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一、名词解释(5*2=10 )

PMI, Project Ma nageme nt In stitute, PMP, Project Man ageme nt Professio nal, 项目管理专业人员认证 PMBOK, Project Ma nageme nt Body of Kno wledge, 项目管理知识体 系

PLC, project life cycle,


RFP, Request for proposal, 需求建议书

WBS, Work Breakdow n Structure, 工作分解结构

CPM, Critical path method, 关键路径法

PERT, Project Evaluation and Review Technique,计划评审技术

AOA, Activity-On-Arrow, 双代号网络图法

AON, Activity-o n-n ode, 单代号网络图

CPI, Cost Performanee Index, 成本绩效指数(挣值(EV)/实际成


RAM, Resp on sibility Assig nment Matrix, 职责分配矩阵P&L, Profit and loss 损益

VAT, value-added tax,加值税、增值税

QA, Quality Assura nee, 质量保障


(5*2=10 )。

1. A project_ is an endeavour objective through a unique set the effective utilization of resources. 1. to


accomplish a specific

in terrelated tasks and



2. A project manager is responsible for planning the work and then work the pla n. 项目经理负责规划工作,然后工作计划。

3. The project life cycle has four phases: initiating,

pla nning, perform ing, and clos ing the project. 项目生命周期有四个阶段:启动、规划、执行和结束项目。

4. Project selection_invoIves evaluating potential projects

and then deciding which should move forward to be implemented.项目选择涉及潜在项目评估,然后决定,应该向前来实施。

5. WBS facilitates evaluation of cost, time, and technical performa nee of the orga ni zati on on a project.


6. The project network is developed from the information collected for the WBSand is a graphic flow chart of the project job plan. 项目开发从 WBS收集的信息和网络是一个图形的流程图的项目工作计划。

7. I n the con text of projects, risk_is an un certa in eve nt and condition that, if it occurs, has a positive and

n egative effect on project objectives. 在项目范围内,风险是


8. Milestones_ are significant project events that mark

major accomplishme nts. 里程碑是重大项目事件标记的主要成就。

9. Two important factors affecting recruitment are the importanee of the project and the management structure, bei ng used to complete the project. 有两个重要影响因素招聘有


10. The most commonmethod for shortening project time is to assig n additi on al_staff and equipme nt to activities. 最常



1. Com mun icatio ns is best described as:

A. an excha nge of in formati on.

B. provid ing writte n or oral directi ons.

C. con sists of sen ders and receivers

D. effective liste ning.

E. All of the above


2. The followi ng types of costs are releva nt to maki ng a finan cial decisi on except:

A. opport unity costs

B. direct costs

C. sunk cost

D. un avoidable costs

E. None of the above


3. Time management is the allocation of time in a project's

life cycle through the process of:

A. Planning

B. Estimating.

C. Scheduling.

D. Controlling

E. All of the above.
