
Key to Exercises of College English Book 2Unit 1★Text AVocabularyI.1.1) insert 2) on occasion 3) investigate 4) In retrospect 5)initial 6) phenomena7) attached 8) make up for 9) is awaiting 10) not…in the least 11) promote 12) emerged2. 1) There is a striking contrast between the standards of living inthe north of the country and the south.2) Natural fiber is said to be superior to synthetic fiber.3) The city’s importance as a financial center has evolved slowly.4) His nationality is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.5) The poems by a little-known sixteenth-century Italian poet havefound their way into some English magazines.3. 1) be picked up, can’t accomplish, am exaggerating2) somewhat, performance, have neglected, they apply to3) assist, On the other hand, are valid, a superiorII.1. 1) continual 2) continuous 3) continual 4) continuous2. 1) principal 2) principal 3) principle 4) principles 5)principalIII.1. themselves2. himself/herself3. herself/by herself/on her own4. itself5. ourselves6. yourself/ by yourself/on your own Comprehensive ExerciseI. Cloze1. 1) contrast 2) exaggerating 3) priority 4) on the other hand 5) promoting6) pick up 7) assist 8) accomplish 9) on occasion 10) neglecting11) worthwhile 12) superior2. 1) end 2) perform 3) facing 4) competent 5) equipped6) designed 7) approach 8) rest 9) definitely 10) qualityII. Translation1.1) It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departurefrom the tradition.2) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough togive a performance in front of a large audience.3) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit inthe child at an early age.4) Assuming (that) this painting really is a masterpiece, do youthink it’s worthwhile to buy/purchase it?5) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on theproblem we are investigating.2. To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading,writing, listening and speaking. Besides, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important.Without an enormous store of good English writing in your head you cannot express yourself freely in English. It is also helpful to summarize our experience as we go along, for in so doing, we can figure out which way of learning is more effective and will produce the most desirable result. As long as we keep working hard on it, we will in due course accomplish the task of mastering English.★ Text BComprehension check: c c d a c bLanguage Practice1.g h e c f a b d2.1) adopt 2) account 3) from your point of view 4) ended up5) furthermore 6) fund 7) annual 8) keeping track of9) pace 10) intends11) perspective 12) deviseUnit 2★Text AVocabularyI. 1. 1) abrupt 2) emotional 3) bless 4) wear and tear5) dated6)consequences 7)seemingly 8) in contrast to 9) Curiosity 10) genuine 11) primarily 12) sentiments2. 1) When you are confronted with more than one problem, try tosolve the easiest one first.2) Water is vital to the existence of all forms of life.3) There is still some confusion among the students about whatto do after class to follow up on the subject.4) As a person of simple living habits, he needs nothing morethan a job and an apartment to be happy.5) It tickled him to think that she’d come to as his advice.3. 1) a lingering, fabricating, sentiments2) fill out, every item, vital, consequences3) be denied, tangible, cherish, attainII.1.It’s a long trip and will take us five hours by bus.2.She arrived early and took a front row seat.3.Don’t take me for a fool.4.It takes a lot of imagination to fabricate such a story.5.My uncle will take me (along on his trip) to the Arctic thissummer.6.He took the dinner plate I passed to him.7.Kevin took second prize in the weight-lifting competition.8.If you don’t take my advice, you will regret it.III.1.hanging2. to give3. to return4. being praised5. nothaving written6. to say7. to open8. being helpedComprehensive ExerciseI.1. 1) well-off/affluent 2) dated 3) falling into 4) bracket5) deny6) tangible 7) pursuit 8) cherishes 9) out of place10) abrupt11) focus 12) donations2. 1) consume 2) fueled 3) annual 4) plain 5) physically6) security7) indicates 8) equally 9) traditional 10) followsII. Translation1.1) The company denied that its donations had a commercialpurpose.2) Whenever he was angry, he would begin to stammer slightly.3) Education is the most cherished tradition in our family. That’swhy my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurants, but sent me to the best private school.4) Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, he lost his job andthus had to go through another difficult phase of his life.5) In contrast to our affluent neighbors, my parents are ratherpoor, but they have always tried hard to meet our minimal needs.2. With more and more donations coming in, our universitywill be much better off financially next year. We will thus be able to focus on the most important task that we, educators, must take on: to encourage students to attain their scholarly/academic goals, to train them to be dependable and responsible individuals, to prepare them for the life ahead, and to guide them in their pursuit of spiritual as well as material satisfaction.★ Text BComprehension Check: b b d c d dLanguage Practice1.f c g e b a h d2.1) stunned 2) hold (fast) to 3) folks 4) generosity 5)discount 6) liable7) ranks 8) on the run 9) make up 10) blends in 11)by all accounts 12) comes into contact withUnit 3★Text AVocabularyI.1.1) typical 2)dumb 3) junior 4) glorious 5) welfare6)came over 7) interference 8)fading 9) narrowed down10) frank 11)schemes 12) at any rate2. 1) The Security council consists of five generals and four policeofficers.2) The new hotel will be in a location overlooking the lake.3) I was humiliated by her comments about my familybackground in front of so many people.4) Do you have any proof that it was Henry who stole thecomputer?5) the boy was exhausted after the long cycle ride.3. 1) hysterical; was handed down; should have known better than2) twisted, over and over, talented son3) patience, not to keep him in suspense, assured, repeatedlyII.1.adequate2. anxious3. certain4. content5. crazy6.likely 7. fortunate 8. keenIII.1.be admitted2. live3. be postponed4. buy5. bebanned 6. beComprehensive ExerciseI. 1. 1) typical 2) welfare 3) constant 4) frank 5) talent6) dumb7) know better than that 8) repeatedly 9) dread 10)interference 11) bet 12) assure2. 1) despite 2) really 3) same 4) contact 5)admitted 6) attempt7) not 8) tend 9) different 10) mannerII. Translation1. 1) Have scientists found proof of water on Mars?2) The planning committee has narrowed down the possiblelocations for the nuclear power plant to two coastal towns.3) Sam not only lost his job but also both legs; he had to live on welfare for the rest of his life.4) A jury consisting of 12 members voted in unison that Mary was guilty.5) Sean felt humiliated ti hear his talent being questioned.2. George, the son of Mr. Johnson, liked listening to heavymetal music in the evenings, which made it hard for other residents in the community to fall asleep. Eventually the exhausted neighbors lost their patience and decided on direct interference. They called Mr. Johnson to tell him in a frank manner what they were thinking. Mr. Johnson assured them that he would certainly settle the issue. As soon as he put down the phone he scolded his son, “What has come over you? You should know better than to disturb others for your own amusement.”In the end George traded his CD’s for computer games software from his classmates.★ Text BComprehension Check: b a b c d aLanguage Practice1. d e f g a b h c2. 1) and he like 2) popularity 3) had been kept in the dark 4)define 5) was aware of 6)relate 7) were up to 8) trend9)opportunity 10)mobile 11)comments12) interviewedUnit 4★Text AVocabularyI.1. 1) conversely 2). but then 3) symptom 4) spitting 5) abusing 6) tone7) took…in 8) editing 9) have arranged 10) in sight 11) stretched 12) data2. 1) The sight of teenagers smoking cigarettes jars on me.2) A lot of American teenagers don’t like street gangs, but theyfind themselves getting sucked in.3) Jeffrey’s computer crashed again this morning. The managerhas arranged for a technician from the computer store tocheck and repair it.4) During the Vietnam War, many young Americans fled theircountry to avoid military service/fled to other countries toavoid military service.5) The new government is planning an anti-corruption campaignso as to restore people’s confidence in it.3. 1) the virtual, on line, via 2) nightmare, routine, any appointment, arrange for3) cue, remarks, his tuneII. 1. We came here all the way on foot.2. Private cars are not allowed on campus.3. They are on vocation in Florida.4. Mary has been talking to her friend on the phone for an hour.5. Don’t worry, Lucy is always on time.6. Industrial demand on fuel is on the rise.III. 1. hard 2. difficult 3. impossible 4. tough 5. hard 6. easyComprehensive ExerciseI.1. 1) internet 2) click 3) virtual 4) routines 5) arrange 6)nightmare 7) annoying 8) connection 9) crawls 10) take in 11) spit 12) data 13) sucked into 14) At times 15) flee 16) on line2. 1) companion 2) deliver 3) access 4) enables 5) customers6) delights 7) provides 8) small 9) remote 10)informationII. Translation1. 1) Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health benefits.2) A slow Internet connecting speed is really annoying.3) As the law stands, helping someone commit suicide is a crime.4) In her report, Mary tries to interpret the data from a completely different angle.5) Sue is a girl of great talent. Her amazing memory sets her apart from her classmates.2. Perhaps you envy me for being able to work from home onthe computer. I agree that the Internet has made my job a lot easier. I can write,submit and edit articles via email, chat with my colleagues on line and discuss work with my boss. With a click of the mouse, I can get all the data I need and keep up with the latest news. But then, communicating through the Net can be frustrating at times. The system may crash. Worse still, without the emotional cues of face-to-face communication, the typed words sometimes seem difficult to interpret.★ Text BComprehension Check: c a a b d cLanguage Practice1.d e a c b f g h2.1) vehicle 2) hooked on 3)intense 4)worldwide5)overnight 6)slipped7) on the whole 8) called forth 9) outwards 10)Needlessto say 11) to my knowledge 12) On top of thatUnit 5★Text AVocabularyI.1. 1) startled 2) mere 3) motion 4) sweating 5) stretched6) vain 7) On one occasion8) anxiety 9) emotions 10) ashamed 11) In my mind’s eye12) recurring2. 1) Mrs. White’s birthday coincides with her husband’s.2) They make big profits on the stuff they sell by creating anartificial shortage, which send s the prices soaring/results in the soaring of prices.3) It has been a week of alternate sunshine and rain.4) Politics and philosophy have been his lifelong passions,although he studied economics at university.5) Tension came over her, as she waited for her first TV interview.3. 1) media, dedication to, grace 2) his competitors, in excitement, hug him, congratulate him on3) emotions, numerous, intensity, passion forII.1.Mike, a Green, made the suggestion that a large park be built nearthe community.2.In a letter to his daughter, Mr. Smith expressed his wish that she(should) continue her education to acquire still another degree. 3.There is no reason to hold the belief that humans have no directmoral responsibility to safeguard the welfare of animals.4.Children need to feel safe about the world they grow up in, and itis unwise to give them the idea that everything they come into contact with might be a threat.5.Anxiety can result from the notion that life has not treated usfairly.6.Nobody believed his claim that he was innocent.III.1.I work out in the gym for one hour every morning.2.Florence has worked as cleaner at the factory for five years.3.The wounded man worked his way across the field on his handsand knees.4.The safe load for a truck of this type works out at abouttwenty-five tons.5.It is difficult to understand how human minds work.6.To my disappointment, the manager’s plan of promoting the newproducts doesn’t work at all.7.The teacher has a lot of experience of working with children whodon’t know how to learn.8.The medicine was like magic, and it worked instantly after youtook it.Comprehensive ExerciseI.1. 1) In my mind’s eye 2) groan 3) competitor 4)intensity 5) anxiety 6) tense7) sweat 8) tension 9) soaring 10) recurring 11)brought me back to earth12) fantasy 13) sweat 14) congratulate 15) numerous16) media2. 1) engineer 2) forget 3) convinced 4) how 5) build 6) accident7) thought 8)only 9) sharp 10) touched 11) instructions 12) finallyII. Translation1. 1) It is the creativity and dedication of the workers andexecutives that turned the company into a profitable business.2) The prices of food and medicine have soared in the past three months.3) We plan to repaint the upper floors of he office building.4) His success shows that popularity and artistic merit sometimes coincide.5) I don’t want to see my beloved grandmother lying in a hospital bed and groaning painfully.2. Numerous facts bear out the argument/statement/claim thatin order to recover speedily from negative emotion, you should allow yourself to cry. You needn’t/don’t have to be ashamed of crying. Anxiety and sorrow can flow out of the body along with tears.Consider the case of/Take Donna, Her son unfortunately died in a car accident. The intensity of the blow made her unable to cry. She said, “It was not until two weeks later that I began to cry. And then I felt as if a big stone had been lifted from my shoulders. It was the tears that brought me back to earth and helped me survive the crisis.”★ Text BComprehension Check: b c b b c aLanguage Practice1.a e d c b h f g2.1) aid 2) inclined 3) in good health 4) shortcomings 5)penetrated6) dismiss 7)has suffered from 8)progressive 9)optimistic10)to a degree 11)hold on to 12)installUnit 6★Text AVocabularyI.1. 1) culture/cultural 2) indication 3) miniature 4) ironic 5) stumbled into 6) decent7) buzzing 8) abnormal 9) mechanical 10) Shuddering 11) implied 12) leap2. 1) You can convert RMB into US dollars in the foreign exchange office a the airport.2) I figured she didn’t know the first thing about cooking as shelooked puzzled as to how to cook rice with the rice cooker. 3) The manager glowed with pleasure upon hearing that in spite oftheir faulty equipment the team had accomplished some very useful work.4) I’m grateful to my company for allowing me to work flexiblehours as long as I work eight hours a day.5) On seeing the comments made in the margins by previousreaders, Tom couldn’t help thinking the book must be quite fascinating.3. 1) will not panic/feel panic, ’ll be at a disadvantage 2) hybrid, transmission3) crave, One indication, to distinguishII. 1. also 2. as well/too 3. too 4. also 5. as well/too 6. too 7. also 8. AlsoIII. 1. I’ve had enough 2. When I was old enough to workand earn money3. can’t get enough sleep at night4. has so far collected enough of them5. have strong enough arms6. have just enough money to live onComprehensive ExerciseI.1. 1) stumbled into 2) not know the first thing about 3) mechanical 4) when it comes to5) hybrid 6) gritted her teeth 7) premise 8) at a disadvantage 9) panic 10) cultural11) flexible 12) imply2. 1) chair 2) force 3) secrets 4) painstaking 5) recognized 6) steered 7) essentially8) observation 9) women 10) tutor 11) inspired 12) unlessII. Translation1. 1) He is a man of few words, but when it comes to playing acomputer games, he is far too clever for his classmates.2) Children who don’t know any better may think these animalsare pretty cute and start playing with them.3) There is no way to obtain a loan, so to buy the new equipment,I will just have to grit my teeth and sell my hybrid car.4) The hunter would not have fired the shots if he hadn’t seen aherd of elephants coming towards his campsite.5) I find it ironic that Tom has a selective memory --- he does notseem to remember painful experiences in the past, particularly those of his own doing.2. Nancy Hopkins is a biology professor at MIT. She cravesknowledge and works hard. However, as a scientist, she could not help noticing all kinds of indications of gender inequality on campus. Men and women professors did the same work, but when it came to promotion the administrators were rather selective. It was ironic that after so much cultural progress, women were still at a disadvantage in institutions of higher education. When her request for more lab space was refused, she knew she had to fight. So she gritted her teeth and complained to the President. The fight ended in victory and Nancy was converted into a gender-equality advocate.★ Text BComprehension Check: b a d b d c aLanguage Practice1.b d a e g c f h2.1) crisis 2) weighed down 3) supportive 4) takes all thecredit 5) pleaded6) in control of 7) party 8) expense 9) lives for10) semester11) at every opportunity 12) stirUnit 7★Text AVocabularyI.1. 1) Strictly speaking 2) drifted 3) resembles 4) invaded 5) is conquered 6) fascinating 7) snack 8) put…into practice 9) source 10) climate 11) surrendered 12) were aroused2. 1) an absolute necessity rather than a luxury 2) is a valuable addition to the football team.3) will get out of control, if the firemen do not arrive within ten minutes.4) alternative but to g via Vancouver to get to Seattle5) declared all beef imports will be banned for the next six monthsas an emergency measure to stop the spread of mad cow disease.3. 1) systematic, have invented, to a very real extent, mysteries2) to establish, to be modifies/ modifying 3) tolerance towards, strike out, enrichII. 1. a) wish b) wish c) want d) want/wish 2. a) skin b) hide/skin c) hide d) skin3. a) raise/rear b) raise c) rear/raise d) raise4. a) royal b)kingly/royal c) sovereign d) royal/kinglyIII. 1. Indeed 2. though 3. Frankly 4. Moreover 5. To my knowledge6. however7. nevertheless8. Yet9. instead 10) in other wordsComprehensive ExerciseI.1. 1) fascinating 2) tolerance 3) invented 4) addition 5) ban 6) corrupt7) out of control 8) influenced 9) elite 10)came up with11) establishing12) Massive 13)sources 14)enrich2. 1) early 2) similar 3) source 4) observation 5) examine6) features 7) declared 8) stronger 9) accident 10) sprungII. Translation1. 1) Many small businesses have sprung up in the city since the new policy went into effect.2) On hearing the news, she smiled briefly, and then returned to her habitual frown.3) He paused for effect, then said:“We can reach/enter these markets through new channels.”4) The addition of a concert hall to the school will help it nourish young musical talents.5) We have no way to protect our personal liberties until we haveestablished a sovereign state,/We can’t protect our personal liberties unless we, first of all, establish a sovereign state.2. Though how the English language came into existenceremains a mystery to many people,linguists believe that English and most other European languages have descended from a common source: the Indo-European parent language.English was first spoken by the Anglo-Saxons who invaded England in the fifth century. They passed onto us the basic vocabulary of English. In over fifteen centuries of its development, English has enriched itself by massive borrowing.As British immigrants landed in America and established the United States as an independent nation, a new variety was added to the English language : American English. Though some people worry that the language is running out of control, many native speakers of English take pride in the tolerance of theirlanguage.★ Text BComprehension Check: c c c d b dLanguage Practice1. g e d c b h f a2. 1) give way to 2) predict 3) substantial 4) integrate 5)in transition 6) aspect7) to name a few 8) authority 9) dominate 10) hadcontributed to 11) unique12) rid yourself ofUnit 8VocabularyI. 1) barking 2) evil 3) brooding, hatched 4) migrant 5) tragedies 6) counterpart7) are complaining/complain 8) grim 9) flocks, fed on 10) vegetation11) patches 12) Scores of2. 1) was lined with people who came to welcome the distinguished foreign guests2) the boss silenced all lively conversation in the office3) wearing a pair of sun glasses, the famous movie star passed thecrowded unnoticed.4) looked deserted 5) were stricken by it3. 1) patches, came into full bloom, were puzzled, mysterious2) throbbed with, sickened, migrant, a chorus 3) had crept into. Flickered, the starkII. 1. age-old, air force, daughter-in-law, first-rate, greenhouse, half brother, ice-cream, lifelike, light year, salesperson, self-centered, threefold, overuse, stone-still, worldwide2.1) poverty-stricken people 2) heart-breaking news 3)newly-built 4) well-fed kids5) successful spacewalk 6) peace-loving 7) need-basedscholarships 8) color-blind peopleIII. 1. lying 2. laid 3. lay 4. lain 5. lie 6. lay 7. lie 8. lay 9. lay 10. liesComprehensive ExerciseI.1. 1) spell 2) stricken 3) misfortunes 4) surroundings 5) blossom/bloom 6) migrant7)deserted 8) silence 9) sickened 10) hatch 11) puzzled 12) in harmony with2. 1) rate 2) publication 3) dangerous 4) banned 5) export6) profit 7) accept 8)comprehend 9) boundaries 10) ultimatelyII. Translation1.1) This is a prosperous town, but there is still poverty in the midstof wealth and abundance.2) The Brown family was stricken with one misfortune afteranother, but their children never complained.3) The museum is designed in such a way that it stands in perfectharmony with its surroundings.4) It was a miracle that these flowers did not wither at all in the blazing sun.5) Flocks of sheep feed on the patches of vegetation that rise above the winter snow.2. This village was once famous for its beautiful naturalsurroundings. All the year round, the trees were green and the flowers in bloom. Clear streams flowed out of the hills througha checkerboard of rice fields. Birds sang all day, and deer cameand went in a leisurely manner. However, with the coming of DDT and other pesticides, an evil spell seemed to have settled over the village. Misfortunes came one after another. Chicken died suddenly, cattle and sheep were stricken by mysterious maladies, and farmers complained about a sickening feelingthat puzzled the village doctor. The village square, once throbbing with life, was now deserted.★ Text BComprehension Check: b d a b b cLanguage Practice1.c d g a h b e f2.1) adapt 2) injured 3) immune 4) hostile 5) gives out6) slight 7) take up8) significance 9) for the most part 10) deliberate11)span 12) get caught up in。

Unit11 Animal conservationists strongly disapprove of experimenting on animals2 Shelie walked into the museum under the stern gaze of the curator3 After a spell in the advertising business , Jim began to work for a large insurance firm4 It was estimated that 50,000 people flooded into London over the weekend for the opening of the Commonwealth Games5 He rushed into the busy street and mingled with the crowed , hoping in that way the police would not spot him6 He tiptoed quietly out of the room so as not to wake her up7 He bought the painting as a status symbol , not because he was particularly interested in art8 Jim was always disappointed that his son never followed in his footsteps and took over the farmUnit21 He admitted that his failure was caused by his lack of confidence2 Visitors are required to sign their names on arrival3 We've invited them to the party , but we'll have to put it off because of the baby's sick4 We must take steps to help the families of those who were hurt5 The teacher took great pains to make sure that we all understood the text6 Today we're going to focus on the issue of the homeless people7 We wondered whether you would be so kind as to attend our end-of-the-year party8 He assured his mother that everything was all rightUnit 31 Most people in the Middle East believe in Islam2 As the fire was destroying the building , we just stood and stared at all this3 He relied more on intuition than logic in solving the case4 The country is going though a very difficult period , after the earthquake5 Last week the board of directors authorized the installation of a new computer system6 This area has been the greatest beneficiary of a large restoration program7 The government finance higher education with tax money8 He insisted that what he said was true , even though the police refused to believe himUnit 41 The new system will be introduced over a six-month transition period2 The police officers claimed that their actions in the riots were purely defensive3 About $250,000 worth of medical supplies has been distributed among families affected by the epidemic4 The products used to be made locally , but now they are mostly mass-produced in the Far East5 The president's position on the federal deficit was endorsed by a large majority of the Senate6 Sarah was looking out of the window and giving us a running commentary of what was happening out in the street7 We are now facing the most serious challenge in our history and are dependent on you , our allies , for supportThere has been too much shown on TV and too much reported in newspaper of all kinds of crimes -----described in such detail that even children know how to duplicate what they have seen or readUnit 51.Shanghai ranks as one of the most prosperous cities in the world2.If you are walking in the mountains , strong boots and waterproof clothing are essential 3.Some teachers devote too much time to helping their students' study but neglect their sports activities4.Some personal characters play a vital role in the development of one's intelligence5.The president's refusal to meet the press reveals just how serious the crisis is6.It's perfectly natural that parents feel protective towards their children , even when they have grown up7.He wanted desperately to confide in someone about his feelings of failure8.As some experts pointed out , suicidal rates are much higher in some occupations than in othersUnit71.They were all staring at me -----honestly , i had never felt so embarrassed in my whole life 2.Before you can make the right choice , you need a lot more information3.The party failed to convince the majority of the voters that it was capable of governing the country4.To keep slim , she denied herself ice-creams5.Recently he has taken up with two bad boys , which makes his parents very angry6.Have you read these newspaper reports ? They totally contradict each other7.In a number of professions it is possible to continue working beyond the retirement age 8.When he was in the mood , he would sing his favourite songUnit 81.He is inclined to lose his temper when he is playing with his younger brother2.Since the accident he's only been able to walk with the aid of a stick3.I think that's true to a degree , but the situation is not quite so simple4.My father said that if we believed that something was true , we should hold on to it5.He's very disillusioned at the government's handling the economy6.We were all set to go on vacation when we heard the news7.The sun's rays can penetrate the sea to a depth of 20 metres8.His flattering words led up to a request for moneyUnit 91.He scooped up the little boy and ran from the fire2.The boss assigned me to check the quality of all goods leaving the factory3.We have taken all the precautions we can against the painting being stolen4.The company is selling off some of its buildings in an effort to accumulate capital5.When you are learning to drive , having a good teacher makes a big difference6.Rumour has it that he was killed in a raid in the local area7.Adam's refusal to work overtime enraged his boss8.I was pleasantly surprised to see an old friend who appeared at the party out of the blueUnit 111.He was hospitalized with acute appendicitis , with the result that he missed the final examination2.As many more people came to the lecture than expected , there were not enough handouts to go round3.No matter what a long day he may have , he makes a point of checking his e-mail box before going to bed4.Unemployment is found in all countries in the world , but the governments vary their way to handle the problem5.Anyone who has come to a foreign country for the first time is apt to find everything around him both strange and interesting6.The football fans were very disappointed at the performance of the players of both teams 7.Never take what he says at face value . Think it over yourself8.The doctor's words removed his fears about the operationUnit 121.On average , 18% of our daily calories come from sugar2.Ford Automobile Plant was shut down for two months as a result of the strike3.He's decided to give up his business and dedicate himself to charity4.The cultural life in the country cannot compare with that of a large city5.The country's independence celebrations carried on as if nothing had happened6.The report allows the readers to make a direst comparison between the two types of car 7.The existing (present ) stocks of coal should meet our needs for the coming year8.He remained there for hours deep in thought , contemplating the mysteries of the universeUnit 151.Bad luck has come upon us ever since we moved into the new house2.Renovating your house can be a costly and time-consuming business3.The government is planning to simplify the tax laws so that they are easier to operate 4.Before moving abroad , he had to part with the favourite books that had been kept for years 5.The railways have been deprived of the fund they need for modernization6.After so many years toiling and moiling for other people , he was glad to have the chance of working for himself7.You can deposit your valuables in the hotel safe8.I have to draw upon my savings to pay for the repairsUnit 161.The damage is due to his negligence , so he'll have to pay for it2.The house was hidden from view by a row of tall trees3.When the results of the vote were announced , the Prime Minister was acknowledged defeat 4.We must face up to our responsibilities and try not to get out of them5.Do as i tell you and you shall be set free6.That book is really worth reading if you're going to take the English exam7.Some government officials would not go of power once they have seen its benefits8.The government has been overthrown and the military has kept the country under control。

全新版大学英语第二版综合教程2课后段落翻译题答案全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程学生用书第2册课后段落翻译题答案Unit 1Page.20短文翻译:要提高我们的英语水平,关键是多读,多写,多听,多说。
(summarize accomplish in due course work on enormous critical desirable )To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading, writing, listening and speaking.Besides, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important. Without an enormous store of good English writing in your head you cannot express yourself freely in English.It is also helpful to summarize our experience as we go along, for in so doing, we can figure out which1way of learning is more effective and will produce the most desirable result. As long as we keep working hard on it, we will in due course accomplish the task of mastering English.Unit 2Page.48短文翻译:随着捐款源源不断地进来,我校明年的财务状况会好多了。

Thanks to advanced technology, the film about the ancient battle gives the audience the illusion of being on the battlefield themselves.2. 在那场大火中,整个古城毁于一旦,但是这块石碑却幸运地保存了下来。
(devastate)That ancient city was devastated by the fire, but fortunately the stone tablet survived.3.他们看了那段录像,听了那位妇女的讲述,心里充满了对那位地震孤儿的同情。
The videotape and the story by the woman filled them with sympathy for the child who had become an orphan in the earthquake.4.那场大地震中,我们听到过太多太多教师的事迹,他们拒绝离开学生自己逃生,献出了自己的生命。
(leave behind)In that earthquake, we heard many stories of teachers who had refused to leave their students behind and laid down their lives.5.豫园的建造始于1558年,但由于资金短缺时建时停,1578年才完成。
The construction of the Yu Yuan Garden began in 1558, but it was not completed until 1578 because building went off and on for lack of money.6. 1980年我遇到她时,她刚从国外读完硕士回来。

全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程2课后答案及翻译9大学英语练习册29单元1★课文a词汇I.1.1)插入2)在场合3)调查4)回顾5)最初的现象7)附上8)弥补9)正在等待10)不…至少11)促进1 2)出现2。
★文本B理解检查:c c d a c b语言练习1。
g h e c f a b d2。

1.Thanks to the modern technology, the film about thatancient battle gives the audience the illusion of being on the battlefield themselves.2.That ancient city was devastated by the fire, butfortunately the stone tablet survived.3.The videotape and the story by the women filled themwith sympathy for the child who had become an orphan in the earthquake.4.in that earthquake, we heard many stories of teacherswho had refused to leave their students behind and laid down their lives.5.the construction of the Yu Yuan Garden began in 1558,but it was not completed until 1578 because building went off and on for lack of money.6. in 1980, when I met up with her,, she had justreturned from abroad with a master’s degree.7.It was my first visit to New York, but I managed tofind my way to the little firm.8.It is hard to make it to the top in the movie industry,but as a director Xie Jin did it.1.many vain young people are obsessed with fancy carsdespite the fact that they are not yet rich enough to afford them.2.their marriage finally fell apart when his affairwith another woman was found out by his wife.3.for artistic inspiration, the artist lived in thecountry for three years, where he denied himself many comforts of life.4.I’m not sure if we can have the excursion toChongming Island tomorrow. It’s at the mercy of the weather.5.when he was young he went to Japan to learn medicine,but after he returned to China he changed his mind and pursued a career as a writer all his life.6.She’s taken up with a man old enough to be her father,which is a disgrace to her parents.7.since 1978, our economy has witnessed a rapiddevelopment; in contrast that of some developed countries has declined.8.the earthquake isolated the city from other areas.Their food supplies will not hold out through thewinter.Unit 31.the fans waited anxiously in the rain for two hoursbefore the ‘super girl’ finally showed up.2.they had been in love for 8 years and gone throughmany agonies, before they finally got married.3.I was upset by the loss of my wallet, but I could onlyconsole myself-it could have been worse. What if I had lost my passport at the airport?4.given that he was young and inexperienced, hisperformance in his first movie was excellent.5.every time he left on business, the manager wouldauthorize his assistant to act for him, as the business of the company couldn’t wait.6.the poor old man did not have much to eat, but he kepthealthy because he believed in the benefit of doing exercise.7.of all the ancient civilization, only that of Chinaendured through the ages and is still full of vitality.8.like many other writers, this young writer focuseson the eternal theme of love. What sets him apart fromothers is his keen observation of rural life in China. Unit 41.children may swim here provided that they areaccompanied by adults,2.this American journalist made a fool of himself overhis remarks about China, because he’s been out of touch with what’s been happening in the country in the past three decades,3.every person has the right to education, regardlessof his family background, sex, and age.4.the invention of the Internet, despite the fact thatit has given rise to some problems,, has greatly facilitated almost every aspect of our life, including education, medicine, and business.5.never overlook your travel insurance when you areplanning to spend your holiday abroad; otherwise you might find yourself in great trouble if any accident should occur,6.in the movie that billionaire was faced with adilemma-either divorce his wife, who would then carve out half of his financial empire, or murder her at the risk of being found out by the police,7.as the husband lost his job in the financial crisis,the new couple had to cut down on a lot of things-furniture, clothes, records, books, and so on.8.over 30 years ago, right after the CulturalRevolution, Deng Xiaoping told the people that the only way out laid in reform and opening up to the outside world.Unit 51.this film actor is more inclined than most people tohelp the handicapped because he himself suffered a stroke ten years ago.2.the old man is afflicted with rheumatism, but he stillgoes jogging and climbs mountains every day.3.some of the flaws in the American financial system,which had never received due attention, eventually led to disastrous consequences.4.he held on to his shares of that company when theprices were dropping sharply last year. Now he has made a fortune.5.just dismiss the idea from your mind-it’s crazy andnot worth thinking about at all.6.we were all set to leave for the holiday in New Yorkwhen the 9/11 incident shook the world.7.if you think I have a magic formula to solve theproblem, you are bound to be disillusioned.8.that Japanese company succeed in penetrating the USTV market.Unit 61.our group was assigned to decorate the garden whilethe others were preparing the food in the kitchen.2.on the battlefield the young man was delighted to meeta long-lost brother who came out of the blue.3.who has used up the milk? There is none to put in mycoffee.4.rumor has it that this painting is fake and that theoriginal one was stolen three years ago.5.one person may not be able to change much, but workingtogether we’ll be able to make a great difference to our country.6.many burglaries took place because the owners failedto take the precaution of locking their doors and windows.7.the minster flew to the front to negotiate with therioters in an effort to prevent a civil war.8.I assumed you knew each other because I saw youtalking to each other at the party.Unit 71.he was hospitalized with acute appendicitis, with theresult that he missed the final exam.2.as many more people came to the lecture than expected,there were not enough handouts to go round.3.no matter what a long day he may have, he makes a pointof checking his e-mail inbox before going to bed.4.unemployment is found in all countries in the world,but governments vary in their way to handle the problem.5.anyone who has come to a foreign country for the firsttime is apt to find everything around him both strange and interesting.6.the football fans were very disappointed at theperformance of the players of both teams.7.never take what he says at face value. Think it overyourself.8.the doctor’s words removed his fears about theoperation.Unit 81.after months of negotiation, the two company finallycame up with a solution, which was in essence our original proposal.2.the people of that African tribe worship the moon inmuch the same way that our ancestors worshipped the sun.3.it is still a puzzle as to how the ancient Egyptianpyramids were built over 4000 years ago. Some people speculate that they were built by supernatural beings.4.the illegal use of inferior building materialseventually resulted in the collapse of the hotel.5.at present, many countries are taking action tomitigate the impact of the financial crisis on their economy.6.the couple finally divorced after years of incessantquarrels, which had resulted from a lack of understanding.7.the government of the two countries agreed to set upa military hotline to reduce the risk of war due toincorrect information.8.some Chinese students were not very successful inAmerican universities because they failed to adapt to the environment there.Unit 91.in October, 1935, the Chinese Red Army, havingendured all the hardships and sacrifices, finally made their way to the north of Shanxi Province.2.in the economic crisis, the government released astatement, calling upon the people to buy local products as far as possible.3.the politicians in various countries are trying toharness nuclear energy and restore the safe environment for the human race.4.he didn’t hear the doorbell because he was rapt inhis work.5.this country suffers from frequent riots because ofwidespread extreme poverty, as well as people’s inherent distrust of the corrupt government.6.in his lecture on the current economic situation, theeconomist used a lot of figures on the PPT to underline the seriousness of the crisis.7.he answered with a smile, ‘Not at all. I did thisas much for you as for myself.8. a man is measured not by what ha says, but by whatha does for his country and people.Unit 101.he can’t even draw a distinction between French andSpanish, not to say speaking them.2.in a craze for cultural relics in the 1990s, oldchinaware, such as those handed down from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, were much sought after by collectors.3.despite the opposition of most of his advisors, thegeneral decided to take his chances on the battle and suffered a total defeat in the end.4.the Chinese nation has stood up to the vicissitudesof thousands of years and is now in the process of rejuvenation.5.I wish you would confine your talk to the facts ratherthan spread word about the biased report in that newspaper.6.the first thing he did after his arrival in Paris wasto convert all his money into Euros.7.that Shakespearean play was tailored to the taste ofthe Chinese audience when it was put on the Chinese stage, so much so that it was more like a Chinese play than an English one,8.you must abandon your native language for sometime,if you really want to acquire a good competence in English.Unit 111.as my article was over 10,000 words, I finally hadto cut out several paragraphs to satisfy the requirements of the academic journal.2.there is no running away from the facts, so we mustface up to the truth and pay for our mistakes.3.that year, despite the car accident, he was promotedto the next grade after he passed all the exams required by the school.4.the intellectuals of that country were very criticalof the government’s new social welfare policy because, according to them, it would bring down the living standards of the working people.5.it is, to be sure, difficult to remove the resentmentbetween them, but it is at least worth trying.6.the government is taking all possible measurement tobring down the prices lest inflation should get out of control7.as the murderer denied all the charges, we had toconvince the jury with more evidence that he was guilty.8.finally he managed to forgive his wife for herinfidelity and was reconciled with her after years of separation.Unit 121.his father died when he was only nine years old,leaving the whole family helplessly at the mercy of others.2.her story stirred many beautiful memories of mychildhood, which I have always cherished in my heart.3.the two countries held several rounds of negotiationto settle their differences.4.more and more students are opting for his coursebecause of his humor and energy as well as his effective way of teaching.5.in his speech the premier vowed to address the seriousproblem of unemployment and to boost the income of the common people.6.the former Nazi officer who was arrested last yearin Argentina was prosecuted for the crimes that he had committed during the Second World War.7.the great value of this book rests in the fact thatit has influenced and encouraged a whole generation of young people in their struggle against imperialism and feudalism.8.with regard to the silent students, the teachershould try to enhance their self-confidence and encourage them to voiace their idea in class.。

Appendix IKey to Exercises (Units 1-8)Unit 1Part I Pre-Reading TaskScript for the recording:Ways of learning is the topic of this unit. It is also the topic of the song you are about to listen to, called Teach Your Children sung by Crosby, Stills and Nash.Teach Your ChildrenCrosby, Stills and NashYou, who are on the road,Must nave a code that you can live by.And so, become yourselr,Because the past is just a goodbye.Teach your cbildren well,Their lather's hell did slowly go by.And reed them on your dreams,The one they picks, the one you'll mow by.Don't you ever ash them why, ir they told you, you will cry, So just look at them and sigh and know they love you.Appendix I - 93 -And you, oi tender years,Can't know the rears that your elders grew by.Ana so please help them with your youtb,They seek the truth before tbey can die.Teacb your parents well,Tbeir children's bell will slowly go by.And reed them on your dreams,Tbe one tbey picks, tbe one you'll know by.Don t you ever ask them why, ir tbey told you, you will cry, So just look at them and sigh and know tbey love you.The first part of die song is about how parents can inspire their children through sharing with them their dreams, their hopes for a better life. It starts with advice on how you need a set of rules, "a code diat you can live by," to guide you on the road of life. Only then will you be able to fully realise all that is within you and "become yourself." Therefore, parents need to teach their children well.And children ¡ª "you of tender years" ¡ª also have something to teach their parents, for learning is not a one-way street. Children shouldshare their own dreams with their parents so that young and old can get to understand each otiier better.That said, one should not go too far. For some things are perhaps better left unsaid between parents and children. "Don't you ever ask them why, if they told you, you will cry." At such mo?ments all that there is left to do is to look at one another and sigh, happy in each otiier's love.Part II Text A Text Organization1. 1) The text begins with an anecdote/incident.2) His thoughts are mainly about different approaches to learning in China and the West.3) The end winds up the text with a suggestion in die form of a question.Points for Comparison/Contrast Chinese Americans1) ways to learn to accomplish a task show a child how to do something, or teach by holding his hand teach children that they should rely on themselves for solutions to problems94 - Appendix I2) attitudes to creativity and skills give greater priority to de?veloping skills at an early age, believing creativity can be promoted over time put more emphasis on fos?tering creativity in young children, thinking skills can be picked up laterVocabulary1) insert 2) on occasion3) investigate 4) In retrospect5) initial 6) phenomena7) attached 8) make up for9) is awaiting 10) exception11) not... in the least 12) promote13) working on 14) in due course15) emerged1) There is a striking contrast between the standard of living in the north of the country andthe south.2) Natural fiber is said to be superior to synthetic fiber.3) The city's importance as a financial center has evolved slowly.4) His nationality is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.5) The poems by a little-known sixteenth-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines.3. 1) Chinese isn't a subject that can be picked up in a month. You can't accomplish your goal of mastering the language unless you workat it for years. Well, it sounds as if I'm exag?gerating the difficulties, but the fact is I'm only telling the truth.2) The principal is somewhat disappointed with the performance of the children. From what she has gathered, some of the teaching staff have neglected their pupils. She has just announced that strict work regulations have been made and that they apply to both Chinese and overseas teachers.3) The teacher-directed and the child-directed approaches to teaching art represent two ex?tremes of opinion. Too many teacher-directed activities cannot be expected to effectively assisLchildren in learning because of the rigid structure. On the other hand, too many child-directed activities may see a curriculum that is totally unstructured and out of con?trol. There are valid reasons to believe a teacher-guided approach would be a superior wayAppendix I - 95 -to guide children's development. This approach combines some form of structure with the child leading the direction.II. Confusable Words1.1) continual 3) continual 21) principal 3) principle 5) principal2) continuous 4) continuous2) principal4) principlesIII. Usage1. themselves3. herself/by herself/on her own5. ourselves2. himself/herself4. itself6. yourself/by yourself/on your ownStructure1. 1) Simon's ill ¡ª so much so that he can't get out of bed.2) She herself believed in freedom, so much so that she would rather die than live without it.3) Piles of work have kept us busy ¡ª so much so that we can't manageto take a holiday this year.4) Many contestants later failed drug tests, so much so that the race had to be rerun.2. 1) Assuming (that) this painting really is a Picasso2) Assuming (that) the proposal is accepted3) assuming, of course, that she's prepared to listen4) Even assuming (that) smokers do see the health warnings Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze(A)1. contrast2. exaggerating3. priority4. on the other hand5. promoting6. pick up7. assist 8. accomplish9. on occasion 10. neglecting- 96 - Appendix I11. worthwhile 12. superior(B)1. to2. affect/influence3. others4. each/them5. without6. controlled7. about 8. value9. They 10. little11. right 12. but13. in 14. what15. worth 16. andII. TranslationI consider it worthwhile trying to summarize our experience in learning English. Here I would like to make three relevant points.First, wide reading should be taken as a priority in the learning process, because it is through reading that we get the most language input. Next, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important. On the one hand, rote learning/learning by rote is indeed of little help, but on the other hand, memorization/learning by heart with a good understanding will cer?tainly be of benefit/do good to us. With an enormous store of excellent essays in our heads, we will find it much easier to express ourselves in English. Finally, it is critical that we should put what we have learned into practice. By doing more reading, writing, listening and speaking, we will be able to accomplish the task of perfecting our English.Part III TextBComprehension Check1. c2. c3. d4. a5. c6. bTranslation(#ja Appendix III)Appendix I - 97 -Language Practice1. adopt3. plus5. furthermore7. annual9. pace11. on demand13. perspective 15. fell apart17. access19. deposit2. account4. ended up6. fund8. keeping track of10. intends12. devise14. undoubtedly16. protest18. resources20. from your point of viewPart IV Theme-Related Language Learning TasksModel paperHow I Learn at CollegeI went to school in a small town near Chengdu and now I am studying law at Fudan University in Shanghai. Passing from one to the other you have to get used to many new things, not the least being the different way of learning.At school I found my timetable full throughout the day. One lesson came close on the heels ofanother with little time to call one's own. At university, in contrast, only a few hours of each day aretaken up with classes or lectures. In the time made available you are expected to learn on your own.When and where is up to you. At the same time what you are meant to learn shifts from memorizingmasses of facts to developing an ability to understand theories and present arguments. There are, ofcourse, still facts to be learned. One should not exaggerate the differences. Nevertheless, learning atuniversity certainly teaches me greater self-reliance and to think for myself. (169 words)- 9& - Appendix IUnit 2Part I Pre-Reading TaskScript for the recording:You have heard about Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, haven't you? He came from a poor family, but rose to become one of the most fondly remembered presidents in his country's history. There are many stories about him. Here is one of them.When Abraham Lincoln was young he worked in a store. As a clerk he proved honest and efficient. One day a woman came into the store and bought some articles. They added up to two dollars and six and a quarter cents, or the young clerk thought they did. The bill was paid, and the woman was entirely satisfied. But the young store-keeper, not feeling quite sure as to the accuracy of his calculation, added up the items once more. To his dismay he found that the sum total should have been only two dollars. "I've made her pay six and a quarter cents too much," said Abe, disturbed. It was a very small sum, and many clerks would have dismissed it as such. But Abe was too conscien?tious to forget about the overcharge."The money must be paid back," he decided. This would have been easy enough had the woman lived just around the corner, but, as the young man knew, she lived two or three miles away. This, however, did not alter the matter. It was night, but he closed and locked the store, and walked to the home of his customer. Having arrived there, he explained the matter, paid over the six and a quarter cents, and returned satisfied. This anecdote won him a new name: Honest Abe.Appendix I - 99 -Part II Text Alext Organization1.Parts Paragraphs Main IdeasPart One Paras 1-4 The waiter was disappointed to find that the Richest Man in America led so simple a life.Part Two Paras 5-13 Being friendly, easy-going and never flashy, Walton carries on like plain folks and never wants any special treatment. Part Three Paras 14-22 With the Wal-Mart team in mind, Walton devotes himself heart and soul to making the business a great success.2. Character Traits1) free of self-importance2) friendly and easy-going3) never flashy4) hard working5) generousDetailswaits in line like everyone else to buy shells at the local Wal-Mart; has no reserved seat in church asks his employees to call him by his first name steers clear of reporters, dreamers, and schemers; manages to keep himself off the front page attends sales meetings, the executive pep rally set up a college scholarship fund and a disaster relief fundVocabularyI. 1. 1) local3) deserved5) system7) remote2) headlines 4) folks6) steer clear of 8) get away with-100-Appendix I9) open up 10) hold to11) retire 12) rally13) reserved 14) qualify15) cultivate2. 1) These serious problems deserve careful consideration in restructuring our educational sys-tems.2) The college is liable to stop her scholarship because of her failure in the final examination.3) San Francisco is, by all accounts, a city easy to fall in love with.4) Snow White received such bad treatment from her step-mother that she had to flee from her home.5) The United States, Canada, and Mexico make up North America.3. 1) The principal's daughter didn't receive special treatment from her teachers. She was re-warded for her excellent performance. When she graduated from high school in 1998, she had straight A's and scholarship offers from some of the most famous universities in the country.2) Our boss is fully aware that his employees feel a lot of loyalty to the company because they are treated right. Besides a handsome pay check and a stock option, he has laid down a system under which employees are granted stock for their retirement.3) You are liable to be offered a discount or a reduction on things you buy at the local super?market on weekends.II. Collocation1. about3. at/on5. with7. from2. for4. into 6. to8. withIII. Usage1. a savings account3. a goods train5. a sales tax7. a current affairs program2. arms race4. communications equipment6. a customs officer8. a clothes shopAppendix I - 101 -Struclurc1. 1) Only by rewarding success can you bring out the best in your employees.2) Only by working at evenings and weekends was Mary able to complete the report by the deadline.3) Only when I myself became a mother did I realize the value of my parents' advice.4) Only after they had finished watching the football game did they begin to prepare for the math examination.2. 1) The young woman described to the policemen the way the man ran up to her and grabbed thebag from her hand.2) All the people working for Sam Walton admire the way he manages Wal-Mart and the way he treats his employees.3) The neighbors were disgusted at the way he talked to his old father.4) It's amazing the way the eight-year-old boy managed to stay so calm when he faced the emergency.Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze(A)1. cheerful3. executive5. reward7. loyalty9. qualified11. folks(B)1. from3. spent5. through7. built9. led/lived11. millionaires 13. answer15. by2. threw his weight around4. treatment6. cultivate8. stock10. scholarships 12. local2. their4. away6. to8. who10. it12. then14. wealth16. characterno'.h- 102 - Appendix III. TranslationGeorge was on the run since the moment he came aboard. He was always cheerful and devoted himself heart and soul to his work. Because of his excellent performance he was pro?moted to CEO. From then on he tried hard to blend in with the workers and never threw his weight around. He also laid down/ introduced a reward system to encourage the workers to work hard. He believed that loyalty and hard work would greatly contribute to the success of the company. By all accounts he was an outstanding chief executive officer.Part III TextBComprehension Checkl.c 3. a 5. d2. b 4. d 6. cTranslation(#JE Appendix III)Language Practice1. replace3. selected5. conducted7. additional9. confronted11. crisis13. resolve15. appeals to17. In the opinion of19. factors2. take ... on4. involved6. range8. tremendous10. call... in12. naturally14. related16. former18. of their choice20. projectAppendix 1-103-Part IV Theme-Related Language Learning TasksModel paper Informal invitation1324 ShuiDian Road Shanghai 200434 21/11/01 Dear Tom,I'm having a party to celebrate my birthday in a couple of weeks time on Saturday 2nd December, starting at seven. It would be lovely if you could make it, please let me know whether you can or not.Best wishes,BobInformal acceptanceDear Bob,I'd love to come to your party then. and help celebrate your birthday. Look forward to seeing youBye for now,Tom- 104 - Appendix IInformal regretsDear Bob,I'd love to come to your party but unfortunately I've already agreed to make a visit to myrelatives in Suzhou that weekend and won't be able to get away.3ut I hope you have a lovelybirthday and that we can get together some time soon. All the best,TomUnit 3Part I Pre-Reading TaskScript for the recording:Have you ever heard about the famous American folk musician Bob Dylan? Listen, he's about to sing you a song called The Times They Are A-changin':The Times They Are A-Changin'Bob DylanCome gather round peopleWherever you roamAnd admit that the watersAround you nave grownAnd accept it that soonYou'll be drenched to the bone.If your time to youAppendix I - 105Is worth savin'Then you better start swimmin'Or you'll sink like a stoneFor the times they are a-changin' . Come writers and criticsWho prophesize with your penAnd keep your eyes wideThe chance won't come againAnd don¡¯ t speak too soonFor the wheel's still in spinAnd there's no tellin' whoThat it s namin¡¯ .For the loser nowWill be later to winFor the times they are a-changin' . Come senators, congressmenPlease heed the callDon't stand in the doorwayDon't block up the hallFor he that gets hurtWill be he who has stalledThere's a battle outsideAnd it is ragin .It'll soon shake your windowsAnd rattle your wallsFor the times they are a-changin' .Come mothers and fathersThroughout the landAnd don t criticizeWhat you can't understandYour sons and your daughtersAre beyond your commandI- 106 - Appendix IYour old road isRapidly agin'.Please get out of the new oneIf you can't lend your handFor the times they are a-ckangin' .The line it is drawnThe curse it is castThe slow one nowWill later he fastAs the present nowWill later he pastThe order isRapidly fadin'.And the first one nowWill later he lastFor the times they are a-changin' .The song you have just heard was also written by Bob Dylan when a young man in his early twenties. Like many a young man throughout the ages he felt misunderstood by his parents' genera?tion, a generation he was quite happy to blame for all the ills of the world. He saw a gap between young and old, a gap made wider by different attitudes to change, the young welcoming it, the old resisting it. But change is coming whether we like it or not, coming like a flood that no one can escape. So you had better:... admit that the waters around you have grownAnd accept it that soon you'll he drenched to the hone.For those whose job it is to comment on the news and to predict what will happen next, we live in interesting times.Come writers and critics Who prophesize with your pen And keep your eyes wide The chance won't come againAppendix I - 107 -But they should not be too quick in predicting what is going to happen. The wheel of fortune is still spinning and those at the bottom of society may find themselves later rising up. And so:... don't speak too soon For the wheel's still in spin Ana there's no telling who That it' s naming For the loser now Will he later to winMany of Dylan's early songs were, like this one, protest songs, songs aimed against injustice. And so he warns politicians not to stand in the way of those who are fighting for justice, a fight that will... soon shake your windows And rattle your walls.He sees his parent's generation as too ready to criticize their children and unable to understand their hopes and dreams:Come mothers and lathers Throughout the land And don't criticize What you don't understandDylan sees the older generation's way of doing things as outdated. If they are unwilling to change their ways then they should step aside and let a new generation take over. As he says to them:Your old road isRapidly a ginPlease get out of the new oneIf you can't lend your handFor the times they are a-changin'- 106 - Appendix IPart II Text AText OrganizationNo. Settings1 A fast-food restaurant2 The Thompson family dining room3 An office at a high school2.Scenes Main IdeasScene One Father embarrassed Sean by talking too proudly to the restaurant Manager.Scene Two Father embarrassed Diane by persuading a work-mate into pressing his son to ask her to the senior prom.Scene Three Father embarrassed Heidi by boasting to an official of her new school about how bright she was.VocabularyI. 1. 1) swallow 2) dumb3) Overall 4) glorious5) welfare 6) repeatedly7) interference 8) fading9) junior 10) frank11) distract 12) at any rate13) has narrowed down 14) in unison15) has come over2. 1) The security council consists of five generals and four police officers.2) The new hotel will be in a location overlooking the lake. Appendix I - 109 -3) I was embarrassed by her comments about my clothes.4) Do you have any proof that it was Henry who stole the computer?5) The boy was exhausted after the long cycle ride.3. 1) That exceptional stamp was handed down by your grandfather , and is worth a fortune. You should have known better than to trade it for a few drinks.2) Company executives are always looking out for talented college graduates to hire as junior employees.3) The doctor in charge of his case asked him to fill out one form after another, but kept him in suspense as to what they were for.II. Collocation1. adequate2. anxious3. certain4. content5. crazy6. likely7. fortunate 8. keenIII. Usage1. be admitted2. live3. be postponed4. buy5. be banned6. beStructure1. 1) I do whatever I can 2) Whatever does that mean2. 3) Whatever had happened 4) Whatever it is that you like3. 1) You ought to know better than to go swimming right after lunch.2) Aunt Betty certainly knows better than to invest all her money in one company's stock.3) Jenny is old enough to know better than to spend all her time playing computer games.4) Allen should have known better than to lend such a large sum of money to that untrustworthy cousin of his.? ¡ö ¡öComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze(A)1. welfare2. constant- 110 - Appendix I3. frank4. talent5. embarrassing6. dumb7. repeatedly 8. constant9. interference 10. bet11. Overall 12. trade(B)1. send2. should3. picture4. His5. as6. worse7. too 8. consider9. But 10. However11. from 12.it13. jacket 14. after15. neverII. TranslationGeorge, the son of Mr. Johnson, liked listening to heavy metal music in the evenings, and the noise interrupted the sleep of other residents in the community. Eventually the exhausted neigh?bors lost their patience and decided on direct interference. They called Mr. Johnson to tell him in a frank manner what they were thinking. Embarrassed. Mr. Johnson scolded his son: "What has come over you? You should know better than to disturb others for the sake of your own interest." As a result George traded his records for computer games software from his classmates. Overall. the whole thing has worked out quite satisfactorily.Part III TextBComprehension Checkl.d 2. a3. b4. c5.d6. bTranslation(#ja Appendix III)Appendix I -111-Language Practice1. sake2. acknowledged3. aware4. embraced5. mood6. to the contrary7. polished off 8. beneath9. legal 10. rare11. justify 12. define13. disturbs 14. notion15. look forward to 16. respond17. have ... to yourself 18. Let go of19. for her sake 20. contraryPart IV Theme-Related Language Learning TasksModel paperMother: Nancy, you've been home from school for three days now. Why don't you clean up yourroom?Nancy: We don't have to clean up our rooms at school.Mother: That's all very well, Nancy. But while you're at home, yourDad and I would like you tokeep your room clean.Nancy: What difference does it make? It's my room.Mother: That's as may be, but you might give a thought to your father.He's frightened to death ofthe plague and now says if it is going to start anywhere in the country,it's going to start inyour room.Nancy: Mother, you people aren't interested in anything that'srelevant. Do you realize how themajor corporations are polluting our environment?Mother: Your father and I are very worried about it. But right now we'remore concerned with thepollution in your room.Nancy: For heaven's sake, Mother, I'm grown up now. Why do you haveto treat me like a child? Mother: We're not treating you like a child.But it's very hard for us to think of you as an adult whenyou go round throwing all your clothes on the floor.- 112 - Appendix IUnit 4Part I Pre-Reading TaskScript for the recording:When an idle moment turned up at work, people used to reach for thenewspaper, providing the boss wasn't looking. Nowadays they are morelikely to spend their spare moments surfing the Internet. Needless tosay, the boss is usually no more happier than before, thinking thathis staff should be looking for some useful work to do. So what happensto the surfer who hears the boss's footsteps approaching? This is thesituation the writer of the poem you are about to hear found himselfin. Will he be caught in the act?Surfing the InternetStepping into the lab, I round no one is inside. So I think I'm in the clear Because the boss is nowherein sight. I log onto the web and start to surf And thenmy hair stands up with fright.The footsteps coming down the hall Are quickening in pace. There isno time to exit, No way to save my race.-So I press the power buttonAnd relax just a bit.There is no way he can tellAppendix I -113-Exactly what I nit.I act all surprised, Don't know why my machine died. "Simply unpredictable these Computers are!" I cried."So we'll get you a new one,A computer that won't crash" he exclaims.Do you think he'll wonderWhen the new one acts the same?Part II Text AText Organization l.Contents Paragraphs1. Description of the author's virtual life 2-32. How she feels about it after staying on the Net for a while1,4-10, 133. What she does to return to the real world 114. How she feels about the real world 122. The first paragraph tells about the consequences of living a virtual life and the last tells about the author's return to it. Together, they show us the dilemma people at present are in: Because of modern technology, we have a choice between a virtual life and real life, but we find both unsat?isfactory. The author, however, finally has to choose the latter despite its negative effects.- 114 - Appendix I2) relationship4) symptom6) abusing8) took (her) in 10) communicate 12) insight14) dataVocabularyI. 1. 1) conversely3) but then5) spitting7) tone9) editing11) Internet13) stretched15) angles2. 1) The sight of teenagers smoking cigarettes jars on me.2) I turned on the TV just to relax a little bit after a heavy dinner,but soon I found myself getting sucked in by the fascinating plot ofa science fiction film.3) Jeffrey's computer crashed again this morning. The manager has arranged for a technician from the computer store to check and repair it.4) During the Vietnam War, many young Americans fled their country to avoid military ser?vice.Or: During the Vietnam War, many young Americans fled to other countries to avoid military service.5) The new government is planning an anti-corruption campaign so as to restore people'sconfidence in it.3. 1) The traditional school will never go away, but the virtual classroom is playing a more and more important role. Obviously, the online student relies on the computer. To get started, he must have his computer hooked up to the Internet through a phone line and mode m. To be successful, he must keep up with the class and complete all work on time. Once he gets behind, it is almost impossible to catch up. 2) When the economy slows down, the worst nightmare for an employee is losing his job. In addition to money problems, the emotional stress is hard to bear. Hunting for a job is now the daily routine of many workers like Henry Smith. He fills out applications and writes resumes and submits them to various companies, expecting an interview. But in times of rising unemployment, even job interviews are hard to get. He takes great care not to miss any appointment, for if he missed it, it would be all but impossible to arrange for another one.3) "The bubble has burst. Venture capitalists have become cautious in putting moreAppendix I - 115money into the IT industry and small investors are taking their cue," said the chairman in his concluding speech. It is clear from these remarks that the ever-optimistic economist has changed his tune. II. Collocation1. We came here all the way on foot.2. Private cars are not allowed on campus.3. They are on vacation in Florida.4. Mary has been talking to her friend on the phone for an hour.5. Don't worry, Lucy is always on time.6. Industrial demand on fuel is on the rise.III. Usagel.hard 2. difficult3. impossible4. tough5. hard6. easy。

全新版大学英语综合教程(第二版)综合教程2 翻译部分答案Unit 1背离传统需要极大的勇气。
(departure,enormous)It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.汤姆过去就很腼腆,但这次却非常勇敢在当观众面前上台表演了。
(performance,bold)Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.很多教育家认为从小培养孩子的创新精神是很可取的。
(creative, desirable)Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.假设那幅画确实是名作,你觉得值得购买吗?(Assuming that, worthwhile)Assuming that this painting is really a masterpiece, do you think it’s worthwhile to buy it?如果这些数据在统计上是站得住脚的,那它将会帮助我们认识正在调查的问题。
(throw light on, investigate, valid)If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.要提高我们的英语水平,关键是多读、多写、多听、多说。

unit11.I don’t like to see people off at the railway station.2.The company is giving a farewell party for you on Monday evening. A car will pick you up at your hotel at half past seven.3.She was so excited that she couldn’t help giving me a warm embrace.4.I never succeed in overcoming the sense of being out of place.5.She glanced round the room to see who was there.6.His big shoes look like small boats.7.You should fold the eggs into the flour instead of doing it in the opposite way.unit21.He thinks that the marriage between them is no more than a business deal.2.He used up all the money he had.3.The young man saved your daughter from drowning.4.She had absolutely nowhere to go, so she read some old books at home.5.“Will I ever be as good a player as Geoff?” “Perhaps, but you still havea long way to go before that day comes.”6.He is in danger of losing his job.7.The practice of employing children to work in factories has nearly died out in many countries.unit31.It started raining, so she made for the nearest shelter.2.She picked out a cap to match her dress.3.I waited for an hour, but he didn’t show up.4.They figured it was better to stay where they were.5.The earthquake that struck the little island caused 23 deaths.6.He returned home at length after being away from the village for 20 years.7.She managed to hold on to her job while many of her colleagues lost theirs.unit41.My teacher told me that the liquid in the bottle could remove stains from metal and china.2.The student sitting beside me looked around the examination room with apprehension.3.He is now out of college and lives on his own.4.They took turns staying awake in case anything went wrong.5.The elder daughter will probably follow in her father's footsteps, and take over the family business when she's old enough.6.He had to get off his bike and push it up the hill.7.This pair of gloves will protect your hands against the coldunit51.Her bedroom has large windows overlooking a beautiful lake.2.He collapsed into the armchair, stretching out his legs in front of him.3.I simply could not live there; it rained day in and day out when I went there on holiday.4.A dry warehouse is important especially in the case of these medicines.5.The people in this village, for the most part, are quiet and well behaved.6.We tend to get cold winters and warm, dry summers in this part of the country.7.It’s a simple dish to prepare, consisting mainly of beef and vegetable. unit61.I find it difficult to keep up with the changes in fashion.2.He doesn't go in for outdoor sports much.3.My Englsh is poor so I'm not up to translating the poem.4.People usually judge a person by his/her appearance.5.She looked as if she hadn't slept all night.6.He was determined to go to great lengths to fulfill his ambition7.He sat in the front so as to hear clearly.unit71.I’ll do it my own way if you don’t mind.2.John couldn’t have been in the classroom. We were there just a few minutes ago.3.Such rude behavior cannot be excused.4.My salary went up by half when I changed companies.5.The workers smashed the bottles with the hammer.6.I don’t think it hurts (anybody) to get up earlier.7.You are asking too much of me.8.I keep making the same mistake. It’s really annoying.unit81.The new education system enables college students to gain work experience while continuing their studies.2.A writer should draw on his imagination and experience in his writing.3.After a promising start, the company ran into heavy debt.4.“Have you drawn up that list of names yet?” “No, I’m still working on it.”5.Despite the great difference in age, they became good friends.6.He will not pass the examination unless he works harder.7.After turning it over in his mind for a whole week, he at last solved the problemunit91.Judy had a right to come and go as she pleased.2.He leapt to fame overnight with the success of his first film.3.I sometimes have difficulty distinguishing Australian English from American English.4.I didn’t want to come here in the first p lace.5.Miniskirts are out of fashion, while long skirts have come into fashionagain.6.She was always criticizing others, so her friends got tired of her.7.Her manner was cold and indifferent.8.Nancy and John have fallen out of love with each other and they split at last.unit101.Everyone supposes him to be poor, but he is actually quite rich.2.I wouldn’t put up with his arrogance if I were you.3.There is plenty of paper on the desk if you need it.4.In order to pass the exam, she is resigned to not watching TV this weekend.5.The scientists are carrying out some interesting cloning experiments.6.They often quarrel over trifles for hours on end.7.When you get down to the task, you won’t feel it is that easy.8.As some guests were coming, she spent all morning tidying up her room.unit111.At first, he refused to accept any responsibility but he ended up apologizing.2.Sometimes it is not easy to pick out an acquaintance in a crowd.3.Some convenience foods can fit in with ideas of healthy eating.4.Your carelessness might put us into danger.5.He tried to force his opinion on us, but we didn’t accept it.6.They spent hours working out the result for the survey.Or: It was hours before they worked out the result of the survey.7.If you can’t make it this way, you can try doing it another way.8.Her illness kept her off work for several weeks.unit121.A new bridge having been built, and crossing the river by ferry has become a thing of the past.2.Once you pick up a bad habit, it is difficult to get rid of it.3.Doctors are still trying out this new medicine to see if it is effective.4.All the new products of this company were on show at the exhibition.5.The color of brass is similar to that of gold.6.Oxford Street is known as one of the busiest commercial streets in London.7.The old building which survived the earthquake was retained in the newly-built district.8.Children are often fascinated by the toys displayed in shop windows. unit131.You need to attach your photo to the application form before handing it in.2.When he returned to his office, he was confronted with a great pile of work.3.She worries about the results of the exam.4.It’s just as well you were not here –you wouldn’t like the noise.5.All the characters in this book are imaginary.6.He flunked English.7.She stuck the pictures of her favorite singers on the wall next to her bed.8.Once in a while he would go to the pub and drink one or two glasses of beer with his friends.unit141.Is it safe to draw conclusions on the basis of only one investigation?2.More books about physical exercises will be published to meet the needs of the ageing society3.The team leader urged the players to win the football match at any rate.4.He has visited a lot of places of interest abroad, not to mention scenic spots at home.5.The scientists subjected the new product to a series of strict tests.6.After searching in the room for a while, he brought out a pile of old magazines.7.She is determined to succeed and won’t let anything get in her way.8.J immy’s parents came over from America to see him.unit151.The bathroom floor was swimming with water.2.For an instant, I thought I was going to lose.3.I was walking along the street when a poster caught my eye.4.In this quiet valley lies a small village.5.The air is so fresh outside Let’s go out for a walk if you feel like it.6.He is always interfering with our plan.7.Owing to a mechanical problem, they were trapped in the elevator for two hours.。

Unit 91.He scooped up the little boy and ran from the fire2.The boss assigned me to check the quality of all goods leaving the factory3.We have taken all the precautions we can against the painting being stolen4.The company is selling off some of its buildings in an effort to accumulate capital5.When you are learning to drive , having a good teacher makes a big difference6.Rumour has it that he was killed in a raid in the local area7.Adam's refusal to work overtime enraged his boss8.I was pleasantly surprised to see an old friend who appeared at the party out of the blueUnit 111.He was hospitalized with acute appendicitis , with the result that he missed the final examination2.As many more people came to the lecture than expected , there werenot enough handouts to go round3.No matter what a long day he may have , he makes a point of checking his e-mail box before going to bed4.Unemployment is found in all countries in the world , but the governments vary their way to handle the problem5.Anyone who has come to a foreign country for the first time is apt to find everything around him both strange and interesting6.The football fans were very disappointed at the performance of the players of both teams7.Never take what he says at face value . Think it over yourself 8.The doctor's words removed his fears about the operationUnit 121.On average , 18% of our daily calories come from sugar2.Ford Automobile Plant was shut down for two months as a result of the strike3.He's decided to give up his business and dedicate himself to charity 4.The cultural life in the country cannot compare with that of a large city5.The country's independence celebrations carried on as if nothing had happened6.The report allows the readers to make a direst comparison between the two types of car7.The existing (present ) stocks of coal should meet our needs for the coming year8.He remained there for hours deep in thought , contemplating the mysteries of the universeUnit 131.Global climate change may have been responsible for the extinction of the dinosaur2.Patients with incurable illness often seek alternative treatments such as homeopathy3.Economic theory predicts that a fall in the price of a commodity will lead to an increase in consumption4.The congress is expected to take strong actions on the problem of organized crime5.The ever-present threat of unemployment makes workers less willing to go on strike6.Elderly people may face some psychological problems that result from their loss of independence7.The car industry , like most other industries , is feeling the effects ofthe recession8.Your success at college partly depends on how well you can adapt yourself to the new environmentUnit 141.It's important to draw a distinction between the policies of the leaders and the views of their supporters2.In Europe , the color white symbolizes purity but in Asia it is often the symbol of mourning3.The tour group is confined to the planned activities4.Once the rumour gets round , he'll never work in this town again 5.He's always running out of money before payday6.He got the Nobel Prize for Peace because he was engaged in the promotion of world peace all his life7.The children have found it difficult to adapt to living in an apartment -------they want a garden to play in8.A Swiss company has found a way to convert animal waste into fuelUnit 151.Bad luck has come upon us ever since we moved into the new house2.Renovating your house can be a costly and time-consuming business 3.The government is planning to simplify the tax laws so that they are easier to operate4.Before moving abroad , he had to part with the favourite books that had been kept for years5.The railways have been deprived of the fund they need for modernization6.After so many years toiling and moiling for other people , he was glad to have the chance of working for himself7.You can deposit your valuables in the hotel safe8.I have to draw upon my savings to pay for the repairs1.。
英语专业综合教程Unit 2课后习题答案

Key to Exercise of Unit 2Unit 2II. 1. Survived 2. grabs 3. discreetly 4. Deceased…obituary5. conceivably6. board7. classics8. executivesIII. 1. widowed 2. nerves 3. precisionist 4. competitiveness5. execution6. presided7. marital8. accompaniedIV. 1died of 2. Stay up 3. Cares for 4. Straightened out5. picked out6. Given up7. Grabbed at8. Considered forV. 1 exactly 2 immediately 3 slacker/idler, loafer 4 outlive5 disconcerted/abashed6 departed7 underweight/slim8 successorVI. 1. disappointed 2. Waited 3. Required 4. Read5. meant6. Entered cheerfully7. Intensifies gradually8. Became extinctKey to Translation:1.My immediate boss is a typical workaholic, for he works for over ten hours each day all theyear round.2.The principal attaches much importance to extracurricular activities and he believes that theywill help to cultivate students’ tremendous interest in the external world.3.He always grabs a shower, a sandwich and then a taxi to go to work every Monday morning.4.Since you are leaving the company, you should straighten out the accounts within the week.5.He often stays up late at night in order to finish writing his Ph.D. dissertation on time.6.Nothing can replace the profound love lodged in one’s heart of hearts.7.He is considered a natural for the post of the president, for he has been an excellentvice-president for almost ten years.8.He is just too common to be picked out from the crowd.Transcrip:Everyone is under some pressure / in the workplace. / Some external pressures / can be a positive factor, / helping us to be more productive. / Some people actually thrive / under short-term added pressure, / and our bodies are designed to meet these short-term demands. / Hormones are released to prepare us / for a "fight or flight" response / to demanding situations. / However, excessive and prolonged stress / can take its toll,/producing a range of physical and emotional health problems / which have come to be grouped as "work-related stress." / The experience of stress is different for every person. / Some people are affected more than others, / so what is stressful for one person / may not be stressful for another. / It can depend on your personality type / and on how you have learned to respond to pressure.。

(1) It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.汤姆过去很腼腆,但这次却非常勇敢能在大庭广众面前上台表演(2) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.很多教育家认为从小培养孩子的创新精神是可取的。
(3) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the childat an early age.假设那幅画确实是名作,你觉得值得购买吗?(4) Assuming this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it’sworthwhile to buy it?如果这些数据统计上是站得住脚的,那它将会帮助我们认识正在调查的问题。
(5) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.该公司否认其捐款有商业目的。
1) The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.每当他生气的时候,他说话就有点巴结。
2) Whenever he was angry, he would begin to stammer slightly.教育是我们家庭最重要的传统,这就是为什么我父母从不带我到昂贵的饭店吃饭,却送我到最好的私立学校上学。
3) Education is the most cherished tradition in our family. That’s why my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurants, but sent me to the best private school.手术康复后不久,他失业了,因此经历了人生的又一次困难阶段。

(turn up)1. I had arranged for them to meet each other at the pub but the young man never turned up.2你无法仅凭表象判断形势是否变得对我们不利。
(tell from appearance)2. You cannot tell merely from appearance whether things will turn out unfavourable to us or not.3.那个士兵每次打仗都冲锋在前,从而赢得了最高荣誉。
(stand in the gap)3. The soldier, who stood in the gap in every battle, gained the highest honors if the country.4.主席讲话很有说服力,委员会其他成员都听从他的意见。
(yield to)4. The chairman spoke so forcefully that the rest of the committee yielded to his opinion.5.他们现在生活富裕了,但也曾经历坎坷。
(ups and down)5. They are well-to-do now, but along the way they had their ups and downs.6.这次演讲我说明两个问题。
(address oneself to)6. There are two questions to which I will address myself in this lecture.7.我们正在筹划为你举办一次盛大的圣诞聚会。
(in somebody's honour)7. We are planning a big Christmas party in your honor.8.听到那个曲子,我回想起了而同时代。

Unit 8 Focus on Global WarmingText comprehensionI. AII. 1. T; 2. T; 3. F; 4. F; 5. F.III.1. Paragraph2. Because global warming may be the single largest threat to our planet(the earth). Low-lying nations could be awash in seawater, rain and drought patterns across the world could change, hurricanes could become more frequent, and El Ninos could become more intense.2. Paragraph3. Our factories, power plants, and cars burn coal and gasoline and spit out carbon dioxide, produce methane by allowing our trash to decompose in landfills and by breeding large herds of methane-belching cattle, and release nitrogen oxide by using nitrogen-based fertilizers.3. Paragraph4. The increased concentrations of greenhouse gases prevent additional thermal radiation from leaving the Earth, so cause the global warming.4. Paragraph 7. A slight increase in heat and rain in equatorial regions would increase vector-borne带菌媒介引起的diseases such as malaria; more intense rains and hurricanes could cause more severe flooding and more deaths in coastal regions and along riverbeds; even a moderate rise in sea level could threaten the low-lying islands; hotter summers couldlead to more cases of heatstroke, hospital admissions and deaths among vulnerable people with heart problems or respiratory problems.5. Paragraph 8 and 10. We can curb our consumption of fossil fuels and use technologies to reduce the emission of heat-trapping gases like carbon二氧化碳 dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxides, and protect the forests in the world, and we can also advocate policies that will combat global warming over the long term, things like clean cars, environmentally responsible renewable energy technologies, and stopping the clear-cutting of valuable forests.IV.1. Global warming will probably be the most serious threat to our Earth, if we do not take into account of some other possible disasters, such as another world war, collision of our Earth with some small orbiting planet, or spread of incurable diseases.2. In terms of human health, the people of the poorer countries will suffer most, because their countries do not have money to protect them when climate changes.Structural analysisSub-ideas in the second part.1) the causes of the rising concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (Paragraphs 3 and 4)2) the effect of such concentration on climate change (Paragraphs 5 and 6)3) the potential threat of global warming to human health and survival (Paragraph 7)Part one. Vocabulary1 Phrase1. with the exception of: except, apart from 除……之外,不包括……在内2. In essence = essentially, basically 本质上,根本上3. wherever possible: whenever it is possible 只要可能4. over the long term: over a long period 从长远看5. alternative = substitutable, different, replaceableII.1. focus;2. much the same;3. consciousness;4. threat;5. deserved;6. decomposed;7. revealed;8. frequent.III. Word derivationFill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. Her natural good sense was improved by the perusal (peruse) of the best books.2. Efforts to reach the injured men have been intensified (intense) because of a sudden deterioration of weather conditions.3. I knew he deserved to be punished but making him stay in every night for a year is a little excessive (excess).4. Theories of the origin of life are partly speculative (speculate), since there is so little direct evidence available.5. This is a book that contains an abundance (abundant) of valuable information.6. The cost of the flights, accommodation and car rental is two thousand dollars inclusive (include).7. When an iron object is heated in a fire, it glows red and emits (emission) radiation.8. We hardly ever go into London. Whatever we need we can buy locally (local).1. peruse v. 熟读,精读perusal n. 熟读,精读;仔细研究e.g. 他每天都要读各种报纸。

综合英语二Lesson2课后习题翻译答案.Unit2The man who could work miraclesP652). Use the useful expression.1.在闭幕词中,主席说了几句话,意思是要提高人民的社会意识。
-In his closing speech, the chairman said something to the effect that efforts should be made to raise people’s social awareness.2.她突然明白了并不是毫无希望的,她应该再试一次。
-It suddenly dawned on her that she was not helpless, and that she ought to try again.3.和他的许多朋友预料的相反,吉姆选择了教学工作。
-Contrary to what a lot of friends had expected, Jim decided on the teaching job.4.在最近的一次记者招待会上,那位外交部发言人特别谈到中加关系。
-At a recent press conference, the foreign ministry spokesman talked, among other things, about Sino-Canadian relations.5.全天上班的父母为了弥补没有和孩子们呆在一起的时间,就给他们买过多的玩具。
-Parents working full time give their children too many toys to make up for the time they spend away from them.6.失业加上他的小女儿的死亡几乎把他逼进绝境。
-Unemployment and the death of his little daughter almost drove him to desperation.7.克里夫艾文思的档案能说明他是怎样变得一事无成。

Unit 1Exercise 41. The group elected one of its members to be their spokesperson.2. Wage increases are being kept to a(n) minimum in many companies because of the economic depression.3. The engineering profession now has many distinct branches.4. Now that you're 13 you should have more sense of are located .5. Students usually pursue one or more of the subjects which they have studied at "A" level, such as Art, Drama, English, Music, etc.6. We need to make sure that we exploit our resources as fully as possible.7. Congress is considering measures to restrict the sale of cigarettes.8. College courses should be designed to equip students with knowledge and skills to help them survive in modern society.9. The local government granted $1.1 million so that the old theatre could be taken down and rebuilt.10. For his achievement in the medical field, the Mayor awarded him a medal of merit. Exercise 71. 任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票(vote)。

• Analysis: The article begins by introducing two types of people: those who are knowledgeable but incapable of applying their knowledge, and those who lack formal education but possess practical skills. The author then goes on to explain that success depends not on the amount of knowledge one has, but on the ability to apply that knowledge effectively. This is supported by examples of successful individuals who lack traditional education but have excelled due to their practical skills and problem-solving abilities.

1)It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.2)Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.3)Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.4)Assuming (that) this painting is a masterpiece, do you think it’s worthwhile to buy/purchase it?5)If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.Unit 21)The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.2)Whenever he was angry, he would begin to stammer slightly.3)Education is the most cherished tradition in our family. That's why my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurants, but sent me to the best private school.4)Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, he lost his job and thus had to go through another difficult phase of his life.5)In contrast to our affluent neighbors, my parents are rather poor, but they have always tried hard to meet our minimal needs.Unit 41)Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health benefits.2) A slow Internet connection speed is really annoying.3)As the law stands, helping someone commit suicide is a crime.4)In her report, Mary tries to interpret the data from a completely different angle.5)Sue is a girl of great talent. Her amazing memory sets her apart from her classmates.Unit 51)It is the creativity and dedication of the workers and executives that turned the companyinto a profitable business.2)The prices of food and medicine have soared in the past three months.3)We plan to repaint the upper floors of the office building.4)His success shows that popularity and artistic merit sometimes coincide.5)I don’t want to see my beloved grandmother lying in a hospital bed and groaning painfully. Unit 61)He is a man of few words, but when it comes to playing computer games, he is far too cleverfor his classmates.2)Children who don’t know any better may think these animals are pretty cute and start playingwith them.3)There is no way to obtain a loan, so to buy the new equipment, I’ll just have to grit my teethand sell my hybrid car.4)The hunter would not have fired the shots if he had not seen a herd of elephants comingtowards his campsite.5)I find it ironic that Tom has a selective memory—he does not seem to remember painfulexperiences in the past, particularly those of his own doing.Unit 71)Many small businesses have sprung up in the city since the new policy went into effect.2)On hearing the news, she smiled briefly, and then returned to her habitual frown.3)He paused for effect, then said: “we can reach/enter these markets through new channels.”4)The addition of a concert hall to the school will help it nourish young musical talents.5)We have no way to protect our personal liberties until we have established a sovereign state.1)This is a prosperous town, but there is still poverty in the midst of wealth and abundance.2)The Brown family was stricken with one misfortune after another, but their children never complained.3)The museum is designed in such a way that it stands in perfect harmony with its surroundings.4)It was a miracle that these flowers did not wither at all in the blazing sun.5)Flocks of sheep feed on the patches of vegetation that rise above the winter snow.。
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Thanks to advanced technology, the film about the ancient battle gives the audience the illusion of being on the battlefield themselves.2. 在那场大火中,整个古城毁于一旦,但是这块石碑却幸运地保存了下来。
(devastate)That ancient city was devastated by the fire, but fortunately the stone tabletsurvived.3.他们看了那段录像,听了那位妇女的讲述,心里充满了对那位地震孤儿的同情。
The videotape and the story by the woman filled them with sympathy for the childwho had become an orphan in the earthquake.4.那场大地震中,我们听到过太多太多教师的事迹,他们拒绝离开学生自己逃生,献出了自己的生命。
(leave behind)In that earthquake, we heard many stories of teachers who had refused to leavetheir students behind and laid down their lives.5.豫园的建造始于1558年,但由于资金短缺时建时停,1578年才完成。
The construction of the Yu Yuan Garden began in 1558, but it was not completeduntil 1578 because building went off and on for lack of money.6. 1980年我遇到她时,她刚从国外读完硕士回来。
(meet up with)In 1980, when I met up with her, she had just returned from abroad with a master’s degree.7.这是我第一次来纽约,但我还是设法找到了那家小公司。
It was my first visit to New York, but I managed to find my way to the little firm.8.在电影界要达到顶峰时非常困难的,但是作为一名导演谢晋做到了。
It is hard to make it to the top in the movie industry, but as a director Xie Jindid it.Unit21. 如今很多爱慕虚荣的年轻人,尽管还不富裕,但却迷上了漂亮的小汽车。
(vain, be obsessed with)Many vain young people are obsessed with fancy cars despite the fact that theyare not yet rich enough to afford them.2.当他的婚外恋被妻子发现后,他们的婚姻终于破裂了。
(affair, fall apart)Their marriage finally fell apart when his affair with another woman was foundout by his wife.3.那位艺术家为了获得创作的灵感,在农村住了三年,放弃了生活上的许多享受。
(inspiration, deny oneself something)For artistic inspiration, the artist lived in the country for three years, wherehe denied himself many comforts of life.4.我不知道明天去崇明岛的远足活动能不能成行,因为这要取决于会不会下雨。
(excursion,at the mercy of)I’m not sure if we can have the excursion to Chongming Island tomorrow. It isat the mercy of the weather.5.他早年到日本学医,回国后却改变了主意,一辈子从事文学创作。
(pursue)When he was young he went to Japan to learn medicine, but after he returned toChina he changed his mind and pursued a career as a writer all his life.6.她最近和足以做她父亲的老头好上了,这使她父母感到非常丢脸。
(take up with, disgrace)She’s taken up with a man old enough to be her father, which is a disgrace toher parents.7.1978年以来,我国经济发展神速,相比之下,一些发达国家的经济反而滑坡了。
(witness, contrast)Since 1978, our economy has witnessed a rapid development; in contrastthat of some developed countries has declined.8.地震切断了这个城市和外界的联系。
(hold out) The earthquake isolated this city from other areas. I’m afraid their food supplies will not hold out through the winter.Unit31. 那些粉丝在雨中苦苦等了足足两个小时,这位“超女”才到达。
(show up)The fans waited anxiously in the rain for two hours before the “super girl” finally showed up.2. 他们恋爱八年,经历了种种苦难,才终成良缘。
(go through)They have been in love for eight years, and they went through many agonies beforethey finally got married.3.我丢了钱包,非常懊丧,但我只能自我安慰,事情有可能更糟呢。
要是在机场丢了护照怎们办?3.I was upset by the loss of my wallet, but I could only console myself—it could have been worse. What if I had lost my passport at the airport?4.考虑到他年纪小,没经验,他在第一部电影中的表现可以说非常优秀了。
Given his age and inexperience / Given that he was young and inexperienced, hisperformance in his first movie was excellent.5.经理每次出差都授权助理代理他的事务,因为公司业务不容拖延。
(authorize)Every time he left on business, the manager would authorize his assistant to actfor him, as the business of the company couldn’t wait.6.这位老人很穷,吃的并不好,但是身体很硬朗,因为他相信多多锻炼是有好处的。
The poor old man did not have much to eat but he kept healthy because he believedin the benefit of doing exercise.7.在所有的古代文明中,只有中华文明历经岁月的沧桑,却依旧保持着充分的活力。
Of all the ancient civilizations, only that of China has endured through the agesand is still full of vitality.8.和许多其他作家一样,这位青年作家主要叙写爱情这个永恒的主题,他的出众之处在于他对中国农村生活的深刻体验。
(focus, set apart)Like many other writers, this young writer focuses on the eternal theme of love.What sets him apart from others is his keen observations of rural life in China.Unit41.儿童有成人陪同便可在这里游泳。
Children may swim here provided that they are accompanied by adults2.这位美国记者因其关于中国的言论而大出洋相,因为她对三十年来中国发生的一切真的是孤陋寡闻了。
This American journalist made a fool of himself over his remarks about China, because he’s been out of touch with what’s been happening in the country in the pastthree decades.3.任何人,不论家庭出身、性别和年龄,都有受教育的权利。
Every person has the right to education, regardless of his or her family background, sex, and age.4.因特网的发明尽管造成了一些问题,但是却极大地方便了我们生活中几乎所有方面,包括教育,医疗和贸易方面。
The invention of the Internet, despite the fact that it has given rise to someproblems, has greatly facilitated almost every aspect of our life, including education, medicine, and business.5.您计划出国度假的时候,千万不要忽略购买旅行保险;否则万一发生什么意外,您也许会有很大的麻烦。