盗梦空间 英文台词剧本解析




• 5. 选A:意味着想逃避对自我的观察,压抑 内心的冲动和好奇心,使你拥有宁静的生 活。 选B:说爱的人正是你的本我,你对他有戒 心。基本上,你是一个愿意对自己做分析 的以赢得内心坦荡的人。 B类:显然你不是一个快乐的人,内心压抑 着复杂情感,想把自己掩藏起来,但骨子 里的完美主义一刻也不想让你安宁。
Have fun
• 下面是一个片段梦境,根据你的意愿做选 择,请记住5个答案。(choose and remember your answer) • 1. 你正走在一个幽暗的林间,脚下是: • (You are walking in a dark forest, the road is..?) A:一片松软的,有斑驳水草的沼泽。 • (A: a marsh with softy aquatic weed) B:一条平滑,长满青苔的石板路。 • (B: a smooth, mossy stone path)
• 2. 我小心地走过它,来到一座房屋前,那是你的 家(you come across a cabin, it is your house) • A:它矗立在草坪上,完美且漂亮 • (A: the house stood on the lawn, perfect and beautiful) • B:它在森林的边缘,侧面是悬崖,底下是海面。 • (B: the house stood on the edge of the forest. It’s near the cliff and with sea below.) • C:隐没在树林的深处,有几缕阳光照亮了它.
• 5. 这时,你发现(and then you find out that..) • A:你已处身在自然的怀抱中,躺在一片冷 冰冰的草地上,房子消失了,但你并不急 着去寻找。 • (A: you are lie on a cold hard ground. The house disappeared, but you are not eager to find it.) • B:自己躺下在自己的床上,有一个陌生的 人说爱你,但你总是看不清他的脸。 • (B: you are lie on your own bed, there is a stranger told you that he/she loves you, but you cannot see his/her face clearly.)



盗梦空间Inception (2010)快过来Hey! Come here!马上就来I'm on my way.他已经神志不清了但还是指名要见你把他带进来他身上只带了这个...还有这个你是来杀我的吗Are you here to kill me?我知道这是什么I know what this is.很久很久以前I've seen one before.我在一个男人身上见过Many, many years ago.我们在一个梦中相遇It belonged to a man I met而那个梦我已经记不清了in a half-remembered dream.那个男人满脑子都是激进的想法A man possessed of some radical notions.最强大的寄生虫是什么What is the most resilient parasite? 是细菌是病毒A bacteria? A virus?还是肠道蠕虫An intestinal worm?柯布先生的意思是...What Mr. Cobb is trying to say是一个想法An idea.顽强无比感染性极强Resilient. Highly contagious.你头脑中一旦形成一个想法Once an idea has taken hold of the brain,那就几乎无法抹去it's almost impossible to eradicate.只要这个想法完整而被理解An idea that is fully formed, fully understood,就会深深根植在那里that sticks.在大脑里的某个地方Right in there somewhere.而你这样的人就来窃取吗For someone like you to steal?对在梦境中你的意识会放松警惕Yes. In the dream state, your conscious defenses are lowered...如此一来你的想法便极易遭到窃取and that makes your thoughts vulnerable to theft.这就叫做盗梦It's called extraction.斋藤先生我们能训练你的潜意识进行自我防御Mr. Saito, we can train your subconscious to defend itself...就算最出色的盗梦人也无计可施from even the most skilled extractor.你凭什么这么肯定How can you do that?因为我就是最出色的盗梦人Because I am the most skilled extractor.我知道怎样窥探你的想法并找出你的秘密I know how to search your mind and find your secrets.我掌握其中的窍门I know the tricks.我能教会你让你即使在睡着时And I can teach them to you, so that even when you're asleep...也绝不会放松警惕your defense is never down.听着如果你要我帮忙Look, if you want my help,就得完全信任我对我毫无保留you're gonna have to be completely open with me.我得比你的妻子你的咨询师I need to know my way around your thoughts better than your wife...甚至是任何人都更了解你的想法better than your therapist, better than anyone. 如果这是梦梦里有个藏有你秘密的保险箱If this is a dream, and you have a safe full of secrets...我必须知道保险箱里有什么I need to know what's in that safe.为此你必须对我完全坦诚In order for this all to work, you need to completely let me in.祝你们今晚愉快先生们Enjoy your evening, gentlemen,我会考虑一下你们的提议as I consider your proposal.他知道了He knows.上面是怎么回事What's going on up there?斋藤知道了他在耍我们Saito knows. He's playing with us.无所谓我能找到它相信我Doesn't matter. I can get it here. Trust me.情报就在保险箱里The information is in the safe.我提到秘密时他下意识地盯着它看He looked right at it when I mentioned secrets.她来干什么What's she doing here?回房间去吧这里交给我来处理Just head back to the room. All right? I'll take care of this.好吧你最好处理好别忘了我们的工作Okay, make sure you do. We're here to work.如果我跳下去还能活下来吗If I jumped, would I survive?掉进海里的话也许还有希望With a clean dive, perhaps.茉儿你在这干什么Mal, what are you doing here?我以为你会想我I thought you might be missing me.你知道我想你You know that I am.但我不能再相信你了But I can't trust you anymore.那又怎样So what?看着像是亚瑟的品味Looks like Arthur's taste.其实是这次的目标喜欢战后英国画家的作品Actually, the subject is partial to postwar British painters.请坐吧Please, have a seat.告诉我Tell me...孩子们想我吗do the children miss me?想到你无法想象You can't imagine.你要做什么What are you doing?出去透透新鲜空气Just getting some fresh air.坐那别动茉儿Stay where you are, Mal.见鬼God, damn it.转过身来Turn around.道姆把枪放下The gun, Dom.快点Please.把信封交出来柯布先生Now the envelope, Mr. Cobb.是她告诉你的呢还是你本来就知道Did she tell you? Or have you known all along?知道你是来偷东西的还是我们其实在做梦That you're here to steal from me, or that we are actually asleep?告诉我你雇主的名字I want to know the name of your employer.你也知道在梦里威胁他没用吧茉儿Ah, there's no use threatening him in a dream, right, Mal?那得看你怎么威胁了That depends on what you're threatening.杀了他只会让他醒过来Killing him would just wake him up.而疼痛...But pain...他的大脑会感受到疼痛Pain is in the mind.从周围的布局来看And judging by the decor,我们是在你的梦里吧亚瑟we're in your mind, aren't we, Arthur?搞什么你醒得太早了What are you doing? It's too soon.我知道但梦境崩溃了I know. But the dream's collapsing.我尽量让斋藤多逗留一会I'm gonna try to keep Saito under a little bit longer.我们快得手了We're almost there.他差点就得手了He was close. Very close.拦住他Stop him!不起作用把他叫醒This isn't gonna work. Wake him up.他醒不过来He won't wake.机密-让他坠落 -什么- Give him the kick. - What?把他推下去Dunk him.他昏过去了He's out.你是有备而来啊You came prepared, hmm?连我的保安主管都不知道这座公寓Not even my head of security knows this apartment.你怎么会知道How did you find it?像你这种地位的男人It's difficult for a man of your position要保密这样一个爱巢可不容易to keep a love nest like this secret...尤其对方还是有夫之妇particularly where there's a married woman involved.-不可能 -但事实摆着我们在这了- She would never... - Yet here we are.-进退两难 -他们慢慢逼近了- With a dilemma. - They're getting closer.-你们已经达到目的了 -并没有- You got what you came for. - Well, that's not true.你把关键部分藏起来了吧You left out a key piece of information, didn't you?你知道我们的目的所以有所保留You held something back because you knew what we were up to.-但你为何还让我们进来 -算是一次试探- Question is, why'd you let us in at all? - An audition.-什么试探 -不重要了你失败了- An audition for what? - Doesn't matter. You failed.我们窃取了你脑中所有的情报We extracted every bit of information you had in there.但你的诡计已被拆穿了But your deception was obvious.放了我你们走吧So leave me and go.你还不明白吗斋藤先生You don't seem to understand, Mr. Saito.雇佣我们的公司他们可不允许失败That corporation that hired us, they won't accept failure.不然我们就死定了We won't last two days.柯布Cobb?看来我只能简单粗暴一下了Looks like I'm gonna have to do this a little more simply.把你知道的告诉我们Tell us what you know!快点告诉我们Tell us what you know, now! 我一直讨厌这条地毯I've always hated this carpet.它褪色和磨损得这么与众不同It's stained and frayed in such distinctive ways.但好歹是条羊毛毯子But very definitely made of wool.可现在...Right now...我却躺在一条涤纶毯子上I'm lying on polyester.也就是说我不是躺在自己公寓的地毯上Which means I'm not lying on my carpet, in my apartment.你果然不负盛名柯布先生You have lived up to your reputation, Mr. Cobb.我依然在做梦I'm still dreaming.-进展如何 -不太妙- How'd it go? - Not good.梦中有梦真是佩服Dream within a dream, huh? I'm impressed.但在我梦里得由我说了算But in my dream, you play by my rules.这么说吧斋藤先生...Ah, yes, but you see, Mr. Saito...我们不是在你的梦里We're not in your dream.而是在我的梦里We're in mine.蠢货你怎么会把地毯搞错Asshole. How do you mess up the carpet?-那不是我的错 -你可是筑梦师- It wasn't my fault. - You're the architect.我怎么知道他会把他揍得贴在地毯上I didn't know he was gonna rub his cheek on it!别吵了That's enough.还有你你究竟在搞什么You. What the hell was all that?-我控制住了局势 -是么那失控岂不是更夸张- I have it under control. - I'd hate to see you out of control.没时间争论了我要在京都下车We don't have time for this. I'm getting off at Kyoto.怎么他又不会查看每节车厢Why? He's not gonna check every compartment.没错但我不喜欢坐火车Yeah, well, I don't like trains.听好各自保重吧Listen. Every man for himself.你好Yes, hello?-爸爸 -爸爸- Hi, Daddy. - Hi, Dad. 小鬼们你们好吗过得怎样Hey, guys. Hey. How are you? How you doing, huh?-很好 -还好吧- Good. - Okay, I guess.还好吧这是谁在说话是你吗詹姆斯Okay? Who's just okay? Is that you, James?是我爸爸你什么时候回家Yeah. When are you coming home, Dad?不行亲爱的我不能回家Well, I can't, sweetheart. I can't.还得一阵子记得吗Not for a while, remember?为什么Why?我说过了我要工作不能回家Look, I told you, I'm away because I'm working, right?外婆说你再也不会回来了Grandma says you're never coming back.菲丽帕是你吗Phillipa, is that you?让外婆听电话好吗Put Grandma on the phone for me, will you?她在摇头She's shaking her head.那我们只能但愿她错了Well, just hope she's wrong about that.爸爸Daddy?怎么了詹姆斯Yeah, James?妈妈和你在一起吗Is Mommy with you?詹姆斯我们谈过了James, we talked about this.妈妈已经不在这了Mommy's not here anymore.那她在哪里Where?好了孩子们说再见吧That's enough, kids. Say bye-bye.听着我会让外公带些礼物回去好吗Listen, I'm gonna send some presents with Grandpa, all right?你们要听话...And you be good, you be...-直升机就在房顶 -好- Our ride's on the roof. - Right.你没事吧Hey, are you okay?我很好怎么了Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Why?我们在梦里时茉儿出现了Well, down in the dream, Mal showing up.很抱歉她开枪打了你的腿Look, I'm, uh, sorry about your leg.不会再这样了Won't happen again. 情况越来越糟了吧It's getting worse, isn't it?我们就事论事好吧亚瑟One apology's all you're getting, all right, Arthur?-纳什人呢 -他还没来要等他吗- Where's Nash? - He hasn't shown. You wanna wait?我们早该在2小时前就把We were supposed to deliver Saito's expansion plans...斋藤的扩建计划交给科博工程公司to Cobol Engineering two hours ago现在他们肯定知道我们失败了By now, they know we failed.我们得赶快跑路It's time we disappear.-你要去哪里 -布宜诺斯艾利斯- Where you gonna go? - Buenos Aires.在那里避一阵风头I can lie low there,等风平浪静了没准还能揽个活你呢maybe sniff out a job when things quiet down. You?回美国Stateside.记得代我问候你家人Send my regards.他出卖了你们跑来求我饶他一命He sold you out. Thought to come to me and bargain for his life.现在我交给你们处理吧So I offer you the satisfaction.我不做这种事It's not the way I deal with things.-你要对他怎么样 -没什么- What will you do with him? - Nothing.但科博公司就难说了But I can't speak for Cobol Engineering.-你想要我们做什么 -植梦- What do you want from us? - Inception.-可能吗 -当然不可能- Is it possible? - Of course not.你要是能从别人脑中窃取想法If you can steal an idea from someone's mind...为何不能反过来植入一个念头why can't you plant one there instead?好吧现在我来对你植入一个想法Okay, here's me planting an idea in your head.我说"不要去想大象"I say, "Don't think about elephants".你会想到什么What are you thinking about?大象Elephants.没错但这不是你的想法Right. But it's not your idea,因为你知道是我灌输给你的because you know I gave it to you. 目标的大脑总能追溯想法的来源The subject's mind can always trace the genesis of the idea.-不可能假造真实的想法来源 -那不一定- True inspiration's impossible to fake. - That's not true.-你能做到吗 -你是在给我选择吗- Can you do it? - Are you offering me a choice?因为我自己有办法摆平科博的麻烦Because I can find my own way to square things with Cobol.那你自己选择吧Then you do have a choice.那我选择离开先生Then I choose to leave, sir.告诉机组你的目的地Tell the crew where you want to go.柯布先生Hey, Mr. Cobb.如果让你回家回到美国的孩子身边意下如何How would you like to go home,to America, to your children?这你做不到没人可以You can't fix that. No one can.-比植梦还难吗 -柯布走吧- Just like inception. - Cobb, come on.-这个想法有多复杂 -相当简单- How complex is the idea? - Simple enough.你要植入对方大脑中的想法No idea is simple when you need to plant it不可能简单in somebody else's mind.我的主要竞争对手是个病入膏肓的老人My main competitor is an old man in poor health.他的儿子马上就要继承他的公司His son will soon inherit control of the corporation.我要他决定解散他父亲的商业帝国I need him to decide to break up his father's empire.-柯布我们不要插手 -先等一下- Cobb, we should walk away from this. - Hold on.如果我愿意干如果我确实做到了If I were to do this, if I even could do it...我需要你的保证I'd need a guarantee.-我怎么确定你能做到 -你别无选择- How do I know you can deliver? - You don't.只能相信我But I can.那么你是想心怀幻想So do you want to take a leap of faith...还是变成一个老人心中充满悔恨or become an old man, filled with regret... 孤零零地等死waiting to die alone?集结你的团队吧柯布先生Assemble your team, Mr. Cobb.这次可要慎重挑选队友了And choose your people more wisely.我知道你有多想回家Look, I know how much you wanna go home.但这活我们干不了This can't be done.不可以Yes, it can.只要潜入得足够深Just have to go deep enough.你没法确定You don't know that.我以前做过I've done it before.是对谁Who'd you do it to?我们为什么去巴黎Why are we going to Paris?我们需要一个新的筑梦师We're gonna need a new architect.你从来不喜欢你的办公室吧You never did like your office, did you?那个地方小得根本没法思考No space to think in that broom cupboard.你来这里安全吗Is it safe for you to be here?你也知道法国和美国间的引渡条款Extradition between France and the United States...简直就是官僚主义的噩梦is a bureaucratic nightmare, you know that.说不定就你这个案子I think they might find a way他们会想办法破个例to make it work in your case.我买了一些东西Look, I, uh, brought these for you to...你有机会就带给孩子们吧give to the kids when you have a chance.时不时地送点绒毛玩具It'll take more than the occasional stuffed animal...这样做爸爸可不行to convince those children they still have a father.我只是尽我所能I'm just doing what I know.这些都是你教我的I'm doing what you taught me.我从没教你去偷东西I never taught you to be a thief.没错你教我如何引导别人的思想No, you taught me to navigate people's minds.但在那件事以后...But after what happened... 几乎就没什么合法的机会there weren't a whole lot of legitimate ways能让我发挥这种技能了for me to use that skill.道姆你来这做什么What are you doing here, Dom?我想我找到回家的方法了I think I found a way home.只要为一些权高位重的人干上一票It's a job for some very, very powerful people.我相信他们能彻底撤销对我的指控People who I believe can fix my charges permanently.但我要你帮忙But I need your help.你是来带坏我最好的学生吗You're here to corrupt one of my brightest and best.你知道我开的条件优越You know what I'm offering.你得让他们自己决定Let them decide for themselves.-钱吗 -不仅仅是钱- Money. - Not just money.你也知道You remember.那会让我们有机会It's the chance to建造大教堂和整座城市build cathedrals, entire cities...创造那些现实中从未存在过things that never existed...也绝不可能存在的事物things that couldn't exist in the real world.所以你想要我让其他人So you want me to let someone else跟你一起走进你的幻想follow you into your fantasy?他们不必亲自进入梦境They don't actually come into the dream.他们只需设计梦境They just design the levels再把详情教给梦主就行and teach them to the dreamers. That's all.你自己设计好了Design it yourself.茉儿会阻止我Mal won't let me.回到现实中来吧道姆Come back to reality, Dom.-求你了 -现实- Please. - Reality.我的孩子也就是你的外孙...Those kids, your grandchildren...正等着他们的父亲回家they're waiting for their father to come back home. 对他们来说这才是现实That's their reality.而只有完成这最后一次任务And this job, this last job,我才能实现这个愿望that's how I get there.如果不是走投无路我绝不会来这求你I would not be standing here if I knew any other way.我需要个和我一样出色的筑梦师I need an architect who's as good as I was.比你更出色I've got somebody better.艾莲涅Ariadne?这位是柯布先生I'd like you to meet Mr. Cobb.很高兴见到你Pleased to meet you.如果你有时间If you have a few moments,柯布先生有份工作给你Mr. Cobb has a job offer.他想和你聊几句He'd like to discuss with you.实习吗A work placement?也不算Not exactly.我要先测试一下你I have a test for you.你不先告诉我是什么工作吗You're not gonna tell me anything first?在这之前我得确认你能够胜任Before I describe the job, I have to know you can do it.-为什么 -严格来说这并不合法- Why? - It's not, strictly speaking, legal.给你两分钟时间设计一个You have two minutes to design a maze花费一分钟才能解开的迷宫that it takes one minute to solve.时间到Stop.再试一次Again.时间到Stop.这都太简单了You're gonna have to do better than that.这才像话That's more like it.都说我们只开发了大脑真正潜力的一小部分They say we only use a fraction of our brain's true potential.但这只是在我们醒着的时候Now, that's when we're awake. 当睡着时我们的大脑几乎无所不能When we're asleep, our mind can do almost anything.比如呢Such as?想象一下你设计一座建筑物时Imagine you're designing a building.你有意识地设计出每个部分You consciously create each aspect.但有时却感觉像是建筑在自行构建But sometimes, it feels like it's almost creating itself,明白我的意思吗if you know what I mean.对我只需要去发现而已Yeah, like I'm discovering it.纯粹的灵感是吧Genuine inspiration, right?而在梦里大脑会连续地保持这样Now, in a dream, our mind continuously does this.创造和感知这两个过程同步发生We create and perceive our world simultaneously.而我们的大脑是如此神奇And our mind does this so well以至于我们自己根本没意识到that we don't even know it's happening.这么一来我们就能直接进入这个过程That allows us to get right in the middle of that process.-怎么做 -由我们来创造- How? - By taking over the creating part.这就是你的工作Now, this is where I need you.你创造一个梦境You create the world of the dream.我们把目标带入这个梦境We bring the subject into that dream,这个梦境里则会充满他们的潜意识and they fill it with their subconscious.一个梦境的细节要有多逼真How could I ever acquire enough detail才能让对方相信自己身处现实to make them think that it's reality?我们做梦时总是感觉很真实吧Well, dreams, they feel real while we're in them, right?只有等我们醒来后It's only when we wake up才会意识到不对劲that we realize something was actually strange.问你个问题吧Let me ask you a question.你从不记得梦的开头吧You never really remember the beginning of a dream, do you?总是突然就这么置身其中You always wind up right in the middle of what's going on. 我想是吧I guess, yeah.那我们是怎么来这的So how did we end up here?我们刚从...Well, we just came from the, uh...仔细想想艾莲涅你怎么来这的Think about it, Ariadne. How did you get here?你现在哪里Where are you right now?我们在做梦吗We're dreaming?你其实正睡在工作坊中央You're in the middle of the workshop, sleeping.这是你分享梦境的第一课冷静This is your first lesson in shared dreaming. Stay calm.如果这只是做梦你为什么要遮挡...If it's just a dream, then why are you covering...因为这绝不仅仅只是个梦Because it's never just a dream, is it?玻璃刺在脸上的感觉生疼And a face full of glass hurts like hell.你做梦时感觉是真实的When you're in it, it feels real.所以军队开发了分享梦境系统That's why the military developed dream sharing.士兵能通过这个程序It was a training program for soldiers to shoot,身临其境地射击格斗和搏杀stab and strangle each other...而不会受到伤害and then wake up.筑梦师的工作是什么How did architects become involved?总得有人去设计梦境吧Well, someone had to design the dreams, right?再给我们五分钟吧Why don't you give us another five minutes?五分钟Five minutes?怎么会我们少说也谈了一个小时What? We were talking for, like, at least an hour.你做梦时大脑运转速度加快In a dream, your mind functions more quickly...所以时间相对变慢therefore time seems to feel more slow.现实中的五分钟相当于梦境里的一小时Five minutes in the real world gives you an hour in the dream.何不看看你在五分钟内能做些什么Why don't you see what you can get up to in five minutes? 基本布局有了书店咖啡店You've got the basic layout. Bookstore, cafe?该有的东西差不多都有了Almost everything else is here too.-这些人是谁 -我潜意识中的映射- Who are the people? - Projections of my subconscious.-你的吗 -对- Yours? - Yes.记住你是梦主你创造了梦境Remember, you are the dreamer. You build this world.而我是目标梦境里充满了我的潜意识I am the subject. My mind populates it.你还可以和我的潜意识交谈You can literally talk to my subconscious.这也是盗取目标秘密的方法之一That's one of the ways we extract information from the subject.除此之外呢How else do you do it?你可以设计一个安全场所By creating something secure,比如银行金库或是监狱like a bank vault or a jail.重要信息就会自动存入其中The mind automatically fills it with information it's trying to protect.明白了吗You understand?-你再潜入梦境去偷吗 -这个嘛...- Then you break in and steal it? - Well...我本以为梦境该基于视觉I guess I thought that the dream's space should be all about the visual,但其实更重要的是去感觉but it's more about the feel of it.我想知道如果我颠覆了My question is what happens when you物理规律会有什么后果start messing with the physics of it all?-很厉害吧 -是啊- It's something, isn't it? - Yes, it is.他们为什么都看着我Why are they all looking at me?因为我的潜意识觉得这是别人创造的梦境Because my subconscious feels that someone else is creating this world.你改建得越离谱The more you change things,映射就会越早如潮水般涌向你the quicker the projections start to converge on you.这是什么意思Converge?他们一旦察觉外来入侵的梦主They sensed the foreign nature of the dreamer.就会像白血球抵抗感染那般攻击对方They attack like white blood cells fighting an infection.他们会攻击我们吗Are they gonna attack us?不只攻击你No, actually, just you.这样很棒但我也说了This is great. But I'm telling you,如果你再这么继续下去...if you keep changing things like this...受不了就不能让你的潜意识冷静点么Gees! Mind telling your subconscious to take it easy?这可是我的潜意识我自己没法控制It's my subconscious, remember, I can't control it.佩服Very impressive.我认识这座桥这是现实中的场所吧I know this bridge. This place is real, isn't it?对我每天穿过桥去学校Yeah, I cross it everyday to get to the college.绝不能重建你记忆里的场景Never recreate places from your memory,必须创造新的东西always imagine new places.你总得借用熟悉的东西吧Well, you gotta draft from stuff you know, right?只能借用细节...Only use details, uh...比如路灯啊电话亭啊但绝不能复制整块地方A street lamp, or a phone booth, never entire areas.为什么Why not?因为借用记忆中的场景塑造梦境Because building a dream from your memory...极易让你迷失何为梦境何为现实is the easiest way to lose your grasp on what's real and what is a dream.-你有过这种经历吗 -听着- Is that what happened to you? - Listen to me,这和我无关懂吗this has nothing to do with me, understand?所以你要我来帮你筑梦吗Is that why you need me to build your dreams?放开她走开Get off of her. Back off.-滚开 -别碰我- Back off! - No!别碰她Get off of her!茉儿Mal!把我叫醒快把我叫醒Wake me up! Wake me up!茉儿Mal! Mal!把我叫醒Wake me up! Wake me up!看着我你没事了没事了Hey, hey, hey! Look at me. You're okey? You're okey?为什么我醒不过来Why... why wouldn't I wake up?因为设定的时间还没到Because there was still some time on the clock,除非你在梦里死去不然没法提前醒来and you can't wake up within a dream unless you die.-她需要个图腾 -什么- She'll need a totem. - What?图腾是个小的私人...A totem is a small personal...你的潜意识可真厉害啊柯布That's some subconscious you've got in you, Cobb.还是个美人呢She's a real charmer!看来你见过柯布夫人了Oh, I see you met Mrs. Cobb.-那是他妻子吗 -对话说图腾...- She's his wife? - Yeah. So... a totem,你需要一个小巧的物件you need a small object potentiallyheavy,能够一直带在身边something could have on you all the time-不能让别人知道 -像硬币吗- that no one else knows. - Like a coin?不得更独特才行No, it must be more unique than that.这是一个注铅的骰子This is a loaded die.不你不能碰不然就没意义了No, I can't let you touch it, that would defeat the purpose.只有我知道这个特制骰子的重心和重量Only I know the balance and the weight of this particular loaded die.只有这样当你看着自己的图腾That way, when you look at your totem,你才能确信自己不在别人的梦里you know, beyond a doubt, that you're not in someone else's dream.我不知道...I... I don't know...你是不想知道还是的确不知道if you can't see what's going on, or if you just don't want to,柯布的内心深处隐藏着很严重的问题but Cobb has some serious problems that he's tried to bury down there.我可不想对这种人敞开心扉And I'm not about to just open my mind to someone like that. 她会回来的She'll be back.我还从没见过有人能学得这么快I've never seen anyone pick it up that quickly before.现实已经不能满足她了Reality is not gonna be enough for her now.当她回来时...When she comes back...你就教她设计迷宫when she comes back, you're gonna help her building mazes.-那你呢 -我要去找伊姆斯- Where're you gonna be? - I gotta go visit Eames.伊姆斯他在蒙巴萨[肯尼亚港口城市] Eames? Now he's in Mombasa.那里可是科博公司的老巢It's Cobol's backyard.必须冒这个险It's a necessary risk.神偷多了去了There's plenty of good thieves.我们不仅需要小偷我们需要个伪装者We don't just need a thief. We need a forger.你再怎么搓也生不出钱来You can rub them together all you want, they're not gonna breed.那可不一定You never know.去喝一杯吧I'll get you a drink.你请客You're buying.-你的拼写还是这么差 -滚你的- Your spelling hasn't improved. - Piss off.-书写怎么样了 -好使着呢- How's your handwriting? - Versatile.-那就好 -多谢- Good. - Thank you very much.植梦Inception.在你费心告诉我这不可能前...Now, before you bother telling me it's impossible...这当然可能只是难得要死No, it's perfectly possible. It's just bloody difficult.只是难吗Just difficult?亚瑟总说这不可能Arthur keeps telling me it can't be done.哈亚瑟你还和那个扑克脸在一起么Hmm... Arthur. You're still working with that stick-in-the-mud?作为前哨来说他很优秀是吧He's good at what he does, right?是最优秀的只是缺乏想象力Oh, the best. He has no imagination. -你就不同 -听着如果你要植梦- Not like you. - Listen, if you wanna perform inception,-必须要有想象力 -问你个问题- you need imagination. - Let me ask you something,-你以前做过吗 -我们试过- have you done it before? - We tried it.想法都就位了但对方没有上钩We got the idea in place, but it didn't take.你们植入得不够深吗You didn't plant it deep enough?这不只是深度问题It's not just about depth, you know...植入的想法必须极其简单you need the simplest version of the idea,让目标觉得这是自然而生的想法in order it to grow naturally in the subject's mind.这可是相当微妙的艺术That's a very subtle art.你要植入的想法是什么So what is this idea that you need to plant?我们要让一个大公司的继承人We need the heir of a major corporation决定瓦解他父亲的企业帝国to dissolve his father's empire.这么说吧关于反垄断的看法。



1.Y ou're waiting for a train - a train that will take you far away. Y ou know where you hope the train will take you, but you can't know for sure. But it doesn't matter, because we'll be together.你在等待一列火车…一列把你带向远方的火车。


2.What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient... highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it's almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed - fully understood - that sticks; right in there somewhere.最顽强的寄生物是什么?细菌?病毒?还是蛔虫?是意念。




3.Cobb: (Over the phone) How are you, huh? How are you doing?James: Okay, I guess.Cobb: Who's just okay? Is that you, James?James: Y eah. Is Mommy with you?Cobb: James, we talked about this. Mommy's not here anymore.James: Where?嘿,小宝贝!你们好吗?过得好不好啊?我很好。



• The last scene is that Dom return home ,He has a totem which is used to distinguish dream from reality,He spins it on the table then walks away. It is unclear if it is reality or simply another dream. • maybe the opinions to the film from different persons is the same as the ending, there is no telling which films will survive as time flies. Just like what is said in our book
“The Forger”(伪造
亚瑟( Arthur ) ——约瑟夫·高登莱维特 (Joseph Gordon-Levitt)
“The Point Man”
阿丽雅德妮( Ari a dne )——艾伦·佩 姬 (Ellen Page)
“The Architect”(筑
齐藤( Saito)— —渡边谦 ( waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you can't be sure. But it doesn't matter - because we'll be together.
“The Tourist”



《盗梦空间》中英文台词关于真实的梦境Our dreams, they feel real while we're in them, right? It's only when we wake up that we realize how things are actually strange. Let me ask you a question, you, you never really remember the beginning of a dream do you? You always wind up right in the middle of what's going on。



关于造梦的原型Never recreate places from your memory. Always imagine new places!不要根据记忆重塑梦境。


关于盗梦What's the most resilient parasite? An Idea. A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules. Which is why I have to steal it。





关于生命的悔恨The moment's passed. Whatever I do I can't change this moment. I'm about to call out to them. They run away. If I'm ever going to see their faces I've gotta get back home. The real world。



以下是《盗梦空间》中一些经典语录的中英文对照:1. "What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient... highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it's almost impossible to eradicate."- "什么是最具适应性的寄生虫?细菌?病毒?肠道蠕虫?还是想法?想法。



"2. "Dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange."- "梦境在我们身处其中时感觉真实。


"3. "An idea is like a virus. Resilient. Highly contagious. And even the smallest seed of an idea can grow. It can grow to define or destroy you."- "一个想法就像一种病毒。





"4. "Do you want to take a leap of faith or become an old man, filled with regret, waiting to die alone?"- "你想要承担一次信仰的飞跃,还是成为一个充满遗憾、等待孤独死去的老人?"5. "What are you doing here, Dom? You're waiting for a train." "I'm not waiting for a train." "Of course you are."- "你在这里干什么,Dom?你在等火车。




以下是店铺为大家准备的盗梦空间中英文台词,希望大家喜欢!盗梦空间中英文台词(一)关于真实的梦境Our dreams, they feel real while we're in them, right? It's only when we wake up that we realize how things are actually strange. Let me ask you a question, you, you never really remember the beginning of a dream do you? You always wind up right in the middle of what's going on.我们做梦的时候,梦境是真实的,对不对?只有到醒来的时候才会意识到事情不对劲儿。


关于造梦的原型Never recreate places from your memory. Always imagine new places.不要根据记忆重塑梦境。


关于盗梦What's the most resilient parasite? An Idea. A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules. Which is why I have to steal it.最具有可塑性的寄生生物是什么?是人的想法。






盗梦空间英语台词 时常在梦中醒来,却仍然在梦中.每天早上⾃五点醒来后,每隔⼗分钟对我来说都变成⼀场煎熬,总觉得睡了好久好久.让我想起盗梦空间。

以下是店铺为⼤家准备的盗梦空间英语台词,希望⼤家喜欢! 盗梦空间英语台词(⼀) 1.The moment's passed. Whatever I do I can't change this moment. I'm about to call out to them. They run away. If I'm ever going to see their faces I've gotta get back home. The real world. 那个时刻我没有把握住。





2.Yes. In the dream state, your conscious defense is lowered that makes your thoughts vulnerable to theft. 是的。


3.Once an idea has taken hold of the brain, it's almost impossible to eradicate. ⼀旦⼤脑被某个想法占据,想抹去它基本是不可能的。

4.Our dreams, they feel real while we're in them, right? It's only when we wake up that we realize how things are actually strange. Let me ask you a question, you, you never really remember the beginning of a dream do you? You always wind up right in the middle of what's going on. 我们做梦的时候,梦境是真实的,对不对?只有到醒来的时候才会意识到事情不对劲⼉。


I know the tricks.
And I can teach them to you, so that even when
you're asleep, your defense is never down.
I need to know what's in that safe.
In order for this all to work, you need to completely let me in.
Enjoy your evening, gentlemen, as I consider your proposal.
Actually, the subject is partial to postwar British painters.
Please, have a seat.
Tell me, did the children miss me?
I thought you might be missing me.
You know that I am. But I... I can't trust you anymore.



Cobb:You’ve got the basic layout,bookstore,caf?Almost everything else is here to. 这是基本的城市设计,有书店,咖啡厅?该有的都有Ariadne:Who are the people? 这些人是谁?Cobb:Projections of my subconscious. 是我潜意识的投影人物Ariadne:Yours?你的潜意识?Cobb:Yes. 没错Cobb:remember,you are the dreamer.you build this world.I am the subject.My mind populates it.You can literally talk to my subconscious.That’s one of the ways we extract information from the subject. 你是做梦者,你建造了这个世界。


Ariadne:How else do you do it?还有其他方式吗?Cobb:By creating something secure,like a bank vault or a jail.The mind automatically fills it with information it’s trying to protect,you understand? 通过建造某种安全的地方,比如说银行金库或监狱,潜意识自动把需要保护的信息放进去,明白吗?Ariadne:Then you break in and steal it? 然后你就进去偷走?Cobb:Well... 这个嘛。

Ariadne:I guess I thought that the dream space would be all about the visul...but it’s more about the feel of it. My question is what happens when you shart messing with the physics of it all? 我本以为梦境是一种视觉效果,不过到更像是一种知觉,我想知道如果颠覆物理定律的话,会发生什么事Ariadne:It’s something . isn’t it? 不赖阿Cobb:Yes,It is. 是的Ariadne:Why are they all looking at me ? 他们为何都看我Cobb:Because my subconscious feels that someone else is creating this world.The more you change thing,the quicker the projections start to converge on you. 因为我的潜意识发觉这个世界是外来者建造的,你改造得越多,投影人物就会越快开始攻击。

电影介绍——盗梦空间_英语 2

电影介绍——盗梦空间_英语 2
Dom Cobb is a skilled thief, the absolute best in the dangerous art of extraction, stealing valuable secrets from deep within the subconscious during the dream state, when the mind is at its most vulnerable.
falling, you got the jolts to make. It snaps you out of the dream.
they come under attack by Fischer's trained unconscious mind projections, and Saito is badly injured.
She killed herself because of cobb’s Implanted thought action .and it become cobb’s guilt
He is the Head of a big corporations. He can help cobb wash awபைடு நூலகம்y all charges, requiring that cobb stoles dreams for him.
The son of saito ’rivals, he is the target of the dream team
Totem(图腾): It can help you know that you’re in someone else’s dream or not.


character key words story
Totem(图腾): It will mess with the physics of it all. It can help you know that you’re in someone else’s dream or not.
Kick(堕醒):It’s that feeling of
falling, you got the jolts to make. It snaps you out of the dream.
they come under attack by Fischer's trained unconscious mind projections, and Saito is badly injured.
Fischer is killed by Mal and goes into limbo
Cobb eventually locates an aged Saito and tells him that they need to return to reality
You're waiting for an a answer train - an a answer train that will take you far away. You know where you hope the answer train will take you, but you can't know for sure. But it doesn't matter, because we'll be together. 你在等一列火车,火车将带你远去他方, 你深知前去何方,同时亦忧虑能否到达, 但那不重要,因为,彼此相聚已胜过一 切。- es Fischer that the kidnapping (绑架)on the first level was orchestrated by Browning and that he must enter his godfather's mind to determine his motives.



Inception 盗梦空间字幕完整版@快过来Hey! Come here!@ 马上就来I'm on my way@ 他已经神志不清了但还是指名要见你@ 把他带进来@他身上只带了这个@还有这个@你是来杀我的吗Are you here to kill me?@我知道这是什么I know what this is@ 很久很久以前I've seen one before@ 我就见过这个Many,many years ago@ 记得我做过一个梦It belonged to a man I met@ 那个模糊的梦里就有这东西in a half-remembered dream@那个人满脑子都是些疯狂的念头A man possessed of some radical notions@ 寄生你体内的什么东西最顽强What is the most resilient parasite?@ 细菌病毒A bacteria? A virus?@还是蛔虫An intestinal worm?@ Cobb先生的意思是说Uh What Mr Cobb is trying to say@ 一个想法An idea@ 顽强无比感染性极强Resilient Highly contagious@ 一旦有一个想法占据了你的大脑Once an idea has taken hold of the brain,@ 那就很难再去摆脱它了it's almost impossible to eradicate@ 经过充分思考理解消化An idea that is fully formed,fully understood,@ 当这个想法完全成型以后that sticks@ 就会永远根植在那里Right in there somewhere@ 然后你们就可以偷走它For someone like you to steal?是的你做梦的时候你的防备意识也沉睡了Yes In the dream state,your conscious defenses are lowered@ 如此一来你的想法很容易被偷走and that makes your thoughts vulnerable to theft@ 这就叫做盗梦It's called extraction@ 斋藤先生我们完全可以训练你的潜意识进行自我防御Mr Saito,we can train your subconscious to defend itself@就算最出色的盗梦者也无计可施from even the most skilled extractor@ 你凭什么能做到How can you do that?@ 因为我就是最出色的盗梦者Because I am the most skilled extractor@ 我能窥探你的想法找出你大脑里的所有秘密I know how to search your mind and find your secrets@ 我精通其中窍门I know the tricks@ 我可以教你这样即使睡着了And I can teach them to you,so that even when you're asleep @ 你的潜意识也不会放松警惕your defense is never down@ 如果想让我教你Look,if you want my help,@ 就得完全信任我对我毫无保留you're gonna have to be completely open with me@ 我得比你的妻子、心里医生I need to know my way around your thoughts better than yourwife@ 比任何人都更了解你的想法better than your therapist,better than anyone@ 比如你的梦里有个装满秘密的保险箱If this is a dream,and you have a safe full of secrets @ 我必须知道里面是什么I need to know what's in that safe@ 为了达到效果你的大脑必须完全对我开放In order for this all to work,you need to completely let me in@ 两位请慢用Enjoy your evening,gentlemen,@ 我会考虑看看的as I consider your proposal@他知道了He knows@上面一层怎么了What's going on up there?@ 斋藤都知道了他在耍我们Saito knows He's playing with us@ 别担心我会搞定相信我Doesn't matter I can get it here Trust me@ 情报就在保险箱里The information is in the safe@ 我提到秘密的时候他就盯着保险箱看He looked right at it when I mentioned secrets@ 她怎么来了What's she doing here?@ 你先回房剩下的就交给我了Just head back to the room All right? I'll take care of this @ 别忘了我们是来做正事的Okay,make sure you do We're here to work@ 从这跳下去还能活得了吗If I jumped,would I survive?@ 运气好的话还行With a clean dive,perhaps@ Mal 你来这干嘛Mal,what are you doing here?@我以为你会想我的I thought you might be missing me@我当然想你You know that I am@不过我再也不敢相信你了But I can't trust you anymore@ 所以呢So what?@ 一看就像是Arthur的品味Looks like Arthur's taste@我们这次的目标对战后的英国画家很感兴趣Actually,the subject is partial to postwar British painters@请坐吧Please,have a seat@ 跟我说说Tell me@ 孩子们有没有想我do the children miss me?@ 想的要命You can't imagine@ 你要干什么What are you doing?@ 出去透透气Just getting some fresh air@你坐那别动Mal Stay where you are,Mal@ 天该死God,damn it@转过身来Turn around@ Dom 把枪放下The gun,Dom@ 快点Please@ 那个信封物归原主吧Cobb先生Now the envelope,Mr Cobb@ 她告诉你的还是你早就知道了Did she tell you? Or have you known all along?@ 知道你是是个小偷还是知道我们其实在梦里That you're here to steal from me,or that we are actually asleep?@ 我想知道是谁雇你们来的I want to know the name of your employer@ 在梦里你拿个枪威胁他有什么用Mal Ah,there's no use threatening him in adream,right,Mal?@ 那得看你怎么威胁了That depends on what you're threatening@ 杀了他只会让他醒过来Killing him would just wake him up@ 不过呢疼痛But pain@ 他大脑会感受到疼痛Pain is in the mind@ 从场景布局来看(前面提到英国画像是Arthur喜欢的)And judging by the decor,@ 我们是在你的梦里吧Arthur we're in your mind,aren't we,Arthur?@ 搞什么你醒得太早了What are you doing? It's too soon@ 我知道梦境已经崩溃I know But the dream's collapsing@ 我要想办法让斋藤多在那多呆一会(指加催眠剂不让他醒来)I'm gonna try to keep Saito under a little bit longer@ 就快得手了We're almost there@ 好险他差点就得手了He was close Very close@ 拦住他Stop him!@ 没戏了把他叫醒This isn't gonna work Wake him up@ 叫不醒啊He won't wake@ 机密@ -让他穿越-什么- Give him the kick - What?@ 把他推水里Dunk him@ 他昏过去了He's out@ 你是有备而来啊You came prepared,hmm?@ 连我的高级保镖都不知道这Not even my head of security knows this apartment@ 你怎么找着的How did you find it?@ 像你这种地位的男人It's difficult for a man of your position@ 想金屋藏娇可不容易啊to keep a love nest like this secret@ 尤其你的情妇还是有夫之妇particularly where there's a married woman involved@ -不可能-但事实摆着我们就在这了- She would never. - Yet here we are@ -进退两难啊-他们慢慢逼近了- With a dilemma - They're getting closer@ -你拿到了你想要的-还没有- You got what you came for - Well,that's not true@你把文件上的关键部分全划掉了You left out a key piece of information, didn't you?@你有所保留是因为你知道我们是来干什么的You held something back because you knew what we were up to@ -但你为何还让我们进来-算是一次面试- Question is,why'd you let us in at all? - An audition@ -面试什么-不重要了你失败了- An audition for what? - Doesn't matter You failed @ 我们把你脑袋里的信息偷出来了We extracted every bit of information you had in there @ 可你们的花招被我看穿了But your deception was obvious@ 好了你们走吧So leave me and go@ 你没有搞清楚状况斋藤先生You don't seem to understand,Mr Saito@ 雇佣我们的公司是可不允许我们失手的That corporation that hired us,they won't accept failure@我们活不过两天We won't last two days@ Cobb Cobb?@ 看来我只能使用原始手段了Looks like I'm gonna have to do this a little more simply@ 把你知道的告诉我们Tell us what you know!@ 把知道的告诉我们快Tell us what you know,now!@ 我一直很讨厌这里的地毯I've always hated this carpet@ 因为它又旧又脏连褪个色都与众不同It's stained and frayed in such distinctive ways@ 不过好歹它是条羊毛毯子But very definitely made of wool@ 可这条Right now@ 却是是涤纶的(人造纤维)I'm lying on polyester@ 也就是说我现在根本没有趴在自己公寓的地毯上Which means I'm not lying on my carpet,in my apartment@ 你果然名不虚传Cobb先生You have lived up to your reputation,Mr Cobb@ 我现在依然在梦里I'm still dreaming@ -进展如何-不太妙- How'd it go? - Not good@ 梦中有梦非常精彩Dream within a dream,huh? I'm impressed@ 但在我梦里得由我说了算But in my dream,you play by my rules@ 这么说吧斋藤先生Ah,yes,but you see,Mr Saito@ 我们不是在你的梦里We're not in your dream@ 而是在我的梦里We're in mine@ 你二啊怎么会把地毯搞错的Asshole How do you mess up the carpet?@ -这不能怪我-你可是筑梦师- It wasn't my fault - You're the architect@ 又不是我把他揍到地上的I didn't know he was gonna rub his cheek on it!@ 好了够了That's enough@ 还有你你是怎么回事You What the hell was all that?@ -我控制住了局势-你这就叫控制了- I have it under control - I'd hate to see you out of control@ 没时间争论了我要在京都下车We don't have time for this I'm getting off at Kyoto @ 干嘛啊他又不会检查每一节车厢Why? He's not gonna check every compartment@ 没错但我不喜欢坐火车(原因在后面)Yeah,well,I don't like trains@ 都听好大家自求多福Listen Every man for himself@ 喂你好Yes,hello?@ -爸爸-爸爸- Hi,Daddy - Hi,Dad@ Hey 小家伙们你们好吗过得怎样Hey,guys Hey How are you? How you doing,huh?@ -很好-还行- Good - Okay,I guess@ 还行是谁说还行是James吗Okay? Who's just okay? Is that you,James?@ 嗯是我爸爸你什么时候回家Yeah When are you coming home,Dad?@ 现在还不行亲爱的Well,I can't,sweetheart I can't@ 还需要一段时间Not for a while,remember?@ 为什么Why?@ 我不是跟你们说过了吗我在外面工作Look,I told you,I'm away because I'm working,right?@外婆说你再也不会回来了Grandma says you're never coming back@ 是Phillipa吗Phillipa,is that you?@ 让外婆听电话好吗Put Grandma on the phone for me,will you?@ 她在摇头She's shaking her head@ 那个外婆说的不对Well,just hope she's wrong about that@ 爸爸Daddy?@ James怎么了Yeah,James?@ 妈妈跟你在一起吗Is Mommy with you?@ James 我跟你说过了James,we talked about this@ 妈妈她已经不在了Mommy's not here anymore她去哪了Where?@ 好了孩子们说再见吧That's enough,kids Say bye-bye@ 喂我会让外公帮我给你们礼物回去Listen,I'm gonna send some presents with Grandpa,all right?@ 你们要乖啊And you be good,you be@ -直升机来了屋顶-好- Our ride's on the roof - Right@ 你没事吧Hey,are you okay?@ 当然怎么了Yeah Yeah,I'm fine Why?@ 在梦里时Mal出现了Well,down in the dream,Mal showing up@ 噢很抱歉她开枪打了你的腿Look,I'm,uh,sorry about your leg@ 下不为例Won't happen again@ 情况越来越糟了吧It's getting worse,isn't it?@ Arthur 我除了抱歉没有其他解释One apology's all you're getting,all right,Arthur?@ -Nash他人呢-他还没来要等他吗- Where's Nash? - He hasn't shown You wanna wait?@ 我们在小时前就该把We were supposed to deliver Saito's expansion plans@ 斋藤的扩建方案送给Cobol公司to Cobol Engineering two hours ago@ 他们肯定知道我们搞砸了By now,they know we failed@ 是时候闪人了It's time we disappear@ -你要去哪-布宜诺斯艾利斯- Where you gonna go? - Buenos Aires@ 先避一避风头I can lie low there,@ 等风声平息候再揽个活干你呢maybe sniff out a job when things quiet down, You? @ 回美国Stateside@ 向家里人问好Send my regards@ 他出卖了你们跑来求我饶他一命He sold you out Thought to come to me and bargain for his life@ 好了还是你们自己来处理吧So I offer you the satisfaction@ 这不是我的风格It's not the way I deal with things@ -你要怎么处置他-不管他- What will you do with him? - Nothing@ 不过Cobol公司会如何处理那就难说了But I can't speak for Cobol Engineering@ -你想让我们干什么-植入想法- What do you want from us? - Inception@ -可能吗-当然不可能- Is it possible? - Of course not@ 既然能从别人脑子里偷走想法If you can steal an idea from someone's mind@ 为什么不能反过来植入一个想法why can't you plant one there instead?@ 好我来给你植入一个想法Okay,here's me planting an idea in your head@ 我对你说"别去想大象" I say,"Don't think about elephants"@ 你会想什么What are you thinking about?@ 大象Elephants@ 没错因为这是我强加给你的想法Right But it's not your idea,@ 我越是不让你去想什么你反而越是会去想Because you know I gave it to you@人总能发现想法的来源The subject's mind can always trace the genesis of the idea@ -真正的动机是无法作假的-不能那么说- True inspiration's impossible to fake - That's not true@ -你能做到吗-你想帮我们躲避追杀?- Can you do it? - Are you offering me a choice? @ 我自己就能把Cobol公司搞定Because I can find my own way to square things with Cobol @看来你不需要我这个选择Then you do have a choice@ 我只想选择离开着Then I choose to leave,sir@ 告诉飞行员你们要去哪儿Tell the crew where you want to goHey Cobb先生Hey,Mr Cobb让你回家意下如何回到美国和孩子们团圆How would you like to go home,to America,to your children?@ 这太难你做不到没人能做到You can't fix that No one can-比植如想法还难吗-走啦Cobb - Just like inception - Cobb,come on-你要植入的想法有多复杂-其实相当简单- How complex is the idea? - Simple enough@ 任何你要植入别人大脑的想法No idea is simple when you need to plant it@ 都不可能简单in somebody else's mind@ 我最大的竞争对手是个病入膏肓的老人My main competitor is an old man in poor health他的儿子马上就要接管他的公司His son will soon inherit control of the corporation@我想要他毁掉他父亲创建的帝国I need him to decide to break up his father's empire@ -Cobb 我们不要趟这摊浑水-先等一下- Cobb,we should walk away from this - Hold on@ 如果我愿意干我是说如果我确实做到了If I were to do this,if I even could do it@ 你必须给我一个承诺I'd need a guarantee@ -不然我凭什么相信你会帮我回家-你别无选择- How do I know you can deliver? - You don't@ 但我可以做到But I can@ 你愿意放手一搏So do you want to take a leap of faith@ 还是要等到年华逝去在悔恨中度过余生or become an old man,filled with regret@ 孤零零地等死waiting to die alone?@ 组建你的团队吧Cobb先生Assemble your team,Mr Cobb@ 这次可别再选错人了And choose your people more wisely@ 我知道你有多想回家Look,I know how much you wanna go home@ 但这活我们干不了This can't be done@ 干得了Yes,it can@ 只要潜入得足够深Just have to go deep enough@ 你怎么知道You don't know that@ 我以前做过I've done it before@ 对谁植入的Who'd you do it to?@ 为什么去巴黎Why are we going to Paris?@ 找个新的筑梦师We're gonna need a new architect@ 你就从来没喜欢过你的办公室是吧You never did like your office,did you?@那地方小得就像个壁橱根本没法思考No space to think in that broom cupboard@ 你来这里安全吗Is it safe for you to be here?@ 你也知道法国和美国间的引渡条款Extradition between France and the United States @ 乱得像团麻is a bureaucratic nightmare,you know that@ 说不定就你的案子I think they might find a way@ 为了抓你他们会想办法破个例to make it work in your case@ 如果方便的话Look,I,uh,brought these for you to@ 帮我把礼物带给孩子give to the kids when you have a chance@ 你想让他们感觉还有个父亲It'll take more than the occasional stuffed animal@ 偶尔送些小礼物可不够啊to convince those children they still have a father@ 我只是尽我所能I'm just doing what I know@ 这些都是你教我的I'm doing what you taught me@ 我可没教你去当小偷I never taught you to be a thief@ 没你教我如何操纵别人的思想No,you taught me to navigate people's minds@ 但那次出事以后But after what happened@ 我再也没有机会there weren't a whole lot of legitimate ways@ 合法地施展这个能力了for me to use that skill@ Dom 你来这想干嘛What are you doing here,Dom?@ 我找到了回家的办法I think I found a way home@ 帮一个非常有权势的人干一票It's a job for some very,very powerful people@ 他就能彻底撤销对那些对我莫须有的指控People who I believe can fix my charges permanently@ 但我要你帮点忙But I need your help@你是来骗走我最好最聪明的学生吗You're here to corrupt one of my brightest and best @ 你知道我开的条件优越You know what I'm offering@ 你得让他们自己决定Let them decide for themselves@ -钱吗-不仅仅是钱- Money - Not just money@ 你应该知道You remember@ 这是一个千载难逢的机会It's the chance to@ 你可以去建造教堂去造城市build cathedrals,entire cities@ 去造现实世界从未存在的things that never existed@ 也绝不可能存在的事物things that couldn't exist in the real world@ 你是想找我的一个学生So you want me to let someone else@ 跟你一起进入梦幻世界?follow you into your fantasy?@ 他们不必亲自进入梦境They don't actually come into the dream他们只需要替盗梦者They just design the levels@设计梦境的每一个场景就行了and teach them to the dreamers That's all@ 你自己设计吧Design it yourself@ Mal会阻止我的Mal won't let me@ 回到现实中来吧Dom Come back to reality,Dom@ -求你了-现实- Please - Reality@ 我的孩子们也就是你的外孙们Those kids,your grandchildren@正在苦苦等着他们的爸爸回家they're waiting for their father to come back home@ 这个就是他们的现实That's their reality@ 而只有干完这最后一票And this job,this last job,@ 我才能实现这个愿望才可以回家that's how I get there@我要不是走投无路我绝不会来这求你的I would not be standing here if I knew any other way@ 我需要个和我一样出色的筑梦师I need an architect who's as good as I was@ 有个比你更出色的I've got somebody better@ Ariadne Ariadne?@ 介绍一下Cobb先生I'd like you to meet Mr Cobb@ 幸会Pleased to meet you@ 如果你有空If you have a few moments,@ Cobb先生这儿有份工作Mr Cobb has a job offer@ 不知道你感不感兴趣He'd like to discuss with you@ 是实习吗A work placement?@ 不算吧Not exactly@ 先来做个测试吧I have a test for you@ 先跟我说说是什么样的工作You're not gonna tell me anything first?@我想先看看你能否胜任这个工作Before I describe the job,I have to know you can do it@ -为什么-严格来说这份工作并不合法- Why? - It's not, strictly speaking,legal@ 我给你两分钟来设计一个You have two minutes to design a maze@ 不能在一分钟之内破解的迷宫that it takes one minute to solve@ 停Stop@ 再来Again@ 停Stop@ 还是太简单了You're gonna have to do better than that@ 这才像话That's more like it@有人说我们醒着的时候They say we only use a fraction of our brain's true potential@大脑隐藏了大部分的潜能Now,that's when we're awake@而睡着的时候大脑却几乎无所不能When we're asleep,our mind can do almost anything @ 比如呢Such as?@ 比如说你正在设计一幢楼房Imagine you're designing a building@ 你必须有意识地设计每一个细节You consciously create each aspect@但有时候楼房像在自己设计自己But sometimes,it feels like it's almost creating itself,@ 明白吗if you know what I mean@ 明白好像我只是发现了它Yeah,like I'm discovering it@ 这就叫灵感对吗Genuine inspiration,right?@ 可做梦的时候Now,in a dream,our mind continuously does this@ 我们一边设计一边发现这个世界创造和感知同步发生We create and perceive our world simultaneously@ 这一切非常自然And our mind does this so well@ 自然到我们都感觉不到that we don't even know it's happening@所以我们可以直接侵入这个过程That allows us to get right in the middle of that process @ -怎么做-接管大脑的设计工作- How? - By taking over the creating part@ 而这就是你的工作Now,this is where I need you@ 我需要你创造一个梦境You create the world of the dream@ 然后把目标带进来We bring the subject into that dream,@ 接下来目标的潜意识会产生梦境里的居民and they fill it with their subconscious@ 我要设计得多细致How could I ever acquire enough detail@ 才能让目标相信他们身在现实没在做梦to make them think that it's reality?@其实呢我们做梦的时候都感觉很真实Well,dreams,they feel real while we're in them,right? @ 只有等我们醒来的时候It's only when we wake up@ 才会意识到有些事情不大对劲that we realize something was actually strange@ 那我问你Let me ask you a question@ 你是不是从不记得梦的开始You never really remember the beginning of a dream,do you? @ 而记住的都是中间的一些过程You always wind up right in the middle of what's going on @ 好像是的I guess,yeah@ 那我们是怎么来这的So how did we end up here?@ 我们刚从Well,we just came from the,uh@ 仔细想Ariadne 你怎么来这的Think about it,Ariadne How did you get here?@ 你现在到底在哪儿Where are you right now?@ 在做梦?We're dreaming?@ 你正在睡觉同时也在上课You're in the middle of the workshop,sleeping@ 这是你学习分享梦境的第一课冷静点This is your first lesson in shared dreamingStay calm@ 要是在做梦的话你干嘛要保护If it's just a dream,then why are you covering因为这梦永远不只是梦Because it's never just a dream,is it?玻璃刺在脸上会非常疼And a face full of glass hurts like hell@做梦的时候感觉都是真实的When you're in it,it feels real@所以军队开发了梦境分享系统That's why the military developed dream sharing@士兵可以在里面相互射击It was a training program for soldiers to shoot,格斗和搏杀等等stab and strangle each other@ 然后再醒过来不会真的受伤and then wake up@ 筑梦师的工作是什么How did architects become involved?@ 总得有人来设计梦境吧Well,someone had to design the dreams,right?@ 干嘛不再给我们五分钟Why don't you give us another five minutes?@ 五分钟?Five minutes?@ 怎么会我们少说也聊了一个小时What? We were talking for,like,at least an hour 做梦时大脑的运转速度非常快In a dream,your mind functions more quickly@ 所以感觉时间过得比较慢therefore time seems to feel more slow@ 现实世界的五分钟相当于梦境里的一小时Five minutes in the real world gives you an hour in the dream@试试看你在五分钟内能做设计出什么来Why don't you see what you can get up to in five minutes?@ 基本布局你已经有了书店咖啡店You've got the basic layout Bookstore,cafe?@ 其他该有的也都有了Almost everything else is here too@-那他们是谁-我潜意识产生的防御者- Who are the people? - Projections of my subconscious-你的潜意识-对- Yours? - Yes@ 记住你是做梦者你设计梦境Remember,you are the dreamer You build this world @ 而我是你的目标这些人是我大脑产生的I am the subject My mind populates it@ 你可以和目标的潜意识直接对话You can literally talk to my subconscious这也是偷取信息的一种办法That's one of the ways we extract information from the subject除此之外呢How else do you do it?@ 你可以设计一个安全场所By creating something secure,@ 比如银行金库或是监狱like a bank vault or a jail@重要信息就会自动存入其中The mind automatically fills it with information it's trying to protect懂了吗You understand?-然后你就会潜入梦境去偷-这个嘛- Then you break in and steal it? - Well@ 我一直以为梦是视觉来构建的I guess I thought that the dream's space should be all about the visual,但其实其他感觉好像更重要but it's more about the feel of it我想知道如果我颠覆了My question is what happens when you物理规律会怎样start messing with the physics of it all?@ -很厉害吧-是啊- It's something,isn't it? - Yes,it is@ 他们为什么都看着我Why are they all looking at me?@ 因为我的潜意识怀疑这不是一个真实的世界Because my subconscious feels that someone else is creating this world@ 你改变的东西越多The more you change things,@ 防御者们就会越快地涌向你the quicker the projections start to converge on you@ 涌向我?Converge?@ 他们能感觉到你是个入侵者They sensed the foreign nature of the dreamer@就会像血液里的白细胞会攻击细菌一样They attack like white blood cells fighting an infection @ 他们会攻击我们Are they gonna attack us?@ 错只攻击你No,actually,just you@ 这样的设计是很棒This is great But I'm telling you,@ 但如果你再这么继续下去if you keep changing things like this@受不了就不能让你的潜意识冷静点么Gees! Mind telling your subconscious to take it easy? @ 这可是我的潜意识我自己没法控制It's my subconscious,remember,I can't control it@ 佩服Very impressive@ 这座桥我见过它是现实中的对吗I know this bridge This place is real,isn't it?@ 是啊我每天上学都会经过这Yeah,I cross it everyday to get to the college@ 绝对不能根据记忆重建场景Never recreate places from your memory,@ 必须创造新的东西always imagine new places@ 那总会借用熟悉的东西吧Well,you gotta draft from stuff you know,right?@ 只能借用细节Only use details,uh@ 比如路灯啊电话亭啊但绝不能复制整块地区A street lamp,or a phone booth,never entire areas@ 为什么Why not?@ 当你凭记忆构建梦境的时候Because building a dream from your memory@ 极易让你迷失何为梦境何为现实is the easiest way to lose your grasp on what's real and what is a dream@ -看来你搞混过-喂- Is that what happened to you? - Listen to me,@ 这和我无关懂吗this has nothing to do with me,understand?@ 所以你才需要我来帮你筑梦Is that why you need me to build your dreams?@ 别碰她走开Get off of her Back off@ -滚开-别碰我- Back off! - No!@ 别碰她Get off of her!@ Mal Mal!@ 把我叫醒快把我叫醒Wake me up! Wake me up!@ Mal Mal Mal! Mal!@ 叫醒我Wake me up! Wake me up!@ 看着我你没事了没事了Hey,hey,hey! Look at me You're okey? You're okey?@ 为什么我醒不过来Why why wouldn't I wake up?@ 因为时间没到所以你醒不了Because there was still some time on the clock,@除非你在死在梦里不然没法提前醒来and you can't wake up within a dream unless you die @ -她需要个图腾-什么- She'll need a totem - What?@ 图腾是个小的私人物品 A totem is a small personal@ 你的防御者可真厉害啊Cobb That's some subconscious you've got in you,Cobb@ 还是个大美人呢She's a real charmer!@ 看来你见过Cobb夫人了Oh,I see you met Mrs Cobb@ -那是他妻子?-对话说图腾- She's his wife? - Yeah So a totem,@ 就是一个有分量的小物件you need a small object potentially heavy,@ 你可以一直带在身边something could have on you all the time@ -但不能让别人知道-硬币行吗- that no one else knows - Like a coin?@ 不行必须更独特些才行No,it must be more unique than that@ 比如这个注铅的骰子This is a loaded die@ 你不能碰碰了就没用了No,I can't let you touch it,that would defeat the purpose@ 只有我知道这个特制骰子的重心在哪里Only I know the balance and the weight of this particular loaded die@ 只有这样当你看到自己的图腾That way,when you look at your totem,@ 你才能确信自己不在别人的梦里you know,beyond a doubt,that you're not in someone else's dream@ 我我问你啊I I don't know@ 你是看不出来还是不想看出来发生了什么if you can't see what's going on,or if you just don't want to,@ Cobb的心里问题很严重而且他还想把那些问题藏起来but Cobb has some serious problems that he's tried to bury down there@ 我绝对不会允许这样的人进入我的梦境And I'm not about to just open my mind to someone like that@ 她会回来的She'll be back@ 我还从没见过有人学得这么快I've never seen anyone pick it up that quickly before@ 现实已经满足不了她了Reality is not gonna be enough for her now@ 等她回来When she comes back@ 你可以开始教她设计迷宫了when she comes back,you're gonna help her building mazes @ -那你呢-我要去找Eames - Where're you gonna be? - I gotta go visit Eames@ Eames 他不是在蒙巴萨吗[肯尼亚港口城市] Eames? Now he's in Mombasa@ 那里可是Cobol公司的老巢It's Cobol's backyard@ 必须冒这个险It's a necessary risk@ 神偷多了去了There's plenty of good thieves@ 可好的伪装者不多他最合适We don't just need a thief We need a forger@ 你再怎么搓它们也下不出崽儿来You can rub them together all you want,they're not gonna breed@ 这不好说啊You never know@ 过来喝一杯I'll get you a drink@ 好你请You're buying@ (他明明在赌桌上输掉所有筹码)@ (可还有筹码换钱)@ -你的拼写没什么长进啊(意指其伪造)-给我滚- Your spelling hasn't improved - Piss off@ -会模仿笔迹吗-必须我这么多才多艺- How's your handwriting? - Versatile@ -那就好-谢了- Good - Thank you very much@ 植入想法Inception@ 你先别和我说这办不到不可能Now, before you bother telling me it's impossible@ 非常可能就是难得要死No, it's perfectly possible It's just bloody difficult@ 只是难吗Just difficult?@ Arthur总说这是不可能的Arthur keeps telling me it can't be done@ 哈Arthur 还和那个木头脑袋在一起Hmm Arthur You're still working with that stick-in-the-mud?@ 他有他的特长He's good at what he does,right?@ 是不错只是缺乏想象力Oh,the best He has no imagination@ -不像你-真的如果你要植入一个想法的话- Not like you - Listen, if you wanna perform inception,@ -就必须要有想象力-那好我问你- you need imagination - Let me ask you something,@ -你以前做过吗-我们试过- have you done it before? - We tried it@ , @ , 把想法放进去了但没有巩固住We got the idea in place,but it didn't take @ 因为植入得不够深You didn't plant it deep enough?@ 这不仅仅是深度的问题It's not just about depth,you know@ 要把想法简化到最简形式再植入you need the simplest version of the idea,@ 这样才能在主体大脑中自然成长in order it to grow naturally in the subject's mind@ 这是相当精妙的技艺That's a very subtle art@ 来说下你要植入的想法是什么So what is this idea that you need to plant?@ 我们要让一个大公司的继承人We need the heir of a major corporation@ 瓦解他父亲的能源帝国to dissolve his father's empire@ , @ , 你看你可以从各种政治动机的角度来考虑Well,you see right there,you have various political motivations of@ 比如反垄断的情绪等诸如此类的anti-monopolistic sentiments and so forth,and all of that stuff@ 能不能植入That's all@ 关键得看目标人物的那个心结有多大懂吗It's really at the mercy of your subject's。


That's why the military developed dream sharing.
It was a training program for soldiers to shoot, stab and strangle each other.
See, only I know the balance and the weight of this particular loaded die.
B1:00:34:20,260 --> 00:34:22,980
我我 我 我问你 你是看不出来了什么
I don't know if you can't see what's going on
When we're asleep, our mind can do almost anything.
00:26:28,230 --> 00:26:31,740
Now, in a dream, our mind continuously does this.
We create and perceive our world simultaneously.
B1:00:26:23,070 --> 00:26:26,030
Yeah, like I'm discovering it.
Genuine inspiration, right?
A1:00:28:39,020 --> 00:28:41,520



《盗梦空间》英语经典语录以下是一些《盗梦空间》中的经典语录:1. "What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient, highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain, it's almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed, fully understood. That sticks, right in there somewhere." - Cobb2. "Dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange." - Cobb3. "You're waiting for a train. A train that'll take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you. But you can't know for sure. Yet it doesn't matter. Now, tell me why?" - Mal4. "You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling." - Eames5. "They say we only use a fraction of our brain's true potential. Now that's when we're awake. When we're asleep, our mind can do almost anything." - Arthur6. "Do you want to take a leap of faith? Or become an old man, filled with regret, waiting to die alone." - Saito7. "The seed that we planted in this man's mind may change everything. We mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling." - Eames8. "Remember, you're the dreamer, you build this world. I am thesubject, my mind populates it. You can literally do whatever you want with your dream." - Cobb9. "An idea is like a virus, resilient, highly contagious. The smallest seed of an idea can grow. It can grow to define or destroy you." - Cobb10. "You just have to...take a leap of faith. Or not." - Cobb。



盗梦空间》经典台词中英文赏析第一篇:盗梦空间》经典台词中英文赏析《盗梦空间》经典台词中英文赏析Our dreams, they feel real while we're in them, right? It's only when we wake up that we realize how things are actually strange.Let me ask you a question, you, you never really remember the beginning of a dream do you? You always wind up right in the middle of what's going on.我们做梦的时候,梦境是真实的,对不对?只有到醒来的时候才会意识到事情不对劲儿。


关于造梦的原型Never recreate places from your memory.Always imagine new places!不要根据记忆重塑梦境。


关于盗梦What's the most resilient parasite? An Idea.A single idea from the human mind can build cities.An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules.Which is why I have to steal it.最具有可塑性的寄生生物是什么?是人的想法。




关于生命的悔恨The moment's passed.Whatever I do I can't change this moment.I'm about to call out to them.They run away.If I'm ever going to see their faces I've gotta get back home.The real world.那个时刻我没有把握住。



He was carrying nothing but this....和这个...and this.你是来杀我的吗?Are you here to kill me?我知道这是什么I know what this is.我之前见过那是在很多很多年前I've seen one before. Many, many years ago.在一个已经记不清的梦里我见过他It belonged to a man I met in ahalf-remembered dream.那个人有一些激进的想法A man possessed of some radical notions.哪种寄生虫生命力最强?What is the most resilient parasite?细菌? 病毒?A bacteria? A virus?蛔虫?An intestinal worm?呃Uh....柯布先生想说What Mr. Cobb is trying to say是想法An idea.生命力强极易传染Resilient. Highly contagious.一旦大脑被某个想法占据Once an idea has taken hold of the brain,想抹去它基本是不可能的it's almost impossible to eradicate.完整透徹的想法会挥之不去An idea that is fully formed, fully understood, that sticks. 就藏在这里Right in there somewhere.给像你这样的人去偷?For someone like you to steal?是的在梦境中意识的防御会降低Yes. In the dream state, your consciousdefenses are lowered...这使你的思想易于被偷窃and that makes your thoughts vulnerableto theft.这就叫盗梦It's called extraction.齐藤先生我们可以训练你的潜意识Mr. Saito, we can train yoursubconscious教它自我防御to defend itself...哪怕对方是最厉害的盗梦者...from even the most skilled extractor.你怎么做得到?How can you do that?因为我就是最厉害的盗梦者Because I am the most skilled extractor.我知道如何搜寻你的大脑找出你的秘密I know how to search your mind andfind your secrets.我知道诀窍I know the tricks.我可以教给你所以就算你睡着了And I can teach them to you, so thateven when you're asleep...你也不会放松戒备...your defense is never down.听着如果你想要我帮你Look, if you want my help,你就要完全对我敞开心扉you're gonna have to be completely我要清楚地了解你的想法要比你妻子I need to know my way around yourthoughts better than your wife...比你的心理医师比任何人都更了解...better than your therapist, better thananyone.如果这是一个梦你有一个保险箱装满了秘密If this is a dream, and you have a safefull of secrets...我要知道你的保险箱里都有什么...I need to know what's in that safe.为了进展顺利你要完全让我进入你的内心In order for this all to work, you need tocompletely let me in.先生们请享受夜晚我要考虑一下你们的建议Enjoy your evening, gentlemen, as Iconsider your proposal.他知道了He knows.外面发生什么事了?What's going on up there?齐藤知道了他在玩我们Saito knows. He's playing with us.没关系我能做到相信我Doesn't matter. I can get it here. Trustme.信息就在保险箱里The information is in the safe.我说"秘密"的时候他直直地看着它He looked right at it when I mentionedsecrets.她怎么来了?What's she doing here?回房间去好吗? 让我来处理Just head back to the room. All right?I'll take care of this.好的一定要成功我们是来做事的Okay, make sure you do. We're here to work.如果我跳下去还会有命吗?If I jumped, would I survive?如果你会潜水的话也许吧With a clean dive, perhaps.玛尔你怎么在这儿?Mal, what are you doing here?还以为你会想我呢I thought you might be missing me.你知道我想你You know that I am.但我不能再相信你了But I can't trust you anymore.那又怎样?So what?看来像亚瑟的品味Looks like Arthur's taste.其实是目标人物偏爱战后的英国画家Actually, the subject is partial to postwar British painters.请坐吧Please, have a seat.告诉我...Tell me...孩子们想我吗?...do the children miss me?你根本无法体会You can't imagine.你要干吗?What are you doing?呼吸下新鲜空气Just getting some fresh air.在那儿别动玛尔Stay where you are, Mal.他妈的转过来Turn around.把枪放下多姆The gun, Dom.请放下枪Please.给我信封柯布先生Now the envelope, Mr. Cobb.是她告诉你的? 还是你早就知道?Did she tell you? Or have you known allalong?你指你是来偷我信息的还是我们其实是在梦里?That you're here to steal from me, orthat we are actually asleep?我想知道你老板是谁I want to know the name of youremployer.在梦里威胁他也没用是吧玛尔?Ah, there's no use threatening him in adream, right, Mal?那要看你威胁什么了That depends on what you'rethreatening.杀了他只会让他醒过来而已Killing him would just wake him up.但是痛苦...But pain....痛苦能被感觉到Pain is in the mind.根据装饰风格我们是在你的梦里是不是亚瑟?And judging by the decor, we're in yourmind, aren't we, Arthur?你干吗? 还不到时候What are you doing? It's too soon.我知道但梦境在塌陷了I know. But the dream's collapsing.I'm gonna try to keep Saito under a littlebit longer.马上就成功了We're almost there.他差一点就成功了He was close. Very close.抓住他!Stop him!这样不行叫醒他This isn't gonna work. Wake him up.他不醒He won't wake.让他穿越什么?Give him the kick.What?扔浴缸里Dunk him.拿下他了He's out.你是有备而来的对吧?You came prepared, hmm?连我的保安队长都不知道这间公寓Not even my head of security knowsthis apartment.你是怎么找到的?How did you find it?像你这样有地位的人It's difficult for a man of your position想跟有夫之妇拥有一间秘密爱巢to keep a love nest like this secret...不是那么容易的particularly where there's a marriedwoman involved.她永远不会...事已至此She would never....Yet here we are.进退两难他们靠近了With a dilemma.They're getting closer.你想要的东西已经得到了不是的not true.你有一条重要信息没写进去是不是? You left out a key piece of information, didn't you?你有所隐瞒因为你知道我们的目的You held something back because you knew what we were up to.问题那为什么要让我们进入呢?预演Question is, why'd you let us in at all?An audition.什么预演?不重要你失败了An audition for what?Doesn't matter. You failed.我们盗取了你藏在梦里的所有信息We extracted every bit of information you had in there.但你的伪装太明显But your deception was obvious.放了我你走吧你似乎还不明白齐藤先生So leave me and go.You don't seem to understand, Mr. Saito.雇我们的公司是不会容忍失败的That corporation that hired us, they won't accept failure.我们撑不过两天We won't last two days.柯布?Cobb?看来我要化繁为简了Looks like I'm gonna have to do this a little more simply.把你知道的告诉我们! 现在就说! Tell us what you know! Tell us what you know, now!我一直讨厌这块地毯I've always hated this carpet.它有独特的污点和破损It's stained and frayed in such distinctive ways. 但绝对是羊毛制品But very definitely made of wool.现在...Right now...我是躺在涤纶上...I'm lying on polyester.这说明我并不是躺在我家的地毯上Which means I'm not lying on mycarpet, in my apartment.果然名不虚传柯布先生You have lived up to your reputation,Mr. Cobb.我还在梦里I'm still dreaming.情况如何?不妙How'd it go?Not good.梦中梦是吧? 让我刮目相看啊Dream within a dream, huh? I'mimpressed.但在我的梦里就要遵守我的规则But in my dream, you play by my rules.是的但你看齐藤先生...Ah, yes, but you see, Mr. Saito....我们并不是在你的梦里We're not in your dream.而是我的We're in mine.混蛋地毯怎么搞错了?Asshole. How do you mess up thecarpet?不是我的错你是筑梦师It wasn't my fault.You're the architect.我又不知道他会把脸贴上去蹭!I didn't know he was gonna rub hischeek on it!够了That's enough.你这都是怎么回事?我控制得了局面你失控就不好了I have it under control.I'd hate to seeyou out of control.我们没时间了我要在京都下车We don't have time for this. I'm gettingoff at Kyoto.他不会查看每节车厢的He's not gonna check everycompartment.好吧我不喜欢火车Yeah, well, I don't like trains.听着自己保重吧Listen. Every man for himself.喂Yes, hello?嗨爸爸爸爸Hi, Daddy.Hi, Dad.嘿宝贝们你们好吗?Hey, guys. Hey. How are you? How youdoing, huh?还不错还行吧Good.Okay, I guess.是吗是谁还行是你吗? 詹姆斯Okay? Who's just okay? Is that you,James?是的你什么时候回家爸爸?Yeah. When are you coming home,Dad?我不能回家宝贝现在还不行记得吗?Well, I can't, sweetheart. I can't. Not fora while, remember?为什么?Why?告诉过你了我离开是要工作对吧?Look, I told you, I'm away because I'mworking, right?奶奶说你永远不会回来的Grandma says you're never coming菲利帕是你吗?Phillipa, is that you?让奶奶接电话好吗?Put Grandma on the phone for me, will you?她在摇头She's shaking her head.希望是她说错了Well, just hope she's wrong about that. 爸爸Daddy?我在詹姆斯?Yeah, James?妈妈跟你在一起吗?Is Mommy with you?詹姆斯这个话题我们谈过了James, we talked about this.妈妈已经不在了Mommy's not here anymore.去哪儿了?Where?够了孩子们说再见吧That's enough, kids. Say bye-bye.听着我会让爷爷带礼物给你们的好吗?Listen, I'm gonna send some presents with Grandpa, all right?你们乖乖的你...And you be good, you be...飞机在屋顶了好的Our ride's on the roof.Right.嘿你没事吧?Hey, are you okay?我很好问这干吗Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Why?在梦里玛尔出现了Well, down in the dream, Mal showing 听着你的腿我很抱歉以后不会再这样了Look, I'm, uh, sorry about your leg.Won't happen again.越来越糟了是不是?It's getting worse, isn't it?你只能得到一个道歉懂吗?One apology's all you're getting, allright?纳什在哪儿?他没来要等吗?Where's Nash?He hasn't shown. Youwanna wait?我们应该在两小时之前把齐藤的扩张计划We were supposed to deliver Saito'sexpansion plans...传送给康布工程公司...to Cobol Engineering two hours ago.现在他们已经知道我们失败了该消失了By now, they know we failed. It's timewe disappear.你要去哪儿?布宜诺斯艾利斯Where you gonna go?Buenos Aires.我会在那里低调度日I can lie low there,可能等风声静了再找份活你呢?maybe sniff out a job when things quietdown. You?美国境内Stateside.代我问候Send my regards.他出卖了你以为来找我可以换回一条命呢He sold you out. Thought to come to meand bargain for his life.那我就成全你了So I offer you the satisfaction.It's not the way I deal with things.你要拿他怎样?不怎么样What will you do with him?Nothing.但我不知道康布公司会怎么想But I can't speak for Cobol Engineering.你想让我们干什么?奠基(植入观念)What do you want from us?Inception.可能吗?当然不可能Is it possible?Of course not.如果你能从别人脑子里偷走信息If you can steal an idea from someone'smind...为什么不能给他个新想法呢?...why can't you plant one there instead?好吧我现在给你植入个想法Okay, here's me planting an idea in yourhead.我说"别想大象" 你会想到什么?I say, "Don't think about elephants"What are you thinking about?大象Elephants.是的这不是你的想法因为你知道是我给你Right. But it's not your idea, becauseyou know I gave it to you.目标的大脑能追溯到想法的根源The subject's mind can always trace thegenesis of the idea.真正的灵感不可能假冒不是的True inspiration's impossible tofake.That's not true.你能做到吗?我有的选吗?Can you do it?Are you offering me achoice?因为我能自己想法子把康布那边平息下来Because I can find my own way tosquare things with Cobol.Then you do have a choice.那我选择离开先生Then I choose to leave, sir.告诉机组你想去哪儿Tell the crew where you want to go. 嘿柯布先生Hey, Mr. Cobb.你想回家吗?How would you like to go home?回美国见你的孩子们To America. To your children.你办不到没人可以You can't fix that. No one can.就像奠基一样好了柯布Just like inception.Cobb, come on.你要植入的想法有多复杂?简单得很How complex is the idea?Simple enough.要想植入别人的大脑任何想法都不会简单No idea is simple when you need to plant it in somebody else's mind.我最大的竞争对手是个快死的老头My main competitor is an old man in poor health.他儿子很快将继承公司的控制权His son will soon inherit control of the corporation.我要他下决心毁掉他爹的帝国I need him to decide to break up his father's empire.柯布我们不该管这事等等Cobb, we should walk away from this.Hold on.如果我真的做假设我做得到的话... If I were to do this, if I even could do it...我需要你的保证...I'd need a guarantee. 我怎么能知道你会不会兑现?How do I know you can deliver?你不会知道You don't.但我有这个能力But I can.那你究竟是想放手一搏呢So do you want to take a leap of faith...还是迟暮之时满心悔恨...or become an old man, filled withregret...孤独地等死?waiting to die alone?集合人马柯布先生择友要更加谨慎Assemble your team, Mr. Cobb. Andchoose your people more wisely.听着我知道你有多想回家Look, I know how much you wanna gohome.这不行的This can't be done.可以的只要足够深入Yes, it can. Just have to go deep enough.你又不知道You don't know that.我之前做过I've done it before.对谁?Who'd you do it to?我们为什么要去巴黎?Why are we going to Paris?我们需要新的筑梦师We're gonna need a new architect.你一直都不喜欢你的办公室是不是?You never did like your office, did you?在那个耗子洞里没法思考No space to think in that broomcupboard.你来这里安全吗?Is it safe for you to be here?从法国被引渡回美国Extradition between France and theUnited States...是一场政治恶梦你知道的is a bureaucratic nightmare, you knowthat.我觉得以你他们会想出办法的I think they might find a way to make itwork in your case.你看我买了这些Look, I, uh, brought these for you有机会就送给孩子们to give to the kids when you have achance.偶尔几只毛绒玩具It'll take more than the occasionalstuffed animal...不足以让他们感觉还有父亲to convince those children they stillhave a father.我只是照我知道的照你教我的去做I'm just doing what I know. I'm doingwhat you taught me.我从没教你去当贼I never taught you to be a thief.不你教我如何操纵人们的内心No, you taught me to navigate people'sminds.但事发之后...But after what happened...并没有多少合法手段让我施展这项技能there weren't a whole lot of legitimateways for me to use that skill.你到底想干什么多姆?What are you doing here, Dom?我找到办法可以回家了I think I found a way home.为某个强权人物做事It's a job for some very, very powerful people.我相信他能永久地撤消对我的指控People who I believe can fix my charges permanently.但我要你帮忙But I need your help.你要来带坏我最有前途最好的学生You're here to corrupt one of my brightest and best.你知道我开出的条件让他们自己选择吧You know what I'm offering. Let them decide for themselves.钱不仅仅是钱Money.Not just money.你记得的You remember.让你有机会建造教堂整座城市...It's the chance to build cathedrals, entire cities...从未存在过的东西things that never existed...在现实生活中不会存在的东西...things that couldn't exist in the real world.你是想让我找别人去追随你的幻想? So you want me to let someone else follow you into your fantasy?他们不必真正入梦They don't actually come into the dream.他们只要设计梦境再教给做梦者这就行了They just design the levels and teach them to the dreamers. That's all.那你自己设计Design it yourself.玛尔不让我设计现实点吧多姆Come back to reality, Dom.拜托现实Please.Reality.你的孙子们...Those kids, your grandchildren...他们在等爸爸回家they're waiting for their father to comeback home.这就是他们的现实That's their reality.这份工作最后的一次就是我回家的方法And this job, this last job, that's how Iget there.要是还有别的办法我也不会来I would not be standing here if I knewany other way.我要一个和我过去一样棒的筑梦师I need an architect who's as good as Iwas.我知道有人能做得更好I've got somebody better.阿里阿德涅Ariadne?来认识一下柯布先生I'd like you to meet Mr. Cobb.很高兴见到你Pleased to meet you.如果你有时间If you have a few moments,柯布先生有个工作机会想跟你谈谈Mr. Cobb has a job offer he'd like todiscuss with you.实习工作?A work placement?也不算Not exactly.我要先测验你I have a test for you.你不打算先告诉我点什么?You're not gonna tell me anything first?在我描述这工作之前我要知道你有能力做好Before I describe the job, I have toknow you can do it.为什么?严格来说这活不算合法Why?It's not, strictly speaking, legal.用两分钟时间You have two minutes设计一个要花一分钟才能走出来的迷宫to design a maze that it takes oneminute to solve.停Stop.再来Again.停Stop.还不够好You're gonna have to do better than that.这还差不多That's more like it.据说大脑的潜能只被运用了很少一部分They say we only use a fraction of ourbrain's true potential.但那是指我们醒着的时候Now, that's when we're awake.在我们睡着时我们的大脑几乎是全能的When we're asleep, our mind can doalmost anything.比如?Such as?想象你正设计一座大楼你有意识地创造其每一面You consciously create each aspect.但有时好像它在自我创造But sometimes, it feels like it's almost creating itself,知道我的意思吧if you know what I mean.是的我只是发现了它而已Yeah, like I'm discovering it.真正的灵感是吧?Genuine inspiration, right?在梦里我们的大脑一直在这样做Now, in a dream, our mind continuously does this.我们在感知世界的同时也在创造它们We create and perceive our world simultaneously.我们的大脑擅长于此以至都意识不到这过程And our mind does this so well that we don't even know it's happening.这样使得我们能直入中心That allows us to get right in the middle of that process.怎样?接管创造那部分How?By taking over the creating part. 下面就是我需要你做的Now, this is where I need you.你要创造梦境世界You create the world of the dream.我们把目标带进那梦里We bring the subject into that dream,里面充满他们的潜意识and they fill it with their subconscious. 我怎么能做出那么多细节How could I ever acquire enough detail 让他们觉得那就是现实? 我们做梦时梦境感觉起来都是真实的是不是?Well, dreams, they feel real while we'rein them, right?只是我们醒来后It's only when we wake up才意识到事有蹊跷that we realize something was actuallystrange.我问你个问题Let me ask you a question.你没法真正记得梦境的开始是不是?You never really remember thebeginning of a dream, do you?总是忽然就到梦境中了You always wind up right in the middleof what's going on.好像是的I guess, yeah.那我们是怎么到这儿来的?So how did we end up here?我们刚从...Well, we just came from the, uh....好好想想阿里阿德涅你是怎么来的?Think about it, Ariadne. How did youget here?你现在在哪儿?Where are you right now?我们在梦里?We're dreaming?你现在是在工作室之中做梦You're in the middle of the workshopright now, sleeping.这是你学习共享梦境的第一课镇定点This is your first lesson in shareddreaming. Stay calm.如果这只是个梦那你为什么...因为这不仅仅是个梦对不对?Because it's never just a dream, is it?被喷一脸碎玻璃能把人疼出尿来And a face full of glass hurts like hell.在梦中的感觉是真实的When you're in it, it feels real.所以军方才研发梦境共享That's why the military developeddream sharing.这是一个训练项目It was a training program for soldiers to让士兵射击捅死勒死彼此...shoot, stab and strangle each other然后醒来and then wake up.那跟筑梦师有什么关系?How did architects become involved?总要有人设计梦境啊对吧?Well, someone had to design the dreams,right?再给我们五分钟怎么样?Why don't you give us another fiveminutes?就五分钟?Five minutes?什么我们谈了最少得有一小时了What? We were talking for, like, at leastan hour.在梦里大脑的运行要迅速得多In a dream, your mind functions morequickly...所以时间似乎变慢了therefore time seems to feel more slow.现实的五分钟等于梦中的一小时Five minutes in the real world gives youan hour in the dream.何不看看你用五分钟能做出什么来?Why don't you see what you can get up基本的布局已经出来了书店咖啡馆You've got the basic layout. Bookstore, caf?别的东西也基本都在了Almost everything else is here too.这些人是谁?我潜意识中的投射人物Who are the people?Projections of my subconscious.你的?是的Yours?Yes.记住你是梦主这世界是你建造的Remember, you are the dreamer. You build this world.我是目标这里由我的心理操控I am the subject. My mind populates it. 你可以同我的潜意识交谈You can literally talk to my subconscious.这是我们从目标那里盗取信息的途径之一That's one of the ways we extract information from the subject.还有什么别的方法?How else do you do it?建造一个安全地比如银行保险库或监狱By creating something secure, like a bank vault or a jail.大脑会自动把想保护的信息放到那里The mind automatically fills it with information it's trying to protect.明白吗?之后你就闯入并偷走它? You understand?Then you break in and steal it?这个嘛Well....我以为梦境只是视觉的东西I guess I thought that the dream space would be all about the visual... ...but it's more about the feel of it.我想问要是违反这里的物理规律My question is what happens when youstart会怎么样?messing with the physics of it all?不错吧是不是?It's something, isn't it?是的Yes, it is.他们怎么都盯着我?Why are they all looking at me?因为我的潜意识感觉到这世界是别人创造的Because my subconscious feels thatsomeone else is creating this world.你改变得越多The more you change things,投射人物就会越快趋近你the quicker the projections start toconverge on you.趋近?Converge?他们感觉到梦主的异质性They sense the foreign nature of thedreamer.他们会攻击你就像白细胞攻击感染一样They attack, like white blood cellsfighting an infection.什么他们会攻击我们?不不What, they're gonna attack us?No, no.只是你Just you.很厉害但我告诉你This is great, but I'm telling you,如果你再这样改变事物...if you keep changing things like this....Jeez, mind telling your subconscious totake it easy?这可是我的潜意识记得吗? 我控制不了的It's my subconscious. Remember? Ican't control it.有一手啊Very impressive.我认识这座桥这里是真实的对不对?I know this bridge. This place is real,isn't it?是的我每天经过它去上学Yeah, I cross it every day to get to thecollege.永远不要根据记忆来重建地点Never re-create places from yourmemory.要一直想象新地点Always imagine new places.要从熟悉的事物开始创造不是吗?You draw from stuff you know, right?只能用细节一盏路灯或是一座电话亭Only use details. A streetlamp or aphone booth.不能套用整个地点Never entire areas.为什么不能?从回忆来建造梦境Why not?Building a dream from yourmemory...最容易让你分辨不清现实和梦境is the easiest way to lose your grasp onwhat's real and what is a dream.这是你的遭遇?听我说Is that what happened to you?Listen tome.这跟我无关明白吗?This has nothing to do with me,understand?That why you need me to build your dreams?嘿放开她退后退后Hey, get off of her. Back up. Back up. 柯布柯布!放开她!Cobb! Cobb!Get off of her!放开我! 放开我!玛尔!Let me go! Let me go!Mal!玛尔柯布叫醒我!Mal!Cobb! Wake me up!叫醒我叫醒我!不!Wake me up! Wake me up!No!玛尔别叫醒我!Mal, no! No!Wake me up!嘿嘿看着我你没事了没事了Hey, hey, hey. Look at me. You're okay. You're okay.嘿为什么我醒不来Hey.Why wouldn't I wake up?预定的时间还没到There was still time on the clock.在梦里除非你死了否则是不能醒来的You can't wake up from within the dream unless you die.她需要个图腾什么?She'll need a totem.What?图腾是一个小的私人物品A totem, it's a small personal你的潜意识还真给力呢柯布That's some subconscious you've got on you, Cobb!她真迷人She's a real charmer.我看你是见过柯布太太了那是他妻子?I see you met Mrs. Cobb.She's his wife? 是的图腾就是个小物品有点份量object, potentially heavy.你独有的东西不让别人知道Something you can have on you that noone else knows.比如硬币?不Like a coin?No.要比那个更独特比如这是注铅的骰子It needs to be more unique than that.Like, this is a loaded die.不行我不能让你碰它那就事与愿违了No, I can't let you touch it. That woulddefeat the purpose.看只有我才知道See, only I know the balance这骰子的平衡点和重心在哪里and the weight of this particular loadeddie.这样的话当你看着你的图腾That way, when you look at yourtotem...你就能确定地知道你不在别人的梦里you know beyond a doubt that you'renot in someone else's dream.我不明白是你看不到出了什么事I don't know if you can't see what'sgoing on,还是你不愿望去面对...or if you just don't want to...但柯布有些严重的问题他试图去掩饰but Cobb has some serious problemsthat he's tried to bury down there.我不打算向那样的人敞开心扉And I'm not about to just open my mindto someone like that.她会回来的我从没见过哪个人学得这么快She'll be back. I've never seen anyonepick it up that quickly before.现在对她来说只有现实是不够的等她回来时Reality's not gonna be enough for hernow, and when she comes back....等她回来你要让她建迷宫When she comes back, you're gonnahave her building mazes.你要去哪儿?我去看看埃姆斯Where are you gonna be?I gotta go visitEames.埃姆斯? 不行他在蒙巴萨那儿可是康布的地盘Eames? No, he's in Mombasa. It'sCobol's back yard.这个险必须冒It's a necessary risk.厉害的贼多得是我们要的不是贼Well, there's plenty of good thieves. Wedon't just need a thief.我们需要的是伪造者We need a forger.全都下了吧留着它们也不会繁殖Rub them together all you want, they'renot gonna breed.你怎么知道You never know.请你喝一杯I'm gonna get you a drink.这个就是You're buying.你的拼写还是这么烂死一边去Your spelling hasn't improved.Piss off.你书写怎么样?How's your handwriting?风格多变很好It's versatile.Good.非常感谢Thank you very much.奠基在你费心告诉我那是不可能的以前让我来...Now, before you bother telling me it's impossible, let me不那完全可能只是难得要命No, it's perfectly possible. It's just bloody difficult.有意思因为亚瑟一直告诉我那不可能Interesting. Because Arthur keeps telling me it can't be done.亚瑟你还跟那个混小子一起干? Hmm. Arthur. You still working with that stick in the mud?他对他的工作很擅长不是吗?He is good at what he does, right?他是最好的但他没有想像力Oh, he's the best, but he has no imagination.跟你不一样Not like you.听着如果你要奠基就需要想像力Listen, if you're gonna perform inception, you need imagination.让我问你你之前做过吗?Let me ask you something. Have you done it before?我们试过我们植入了观点但没成功We tried it. Uh, we got the idea in place, but it didn't take.是你植入得不够深吗?You didn't plant it deep enough?不这不只跟深度有关No, it's not just about depth.需要最简单的想法...You know, you need the simplest version of the idea...让它在目标的心中自然生长in order for it to grow naturally in your subject's mind. 这是微妙的艺术It's a subtle art.那么你想植入什么想法呢?So, what is this idea that you need toplant?我们要一个大公司的继承人瓦解他父亲的帝国We need the heir of a major corporationto dissolve his father's empire.你可以找一堆政治动机Right there you have various politicalmotivations...还有反垄断观点什么的and anti-monopolistic sentiments and soforth.但这一切都呃...But all of that stuff, it's, um....全得看目标的喜好如何是不是?It's really at the mercy of your subject'sprejudice, you see?你要从最基本的开始What you have to do is start at theabsolute basic.那是什么?Which is what?父子关系The relationship with the father.你有药剂师吗?还没找到Do you have a chemist?No, not yet.好吧这里有个人尤瑟夫Right. Okay, well, there's a man here,Yusuf.他有独创的药剂配方He, uh, formulates his own versions ofthe compounds.为什么不带我过去?Why don't you take me there?等你甩掉尾巴之后酒吧那个人Once you've lost your tail. The man atthe bar.康布公司Cobol Engineering.悬赏抓我是要死人还是活人?That price on my head, was that dead oralive?不记得了看他开不开枪就知道Don't remember. Let's see if he startsshooting.分头跑我在酒吧楼下等你Run interference. I'll meet youdownstairs in the bar in, say,半小时后?uh, half an hour?再回这里?他们肯定不会怀疑这里Back here?This is the last place they'dsuspect.好的All right.弗雷迪弗雷迪•西蒙斯Freddy. Freddy Simmonds.是你对不对?My God, it's you, isn't it?不对不是你No, it isn't you.现在没在做梦了吧?Not dreaming now, are you?抓住他!Get him!在那儿There!一杯咖啡One cafe.嘘Shh.一杯咖啡One cafe.一杯咖啡One cafe.。

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Yes. In the dream state, your conscious defense is
lowered that makes your thoughts vulnerable to theft.
Well, that's not true. You left out the key piece of information, didn't you?
He was carrying nothing but this...
and this.
Are you here to kill me?
I know what is this.
I've seen one before, many, many years ago.
He was close, very close.
Ahh... Stop him!
I think that isn't gonna work. Wake him up.
It belonged to a man I met in a half-remembered dream,
a man possessed of some radical notions.
Actually, the subject is partial to postwar British painters.
Please, have a seat.
Tell me, did the children miss me?
If I jump, would I survive?
With a clean dive, perhaps.
Mal, what're you doing here?
I thought you might be missing me.
Look, if you want my help, you're gonna have to be completely open with me.
I need to know my way around your thoughts better than your wife,
- Why are you doing?! It's too soon...- I know. But the dream's collapsing.
- 你怎么回事?提前就醒来了?- 我知道,但梦开始崩溃了。
Just try to keep Saito to wander a little longer. We're almost there.
I know the tricks.
And I can teach them to you, so that even when
you're asleep, your defense is never down.
What is the most resilient parasite?
A bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm?
Uh... What Mr. Cobb is trying to say...
Ah, there's no use in threatening him in a dream, right, Mal?
That depends on what you're threatening.
An idea. Resilient, highly contagious.
Once an idea's taken hold in the brain,
it's almost impossible to eradicate.
You can't imagine.
What're you doing?
Getting some fresh air.Stay where you are, Mal.
Come on, damn it!
I need to know what's in that safe.
In order for this all to work, you need to completely let me in.
Enjoy your evening, gentlemen, as I consider your proposal.
He knows.
What's going on up there?
Saito knows us.He's playing with us.
It doesn't matter.I can get it here. Trust me,
It's very difficult for a man of your position
to keep a love nest like this secret,
particularly, when there's a married woman involved.
- She would never... - Yet, here we're, to the dilemma.
- 她不会泄露...- 不过,我们还是来了,陷入了困境。
They're getting closer.
You got what you came for.
It's called Extraction.
Mr. Saito, we can train your subconscious to defend itself...
from even the most skilled extractor.
He won't wake!
- Give him the kick.
- What?
- 给他一踢/反冲。
- 什么?
Drop him.
He's up.
You came prepared, hmm?
Not even my head of security knows this apartment. How did you find it?
Killing him would just wake him up.But pain...
Pain is in the mind.
And judging by the decor, we're in your mind, aren't we, Arthur?
Hey! Come here!
I'm on my way.
He was delirious.But he asked for you by name.