


• 我们经常说科学家是站在巨人的肩膀上,这个意思是,每一代科学家都是在前人工作的基础上进行改 进和创新,没有哪个科学家是无视当前科学进展,闭门造车发明惊世理论。科学家要跟同行经常交流, 了解已经取得的科学成果、科学前沿的新发现和存在的问题。
• 笔者多年前在一家汽车企业工作,经常就能收到民间科学家的邮件和电话,有的异 常兴奋声称自己有重大发现,印象比较深的是有次收到一位民间科学家的邮件,内 容涉及一种汽车,不需要外界能量,只要依靠汽车在路上颠簸和摩擦的能量发电, 将这些能量储存起来就可以永久行走,后来那个民间科学家还打电话过来让我通知 总裁直接去见他,否则耽误了他的重大成果要负责,我本想直接挂电话,但想到他 写了好几千字有点不忍心,就问了他一句“你知道什么叫能量守恒定律吗”,他总 是答非所问,完全沉浸自己的理论中不能自拔,根本无法沟通。
1.3 summary and evaluation of information
• A dissertation involves both summarizing and evaluating other people’s studies in the field
Suppose this represent all the knowledge mankind has gained
A master’s degree means you have expertise in r field
As a PhD, you focus on it and reach the boundary
And you surpass it.
Your PhD
Basically, your dissertation is a simplified version of a PhD thesis.









对于较长的论文的标题页,顺序依次是标题、姓名、日期,都需要居中,有的还需写上某一门课程的导师的职称、课程的编号等;打印时,如无特殊要求,每一行均需double space,即隔行打印,行距约为0.6cm。










在文末的参考文献中,姓前名后,并且用逗号隔开,两个作家合著的则用and 连接;三个或三个以上的,前面的用逗号隔,最后一个用and连。




7 Dissertation-Writing-09-7-Abstract

7 Dissertation-Writing-09-7-Abstract

1 Introduction

An essay may be based on what is termed as common knowledge or the personal experiences of a student, but a research paper should draw upon a number of other primary and secondary sources of information to complete the project. Writing a research paper is a complex and demanding task. It requires a lot of planning and preparation before the final copy is produced. A research paper can be written on any topic/subject under the sun. The level of required research for a paper depends on how advanced a coursessue here is the time for the writing of the Abstract. Usually it is written after the study/research is completed but this is not always the case as, for example, people send abstracts of unfinished papers to conferences they would like to participate in. Such abstracts are not totally different from those written for finished papers; they may include less information in some parts like in the Results and Implications sections.



英文Assignment和Dissertation的写作细节(珍藏版)Dissertation一、Dissertation大体结构1.首先是Cover Page,即封面,包括论文的题目,作者姓名,所在学院,学校和上交时间等信息。






5.List of Figures,也就是所有图片的一个目录,包括所有在论文中出现的图片标题,不要把图片也贴上,只要标题。

比如:1.1 XXXX标题名称2.1 XXXX标题名称6.List of T ables,和上面类似,就是表格的目录。






9.Background 或者Literature Review,题目只要涉及这些方面即可,一般是这两个。



10.Proposed Method也就是主体部分,题目自定或者问问导师,但是内容是你的研究成果的描述。

11.Analytical and T est Results,分析和测试结果,题目自定,内容主要就是测试结果。




论文的写作方法_怎么写Dissertation出国后毕业论文的写作方法怎么写Dissertation?(英文Dissertation的写作方法)Dissertation, 写作一、Dissertation大体结构1.首先是Cover Page,即封面,包括论文的题目,作者姓名,所在学院,学校和上交时间等信息。



4.Content,目录,这个要两端对齐,整体格式一致,用provement 有多少。






三、Dissertation写作步骤为协助各位广大留学生朋友顺利拿到学位证书,特在此举例简单说明Dissertation写作步骤,供大家参考:1.Cover Page 到Tables 这几部分,请参考上文“Dissertation大体结构”,在此不重述。

2.Abstract: 就是你整篇文章的概要,一般来说100--200字为宜。


4.Literature Revieent;另外,论文中不要出现大量的空白,比如一页的下半部分有个很大的图,空间不够就放到下一页,这时候,就要把后面的文字补到前面来填充。















毕业论文要点 Key Points to Solid Dissertation 英语作文写作技巧

毕业论文要点 Key Points to Solid Dissertation 英语作文写作技巧

毕业论文要点Key Points to SolidDissertationWriting a dissertation has always been an uphill task for the students. Although, Ph.D. and master program students are experienced enough to deal with the complexity level of dissertation writing, they might also have some problem in churning it out due to various reasons.Tips for a perfect dissertationExtensive research will help you to write a solid dissertationOne thing that is a must for best assignment writing is research. You must have noticed that a person need to do some prework before doing some task. You can take a look at some sports person’s life, a sports person trains hard before entering the field. A writer reads a lot before writing his or her own writing piece. So, everyone does some prework before performing his or her job as it is a way to make sure that the task will be completed in the right way. That’s why it’s you must not get lazy in doing research for your dissertation as soon as you come to know about your assignment topic. You should do thorough research on your assignment topic using the internet and library books. With that, you should also not hesitate in discussing your dissertation problems with your professor and other subject related experts. To get premium quality material on your topic take help from thewebsites such as Jstor, Coursera, Khan academy.Dissertation writing requires apt use of writing skillsIn the process of dissertation writing, you have to express your views on a particular topic. You have to thoroughly define a topic that you have learned during your academic year or semester. However, you are expected to show superb writing skills in this process because no one would be interested to going through your dissertation if you write it too simple in language. Thus, you should make sure to write your assignment in such language that is simple and understandable but not short of strong vocabulary. In addition, you should also give clear headings and sub-headings to yourdissertation. This way your readers will find it easy to read your assignment and you may get higher grades to satisfy your academic needs.To write a perfect dissertation use various draftsTo write a solid dissertation, always remember that you may have to make a number of drafts before finalizing the final draft. Dissertation writing work is of great magnitude, therefore, you might have to put extra effort on every step. If you have created a draft, don’t consider it as the first and the last. You may have to edit your draft several times. Sometimes, you have to recreate a draft if the previous one is not up to the mark. Students often give up very easily when it comes to editing. However, they can take dissertation editing services in order to get their draft edited by professional proofreaders.The introduction of a dissertation is the last thing to produceSounds unusual? But you have to write your introduction once you are done with the dissertation. An introduction is the first thing that your supervisor or examination committee will read. However, if you write it in the end, you will have a clear idea of what points and arguments you have mentioned in the dissertation. Moreover, an introduction carries a thesis statement, as well as a brief summary of the dissertation. Therefore, in order to write a solid dissertation, be ready to make your introduction in the end.Keep dissertation formatting correctEvery university has a set standard when it comes to the formatting of the assignments. As dissertation is one of the most important and scoring assignments of all the assignments, you need to be very particular about the formatting guidelines issued by the university. Your dissertation should follow it from start to end.To write a solid dissertation keep yourself open to feedbacksOnce you are done writing the dissertation draft, you need to go and show it to your supervisor. He/she will assist you with further changes in your dissertation. Be ready to take feedback in a positive manner. Your supervisor may ask you to make a number of changes in the dissertation. Most of the students don’t take feedback seriously or avoid to work on the changes. Thiscould lead to losing some crucial marks. Therefore, you should always listen to your supervisor while working on the dissertation.Keep your dissertation plagiarism-freeA dissertation is a research paper that belongs completely to the author. Therefore, it is the sole responsibility of the author to keep it unique and away from copied content.。

读后续写 Stinky Street课件详解高考英语作文新题型31页PPT

读后续写 Stinky Street课件详解高考英语作文新题型31页PPT
5、虽然权力是一头固执的熊,可是金 子可以 拉着它 的鼻子 走。— —莎士 比
▪26、要使整个人生Fra bibliotek过得舒适、愉快,这是不可能的,因为人类必须具备一种能应付逆境的态度。——卢梭

读后续写 Stinky Street课件详解高考英 语作文新题型
1、合法而稳定的权力在使用得当时很 少遇到 抵抗。 ——塞 ·约翰 逊 2、权力会使人渐渐失去温厚善良的美 德。— —伯克
3、最大限度地行使权力总是令人反感 ;权力 不易确 定之处 始终存 在着危 险。— —塞·约翰逊 4、权力会奴化一切。——塔西佗













一般来说,一篇完整的学术论文是由以下几部分构成:Title(标题)、Abstract(摘要)、Keywords(关键词)、Table of contents(目录)、Nomenclature(术语表)、Introduction(引言)、Method(方法)、Results(结果)、Discussion(讨论)、Conclusion(结论)、Acknowledgement(致谢)、Reference(参考文献)、Appendix(附录)。








dissertation writing 论文写作

dissertation writing 论文写作
-- Collins COBUILD Dictionary 2006

Research is a serious study of a subject, in order to discover new facts or test new ideas
-- Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Chapter 1 Linguistics-A Pilot Science 1.1 Why Study Linguistics? 1.2 What Is Language? 1.3 Origin of Language 1.4 Design Features of Language 1.5 Animal Communication Systems, Gesture and Other Language Forms 1.6 Perspectives of Language Studies 1.7 Functions of Language 1.8 Important Distinctions in Linguistics 1.9 Data of Linguistics 1.10 Status and Prospect of Linguistics References Chapter 2 Phonetics …… Chapter 3 Phonology Chapter 4 Morphology Chapter 5 Generative Syntax Chapter 6 Functional Syntax Chapter 7 Semantics Chapter 8 Linguistic Comparison Chapter 9 Language, Culture, and Society Chapter 10 Psycholinguistics Chapter 11 Pragmatics Chapter 12 Stylistics Chapter 13 Computational Linguistics Chapter 14 Second Language Acquisition Chapter 15 Linguistics and Second Language Teaching Chapter 16 Modern Theories and Schools of Linguistics Index







对于较长的论文的标题页,顺序依次是标题、姓名、日期,都需要居中,有的还需写上某一门课程的导师的职称、课程的编号等;打印时,如无特殊要求,每一行均需double space,即隔行打印,行距约为0.6cm。














Thesis and dissertation 说明书

Thesis and dissertation 说明书

Theses and dissertations 1THESES AND DISSERTATIONS Comprehensive examinationsComprehensive examination requirements and administration of the thesis/dissertation process vary by program and academic school. Graduate students should refer to the guidelines established by their programs regarding specific program requirements. In addition, graduate students should refer to the thesis and dissertation manual found on the Graduate School website (/student/ thesis.html) for guidelines regarding the preparation and submission of theses and dissertations and for scheduling the final defense. Master’s degree candidates may have a thesis requirement — or its equivalent in the form of a research project, performance, exhibit or other production. In some programs, master’s degree candidates may elect a non-thesis option. In such cases, the program may allow a candidate to change from the thesis to the non-thesis option, or vice versa, once. Such action requires written approval of the department head and the faculty adviser and/or the student’s advisory committee.All doctoral candidates are required to prepare dissertations and the associated additional submission requirements as articulated in the thesis and dissertation manual.At the time of defense, a thesis or dissertation must be approved by members of a student’s advisory committee with no more than one negative vote. A committee member’s approval is given by signing the ETD approval form (/student/thesis.html). A disapproving committee member must also sign the approval form as a dissenting member and must provide a written dissenting opinion to be sent to the Graduate School.Revised 5/8/2012University Graduate CouncilElectronic theses/dissertations – mandatory Electronic theses and dissertations are digital representations of the traditional work completed by graduate students in partial fulfillmentof requirements for graduate degrees. An ETD can be a simple textual document converted to a standard electronic format such as Adobe PDF or a complex combination of images and formats.The VCU Graduate School thesis and dissertation website, as developed by the University Graduate Council and VCU Libraries, serves as a guide for the preparation of electronic graduate theses and dissertations for graduate students in all programs within the university. Information and a video tutorial are available on the VCU Libraries Research Guides website (/etd/).Thesis/dissertation submission deadlinesAll requirements for theses/dissertations must be completedby the deadline published in the Academic Calendar (http:// /) of the semester in which the candidate plans to graduate, including:•Final defense of thesis/dissertation•ETD approval form with all approval signatures, including thegraduate dean’s and, if applicable, documentation of IRB or IACUCapproval number•Submission of the ETD to the VCU Scholar’s Compass accordingto instructions in the VCU Graduate School thesis and dissertationmanual (/student/thesis.html) (Candidate should confirm with adviser/program director all internal schedules for submission of copy, defense and approval.)•Survey of Earned Doctorates (https:///login.aspx) (All doctoral students must complete the SED.) Refer to the GraduateSchool thesis and dissertation manual (/student/thesis.html) for further information.Revised 5/11/2010; 5/10/2011; 12/12/2017University Graduate CouncilGrades of satisfactory (S), unsatisfactory (U) or fail (F) in thesis and dissertation coursesAll thesis and dissertation credits are to be graded each semester as satisfactory (S), unsatisfactory (U) or fail (F). There is no limit to the number of these credits a student may take while pursuing completion of the degree. Receipt of the grade of U is formal notification to the student of unsatisfactory progress. A grade of U is a permanent grade and associated credits do not count toward a degree. Future satisfactory performance following a grade of U is reflected in the assignment of the grade of S in subsequent semesters. A grade of S or U is not included in the calculation of the GPA. A student who receives a final grade of F in the thesis or dissertation will be dismissed from the graduate program. A student who receives three Us in a thesis/dissertation course will be dismissed from the program.Revised 5/10/2016University Graduate Council。



最近很多同学都开始着手Dissertation了,但是Dissertation写起来真的好麻烦啊,Dissertation 里面最难的一部分就数Methodology了,很多同学都不知道Methodology怎么写,本文小编为大家带来Methodology写作详解。

首先小编来帮大家把Dissertation的基本结构框架捋顺一下:1.Title Page2.Table of Contents3.Chapter I-Introduction(about 2000 words)4.Chapter II-Background(about 4000 words)5.Chapter III-Methodology(about 3000 words)6.Chapter IV-Results(about 3200 words)7.Chapter V-Conclusions and Recommendations8.References9.Appendix前面的Introduction和Background比较好写,大家也可以自己搞定,但每当进行到Methodology环节,同学们就开始麻爪完全无从下手,而这个部分又相当重要。
















02.Literature Review关于文献综述呢,很多人可能都很迷茫,关于这里小编总结出一个框架.introduction+body+conclusion在body的部分,结构是:一个topic sentence第二步:介绍大背景第三步:总结相关的重要文献,总结一下研究的总体趋势.第四步:根据研究的结果找一些相反的观点第五步,critical thinking评价一下,目前这个研究体系不足处在哪里。




04.Results and Data Analysis就是根据chapter2提出的hypothesis和收集的数据和自个提出的逐个进行论证。


• • Difficult and important, so spend time on it The risks if the research question is not well defined: – you’ll collect data that will not be used – you’ll not collect data that would be useful A good research question limits the scope of the dissertation A good research question structures the dissertation: – defines a relevant literature review – develops a good hypothesis – defines the data needs It helps the reader – you tell them what questions you are going to answer, which makes it more interesting
• A Masters dissertation may be a 6 to 12 month study, primarily an essay/study with some new work. Could include an analysis of case studies and some design analysis with some new work/critical interpretation, 50-100 pages
• Weak on: – Research questions and hypotheses too vague – Too ambitious, trying to cover too much

论文写作过程精讲 Dissertation -Concise Process

论文写作过程精讲 Dissertation -Concise Process

Organizing the Committee

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Timing of the Committee Selection Process Choosing the Chair
Availability. Reputation for responding promptly and constructively. Interest in your research topic. Interpersonal compatibility. Research skills. Complementarity.
project 專案 ; plan 計畫 ; proposal 提案書 ; prospectus 說明書
Evaluate the Literatures
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Check the author. Check the title. Check the date. Note the source. (importance) Check the document type. Read the abstract.
The Proposal: Chapter 1
Introduction to the chapter The background of the study The problem statement The professional significance of the study
Length of a Proposal
Chapter 1. Introduction to the study 2. Review of the literature 3. Methodology Appendix: Proposed timeline Total Comprehensive Working proposal length proposal length 20 40 15 1 76 5 5 15 1 26


UNIT 1 What is a Dissertation?

Function require the approval of a group of readers and an oral defense the approval of the procedures and conclusions before readers and other faculties of a department community, relevant to the entire academic years of a student’s university life
opportunity to recall and practice what you have learned over the years’ work the authorities to examine your abilities and skills in relevant fields and subject areas: Like what?


Structure conventional-fixed Length lengthy Style formal
Structure Simpler Length shorter Style informal
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Project TitleAuthor NameSeptember 201xDissertation submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of Master of Science in xxx (insert your degree title)Department of Computing Science and MathematicsUniversity of StirlingAbstractSummary of the dissertation within one page. Unnumbered chapter headings, as above, are entered using the Unnumbered 1 paragraph style. The Unnumbered 1 style automatically starts a new page.This template starts the page numbering at the foot of this page. While you are printing drafts, you might find it useful to add the printing date and time into the footer – to help you, and your supervisor, tell which version is most current.Note: You are required to submit one extra copy of your title page and Abstract.It is suggested that the abstract be structured as follows:∙Problem: What you tackled, and why this needed a solution∙Objectives: What you set out to achieve, and how this addressed the problem∙Methodology: How you went about solving the problem∙Achievements: What you managed to achieve, and how far it meets your objectives.AttestationI understand the nature of plagiarism, and I am aware of the University‟s policy on thi sI certify that this dissertation reports original work by me during my University project except for the following (adjust according to the circumstances):∙The technology review in Section 2.5 was largely taken from [17].∙The code discussed in Section 3.5 was written by my supervisor.∙The code discussed in Section 4.2 was developed by me during a vacation placement with the collaborating company. In addition, this used ideas I had already developed in my own time.Signature(you must sign and date this page)DateAcknowledgementsAcknowledge anyone who has helped you in your work such as your supervisor, technical support staff, fellow students or external organisations. Acknowledge the source of any work that is not your own.Table of ContentsThe table of contents below is automatically generated from the paragraphs of style Heading N and Unnumbered N. To update this after revisions, right-click in the table and choose Update Field for the entire table.Abstract (i)Attestation ............................................................................................................................. i i Acknowledgements .............................................................................................................. i ii Table of Contents ................................................................................................................. i v List of Figures .. (v)1Introduction (6)1.1Background and Context (6)1.2Scope and Objectives (6)1.3Achievements (6)1.4Overview of Dissertation (6)2State-of-The-Art (7)3Technical Chapters (8)3.1First Section (8)3.1.1First Subsection (8) Subsubsection (8)3.1.2Second Subsection (8)3.2Second Section (9)4Conclusion (10)4.1Summary (10)4.2Evaluation (10)4.3Future Work (10)References (11)Appendix 1 (12)Appendix 2 – User guide (13)Appendix 3 – Installation guide (14)List of FiguresSimilarly you can automatically generate a list of figures from paragraphs of style Figure. To update this after revisions, right-click in the table and choose Update Field for the entire table.Figure 1.Highly Technical Diagram (9)1IntroductionChapters are entered using the Heading 1 paragraph style. The Heading 1 style automatically moves to the start of a new page, and supplies the next chapter number. The new paragraph when you press Return after a heading automatically uses the Body First paragraph style (like this one, with no indent on the first line).However most text uses the Body Text paragraph style (like this one, with 11 point Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing, single-sided pages). Enter most text using the Body Text paragraph style. The new paragraph when you press Return after a Body First paragraph automatically uses the Body Text paragraph style.In general, use the default spacing that headings and paragraphs give you. Avoid using new-lines or spaces to format text. If you need to use quotes, preferably use single curly quotes ……‟. If you wish to emphasise something, usually use italic font.Remember to Save frequently while you are working!1.1Background and ContextGive the background to your project and context of what you have done. Sections are entered using the Heading 2 paragraph style – th e Heading 2 style automatically supplies the next section number.1.2Scope and ObjectivesDefine the scope and objectives of your project.1.3AchievementsSummarise what you have achieved.1.4Overview of DissertationBriefly overview the contents of what follows in the dissertation.2State-of-The-ArtSummarise current knowledge and what others have done in the various topics of your dissertation – in the application area and in the various technologies that you might have used or did use. Write for someone familiar with computing, but not necessarily expert in the particular topics of your project. Give references to other work by using cross-references to entries in the References section, like this [2].3Technical Chapters (change this to somethingappropriate)Note: This part of the dissertation will normally be expanded to be a series of chapters.The technical body of the dissertation consists of a number of chapters (just one here, but there will usually be more). Follow a logical structure in how you present your work. This will usually be the phases of the software development cycle, the modules of your system, etc. However, please do not write your dissertation to read like a diary.Include a chapter demonstrating what you have achieved and how your system is used in practice – for example showing a typical session as a series of pasted in screen shots, with an accompanying commentary.You should also include a chapter explaining how you obtained feedback from your “customer” or potential users of your system, what feedback you actually obtained, and your analysis and comments.3.1First SectionSubdivide your text into sections.3.1.1First SubsectionIf necessary, also use subsections. Subsections are entered using the Heading 3 paragraph style (all these heading styles are self-numbering). SubsubsectionIf you really need subsubsections, enter these using the Heading 4 paragraph style.3.1.2Second SubsectionAnd, as required, more subsections.3.2Second SectionAs an example of a figure, consider Figure 1. Captions are entered using the Figure paragraph style. The figure below is placed in a Body Centre paragraph, which is set up in this document to have an automatic Figure paragraph following it. Figure has automatic figure numbering, and it is possible to make cross-references to figures. Move large figures to the top of the next page, past any other text, rather than having a big gap in the text.Figure 1.Highly Technical Diagram4Conclusion4.1SummarySummarise what you have achieved.4.2EvaluationStand back and evaluate what you have achieved and how well you have met the objectives. Evaluate your achievements against your objectives in section 1.2. Demonstrate that you have tackled the project in a professional manner.(The previous paragraph demonstrates the use of automatic cross-references: The “1.2” is a Cross-reference to the text in a numbered item of the document, it is not literal text but a field. The number that appears here will change automatically if the number on the referred-to section is altered, for example if a chapter or section is added or deleted before it.Cross-references are entered using Word's Insert menu. Cross-references are set to update automatically when printed, but may not do so on-screen beforehand; you can update a field manually on-screen by right-clicking on it and selecting Update field from the pop-up menu.)4.3Future WorkExplain any limitations in your results and how things might be improved. Discuss how your work might be developed further. Reflect on your results in isolation and in relation to what others have achieved in the same field. This self-analysis is particularly important. You should give a critical evaluation of what went well, and what might be improved.ReferencesUse the Reference paragraph style to enter and cross-reference document references. Books [1], standards [2], reports [3], journal articles [4], conference papers [5], and web pages [6] are conventionally presented in slightly different ways.[1]Greene, D. and Williams, P. C. Linear Accelerators for Radiation Therapy, SecondEdition. IOP Publishing Ltd., Bristol and Philadelphia, 1997.[2]ISO. Language Of Temporal Ordering Specification, ISO 8807, InternationalOrganization for Standardization, Geneva, 1989.[3]Jacobson, J. and Andersen, O., editors. Software Controlled Medical Devices. SP Report1997:11, Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Sweden, 1997.[4]Turner, K. J. The Rules for Sailing Races on PDAs, J. Navigation, 23(5):114-240, May2002.[5]Ji, H. and Turner, K. J. Specification and Verification of Synchronous Hardware usingL OTOS. In Wu, J. Chanson, S. T. Gao, Q. editors, Proc. Formal Methods for Protocol Engineering and Distributed Systems (FORTE XII/PSTV XIX), pages 295-312, Kluwer Academic Publishers, London, UK, October 1999.[6]University of Stirling. Computing Science and Mathematics Research Home Page,/research, April 2002.Appendix 1You may have one or more appendices containing detail, bulky or reference material that is relevant though supplementary to the main text: perhaps additional specifications, tables or diagrams that would distract the reader if placed in the main part of the dissertation. Make sure that you place appropriate cross-references in the main text to direct the reader to the relevant appendices.Note that you should not include your program listings as an appendix or appendices. You should submit one copy of such bulky text as a separate item, perhaps on a disk.Appendix 2 – User guideIf you produced software that is intended for others to use, or that others may wish to extend/improve, then a user guide and an installation guide appendices are essential.Appendix 3 – Installation guideIf you produced software that is intended for others to use, or that others may wish to extend/improve, then a user guide and an installation guide appendices are essential.。
