1. 引入主题主题酒店也称“特色酒店”,是以某一特定的主题,来体现酒店的建筑风格和装饰艺术,以及特定的文化氛围,让顾客获得富有个性的文化感受,同时将服务项目融入主题,以个性化的服务取代一般化的服务,让顾客获得欢乐、知识和刺激。
2. 定位主题在做景区规划时,首先要确定她的发展方向及定位,才能在众多的竞争者中脱颖而出,做强做大。
3. 杭州“梦幻城堡”2003年年底,计划耗资15亿元人民币、号称“中国首座超五星酒店”的“梦幻城堡”本应从杭州萧山区传来开工的消息,不料却被杭州有关方面宣布其计划流产,有关人士称:“由于方案改变,‘梦幻城堡’不能再建。
1. "Iconic Hotels of Thailand" by John Hoskin - 这本书收录了泰国一些标志性的酒店,包括由泰国建筑师设计的。
2. "Contemporary Thai Architecture: Traditional Forms and the Emergence of Modernism" by Ong-ard Satrabhandhu - 这本书讲述了泰国建筑师在传统形式与现代主义之间的探索,其中包括一些酒店案例。
3. "The Modern Thai House: Innovative Designs in Tropical Asia" by Robert Powell - 这本书展示了泰国建筑师在热带亚洲地区设计的现代泰式住宅,也包括一些酒店设计。
4. "Thai Hotel Designs" by Agachai Pinta and Yuwadee Sahakon - 这本书汇集了泰国各地的酒店设计,包括一些由泰国建筑师创作的作品。
5. "Hotels & Resorts: Selected Projects from J+H Boiffils" by James Wei Keung Lo - 这本书展示了知名泰国建筑事务所J+H Boiffils设计的一系列酒店和度假村项目。
some hotel 旅馆设计
建筑中最大的特色就是运用到了当地的一些元素,他们被包括在旅馆的设计中。 这就是为什么你可以看到会有木头面板以镶嵌的形式覆盖了建筑的外立面,甚至于建 筑内部。建筑师使用的是当地的智利肖柏,它们被切得像30x3cm的砖一样,然后被拼 合成整体。这些木头会随着时间的流逝而逐渐变老,幵且天气也影响着他们的质感。 因此整个建筑就像是具有生命一样,同森林一起呼吸,一起生长。
Vivanta Hotel
建筑师:WOW Architects Warner Wong
地点: Whitefield, Bangalore, India
项目面积:19638 m 项目时间:2009
建筑位于IT园和迅 速发展的城市之间,算 得上是International Tech Park的大门了。 酒店处在这样一个特殊 的位置,设计团队由此 产生这样的想法:丌仅 要吸引那些有眼光的商 界精英到此旅游,更要 重新定义并且强调酒店 作为服务于IT园和有着 IT背景的人群的当代社 会和文化中心的特殊地 位。
Arrebol Hotel 位于智利著名的火山湖Llanquihue的东南边界上,被放置在一 个14000平方米的森林边上。周围是当地灌木林,泻湖,以及四棵有着百年历叱的 树,还有一个大斜坡。
建筑由两部分组成,公共部分呾私人部分。其中私人部分位于上部,有两层,包括 了客房呾入口大厅,以及一个能看到全景的露天平台。公共部分不私人部分通过入口 大厅相连,它包含了酒店酒吧间,餐厅呾会议室。
室内也运用到了木材。这个旅馆在 设计中将木的元素灵活运用,用丌同 的手法,是木材的形式,质感发生变 化,因而使建筑丰富多变,幵且具有 了生命力。
民宿旅游发展中乡村社区居民旅游增权感知差异及其对策--以浙江安吉横山坞村为例[J]. 浙江树人大学学报(人文社会科学),2021,21(03):56-65.[2]张爱琦。
基于莱西地域文化特色的民宿室内设计研究[J]. 轻纺工业与技术,2021,50(05):35-36.[3]龙飞,戴学锋,张书颖。
基于L-R-D视角下长三角地区民宿旅游集聚区的发展模式[J]. 自然资源学报,2021,36(05):1302-1315.[4]胡译丹。
民族地区民宿顾客满意度评价指标体系构建[J]. 江苏商论,2021,(05):16-18.[5]王洪。
浅论沪郊民宿的培育和提升[J]. 上海农村经济,2021,(05):35.[6]贺晓敏,黄悦,李菲。
合作竞争视角下民宿与传统酒店行业的协同发展探讨[J]. 商业经济研究,2021,(10):182-184.[7]刘振华,易文钦。
湖南省网约房(民宿)安全问题的调查及其防治对策[J]. 法制博览,2021,(14):17-19.[8]余劲松,刘娟。
民宿品牌形象设计中的自然元素应用--以"壹享屋"民宿品牌设计为例[J]. 设计,2021,34(09):39-41.[9]张伟,朱立萍。
河北省打造五色智慧民宿研究[J]. 合作经济与科技,2021,(10):46-47.[10]何良安。
湖南民宿产业的高质量发展:现状、问题与对策[J]. 湖南行政学院学报,2021,(03):102-112.[11]占冬冬。
小型旅游住宿场所(民宿)消防安全管理现状探析--以北海市为例[J]. 消防界(电子版),2021,7(08):106+108.[12]朱露。
现代民宿酒店现状及发展对策[J]. 商场现代化,2021,(08):173-175.[13]赵静。
浅析当前民宿行业发展中消防安全管理要点[J]. 四川建筑,2021,41(02):258-259.[14]张杰英,朱晓娟,李玉峡,朱刚强。
Interior design stylesMary v .knackstedt shanghai 2004Abstract:Architectural style derived from a variety of interior design style, according to designers and owners of the different aesthetic and loving, and turned into a variety of body.Although the hybrid design style eclectic, using a variety of style, but the design is still Originality, in-depth scrutiny shape, color, material and so the overall composition and visual effects.Key words:Style Classical Simple ExquisiteArticle:HOW DO YOU CHOOSE AN interior design style that suits you and your home? You can draw inspiration from numerous styles but try to keep to a similar theme so your interior is coordinated.Modern retro interior design incoprates bright colours and bold patternsThe best place to start is by looking at styles that appeal to you, which suit your budget and lifestyle. You will soon work out what you like and what you don’t. After looking through a few of these you will begin to understand the design process, along with the wide variety of materials and styles available.Don’t be afraid to experiment with different colours and materials; and decorate the room in a style that suits its purpose. There’s nothing better than a room flooded with sunlight so take full advantage of all the natural light in each room.Interior design style and genre, an indoor environment in the spirit of the art modeling and functional areas. Interior design style and genre and construction is often the furniture as well as in close connection with the style and genre; sometimes to the corresponding period of the painting, plastic arts, and even literature, music, etc. in close connection with the style and genre; sometimes to the corresponding periodof the painting, plastic arts, and even literary, musical style and genre, such as their origin and mutual influence. For example, in architecture and interior design of the"post-modernism" and the meaning of the word, and "camp style" is the distinctive characteristics of a plastic arts schools. Can be seen that the construction addition to interior design and material art materials, engineering and technology beyond the characteristics of close contact, and also literature, music and painting, sculpture and other categories of communication between the arts.The formation of interior design styles, different ideas and characteristics of the times, by creative ideas and performance, and gradually developed into a representative form of interior design. The form of a typical style, usually in the humanities and local factors and is closely related to natural conditions and the need for creativity in design and modeling characteristics. The formation of external and internal style factors.Although the performance in the form of style, but the style of art, culture, social development, such as profound connotation; from this deeper meaning, the style does not stop or equivalent form. A style or genre, once formed, it can turn a positive or a negative impact on culture, arts and many social factors can not be limited to as a form of performance and visual experience.The style of interior design features in the embodiment of art and creative personality at the same time, relatively speaking, to that style across a longer time, will include wide geographical. Interior design style can be divided into: Traditional style, modern style, post-modern style, natural style, as well as hybrid style.Architectural style derived from a variety of interior design style, according to designers and owners of the different aesthetic and loving, and turned into a variety of body. Here, to brief Members on the present 10 kinds of the more common style of interior design.Classical Style (luxurious rich)The rise in the age of just decoration, decoration of most of the pursuit of prosperity is more luxurious style. Especially in the early 20th century, interior decoration to show off their status is often a special form. Owners will be asked to design a variety of embedded symbolic luxury decoration, such as painting the glassceiling, fireplaces, decorative panels, decorative wood and so on, but basically similar to the Baroque style combined with the material there The main decorative way. Simple style (arbitrary)The 20th century, in some areas a Home heat. Due to technical and material constraints, the time has not yet the true sense of the Home Designer for guidance, so casual is the best portrayal of that time. Owners have begun the pursuit of a clean and bright indoor effect. Today, this style is still the most first-time home buyers are the first choice for the decoration.Exquisite style (noble solemn)After nearly 10 years of exploration, with the improvement of living standards of residents, opening to the outside world increased, people began to yearn for and the pursuit of high-quality life. From about the mid-20th century, there is the decoration of the decorative use of sophisticated materials and furniture, especially at this time, the designer of the domestic into the ranks of Home Design, which has brought a new concept of decoration.Natural style (art)The beginning of the 20th century decorative boom has brought many people to the concept of decoration. A large number of emerging market, Taiwan, Hong Kong journal of decorative eye-opener for people, before we dare to imagine such a small garden, culture, decorative stone walls and decorative stone such as tactics have appeared in the reality of the design. In particular, we used to see red elm caused by large-scale use of "national renovation a yellow" after the phenomenon of the decoration, close to nature has become a people one of the objectives pursued. Natural style of advocacy, "return to nature," highly aesthetic nature, combined with the natural order in today's high-tech, high-paced social life, so that people can achieve the balance of physical and psychological, so indoor use of wood, fabric, stone and other natural materials shows that the material texture, fresh and elegant. In addition, because of their similar aims and practices, which may be classified as a natural style of garden-style category. Pastoral style sought in indoor environment performance of leisurely, comfortable, natural life of the countryside, and is often the use of naturalwood, stone, rattan, bamboo and other materials simple texture. Coincidentally in the green room settings, creating a natural, simple, elegant atmosphere.Light style (bold Dafang)The mid-20th century, home design ideas have been a lot of liberation, people began to pursue a wide range of design, including modernism, postmodernism, such as the design of a series of more comprehensive system formed in the interior design. Turning to the decoration of people, these "isms" frequently appear in the mouth. This style basically cherry wood finishes as a major.Soft style (smooth independent)In the last century, the beginning of this century, a kind of smooth pursuit in the club like a little luxury design all kinds of real estate properties in the model room and the office appeared, and then appear in a large number of home decoration in general. This style of art is a relatively simple compared to emphasize the content and yet decorative forms, and gradually formed a black walnut wood decorative panels for the main style. Among them, the simplicity and minimalism the beginning of the surface. Style (quiet gentle)This is not in the last century, the beginning of this century as a design style, it is basically a wallpaper based on the surface as the main decoration material, combined with the woodworking practices Mixing this style emphasized the harmony of proportion and color. People will be the last part of a wall and the ceiling the same color, and the wall with the use of a light texture of the wallpaper. The whole style of it is elegant and quiet, with no trace of the impetuous.City style (independent personality)The 21st century, the housing reform, and many young first-time home buyers who appear to have this style impetus. Young people have just bought a house, many of them cos I'm always skint, but this time the real estate and are essentially rough Housing (a non-basic style of decoration), and these young people are forced to carry out the renovation of the revolution . Limited by its financial resources, people are starting to come through a variety of forms has been stressed that "decoration" of perception, in which large-scale use of bright colors is a typical example. It will be athome in the large-scale use of a variety of colors, sometimes even in the same space, the use of three or more than three colors.Fresh style (freehand pastel)This is a simple and derived under the influence with a "petty bourgeoisie" flavor of the interior design style. Particularly as many of the emergence of single people, the petty bourgeoisie in the style of a great deal of variety in the decoration of the apartment. As many times, they do not, such as the residents like the elderly and the children of members, so do not consider the decoration of many of the functions of the problem. They are often stressed and dull of an arbitrary. White纱帘buoyant with a soft fabric of the sofa, and then stacked with a variety of colors of the pillow pile to form a full atmosphere of the interior space lazily.Chinese style (retro)With the emergence of large number of modernist doctrine, the rise of the domestic and a retro style, it is the revival of Chinese-style decoration. Chinese painting, calligraphy and the Ming and Qing furniture constitute the most important elements of Chinese design. However, these expensive retro furniture has become a major obstacle to the lovers.Hybrid styleIn recent years, the architectural design and interior design in general has diversified, inclusive of the situation. Indoor layout also tends to have a modern and practical, but also learn the characteristics of traditional, in the decoration and furnishings in the ancient and modern China and the West melting into one, such as traditional screens, and table setting, with modern style decoration of the walls, windows and doors, a new type of sofa; European classical glass lamps and wall decoration, with the traditional oriental furniture and furnishings in Egypt, and so short. Although the hybrid design style eclectic, using a variety of style, but the design is still Originality, in-depth scrutiny shape, color, material and so the overall composition and visual effects.室内设计风格杰里米•迈尔森上海2004摘要:从建筑风格衍生出多种室内设计风格,根据设计师和业主审美和爱好的不同,又有各种不同的幻化体。
本科生专业文献综述题目: 关于酒店设计的研究综述姓名: 毕君君学院: 人文社会科学学院专业: 旅游管理班级: 旅游管理41班学号: 2224108指导教师: 尹燕职称: 讲师2007年6月30日南京农业大学教务处制关于酒店设计的研究综述旅游管理专业学生毕君君指导老师尹燕摘要:酒店已不再只是为旅行者提供短暂栖息的居住空间了,更是一种生活方式的表现,代表了一部分旅行者独特的个人品质和生活标准。
关键词:酒店设计;经营;影响Summary of Hotel DesignStudent majoring in Tourism Management Bi Jun JunTutor Yin Y anAbstract:The hotel is not only just provided for the traveler dwell for rest of living space, but also a kind of life style. It represents travelers’ personality and living standard. As the growing of the consumers, the new hotel design is more and more active. The style of hotel produced tremendous influences to the hotel. The article reviews the concept, the content , the history, the present condition ,the trend, and the influence to the hotel. The author will also put forward own viewpoints.Keyword:hotel design;management;influence现代饭店已经不是一个简单的能想象空间的地方了。
酒店业 英文文献及翻译
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increased service and facilities. In fact, many turn away from such modern conveniences as in-room television, radios, and telephones. Instead, they offer the attraction of old world charm and coziness in a scenic or historic setting. Guests might expect to find working fireplaces in their rooms, handmade quilts on their beds, and antique furniture throughout the inn. Many of the inns are direct descendants of the old inns and taverns that flourished along stagecoach routes 200 years ago. The smaller country inns, sometimes with as few as three or four rooms, are usually run by friendly couples who pride themselves on the comfort and cleanliness of their accommodations and the quality of the food that they serve. Some of the larger chain hotels (e.g. Holiday Inns) use the name inn. Motor inns, however, should not be confused with country inns. The chains use the name to suggest a feeling of warmth and friendliness, though their properties quite different from the more intimate country inns. For centuries, the hotel business could well business could well be described as a cottage industry, because each hotel was a privately-owned, independent enterprise. Occasionally, a well-know hotel would successfully produce a few namesakes under the same management, but such examples were few. The first notable exception was the Caesar Ritz group. E. M. Statler was the first to point out the economic and financial advantages of operating several large hotels under a single management. Despite Statler’s success, the chain concept was slow to catch on in the period between the two world wars. Later on, Conrad Hilton, in particular, became the originator contributing to the growth of the hotel management company. Kemmons Welson and Wallace Johnson, founders of Holiday Inn, fully enriched the chain concept by franchising the Holiday Inn name and establishing a national reservation network. The chains have expanded in a number of ways. One is through direct investment. It means that the headquarters corporation itself puts up the necessary fund to build and operate a new hotel or to buy and renovate an old one. Another is by establishing management contracts with the actual owner of the hotel, whereby the chain actually takes over an empty building and operates it according to its own operating procedures for a fee or for a percentage of the profits. This method is frequently used when the chain expends into a foreign country. A somewhat similar method is the joint venture, a partnership in which both the chain and local
The development of the hotel chain Economy Hotel concept and classification of economy Hotel, Budget Hotel) is compared with the traditional full-service Hotel (Full Service Hotel) is a form of the Hotel. Budget Hotel mainly use pa. Hotel, Budget Hotel, Inn, Lodge, etc. It usually refers to the investment is not high, small size, simple function, low rent, but have a certain service quality level of low class hotels. Among them, low prices and high quality service is the biggest characteristic. Economy hotel's core idea is to provide more comfortable accommodation for accommodation at the same time, the hotel need to amortization for hotel entertainment not subject facilities such as cost, makes every effort to rein in The cost at the same time to provide more low price, comfortable accommodation at the core of the clothing.1 .question about characteristic of budget hotels, scaleFrom the functions and service characteristics of budget hotel, economy hotel is to provide limited service, room service focus on core business of products;And other non-core business such as laundry services, cleaningservices, maintenance of large equipment, etc, in the form of outsourcing。
宾馆框架结构设计文献综述范文英文回答:Literature Review on Structural Design of Framed Hotels.Introduction.Framed structures are commonly used in the construction of high-rise buildings, including hotels. The structural design of framed hotels is a complex process that requires careful consideration of various factors, such as gravity loads, lateral loads, and seismic forces. This literature review aims to provide an overview of the current state of knowledge on the structural design of framed hotels, with a focus on recent advancements and emerging trends.Gravity Loads.Gravity loads, which include dead and live loads, arethe primary vertical forces acting on a hotel structure.Dead loads are permanent loads that are constantly appliedto the structure, such as the weight of the building materials and fixtures. Live loads are variable loads that change over time, such as the weight of occupants and furniture. The structural design of framed hotels must ensure that the structure is able to safely resist these gravity loads without excessive deflection or failure.Lateral Loads.Lateral loads are horizontal forces that act on a hotel structure, such as wind loads and seismic forces. Windloads are caused by the movement of air around the building, and their magnitude depends on factors such as the building height, shape, and location. Seismic forces are caused by earthquakes, and their magnitude depends on the seismic activity of the region where the hotel is located. The structural design of framed hotels must ensure that the structure is able to resist these lateral loads without collapse or significant damage.Seismic Design.Seismic design is a critical aspect of the structural design of framed hotels in earthquake-prone regions. The goal of seismic design is to ensure that the structure is able to withstand the effects of an earthquake without collapse or excessive damage. Seismic design involves the use of various techniques, such as moment-resisting frames, shear walls, and base isolation systems. The choice of seismic design method depends on factors such as the seismic hazard level, the building height, and the architectural requirements.Recent Advancements.In recent years, there have been several advancementsin the structural design of framed hotels. These advancements include:Use of high-strength materials: High-strength materials, such as steel and concrete, can be used to reduce the weight of the structure while maintaining its strength. This can lead to more efficient and cost-effective designs.Innovative structural systems: Innovative structural systems, such as diagrid structures and exoskeletons, can be used to improve the structural performance of framed hotels. These systems can provide increased lateral resistance and reduce the need for internal bracing.Computational analysis: Computational analysis tools, such as finite element analysis, can be used to accurately predict the structural behavior of framed hotels. This allows engineers to optimize the design of the structure and ensure its safety and performance.Emerging Trends.Emerging trends in the structural design of framed hotels include:Sustainability: The use of sustainable materials and construction practices is becoming increasingly important in the design of framed hotels. This includes the use ofrecycled materials, energy-efficient systems, and renewable energy sources.Resilience: The structural design of framed hotels is increasingly focused on resilience, which is the ability of the structure to withstand and recover from extreme events, such as earthquakes and hurricanes. Resilience can be achieved through the use of redundant structural systems, backup power sources, and emergency communication systems.Smart structures: Smart structures are becoming more common in the design of framed hotels. Smart structures incorporate sensors and actuators that can monitor the structural behavior of the building and respond to changing conditions. This can improve the safety and performance of the structure and reduce maintenance costs.Conclusion.The structural design of framed hotels is a complex and challenging task. However, recent advancements in materials, structural systems, computational analysis, and emergingtrends are leading to more efficient, sustainable, and resilient hotel structures. By staying up-to-date on the latest developments in structural design, engineers can ensure that framed hotels continue to provide safe and comfortable environments for guests and occupants.中文回答:框架结构宾馆结构设计文献综述。
Talking about the symbols in the environmentof the use of Art and DesignAbstract:The in herita nee and inno vati on over the years the relati on ship betwee n art and desig n en vir onment has bee n the focus of atte nti on. This article hopes for the desig n of symbols used to explore the culture, about the mysteries of inheritanee and inno vati on of the trace of sen time nt.Keywords:deformati on grammar separatist symbols con stituteIn herita nee and inno vati on over the years the relati on ship betwee n art and desig n en vir onment has bee n the focus of atte nti on. In fact, from the lin guistic point of view, this con tradicti on is the Ian guage of stability and variati on betwee n the con tradict ion. As a designer in the form of design successes and failures of the success or failure depe nds on the master, "the term" the rich and the use of "grammar" of proficie ncy. Designers to make their works by others can truly understand, we must choose the appropriate "word" and must comply with the "grammar." This does not mean that designers can only follow the beaten track, no personal contribution. Designers skillfully use the new in dividual symbols, or a con scious cha nge in in ter-symbol comb in atio n of a nu mber of conven ti onal relatio ns, create new works of movi ng, which is desig n inno vatio n.Compositi on has a "specific" comp onent approach, that seems to be very pla in in the compositi on of the sudde n appeara nee of a "heteroge neous" eleme nts, making the program itself is very plain to achieve un expected results, with a sense of inno vati on of new symbols like this "heteroge neous." In people's accustomed to things difficult to arouse eno ugh atte nti on and in terest in case, some com mon symbols deformati on, splitti ng, or the preparati on of the code to cha nge the order, you can play a compelli ng, thought-provok ing, the stre ngthe ning of en vir onmen tal messag ing Ian guage role.United States renowned architect Charles Moore designed the city of Orleans, "Italia n Piazza" is bold in desig n eleme nts take n from a variety of classical symbols, and symbolic means to reproduce them. The en tire square to a circular pla ne Baroque for the compositi on to the gradual proliferati on of black-a nd-white concen tric circles and to the surro unding paveme nt surface to exte nd out un til the three sides of the street entran ce. Classical Roma n colu mn, after a face-lift to the face of new shows, such as the Corin thia n colu mn is used in sta ini ess steel colu mn, can opies wall carved with the Lat in of "this foun tai n for the public to all the people who offer the gifts" of the message; Doric colu mn on the Flow ing Down gurgle, ro und coup on on the molar smiling portrait, water is constantly spit from his mouth ... here is not only full ofbright rich atmosphere of a moder n commercial, but also a stro ng attachme nt to local feelings. Maps and Italian Apennine Peninsula, Sicily and Sardinia's plan; ancient Rome, the five-colu mn, the deformati on Motif comb in ati ons and the Arc de Triomphe; circular portico Wai Kwong Hop. In fact, you are immediately aware that it is a mockery of classical Marxism. This is a joyous, almost classical tradition are hysterical embrace pleased.Today, a variety of side box-style buildi ng was con sidered aloof in the historic and local above only has the tech no logy and a small nu mber of functional sema ntic sema ntics, there is no room for thi nki ng aftertaste, the en vir onment has led to apathy and boring criticism. This use of information theory to explain the principle that effective environmental information contained in the symbol system too. In view of this, post-moder n architects Ven turi loudly called for: "build ing a rich content, while building to include other aspects of the multi-dimensional art, even including the Ian guage, so that it is no Ion ger a mere tool for the space." It advocates en vir onmental complexity and con tradictory n ature of modernism promoted by substitute simplicity; to sema ntic ambiguity and tension in place of straightforward; to the multiplicity of sema ntic oppositi on to one or the other of opport uni sm; should be mixed at a gla nee rather tha n un ity. Stern desig ned the "best" product showroom are a typical example, it adopted legislati on faces many of the traditi onal symbols and con stitute a form, like the ancient Greek pan the on of elevati on, thus suggest ing he was trying to convey theme purposive: that is, the building as a "temple of consumerism," the commercializatio n of society reflect the values of people and commercial activities of daily life today, the importanee of. But the way metaphors are complex, multiple, without serious thought, it is difficult to un dersta nd immediately appare nt from its real sig nifica nee. This desig n works, for example, not on ly the depth of the box thi nki ng is more than simply the pursuit like a sailing boat or a bird of prey such as the symbolism of a more in trigu ing, more philosophical.The environment as a symbolic phenomenon, in order to address the Iong-standing problem for the designers of the inheritanee and innovation of the paradoxical problem of providi ng a effective way. Desig n Ian guage as the Ian guage of symbols, are rooted in past experie nee with the rapid developme nt of the society is lin ked to the new features, new materials, new tech no logy and calls on new ideas. On the one hand, as if it were so gen eral la nguage Ian guage cha nges slowly, on the other hand, with the rapid developme nt of society. How to make the en vir onment not only of historical eon ti nuity, but also to adapt to the new requireme nts of the times?With the adva nee of scie nee and tech no logy progress and freque nt cultural excha nges, "vocabulary" and "grammar" in the develop ing trend of eonv erge nee, but a n atio n because of n atural eon diti ons, econo mic and tech no logical, socio-cultural practices of the different environment Association has a number of unique symbols and arran geme nt. Spoke n like the dialect, like the desig ners cleverly inject this ki nd of"accent" can enhancethe environment for a sense of history and local flavor, and enhance the in flue nee of Ian guage en vir onment. Moder n Japa nese Architecture Master Kenzo Tange desig ned Kagawa hall is a "new form of the traditi onal sema ntic" model. Although the buildi ng are used by ordinary rein forced con crete frame structure, but the external form of treatment is the use of Lu Ming Chuan head, beam top traditional symbols, vertical horizontal partition is a natural association to the Japa nese main tower of the layers of eaves. Layout has absorbed the adva ntages of the square tower of the traffic and public facilities on the pla nar core (similar to the tower Kaguta ven tricle), so that they share the smallest Get all floors of the shortest route traffic. So as to show a structure with moder n forms of tech no logy to reflect the style of traditi on al local methods.Un ited States artist Susa n Lange once said, "is always a symbol to simplify the form of the performa nee of its meaning, that is exactly what we can grasp the reas ons for it. Regardless of a work of art (or eve n all of the arts) is how the complexity of , profo und and rich, it is easy tha n real life. Therefore, the art theory is un doubtedly the establishme nt of an effective hearts and mi nds in a vivid reality of the con cept of such a great cause of the preamble is more. "symbolic activities have bee n in cluded in the activities of some abstract no Ion ger rema in in the in dividual above the. Visual symbols are an art symbols, but also the performanee of sexual symbols. Relative reas oning in terms of sexual symbols, visual symbols do not have their own system, and any visual symbols have a certa in degree of cultural content, and on ly reflected in a certain degree of emotional structure, around a particular theme of organic comb in atio n. Educated Youth Hotel, Mao Jia Restaura nt commercial buildi ng and so on, it also adopted the hats, corn on the cob, rough woode n tables and chairs, wells and so on, and even more in order to create an atmosphere of clothing are to be atte ndan ts, as well as the menu were also cleverly in tegrated into the Among them, these differe nt geographical sig nifica nee in rural areas typically rich in visual symbols to create an environment here is like an old album, recording a different person's experie nee, making the desig n become more cordial, but also worth pon deri ng. Visual symbols, not only in symbolic form to create the visual association and, more importantly, it can evoke thoughts association, which have empathy, to achieve emoti onal res onan ce, thus buildi ng more meanin gful.The rapid developme nt of urba n eon structi on has brought rapid cha nges, but at the same time we also lost many will never be able to recover things - historical eon text. The history of the formatio n of the streets, alleys, arches, religious shri nes and so on urba n form as a complete expressi on of architecture and urba n image of the symbol system, being into films, Shi ng Street, into a Square to be removed, threats to the urban form of the compatibility and continuity . Respect for historical tradition does not mean, rigidly traditi on al. In stead, eon sciously keep these traditi ons, will make the city more local flavor. I n fact, "establishi ng a n ew" do not have to "old", the key lies in how toapproach traditi onal and fashi on to create a new symbiosis of old and new urba n form (symbols). "New World" project is located in Sha nghai, Xin gye Road Huan gpi Road, a major site of the Chin ese Communi sts of the surro unding area. "Venue" opposite the south block, design for the modern architecture is not high, which is dotted with some reservati ons the traditi onal architecture, and the "ve nue" in harmony. And "venue" where the north block, the neighborhood retained a large patter n, carefully preserved and repaired the buildi ng exterior facade Shikume n, detail and n eighborhood-scale space, the buildi ng was made larger in ternal tran sformati on in order to adapt to office, commercial, accommodati on, cateri ng and en terta inment and other moder n life. Have bee n built from the curre nt part of view, received much praise, has a greater impact. It is said that sales and cost-effective ness also very good. In fact, in Shanghai, the eastern and western culture shock metropolis, the traditional neighborhood lifestyle never die off, "New World" just give it a reasonablechange and con ti nuity, are left for us to thi nk more and en lighte nment.Famous philosopher Ernst Cassirer pers on think symbols are ani mals. All huma n spiritual and cultural activities are the product of symbols. The esse nee of that pers on in that he can use to create cultural symbols. Therefore, all cultural forms, is both a symbol of the reality of Events is also the person of the nature of the object. The so-called master culture, in the symbolic level at least, to be skilled to operate con stitute the cultural symbols and cultural system rather tha n the symbol itself, the new experie nces and in sights wove n in to symbols go, in fact, symbols themselves are also cha nging, and the cultural heritage and the inno vati on of the mysteries of it exist in this variation of the. Confucius and Socrates are still human beings are eternal beac on, and the symbols of moder n subjects in this study call for us from the back to Socrates. Will be simple and complex sema ntics, traditi onal and fashi on able phrase structure, and applied to the design of modern art, thereby creating a personalized, Huma n Culture's new desig n symbols.Fiber art and interior designAbstract:Fiber art is a fun cti onal fiber art and aesthetic value in one art form. Fiber art is full of n atural flavor to the material texture and flavor of the simple han d-wove n to meet the emotional needs of a wide range of people, it and other types of interior decorati on as compared to an irreplaceable adva ntages. Fiber art has bee n to in filtrate the buildi ng and en vir onmen tal matters in all aspects of desig n, it is mai nly the use of various materials and tech niq ues to express the con cept of moder n desig n and moder n life. Keywords:Fiber arts; not in clude the in door en vir onment; fiber artFiber Art collecti on of classical and moder n, roma ntic and calm, in dustrial civilization and traditions in one hand, are an ancient and young arts. It is natural ani mal and pla nt fiber or syn thetic fiber materials, with kn itti ng, ri ng binding, winding, Stitch and other product ion means, the creati on of pla nar, three-dime nsional image of a form of art. Fiber arts, including traditional flat-style fabric, modern popular three-dimensional fabrics, daily arts and crafts, as well as space in modern architecture with the expression of a variety of fiber materials modeling Ianguage works.1. fiber texture art interior environmental design on the impact of material selecti on.The performanee of fiber art are texture and texture to create items, which, whether in visual or tactile, the both have an un paralleled visual appeal. Fiber art of material selection is very extensive, almost all types of textile fibers may be applicable. The use of different materials through different processing or the use of differe nt structures can produce differe nt textures. Texture by the objects are unique color, luster, shape, texture, cold, thick, soft and hard and tran spare ncy and so on con stitute a large nu mber of attributes. Con stitute the attributes of diverse, complex portfolio, will also cha nge texture infin ite. At the same time, textures are also bel ong to the com mon percepti on of visual and tactile qualities of materials, exterior materials and textures complement each other, all kinds of materials are exposed through the texture to its true features and through the texture to express the characteristics of materials. Fiber interior accessoriesthrough tactile senses given differe nt psychological feeli ngs, such as hard and soft, thick, hot and cold and so on. At the same time, set up in the memory of visual perception, evoke images of different psychological perception, distinguishing texture characteristics. Modern fiber art is a breakthrough and go bey ond the traditi on al, mainly mani fested as fiber such material on a higher level of un dersta nding and applicati on. Traditi onal fiber art, mai nly in n atural fiber materials. These materials in clude silk, wool, hemp, cott on and so on. Used in modern fiber art materials, has broken through the traditional con stra in ts. Here the "fiber" is no Ion ger just cott on, hemp, wool, brow n, ratta n and other traditi onal fiber materials, in clud ing chemical fiber and latitude of the hard and soft wove n material, as well as all of the lin ear material, and eve n some metal fibers have also bee n artists of allages. America n fiber artists such as Nan cy's work "The Golde n Wave" used wool, viscose fiber and copper wire as material. Bulgaria Cayma n million fiber artists work "with the weft" a plastic tube and wool as a material. Moder n fiber art of pain ti ng from n ature tha n from the pursuit and bega n to focus on the performanee of materials in the United States itself, the natural form of fiber materials, rich texture, just betwee n the differe nt fibers and Sophie, straight and curly, miscella neous and pure, Ming with dark, light and heavy con trast, and to appreciate those who bring a wealth of aesthetic experie nee. Fiber Art has always bee n known as the artistic and texture. Whoof weaving is a traditional fiber arts major process. However, moder n tech no logy of fiber art practices have not bee n listed out in full, such as weav ing, hitch, winding, Stitch, collage, as well as dye ing, painting, spray ing, printing and so on . Many artists will also scie nee and tech no logy into the field of fiber art creations. American artist Cynthia's "Runs", "Lake rain" looms for the creative use of computer tools, the use of three-way warp space to create a unique effect in the fabric texture and structure to show the en dless imag in ati on, differe nt types and color overlay with the cover lin e, result ing in the traditi onal process can not be achieved on many levels of subtle cha nges. There are many artists, make use of the existi ng products to create, but also the effect of unu sually touch ing. For example, the pion eer of moder n fiber arts - Un ited States Miss Lei Nuo senior artists in the early 80s of last cen tury the Un ited Nati ons buildi ng in New York desig ned the gia nt fiber works of art "white flutteri ng fiber." This work of art from the in terior of the buildi ng about 6m square vertical hoisti ng the roof dow n coun tless articles and white fibers, this fiber bun dle with a bunch of slightly swinging the wind, both light also gen erous, we also implicitly simple, it reveals a hazy and in cludes the state of tune of the realm of the Un ited States. These works and the use of materials through the excavati on of the Un ited States itself and the in tegrati on with the en vir onment, so as to achieve the unu sual decorati on of the Un ited States can not match the artistic realm.2 .fiber art sculpture on the in terior of the impact of en vir onmen tal desig n Compared with traditi onal fiber art, con temporary fiber art is an importa nt feature of its sculpture. Traditional fiber arts such as carpet, wa缂革丝and other works, the mai n works are flat. Si nee the 60s of last cen tury, fiber arts gradually to semi-relief from two-dime nsio nal un til the emerge nee of fully three-dime nsio nal space of the work of "soft sculptures" - with the flexibility and elasticity of the sculpture. Some artists take into acco unt in the desig n works are works of more space for the overall situati on brought about by decorative. Polish artists work "red " Wall yes to sculpture, to works of the Ian dmark space. Rui forward into the corner after their full deep oval to form a strong eontrast, like a could not suppressthe passion agitatedly erupti on. 1992 ~ 1993 created to "n est" as represe nted by the works, she will be of good pulp Pour in bamboo was carried out on a fan has created a sin gular effect. Along this line of thought, she works more extensive space, she created a "wrapped", "chain" a series of works, with the exception of paper pulp, bamboo, wood, but also the use of flax fiber. I n the "colu mn", she bega n topursue an upward exte nsion of the work results. If we say that the above works in the outdoor air can give the magic questi on, fresh visual feel, she's "kno t" and "Box" series of works, the n created an in terior space, mysterious, the dust-lade n effect, they give people is the lost in a dista nt era, but it is also a lin geri ng mirage con temporary. a series of creative break the draw species boundaries to new material as well as the process of art to in troduce the art of sculpture area, expa nded the borders of sculpture, such positive efforts to change the sculpture for the shelf thinking, to break the closed state, pion eeri ng visi on in the broader field of sculpture space for developme nt to seek to play a positive role in promot ing.3 .fiber comb in ati on of art and architectureFiber art as a symbol of warm, soft, warm symbols, comb ined with the buildi ng has bee n the embodime nt of perfecti on. Around the end of the 1970s to the 1980s, the moder n fiber art bega n to be applied by architects thi nk are apathy, lack of emoti on in the build ing. 70's, published "Bey ond Craft: Con temporary Fiber Art" and "Fiber Art: mai nstream" book on the two specific on moder n fiber art in a variety of buildi ng space and public space to the importa nt role and sig nifica nee.With the developme nt of the times, fiber art has in filtrated into in terior architecture and en vir onmen tal desig n in all its aspects, has en tered the moder n family, with other in terior decorative materials of orga nic comb in ati on of each other, with its shape, texture and with comb in ati on of decorative and enhance the in terior decorati on of the artistic effect. It is main ly the use of various materials and tech niq ues to express the con cept of moder n desig n and moder n life, while Sophie All moder n decorative shapes, colors, and tak ing with the walls, the in door en vir onment, spatial relati ons. Fiber art be able to add artistic effects of space, easy to create wealth to the "huma n touch" of the n atural space, and thus ease the buildi ng and the in terior space of rigid sense of space to play the role of blur, but also added a buildi ng with the in terior space of the color, gives a harmonious and comfortable, practical experienee perfect. Because of the special properties of fibers, fiber art brings not only a visual sense of beauty, more warm, frie ndly, comfortable, etc. enjoy. In additi on, from modeli ng to color, from pla nar to three-dime nsio nal, from the subject to have a very broad cultural conno tati on of the performa nee space, and thus developed very rapidly and has now bee n widely used in buildi ng the overall desig n and decorati on in the bedroom. Fiber art as the in door en vir onment an importa nt comp onent of the en vir onment in the in terior occupies an importa nt positi on, also play a decisive role. It can not only be able to decorating the space, rich environment, the performanee of culture,architecture and interior space and be able to color, lighting, materials to build an organic whole, one of the art of building space and integration, thus building the internal en vir onment received a warm elega nt artistic realm, and create a variety of huma n space.4 .moder n fiber art and other in terior decorative materials of orga nic comb in ati onBuild ing outdoor space and in door en vir onment are equally importa nt. I n order to fully enjoy the well-bei ng and privacy n eeds, there is room comfort requireme nts continue to grow. Wall and soft sculpture such as fiber arts as in terior decorati ons, in Europe, America and developed a wide range of applicati ons. People depe nding on fabric wall hanging with painting, piano, etc. as a symbol of wealth, its interior decorati on and furnishings on the importa nt positi on. They were wool, cott on, hemp, silk as raw material, or several kinds of soft materials, mix, to textiles, win di ng, hitch, Stitch and other product ion means, the creati on of pla nar and three-dime nsional image of a form of art. for the Doubletree Suites Hotel in Seattle, the Un ited States desig ned the fabric of space are "soft sculpture" masterpiece. The eno rmous size of the painting, covered the en tire buildi ng in terior space. Eno rmous stretchi ng to differe nt direct ions with different curvature of the surface, so that people's attention in line with the surface and the exercise of the process, have a relaxed feel. Ren oir's "Autu mn n atural" is also such a work. In domestic hotels, restaurants, senior housing has been in creas in gly used in fabrics, to beautify the room. The use of decorative fabric walls, the thick ness of the fabric itself and visual thick ness attached to the wall for people to add a warm feeling for the add gorgeous home atmosphere. Color of the interior environment of the interior space sensitivity, comfort, atmosphere, efficient use of people's psychological and physical have a great impact, in door en vir onment, color is the soul of the desig n of the in door en vir onmen t. In a fixed environment, the first to break into our visual sen ses are color, while the most appeali ng is the color. Differe nt colors can give rise to differe nt psychological feeli ngs, good color en vir onment is the ideal comb in ati on of these feeli ngs. People from the harm onious and eye color in the United States have a reverie, Transformation for the love, go far beyond the limitations of the interior. Those who can move the furniture, fabrics, such as the middle area of color in fact con stitute the in door en vir onment are the most importa nt part, but also to create various shades of the most basic factors. In door en vir onment in the most easy to change a small area of color, such as wall hanging, cushion, decorative products, are ofte n the most prominent use of strong color played a role in the fin ishi ng touch. Moder n fiber art has bee n to en ter the moder n family, with other in terior decorative materials of orga nic comb in ati on of each other, with its light color, shape, texture and permutati on and comb in ati on, more decorative and enhance the in terior decoratio n of the artistic effect, and the use of color cha nges in the stre ngth and scope of con trol has received prominent and ren deri ng in terior of the main cen ters and the level of the proporti on of space, add space for artistic effect, gives luxuriousstyle, comfort and harm onio us, practical experie nee perfect.5. Con clusi onModern fiber art materials are natural fiber, synthetic fiber, metal fiber, etc.; tech niq ues can be dyed, embroidery, kn itt ing, guitar, pesteri ng, bypass, loop ing, up, etc.; shape can be pla nar, three-dime nsional space. It relies on differe nt patter ns, togetherwith the space en vir onmen t, it's visual, tactile perceptio n, such as the Un ited States get more pleasure. An absolutely beautiful, high taste fiber art, be able to establish a more pleasa nt atmosphere of the in door en vir onment. In the moder n in terior desig n en vir onment, fiber art has a moder n in terior decorati on is beco ming an importa nt comp onent of its decorati on in the family played a very importa nt role.。
万豪酒店设计要求(英文)12-RHR-Module 12 Elevators and Escalators
Renaissance Hotels
Elevators & Escalators - 12
12.1 Overview A. Program: Provide efficient passenger and service elevators to support property operations and a high level of guest services. B. Code Compliance: Design, construct and install elevators and escalators in compliance with standards, criteria and references in this Module including the following: 1. ASME A17.1 American Standard Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, current edition, and supplements enforced by governing jurisdictions. 2. Other governing codes, ordinances, laws, etc. applicable to elevators and escalators. 3. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and equal standard or government regulation for persons with disabilities. 4. This Design Standard is not intended to negate governing codes or laws. When standards conflict, resolve with Marriott International (MI). C. Elevator Performance: Provide performance analysis to support recommendations for the quantity, type, speed and capacity of passenger and service elevators and escalators to meet the requirements of this Module. D. Circulation Planning: Coordinate elevator performance analysis with the following circulation requirements: 1. Lobby: When Lobby, Public and Function areas are located on more than one floor, vertical circulation is provided by a combination of grand stairs, public circulation stairs, escalators and shuttle elevators. 2. Street Entry: When the property street entry is not on the same floor as the Lobby or Function area, shuttle elevators and escalators are typically provided to transport property and function guests from street level to the Lobby or Function area. 3. Shuttle Elevators: Plan shuttle elevators serving public access areas (parking structure, street entry, etc.) to deliver passengers directly to the lobby / reception area or public circulation area without access to guest floors and to allow passive, visual access control for guests. 4. Beach / Pool: Provide a dedicated beach / pool elevator at a long guestroom wing to avoid requiring guests to return to the central elevator bank. 5. Multiple Building Wings: Consider providing elevator service at remote wings.
外文文献原稿和译文原稿The Design and Development of the hotel management system Along with economical development in our country, people’s life level has been improving, holiday economy and tour economy have been become hot point of people’s consumption. All the country also regards the tourism as one of the most important stanchion of developing local economy, which promoted the fast development of the hotels and cabaret industry thus. Meanwhile, along with the more and more hotels and cabarets, people’s requests are higher, so the competition in hotel and cabaret industry also becomes more and more violent. The modernized hotel collects the guest room, food and beverage , communication , amusement, commercial culture and other various kinds of services and facilities are the integrated consumption place , the hotel organizes hugely, there are many service items. The amount of information is large It is a problem which every hotel or cabaret must face that how to survive and develop in the violent competition. The service management level of the cabaret play an important part in improving its competition ability. It is a very heavy and baldness job of managing a bulky database by manpower. The disadvantage, such as great capacity of work, low efficiency and long period, exist in data inputting, demanding and modification.How to improve its service management level has been become the urgent task of the hotel and cabaret industry development. In this case, to establish the hotel management information system becomes one of the valid paths that can resolve this problem. The hotel management information system is an information management one kind within system, currently information technique continuously of development, the network technique has already been applied in us extensively nearby of every trade, there is the network technical development, each hotels all make use of a calculator to manage the files, the hotel is operated by handicraft before of the whole tedious affairs all got fast and solvehigh-efficiencily, especially the system had in the hotel industry very big function, all can be more convenient, fast for people coming saying and understand accurately with management everyone noodles information.This thesis takes current state of the development of the hotel industry as the background, has analysis the deficiency under the traditional management mode of my State Guesthouse industry, have explained the necessity of the housekeeping information of the hotel. The thesis introduced the functions and the process of design. The thesis mainly explained the point of the system design, the thought of design, the difficult technique and the solutions. By the investigation with hotels, we have building the organization model of the management information system of guest room of the hotel. Based on that, we have carried on the detailed investigation to the business procedure of the guest room of the hotel, having set up the structure chart of the function, for instance the room reserves, the customers check in, checks out to settle account, charges to account etc., thus makes the management clear. To meet the actual inquire, we have set up concept structure, proposes the systematic design principle and design method, provides Solution Architecture of database. We have developed a practical the management information system. Not only carried on detailed analysis and design to the system of guest room of the hotel in terms of business, but also we appraised to the system.A number of free or very inexpensive Web servers are good for development use or deployment of low-volume or medium-volume Web sites. Thus, with Servlets and Java you can start with a free or inexpensive server and migrate to more expensive servers with high-performance capabilities or advanced administration utilities only after your project meets initial success. This is in contrast to many of the other CGI alternatives, which require a significant initial investment for the purchase of a proprietary package.But, with Servlets and Java, they could start with a free server: Apache Tomcat (either standalone, embedded in the regular Apache Web server, or embedded in Microsoft IIS). Once the project starts to become successful, they could move to a server like Caucho Resin that had higher performance and easier administration but that is not free. But none of their Servlets or Java pages have to be rewritten.The system is in the data from one server and a number of Taiwan formed LANworkstations. Users can check the competence of different systems in different users submit personal data, background database you can quickly given the mandate to see to the content.More and more are also urgent along with hotel automationthe information management when science and technology rapid development,therefore is essential to develop the software system of marks register to assist the hotel industry management.So that can improve the information management,enhance the efficiency of management.译文宾馆管理系统的设计与发展随着我国经济的发展,人们的生活水平有了显著的提高,假日经济和旅游经济已成为人们消费的热点。
宾馆框架结构设计文献综述范文English answer:Hotel Frame Structure Design Literature Review.Introduction:The hotel industry is a rapidly growing sector, with new hotels being constructed all over the world. The design of these hotels is crucial to their success, as it can impact everything from guest satisfaction to operational efficiency. One of the most important aspects of hotel design is the structural framing system. The framing system provides the support for the building's walls, floors, and roof, and it must be designed to withstand a variety of loads, including gravity, wind, and seismic forces.Types of Frame Structures.There are several different types of frame structuresthat can be used for hotels. The most common type is the steel frame. Steel frames are strong and durable, and they can be used to create a variety of different architectural styles. Another common type of frame structure is the concrete frame. Concrete frames are less expensive than steel frames, but they are also less strong and durable. Wood frames are also sometimes used for hotels, but they are typically only used for smaller buildings.Design Considerations.When designing a frame structure for a hotel, there are several factors that must be considered. These factors include:The size and shape of the building: The size and shape of the building will determine the loads that the frame must withstand.The location of the building: The location of the building will determine the type of loads that the frame must withstand. For example, a hotel in a coastal area willneed to be designed to withstand wind loads, while a hotel in a seismic zone will need to be designed to withstand earthquake loads.The type of construction: The type of constructionwill also affect the design of the frame. For example, a hotel that is built using precast concrete will have a different frame design than a hotel that is built using cast-in-place concrete.Sustainability.Sustainability is an increasingly important factor in the design of hotels. Hotel owners are looking for ways to reduce the environmental impact of their buildings, and one way to do this is to use sustainable building materials and design practices. When designing a frame structure for a hotel, there are several sustainable options available. For example, recycled steel can be used to create a sustainable steel frame, and fly ash can be used to create a sustainable concrete frame.Conclusion:The design of a frame structure for a hotel is a complex process that requires careful consideration of a variety of factors. By understanding the different types of frame structures, the design considerations, and the sustainability options available, architects can designhotel frame structures that are safe, efficient, and sustainable.Chinese answer:宾馆框架结构设计文献综述。
外文文献Hotel industryPeople have been making a living by providing rooms for travelers ever since the first lodging houses were built to accommodate travelers in ancient times. Today, hotels offer far more than just a room for travel increased. Motels, resort hotels, and convention hotels have been developed to cater to the varied needs of today’s traveling public. At the same time, hotel chains have established themselves as the dominant force in the industry.Motels in the United States evolved from the roadside tourist cabins and tourist courts that were first introduced in the early 1990s in response to the increase in travel. As the automobile began to replace the train as the primary means of travel in the United States, there was an increased demand for roadside accommodations. The first motels began to appear in the 1920s and were usually one-storey buildings, with an average of twenty-five units or rooms.Motels really came of age during the 1950s. Two main factors contributed to the boom in motel construction. One was the development of the interstate highway system, beginning in 1956. The other was the first time, added a number of services. Restaurant swimming pools, and in-room television became standard features.The next step in the development of the motel industry was the move away from highway locations into the downtown sections of large cities. With the increase in air travel, motor hotels also began to move out to the airports.A resort hotel is one that people visit for relaxation, recreation, and entertainment. The idea of the resort hotel was born in the 18th and 19th century Europe. Splendid hotels were built along the French Riviera in the Swiss Alps, and at various mineral springs throughout the continent. The resort hotel in the United States developed with the expansion of the railroads in the second half of the nineteenth century. All catered exclusively to the rich and to the upper middle class. Families stayed for two or three months and returned to the same hotels year after year.With the rise in mass tourism, resort hotels have been established in greet numbers at destinations throughout the world. Some of these luxury resort hotelshave survived, but today they are heavily outnumbered by resort hotels that cater to ordinary people who stay from days to weeks. With increased leisure time and higher wages, many people now take at least one vacation away from home each year. The jet airport has opened up areas of the world that were previously inaccessible to the vacationer. Resort hotel construction boomed in tropical area such as the Caribbean and Hawaii.A convention hotel is one that caters to large group gatherings. The rise of convention hotels has been one of the developments in the hotel industry, and conventioneers now account for almost 20 percent of all hotel guests. Many downtown hotels saw occupancy levels drop during the 1950s and early 1960s as motels captured a larger segment of the market. In response, some hotels began to add facilities for conventions or other group gatherings as a means of survival. At first, conventions were scheduled for off-peak periods, but as the volume of convention business increased, they began to be scheduled year-round.The business of large hotels that cater exclusively to convention groups began going up in the major cities in the later 1960s. They all feature a wide variety of restaurants, banquet rooms, meeting rooms, and convention and exhibition halls. Resort hotels, motels and airport hotels have also begun to offer convention facilities.The arrival of the jet age led to the second major hotel building period of the twentieth century, lasting from 1958 to 1974. In the early part of this period, the hotel chains’ major goals in planning new properties were economy, efficiency, and standardization of design. A Sheraton hotel in Miami, for example, might be almost identical to one nearly 3,000 miles away in Los Angeles. By the late 1960s, however, there was a reaction against this uniformity of design and new hotel architecture was born. The opening of the Hyatt marked a return to the grandeur of the old luxury hotels. Scenic elevators, fountains, waterfalls, trees, huge sculptures, and bars and cafes are included in the lobby so that it was no longer just a place for registration and checkout; it also became the main eating, drinking, and meeting area. The success of the Atlanta Hyatt Regency led to the building of similar atrium hotels in cities and combine commercial, office, and hotel facilities with sports and recreational facilities.The small country inn is a type of lodging place that has survived by offeringincreased service and facilities. In fact, many turn away from such modern conveniences as in-room television, radios, and telephones. Instead, they offer the attraction of old world charm and coziness in a scenic or historic setting. Guests might expect to find working fireplaces in their rooms, handmade quilts on their beds, and antique furniture throughout the inn. Many of the inns are direct descendants of the old inns and taverns that flourished along stagecoach routes 200 years ago. The smaller country inns, sometimes with as few as three or four rooms, are usually run by friendly couples who pride themselves on the comfort and cleanliness of their accommodations and the quality of the food that they serve.Some of the larger chain hotels (e.g. Holiday Inns) use the name inn. Motor inns, however, should not be confused with country inns. The chains use the name to suggest a feeling of warmth and friendliness, though their properties quite different from the more intimate country inns.For centuries, the hotel business could well business could well be described as a cottage industry, because each hotel was a privately-owned, independent enterprise. Occasionally, a well-know hotel would successfully produce a few namesakes under the same management, but such examples were few. The first notable exception was the Caesar Ritz group. E. M. Statler was the first to point out the economic and financial advantages of operating several large hotels under a single management. Despite Statler’s success, the chain concept was slow to catch on in the period between the two world wars. Later on, Conrad Hilton, in particular, became the originator contributing to the growth of the hotel management company. Kemmons Welson and Wallace Johnson, founders of Holiday Inn, fully enriched the chain concept by franchising the Holiday Inn name and establishing a national reservation network.The chains have expanded in a number of ways. One is through direct investment. It means that the headquarters corporation itself puts up the necessary fund to build and operate a new hotel or to buy and renovate an old one. Another is by establishing management contracts with the actual owner of the hotel, whereby the chain actually takes over an empty building and operates it according to its own operating procedures for a fee or for a percentage of the profits. This method is frequently used when the chain expends into a foreign country. A somewhat similar method is the joint venture, a partnership in which both the chain and localinvestors put up part of the capital that is necessary for new construction or the purchase of an existing building. Yet another way widely used is franchising. It is a leasing arrangement that requires the hotel operator to pay a fee for the use of the plans, manuals of procedure and advertising materials. In return, the hotel operator is granted a license to operate a business under the name of the parent corporation. The franchise operator puts up the capital, but he gets a standardized product with a predictable sales potential. He can of course also get a lot of help from the licensing corporation in establishing his operation and then in solving problems that arise after it has opened. Some franchise operations are also joint ventures, with both the corporation and the individual owner supplying part of the initial capital.There are many important competitive advantages that the hotel chains have over the individually operated hotels. The first is the resources and money on advertising and public-relations professionals at chains’ headquarters, who prepare publicity campaigns for the chain as a whole.A second advantage comes from the standardization of equipment and operating procedures. The chains publish detailed manuals that specify standardized procedures to be followed even in such tasks as making beds and setting tables. Even when the different hotels in the chain are not tightly controlled by a central office, it is customary to have an inspection system in order to guarantee the overall standards.The most important and most obvious advantage is the increased efficiency in making and controlling reservations. A guest at one hotel, for instance, can receive confirmation of a room at another within a few minutes. When a chain is owned by an airline, the traveler can make his reservations for flights and for hotel rooms at the same time and place. Hotel chains also make it easy to reserve a room by telephone in key market cities. Many of the chains are, in fact, referral systems rather than corporate owned groups. In a referral system, the operators of individual hotels or motels pay a fee to a group that has joined together in a reservation system. In most cases, the establishment is inspected by the headquarters staff of the chain to ensure that it meets the chain’s standards, it can use the name and advertising symbol, the logo for the group. In that case, the individual operation has become a chain member.Still another advantage for the chains is in increased sales potential for convention.As it is now a commonly accepted idea that conventions should combine business and pleasure, the practice of changing locations every year is very attractive to many sponsoring groups. In this way, the sponsoring group can hold its meeting in one location one year and another the next, while at the time with the assurance of very similar service and costs.Another strong point of the chain system comes from the superior planning and design of hotels. The benefits begin here even before the location is selected, because the chains have access to expensive market research data on site selection and size of the hotel. The large chains hire architects and interior decorators who specialize in hotel work. Many chains often hire consultants to advise them. The chains can either use their expert knowledge directly to build their own hotels or pass it along to others when they participate in a joint venture, a management leasing arrangement, or a franchising operation.Chains management also increases the efficiency of the total organization in other ways. For example, it permits very large bulk purchases for many kinds of equipment and supplies. The accounting and auditing systems of the chains can be centralized. A centralized personnel office for managerial and technical positions throughout the chain also provides an advantage in securing competent people. In the different hotels, management trainees can obtain experience in all the wide variety of skills that go into the operation of a hotel. Later, when they have gained the necessary expertise in several areas, these same people may return to the headquarters to direct and train others.Today, there comes very intensified competition in the hotel industry. After decades of mixed fortunes they would now face a decade when there is slow expansion, or even no growth, but with growing competition. The increased competition could rise from up-market self catering, time sharing, home entertainment and other areas, as well as from producers of a whole variety of consumer products and services. Hoteliers must ensure that they obtain their share of market. In order to do so, they should listen to the market more intense competition.As market keep on changing, it is wise to redefine markets accordingly.Unless customers’ points of view are constantly considered and their demands are best satisfied, there is a danger that present guests and customers may-drift away to competitor and new customers will not be attracted. Furthermore, it is essential to decide the advantages and weakness of one’s products, and at the same time bear in mind the different sources of business and the strength and weakness of one’s competitors. The last point on competitors is that time and money should be spent in selecting the source of business that they are best suited for and where they have the least competition.How to choose the best suitable market and sources of business? First, one should try to get as much information as possible on the hotel. Then, a series of objectively prepared league tables that grade the hotels advantages and limitations should be made. The information required may include the following: broad background information, facilities of the hotel, details of competitive hotels, guests information, activity levels, employees and their selling abilities, specific information on local communities, industry, event, communications and catchment area, and advantage and limitation list of both one’s hotel and competitors.After gathering the information, another series of league tables is required to show the hotel’s position relative to its competitors. The aim of league tables is to put the competition into visible and to show for some sources of business where is more competition and for others less. By linking these finding to the respective advantages and disadvantages of both sides, answers are provided on where to focus one’s sales and market effort.Specifically, the relevant information and league tables may include:1.Make a list of one’s hotel about its competitive advantages. The list willvary depending on the source of business.2.Calculate one’s market share of total competitive capacity and its maincompetitors’ share.3.Consider various tariffs and charges that may occur in the hotel.rmation about the facilities, sales and market capabilities, receivingcapability, location, etc. of the hotel and the competitors.5.Score the grades dependent on the demands of different sources ofbusiness, i.e., businessmen, individual tourists, conference delegates.6.Consider the various potential markets from a number of points of view.If one takes the above-mentioned information and examine one’s own business experience and judgment should help to define more clearly the main sources of business on which one’s hotel should exercise efforts. Never neglect established markets and the business parts of the week, month of year. However, many hotels have natural busy periods, such as Monday and Thursday nights in a week, or the summer season, or the festivals. So it is important to define markets, which will ensure a better profit in one’s off-season periods.Besides the above suggestions or market defining, some special market demands require attention.One is the menu fatigue. Many business executives who eat out often or stay in hotels regularly could suffer from a severe “menu fatigue”. That is when they eat in hotel restaurant or out, they can always tell you every item on the menu without even a glimpse at it. So if a hotelier can regularly try to original and fresh menus, dishes and ideas and promote them in every possible place, this mass market of people will be sure to “beat a path to his/her door”.The second is the active leisure. People are becoming much more health conscious, and many hotels begin to recognize this trend. As the result, facilities such as gym rooms with exercise machines are provided as part of their essential future marketing. Some hotels put a series of maps in the bedroom with directions to nearby parks. They also have a supply of track suits and shoes in case guests have forgotten to bring their own. Even if a hotel is not adjacent to a golf course or a tennis court, they can still do a lot to provide exercise opportunities for the guests and it does not have to be expensive.The third is the female guests. In the past few years, the biggest market growth is perhaps women staying in hotels, or eating in hotel restaurants. Many of the research on women travelers have found that the average woman executive is six years younger than her male counterpart. She tends to be in sales, marketing, public and press relations, or personnel work. Nearly 40% of the trips are to conventions. She is more likely to be single than the typical male travelers. Many women concern much about personal safety and hotel security. They would prefer to eat in the hotel rather than eating out and use room service a great deal when there is available. They want a room which is very clean, attractive and specious with good lighting. They prefer good lights for make-up and the closets highenough to keep her floor length dresses and a good supply of hangers.Hoteliers should be well alert to notice the changes and demands of the markets; otherwise they will be overtaken by the competitors.外文文献译文酒店业自从古时候人们首次建造住宿房屋来招待旅客以来,有些人就以为旅客提供客房为生。
1.Title: Restaurant Design: Creating an Engaging Dining ExperienceAuthor: Smith, J. & Johnson, L.Source: Journal of Interior Design, 2019, Vol. 44, No. 2 Abstract: This article explores the role of design in creating an engaging dining experience in restaurants. It discusses the importance of spatial layout, lighting, color schemes, and furniture selection in enhancing the dining atmosphere. The authors also highlight the integration of technology in modern restaurant design and its impact on customer satisfaction.2.Title: The Impact of Spatial Design on Restaurant PatronageAuthor: Lee, H. & Kim, J.Source: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, Vol. 17, No. 5Abstract: This study examines the relationship between spatial design elements in restaurants and their impact onpatronage. Through a survey of restaurant patrons, the authors identify key design features that influence customer satisfaction and willingness to recommend a restaurant. The results highlight the significance of spatial design in attracting and retaining customers.3.Title: Spatial Planning for Restaurant Environments: A Multidisciplinary ApproachAuthor: Taylor, P. & Watson, B.Source: Journal of Architecture and Planning Research, 2021, Vol. 38, No. 1Abstract: This article presents a multidisciplinary framework for spatial planning in restaurant environments. It integrates perspectives from architecture, interior design, and psychology to create a holistic approach to restaurant design. The authors discuss the importance of considering factors such as customer flow, acoustics, and lighting in creating a comfortable and functional dining space.4.Title: Designing for the Senses: The Role of Multisensory Stimulation in Restaurant DesignAuthor: Chen, C. & Wang, Y.Source: Design Studies, 2022, Vol. 43, No. 1Abstract: This paper explores the role of multisensorystimulation in creating an immersive dining experience in restaurants. It discusses how design elements such as aroma, music, and visual displays can evoke emotional responses and enhance the dining experience. The authors also present case studies of restaurants that successfully incorporate multisensory design principles.5.Title: Sustainable Restaurant Design: Principles and PracticesAuthor: Green, T. & Brown, A.Source: Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020, Vol. 57Abstract: This study outlines the principles and practices of sustainable restaurant design. It emphasizes the importance of incorporating environmental considerations into the design process, including energy efficiency, water conservation, and the use of sustainable materials. The article also discusses the potential benefits of sustainable design for restaurant owners and customers.6.Title: The Impact of Restaurant Interior Design on Customer Satisfaction and LoyaltyAuthor: Kim, H. & Park, J.Source: International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2019, Vol. 38, Issue 1Abstract: This research examines the relationship between restaurant interior design and customer satisfaction and loyalty. Through a survey of restaurant patrons, the study finds that certain design elements, such as color, lighting, and furniture, have a significant impact on customer satisfaction and intent to return. The results suggest that interior design plays a crucial role in shaping the dining experience and customer loyalty.7.Title: Designing for Social Interaction in RestaurantsAuthor: Hall, E. & Smith, S.Source: Journal of Environmental Psychology, 2021, Vol. 73 Abstract: This article explores the role of design in facilitating social interaction in restaurants. It discusses how spatial layout, seating arrangements, and acoustics can influence the level of social interaction among diners. The authors argue that designing for social interaction can enhance the dining experience and increase customer satisfaction.8.Title: The Role of Ambiance in Restaurant DesignAuthor: Thomas, P. & Jones, C.Source: International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2020, Vol. 32, Issue 3Abstract: This paper investigates the role of ambiance inrestaurant design. It defines ambiance as the combination of physical and psychological factors that create a particular atmosphere in a restaurant. The authors discuss how various design elements, such as lighting, music, and décor, can contribute to the creation of a desirable ambiance that enhances the dining experience.这些参考文献涵盖了餐饮空间设计的多个重要方面,包括可持续性设计、室内设计对客户满意度和忠诚度的影响、设计对社会互动的作用以及氛围在餐厅设计中的重要性。
客房设计与制作文章类英文回答:Designing and creating a hotel room is a complex process that requires careful consideration of various factors. From the layout and furniture selection to the color scheme and lighting, every detail plays a crucialrole in creating a comfortable and welcoming environmentfor guests.When it comes to the design of a hotel room, one of the key considerations is the layout. The room should be well-organized and functional, with clearly defined areas for sleeping, working, and relaxing. For example, a desk or a small table can be placed near the window to create a cozy workspace, while the bed can be positioned in the center of the room for easy access from all sides.In terms of furniture selection, it is important to choose pieces that are not only aesthetically pleasing butalso practical and durable. For instance, a comfortable chair with a side table can be placed near the bed for reading or enjoying a cup of coffee. Additionally, a wardrobe with ample storage space is essential to accommodate the guests' belongings.The color scheme of the room also plays a significant role in creating a pleasant atmosphere. Soft and neutral tones, such as beige, light gray, or pastel colors, are commonly used to create a sense of tranquility and relaxation. However, pops of vibrant colors can be added through decorative elements, such as cushions, curtains, or artwork, to inject some personality into the space.Lighting is another crucial aspect of room design. A combination of ambient, task, and accent lighting can be used to create different moods and enhance functionality. For example, a bedside lamp can provide a warm and cozy ambiance for reading, while recessed lights can illuminate the entire room evenly.In addition to the physical aspects of the room,attention should also be given to the amenities andservices provided to the guests. From high-quality bedding and toiletries to in-room entertainment and Wi-Fi access, these elements contribute to the overall experience of the guests. For example, a comfortable mattress and pillows can ensure a good night's sleep, while a well-stocked minibar and a coffee machine can provide convenience and comfort.In conclusion, designing and creating a hotel room requires careful consideration of various factors,including layout, furniture selection, color scheme, lighting, and amenities. By paying attention to thesedetails and creating a comfortable and welcoming environment, hotels can provide a memorable experience for their guests.中文回答:客房的设计与制作是一个复杂的过程,需要仔细考虑各种因素。
此文档是毕业设计外文翻译成品(含英文原文+中文翻译),无需调整复杂的格式!下载之后直接可用,方便快捷!本文价格不贵,也就几十块钱!一辈子也就一次的事!外文标题:Interrelationships of Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Corporate Image and Customer Loyalty of Malaysian Hotel Industry外文作者:Tat-Huei Cham文献出处: Int. J. Services, Economics and Management, Vol. 4, No. 4, 2018 (如觉得年份太老,可改为近2年,毕竟很多毕业生都这样做)英文5152单词,32172字符(字符就是印刷符),中文7728汉字。
Interrelationships of Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Corporate Image and Customer Loyalty of Malaysian Hotel Industry Abstract: The rapid growth of the hotel industry in the first decade of the 21st century forced hotel operators to critically acknowledge the importance of service improvement in order to gain competitive advantage. Therefore, identifying the factors that influence the quality of services of hotels is critical for the success of the hotels. Corporate image and customer loyalty should also be emphasised to ensure the sustainability of the hotels in this competitive industry. Hence, this study is conducted to discover the factors influencing perceived service quality of Malaysian hotels, as well as exploring the relationship between perceived service quality with customer loyalty and corporate image. Additionally, this study is one of the few studies on quality certification related to the demand perspective and also on the mediating role of image on the relationship between service quality and loyalty in the hotel industry.Keywords: service quality; customer loyalty; corporate image; quality certifications; International Organization for Standardization; ISO; cultural differences; Malaysia.1IntroductionThe Malaysian hotel industry, a highly competitive industry, with 2,085 players in themarket (Malaysian Association of Hotels, 2010), compels its players to strive towards excellence in delivery in order to remain at the forefront. Economic development and advancement in technology bring forth an improved standard of living, intensifying demands by the domestic and international markets (Atilgan et al., 2003). Thus, the quest to stay ahead can only be achieved with first class delivery of services.This has called upon many studies to be conducted on service quality in the Malaysian hotel industry (e.g., Lau et al., 2005; Sidin et al., 2001). For this study, the SERVQUAL model by Parasuraman et al. (1988) is utilised. This model consists of five dimensions of service quality, which will be discussed later. The ratings on these dimensions were examined in order to identify the problem areas and a comparison by quality certification and cultural differences was conducted.It is envisaged that the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) quality certification on hotels is deemed to have an impact on the services provided by hotels. Only few studies however, have incorporated the influence of quality certification on perceived service quality (e.g., Caro and García, 2009; Claver et al., 2006; Quazi and Padibjo, 1998). None of these studies have been conducted in the Malaysian context. These studies too had focused only on the supply perspective, eliciting opinions only from industry experts and managers and neglecting the demand aspect of customer perspective. This is a major drawback as it is the consumers who will eventually decide on the benefits of service quality in the respective hotels. Hence, this study has found it pertinent to investigate the issue of ISO quality certification. This factor will be investigated along with another important differentiating element in service quality which is cultural differences.As an Asian country, actively promoting tourism in the international arena, Malaysian hotels are frequented by guests of myriad cultures. The popularity of Malaysia as a tourist destination for people all over the world is evident with Malaysia being ranked the ninth most travelled to destination in the world by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) (Malay Mail, 2010). The boom in the Malaysian tourism sector brings forth an increase in tourism arrivals from 22,052,488 tourists in 2008 to 23,646,191 in 2010 (News Straits Times, 2011). The benefits of a booming tourism sector to the hotel industry is also manifested in the form of increased lengths of stay whereby the average length of stay of tourists increased from 6.4 nights in 2008 to 6.7 nights in 2010.With the increase in tourism, comes an increase in tourists from both Asian and non-Asian countries. Asian tourist arrivals increased by 10.5% with an increase of 12.3% of receipts from this region (News Straits Times, 2011). Singapore, Malaysia’s nearest neighbour, is seen as the largest contributor to total receipts with a share of 51.5%. All this indicates that hotels must be prepared to satisfy guests from different cultural backgrounds. An increase in Asian guests may pose a challenge as it was noted in studies such as Hsu and Kang (2003) and Tsang andAp (2007) that Asian tourists provide lower evaluations of service quality as compared to non-Asian tourists. This study will examine the ratings for different dimensions of service quality of Asians and non-Asians and if the conjecture on the differences in ratings is merited to be true, recommendations will be provided on how Malaysian hotels can meet this challenge.The understanding of perceived service quality will be detailed further with an exploration of its association with hotel image and customer loyalty. Kandampully and Suhartanto (2000) and Nguyen and LeBlanc (1998) discuss the mediating role of hotel (corporate) image on the relationship between service quality and loyalty. Understanding this is important as loyalty helps hotels to increase their market share (Tepeci, 1999) and profits (Kandampully and Suhartanto, 2000). Also, if the mediating role of image holds true, a negative image caused by poor service quality would shift customer loyalties to other hotels.Thus, the present study attempts to deal with the paucity of research on some of the above issues. Rating of SERVQUAL dimensions are evaluated and compared by ISO and non-ISO hotels and also by Asian and non-Asian guests. The influence of perceived service quality on image and loyalty is then determined together with the mediating role of image in the relationship between quality and loyalty.2Literature review2.1Perceived service qualityDue to the rising importance of service quality, many scholars have tried to develop frameworks and scales to measure the perception of service quality (Seth et al., 2005; Ladhari, 2009). One of the most well-known models is the SERVQUAL model (Parasuraman et al., 1988). It has been found by studies such as Shahin (2005) to be the most reliable option of service quality measurement because the location of quality related problems can be identified based on clear standards of service delivery. Hence, the SERVQUAL model has been widely cited in both service quality and hotel literature (e.g., Claver et al., 2006; Kandampully and Hu, 2007).The SERVQUAL model constitutes five service quality dimensions which are tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. Tangibles represent the equipment, appearance of personnel and physical facilities. Reliability refers to the ability of a firm to exercise the promised service dependably and accurately. Responsiveness is defined as the willingness to assist participants and provide prompt attention. Assurance represents courteous and knowledgeable employees and lastly, the empathy dimension includes the caring and individual attention provided to users. Service quality is further conceptualised and the definition utilised in hospitality studies such as Asubonteng et al. (1996), as the difference between the customers’ perceptions and their expectations. However, due to the lack of reliability and validity of the above measure, this study will use only perception scores as suggested byseveral researchers such as Strandvik and Liljander (1994).2.2Factors influencing perceived service quality2.2.1Quality certificationsDue to the importance of service quality in the hotel platform, a large number of hotels have engaged in obtaining quality certification (Brown and van der Wiele, 1995). The most popular quality certification is the award by the ISO 9000 and 14000 series which is the main focus for all hospitality companies. The significant reason for obtaining certification is to improve the quality image projected to the market (Claver et al., 2006). Moreover, Quazi and Padibjo (1998) noted that ISO certified organisations in countries such as Singapore gained various advantages and benefits such as increase in customer preference and customer satisfaction and an enhancement of the firm’s image. Thus, it can be hypothesised that:H1 The perceived service quality of ISO-certified hotels is higher than the non-certified hotels.2.2.2Cultural differencesCultural differences play an important role in understanding differences between customers and are at times perceived as one of the main factors affecting the preferences and values of consumers in opting for products or services (Manrai and Manrai, 2009). Studies such as Hsu and Kang (2003) and Tsang and Ap (2007) reveal that Asian tourists have higher expectations and evaluated perceived service quality more unfavourably compared to the non-Asian tourists. This is plausible since most of the Asian countries are developing countries and the income per capita is relatively low (Hsu and Kang, 2003). Therefore, this issue will directly lead the Asian tourists to have a higher expectation compared to the Western tourists. However, to what exte nt the cultural differences influences can influence perceived service quality in Malaysian hotels is still remained vague, therefore, it can be hypothesised that: H2 Asian consumers tend to give more unfavourable ratings compared to non-Asian consumers.2.3Service quality, corporate image and customer loyaltyCustomer loyalty in this study will be conceptualised according to indicators developed by Skogland and Siguaw (2004) which has partitioned loyalty into three dimensions which are price insensitivity, repeat-patronage and positive word of mouth.A positive relationship was found to exist between service quality and customer loyalty by studies such as Kandampully and Suhartanto (2000) and Nguyen and LeBlanc (1998). It will be determined in this study too whether service quality has an impact on customer loyalty.Corporate image is defined as something that comes to the customers’ mind when they hear the name of a business (Nguyen, 2006). Although there seems to be lack of consensus in the literature on how to define and operationalise the image construct, this study borrowed from the research of Kandampully and Suhartanto (2000) which is also on the hotel industry. Based on Kandampully and Suhartanto’s (2000) study,image will be partitioned into two dimensions which are image attributes and image holistic.The impact of perceived service quality on loyalty is found to be enhanced with the presence of corporate image. This is due to the fact that service quality is found to have a positive influence on the hotel image (Kadampully and Suhartanto, 2000; Nguyen and LeBlanc, 1998) and image is then found to have an impact on loyalty. Image influences loyalty as with a superior image a firm is likely to be noticeable in the marketplace because it is able to attract both trial users and repeat customers (Andreassen and Lindestad, 1998). Hence, we can infer that perceived service quality has a direct and indirect influence on loyalty. The mediating influence of hotel image seems to be very prominent as Nguyen and LeBlanc (1998) confirm in their findings on financial services. They claimed that once a consumer is a member of a financial institution, their sense of belonging to an institution that has a strong image will become the main factor influencing loyalty, and the role of perceived service quality as an influencing factor on loyalty will no longer exist. In this study, it will be determined whether the same scenario applies to the hotel industry. The following hypotheses are thus developed:H3 There is a positive relationship between perceived service quality and hotel image. H4 There is a positive relationship between perceived service quality and customer loyalty.H5 There is a positive relationship between hotel image and customer loyalty.H6 Image serves as a mediator in the relationship between perceived service quality and customer loyalty.3Methodology3.1Sampling methodThis survey was conducted in two areas in Malaysia which are Kuala Lumpur and Penang. Kuala Lumpur, being the capital of Malaysia and Penang, being an island frequented by tourists, are two areas that are deemed to have a wider spectrum of people from different nationalities staying at hotels there. These areas too have a myriad of hotels including a number of ISO status hotels. This will enable the study to capture the aspect of cultural differences and quality certification in service quality ratings. Questionnaires were administered outside a five-star ISO status hotel and non-ISO status hotel for both areas. For all hotels, an attempt was made to obtain a sufficient number of respondents of Asian and non-Asian origin.A sample size of 200 was chosen to facilitate the ability to conduct statistical tests such as factor analysis whereby Hair et al. (2010) advocated a ratio of respondent to variable of 10:1 to be favourable for conducting factor analysis. As the highest number of items for a construct is 22, the sample size of 200 is deemed appropriate. Support for this figure is also rendered judging from the results of the factor loadings which are all reasonably high (refer to Table 1) (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2001). The sample size of 200 also helps to ensure an equal number of customers from ISO andnon-ISO hotels. Of the 200 questionnaires distributed, 94 usable ones from the ISO hotels and an equal number from non-ISO hotels were taken as samples. The non-Asian respondents for ISO hotels were slightly higher (66%) compared to Asian respondents and for non-ISO hotels, the Asian respondents were slightly higher (69%).3.2MeasurementThe construct of perceived service quality for this study will be measured based on the widely accepted SERVQUAL model which embodies 22 items, of which four items were used to measure the tangible attribute, five items for reliability, four items for responsiveness, four items for assurance and five items for empathy.The image construct can be divided into six items for the hotel image attributes and four items for the holistic attributes. The ten items are: “The hotel is conveniently located”; “The hotel has up-to-date physical facilities”; “The hotel has attractive interior design”; “The hotel is worth the price paid”; “The hotel provides excellent quality of goods and services”; “The hotel has employees with excellent performance”; “The hotel has distinc tive atmosphere”; “The hotel has excellent reputation”; “The hotel has attractive external appearance” and “The hotel has attractive layout”.The customer loyalty construct contains a battery of seven items on price insensitivity (two items), repeat-patronage intention (three items) and propensity to spread positive word-of-mouth (two items). The items are: “I consider myself to be a loyal guest of the hotel”; “If the hotel were to raise the price of my stay, I would still continue to be a guest of the hot el”; “If a competing hotel were to offer a better rate or discount on their service I would switch”; “In the near future, I intend to use this hotel more often”; “As long as I travel to this area, I do not foresee myself switching to a different hotel”; “I would highly recommend the hotel to my friends and family”; and “I am likely to make positive comments about the hotel to my friends and relatives”. All constructs were measured on a seven-point Likert scale with a higher value indicating a higher rating towards quality, a stronger perception towards the image of the hotel and a higher loyalty towards the hotel.4Results4.1Perceived service quality, cultural differences and quality certificationAs mentioned earlier, the SERVQUAL model, constituting five service quality dimensions is utilised in this study to measure perceived service quality. Factor analysis was first administered to determine whether all the items of the service quality dimensions fall into their respective dimensions. One item from the assurance dimension and another from the empathy dimension were removed from the factor analysis due to cross-loadings with other dimensions. The final results for the service quality dimensions are shown in Table 1. The assumptions of factor analysis are all met with a significant Bartlett test, a cumulative percentage of variance extracted of 70.4%, an overall Kaiser- Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling adequacy of 0.717 and communalities of above 0.5 for all items. The reliability of all dimensions,measured by Cronbach alpha, is more than 0.7. These are all criteria stated as acceptable by Hair et al. (2010). With the results of the factor analysis established, the scores for the items on each dimension are then averaged to develop a scale for the dimensions.Cluster analysis was then utilised to categorise respondents into clusters according to their assessment of service quality dimensions. In order to obtain the most suitable number of clusters, hierarchical cluster analysis, using the Ward method was performed on the dimensions and also on the individual variables, which are the variables that load the highest on each factor. Two to four clusters were explored for both methods as indicated by the agglomeration schedules. Finally, the most interpretable was deemed to be the two cluster solution derived from the cluster analysis conducted on the dimensions. A further justification for the method used is that cluster analysis on the dimensions helps to control for multi-collinearity (Hair et al., 2010). A justification for using the Ward method is that near equal number of cases are obtained for each cluster when this method is used and this facilitates comparison across groups. To validate the clusters, a similar clustering method was performed on a random 50% of the sample and the classification results of this sample compared to the full sample are 100% for cluster 1 and 87% for cluster 2.Table 2 delves into the description of the clusters according to service quality ratings. Significant differences are only found for the dimensions of reliability, assurance and empathy and not for tangibles and responsiveness. Although both clusters have given quite a high rating for service quality, cluster 2’s ratings are much higher (average values close to 6) compared to cluster 1’s rating (average values closer to 4 except for assurance). Hence, the conclusion is to label cluster 2 as people with highly positive ratings and cluster 1 as people with less positive ratings.4.2Image, loyalty and its relationship with perceived service quality, cultural differences and quality certificationFactor analysis was performed on image and customer loyalty and the results confirm that all the items for each of the constructs fall into one factor. For image, no items were removed and the percentage of variance extracted was 61% (refer to Table 5). For loyalty, one item was removed due to its low communality value and the removal of this item increased the percentage of variance extracted from 64% to 68.5% (refer to Table 5). The image factor is hence not explained as well as the loyalty factor but in social science studies, a value of above 60% is also deemed acceptable (Hair et al., 2010). Furthermore, both factors have a high reliability value.Finally H3 to H6 on the influences of perceived quality on image and loyalty will be addressed with the results in Tables 4 and 5. The ANOV A results in Table 4, model (1) shows that cluster differences in mean rating of image exist. These results are validated by a large effect size represented by a partial eta squared of more than 0.14(Cohen, 1988 in Kinnear and Gray, 2011), a strong power of the study (more than 80%) and an adjusted R2 of 0.449 which points to a moderately strong fit. Table 4, model (2) shows that mean differences in perception of loyalty among the clusters also exist although the adjusted R2 indicates that this influence is not strong (0.288). Hence, H3 on the influence of service quality on image is strongly supported and H4 on the influence of service quality on loyalty is partially supported.The ANCOV A results for model (3) are now incorporated into the explanation in order to address H5 and H6. The inclusion of image to the model causes the cluster differences in mean rating of loyalty to be insignificant. Image however remains significant with a strong effect size and power of the study plus a moderately high adjusted R2. This indicates that perceived service quality has a strong influence on image but not loyalty and image in turn strongly influences loyalty. For further description, Table 5 shows that the influence of service quality on image is positive whereby cluster 2 (which are respondents who had given a higher service quality rating), portrays significantly higher mean values for image compared to cluster 1. The results are validated further with a much higher mean ratings for image and loyalty for ISO hotels and non-Asians, which are also the categories with high service quality ratings. Hence, we can infer that image is a full mediator in the influence of perceived service quality on loyalty. H5 and H6 are thus supported. The results of model (3) however now negate support for H4 on the direct influence of perceived service quality on loyalty.5Conclusions and managerial implicationsIn conclusion, we deduce that guests generally have a positive view about hotels in Malaysia based on the relatively high overall mean values for perceived service quality, corporate image and customer loyalty. Despite this, managers should still strive to further improve the quality to stay competitive. It is found that quality certifications and cultural differences pose a significant influence on perceived service quality with quality certifications demonstrating the strongest influence. Hotels with ISO quality certification are portrayed to be of high quality. This is as expected as the standardisation of the services layout and delivery of promised services by hotels, as required by quality certificates, would most likely lead to greater customer satisfaction (Claver et al., 2006). Hence, this research suggests a need for more hotels in Malaysia to adopt quality certification.The process of acquiring the ISO certification can be a daunting and costly process in terms of the paperwork involved and the unprofitable regulations that have to be complied with such as environmental and safety laws. Hence, management and employees alike should be made aware of the long term benefits of ISO certification that can be reaped in terms of a higher service quality, which translates to a more reputable image and an increase in loyalty. Hotels without ISO certification should plan strategically and be willing to initially invest on efforts such as reading the manuals on ISO, taking an audit on thecurrent status, providing ISO training for management and employees alike, hiring a consultant to help achieve this and other pertinent measures. The Malaysian government too, in its quest to promote tourism should be willing to subsidise hotels in achieving quality parallel to international standards in order to achieve international quality certification. A similar scenario to be aped would be when the Singapore government wanted to encourage its companies to achieve ISO14001 and subsidised 70% of the cost of achieving it so that more of their companies would be able to compete at international levels (Chan and Wong, 2006).Asian customers have given lower ratings compared to non-Asian customers. This supports claims made by studies such as Hsu and Kang (2003) and Tsang and Ap (2007). There can be a dual reasoning for this, either Asians are more concerned about getting their money’s worth due to their lower levels of income or there is some discrepancy in the perceptions of Asians and non-Asians in how the services are delivered to them. Either way, the findings have highlighted that these two heterogeneous segments exist. Further scrutiny of these differences depict that the low ratings by Asians are mainly for the dimensions of Reliability and Empathy. It is therefore recommended that hotels adopt a nuanced view about these differences. Customer feedback surveys comparing the needs of these two groups should be conducted and strategies should be implemented to cater to them. By identifying these requirements, hotels can deliver services that matter most to the different groups and hence distribute their limited resources wisely. Cultural training too as suggested by Reisinger and Turner (2003) can be provided to ensure that employees communicate with guests of different cultural background in a manner that is in accordance to their expectations. For instance, a luxurious five star Mandarin Oriental Hotels in Kuala Lumpur has trained and formed a team of employees to cater and handle the needs (e.g., language, food and beverages, cultures, etc.) of Middle East tourists as they see this segment as one of their important target customers.Finally, although perceived service quality is extensively acknowledged as a prerequisite to achieving customer loyalty, this study reveals that corporate image is a full mediator in the relationship between service quality and loyalty. This shows that service quality plays an important role in creating a positive image and this in turn can be translated to create loyalty among guests. As service quality does not have a direct influence on loyalty, high quality of services alone does not ensure loyalty. If other factors exist to tarnish the image, loyalty may still not be established. Hence, as suggested by Kandampully and Suhartanto (2000), other service marketing factors that directly affect image such as product, place, price, promotion and others should also be taken into consideration and ensured that they are in line with the image of the hotel. Customers attracted to the hotels should be clear about the image projected by the hotel and it should be ascertained that this image is orchestrated in all hotels of the same chain.In summary, the findings of this study contribute to the knowledge of service qualityof hotels especially in the Malaysian context. It is hoped that after realising the benefits that can be reaped by obtaining quality certification, more hotels in Malaysia will strive against all odds to achieve this and their efforts will be supported by the Malaysian government in line with promoting tourism. 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