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The Analysis of the Cultural Differences in Chinese and Western Face Theory

【关键词】礼貌; 面子; 文化差异; 交际;

【英文关键词】Politeness; Face; Cultural differences; Communication


【英文摘要】As a social phenomenon,politeness is universal.In different Chinese and western cultural contexts,the ways of face perception and expression are also different and the root causes behind the cross-cultural divergences lie in many aspects,especially in culture.


An Exploration of Face in Chinese and Western Cultures

面子理论; 积极面子; 消极面子; 言语行为;

【英文关键词】Face Theory; positive face; negative face; speech acts;


【英文摘要】Brown & Levinson s Face Theory,as an influential theory in expounding the phenomenon of politeness,is founded on the basis of Western cultures.Therefore,its intercultural universality has been questioned by many scholars at home and abroad.The conception of “face” has different cultural features in Chinese and Western cultures.The exploration of these features embedded in speech acts of different cultural backgrounds helps to clear away the communicative obstacles in people s communication and facilitates t...


[1] 黄永红. 对言语行为“道歉”的跨文化研究[J]. 解放军外国语学院学报, 2001,(05) .

[1] Blum-kulka,Olshtain. Requests and Apolo-gies:A Cross-cultural Study of Speech-act Realization Patterns(CSARP) .Applied Linguistics, 1984, 5 :196~213 .

[2] Brown,R,A.Gilman. The pronouns of power and solidarity .Giglioli,P.(ed.). Language and Social con-text. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972, .

[3] Brown,P,&S.Levinson. Politeness:Some Univer-sals in Language Usage .Cambridge University Press, 1987, .

[4] Hall,E.T. Beyond Culture .New York: Doubleday&Company, 1976, .

[5] Mao,L.M.R. Beyond politeness theory:“…Face‟revisited and renewed” .Journal ofPragmatics. 1994, V21 .

[6] Scollon,R.,&S.W.Scollon. Intercultural Commu-nication .Blackwell, 1995, .

[7] Trosberg,A. Apology Strategies in Natives/non-natives .Journal ofPragmatics. 1987, 11 :147~167 .


Analysis of differences between Chinese "Mian Zi" and western "Face theory"

【关键词】面子论; 面子; 中西方文化; 个人主义; 集体主义;

【英文关键词】face theory; face; Chinese and western cultures; individualism; collectivism;

【摘要】继Grice的合作原则之后,Brown和Levinson提出了"面子理论"(Face Management View),它是用于论述和解释礼貌现象的一个颇具影响力的理论。作为礼貌理论之一的面子论在中西方情境中存在着许多差异。探究其差异之成因,涉及到历史文化等多方面。

【英文摘要】Following Grice s Cooperative Principle,Brown and Levison put forward the Face Management View.It is the influential theory used to deeply illustrate the politeness phenomenon.Due to the differences between Chinese and western cultures,"Mian Zi" and "Face" have respective implicatures.Therefore,we have to consider the historical and cultural factors in order to research into the reasons of their implicatures.


[1] 萧丽艳. “面子”在中国“礼”文化和西方文化中的对比[J]. 井冈山师范学院学报, 2004,(01) .

[2] 周桔. 中西方面子观差异及成因初探[J]. 江苏广播电视大学学报, 2003,(04) .

[1] Ron Scollon,Suzanne Wong Scollon. Intercultural Communi-cation:A Discourse Approach[M] .Foreign Language Teach-ing and Research Press, 2004, (2) .

[2] Brown,G,Levinson,S. Some universals of language usage:politeness phenomena[M] .Combridge University Press, 1978, .


“Face” in Chinese and Western Culture

【关键词】面子论; 正面面子; 负面面子;

【英文关键词】the face theory; positive face; negative face;


【英文摘要】"Face"is the public self-image every member of a society wants to gain for himself. There are differences in the concept of "face" between Chinese and Western cultures which lead to the different choices of politeness strategies.

