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1.(2013·福建名校第一次质量检查)In the eyes of American parents, every child is

________,so they encourage them to develop in their own way.

A.familiar B.obvious

C.unique D.personal

解析:选C 考查形容词辨析。句意:在美国父母眼中,每个孩子都是独一无二的,所以他们鼓励孩子以自己的方式成长。unique“独一无二的”,符合句意。familiar“熟悉的”;obvious“明显的”;personal“个人的”。

2.(2013·江西南昌两校一模)—Johnson is a qualified driver with more than ten years' experience.

—_____,I won't hire him. You know honesty is the most important factor I will consider.

A.Meanwhile B.Even so

C.Instead D.Moreover

解析:选B 考查副词辨析。句意:“Johnson是一个有十多年经验的合格的司机。”“即使如此,我也不会雇用他。你知道诚实是我要考虑的最重要的因素。”根据答语中的“I won't hire him”可知,此处应用Even so“即使如此”。

3.(2013·河北普通高中第一次教学质检)The man talks as if he knew the truth about the car accident. ________ he knows nothing about it.

A.Actually B.Really

C.Obviously D.Generally

解析:选A 考查副词辨析。句意:那个人谈起来好像知道这次车祸的真相一样。事实上,他什么也不知道。根据句意应选actually“事实上”。really“确实地,的确”;obviously“显而易见地”;generally“通常地”。

4.(2013·西安一模)Is English Literature a(n) ________ course, or does everyone have to learn it?

A.potential B.typical

C.optional D.critical

解析:选C 考查形容词辨析。句意:英国文学是一门选修课,还是一门必修课?根据句意,应选C,optional“选修的,可选择的”。potential“可能的”;typical“典型的”;critical“决定性的”。

5.(2013·安徽省淮北市五校联考)I know how busy you must be and ________ I wouldn't want to take up too much of your time.

A.fortunately B.finally

C.naturally D.possibly

解析:选C 考查副词辨析。句意:我知道你肯定很忙,我当然不会想去占用你过多的时间。fortunately“幸运地”;finally“最终”;naturally“自然地,当然地”;possibly“可能”。根据句意,应选C。

6.(2013·安徽三所示范性高中质量检测)People who study or work away from home are ________ to go back to celebrate the Spring Festival.

A.eager B.evident

C.content D.curious

解析:选A 考查形容词辨析。句意:那些在外学习或工作的人们急于回家过春节。根据句意可知,eager“渴望的”,符合句意。evident“明显的”;content“满意的”;curious“好奇的”。

7.(2013·福建名校第一次质量检查)I'm not sure of the exact number of the audience, but ________ speaking, I would say there are 1,500 or so.

A.honestly B.roughly

C.properly D.strictly

解析:选B 考查副词辨析。句意:我不知道观众的确切人数,但粗略地说,大概有1 500人左右。Roughly speaking“粗略地说”,符合句意。honestly“诚实地,确实”;properly“准确地,适当地”;strictly“完全地,确切地”。

8.(2013·江西名校一模)They agreed to the plan ________ but there were several details they didn't like.

A.in details B.in order

C.in place D.in principle

解析:选D 考查介词短语。句意:他们基本上同意这个计划,但有些细节他们并不喜欢。in principle“大体上,基本上”,符合句意。in details“详细地”;in order“就绪;妥当”;in place“准备就绪”。

9.(2013·皖南八校第一次联考)It is the superior intelligence and the use of language that distinguish man ________ the other animals.

A.with B.from

C.between D.among

解析:选B 考查介词。句意:正是高超的智力和使用语言把人和其他动物区别开来。distinguish ... from ...“把……和……区别开来”,为固定搭配。故选B。

10.(2013·福建三明三校第一次联考)Rose received a big hug from her mother ________ her stepping out of the train.

A.at B.on
