification.In a typical synthesis,0.001mol of CeCl3Á7H2O wasdissolved in60mL deionized water to form a clear solution,andthen0.30mL triethylenetetramine was added to the transparentsolution in order to completely react with Ce3+at258C for about0.5h with continued stirring.The resulting homogenous solutionChinese Chemical Letters25(2014)383–386A R T I C L E I N F OArticle history:Received10August2013Received in revised form8September2013Accepted26September2013Available online1December2013Keywords:CeCO3OHHydrothermalCerium carbonate hydroxideNanostructuresA B S T R A C THexagonal single-crystalline cerium carbonate hydroxide(CeCO3OH)precursors with dendritemorphologies have been synthesized by a facile hydrothermal method at1808C using CeCl3Á7H2O asthe cerium source,triethylenetetramine as both an alkaline and carbon source,with triethylenete-tramine also playing an important role in the formation of the dendrite structure.Polycrystalline ceria(CeO2)have been obtained by calcining the precursor at5008C for4h.The morphology of the precursorwas partly maintained during the heating process.The optical absorption spectra indicate the CeO2nano/microstructures have a direct band gap of2.92eV,which is lower than values of the bulk powderdue to the quantum size effect.The high absorption in the UV region for CeO2nano/microstructureindicated that this material was expected to be used as UV-blocking materials.ß2013Xiao-Zu Wang.Published by Elsevier B.V.on behalf of Chinese Chemical Society.All rightsreserved.*Corresponding author.E-mail address:wangxiaozu@(X.-Z.Wang).Contents lists available at ScienceDirectChinese Chemical Lettersj o u rn a l h om e p a g e:w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m/l o c a t e/c c l e t1001-8417/$–see front matterß2013Xiao-Zu Wang.Published by Elsevier B.V.on behalf of Chinese Chemical Society.All rights reserved./10.1016/let.2013.11.047was transferred to a 100mL Teflon-line stainless steel autoclave,which was sealed and maintained at 1808C for 24h,and cooled to room temperature naturally.The white precipitate was collected by centrifugation,washed several times with distilled water and ethanol,and dried at 708C for 6h.The as-synthesized CeCO 3OH was calcined to produce straw-yellow CeO 2in air at 5008C for 4h.The XRD measurements were performed on a Bruker-D8Advanced X-ray diffractometer,equipped with graphite-monochromatizedhigh-intensity Cu K a radiation (l =1.5418A˚).The morphologies and sizes of the resulting products were examined by field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM,Hitachi S-4800)and transmission electron microscopy (TEM,JEM2000EX),respec-tively.The thermal behavior of the resulting products was carried out by differential scanning calorimetric analysis (DSC)and thermogravimetric analysis (TG)with a Netzsch-449C simulta-neous TG/DSC apparatus heating from room temperature to 6008C (108C/min)in flowing air.UV/vis absorption spectra were acquired on a spectrophotometer (Shimadzu)and the analyzed range was 200–800nm.3.Results and discussionFig.1presents the typical XRD pattern of the as-synthesized CeCO 3OH products.All of the diffraction peaks in Fig.1can be exactly indexed to the pure hexagonal crystalline phase ofCeCO 3OH with lattice constants a =7.2382A˚,c =9.9596A ˚,which are in good agreements with the literature values (JCPDS 32-0189).No impurity peaks are detected,indicating the high purity of the final product.The strong and sharp diffraction peaks suggest that the products are highly crystallined.Fig.2shows a typical SEM image of the CeCO 3OH dendrite structure synthesized at 1808C for 24h.As shown in Fig.2,it reveals most of the as-prepared CeCO 3OH products display twofold-symmetric structures with a length of 1–2m m along the trunk.The detailed morphology of the structures of CeCO 3OH dendrites is further studied using TEM and SAED (Select-area electron diffraction).A typical high magnification TEM image of the structure of CeCO 3OH dendrites is shown in Fig.3.It reveals that the product is composed of a long central trunk with secondary and tertiary sharp branches,which are parallel to each other and emerge at 608angles with respect to the central trunk.The SAED pattern in the inset of Fig.3taken from an individual dendrite-like nanostructure is indexed to hexagonal CeCO 3OH,indicating that the individual is a single crystal.The diffraction pattern indicates the individual dendrite-like CeCO 3OH is well crystallized.The typical TG pattern of the as-prepared CeCO 3OH dendrite structure is shown in Fig.4a.The TG curve shows that CeCO 3OH begins to decompose at about 2808C and finishes at 6008C.Thetotal weight loss between 2808C and 6008C is measured at about 21.70%,which is close to the results in the theoretical value calculated from following reaction:4CeCO 3OH þO 2!4CeO 2þ2H 2O þ4CO 2(1)The DSC curve (Fig.4b)shows one endothermic peak with a maximum at 300.08C.The temperature range of the endothermic peak in the DSC curve agrees well with the weight loss in the TG curve,corresponding to endothermic behavior during the thermal decomposition/oxidation of CeCO 3OH to CeO 2.Fig.5shows the XRD pattern of CeO 2obtained by calcinations of as-prepared CeCO 3OH.All of the peaks are well assigned to pure face-centered cubic (fcc)structure of CeO 2with lattice constantsa =5.412A˚,which is in good agreement with the JCPDS card (No.43-1002).No obvious peaks for other elements or impurities were observed.The strong and sharp reflection peaks suggest that the as-prepared products are well crystallized.After the CeCO 3OH dendrites are calcined in air at 5008C for 4h,CeO 2dendrites are formed.As shown in Fig.6a,SEM image of CeO 2reveals that the dendrite morphology was partly sustained after thermal decomposition/oxidation to CeO 2.Fig.6b presents a typical TEM image of CeO 2dendrite and its corresponding ED pattern (Fig.6b inset).The discontinuous rings in ED pattern indicate that it could consist of CeO 2polycrystals with an oriented crystallographic axis.In our experiment,since triethylenetetramine was not used,noting products were obtained.Fig.7shows the SEM image of raw material (CeCl 3Á7H 2O),only erose particles were observed,indicating the triethylenetetramine plays an important role in the formation of CeCO 3OH dendrite structures.As is well known,triethylenetetramine at the room tempera-ture will release OH Àin the aqueous solution.Meanwhile,triethylenetetramine has large average capacities for the absorp-tion CO 2[27].So the CO 32Àanions in the solution may result from1020304050602θ (° )(002)(110)(112)(004)(300)(114)(302)(220)(222)(304)Fig.1.XRD patternof the CeCO 3OH dendrite-like nanostructure.Fig.2.SEM image of the as-synthesized CeCO 3OH.Fig.3.TEM image of the as-synthesized CeCO 3OH.K.Gao et al./Chinese Chemical Letters 25(2014)383–386384the possible oxidation of triethylenetetramine,the absorption andslight dissolution of CO 2from air.In the hydrothermal process,the C—N bond in triethylenete-tramine is the easiest bond to break,so upon heating to a certain temperature,triethylenetetramine hydrolyzes to form NH 4+and CO 32À.The cerium ions can exist in the form of [Ce(H 2O)n ]3+in aqueous solution,and then [Ce(H 2O)n ]3+is changed into [Ce(OH)(H 2O)n +]2+,and finally CeCO 3OH is obtained by the reaction between [Ce(OH)(H 2O)n À1]2+and CO 32À.It is proposed that dendrite structures are obtained through a seed-mediated growth in the presence of micelles of triethylenetetramine.The CeCO 3OH nuclei were created and used as seed center,these random moving nuclei in the environment can aggregate with each other to form anisotropic morphology.In our experiment,we consider that triethylenetetramine used as the alkaline and surfactant in the hydrothermal process.Therefore,existing triethylenetetramine,as a capping agent in the reaction system,is absorbed selectively on the different planes of CeCO 3OH seeds,helps to lower the surface energy and results in the different growth rate of different planes to form the dendrite structures.The real formation mechanism of CeCO 3OH dendrite structure needs further investigation.Fig.8shows the UV/vis diffuse absorption spectra of CeCO 3OH and CeO 2.Fig.8a shows the UV/vis absorption spectra for CeCO 3OH.The spectra displayed a strong absorption band below 400nm in the spectra.As seen in Fig.8b and 8c,when the synthesized particles were calcined to produce straw yellow CeO 2by heating at 5008C for 4h,the CeO 2has a stronger absorption band below 480nm in the spectra,which is originated from change-transfer transition between O 2p and Ce 4f bonds [28–30].The optional band gap E g can be determined based on the absorbance spectrum of the powders by the following equation:E g =1240/l AE ,where l AE is the edge wavelength of absorbance.The onset of absorption for CeO 2is at 425.3nm,which corresponds to the band gap energy (E g )of 2.92eV,lower than the values of bulk100200300400500600700800024681012←b. DSC cur veH e a t f l o w (m W /m g )Temerature (oC)← a . TG curve80859095100W e i g h t l o s s(%)Fig.4.TG-DSC pattern of the as-synthesized CeCO 3OH.10203040506070802θ (° )(111)(200)(220)(311)(222)(400)(311)(420)Fig.5.XRD pattern of the CeO 2sample.Fig.6.The typical SEM and TEM images of CeO 2obtained from thermal decomposition/oxidation of CeCO 3OH dendrite structure.Fig.7.SEM image of CeCl 3Á7H 2O powders.800700600500400300200b A b s o r b a n c e (a .u )Wavelength (nm)a800700600500400300200A b s o r b a n c e (a .u )Wavelength (nm)cFig.8.UV/vis absorption spectra of CeCO 3OH (a)and CeO 2(b),(c).K.Gao et al./Chinese Chemical Letters 25(2014)383–386385powders(3.19eV).In general,reduction in crystal size would increase the band gap width because of the quantum size effect [31].Hence,the high absorption in the UV region for CeO2show that the materials can be used as UV-blocking,shielding materials to avoid damage from ultraviolet rays and optical devices.4.ConclusionIn summary,we have successfully synthesized CeCO3OH dendrite structures by a facile hydrothermal method in the presence of triethylenetetramine.After annealing the CeCO3OH precursor powders at5008C for4h,CeO2nano/microstructures with dendrite morphology could be obtained with the morphology partly kept.It is believed that triethylenetetramine plays an important role in the growth of CeCO3OH dendrite structures.The optical absorption spectra indicate that the CeO2nano/microstruc-ture have a direct band gap of2.92eV,which is lower than the values of bulk powders.It is expected that these materials canfind potential application in catalysis and UV-blocking material. AcknowledgmentsThis work was supportedfinancially by the Program for Innovative Research Team in Jiangsu Province(No.SZK[2011]87), Creative and Innovative Talents Introduction Plan(No.SZT[2011]43) and Special Research Foundation of Young teachers of Nanjing University of Technology(No.39701007).References[1]D.Andreeva,I.Ivanov,L.Ilieva,et al.,Nanosized gold catalysts supported on ceriaand ceria–alumina for WGS reaction:influence of the preparation method, Powder Technol.333(2007)153–160.[2]rese,M.L.Granados,F.C.Galisteo,et al.,TWC deactivation by lead:a study ofthe Rh/CeO2system,Appl.Catal.B62(2006)132–143.[3]Y.Dai,B.D.Li,H.D.Quan,et al.,CeCl3Á7H2O as an efficient catalyst for one-potsynthesis of b-amino ketones by three-component Mannich reaction,Chin.Chem.Lett.21(2010)31–34.[4]M.Hajjami,A.G.Choghamarani,M.A.Zolfigol,et al.,An efficient and versatilesynthesis of aromatic nitriles from aldehydes,Chin.Chem.Lett.23(2012) 1323–1326.[5]G.Jacobs,L.Williams,U.Graham,et al.,Low-temperature water–gas shift:in-situDRIFTS reaction study of a Pt/CeO2catalyst for fuel cell reformer applications,J.Phys.Chem.B107(2003)10398–10404.[6]M.S.Tsai,Powder synthesis of nano grade cerium oxide via homogenous precipi-tation and its polishing performance,Mater.Sci.Eng.B110(2004)132–134. 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铁酸铋的制备及其在光催化领域的研究进展卢鹏;胡雪利;赖昕;刘小平;芦婉婷;王晓雪;邱建【摘要】不同的制备方法,可以得到不同形貌的BiFeO3晶体,从而使其具备不同的性能.该材料的制备方法主要有固相反应法、共沉淀法、水热法、溶胶-凝胶法等.旨在对目前已见报道的BiFeO3的制备方法进行比较,并对该材料在水处理方面的光催化应用进行了综述.集光催化性及铁电磁性于一身的BiFeO3,将在光催化领域有着广阔的应用前景.【期刊名称】《应用化工》【年(卷),期】2018(047)006【总页数】4页(P1270-1273)【关键词】铁酸铋;制备;光催化;研究进展【作者】卢鹏;胡雪利;赖昕;刘小平;芦婉婷;王晓雪;邱建【作者单位】重庆工商大学环境与资源学院,重庆 400067;重庆工商大学环境保护研究所,重庆 400067;重庆工商大学环境与资源学院,重庆 400067;重庆工商大学环境与资源学院,重庆 400067;重庆工商大学环境与资源学院,重庆 400067;西华大学食品与生物工程学院,四川成都 610039;重庆市南岸区生态环境监测站,重庆400067;重庆工商大学环境保护研究所,重庆 400067【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ135.3+2;Q643.36光催化技术因其具有反应速度快、处理对象无差别、对污染物降解完全等优点,使该技术成为在污染物处理、空气净化等领域被广泛应用的新技术[1-2]。
但是,由于TiO2的禁带宽度为3.2 eV,对可见光的利用效率低,且目前多为粉末状形态,极难回收。
第42卷第10期2023年10月硅㊀酸㊀盐㊀通㊀报BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol.42㊀No.10October,2023g-C 3N 4/Ag 基二元复合光催化剂降解环境污染物的研究进展柏林洋1,蔡照胜2(1.江苏旅游职业学院,扬州㊀225000;2.盐城工学院化学化工学院,盐城㊀224051)摘要:光催化技术在太阳能资源利用方面呈现出良好的应用前景,已受到世界各国的广泛关注㊂g-C 3N 4是一种二维结构的非金属聚合物型半导体材料,具有合成简单㊁成本低㊁化学性质稳定㊁无毒等特点,在环境修复和能量转化方面应用潜力较大㊂但g-C 3N 4存在对可见光吸收能力差㊁比表面积小和光生载流子复合速率高等缺点,限制了其实际应用㊂构筑异质结光催化剂是提高光催化效率的有效途径之一㊂基于Ag 基材料的特点,前人对g-C 3N 4/Ag 基二元复合光催化剂进行了大量研究,并取得显著成果㊂本文总结了近年来AgX(X =Cl,Br,I)/g-C 3N 4㊁Ag 3PO 4/g-C 3N 4㊁Ag 2CO 3/g-C 3N 4㊁Ag 3VO 4/g-C 3N 4㊁Ag 2CrO 4/g-C 3N 4㊁Ag 2O /g-C 3N 4和Ag 2MoO 4/g-C 3N 4复合光催化剂降解环境污染物的研究进展,并评述了g-C 3N 4/Ag 基二元复合光催化剂目前面临的主要挑战,展望了其未来发展趋势㊂关键词:g-C 3N 4;Ag 基材料;二元复合光催化剂;光催化性能;环境污染物中图分类号:TQ426㊀㊀文献标志码:A ㊀㊀文章编号:1001-1625(2023)10-3755-09Research Progress on g-C 3N 4/Ag-Based Binary Composite Photocatalysts for Degradation of Environmental PollutantsBAI Linyang 1,CAI Zhaosheng 2(1.Jiangsu Institute of Tourism,Yangzhou 225000,China;2.School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Yancheng Institute of Technology,Yancheng 224051,China)Abstract :Photocatalysis technology shows a good application prospect in the utilization of solar energy resource and has attracted worldwide attention.g-C 3N 4is a two-dimensional polymeric metal-free semiconductor material with the characteristics of facile synthesis,low cost,high chemical stability and non-toxicity,which has great potential in environmental remediation and energy conversion.However,g-C 3N 4has the drawbacks of poor visible light absorption capacity,low specific surface area and high recombination rate of photogenerated charge carriers,which limits its practical application.Constructing heterojunction photocatalyst has become one of effective pathways for boosting photocatalytic efficiency.Based on the inherent merits of Ag-based materials,a lot of researches have been carried out on g-C 3N 4/Ag-based binary photocatalysts and prominent results have been achieved.Recent advances on AgX (X =Cl,Br,I)/g-C 3N 4,Ag 3PO 4/g-C 3N 4,Ag 2CO 3/g-C 3N 4,Ag 3VO 4/g-C 3N 4,Ag 2CrO 4/g-C 3N 4,Ag 2O /g-C 3N 4and Ag 2MoO 4/g-C 3N 4composite photocatalysts for the degradation of environmental pollutants were summarized.The major challenges of g-C 3N 4/Ag-based binary composite photocatalysts were reviewed and the future development trends were also forecast.Key words :g-C 3N 4;Ag-based material;binary composite photocatalyst;photocatalytic performance;environmental pollutant㊀收稿日期:2023-05-15;修订日期:2023-06-12基金项目:江苏省高等学校自然科学研究面上项目(19KJD530002)作者简介:柏林洋(1967 ),男,博士,副教授㊂主要从事光催化材料方面的研究㊂E-mail:linybai@通信作者:蔡照胜,博士,教授㊂E-mail:jsyc_czs@0㊀引㊀言随着全球经济的快速增长和工业化进程的加快,皮革㊁印染㊁制药和化工等行业排放的环境污染物总量3756㊀陶㊀瓷硅酸盐通报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第42卷也不断增长㊂这些环境污染物存在成分复杂㊁毒性大㊁难以降解等特点,对人们的身体健康和生态环境产生严重威胁,已成为制约经济和社会发展的突出问题㊂如何实现环境污染物的高效降解是目前亟待解决的重要问题㊂效率低㊁能耗高及存在二次污染是利用传统处理方法处置环境污染物的主要缺陷[1]㊂光催化技术作为一种新型的绿色技术,具有环境友好㊁成本低㊁反应效率高和无二次污染等优点,在解决环境污染问题方面具有很大的发展潜力,深受人们的关注[2-4]㊂g-C3N4属于一种非金属聚合物型半导体材料,具有二维分子结构,即C原子和N原子通过sp2杂化形成的共轭石墨烯平面结构,具有适宜的禁带宽度(2.7eV)和对460nm以下可见光良好的响应能力㊂g-C3N4具有合成原料成本低㊁制备工艺简单㊁耐酸耐碱和稳定性好等特点,在催化[5]㊁生物[6]和材料[7]等领域应用广泛㊂然而,g-C3N4较小的比表面积㊁较弱的可见光吸收能力和较快的光生载流子复合率等不足导致其光量子利用率不高,给实际应用带来较大困难[8]㊂为了克服上述问题,前人提出了对g-C3N4进行形貌调控[9]㊁元素掺杂[10-11]和与其他半导体耦合[12-13]等方法㊂其中,将g-C3N4与其他半导体耦合形成异质结光催化剂最为常见㊂Ag基半导体材料因具有成本合理㊁光电性能好和光催化活性高等特点而深受青睐,但仍存在光生载流子快速复合和光腐蚀等缺陷㊂近年来,人们将Ag基材料与g-C3N4进行复合,整体提高了复合光催化剂的催化性能,并由此取得了大量极有价值的科研成果㊂本文综述了近年来g-C3N4/Ag银基二元复合光催化剂的制备方法㊁性能和应用等方面的研究现状,同时展望了未来的发展趋势,期望能为该领域的研究人员提供新的思路㊂1㊀g-C3N4/Ag基二元复合光催化剂近年来,基于Ag基半导体材料能与g-C3N4能带结构匹配的特点,构筑g-C3N4/Ag基异质结型复合光催化体系已成为国内外的研究热点㊂这类催化剂通常采用沉淀法在g-C3N4表面负载Ag基半导体材料㊂其中,Ag基体的成核和生长是关键问题㊂通过对Ag基材料成核和生长工艺的控制,实现了Ag基材料在g-C3N4上的均匀分布㊂此外,通过对g-C3N4微观结构进行调控,使其具有较大的比表面积和较高的结晶度,从而进一步提高复合光催化剂的催化性能㊂相对于纯g-C3N4和Ag基光催化剂,g-C3N4/Ag基二元复合光催化剂通过两组分的协同效应和界面作用,不仅能提高对可见光的吸收利用率,而且能有效抑制g-C3N4和Ag基材料中光生e-/h+对的重组,从而提高复合光催化剂的活性和稳定性㊂在g-C3N4/Ag基二元复合光催化材料中,以AgX(X=Cl,Br,I)/g-C3N4㊁Ag3PO4/g-C3N4㊁Ag2CO3/g-C3N4㊁Ag3VO4/g-C3N4㊁Ag2CrO4/g-C3N4㊁Ag2O/g-C3N4和Ag2MoO4/g-C3N4为典型代表㊂1.1㊀AgX(X=Cl,Br,I)/g-C3N4二元复合光催化剂AgX(X=Cl,Br,I)在杀菌㊁有机污染物降解和光催化水解产氢等方面展现出优异的性能㊂但AgX (X=Cl,Br,I)是一种光敏材料,在可见光下容易发生分解,形成Ag0,从而影响其催化活性及稳定性㊂将AgX(X=Cl,Br,I)与g-C3N4复合是提升AgX(X=Cl,Br,I)使用寿命㊁改善光催化性能最有效的方法之一㊂Li等[14]采用硬模板法制备出一种具有空心和多孔结构的高比表面积g-C3N4纳米球,并以其为载体,通过沉积-沉淀法得到AgBr/g-C3N4光催化材料㊂XRD分析显示AgBr的加入并没有改变g-C3N4的晶体结构,瞬态光电流试验表明AgBr/g-C3N4光电流密度高于g-C3N4,橙黄G(OG)染料经10min可见光照射后的降解率达到97%㊂Shi等[15]报道了利用沉淀回流法制备AgCl/g-C3N4光催化剂,研究了AgCl的量对催化剂结构及光催化降解草酸性能的影响,确定了最佳修饰量,分析了催化剂用量㊁草酸起始浓度㊁酸度和其他有机成分对光催化活性影响,通过自由基捕获试验揭示了光降解反应中起主要作用的活性物质为光生电子(e-)㊁羟基自由基(㊃OH)㊁超氧自由基(㊃O-2)和空穴(h+)㊂彭慧等[16]采用化学沉淀法制备具有不同含量AgI的AgI/g-C3N4光催化剂,SEM测试表明AgI纳米颗粒分布在层状结构g-C3N4薄片的表面,为催化反应提供了更多的活性位㊂该系列催化剂应用于光催化氧化降解孔雀石绿(melachite green,MG)的结果显示,AgI/g-C3N4(20%,质量分数,下同)的光催化性能最好,MG经2h可见光辐照后去除率达到99.8%㊂部分AgX(X=Cl,Br,I)/g-C3N4二元复合光催化剂的研究现状如表1所示㊂第10期柏林洋等:g-C 3N 4/Ag 基二元复合光催化剂降解环境污染物的研究进展3757㊀表1㊀AgX (X =Cl ,Br ,I )/g-C 3N 4二元复合光催化剂光降解环境污染物的研究现状Table 1㊀Research status of AgX (X =Cl ,Br ,I )/g-C 3N 4binary composite photocatalysts forphotodegradation of enviromental pollutantsPhotocatalytst Synthesis method TypePotential application Photocatalytic activity Reference AgBr /g-C 3N 4Sonication-assisted deposition-precipitation II-schemeDegradation of RhB,MB and MO 100%degradation for RhB,95%degradation for MB and 90%degradation for MO in 10min [17]AgCl /g-C 3N 4Precipitation Z-schemeDegradation of RhB and TC 96.1%degradation for RhB and 77.8%degradation for TC in 120min [18]AgCl /g-C 3N 4Solvothermal +in situ ultrasonic precipitation Z-scheme Degradation of RhB 92.2%degradation in 80min [19]AgBr /g-C 3N 4Deposition-precipitation II-schemeDegradation of MO 90%degradation in 30min [20]AgI /g-C 3N 4In-situ growth II-scheme Degradation of RhB 100%degradation in 60min [21]㊀㊀Note:MO-methyl orange,RhB-rhodamine B,TC-tetracycline hydrochloride,MB-methyl blue.1.2㊀Ag 3PO 4/g-C 3N 4二元复合光催化剂纳米Ag 3PO 4禁带宽度为2.5eV 左右,对可见光有很好的吸收作用,且光激发后具有很强的氧化性,在污染物降解和光解水制氢等领域有良好的应用前景[22]㊂但是,纳米Ag 3PO 4易团聚,光生载流子的快速重组使光催化活性大大降低,此外,Ag 3PO 4还易受光生e -的腐蚀,从而影响稳定性㊂Ag 3PO 4与g-C 3N 4复合可显著降低e -/h +对的重组,有效提高光催化性能㊂Wang 等[23]采用原位沉淀法获得Z-型异质结构g-C 3N 4/Ag 3PO 4复合光催化剂,并有效地提高了e -/h +对的分离效率㊂TEM 结果显示,Ag 3PO 4粒子被g-C 3N 4纳米片所覆盖,UV-DRS 结果表明,Ag 3PO 4的添加使g-C 3N 4吸收边发生红移,且吸收光强度显著增强,光降解实验结果显示,30%g-C 3N 4/Ag 3PO 4光催化剂在40min 内能去除约90%的RhB㊂胡俊俊等[24]利用了原位沉淀法合成了一系列Ag 3PO 4/g-C 3N 4复合光催化剂,研究了Ag 3PO 4和g-C 3N 4的物质的量比对催化剂在可见光下催化降解MB 性能的影响,发现在最优组分下,MB 经可见光辐照30min 后可以被完全降解㊂Mei 等[25]采用焙烧-沉淀法制备了一系列Ag 3PO 4/g-C 3N 4复合光催化剂,并用于可见光条件下降解双酚A(bisphenol A,BPA),发现Ag 3PO 4质量分数为25%时,光催化降解BPA 的性能最好,3h 能降解92.8%的BPA㊂潘良峰等[26]采用化学沉淀法制备出一种具有空心管状的Ag 3PO 4/g-C 3N 4光催化剂,SEM 结果表明,Ag 3PO 4颗粒均匀分布于空心管状结构g-C 3N 4的表面,两者形成一个较强异质结构,将其用于盐酸四环素(tetracycline hydrochloride,TC)光催化降解,80min 能降解98%的TC㊂Deonikar 等[27]研究了采用原位湿化学法合成催化剂过程中使用不同溶剂(去离子水㊁四氢呋喃和乙二醇)对Ag 3PO 4/g-C 3N 4的结构和光降解MB㊁RhB 及4-硝基苯酚性能的影响,发现不同溶剂对复合光催化剂的形貌有着重要影响,从而影响光催化性能,其中以四氢呋喃合成的复合光催化剂的催化降解性能最佳,这是由于g-C 3N 4纳米片均匀包裹在Ag 3PO 4的表面,从而促使两者界面形成较为密切的相互作用,有利于e -/h +对的分离㊂部分Ag 3PO 4/g-C 3N 4二元复合光催化剂的研究进展见表2㊂表2㊀Ag 3PO 4/g-C 3N 4二元复合光催化剂光降解环境污染物的研究现状Table 2㊀Research status of Ag 3PO 4/g-C 3N 4binary composite photocatalysts for photodegradation of environmental pollutantsPhotocatalyst Synthesis method Type Potential application Photocatalytic activity Reference g-C 3N 4/Ag 3PO 4In situ precipitation Z-scheme Degradation of BPA 100%degradation in 180min [28]g-C 3N 4/Ag 3PO 4Hydrothermal Z-schemeDecolorization of MB Almost 93.2%degradation in 25min [29]g-C 3N 4/Ag 3PO 4In situ prepcipitation II-scheme Reduction of Cr(VI)94.1%Cr(VI)removal efficiency in 120min [30]g-C 3N 4/Ag 3PO 4Chemical precipitation Z-scheme Degradation of RhB 90%degradation in 40min [31]g-C 3N 4/Ag 3PO 4In situ precipitation Z-scheme Degradation of levofloxacin 90.3%degradation in 30min [32]Ag 3PO 4/g-C 3N 4Chemical precipitation Z-schemeDegradation of gaseous toluene 87.52%removal in 100min [33]Ag 3PO 4/g-C 3N 4Calcination +precipitation Z-scheme Degradation of diclofenac (DCF)100%degradation in 12min [34]Ag 3PO 4/g-C 3N 4In situ deposition Z-scheme Degradation of RhB and phenol 99.4%degradation in 9min for RhB;97.3%degradation in 30min for phenol [35]3758㊀陶㊀瓷硅酸盐通报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第42卷续表Photocatalyst Synthesis method Type Potential application Photocatalytic activity Reference Ag3PO4/g-C3N4In situ hydrothermal II-scheme Degradation of sulfapyridine(SP)94.1%degradation in120min[36] Ag3PO4/g-C3N4In situ growth Z-scheme Degradation of berberine100%degradation in15min[37] g-C3N4/Ag3PO4In situ deposition Z-scheme Degradation of ofloxacin71.9%degradation in10min[38] Ag3PO4/g-C3N4Co-precipitation Z-scheme Degradation of MO98%degradation in10min[39]g-C3N4/Ag3PO4Calcination+precipitation Z-scheme Degradation of MO,RhB and TC95%degradation for MO in30min;[40]96%degradation for RhB in15min;80%degradation for TC in30min1.3㊀Ag2CO3/g-C3N4二元复合光催化剂Ag4d轨道和O2p轨道杂化,形成Ag2CO3的价带(valence band,VB);Ag5s轨道和Ag4d轨道进行杂化,形成Ag2CO3导带(conduction band,CB),而CB中原子轨道杂化会降低Ag2CO3带隙能,从而提高光催化活性[41]㊂纳米Ag2CO3带隙能约为2.5eV,可见光响应性好,在可见光作用下表现出良好的光催化降解有机污染物特性[42-43]㊂然而,经长时间光照后,Ag2CO3晶粒中Ag+会被光生e-还原成Ag0,导致其光腐蚀,引起光催化性能下降[44]㊂Ag2CO3与g-C3N4耦合,能够有效地抑制光腐蚀,促进e-/h+对的分离,进而改善光催化性能㊂An等[45]通过构筑Z型核壳结构的Ag2CO3@g-C3N4材料来增强Ag2CO3和g-C3N4界面间的相互作用,从而有效防止光腐蚀发生,加速光生e-/h+对的分离,实现了催化剂在可见光辐照下高效降解MO㊂Yin等[46]通过水热法制备Ag2CO3/g-C3N4光催化剂,探讨了g-C3N4的含量㊁合成温度对催化剂结构和光降解草酸(oxalic acid,OA)性能的影响,获得最优条件下合成的催化剂能在45min光照时间内使OA去除率达到99.99%㊂Pan等[41]采用煅烧和化学沉淀两步法,制备了一系列Ag2CO3/g-C3N4光催化剂,TEM结果显示,Ag2CO3纳米粒子均匀分布在g-C3N4纳米片表面,且形貌规整㊁粒径均一,光催化性能测试结果表明,60% Ag2CO3/g-C3N4光催化活性最高,MO和MB分别经120和240min可见光光照后,其降解率分别为93.5%和62.8%㊂Xiu等[47]使用原位水热法构筑了Ag2CO3/g-C3N4光催化剂,光降解试验结果表明,MO经可见光辐照1h的去除率为87%㊂1.4㊀Ag3VO4/g-C3N4二元复合光催化剂纳米Ag3VO4带隙能约为2.2eV,可用于催化可见光降解环境污染物,是一种具有应用前景的新型半导体材料㊂然而,如何提高Ag3VO4光催化性能,仍然是学者研究的重点㊂构建Ag3VO4/g-C3N4异质结催化剂是提高Ag3VO4的催化性能的一种有效方法㊂该方法能够降低Ag3VO4光生载流子的复合率,拓宽可见光的吸收范围㊂Hind等[48]通过溶胶凝胶法制备出一种具有介孔结构的Ag3VO4/g-C3N4复合光催化剂,该复合催化剂经60min可见光照射能将Hg(II)全部还原,其光催化活性分别是Ag3VO4和g-C3N4的4.3倍和5.4倍,主要是由于异质结界面处各组分间紧密结合以及催化剂具有较高的比表面积和体积比,从而促进光生载流子的分离㊂蒋善庆等[49]利用化学沉淀法制备了系列Ag3VO4/g-C3N4催化剂,催化性能研究结果表明,Ag3VO4负载量为20%(质量分数)时,其光催化降解微囊藻毒素的效果最好,可见光辐照100min后降解率为85.43%,而g-C3N4在相同条件下的降解率仅为18.76%㊂1.5㊀Ag2CrO4/g-C3N4二元复合光催化剂纳米Ag2CrO4具有特殊的晶格和能带结构,其带隙能为1.8eV,可见光响应良好,是一种非常理想的可见光区半导体材料㊂然而,Ag2CrO4存在自身的电子结构和晶体的缺陷,导致其光催化效率性能较差,严重影响了实际应用[50-52]㊂将Ag2CrO4与g-C3N4复合形成异质结光催化剂是提高其光催化效率和稳定性的一种有效途径,因为Ag2CrO4在光照下产生的光生e-快速地迁移到g-C3N4表面,可避免光生e-在Ag2CrO4表面聚集而引起光腐蚀㊂Ren等[53]利用SiO2为硬模板,以氰胺为原料,合成出具有中空介孔结构的g-C3N4,再通过化学沉淀法制备了系列g-C3N4/Ag2CrO4光催化剂,并将其用于RhB和TC的可见光降解,研究发现g-C3N4/Ag2CrO4催化剂具有较高比表面积和丰富的孔道结构,在可见光辐射下表现出较高的光催化活性㊂Rajalakshmi等[54]利用水热方法合成了一系列Ag2CrO4/g-C3N4光催化剂,并将其用于对硝基苯酚的光催化降解,结果表明,Ag2CrO4质量分数为10%时,其降解率达到97%,高于单组分g-C3N4或Ag2CrO4,原因是与第10期柏林洋等:g-C 3N 4/Ag 基二元复合光催化剂降解环境污染物的研究进展3759㊀Ag 2CrO 4和g-C 3N 4界面间形成了S-型异质结,能提高e -/h +对的分离效率㊂1.6㊀Ag 2O /g-C 3N 4二元复合光催化剂纳米Ag 2O 是一种理想的可见光半导体材料,在受到光辐照后,其电子发生跃迁,CB 上光生e -能够将Ag 2O 晶粒中Ag +还原成Ag 0,而VB 上h +能够使Ag 2O 的晶格氧氧化为O 2,导致其结构不稳定㊂然而,纳米Ag 2O 在有机物污染物降解方面表现出良好的稳定性[55],这是因为Ag 2O 的表面会随着光化学反应的进行被一定数量的Ag 0纳米粒子所覆盖,而Ag 0纳米粒子作为光生e -陷阱,能够降低e -在Ag 2O 表面的富集,同时,由于光生h +具有较强的氧化性能力,既能实现对有机污染物的直接氧化,又能避免其对晶格氧的氧化,从而提高了纳米Ag 2O 光催化活性和稳定性㊂Liang 等[56]在常温下采用简易化学沉淀法制备了p-n 结Ag 2O /g-C 3N 4复合光催化剂,研究发现,起分散作用的g-C 3N 4为Ag 2O 纳米颗粒的生长提供了大量成核位点并限制了Ag 2O 纳米颗粒聚集,p-n 结的形成以及在光化学反应过程中生成的Ag 纳米粒子,加速了光生载流子的分离和迁移,拓宽了光的吸收范围,在可见光和红外光照下降解RhB 溶液过程中表现出良好的催化活性,其在可见光和红外光照下反应速率分别是g-C 3N 4的26倍和343倍㊂Jiang 等[57]通过液相法制备了一系列介孔结构的g-C 3N 4/Ag 2O 光催化剂,试验结果表明,Ag 2O 的添加显著提高了g-C 3N 4/Ag 2O 光催化剂的吸光性能和比表面积,因此对光催化性能的提升有促进作用,当Ag 2O 含量为50%时,光催化分解MB 的效果最好,经120min 可见光光照后,MB 的脱除率达到90.8%,高于g-C 3N 4和Ag 2O㊂Kadi 等[58]以Pluronic 31R 1表面活性剂为软模板,以MCM-41为硬模板,合成出具有多孔结构的Ag 2O /g-C 3N 4光催化剂,TEM 结果显示,球形Ag 2O 的纳米颗粒均匀地分布于g-C 3N 4的表面,催化性能评价表明0.9%Ag 2O /g-C 3N 4复合光催化剂光催化效果最佳,60min 能完全氧化降解环丙沙星,其降解效率分别是Ag 2O 和g-C 3N 4的4倍和10倍㊂1.7㊀Ag 2MoO 4/g-C 3N 4二元复合光催化剂Ag 2MoO 4具有良好的导电性㊁抗菌性㊁环保性,以及优良的光催化活性,在荧光材料㊁导电玻璃㊁杀菌剂和催化剂等方面有着广阔的应用前景[59]㊂但Ag 2MoO 4带隙大(3.1eV),仅能对紫外波段光进行响应,限制了其对太阳光的利用㊂当Ag 2MoO 4与g-C 3N 4进行耦合时,可以将其对太阳光的吸收范围由紫外拓展到可见光区,从而提高太阳光的利用率㊂Pandiri 等[60]通过水热合成的方法,制备出β-Ag 2MoO 4/g-C 3N 4异质结光催化剂,SEM 结果显示该催化剂中β-Ag 2MoO 4纳米颗粒均匀地分布在g-C 3N 4纳米片的表面,光催化性能测试结果表明在3h 的可见光照射下,其降解能力是β-Ag 2MoO 4和g-C 3N 4机械混合物的2.6倍,主要原因在于β-Ag 2MoO 4和g-C 3N 4两者界面间形成更为紧密的异质结,使得e -/h +对被快速分离㊂Wu 等[61]采用简单的原位沉淀方法成功构建了Ag 2MoO 4/g-C 3N 4光催化剂,并将其应用于MO㊁BPA 和阿昔洛韦的降解,结果表明该催化剂显示出良好的太阳光催化活性,这主要是因为Ag 2MoO 4和g-C 3N 4界面间存在着一定的协同效应,可有效地提高对太阳光的利用率,降低载流子的复合概率㊂2㊀g-C 3N 4/Ag 基二元复合光催化剂电荷转移机理模型研究g-C 3N 4/Ag 基二元复合光催化剂在可见光的辐照下,价带电子发生跃迁,产生e -/h +对㊂e -被催化剂表面吸附的O 2捕获产生㊃O -2,并进一步与水反应生成㊃OH,形成的三种活性自由基(h +㊁㊃O -2和㊃OH),实现水中有机污染物的高效降解(见图1)㊂而光催化反应机理与载流子的迁移机制密切相关㊂目前,g-C 3N 4/Ag 基二元复合光催化剂体系中主要存在三种不同的光生载流子的转移机制,分别为I 型㊁II 型和Z 型㊂图1㊀g-C 3N 4/Ag 基二元复合光催化剂降解有机污染物的光催化反应机理Fig.1㊀Photocatalytic reaction mechanism of g-C 3N 4/Ag-based binary composite photocatalyst for degradation of organic pollutants3760㊀陶㊀瓷硅酸盐通报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第42卷2.1㊀I 型异质结载流子转移机理模型图2(a)为I 型异质结构中的光生e -/h +对转移示意图㊂半导体A 和半导体B 均对可见光有响应,其中,半导体A 的带隙较宽,半导体B 的带隙较窄,并且半导体B 的VB 和CB 均位于半导体A 之间,在可见光的照射下,e -发生跃迁,从CB 到VB,半导体A 的CB 上的e -和VB 上的h +分别向半导体B 的CB 和VB 转移,从而实现了e -/h +对的分离㊂以Ag 2O /g-C 3N 4复合催化剂为例[58],当Ag 2O 和g-C 3N 4相耦合时,因为g-C 3N 4的VB 具有更正的电势,h +被转移到Ag 2O 的VB 上,同时,光激发e -在g-C 3N 4的CB 上,其电势较负,e -便传输到Ag 2O 的CB 上,CB 上e -与O 2结合形成㊃O -2,并进一步与H +结合生成了㊃OH,而有机物污染物被Ag 2O 的价带上h +氧化分解生成CO 2和H 2O㊂2.2㊀II 型异质结载流子转移机理模型II 型异质结是一种能级交错带隙型结构,如图2(b)所示,其中半导体A 的CB 电位较负,在可见光照射下,e -从CB 上转移到半导体B 的CB 上,h +从半导体B 的VB 转移到半导体A 的VB 上,从而使e -/h +对得以分离㊂以Ag 3PO 4@g-C 3N 4为例[62],由于g-C 3N 4的CB 的电势较Ag 3PO 4低,光生e -从g-C 3N 4迁移到Ag 3PO 4的CB 上,而Ag 3PO 4的CB 电势较g-C 3N 4高,h +从Ag 3PO 4的VB 迁移到g-C 3N 4的VB 上,从而实现e -/h +对的分离,g-C 3N 4表面的h +可直接氧化降解MB,而Ag 3PO 4表面积聚的电子又会被氧捕获,产生H 2O 2,并进一步分解成㊃OH,从而加快MB 的降解㊂上述I 型和II 型结构CB 的氧化能力和VB 还原能力低于单一组分,造成复合半导体的氧化还原能力降低[63]㊂2.3㊀Z 型异质结载流子转移机理模型构建Z 型异质结光光催化剂使得e -和h +沿着特有的方向迁移,有效解决复合催化剂氧化还原能力降低问题[64]㊂Z 型异质结催化剂e -/h +对的迁移方向如图2(c)所示,e -从半导体B 的电势较高的CB 转移到半导体A 的电势较低的VB 进行复合,从而实现半导体A 的e -和半导体B 的h +发生分离㊂h +在半导体B 表面氧化性能更强,在半导体A 上e -具有较高还原特性,两者共同作用使环境污染物得以顺利降解㊂为了更好地解释Z 型异质结h +和e -迁移机理,以Ag 3VO 4/g-C 3N 4复合光催化剂为例[48],复合光催化剂经可见光激发后,Ag 3VO 4和g-C 3N 4都发生了e -跃迁,在Ag 3VO 4的CB 上e -与g-C 3N 4的VB 上h +进行复合时,e -对Ag 3VO 4的腐蚀作用被削弱,同时,也实现了g-C 3N 4的CB 上e -和Ag 3PO 4的价带上h +发生分离,g-C 3N 4的CB 上e -具有较强的还原性,将Hg 2+还原成Hg 0,而Ag 3PO 4的VB 上h +具有较强的氧化性,可将HOOH氧化生成CO 2和H 2O㊂图2㊀电子-空穴对转移机理示意图Fig.2㊀Schematic diagrams of electron-hole pairs transfer mechanism 3㊀结语和展望g-C 3N 4/Ag 基二元复合光催化剂因其较强的可见光响应和优异的光催化性能,在环境污染物的降解方面具有广阔的发展空间㊂近年来,国内外研究人员在理论研究㊁制备方法和光催化性能等多个领域取得了重要进展,为光催化理论的发展奠定了坚实的基础㊂然而,g-C 3N 4/Ag 基二元复合光催化剂在实际应用中还面临诸多问题,如制备工艺复杂㊁光腐蚀㊁光催化剂回收利用困难㊁光催化降解污染物的反应机理尚不明确等,第10期柏林洋等:g-C3N4/Ag基二元复合光催化剂降解环境污染物的研究进展3761㊀现有的光催化降解模型仍有较大的分歧,亟待深入研究㊂为了获得性能优良的g-C3N4/Ag基复合光催化剂,实现产业化应用,应进行以下几方面的研究:1)在g-C3N4/Ag基二元光催化剂的基础上,构建多元复合光催化剂,是进一步提升光生载流子分离效率的有效㊁可靠手段,也是当今和今后光催化剂的研究重点㊂2)对g-C3N4/Ag基二元光催化剂体系中e-/h+对的转移㊁分离和复合等过程进行系统研究,并阐明其光催化反应机制㊂3)针对当前合成的g-C3N4材料多为体相,存在着颗粒大㊁比表面积小㊁活性位少等缺陷,应通过对g-C3N4材料的形状㊁形貌及尺寸的调控,来实现Ag 基材料在g-C3N4材料表面的均匀分布,降低e-/h+对的重组概率,从而大幅度提高复合光催化剂的性能㊂4)Ag基材料的光腐蚀是导致光催化活性和稳定性下降的重要因素,探索一种更为有效的光腐蚀抑制机制,是将其推广应用的关键㊂5)当前合成的g-C3N4/Ag基二元复合光催化剂多为粉末状,存在着易团聚㊁难回收等问题,从而限制了其循环利用㊂因此,需要开展g-C3N4/Ag基二元复合光催化剂回收和再利用的研究,这将有利于社会效益和经济效益的提高㊂参考文献[1]㊀LIN Z S,DONG C C,MU W,et al.Degradation of Rhodamine B in the photocatalytic reactor containing TiO2nanotube arrays coupled withnanobubbles[J].Advanced Sensor and Energy Materials,2023,2(2):100054.[2]㊀DIAO Z H,JIN J C,ZOU M Y,et al.Simultaneous degradation of amoxicillin and norfloxacin by TiO2@nZVI composites coupling withpersulfate:synergistic effect,products and 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2010年第2期【试验研究】中国非金属矿工业导刊总第81期高岭土负载氧化锌/氧化钛 制备光催化功能材料的研究钱红梅1,李 燕2,郝成伟1(1.皖西学院城市建设与环境系,安徽 六安 237012;2.安徽建筑工业学院材料科学与工程系,安徽 合肥 230022)摘要:以硫酸钛、硫酸锌、高岭土、尿素、无水乙醇等为原料,水热法制备了氧化锌/氧化钛复合纳米粉体以及高岭土负载纳米氧化锌/氧化钛复合粉体;利用X-射线衍射(XRD)对所得粉体进行了表征;研究了不同粉体对甲基橙溶液的光催化降解效果,制备出了光催化性能良好的高岭土负载纳米氧化锌/氧化钛复合粉体。
关键词:纳米粉体;高岭土;负载;水热法;光催化中图分类号:P619.232;TB332文献标识码:A文章编号:1007-9386(2010)02-0018-04Research on Preparation of Kaolin ZnO/TiO2 Load Photocatalytic Functional MaterialsQian Hongmei1, Li Yan2, Hao Chengwei1(1.Department of City Construction and Environment, West Anhui University, Liuan 237012, China; 2.Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Anhui Institute of Architecture and Industry, Hefei 230022, China)Abstract: Nano-sized ZnO/TiO2 composited and kaolin loaded ZnO/TiO2 composited were synthesized by hydrothermal method with Ti(SO4)2, ZnSO4·7H2O, kaolin, urea, ethanol, etc. The final powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD), and the photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange(MO) solution by using different powders has been studied, and a good photocatalytic properties of nano-kaolin loaded ZnO/TiO2 composited powders were prepared.Key words: nano-powder; kaolin; load; hydrothermal method; photocatalysis1 引言 纳米级ZnO是一种新型高功能精细无机材料,由于颗粒尺寸的细微化,使得纳米ZnO产生了其本体块 状材料所不具备的表面效应、小尺寸效应、量子效应 和久保效应等[1-3],与普通ZnO相比,纳米ZnO展现 出许多特殊的性能,如无毒和非迁移性、荧光性、压 电性、吸收和散射紫外线能力。
BiVO4光催化降解黄药的实验研究杨状;高星星;赵通林;李洋;王舰;陶东平;牛文杰【摘要】为解决矿山浮选废水中残留黄药造成的水体污染问题,通过水热法制备出花生形BiVO4光催化剂.采用X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)分别对实验样品的结构和形貌进行了表征,发现花生形BiVO4光催化剂结晶度高且形貌规整.当模拟废水的体积为50 mL,黄药浓度为50 mg·L-1,pH=7时,花生形BiVO4光催化剂对黄药的降解效果最佳,降解率为93.58%.花生形BiVO4光催化剂降解黄药的行为符合一级反应动力学.花生形BiVO4光催化剂在多次循环使用后仍保持较高的稳定性.【期刊名称】《辽宁科技大学学报》【年(卷),期】2017(040)005【总页数】5页(P368-372)【关键词】光催化;降解;花生形BiVO4光催化剂;黄药【作者】杨状;高星星;赵通林;李洋;王舰;陶东平;牛文杰【作者单位】辽宁科技大学矿业工程学院,辽宁鞍山 114051;辽宁科技大学土木工程学院,辽宁鞍山 114051;辽宁科技大学矿业工程学院,辽宁鞍山 114051;辽宁科技大学矿业工程学院,辽宁鞍山 114051;辽宁科技大学矿业工程学院,辽宁鞍山114051;辽宁科技大学矿业工程学院,辽宁鞍山 114051;鞍钢集团矿业设计研究院有限公司工艺设计研究所,辽宁鞍山 114002【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ135.3;X131.2随着选矿行业的发展,对矿山环境的污染日趋严重,特别是矿山水体的污染是由高毒性、高污染浮选药剂的大量使用造成的[1]。
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第49卷第9期人工晶体学报Vol.49No.9 2020年9月JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS Septembee,2。
结果表明,当Mn 替代0.5%Zn时,Mn占据了ZnO晶格中Zn的位置,粉体粒度小、比表面积大,抑制了光生载流子的复合,降低了禁带宽度,拓宽了光的响应范围。
关键词:Mn掺杂ZnO;水热法;光催化;有机废水中图分类号:O643 文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-985X(2020)09T699T6 Preparation and Photocatalyhe Properhet of Mn dopee ZnO byHydrothermae MethodGUO Hui1,LIU Fanghua1,2,FU Xiang1,1,LI Xianglan,PENG Xiaoying1,1,FENG Shenglei$1.School of Urban Construction,Jianyyi University of Technology,Nanchang330098,China;2.Institute of Green Architecture,Jiangyi University of Technology,Nanchang330098,China;3.School of Civii Engineering,Hebei University of Engmee/ng,Handan056038,China)Abstract:ZnO is a kind of photocatalytic materials with a broad application prospect,but problems such as high carriee recombination rate limit its furthee application.Mn doped ZnO powders were prepared by hydrothermal synthesis.The phase composition,pore structure,luminescence property and photocatalytic properties were studied.Results show that when Mn is instead of0.5%Zn in ZnO,Mn occupies the place of Zn in ZnO laCicc.The powders have small particle size and large specific surface area.The carrier recombination is inhibited,the band yap is reduced,and the light response range is broadened.Under the condition of8W,365nm UV light,the dearadation rate and COD removvi of Mn005Zn095O powders over Congo red reach97.4%and76.34%,repectively,after70min Nradiation.Mn005Zn095O has the best adsorption for rhodamine B,and the best devradation for methylene blue.The devradation rate over Congo red reduces by6.6%after4 successive cycles.The results provide technologic support for photocatalytic devradation of organic waste water.Key words:Mn doped ZnO;hydrothermal method;photocatalysis;organic wastewater0引言在工业经济快速发展的同时,改善环境污染问题迫在眉睫,在提高人民生活水平的前提下,如何保持青山绿水需要科研工作者从科学的角度给出解决方案。
A review on the formation of titania nanotube photocatalysts by hydrothermal
ReviewA review on the formation of titania nanotube photocatalysts by hydrothermal treatmentChung Leng Wong,Yong Nian Tan,Abdul Rahman Mohamed *School of Chemical Engineering,Engineering Campus,Universiti Sains Malaysia,14300Nibong Tebal,Pulau Pinang,Malaysiaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received 14August 2010Received in revised form 15January 2011Accepted 6March 2011Available online 29March 2011Keywords:Titania nanotubesHydrothermal method MechanismStarting materialSonication pretreatment Hydrothermal temperaturea b s t r a c tTitania nanotubes are gaining prominence in photocatalysis,owing to their excellent physical and chemical properties such as high surface area,excellent photocatalytic activity,and widespread avail-ability.They are easily produced by a simple and effective hydrothermal method under mild temperature and pressure conditions.This paper reviews and analyzes the mechanism of titania nanotube formation by hydrothermal treatment.It further examines the parameters that affect the formation of titania nanotubes,such as starting material,sonication pretreatment,hydrothermal temperature,washing process,and calcination process.Finally,the effects of the presence of dopants on the formation of titania nanotubes are analyzed.Ó2011Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionIn the environmental technology sector,industrial wastewater treatment is gaining importance for the removal of organic pollut-ants (Neves et al.,2009).Large amounts of organic pollutants consumed in the industries are being released into the eco-system over the past few decades and they constitute a serious threat to the environment (Mahmoodi and Arami,2009).As chemical and agri-cultural wastes,these contaminants are frequently carcinogenic and toxic to the aquatic system because of their aromatic ring structure,optical stability and resistance to biodegradation (Mahmoodi and Arami,2009).Catalytic technologies are gaining recognition in the field of environmental protection (Yu et al.,2007b ).In past decades,the traditional physical techniques for the removal of organic pollut-ants from wastewaters have included adsorption,biological treat-ment,coagulation,ultra filtration and ion exchange on synthetic resins (Mahmoodi and Arami,2009and Sayilkan et al.,2006).Those methods have not always been effective and they may not actually break down the pollutants in wastewater.For example,adsorption technology does not degrade the contaminants,but essentially transfers the contaminants from one medium to another,hence,contributing to secondary pollution (Mahmoodi and Arami,2009and Sayilkan et al.,2006).Moreover,such operations are expen-sive because the pollutants are treated before the adsorption process while the adsorbent medium has to be regenerated for re-use (Mahmoodi and Arami,2009).Traditional biological treatments are often ineffective in removing and degrading pollutants because the molecules,being mostly aromatic,are chemically and physically stable (Xu et al.,2009).Hence,biodegradation of organic pollutants is usually incomplete and selective (Xu et al.,2009).In fact,some of the degradation intermediates may be even more toxic and carci-nogenic than the original pollutants (Xu et al.,2009).Chlorination and ozonation have also been used in contaminant removal,but their operating costs are high compared with other methods (Sayilkan et al.,2006).Finally,although coagulation treatments using alums,ferric salts,or limes are inexpensive,they often pose waste disposal problems of their own (Mahmoodi and Arami,2009).With the discovery of photocatalytic splitting on TiO 2electrodes by Fujishima and Honda in 1972,heterogeneous photocatalysis has attracted much attention as a new puri fication technique for air and water (Fujishima and Honda,1972;Yu et al.,2006,Yu et al.,2007a and Yu et al.,2007b ).Heterogeneous photocatalysis has been successfully used in the oxidation,decontamination or minerali-zation of organic and inorganic contaminants in wastewater without generating harmful byproducts (Thiruvenkatachari et al.,2008).This approach has attracted much attention for its ease of*Corresponding author.Tel.:þ60045996410;fax:þ60045941013.E-mail address:chrahman@m.my (A.R.Mohamed).Contents lists available at ScienceDirectJournal of Environmental Managementjournal homepage:www.elsev /locat e/jenvman0301-4797/$e see front matter Ó2011Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2011.03.006Journal of Environmental Management 92(2011)1669e 1680application in oxidizing and degrading organic pollutants at rela-tively lower costs(Sayilkan et al.,2006).Currently,many semiconductors have been applied in hetero-geneous photocatalysis(Costa and Prado,2009).Semiconductor photocatalysts such as CdS,SnO2,WO3,TiO2,ZrTiO4,and ZnO (Nawin et al.,2008;Seo et al.,2001and Seo et al.,2009),titania (TiO2)semiconductor photocatalysts have demonstrated advan-tages that include transparency(Nawin et al.,2008),wide band gap (Wang et al.,2008),biological and chemical inertness(Lee et al., 2007;Mahmoodi and Arami,2009;Yu et al.,2006,Yu et al., 2007a,Yu et al.,2007b and Zhang et al.,2010),strong oxidizing power(Lee et al.,2007;Yu et al.,2006and Yu et al.,2007a)and non-toxicity(Lee et al.,2007;Mahmoodi and Arami,2009;Neves et al., 2009;Yu et al.,2006,2007a and Zhang et al.,2010).Considerable effort has been made to develop TiO2semi-conductor photocatalysts for environmental protection procedures such as air and water purification(Lee et al.,2007;Nawin et al., 2008;Yu et al.,2006and Yu et al.,2007b),antibacterial protec-tion(Vuong et al.,2009),water disinfection(Yu et al.,2006and Yu et al.,2007b),treatment of harmful gas emission(Nawin et al., 2008)and hazardous water remediation(Yu et al.,2006and Yu et al.,2007b).TiO2has been used in many areas such as in photo-catalysis,in the generation of hydrogen from water(photocatalytic water splitting),in photocatalytic oxidation of organic or inorganic compounds,and in solar cells.Despite the enormous potential of TiO2semiconductor photocatalysts,its low efficiency limits its role in present day photooxidation technology(Lee et al.,2007;Yu et al., 2006and Yu et al.,2007a).Thus,significant improvements and optimizations to TiO2semiconductor photocatalysts are needed before their many promising applications can be realized(Yu et al., 2006and Yu et al.,2007a).With appropriate modification and optimization,TiO2semiconductor photocatalysts can be develop to generate active charge carriers to degrade organic pollutants into the harmless products(Yu et al.,2006).The performance of TiO2semiconductor photocatalysts is strongly influenced by the physical and chemical properties that determine its morphology,dimension and crystallite phase(Vuong et al.,2009).From research carried with TiO2nanocrystals,it has been shown that the smaller particle size(giving rise to larger surface area-to-volume ratio)of TiO2nanocrystals increases pho-tocatalytic efficiency(Wang et al.,2008and Yu et al.,2007a).The disadvantages of TiO2semiconductor photocatalysts include the requirement of large amounts of TiO2semiconductor photo-catalysts,difficulty in re-cycling TiO2semiconductor photocatalysts, problems encountered in its recovery byfiltration or centrifugation, and the problematic agglomeration of TiO2nanocrystals into large particles(Costa and Prado,2009;Gupta et al.,2006and Ribbens et al.,2008).The separation processes required to recover the TiO2 semiconductor photocatalysts at the end of the photocatalytic treatment are difficult to perform because of the small size of the TiO2semiconductor photocatalysts and the high stability of the TiO2 semiconductor photocatalyst hydrocolloid(Costa and Prado,2009). TiO2semiconductor photocatalysts also have the tendency to lose efficiency when they agglomerate into larger particles(Ribbens et al.,2008).This also adds to the complications in their disposal. While immobilized TiO2nanocrystals are an option for large scale application,the overall photocatalytic efficiency is compromised due to the reduction in surface area and the limitation in mass transfer(Yu et al.,2007a).To overcome these difficulties,different titanate nanostructure preparations are being investigated with the aim of increasing photocatalytic efficiency(Costa and Prado,2009 and Okour et al.,2009).Nanostructured materials such as nanofibers,nanoparticles, nanorods,nanospheres,nanotubes and nanowires present new features and opportunities for enhanced performance in many promising applications(Costa and Prado,2009;Seo et al.,2009; Wang et al.,2007and Wang et al.,2008).Nanostructured mate-rials are of special significance owing to their excellent physi-cochemical properties that are catalytic,electronic,magnetic, mechanical and optical in nature(Poudel et al.,2005).They are widely applied in air and water purification technologies,photo-catalysis,gas sensors,high effect solar cells and microelectronic devices(Nakahira et al.,2004and Yu and Yu,2006).For example, O’Regan et al.stated that titania nanotubes have been used in high quality,efficient solar cells(Nakahira et al.,2004).Nanostructured materials with different morphologies have varying specific prop-erties and,hence,the new applications of such materials are related to the shape and size of the nanostructured materials(Wang et al., 2007).The synthesis of nanostructured materials with specific shape and size,as well as the understanding of their formation mechanism are two important research aspects in material science and technology(Wang et al.,2007).Nanowires,nanotubes and nanofibres of TiO2have been successfully prepared by electro-chemical synthesis,template based synthesis and a chemical based route although the effectiveness and practicality of some of these materials as photocatalysts are still being evaluated(Okour et al., 2009and Yu and Yu,2006).The discovery of the carbon nanotubes in the1990s by Iijima opened newfields in the material science sector(Costa and Prado, 2009).Nanotubular materials are considered important in photo-catalysis owing to their special electronic and mechanical properties, high photocatalytic activity,large specific surface area and high pore volume(Idakiev et al.,2005and Yu and Yu,2006).Several studies have shown that titania nanotubes have better physical and chemical properties in photocatalysis compared with other forms of titanium dioxide.For example,titania nanotubes have a relatively higher interfacial charge transfer rate and surface area compared with the spherical TiO2particles(Colmenares et al.,2009).The transfer of the charge carriers along the length of titania nanotubes can reduce the recombination of positive hole and electron(Colmenares et al., 2009).Li et al.(2009)found that hollow titania nanotubes were highly efficient in the photocatalytic decomposition of methyl orange compared with rutile phase TiO2nanopowders.Xu et al.(2006)stated that titania nanotubes were excellent photocatalysts,which were more reactive than TiO2nanopowder(anatase P25)in long cycles. Thus,titania nanotubes have raised expectations in what nanotech-nology can achieve because of their interesting microstructure and potential photoelectrochemical applications in dye-sensitized solar cells,gas sensors,organic light-emitting diodes and photocatalysts (Yu et al.,2007a).Considerable effort is now being devoted to the production of well-structured TiO2nanotubes with novel properties such as high surface area and pore volume(Idakiev et al.,2005).The approaches in developing TiO2nanotubes include chemical vapor deposition(CVD),anodic oxidation,seeded growth,the wet chemical(hydrothermal method and the sol gel method)(Guo et al., 2008;Morgan et al.,2008and Wang et al.,2007).Among these, hydrothermal method is often the method of choice because of its many advantages like cost-effectiveness,low energy consumption, mild reaction condition and simple equipment requirement(Guo et al.,2008).This method also allows for the manipulation of a large number of variable factors by which the morphology of TiO2 nanotubes that are produced is controlled.Photocatalysis is a“green”technology with promising applica-tions in a wide assortment of chemical and environmental tech-nologies(Colmenares et al.,2009).It has been singled out as a particularly attractive means by which to oxidize and remove toxic compounds,including carcinogenic chemicals,from industrial effluent.The pollutants are chemically transformed and completely mineralized to harmless compounds such as carbon dioxide,water and salts(Gupta et al.,2006).C.L.Wong et al./Journal of Environmental Management92(2011)1669e1680 1670This process is an example of an advanced oxidation process (AOP),which is defined as the chemical treatment process designed to produce strong hydroxyl radicals to oxidize and remove the organic and inorganic materials in the wastewater(Thiruvenkatachari et al., 2008).Photocatalysis is a chemical process that uses light to acti-vate a catalyst that alters the reaction rate without being involved itself.In heterogeneous photocatalysis,three main components are essential for photocatalytic reaction to take place:catalyst,light source and reactant(Thiruvenkatachari et al.,2008).Heterogeneous photocatalysis using titania nanotubes as pho-tocatalysts has recently gained importance in wastewater treat-ment.It has several advantages compared with other processes:(a) no mass transfer limitations,(b)complete mineralization of organic compounds to carbon dioxide,salts and water,(c)no addition of chemicals(d)no waste-solids disposal problems,(e)utilization of sunlight or near-UV light for irradiation and(f)only mild temper-ature and pressure conditions(atmospheric oxygen is used as oxidant)are necessary(Gogate and Pandit,2004;Konstantinou and Albanis,2004and Mahmoodi and Arami,2009).TiO2nanotubes have high cation-exchange ability that allows for large active catalyst loadings with high and uniform spreading. In the photocatalytic reaction,access to active sites is optimized by three main characteristics:high specific surface area,unavailability of micropores of reactants and open mesoporous morphology of TiO2nanotubes.The high performance of TiO2nanotubes in pho-tocatalysis is due to the semiconducting behavior of titania that produces a powerful electronic interaction between titania nano-tubes and their supports to increase the catalytic activity.As titania nanotubes are very resilient during heat treatment,their applica-tion as catalysts in photocatalysis is attractive.2.Fabrication of titania nanotubesThe fabrication of titania nanotubes is achieved by one of several methods:the surfactant-directed method,alumina templating synthesis,microwave irradiation,electrochemical synthesis and the hydrothermal method.Alumina templating synthesis has been a popular method to produce TiO2nanotubes over the last decades(Bavykin et al.,2006). TiO2nanotubes produced by template replication are uniform and well-aligned(Bavykin et al.,2006).However,this method is not suitable for the preparation of smaller nanotubes because of the limitation of the pore size of the mold prepared from porous alumina(Ma et al.,2006).TiO2nanotubes produced by the alumina templating method normally have large diameters(greater than 50nm)and the walls of TiO2nanotubes are composed of nano-particles(Costa and Prado,2009and Nawin et al.,2008).They are difficult to split from their template components that are then destroyed and discarded,thus adding to operating cost(Bavykin et al.,2006and Nawin et al.,2008).TiO2nanotubes produced by the surfactant-directed method have smaller diameters and thinner walls as compared with products fabricated using the other methods(Ma et al.,2006).In addition, there are two main disadvantages of the surfactant-directed method: it is elaborate and time consuming to undertake(Ma et al.,2006).With the direct anodizaiton method,titania nanotubes are not split in an organized manner and the tubes do not have well-developed gaps in between(Bavykin et al.,2006).Besides,during the preparation of titania nanotubes,they have been immobilized on the surface of titanium effectively(Bavykin et al.,2006).Thus, they can be applied in different applications such as photocatalysis, hydrogen sensors,photoanodes for water splitting,and so on (Bavykin et al.,2006).The microwave irradiation method is another means by which TiO2nanotubes are synthesized.Wu et al.(Zhao et al.,2009)synthesized TiO2nanotubes by treating TiO2(anatase or rutile) with8e10M sodium hydroxide(NaOH)aqueous solution.On applying195W microwave power,TiO2nanotubes(8e12nm in diameter and100e1000nm in length,with multi-wall and open-ended structure)were produced.Notwithstanding the methods mentioned above,high quality of TiO2nanotubes with small diameters of about10nm are normally produced via a simple hydrothermal treatment of crystalline tita-nium dioxide nanoparticles with highly concentrated sodium hydroxide(Bavykin et al.,2006;Costa and Prado,2009and Nawin et al.,2008).Alkali titanate nanotubes are generated in hydro-thermal treatment where alkali ions are exchanged with photons to form the H-titanates.In order to produce TiO2nanotubes with different crystallographic phases such as anatase,rutile and broo-kite,thermal dehydration reactions in air are carried out at high temperatures.Kasuga et al.reported thefirst evidence for the production of small sized titania nanotubes through the hydrothermal process in the absence of molds for template and replication(Idakiev et al., 2005and Kasuga et al.,1998).The hydrothermal synthesis method is widely regarded as a convenient and inexpensive method to produce high quality TiO2nanotubes(Yu et al.,2006).In general,TiO2nanotubes show vast pore structure and high aspect ratio owing to their unique nanotubular structure(Yu et al.,2006). This renders the nanotubes attractive candidates for photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical systems.3.Hydrothermal method:formation mechanism of titania nanotubesThe fabrication of titania nanotubes by hydrothermal synthesis is performed by reacting titania nanopowders with an alkaline aqueous solution.While the hydrothermal method of titania nan-otube production has been comprehensively investigated in the past decade,the formation mechanisms,compositions,crystalline structures,thermal stabilities and post-treatment functions still remain areas of debate(Guo et al.,2007and Qamar et al.,2008).As a low temperature technology,hydrothermal synthesis is environmentally friendly in that the reaction takes place in aqueous solutions within a closed system,using water as the reaction medium(Sayilkan et al.,2006;Wang et al.,2008and Yu et al., 2007b).This technique is usually carried out in an autoclave (a steel pressure vessel)under controlled temperature and/or pressure.The operating temperature is held above the water boiling point to self-generate saturated vapor pressure(Chen and Mao,2007and Wang et al.,2008).The internal pressure gener-ated in the autoclave is governed by the operating temperature and the presence of aqueous solutions in the autoclave(Chen and Mao, 2007).TiO2nanotubes are obtained when TiO2powders are mixed with2.5e20M sodium hydroxide aqueous solution maintained at 20e110 C for20h in the autoclave(Chen and Mao,2007).The hydrothermal method is widely applied in titania nanotubes production because of its many advantages,such as high reactivity, low energy requirement,relatively non-polluting set-up and simple control of the aqueous solution(Lee et al.,2007).The reaction pathway is very sensitive to the experimental conditions,such as pH, temperature and hydrothermal treatment time,but the technique achieves a high yield of tinania nanotubes cheaply and in a relatively simpler manner under optimized conditions.There are three main reaction steps in hydrothermal method:(a)generation of the alka-line titanate nanotubes;(b)substitution of alkali ions with protons; and(c)heat dehydration reactions in air(Hafez,2009and Wang et al.,2008).The hydrothermal method is amenable to the prepa-ration of TiO2nanotubes with different crystallite phases such as the anatase,brookite,monoclinic and rutile phases(Wang et al.,2008).C.L.Wong et al./Journal of Environmental Management92(2011)1669e16801671Kasuga et al.(1998)carried out preliminary studies on titania nanotube formation using crystalline TiO 2nanoparticles as pre-cursors.The crystalline TiO 2nanoparticles were reacted with highly concentrated NaOH solution to form titania nanotubes by the hydrothermal ing this simple technique,titania nano-tubes were produced with uniform diameter (8e 10nm),speci fic surface area (380e 400m 2/g)and length (50e 200nm)(Okour et al.,2009;Yu et al.,2007a ).Titania nanotubes produced in this manner were initially considered anatase phase products.When some of the Ti e O e Ti bonds were interrupted by the addition of NaOH solutions,some Ti þions were exchanged with Na þions to form Ti e O e Na bonds (Chen and Mao,2007).In this situation,the anatase phase existed in a metastable condition that had resulted from the “soft-chemical reaction ”at low temperature.The presence of Na þions in fluenced the subsequent photocatalytic activity of the titania nanotubes (Sreekantan and Lai,2010).Kasuga and his workers subsequently introduced an acid washing treatment step following the hydrothermal process to form tri-titanate nanotubes (Kasuga et al.,1999).The purpose of the acid treatment was toremove the Na þions from the samples and to form new Ti e O e Ti bonds that would improve photocatalytic activity of the titania nanotubes (Kasuga et al.,1999).When the samples were treated with hydrochloric acid,the electrostatic repulsions disappeared immediately (Kasuga et al.,1999).The charged components were only gradually removed upon further washing with deionized water (Kasuga et al.,1999).The Na þions were displaced by H þions to form Ti e OH bonds in the washing process (Chen and Mao,2007).Next,the dehydration of Ti e OH bonds produced Ti e O e Ti bonds or Ti e O .H e O e Ti hydrogen bonds (Chen and Mao,2007and Kasuga et al.,1999).The bond distance between one Ti and another on the photocatalyst surface conse-quently decreased,facilitating the sheet folding process (Chen and Mao,2007and Kasuga et al.,1999).The electrostatic repulsion from Ti e O e Na bonds enabled a joint at the ends of the sheets to form the tube structure (Chen and Mao,2007and Kasuga et al.,1999).Kasuga et al.concluded that washing with acid and with deionized water were two principal crucial steps to produce high activity of titania nanotubes (Chen et al.,2002).The simple formation mechanism for titania nanotubes is shown in Fig.1.Yuan and Su (2004)proposed a mechanism for the fabrication of titanate nanotubes that was roughly similar to Kasuga ’s.They postulated that the crystalline structure of TiO 2was represented as TiO 6octahedral and that the crystalline structure of TiO 2shared vertices and edges to form in the three-dimensional structure.Ti e O e Ti bonds were broken by a cauterization process to produce the layered titanates.The titanate sheets were then peeled off intonanosheets and subsequently folded into nanotubes.The Na þions were exchanged and eliminated after washing with acid and then with deionized water.The major difference between Yuan and Su ’s titanate nanotubes and Kasuga ’s nanotubes was the dif ficulty in rolling up the former product completely.There were several tri-titanate layers produced simultaneously in the hydrothermal process to form three-dimensional nanosheets,resulting in the nanosheet edges being bent at the end of the hydrothermal process.Some researchers contend that the hydrothermal treatment is signi ficantly the more important step as compared with the washing process in the mechanism of nanotubes formation.For eters and lengths of a few hundred nanometers by the hydro-thermal process using NaOH (10M)at 130 C,but without HCl washings.Wang et al.(Poudel et al.,2005)reported that the acid washing procedure was not necessary for the formation of titania nanotubes,essentially contradicting the assumptions of Kasuga et al.The foregoing notwithstanding,there are other researchers who are of the view that the acid washing practice is requisite for the titanate precursor sheets rolling into nanotubes (Liu et al.,2009).For instance,in 2007,Li and his workers (Liu et al.,2009)found that some partially curled nanofoils were formed after brie fly washing with nitric acid and water.The nanofoils were transformed to nanotubes only after a more thorough washing with a large quantity of nitric acid and water (Liu et al.,2009).Yao et al.(Poudel et al.,2005)observed the formation of titania nanotubes after acid washing.Sun and Li (Poudel et al.,2005)observed that the washing step was the main step to the formation of both titania and sodium titanate nanotubes.There are also researchers who think that regardless of whether the titanate nanotubes are washed or unwashed,they are capable of removing organic or inorganic pollutants ef ficiently.Thus,Nawin et al.(2009)stated that the presence of Na had little bearing on the ef ficiency of the rate at which the pollutants decomposed,as this was in fluenced more by the rate of nanotube sedimentation,available surface area and tubular structure.Wang et al.(2002)carried out an in-depth probe of the titania nanotube formation mechanism.They observed that the three-dimensional titanium dioxide structures (anatase phase),whichFig.1.Formation mechanism of TiO 2nanotubes using hydrothermal method (Chen and Mao,2007and Kasuga et al.,1999).C.L.Wong et al./Journal of Environmental Management 92(2011)1669e 16801672werefirst reacted with sodium hydroxide aqueous solution,were transformed into2-dimensional layered structures.These lamellar structures then scrolled or wrapped to form titania nanotubes.In their opinion,the two-dimensional lamellar structure was essential in the formation of titania nanotubes.A formation of titania nanotubes was proposed by Wang et al. (Chen and Mao,2007).During the hydrothermal reaction with NaOH,the Ti e O e Ti bonds were broken.The free octahedral shapes shared edges between the Ti ions to form hydroxyl bridges,then, a zigzag structure was formed.Thus,the crystalline sheets rolled up in order to saturate these dangling bonds from the surface.This lowered the total energy and hence TiO2nanotubes were formed.There have been recent debates over the crystal structures of TiO2e based nanotubes,possible forms of which can be summa-rized as follows:(a)anatase/rutile/brookite TiO2,(b)lepidocro-cite H x Ti2Àx/4[]x/4O4(x w0.7,[]:vacancy),(c)H2Ti3O7/Na2Ti3O7/ Na x H2Àx Ti3O7and(d)H2Ti4O9(Guo et al.,2008;Ou and Lo,2007 and Qamar et al.,2008).Some researchers were of the opinion that anatase TiO2powder formed nanotubes more readily as compared with the rutile TiO2powder due to better surface energy of the former.In this connection,Wang et al.(Poudel et al.,2005) reported that the crystallinity of nanotubes was slightly better using the anatase TiO2phase as precursor.On the other hand,Chen et al.showed that nanotubes were obtained regardless of the size and the structure of the precursor or the starting materials(Papa et al.,2009).Ma et al.(Idakiev et al.,2005)contended that the nanotubes were formed from lepidocrocite H x Ti2Àx/4[]x/4O4(x w0.7,[]:vacancy) sheets rather than the other structures.When the duration of sonication was increased,the reactants formed rolled structures that transformed to rod-like structures.The growth of the length of rod-like structures was increased during the hydrothermal treatment. The sodium ions could then be washed off by the hydrochloric acid solution.Yoshikazu et al.(Poudel et al.,2005)reported that the nanotubes were hydrated hydrogen titanate(H2Ti3O7∙n H2O(n<3)).Du et al. (Poudel et al.,2005)found that the nanotube crystalline phase was not TiO2anatase but H2Ti3O7(a monoclinic system)and that the tubes had multi-wall morphology with interlayer spacing of 0.75e0.78nm.Kukovecz et al.(2005)tried to roll the tri-titanate nanosheets directly from the assumed Na2Ti3O7intermediate in their experiment.However,since sodium tri-titanate was quite stable under the reaction conditions(10M NaOH,130 C),it was not destroyed by NaOH,and nanotube formation did not occur.With the same alkaline hydrothermal treatment,the researchers then used the assumed Na2Ti3O7intermediates as seeding materials to convert anatase TiO2into titania nanotubes.In this instance,the yield of titania nanotubes was almost100%.Fluctuation in the local concentrations of the intermediates might have initiated the formation of nanoloops from the anatase starting materials,and these served as the seeds for titania nanotube formation.Peng et al.(Idakiev et al.,2005and Ou and Lo,2007)were of the view that H2Ti3O7was produced in the hydrothermal treatment. They proposed the two most likely mechanisms in tri-titanate nanotubes formation.In the initial stage of the hydrothermal process,the reaction between titanium dioxide and concentrated sodium hydroxide solution produced a highly disordered inter-mediate,which contained Ti,O and Na.In thefirst proposed mechanism,single sheets of the tri-titanate(Ti3O7)2Àstarted to grow at a slow rate within the disordered intermediate phase.The slow growth was mainly due to the high concentration of NaOH that was present.As the tri-titanite sheets grew two-dimensionally, they rolled up into nanotubes.In the process,however,some H2Ti3O7plates failed to wrap up successfully,resulting in the edges of H2Ti3O7plates having a tendency to twist.In the second proposed mechanism,the lepidocrocite Na2Ti3O7was postulated to assume the form of disorder-phase nanocrystals that was not stable in the boiling water.With the excessive of Naþcations intercalating in the interlayer spaces,single layers of tri-titanate were either flaked off to form nanocrystals or they were curled like wood shavings into nanotubes.Yang et al.(Idakiev et al.,2005and Ou and Lo,2007)stated that titanium dioxide particle swelling was indicative of Na2Ti2O4(OH)2 formation.After the addition of concentrated NaOH solution,the shorter Ti e O bonds split and swelled.The linear portions(one-dimensional)connected to each other in the presence of OÀe Naþe OÀbonds to produce planar fragments(two-dimensional).Titania nanotubes would then be formed by the formation of covalent bonds within the end groups.Seo et al.(2009)studied the formation mechanism of titania nanotubes by the hydrothermal process at a higher temperature of 230 C TiO2wasfirstly reacted with NaOH solution to form Na2Ti2O5$H2O.Next,the hydrochloric acid washing step was carried out to remove Naþions and to form the exfoliated sheets that then curled up to produce more uniform nanotube structures.At the present time,the formation mechanism is still ambiguous despite efforts that have been made to come up with an acceptable and verifiable explanation(Bavykin et al.,2006and Ribbens et al., 2008).Even though a complete understanding has yet to be ach-ieved,it is generally accepted that titanium dioxide(amorphous, anatase,brookite and rutile)under alkaline circumstances are converted to intermediates(single layer and multi-layered titanate nanosheets)that roll or curl into nanotubular structure(Bavykin et al.,2006).The putative driving force that is responsible for the rolling or curving nanotubular structure has been suggested by some groups(Bavykin et al.,2006).Table1shows the major steps of titania nanotube formation proposed by various researchers.4.Factors influencing the formation of titania nanotubesThere are several considerations affecting the formation of titania nanotubes(Fig.2).These include(a)the starting materials (commercial,self-prepared,amorphous,crystalline,anatase,rutile and brookite),(b)sonication pretreatment,(c)hydrothermal temperature,(d)treatment time and(e)post-treatments(washing, calcinations)(Morgan et al.,2008and Wang et al.,2008).The characteristics and morphology of titania nanotubes such as the specific surface area,crystal structure and others are dependent on the hydrothermal conditions selected.4.1.Effect of the starting materialsThe hydrothermal synthesis of titania nanotubes can start with different titania powders such as rutile or anatase TiO2,Degussa TiO2(P25)nanoparticles,layered titanate Na2Ti3O7,Ti metal, TiOSO4,molecular Ti IV alkoxide,doped anatase TiO2,or SiO2e TiO2 mixture(Wang et al.,2008).Alternatively,titania sol can also be utilized as the starting reactant in the hydrothermal process.It has been observed that the structural properties of the nanostructured TiO2products are markedly dependent on different starting TiO2 materials.Basically,nanotubes with outer diameters between10 and20nm can be obtained by the hydrothermal method when starting with titania powder of relative large particle size,such as rutile TiO2,Degussa TiO2(P25),and SiO2e TiO2mixture(Wang et al., 2008).Saponjic et al.(2005)used different starting materials to produce titania nanotubes using hydrothermal method,which are Degussa TiO2P25nanoparticles,TiO2colloids,and molecular Ti IV alkoxide.Titania nanotubes obtained from those starting materialsC.L.Wong et al./Journal of Environmental Management92(2011)1669e16801673。
第35卷第1期2021年1月天津化工Tianjin Chemical IndustryVol.35No.1Jan.2021ZIF-8/g-C3N4复合材料光催化性能研究进展张姝沁,彭龙新,许雪源,刘建栋,杨宇杰,张梦,陈萍华*("昌航空大学环境与化学工程学.,江西"昌330063)摘要:石墨相氮化碳(g-C s Nj是一种典型的聚合物半导体非金属光催化剂。
ZIF-8作为类沸石咪R 骨架材料(ZIFs)的典型代表,具有良好的水热及化学稳定性,且具有较大的比表面积。
关键词:ZIF-8/g-C3N(;光催化;复合材料;研究进展doi:10.3969/j.issn.1008-1267.2021.01.018中图分类号:TQ042文献标志码:A文章编号:1008-1267(2021)01-0055-03Research progress of ZIF-8/g-C3N4composite in photocatalytic properties ZHANG Shu-qin,PENG Long-xin,XU Xue-yuan,LIU Jian-dong,YANG Yu-jie,ZHANG Meng,CHEN Ping-hua*(Department ofChemic$andEnvironmental Engineerings NanchangHangkong UniversNanchang J iangxi^330063) Abstract:Graphite phase carbon nitride(g-C3N()is a typical polymersemiconductor non-metallic photocatalyst. ZIF-8,as a typical zeolitelike imidazole skeleton material(ZIFs),has good hydrothermal and chemical stability,and a large specific surface area.Due to their unique properties,the research on their composite photocatalysts is also increasing.In this paper,the significance and progress of ZIF-8/g-C3N4composite are introduced and the application prospect of the composite is prospected.Key words:ZIF-8/g-C3N4;photocatalysis;composites;research progress1引言石墨相氮化碳(g-C3N()作为一种新型非金属光催化剂,具有制备方法简单、稳定性、0光催化领域,如还原COH、光催化裂解水氢、光解有[2]光解水[3],能化方具有的研究空。
E⁃mail :******************第37卷第3期2021年3月Vol.37No.3412⁃420无机化学学报CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY纳米多孔Ni 、Ni 3S 2/Ni 复合电极的制备及其电催化析氢性能周琦*,1,2欧阳德凯2汪帆2何金山2黎新宝2(1兰州理工大学,省部共建有色金属先进加工与再利用国家重点实验室,兰州730050)(2兰州理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,兰州730050)摘要:采用脱合金化和水热合成的方法制备纳米多孔Ni 和纳米多孔Ni 3S 2/Ni 复合电极。
通过N 2吸附-脱附测试、XRD 、SEM 、TEM 等方法表征电极的孔径分布、物相和微观结构。
在1mol·L -1的NaOH 溶液中,运用线性扫描伏安(LSV)曲线、交流阻抗(EIS)谱图、恒电流电解法等测试电极的电催化析氢性能。
结果表明:在电流密度为50mA·cm -2时,与纳米多孔Ni 相比,Ni 3S 2/Ni 合金具有更低的析氢过电位以及更高的析氢活性,同时纳米多孔Ni 3S 2/Ni 复合电极具有更低表观活化能和电子转移阻抗,进一步明确了过渡金属硫化物对电催化析氢性能的特殊贡献。
关键词:脱合金化;水热合成;析氢反应;纳米多孔Ni 3S 2/Ni 复合电极中图分类号:O646.541;O646.22;O643.31;O643.36文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001⁃4861(2021)03⁃0412⁃09DOI :10.11862/CJIC.2021.045Nano‑Porous Ni and Ni 3S 2/Ni Composite Electrodes:Preparationand Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution PerformanceZHOU Qi *,1,2OUYANG De⁃Kai 2WANG Fan 2HE Jin⁃Shan 2LI Xin⁃Bao 2(1State Key Laboratory of Advanced Processing and Recycling of Nonferrous Metals,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou 730050,China )(2School of Materials Science and Engineering,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou 730050,China )Abstract:Nano⁃porous Ni and nano⁃porous Ni 3S 2/Ni composite electrodes were prepared by dealloying and hydro⁃thermal synthesis.The pore size distribution,phase and microstructure of the electrode were characterized by N 2adsorption⁃desorption test,XRD,SEM,TEM.In 1mol·L -1NaOH solution,the electrocatalytic properties toward hy⁃drogen evolution reaction of the electrode was evaluated using linear sweep voltammetry (LSV),electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)and constant current electrolysis method.As a result,when the current density was 50mA·cm -2,the nano⁃porous Ni 3S 2/Ni composite electrode had a lower overpotential for hydrogen evolution reaction and higher electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution activity than the nano⁃porous Ni,while nano⁃porous Ni 3S 2/Ni compos⁃ite electrode had lower apparent activation energy and electron transfer resistance,it further clarifies the special contribution of transition metal sulfides to the performance of electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution.Keywords:de⁃alloying;hydrothermal synthesis;hydrogen evolution reaction;nano⁃porous Ni 3S 2/Ni composite0引言氢能作为一种清洁高效的二次能源一直备受关注[1⁃4]。
钨酸铋对四环素光催化降解性能张帆;柴凤兰;李敬;余科义【摘要】采用水热法制备了钨酸铋催化剂,以空气为氧化剂,四环素为底物,考察了制备催化剂时溶液的酸度、降解反应时不同光源、光强度和催化剂量对钨酸铋的光催化降解四环素性能的影响.结果表明,当制备钨酸铋催化剂溶液的pH为1时,催化降解效果较好;当催化剂与四环素的物质的量之比为0.3:1时,光照时间100 min,光催化降解率达66%;以钨酸铋为催化剂,太阳光光催化降解性能优于红外光和紫外光,太阳光强度越强,催化降解效果越好.%Bismuth tungstate was prepared by using hydrothermal methods. Under the different light source, light intensity and the amount of catalyst, the photocatalytic degradation of bismuth tungstate was investigated using air as an oxidant and tetracycline as a substrate. The results show that the pH of solution is 1 to achieve the better catalytic degradation of bismuth tungstate. When the molar ratio of tungsten acid bismuth to tetracycline is 0.3 : 1 and the illumination time is 100 min, photocatalytic de-graded rate of tetracycline is 66%. The photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline under the condition of sunlight is better than that of IR and UV light. With the stronger sunlight, the photocatalytic perform-ance of bismuth tungstate for tetracycline is better.【期刊名称】《化学研究》【年(卷),期】2017(028)003【总页数】4页(P331-334)【关键词】钨酸铋;四环素;光催化;降解;太阳光【作者】张帆;柴凤兰;李敬;余科义【作者单位】河南应用技术职业学院,河南郑州450042;河南应用技术职业学院,河南郑州450042;河南应用技术职业学院,河南郑州450042;河南应用技术职业学院,河南郑州450042【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O611.6随着抗生素在人类生产和生活中大量不合理的使用,来自医疗、农业和畜牧养殖业及工业等废水中的抗生素已成为一种污染环境的重要污染物,其中以四环素为代表的抗生素类废水污染尤为显著. 抗生素具有神经系统毒性、造血系统毒性、肝、肾毒性等,抗生素污染最终会导致超级细菌的产生,给人类带来毁灭性灾难. 抗生素结构一般比较稳定,水土中自然降解率比较低,水土中抗生素污染工业化治理已刻不容缓.目前废水中的四环素主要是通过生物法、物理化学法如吸附法、高级氧化法等手段降解消除,其中高级氧化法中的光催化技术,具有在室温条件下易于操作的优点. 尽管有些方法对抗生素有较好的降解效果,但是这些方法存在或成本高、或周期长、或二次污染等不一的缺陷.半导体材料具有优良的光电性能,近年来,半导体材料作为光催化剂在环境污染治理方面获得了广泛的关注[1-5]. 钨酸铋是Aurivillius 成员中结构最简单的物质之一,具有良好的半导体性质,例如:铁电、压电、热电、光催化性能[6-8],它的禁带宽度为2.8 eV,需要在光照波长位于440 nm处才能够激发,并产生光生电子和空穴促使光降解过程的进行[9].1999年,KUDO等报道了钨酸铋的可见光催化活性[10]. 近年来,Bi2WO6 的可见光催化特性的研究已经取得了许多进展,光催化活性也得到了很大提高[11]. 在抗生素的光催化降解应用中,钨酸铋及其负载型的复合催化剂的制备方法对四环素催化降解性能的影响被广泛的研究和报道[12-14],但很少有学者以太阳光为光源、空气为氧化剂进行系列的研究. 本实验以钨酸钠和硝酸铋为原料,考察了催化剂的制备条件、催化剂用量、光源的类型及太阳光的光照强度对抗生素催化降解性能的影响,利用太阳光和空气较大程度地降低了生产成本,为今后其广泛应用奠定了一定的基础.1.1 试剂与仪器钨酸钠(Na2WO4·2H2O)(A.R.),上海麦克林生化科技有限公司;硝酸铋(Bi(NO3)3·5H2O)(A.R.),上海麦克林生化科技有限公司;四环素(A.R.),上海麦克林生化科技有限公司,使用前配制成所需浓度的四环素溶液. 其他试剂均为分析纯,使用前未经特殊处理.高压釜(100 mL);DHG-9070A型电热恒温鼓风干燥箱,上海一恒科学仪器有限公司;岛津UV-2600 型紫外可见分光光度计,岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司;CEM-DT-1300 数字式照度计,深圳华盛昌机械实业有限公司.1.2 钨酸铋催化剂制备称取一定量的五水硝酸铋溶于水中,超声搅拌,使其形成混合溶液,均匀分为3份,并调节溶液的pH范围,分别为pH=1、3、5,再依次加入一定量的二水钨酸钠,搅拌一定时间. 将上述三份混合溶液转移至反应釜中,在120 ℃下,反应18 h. 冷却至室温,用无水乙醇和水冲洗数次,60 ℃干燥过夜,得到粉末状的催化剂,分别标记为Bi/W-1、Bi/W-2、Bi/W-3.1.3 钨酸铋的光催化性能评价分别称取一定量的钨酸铋催化剂,分散于一定浓度的四环素溶液中. 暗吸附30min后,置于光源中,然后每隔20 min抽取一个样,用紫外-可见分光光度计测定溶液在350 nm(四环素 TC)处的吸光度值的变化,以光催化降解率来评价催化剂的光催化性能. 光催化降解率(DR)由式1.1计算:式中t-反应时间,min;A0-四环素溶液达到吸附平衡以后的吸光度;At-不同光催化反应时间抽取样品的吸光度.2.1 催化剂制备时溶液酸度对催化活性的影响在制备钨酸铋时,酸度对钨酸铋的形貌有很大影响,进而影响催化剂的催化活性. 因而,考察了不同酸度条件下制备的钨酸铋的光催化降解活性(图1). 由图1可以看出,不同酸度条件下制备的钨酸铋光催化降解活性随时间变化趋势相同,但是光催化降解活性大小不同. 采用Bi/W-1(pH=1)催化降解四环素时,光照100 min下光催化降解率达66%左右;采用Bi/W-2(pH=3)时,光照100 min下光催化降解率为45%左右;采用Bi/W-3(pH =5)时,光照100 min下光催化降解率仅34%左右. 也即随着制备钨酸铋催化剂时溶液pH的增加,催化剂的光催化降解四环素的性能逐渐降低. 这是因为在强酸性条件下,得到的钨酸铋的比表面积最大,催化活性位点较多,催化剂吸附的四环素能够很好地与活性位点作用,因此,光催化降解效率较好.2.2 催化剂用量对催化活性的影响图2给出了不同Bi/W-1催化剂用量对四环素光催化降解活性的影响. 由图2可以看出,在一定量的催化剂下,四环素的光催化降解率均随光照时间延长而增加. 光催化活性随催化剂量变化而改变. 当不加催化剂时,光照100 min,光催化降解率为7%左右;而随着催化剂用量的增大,光催化降解率也逐渐增加,当催化剂与四环素的物质的量之比为n(Bi/W-1)/n(TC)= 0.3∶1时,催化降解效果最佳,光照100 min时,光催化降解率高达66%;再增加催化剂量,光催化降解率反而减低. 原因可能是催化剂用量的增加导致催化剂自身发生聚集,降低了底物与催化活性位点的接触,从而使催化剂的催化活性降低.2.3 光源的影响光源对钨酸铋催化降解性能的影响如图3所示. 紫外光条件下, Bi/W-1对四环素的光催化降解率的影响不大,紫外光照射100 min时,光催化降解率仅为1%左右;太阳光条件下,Bi/W-1对四环素降解的光催化活性较高,光照100 min时,光催化降解率高达66%;红外灯照射下,Bi/W-1的催化活性次之,光照100 min时,光催化降解率达55%左右. 这种现象与常见的光催化研究的结论不同,原因正在进一步研究中.2.4 光照强度的影响实验过程中用照度计测定了光照强度(E)对催化活性的影响. 实验结果如图4所示,由图4可以看出,随着光照强度高增加,Bi/W-1的光催化性能逐渐增大. 光照强度E=30 000 lx时,光照累计时间达100 min时,光催化降解率高达66%左右;当光照强度降低为3 000 lx,Bi/W-1-1的催化活性较低,光催化效率仅30%左右. 因为随着光照强度增加,能量增大,催化剂产生更多的催化活性位点,因而催化活性增大.通过控制溶液的酸度,制备了具有比较好的光催化降解活性的钨酸铋催化剂. 实验表明,当催化剂与四环素的物质的量之比为0.3∶1时,以较强的太阳光为光源,空气为氧化剂,可以达到比较好的催化降解效果. 光源的影响机理以及催化剂结构的进一步优化仍在深入进行中.致谢:感谢郑州大学化学与分子工程学院李中军教授和郑州大学工业催化研究所王向宇教授对本研究的帮助.【相关文献】[1] LONG M C, ZHENG L H. 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光热协同催化技术在能源领域的应用王丽敏;王利清;张一弛;苏海全【期刊名称】《化工进展》【年(卷),期】2017(36)7【摘要】Photothermocatalysis has presented a novel technology which introduces simultaneous light into thermocatalytic system or heat into photocatalytic system for the purpose of co-catalysis,which has become popular in catalysis field.This paper mainly reviews chemical reactions in the field of energy synthesis under cooperative catalysiscondition,including photothermocatalytic hydrogenation ofCO,photothermocatalytic CO2 reduction,and photothermal hydrolysis,etc.The current results suggested that the coupling of photocatalysis and thermocatalysis could drive reaction more efficiently,and overcome the obstacles existed in single-driven catalytic system.In the field of CO hydrogenation reaction,the introduction of illumination not only can obviously increase the CO conversion efficiency but also control hydrocarbon products' distribution.In the field of CO2 reduction,it can be implemented that converting CO2 into CO,CH4,or other hydrocarbon products efficiently and selectively by modulating appropriate photothermal conditions.In the field of hydrolysis reaction,hydrogen production efficiency can be improved under mild conditions.Meanwhile,the related photothermal synergistic reactionmechanisms and the deficiencies at the present stage in various systems have been summarized.Finally,the prospects for future photothermal catalytic study are proposed,which might provide a positive pathway for developing new photothermal catalytic systems.%光热催化是在光催化的基础上同时加热,或在热催化的基础上同时进行光照以达到共同催化目的的一种新型催化手段,是当前催化领域的研究热点.文章介绍了光热协同催化在能源合成领域的应用,包括光热催化CO加氢、光热催化CO2还原、光热分解水制氢等.研究发现,光催化与热催化耦合确实能够高效驱动反应的进行,明显改善了单一光催化或单一热催化的不足.在催化CO加氢方面,引入光照能明显提高CO的转化效率,同时能够调控烃类产物分布;在催化CO2还原方面,通过调变合适的光热反应条件,能够实现高效地、选择性地将CO2还原为CO、CH4或其他烃类产物;在催化H2O分解制氢方面,在温和条件下提高了产氢效率.与此同时,本文也分析了部分体系的光热协同作用机制以及现阶段研究的不足之处.最后展望了光热催化的发展前景,以期对于光热协同驱动体系的研究起到积极的促进作用.【总页数】7页(P2457-2463)【作者】王丽敏;王利清;张一弛;苏海全【作者单位】内蒙古大学化学化工学院,内蒙古呼和浩特010021;内蒙古大学化学化工学院,内蒙古呼和浩特010021;内蒙古大学化学化工学院,内蒙古呼和浩特010021;内蒙古大学化学化工学院,内蒙古呼和浩特010021【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O643.32【相关文献】1.可再生清洁能源(太阳能)在绿色建筑上的应用奇威特——走在光热应用领域的最前列 [J],2.PACT工艺协同电催化技术在养殖场沼液处理工程中的应用研究 [J], 王静;潘异哲;裴兰顺;周婷;何家梁3.可再生能源与清洁能源利用协同发展建筑节能工作拓展新思路新领域 [J], 姚春妮4.四部门联合印发《能源领域5G应用实施方案》研究建立能源领域5G应用技术标准体系 [J],5.光-热协同催化技术及其在一氧化碳催化偶联上的应用 [J], 黄新松;张俊;李广社因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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I NSTITUTE OF P HYSICS P UBLISHING N ANOTECHNOLOGY Nanotechnology17(2006)4863–4867doi:10.1088/0957-4484/17/19/014Hydrothermal synthesis and photocatalytic properties of layeredLa2Ti2O7nanosheetsKunWei Li,Yan Wang,Hao Wang1,Mankang Zhu and Hui YanThe College of Materials Science and Engineering,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing100022,People’s Republic of ChinaE-mail:haowang@Received17July2006,infinal form1August2006Published11September2006Online at /Nano/17/4863AbstractLayered La2Ti2O7nanosheets were prepared through a one-step hydrothermalmethod at low temperature.The concentration of NaOH mineralizer plays animportant role in the synthesis.The scanning electron microscopy(SEM)andtransmission electron microscopy(TEM)images show that the thickness ofevery nanosheet is about5–10nm,while the planar dimension is more than1μm.The photo-catalytic activities of the nanosheets were characterized by thedecolourization of methyl orange solution and the evolution rate of H2.Theresults demonstrated that the La2Ti2O7nanosheets possess significantlyimproved photocatalytic properties in water purification and evolution rate ofH2from water–ethanol solution compared with those of samples prepared byconventional solid-state reaction.1.IntroductionLanthanide titanate(La2Ti2O7),as one of the layered compounds,has attracted widespread attention[1,2]in the photocatalytic domain due to its unique layered structure and chemical activity[3].Hwang et al have reported that La2Ti2O7 loaded with Ni–NiO has good photocatalytic activity in the water-splitting reaction[4]and the destruction of volatile organic compounds(CH3Cl)[5].However,they obtained La2Ti2O7through the conventional solid-state reaction(SSR) or the polymerizable complex method[6].Both of these methods need high temperatures and produce materials with low specific surface areas,nonuniform particle sizes and low phase purity,which lead to a relatively low photocatalytic activity.Zhang et al[7]obtained nanopowders of La2Ti2O7 by a metallorganic decomposition method.However,no photocatalytic properties were reported in their study.The desired catalyst should have high specific surface area,uniform particle sizes and pure phase.Therefore,if we control the experimental parameters to synthesize the layered compounds with a few layers,that is to say,nanosheets,the products will better answer our desire for a catalyst.The use of solution-based soft chemical methods to prepare nanocrystalline materials is expected to result in 1Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.chemically homogeneous and phase-pure specimens,a narrow particle size distribution,and low crystallization temperatures of the materials.Among many methods,hydrothermal synthesis is particularly promising for low-cost production of advanced catalysts on a large scale.Because crystalline powders are directly produced in a hydrothermal process, the needs for high-temperature calcination and milling procedures are eliminated.Chen and Xu[8]have prepared La2Ti2O7powders through the hydrothermal treatment of La2O3·2TiO2·n H2O coprecipitation,but this method needs two steps to get thefinal product,and they did not get the La2Ti2O7 nanosheets.Here,we report the simple hydrothermal synthesis of La2Ti2O7two-dimensional(2D)nanosheets.The products were used as photocatalysts for the decolourization of methyl orange solution and the evolution of H2from water–ethanol solution.2.Experimental details2.1.SynthesisAll reagents were of analytical grade and purchased from Beijing Chemical Reagent Ltd without further purification. The exact quantity of La in the lanthanum nitrate hydrate,0957-4484/06/194863+05$30.00©2006IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK4863K Li et alLa(NO3)3·6H2O,was determined by thermo-gravimetric analysis.The equivalent molar quantities of La(NO3)3·6H2O and Ti(SO4)2were dissolved in deionized water to form the clear aqueous solution.Then some amount of NaOH solution was dropped into the above solution to form white precipitation mixtures with different nominal NaOH concentrations.The mixture was stirred at ambient temperature for10min and then sealed in a50ml Teflon lined stainless-steel autoclave and allowed to heat at temperatures ranging from140to220◦C for different reaction times.After reaction,the resulting powders were repeatedly washed by centrifugation and decantation with deionized water to remove undesirable anions such as Na+,SO2−4and NO−3,and then dried at80◦C for6h to get theproducts.2.2.CharacterizationThe structure of the products was examined by an x-ray diffractometer(XRD,Bruker Advance D8)using Cu Kαradiation(λ=1.5406˚A).Transmission electron microscopy(TEM)and selected area electron diffraction (SAED)were taken on a JEOL-JEM2010F transmission electron microscope,using an accelerating voltage of200kV. The specific surface areas of the powders were determined using a Micromeritics ASAP2020specific surface area and porosity analyser in the method of Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET)nitrogen adsorption and desorption.Optical absorption studies were carried out using an ultraviolet–visible–near-infrared(UV–vis–NIR)spectrophotometer(Shimadzu UV-3101PC).The decolourization of methyl orange solution was carried out in our home-made instruments.Atfirst,0.2g of product was dispersed intofive beakers which werefilled with100ml of10mg l−1methyl orange solution separately,and irradiated under ultraviolet light by using a light resource(400W high-pressure Hg lamp)for different times,and then characterized by UV–vis spectroscopy.The evolution of H2from water–ethanol solution was carried out at room temperature and atmospheric pressure in a closed gas circulation system containing air using a high-pressure Hg lamp(400W)placed in an inner irradiation-type quartz reaction cell.The catalyst(1g)was suspended in1:5 ethanol/water solution(500ml).The amounts of H2and O2were determined by a Shimadzu14C gas chromatograph (molecular sieve5˚A column and Ar carrier)equipped with TCD.3.Results and discussionIn order to obtain suitable NaOH concentrations,samples were synthesized under different NaOH concentrations(a:0M;b: 1M;c:3M)at200◦C for24h.As can be seen from the XRD patterns infigure1,three kinds of materials were formed at different NaOH concentrations.Figure1(a)was ascribed to TiO2with a tetragonal system(JCPDS78-2486)while figure1(c)was attributed to lanthanium hydroxide La(OH)3 with the hexagonal system(JCPDS83-2034).Figure1(b) shows pure monoclinic phase La2Ti2O7with a perovskite structure conforming to the P21space group(JCPDS81-1066).It could be seen that the concentration of NaOHplayed Figure1.XRD of La2Ti2O7samples synthesized at200◦C for24h in different concentration of NaOH(a:0,b:1,c:3mol l−1).a critical role in the formation of phase-pure La2Ti2O7by the hydrothermal method.According to the above results and the related experi-ments,we conclude that the following reactions might occur in this process:Ti4++3H2O−→←−H2TiO3+4H+(1)H2TiO3heat−→←−TiO2↓+H2O.(2) La3++3OH−−→La(OH)3↓(3) 2La(OH)3+2H2TiO3−→La2Ti2O7↓+5H2O(4) H2TiO3+2OH−+H2O−→Ti(OH)2−6.(5) It is well known that the mineralizers such as KOH or NaOH play a fundamental part in the hydrothermal process[9,10]. When there was no NaOH in the solution,the La(NO3)3and Ti(SO4)2were ionized.Due to the stronger hydrolysis effect of Ti4+ions,equation(1)occurred and led to the formation of colloidal deposition H2TiO3.When these reactants were sealed in an autoclave and heated,TiO2deposits were formed from the decomposition equation(2).However,La3+ions were still kept in the solution and were washed away after reaction.When the concentration of NaOH was1M,the H+ions formed from the strong hydrolysis effect of Ti4+ ions were neutralized by NaOH.The neutralization of H+ led to the break of the equilibrium of equation(1)and the formation of colloidal H2TiO3.At the same time,La(OH)3 precipitates were formed through equation(3).Then,during the hydrothermal process,La2Ti2O7precipitates were formed from the neutralization equation(4)between La(OH)3and H2TiO3,because the solubility of La2Ti2O7was lower than that of La(OH)3under this condition.However,when the concentration of NaOH was3M,the La(OH)3(formed by equation(3))was very stable and could not be dissolved,as was shown infigure1(c).In the meantime,Ti species were washed away after hydrothermal reaction according to equation(5).Figure2shows the XRD patterns for the samples synthesized using1M NaOH for24h under different temperatures.Fromfigure2(a),we can see that the products4864Hydrothermal synthesis and photocatalytic properties of layered La 2Ti 2O 7nanosheetsFigure 2.XRD for the samples synthesized using 1M NaOH under different temperatures (a:140◦C;b:160◦C;c:180◦C;d:200◦C;e:220◦C)by the hydrothermal method for 24h.were amorphous when the synthesis temperature was 140◦C.With an increase in temperature,the main peaks (004,211and 212)of La 2Ti 2O 7gradually became obvious.As can be seen from figures 2(d)and (e),when the temperature was above 200◦C,phase-pure La 2Ti 2O 7crystals were obtained.The following measurements were based on the sample synthesized at 200◦C using 1M NaOH as the mineralizer.In figure 3,the SEM and TEM image show the nanosheet morphology of the La 2Ti 2O 7synthesized by the hydrothermal method.The SAED pattern was obtained by aligning the electron beam perpendicular to the face of this plate.The regular spot pattern indicates single-crystalline structure.The clear lattice fringes shown in the high-resolution (HRTEM)image of the selected area marked by the square in figure 3(b)indicates that the nanosheet presented perfect crystal structure without observed defects.The spacing of 0.5091nm corresponds to the (110)planes of La 2Ti 2O 7.Interestingly,although the planar dimension is more than 1μm,the plate is transparent under the electron beam,indicating that the plate is very thin.It can be estimated from the SEM image that the thickness is about 5–10nm.The formation of a thin nanosheet may be decided by the structure of La 2Ti 2O 7and the solution environment for crystal growth.In the structure of La 2Ti 2O 7with a monoclinic cell [11],the spacing of layers results in a feeble binding power and it is favourable to grow in a layered structure.In the hydrothermal condition,the ions can freely assemble according to the relative specific surface energies associated with the facets of this crystal [12].However,in the solid-state reaction,the obvious diffusion of ions occurred only at high temperature.At the same time,the rapid growth of particle size at high temperature made it difficult to form nanoparticles.To the best of our knowledge,there have been no reports on the La 2Ti 2O 7nanosheets to date.The specific surface area of the La 2Ti 2O 7sample synthesized by the hydrothermal method was approximately 69.8m 2g −1.However,that of the La 2Ti 2O 7sample synthesized by the solid-state method at 1050◦C was approximately 1.2m 2g −1,which was consistent with that of [13].This indicates that the hydrothermal method significantly enlarges the specific surface area of thesample.Figure 3.SEM and TEM images of the La 2Ti 2O 7prepared at 200◦C by using the hydrothermal method:(a)SEM;(b)TEM (SAEDinserted);and (c)HRTEM images of the selected area marked by the square in figure 2(b).The higher specific surface area would affect the photocatalytic efficiency.In figure 4,the steep shape of the spectra indicated that the visible light absorption was not due to the transition from the impurity level but was due to the band-gap transition [14].Compared to the SSR sample,the absorption of La 2Ti 2O 7nanosheets appeared to red-shift obviously.The band gap of the nanosheets was estimated to be 2.92eV from the onset of the absorption edge,which was smaller than the SSR sample (3.31eV).This can be attributed to the nanosize effect.As is well known,the red-shift phenomenon mainly resulted from the surface effect which occurs widely in the absorption of nanoparticle size.In figure 5,curve (a)shows the decolourization curve of absolute methyl orange solution without any La 2Ti 2O 7sample irradiated under ultraviolet light for 50min,while other curves denote methyl orange solution with a 2g l −1La 2Ti 2O 7sample irradiated for different times (b:10min,c:20min,d:30min,e:40min,f:50min).Seen from the figure,the solutions with the La 2Ti 2O 7sample decoloured gradually4865K Li etalFigure4.The UV–vis spectra of La2Ti2O7sample synthesized(a:by the hydrothermal method at200◦C;b:by the solid-state method at 1050◦C).Figure5.Decolourization curves of methyl orange solutions irritated under ultraviolet light(a)without La2Ti2O7for50min,(b)withLa2Ti2O7for10min,(c)with La2Ti2O7for20min,(d)withLa2Ti2O7for30min,(e)with La2Ti2O7for40min,and(f)withLa2Ti2O7for50min.and were almost decoloured totally when the irradiation time was up to50min.Obviously,the La2Ti2O7sample played the role of a photocatalyst.We have compared the XRD patterns of the La2Ti2O7sample before and after photocatalytic measurements.It confirmed that the photocatalytic reaction did not change the crystal structure of the catalyst.So the catalysts can be recycled and used again.As can be seen fromfigure6,the solutions decoloured gradually with prolonged irradiation.After50min,the decolourization degree of methyl orange solution with La2Ti2O7sample synthesized by the hydrothermal method reached98%,while it is still lower than that with TiO2,whose rate is up to nearly100%.In spite of this,the La2Ti2O7 sample synthesized by the hydrothermal method mayfind potential application due to its chemical and structural stability in solution[15].Comparatively,the photocatalytic abilities of the La2Ti2O7sample synthesized by the solid-state methodare Figure6.The degree of decolourization of methyl orange solution with the role of La2Ti2O7samples and Degussa P25(a:hydrothermal;b:SSR;c:P25).Figure7.The rates of H2evolution with the role of La2Ti2O7 samples synthesized by(a)hydrothermal method;(b)solid state method;and(c)P25under ultraviolet light for different times. weaker;its decolourization degree is just20%after50min. This may result from the reduction in the sample specific surface area and the decrease in the active sites on the surface of the samples.Fromfigure7,the rates of H2evolution from water–ethanol solution with P25and hydrothermal La2Ti2O7were about750μmol g−1h−1at160min.However,the rate with the sample synthesized by SSR was only about20μmol g−1h−1. All the samples were not loaded with nickel or other metals. The rate of H2evolution on hydrothermal La2Ti2O7was about 37.5times larger than that of the SSR sample.As was shown by BET measurements,the specific surface areas of the hydrothermal samples is about60times larger than that of the SSR sample.It was noted that the photocatalytic rate is not proportional to the surface area.The reasons for this phenomenon could be explained by the following: the specific surface areas of the powders in this study were determined by nitrogen adsorption and desorption.In this vapour atmosphere during the measurement,the surface of the samples could be adequately exposed and detected.However,4866Hydrothermal synthesis and photocatalytic properties of layered La2Ti2O7nanosheetsin the case of photocatalytic measurement,the samples were dispersed in the solution with magnetic stirring;even so,only the surface that the light irradiated could produce electrons and holes.Due to the agglomeration and stacking of some powders,one could not ensure that the light could irradiate the entire surface of the sample.As a result,parts of surface were‘lost’during the photocatalytic measurements,and the quantity of photocatalytic results is not proportional to the results of surface areas.Similar results have also been reported in the literature[16–18].However,after all,it could be seen that the photocatalytic properties of hydrothermal-synthesized La2Ti2O7samples have been significantly improved compared with the SSR samples.The reason for the high H2evolution with hydrothermal La2Ti2O7may lie in the following two aspects.Firstly,the nanosheet thickness is about5nm,which is equivalent to that of a few layers of TiO6octahedron.Photo-produced electrons and holes will rapidly diffuse to the surface of a nanosheet,which decreases the combination of electrons and holes.Secondly,the larger specific surface area will supply more chance for contact between photo-produced carriers and water or organics.4.ConclusionsIn summary,layered La2Ti2O7nanosheets have been prepared through the one-step hydrothermal method at200◦C for 24h when the NaOH concentration equals1M.The XRD and the SAED patterns confirm that the products are well-crystallized single crystals.The TEM images show samples with a nanosheet shape whose width is about150nm and length is near to300nm.The specific surface area of the La2Ti2O7sample synthesized by the hydrothermal method was approximately69.8m2g−1,which was about60times that of the La2Ti2O7sample synthesized by the solid-state method.Photocatalytic measurements through the photo-decolourization of methyl orange show that the La2Ti2O7 nanosheets possess superior photocatalytic properties in water purification and mayfind potential application in relatedfields. The rate of H2evolution on the hydrothermal La2Ti2O7 without loading of nickel was about750μmol g−1h−1from water–ethanol solution,which was remarkably improved compared with that of the SSR sample.The high H2evolution rate may result from the unique nanosheet structure and higher specific surface area.A change of material synthesis method may be an effective route to improve the material properties. AcknowledgmentThe authors are grateful to the Project of New Star of Science and Technology of Beijing forfinancial support. 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