英语口译基础Unit Three



rpreting Skills
• Chinese- English Interpretation • 1. Manufacturing accouted for just 17.5 per cent of global gross doMestic product in 2007, but much activity in the considerably larger area of services, for instance, in retailing, distribution, transport and communications, depends on it. • 2. Labor costs are rising fast in China and India and it is no longer always clear that the great lurch east makes commercial sense. • 3. Even if oil prices return to less scary levels, the cost of transportation and the delays created by extended supply chains all have to be taken into account. • 4. Investing in China will often be a much less straightforward task for a Western multinational than committing to France or Germany.
English-Chinese Interpretation
• 6. 一般来说,我们只按到岸价交易,保水渍险。 • 7. 根据合同条款,货物装船后,我方已经马上通过航空寄给你 方一整套不可转让的单据。 • 8. 很遗憾,我方不能按你方要求于4月初装船,因为直达班轮每 月22日左右才开往你方港口。 • 9. 因厂方所接订单甚多,我们不能在规定日期前装运。 • 10. 我方无法许诺11月前发货,因为我们的厂家目前的交货任务 压得很紧。



基础口译教程词汇短语表U3 Traffic and AccidentsWarming-up Practice1.Have you ever had an accident?on the rise 在增加;在上涨traffic-related accident /ˈæksɪdənt/ 交通事故have an accident 出事故come about 产生; 发生jaywalk /'dʒeɪwɔːk/ v. to cross or walk in a street recklessly or illegally 乱穿马路collide /kə'laɪd/ v. to hit something or someone that is moving in a different direction from you 碰撞,相撞collide into another car 撞上另外一辆车2.How do you get a driving license?live better lives 过更好的生活driving license 驾照pass the driving test 通过驾考provided /prə'vaɪdɪd/ conj. used to say that something will only be possible if something else happens or is done 只要,如果…的话vary /'veərɪ/ v. if several things of the same type vary, they are all different from each other ( 彼此) 相异,存在不同之处3.How do you usually go to school?LRT: Light Rail 轻轨rans i itt nsɪt/ n. a system for moving people from place to place 交通运输系统e't lri ble /rɪ'laɪəb(ə)l/ adj. someone or something that is reliable can be trusted or depended on 可信赖的,可靠的reasonable /'riːz(ə)nəb(ə)l/ adj. fair and sensible 有道理的,合情理的commuter /kə'mjuːtə(r)/ n. someone who travels a long distance to work every day 每天长途上班的人,通勤者Passage InterpretationPart A English-Chinese InterpretationPassage 1Paragraph 1motorcycle /'məʊtəsaɪk(ə)l/ n. a fast two-wheeled vehicle with an engine 摩托车acceleration /əkselə'reɪʃ(ə)n/ n. a process in which something happens more and more quickly 加快,增速speed /spiːd/ v. move or travel there quickly, usually in a vehicle.( 通常指乘车) 迅速疾驰petrol /'petr(ə)l/ n. the fuel which is used to drive motor vehicles 汽油per /pɜː/ prep. for each 每mile /maɪl/ n. a unit for measuring distance, equal to about 1,609 metres 英里〔距离的计量单位,等于约 1,609 米〕Paragraph 2advertise dvətaɪz/ v. to tell the public about a product or service in order to persuade them to 'y it (为…)做广告(宣传)Passage 2Paragraph 1congratulate /kən'gr tjʊleɪt/ v. to say something to show you are pleased that something nice has happened to hem. 祝贺congratulate sb on sth 因某事祝贺某人demonstration /demən'streɪʃ(ə)n/ n. a talk by someone who shows you how to do it or how it works 展示grateful /'greɪtfʊl/ adj. to have warm, friendly feelings towards them and wish to thank them 感激的be grateful to sb. for sth. 因为某事感激某人committee /kə'mɪtɪ/ n. a group of people chosen to do a particular job, make decisions etc 委员会organizing committee 组委会vehicle /viːɪkəl/ n. a machine with an engine, such as a bus, car, or truck, that carries people or things from place to place. 机动车辆display /dɪ'spleɪ/ n. an arrangement of things for people to look at or buy 展览,陈列,展示on display 展出,陈列Paragraph 2victim /'vɪktɪm/ n. someone who has been hurt or killed 受害者fall victim to sb/sth 成为某事物的牺牲品fatal ɪt(ə)l/ n. resulting in someone’s deat h 致命的'of cern /kən'sɜːn/ n. a feeling of worry about something important 忧虑,担心,关切cut /kʌt/ v. to reduce the amount of something 削减,裁减,减少statistic ə'tɪstɪk/ n. [plural] a set of numbers which represent facts or measurements 统计数字资st料]roughly /'rʌflɪ/ adv. not exactly 粗略地,大致上one in three 1/3treatment /'triːtm(ə)nt/ n. something that is done to cure someone who is injured or ill 治疗,诊治;疗法Paragraph 3ambitious m'bɪʃəs/ adj. an ambitious plan, idea etc shows a desire to do something good but æiff icult 〔计划、想法等〕宏大的,艰巨的reduce /rɪ'djuːs/ v. to make something smaller or less in size, amount, or price 缩小;减少;降低fit /fɪt/ v. to put a piece of equipment into a place, or a new part onto a machine, so that it isready to be used 安装collision /kə'lɪʒ(ə)n/ n. an accident in which two or more people or vehicles hit each other while moving in different directions 碰撞[相撞]事故warning /'wɔːnɪŋ/ n. something, especially a statement, that tells you that something bad, dangerous, or annoying might happen so that you can be ready or avoid it 警告,警示;告诫device /dɪ'vaɪs/ n. a machine or tool that does a special job 设备,仪器,装置Paragraph 4information and communication technology 信息与通讯技术promise /'prɒmɪs/ v. to tell someone that you will definitely do or provide something or that something will happen 许诺,保证,答应recognize /'rekəɡnaɪz/ v. to officially accept that an organization, government, document etc has legal or official authority 正式承认,认可intelligent/ɪn'telɪdʒ(ə)nt/ adj. an intelligent machine, system etc is able to learn and use information 〔机器、系统等〕智能的extensive /ɪk'stensɪv/ adj. containing or dealing with a lot of information and details 广泛的,全面的Paragraph 5feature /'fiːtʃə/ n. a part of something that you notice because it seems important, interesting, or typical 特点,特征,特色economical /iːkə'nɒmɪk(ə)l/ adj. using money, time, goods etc carefully and without wasting any 经济的,节约的quality /ˈkwɒlətɪ/ n. The quality of something is how good or bad it is. 质量retain /rɪ'teɪn/ v. to keep something or continue to have something 保留,保有;继续拥有benefit /'benɪfɪt/ n. the help that you get from sth or the advantage that results from it 益处; 成效freedom /'friːdəm/ n. the state of being allowed to do what you want to do 自由convenience /kən'viːnɪəns/ n. the quality of being suitable or useful 方便,便利;合宜strive /straɪv/ v. to make a great effort to achieve something 努力,奋斗Paragraph 6wish … every success 祝……圆满成功Passage 3Paragraph 1appreciate /ə'priːʃɪeɪt/ v. used to thank someone in a polite way or to say that you are grateful for something they have done 感激opportunity /ˌɒpəˈtju:nətɪ/ n. a chance to do something or an occasion when it is easy for you to do something 机会,时机issue /'ɪʃuː/ n. an important subject that people are arguing about or discussing 议题,争论的话题be of importance to sb. 对某人来说非常重要aviation /eɪvɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n/ n. the operation and production of aircraft 航空; 飞机制造业receive a lot of attention 受到了广泛关注as a result of …作为……的结果;因为……demand /dɪ'mɑːnd/ n. a firm request for something 坚决的要求industry /'ɪndəstrɪ/ n. businesses that produce a particular type of thing or provide a particular service〔某一〕行业take action 采取措施/行动ensure /ɪn'ʃʊə/ v. to make certain that something will happen properly 确保,保证rare /reə/ adj. not seen or found very often, or not happening very often 稀有的,罕见的Paragraph 3highway /'haɪweɪ/ n. a wide main road that joins one town to another 公路crash /kr ʃ/ n. an accident in which a moving vehicle hits something and is damaged or destro yæe d 撞车; 坠机currently /'kʌrəntlɪ/ adv. at the present time 现时,当前account for :to cause or explains sth. 导致; 解释annually njʊəlɪ/ adv. 每年r'gically dʒɪklɪ/ adv. 悲剧地a't r f ɑː/adv. very much, or to a great degree 很大程度上Paragraph 4infant /'ɪnfənt/ n. (formal) a baby or very young child 婴儿;幼儿teenager /'tiːneɪdʒə/ n. someone who is between 13 and 19 years old 青少年,十几岁的孩子motor /'məʊtə/ n. relating to cars or other vehicles with engines 汽车的;机动车辆的injure /'ɪndʒə/ v. to hurt yourself or someone else, for example in an accident or an attack 使受伤;弄伤Paragraph 5on average: based on a calculation about how many times something usually happens, how much money someone usually gets, how often people usually do something etc 平均来看Paragraph 7the leading cause of ………的主要原因make up: the members or parts that form that thing 构成involve /ɪn'vɒlv/ v. to include or affect someone or something 涉及;影响Paragraph 8priority /praɪ'ɒrɪtɪ/ n. the thing that you think is most important and that needs attention before anything else 优先处理的事,当务之急number one priority 头等大事词语辨析11.reduce 降低〔价格〕;减少〔数量〕;缩小〔尺寸〕to make the price, amount, or size of somethingThe price was reduced by 50%. 价格降了 50%。




7.为百合花上色,吃力不讨好8.鱼米之乡;洞天福地1. What is said cannot be unsaid2. Long distance separates no bosom friends3. A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.4. To be going from bad to worse5. Frankly speaking6. To be simply nothing compared to…7. To paint the lily8. (an area) flowing with milk and honey二9.施展两面手法10.人人皆有得意之日11.班门弄斧12三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮13.有钱能使鬼推磨14.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳15.一寸光阴一寸金16.天网恢恢,疏而不漏17.你可不能食言啊18.说到曹操,曹操就到19.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲20.远亲不如近邻21.换汤不换药22.搬起石头砸自己脚23.情人眼里出西施24.醉翁之意不在酒9.to carry fire in one hand and water in the other10. every dog has its day11. to teach your grandma to suck eggs; to offer to teach fish to swim12. two heads are better than one13. money makes the mare go; money talks14. once bitten, twice shy15. time is money16. justice has long arms17. you can’t break your promise18. speak of the wolf, and you will see his tail19. a young idler, an old beggar20. neighbours are dearer than distant relatives.21. the same old stuff with a different label; a change in form but not in essence22.to tread on one’s own tail23. love sees no fault. Beauty lies in the lover’s eyes.24. many kiss the baby for the nurse’s sake三25.血浓于水,落叶归根26.你在开玩笑27.他过着非人的生活28.八仙过海,各显神通29.每逢佳节倍思亲30.酒逢知己千杯少31.常言道:近朱者赤,近墨者黑32.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒25.blood is thicker than water, the falling leaves settle on the roots26.you are pulling my leg27. he is leading a dog’s life28. like the Eight Fairies crossing the sea, each displaying his own talent29.on festive occasion, more often than ever, we think of our dear ones far away.30.among bosom friends, a thousand cups pf wine are not too many.31. as the saying goes, ”what’s near cinnabar goes red, and what’s nest to ink turns back.”32. it takes more than a day to freeze three feet of ice. Rome was not built a day.四33.now or never34.much cry and little wool35.a small leak will sink a great ship36.behind the mountains there are people to be found.37.nothing succeeds like success38.enough is as good as a feast39.little thieves are hanged, but great ones escaped40. like attracts like41. speech is silver, silence is gold.33.机不可失,失不再来34.雷声大雨点小35.千里之堤,溃于蚁穴36.山外有山,天外有天37.一事成功,事事顺利38.知足常乐39.窃钩者诛,窃国者侯40.物以类聚,人以群分41.雄辩是银,沉默是金五1.滴水石穿2.破釜沉舟3.隔墙有耳4.积少成多5.三思而后行6.无风不起浪7.一箭双雕8.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆1.constant dripping wears the stone2.to burn one’s boats3.walls have ears4.many a little makes a mickle5.look before you leap6.there is no smoke without fire7.to kill two birds with one stone8.as you sow, so will you reap.六9.谋事在人,成事在天10.the burnt child dreads the fire11.better be the head of a dog than the tail of lion12.where there is a will, there is a way13.to kill the goose that lays golden eggs14.strike while the iron is hot15.to fish in the air16.don’t wash your dirty linen in public17.all good things must come to an end18.a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit19.hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings20.易如反掌21.鼠目寸光22.君子动口不动手23.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧24.千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重25.坦白从宽,抗拒从严26.削足适履27.远水就不了近火。


1.川菜最大的特点是品种多、口味重,以麻辣著 称。 ’
2.粤菜强调清炒浅煮,选料似乎不受限制。 3.选料、调料、适时烹调、把握火候、装盘上桌
这些微妙步骤的细心协调是中餐的典型特征。 4.中餐烹调所用天然配料品种繁多,几无穷尽。
烹调方法也层出不穷,不可悉数。 5.为史密斯大使阁下和夫人的健康干杯.
2. Cantonese cuisine emphasizes light cooking with seemingly limitless range of ingredients.
3. The careful coordination of such a series of delicate activities as selecting ingredients, mixing flavors, timing the cooking, controlling the heat and finally, laying out the food on the plate for the table are the typical characteristics of Chinese food.
尊敬的高董事长,尊敬的来宾,中国朋友 们,女士们,先生们:
今天我特别荣幸能代表我们代表团成员 对高总的热情邀请以及为精心安排我们这 次访问所付出的努力表达诚挚的谢意,同 时我们也为今晚丰盛的宴会表示衷心的感 谢。
I hope that we shall all enjoy the business exchanges and friendly contact in the following days. Every member of our delegations hopes that the rate of trade between the two countries will increase in the future through our mutual efforts. And I think that only by free flow of visitors can trade develop satisfactorily.

口译教程UNIT 3 第三单元教案

口译教程UNIT 3 第三单元教案

UNIT 3 第三单元教案来源:口译-学院精品课程作者:Jay J YangSpeech Performance演讲技巧Unit Objective (单元目标)After reading this unit you should☆ understand the nature of interpreting speech.☆ know how to prepare for interpretation☆ master the best performance as an interpretor.Warm-up (准备)1. Two students are requested to sit at the Interpreting Desk or Booth, acting as interpretors of the class. Their performance is evaluated and graded by instructor.2.One or Two students are asked to present a piece of news or a weather forecast of the week.Theory of Interpretation III (口译理论三)口译员的演讲技巧:熟悉讲话场所;演讲的六大要素:音量、音调、节奏、停顿、发音、吐词。


Memoria Technica (记忆法)Listen to the following sentences, and try to catch the key words and details, then repeat as accurately as possible:1.The farmers in South China have enough food and clothing, and have beenbuilding new houses of more than three stories. Quite a few of them are leading a comfortable life.2.Nearly everybody agrees that money does not buy as much as it used to be.The purchase power is declining because of the inflation.3.All credit card organization charge interest on a monthly basis, which maywork out as high as 25% a year.4.The rural industries in China have been developing rapidly, and employedmore and more workers who were peasants for generations before 1978.5.We have prepared some souvenir for you, which are had-made by our ownstaff. We hope you will like them and we do hope you will be able to visit us again in the near future.6.Many foreign businessmen came to invest in the countryside in the formsof joint venture, cooperative, or wholely foreign-owned enterprises.7.Among the most popular books being written today are those that areusually classified as science fiction.8.If we can work together to our mutual benefit, arrangements will be madefor one of representatives to make a trip to USA and discuss with you in person.Retell a piece of News: Americans and their LegsCultural Salon or Seminar (文化沙龙或研讨会)In the last 20 minutes will be a cultural salon or seminar. Two or three students who have been asked to prepare a speech in advance on a given topic. Students in the booth will do the oral interpretation.Topic: EnvironmentHomework Assignments (课后作业)Retell the following articles with the help of your study partners:No. 1: 广东省地处中国南疆,临近港澳,与海南省隔海相望,是古代百越民族聚居之所,现为中国改革开放的综合试验区。

口译unit 3

口译unit 3

2. An Evil
However, for many interpreters, note taking is said to be

a necessary evil(必要之恶). It is regarded as an evil because it calls for a certain amount of distribution of attention and it might interfere in one‟s listening. The fact that taking notes diverts(转移)attention and interferes with listening poses the first obstacle. The second problem is that untrained interpreters are often at a loss what notes should be taken and in which way the notes should be taken. The most essential aspects of consecutive interpreting are the processes of listening, understanding, analysis and re-expression. If these processes are not well carried out, even the best notes in the world will not produce good interpretation. Therefore, note-taking is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. Notes are meaningless if they do not function well as aids in the processes of interpreting.



DialogueA: 莉莉,你好!我听说你被选为2008 年奥运会志愿者,祝贺你!我刚来北京,对于中国即将举行的奥运会也非常感兴趣,你能不能简单地告诉我一些关于北京奥运会的基本信息呢?B: Thank you, Jay, of course I can tell you something. As a volunteer, I have the responsibility to promote the Beijing Olympic Games. What would you like to know? A: 太好了!我想知道的东西太多了。



B: Oh, no problem, I will explain to you one by one. First, let’s talk about the slogan of the Beijing Games. That is “One World, One Dream.” This slogan reflects the essence of the universal values of the Olympic spirit. In spite of our differences, we come together for the Olympic Games. This slogan was chosen from thousands of proposals submitted by people across China and around the world.A: 成千上万条提议,数量可真不少!B: “One World, One Dream” is simple in expression, but profound in meaning. It conveys the lofty ideal of the people in Beijing, as well as in China, i.e., the Chinese people and the world people share the same globe and will create a bright future hand in hand. It also voices the aspiration of the Chinese people to contribute to the establishment of a peaceful and beautiful world.A:我明白了,它的意义确实很深远。

Unit 3 会谈口译

Unit 3 会谈口译

Unit 3 Interpreting Conversations 会谈口译3—1 Welcome 欢迎光临Vocabulary1、邮电Post and Telecommunicationscommunication①传达,传播,传递Among the deaf and dumb communication may be carried on by means of the finger alphabet. 聋哑人可以借手语传递信息。

②传染Spitting in public places may lead to the communication of disease.在公共场所吐痰可能导致疾病的传染。

③被传播之事(如新闻),消息,信息This communication is confidential. 这消息是机密的。

Communications 交通或通讯设备,(联络各地的)公路,铁路,电话或电报线,无线电a world communications network. 世界性通讯网mass communications media. 大众通讯媒介而前辍“tele”表示over a long distance所以这些词:television, telescope, telephone2、感到骄傲和荣幸be very proud and honoredprivilege 也可以表示荣幸,可它只能做名词或动词,所以在表示荣幸时,应为:It is sb’s privilege to do sth.3、gracious invitation 友好邀请当然可以说成friendly invitation这里的gracious 还有① 亲切的kind & warm courtesy② 优雅的,雅致的elegant or beautiful③ 有品味的good taste4、a distinguished group 杰出人士这里的distinguished 意思是eminent 卓著的distinguished guests 嘉宾而Guest of Honor 或Honored Guest,翻译成贵宾5、look over the sea 面向大海look over 有①从-----地方看过去②调查investigate6、幽默感sense of humor责任感sense of responsibility参与感sense of participation自豪感sense of pride时间感sense of timing归属感sense of belonging集体归属感sense of belonging to the community民族认同感sense of national identity7、字面意思literal meaningliteral----word for worda literal translation 直译8、下榻offer residence南京一些饭店名称的翻译:金陵饭店Jinling Hotel南京玄武饭店Nanjing Xuanwu Hotel假日酒店Holiday Inn南京古南都饭店Nanjing Grand Hotel南京新纪元大酒店Nanjing New Era Hotel南京金丝利喜来登酒店Sheraton Nanjing Kingsley Hotel南京丁山香格里拉Shangri-La Dingshan Nanjing Hotel南京苏宁环球饭店Suning Universal Hotel南京凤凰台饭店Phoenix Palace Hotel南京华美达怡华酒店Ramada Nanjing Hotel南京维景国际大酒店(原希尔顿)Nanjing Grand Metropark Hotel (former Hilton)南京斯亚花园酒店Siya Garden Hotel南京侨鸿皇冠酒店(原金鹰皇冠酒店)Crown Plaza南京状元楼酒店Mandarin Garden Hotel白鹭宾馆Egret Hotel南京国际会议大酒店International Conference Hotel of Nanjing湖滨金陵饭店Jinling Resort中心大酒店Central Hotel榴园宾馆Pomegranate Garden Hotel典型句型1欢迎来上海,罗伯茨先生。



上三楼 Go to the third floor. 向左拐 Turn left. 上二楼 Go to the second floor.
向右拐 Turn right.
The supermarket is between the flower store and the bookstore.



Unit 3
Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?
This information comes from Yang Xuehui at Shili high school in Xihe, Gansu.
取钱 get some money 取杂志 get some magazines 就餐 have dinner
Yes. There is a bank on Main Street.
麻烦一下,请问我在哪儿能买到邮 票呢?
Excuse me, do you know where I can buy some stamps?
Sure. There’s a post office on Center Street.



you to invite us to such a banquet. Mr. Zhong : Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, my friends. First of all, allow me
中国人宴请宾客,餐桌上佳肴满目,主人却还说:“今晚没什么好菜,请大家不要客 气,随便吃。”这是把对菜品的赞词留给客人去说。而在西方,情况则完全不同。如果 在餐馆请客,主人会说:“这是本城最佳厨师烧的最好的菜。”如果举行家宴,主人会 说:“这是我太太最拿手的菜。”他是想向客人表明,他已是竭尽全力了。
When the hospitable Chinese host proposes a toast, if much excited, he usually says “Bottom up!” and drinks down all the wine at one breath. Then he wants the guests to do the same, thinking in this way the guests will prove to be true friends. In the West, people also toast, but it is up to the guests how much they drink. It is wise not to force women guests to drink up all the wine. Care should also be taken when you offer others cigarettes. In western countries, the host only leaves the cigarettes on the table and lets the guests make their decision. If you offer your guests one cigarette after another, they will feel embarrassed instead of thanking you for that.
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• We would never have made such an achievement if there were not support from our executives, understanding from partners and joint efforts from all colleagues. So once again, a big thank-you to all our friends!
Speech Delivered at a Farewell
• 明天,您就要离开浙江,踏上回国的行程了。在即将分别 的时刻,我们的心情依依不舍 (feel reluctant to part),大 家相处的时间是短暂的,但我们之间的友好情谊是长久的。 中国有句古话讲得好,“海内存知己,天涯若比邻a bosom (心爱的,亲密的) friend from afar brings a distant land near”,我们期待您在方便的时候再次来浙江做客, 相信我们之间的合作会日益加强(continue to strength)!
Speech Delivered at New Year
• 即将过去的2007年,是公司保持良好发展势头 (momentum of progress/growth momentum) 的 一年。一年里我们通过积极推进代理商制度 (advancing agent system),构建了和谐团队,使 整个企业生产赢利 (increase profit) 及行业内地位 (lift the status in the industry) 得到了大大的提高!
• 许多新加坡人到中国投资办厂,服务中国市场。 同时,许多中国商人也来到了新加坡。现在新加 坡有2500多家中国企业,其中100家在新加坡证 交所上市。
Toast at a Reception
• Meanwhile, people-to-people exchanges (人员往来) are also growing in both directions, facilitated by unlimited number of flights between Singapore and many cities in China.
Speech Delivered at New Year
• 回顾 (look back on/in retrospect) 一年来的工作, 我们前进的道路上离不开领导的关心爱护,离不 开兄弟单位和业务伙伴的理解支持,更离不开公 司全体同仁的努力奋斗。再次,我代表公司销售 班子向所有同志们表示崇高的敬意 (high respect) 和诚挚的感谢 (sincere gratitude)!
• Year 2007 saw a remarkable progress in our company. In 2007 we dramatically increased our profits and lifted our status in the industry by developing a united team of agents.
• 新加坡和中国有着紧密的、不断增长的经 济联系。双边的贸易投资数额巨大,且增 长迅速。
Toast at a Reception
• Many Singaporeans have set up businesses in China and serve the Chinese market. At the same time, many Chinese businesses are coming to Singapore. We are home to more than 2,500 companies from China, with 100 listed on the Singapore Exchange. (证交所上市)
and his delegation to Singapore. I am glad to have this opportunity to reciprocate (回报) the warm hospitality I received during my first official trip to China in 2005. • 热烈欢迎温总理和他的代表团来到新加坡。2005年我首次 正式访问中国时,受到了主人的热情款待,所以这次我很 荣幸能有这个机会回报中国客人。
• Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good evening!
• 值此新年即将到来之际,我谨代表销售班子,向 长期以来支持和关心公司工作的领导致以美好的 祝愿和深深的感谢!
• On this New Year’s Eve, on behalf of our sales team, I would like to extend our best wishes and sincere thanks to all our executive managers for their constant guidance and support.
• Tomorrow you will leave Zhejiang province. We cherish this limited time with you. But our friendship will be everlasting. As a Chinese saying goes, “a bosom (心爱的, 亲密的) friend from afar brings a distant land near”/ we are looking forward to your next visit to Zhejiang. We believe our partnership will continue to strengthen in the future.
Toast at a Reception
• 主题导入:新加坡总理在欢迎中国温家宝总理宴会上的致 辞节选。
• Your Excellency Premier Wen, • 温家宝阁下, • Distinguished guests, • Ladies and Gentlemen, • Let me extend a very warm welcome to Premier Wen
• 各位贵宾,女士们先生们,请和我一起举杯,祝愿温家宝 总理身体健康、万事如意,祝中国和平昌盛,祝两国友谊 地久天长。
Speech Delivered at a Farewell Party
• 尊敬的Johnson先生: • 首先, 我代表本公司,对您此次的考察活
• First of all, on behalf of the company, I congratulate you on your successful business trip.
Speech Delivered at a Farewell
• 贵公司是业内知名的世界级企业,我们很高兴能有这个机 会与您合作。我们将一如既往地加强生产管理,保证产品 质量(strengthen production management to ensure…), 优先满足 (give priority to) 贵公司的订单,按时按质按量 (in accordance with the terms of delivery, quality and quantity) 地完成生产计划 (complete production plan),不 断深化我们之间的合作。
• 同时,新加坡与中国不少城市开通了航班,人员往来也不 断增长。
• Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, may I now invite you to rise and join me in a toast to the good health and success of His Excellency Premier Wen Jiaobao, to the peace and prosperity of China, and to the enduring friendship between our countries.
Speech Delivered at a Farewell Party
• 最后,祝Johnson先生一路顺风,万事如意! • Now, I wish Mr. Johnson a smooth journey
and all the best of luck in the future.
Speech Delivered at New Year Banquet
• 向支持我们业务的国内外合作伙伴致以新 年的祝福!向公司全体员工及家属致以诚 挚的慰问!祝大家新年快乐,身体健康!
• Our regards also go to the clients from home and abroad, to the company’s colleagues and their families. We wish you all a happy new year and good health!
Speech Delivered at New Year
• 新的一年开启新的希望,新的历程承载新的梦想。 2008年,正是我们创造梦想、扬帆起航(begin a new journey towards our dream) 的关键 (crucial/important/key) 之年,我们将以更积极的 态度,更真诚的服务,为公司开拓更美好的未来。 谢谢大家。
Toast at a Reception
• Singapore’s bilateral economic linkages with China are strong and growing. Trade and investment flows are large and increasing rapidly.