




Nursing homes, also known as old-age homes or retirement homes, play a vital role in providing care and support to elderly individuals who require assistance with daily living. These institutions offer a range of services tailored to the needs of the aging population, ensuring their well-being and quality of life.Services Provided。

Nursing homes provide a comprehensive suite of services to meet the diverse needs of elderly residents. These services may include:Medical Care: Skilled nursing care, medication management, wound care, and other medical services areprovided by licensed healthcare professionals.Personal Care: Assistance with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, eating, and toileting is offered to maintain residents' independence and dignity.Social and Recreational Activities: Nursing homes organize social events, entertainment, and outings to promote socialization and engagement among residents.Dietary Services: Nutritious meals and snacks are prepared in accordance with residents' dietary needs and preferences.Transportation: Transportation services are provided for appointments, errands, or social activities.Spiritual Care: Chaplain services or other spiritual support is available to residents who desire it.Types of Nursing Homes。



住在养老院对老年人的好处雅思作文Living in a nursing home can offer several benefits to older adults. Firstly, nursing homes provide a safe and secure environment for seniors, where they can receive round-the-clock care and assistance with daily activities. This can help prevent accidents, ensure proper medication management, and provide peace of mind for both the residents and their families.Secondly, nursing homes offer opportunities for socialization and companionship. Older adults living in nursing homes have the chance to interact with peers, participate in group activities, and build new friendships. This can help combat feelings of loneliness and isolation that are common among seniors living alone.Additionally, nursing homes often provide access to healthcare services, such as on-site medical care, physical therapy, and mental health support. This can help older adults manage their health conditions effectively and improve their overall well-being.In conclusion, living in a nursing home can benefit older adults by providing a safe and supportive environment, opportunities for social engagement, and access tohealthcare services.中文翻译:住在养老院对老年人有几个好处。



敬老院优秀英语作文英文回答:The elderly hold a special place in our society, having lived long and experienced much. As such, it is our duty to ensure that they are treated with dignity and respect during their twilight years. Nursing homes, also known as retirement homes, play a vital role in providing care for the elderly.Nursing homes provide a range of services to meet the needs of their elderly residents. These services typically include:Accommodation: Nursing homes provide comfortable and safe accommodation for elderly residents who are no longer able to live independently.Personal care: Nursing homes provide assistance with daily tasks such as bathing, dressing, and eating.Medical care: Nursing homes provide medical care for elderly residents who have health conditions that require specialized attention.Social activities: Nursing homes provide opportunities for elderly residents to socialize and participate in activities that they enjoy.Nursing homes are an essential part of our healthcare system. They provide a valuable service to the elderly and their families. By providing a safe and supportive environment, nursing homes help elderly residents to live their lives with dignity and respect.中文回答:养老院在我们的社会中扮演着特殊的角色,那里居住着经历丰富、寿命悠长的人们。



毕业设计(论文)外文参考资料及译文译文题目:养老院学生姓名:学号:专业:行政管理所在学院:人文学院指导教师:职称:讲师2011 年 3 月 29日养老院养老院分为疗养院,专业护理组(首尔大学),护理院或疗养院。







所谓的“穷人”是指每个国家确定的给予老人,残疾人或儿童医疗补助的资格(如儿童的健康保险计划 -芯片和母婴保健和食品方案)。














荷兰 鹿特丹 阿克罗波利斯老年公寓

荷兰 鹿特丹 阿克罗波利斯老年公寓

\(: \ 120#老年公寓#复合功能中庭空间荷兰鹿特丹阿克罗波利斯老年公寓Rotterdam, NetherlandsAkropolis Apartment for the Elderly李广龙 Li Guanglong张泽菲 Zhang Zefei清华大学建筑学院周燕珉工作室建筑师 清华大学建筑学院硕士研究生生命公寓是一种荷兰较为典型的养老居住模式。


开设时间1978年建筑层数护理楼12层,公寓楼6或7层,配套楼1层设施类型混合型(m ix e d-c o n c e p t)老年公寓服努对象健康、失能、失智、日托老年人总建筑面积约34000平方米运营方生命基金会(H um anitas Foundation )居室总数约1000床,其中350床失能老年人,120床失智老年人(6-9人/组团),24床日托老年人护理员配比整体1:4,重度失能1:1,失智1:1,配有由4-5名医生、20个护士组成的专业医疗团队121图i 生命公离希望为老年人带来幸福和快乐图2荷兰考察期间与汉斯•贝克先生(左)交流一、生命公寓的研究缘起“生命公寓”是一种荷兰的养老居住模式,其核心目标是实现老年人的“原居安老”,通过配置不同居住功能, 提供多样化的配套空间和护理服务,支持各年龄段、各种身体状况的老年人长时间地在此生活下去。

换句话说, 老年人从入住之后,一直到生命的尽头,即使是身体条件发生变化,也不用担心这里的服务条件不够而需要搬 离到其他地方,可以安心地度过自己的晚年生活(图1 )。


早在几年前,生命公寓的创始人汉斯•贝克(Hans Becker )先生的中 文版著作《第二人生智慧》出版前就请周燕珉老师为其作过序。

2017年9月,工作室团队在美国考察期间,拜访了南加州大学建筑学院、对生命公寓颇有研究的维克托• 雷尼尔(Victor * Regnier )教授。



养老院作文英语80词英文回答:The nursing home is a place where elderly people canlive and receive care. It is a safe and comfortable environment where they can socialize, participate in activities, and get the medical attention they need.Nursing homes are staffed by trained professionals who are dedicated to providing quality care to their residents.There are many different types of nursing homes, each with its own unique set of services and amenities. Some nursing homes are large and offer a wide range of services, while others are smaller and more intimate. Some nursing homes specialize in caring for people with particular needs, such as those with dementia or Alzheimer's disease.The cost of nursing home care can vary depending on the type of nursing home and the services provided. Somenursing homes are covered by Medicare or Medicaid, whileothers are private pay.If you are considering placing a loved one in a nursing home, it is important to do your research and find a home that is the right fit for their needs. You should visit the nursing home in person and talk to the staff to get a feel for the atmosphere. You should also ask about the nursing home's policies and procedures, as well as the cost of care.中文回答:养老院是一个老年人居住和接受照顾的地方。



1750单词,9500英文字符,3200汉字Housing Problems and Options for the Elderly IntroductionHousing is a critical element in the lives of older persons. The affordability of housing affects the ability of the elderly to afford other necessities of life such as food and medical care. Housing that is located near hospitals and doctors, shopping, transportation, and recreational facilities can facilitate access to services that can enhance the quality of life. Housing can also be a place of memories of the past and a connection to friends and neighbors. Housing with supportive features and access to services can also make it possible for persons to age in place. In this session, we will be examining housing problems and options for the elderly. Along the way, we will be testing your housing IQ with a series of questions and exercises.Housing Situation of Older PersonsHow typical is the housing situation of the olders? We will begin by examining five areas :(1)Prevalence of home ownership (2)Length of stay in current residence (3)Living arrangements (4)Attachments of older persons to where they live (5)Moving behavior.With whom older persons live can influence housing affordability, space needs, and the ability to age in place. About 54% of older persons live with their spouses, 31% live alone, almost 13% live with related persons other than their spouse and about 2% live with unrelated persons. With increasing age, older persons (primarily women) are more likely to live alone or with a relative other than a spouse. Frail older women living alone are the persons most likely to reside in homes with ‘extra’ rooms and to need both physically supportive housing features and services to "age in place". This segment of the population is also the group most likely to move to more supportive housing settings such as assisted living.Many older persons have strong psychological attachments to their homes related to length of residence. The home often represents the place where they raised theirchildren and a lifetime of memories. It is also a connection to an array of familiar persons such as neighbors and shopkeepers as well as near by places including houses of worship, libraries and community services. For many older persons, the home is an extension of their own personalities which is found in the furnishings . In addition, the home can represent a sense of economic security for the future, especially for homeowners who have paid off their mortgages. For owners, the home is usually their most valuable financial asset. The home also symbolizes a sense of independence in that the resident is able to live on his or her own. For these types of reasons, it is understandable that in response to a question about housing preferences, AARP surveys of older persons continue to find that approximately 80% of older persons report that what they want is to "stay in their own homes and never move." This phenomena has been termed the preference to "age in place."Although most older persons move near their current communities, some seek retirement communities in places with warmer weather in the southwest, far west and the south.The Federal Government's Housing Programs for the ElderlyThe federal government has had two basic housing strategies to address housing problems of the elderly. One strategy, termed the "supply side" approach, seeks to build new housing complexes such as public housing and Section 202 housing for older persons. Public housing is administered by quasi-governmental local public housing authorities. Section 202 Housing for the elderly and disabled is sponsored by non-profit organizations including religious and non-sectarian organizations. Approximately 1.5 million older persons or 3% of the elderly population live in federally assisted housing, with about 387,000 living in Section 202 housing. Over time, the government has shifted away from such new construction programs because of the cost of such housing, the problems that a number of non-elderly housing programs have experienced, and a philosophy that the government should no longer be directly involved with the building of housing. Section 202 housing, a very popular and successful program, is one of the few supply-side programs funded by the federal government, although the budget allocation during the last ten years has allowed for the construction of only about 6,000 units per year compared to a high of almost 20,000 units in the late 1970s. Instead of funding new construction, federal housinginitiatives over the last decade have emphasized ‘demand side’ subsidies that provide low-income renters with a certificate or a voucher that they can use in a variety of multiunit settings, including apartments in the private sector that meet rental and condition guidelines. These vouchers and certificates are aimed at reducing excessive housing costs. Some certificates are termed ‘project based’ subsidies and are tied to federally subsidized housing such as Section 202. Because housing programs are not an entitlement, however, supply-side and demand side programs together are only able to meet the needs of about 1/3 of elderly renters who qualify on the basis of income.While advocates for housing have been trying to hold on to the existing programs in the face of huge budget cuts at HUD, much of the attention has been shifting towards meeting the shelter and service needs of the frail elderly. This emphasis reflects the increasing number of older persons in their eighties and nineties who need a physically supportive environment linked with services. This group of older persons includes a high percentage of older residents of public and Section 202 housing. Initially built for independent older persons who were initially in the late sixties and early seventies, this type of housing now includes older persons in their eighties and nineties, many of whom have aged in place. Consequently, the government is faced with creating strategies to bring services into these buildings and retrofit them to better suit the needs of frail older persons. A major initiative of the early 1990s, which may be stalled by current budget problems at HUD, has been for the federal government to pay for service coordinators to assess the needs of residents of government assisted housing complexes and link them with services. As of 1998, there were approximately 1,000 service coordinators attached to government assisted housing complexes across the country.The Housing Continuum: A Range of Options for ElderlyA long-standing assumption in the field of housing has been that as persons become more frail, they will have to move along a housing continuum from one setting to another. As the figure on housing options suggests, along this continuum are found a range of housing options including single family homes, apartments, congregate living, assisted living, and board and care homes (Kendig & Pynoos, 1996). The end point of the housing continuum has been the nursing home. Theseoptions vary considerably in terms of their availability, affordability, and ability to meet the needs of very frail older persons.The concept of a continuum of supportive care is based on the assumption that housing options can be differentiated by the amount and types of services offered; the supportiveness of the physical setting in terms of accessibility, features, and design; and the competency level of the persons to whom the housing is targeted. The figure on housing options indicates how such options generally meet the needs of older persons who are categorized,as independent, semi-dependent and dependent. Semi-dependent older persons can be thought of as needing some assistance from other persons with instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) such as cooking, cleaning, and shopping. In addition to needing assistance with some IADLs, dependent older persons may require assistance with more basic activities such as toileting, eating and bathing. Although semi-dependent and dependent older persons can be found throughout the housing continuum, independent older persons are very unlikely to reside in housing types such as assisted living specifically designed and equipped to meet the needs of frail older persons unless their spouses require these needs.Although the continuum of housing identifies a range of housing types, there is increasing recognition that frail older persons do not necessarily have to move from one setting to another if they need assistance. Semi-dependent or dependent older persons can live in a variety of settings, including their own homes and apartments, if the physical environment is made more supportive, caregivers are available to provide assistance and affordable services are accessible.ConclusionsHousing plays a critical role in the lives of older persons. Most older homeowners who function independently express a high level of satisfaction with their dwelling units. However, high housing costs, especially for renters, remain a financial burden for many older persons and problems associated with housing condition persist especially for low- income renters and persons living in rural areas. Federal housing programs such as public housing, Section 202 housing, and Section 8 housing certificates have only been able to address the basic housing problems of only about one-third of eligible older persons because of limited budgets. Moreover, ashortage of viable residential options exists for frail older persons. Up until the last decade, housing for the elderly was conceived of primarily as shelter. It has become increasingly recognized that frail older persons who needed services and physically supportive features often had to move from their homes or apartments to settings such as board and care or nursing homes to receive assistance. Over time, however, the concept of a variety of housing types that can be linked has replaced the original idea of the continuum of housing. It is possible for frail older persons to live in a variety of existing residential settings, including their own homes and apartments with the addition of services and home modifications. Consequently, the last decade has seen a number of efforts to modify homes, add service coordinators to multi-unit housing and create options such as accessory and ECHO units. Although these strategies have been enhanced by a somewhat greater availability of home care services, Medicaid policy still provides incentives to house frail older persons in nursing homes. The most visible development in the field of housing for frail older persons has been the growth of private sector assisted living which is now viewed by many state governments as a residential alternative to nursing homes. The AL movement itself has raised a number of regulatory and financing issues that cross-cut housing and long term care such as what constitutes a residential environment, insuring that residents can age in place, accommodating resident preferences, protecting the rights of individuals and insuring quality of care. Nevertheless, the emergence of AL along with a wider range of other housing options holds out the promise that older persons will have a larger range of choices among living arrangements.老年人的住宅问题与选择一、简介住宅在老年人生活的极为重要。



去养老院做公寓的英语作文英文回答:A Trip to Retirement Home Apartments.Retirement home apartments are a popular choice for seniors who want to downsize and live in a community setting. These apartments offer a variety of amenities and services that can make life easier and more enjoyable for seniors.Some of the most common amenities found in retirement home apartments include:Independent living: Retirement home apartments are typically designed for independent seniors who can care for themselves. This means that they have their own kitchens, bathrooms, and living areas.Assisted living: Retirement home apartments can alsooffer assisted living services for seniors who need help with daily tasks, such as bathing, dressing, and medication management.Memory care: Retirement home apartments can also provide memory care for seniors with Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia. Memory care units are designed to provide a safe and supportive environment for seniors with cognitive impairments.Other amenities: Retirement home apartments may also offer other amenities, such as a fitness center, a swimming pool, a library, and a restaurant.There are many benefits to living in a retirement home apartment. Some of the most common benefits include:Reduced maintenance: Retirement home apartments are typically maintenance-free, which means that seniors don't have to worry about yard work, repairs, or other home maintenance tasks.Increased socialization: Retirement home apartments offer a variety of opportunities for seniors to socialize with others. This can help reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.Improved safety: Retirement home apartments are typically located in safe neighborhoods and have security features, such as door locks and security cameras. This can help seniors feel safe and secure.Peace of mind: Retirement home apartments can provide peace of mind for seniors and their families. Knowing that seniors are living in a safe and supportive environment can give families peace of mind.If you are considering moving to a retirement home apartment, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, it is important to research different retirement home apartments to find one that meets your needs and budget. Second, it is important to visit the retirement home apartment in person to get a feel for the community and the staff. Finally, it is important to talk to yourfamily and friends about your decision to move to a retirement home apartment.中文回答:养老院公寓行。



幸福养老院英语作文带翻译As the aging population continues to grow, the demand for elderly care services is increasing. However, many elderly people are facing difficulties in finding suitable care facilities. In order to solve this problem, the concept of "Happy Retirement Homes" has emerged.The Happy Retirement Home is a new type of elderly care facility that provides a comfortable and lively living environment for the elderly. The facility is equipped with modern facilities and a variety of recreational activities to keep the elderly active and engaged. The staff is also trained to provide personalized care services to meet the unique needs of each resident.The Happy Retirement Home is not just a place for the elderly to live, but also a community where they can socialize and make new friends. The facility hosts various events and activities, such as group outings, games, and cultural performances, to encourage social interaction andpromote a sense of belonging.The Happy Retirement Home also emphasizes theimportance of health and wellness. The facility provides nutritious meals, exercise programs, and medical servicesto ensure the physical and mental well-being of the residents. The staff also works closely with the residents' families to provide emotional support and care.In conclusion, the Happy Retirement Home is a new and innovative approach to elderly care. It provides a comfortable and enjoyable living environment for the elderly, while also promoting social interaction and wellness. With the increasing demand for elderly care services, the Happy Retirement Home is a great solution to the challenges faced by many elderly people today.随着老龄化人口的不断增长,对老年护理服务的需求也在增加。

养老院建筑 英语

养老院建筑 英语

养老院建筑英语English:A retirement home is a specialized facility designed to provide housing and care for elderly individuals who require assistance with daily activities or who may have specific medical needs. The architecture of a retirement home plays a crucial role in ensuring the comfort, safety, and well-being of its residents. The design should prioritize accessibility, with wide hallways and doorways to accommodate wheelchairs and walkers. Additionally, ramps and elevators should be installed to ensure easy movement between different floors. The building should also incorporate well-lit common areas and residential units to promote visibility and reduce the risk of falls. Natural lighting and open spaces should be encouraged to create a pleasant and uplifting environment. The structure should be constructed to withstand various weather conditions and reinforced to enhance safety during emergencies. Adequate ventilation systems and insulation should be in place to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature throughout the year. The architectural design should also incorporate the use of energy-efficient technologies and sustainable materials to support environmental sustainability. In terms of interior design, the retirement home should provide a sense of familiarity and homeliness, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere for its residents. Spaces should be planned to include communal areas for socialization and recreation, as well as private areas for quiet and relaxation. Privacy and security should be prioritized, with individual bedrooms and well-designed common areas that allow for both interaction and solitude. Ultimately, the architecture of a retirement home should aim to enhance the quality of life for its residents, promoting their physical, emotional, and social well-being.中文翻译:养老院是一种专门设计的设施,用于为需要日常生活帮助或有特定医疗需求的老年人提供住房和护理。

老人院 英文作文

老人院 英文作文

老人院英文作文Title: A Glimpse into Life at the Elderly Care Home。

In today's rapidly aging society, the importance of elderly care homes cannot be overstated. These facilities serve as a vital support system for seniors who require assistance with daily tasks or who simply seek companionship in their later years. In this essay, we'll delve into the significance of elderly care homes and explore the experiences of residents within these communities.First and foremost, elderly care homes provide a safe and nurturing environment for seniors. With trained staff members available around the clock, residents can receive prompt assistance whenever needed, whether it's with personal care, medication management, or mobility support. This level of care offers peace of mind to both residents and their families, knowing that their loved ones are well looked after.Beyond the practical aspects of care, elderly care homes also foster a sense of community and belonging. Many residents find comfort in being surrounded by peers who share similar life experiences and challenges. Friendships blossom easily in this setting, as individuals bond over shared interests, hobbies, and memories. Through social activities and events organized by the facility, residents can stay active and engaged, combating feelings of loneliness and isolation.Moreover, elderly care homes promote holistic well-being by offering various amenities and services to enhance residents' quality of life. These may include recreational facilities, such as gardens or game rooms, as well as wellness programs, such as yoga classes or art therapy sessions. By catering to residents' physical, emotional, and cognitive needs, these facilities empower seniors to live fulfilling and meaningful lives in their later years.Despite the many benefits of elderly care homes, it's important to acknowledge the challenges that residents mayface. Adjusting to communal living can be daunting for some individuals, especially if they are accustomed to independent lifestyles. Moreover, health issues andmobility limitations may pose obstacles to fully enjoying all that the facility has to offer. However, with patience, support, and encouragement from staff and fellow residents, many individuals find ways to overcome these challenges and embrace their new chapter in life.In conclusion, elderly care homes play a crucial role in supporting the well-being of seniors and promoting a sense of community and belonging. By providing comprehensive care, fostering social connections, and promoting holistic well-being, these facilities offer seniors the opportunity to age with dignity and grace. As our society continues to age, the importance of investing in quality elderly care homes cannot be overstated. After all, every individual deserves to enjoy their later years in a supportive and enriching environment.。



H o u s i n g P r o b l e m s a n d O p t i o n s f o r t h e E l d e r l y IntroductionHousing is a critical element in the lives of older persons. The affordability of housing affects the ability of the elderly to afford other necessities of life such as food and medical care. Housing that is located near hospitals and doctors, shopping, transportation, and recreational facilities can facilitate access to services that can enhance the quality of life. Housing can also be a place of memories of the past and a connection to friends and neighbors. Housing with supportive features and access to services can also make it possible for persons to age in place. In this session, we will be examining housing problems and options for the elderly. Along the way, we will be testing your housing IQ with a series of questions and exercises.Housing Situation of Older PersonsHow typical is the housing situation of the olders?We will begin by examining five areas :(1)Prevalence of home ownership (2)Length of stay in current residence (3)Living arrangements (4)Attachments of older persons to where they live (5)Moving behavior.With whom older persons live can influence housing affordability, space needs, and the ability to age in place. About 54% of older persons live with their spouses, 31% live alone, almost 13% live with related persons other than their spouse and about 2% live with unrelated persons. With increasing age, older persons (primarily women) are more likely to live alone or with a relative other than a spouse. Frail older women living alon e are the persons most likely to reside in homes with ‘extra’ rooms and to need both physically supportive housing features and services to "age in place". This segment of the population is also the group most likely to move to more supportive housing settings such as assisted living.Many older persons have strong psychological attachments to their homes related to length of residence. The home often represents the place where they raised their children and a lifetime of memories. It is also a connection to an array of familiar persons such as neighbors and shopkeepers as well as near by places including houses of worship, libraries and community services. For many older persons, the home is an extension of their own personalities which is found in the furnishings . In addition, the home can represent a sense of economic security for the future, especially for homeowners who have paid off their mortgages. For owners, the home is usually their most valuable financial asset. The home also symbolizes a sense of independence in that the resident is able to live on his or her own. For these types of reasons, it is understandable that in response to a question about housing preferences, AARP surveys of older persons continue to find that approximately 80% of older persons report that what theywant is to "stay in their own homes and never move." This phenomena has been termed the preference to "age in place."Although most older persons move near their current communities, some seek retirement communities in places with warmer weather in the southwest, far west and the south.The Federal Government's Housing Programs for the ElderlyThe federal government has had two basic housing strategies to address housing problems of the elderly. One strategy, termed the "supply side" approach, seeks to build new housing complexes such as public housing and Section 202 housing for older persons. Public housing is administered byquasi-governmental local public housing authorities. Section 202 Housing for the elderly and disabled is sponsored by non-profit organizations including religious and non-sectarian organizations. Approximately 1.5 million older persons or 3% of the elderly population live in federally assisted housing, with about 387,000 living in Section 202 housing. Over time, the government has shifted away from such new construction programs because of the cost of such housing, the problems that a number ofnon-elderly housing programs have experienced, and a philosophy that the government should no longer be directly involved with the building of housing. Section 202 housing, a very popular and successful program, is one of the few supply-side programs funded by the federal government, although the budget allocation during the last ten years has allowed for the construction of only about 6,000 units per year compared to a high of almost 20,000 units in the late 1970s. Instead of funding new construction, federal housing initiatives over the last decade have emphasized ‘demand side’ subsidies that providelow-income renters with a certificate or a voucher that they can use in a variety of multiunit settings, including apartments in the private sector that meet rental and condition guidelines. These vouchers and certificates are aimed at reducing excessive housing costs. S ome certificates are termed ‘project based’ subsidies and are tied to federally subsidized housing such as Section 202. Because housing programs are not an entitlement, however, supply-side and demand side programs together are only able to meet the needs of about 1/3 of elderly renters who qualify on the basis of income.While advocates for housing have been trying to hold on to the existing programs in the face of huge budget cuts at HUD, much of the attention has been shifting towards meeting the shelter and service needs of the frail elderly. This emphasis reflects the increasing number of older persons in their eighties and nineties who need a physically supportive environment linked with services. This group of older persons includes a high percentage of older residents of public and Section 202 housing. Initially built for independent older persons who were initially in the late sixties and early seventies, this type of housing now includes older persons in their eighties and nineties, many of whom have aged in place. Consequently, the government is faced with creating strategies to bring services into these buildings and retrofit them to better suit the needs of frail older persons. A major initiative of the early 1990s, whichmay be stalled by current budget problems at HUD, has been for the federal government to pay for service coordinators to assess the needs of residents of government assisted housing complexes and link them with services. As of 1998, there were approximately 1,000 service coordinators attached to government assisted housing complexes across the country.The Housing Continuum: A Range of Options for ElderlyA long-standing assumption in the field of housing has been that as persons become more frail, they will have to move along a housing continuum from one setting to another. As the figure on housing options suggests, along this continuum are found a range of housing options including single family homes, apartments, congregate living, assisted living, and board and care homes (Kendig & Pynoos, 1996). The end point of the housing continuum has been the nursing home. These options vary considerably in terms of their availability, affordability, and ability to meet the needs of very frail older persons.The concept of a continuum of supportive care is based on the assumption that housing options can be differentiated by the amount and types of services offered; the supportiveness of the physical setting in terms of accessibility, features, and design; and the competency level of the persons to whom the housing is targeted. The figure on housing options indicates how such options generally meet the needs of older persons who are categorized, as independent, semi-dependent and dependent. Semi-dependent older persons can be thought of as needing some assistance from other persons with instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) such as cooking, cleaning, and shopping. In addition to needing assistance with some IADLs, dependent older persons may require assistance with more basic activities such as toileting, eating and bathing. Although semi-dependent and dependent older persons can be found throughout the housing continuum, independent older persons are very unlikely to reside in housing types such as assisted living specifically designed and equipped to meet the needs of frail older persons unless their spouses require these needs.Although the continuum of housing identifies a range of housing types, there is increasing recognition that frail older persons do not necessarily have to move from one setting to another if they need assistance. Semi-dependent or dependent older persons can live in a variety of settings, including their own homes and apartments, if the physical environment is made more supportive, caregivers are available to provide assistance and affordable services are accessible.ConclusionsHousing plays a critical role in the lives of older persons. Most older homeowners who function independently express a high level of satisfaction with their dwelling units. However, high housing costs, especially for renters, remaina financial burden for many older persons and problems associated with housing condition persist especially for low- income renters and persons living in rural areas. Federal housing programs such as public housing, Section 202 housing, and Section 8 housing certificates have only been able to address the basic housing problems of only about one-third of eligible older persons because of limited budgets. Moreover, a shortage of viable residential options exists for frail older persons. Up until the last decade, housing for the elderly was conceived of primarily as shelter. It has become increasingly recognized that frail older persons who needed services and physically supportive features often had to move from their homes or apartments to settings such as board and care or nursing homes to receive assistance. Over time, however, the concept of a variety of housing types that can be linked has replaced the original idea of the continuum of housing. It is possible for frail older persons to live in a variety of existing residential settings, including their own homes and apartments with the addition of services and home modifications. Consequently, the last decade has seen a number of efforts to modify homes, add service coordinators to multi-unit housing and create options such as accessory and ECHO units. Although these strategies have been enhanced by a somewhat greater availability of home care services, Medicaid policy still provides incentives to house frail older persons in nursing homes. The most visible development in the field of housing for frail older persons has been the growth of private sector assisted living which is now viewed by many state governments as a residential alternative to nursing homes. The AL movement itself has raised a number of regulatory and financing issues that cross-cut housing and long term care such as what constitutes a residential environment, insuring that residents can age in place, accommodating resident preferences, protecting the rights of individuals and insuring quality of care. Nevertheless, the emergence of AL along with a wider range of other housing options holds out the promise that older persons will have a larger range of choices among living arrangements.American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging/老年人的住宅问题与选择简介住宅在老年人生活的极为重要。



老人公寓的英语作文英文回答:Senior living facilities, often referred to as retirement homes or aged care communities, provide accommodation, care services, and social activitiestailored to meet the needs of elderly individuals. These facilities cater to a wide range of seniors, including those who are healthy and independent, as well as those who require varying levels of assistance with daily activities.Senior living facilities offer a safe and supportive environment for older adults to age gracefully while maintaining their dignity and autonomy. They typically provide a range of amenities and services, including:Accommodation: Private or shared rooms, apartments, or cottages designed to meet the needs of seniors.Dining: Nutritious and well-balanced meals prepared byprofessional chefs.Health and wellness services: Access to medical care, rehabilitation therapy, and wellness programs.Social activities: Planned events, group outings, and social clubs to foster socialization and engagement.Personal care services: Assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, and medication management.Transportation: Scheduled trips to appointments, shopping, and other destinations.Senior living facilities can be broadly categorizedinto three main types:Independent living: Designed for seniors who are active and independent. They typically offer private apartments or cottages, with access to a range of amenities and services.Assisted living: Provides a higher level of care for seniors who need assistance with daily activities, such as bathing, dressing, and medication management. Theytypically offer private or shared rooms, with access to a wider range of services.Skilled nursing: Offers the highest level of care for seniors who require around-the-clock medical supervision and assistance with complex medical conditions. They typically provide private or semi-private rooms, with access to 24/7 nursing care.Choosing the right senior living facility is a crucial decision, and it is important to research and visit different facilities to find one that meets theindividual's needs and preferences. Factors to consider include the level of care required, the cost, the amenities and services offered, and the overall atmosphere of the facility.中文回答:什么是老年公寓?老年公寓,也称为退休之家或老年护理社区,提供住宿、护理服务和社会活动,以满足老年人的需求。



养老院英语作文80词英文回答:Nursing homes, also known as skilled nursing facilities or long-term care facilities, provide a range ofresidential and healthcare services to individuals who are unable to live independently or who require specialized care due to physical or cognitive impairments. These facilities offer a variety of services, including:Personal care: Assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, and eating.Nursing care: Administration of medications, wound care, and other medical treatments.Physical, occupational, and speech therapy.Social and recreational activities.Nursing homes are typically staffed by a team of healthcare professionals, including nurses, certified nursing assistants, social workers, and occupational therapists. These professionals work together to provide a comprehensive range of services that meet the individual needs of each resident.When choosing a nursing home, it is important to consider the following factors:The type of care required.The location of the facility.The cost of care.The quality of care.It is also important to visit the facility and meet with the staff to get a sense of the environment and the level of care provided.中文回答:养老院,又称为专业护理机构或长期护理机构,为无法独立生活或因身体或认知障碍需要专业护理的个人提供一系列住宿和医疗保健服务。



八下英语二单元作文养老院第一人称英文回答:As a resident of the Meadowcrest Retirement Village, I feel a sense of contentment and gratitude for the care and companionship I have found here. After a lifetime of hard work and raising a family, I am now enjoying the golden years of my life in a comfortable and supportive environment.The staff at Meadowcrest are attentive and compassionate. They go above and beyond to ensure that my needs are met and that I feel valued as a member of the community. The nurses are highly skilled and provide excellent medical care. The caregivers are warm and friendly, always willing to lend a helping hand or listen to my stories.In addition to the excellent care I receive, Meadowcrest offers a wide range of activities and socialopportunities. There are daily exercise classes, movie nights, and group outings. I have also made many friends here, sharing laughter, meals, and memories with fellow residents.The facilities at Meadowcrest are modern and well-maintained. My apartment is spacious and comfortable, with a private balcony where I can enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. The common areas are inviting and provide plenty of space for socializing and relaxation.I am particularly grateful for the sense of community I have found at Meadowcrest. I am surrounded by people who care about me and are there for each other. We look out for each other, celebrate our successes, and support each other through difficult times.Moving into Meadowcrest was the best decision I could have made. I am now living a full and happy life, filled with purpose and meaning. I will forever be grateful for the care, companionship, and sense of belonging I have found here.中文回答:作为一个住在草甸岭养老村的老人,我感到非常满足和感激,因为在这里我找到了关怀和陪伴。



去养老院做公寓的英语作文(中英文版)英文版:Title: Visiting a Retirement Community to Offer English ClassesEver since I was a child, I have been passionate about volunteering and giving back to the community.One way I have found to combine my love for teaching English with my desire to help others is by offering English classes at a local retirement community.The retirement community I have been volunteering at is called "Sunshine Manor".It is a beautiful and welcoming place, filled with friendly faces and warm smiles.The residents are mostly elderly people who have retired from their careers and are now enjoying their golden years.However, many of them have expressed a desire to learn English, to keep their minds sharp and to connect with their grandchildren who live abroad.As an English teacher, I believe that language is a powerful tool that can bridge gaps and foster understanding between people from different cultures.By teaching English to the residents of Sunshine Manor, I am giving them the opportunity to expand their horizons and connect with their loved ones on a deeper level.The classes I offer are tailored to the needs and interests of the residents.We focus on basic conversation skills, vocabulary building, andsimple grammar rules.I also incorporate fun activities such as watching English movies, listening to English songs, and playing word games to make the learning process engaging and enjoyable.The residents are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to learn English.They attend classes with enthusiasm and dedication, and their progress is inspiring.It is a beautiful thing to see them light up with joy as they grasp new concepts and converse with each other in English.Volunteering at Sunshine Manor has been a rewarding experience for me.It has given me the chance to make a positive impact on the lives of others, and to share the gift of language.I am grateful for the friendships I have formed with the residents, and for the lessons they have taught me about life, resilience, and the importance of staying active and engaged, no matter our age.中文版:标题:去养老院教授英语的英语作文自从我小时候起,我就对志愿服务和回馈社区充满热情。



有关国内外养老院对比的英文作文Aging populations and the need for comprehensive elderly care have become a global phenomenon. As life expectancy continues to rise, governments and communities around the world are grappling with the challenges of providing high-quality long-term care for their senior citizens. In this essay, I will examine and contrast the state of nursing homes and elderly care facilities in both domestic and international settings, exploring the unique cultural, economic, and policy factors that shape these critical institutions.In many developed nations, nursing homes have long been a fixture of the eldercare landscape. These facilities offer 24-hour supervision, assistance with activities of daily living, and access to medical services for older adults who can no longer live independently. The quality and standards of nursing homes, however, can vary significantly both within and across countries.Within the domestic context, the United States provides a prime example of the complexities surrounding nursing home care. The US nursing home industry is a vast and multifaceted system, with over15,000 facilities serving millions of residents nationwide. While some nursing homes in the US provide exceptional, holistic care, others have faced persistent issues with understaffing, poor quality of life for residents, and even allegations of abuse and neglect.The disparities in US nursing home quality are often linked to the country's fragmented healthcare system and the profit-driven nature of many long-term care providers. With nursing home costs averaging over $90,000 per year, access to these facilities is heavily influenced by one's financial resources and insurance coverage. Low-income seniors and those relying on Medicaid may have limited options, often relegated to underfunded, poorly staffed homes. In contrast, affluent individuals can seek out premium nursing facilities with enhanced amenities and higher staff-to-resident ratios.Regulatory oversight of US nursing homes also varies widely, with some states maintaining more rigorous inspection and enforcement processes than others. This patchwork of standards has contributed to an uneven landscape of care quality, leaving many vulnerable older adults at risk of substandard treatment.When examining international contexts, we find that the nursing home model is often approached quite differently. In countries with universal healthcare systems, such as those in Western Europe, nursing home access and quality tend to be more equitable.Governments play a more active role in setting and enforcing care standards, ensuring a baseline of dignity and support for all elderly residents.For example, in the Netherlands, nursing homes are integrated into the nation's comprehensive social welfare system. Dutch nursing homes are required to provide a wide range of services, from medical care and rehabilitation to social activities and cultural programming. Staffing levels are mandated, and regular inspections help maintain high standards of cleanliness, safety, and resident satisfaction.Similarly, in Japan, the world's fastest-aging society, the government has implemented a long-term care insurance system that guarantees access to nursing home services for all eligible seniors. While not without its challenges, this system has helped to elevate the overall quality of elderly care facilities nationwide, with a focus on person-centered approaches and community integration.Notably, many international nursing homes also incorporate innovative design elements and specialized programming to better meet the needs of their residents. In Denmark, for instance, nursing homes are intentionally designed to foster independence, with private apartments, communal spaces, and easy access to outdoor areas. The Danish model emphasizes autonomy, social engagement,and a homelike atmosphere, in contrast to the more institutional settings found in some US facilities.It is important to recognize, however, that the success of international nursing home systems is often rooted in broader cultural attitudes and societal values surrounding aging and elder care. In societies where older adults are revered and their needs are viewed as a collective responsibility, nursing homes tend to be better resourced and more closely integrated into the fabric of the community.Conversely, in countries where filial piety and family-based caregiving are the cultural norms, the nursing home model may be viewed with greater skepticism or even stigma. This can create barriers to accessing high-quality institutional care, leading some older adults to forgo necessary support or rely on overburdened family members.In conclusion, the state of nursing homes and elderly care facilities around the world is a complex and multifaceted issue, shaped by a confluence of cultural, economic, and policy factors. While the domestic US system grapples with disparities in access and quality, driven in part by the profit-oriented nature of many long-term care providers, international models often benefit from more robust governmental oversight and a stronger societal commitment tosupporting aging populations.As global demographic shifts continue to place increasing demands on eldercare systems, it is crucial for policymakers, healthcare professionals, and community stakeholders to learn from the successes and challenges of nursing home models both at home and abroad. By adopting best practices, fostering innovation, and prioritizing the dignity and well-being of older adults, we can work towards a future where all seniors have access to the high-quality, compassionate care they deserve.。



八下英语第二单元作文养老院英文回答:As we age, it becomes increasingly important to consider our long-term care options. For many people,养老院(nursing homes)can provide a safe and supportive environment where they can receive the care they need.Nursing homes: provide 24-hour care, including assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) such as bathing, dressing, and eating. They also offer a variety of services, such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy.There are many factors to consider when choosing a nursing home:Location: The nursing home should be conveniently located for family and friends to visit.Size: The nursing home should be large enough to provide a variety of services, but small enough to feellike home.Staff: The nursing home should have a well-trained and experienced staff.Cost: The nursing home should be affordable.Atmosphere: The nursing home should have a warm and welcoming atmosphere.Once you have chosen a nursing home, it is important to make sure that your loved one is comfortable and well-adjusted. This may require some time and effort, but it is worth it to ensure that your loved one is happy and well-cared for.中文回答:随着我们年龄的增长,考虑我们的长期照护选择变得越来越重要。

养老院 翻译

养老院 翻译

养老院翻译Nursing HomeA nursing home, also known as a retirement home or an eldercare facility, is a place where elderly individuals or seniors reside and receive specialized care and support. The primary purpose of a nursing home is to provide assistance and improve the quality of life for elderly individuals who require additional help with their daily activities or have complex medical needs.Nursing homes offer a range of services, including medical care, personal care, and social interaction. Trained healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and care assistants, work in nursing homes to provide round-the-clock support to residents. They administer medications, monitor vital signs, assist with personal hygiene, and help with mobility and transportation.In addition to medical care, nursing homes also provide recreational activities and social engagement opportunities for residents. These activities aim to promote social interaction, cognitive stimulation, and overall well-being. Common activities may include exercise classes, arts and crafts, music therapy, and even day trips to local attractions.Nursing homes strive to create a warm and comfortable environment for residents. They provide cozy living spaces, communal dining areas, and outdoor spaces for residents to relax and socialize. Many nursing homes also offer various amenities, such as beauty salons, libraries, and gardens, to enhance the quality of life for residents.Choosing a nursing home for a loved one can be a challenging decision. Factors to consider include the location, reputation, facilities, staff qualifications, and cost. It is important to visit potential nursing homes and talk to staff and residents to get a sense of the atmosphere and quality of care provided.Although nursing homes offer comprehensive care and support, it is important to note that some individuals may prefer alternative options, such as assisted living facilities or in-home care. These options may provide a more independent and personalized approach to elderly care.In conclusion, nursing homes play a vital role in providing specialized care and support for elderly individuals who require assistance with their daily activities or have complex medical needs. They aim to improve the quality of life for residents through medical care, personal support, and recreational activities. However, it is important to thoroughly research and visit potential nursing homes to ensure they meet the specific needs and preferences of loved ones.。

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它们的范围很广,从主要支持退休后的休闲化的生活方式(主动退休社区)的适用性住房,到主要是为了迎合体弱的老年人的个人帮助和护理服务(Pynoos&Golant,1995; Golant,1992年)。



















原文:Housing Problems and Options for the Elderly IntroductionHousing is a critical element in the lives of older persons. The affordability of housing affects the ability of the elderly to afford other necessities of life such as food and medical care. Housing that is located near hospitals and doctors, shopping, transportation, and recreational facilities can facilitate access to services that can enhance the quality of life. Housing can also be a place of memories of the past and a connection to friends and neighbors. Housing with supportive features and access to services can also make it possible for persons to age in place. In this session, we will be examining housing problems and options for the elderly. Along the way, we will be testing your housing IQ with a series of questions and exercises.Housing Situation of Older PersonsHow typical is the housing situation of the olders?We will begin by examining five areas :(1)Prevalence of home ownership (2)Length of stay in current residence (3)Living arrangements (4)Attachments of older persons to where they live (5)Moving behavior.With whom older persons live can influence housing affordability, space needs, and the ability to age in place. About 54% of older persons live with their spouses, 31% live alone, almost 13% live with related persons other than their spouse and about 2% live with unrelated persons. With increasing age, older persons (primarily women) are more likely to live alone or with a relative other than a spouse. Frail older women living alone are the persons most likely to reside in homes with ‘extra’ rooms and to need both physically supportive housing features and services to "age in place". This segment of the population is also the group most likely to move to more supportive housing settings such as assisted living.Many older persons have strong psychological attachments to their homes related to length of residence. The home often represents the place where they raised their children and a lifetime of memories. It is also a connection to an array of familiar persons such as neighbors and shopkeepers as well as near by places including houses of worship, libraries and community services. For many older persons, the home is an extension of their own personalities which is found in the furnishings . Inaddition, the home can represent a sense of economic security for the future, especially for homeowners who have paid off their mortgages. For owners, the home is usually their most valuable financial asset. The home also symbolizes a sense of independence in that the resident is able to live on his or her own. For these types of reasons, it is understandable that in response to a question about housing preferences, AARP surveys of older persons continue to find that approximately 80% of older persons report that what they want is to "stay in their own homes and never move." This phenomena has been termed the preference to "age in place."Although most older persons move near their current communities, some seek retirement communities in places with warmer weather in the southwest, far west and the south.The Federal Government's Housing Programs for the ElderlyThe federal government has had two basic housing strategies to address housing problems of the elderly. One strategy, termed the "supply side" approach, seeks to build new housing complexes such as public housing and Section 202 housing for older persons. Public housing is administered by quasi-governmental local public housing authorities. Section 202 Housing for the elderly and disabled is sponsored by non-profit organizations including religious and non-sectarianorganizations. Approximately 1.5 million older persons or 3% of the elderly population live in federally assisted housing, with about 387,000 living in Section 202 housing. Over time, the government has shifted away from such new construction programs because of the cost of such housing, the problems that a number of non-elderly housing programs have experienced, and a philosophy that the government should no longer be directly involved with the building of housing. Section 202 housing, a very popular and successful program, is one of the few supply-side programs funded by the federal government, although the budget allocation during the last ten years has allowed for the construction of only about 6,000 units per year compared to a high of almost 20,000 units in the late 1970s. Instead of funding new construction, federal housing initiativ es over the last decade have emphasized ‘demand side’ subsidies that provide low-income renters with a certificate or a voucher that they can use in a variety of multiunit settings, including apartments in the private sector that meet rental and condition guidelines. These vouchers and certificates are aimed at reducing excessive housing costs. Some certificates are termed ‘project based’ subsidies and are tied to federally subsidized housing such as Section 202. Because housing programs are not an entitlement, however, supply-side and demand side programs together are only able to meet the needs of about 1/3 of elderly renters who qualify on the basis of income.While advocates for housing have been trying to hold on to the existing programs in the face of huge budget cuts at HUD, much of the attention has been shifting towards meeting the shelter and service needs of the frail elderly. This emphasis reflects the increasing number of older persons in their eighties and nineties who need a physically supportive environment linked with services. This group of older persons includes a high percentage of older residents of public and Section 202 housing. Initially built for independent older persons who were initially in the late sixties and early seventies, this type of housing now includes older persons in their eighties and nineties, many of whom have aged in place. Consequently, the government is faced with creating strategies to bring services into these buildings and retrofit them to better suit the needs of frail older persons. A major initiative of the early 1990s, which may be stalled by current budget problems at HUD, has been for the federal government to pay for service coordinators to assess the needs of residents of government assisted housing complexes and link them with services. As of 1998, there were approximately 1,000 service coordinators attached to government assisted housing complexes across the country.The Housing Continuum: A Range of Options for ElderlyA long-standing assumption in the field of housing has been that as persons become more frail, they will have to move along a housing continuum from one setting to another. As the figure on housing options suggests, along this continuum are found a range of housing options including single family homes, apartments, congregate living, assisted living, and board and care homes (Kendig & Pynoos, 1996). The end point of the housing continuum has been the nursing home. These options vary considerably in terms of their availability, affordability, and ability to meet the needs of very frail older persons.The concept of a continuum of supportive care is based on the assumption that housing options can be differentiated by the amount and types of services offered; the supportiveness of the physical setting in terms of accessibility, features, and design; and the competency level of the persons to whom the housing is targeted. The figure on housing options indicates how such options generally meet the needs of older persons who are categorized,as independent, semi-dependent and dependent. Semi-dependent older persons can be thought of as needing some assistance from other persons with instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) such as cooking, cleaning, and shopping. In addition to needing assistance with some IADLs, dependent older persons may require assistance with more basic activities such as toileting, eating and bathing. Although semi-dependent and dependent older persons can befound throughout the housing continuum, independent older persons are very unlikely to reside in housing types such as assisted living specifically designed and equipped to meet the needs of frail older persons unless their spouses require these needs.Although the continuum of housing identifies a range of housing types, there is increasing recognition that frail older persons do not necessarily have to move from one setting to another if they need assistance. Semi-dependent or dependent older persons can live in a variety of settings, including their own homes and apartments, if the physical environment is made more supportive, caregivers are available to provide assistance and affordable services are accessible. ConclusionsHousing plays a critical role in the lives of older persons. Most older homeowners who function independently express a high level of satisfaction with their dwelling units. However, high housing costs, especially for renters, remain a financial burden for many older persons and problems associated with housing condition persist especially for low- income renters and persons living in rural areas. Federal housing programs such as public housing, Section 202 housing, and Section 8 housing certificates have only been able to address the basic housing problems of only about one-third of eligible older persons because oflimited budgets. Moreover, a shortage of viable residential options exists for frail older persons. Up until the last decade, housing for the elderly was conceived of primarily as shelter. It has become increasingly recognized that frail older persons who needed services and physically supportive features often had to move from their homes or apartments to settings such as board and care or nursing homes to receive assistance. Over time, however, the concept of a variety of housing types that can be linked has replaced the original idea of the continuum of housing. It is possible for frail older persons to live in a variety of existing residential settings, including their own homes and apartments with the addition of services and home modifications. Consequently, the last decade has seen a number of efforts to modify homes, add service coordinators to multi-unit housing and create options such as accessory and ECHO units. Although these strategies have been enhanced by a somewhat greater availability of home care services, Medicaid policy still provides incentives to house frail older persons in nursing homes. The most visible development in the field of housing for frail older persons has been the growth of private sector assisted living which is now viewed by many state governments as a residential alternative to nursing homes. The AL movement itself has raised a number of regulatory and financing issues that cross-cut housing and long term care such as what constitutes a residential environment, insuring that residents can age in place,accommodating resident preferences, protecting the rights of individuals and insuring quality of care. Nevertheless, the emergence of AL along with a wider range of other housing options holds out the promise that older persons will have a larger range of choices among living arrangements.。
