



hide翻译HideHide,本名是山本英美(Hide Hara),是日本著名的音乐人,以其在视觉系音乐流派的作品而闻名于世。



Hide是日本历史上最具影响力的摇滚音乐家之一,他和X JAPAN乐队的创始人之一,在视觉系音乐方面有不可替代的地位。






Hide在年轻的时候就非常喜欢音乐,16 岁时就加入了 Saver Tiger 乐队。

虽然Saver Tiger 最终未能获得广泛的成功,但这段经历让他学到了很多东西。

1987 年,他加入了 X JAPAN 乐队,成为该团队的吉他手,并在音乐创作、演奏和照片等各个方面做出卓越的贡献。

他是 X JAPAN 乐队的精神领袖之一,因为他常常帮助其他成员处理乐队内部的纠纷,并为其他成员提供音乐上的建议。

Hide 的音乐才华得到了广泛的认可。

他在 X JAPAN 时期写下的代表曲包括《Kurenai》、《Rose of Pain》、《Unfinished》等。


在 1992 年,他开始了个人音乐生涯,并发行了首张个人专辑《Hide Your Face》。

这张专辑在日本取得了巨大的成功,并奠定了 Hide 作为个人音乐人的地位。

此后多年,他不断地推出新专辑,其中包括《Psyence》、《Ja, Zoo》等。

然而,1998 年 5 月 2 日,Hide 在六本木的公寓里离奇身亡,年仅 33 岁。











随后的几年里,他陆续发行了多张专辑和单曲,其中包括《NATSU NO KOI》、《LOVE LETTER》、《WONDERFUL WORLD》等经典作品,成为了日本流行音乐界的代表人物之一。













X-Japan成员及乐队介绍YOSHIKI (Drums&Leader⿎⼿&钢琴&队长)真名: 林佳树⽣⽇: 1965.11.20⾎型: B ⾝⾼: 175cm出⽣地:千叶县馆⼭市TOSHI (Vocal主唱) 真名: 出⼭利三⽣⽇: 1965.10.10⾎型: A⾝⾼: 170cm 出⽣地:千叶县馆⼭市HIDE(Guitar吉他⼿)真名: 松本秀⼈⽣⽇: 1964.12.13⾎型: AB⾝⾼: 170cm出⽣地: 神奈川县横须贺市 PATA (Guitar吉他⼿)真名: ⽯冢智昭⽣⽇: 1965.11.4 ⾎型: B⾝⾼: 173cm出⽣地: 千叶县HEATH (Bass贝司⼿)真名: 森江博⽣⽇: 1968.1.22⾎型: B⾝⾼: 175cm出⽣地: 兵库县尼崎市TAIJI (前任贝司)真名: 泽⽥泰司⽣⽇: 1966.7.12⾎型: A⾝⾼: 173cm 出⽣地: 千叶县X japan 视觉系的⿐祖,造型和⾳乐深受KISS的影响。

早在1978年,TOSHI和YOSHIKI这⼀对好朋友已经组成了乐队NOISE,在学校的⽂化祭和LIVE HOUSE演出,在82年夏,当HEAVY METAL和HARD ROCK刚刚流⼊⽇本时,他们成⽴了⽇本的第⼀只HM/HD乐队,那就是X JAPAN的前⾝——X 。

85年2⽉份,他们终于发表了第⼀张⾃⼰制作的单曲(SINGLE) "I'LL KILL YOU"(DADA Records) (indie). 87年2⽉TAIJI(BASS),PATA(GUITAR)和HIDE(GUITAR)加⼊,使得长期处于队员更迭状态的X终于确⽴ Toshi, Taiji, Pata, hide & Yoshiki的固定阵容 . 1988年4⽉14⽇X的⾸张唱⽚ “Vanishing Vision”发售,在Indie唱⽚销售榜上居于前位。



Meteora 流星圣殿
于2003年出版,这张专辑新上榜就占据了英国和美国专辑销售榜第一和澳大利亚专 辑销售榜的第二。其中还囊括了《Somewhere I belong》、《Faint》、《Numb》、 《From the inside》和《Breaking the habit》等多首热门单曲。 发行时间:2003-03-01 收入曲目: 1.Foreword 2.Don"t Stay 3.Somewhere I Belong 4.Lying From You 5.Hi The Floor 6.Easier To Run 7.Faint 8.Figure.09 9.Breaking The Habit 10.From The Inside 11.Nobody"s Listening 12.Sessin 13.Numb
Hybrid Theory(混合理论)
查斯特·本宁顿加入后,乐团名字由XERO改为Hybrid Theory;此张专辑狂 卖2400万张(累计至2006年10月),销量惊人。 发行时间:2000-10-2 Papercut One step closr With you Points of authority Crawling(《越狱》第一季主题曲) Runaay By myself In the end A place for my head Forgotten Cure for the itch Pushing me away 多首热门单曲的专辑成为了2001年美国和新西兰最畅销的唱片。值得注意 的是,他们的这张专辑中的歌曲歌词都相当干净,没有任何脏话出现,这与其 他的一些新金属乐队的歌曲形成了鲜明的对比。 >> 0 >> 1 >> 2 >> 3 >> 4 >>



BigBang成员资料G-Dragon(Leader/Rapper/Vocal)韩文名:Kwon Jiyong中文名:权志龙英文名:G-Dragon职务:队长、Rapper、主唱生日:1988.08.18星座:狮子座身高:178CM体重:58KG血型:A型家庭成员:父母、姐姐首演:2022年帅绅士爱好:绘画、音乐鉴赏特长:Rapping、Dance、Beat Box、作词、作曲、唱歌、英语、中文性格特征:很有责任感并且礼貌的队长,完美主义的狮子座学历:国乐艺术中学、议政府通讯情报高中、庆熙大学现代音乐系喜欢的东西:衣物、首饰讨厌的东西:下雨天宗教:基督教宠物:沙皮狗(家虎)个人奖项:2022年韩国十大作曲家、最佳魅力先生(都是唯一10代的获奖者)在乎的东西:歌词本、朋友、衣服初次登台:2022年韩国Hip-Hop Flex喜欢的明星:Jay-Z、Omarion、50cents、Justin Timberlake、Nelly、Lil Bow wow、YG公司的朋友们喜欢的颜色:黑色、白色、天蓝色、柠檬色理想的女孩:纯情、有个性、可爱、善良、善解人意、帅气的女孩(龙的意思是只要是女生都可以)理想型:BoA、苍井优以后的想法:会努力地遵守诺言座右铭:尽力而为纹身:左边手腕moderato(中等速度)(龙理解的意思是:不要走得太快“慢慢的”看着旁边)右边手腕vita dolce(甜蜜的生活)(龙理解的意思是:甜蜜的过着人生)every time,每个人背上Too fast to live,too young to die。


参予的演出:2022年Hip-Hop Flex,wheesung 第一辑,seven 第一辑,YG Family 第二辑,perry 第一辑个人SOLO:《This Love》、《But I love U》、《只看着我Part2》、个人solo专辑《heartbreaker》Feat:Se7en - 1st album 「Just Listen」01.Intro(Rap)Se7en - 3rd album 「24 / 7」14.Run(Rap)Se7en - 4th album 「Se7olution」07.CAN YOU FEEL ME(Rap)李孝利- Digital Single 「Anystar」02.Anystar(Remixed ParkBom)(Rap)Kim Jo Han - So In Love Part2(Feat. G Dragon)(Rap)(2022年)辉星- 1st album 「Like a movie」Magic EyeGummy-4th album「Comfort」Intro C Work it nowLexy - Super fly严正花- 「D.I.S.C.O」Party(2022年)金朝汉- so in love Part2w-inds. - rain is fallin太阳(Main Vocal/Main Dancer)韩文名:Dong Youngbae中文名:东永裴艺名:(Taeyang)太阳日本艺名:SOL(西班牙语中“太阳”的意思)曾用艺名:(TaeKwon)队中职务:主唱、舞蹈生日:1988.05.18星座:金牛座身高:174CM体重:62KG血型:AB型家庭成员:父母、哥哥宠物:BOSS(参与bigbang短剧《病毒》的演出)宗教信仰:基督教学历:大真大学戏剧电影学院首演:2022年帅绅士嗜好:篮球、听音乐、看电视座右铭:特长:Rapping、Dance、Beat Box、唱歌、日语个人SOLO:2022年09月28日mini2辑中的《Ma girl》、2022年05月22日First Solo ALBIM2022年10月15日单曲《Where U At》、2022年11月13日单曲《Wedding Dress》Feat:Prayer (Feat. TaeKwon)-辉星2辑-It's realRun (Feat. TaeKwon)-Se7en 3辑-24/SE7EN我会好好做(Feat. TaeYang)-Se7en 4辑-Se7olutionGet Up (Intro) (Feat. TaeYang)-Lexy 3辑-RushRush (Feat. TaeYang)-Lexy 3辑-RushSuper Fly (Featuring G-Dragon T.O.P TaeYang)-Lexy 3辑-Rush (Feat. TaeYang)-金朝汉5辑-Soul Family With Johan Real talk (Feat. TaeYang)-YMGA 1辑-Made in R.O.KKorean Dream (Feat. TaeYang)-G-dragon 1辑-HeartbreakerT.O.P(Rapper/Vocal)韩文名:Choi Seunghyun中文名:崔胜贤出道前艺名:Tempo职务:Rapper生日:1987.11.04星座:天蝎座身高:181CM体重:65KG血型:B型家庭成员:父母、姐姐特长:Rapping、Beat Box、写词宠物:charlie(查理)性格特点:做事认真、低调、酷爱搞笑、脑子有时候比较轴、虽然是队中大哥,但心理年龄其实还是个小孩子。



黄家驹英文简介黄家驹,中国香港男歌手、原创音乐人、吉他手、摇滚乐队Beyond主唱及创队成员,下面是店铺为你整理的黄家驹英文简介,希望对你有用!黄家驹简介Huang Jiaju, born June 10, 1962 in Hong Kong, Hong Kong male singer, original musician, guitarist, rock band Beyond lead singer and creative team member.1983 to song "building" debut, and served as Beyond band singer. In 1988 by virtue of the album "secret police" in Hong Kong pop music attention, which by Huang Jiagao song "earth" won the top ten songs Golden Melody Award. In 1989, Huang Jiaju's song "really love you" won the top ten songs and the top ten Chinese Golden Melody Awards. In 1990 by virtue of the song "glorious years" won the top ten songs of the best song lyrics. Held in Hong Kong in 1991, "Beyond life contact concert". 1992 to Japan to develop singing career. In June 1993, in Japan to participate in a variety of programs during the accidental injury, died on June 30, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, Year-old 31 years old; the same year, was chasing the top ten Chinese Golden Melody Award "endless character Memorial Award".Huang Jiaju has a unique hoarse voice, the treble of the tail to deal with his logo. He was good at songwriting and guitar playing, Beyond in 1983 to 1993 this period published most of the music works are Huang Jiaju composer and lead singer.黄家驹早年经历A family of laborers born in Hong Kong on June 10, 1962, afamily of seven living in a small unit of less than 30 square meters in the Susu Village, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon. Huang Jiajiong childhood occasional contact with some of the party from the Big Sisters in the 1970s rock music, including Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin and other rock band, in addition to British rock and roll singer David Bowie on Huang Jiaju also had a greater impact.After graduating from high school, he has been an assistant to an office assistant, a television station designer and a salesman. At the age of 17, Huang Jiaju picked up a wooden guitar when his neighbor moved, and the wood guitar was his first instrument. Once he went to participate in the underground band, was the main guitarist humiliation; this matter, he began to practice guitar.In the early 1980s, Huang Jiaju was informed by Ye Shirong, found that each music interest is similar, so Huang Jiaju, Ye Shirong together with two friends Deng Weiqian and Li Rongchao together to form a band for music exchange, this band is Beyond's prototype.黄家驹演艺经历In 1983, Beyond band was formally established, Huang Jiaju as the band's lead singer. In the same year, beyo nd participated in the guitar game organized by "Guitar Magazine" and won the championship. In 1984, Huang Jiaju in addition to participate in some performances, but also try to create music works; the same year, to participate in the recording album "Hong Kong".In 1985, Huang Jiaju practiced in the band room all day, often complained by the neighbors, so the bank loan to rent Hong Kong Island Caritas Center, and the identity of the underground band held a "forever waiting" concert.In 1986, Beyond released album "Goodbye Ideals"; album title song title song by Huang Jiaju and solo solo, this song isbeyond the most representative of their spirit and reality oppression works. In the same year, Beyond band and Darling faction recorded a box of "Golden Songs".In 1987, Beyond issued EP "forever waiting"; Huang Jiaju for the EP composer 5, lyricist 4, which by Huang Jiabao song "forever waiting" is beyond the attempt to use Cantonese to create the beginning of rock works, but also beyond the first Chinese works. In addition, the "old dance" created by Huang Jiaju boarded the RTHK radio list and became the first song of Beyond to be made by MTV on television. At this time, Huang Jiaju and beyond were accepted by other people. Outside criticism; the same year, Beyond released the album "Aragon Dancing Girl", trying to find a balance between business and rock.In 1988, the release of Cantonese album "modern stage"; although poor sales, but it is Beyond critical social phenomenon began; the album contains a total of 11 songs, Huang Jiaju to participate in the song of eight songs; the same year, Huang Jiaju with Hong Kong University Hall held a concert; In addition, Beyond also issued a try to popular album "secret police", included by Huang Jiabao created "like you", "goodbye ideals" and other songs; which by Huang Jiaju " Earth "won the 1988 Golden Songs of the top ten songs.In 1989, Beyond released the album "Beyond IV", and made double platinum sales results; the same year, by Huang Jiaju composer "really love you" won the 1989 Golden Song Award and the top ten Chinese Golden Melody Award, this song also Become one of the representative works.In 1990, Beyond released Cantonese album "fate party", which has eight songs by Huang Jiaju composer; album song "party" to get the top ten Chinese gold song first; Huang Jiajualso by virtue of the song "glorious years" won the top ten The same year in the comedy film "happy ghosts to save the ghost", and for the film creation theme song "beat the demons" and the episode "Wenwu Yingjie Declaration."In 1991, in the inspirational film "BEYOND diary of the bullying young poor" as the love of music young Wu Jiajiong, and for the film "who with my battles", "no longer hesitate" and other songs; September, Huang Jiaju and Beyond members in the Hong Kong Hung Hom Gymnasium held five "life contact" concert; the same year, to participate in the Japanese NHK program, and signed the Japanese brokerage company Amuse, which officially entered the Japanese music scene; the end of Beyond in Taiwan issued the third Mandarin album "faith" Once again signed rock record. During the Rolling Stones album, Beyond's Mandarin album in Taiwan was well received, but was poorly sold.In 1992, Huang Jiaju won the Hong Kong New Town radio award-winning composer award; the same year, Huang Jiaju and Beyond members to switch to Warner record, and the focus of the music career transferred to Japan; in Japan during the development, Beyond launched two Japanese album and three Zhang Japanese EP, but the results are flat; In addition, Huang Jiajiong in Japan took a lot of acting work, including participation in the recording game program.In May 1993, Beyond released Cantonese album "music and anger"; the album maintained Beyond consistent originality, and returned to the rock style; which by Huang Jiaju song song "brighter future" won the 1993 top ten Chinese Golden Melody Award, June 24, Huang Jiaju in Tokyo Fuji TV recording program, accidentally fell from the stage into a serious injury, after theunconscious; June 30, the United States, the United States, the United States, Huang Jiaju died in Tokyo, Japan, 31 years old; July 5, Huang Jiajiong's body was transported to the Tseung Kwan O Chinese Permanent Cemetery 15 paragraph 6 25 on the funeral。


出生日期:1964年11月13日 英文名:Steve Wong 出生地点:中国香港 籍贯:广东省台山市 民族:汉 身高:5英尺7英寸(170cm) 体重:133磅(60公斤) 星座:天蝎(温和单纯,热情天真,自信十足,意志坚定不动摇) 血型:A型 教育程度:中学 家庭成员:父母、两兄、两姐 个人愿望:成功人士、作曲家、作者 喜爱的音乐人物:Billy Sheehan、Jeff Berlin、圣饥魔II、Pink Floyd、Vinnie Moore、Kingdom Come 购买的第一张唱片:《Echo & the Bunnymen》 嗜好:音乐、游泳、羽毛球、撞球 喜爱的书:村上春树著作 喜爱的颜色:白、蓝、紫 喜爱的动物:鸟、狗 喜爱的季节:冬 最欣赏自己:面型 喜爱的人物:家人 最难忘的事:和Beyond成长的历程 理想的对象:成熟、独立、感性 自己打分:80分 更多资料请参阅黄家强的百科词条 黄贯中 黄贯中(主音吉他手兼主唱)
黄家驹 性别:男 英文名:Wong Ka Kui 黄家驹(主唱兼节奏吉他手)
日文名:Koma 乐队任职:主唱兼节奏吉他手 出生日期:1962年6月10日 去世时间:1993年6月30日16时15分(该时间为日本当地时间,而中国当地时间是当天下午15时15分) 出生地点:中国香港 去世地点:日本东京 籍贯:广东省台山市 民族:汉 身高:5英尺7英寸(170cm) 体重:135磅(61.2公斤) 星座:双子(随和亲切,充满理想主义,是一位富有领导观念的杰出团长) 血型:A型 教育程度:中学 毕业学校:博允中学 家庭成员:父母、一兄、两姐、一弟 个人愿望:自己的理想能实现、成功;Beyond能举办世界巡回演唱会;推动原创音乐 喜爱的音乐人物:Vinnie Moore、Chick Corea、David Bowie 擅长的乐器:吉他、贝斯、笛子、架子鼓

90年代叱吒日本的摇滚乐团X JAPAN的吉他手hide的中英文介绍

90年代叱吒日本的摇滚乐团X JAPAN的吉他手hide的中英文介绍

需要翻译的内容如下:hide是90年代叱吒日本的摇滚乐团X JAPAN的吉他手之一。





在他的青少年期,hide组建了颇具争议的地下乐队Saber Tiger。

之后hide以主音结他手和作曲的身份加入了具有传奇色彩的乐队X(之后改名为X-Japan )在hide传奇的一生当中,他的衣着服饰总是千变万化。









hide 死于1998年5月2日。














BEYOND 一பைடு நூலகம்经典的乐队
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
黄家驹——团长 主唱兼吉他手 黄家驹 Wong Ka Kui 出生日期:6月10日 星座:双子座 随和亲切、充满理想主义、是一位富有领导观念的团长 血型:A型 A 身高:五尺八寸 体重:135磅 出生地点:香港 喜爱的乐手:David Gilmor 、Vinnie Moore 、Chick Corea 、David Bowie、 Ritche Blackmore、 Ruplh Tower、 Lour Reed 第一张购买的唱片:David Bowie 嗜好:球类运动 阅读 钓鱼 游泳 喜欢的书:推力小说 1993年6月30日去世于日本
• • • • • • • • • • • •
黄贯中——吉他手兼歌手 黄贯中 Paul Wong 出生日期:3月31日 星座:牧羊座 率直真实、泽善固执、富同情心、健谈积极派 血型:B型 身高:五尺七寸 体重:138磅 出生地点:香港 喜爱的乐手:Ritchie Blackmore 、Vinnie Moore 、David Bowie 第一张购买的唱片:Carpenters 嗜好:画画 音乐 喜欢的书:有关设计、美术的
• • • • • • • • • • • •
黄家强——贝斯手兼歌手 黄家强 Ste Wong 出生日期:11月13日 星座:天蝎座 温和单纯、热情天真、自信十足、意志坚定不易动摇 血型:A型 身高:五尺七寸 体重:133磅 出生地点:香港 喜爱的乐手:Billy Sheenhen 、Jeff Berlin、 Vinnie Moore、 Kingdom Come、 Pink Floyd、 圣饥魔Ⅱ 第一张购买的唱片:Echo & the Bunnymen 嗜好:音乐 游泳 羽毛球 撞球 喜欢的书:村上春树著作












例如,《Endless Rain》是他们最具代表性的歌曲之一,它融合了美妙的旋律和深情的歌词,带给听众无尽的感动。












Best friend 西野加奈

Best friend 西野加奈

西野加奈(西野カナ) best friend歌词及罗马音ありがとうa ri ga tou君がいてくれて本当よかったよkun gai te ku re te hon tou yo ka tta yoどんな时だっていつもdon na 时da tte I tsu mo笑っていられるwa ra tte I ra re ru例えば、离れていても何年経ってもta to e ba , ha na re te i te mo nan nen he tte moずっと変わらないでしょzu tto ka wa ra na I de sho私たちBest Friendwa ta shi ta chi Best Friend好きだよ、大好きだよsu ki da yo , da I su ki da yoこんな遅い时间にゴメンねkon na o so i ji kan ni go me n ne一人じゃせっぱつまってきたのhi to ri ja se pa tsu ma tte k ita no君の声少し闻けたらkun no ko e su ko shi k ike ta raがんばれるgan ba re ruなんでも打ち明けられるnan de mo u chi a ke ra re ruママにも言えないことも全部ma ma ni mo I e na I ko to mo zen bu谁よりも分かってくれるda re yo ri mo wa ka tte ku re ru嬉しい时は自分の事みたい喜んでくれてu re shi i to ki ha ji bu n no ko to mi tai yo ro kon de ku re teダメな时はちゃんと叱ってくれる存在da me na to ki ha chan to shi ka tte ku re ru son zaiありがとうa ri ga tou君がいてくれて本当よかったよkun gai te ku re te hon tou yo ka tta yoどんな时だっていつもdon na to ki da tte I tsu mo笑っていられるwa ra tte I ra re ru例えば、离れていても何年経ってもta to e ba , ha na re te i te mo nan nen he tte moずっと変わらないでしょzu tto ka wa ra na I de sho私たちBest Friendwa ta shi ta chi Best Friend好きだよ、大好きだよsu ki da yo , da i su ki da yo强がってもすぐにバレてるtsu yo ga tte mo su gu ni ba re te ruへこんでる时はhe kon de ru to ki ha真っ先にメールくれる优しさにma ssa ki ni me^ru ku re ru ya sa shi sa niもう何度も救われてmou nan do mo su ku wa re te泣きたい时はおもいっきり泣けばいいna ki tai to ki hao mo I ki ri na ke bai i侧にいるからってga wa ni I ru ka ra tte谁よりも强い味方da re yo ri mo tsu yo i mi ka taそんな君に私は何かしてあげられてるかな?son na kun ni wa ta shi ha na ni ka shi te a gera re te ru ka na ?何かあったらすぐに飞んでくから、绝对na ni ka a tta ra su gu ni ton de ku ka ra, ze ttaありがとうa ri ga tou君がいてくれて本当よかったよkun gai te ku re te hon tou yo ka tta yoどんな时だっていつもdon na to ki da tte I tsu mo笑っていられるwa ra tte I ra re ru例えば、离れていても何年経ってもta to e ba , ha n re te I te mo nan nen he tte moずっと変わらないでしょzu tto ka wa ra na i de sho私たちBest Friendwa ta shi ta chi Best Friend好きだよ、大好きだよsu ki da yo , da I su ki da yoどんな时も祈っているよdon na to ki mo I no tte I ru yo世界で一番に幸せになってほしいse kai de I chi ban ni shi a wa se ni na tte ho shi iありがとうa ri ga tou君がいてくれて本当よかったよkun gai te ku re te hon tou yo ka tta yoどんな时だっていつもdon na to ki da tte I tsu mo笑っていられるwa ra tte I ra re ru例えば、れていても何年経ってもta to e ba , re te I te mo nan nen he tte moずっと変わらないでしょzu tto ka wa ra na i de sho 私たちBest Friendwa ta shi ta chi Best Friend 好きだよ、大好きだよsu ki da yo , da i su ki da yo。



RADWIMPSRADWIMPS 是一支日本的摇滚乐队,成立于2001年,由野田洋次郎(Yojiro Noda)担任主唱和吉他手,桥部洋平(Kohhei Hayashi)担任贝斯手,“Sakaguchi Akira”担任吉他手和《你的名字。

》的制片人,另还有鼓手山口智史(Tatsuya Yamaguchi)。

RADWIMPS 的音乐风格独特多样,结合了摇滚、流行和实验音乐的元素。


在乐坛发展的早期阶段,RADWIMPS 还是一个相对小众的乐队,但随着他们与导演新海诚合作的电影《秒速5公分》(《秒速5センチメートル》)的主题曲《会心的一击》(「打ち上げ花火、下から見るか?横から見るか?」),他们开始受到国际关注,并逐渐取得了商业成功。






RADWIMPS 为该电影创作了丰富多样的原声带,包括透露了故事情节的歌曲和背景音乐,通过音乐进一步增强了电影的张力和情感。

电影原声带中的主要歌曲,如《前前前世》(「前前前世」)、《夢灯籠》(「夢灯籠」)和《愛にできることはまだあるかい》(「なんでもないや」),都成为了 RADWIMPS 最受欢迎的作品之一。


RADWIMPS 的音乐以其富有共鸣和情感的歌词而闻名。








2002年集合数名年青乐手组成Picasso Horses,签约香港环球唱片推出个人专辑,并提拔新乐队。

详细档案嗜好:音乐、阅读、旅游、电影、烹饪、电脑、网上游戏、收集笔、游泳、Fine Art最欣赏自己:面型喜爱的食物:辣、肉类、虾喜爱的地方:家、海滩、餐馆喜爱的动物:鸟、狗喜爱的季节:冬天喜爱的音乐:British Sound、Ambient、Avant Garde、Trip Hop、Punk、Post Rock,Electronic、Death、Gothic、Alternative喜爱的歌手:David Sylvian、Simon Raymonde、Brian Eno、David Bowie、Peter Gabriel、Kate Bush、Robert Wyatt、Mick Karn喜爱的乐队:Cocteau Twins、Radiohead、XTC、U2、Pink Floyd、Scissor Sisters、The Czars、The StereoLab喜爱的电影:《Fifth Elements》、《Taxi Driver》、《The Fearless Vampire Killers》、《 The Tenant》、《 Harry Potter》、《 Alice doesn't live here anymore》、《少林足球》、《花样年华》、《Kill Bill》、《Forest Gump》、《Naked Lunch》、《American《Rosemary's Baby》、《A Midsummer-Night's Dream》、Beauty》、《Shakespeare in Love》、《Deep Impact》喜爱的演员:Roman Polanski、周星驰、Robert De Niro、张曼玉、Tom Hanks、Uma Thurman喜爱的人物:家人、好人喜爱的书籍:村上春树著作最尊敬的人物:二哥(黄家驹)最欣赏的人物:毕加索爱的颜色:橙、白、黑、红喜爱的衣服:Fashionable喜爱的汽车:开篷车喜爱的旅游地方:全世界包括全宇宙最难忘的事:和Beyond成长的历程最伤心的事:哥哥(黄家驹)于1993年意外去世从业经历1983年12月,黄家强加入Beyond,担任其乐队的贝斯手。



吉他手名人英语介绍作文As a music lover, I have always been fascinated by the talent and skill of guitar legends. These iconic figures have not only revolutionized the way we play the guitar, but they have also left an indelible mark on the music industry as a whole. In this essay, I will introduce some of the most famous guitarists in the world and highlight their contributions to the art of guitar playing.First on the list is Jimi Hendrix, widely regarded as one of the greatest guitarists of all time. Hendrix's innovative style of playing, which combined elements of blues, rock, and jazz, revolutionized the way the guitar was played and opened up new possibilities for musicians. His use of feedback, distortion, and other effects paved the way for future generations of guitarists to experiment with sound and push the boundaries of what was possible on the instrument.Next up is Eric Clapton, another guitar legend who hashad a profound impact on the world of music. Clapton's blues-inspired playing style and soulful vocals have earned him a place in the pantheon of guitar greats. His work with bands like Cream and his solo career have produced some of the most memorable guitar riffs and solos in rock history. Clapton's influence can be heard in the playing of countless guitarists who have followed in his footsteps.Moving on, we have Eddie Van Halen, whose innovative playing style and use of tapping techniques have inspired legions of guitarists. Van Halen's virtuosic solos andhigh-energy performances helped define the sound of 1980s rock and roll. His influence can be heard in the playing of countless guitarists who have been inspired by histechnical prowess and showmanship.Another guitar legend worth mentioning is Carlos Santana, whose unique blend of Latin rhythms and blues-inspired guitar playing has made him one of the most recognizable guitarists in the world. Santana's soulful playing style and melodic solos have earned him numerous accolades and awards, including multiple Grammy Awards. Hisinfluence can be heard in the playing of guitarists across a wide range of genres, from rock to jazz to Latin music.Last but not least, we have Jimmy Page, the mastermind behind the iconic guitar riffs and solos of Led Zeppelin. Page's innovative use of the guitar as a tool for creating atmospheric soundscapes and epic rock anthems has made him one of the most influential guitarists of all time. His influence can be heard in the playing of countless guitarists who have been inspired by his use of distortion, feedback, and other effects to create a unique and unforgettable sound.In conclusion, these guitar legends have left an indelible mark on the world of music and have inspired countless guitarists to push the boundaries of what is possible on the instrument. Whether it's Jimi Hendrix's innovative use of effects, Eric Clapton's soulful playing style, Eddie Van Halen's technical prowess, CarlosSantana's unique blend of Latin and blues-inspired playing, or Jimmy Page's epic guitar riffs and solos, theseguitarists have proven that the guitar is more than just an instrument – it's a tool for creating unforgettable music.。



农夫(乐队农夫)详细资料大全农夫乐队于2000年成立,是一支香港独立的饶舌与嘻哈音乐组合,现成员包括陆永、C君,经理人及监制为DJ T ommy。


基本介绍•中文名:农夫•出道时间:2000年•成员:C君(C-Kwan)、陆永(6wing)•音乐类型:Hip-Hop•类型:组合•国籍:中国•代表作品:专辑:奇蹟、举高只手演艺经历,音乐作品,DJGalaxy,CKwan,Gigi,6wing,曾获得奖项,电视作品,电影作品,电视节目,演艺经历乐队组合:农夫(Fama) Vocal:Gigi DJ:DJ Galaxy :、R&B、G-Funk、Breakbeat、Jazz 于2000年成立的香港独立的饶舌与嘻哈音乐组合农夫,现成员包括陆永、C君,经理人及监制为DJ Tommy。




农夫在2009年和香港无线电视台TVB 的主持人阮小仪(小仪)在每周日晚九点推出一档《农夫小仪嬉》的节目。


音乐作品音乐专辑共9张奇蹟粤语歌曲14首发布于 2010-10-19 农夫全新广东专辑“奇蹟” (2CD + 2 DVD)专辑作出新尝试除广邀好友参与幕后制作(包括:-方大同 / 王苑之 / DJ Tommy / Kz..等)陆永及 C君更各自以独立形式参与幕后制作录制歌曲及 MV推介专辑所有歌曲O'FAMA 粤语歌曲10首发布于 2010-02-25 农夫的2010年全新广东大碟《O'FAMA》由唱片公司老板陈冠希担当监制,并邀请了多位外国音乐人作曲,新歌带来了作为音乐人的辛酸,呈现了现时社会上的种种不平等,勉励乐迷改变自己的陋习,并致力改变社会的风气。



Beyond乐队成员简介:黄家驹——团长、主唱、吉他手、作曲、作词、编曲出生日期:1962年6月10日出生地点:香港籍贯:广东台山身高:5英尺7英寸体重:135磅星座:观念的杰出双子(随和亲切,充满理想主义,是一位富有领导团长)血型:A教育程度:中5家庭成员:父母、一兄、两姐个人愿望:自己的理想能实现、成功,BEYOND能实现世界巡回演唱会的愿望喜爱的歌手:David Gilmor Vin-nie Moore,Chick Corea,David Bowie嗜好:球类运动、阅读、钓鱼、游泳喜爱的书:推理小说黄贯中——吉他手兼歌手英文名:Paul Wong出生日期:3月31日星座:牡羊座率直真实择善固执富同情心健谈积极派血型:B型身高:五尺七寸体重:138磅出生地点:香港喜爱乐手:Ritchie Blackmore、Vinnie Moore、David Bowie第一张购买的唱片:Carpenters嗜好:画画音乐喜欢的书:有关设计、美术的都爱看樂器︰Fender Stratocaster Marshall, Fender Twin Reverb, Music Man Amplifier負責效果︰Distortion, Overdrive, Compression Sustainer, Analog Delay, Chrous黄家强——贝斯手兼歌手英文名:Steve Wong出生日期:11月13日星座:天蝎座温和单纯热情天真自信十足意志坚定不易动摇血型:A型身高:五尺七寸体重:133磅出生地点:香港喜爱乐手:Billly Sheennhen、Jeff Berlin、Vinnie Moore、Kingdom Come、Pink Floyd、圣饥魔II第一张购买的唱片:Echo & the Bunnymen嗜好:音乐游泳羽毛球撞球喜欢的书:村上春树着作樂器︰Fender Precision Bass負責效果︰低音結、他和唱叶世荣——鼓手英文名:Wing Yip出生日期:8月19日星座:狮子座帅劲独特真性情男儿瞬间魅力一网打尽血型:O型身高:五尺七寸体重:135磅出生地点:香港喜爱乐手:Steve Smith、Dave Weckl、Chick Corea、Pink Floyd、David Bowie、Prodigy第一张购买的唱片:Charihg Carpio嗜好:钓鱼音乐喜欢的书:古典文学樂器︰Milestone Drums, Rototom, Yamaha, Snare, Cymbal Gong負責效果︰鼓。

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年代叱吒日本的摇滚乐团X JAPAN的吉他手hide的中英文介绍————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:2需要翻译的内容如下:hide是90年代叱吒日本的摇滚乐团X JAPAN的吉他手之一。





在他的青少年期,hide组建了颇具争议的地下乐队Saber Tiger。

之后hide以主音结他手和作曲的身份加入了具有传奇色彩的乐队X(之后改名为X-Japan )在hide传奇的一生当中,他的衣着服饰总是千变万化。









hide 死于1998年5月2日。























现在的很多人已经不道X-Japan 了,除了逝去的hide,剩下的成员们已经老去,但是,总有不变的。


不妨尝试听听X-Japan的音乐,听听hide的木吉他Hide is 90 s JAPAN rock band who angry X JAPAN one of the guitarist. Also a visual tie of Japanese rock musician.Hide childhood received American heavy metal band KISS influence. He began to listen to all kinds of western rock, possessed imitation play the guitar like kiss. Began his own rock life.In his adolescence, hide form the controversial underground band Saber Tiger.With the tonic "hide after his hands and composition identity joined the legendary band X (later renamed X-Japan) hide in the legendary lives, he is dressed in the clothes of dress always protean.But the most striking is his hair style, from the early fall vertical blond hair. Red hair, wild to the explosion of the head. And laterchangeful pink hair, and finally also makes red hair became his signature image.When his standing in the stage, he shows the height of the exhibition desire to perform, and go all out attitude. Pursuing new and change, he always has a constant flow of ideas. In his music, always with a unique madness, surprise, joy and warmth.Hide was a gentle, enthusiasm, energetic rock and roll, and also a very close to people, love the star fans. Hide in a medical aid foundation, he also is a blood and bone marrow donors.Hide died in May 2, 1998. Only 33 years old.About the death of the hide there has been much debate. Some people say that his death was an accident, because at that time he was drunk; And he did not leave any last words before the suicide. Hide died. On May 7 at the funeral in temple in the would, gathered in the national up from the thousands of fans, the funeral procession more than two kilometers long, there are 197 people in the most in those days the hot days anemia faint were taken to a hospital,Hide his life will dedicated to the creation of the rock music, became Japan in the 90 s to fans crazy adoration of rock and roll.Hide affect many people many guitarist because hide began to learn the guitarIt is said that hide the total number of the guitar 61!Because someone hide like red, because someone hide like electric guitar. Some fans say: like after his view of the world will also be changing. Like his people doing things. Like his music convey view of the world.Like his fans, for he made all kinds of souvenirs. In the X later every concert, hide the doll. Many people even to his grave and mourn his.Hide once said: "a band in dead people only after, can become legend." Now, X-JAPAN really become legendary band.May hide red hair and tricky modelling make many people can not accept, like jay Chou when I started out. Because the rock style visual collision is very shocked. Can really accept and like rock and roll wind people actually is not much.For the soul love rock from the hide for, he can put the life complete to his love for the things and continue to work for it. Some star has given people the feeling is the star, do not touch remote, but he has given people the feeling of the harsh light.And is a very hard and also has been attached to their favorite of everything, and in the silent give encouragement feeling.The life of each person must have their own dreams. Can realize is not important, but walked in the way of the dream is a happy occasion.Many people today have no way X-Japan, in addition to the fading hide, the rest of the members have old, but, there is always a constant.Listen to many popular music. Might as well try to listen toX-Japan's music, listen to hide the wooden guitar。
