
1971年的电视广告“我教全世界如何歌唱”,此首广告已经播 出变引起轰动,这首歌曲也登上流行歌曲排行榜。
I'd like to buy the world a home and furnish it with love, Grow apple trees and honey bees, and snow white turtle doves.
Taking it From Here: The Plan of the Book
• Section I – Consumer Behavior • Section II – Consumers as Individuals • Section III – Consumers as Decision Makers • Section IV – Consumers and Subcultures • Section V – Consumers and Culture
• 一些学生正在寻求那样一些相对不变,放之四海 而皆准的规则,以便为其所面临的问题找到唯一 正确的答案。对这些学生,不断变化、难以逆料 且固执己见的活生生的消费者所带来的不确定性 确实令人沮丧。然而,如果他们能够接受与消费 者打交道就意味着无穷无尽的不确定性这一事实, 运用消费者行为知识发展市场营销战略与策略就 会变得极富刺激和趣味盎然。
• 运用消费者行为学知识发展市场营销策略是一门 艺术。当然这并不意味着科学的原理和方法没有 用武之地,而是指这些原理成功运用于具体情景 时需要人的判断,这种判断远非几条固定的规则 所能涵盖。
• 让我们更详细地讨论营销与艺术的类似性。假设你想成为 一名艺术家,你就会学习那些公认的关于如何把不同颜色、 视角融为一体以获得良好视觉效果的原理,然后,你会在 实践中对它们加以运用,直到发展出能创造“过得去”的 艺术品的能力。如果你具有某种天赋,又巧遇良师,并选 择了合适的主题,你甚至可能创造出艺术杰作。希望成为 营销经理、销售人员或广告经理的人也应当采取同样的方 法,他们应当对影响消费者行为的不同因素或原理做深入 全面的分析,在此基础上运用这些原理于实践以制定出 “可以接受”的营销战略与策略。虽然知识和实践的结合 通常能产生“过得去”的策略,但与众不同的或出奇制胜 的营销策略,就像艺术珍品或艺术杰作,要求有特别的天 赋、勤奋、时机,甚至某种程度的运气。
消费者行为学英文版 自己整理(浙江工商大学)

1.Consumer behavior: 研究商品、服务、经验或创意的获得、消费及处置的购买单位和交换过程的学科。
2.Why study CB:有效的营销管理,帮助管理者设计营销组合,细分市场,市场定位,环境分析,开展调查研究;在公共政策制定中发挥重要作用;能帮助人们成为更好的消费者3.Research Perspectives1)The Decision-Making Perspective:根据决策观点,消费者首先意识到某个问题的存在,然后在一种理性的解决问题的过程中完成一系列步骤,购买由此产生。
2)The Experiential Perspective:体验观点提出,人们有时购买商品和服务是因为情感上的原因,如有趣、制造奇迹或获得情感。
当消费者为了降低厌倦程度并获得刺激而改换品牌时就产生了寻求多样型购买3)The Behavioral Influence Perspective: 当强大的外因驱使消费者不需要首先对产品产生强烈的感情或想法就去购买时,行为影响就产生了。
4、High-Involvement ChoiceCompensatory models of choice:补偿性模型:对某个属性的高度评价可以补偿对其他属性的较低评价。
5、Impulse Purchases (冲动购买):指顾客的购买行为是在进入超市前没有计划或意识的购买行为。
6、Consumer satisfaction (消费者满意):获得或使用产品或服务后所有的态度。
7、Equity Theory(公平理论):指人们会拿自己的付出所得比和别人的付出所得比进行比较,如果他们的比值更好,他们就会觉得不公平。

Table 12.1 Effects of restricted vs. elaborated codes
Source: Adapted from Jeffrey F. Durgee, ‘How Consumer Sub-Cultures Code Reality: A Look at Some Code Types’, in Richard J. Lutz, ed., Advances in Consumer Research 13 (Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 1986): 332 Solomon, Bamossy, Askegaard and Hogg, Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective, 4th Edition, © Pearson Education Limited 2010
Slide 12.5
Discretionary spending
Figure 12.2 Disposable income per capita across the EU-25, 2000
Source: Eurostat, Statistics in Focus, Theme 3–7/2003 (Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2004): 113, Map 2. © European Communities 2004 Solomon, Bamossy, Askegaard and Hogg, Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective, 4th Edition, © Pearson Education Limited 2010

accident?A.Well done! B.Come on! C.How come? D.No doubt!7、It’s _______ for people to blame traffic jams, the cost of gas and the great speed of modern Array life.A.reasonable B.availableC.accurate D.cautious8、—What an amazing picture!—The little boy ____the soldiers, and I caught them in an unguarded moment.A.was saluting B.saluted C.had saluted D.would salute9、Youth is a period of our life we see no limit to our hopes and wishes.A.where B.thatC.what D.when10、Linda ________ to her mother for so long that she figures out almost every gesture of hermother’s.A.attended B.had attended C.would attend D.has attended第二部分阅读理解(满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
AAn Arizona mom says none of her son's kindergarten friends showed up to his birthdayparty after she sent 32 invitations to his classmates.The boy, Teddy, held a birthday party on Sunday at Peter Piper Pizza in Tucson, where he andhis mother, Sil Mazzini, had been expecting dozens of little girls and boys—as well as thechildren's parents—to join them at the restaurant. Mazzini said a few people told her in advancethat they couldn't make it, but she wasn't prepared for everyone to be no-shows.Mazzini shared a photo of her son sitting alone in front of several pizzas on her Facebookpage. That brought dozens and dozens of birthday wishes from around the country, as well asother gifts and offers."I live near Tampa, Florida, and heard about you via my local news," one woman wrote onFacebook. "I hope you have a wonderful year and I'm sending you a big hug." The biggestunexpected birthday present for Teddy came from the Phoenix Suns, who invited him to watchWednesday night's game at the Talking Stick Resort Arena against the Los Angeles Lakers andLeBron James. The city's professional soccer club, the Phoenix Rising, also invited Teddy to "join Array 7,000 of his closest friends" at a playoff game on Friday.But some on social media questioned Mazzini's decision to broadcast her son's humiliating day. "Quick! Someone call the news. Don't embarrass this kid even more than he already is," one woman wrote on Facebook. "Good lord. This is so wrong. "1、How may Teddy feel about his birthday party?A.Relaxed. B.Disturbed. C.Disappointed. D.Bored.2、What did the Phoenix Suns invite Teddy to do?A.Play a playoff game on Friday.B.Watch Wednesday night's game.C.Join the professional soccer club.D.Spend a weekend with them3、What can we infer about Sil Mazzini from the last paragraph?A.She is not supported by all the people.B.She cares little about her son's feelings.C.She regrets having posted her son's images.D.She has removed the comments on Faceloook.BFrom the moment you open your eyes in the morning, you can feel sweat running down your body, even if you're barely moving at all. That's what most people in China felt like this summer. In fact, the entire northern hemisphere(半球)saw high temperatures in July.The Arctic Circle was no exception(例外). Temperatures in the city of Norilsk, which is in the Arctic Circle, reached a record high of 32 ℃, The Atlantic reported. Temperatures there are usually just 10 ℃at this time of the year.The heat wave in the Arctic is mainly a long-term result of global warming, according to the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences. In fact, while the whole world is getting warmer, the Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet. This is called the polar amplification effect(极地放大效应).The most direct impact of Arctic warming is the melting of Arctic ice. According to NASA,Arctic sea ice is now disappearing at a rate of 13.2 percent every 10 years. NASA said that if this Array continues, the Arctic will have no ice by the year 2040.This has put some Arctic animals, like polar bears, in danger. The ice that the bears live on has shrunk(缩小), the Toronto Star reported.Melting ice can also cause sea levels to rise in the long term. Since 1993, sea levels have risen at a rate of 3.2 cm every 10 years, the Guardian reported. Some countries, such as Tuvalu(图瓦鲁)in the South Pacific Ocean and Maldives(马尔代夫)in the Indian Ocean, are at risk of disappearing into the sea1、Which of the following is true?A.Some countries in the ocean will disappear in 10 yearsB.China is the hottest in the northern hemisphere this summerC.The temperatures in Norilsk used to be lower than this summer.D.The world gets warmer because of the heat wave in the Arctic2、What does the underlined word "this" in the third paragraph refer to?A.The heat wave in the Arctic B.The result of global warmingC.Getting warmer in the world D.The Arctic getting warm faster3、What may be the result of the melting of Arctic ice?A.The polar will become dangerous B.Sea levels rise in the long termC.There will be an end of water shortage D.There will be no ice in the world by 20404、What is the main idea of this passage?A.Heat hits ArcticB.Arctic animals are in danger.C.The world became hotter than beforeD.Some countries may disappear into the sea第三部分语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.The town I live in is about to put cameras at all traffic lights to catch people who run red lights. It 1 me of how many peop le I’ve seen who take the yellow light as a 2 to gofaster. I also can’t understand why people don’t move when the traffic light has turned green.Above all, there are those 3 situations in which someone doesn’t even 4 that the Array light turns red, and just keeps going. That is why so many 5 happen! All these situations make me 6 the purpose of traffic lights.7 , it’s even more frightening to imagine letting people make their own decisions at8 crossroads. Do the biggest cars get to go first? Who decides who goes next? So I guess I do like the idea of a system to 9 traffic. And I’ll do my best to10 the traffic rules: to go, to be cautious, and to stop when I’m11 to.It occurs to me that my 12 have done much the same for me 13 teaching me how to live. They have given me many 14 lights: to get along well with others, to listen and talk to them, to help others, and to 15 with joy and purpose. They have also given me some red lights 16 my life goes astray(误入歧途): not to be greedy, to keep my temper, and to control my desires. And there 17 have been some yellow caution lights: to watch how much I drink, to keep control of my behavior, and to 18 school regularly and work hard.If I obey these rules, my life will be as 19 as it can be. Just as I’m wise to pay attention to the traffic lights when I’m walking across the street, I’m wise to pay attention to the“20 signals” given to me by my parents.1、A.suggests B.informs C.reminds D.warns2、A.sight B.signal C.message D.switch3、A.instant B.exciting C.dangerous D.cautious4、A.notice B.sense C.remember D.feel5、A.events B.problems C.situations D.accidents6、A.think of B.wonder about C.care for D.worry about7、A.Besides B.Anyway C.Instead D.However8、A.noisy B.narrow C.crowded D.key9、A.control B.direct C.improve D.serve10、A.learn B.obey C.protect D.carry11、A.supposed B.used C.devoted D.delighted12、A.teachers B.friends C.leaders D.parents13、A.in charge of B.in face of C.in terms of D.in danger of14、A.safe B.green C.beneficial D.helpful Array15、A.live B.share C.work D.communicate16、A.unless B.when C.before D.till17、A.still B.even C.only D.also18、A.start B.attend C.leave D.miss19、A.good B.colorful C.meaningful D.healthy20、A.traffic B.light C.life D.confidence第二节(每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

purchase. – 4. Seek reassurance from satisfied owners
Learning Objective 6.7
– Need for cognition – Innovativeness
Role of Attitudes
• Attitudes are consistent with behavior • How do situations affect attitudes?
Learning Objective 6.2
• Theory of Reasoned Action
• Theory of trying-toconsume
• Attitude-toward-the-ad model
How are the models different from the attitude-toward-object model? From each other?
6.7 To understand the ways people assign causality to events and apply this knowledge to consumer behavior.
Which is the internal attribution?
Bradley uses video-editing software for the first time and his video was well liked. 1.Bradley thinks: “I’m really a natural at editing my digital videos” 2.Bradley thinks: “The successful digital video editing was due to a user-friendly video-editing program” 3.Bradley thinks: “The successful digital video editing was due to the help of someone else” 4.Bradley thinks: “The successful digital video editing was due to luck.”
希夫曼 《消费者行为学(第12版)》英文教学课件CH2

• Gender roles have blurred • Gender less accurate to distinguish among consumers in
some product categories than it used to be • Some ads depict mean and women in roles traditionally
* Responses on a “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree” scale
** Responses indicate the number of times respondents had engaged in the activity during the past 6 months.
Personal Relationships*
I find it hard to speak in front of a group. When I make friends I always try to make the relationships work. I enjoy making my own decisions. Others usually know what’s best for me.
• Age influences buying priorities • Marketers target age groups • Example: movie studios compete for teens and young
adults each summer
Copyright © 2019 Pearson Education, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

消费者行为学1、Consumer Behavior消费者行为的定义(掌握英文)The behavior that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their needs.2、消费者的两种类型(掌握英文)Personal ConsumerThe individual who buys goods and services for his or her own use, for household use, for the use of a family member, or for a friend.Organizational ConsumerA business, government agency, or other institution (profit or nonprofit) that buys the goods, services, and/or equipment necessary for the organization to function.3、市场调研The Consumer Research Process•Secondary research•Primary research–Qualitative–Quantitative定性调研:访谈,投射法(深入)定量调研:问卷调研Qualitative Research•Depth Interviews •Focus Groups •Projective Techniques •Metaphor Analysis Quantitative Research •Observation •Experimentation •Survey questionnaires4、市场细分英文Segmentation: process of dividing the market into subsets of consumers with common needs or characteristics.可分为:Age、Gender、Marital Status、Family Life-cycle、Income, Education, and Occupation.5、消费者调查流程The Consumer Research Process7、消费者动机含义、类型含义:Motivation as a Psychological Force 动机是心理驱动力•Motivation 动机is the driving force within individuals that impels them to action.类型:Rational versus Emotional Motives 理性动机vs. 情感动机•Rationality implies that consumers select goals based on totally objective criteria, such as size, weight, price, or miles per gallon•Emotional motives imply the selection of goals according to personal or subjective criteria马斯洛需求等级,麦克力兰需求三重奏-------需求系统(中英文都掌握)Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs自我实现self-actualization(self-fulfillment)尊重需求ego needs(prestige,status,self-esteem)归属需求social needs(affection,friendship,belonging)安全需求safety and security needs(protection,order,stability)生理需求physiological needs(food,water,air,shelter,sex)A Trio of Needs 戴维·麦克利兰美国社会心理学•Power 权力–individual’s desire to control environment•Affiliation 归属–need for friendship, acceptance, and belonging•Achievement 成就–need for personal accomplishment–closely related to egoistic 利己的and self-actualization 自我实现needs8、学习与记忆的定义(英文)Definition of Consumer Learning•学习:过去经验导致的行为变化。

• Which forms of risk were involved?
Learning Objective 4
• Our access to online sources changes the
way we decide what to buy.
Information Necessary for Recommending a New Decision Criterion
• It should point out that there are significant
differences among brands on the attribute
• Uses functional magnetic resonance
imaging, a brain-scanning device that tracks blood flow as we perform mental tasks
• Marketers measure consumers’ reactions
Chapter 8 Decision Making
Michael R. Solomon
Chapter Objectives
When you finish this chapter, you should understand why:
1. Consumer decision making is a central
For Reflection

Learning Objective 3
• We are motivated to buy or use products
in order to be consistent with what other people do.
Factors Influencing Conformity
• Risky shift: group members show a greater
willingness to consider riskier alternatives following group discussion than if members made their own decisions
Sociometric Methods
• Sociometric methods: trace communication
patterns among group members
• Systematic map of group interactions • Most precise method of identifying product-
• The things other consumers tell us about
products (good and bad) often are more influential than the advertising we see.
3. We are motivated to buy or use products
in order to be consistent with what other people do.
Chapter Objectives (continued)

Opening Vignette
Learning Objective 12.1
12.1 To understand the subcultures within the United States and their relationships to American culture.
Teens Βιβλιοθήκη nd TweensFickle customers and changing lifestyles
• Aged 13-17
• More independent in their behavior
• Alienated by marketers who talk down to them
A distinct cultural group that exists as an identifiable segment within a larger, more complex society. A subculture has beliefs, values, and customers that set them apart from the other members of the same society.
Discussion Questions
• To which subcultures do you belong? • How does it affect your consumer
Learning Objective 12.2
12.2 To understand the influence of nationality and ethnicity subcultures on consumer behavior.


Chapter1 Diversity in the Marketplace 市场多样化p221. Consumer behavior p8The answers to the preceding questions are presently unknown but the source from which they will evolve is clear, and that source is consumer behavior.2. Organizational consumer p9A business, government agency, or other institution (profit or nonprofit) that buys thegoods, services, and/or equipment necessary for the organization to function.Personal consumer p9The individual who buys goods and services for his or her own use, for household use, for the use of a family member, or for a friend. (Also referred to as the Ultimate Consumer or End User.)3. Marketing concept p10To be successful, a company must determine the needs and wants of specific target markets and deliver the desired satisfactions better than the competition.A consumer-oriented philosophy that suggests that satisfaction of consumer needsprovides the focus for product development and marketing strategy to enable the firm to meet its own organizational goals.4. Consumer research p11、p26表Methodology used to study consumer behavior.5. Societal marketing concept p18All companies prosper when society prospers.Companies as well as individuals, would be better off it social responsibility was an integral component of every marketing decision.Requires all marketers adhere to principles of social responsibility in marketing of their goods and services.A revision of the traditional marketing concept that suggests that marketers adhere toprinciples of social responsibility in the marketing of their goods and services; that is, they must endeavor to satisfy the needs and wants of their target markets in ways that preserve and enhance the well-being of consumers and society as a whole.6. Consumer decision making p19Chapter2 Consumer Research 消费者研究p461. Motivational research p26Qualitative research designed to uncover consumers’ subconscious or hidden motivation.The basic premise of motivational research is that consumers are not always aware of, or may not wish to renewal, the basic reasons underlying their action.2. Quantitative research(定量研究)p27⏹Descriptive in nature.⏹Enables marketers to “predict”consumer behavior.⏹Research methods include experiments, survey techniques, and observation.⏹Findings are descriptive, empirical and generalizable.Qualitative research(定性研究)p27⏹Consists of depth interviews, focus groups, metaphor analysis, collage research, andprojective techniques.⏹Administered by highly trained interviewer-analysts.⏹Findings tend to be subjective.⏹Findings not usually generalizable⏹Small sample sizes.3. Interpretivism(阐释主义)p28A postmodernist approach to the study of consumer behavior that focuses on the act ofconsuming rather than on the act of buying.Interpretivists stress the importance of symbolic, subjective experience and the idea that meaning is in the mind of the person.⏹Concerned with act of consumption rather than in the act of buying.⏹Uses qualitative research.⏹Use depth interviews.⏹Often used to help make business decisions.Positivism(实证主义)p28A consumer behavior research approach that regards the consumer behavior disciplineas an applied marketing science. Its main focus is on consumer decision making.This perspective has significantly influenced Western art and science since the late 16th century. It emphasizes that human reason is supreme and that there is a single, objective truth that can be discovered by science. Positivism encourages us to stress the function of objects, to celebrate technology, and to regard the world as a rational, ordered place with a clearly defined past, present, and future.4. Primary date p29表、p30Primary Research(初步方案)p30Original research undertaken by individual researchers or organizations to meet specific objectives. Collected information is called Primary Data.S econdary date (二手资料)p30Data that has been collected for reasons other than the specific research project at hand.5. Customer lifetime value p326. Attitude scales(态度量表)p37⏹The three most frequently used scales are:❑Likert scales: easy for researchers to prepare and interpret, and simple for consumers to answer.❑Semantic differential scales: relatively easy to construct and administer.❑Rank-order scales: subjects rank items in order of preference in terms of some criteria.7. Depth interview(深度访谈)p38A lengthy and relatively unstructured interview designed t o uncover a consumer’sunderlying attitudes and/or motivations.⏹ A lengthy non structured interview between a respondent and a highly trained interviewer.⏹Interviewer minimizes his or her own participation after establishing the general subjectmatter.⏹Can provide marketers with valuable ideas about product design and provide insights forpositioning or repositioning the product.Focus group(中心小组)p38A qualitative research method in which about eight to ten persons participate in anunstructured group interview about a product or service concept.⏹Consists of 8 to 10 respondents who meet with a moderator-analyst for a focused groupdiscussion.⏹Respondents encouraged to discuss their interests, attitudes, reactions, motives, lifestyles,feelings about the product or product category, usage experience, etc.⏹Respondents recruited on the basis of consumer profiles, based on specifications definedby marketing management.Chapter3 Consumer Motivation 消费者动机p1161. Innate needs p87Physiological (or biogenic) needs that are considered primary needs or motives Acquired needs p89Generally psychological (or psychogenic) needs that are considered secondary needs or motives.2. Motivation p87The driving force within individuals that impels them to action.3. Product-specific goals p89⏹Product-Specific Goals ( brand )❑the specifically branded products or services that consumers select as their goals❑ e.g., “I want to buy a BMW”注:产生于Generic Goals ( category )之后❑the general categories of goals that consumers see as a way to fulfill their needs❑ e.g., “I want to buy a vehicle”4. Rational motives p93注:Rational Versus Emotional Motives⏹Rationality implies that consumers select goals based on totally objective criteria suchas size, weight, price, or miles per gallonEmotional motives imply the selection of goals according to personal or subjective criteria 5. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs p103(1)Physiological Needs(Food, water, air, shelter, sex)(2)Safety and Security Needs(Protection, order, stability)(3)Social Needs(affection, friendship, belonging)(4)Ego Needs(Prestige, status, self esteem)(5)Self-Actualization(Self-fulfillment)注:An Evaluation of the Need Hierarchy⏹Appears to reflect the assumed motivations of people in our society⏹Sufficiently generic to encompass most needs⏹No way to test and measure the hierarchy⏹Seems culture- and time-bound6. Motivational research p111Qualitative research designed to uncover consumers’ subconscious or hidden motivations.The basic premise of motivational research is that consumers are not always aware of, or may not wish to renewal, the basic reasons underlying their actions.Chapter4 Personality and Consumer Behavior 个性与消费者行为p1511. Personality p120The inner psychological characteristics (Those specific qualities, attributes, traits, factors, and mannerisms that distinguish one individual from others.) that both determine and reflect how a person responds to his or her environment.注:The Nature of Personality 个性的本质P108⏹Personality reflects individual differences( No two leaves are exactly alike in the world.)⏹Personality is consistent and enduring(The political power can be changed easily, but the nature of one’s own not.)⏹Personality can change(a gradual maturing process)2. Freudian theory p121Unconscious needs or drives are at the heart of human motivation注:(1)Freudian Psychoanalytic TheoryA theory of motivation and personality that postulates that unconscious needs anddrives, particularly sexual and other biological drives, are the basis of human motivation and personality.(2)Freudian Theory P119⏹Id (inside diameter)❑Warehouse of primitive or instinctual needs for which individual seeks immediate satisfaction⏹Superego❑Individual’s internal expression of society’s moral and ethical codes of conduct⏹Ego❑Individual’s conscious control that balances the demands of the id and superego(3)Freudian Theory and “Product Personality”⏹Consumer researchers using Freud’s personality theory see consumer purchases as areflection and extension of the consumer’s own personality.Neo-Freudian theory p124Social relationships are fundamental to the formation and development of personality 注:Neo-Freudian Personality TheoryA school of psychology that stresses the fundamental role of social relationships in theformation and development of personality.Trait theory(特质理论)p126Quantitative approach to personality as a set of psychological traits注:Trait TheoryA theory of personality that focuses on the measurement of specific psychologicalcharacteristics.⏹Orientation is primarily quantitative or empirical.⏹Trait theorists concerned with the construction of personality tests that enable them topinpoint individual differences3. Optimum stimulation levels最佳刺激水平(又称OSL)p129A personality trait that measures the level or amount of novelty or complexity thatindividuals seek in their personal experiences. High OSL consumers tend to accept risky and novel products more readily than low OSL consumers.4. Variety-or novelty-seeking(求新求异者)p130A personality trait similar to OSL, which measures a consumer’s degree to variety seeking.5. Need for cognition(又称NC)认知需求p131⏹Consumers high in NC are more likely to respond to as rich in product-relatedinformation or description⏹Consumers low in NC are more likely to be attracted to background or peripheral aspectsof an ad6. Visualizers versus verbalizers p131(1)Visualizers视觉接受者Consumers who prefer visual information and products that stress the visual, such as membership in a videotape cassette club.(2)Verbalizers言语接受者Consumers who prefer verbal or written information and products, such as membership in book clubs or audiotape clubs注:Cognitive Personality Factors认知个性因素P116⏹Need for cognition❑ A person’s craving for enjoyment of thinking⏹Visualizers versus verbalizers❑ A person’s preference for information presented visually or verbally7. Brand personification品牌个性化p137Specific “personali ty-type” traits or characteristics ascribed by consumers to different brands.注:Issues in Brand Personality 品牌个性P122⏹Brand personification⏹Product personality and gender (性别)⏹Personality and color8. Actual self-image p143The image that an individual has of himself or herself as a certain kind of person, with certain characteristic traits, habits, possessions, relationships, and behavior.Expected self p145How consumers expect to see themselves at some specified future time.Ideal self-image p145How individuals would like to perceive themselves (as opposed to Actual Self-Image--the way they do perceive themselves).Ideal social self-image p145How consumers would like others to see them.Chapter5 Consumer Perception and Learning 消费者观察和学习p2011. Differential threshold(又称Just noticeable difference即j.n.d.)差别域限p160The minimal difference that can be detected between two stimuli.注:Marketing Applications of the JNDNeed to determine the relevant j.n.d. for their products❑so that negative changes are not readily discernible to the public❑so that product improvements are very apparent to consumers2. Weber’s law p160A theory concerning the perceived differentiation between similar stimuli of varying intensities (i.e., the stronger the initial stimulus, the greater the additional intensity needed for the second stimulus to be perceived as different).3. Selection, organization, and interpretation of stimuli P168(p172),p172 ,p176(1)Aspects of Perception(2)Perceptual Selection⏹Depends on two major factors❑Consumers’ previous experience (expectations)⏹Individuals see that they expect to see.❑Consumers’ motives酒香不怕巷子深(3)Principles of Perceptual Organization⏹Figure and ground⏹Grouping⏹Closure❑Zeigernik effect注:Zeigernik EffectA person beginning a task needs to complete it. When he or she is preventedfrom doing so, a state of tension is created that manifests itself in improved memoryfor the incomplete task.(4)Perceptual InterpretationThe interpretation of stimuli is uniquely individual, because it is based on individuals’ expectation、previous experience、explanations, and on their motives.4. Perceived risk p196The degree of uncertainty perceived by the consumer as to the consequences (outcome) of a specific purchase decision.注:Types of Perceived Risk⏹Functional Risk⏹Physical Risk⏹Financial Risk⏹Psychological Risk⏹Time RiskChapter 6 The Influence of Culture on Consumer Behavior文化对消费者的影响⏹The aim of this chapter⏹This chapter explores the basic concepts of culture, with particular emphasis on the role that culture plays in influencing consumer behavior.1、Culture is a society’s personality.2、CultureThe sum total of learned beliefs, values, and customs that serve to regulate the consumer behavior of members of a particular society.3、Culture satisfies needsCulture offers order, direction, and guidance in all phases of human problem solving by providing “tired-and-true”methods of satisfy physiological, personal, and social needs.4、Forms of Cultural Learning5、Symbol(符号)Anything that stands for something else. Symbols can be verbal or nonverbal6、The Measurement of Culture⏹Content analysis⏹Consumer Fieldwork⏹Value Measurement Instruments7、Subcultures(亚文化)A distinct cultural group that exists as an identifiable segment within a larger, more complex society.8、Subcultural categories⏹Nationality subcultures(民族亚文化)⏹Religious subcultures(宗教亚文化)⏹Geographic and regional subcultures(地域亚文化)⏹Age subcultures(年龄亚文化)⏹Sex subcultures(性别亚文化)9、Social class and consumer behavior⏹What is social class?The division of members of a society into a hierachy of distinct status classes.10、How to estimate social class?⏹Wealth (family income)⏹Power (occupational status)⏹Prestige (educational attainment)11、Selected consumer behavior applications of social class⏹Clothing, fashion, and shopping⏹The pursuit of leisure⏹Saving, spending, and credit12、Family consumption-related roles⏹Influencers ( 影响者)⏹Gatekeepers ( 把关者)⏹Deciders ( 决定者)⏹Buyers ( 购买者)⏹Prepares ( 准备者)⏹Users ( 使用者)⏹Maintainers ( 保管者)⏹Disposers ( 处理者)以上页码及内容仅供参考,如有不妥,请参考课本复习。

消费者行为学外文版复习资料2. Consumer behavior is a process.Consumer behavior is the study of the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use, or dispose of products, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy needs and desires.2. 消费者行为是一个过程。
3. Marketers need to understand the wants and needs of different consumer segments. Market segmentation is an important aspect of consumer behavior. Consumers can be segmented according to many dimensions, including product usage, demo-graphics (the objective aspects of a population, such as age and sex), and psychographics(psychological and lifestyle characteristics).Emerging developments, such as the new emphasis on relationship marketing and the practice of database marketing, mean that marketers are much more attuned to the wants and needs of different consumer groups. This is especially important as people are empowered to construct their own consumer space accessing product information where and when they want it and initiating contact with companies on the Internet instead of passively receiving marketing communications.3. 营销人员需要了解不同消费阶层的需求和需要。

Learning Objective 1
• Marketers often need to understand
consumers’ behavior rather than a consumer’s behavior.
Roles In Collective Decision Making
Sex-role stereotypes Spousal Resources
Experience Socioeconomic Status
Heuristics in Joint Decision Making
• Synoptic ideal: the couple takes a
common view and act as joint decision makers
having children or not might affect the choices a couple makes. What do such variations mean for marketers?
• Groceries • Cars • Vacations
Learning Objective 5
purchasing. How do decisions differ within each class?
Learning Objective 3
• Our traditional notions about families are
For Reflection
• Pets are treated like family members • Pet-smart marketing strategies:

What is Consumer Behavior?
Consumer behavior: the study of the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use, or dispose of products, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy needs and desires.
Gail, business student and consumer
• Segmented by marketers by
demographics • Market segmentation: targeting a brand to specific groups of consumers
• Influenced by peer groups (such as
Chapter 1
Consumers Rule
Michael Solomon
Chapter Objectives
When you finish this chapter you should understand why:
• Consumer behavior is a process. • Consumers use products to help them define their
Segmenting Consumers: Demographics
Demographics: statistics that measure observable aspects of a population, such as:
消费者行为学 12版 英文资源包 solomon_cb12_inppt_10

The Shopping Experience
• Focus groups • Total quality management (TQM) • Gemba
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Figure 10.3 Dimensions of Emotional States
Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.
Reasons for Shopping
• Social experiences • Sharing of common interests • Interpersonal attraction • Instant status • The thrill of the hunt
Purchase and Postpurchase Activities
A consumer’s choices are affected by many personal factors…and the sale doesn’t end at the time of purchase.
Figure 10.1 Issues Related to Purchase and Postpurchase Activities
o Large numbers of people = arousal o Interpretation of arousal: density versus
crowding o Type of patrons
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response of our sensory receptors (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and fingers) to basic stimuli (light, color, sound, odor, and texture).
Prentice-Hall, cr 2009
Sensory Thresholds
• Differential threshold: ability of
a sensory system to detect changes or differences between two stimuli • Minimum difference between two stimuli is the j.n.d. (just noticeable difference)
• Phonemes: individual sounds that might be more or
less preferred by consumers • Example: “i” brands are “lighter” than “a” brands
• Muzak uses sound and music to create mood • High tempo = more stimulation • Slower tempo = more relaxing
physical environment is integrated into our personal, subjective world
• Absolute threshold: the minimum amount of
消费者行为学(第三版) 符国群 spend a day

与你的顾客生活一天(Spend a Day in the Life of You Customers)By Francis J. Gouillart and Frederick D. Sturdivant符国群译每一项成功的业务实际上都是建立在对时机、机会、责任也许某种意义上也包括幽默的卓越感觉之上。
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Outcomes A Outcomes BInputsA=InputsB8、InternalsearchAwarenessset(知晓组):Considerationset(考虑组)对产品和品牌会做出考虑Inertset(惰性组)不区分产品和品牌Ineptset(排除组)无法接受的产品和品牌(两者要区分,应考选择)9、Low-involvementChoice(低参与度)选择题ConjunctiveRule(连接式)DisjunctiveRule(分离式)EliminationbRAspects(按序排除式)LeRicologRHeuristic(词典编辑式)FrequencRHeuristic(频次选择式)Low-InvolvementChoiceTheConjunctiveRule:连接式:即对每个要分析的属性设置最低应该达到的水平。