

法律英语口语900句 (7):Law 法律

法律英语口语900句 (7):Law 法律

法律英语口语900句(7):Law 法律Part 7 Law法律1.A later statute takes away the effect of a prior one.2.Arms and laws do not flourish together.3.Consent makes law.4.Custom has the force of law.5.Customs,religions and philosophies tend to form the basis for a nation's laws6.Equity is a correction of common legal rules in their defective parts.7.Except as otherwise provided by law.8.Every law has a loop hole.9.Every law has no atom of strength,as far as no public opinion supports in.10.In civilized life,law floats in a sea of ethics.11.It can hardly be taken to be a guaranteethat every law shall treet every person the same.w can never be enforced unless fear supports it.w does not compel a man to do what he is impossible to perform.w governs man,reason the law.w is a pervasive feature of social life that profoundly affects us.w is an exercise in communication between authority and the public.w is an ordinance of reason for the common good.w is an utterance determined by the common consent of the commonwealth.w is both an instrument of change and a result of changes.w is established for the benefit of man.w is law,just or not.w is mind without reason.w is order,and good law is good order.w is the crystallization of the habit and thought of society.w is the science of what is good and just.w must be stable and it cannot stand still.w that is deficient is better than law that is uncertain.ws are made to prevent the stronger from having the power to do everything.ws are gentle are seldom obeyed;too severe,seldom executed.30.No,crime without law making it so;no penalty without law making it so.31.No one is above the law.32.One with the law is a majority.33.Scarcely any law can be made which is beneficial to all;but if it benefits the majority it is useful.34.Substantial law defined rights,and procedural law establishes the procedures by which rights are protected and enforced.35.The definition of law depends on how we look at its purposes or funcitons.36.The end of law is not abolish or restrain,but to preserve and enlarge freedom.37.The first of all laws is to respect the laws.38.The law cannot make all men equal,but they are all equal before the law.39.The law does not concern itself about family trifles.40.The law holds no man responsible for the act of god.41.The law is the witness and external deposit of our moral life.42.The law never suffers anything contrary to trun.43.The law often allows what honor forbids.44.The law on libel is considered too lenient.。

法律英语口语900句 (7):Law

法律英语口语900句 (7):Law

法律英语口语900句(7):Lawpart 7 law法律1.a later statute takes away the effect of a prior one.2.arms and laws do not flourish together.3.consent makes law.4.custom has the force of law.5.customs,religions and philosophies tend to form the basis for a nation's laws6.equity is a correction of common legal rules in their defective parts.7.except as otherwise provided by law.8.every law has a loop hole.9.every law has no atom of strength,as far as no public opinion supports in.10.in civilized life,law floats in a sea of ethics.11.it can hardly be taken to be a guaranteethat every law shall treet every person the same.w can never be enforced unless fear supports it.w does not compel a man to do what he is impossible to w governs man,reason the law.w is a pervasive feature of social life that profoundly affects us.w is an exercise in communication between authority and the public.w is an ordinance of reason for the common good.w is an utterance determined by the common consent of the commonwealth.w is both an instrument of change and a result of changes.w is established for the benefit of man.w is law,just or not.w is mind without reason.w is order,and good law is good order.w is the crystallization of the habit and thought of society.w is the science of what is good and just.w must be stable and it cannot stand still.w that is deficient is better than law that is ws are made to prevent the stronger from having the power to do everything.ws are gentle are seldom obeyed;too severe,seldom executed.30.no,crime without law making it so;no penalty without law making it so.31.no one is above the law.32.one with the law is a majority.33.scarcely any law can be made which is beneficial toall;but if it benefits the majority it is useful.34.substantial law defined rights,and procedural law establishes the procedures by which rights are protected and enforced.35.the definition of law depends on how we look at its purposes or funcitons.36.the end of law is not abolish or restrain,but to preserve and enlarge freedom.37.the first of all laws is to respect the laws.38.the law cannot make all men equal,but they are all equal before the law.39.the law does not concern itself about family trifles.40.the law holds no man responsible for the act of god.41.the law is the witness and external deposit of our moral life.。



关于法律的英语口语对话一我和犯法的事一点关系都没有AI need order in the court!保持肃静!BI am ready to make my plea.我准备好为自己辩护了。

AWhat do you plead?你要辩护什么?BI plead not guilty.我是无罪的。

AAll the evidence indicates that you are guilty.所有的证据都证明你有罪。

BI realize that, but I am not guilty.我知道,但是我不是。

AIs that right?真的吗?BI had nothing to do with the crime that was committed.我和犯法的事一点关系都没有。

AWho is the guilty party?那是谁干的?BI’ll tell you if you let me go.如果你能放我走,我就告诉你。

AI’d be glad to make a deal with you.可以答应你的要求,如果你告诉我的话。

BI am willing to tell you that information.我愿意告诉你实情。

二我准备好为自己做无罪辩护了AOrder!肃静!BYour Honor, I am ready to make my plea.法官大人,我已经准备好为自己辩护了。

AWhat’s your plea?你有什么需要说的吗?BI am pleading not guilty.我没有犯罪。

ABut all the evidence points to you.但是所有的证据都指向了你。

BI am not the guilty party我不是罪犯。

AWhat are you saying?你在说什么?BI am not the person who committed that crime.我不是干坏事的那个人。



常用的法律英语口语900句摘抄1.常用的法律英语口语900句摘抄篇一1.If prosecutorial misconduct results in a mistrial,a later prose cution may be barred.2.In Great Britain,the Attorney General prosecutes for the Grown i n certain cases.3.In some places,public prosecutors are elected rather than appoin ted.4.Not every violation of law can be prosecuted,and prosecutors have wide discretion in deciding which to prosecute and which to drop.5.Please call your first witness,Mr.Prosecutor.6.The district attorney was appointed to represent the state in cr iminal cases.7.The independent counsel is in charge of the investigation of the political scandal.8.The prosecuting attorney represents the government in instituting and proceeding with criminal actions.9.The prosecutor decided to pursue the case to the end.10.The public prosecutor must prove the defendant's act was the pr oximate cause of the injury.2.常用的法律英语口语900句摘抄篇二1.If the carrier issues a bill of lading for which there are no go ods,the carrier is likely to be liable to the holder.2.In case of quarantine the property may be discharged at the risk and expense of woners into quarantine depot or elsewhere.3.Nothing in this section shall limit the right of the carrier to require the prepayment or guarantee of the charges.4.The adjustment of general average is govemed by the rules agreed by the parties to it.5.The owner or consigner shall pay the freight and average and all other lawful charges accruing on said property.6.The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment of non-delivery of the goods due to force majeure.7.The shipment came wiht fake documentation.8.The shipper shall hold the carriers harmless from any expense th ey may incur.9.The warehouse claims a lien for all lawful charges for storage a nd preservation of the goods.10.Where delivery is made by a common carrier by water the foregoi ng provisions of this Act shall apply3.常用的法律英语口语900句摘抄篇三1.Arranged or mercenary marriage and any other acts of interference with the freedom of marriage are forbidden.2.Custody of the children was awarded to the mother.3.She petitioned for divorce on account of the breakdown of their marriage.4.She was granted a divorce on the grounds of unreasonable behavio r by her husband.5.The adopter may adopt one child only,male or female.6.The court presumes the maintenance payments are being paid on ti me.7.The payments were made according to the maintenance order.8.Their marriage broke down and they separated.9.They went to see a marriage guidance counselor.10.What validates a marriage is the consent of the parties,not the ir cohabitation.4.常用的法律英语口语900句摘抄篇四1.An act that is destructive to the environment may be criminalized by statute.2.Discharge pipes directly take pollutants away from the plant int o the river.3.Environmental impact reports are required under many circumstanc es by federal and state law4.Environmental law heavily intertwined with administrative law.5.Environmental problems directly affect the quality of people's l ives.6.In 1970,a federal agency was created to coordinate governmental action to protect environment.7.Most environmental litigation involves disputes with governmenta l agencies.8.Pollution is legally controlled and enforced through various fed eral and state laws.9.The federal government promulgated the Clean Water Act and the C lean Air Act.10.The law requires a detailed analysis of the potential impact on the environment of a proposed project.5.常用的法律英语口语900句摘抄篇五1.Conciliation is a procedure in which a public organ stands betwe en the parties in order to try to solve a civil dispute by their mutua l consent.2.Even significant controversies may be settled through mediation.3.If a claim is settled on behalf of a child of patient,the agreem ent is not binding until it is approved by the court.4.Litigants of the two parties may reconcile of their own accord.5.Out-of-court settlement is specially appropriate as applied to d isputes that are resolved instituting litigation.6.The bill of mediation becomes legally effective after it has bee n delivered to the litigants and signed by them.7.The parties reached a settlement the day before trial.8.The money paid in such a settlement is often termed nuisance mon ey.9.They are hoping to reach an out-of-court settlement.10.To end the lawsuit,they reached an agreement resolving differen ces by mutual concessions.。





一、常见法律英语词汇1. Law: 法律2. Legal: 合法的3. Act: 法案4. Statute: 法规5. Regulation: 规章6. Code: 法典7. Constitution: 宪法8. Court: 法院9. Judge: 法官10. Attorney: 律师11. Plaintiff: 原告12. Defendant: 被告13. Trial: 审判14. Appeal: 上诉15. Evidence: 证据16. Witness: 证人17. Verdict: 判决18. Sentence: 判决19. Crime: 犯罪20. Guilty: 有罪21. Innocent: 无罪22. Jury: 陪审团23. Bail: 保释24. Arrest: 逮捕25. Sentence: 判决26. Plaintiff: 原告27. Defendant: 被告28. Tort: 侵权行为29. Contract: 合同30. Agreement: 协议二、合同法律英语词汇1. Offer: 出价2. Acceptance: 接受3. Consideration: 酬劳4. Capacity: 能力5. Legality: 合法性6. Breach: 违约7. Termination: 终止8. Damages: 赔偿9. Indemnification: 补偿10. Non-disclosure: 保密11. Force majeure: 不可抗力12. Arbitration: 仲裁13. Governing Law: 管辖法律14. Counteroffer: 还盘15. Execution: 履行三、刑事法律英语词汇1. Murder: 谋杀2. Manslaughter: 杀人未遂3. Robbery: 抢劫4. Burglary: 入室盗窃5. Theft: 盗窃6. Fraud: 欺诈7. Kidnapping: 绑架8. Assault: 袭击9. Battery: 伤害10. Arson: 纵火11. Embezzlement: 挪用公款12. Forgery: 伪造13. Bribery: 贿赂14. Drug trafficking: 贩毒15. Money laundering: 洗钱四、民事法律英语词汇1. Breach of contract: 违约3. Negligence: 过失4. Defamation: 诽谤5. Libel: 诽谤(书面)6. Slander: 诽谤(口头)7. Damages: 赔偿8. Injunction: 禁令9. Unjust enrichment: 不当得利10. Property: 财产11. Title: 所有权12. Lease: 租约13. Lien: 留置权14. Trust: 托管15. Guardianship: 监护五、知识产权法律英语词汇1. Patent: 专利2. Trademark: 商标4. Infringement: 侵权5. Royalty: 版权使用费6. Intellectual Property: 知识产权7. Trade secret: 商业秘密8. Piracy: 盗版六、国际法律英语词汇1. Sovereignty: 主权2. Treaty: 条约3. Diplomacy: 外交4. Sanction: 制裁5. Dispute: 争议6. International Court of Justice: 国际法院7. Human Rights: 人权8. Immigration: 移民9. Visa: 签证10. Extradition: 引渡以上是法律英语词汇的一些常见分类及词汇,希望能够对大家提高阅读能力有所帮助。



法律英语口语:法律1.a later statute takes away the effect of a prior one.2.arms and laws do not flourish together.3.consent makes law.4.custom has the force of law.5.customs,religions and philosophies tend to form the basis for a nation's laws6.equity is a correction of common legal rules in their defective parts.7.except as otherwise provided by law.8.every law has a loop hole.9.every law has no atom of strength,as far as no public opinion supports in.10.in civilized life,law floats in a sea of ethics.11.it can hardly be taken to be a guaranteethat every law shall treet every person the same.w can never be enforced unless fear supports it.w does not compel a man to do what he is impossible to perform.w governs man,reason the law.w is a pervasive feature of social life that profoundly affects us.w is an exercise in communication between authority and the public.w is an ordinance of reason for the common good.w is an utterance determined by the common consent of the commonwealth.w is both an instrument of change and a result of changes.w is established for the benefit of man.w is law,just or not.w is mind without reason.w is order,and good law is good order.w is the crystallization of the habit and thought of society.w is the science of what is good and just.w must be stable and it cannot stand still.w that is deficient is better than law that is uncertain.ws are made to prevent the stronger from having the power to do everything.ws are gentle are seldom obeyed;too severe,seldom executed.30.no,crime without law making it so;no penalty without law making it so.31.no one is above the law.32.one with the law is a majority.33.scarcely any law can be made which is beneficial to all;but if it benefits the majority it is useful.34.substantial law defined rights,and procedural law establishes the procedures by which rights are protected and enforced.35.the definition of law depends on how we look at its purposes or funcitons.36.the end of law is not abolish or restrain,but to preserve and enlarge freedom.37.the first of all laws is to respect the laws.38.the law cannot make all men equal,but they are all equal before the law.39.the law does not concern itself about family trifles.40.the law holds no man responsible for the act of god.41.the law is the witness and external deposit of our moral life.42.the law never suffers anything contrary to trun.43.the law often allows what honor forbids.44.the law on libel is considered too lenient.45.the law protects citizens who are wrongfully deprived of their liberty by another.46.the law was made for man and not man for the law.47.the law will catch up with him in the end.48.the legal source of the privilege varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.49.the more laws,the more offences.50.the new regulations will come into force on january 1st.51.the powers and duties are confered on the tribunal by the statutory code.52.the reason of the law ceasing,the law itself ceases.53.the safety of the people is the supreme law.54.the strictest law sometimes becomes the severest injustice.55.this document is legally binding.56.this law is in abeyance.57.this law has become a dead letter.58.this law will go into effect on the day if its promulgation.59.where law ends,tyranny begins.60.where there are uncertainties,there are no laws.。



1. What are the main difference between civil law system and common law system?There are many differences between civil law system and common law system.First, their original places are different; the civil law system originated in ancient Rome, and the common law system originated in England.Second, the main traditional source of the common law is cases, while the main traditional source of the civil law is legislation.Third, the civil law system pays more attention to substantive law; the common law system pays more attention to procedural rules.Another important difference between them is classification, the civil law is separated into public law and private law, the common law is separated into common law and equity.2. Can you explain the difference between the binding precedent and persuasive precedent?Binding precedent is precedent that a court must follow (it is law). All prior judicial decisions in a specific court's jurisdiction heard at that court's level or higher are considered to be binding precedent.In contrast, persuasive precedent is precedent that a court need not follow (it is not law, but as the name suggests, may be persuasive because it suggests a line of reasoning). All prior judicial decisions outside of that court's jurisdiction or from a lower court are considered to be persuasive only.3 . What might happen if a court follows the precedent mechanically?A court following the precedent mechanically will at times perpetuate legal rules and concepts that are outlived their usefulness. The continuing problem in a legal system that recognizes past decisions as authoritative sources of law for future cases is how to maintain an acceptable accommodation of the competing values of stability in a law, served by adherence to precedent, and responsiveness to social change, which may call for the abandonment of an outworn legal doctrine.4 . Explain the difference between stare decisis and res judicata?The stare decisis is that the final decision, as a precedent or a potential precedent for future case, has its impact on the legal norm of the conduct. And the courts have never regarded as absolutely binding and can overrule even clear precedents when consideration of public policy requires a change in the case law.The res judicata is an authoritative settlement of a particular controversy then before the court, it is addresses a decision’s impact in the individual case .and it have the absolutely binding even when the precedents changes, the particular case will not be reversed. The doctrine of res judicata bars a person from ever suing on the same claim again.5. What’s the function of court of last resort? Why are appeals to court of last resort limited?The function of court of last resort is to review the action of the lower judicial tribunals of the state. The scope of judicial review is relatively narrow. It only reviews the record of the proceedings to determine whether or not the lower court committed error on its procedure or in applying the substantive law to the facts of the case.Appeals to court of last resort are limited. It’s because court of last resort has to give its full attention to novel and socially important controversies. The “screening ort” function refers to make the intermediate appellate court the final tribunal for most cases.6. Can you explain diversity of citizenship? What court have jurisdiction over “diversity of citizenship”? Diversity of citizenship means suits between citizens of different states of the United States.Both federal and sta te courts have the jurisdiction over “diversity of citizenship”. If a plaintiff files the case in a state court of his own district, the defendant can remove it to a federal court of the same district. But if the plaintiff files it in the court of the defe ndant’s district, the defendant can’t remove it.7. How can you get appeals reviewed by the Supreme Court?You must first persuade the Supreme Court that the issues presented by your case are important enough, as issues of general federal law, to justify Supreme Court consideration. A disappointed litigant cannot secure Supreme Court review merely by contending, however persuasively, that the decision handed down against her was wrong. Always reviews by the Supreme Court can be secured only by a “petition for a writ of certiorari”, which the supreme court, in the exercise of the broad discretion conferred upon it by acts of congress, may grant or deny.8. What kind of case can be reviewed by the Supreme Court?The Supreme Court also considers cases on appeal from (or rejected for appeal by) State supreme courts, provided the case is of national importance and involves constitutional or federal law. The justices do not rule on state constitutional issues or state and municipal statutes.The Supreme Court decides to hear a case on three major factors: whether the case was an appeal by the federal court and is in conflict with the decisions of other circuits; the general importance of the case; and whether the lower court's decisions may be wrong in light of the Supreme Court's opinions.9.What does judicial review means? Why it’s very important constitutional principle in us?P47Judicial review is established by Supreme Court in the case of Marbury v. Madison. The power of the court to examine legislation and other acts of Congress and to decide their constitutionality. The doctrine of judicial review also embrace the power of the Court to explain the meaning of various sections of the Constitution as they apply to particular cases brought before the Court.Because a series of Court decisions has affected a change in the way many constitutional clauses are interpreted, without amendment to the actual text of the Constitution. The court system ultimately decides whether or not they are allowable under the Constitution.10.What does checks and balances mean? How do you comment on this principle?P40Checks and balances is an intricate set to checks and balances the Constitution builds into the system of government. By preventing any one of the three branches from acquiring dominance over the others, these structural and procedural safeguards have preserved a fundamental, albeit not always neat, separation of powers.Comments: Although developed over two centuries ago, checks and balances continue to perform this essential function despite the dramatic societal, technological, economic, and political changes in the United States over the past two centuries. The Framers made the conscious decision of choosing constitutional generality over the overly specific civil codes of the European nations. By so doing, they wisely built in a flexibility to accommodate change to that a living instrument of government could be passed down to succeeding generations.11. How do you distinguish between substantive laws from procedural law?Substantive law defines and regulates people's rights, duties, powers and liabilites; the actual rules and principles administered by the court including legislations and common law principles.Procedural laws are body of rules prescribing the manner, form, and order in which matters are dealt with and enforced. Procedure describes the process in which the case should proceed.Substantive law informs society as to what behavior is acceptable or unacceptable, whereas procedural laws direct the state as to the proper methods for apprehension and adjudication.12. Explain the element establishing criminal liabilityThese elements include mens rea,actus reus and causation.Mens rea, the 'fault element' of a crime, attempts to ensure that only those who are morally culpable will be punished by the criminal courts.The actus reus element relates to the “doing” part of the crime. If a person does not have a legal duty to act and in fact does not act, then the person cannot be held legally accountable for the unlawful acts of others. Causation is considered to be the logical coming together of the mens rea and actus reus,resulting in a criminal wrong.13. What kind of legal rights that police must advice the suspect of before any interrogation in us? What’s the signif icant of the case of Miranda Arizona?(1) The interrogator must advise the suspect that:A. he has a right to retain silent; B. anything he says may be used against him; C. he has a right to a lawyer; D. if he cannot afford a lawyer one will be provided free. It became known as the doctrine of Miranda Warnings later.(2)Through the case of Miranda v. Arizona, which became a binding precedent, the Miranda Warnings were established. Then an individual cannot be lawfully arrested unless the police have probable cause to believe a crime has been or is being commited : That is, a paticular substantive law must be violated before the state will begin its investigation.14. Do you agree it’s better to free guilty persons than to convict innocent onesYes, I do agree. There are three reasons.First, an individual’s rights including life, liberty, and property and so on deserve to be protected seriously by government and not to be deprived unlawfully. This is a legal duty of our government.Second, in this way , fairness and justice will be further realized, a citizen may not worry about his/her actions being disturbed in a wantonly(恣意的) manner.Third, this is in line with the principle of persumption of innocence. That is nobady can be finded guilty before the valid adjudication.15.What the function of voir dire? What do challenge for cause and peremptory challenge means? Can you distinguish?Answer:Ⅰ.The function of voir dire is to select a jury. (A random cross-selection of persons in the community in which the trial is to occur is summoned to the courtroom. The prospective jurors take the stand and are presented a variety of questions by the prosecution and defense in an attempt to select a jury acceptable to both sides.)Answer:Ⅱ.The challenge for cause allows for the exclusion of a juror only if the excluding party demonstrates that the individual cannot be impartial or cannot otherwise handle the responsibility of making a rational decision.The peremptory challenge allows either side to have prospective jurors excused without having to specify a particular reason.Answer:Ⅲ.They are both the methods to exclude the jurors, and I can distinguish them. Firstly, as I have mentioned earlier, the definitions of them are different. Secondly, the types of peremptory challenge are typically limited to six in no serious cases and twelve in felony or capital cases. However, there are no limits to the number of challenge for cause that either side may employ.16.What do you think of Anglo-American jury system? What are advantage and disadvantage of it? Answer:Ⅰ.In the Anglo-American law system, there is a jury trial in the trail courts. In the jury system, the jury generally decides questions of fact. For example, the defendant is guilty or not guilty, whether a party was negligent. while a single judge decides questions of law.Answer: Ⅱ. The advantages and disadvantages of the jury system are a matter of perspective because what is an advantage to one side is a disadvantage to the other. The advantages of the jury system are that it is a mechanism for forcing parties to hear what an unbiased jury really thinks of their case. The jury is supposed to be the protector of the individual’s rights. Presumably the jurors are to understand the actions of the accused and judge whether the actions were prudent and acceptable to common values of equals in the same society. If the actions were beyond acceptable response to the circumstance then the accused in guilty and should be punished so that future actions are discouraged and societal standards are maintained.However, there are same disadvantages to the jury system. The jury system exposes one party to an earlier "dry run" of the points of the other side. Many disputants may not wish to prejudice their cases in this manner. Also, some jurors can be nullify or disregard the state’s action against an accused based on their distaste of the state . By the time the jury trial takes place, the parties have engaged in much discovery have already incurred many costs.17.What does charge to jury mean? What does judge do during charge to jury? What do either side do during this?“Charge to the jury” means that the judge gives her instructions to the jury as to the applicable law of the case . In actual practice , few instructions are ever drawn up by the trial judge as a matter of her own literary innitiative . what usually happens is that each side draws up instuctions and submite them to the judge . the judge then looks at the draft instructions submitted by both sides snd decides which ones to give to the jury (she will probably revise the words).Either side in the ligislation may:(i)except, i.e., record objections, to any instruction or part thereof , which he believes is an erroneousstatement of the law; or(ii)Except to the refusal of the judge to give his instruction.18. What’s the difference between a tort and offense? Are there any overlapping causes?AnswerⅠ:(1) The purpose of tort is to compensate an injured party through the award of damages for injuries incurred during a tortious act. An offense is an act or omission prohibited by law that may be prosecuted by the state.(2)The difference is that a tort is a wrong against an individual, whereas a crime is a wrong against society as a whole(3) The second distinction involves the persons who actually prosecute the case. In tort actions the individual against whom the wrong has been committed generally hires an attorney to process the claim. However, a specially designated state prosecutor or federal official directs the proceedings when crimes are involved. (4) Tort restitution relies primarily on monetary compensation, although one who commits a crime may be required to provide some forms of monetary restitution to society or to the victim, additional punishments are also readily available. These include fines, probation, jail sentences, removal from public office, and even execution. Excepting fines these latter remedies are not available in tort law.AnswerⅡ: Some acts or omissions may be both criminal offenses and tortious ones. As a general rule, any time an individual has been intentionally and physically harmed by another, the state may prosecute and punish, and the injured individual may also sue to recover civil damages.19.What elements must be proven for the court to impose liability for negligence?For the court to impose liability for negligence , the fallowing elements , which we will discuss separately , must be proven:(1) that the defendant had a duty of care;(2) that there was a breach of that duty by negligent conduct;(3) that the act or omission caused injury ; and(4) that the act or omission is not subject to the defenses of assumption of the risk or contributory negligence . Although the elements are isolated for discussion , they are interrelated to the extent that it is almost misleading to speak of them separately .20. Compare the difference between doctrine of contributory negligence and comparative negligence? Contributory negligence and comparative negligence are two affirmative defenses that tort law has traditionally afforded.The contributory bars plaintiff from recovery if his or her own acts or omissions construct to the jury. It has the nature of “all-all-nothing”, which led many to question whether such a defense was actually fair. As a result of such discussion, contributory negligence was deleted as defense from the vast majority of statutes and replaced with comparative negligence.Comparative negligence does not automatically preclude the plaintiff’s recovery if the plaintiff is guilty of some degree of negligence .We compare the percentage of the negligence of the plaintiff and the defendant and reduce the plaintiff’s damages by the percentage of fault.21.Please explain the tort of stick liability? Name some example?Strict liability is liability without fault-it is based on the policy of law that under certain circumstances, a plaintiff may be allowed recovery even though there is no fault on the part of the defendant.Historically, strict liability covered situations in which activities-blasting, storing inherently dangerous substances, keeping wild animals-were abnormally dangerous ones .Sellers and manufacturers can be held responsible under strict liability when if the seller or manufacturer exercised all reasonable care in production and sale of the product and even if there is no privity of contract.Jn。




下面是一些常用的法律英语词汇:1. Law - 法律2. Legal - 法律的3. Legislation - 立法4. Statute - 法令5. Act - 法案6. Constitution - 宪法7. Court - 法院8. Judge - 法官9. Jury - 陪审团10. Plaintiff - 原告11. Defendant - 被告12. Attorney - 律师13. Witness - 证人14. Evidence - 证据15. Trial - 审判16. Verdict - 裁决17. Appeal - 上诉18. Jurisdiction - 司法权19. Bail - 保释20. Sentencing - 判决21. Tort - 侵权行为22. Contract - 合同23. Breach - 违约24. Liability - 责任25. Damages - 赔偿金26. Negligence - 疏忽27. Fraud - 欺诈28. Property - 财产29. Estate - 房地产30. Will - 遗嘱31. Trust - 信托32. Patent - 专利33. Copyright - 版权34. Trademark - 商标35. Infringement - 侵权36. Bankruptcy - 破产37. Contractual - 合同的38. Criminal - 刑事的39. Civil - 民事的40. Administrative - 行政的41. Constitutional - 宪法的42. International - 国际的43. Liability - 责任44. Negligence - 疏忽45. Intentional - 故意的46. Due Process - 正当程序47. Jurisprudence - 法学48. Precedent - 先例49. Stare Decisis - 依据先例50. Habeas Corpus - 人身保护权51. Confidentiality - 保密性52. Dispute - 争端53. Injunction - 禁令54. Public - 公共的55. Private - 私人的56. Liability - 责任57. Malpractice - 不当行为58. Probate - 遗产审计59. Slander - 诽谤60. Libel - 诽谤罪61. Suing - 控告62. Settlement - 和解63. Restitution - 赔偿64. Breach of contract - 违约65. Act of God - 天灾66. Affidavit - 宣誓书67. Doctrines - 教条68. Breach of trust - 违背信任69. Jurisdiction - 司法权70. Lien - 留置权71. Remedy - 补救72. Statutes of limitations - 时效法73. Contempt - 蔑视74. Acquittal - 无罪释放75. Inadmissible - 不可采用的76. Null and void - 无效77. Alibi - 不在场证明78. Arraignment - 传讯79. Litigation - 诉讼80. Conviction - 有罪定罪81. Cross-examination - 盘问82. Defamation - 诽谤83. Inquest - 审讯84. Disbar - 剥夺执业权85. Extradition - 引渡86. Fiduciary - 受托人87. Indictment - 起诉书88. Plea - 奏折89. Pro bono - 免费律师90. Testimony - 证词91. Warrant - 法令92. Appeal - 上诉93. Bailiff - 安保人员94. Dismiss - 解雇95. Embezzlement - 盗窃罪96. Forfeit - 剥夺97. Injunction - 禁制令98. Mitigating - 降低99. Notary - 公证人100. Tortfeasor - 侵权者以上是一些常见的法律英语词汇,希望对您有所帮助!。



法律常用英语话语是什么法律常用英语话语是什么法律,是国家的产物,是指统治阶级(统治集团,就是政党, 包括国王、君主),为了实现统治并管理国家的目的,经过一定立法程序,所颁布的基本法律和普通法律。


1).law n.法律No one is allowed to be above the law任何人都不允许凌驾于法律之上。

2).law-abiding adj.遵纪守法的As a law-abiding citizen, you must believe you will benefit from the law.作为一位守法的公民,你必须相信你会从法律中I获益。

3).legal adj.法律的,合法的Make sure all your actions are legal确保你所有的行为都是合法的。

4).legality n.合法(性)The legality of this action is confirmed by the public这一行为的合法性被公众所认可。

5).legit adj.合法的,守法的Can't you give me a legit excuse for this?你就不能就此给我个合法的解释吗?6).legislation n.立法,法规When will the new legislation begin to be enforced?新法规何时开始实施?7).penal adj.刑罚的Penal laws should be patched up but not completely changed刑法应该被修改但不应该被完全改变。

8).statute n.成文法律,法令,法规It is our duty to obey the statutes Of our country遵守我们国家的法规是我们的职责。



章节目录:内容(Contents):一、保险(Insurance)(10句)二、不动产(Real property)(10句)三、财产负担(Encumbrance)(10句)四、传票(Process)(10句)五、法官(Judge)(30句)六、法理(Jurisprudence)(30句)七、法律(Law)(60句)八、法院(Court)(30句)九、犯罪(Offense)(40句)十、公民权利(Citizens’right)(20句)十一、公司法(Company law)(20句)十二、管辖权(Jurisdiction)(10句)十三、国际法(International law)(10句)十四、过失行为(Negligence)(10句)十五、海关和关税(Customs & tariff)(10句)十六、合伙(Partnership)(10句)十七、合同和协议(Contract & agreement)(60句)十八、和解(Settlement)(10句)十九、环境保护(Environment protection)(10句)二十、婚姻和家庭(Marriage & family life)(10句)二十一、货运和海商法(Shipping & maritime law)(10句)二十二、检察官(Prosecutor)(10句)二十三、交通(Traffic)(10句)二十四、借贷和租赁(Loan & lease)(10句)二十五、警察(Police)(10句)二十六、救济(Remedy)(10句)二十七、立法(Legislation)(10句)二十八、律师(Lawyer)(30句)二十九、藐视法庭(Contempt of court)(10句)三十、陪审团(Jury)(10句)三十一、票据(Instrument)(10句)三十二、破产(Bankruptcy)(10句)三十三、侵权(Tort)(10句)三十四、上诉(Appeal)(20句)三十五、审判(Trial)(30句)三十六、税收(Tax)(10句)三十七、死刑(Death penalty)(10句)三十八、诉辩状(Pleading)(10句)三十九、诉讼(Litigation)(20句)四十、诉讼费(Costs)(10句)四十一、所有权(Ownership)(10句)四十二、委托代理(Agency)(10句)四十三、未成年人违法(Juvenile delinquency)(10句)四十四、消费者权益(Consumer’s right)(10句)四十五、信托(Trust)(10句)四十六、刑罚(Punishment)(10句)四十七、刑法原则(Criminal law principles)(10句)四十八、刑事侦察(Criminal investigation)(10句)四十九、业务交易(Transaction)(10句)五十、医疗保健(Medical care)(10句)五十一、遗嘱和继承(Will & succession)(10句)五十二、原告和被告(Plaintiff & defendant)(20句)五十三、责任(Duty)(10句)五十四、赠与(Gift)(10句)五十五、债务(Debt)(10句)五十六、招投标(Bidding)(10句)五十七、证据(Evidence)(30句)五十八、证券(Securities)(10句)五十九、知识产权(Intellectual property)(10句)六十、仲裁(Arbitration)(10句)法律英语900句1.He is a holder of an insurance policy.2.How long is the period from the commencement to termination of insurance?3.Insurance companies insured ships and their cargoes against loss at sea.4.Mr.Rodman is the most heavily insured man in the world,carrying $4,000,000 insurance on his life.5.One kind of insurance policy is the one that covers a named person.6.Parties to an insurance contract are required to exercise the utmost good faith and disclose all relevant matters to each other.7.The coverage is written in the basic form and clauses.8.What cover will you take out?9.What do your insurance clauses cover?10.Who will pay the premium for WPA?Part 2 Real property1.A man may claim that the owns land by inheritance or purchase from some other person.nd is referred to as realty.nd may not be sold,leased,mortgaged or illegally transferred by any other means.nd,the main source of wealth,is by the very nature of things treated differently from other kinds of property.5.Permission for any change in the use of the land ownedhas to be obtained from the local planning authorities.6.Property may be classified into real property and personal property.7.Real property is both a bundle of legal rights and certain physical objects.8.Real property is land and things immovably attached to the land.9.The ownership of land grew out of possession.10.Where a squatter occupies derelict landand continues in uninterrupted possession for 12 years,the owner's title to land is destroyed.Part 3 Encumbrance1.A landowner who already holds land subject to a mortgagemay wish to hypothecate his equity.2.A lien against the property is granted to secure an obligation.3.A pledge is something more that a mere lien and something less than a mortgage.4.After the court imposed the lien,it usually issues a writ directing the sheriff to seize the property.5.If the purpose of the transaction is to transfer property for security only,then the courts will hold the transaction a pledge.6.It is a charge on land.7.He decided to redeem the pledge.8.Mineral rights are not mortgageable in this jurisdiction.9.Mortgage is a security interest in real property.10.The debtor whose property is subject to the mortgage is called the mortgagor. Part 4 Process1.Address of service of process shall be included in the Articles of Association.2.Alias summons is a subsequent summons issued to replace onethat could not be served or otherwise failed.3.Smith was subpoenaed as a witness to appear in the circuit court.4.Summons is a written notification that one is required to appear in court.5.The bailiff was in charge of issuing a summons on the plaintiff.6.The court served a summons on him.7.The summons was withdrawn.8.The witnesses were subpoenaed to attend the trial.9.The writ was indorsed with details of the plaintiff's claim.10.They were accused of demanding payment with threats.Part 5 Judge1.A good judge can extend the boundary of justice.2.A judge cannot be witness in his own cause.3.A judge cannot punish a wrong done to himself.4.A judge incurs no civil liability for judicial acts,even if guilty of fraud and corruption.5.An upright judge has more regard to justice than to me.6.If the judge departs from the sentencing guideline rangehe must have a lawful reason for such a departure.7.Judges shall handle cases impartially and in accordance with the law.8.Most disputes that arise in any society are not handled through the court system.9.No one can be at once suitor and judge.10.No one can be judge in his own case.11.Sentencing is at the discretion of the judge.12.The chaiman of the tribunal asked to see all the facts on the income tax claim.13.The judge was appointed to sit in a special case.14.The magistrates committed her for trial at the Crown Court.15.The judge accepted the defendant's undertaking not to harass the plaintiff.16.The judge decided in favor of plaintiff.17.The judge disallowed the defense evidence.18.The judge exceeded his powers in criticizing the court of appeal.19.The judge found that the plaintiff's pleadings disclosed no cause of action.20.The judge heard the case in chamber.21.The judge must not hear the evidenceor the representations from one side behind the back of the other.22.The judge ordered the actions to be consolidated.23.The judge refused the application,on the ground that he had a judicial descretion to examine inadmissible evidene.24.The judge revised his earlier decisionnot to consider a submission from defense counsel.25.The judge warned counsel not to prompt the witness.26.The judge was of the opinion that if the evidence was doubtfulthe claim should be dismissed.27.The justices were ordered to rehear the information.28.The Lord Justice said he was not laying down guideline for sentencing.29.The judge consented to the request of the prosecution counsel.30.The practice of the judge is the interpreter of law.保险他是保险单持有人.保险责任起止期限是多长?保险公司为船舶和船货承保了海损险.罗德曼先生是世界上投保最多的人,为自己投了4,000.000 美元的人寿险.有一种保险单是记名保险单.保险合同双方当事人都应该尽到最大的善意并且想到披露所有的相关事实.保险范围写在基本保险单和各种险别条款里.你们准备投保那些险别?你们的保险条款规定了那些险种?水渍险费用由谁负担?不动产一个人可能会声称他是通过继承或从其他人处购买而拥有土地的。



第1篇Introduction:Legal regulations play a crucial role in maintaining order and ensuring justice in society. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the need for legal professionals who can communicate effectively in English has become more significant. In this article, we will explore some essential legal English phrases and terms commonly used in various legal contexts. By understanding these expressions, you will be better equipped to engage in legal discussions, whether you are a legal professional, student, or simply someone interested in the field.I. General Legal Phrases1. 1. The accused: The person who is charged with a crime.2. 2. Prosecution: The process of charging and trying a defendant in a criminal case.3. 3. Defense: The legal representation of the accused, aiming to prove their innocence or reduce the severity of the charges.4. 4. Pre-trial: The period before the trial, during which the parties prepare their cases and may engage in negotiations.5. 5. Trial: The formal hearing where evidence is presented, and a judgment is made by a judge or jury.6. 6. Judgment: The decision made by a court, either in favor of the plaintiff or the defendant.7. 7. Sentence: The punishment imposed by a court on a convicted defendant.8. 8. Appeal: The process of asking a higher court to review and potentially overturn a lower court's decision.II. Civil Law Phrases1. 1. Plaintiff: The person or entity that files a lawsuit against another party.2. 2. Defendant: The person or entity being sued by the plaintiff.3. 3. Tort: A civil wrong that causes harm or injury to another person, for which the injured party can seek compensation.4. 4. Contract: A legally binding agreement between two or more parties.5. 5. Breach of contract: The failure to perform the obligations under a contract.6. 6. Damages: The monetary compensation awarded to a plaintiff for harm or loss suffered.7. 7. Settlement: An agreement between the parties to resolve a dispute without going to court.8. 8. Judgment: The decision made by a court in a civil case, ordering one party to pay damages to the other.III. Criminal Law Phrases1. 1. Felony: A serious crime that is typically punishable by imprisonment.2. 2. Misdemeanor: A less serious crime that is usually punishable by fines or short-term imprisonment.3. 3. Sentence: The punishment imposed by a court on a convicted defendant.4. 4. Probation: A period of supervision imposed by a court as an alternative to imprisonment.5. 5. Parole: The release of a prisoner before the completion of their sentence, under certain conditions.6. 6. Evidence: The information or facts presented during a trial to prove or disprove the allegations.7. 7. Witness: A person who provides testimony during a trial.8. 8. Confession: An admission of guilt made by the accused.IV. Legal Writing and Documents1. 1. Brief: A written document submitted to a court, outlining thelegal arguments and supporting evidence.2. 2. Petition: A written request submitted to a court, asking for a specific action or relief.3. 3. Judgment: The written decision made by a court, ordering one party to pay damages or take certain actions.4. 4. Order: A written directive issued by a court, commanding the parties to take specific actions.5. 5. Memorandum: A written document summarizing the key points of a legal argument or case.6. 6. Contract: A written agreement between two or more parties.7. 7. Deed: A written document that transfers ownership of property.8. 8. Will: A written document that outlines a person's wishes regarding the distribution of their property after death.Conclusion:Understanding legal regulations and being able to communicateeffectively in legal English is crucial for anyone involved in the legal field. By familiarizing yourself with the essential legal phrases and terms mentioned in this article, you will be better equipped to engagein legal discussions, prepare legal documents, and navigate the complexities of the legal system. Whether you are a legal professional, student, or simply interested in the field, investing time in learning legal English will undoubtedly enhance your abilities and open up new opportunities.第2篇In any society, legal regulations play a crucial role in maintaining order, protecting rights, and ensuring justice. The ability to communicate effectively about these regulations is essential for bothprofessionals and laypeople. This article delves into the importance of legal regulations in English oral communication, the key aspects that need to be addressed, and some practical tips for effective communication.I. The Importance of Legal Regulations in English Oral Communication1. Maintaining Order and Stability: Legal regulations provide a framework for society to function smoothly. They help maintain order, prevent crime, and resolve disputes. Effective communication about these regulations is essential for ensuring that everyone understands their rights and responsibilities.2. Protecting Rights: Legal regulations are designed to protect the rights of individuals and groups. By communicating these regulations in English, we can ensure that people from diverse backgrounds are aware of their rights and can seek justice if their rights are violated.3. Promoting Justice: Legal oral communication is vital for the administration of justice. Lawyers, judges, and court staff need to be able to discuss legal matters clearly and accurately. This ensures that cases are handled fairly and that justice is served.4. Building Trust and Credibility: Effective legal communication can build trust and credibility between parties. When people understand the legal framework they are operating within, they are more likely to comply with the law and respect the rights of others.II. Key Aspects of Legal Regulations in English Oral Communication1. Legal Terminology: Legal regulations are filled with specific terminology that can be confusing to those unfamiliar with the field. It is essential to use clear and precise language when discussing legal matters. Here are some common legal terms and their definitions:- Statute: A written law passed by a legislative body.- Case Law: Decisions made by courts that establish precedents for future cases.- Judgment: The decision made by a court in a legal dispute.- Defendant: The person or entity accused of a crime or violation.- Plaintiff: The person or entity bringing a legal action against another.- Counsel: A lawyer who represents a client in a legal matter.2. Legal Structure: Understanding the structure of legal regulations is crucial for effective communication. Legal documents are typically organized into sections, subsections, and paragraphs. It is important to follow this structure when discussing legal matters.3. Legal Arguments: In legal oral communication, it is essential to present arguments clearly and logically. This involves identifying the relevant legal principles, applying them to the facts of the case, and providing evidence to support the argument.4. Legal Ethics: Legal professionals must adhere to strict ethical standards. When discussing legal matters, it is important to avoid conflicts of interest, maintain confidentiality, and act with integrity.III. Practical Tips for Effective Legal Oral Communication1. Use Clear and Concise Language: Avoid legal jargon and complex sentence structures. Aim for clarity and simplicity in your communication.2. Listen Actively: Pay close attention to what others are saying. Active listening can help you understand the context of the conversation and respond appropriately.3. Ask Questions: If you are unsure about a legal term or concept, do not hesitate to ask for clarification. This can help prevent misunderstandings and ensure effective communication.4. Practice Your Delivery: Good oral communication skills require practice. Practice reading legal documents aloud, and consider recording yourself to identify areas for improvement.5. Understand the Audience: Tailor your communication to the needs and level of understanding of your audience. Use examples and analogies to explain complex legal concepts.6. Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with legal developments and changes in regulations. This will help you communicate effectively and accurately.IV. ConclusionLegal regulations are an integral part of society, and effective communication about these regulations is essential for maintaining order, protecting rights, and promoting justice. By understanding the key aspects of legal regulations in English oral communication and applying practical tips for effective communication, individuals andprofessionals can contribute to a more informed and just society.As legal regulations continue to evolve, the importance of clear and accurate communication will only grow. By honing our legal oral communication skills, we can ensure that the law is understood, respected, and applied fairly in all its forms.第3篇Introduction:Legal regulations play a crucial role in maintaining order, protecting rights, and governing societies. Whether you are a law student, a legal professional, or someone who interacts with legal documents, understanding legal English phrases is essential. This guide willprovide an overview of common legal terms and phrases used in various legal contexts, helping you navigate the complexities of the legal system.1. Introduction to Legal EnglishLegal English is a specialized form of English used in legal documents, courtroom proceedings, and legal discussions. It is characterized by its formal tone, precise language, and specific terminology. Understanding legal English is crucial for effective communication in the legal field.2. Common Legal Phrases and Termsa. AdjudicationDefinition: The process of making a decision or judgment by a court or judge.Example: The court's adjudication on the case was based on the evidence presented by both parties.b. Breach of ContractDefinition: A violation or failure to comply with the terms of a contract.Example: The defendant was found liable for breach of contract when they failed to deliver the goods on time.c. InjunctionDefinition: A court order requiring a person or entity to stop engaging in a particular activity or to take specific action.Example: The court issued an injunction against the company to halt the illegal activities.d. DamagesDefinition: Compensation awarded to a party for harm suffered due to the actions or omissions of another party.Example: The plaintiff was awarded substantial damages for the emotional distress caused by the defendant's actions.e. JurisdictionDefinition: The legal authority granted to a court or legal body to hear and decide cases.Example: The court has jurisdiction to hear the case because it involves parties from different states.f. LitigationDefinition: The process of taking a legal dispute to court.Example: The parties agreed to settle the dispute out of court to avoid the lengthy litigation process.g. PrecedentDefinition: A previous decision or case that serves as a guide for future decisions.Example: The judge relied on the precedent set in the previous case to decide the current dispute.h. ProbateDefinition: The legal process of validating a will and distributing the deceased person's estate.Example: The executor of the estate was responsible for handling the probate process.i. VerdictDefinition: The decision made by a jury in a criminal or civil case.Example: The jury returned a guilty verdict against the defendant.j. WritDefinition: A written order issued by a court, usually requiring a person or entity to perform or refrain from a specific action.Example: The court issued a writ of habeas corpus to ensure the defendant's right to a fair trial.3. Legal Writing and Documentsa. PleadingsDefinition: Written statements filed with the court, outlining the claims and defenses of the parties involved.Example: The plaintiff filed a complaint against the defendant, outlining the allegations of negligence.b. OpinionsDefinition: Written judgments or decisions made by judges or courts.Example: The judge's opinion stated that the defendant's actions were not covered by the statute of limitations.c. BriefsDefinition: Written arguments submitted to the court, supporting the party's position in a legal dispute.Example: The attorney submitted a brief to the court, arguing that the defendant's actions constituted a breach of contract.4. Legal Conversations and Negotiationsa. Opening StatementsDefinition: The initial statement made by attorneys in a trial, outlining their clients' positions and the evidence they will present.Example: The attorney's opening statement emphasized the defendant's lack of intent to cause harm.b. Closing ArgumentsDefinition: The final statement made by attorneys in a trial, summarizing their arguments and urging the jury to rule in theirclient's favor.Example: The closing argument concluded with a passionate plea for the jury to find the defendant not guilty.c. Cross-ExaminationDefinition: The process of questioning a witness by the opposing attorney to test the witness's credibility or to reveal inconsistencies in their testimony.Example: The attorney cross-examined the plaintiff to highlight inconsistencies in their account of the incident.5. ConclusionUnderstanding legal English phrases and terms is essential for anyone involved in the legal field. By familiarizing yourself with common legal expressions, you will be better equipped to navigate legal documents, participate in legal discussions, and contribute effectively to legal proceedings. Whether you are a law student, a legal professional, or someone simply interested in the law, this guide provides a comprehensive overview of legal English phrases, helping you gain confidence in your legal communication skills.Remember, legal English is a specialized language with its own set of rules and conventions. It is crucial to practice and seek guidance from legal professionals to ensure accurate and effective communication in legal contexts.。



法律英语词汇大全(完美版)一、基本法律词汇1. 法律(Law):国家制定或认可的,用以规范社会成员行为、调整社会关系的规范总称。

2. 法规(Regulation):国家行政机关根据法律制定的具有普遍约束力的规范性文件。

3. 条款(Clause):法律、合同等文件中的具体规定。

4. 判决(Judgment):法院对案件审理后作出的结论性意见。

5. 律师(Lawyer):依法取得执业资格,为社会提供法律服务的专业人员。

6. 诉讼(Lawsuit):当事人依法向法院提起的请求保护自己合法权益的程序。

二、刑法相关词汇1. 犯罪(Crime):违反刑法规定,危害社会,依法应受刑罚处罚的行为。

2. 罪名(Charge):对犯罪嫌疑人指控的具体犯罪名称。

3. 刑罚(Punishment):国家对犯罪分子实行的一种强制措施,包括主刑和附加刑。

4. 刑事责任(Criminal Responsibility):犯罪分子因其犯罪行为所应承担的法律责任。

5. 量刑(Sentencing):法院根据犯罪分子的犯罪事实、情节和悔罪表现,依法决定刑罚的种类和幅度。

三、民法相关词汇1. 合同(Contract):当事人之间设立、变更、终止民事法律关系的协议。

2. 权利(Right):法律赋予当事人实现某种利益的可能性。

3. 义务(Obligation):当事人依法应承担的责任。

4. 赔偿(Compensation):因侵权行为给他人造成损失,依法应承担的经济补偿责任。

5. 继承(Inheritance):继承人依法取得被继承人遗产的法律制度。

四、商法相关词汇1. 公司(Company):依法设立的,以营利为目的的企业法人。

2. 股东(Shareholder):持有公司股份,享有公司权益和承担公司风险的人。

3. 破产(Bankruptcy):债务人因不能清偿到期债务,经法院宣告破产,对其财产进行清算的法律程序。

4. 票据(Bill):具有一定格式,载明一定金额,由出票人签发,无条件支付给持票人或指定人的有价证券。



法律英语口语大全:法律1.a later statute takes away the effect of a prior one.2.arms and laws do not flourish together.3.consent makes law.4.custom has the force of law.5.customs,religions and philosophies tend to form the basis for a nation's laws6.equity is a correction of common legal rules in their defective parts.7.except as otherwise provided by law.8.every law has a loop hole. 9.every law has no atom of strength,asfar as no public opinion supports in. 10.in civilized life,law floats in a sea of ethics. 11.it can hardly be taken to be a guarantee that every law shall treet every person the same. w can never be enforced unless fear supports it. w does not compel a man to do what he is impossible to perform. w governs man,reason the law. w is a pervasive feature of social life that profoundly affects us. w is an exercise in communication between authority and the public. w is an ordinance of reason for the common good. wis an utterance determined by the common consent of the commonwealth.w is both an instrument of change and a result of changes.w is established for the benefit of man. w is law,just or not. w is mind without reason. w is order,and good law is good order. w is the crystallization of the habit and thought of society. w is the science of what is good and just. w must be stable and it cannot stand still. w that is deficient isbetter than law that is uncertain. ws are made to prevent the stronger from having the power to do everything. ws are gentle are seldom obeyed;too severe,seldom executed. 30.no,crime without law making it so;no penalty without law making it so. 31.no one is above the law. 32.one with the law is a majority. 33.scarcely any law canbe made which is beneficial。



中国法律体系1.赦免pardon2.送达传票serve the process (process指传票)3.禁制令Prohibition Order4.刑法Criminal Law5.刑事诉讼法Criminal Procedure Law6.民法Civil Law7.行政诉讼法Administrative Procedure Law8.民法通则General Principles of the Civil Law9.暂行条例interim Regulations10.行政处罚法Law on Administrative Penalty11.通过一项修正案adopt an amendment12.人民法院People’s Court13.(同级)人民检察院People’s Procuratorate (at the same level)14.法警the Legal Police Force15.武警People’s Armed Police16.公安局Public Security Bureau17.中国特色社会主义法律体系the socialist system of laws with ChineseCharacteristics18.依法治国govern the country by law; rule of law19.建设社会主义法治国家build a socialist country under the rule of law20.走私武器罪weapon smuggling21.走私文物罪artifacts smuggling22.组织卖淫罪organizing prostitution23.集资诈骗罪fraudulent fund-raising24.故意杀人罪intentional homicide25.故意伤害罪intentional injury; aggravated assault26.叛国罪treason27.审讯室interrogation room28.拷问室torture chamber死刑29.死刑death penalty/capital punishment30.废除死刑abolish capital punishment31.保留死刑the retention of the death penalty32.审判trail33.无罪推定presumption of innocence34.死缓death sentences with a reprieve35.减刑commutation36.缓期两年执行suspend death sentences for two year37.刑场execution ground38.错误处决、误判wrongful execution39.司法不公miscarriage of justice40.宽大、仁慈leniency41.劳改reform through labor42.改造、再教育rehabilitation43.反动分子、反革命分子counterrevolutionary44.国际特赦组织Amnesty International45.恶意谋杀(蓄意谋杀)aggravated murder46.执行注射死刑executed by lethal injection47.枪决execute (by shooting); use the firing squad48.从枪决到注射死刑的转变the switch from gunshots to injections49.非暴力死刑罪名nonviolent capital offense50.中国刑法目前规定的死刑罪名共68个China currently stipulates that 68crimes are punishable by the death penalty51.取消了13个经济性非暴力犯罪的死刑eliminate the capital punishment for 13economy-related non-violent offences52.中国是世界上执行死刑最多的国家China executes the highest number ofpeople annually53.其他国家人均死刑执行率高于中国Other countries (such as Iran) have higherper capita execution rates.监狱系统54.囚犯、同狱犯人inmate55.监狱长warden56.强迫劳役hard labor; penal labor57.服刑serve a sentence58.缓刑probation59.假释parole60.协助越狱的物品goods useful in an escape61.悔改repentence62.受到严格监督under scrutiny63.单独监禁solitary confinement64.牢房living quarters; barracks65.公共厕所latrine66.(服刑期间)表现良好render meritorious service67.改造成守法公民reform offenders into law-abiding citizens68.半岛电视台英语频道Al Jazeera English69.心理辅导psychological counseling70.●Before a people's court executes a death sentence, it shall notify the people'sprocuratorate at the same level to send personnel to supervise the execution.●Death sentences shall be executed by means of shooting or injection.●Death sentences may be executed at the execution ground or in designated places ofcustody.●The judicial personnel directing the execution shall verify the identity of the criminaloffender, ask him if he has any last words or letters, and then deliver him to the executioner for the death sentence. If, before the execution, it is found that there may be an error, the execution shall be suspended and the matter shall be reported to the Supreme People's Court for decision.●Execution of death sentences shall be announced to the public, but shall not be held inpublic.●The attending court clerk shall, after the execution of a death sentence, make a writtenrecord thereon. The people's court that caused the death sentence to be executed shall submit a report on the execution to the Supreme People's Court.●The people's court that caused the death sentence to be executed shall, after theexecution, notify the family of the criminal offender.。



1、TWO MAIN LEGAL FAMILIESCommon/English/English-American Law (Legal) System/Family 普通法系- case law system- Anglo-Saxon case-law system- Anglo-American legal systemContinental/Roman/Civil Law (Legal) System/Family大陆法系- civilian legal system- civil-law system2、civil law民法、国内法、罗马法、大陆法3、substantive Law(实体法)VS procedural Law(程序法)4、case law(案例法)vs. statutory law(成文法)statutory / written / codified / enacted law制定法、成文法5、adversary trial system(对抗制)vs. inquisitorial system (纠问制)6、jury trial system陪审团制度7、The reports of the United States Supreme Court联邦最高法院判例汇编The reports of some States州法院判例汇编8、legal cases法律案例9、private law and / vs. public law10、the statutory law continues to be subject to binding interpretation through case law(其成文法继续适用通过判例法(注:即先例)进行的有约束力的解释)11、Common law (in narrow sense):- common general law- local law- itinerant judges of the English royal court- enforcement of a claim- special form of action: writ- classical Roman law- Provisions of Oxford (1258)牛津条例- “writ upon the case”本案令状12、enforcement 强制执行;claim 请求;action 诉讼行为;writ 法院令状;recourse 追索权;追索,追偿13、Equity law衡平法- “ equity ”——doing equity- chancellor- relief 救济- judiciary- Court of Chancery (衡平法院)and / vs. ordinary common law courts-maxim- fixed, inflexible- equitable doctrines (e.g. law of salvage at sea)- In a conflict between law & equity,equity should prevail.14、awardcompensatory, compensatedamagesspecific performance特定履行|实际履行injunction强制令real/immoveable property(不动产)and / vs. personal/moveable property (动产)15、common law remedy/relief:普通法救济- (compensatory) damages金钱赔偿16、equity/equitable remedies/relief:衡平法救济- injunction ( a temporary or final order to do or not to do a specific act)强制令- specific performance (a party to an agreement is ordered by the court to perform his obligations according to the terms of the agreement)- restitution17、judicialexpress (明示)vs. implied (默示)provision, providejurisdiction 管辖区域,法域; (司法)管辖权civil suit民事诉讼titlethe law of property财产法before the judge在法庭上17、apply/applicable/available适用于be subject to受。



1.法律中常见的英语口语The spoken word flies; the written word remains.口说无凭,立此为证。

Truth is afraid of nothing but concealment.真相无所惧,唯怕被隐瞒。

We must follow a strict interpretation of the rules.我们必须对规则严格解释。

Who pardons the bad, injures the good.宽恕坏人必伤及好人。

Suppression of the thuth is the expression of what is false.压抑真相,犹如做伪。

The history of liberty has largely been the history of the observance of procedural safeguards.自由的历史在很大程度上是遵守秩序保障条款的历史。

The place governs the act.场所支配行为。

Nobody has a more sacred obligation to obey the law than those who make the law.法律制定者比谁都更具有守法之神圣义务。

She who comes to equity come with clean hands.自身清白者方能获得衡平救济。

The rules must not be constantly changing.规则不得朝令夕改。

The same transaction give rise to both a civil and a criminal action.同一活动可能会导致民事和刑事诉讼。

Without judicial review, statutory limits would be naught but empty words.没有司法审查,法定权限将只是一句空话。



法律英语基础句子:Law法律Law 法律,1.A later statute takes away the effect of a prior one.,后法优于前法。

,and laws do not flourish together.,武力与法律不能同时兴盛。

,ent makes law.,合意产生法律。

,om has the force of law.,民俗具有法律效力。

,oms, religious and philosophies tend to form the basis for a nation's laws.,风俗宗教和哲学常是一个国家法律构成之基础。

,ty is a correction of mon legal rules in their defective parts.,衡平法是对普通法律规则中瑕疵部分的矫正。

,pt as otherwise provided by law.,法律另有规定的除外。

,y law has a loop hole.,凡是法律皆有漏洞。

,y law has no atom of strength, as far as no public opinion supports it.,若无公众舆论支持,法律是没有丝毫力量的。

,civilized life, law floats in a sea of ethics.,在文明社会,法律依靠道德所支撑。

,can hardly be taken to be a guarantee that every law shall treat every person the same.,不能保证每一部法律都能平等地对待每一个人。

,can never be enforced unless fear supports it.,没有威慑力的法律绝对不会具有效力。

,does not pel a man to do what he is impossible to perform.,法律不能强迫人去做不可为之事。


练习语言听力的方法是要采取积极主动而非被动的方式。如果老师在介绍一篇课文时稍加一个短评,并且提出一个问题, 学生们就会积极主动地聆听。例如,老师说:"今天我准备给你们读一则讲述一个意外事件的故事。读完之后,我要问你们这 件事是如何发生的。"这会鼓励学生们积极认真地听,以求找到问题的答案。如果老师只是说:"请听这个故事",学生们则没 有聆听的重点。他们的双眼可能是睁着的,但头脑却是封闭的。
【 导语】英语学习最难的就是口语,要想提高自己的英语口语能力,掌握方法很重要。以下是整理的法律英语口语的对话, 欢迎阅读!
1.法律英语口语的对话 一、我和犯法的事一点关系都没有 AI need order in the court! 保持肃静! BI am ready to make my plea. 二、我准备好为自己做无罪辩护了 AOrder! 肃静!BYour Honor, I am ready to make my plea. 法官大人,我已经准备好为自己辩护了。 三、你现在自由了AYou’re free to leave. 你现在自由了,可以走了。 BI’m so excited. 我太激动了。 四、我开车时并没有超速 AAre you here about your ticket? 你被传唤到这里的吗?BYes, I am, Your Honor. 是的,法官先生。
因为中国学生在学习英语的过程中比较重视读写,所以听力就变成一个容易被忽略的东西。但是我们都知道,无论是考试 还是在实际使用中,听力都是我们必须重视的重点。练习听力时,我们要选择适合自己的听力材料。
英语学习者一般都会遇到这样的情况,那就是在和别人说英语的时候会突然有一句话不知道怎样表达,或者知道一点点, 东拼西凑半天挤不出来那句话,也不知道自己说的正不正确。如何快速学习英语、遇到这种情况该怎么办呢?我建议大家把自 己平时想表达而又不会表达的句子记在一个本子上面。然后有机会就去请教老外。方法多多,每天我们或多或少都会遇到一些 不会表达的句子或单词,如果我们找一个专门的小本子把它们都记录下来,然后再有目的的解决这些问题,我们的英文一定会 一天一个进步的。
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1.a later statute takes away the effect of a prior one.
2.arms and laws do not flourish together.
3.consent makes law.
4.custom has the force of law.
5.customs,religions and philosophies tend to form the basis for a nation's laws
6.equity is a correction of common legal rules in their defective parts.
7.except as otherwise provided by law.
8.every law has a loop hole.
9.every law has no atom of strength,as far as no public opinion supports in.
10.in civilized life,law floats in a sea of ethics.
11.it can hardly be taken to be a guarantee
that every law shall treet every person the same.
w can never be enforced unless fear supports it.
w does not compel a man to do what he is impossible to perform.
w governs man,reason the law.
w is a pervasive feature of social life that profoundly affects us.
w is an exercise in communication between authority and the public.
w is an ordinance of reason for the common good.
w is an utterance determined by the common consent of
the commonwealth.
w is both an instrument of change and a result of changes.
w is established for the benefit of man.
w is law,just or not.
w is mind without reason.
w is order,and good law is good order.
w is the crystallization of the habit and thought of society.
w is the science of what is good and just.
w must be stable and it cannot stand still.
w that is deficient is better than law that is uncertain.
ws are made to prevent the stronger from having the power to do everything.
ws are gentle are seldom obeyed;too severe,seldom executed.
30.no,crime without law making it so;no penalty without law making it so.
31.no one is above the law.
32.one with the law is a majority.
33.scarcely any law can be made which is beneficial。
