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Lisa Donath was afraid to be late for work. She ran to the subway station in Manhattan's Washington Height neighborhood. Lisa donated(献血) blood the night before, so she felt 1 when she reached the platform(站台).

Not far away, Feneque heard someone 2 , "Oh, my God! She fall in!" He 3 down to the tracks(铁轨) at once and ran towards to the body. By the time he got to Lisa,

he could see the 4 coming. At that moment, Feneque though, "I'm going to get her out,

and then I'm going to get myself out as 5 as possible. I'm not going to let myself

get 6


Feneque was strong, but it was 7 to lift her. He tried to lift her to the platform

so that

8 people could hold her arms and pull her away. But as the train came close, Feneque didn't 9 . He has to use all the strength he left to lift himself onto the platform.

He did so only seconds 10 the train ran quickly past him and came to a stop. Why did

he help? "All I know is I was there, and I would do it again," he said.

1. A. happy B. relaxed C. tired D. lonely

2. A. folding B. shouting C. guessing D. causing

3. A. threw B. turned C. jumped D. sat

4. A. train B. bus C. plane D. truck

5. A. many B. soon C. much D. quiet

6. A. killed B. kill C. caught D. catch

7. A. easy B. difficult C. necessary D. possible

8. A. another B. others C. the other D. the others

9. A. fail B. finish C. return D. lie

10. A. as B. until C. after D. before





11. Which of the following things can be collected to burn?

A. Dinner food.

B. Fish cans.

C. Plastic plates.

D. Milk bottles.

12. How can people deal with the rubbish?

A. Burn the rubbish.

B. Recycle the rubbish.

C. Reduce the rubbish.

D. Burn and recycle the rubbish

13. It's October 6th today. You broke a clay cup this morning. When will they collect it?

A. On October 3rd.

B. On October 10th.

C. On October 17th.

D. On October 24th.


"Jill, I just found a five-dollar bill on the table," said Mrs. Johnson. "Is that your


Jill looked up from the book she was reading. "Oops. I emptied my pockets before I left for soccer practice yesterday. I was running late, so I didn't have time to take the money up to my room." Jill placed it in her book and went back to reading.

"Jill, you just put that money in your book. I'm quite sure that you won't be able to find it when you need it. You can lose any of your hard-earned (辛苦挣得的) money. Don't you have a piggybank?"

Jill nodded. "I have one, but the key doesn't work and I can't get the money out. Some of my money is in a jar(罐子) on my desk. Some is in a box on my bed. I might also have some in other books."

Mrs. Johnson smiled at Jill. " It looks like it's time for you to get your own bank account," she said. "Do you want to go to the bank with me?"

Jill jumped up. " Will the account be in my own name?" she asked excitedly.

"Of course," answered her mom. "You might be surprised by how much you have when your money is all in one place. At least you'll know where it all is."

At the bank, Jill and her mother opened a savings account. The banking manager explained how the money in the savings account would earn interest. The longer the money stayed in the account, the more interest it would earn.

Jill was surprised to learn that she could earn money just by keeping her money in a savings account. "I wish I had done this a long time ago." she winked at her mom. "Maybe I'd have already saved enough to buy my bike."

14. Where did Jill put the five-dollar bill?

A. In her pocket.

B. In a piggybank.

C. In a jar.

D. In her book.

15. Why did Mrs. Johnson think Jill should have a bank account?

A. It could encourage Jill to work harder for her new bicycle.

B. Jill put money everywhere and might lose some of it.

C. The money in a savings account could earn interest.

D. Jill spent much more than she earned.

16. What's the meaning of "account"?
