Modeling micro-controller peripheralsfor high-level co-simulation and synthesis Mapping a behavior on an embedded system involves hardware-software partitioning and assignment of software and hardware tasks to different components. In particular, software tasks in embedded controllers are mostly assigned to a micro-controller. However, some micro-controller peripherals are implemented with partly programmable components that can be regarded as very simple co-processors with limited instruction sets and capabilities. Embedded system designers are used to mapping some simple software tasks onto these simple co-processors, obtaining overall performances that can be orders of magnitude superior to the ones obtained mapping all software tasks to the micro-controller itself. In this paper, we propose a methodology to specify, simulate, and partition tasks that can be implemented on programmable micro-controller peripherals such as Timing Processing Units P U S ) . Following our general philosophy, we let the designer propose a partition, and we provide an environment 0 to efficiently simulate and evaluate a particular implementation choice 0 to automate downstream synthesis for software, hardware, as well as peripheral programming routines.1 Implementation and Case StudyWe have implemented such a library for the 68hcll family of micro-controllers from Motorola . It includes: 0 The timer unit, implementing input capture and output compare functions, that measure time between input and 0 The ALII convert output events using a 16 bit free running counter. 0 The PWM generators present on a specific family member targeted for automotive applications.Each function of the timer unit and of the PWM generator is described both at the behavioral level, using the simulator timing functions to implement time, and at the Register Transfer level, using a cycle-accurate model of the hardware. The latter is also used for hardware and software synthesis, if the peripheral is not used. C routines are used to interface to the peripheral. The precision of the RTL model can be scaled, by dividing the clock. A single simulation parameter controls this scaling without affecting the overall behavior (apart from the loss of precision).We have specified the functionality of a complete dashboard controller, that uses the 68hcl1 peripherals. Note, with the standard co-design methods, using only fully programmable processors or hardware, all the tasks implemented by the peripherals could be implemented only as software tasks, thus yielding a less performing solution, or as hardware tasks, thus yielding a higher cost and less flexible solution. Hence the method presented here is required in order to obtain a solution quality comparablewith manual design.The speed of the behavioral simulation was about 260,000 clock cycles per second. The speed of the RTL simulation ranged almost linearly from 2,000 clock cycles per second to 50,000 clock cycles depending on the clock scaling factor, from 1 to 32. The experiments were performed on a 60MHz ULTRAsparc.At synthesis time, the appropriate U 0 drivers are extracted from the library and customized by the co-design tools. We also synthesized a hardware implementation for the PWM generators of the dashboard controller, because they are not available on all members of the 68hcll family. We analyzed the cost trade-offs of using some small ASIC to implement that function. A hardware implementation, using XILINX FPGAs for rapid prototyping purposes required 374 CLBs (with 203 flip-flops) and 60 U 0 pads, that would fit on a XILINX 4010 chip.2 ConclusionThe proposed solution for high-level specification of micro-controller peripherals retains most of the advantages and flexibility of hardware software co-design (uniform modeling, fast co-simulation, formal verification, flexibility in target implementation,. The limit is that the designer has to decide on whether or not a function is implementable using a particular peripheral, and sometimes such a decision must be made about peripherals that may be only slightly different between different micro-controllers. Further research is still needed to develop mapping techniques from an unbiased specification to partially programmable devices.模拟单片机外设的高级共仿真和综合映射在一个嵌入系统上的行为包括硬件-软件区分和对于不同成分上硬件和软件的任务。
The Stepper motor control circuit be based on Single chipmicrocomputerThe AT89C51 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 4K bytes of Flash programmable and erasable read only memory (PEROM). The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry-standard MCS-51 instruction set and pinout. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89C51 is a powerful microcomputer which provides a highly-flexible and cost-effective solution to many embedded control applications.Function characteristicThe AT89C51 provides the following standard features: 4K bytes of Flash, 128 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, two 16-bit timer/counters, a five vector two-level interrupt architecture, a full duplex serial port, on-chip oscillator and clock circuitry. In addition, the AT89C51 is designed with static logic for operation down to zero frequency and supports two software selectable power saving modes. The Idle Mode stops the CPU while allowing the RAM, timer/counters, serial port and interrupt system to continue functioning. The Power-down Mode saves the RAM contents but freezes the oscillator disabling all other chip functions until the next hardware reset.Pin DescriptionVCC:Supply voltage.GND:Ground.Port 0:Port 0 is an 8-bit open-drain bi-directional I/O port. As an output port, each pin can sink eight TTL inputs. When 1s are written to port 0 pins, the pins can be used as highimpedance inputs.Port 0 may also be configured to be the multiplexed loworder address/data bus during accesses to external program and data memory. In this mode P0 has internal pullups.Port 0 also receives the code bytes during Flashprogramming,and outputs the code bytes during programverification. External pullups are required during programverification.Port 1Port 1 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pullups.The Port 1 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs.When 1s are written to Port 1 pins they are pulled high by the internal pullups and can be used as inputs. As inputs,Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the internal pullups.Port 1 also receives the low-order address bytes during Flash programming and verification.Port 2Port 2 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pullups.The Port 2 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs.When 1s are written to Port 2 pins they are pulled high by the internal pullups and can be used as inputs. As inputs,Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current, because of the internal pullups.Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external program memory and during accesses to external data memory that use 16-bit addresses. In this application, it uses strong internal pullupswhen emitting 1s. During accesses to external data memory that use 8-bit addresses, Port 2 emits the contents of the P2 Special Function Register.Port 2 also receives the high-order address bits and some control signals during Flash programming and verification.Port 3Port 3 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pullups.The Port 3 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs.When 1s are written to Port 3 pins they are pulled high by the internal pullups and can be used as inputs. As inputs,Port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the pullups.Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the AT89C51 as listed below:Port 3 also receives some control signals for Flash programming and verification.RSTReset input. A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device.ALE/PROGAddress Latch Enable output pulse for latching the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory. This pin is also the program pulse input (PROG) during Flash programming.In normal operation ALE is emitted at a constant rate of 1/6 the oscillator frequency, and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes. Note, however, that one ALE pulse is skipped during each access to external Data Memory. If desired, ALE operation can be disabled by setting bit 0 of SFR location 8EH. With the bit set, ALE is active only during a MOVX or MOVC instruction. Otherwise, the pin is weakly pulled high. Setting the ALE-disable bit has no effect if the microcontroller is in external execution mode.PSENProgram Store Enable is the read strobe to external program memory.When the AT89C51 is executing code from external program memory, PSEN is activated twice each machine cycle, except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access to external data memory.EA/VPPExternal Access Enable. EA must be strapped to GND in order to enable the device to fetch code from external program memory locations starting at 0000H up to FFFFH. Note, however, that if lock bit 1 is programmed, EA will be internally latched on reset.EA should be strapped to VCC for internal program executions.This pin also receives the 12-volt programming enable voltage(VPP) during Flash programming, for parts that require12-volt VPP.XTAL1Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock operating circuit.XTAL2Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier.Oscillator CharacteristicsXTAL1 and XTAL2 are the input and output, respectively,of an inverting amplifier which can be configured for use as an on-chip oscillator, as shown in Figure 1.Either a quartz crystal or ceramic resonator may be used. To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL2 should be left unconnected while XTAL1 is driven as shown in Figure 2.There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock signal, since the input to the internal clocking circuitry is through a divide-by-two flip-flop, but minimum and maximum voltage high and low time specifications must be observed.Figure 1. Oscillator Connections Figure 2. External Clock Drive ConfigurationIdle ModeIn idle mode, the CPU puts itself to sleep while all the onchip peripherals remain active. The mode is invoked by software. The content of the on-chip RAM and all the special functions registers remain unchanged during this mode. The idle mode can be terminated by any enabled interrupt or by a hardware reset.It should be noted that when idle is terminated by a hard ware reset, the device normally resumes program execution,from where it left off, up to two machine cycles before the internal reset algorithm takes control. On-chip hardware inhibits access to internal RAM in this event, but access to the port pins is not inhibited. To eliminate the possibility of an unexpected write to a port pin when Idle is terminated by reset, the instruction following the one that invokes Idle should not be one that writes to a port pin or to external memory.Power-down ModeIn the power-down mode, the oscillator is stopped, and the instruction that invokes power-down is the last instruction executed. The on-chip RAM and Special Function Registers retain their values until the power-down mode is terminated. The only exit from power-down is a hardware reset. Reset redefines the SFRs but does not change the on-chip RAM. The reset should not be activated before VCC is restored to its normal operating level and must be held active long enough to allow the oscillator to restart and stabilize.Program Memory Lock BitsOn the chip are three lock bits which can be left unprogrammed (U) or can be programmed (P) to obtain the additional features listed in the table below.When lock bit 1 is programmed, the logic level at the EA pin is sampled and latched during reset. If the device is powered up without a reset, the latch initializes to a random value, and holds that value until reset is activated. It is necessary that the latched value of EA be in agreement with the current logic level at that pin in order for the device to function properly.IntroductionStepper motors are electromagnetic incremental-motion devices which convertdigital pulse inputs to analog angle outputs. Their inherent stepping ability allows for accurate position control without feedback. That is, they can track any step position in open-loop mode, consequently no feedback is needed to implement position control. Stepper motors deliver higher peak torque per unit weight than DC motors; in addition, they are brushless machines and therefore require less maintenance. All of these properties have made stepper motors a very attractive selection in many position and speed control systems, such as in computer hard disk drivers and printers, XY-tables, robot manipulators, etc.Although stepper motors have many salient properties, they suffer from an oscillation or unstable phenomenon. This phenomenon severely restricts their open-loop dynamic performance and applicable area where high speed operation is needed. The oscillation usually occurs at stepping rates lower than 1000 pulse/s, and has been recognized as a mid-frequency instability or local instability [1], or a dynamic instability [2]. In addition, there is another kind of unstable phenomenon in stepper motors, that is, the motors usually lose synchronism at higher stepping rates, even though load torque is less than their pull-out torque. This phenomenon is identified as high-frequency instability in this paper, because it appears at much higher frequencies than the frequencies at which the mid-frequency oscillation occurs. The high-frequency instability has not been recognized as widely as mid-frequency instability, and there is not yet a method to evaluate it.Mid-frequency oscillation has been recognized widely for a very long time, however, a complete understanding of it has not been well established. This can be attributed to the nonlinearity that dominates the oscillation phenomenon and is quite difficult to deal with.384 L. Cao and H. M. SchwartzMost researchers have analyzed it based on a linearized model [1]. Although in many cases, this kind of treatments is valid or useful, a treatment based on nonlinear theory is needed in order to give a better description on this complex phenomenon. For example, based on a linearized model one can only see that the motors turn to be locally unstable at some supplyfrequencies, which does not give much insight into the observed oscillatory phenomenon. In fact, the oscillation cannot be assessed unless one uses nonlinear theory.Therefore, it is significant to use developed mathematical theory on nonlinear dynamics to handle the oscillation or instability. It is worth noting that Taft and Gauthier [3], and Taft and Harned [4] used mathematical concepts such as limit cycles and separatrices in the analysis of oscillatory and unstable phenomena, and obtained some very instructive insights into the socalled loss of synchronous phenomenon. Nevertheless, there is still a lack of a comprehensive mathematical analysis in this kind of studies. In this paper a novel mathematical analysis is developed to analyze the oscillations and instability in stepper motors.The first part of this paper discusses the stability analysis of stepper motors. It is shown that the mid-frequency oscillation can be characterized as a bifurcation phenomenon (Hopf bifurcation) of nonlinear systems. One of contributions of this paper is to relate the midfrequency oscillation to Hopf bifurcation, thereby, the existence of the oscillation is provedtheoretically by Hopf theory. High-frequency instability is also discussed in detail, and a novel quantity is introduced to evaluate high-frequency stability. This quantity is very easyto calculate, and can be used as a criteria to predict the onset of the high-frequency instability. Experimental results on a real motor show the efficiency of this analytical tool.The second part of this paper discusses stabilizing control of stepper motors through feedback. Several authors have shown that by modulating the supply frequency [5], the midfrequencyinstability can be improved. In particular, Pickup and Russell [6, 7] have presented a detailed analysis on the frequency modulation method. In their analysis, Jacobi series was used to solve a ordinary differential equation, and a set of nonlinear algebraic equations had to be solved numerically. In addition, their analysis is undertaken for a two-phase motor, and therefore, their conclusions cannot applied directly to oursituation, where a three-phase motor will be considered. Here, we give a more elegant analysis for stabilizing stepper motors, where no complex mathematical manipulation is needed. In this analysis, a d–q model of stepper motors is used. Because two-phase motors and three-phase motors have the same q–d model and therefore, the analysis is valid for both two-phase and three-phase motors. Up to date, it is only recognized that the modulation method is needed to suppress the midfrequency oscillation. In this paper, it is shown that this method is not only valid to improve mid-frequency stability, but also effective to improve high-frequency stability.2. Dynamic Model of Stepper MotorsThe stepper motor considered in this paper consists of a salient stator with two-phase or threephase windings, and a permanent-magnet rotor. A simplified schematic of a three-phase motor with one pole-pair is shown in Figure 1. The stepper motor is usually fed by a voltage-source inverter, which is controlled by a sequence of pulses and produces square-wave voltages. Thismotor operates essentially on the same principle as that of synchronous motors. One of major operating manner for stepper motors is that supplying voltage is kept constant and frequencyof pulses is changed at a very wide range. Under this operating condition, oscillation and instability problems usually arise.Figure 1. Schematic model of a three-phase stepper motorA mathematical model for a three-phase stepper motor is established using q–d framereference transformation. The voltage equations for three-phase windings are given byv a = Ri a + L*di a /dt − M*di b/dt − M*di c/dt + dλpma/dt ,v b = Ri b + L*di b/dt − M*di a/dt − M*di c/dt + dλpmb/dt ,v c = Ri c + L*di c/dt − M*di a/dt − M*di b/dt + dλpmc/dt ,where R and L are the resistance and inductance of the phase windings, and M is the mutual inductance between the phase windings. _pm a, _pm b and _pm c are the flux-linkages of thephases due to the permanent magnet, and can be assumed to be sinusoid functions of rotor position _ as followλpma = λ1 sin(Nθ),λpmb = λ1 sin(Nθ − 2 π/3),λpmc = λ1 sin(Nθ - 2 π/3),where N is number of rotor teeth. The nonlinearity emphasized in this paper is represented by the above equations, that is, the flux-linkages are nonlinear functions of the rotor position.By using the q; d transformation, the frame of reference is changed from the fixed phase axes to the axes moving with the rotor (refer to Figure 2). Transformation matrix from the a; b; c frame to the q; d frame is given by [8]For example, voltages in the q; d reference are given byIn the a; b; c reference, only two variables are independent (ia C ib C ic D 0); therefore, the above transformation from three variables to two variables is allowable. Applying the abovetransformation to the voltage equations (1), the transferred voltage equation in the q; d frame can be obtained asv q = Ri q + L1*di q/dt + NL1i dω + Nλ1ω,v d=Ri d + L1*di d/dt − NL1i qω, (5)Figure 2. a, b, c and d, q reference framewhere L1 D L C M, and ! is the speed of the rotor.It can be shown that the motor’s torque has the following form [2]T = 3/2Nλ1i qThe equation of motion of the rotor is written asJ*dω/dt = 3/2*Nλ1i q − B fω – Tl ,where Bf is the coefficient of viscous friction, and Tl represents load torque, which is assumed to be a constant in this paper.In order to constitute the complete state equation of the motor, we need another state variable that represents the position of the rotor. For this purpose the so called load angle _ [8] is usually used, which satisfies the following equationDδ/dt = ω−ω0 ,where !0 is steady-state speed of the motor. Equations (5), (7), and (8) constitute the statespace model of the motor, for which the input variables are the voltages vq and vd. As mentioned before, stepper motors are fed by an inverter, whose output voltages are not sinusoidal but instead are square waves. However, because the non-sinusoidal voltages do not change the oscillation feature and instability very much if compared to the sinusoidal case (as will be shown in Section 3, the oscillation is due to the nonlinearity of the motor), for the purposes of this paper we can assume the supply voltages are sinusoidal. Under this assumption, we can get vq and vd as followsv q = V m cos(Nδ) ,v d = V m sin(Nδ) ,where Vm is the maximum of the sine wave. With the above equation, we have changed the input voltages from a function of time to a function of state, and in this way we can represent the dynamics of the motor by a autonomous system, as shown below. This will simplify the mathematical analysis.From Equations (5), (7), and (8), the state-space model of the motor can be written in a matrix form as followsẊ = F(X,u) = AX + Fn(X) + Bu , (10) where X D T iq id ! _U T , u D T!1 Tl U T is defined as the input, and !1 D N!0 is the supply frequency. The input matrix B is defined byThe matrix A is the linear part of F._/, and is given byFn.X/ represents the nonlinear part of F._/, and is given byThe input term u is independent of time, and therefore Equation (10) is autonomous.There are three parameters in F.X;u/, they are the supply frequency !1, the supply voltage magnitude Vm and the load torque Tl . These parameters govern the behaviour of the stepper motor. In practice, stepper motors are usually driven in such a way that the supply frequency !1 is changed by the command pulse to control the motor’s speed, while the supply voltage is kept constant. Therefore, we shall investigate the effect of parameter !1.3. Bifurcation and Mid-Frequency OscillationBy setting ! D !0, the equilibria of Equation (10) are given asand ' is its phase angle defined byφ = arctan(ω1L1/R) . (16)Equations (12) and (13) indicate that multiple equilibria exist, which means that these equilibria can never be globally stable. One can see that there are two groups of equilibria as shown in Equations (12) and (13). The first group represented by Equation (12) corresponds to the real operatingconditions of the motor. The second group represented by Equation (13) is always unstable and does not relate to the real operating conditions. In the following, we will concentrate on the equilibria represented by Equation (12).基于单片机的步进电机电路控制设计89C51是一种带4K字节闪烁可编程可擦除只读存储器(FPEROM—Falsh Programmable and Erasable Read Only Memory)的低电压、高性能CMOS8位微处理器,俗称单片机。
Oscillation, Instability and Control of Stepper Motors LIYU CAO and HOWARD M. SCHWARTZDepartment of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive,Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6, Canada(Received: 18 February 1998; accepted: 1 December 1998)Abstract. A novel approach to analyzing instability in permanent-magnet stepper motors is presented. It is shown that there are two kinds of unstable phenomena in this kind ofmotor: mid-frequency oscillation and high-frequency instability. Nonlinear bifurcation theory is used to illustrate the relationship between local instability and midfrequency oscillatory motion. A novel analysis is presented to analyze the loss of synchronism phenomenon, which is identified as high-frequency instability. The concepts of separatrices and attractors in phase-space are used to derive a quantity to evaluate the high-frequency instability. By using this quantity one can easily estimate the stability for high supply frequencies. Furthermore, a stabilization method is presented. A generalized approach to analyze the stabilization problem based on feedback theory is given. It is shown that the mid-frequency stability and the high-frequency stability can be improved by state feedback.Keywords: Stepper motors, instability, nonlinearity, state feedback.1. IntroductionStepper motors are electromagnetic incremental-motion devices which convert digital pulse inputs to analog angle outputs. Their inherent stepping ability allows for accurate position control without feedback. That is, they can track any step position in open-loop mode, consequently no feedback is needed to implement position control. Stepper motors deliver higher peak torque per unit weight than DC motors; inaddition, they are brushless machines and therefore require less maintenance. All of these properties have made stepper motors a very attractive selection in many position and speed control systems, such as in computer hard disk drivers and printers, XY-tables, robot manipulators, etc.Although stepper motors have many salient properties, they suffer from an oscillation or unstable phenomenon. This phenomenon severely restricts their open-loop dynamic performance and applicable area where high speed operation is needed. The oscillation usually occurs at stepping rates lower than 1000 pulse/s, and has been recognized as a mid-frequency instability or local instability [1], or a dynamic instability [2]. In addition, there is another kind of unstable phenomenon in stepper motors, that is, the motors usually lose synchronism at higher stepping rates, even though load torque is less than their pull-out torque. This phenomenon is identified as high-frequency instability in this paper, because it appears at much higher frequencies than the frequencies at which the mid-frequency oscillation occurs. The high-frequency instability has not been recognized as widely as mid-frequency instability, and there is not yet a method to evaluate it.Mid-frequency oscillation has been recognized widely for a very long time, however, a complete understanding of it has not been well established. This can be attributed to the nonlinearity that dominates the oscillation phenomenon and is quite difficult to deal with.384 L. Cao and H. M. SchwartzMost researchers have analyzed it based on a linearized model [1]. Although in many cases, this kind of treatments is valid or useful, a treatment based on nonlinear theory is needed in order to give a better description on this complex phenomenon. For example, based on a linearized model one can only see that the motors turn to be locally unstable at some supply frequencies, which does not give much insight into the observed oscillatory phenomenon. In fact, the oscillation cannot be assessed unless one uses nonlinear theory.Therefore, it is significant to use developed mathematical theory on nonlinear dynamics to handle the oscillation or instability. It is worth noting that Taft and Gauthier [3], and Taft and Harned [4] used mathematical concepts such as limit cycles and separatrices in the analysis of oscillatory and unstable phenomena, and obtained some very instructive insights into the socalled loss of synchronous phenomenon. Nevertheless, there is still a lack of a comprehensive mathematical analysis in this kind of studies. In this paper a novel mathematical analysis is developed to analyze the oscillations and instability in stepper motors.The first part of this paper discusses the stability analysis of stepper motors. It is shown that the mid-frequency oscillation can be characterized as a bifurcation phenomenon (Hopf bifurcation) of nonlinear systems. One of contributions of this paper is to relate the midfrequency oscillation to Hopf bifurcation, thereby, the existence of the oscillation is proved theoretically by Hopf theory. High-frequency instability is also discussed in detail, and a novel quantity is introduced to evaluate high-frequency stability. This quantity is very easy to calculate, and can be used as a criteria to predict the onset of the high-frequency instability. Experimental results on a real motor show the efficiency of this analytical tool.The second part of this paper discusses stabilizing control of stepper motors through feedback. Several authors have shown that by modulating the supply frequency [5], the midfrequency instability can be improved. In particular, Pickup and Russell [6, 7] have presented a detailed analysis on the frequency modulation method. In their analysis, Jacobi series was used to solve a ordinary differential equation, and a set of nonlinear algebraic equations had to be solved numerically. In addition, their analysis is undertaken for a two-phase motor, and therefore, their conclusions cannot applied directly to our situation, where a three-phase motor will be considered. Here, we give a more elegant analysis for stabilizing stepper motors, where no complex mathematical manipulation is needed. In this analysis, a d–q model of stepper motors is used. Because two-phase motors and three-phase motors have the same q–d model and therefore, the analysis is valid for both two-phase and three-phase motors. Up todate, it is only recognized that the modulation method is needed to suppress the midfrequency oscillation. In this paper, it is shown that this method is not only valid to improve mid-frequency stability, but also effective to improve high-frequency stability.2. Dynamic Model of Stepper MotorsThe stepper motor considered in this paper consists of a salient stator with two-phase or threephase windings, and a permanent-magnet rotor. A simplified schematic of a three-phase motor with one pole-pair is shown in Figure 1. The stepper motor is usually fed by a voltage-source inverter, which is controlled by a sequence of pulses and produces square-wave voltages. This motor operates essentially on the same principle as that of synchronous motors. One of major operating manner for stepper motors is that supplying voltage is kept constant and frequency of pulses is changed at a very wide range. Under this operating condition, oscillation and instability problems usually arise.Figure 1. Schematic model of a three-phase stepper motor.A mathematical model for a three-phase stepper motor is established using q–d framereference transformation. The voltage equations for three-phase windings are given byv a = Ri a + L*di a /dt − M*di b/dt − M*di c/dt + dλpma/dt ,v b = Ri b + L*di b/dt − M*di a/dt − M*di c/dt + dλpmb/dt ,v c = Ri c + L*di c/dt − M*di a/dt − M*di b/dt + dλpmc/dt , (1)where R and L are the resistance and inductance of the phase windings, and M is the mutual inductance between the phase windings. _pm a, _pm b and _pm c are theflux-linkages of the phases due to the permanent magnet, and can be assumed to be sinusoid functions of rotor position _ as followλpma = λ1 sin(Nθ),λpmb = λ1 sin(Nθ − 2/3),λpmc = λ1 sin(Nθ - 2/3), (2)where N is number of rotor teeth. The nonlinearity emphasized in this paper is represented by the above equations, that is, the flux-linkages are nonlinear functions of the rotor position.By using the q; d transformation, the frame of reference is changed from the fixed phase axes to the axes moving with the rotor (refer to Figure 2). Transformation matrix from the a; b; c frame to the q; d frame is given by [8](3)For example, voltages in the q; d reference are given by(4)In the a; b; c reference, only two variables are independent (ia C ib C ic D 0); therefore, the above transformation from three variables to two variables is allowable. Applying the above transformation to the voltage equations (1), the transferred voltage equation in the q; d frame can be obtained asv q = Ri q + L1*di q/dt + NL1i dω + Nλ1ω,v d=Ri d + L1*di d/dt − NL1i qω, (5)Figure 2. a, b, c and d, q reference frame.where L1 D L C M, and ! is the speed of the rotor.It can be shown that the motor’s torque has the following form [2]T = 3/2Nλ1i q . (6) The equation of motion of the rotor is written asJ*dω/dt = 3/2*Nλ1i q − B fω – Tl , (7) where Bf is the coefficient of viscous friction, and Tl represents load torque, which is assumed to be a constant in this paper.In order to constitute the complete state equation of the motor, we need another state variable that represents the position of the rotor. For this purpose the so called load angle _ [8] is usually used, which satisfies the following equationDδ/dt = ω−ω0 , (8) where !0 is steady-state speed of the motor. Equations (5), (7), and (8) constitute the statespace model of the motor, for which the input variables are the voltages vq and vd. As mentioned before, stepper motors are fed by an inverter, whose output voltages are not sinusoidal but instead are square waves. However, because the non-sinusoidal voltages do not change the oscillation feature and instability very much if compared to the sinusoidal case (as will be shown in Section 3, the oscillation is due to the nonlinearity of the motor), for the purposes of this paper we can assume the supply voltages are sinusoidal. Under this assumption, we can get vq and vd as followsv q = V m cos(Nδ) ,v d = V m sin(Nδ) , (9) where Vm is the maximum of the sine wave. With the above equation, we have changed the input voltages from a function of time to a function of state, and in this way we can represent the dynamics of the motor by a autonomous system, as shown below. This will simplify the mathematical analysis.From Equations (5), (7), and (8), the state-space model of the motor can be written in a matrix form as followsẊ = F(X,u) = AX + Fn(X) + Bu , (10) where X D T iq id ! _U T , u D T!1 Tl U T is defined as the input, and !1 D N!0 is the supply frequency. The input matrix B is defined byThe matrix A is the linear part of F._/, and is given byFn.X/ represents the nonlinear part of F._/, and is given byThe input term u is independent of time, and therefore Equation (10) is autonomous.There are three parameters in F.X;u/, they are the supply frequency !1, the supplyvoltage magnitude Vm and the load torque Tl . These parameters govern the behaviour of the stepper motor. In practice, stepper motors are usually driven in such a way that the supply frequency !1 is changed by the command pulse to control the motor’s speed, while the supply voltage is kept constant. Therefore, we shall investigate the effect of parameter !1.3. Bifurcation and Mid-Frequency OscillationBy setting ! D !0, the equilibria of Equation (10) are given asand ' is its phase angle defined byφ = arctan(ω1L1/R) . (16) Equations (12) and (13) indicate that multiple equilibria exist, which means that these equilibria can never be globally stable. One can see that there are two groups of equilibria as shown in Equations (12) and (13). The first group represented by Equation (12) corresponds to the real operating conditions of the motor. The second group represented by Equation (13) is always unstable and does not relate to the realoperating conditions. In the following, we will concentrate on the equilibria represented by Equation (12).。
淮阴工学院毕业设计(论文)外文翻译学生姓名:赵辉学号:3082107138专业:电子信息工程设计(论文)题目:基于单片机的步进电机控制电路设计指导教师: 庄立运2012年 4 月 10日基于单片机的步进电机电路控制设计89C51是一种带4K字节闪烁可编程可擦除只读存储器(FPEROM—Falsh Programmable and Erasable Read Only Memory)的低电压、高性能CMOS8位微处理器,俗称单片机。
功能特点·与MCS-51 兼容·4K字节可编程闪烁存储器·寿命:1000写/擦循环·数据保留时间:10年·全静态工作:0Hz-24MHz·三级程序存储器锁定·128*8位内部RAM·32可编程I/O线·两个16位定时器/计数器·5个中断源·可编程串行通道·低功耗的闲置和掉电模式·片内振荡器和时钟电路管脚说明VCC:供电电压。
在FIASH编程时,P0 口作为原码输入口,当FIASH进行校验时,P0输出原码,此时P0外部必须被拉高。
中英文资料对照外文翻译外文文献:Knowledge of the stepper motorWhat is a stepper motor:Stepper motor is a kind of electrical pulses into angular displacement of the implementing agency. Popular little lesson: When the driver receives a step pulse signal, it will drive a stepper motor to set the direction of rotation at a fixed angle (and the step angle). You can control the number of pulses to control the angular displacement, so as to achieve accurate positioning purposes; the same time you can control the pulse frequency to control the motor rotation speed and acceleration, to achieve speed control purposes.What kinds of stepper motor sub-:In three stepper motors: permanent magnet (PM), reactive (VR) and hybrid (HB) permanent magnet stepper usually two-phase, torque, and smaller, step angle of 7.5 degrees or the general 15 degrees; reaction step is generally three-phase, can achieve high torque output, step angle of 1.5 degrees is generally, but the noise and vibration are large. 80 countries in Europe and America have been eliminated; hybrid stepper is a mix of permanent magnet and reactive advantages. It consists of two phases and the five-phase: two-phase step angle of 1.8 degrees while the general five-phase step angle of 0.72 degrees generally. The most widely used Stepper Motor.What is to keep the torque (HOLDING TORQUE)How much precision stepper motor? Whether the cumulative:The general accuracy of the stepper motor step angle of 3-5%, and not cumulative.Stepper motor to allow the minimum amount of surface temperatureStepper motor to allow the minimum amount of surface temperature:Stepper motor causes the motor temperature is too high the first magnetic demagnetization, resulting in loss of torque down even further, so the motor surface temperature should be themaximum allowed depending on the motor demagnetization of magnetic material points; Generally speaking, the magnetic demagnetization points are above 130 degrees Celsius, and some even as high as 200 degrees Celsius, so the stepper motor surface temperature of 80-90 degrees Celsius is normal.How to determine the stepper motor driver DC power supply:A. Determination of the voltageHybrid stepping motor driver power supply voltage is generally a wide range (such as the IM483 supply voltage of 12 ~ 48VDC), the supply voltage is usually based on the work of the motor speed and response to the request to choose. If the motor operating speed higher or faster response to the request, then the voltage value is high, but note that the ripple voltage can not exceed the maximum input voltage of the drive, or it may damage the drive.B. Determination of CurrentPower supply current is generally based on the output phase current drive I to determine. If a linear power supply, power supply current is generally preferable 1.1 to 1.3 times the I; if we adopt the switching power supply, power supply current is generally preferable to I, 1.5 to 2.0 times.The main characteristics of stepping motor:A stepper motor drive can be added operate pulse drive signal must be no pulse when the stepper motor at rest, such asIf adding the appropriate pulse signal, it will to a certain angle (called the step angle) rotation. Rotation speed and pulse frequency is proportional to.2 Dragon step angle stepper motor version is 7.5 degrees, 360 degrees around, takes 48 pulses to complete.3 stepper motor has instant start and rapid cessation of superior characteristics.Change the pulse of the order of 4, you can easily change the direction of rotation. Therefore, the current printers, plotters, robotics, and so devices are the core of the stepper motor as the driving force.Stepper motor control exampleWe use four-phase unipolar stepper motor as an example. The structure shown in Figure 1: Four four-phase winding leads (as opposed to phase A1 A2 B1 phase phase B2) and twopublic lines (to the power of positive). The windings of one phase to the power of the ground. So that the windings will be inspired. We use four-phase eight-beat control, ie, 1 phase 2 phase alternating turn, would enhance resolution. 0.9 ° per step can be transferred to control the motor excitation is transferred in order as follows:If the requirements of motor reversal, the transmission excitation signal can be reversed. 2 control schemeControl system block diagram is as followsThe program uses AT89S51 as the main control device. It is compatible with the AT89C51, but also increased the SPI interface and the watchdog module, which not only makes the debugging process becomes easy and also more stable. The microcontroller in the program mainly for field signal acquisition and operation of the stepper motor to calculate the direction and speed information. Then sent to the CPLD.CPLD with EPM7128SLC84-15, EPM7128 programmable logic device of large-scale, for the ALTERA company's MAX7000 family. High impedance, electrically erasable and other characteristics, can be used for the 2500 unit, the working voltage of +5 V. CPLD receives information sent from the microcontroller after converted to the corresponding control signal output to the stepper motor drive. Put the control signal drives the motor windings after the input, to achieve effective control of the motor. 2.1 The hardware structure of the motor drive Motor drive using the following circuit:R1-R8 in which the resistance value of 320Ω. R9-R12 resistance value 2.2KΩ. Q1-Q4 as Darlington D401A, Q5-Q8 for the S8550. J1, J2 and the stepper motor connected to the six-lead。
密级分类号编号成绩本科生毕业设计 (论文)外文翻译原文标题Stepper Motor Motion Control System Design 译文标题步进电机运动控制系统设计作者所在系别机械工程系作者所在专业机械设计制造及其自动化作者所在班级作者姓名作者学号指导教师姓名指导教师职称完成时间2012 年 2 月的个数严格成正比,在时间上与输入脉冲同步,因此只要控制输入脉冲的数量、频率及电动机绕组通电的相序,便可获得所需的转角、转速及转动方向。
一步进电机的工作原理步进电机是一种用电脉冲进行控制 ,将电脉冲信号转换成相位移的电机 ,其机械位移和转速分别与输入电机绕组的脉冲个数和脉冲频率成正比 ,每一个脉冲信号可使步进电机旋转一个固定的角度.脉冲的数量决定了旋转的总角度 ,脉冲的频率决定了电机运转的速度.当步进驱动器接收到一个脉冲信号,它就驱动步进电机按设定的方向转动一个固定的角度(称为“步距角”),它的旋转是以固定的角度一步一步运行的。
单片机控制步进电机外文文献翻译单片机控制步进电机外文原文Stepping motor application and controlstepper motor is an electrical pulse will be converted into angular displacement of the implementing agencies. Put it in simple language-speaking: When the stepper drive pulse signal to a receiver, it drives stepper motor rotation direction by setting a fixed point of view (and the step angle). You can control the number of pulses to control the amount of angular displacement, so as to achieve the purpose of accurate positioning; At the same time, you can by controlling the pulsefrequency to control the motor rotation speed and acceleration, so as to achieve the purpose of speed.Stepper motor directly from the AC-DC power supply, and must use special equipment - stepper motor drive. Stepper motor drive system performance, in addition to their own performance with the motor on the outside, but also to a large extent depend on the drive is good or bad.A typical stepper motor drive system is operated by the stepper motor controller, stepper motor drives and stepper motor body is composed of three parts. Stepper motor controller stepper pulse and direction signal, each made of a pulse, stepper motor-driven stepper motor drives a rotor rotating step angle, that is, step-by-step further. High or low speed stepper motor, or speed, or deceleration, start or stop pulses areentirely dependent on whether the level or frequency. Decide the direction of the signal controller stepper motor clockwise or counterclockwise rotation. Typically, the stepper motor drive circuit from the logic control, power driver circuit, protection circuit and power components. Stepper motor drive controller, once received from the direction of the signal and step pulse, the control circuit on a pre-determined way of the electrical power-phase stepper motor excitation windings of the conduction or cut-off signal. Control circuit output signal power is low, can not provide the necessary stepping motor output power, the need for power amplifier, which is stepper motor driven power drive part. Power stepper motor drive circuit to control the input current winding to form a space for rotating magnetic field excitation, the rotor-driven movement. Protection circuit in the event of short circuit, overload, overheating, such as failure to stop the rapid drive and motor.Motor is usually for the permanent magnet rotor, when the current flows through the stator windings, the stator windings produce a magnetic field vector. The magnetic field will lead to a rotor angle of rotation, making a pair of rotor and stator magnetic field direction of the magnetic field direction. When the stator rotating magnetic field vector from a different angle. Also as the rotor magnetic field to a point of view. An electrical pulse for each input, the motor rotation angle step. Its output and input of the angular displacement is proportional to the pulses, with pulse frequency proportional to speed.Power to change the order of winding, the electrical will be reversed. We can, therefore, control the pulse number, frequency and electrical power windings of each phase to control the order of rotation of stepper motor.Stepper motor types:Permanent magnet (PM). Magnetic generally two-phase stepper, torque and are smaller and generally stepping angle of 7.5 degrees or 15 degrees; put more wind for air-conditioning.Reactive (VR), the domestic general called BF, have a common three-phase reaction, step angle of 1.5 degrees; also have five-phase reaction. Noise, no torque has been set at a large number of out.Hybrid (HB), common two-phase hybrid, five-phase hybrid, three-phase hybrid, four-phase hybrid, two-phase can be common with the four-phase drive, five-phase three-phase must be used with their drives;Two-phase, four-phase hybrid step angle is 1.8 degrees more than a small size, great distance, and low noise;Five-phase hybrid stepping motor is generally 0.72, the motor step angle small, high resolution, but the complexity of drive circuits,wiring problems, such as the 5-phase system of 10 lines.Three-phase hybrid stepping motor step angle of 1.2 degrees, but according to the use of 1.8 degrees, the three-phase hybrid stepping motor has a two-phase mixed than the five-phase hybrid more pole will help electric folder symmetric angle, it can be more than two-phase,five-phase high accuracy, the error even smaller, run moresmoothly.Stepper motor to maintain torque: stepper motor power means no rotation, the stator locked rotor torque. It is a stepper motor, one of the most important parameters, usually in the low-speed stepper motor torque at the time of close to maintain the torque. As the stepper motor output torque increases with the speed of constant attenuation, the output power also increases with the speed of change, so as to maintain torque on the stepper motor to measure the parameters of one of the most important. For example, when people say that the stepper motor 2N.m, in the absence of special circumstances that means for maintaining the torque of the stepper motor 2N.m.Precision stepper motors: stepper motor step angle accuracy of 3-5%, not cumulative.Stepper motor to allow the minimum amount of surfacetemperature:Steppermotor causes the motor temperature is too high the first magnetic demagnetization, resulting in loss of torque down even further, so the motor surface temperature should be the maximum allowed depending on the motor demagnetization of magnetic material points; Generally speaking, the magnetic demagnetization points are above 130 degrees Celsius, and some even as high as 200 degrees Celsius, so the stepper motor surface temperature of 80-90 degrees Celsius is normal.Start frequency of no-load: the stepper motor in case of no-load to the normal start of the pulse frequency, if the pulse frequency ishigher than the value of motor does not start, possible to lose steps or blocking. In the case of the load, start frequency should be lower. If you want to achieve high-speed rotation motor, pulse frequency should be to accelerate the process, that is, the lower frequency to start, and then rose to a certain acceleration of the desired frequency (motor speed from low rise to high-speed).Step angle: that is to send a pulse, the electrical angle corresponding to rotation.Torque positioning: positioning torque stepper motor does not refer to the case of electricity, locked rotor torque stator.Operating frequency: step-by-step stepper motor can run without losing thehighest frequency.Subdivision Drive: stepper motor drives the main aim is to weaken or eliminate low-frequency vibration of the stepper motor to improve the accuracy of the motor running. Reduce noise. If the step angle is 1.8 ? (full step) the two-phase hybrid stepping motor, if the breakdown of the breakdown of the number of drives for the 8, then the operation of the electrical pulse for each resolution of 0.072 ?, the precision of motor can reach or close to 0.225 ?, also depends on the breakdown of the breakdown of the drive current control accuracy and other factors, the breakdown of the number of the more difficult the greater the precision of control.How to determine the stepper motor driver DC power supply:A. Determination of the voltage: Hybrid stepping motor driver power supplyvoltage is generally a wide range (such as the IM483 supply voltage of 12 ~ 48VDC), the supply voltage is usually based on the work of the motor speed and response to the request to choose. If the motor operating speed higher or faster response to the request, then the voltage value is high, but note that the ripple voltage can not exceed the maximum input voltage of the drive, or it may damage the drive.B. Determination of CurrentPower supply current is generally based on the output phase current drive I to determine. If a linear power supply, power supply current is generally preferable 1.1 to 1.3 times the I; if we adopt the switching power supply, power supply current is generally preferable to I, 1.5 to 2.0 times.The main characteristics of stepping motor:1. A stepper motor drive can be added operate pulse drive signal must be no pulse when the stepper motor at rest, such as If adding the appropriate pulse signal, it will to a certain angle (called the step angle) rotation. Rotation speed and pulse frequency is proportional to.2. permanent magnet step angle stepper motor version is 7.5 degrees, 360 degrees around, takes 48 pulses to complete.3. stepper motor has instant start and rapid cessation of superior characteristics. Change the order of the pulse4(you can easily change the direction of rotation.Therefore, the current printers, plotters, robotics, and so devices are the core of the stepper motor as the driving force.Stepper motors have the following benefits: (1)Low cost(2)Ruggedness (3)Simplicity in construction (4)High reliability (5)No maintenance (6)Wideacceptance(7)No tweaking to stabilize (8)No feedback components are neededThey work in just about any environment Inherently more failsafethan servo motors. There isvirtually no conceivable failure within the stepper drive module that could cause the motor to run away. Stepper motors are simple to drive and control in an open-loop configuration. They only require four leads. They provide excellent torque at low speeds, up to 5 times the continuous torque of a brush motor of the same frame size or double the torque of the equivalent brushless motor. This often eliminates the need for a gearbox. A stepper-driven-system is inherently stiff, with known limits to the dynamic position error.Stepper Motor Disadvantages:Stepper motors have the following disadvantages:1. Resonance effects and relatively long settling times .2.Rough performance at low speed unless a microstep drive is used .3.Liability to undetected position loss as a result of operating open-loop .4. They consume current regardless of load conditions and therefore tend to run hot5. Losses at speed are relatively high and can cause excessive heating, and they are frequently noisy (especially at high speeds).6.They can exhibit lag-lead oscillation, which is difficult to damp.There is a limit to their available size, and positioning accuracy relies on the mechanics (e.g., ballscrew accuracy).Many of these drawbacks can be overcome by the use of a closed-loop control scheme.外文资料翻译译文步进电机应用和控制步进电机是将电脉冲转换成角位移的执行机构。
外文文献:Knowledge of the stepper motorWhat is a stepper motor:Stepper motor is a kind of electrical pulses into angular displacement of the implementing agency. Popular little lesson: When the driver receives a step pulse signal, it will drive a stepper motor to set the direction of rotation at a fixed angle (and the step angle). You can control the number of pulses to control the angular displacement, so as to achieve accurate positioning purposes; the same time you can control the pulse frequency to control the motor rotation speed and acceleration, to achieve speed control purposes.What kinds of stepper motor sub-:In three stepper motors: permanent magnet (PM), reactive (VR) and hybrid (HB) permanent magnet stepper usually two-phase, torque, and smaller, step angle of degrees or the general 15 degrees; reaction step is generally three-phase, can achieve high torque output, step angle of degrees is generally, but the noise and vibration are large. 80 countries in Europe and America have been eliminated; hybrid stepper is a mix of permanent magnet and reactive advantages. It consists of two phases and the five-phase: two-phase step angle of degrees while the general five-phase step angle of degrees generally. The most widely used Stepper Motor. What is to keep the torque (HOLDING TORQUE)How much precision stepper motor? Whether the cumulative:The general accuracy of the stepper motor step angle of 3-5%, and not cumulative. Stepper motor to allow the minimum amount of surface temperatureStepper motor to allow the minimum amount of surface temperature:Stepper motor causes the motor temperature is too high the first magnetic demagnetization, resulting in loss of torque down even further, so the motor surface temperature should be the maximum allowed depending on the motor demagnetization of magnetic material points; Generally speaking, the magnetic demagnetization points are above 130 degrees Celsius, and some even as high as 200 degrees Celsius,so the stepper motor surface temperature of 80-90 degrees Celsius is normal. How to determine the stepper motor driver DC power supply:A. Determination of the voltageHybrid stepping motor driver power supply voltage is generally a wide range (such as the IM483 supply voltage of 12 ~ 48VDC), the supply voltage is usually based on the work of the motor speed and response to the request to choose. If the motor operating speed higher or faster response to the request, then the voltage value is high, but note that the ripple voltage can not exceed the maximum input voltage of the drive, or it may damage the drive.B. Determination of CurrentPower supply current is generally based on the output phase current drive I to determine. If a linear power supply, power supply current is generally preferable to times the I; if we adopt the switching power supply, power supply current is generally preferable to I, to times.The main characteristics of stepping motor:A stepper motor drive can be added operate pulse drive signal must be no pulse when the stepper motor at rest, such asIf adding the appropriate pulse signal, it will to a certain angle (called the step angle) rotation. Rotation speed and pulse frequency is proportional to.2 Dragon step angle stepper motor version is degrees, 360 degrees around, takes 48 pulses to complete.3 stepper motor has instant start and rapid cessation of superior characteristics.Change the pulse of the order of 4, you can easily change the direction of rotation. Therefore, the current printers, plotters, robotics, and so devices are the core of the stepper motor as the driving force.Stepper motor control exampleWe use four-phase unipolar stepper motor as an example. The structure shown in Figure 1:Four four-phase winding leads (as opposed to phase A1 A2 B1 phase phase B2) andtwo public lines (to the power of positive). The windings of one phase to the power of the ground. So that the windings will be inspired. We use four-phase eight-beat control, ie, 1 phase 2 phase alternating turn, would enhance resolution. ° per step can be transferred to control the motor excitation is transferred in order as follows:If the requirements of motor reversal, the transmission excitation signal can be reversed. 2 control schemeControl system block diagram is as followsThe program uses AT89S51 as the main control device. It is compatible with the AT89C51, but also increased the SPI interface and the watchdog module, which not only makes the debugging process becomes easy and also more stable. The microcontroller in the program mainly for field signal acquisition and operation of the stepper motor to calculate the direction and speed information. Then sent to the CPLD.CPLD with EPM7128SLC84-15, EPM7128 programmable logic device of large-scale, for the ALTERA company's MAX7000 family. High impedance, electrically erasable and other characteristics, can be used for the 2500 unit, the working voltage of +5 V. CPLD receives information sent from the microcontroller after converted to the corresponding control signal output to the stepper motor drive. Put the control signal drives the motor windings after the input, to achieve effective control of the motor. The hardware structure of the motor driveMotor drive using the following circuit:R1-R8 in which the resistance value of 320Ω. R9-R12 resistance value Ω. Q1-Q4 as Darlington D401A, Q5-Q8 for the S8550. J1, J2 and the stepper motor connected to the six-lead。
步进电机概述中英文资料对照外文翻译文献综述外文文献:Knowledge of the stepper motorWhat is a stepper motor:Stepper motor is a kind of electrical pulses into angular displacement of the implementing agency. Popular little lesson: When the driver receives a step pulse signal, it will drive a stepper motor to set the direction of rotation at a fixed angle (and the step angle). You can control the number of pulses to control the angular displacement, so as to achieve accurate positioning purposes; the same time you can control the pulse frequency to control the motor rotation speed and acceleration, to achieve speed control purposes.What kinds of stepper motor sub-:In three stepper motors: permanent magnet (PM), reactive (VR) and hybrid (HB) permanent magnet stepper usually two-phase, torque, and smaller, step angle of 7.5 degrees or the general 15 degrees; reaction step is generally three-phase, can achieve high torque output, step angle of 1.5 degrees is generally, but the noise and vibration are large. 80 countries in Europe and America have been eliminated; hybrid stepper is a mix of permanent magnet and reactive advantages. It consists of two phases and the five-phase: two-phase step angle of 1.8 degrees while the general five-phase step angle of 0.72 degrees generally. The most widely used Stepper Motor.What is to keep the torque (HOLDING TORQUE)How much precision stepper motor? Whether the cumulative:The general accuracy of the stepper motor step angle of 3-5%, and not cumulative.Stepper motor to allow the minimum amount of surface temperatureStepper motor to allow the minimum amount of surface temperature:Stepper motor causes the motor temperature is too high the first magnetic demagnetization, resulting in loss of torque down even further, so the motor surface temperature should be themaximum allowed depending on the motor demagnetization of magnetic material points; Generally speaking, the magnetic demagnetization points are above 130 degrees Celsius, and some even as high as 200 degrees Celsius, so the stepper motor surface temperature of 80-90 degrees Celsius is normal.How to determine the stepper motor driver DC power supply:A. Determination of the voltageHybrid stepping motor driver power supply voltage is generally a wide range (such as the IM483 supply voltage of 12 ~ 48VDC), the supply voltage is usually based on the work of the motor speed and response to the request to choose. If the motor operating speed higher or faster response to the request, then the voltage value is high, but note that the ripple voltage can not exceed the maximum input voltage of the drive, or it may damage the drive.B. Determination of CurrentPower supply current is generally based on the output phase current drive I to determine. If a linear power supply, power supply current is generally preferable 1.1 to 1.3 times the I; if we adopt the switching power supply, power supply current is generally preferable to I, 1.5 to 2.0 times.The main characteristics of stepping motor:A stepper motor drive can be added operate pulse drive signal must be no pulse when the stepper motor at rest, such asIf adding the appropriate pulse signal, it will to a certain angle (called the step angle) rotation. Rotation speed and pulse frequency is proportional to.2 Dragon step angle stepper motor version is 7.5 degrees, 360 degrees around, takes 48 pulses to complete.3 stepper motor has instant start and rapid cessation of superior characteristics.Change the pulse of the order of 4, you can easily change the direction of rotation. Therefore, the current printers, plotters, robotics, and so devices are the core of the stepper motor as the driving force.Stepper motor control exampleWe use four-phase unipolar stepper motor as an example. The structure shown in Figure 1: Four four-phase winding leads (as opposed to phase A1 A2 B1 phase phase B2) and twopublic lines (to the power of positive). The windings of one phase to the power of the ground. So that the windings will be inspired. We use four-phase eight-beat control, ie, 1 phase 2 phase alternating turn, would enhance resolution. 0.9 ° per step can be transferred to control the motor excitation is transferred in order as follows:If the requirements of motor reversal, the transmission excitation signal can be reversed. 2 control schemeControl system block diagram is as followsThe program uses AT89S51 as the main control device. It is compatible with the AT89C51, but also increased the SPI interface and the watchdog module, which not only makes the debugging process becomes easy and also more stable. The microcontroller in the program mainly for field signal acquisition and operation of the stepper motor to calculate the direction and speed information. Then sent to the CPLD.CPLD with EPM7128SLC84-15, EPM7128 programmable logic device of large-scale, for the ALTERA company's MAX7000 family. High impedance, electrically erasable and other characteristics, can be used for the 2500 unit, the working voltage of +5 V. CPLD receives information sent from the microcontroller after converted to the corresponding control signal output to the stepper motor drive. Put the control signal drives the motor windings after the input, to achieve effective control of the motor. 2.1 The hardware structure of the motor drive Motor drive using the following circuit:R1-R8 in which the resistance value of 320Ω. R9-R12 resistance value 2.2KΩ. Q1-Q4 as Darlington D401A, Q5-Q8 for the S8550. J1, J2 and the stepper motor connected to the six-lead。
外文原文:Step of electric machine universal controller realizes which based on the MSP430F149 Single Chip Microcomputer.Abstract:With the infiltration in the social field of the computer in recent years, the application of the one-chip computer is moving towards deepening constantly, drive tradition is itmeasure crescent benefit to upgrade day to control at the same time. In measuring in real time andautomatically controlled one-chip computer application system, the one-chip computer often usesas a key part, only one-chip computer respect knowledge is not enough, should also follow thestructure of the concrete hardware , and direct against and use the software of target'scharacteristic to combine concretely, in order to do perfectly.This article mainly introduced realizes a step of machine universal controller based on the MSP430F149 monolithic integrated circuit. This controller may simultaneously control the multi-tablecloths machine according to the curve way movement, including adds and subtracts fast, the localization and the commutation function and so on. In the article discussed with emphasis step machine has risen to low the speed and the curve design proposal and its the realization method.1. a preface:based on the step of machine control system, except step machine generally also needs the special actuation power source, actuates the power source merely to complete the power actuation part, the user certainly cannot cause the entire control system according to prearrange, the expectation active status movement, must control to its actuation power source, the user needs to develop once more.In view of this, has designed a step of machine universal controller which realizes based onthe MSP430F149 monolithic integrated circuit, may satisfy the majority controllingfield originally request. The controller main function is:(1) May control the multi- wraps step of machine actuation system; At present may simultaneously control 3 sets of systems.(2) work way is flexible, may according to the hypothesis curve movement, the curve most reach 8 sections; May according to the control signal movement which exterior examines; May according to the simulation adjustment test function movement;2. Systems designs2.1 systems structureThis controller has mainly realized thematic- tablecloths machine in the multistage curve operating control.2.2 microprocessors choiceThis design has selected MSP which Incorporation produces series monolithic integrated circuit MSP430F149.The goal is applies its rich connection resources and the formidable timer function, the MSP430F149 performance characteristic as follows:(1) 6 eight bit parallel connections; Definitely may realize this system all signals input, the output, does not need the hardware to expand, P1, the P2 eight bit parallel ports each mouth line all has the severance function, softly causes the keyboard, the hardware design to change is extremely simple.(2) 12 A/D switch ADC; Completes the simulation hypothesis function.(3) Formidable timer function; TIMER-A3, TIMER-B7 respectively be have3 and 7 captures/compares the register 16 timers, may satisfy the system speed the hypothesis and the curve fixed time request.(4)Liquid crystal actuation module;(5) In sets at 2KB RAM, 60KB FLASH;MSP430F149 provides the rich resources, the periphery hardware expands only must do the very few work, not only designs changes extremely imply, and moreover this controller volume small, the reliability is high.2.3 steps of machine starting and add/decelerate the control planThe step of motive highest starting frequency (step frequency) generally is 0.1KHz arrives 3-4KHz, but the highest movement frequency may achieve N*102 KHz. Surpasses the highest starting frequency the frequency direct-on starting, will appear\" Falls out of step \" Phenomenon, even is unable to start.The more ideal starting curve should be according to the index rule starting. But the practical application to starts the section processing to be possible to use according to the fitting a straight Line method, namely \" Steps and ladders law \”. May according to two kind of situations processing, (1) known frequency press the frequency partition to start, the partition counts n=f/f q.(2) Unknown frequency, then to assigns according to the section. Uses \" Steps and ladders law \" Continuously raises the speed the speed which needs, then locking, according to pre-placed curve movement. Fitting the starting frequency, after each section of frequencies hand over the increase (to call steps and ladders frequency) △f=f/8, namely uses 8 sections of fitting. In the operating control process, (frequency) divides into the outset speed n minute achievement steps and ladders frequency, When 2.4 steps of machine commutation questions step of machine commutation, certainly must stop in the electrical machinery or fall commutates again to the frequency range in, in order to avoid has a bigger impact to damage the electrical machinery. The commutation signal certainly must last the CP pulse finish after the preceding direction as well as in front of the next direction first CP pulse sends out.2.4 steps of machine commutation questionsStep of machine commutation, certainly must stop in the electrical machinery or fall commutates again to the frequency range in, in order to avoid has a bigger impact to damage theelectrical machinery. The commutation signal certainly must last the CP pulse finish after the preceding direction as well as in front of the next direction first CP pulse sent out in some high speed under, the reverse cut essence has contained -> the commutation -> three processes2.5 speeds and the timer starting value transformationThis system speed control is the dependence fixed time produces; the hypothesis speed which the CP pulse completes with has the CP pulse timer starting value to have the certain relations. The MSP430F149 timer work way has many kinds of, this design timer work under continual way. In the continual pattern, the timer starts from its current value to count, after counts to 0FFFFH from \" 0\" Starts redo count. Under this way, compares the timer current value and comparison register CCRX, if equal has the severance, and May the time which has the next event add to in this interrupt service is on comparison register CCRX.Fixed time the starting value = must fixed time the value/count the cycle; Often assigns regarding the step of machine its speed value by the frequency form, such as movement under 20KHZ, therefore the previous type may transform is: Fixed time the starting value = counts the frequency/speed value. (Counts frequency for system clock frequency)3. ConcludingRemark this controller may realize step machine under the multistage hypothesis curve operating control, has the hardware simply, the reliable high characteristic, has used in on the electric wire production line platoon line control section it, has obtained the satisfying effect. This topic funds the project for the north industry big school scientific research foundation.中文译文:基于MSP430F149单片机实现的步进电机通用控制器。
毕业设计说明书The Use of Stepper Motor步进电机的应用学生姓名: 学号: 学 院: 系 名:专 业:指导教师:年 月(小二号居中)三号楷体 三号楷体 信息商务学院 三号楷体 只写名字,三号楷体 三号楷体The use of stepper motorStepper motor is the electric pulse signals into angular displacement or linear displacement of the open-loop stepper motor control element pieces. In the case of non-overloaded, the motor speed, stop position depends only on the pulse frequency and pulse number, regardless of load changes, when the driver receives a step pulse signal, it will drive a stepper motor to Set the direction of rotation of a fixed angle, called the "step angle", which the angle of rotation is fixed step by step operation. Number of pulses can be controlled by controlling the angular displacement, so as to achieve accurate positioning purposes; the same time by controlling the pulse frequency to control the motor rotation speed and acceleration, to achieve speed control purposes.Work:Induction motor is a stepper motor, does it work is the use of electronic circuits, the DC power supply into a time-sharing, multi-phase timing control current, this current stepper motor power supply, the stepper motor to work properly , The drive is sharing power supply for the stepper motor, the polyphase timing controllerAlthough the stepper motor has been widely used, but the stepper motor does not like a normal DC motor, AC motor in the conventional use. It must be double-ring pulse signal, power driver circuit composed of the control system can be used. Therefore, it is not easy with a good stepping motor, which involves mechanical, electrical, electronics and computers, and many other specialized knowledge.As the stepper motor actuators, electromechanical integration, one of the key products, widely used in a variety of automatic control systems. With the development of microelectronics and computer technology, increasing demand for stepper motor, has applications in all areas of the national economy.Categories:Now more commonly used include the reaction of step motor stepper motor (VR), permanent magnet stepper motor (PM), hybrid stepper motors (HB) and single-phase stepper motor.Permanent magnet stepper motorPermanent magnet stepper motor is generally two-phase, torque, and smaller, usually 7.5 degree step angle or 15 degrees;Permanent magnet stepper motor output torque, dynamic performance, but a large step angle:Reaction Stepper MotorReaction is generally three-phase stepping motor can achieve high torque output, step angle of 1.5 degrees is generally, but the noise and vibration are large. Reaction by the stepper motor rotor magnetic circuit made of soft magnetic materials, a number of the stator phase excitation winding, the use of permeability changes in torque. Step Motor simple structure, low production costs, step angle is small; but the dynamic performance is poor.Hybrid Stepping MotorHybrid Step Motor combines reactive, permanent magnet stepper motors of both, it's a small step angle, contribute a large, dynamic performance, is currently the highest performance stepper motor. It is also sometimes referred to as Permanent Magnet Induction Stepping Motor. It consists of two phases and the five-phase: the general two-phase step angle of 1.8 degrees and the general five-phase step angle 0.72 degrees. The most widely used Stepper Motor.Stepper motor drive for energy savingThree-phase stepper motor drive special features:■ 180% low torque output, low frequency characteristics of a good run■ Maximum output frequency 600Hz, high-speed motor control■ full range of detection of protection (over voltage, under voltage, overload) instantaneous power failure restart■ acceleration, deceleration, such as dynamic change in the stall protection function to prevent■ Electrical dynamic parameters of automatic recognition function to ensure stability and accuracy of the system■ quick response and high-speed shutdown■ abundant and flexible input and output interface and control, versatility■ use of SMT produc tion and three full-mount anti-paint treatment process, product stability and high■ full range of Siemens IGBT power devices using the latest, to ensure the quality of high-qualityBasic principlesUsually for the permanent magnet rotor motor, when current flows through the statorwindings, the stator windings produce a magnetic field vector. The magnetic field will lead to a rotor angle of the magnetic field makes the direction of a rotor and the stator's magnetic field direction. When the stator magnetic field vector rotating at an angle. As the rotor magnetic field is also transferred from another perspective. An electrical pulse for each input, the motor turning a point forward. It is the angular displacement of the output and input the number of pulses proportional to speed and pulse frequency is proportional to. Power to change the order of winding, the motor will reverse. Therefore, the number of available control pulse, frequency and power the motor windings of each phase in order to control the stepper motor rotation. Reaction Stepper MotorAs the response to stepping motor works is relatively simple. The following describes the first principle of three-phase stepping motor response.1, the structure: uniformly distributed rotor with many small teeth, the stator excitation windings of three teeth, the geometric axis of the rotor tooth axis in order were staggered. 0,1 / 3 て, 2 / 3 て, (adjacent to the two axes of the rotor tooth pitch distance between the てsaid), that is, with the teeth a relatively homogeneous A, B and staggered tooth 2 to the right 1 / 3 て, C and the right to stagger tooth 3 2 / 3 て, A 'and the tooth 5 is relatively homogeneous, (A' is A, is the gear teeth 5 1) The following is the rotor's expansion plan:2, rotation: If the A-phase power, B, C phase is not energized, the magnetic field, alignment of teeth 1 and A, (without any power of the rotor are the same the following). Such as the B-phase power, A, C phase is not energized, gear 2, and B should be aligned, when the rotor over to the right 1 / 3 て, this time offset teeth 3 and C 1 / 3 て, teeth 4 and A shift (て-1 / 3 te) = 2 / 3 て. Such as the C-phase power, A, B phase is not energized, gear 3, and C should be aligned, this time right off the rotor Youxiang 1 / 3 て, 4 and A gear shift time is 1 / 3 てalignment. Such as the A-phase power, B, C phase is not energized, 4 and A-aligned teeth, the rotor Youxiang right over 1 / 3 てso after A, B, C, A are energized, gear 4 (ie, the previous tooth 1 teeth) to the A-phase, rotor to the right around a pitch, if you continue to press the A, B, C, A ... ... power, the motor for each step (per pulse) 1 / 3 て, Rotate Right. Such as by A, C, B, A ... ... power, the motor to reverse. This shows that: the location and speed of motor conduction times by the (number of pulses) and frequency into one relationship. The direction determined by the conductivity of the order. However, out of torque, smooth, noise and reduce the angle considerations. Often withA-AB-B-BC-C-CA-A this conductive state, so that each step the original 1 / 3 てchanged to 1 / 6 て. Even through different combinations of two-phase current, so 1 / 3 てinto 1 / 12 て, 1 / 24, te, which is the basic theory of the motor-driven basis for subdivision. Easily introduced: m phase on the stator excitation windings, the axis of the rotor tooth axis were offset 1 / m, 2 / m ... ... (m-1) / m, 1. And conductivity at a certain phase sequence reversing motor can be controlled - this is the rotation of the physical conditions. As long as we meet this condition can theoretically create any phase stepper motor, because of cost, and many other considerations, the market generally two, three, four, five-phase is more.3, the torque: the motor once energized, will produce between the stator and rotor magnetic field (magnetic flux Ф) when the rotor and stator stagger angle to produce force F and (dФ / dθ) is proportional to S the magnetic flux Ф = Br * S Br for the flux density, F and S for the magnetic area of L * D * Br core is proportional to L, effective length, D is rot or diameter Br = N • I / RN • I was excited winding ampere turns (current x turns) R for the magnetic resistance. Torque = force * radius of the torque and the motor turns the effective volume * An * is proportional to the flux density (only consider the linear state), therefore, the greater the effective volume of the motor, the greater the excitation ampere turns, the smaller air gap between stator and rotor, the motor torque, and vice versa.Induction Stepping Motor1,features: Induction, compared with the traditional reactive, structural reinforced with a permanent magnet rotor, in order to provide the working point of soft magnetic materials, and the stator excitation magnetic field changes only need to provide to provide the operating point of the consumption of magnetic materials energy, so the motor efficiency, current, low heat. Due to the presence of permanent magnets, the motor has a strong EMF, the damping effect of its own good, it is relatively stable during operation, low noise, low frequency vibration. Induction can be seen as somewhat low-speed synchronous motor. A four-phase motor can be used for four-phase operation, but also can be used for two-phase operation. (Must be bipolar voltage drive), while the motor is not so reactive. For example: four phase, eight-phase operation (A-AB-B-BC-C-CD-D-DA-A) can use two-phase eight-shot run. Not difficult to find the conditions for C =, D =. a two-phase motor's internal winding consistent with the four-phase motors, small power motors are generally directly connected to the second phase, the power of larger motor, in order to facilitate the use and flexible to change the dynamic characteristics of the motor, its external connections often lead to eight (four-phase), so that when used either as afour-phase motors used, can be used for two-phase motor winding in series or parallel.2, classificationInduction motors can be divided in phases: two-phase motor, three phase motor, four-phase motor, five-phase motor. The frame size (motor diameter) can be divided into: 42BYG (BYG the Induction Stepping motor code), 57BYG, 86BYG, 110BYG, (international standard), and like 70BYG, 90BYG, 130BYG and so are the national standards.3, the stepper motor phase number of static indicators of terms: very differently on the N, S the number of magnetic field excitation coil. Common m said. Beat number: complete the necessary cyclical changes in a magnetic field pulses or conducting state with n said, or that turned a pitch angle of the motor pulses needed to four-phase motor, for example, a four-phase four-shot operation mode that AB -BC-CD-DA-AB, shot eight four-phase operation mode that A-AB-B-BC-C-CD-D-DA-A. Step angle: corresponds to a pulse signal, the angular displacement of the rotor turned with θ said. θ = 360 degrees (the rotor teeth number of J * run shot), the conventional two, four-phase, the rotor teeth 50 tooth motor as an example. Four step run-time step angle θ = 360 ° / (50 * 4) = 1.8 degrees (commonly called the whole step), eight-shot running s tep angle θ = 360 ° / (50 * 8) = 0.9 degrees (commonly known as half step.) Location torque: the motor is not energized in the state, its locked rotor torque (as well as by the magnetic field profile of harmonics caused by mechanical error) static torque: the motor under the rated static electricity, the motor without rotation, the motor shaft locking torque. The motor torque is a measure of volume (geometry) standards, and drive voltage and drive power, etc. has nothing to do. Although the static torque is proportional to the electromagnetic magnetizing ampere turns, and fixed air gap between the rotor teeth on, but over-use of reduced air gap, increase the excitation ampere-turns to increase the static torque is not desirable, this will cause the motor heating and mechanical noise.4, the dynamic indicators and terminology:1, step angle accuracy: turn a stepper motor step angle for each actual value with the theoretical value of the error. Expressed as a percentage: Error / Step Angle * 100%. Its value is the number of different running different beat, four beat running should be within 5%, eight runs should take less than 15%.2 step: the motor running operation steps, is not equal to the theoretical number of steps. Called the step.3, offset angle: the axis of the rotor tooth offset angle of the axis of the stator teeth, the motor is running there will be misalignment angle, the error caused by the misalignment angle, using division drive can not be solved.4, the maximum no-load starting frequency: a drive motor in the form of voltage and rated current, in the case without load, the maximum frequency can be started directly.5, the maximum operating frequency of load: a drive motor in the form of voltage and rated current, the motor maximum speed with no load frequency.6, running torque-frequency characteristics: the motor under test conditions in a measured frequency of operation between the output torque and running torque curve is called the frequency characteristic curve which is the motor number of the most important dynamic is the fundamental basis for motor selection. As shown below: There used to frequency characteristics of other features, starting frequency characteristics. Electrical Once selected, the motor torque to determine the static and dynamic torque is not the case, the motor torque depends on the dynamics of the average motor current (rather than static current), the average current increases, the greater the output torque of the motor, that motor frequency characteristics of the more hard. As shown below: where the maximum curve 3 current, or voltages; curve a minimum current, or voltage is the lowest curve and the load maximum speed of the intersection point of the load. For the average current, voltage increase as much as possible, so that the use of small inductor high current motor.7, the resonance point of the motor: stepping motor has a fixed resonance region, two, four-phase Induction in the resonance region is generally between 180-250pps (1.8 degree step angle) or about the 400pps (step angle 0.9 degrees), the higher the motor drive voltage, motor current increases, the lighter the load, the smaller the size the motor, the resonance shift upward, and vice versa, the motor output torque is large, yet further, and the whole system noise reduction, the general operating point should be offset more resonance.8, motor reversing control: timing is energized when the motor windings AB-BC-CD-DA or () is a positive turn, power the timing for the DA-CD-BC-AB or () when reversed.Some of the basic parameters of the stepper motorNatural step angle motorIt said each of the control system sends a pulse signal, the motor rotation angle.Motor factory, a step angle is given a value, such as 86BYG250A motors is given in 0.9 ° / 1.8 ° (half-step work that is 0.9 °, when the work of the whole step 1.8 °), the step angle can be called 'natural step angle motor', which is not necessarily true when the actual work the motor step angle, the real step angle and drive on.St epper motor step angle is usually the general computing β calculated as follows.β = 360 ° / (Z • m • K)Where β-stepper motor step angle;Z-rotor teeth;m-phase stepper motor number;K-control factor, the film is the ratio of the number of coefficients with the phase numberPhase stepper motorRefers to the number of the motor coil group, the commonly used two-phase, three phase, four-phase, five-phase stepper motor. Different number of motor phases, the step angle is different, the general two-phase motor step angle of 0.9 °/ 1.8 °, three-phase for the 0.75 ° / 1.5 °, five-phase for the 0.36 ° / 0.72 °. In the absence of sub-drive, the user select a different number of phases depends mainly on the stepper motor step angle to meet their own requirements. If you use the sub-drive, the 'phases' will become meaningless, the user simply changes in the subdivision number on the drive, you can change the step angle.Holding torque (HOLDING TORQUE)Stepper motor is energized but no rotation, the stator locked rotor torque. It is the stepper motor one of the most important parameters, usually when the stepper motor torque at low speed near the holding torque. As the stepper motor's output torque increases with the speed and continuous attenuation, output power increases with the speed change, so keep the torque stepper motor to become a measure of one of the most important parameters. For example, when people say 2N.m the stepper motor in case of no special note is the holding torque of the stepper motor for the 2N.m. DETENT TORQUE:Stepper motor is not energized, the stator locked rotor torque. DETENT TORQUE translation in the country there is no uniform way, easy to misunderstand us; the reaction is not a permanent magnet stepper motor rotor material, so it does not DETENT TORQUE.Characteristics of the stepper motor1. The general accuracy of the stepper motor step angle of 3-5%, and not cumulative.2. Appearance of the stepper motor to allow the maximum temperature.Stepper motor causes the motor temperature is too high the first magnetic demagnetization, resulting in loss of torque down even further, so the motor surface temperature should be the maximum allowed depending on the motor demagnetization of magnetic material points; Generally speaking, the magnetic demagnetization points are above 130 degrees Celsius, and some even as high as 200 degrees Celsius, so the stepper motor surface temperature of 80-90 degrees Celsius is normal.3. Stepper motor torque will decrease with the increase of speed.When the stepper motor rotates, the motor winding inductance of each phase will form a reverse electromotive force; the higher the frequency the greater the back emf. In its role, the motor with frequency (or speed) increases with the phase current decreases, resulting in decreased torque.4. Low-speed stepper motor can operate normally, but if not higher than a certain speed to start, accompanied by howling.Stepper motor has a technical parameters: no-load starting frequency, ie the stepper motor with no load to start the normal pulse frequency, pulse frequency is higher than the value if the motor does not start, you may lose steps or stall occurs. In the case of a load, start frequency should be lower. If you want the motor to achieve high-speed rotation, the pulse frequency should speed up the process, which started lower frequency, and then rise by a certain acceleration of the desired frequency (motor speed from low rise to high-speed).Stepper motor with its significant features, in the era of digital manufacturing play an important purpose. Along with the different development of digital technology and the stepper motor itself, improvements in technology, the stepper motor will be applied in more fields.步进电机的应用步进电机是将电脉冲信号转变为角位移或线位移的开环控制元步进电机件。
毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院:机械工程学院专业:机械设计制造及其自动化姓名:张XX学号:XXXXXXXXXX外文出处:《Computational Intelligence and (用外文写)Design》附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
步进电机概述论文翻译英文版(5篇模版)第一篇:步进电机概述论文翻译英文版Knowledge of the stepper motor What is a stepper motor:The stepping motor as executing components, electromechanical integration is one of the key products, widely used in a variety of automatic control systems. With the development of microelectronics and computer technology, the stepper motor demand grow with each passing day, has been applied in various fields of the national economy.Stepping motor is a kind of electrical pulses into angular displacement of the implementing agencies. When stepping drive receives a pulse signal, it drives stepper motor rotate in the direction set by a fixed angle ( called the " step " ), it is the rotation at a fixed angle step by step operation. The number of pulses to control the amount of angular displacement through the control, so as to achieve the purpose of accurate positioning; also can control the pulse frequency to control motor rotation speed and acceleration, so as to achieve the purpose of speed. Special motor stepper motor control can be used as a, using its no accumulation of error ( accuracy of 100% ) characteristics, widely used in all kinds of open-loop control.Now more commonly used step motor comprises stepper motor ( VR ), permanent magnet stepper motor ( PM ), hybrid stepping motor ( HB ) and single-phase stepping motor.Permanent magnet stepper motor for general two-phase, torque and small volume, the step angle is 7.5 degree or 15 degree;Reaction stepping motor is generally three-phase, can achieve a high torque output, step angle is 1.5 degrees, but thenoise and vibration are great. The rotor magnetic circuit made of soft magnetic material reaction stepper motor, a multi-phase excitation winding stator, using magnetic torque changes.Hybrid stepping motor is mixed the advantages of permanent magnet type and reaction type. It is divided into two phase and five phase: two-phase stepper angle is 1.8 degree and five phase stepper angle is 0.72 degrees. Application of the stepping motor is the most widely, is also this subdivision driving of stepper motor selection scheme.Some of the basic parameters of step motor:The natural step motor:It says every hair a step pulse signal control system, motor rotation angle. Motor factory is a step angle values, such as type 86BYG250A motor is given a value of 0.9° /1.8 °( said a half step of work is 0.9 °, the whole step of work is 1.8 °), this step can be called ' motor fixed step ', it doesn't have to be the actual motor work when the real step angle, angle and drive the real steps.Stepper motor phase number:Is the number of coils inside the motor, commonly used in a two-phase, three-phase, four phase, five phase stepper motor. The number of motor phase is different, the step angle is also different, the general two-phase motor step angle is 0.9° /1.8 °, three-phase 0.75 ° /1.5 °, five phase of 0.36 ° /0.72 °. In the absence of subdivision drive, users mainly rely on different phases of the stepper motor to meet their own requirements of step angle. If you use a subdivision driver, is ' phase ' will become meaningless, users only need to change the fine fraction in the drive, you can change the step angle.Keep the torque ( HOLDINGTORQUE ):Is the stepper motor power but there is no rotation, thestator locked rotor torque. It is one of the most important parameters of step motor, usually stepper motor in the low-speed torque to keep the torque. Because of the larger output torque stepper motor with speed and continuous decay, increases the output power with the speed of change, so keep the torque becomes one of the most important parameters of step motor. For example, when people say 2N.m stepper motor, in the absence of exceptional circumstances described in that refers to keep the torque motor for the 2N.m step.DETENTTORQUE: DETENTTORQUE:Refers to the stepper motor is not energized condition, the stator locked rotor torque. DETENTTORQUE does not have a unified way of translation in China, easy to make people misunderstand; as the rotor reaction stepper motor is not permanent magnetic material, so it has no DETENTTORQUE.Some of the characteristic of step motor:The 1 stepper motor step angle accuracy for 3-5%, and no accumulation.2 stepper motor appearance allows the maximum temperature.Stepper motor temperature is too high will first make the motor magnetic material demagnetization, resulting in lower torque and loss, so the highest temperature of motor appearance allows should depend on the different motor demagnetization magnetic materials; generally speaking, demagnetization point magnetic material in 130 degrees Celsius above, some even as high as 200 degrees Celsius stepping motor, so the surface temperature at 80-90 degrees Celsius completely normal.3 stepper motor torque will decrease with the increase of rotational speed.When the stepper motor rotates, the electrical inductance of the winding will form a reverse electromotive force; the higher the frequency, the greater the reverse emf. Under the influence of it, the motor with frequency ( or speed ) increase and the phase current is reduced, resulting in lower torque.4 stepper motor speed can be normal operation, but if it is more than a certain speed will not start, and accompanied by howling.Stepper motor is a technical parameter: no-load start frequency, namely the stepper motor under no-load condition can pulse frequency start, if the pulse frequency is higher than the value, the motor can not start properly, may have lost step or stall. In under the condition of the load, start frequency should be less. If you want to enable the motor to rotate at high speed, pulse frequency should accelerate the process is started, the lower frequency, and then according to certain acceleration up to high frequency desired ( motor speed from low speed to high speed ).Characteristics of stepper motor with its significant, play an important purpose in the era of digital manufacturing. With the different development of digital technology and stepper motor itself technology improves, the stepper motor will be applied in more fields. How to determine the stepper motor driver DC power supply:A. Determination of the voltageHybrid stepping motor driver power supply voltage is generally a wide range (such as the IM483 supply voltage of 12 ~ 48VDC), the supply voltage is usually based on the work of the motor speed and response to the request to choose. If the motor operating speed higher or faster response to the request, thenthe voltage value is high, but note that the ripple voltage can not exceed the maximum input voltage of the drive, or it may damage the drive. B. Determination of Current Power supply current is generally based on the output phase current drive I to determine. If a linear power supply, power supply current is generally preferable 1.1 to 1.3 times the I; if we adopt the switching power supply, power supply current is generally preferable to I, 1.5 to 2.0 times. The main characteristics of stepping motor:A stepper motor drive can be added operate pulse drive signal must be no pulse when the stepper motor at rest, such as If adding the appropriate pulse signal, it will to a certain angle (called the step angle) rotation. Rotation speed and pulse frequency is proportional to.2 Dragon step angle stepper motor version is 7.5 degrees, 360 degrees around, takes 48 pulses to complete.3 stepper motor has instant start and rapid cessation of superior characteristics. Change the pulse of the order of 4, you can easily change the direction of rotation. Therefore, the current printers, plotters, robotics, and so devices are the core of the stepper motor as the driving force. Stepper motor control example We use four-phase unipolar stepper motor as an example. The structure shown in Figure 1:Four four-phase winding leads (as opposed to phase A1 A2 B1 phase phase B2) and two public lines (to the power of positive). The windings of one phase to the power of the ground. So that the windings will be inspired. We use four-phase eight-beat control, ie, 1 phase 2 phase alternating turn, would enhance resolution. 0.9 ° per step can be transferred to control the motor excitation is transferred in order as follows:If the requirements of motor reversal, the transmission excitation signal can be reversed. 2 control scheme Control system block diagram is as followsThe program uses AT89S51 as the main control device. It is compatible with the AT89C51, but also increased the SPI interface and the watchdog module, which not only makes the debugging process becomes easy and also more stable. The microcontroller in the program mainly for field signal acquisition and operation of the stepper motor to calculate the direction and speed information. Then sent to the CPLD. CPLD with EPM7128SLC84-15, EPM7128 programmable logic device of large-scale, for the ALTERA company's MAX7000 family. High impedance, electrically erasable and other characteristics, can be used for the 2500 unit, the working voltage of +5 V. CPLD receives information sent from the microcontroller after converted to the corresponding control signal output to the stepper motor drive. Put the control signal drives the motor windings after the input, to achieve effective control of the motor.2.1 The hardware structure of the motor drive Motor drive using the following circuit:R1-R8 in which the resistance value of 320Ω. R9-R12 resistance value 2.2KΩ. Q1-Q4 as Darlington D401A, Q5-Q8 for the S8550. J1, J2 and the stepper motor connected to the six-lead。
单片机控制步进电机外文原文Stepping motor application and control stepper motor is an electrical pulse will be converted into angular displacement of the implementing agencies. Put it in simple language-speaking: When the stepper drive pulse signal to a receiver, it drives stepper motor rotation direction by setting a fixed point of view (and the step angle). You can control the number of pulses to control the amount of angular displacement, so as to achieve the purpose of accurate positioning; At the same time, you can by controlling the pulse frequency to control the motor rotation speed and acceleration, so as to achieve the purpose of speed.Stepper motor directly from the AC-DC power supply, and must use special equipment - stepper motor drive. Stepper motor drive system performance, in addition to their own performance with the motor on the outside, but also to a large extent depend on the drive is good or bad. A typical stepper motor drive system is operated by the stepper motor controller, stepper motor drives and stepper motor body is composed of three parts. Stepper motor controller stepper pulse and direction signal, each made of a pulse, stepper motor-driven stepper motor drives a rotor rotating step angle, that is, step-by-step further. High or low speed stepper motor, or speed, or deceleration, start or stop pulses are entirely dependent on whether the level or frequency. Decide the direction of the signal controller stepper motor clockwise or counterclockwise rotation. Typically, the stepper motor drive circuit from the logic control, power driver circuit, protection circuit and power components. Stepper motor drive controller, once received from the direction of the signal and step pulse, the control circuit on a pre-determined way of the electrical power-phase stepper motor excitation windings of the conduction or cut-off signal. Control circuit output signal power is low, can not provide the necessary stepping motor output power, the need for power amplifier, which is stepper motor driven power drive part. Power stepper motor drive circuit to control the input current winding to form a space for rotating magnetic field excitation, the rotor-driven movement. Protection circuit in the event of shortcircuit, overload, overheating, such as failure to stop the rapid drive and motor.Motor is usually for the permanent magnet rotor, when the current flows through the stator windings, the stator windings produce a magnetic field vector. The magnetic field will lead to a rotor angle of rotation, making a pair of rotor and stator magnetic field direction of the magnetic field direction. When the stator rotating magnetic field vector from a different angle. Also as the rotor magnetic field to a point of view. An electrical pulse for each input, the motor rotation angle step. Its output and input of the angular displacement is proportional to the pulses, with pulse frequency proportional to speed. Power to change the order of winding, the electrical will be reversed. We can, therefore, control the pulse number, frequency and electrical power windings of each phase to control the order of rotation of stepper motor.Stepper motor types:Permanent magnet (PM). Magnetic generally two-phase stepper, torque and are smaller and generally stepping angle of 7.5 degrees or 15 degrees; put more wind for air-conditioning.Reactive (VR), the domestic general called BF, have a common three-phase reaction, step angle of 1.5 degrees; also have five-phase reaction. Noise, no torque has been set at a large number of out.Hybrid (HB), common two-phase hybrid, five-phase hybrid, three-phase hybrid, four-phase hybrid, two-phase can be common with the four-phase drive, five-phase three-phase must be used with their drives;Two-phase, four-phase hybrid step angle is 1.8 degrees more than a small size, great distance, and low noise;Five-phase hybrid stepping motor is generally 0.72, the motor step angle small, high resolution, but the complexity of drive circuits, wiring problems, such as the 5-phase system of 10 lines.Three-phase hybrid stepping motor step angle of 1.2 degrees, but according to the use of 1.8 degrees, the three-phase hybrid stepping motor has a two-phase mixed than the five-phase hybrid more pole will help electric folder symmetric angle, it can be more than two-phase, five-phase high accuracy, the error even smaller, run moresmoothly.Stepper motor to maintain torque: stepper motor power means no rotation, the stator locked rotor torque. It is a stepper motor, one of the most important parameters, usually in the low-speed stepper motor torque at the time of close to maintain the torque. As the stepper motor output torque increases with the speed of constant attenuation, the output power also increases with the speed of change, so as to maintain torque on the stepper motor to measure the parameters of one of the most important. For example, when people say that the stepper motor 2N.m, in the absence of special circumstances that means for maintaining the torque of the stepper motor 2N.m.Precision stepper motors: stepper motor step angle accuracy of 3-5%, not cumulative.Stepper motor to allow the minimum amount of surface temperature:Stepper motor causes the motor temperature is too high the first magnetic demagnetization, resulting in loss of torque down even further, so the motor surface temperature should be the maximum allowed depending on the motor demagnetization of magnetic material points; Generally speaking, the magnetic demagnetization points are above 130 degrees Celsius, and some even as high as 200 degrees Celsius, so the stepper motor surface temperature of 80-90 degrees Celsius is normal.Start frequency of no-load: the stepper motor in case of no-load to the normal start of the pulse frequency, if the pulse frequency is higher than the value of motor does not start, possible to lose steps or blocking. In the case of the load, start frequency should be lower. If you want to achieve high-speed rotation motor, pulse frequency should be to accelerate the process, that is, the lower frequency to start, and then rose to a certain acceleration of the desired frequency (motor speed from low rise to high-speed).Step angle: that is to send a pulse, the electrical angle corresponding to rotation.Torque positioning: positioning torque stepper motor does not refer to the case of electricity, locked rotor torque stator.Operating frequency: step-by-step stepper motor can run without losing thehighest frequency.Subdivision Drive: stepper motor drives the main aim is to weaken or eliminate low-frequency vibration of the stepper motor to improve the accuracy of the motor running. Reduce noise. If the step angle is 1.8 °(full step) the two-phase hybrid stepping motor, if the breakdown of the breakdown of the number of drives for the 8, then the operation of the electrical pulse for each resolution of 0.072 °, the precision of motor can reach or close to 0.225 °, also depends on the breakdown of the breakdown of the drive current control accuracy and other factors, the breakdown of the number of the more difficult the greater the precision of control.How to determine the stepper motor driver DC power supply:A. Determination of the voltage:Hybrid stepping motor driver power supply voltage is generally a wide range (such as the IM483 supply voltage of 12 ~ 48VDC), the supply voltage is usually based on the work of the motor speed and response to the request to choose. If the motor operating speed higher or faster response to the request, then the voltage value is high, but note that the ripple voltage can not exceed the maximum input voltage of the drive, or it may damage the drive.B. Determination of CurrentPower supply current is generally based on the output phase current drive I to determine. If a linear power supply, power supply current is generally preferable 1.1 to 1.3 times the I; if we adopt the switching power supply, power supply current is generally preferable to I, 1.5 to 2.0 times.The main characteristics of stepping motor:1. A stepper motor drive can be added operate pulse drive signal must be no pulse when the stepper motor at rest, such as If adding the appropriate pulse signal, it will to a certain angle (called the step angle) rotation. Rotation speed and pulse frequency is proportional to.2. permanent magnet step angle stepper motor version is 7.5 degrees, 360 degrees around, takes 48 pulses to complete.3. stepper motor has instant start and rapid cessation of superior characteristics. Change the order of the pulse4.you can easily change the direction of rotation.Therefore, the current printers, plotters, robotics, and so devices are the core of the stepper motor as the driving force.Stepper motors have the following benefits: (1)Low cost (2)Ruggedness (3)Simplicity in construction (4)High reliability (5)No maintenance (6)Wide acceptance(7)No tweaking to stabilize (8)No feedback components are needed They work in just about any environment Inherently more failsafe than servo motors. There isvirtually no conceivable failure within the stepper drive module that could cause the motor to run away. Stepper motors are simple to drive and control in an open-loop configuration. They only require four leads. They provide excellent torque at low speeds, up to 5 times the continuous torque of a brush motor of the same frame size or double the torque of the equivalent brushless motor. This often eliminates the need for a gearbox. A stepper-driven-system is inherently stiff, with known limits to the dynamic position error.Stepper Motor Disadvantages:Stepper motors have the following disadvantages:1. Resonance effects and relatively long settling times .2.Rough performance at low speed unless a microstep drive is used .3.Liability to undetected position loss as a result of operating open-loop .4. They consume current regardless of load conditions and therefore tend to run hot5. Losses at speed are relatively high and can cause excessive heating, and they are frequently noisy (especially at high speeds).6.They can exhibit lag-lead oscillation, which is difficult to damp.There is a limit to their available size, and positioning accuracy relies on the mechanics (e.g., ballscrew accuracy).Many of these drawbacks can be overcome by the use of a closed-loop control scheme.外文资料翻译译文步进电机应用和控制步进电机是将电脉冲转换成角位移的执行机构。
此外,剪刀用于切断包装带,这是由HRS4H-S-DC5V 的继电器类型实现。
关键词:单片机(SCM);步进电机;驱动芯片;接力1 引言- 1 - - 1 -在20世纪50年代到70年代,随着电子和合成化学品的快速发展,对用合成材料作为包装材料的一系列新的包装技术和设备有很大的影响。
单片机的外文文献及中文翻译一、外文文献Title: The Application and Development of SingleChip Microcontrollers in Modern ElectronicsSinglechip microcontrollers have become an indispensable part of modern electronic systems They are small, yet powerful integrated circuits that combine a microprocessor core, memory, and input/output peripherals on a single chip These devices offer significant advantages in terms of cost, size, and power consumption, making them ideal for a wide range of applicationsThe history of singlechip microcontrollers can be traced back to the 1970s when the first microcontrollers were developed Since then, they have undergone significant advancements in technology and performance Today, singlechip microcontrollers are available in a wide variety of architectures and capabilities, ranging from simple 8-bit devices to complex 32-bit and 64-bit systemsOne of the key features of singlechip microcontrollers is their programmability They can be programmed using various languages such as C, Assembly, and Python This flexibility allows developers to customize the functionality of the microcontroller to meet the specific requirements of their applications For example, in embedded systems for automotive, industrial control, and consumer electronics, singlechip microcontrollers can be programmed to control sensors, actuators, and communication interfacesAnother important aspect of singlechip microcontrollers is their low power consumption This is crucial in batterypowered devices and portable electronics where energy efficiency is of paramount importance Modern singlechip microcontrollers incorporate advanced power management techniques to minimize power consumption while maintaining optimal performanceIn addition to their use in traditional electronics, singlechip microcontrollers are also playing a significant role in the emerging fields of the Internet of Things (IoT) and wearable technology In IoT applications, they can be used to collect and process data from various sensors and communicate it wirelessly to a central server Wearable devices such as smartwatches and fitness trackers rely on singlechip microcontrollers to monitor vital signs and perform other functionsHowever, the design and development of systems using singlechip microcontrollers also present certain challenges Issues such as realtime performance, memory management, and software reliability need to be carefully addressed to ensure the successful implementation of the applications Moreover, the rapid evolution of technology requires developers to constantly update their knowledge and skills to keep up with the latest advancements in singlechip microcontroller technologyIn conclusion, singlechip microcontrollers have revolutionized the field of electronics and continue to play a vital role in driving technological innovation Their versatility, low cost, and small form factor make them an attractive choice for a wide range of applications, and their importance is expected to grow further in the years to come二、中文翻译标题:单片机在现代电子领域的应用与发展单片机已成为现代电子系统中不可或缺的一部分。
外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)文献出处:YH Lee. Stepper motor motion control system design [J]. Equipment Manufacturing Technology, 2015,2(6):31-41.英文原文Stepper motor motion control system designYH LeeAbstractStepper motors are open-loop control elements that convert electrical pulse signals to angular or linear displacements. In the case of non-overload, the rotation speed and stop position of the motor depend only on the frequency and pulse number of the pulse signal, and is not affected by the load change, that is, a pulse signal is applied to the motor, and the motor rotates through a step angle. The existence of this linear relationship, coupled with the fact that the stepper motor has only periodic errors and no cumulative errors, is a feature. It is very simple to use a stepper motor to control the speed and position. Stepper motor speed control is generally to change the frequency of the input stepper motor pulse to achieve stepper motor speed control, because the stepper motor for each pulse to rotate a fixed angle, so that you can control the stepper motor The time interval from one pulse to the next pulse changes the frequency of the pulse. The length of the delay controls the step anglespecifically to change the rotation speed of the motor, thereby realizing the stepping motor speed control. In this design scheme, the internal timer of the A T89C51 microcontroller is used to change the frequency of the CP pulse to realize the control of the rotation speed of the stepper motor to realize the functions of the motor speed adjustment and forward and reverse rotation. The design takes into consideration that the CPU may be disturbed when executing instructions, causing the program to "run away" or enter the "endless loop". Therefore, the watchdog circuit is designed using a microprocessing system monitoring integrated chip manufactured by MAXIM. MAXI813. This article also gives the related hardware block diagram and software flow chart in detail, and has compiled the assembly language program.Keywords: stepper motor single chip microcomputer speed control systemIntroductionStepper motors were first developed by the British in 1920. The invention of the transistor in the late 1950s was also gradually applied to a stepping motor, which made it easier to control the digitization. After continuous improvement, today's stepper motors have been widely used in mechanical systems with high controllability such as high positioning accuracy, high decomposition performance, high responsiveness, and reliability. In the production process, where automation, labor saving, andhigh efficiency are required, we can easily find traces of stepper motors, especially those that emphasize speed, position control, and flexible control applications that require precise command operation. The most. As an actuator, a stepper motor is one of the key products of electromechanical integration and is widely used in various automation control systems. With the development of microelectronics and computer technology, the demand for stepper motors is increasing day by day, and there are applications in various national economic fields. A stepper motor is an actuator that converts an electrical pulse signal into an angular or linear displacement. Stepper motors can be driven directly with digital signals and are very easy to use. The general motor is continuous rotation, while the stepper motor has two basic states of positioning and operation. When there is a pulse input, the stepping motor rotates step by step, and when it is given a pulse signal, it turns a certain angle. The angular displacement of the stepping motor is strictly proportional to the number of input pulses and is synchronized in time with the input pulse. Therefore, as long as the number of input pulses, the frequency, and the phase sequence of the motor windings are controlled, the desired rotation angle can be obtained. Speed and direction of rotation. When there is no pulse input, the air gap magnetic field can keep the rotor in the original position under the excitation of the winding power supply. So it is very suitable for single chip microcomputer control. Stepper motors also havefeatures such as fast start, precise stepping and positioning, and are thus widely used in CNC machine tools, plotters, printers, and optical instruments. Stepping motors have become the third category of motors except for DC motors and AC motors. Traditional electric motors, as electromechanical energy conversion devices, play a key role in human production and life into the electrification process. The stepper motor can be used as a special motor for control, and it is widely used in various open-loop control because it has no accumulated error (accuracy is 100%). Now more commonly used stepper motors include reactive stepper motors (VR), permanent magnet stepper motors (PM), hybrid stepper motors (HB), and single-phase stepper motors. Permanent-magnet type stepping motor is generally two-phase, small torque and volume, step angle is generally 7.5 degrees or 15 degrees; Reactive stepping motor is generally three-phase, can achieve large torque output, stepping The angle is generally 1.5 degrees, but the noise and vibration are large. The rotor of the reactive stepper motor is magnetically routed from a soft magnetic material, and the stator has a multi-phase excitation winding, which generates torque using a change in the magnetic permeability. Hybrid stepping motor refers to the advantage of mixing permanent magnet type and reactive type. It is divided into two phases and five phases: the two-phase step angle is generally 1.8 degrees and the five-phase step angle is generally 0.72 degrees. This type of steppermotor is the most widely used and is also the stepper motor used in this subdivision drive scheme.1 stepper motor overview1. 1 stepper motor features:1) The accuracy of a typical stepper motor is 3-5% of the step angle and does not accumulate. 2) The allowable temperature of the stepper motor is high. Excessively high temperature of the stepping motor first demagnetizes the magnetic material of the motor, resulting in a drop in torque and even loss of synchronism. Therefore, the maximum temperature allowed for the appearance of the motor should depend on the demagnetization point of the magnetic material of different motors; generally, the demagnetization of the magnetic material. The points are all above 130 degrees Celsius, and some are even up to 200 degrees Celsius. Therefore, the external temperature of the stepper motor is completely normal at 80-90 degrees Celsius. 3) The torque of the stepper motor will decrease as the rotation speed increases. When the stepper motor rotates, the inductance of each phase winding of the motor will form a counter electromotive force; the higher the frequency, the greater the counter electromotive force. Under its effect, the motor's phase current decreases as the frequency (or speed) increases, causing the torque to drop. 4) The stepping motor can run normally at low speed, but it cannot start if it is higher than a certain speed, accompanied by howling. The stepper motorhas a technical parameter: No-load starting frequency, that is the pulse frequency that the stepping motor can start normally under no-load conditions. If the pulse frequency is higher than this value, the motor cannot start normally, and step loss or stall may occur. In the case of load, the starting frequency should be lower. If the motor is to be rotated at a high speed, the pulse frequency should have an acceleration process, that is, the starting frequency is low, and then it is increased to a desired high frequency (motor speed is raised from low speed to high speed) at a certain acceleration. TC \* MERGEFORMA T1. 2 working principle of stepping motorA stepper motor is a type of motor that is controlled by an electrical pulse and converts the electrical pulse signal into a phase-shifted motor whose mechanical displacement and rotational speed are proportional to the number of pulses and the pulse frequency of the input motor winding. Each pulse signal can be stepped The feed motor rotates at a fixed angle. The number of pulses determines the total angle of rotation. The frequency of the pulse determines the speed of the motor. When the stepper receives a pulse signal, it drives the stepper motor to rotate in the set direction. At a fixed angle (called "step angle"), its rotation is performed step by step at a fixed angle. By controlling the number of pulses to control the angular displacement, so as to achieve the purpose of accurate positioning; At the same time, by controlling the pulse frequencyto control the speed and acceleration of the motor rotation, so as to achieve the purpose of speed control.2 Basic requirements for designStudy the characteristics, working principle, and specific speed regulation principle of stepper motor. TC \* MERGEFORMA T Basic requirements The stepper motor uses a three-phase stepper motor with a power of 1W. When the speed is in the range of 0 to 1000r/min, the maximum accuracy is 2%. To basically complete the graduation design, the stepper motor can perform precise speed control, positive and negative rotation, and it can not lose step when starting. Basically, there is no Oscillation, can complete the complete hardware circuit diagram, software design.3 Argumentation of the plan3.1 Determination of control methodsAlthough the stepper motor control is a relatively accurate, open-loop stepper motor control system has the advantages of low cost, simple, convenient control, etc., in the open-loop system of the stepper motor using the microcontroller, the frequency of the CP pulse of the control system or change The cycle is actually controlling the speed of the stepper motor. There are two ways the system can achieve stepper motor speed control. One is delay, the other is timing. The delay method is to call a delay subroutine after each commutation. After the delay isover, the commutation is executed again. In this way, CP pulses or commutation cycles with a certain frequency can be issued. The delay time of the delay subroutine and the time used by the commutation program are the cycles of the CP pulse. This method is simple, uses less resources, and is implemented by software. Different subroutines can be called to achieve different speeds. However, it takes a long time to process the CPU and cannot handle other tasks at runtime. Therefore, it is only suitable for a simpler control process. The timing method is to use the timer timing function in the microcontroller system to generate an arbitrary period of the timing signal, so that the period of the system output CP pulse can be conveniently controlled. When the timer is started, the timer counts up the system and its cycle starting from the loaded initial value. When the timer overflows, the timer generates an interrupt and the system transfers to execute the timer interrupt subroutine. The motor commutation subroutine is placed in the timer interrupt service routine. The timer interrupt is once and the motor is reversed once to achieve motor speed control. Since there is a certain time interval from the start of restarting the timer to the timer application interruption, the timing time is increased. In order to reduce this timing error and achieve accurate timing, it is necessary to make appropriate adjustments to the initial value of reloading counts. . The initial value of adjusted reloading mainly considers two factors and one is the time required to interrupt theresponse. The second is the time occupied by reloading the initial value instruction, including other instructions that interrupt the service program before reloading the initial value. After these two factors are combined, the correction amount of the reload count initial value takes 8 machine cycles, that is, the timing time is shortened by 8 machine cycles. When using the timer interrupt to control the motor shift, it is actually changing the size of the timer load value. In the control process, a discrete approach is used to approximate the ideal speed curve. In order to reduce the time for calculating the load value in each step, the load value required for the speed of each discrete point is fixed in the ROM of the system when the system is designed. The system uses the table look-up method to find the required load value in the system. Significantly reduce the time spent on CPU and improve the response speed of the system. Most stepper motor motion control systems are designed to run in an open-loop state, because the cost is low, and the position control inherent in the motion control technology can be provided without feedback. However, in some applications, more reliability, security, or product quality assurance is required. Therefore, closed-loop control is also an option. Here are some methods for achieving closed-loop control of stepper motors: 1) Step-by-step confirmation, This is the simplest displacement control, using a low-value optical encoder to calculate the amount of step movement. A simple loop compares the stepper motor with the commandverification and verifies that the stepper motor moves to the expected position; 2) Back-EMF, a sensorless detection method, uses a stepper motor's back EMF (eleCtromotiveCe, emf) signal , Measure and control speed. When the back-EMF voltage drops to the monitoring detection level, the closed-loop control is changed to the standard open-loop to complete the final displacement movement; 3) Full-servo control refers to the full-time use of feedback devices for stepper motors - encoders, decoding , or other feedback sensors to more accurately control the stepper motor displacement and torque. Other methods include a variety of different back-EMF control motor parameter measurements and software techniques that some manufacturers use. Here, the stepper drive monitors and measures the motor coils and uses voltage current information to increase the stepper motor control. Positive damping uses this information to block the speed of vibration, producing more usable torque output and reducing torque-induced mechanical vibration losses. No encoder installation monitoring uses information to detect the loss of synchronous speed. Conventional stepper motor control usually employs feedback devices and non-sensing methods, and is an effective method to implement a sports application with safety requirements, dangerous conditions or high accuracy requirements. Most stepper motor-based systems typically operate in an open-loop state, which provides a low-cost solution. In fact, stepper systems can improve the performanceof displacement control without feedback. However, when the stepper motor is running in open loop, there may be a simultaneous loss between the command pace and the actual step. Closed-loop control, which is part of traditional step control, can effectively provide higher reliability, safety, or product quality. In these stepper systems, the closed loop of the feedback device or indirect parametric sensing method can correct or control out-of-step, monitor motor stagnation, and ensure greater available torque output. Recently, closed-loop control (CLC) of stepper motors can also help implement smart distributed motion architectures. However, there is a risk of out-of-step operation in open-loop operation, which will result in positioning errors. However, compared to encoders used in servo systems, closed-loop stepper motors use encoders that are less costly. Therefore, closed-loop control is selected.3.2 Determination of Drive ModeThere are generally two methods for driving a stepping motor. One is directly driven by the CPU. This method is generally not suitable because the output current pulse of the CPU is extremely small and it cannot sufficiently rotate the stepping motor. One is indirect driving by the CPU, which is to amplify the signal output from the CPU, and then directly drive or indirectly drive the stepper motor through photoelectric isolation. This method is relatively safe and reliable. The solid design should use a CPU to drive the stepper motor indirectly. Thetachogenerator of the encoder is also used as the speed measurement tool. Because the closed-loop control is selected, there must be feedback components. There are generally two types of feedback components. One is the coaxial tachometer generator, and the speed of the stepping motor is fed back. Back, and then through the display and stepper motor adjustment; Another is through the optical coaxial encoder to the stepper motor speed feedback back to the stepper motor to adjust; compared to the latter, the latter The design is relatively simple, inexpensive, safe and reliable, and less polluting. The latter is generally used for solids, and photoelectric crumblers are used as feedback components.3. 3 Selection of Drive CircuitThere are many kinds of driving motors for stepping motors, but the most common ones are single voltage driving, dual voltage driving, chopper driving, subdivision control driving and so on. Single-voltage driving is the simplest driving circuit in stepper motor control. It is essentially a single-phase inverter. Its greatest feature is its simple structure, because of its low work efficiency, especially its prominent features at high frequencies. Its external resistor R consumes a considerable amount of heat, which affects the stability of the circuit. This type of drive is generally used only in the drive circuit of a low-power stepper motor. Dual-voltage driving is generally driven by two power supply voltages. Since these two power supplies are one highvoltage and one low voltage, they are also called high and low voltage driving circuits. The disadvantage of the dual-voltage driving circuit is that the valley point appears in the current at the high-low voltage connection, which inevitably causes the torque to drop at the valley point. Not suitable for normal operation of the motor. For the chopper circuit drive, this disadvantage can be overcome and the efficiency of the stepper motor can also be improved. Therefore, it is a good driver circuit from the standpoint of improving efficiency. It can use a higher power supply voltage and does not require an external resistor to limit the rated current and reduce the time constant. However, due to the sawtooth fluctuations at the top of the waveform, large electromagnetic noise is generated. The subdivision drive is powered by a pulse voltage. For a voltage pulse, the rotor can rotate one step. Generally, according to the voltage pulse distribution method, each phase winding of the stepping motor will alternately switch, and the rotor of the stepping motor can be fixed. Rotate. The subdivided control circuit is generally divided into two types. One is to use a linear analog power amplifier to obtain a staircase current. This method is simple but inefficient. The other method is to use a single-chip microcomputer to obtain the step current by using the method of pulse width modulation. This method requires complex calculations to make the substepped step angles uniform. However, due to the fact that the design of the stepper motor requires a relatively wide range ofhigh-speed adjustments, the drive chip 8713 should be used to drive the motor and the speed of the stepper motor must be controlled by software.中文译文步进电机运动控制系统设计作者:YH Lee摘要步进电机是将电脉冲信号转变为角位移或线位移的开环控制元件。
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单片机控制步进电机外文原文Stepping motor application and control stepper motor is an electrical pulse will be converted into angular displacement of the implementing agencies. Put it in simple language-speaking: When the stepper drive pulse signal to a receiver, it drives stepper motor rotation direction by setting a fixed point of view (and the step angle). You can control the number of pulses to control the amount of angular displacement, so as to achieve the purpose of accurate positioning; At the same time, you can by controlling the pulse frequency to control the motor rotation speed and acceleration,so as to achieve the purpose of speed.Stepper motor directly from the AC-DC power supply,and must use special equipment - stepper motor drive. Stepper motor drive system performance, in addition to their own performance with the motor on the outside, but also to a large extent depend on the drive is good or bad. A typical stepper motor drive system is operated by the stepper motor controller, stepper motor drives and stepper motor body is composed of three parts. Stepper motor controller stepper pulse and direction signal, each made of a pulse, stepper motor-driven stepper motor drives a rotor rotating step angle, that is, step-by-step further. High or low speed stepper motor, or speed, or deceleration, start or stop pulses are entirely dependent on whether the level or frequency.Decide the direction of the signal controller stepper motor clockwise or counterclockwise rotation. Typically, the stepper motor drive circuit from the logic control, power driver circuit, protection circuit and power components.Stepper motor drive controller, once received from the direction of the signal and step pulse, the control circuit on a pre-determined way of the electrical power-phase stepper motor excitation windings of the conduction or cut-off signal. Control circuit output signal power is low,can not provide the necessary stepping motor output power, the need for power amplifier, which is stepper motor driven power drive part. Power stepper motor drive circuit to control the input current winding to form a space for rotating magnetic field excitation, the rotor-driven movement.Protection circuit in the event of shortcircuit, overload, overheating, such as failure to stop the rapid drive and motor. Motor is usually for the permanent magnet rotor, when the current flows throughthe stator windings, the stator windings produce a magnetic field vector.The magnetic field will lead to a rotor angle of rotation, making a pair of rotor and stator magnetic field direction of the magnetic field direction. When the stator rotating magnetic field vector from a different angle. Also as the rotor magnetic field to a point of view. An electrical pulse for each input, the motor rotation angle step. Its output and input of the angular displacement is proportional to the pulses, with pulse frequency proportional to speed. Power to change the order of winding,the electrical will be reversed. We can, therefore, control the pulse number, frequency and electrical power windings of each phase to control the order of rotation of stepper motor.Stepper motor types:Permanent magnet (PM). Magnetic generally two-phase stepper, torque and are smaller and generally stepping angle of 7.5 degrees or 15 degrees; put more wind for air-conditioning.Reactive(VR), the domestic general called BF, have a common three-phase reaction, step angle of 1.5 degrees; also have five-phase reaction. Noise, no torque has been set at a large number of out.Hybrid (HB), common two-phase hybrid, five-phase hybrid, three-phase hybrid, four-phase hybrid, two-phase can be common with the four-phase drive, five-phase three-phase must be used with their drives;Two-phase, four-phase hybrid step angle is 1.8 degrees more than a small size, great distance,and low noise;Five-phase hybrid stepping motor is generally 0.72, the motor step angle small, high resolution, but the complexity of drive circuits, wiring problems, such as the 5- phase system of 10 lines.Three-phase hybrid stepping motor step angle of 1.2 degrees, but according to the use of 1.8 degrees, the three-phase hybrid stepping motor has a two-phase mixed than the five-phase hybrid more pole will help electric folder symmetric angle, it can be more than two-phase, five-phase high accuracy, the error even smaller, run moresmoothly.Stepper motor to maintain torque: stepper motor power means no rotation, the stator locked rotor torque. It is a stepper motor, one of the most important parameters, usually in the low-speed stepper motor torque at the time of close to maintain the torque. As the stepper motor output torque increases with the speed of constant attenuation, the output power also increases with the speed of change,so as to maintain torque on the stepper motor to measure the parameters of one of the most important. For example, when people say that the stepper motor 2N.m, in the absence of special circumstances that means for maintaining the torque of the stepper motor 2N.m.Precision stepper motors:stepper motor step angle accuracy of 3-5%, not cumulative.Stepper motor to allow the minimum amount of surface temperature:Stepper motor causes the motor temperature is too high the first magnetic demagnetization, resulting in loss of torque down even further, so the motor surface temperature should be the maximum allowed depending on the motor demagnetization of magnetic material points; Generally speaking,the magnetic demagnetization points are above 130 degrees Celsius, and some even as high as 200 degrees Celsius, so the stepper motor surface temperature of 80-90 degrees Celsius is normal.Start frequency of no-load: the stepper motor in case of no-load to the normal start of the pulse frequency, if the pulse frequency is higher than the value of motor does not start, possible to lose steps or blocking.In the case of the load, start frequency should be lower. If you want to achieve high-speed rotation motor, pulse frequency should be to accelerate the process, that is, the lower frequency to start, and then rose to a certain acceleration of the desired frequency (motor speed from low rise to high-speed).Step angle:that is to send a pulse,the electrical angle corresponding to rotation.Torque positioning: positioning torque stepper motor does not refer to the case of electricity,locked rotor torque stator.Operating frequency:step-by-step stepper motor can run without losing thehighest frequency.Subdivision Drive: stepper motor drives the main aim is to weaken or eliminate low-frequency vibration of the stepper motor to improve the accuracy of the motor running. Reduce noise. If the step angle is 1.8 °(full step) the two-phase hybrid stepping motor, if the breakdown of the breakdown of the number of drives for the 8, then the operation of the electrical pulse for each resolution of 0.072 °, the precision of motor can reach or close to 0.225 °, also depends on the breakdown of the breakdown of the drive current control accuracy and other factors, the breakdown of the number of the more difficult the greater the precision of control.How to determine the stepper motor driver DC power supply:A.Determination of the voltage: Hybrid stepping motor driver power supply voltage is generally a wide range (such as the IM483 supply voltage of 12 ~ 48VDC), the supply voltage is usually based on the work of the motor speed and response to the request to choose.If the motor operating speed higher or faster response to the request, then the voltage value is high, but note that the ripple voltage can not exceed the maximum input voltage of the drive,or it may damage the drive.B.Determination of CurrentPower supply current is generally based on the output phase current drive I to determine. If a linear power supply, power supply current is generally preferable 1.1 to 1.3 times the I; if we adopt the switching power supply, power supply current is generally preferable to I,1.5to 2.0 times.The main characteristics of stepping motor:1. A stepper motor drive can be added operate pulse drive signal must be no pulse when the stepper motor at rest, such as If adding the appropriate pulse signal, it will to a certain angle (called the step angle) rotation. Rotation speed and pulse frequency is proportional to.2.permanent magnet step angle stepper motor version is 7.5 degrees, 360 degrees around, takes48 pulses to complete.3.stepper motor has instant start and rapid cessation of superior characteristics. Change the order of the pulse4.you can easily change the direction of rotation.Therefore, the current printers, plotters, robotics, and so devices are the core of the stepper motor as the driving force.Stepper motors have the following benefits: (1)Low cost (2)Ruggedness (3)Simplicity in construction (4)High reliability(5)No maintenance(6)Wide acceptance(7)No tweaking to stabilize (8)No feedback components are neededThey work in just about any environment Inherently more failsafe than servo motors. There isvirtually no conceivable failure within the stepper drive module that could cause the motor to run away. Stepper motors are simple to drive and control in an open-loop configuration. They only require four leads. They provide excellent torque at low speeds, up to 5 times the continuous torque of a brush motor of the same frame size or double the torque of the equivalent brushless motor. This often eliminates the need for a gearbox. A stepper-driven-system is inherently stiff, with known limits to the dynamic position error.Stepper Motor Disadvantages:Stepper motors have the following disadvantages:1.Resonance effects and relatively long settling times.1.Rough performance at low speed unless a microstep drive is used.2.Liability to undetected position loss as a result of operating open-loop .4.They consume current regardless of load conditions and therefore tend to run hot5.Losses at speed are relatively high and can cause excessive heating, and they are frequently noisy (especially at high speeds).1.They can exhibit lag-lead oscillation, which is difficult to damp.There is a limit to their available size, and positioning accuracy relies on the mechanics(e.g., ballscrew accuracy).Many of these drawbacks can be overcome by the use of a closed-loop control scheme.外文资料翻译译文步进电机应用和控制步进电机是将电脉冲转换成角位移的执行机构。