Classified topic-specific Vocabulary分类词汇1. Education, culture and employment11 IL ____employees.i1:137....... 一rem un erati on (in come / earning)__________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ J劳动报酬 38 provide eno ugh incen tives提供足够的激励 39 a con siderable / dece nt in come / reve nue合理的收入40 students with learning disabilities 学习上有障碍的学生 41 non-mon etary factors非金钱因素 42 atmosphere in the workplace (un.) 工作氛围(不可数) 43 a sense of fulfillme nt/achieveme nt成就感2. Environment, health, tourism and worldissues1 en vir onmen tai crises-| 2impact on global warming JI ■ ■i carb on emissi onsIInI J! IIIIIIII\ eg. Carbon emission from automobiles has a \\ 3二氧化碳排放IIII;5 car / airplane exhaust :6 arguably beneficial]7con serve en ergy 1 8 the health sectori _____________ ______ __ _______ ____ -一一……亠I[|III ; II:9 the tourism sector■scale:4 a severe shortage on sth. 某物的严重缺少环境危机n egative impact on the en vir onment in a global un.汽车/飞机尾气有益处,但存在争议III节约能源I * IT ・■・■■■!■■■■■>■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■!■ ■ ■ H ■・・!■・・・ STB ■ ■ B'S ■■■■■■卫生部门I I对全球变暖的影响historical relics / cultural heritages /cultural历史文物/文化遗产/文物 artefacts20 life expecta ncy 彳”一—i —— j21 Ion gevityI1卜・・・「■・・・■[・ ■・■・・■・■・■・・■・・・■・・・■・・■■■・・■・■・■・・■ ・22 rural areaI[I10 uphold cultural in tegrati on坚持文化融合・■■!・・■*・・・■13 L _______■ ■ IT* ■ ■ B ■ ■ 9-K ■ ■■ ■ trv ■ ■ B■ ■ !(-■! ■ ■■ ■ 'WB ■ ■ n ■ ■ ■ W ■ ■ !(-■! ■ ■■ ■ kW ■ ■ !m ■・ W ■ ■■ ■ !WB ■ ■ !m ■ ■■ ■ 9"T ・■ ■ H ■ ■■ ■ m ■ ■■ ■well-bei ngn ■・aw ・ms ■・ m ■・aw・・・《■■!・・■"*・■・trv ■・ m・・《■■・・m ■・irv ■・ m14:pharmaceuticalspharmaceutical compa niesn.医药品医药公司15 L _______ accommodate on eself to circumsta nces______ __ ____ __ ___ ___ ___ __ ____ __ ____ 适应环境 16recreati on facilities 文娱设施 17 curb overflow ing Ian dfill遏制泛滥的垃圾场18 ]l~ .... mass-produced goods (vehicles, computers..... ) 大批量生产的商品 I —n.私有化12 privatisation19 绿色环保的产品 eco-frie ndlyproducts:24 metropolisesjcosmopolita n cities)pl.大都市]breeding in captivity人工饲养繁殖(动物圈养)25breed ing in free-ra nge自由放养26卜malnu tritio n n. (ma Ino urished a.) 营养不良(的) 27. ............. .fight on the frontline战斗在前线 28 feminism (women have the same rights as men)女权主义23 remote偏远地区11平均寿命 寿命,长寿I农村地区 I29 wome n's liberati on[I 妇女解放1!"n30 j enlist in the defense force1入伍国防部门1s31 [funding allocatio n1 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________1资金分配3. Tech no logy and moder n lifestyle1 ------1 cyber security 网络安全2 cyber bully ing ___ __ ________ __ ___ _ ___ _ __ 网络欺凌 _____________ _______ ____________ _ ____ ______ __________________ __ ________ ____ ___________ ____________________ ________________________________________ I3 the adve nt of smart-ph ones 智能手机的出现1 4I ■ ■ a T -W e ■■ ■5launch a new product 推出新产品electro nic gadgets 电子产品______・・■・・■・・ _ _J11l<61 the quality of life 生活质量 i1 : 17the excessive use of sth. 1某物的过多使用8the misuse of sth.某物的滥用19 theft of pers onal details [|窃取个人信息(theft n.)10telecommut ing1远程办公11|-an excessive amount of j unk food过量的垃圾食品1| 12be hooked in the web be hooked with phone1网络迷恋 1手机迷恋|13in sta nt messag ing即时通讯14 breach of copy right / con tact I违犯版权/合同 ……・™l become addicted to sth. \迷恋116 1 --__ _ the adve nt of ( a certa in tech no logy)i某个电子产品的出现| 17 gen erati on gap;!i i| ■ ■ ■ W F ■■・・■*・■・■・・= ■・・■・・・・・■*・■・ITB ■ ■・F ■・・■・・・■・・・■■■ ■■■*■■■ ■■■»■■■■■■■■ VB ■■■*■■■ ■・・■・・・■・・・■| behind the times / outdated1 18■I Ei old-fashionedI II23Bsocio-ec ono mic status 社会经济地位24be content / satisfied with II 对.... 满意-.—-jspe nd some quality time with on e's family11■花一些有质量的时间和家人在一起!31 status quo n.现状(拉丁文)■132 econo mical a.节约的33 econo mic growth经济的增长!34 econo mics 经济学4. Media, advertising and journalism! (1)1 | |icon sumer dema ndsI III 1:消费者的要求1 12 Iii宣传资料1131 1L .. _1:1 the printing press:纸质媒体4n; : 1 a press release新闻发布:代沟:・■ aaafr ■■ ■ b ■ ■ ■ w ■ ■ an ■■ ■ ■・■ ■ vn ■ ■ ir/a.过时的I ■i 19 social n etwork ing sitesI ____ [ ______________________________________ _____ I I ■i 20 sb. socialize with sb.I:4;:21 the anony mity of the In ternet1 22 computer illiterate社交网站] I V.社交: :■II卜■・・■■・・・■・・■「*・・■*・・■・■■・■■■■■■"■■■■■I! ・・■■・・■■■"♦■・■■一■・・!■•■・・■"■!・・■ *■■■!(■■!■・・*■・・■■・・■■・・・■■・・・*・・・BT||I 互联网的匿名性I L ■・ a ”』亠U ■■亠“S: M』亠M ““ ■亠W ■U 0 M M =丄4・・ a m W M M “亠■・a “H ■■亠"M M ii』亠」电脑文盲curre nt affairs r—■6 tabloidsbroadsheets I小报(复数)con sume n ews / read n ews provocative (provoke sb.) 1看新闻;adj.煽动性的(煽动某人)10 preve nt con flicts / disputespester power11 eg. It is said that adults can actually improve :丨儿童让父母亲购买东西的能力their relati on ships with their childre n by resist ingpester power.12i-....persuasive :adj.能说服的;善于游说的13 false and misleadi ng in formatio n I虚假和误导的信息14 biased ;a.偏见的15 fabricate facts I v捏造事实16 i distort the facts Iv扭曲事实sen sati on alise the n ews 1 v煽动的报导新闻18 iI卜™・・亍・;misconceptionI n.误解■卜・-■・・・-■・・■ 丁・・■・F・■・丁・19 i code of ethics I道德规范(尤指职业的)20 moral prin ciples21:advertising aimed at childrenIi卜in m ・・>■-■・・ m ・■ ・■・・・・・■ ■・i:针对孩子的广告(advertising un.)22 emit explicit content / materials 1发出露骨的内容23 potentially harmful I a.潜在有害的r _ ■■ _i ij1媒体炒作(媒体制造的潮流泡沫)24 | i media hype!■111):I卜 11( 1| un. hype1 125 |rij one-sided iiiiadj.只见问题一面的,片面的11 1 i1 1|] 1i parochial1-II1! :11 :j 1 1 1! 1i1【eg. They are in flamed,however, by differe nt|l:26 1I] 111!:l1:narrativesof history, and by national media : :地的(非国际的)i 1 111 111|]11 coverage that is ofte n parochial and amn esiac1II1 - II1! :1 127 1 11 1:unbiased / objective and balaneed ■ ■1客观公正的28 111i 11i look at both sides of the issue两面看问题29 1L_ s1]Ibe min dful of privacy / be aware of privacyII 11注意隐私 30 [1iii trustworthyi t1iiadj.值得信赖的,可靠的;131 1 ! !i i i stimulate the consumptiont1i 刺激消费1 [|i i :1 1I][in tegrity1 1:n.止直;完整32! j11 ■11i1 i | 1iterritorial in tegrityi 领土完整33 1;i i 11 1:trustworthiness1 1-1 n.可信赖性,确实性-I': ;1 1: : j1 I professionalism: 11 1 1 11I !ii :iI L11 eg. Colleagues honored her at the service, IIn.职业特征,专业人员的特质(三34 11 11 1 rememberi ng her professi on alism and in fectious1个连用): 1 11I 1!11 11 1 | laugh.1 :1 11 :bI35 1 ; : 11 1 has the courage to reveal the truth; :I 11有勇气揭露事实36 1L ..... _..ii isb. is worthy of the public's trust1i【sb.值得公众的信任!37【; : [report the fact accurately and impartially 1准确和公正的报告事实: :5. Society and social issuessociety as a whole1 e.g. The results can be surprisinglypositive for 社会整体:in dividuals, com mun ities, and society as a whole.be fraught with issues e.g. China, historically, has been a major player in 2 affairs that affect the Korea n Penin sula, and relati ons!with China are bound to be fraught with diplomatici issues that are sensitive to South Korea.I I|d^a.aa Ah aa|^-faaad*&ad A*aa A-haad-faaad*aiaa&faaaaaaad>baaad-f : IR3 sb. lacks a moral compass/gro unding38 i ethically responsibleII i ■ n ■・・・r ・■ ■ ■* ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■ H ・・・■・・■ ■・■ ■ n ■■■■>■■■ ra ■・・「■・・■ ar ・■ ■・r ・■■■ w ■ ■ n ・・・・■・・■ w ■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■ n ■■■■■■■I:impartiality (the quality of being unbiased) |道德责任a.II ■ ■■ ■■■ p ・・・■・・■ STB ■ ■ ai ・■■■■!■■■・■ ・・・■・・3940eg. If impartiality is already the exception rather tha n the rule, the in ternet is now erod ingit:further.「'■・・0-・■ tn:・ I]equitableeg. Greater private sector inv estme nt and public-privatepart nershipsare n ecessary forsusta in ed, equitable econo mic growth.・・・「亍・・・・・・LBI: i41 [ IIL ・丘 n ・』A * M MM ,stay up to date with curre nt affairs42 commercial gai n / finan cial gain n.公平;公正;不偏不倚adj.公正的,合理的[保持与最新时事的同步I1LJ * ■■亠-m a 亠■ ・u a ・aa ■』* s m a 亠&・・a ・a 厶 ・・・』n.经济获益充满问题某人缺乏道德指准绳13 adolesce nt offen dersmisappropriati on of funds eg. Because cash has a high degree of liquidity, 14 adequate control must be maintained for handling挪用公款sb. is immoralsb.是不道德的public in terest公共利益|6i underlying causes : 1潜在的原因|7丨 gender equality______________ __ _ _____ ___ ______ ___________ _ ____ _____男女平等1 impoverished familiesi贫穷的家庭i:crim inal acts 1E犯罪行为: i;embezzlement11embezzleme nt of funds10 1n.盗用挪用,贪污i eg. Allegedly involving fraud and embezzlement1 ofitens of milli ons of dollars. 1:1a soberi ng fact1- 1eg. The New York Times ran a story today that says I11 1i the next consumer crisis is credit cards — 1a 一个发人深省的事实: 1:sobering fact in a nation that has racked up massive1!i amounts of credit card debt.:i12 juve nile deli nquency / youth crime少年犯罪叮叮小文库cash to prevent theft and the misappropriation_ of funds.青少年罪犯15 II……■I16 i—17:I;I1819 120 !2122 Ii 123 :24:I2526I■l-_—. 27128Ii 29 ■30 ]31 II:!ii32 :i■i;i;orga ni zed crime and warlords in Africa 在非洲有组织的犯罪和军阀alter natives to finan cial aid 金融援助的替代品huma nitaria n obligati on 人道主义义务tran spare ncy n. tran spare nt a. 透明sb is morally obliged to do sth......... _____________________________ ...... _____________ _ _____ __—一‘某人在道义上有义务做某事provide shelter for sb. 提供庇护所san itati on n. hygie ne n. hygie nic a. 卫生break/flout the law 违反/藐视法律be invo Ived in illegalactivitycommit crimes参与非法活动犯法vcurb crimes 遏制犯罪■・*厶■ ・・亠U・・・亠・■■亠H ■ ・」亠■ ・SI厶■ ・・亠 W・・・亠・・■ 厶4 ■ ・*亠■ ・・厶.・・・》$・・■ 厶・・■ 44 ■ ・3亠■ ・・4B ・・■”■・・■ 厶H ■■亠!■ ■ ・・・ N4 ・・■ 厶H・■』亠■ ・・■!■一■ ・・*4 ・・SB」・・■ 4U・■ 0亠■ ・・ 4B ・・N亠・・ N * ・・・亠・・■ 厶4・■■ ■■厶•■ ・・・■■亠・・■ 厶4・■■,en gage in crim in al/illegal activity 参与犯罪活动violate the terms of an agreeme nt 违反协议条款infringe upon some one ' s privacy/freedom of speech 侵犯某人的隐私/言论自由1in cite viole nce/crimes 煽动暴力gen der equality__ __ _____________________ __ __ ___ ____ ___ _ ___ 一」性别平等11enlist in the army 参军1supervisory roles i|监督角色eg. Lincoln shire County Coun cil has con firmed areview paper has called for a streamlining of:■supervisory roles in the departme nt.■ 亠■・*・■・・n ■■亠 1 H」亠■・!!厶・・W・・■厶 F ■■亠 4 ■ H •亠■・*」■・・BB a 亠 4 ■ ■ •亠■ ■■厶1■ ・』亠■ ・H II・:■厶.・■■ ・il亠■ ・H M Ji BB ■ 4.亠■・*厶.・”■■ — a a UJ. U ■■厶*4 . ■ ■亠U ■,:secretarial roles 秘书的角色«-- - 34i subsidies 11补贴(复数)—lethal weap onsi 致命的武器i351non-lethal weap ons!非致命性武器36;non-lethal alter natives to firearms【火炮的非致命性代替品jIimpose a ban/fin e/se nten ce/p uni shme nt on sb.(可]实施一个禁令/罚款/判决/惩罚|37 ![■> 1以用被动语态) 1i 在某人上38 safeguard = protect 1\ vt •保护39i deter criminal acts1■震慑(制止)违法犯罪行为\40 :brain drain1 1人才流失。
其中,词性为动词、形容词的词是必需掌握的,因为它们往往带有必然的情感色彩,如反对/支持、鼓励/抵制等等,而这些,也是雅思考试multiple choice、list of headings、matching 等题型常常考察的出题点。
1.图形与拼音法a v a r i c e贪婪/ a v a l a n c h e(老鼠拦车)雪崩/ g a z e l l e瞪羚/ s a n g w i n e(三桂呢)面色红润的/f a m i n e(发米呢)饥荒(n.)2.拆分法:f l e dg e(大鸟飞到小鸟边上)喂养h e d g e(家h o m e的边上)篱笆h a u n t(a n u t的家)常去(v t.)常去的地方(n,)w e d g e(w)楔形的/挤进去p l e d g e(p l m m的边上)发誓/誓言:p l e d g e o n e's e t e r n a l l o v e3.形象含义法:p l u n d e r(光天化日下对p l m m)打劫p l a g u e(p l老婆爱a r g u e)瘟疫/折磨(v t)p l u c k(追到p l m m需要运气和勇气)勇气/采摘/拔毛(u p)4.口诀法:l a n k细长的/b l a n k/f l a n k侧翼/p l a n k木板/铺木板r a n k/c r a n k曲柄/f r a n k/p r a n k恶作剧T i e n A n M e n S q u a r e i s f l a n k e d b y t h e G r e a t H a l l o f t h e P e o p l e a n d t h e M u s e u m o f t h e C h i n e s e R e v o l u t i o n.只有l a n k瘦又长,b在l a n k前变空格,f在l a n k前是侧翼,p在l a n k前厚木板l a n k变r a n k是排名,前加c是曲柄,见到f就坦白,遇到p才会恶作剧5.字母转换法:b r o t h e r/b o t h e r/b r o t h肉汤/t h r o b心狂跳不止:H e r h e a r t w a s t h r o b b i n g a f t e r t h e r a c e.有r是兄弟,无r就要打扰,兄弟没人是肉汤,倒掉肉汤心狂跳s n a k e/s n e a k v i.,v t.常与i n,o u t,p a s t,a w a y 连用)鬼鬼祟祟做6.谐音法:c h i l l寒冷的/d i le m m a(达赖喇嘛)进退维谷的境地c o l o n y(靠了你)殖民地7.词源法:冥界三河:S t y x冥河/L e t h e忘川河/M e a d e r河e x o d u s成群结队的外出做事 E x o d u s《出埃及记》L o s i n g f a r m l a n d r e s u l t s i n a n t e n d e n c y o f e x o d u s o f f a r m e r s.q u a i l鹌鹑/感到恐惧(复数形式亦为q u a i l,+t h e表单数)Q u a i l h a v e n o t h i n g t o d o b u t q u a i l.8.词根词缀法:i n+n.+a t e=v.v i g o r活力: i n v i g o r a t e鼓舞t i m i d胆小的:i n t i m i d a t e恐吓n o v e l小说/新颖的 i n n o v i a t e革新t o n i c汤力水/补药——t o x i c有毒的i n t o x i c a t e使中毒/上瘾b e i n t o x i c a t e d b y s u c c e s s1.a b d o m e n=b e l l y=s t o m a c h+b o w e l a b d o(肚)m e n腹部2.b e r e a v e(b e l e a v e)剥夺,使丧失d e p r i v e(o f)剥削d e r i v e(f r o m)获得I n o r d e r t o d e r i v e t h e a n s w e r w e n e e d e d t o s o l v e t h e m a t h e m a t i c a l e q u a t i o n.3.o l t:d o l t傻瓜m o l t脱毛-j o l t摇晃-b o l t离开,螺栓逗(d o)它是傻瓜,有(m o)就脱毛,救它(j o)会摇晃不行(b o)就离开4.v o c=v o k-v o c a t i v e-v o c a t i o n(声音)v o c a l c o r d声带(c o r d l e s s无绳的)a d v o c a t e-a d v o c a t e(一再给予声音)支持i n v o k e(内心默默地说)祈祷p r o v o k e(在前面喊)激怒c o n v o k e(把大家喊到一起)召集r e v o k e(喊回来)撤销5.o b-离开o b s c e n e(离开不该看的场景)下流的(音:我不信)c h e p r i b成节的排骨 r i b a l d(把排骨露出来)下流的大胆(b o l d)秃驴(b a l d)竟敢下流的在我面前露排骨o b s o l e t e(我不舍离它)过期的o b s t i n a t e(我不听你的)固执的=s t u b o r n(数他苯)固执的=h e a d s t r o n g6.l i t e r a t e有文化的 i t e r a t e重述 a d u l t e r a t e掺假i l l i t e r a t e文盲 p r e l i t e r a t e无文字记录o b l i t e r a t e删除一个有文化的人爱上重复说话,成年后学会掺假,生病变成文盲,之前无文字记录,离开后只能删除7.p r o w l巡游 p l m m划船在巡游o n t h e p r o w l徘徊p l a s m a血浆 p l像妈妈—血浆p l a t t i t u d e陈词滥调的,陈腐的再p l的态度都可能成为陈腐的8.I n-g e n i o u s机灵的,灵巧的(内心是个天才做出事才能灵巧)p l o u g h耕田/皱纹 p l a(o)u g h一笑就会出皱纹9.c o o p鸡窝(o o鸡蛋)f o l d(羊、马)圈 w o l d山地 m o l d模具我老区山地,妈妈作模具,飞入旧羊圈k e n n e l狗窝 k e r(壳)n e l果壳10.-l e t:小p u l l e t小母鸡 r i n g l e t小卷发 b o o k l e t小册子11.拟声词归纳:c o o(鸽等)咕咕地叫,唧唧地讲情话w o o(猫头鹰追求雌性的叫声)求爱,追求w o o o n e’s r e p u t a t i o n/f a m ec r o w(乌鸦的叫声)n.乌鸦v i.啼叫c r o a k(青蛙的叫声)v.蛙鸣q u a f f(饮马的声音)v.痛饮h u s h安静(n.&v.)p l o d沉重的脚步走(n.&v.)s l u r p大口喝汤12.s t a t-站s t a t i o n a r y静止的 s t a t u e全身雕像s t a t u s地位 s t a t i c静止的13.f i l e文件 d e f i l e(去掉档案)弄脏;污染p r o f i l e轮廓14.s o l a r太阳的 l u n a r月亮的(代表邪恶)l u n a t i c疯子s o l-太阳的 c o n s o l e安慰i n c o n s o l a b l e(没有人安慰的)暗自神伤的s o l a c e安慰(n.&v.)(阳光般的笑脸)15.a b b l e-a b l eb a b b l e胡言乱语-g a b b l e口齿不清-d a b b l e戏水-g o b b l e狼吞虎咽-n i b b l e细嚼慢咽a b b l e好像a b l e,b a b y胡言乱语,g g口齿不清d d在那儿戏水,g o要狼吞虎咽,n i得细嚼慢咽16.p a g e-a n t书页长满蚂蚁-壮观p r o p a g a t e向前翻了一页-繁殖17.t u m b l e跌倒-h u m b l e谦卑-s t u m b l e跌倒-g a m b l e(干部爱赌博)瘫步会跌到,含苞要谦虚,死都瘫步更跌倒18.g r a c e优雅的-g l i t t e r辉煌的-g r o a n呻吟g r o p e摸索比赛的g g真优雅,垃圾前的g g放光辉,长杂毛的g g在呻吟,抓住绳子的g g在摸索19.f l i c t打 c o n f l i c t冲突 i n f l i c t内心煎熬a f f l i c t折磨M a r s-m a r t i a l武术的 m a r t i a l a r t武术20.v e r s a t i l e(蜗舌头)多才多艺的c e n s u r e(三条舍头)责难r a i l(用铁轨砸你)责难c h a s t i s e(踩死踢死)责怪p a n i c(用平底锅追打)恐怖21.r e l a t e-s i m u l a t e模仿,假装-r e g u l a t e-i s o l a t e l a s t原级是l a t e,阿姨拿出了相关陈述,四目跟着去模仿,阿姨故意来晚要调整 s i m u l a t e模仿 d i s s i m u l a t e掩饰,假装s t i m u l a t e刺激=c a t a l y z e22.s w a n k打扮 s p a n k拍击、鞭策、疾走s p o u t喷血,喷出23.f l i n c h畏缩-f l o g鞭打-f l a i r天赋-f l a u n t炫耀f l o u t藐视-f l o u n d e r挣扎-f l e e逃走-f l i n g抛石头-f e e b l e虚弱的飞向i n c h为畏缩,飞来的原木在鞭打,飞在空中是本能,飞来的姑姑在炫耀,锁在一起成群飞,飞到外边受蔑视,飞到下面要挣扎,飞高要逃跑,福临抛石头,飞薄为脆弱24.a w n/f a w n小鹿、奉承/p a w n典当 i n p a w n抵押s p a w n产卵小鹿怕(p)典当,小蛇(s)在前才产卵25.s c r i b e写 s c r i p t i o n n.a s c r ib e t o=a t t i b u t e t o归因于c o n s c r i b e征兵=d r a f tc i r c u m s c r i b e限制(画了个圈)p r e s c r i b e开药方t r a n s c r i b e改编 d e s c r i b e描写 i n s c r i b e刻字s u b s c r i b e订阅 s u b s c r i b e r手机卡26.p e b b l e卵石 r u b b l e碎石子 s c r i b b l e涂鸦b u b b l e气泡 h o b b l e跛行 g u i b b l e小借口f l i r t调情拍(p e)卵石,入(r u)碎石,写(s c r i b e)涂鸦,不(b u)起泡,好(h o)跛行,鬼(g u i)借口27.g u a i n t古怪的28.m e d-中间的 m e d i u m媒介 m e d i u m s媒介[c./p l.] m e d i a媒体 m e d i a t e调停,斡旋29.r u m o r谣言 r u m m a g e翻找(翻找谣言)30.v e r s e旋转a v e r s e反对的(a-表“没有”)a d v e r s e敌对的,相反的 r e v e r s e颠倒p e r v e r s e刚愎自用的31.c u p i d(丘比特)-c u p d i t y贪婪 c r a v e渴望(山洞开花)t r e a c h e r o u s奸诈的(老师亲自种花)a m i ab l e和善的32.a f f a b l e和蔼可亲的a f f r a y争吵-b e t r a y背叛-p r a y祈祷-t r a y盘子-a s h t r a y烟灰缸阿福(a f f)为光线而争吵,赌博(b e)为光线被出卖,大街(s t)上光线在迷失,只好到光线处去祈祷,钩(t)住光线的是盘子,装灰(a s h)的盘子是烟灰缸b o o s t提高(600条街道)l o o t打劫(100个钩子)s t i n k恶臭(大街上的墨水)o s t r i c h鸵鸟(有钱人在街上圈地养鸵鸟)33.b l i z z a r d暴风雪(不离这)l i z a r d蜥蜴34.b r u i s e瘀伤(不如死)b r o m i d e过时的(不如埋它)35.c l i m a x高潮(克里+马克思)c l i c h e腐朽的(克里买车)36.b l u n t钝的-b a l e灾难、大包裹-b l e m i s h污点b l o t脏的-b l i g h t枯萎-b l a s t爆炸-b l a m e责难布莱(b l e)迷失(m i s h)是污点,虽然不多(l o t)也很脏,见不到光(l i g h t)就枯萎,不持续就爆炸,炸折瘸了(l a m e)就怪我37.r a d i c-根e r a d i c a t e根除 r a d i c a l根本的38.u m p(突出)m u m p不开心-b u m p碰撞-g u m p傻瓜-l u m p肿块-p l u m p丰满-s l u m p脱落,跌落,下滑妈妈(m u m)不开心,不(b)要去碰她.g g大傻瓜,长个大肿块,丰满才漂亮(p l),死了(s l)才脱落39.r a n s a c k细搜(背着袋子到处跑)40.s l-(倾斜)s l i d e划过 s l o p e斜坡 s l e d e雪橇s l a s h砍:H e s l a s h e d h i s w a y t h r o u g h t h e b u s h.41.v a g u e模糊的v o g u e时尚 f a s h i o n时尚/方面:E v e r y t h i n g h a s t w o f a s h i o n s.E v e r y s w o r d h a s t w o b l a d e s(刀刃).42.g u l l海鸥-h u l l硬壳-l u l l使安静l u l l s b t o s l e e p m u l l沉思-b u l l公牛-d u l l蠢笨的、迟钝的、愚蠢的c u l l屠宰、采摘前面唱歌(g)的是海鸥,海鸥喝(h)水用硬壳,拉(l)住海鸥快安静,飞到山(m)后去思考,海鸥不(b)同意变公牛,打(d)它一下变白痴,只好重(c)新去挑选g u l l i b l e易受骗的 l u l l a b l y摇篮曲43.f a r c e闹剧(脸上开花)f a r t放屁f a c e t事情的一方面 m u l t i f a c e t e d多才多艺的44.w a d d l e鸭子走的摇摆 h u d d l e挤作一团s t a g g e r蹒跚,错开:t o s t a g g e r o f f i c e h o u r s45.m u m b l e咕哝-b u m b l e含糊-f u m b l e找寻妈妈(m u m)嘀咕不含糊46.r e l i c s(阿姨立刻死)遗物(p l.)i l l u s i o n(一路神)幻想47.a b i d e忍受v t./坚持、遵守v i.S h e c a n't a b i d e w a t c h i n g h o r r o r f i l m s.P l e a s e f e e l a s s u r e d t h a t w e w i l l a b i d e b yo u r p r o m i s e.b i d e等待b i d e o n e's t i m e48.r e s o l v e决心、决定(反复解决)d i s s o l v e溶解p r e t e x t借口-t e x i t i l e质地-c o n t e x t上下文49.f r a c t u r e挫伤H e f e l l a n d f r a c t u r e d h i s u p p e r a r m.f r a c t i o n分数/部分f r i c t i o n党派、团体 f i c t i o n小说a部分受挫伤,部分无花是党派,摩擦无花是小说f r ag i c e易碎的50.m a g n-大 m a g n i f y扩大 m a g n i f i c e n t壮观的(g o r g e o u s)m a g n a t e产业巨子51.p i t h精华 z e n i t h天顶 n a d i r天底 (你低啊)52.p o l i s h擦亮 a p p l e p o l i s h e r马屁精r e l i s h胃口、喜好 f a r m i s h使饥饿 v a n i s h消失(哇,你失了)53.t i d e潮水 t i d i n g s消息(消息随着波浪送来)54.a g h a s t惊骇的(a g h o s t)55.c u m b躺e n c u m b e r阻碍c u m b e r s o m e麻烦的c u c u m b e r黄瓜 s u b c u m b—s u c c u m b屈服c o n c u b i n e情妇i n c u b a t e孵化 i n c u b a t o r育儿器56.教堂用语:首席牧师v i c a r第二牧师 p r i e s t第三牧师 c l e r g y m a n第四牧师p r e a c h e受众席n a v e布道台p u l p i t忏悔室c u b i c l e柱子p i l l a r彩色玻璃s t a i n e d g l a s s唱诗班c h o r u s圣歌c h a n t祭坛a l t a r圣杯c h a l i c e福音G o s p e l诅咒c u r s e/s p e l l57.f r o l i c嬉戏青蛙无哥(g)立刻欢乐58.i n t e r c e p t截取,拦截(c e p t-接受)i n t e r c o u r s e(n.)交往58.m e n a c e(m e n你去死)威胁T h e p e o p l e a r e b e i n g m e n a c e d b y t h e t h r e a t o f w a r.A t o n e o f m e n a c e e n t e r e d i n t o t h e m a n's v o i c e. m a n i f o l d(男人如果老了就会得多种多样的疾病)59.u l a t e系列p o s t u l a t e推断-i n s u l a t e绝缘-g r a t u l a t e祝贺-m a n i p u l a t e控制张贴海报要控制,里面有蛇才绝缘,g g老鼠来祝贺,人类i p要控制60.p r e c i o u s珍贵的 s p i c e调料p r e c i p i c e悬崖珍贵的调料都放在悬崖上(f o r g e t m e n o t)61.s a n c t u a r y圣殿(三跪九叩的地方)m o r t u a r y太平间(毛骨悚然的地方)m o r t i f y羞辱(=h u m i l i a t e)T h e t e a c h e r w a s m o r t i f i e d b y h i s i n a b i l i t y t o a n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n.62.s p r o u t萌芽 s p a t e(一群专家一起吃)s p i n(专家在里面吐丝)s p i l l涌出63.g l i n s t e n露珠闪光-t r e a d走路-t o r p e r有气无力的l a n g u i s h无精打采的I t r o d o n h i s f o o t b y a c c i d e n t.g g听闪光,走路他读书,太婆有气无力,懒鬼无精打采64.F r e n c h-t r e n c h壕沟-w r e n c h扭伤法国人把他扔进壕沟,我把他扭伤65.b i s h o p主教 c o c k e r溺爱=s p o i lb ic k e r争吵(两个人为了可卡狗在争吵)b i c k e r w i t h66.c o n c e n t r a t i n g c a m p集中营e n g r o s s全神贯注于E n g r o s s e d i n h i s b o o k h e f o r g o t t h e t i m e.67.b u s h-g u s h涌出-h u s h安静-p l u s h绒毛;豪华a mb u s h埋伏我在灌木丛,g g喷涌而出,喝水才会安静,p l才会豪华68.s u p e r=s u rs u p e r v i s e监督 s u p e r f l u o u s多余的,过剩的s u p e r b极好的T h i s p l a y i s a s u p e r b j o b.s u p e r a b l e可以胜过的S u p e r i o r苏必利尔湖s u p e r n o v a=s u p e r s t a rs u p e r m e至高无上的(比我还高的)=p a r a m o u n t69.m e系列:t h e m e主题 m e r g e合并=a m a l g a m a t e,i n c o r p e r a t e70.o r d e a l交易(考验或者是交易)71.s i r e n警报(沙林唱歌)S p h i n x狮身人面像 s p h i n x谜S p h i n x’s r i d d l e千年难解之谜72.G o t h i c哥特式 a r c h拱门 B a r o g u e巴洛克式的(对称的)d o m e圆形屋顶 B y c a n t i n e拜占廷式的73.g g系列:b i n g e狂欢-f o r g e伪造-b a r g e泊船-t i n g e挑染-s i n g e烧焦-t w i n g e心痛-b a d g e r徽章箱子里的g g在狂欢,为了g g去伪造,g g拿着棍子去泊船,拿着铅桶去挑染,有罪的g g被烧焦,双胞胎g g心里剧痛,坏g g却得了军功章74.l u s t欲望(辣死他)-g u s t一阵(风)-b u s t半身雕像75.s e v e r e严厉的 r e v e r e尊敬(小花送给最尊敬的人)76.h a v e-r a v e胡言乱语-r a v e n乌鸦-h a v e n避难所-h e a v e n天堂拥有花样年华却胡言乱语,你胡言乱语却抓住乌鸦,你拥有避难所,e加也会变成天堂77.s l a y杀死-c l a y粘土-f l a y剥皮;批评-l a y m a n外行r e l a y转播杀人死勒(s l a y),粘土埋人可累(c l a y),批评不累(f l a y),外行做事累慢(l a y m a n)电视转播r e l a y78.v o l v=v o l u旋转r e v o l v e革命 c o n v o l v e盘旋 i n v o l v e卷入v o l u p t u o u s肉感的(圆嘟嘟的)79.-c e s s(走)r e c e s s衰退 c o n c e s s i o n让步p r e c e s s产生进动p r o c e s s加工处理i n c e s s a n t不断的 e x c e s s过度的80.-c u r(跑)c o n c u r共同发生 r e c u r再次发生 i n c u r招致o c c u r i f/w h e n81.h a m p e r篮子;妨碍-t a m p e r篡改-t a m p踩实,夯实家(h)有提篮他(t)篡改,篡改无人(e r)是夯实82.m a l a d y=a i l m e n t疾病m a l-(坏的)m a l n u t r i t i o n营养不良(m a l n o u r i s h) m a l f u n c t i o n故障 m a l c o n t e n t不满 m a l i g n诽谤 m a l t r e a t虐待83.s n o r e打鼾s n o b势利小人s n o b b l i s h势力的;附庸风雅的s i r-s u r l y暴怒的 s n e e r蔑视J a m e s s n e e r e d a t m y o l d b i c y c l e.84.-l o p e(慢跑)e l o p e私奔(一路跑)a n t e l o p e羚羊蚂蚁带着羚羊私奔85.t r y s t约会 t r a i l审判d a r t飞镖t o w拖走t o s s扔h u r l猛扔 h a u l拖走86.法庭用语:l o c a l e案发地点 s u s p e c t嫌犯 a c c o m p l i c e从犯b a t o n警棍f e t t e r脚镣 m a n ac l e手铐c e l l单身牢房h a l l大牢 g r i l l拷问 b a r r i s t e r大律师v e s t m e n t法衣t o u p e e假发j u r y陪审团g a v e l惊堂木a t t o n e y律师 p r e j u r y伪证罪b e h i n d t h e b a r s被捕入狱87.b r a w l争吵d r a w l拖长音说s p r a w l平躺t r a w l拖网d d慢说不(b)争吵,专家(s p)平躺它(t)拖网88.e m b e l l i s h修饰 e m b o d y表达 e m b e d镶嵌 g e m宝石89.t e n t-(伸展)t e n t a t i v e尝试的 o s t e n t a t i o u s装饰的;炫耀的r e t e n t a t i v e尝试的90.-s e n t感情 r e s e n t愤怒 c o n t e n t同一a s s e n t赞成 d i s s e n t不赞成91.a d u l a t e谄媚-u n d u l a t e波动-m o d u l a t e调音-p u l l u a t e发芽成年之后才谄媚,否定之后起波澜,模式变调才调音,拖拖拉拉才发芽92.P a r i’s j u g d e m e n t爱江山不爱美人t h e d i s c o r d o f a p p l e导火线93.g r u d g e怨恨-d r u d g e苦工-t r u d g e跋涉d d做苦工,g g在怨恨,叫他去跋涉94.s c o u r搜索-s c o u t侦察员-s c a r e惊恐-s c r a p碎片s c r a t c h抓住 r a p敲击-t r a p陷阱-s t r a p捆住敲击它入陷阱,蛇作皮带捆住它,敲击水草成碎片,老鼠(r a p)吃(c h)水草(s c)用手抓95.-a g g e r(道路)s t a g g e r踉跄-n a g g e r唠叨-w a g g e r摇摆-t a g g e r尾随你唠叨街上踉跄,娃娃摇摆它追随96.m i n g l e混合-t a c k l e处理-s p a r k l e闪烁-s t a r t l e震惊图钉在前是混合,明明在前是混合,火花在前才闪烁,开始在前才震惊。
比如,表示“笑”的单词往常有: chortle( 快乐地笑 ) ,
chuckle( 轻声地笑 ) ,guffaw( 哄堂大笑 ) ,jeer( 嘲讽 ) ,snigger( 窃
笑) ,simper( 傻笑 ) 等等。
例: television
最新的信息 the latest news
娱乐方式 a way of entertainment
电视观众 TV viewer
大批的电视报导massive television coverage
有教育意义的instructive keep us informed
体现生动而真切的画面present a vivid and real picture
认识国内外发生的全部learn what are happening at home and abroad
拉近了人们之间的距离shorten the distance between people
使家庭关系更为密切make family relationship even closer,
促使家庭的团结foster family cohesion, strengthen the
family ties
占用很多时间 make up much time。
赵丽词汇8000电子讲义8000课程介绍从4000起,讲到8000止词汇8000教材词汇8000正文TOEFL100个优秀背颂句子分类记忆词表词根表词源核心词表准备一个笔记本分成三部分:-含义-助记方法背单词的注意事项半饥饿状态记忆最好,大脑皮层要兴奋找一个背单词的伙伴(合作背单词,效果最好)性格内向的人,背单词时准备一个小镜子笔记:难的单词的特点:无记忆方法sanguine 乐观的,血色的,脸色红润的rim(记起来更难)边缘骉尽量在外形、音等方面搭建一个桥梁建立词性转换库笔记:-ceive 拿conceive 设想,构想conceive a plan-per 每一个perceive 觉察到deceive 欺骗receive 收到-ception n.-ceptive adj.建立同义词库笔记:nude 全裸矛盾:controversy / contradiction / paradox / dilemma词对记忆近形对照法loyal 忠诚的royal 皇室的笔记:topic 主题tropic 热带friend 朋友fiend 恶魔第一讲loyal 忠诚的- loyalty n.royal 皇室的- royalty n.royalty 版税snake 蛇sordid 猥琐的sneak 鬼鬼祟祟的走naked 全裸的- nude 全裸的peer 看东西有困难而努力地看peer atnudedenude 剥离,脱离denude your propertyample 丰富maple 枫树example笔记:matchmaker 媒婆Cupid 丘比特cupidity 贪婪构词转换法-ifyample 丰富amplify 放大,扩大amplifier 放大器clear 清楚clarify 弄清楚,弄明白mode 模式modify 修饰modifier 修饰语modification 修饰-izeauthor 作者authorize 授权mini- 小minimizein- ... -atetimid 胆小的intimidate 恐吓vigor 精力invigorate 使......精力充沛toxic 中毒的intoxicate 上瘾笔记:tonic 补药Tonic invigorates you.brassy 厚颜无耻的assassin 刺客assassinate 暗杀,刺杀vibra 摆动vibrate 摆动,振动vibrationblush 脸红liberty 自由fury 愤怒的,怒火中烧infuriate 使......愤怒,激怒......e- ... –atelaborelaborate 精心制作笔记:elegant 优雅的value 价值evaluate 评价longelongate 延长,拉长vapor 水蒸气evaporate 蒸发ad--opt 选择adopt 采纳,收养笔记:optionlev 轻,高alleviate 缓和,减轻笔记:elevate 提高elevatorlifttoilettoil 辛苦的工作gravity 重力aggravate 恶化,变坏借力使力trench 壕沟,战壕wrench 扭伤French笔记:shanghai 伤害,欺骗,诱拐pajamas 睡衣拼音形象联想:s: 弯弯曲曲的一条蛇sway 摇摆oo: 一对大眼睛lookee: 一对小眼睛peerpreen 骚首弄姿b: 不blight 枯萎blear 模糊bold 大胆blast 爆炸法国人把他扔进了壕沟/ 战壕里,我把他扭伤口诀法literate 有文化的iterate 重复说adulterate 掺假illiterate 文盲preliterate 无文字记录的obliterate 删除,抹掉笔记:loom 若隐若现(100m以外的MM看也看不清楚)isolate 使隔离,使孤立(夜深还有谁为爱等待得如此晚?)I feel very isolated.pretext 借口obscene 猥琐一个有文化的人,爱上了重复说话,长大以后学会了掺假,生病以后变成了文盲,之前无文字记录,离开后只能删除lank 瘦长的blank 空格flank 侧翼plank 厚木板rank 排名crank n. 曲柄;v. 蜿蜒曲折frank 坦白prank 恶作剧笔记:be flanked with treesThe road is flanked with trees.A small river cranked into the small village.cliche 腐朽的,陈词滥调的只有lank瘦又长,b在lank前变空格,f在lank前是侧翼,p在lank前厚木板,lank变rank 是排名,前面加c是曲柄,前面加f真坦白,前面加p才是恶作剧第二讲abdomen n.(人体的)腹部torso 躯干mortal 死亡immortal 不朽vital 有生命力的,有活力的digital 数字的bereave v. 1. 剥夺,使丧失 2. 使痛失(亲属等)同义词:deprive 剥夺deprive sb. ofbereave sb. ofderive 获得derive fromMEANING: deprive ruthlessly; rob; take awayconsecrate v. 奉为神圣,尊崇sacred 神圣的vestment 袈裟,法衣evoke v. 唤起,引起-vok / - vocvocal cords 声带advocate 支持,拥护v. 支持者,拥护者evocative adj. 引起的,引发性的evocation n.invoke 祈祷invocation n.invocative adj.provoke 激怒provocative adj.provocation n.convoke 召集convocation n.convocative adj.attack 攻击loom 若隐若现;n. 织布机univocal 含义明确的equivocal 模棱两可的unityuniversaluniqueequal 等价的vocation 职业avocation 副业revoke 撤销revocative adj.revocation n.groove n. 沟,槽,凹线MEANING: a long narrow channel or furrow, corrugation, rut TYPICAL USE: Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road.新郎有mm (m),凹槽有vegroombridevicarbishopvestmentgroomjolt v. 摇动,使颠簸MEANING: shake roughly, shake with sudden jerksTYPICAL USE: The old car jolted its passengers badly as it went over the rough road. dolt 傻瓜jolt 颠簸molt 脱毛bolt 离开逗(d) 他小傻瓜,叫(j) 他是颠簸,有毛(m) 就脱毛,不行(b) 就离开obsolete adj. 作废的,过时的ob- 离开obscenerubber 橡皮Hit the dirts.prowl v. 潜行以寻觅或偷窃TYPICAL USE: Many wild animals prowl at night looking for something to eat. plmmrpwtfrjjrrpledge 发誓pledge one's eternal loveplunder 抢劫pluck 勇气;v. 拔,采摘plough 皱纹;v. 耕地,犁地plague v. 折磨;n. 瘟疫platitude 腐朽,陈词滥调attitude 态度,观点plasma 血浆scoop v. 掘挖coop 鸡窝raccoon 浣熊hippopotamus 河马hippocampus 海马tycoon 大亨swan 天鹅swank 打扮toady 阿谀奉承status n. 状况,地位stat 站着station 站stationary adj.static 静止的sue v. 起诉,控告bandit n. 强盗,土匪gangster 强盗commemorate v. 纪念,庆祝memory 记忆The brick is dedicated to commemorate Lily.delicate 光滑的,精致的,脆弱的,颜色或味道淡淡的,纤细的delicacy n.dedicate 奉献,贡献dedicative adj.dedication n.intricate 复杂的intricacy n.indicate 提示,表明indicative adj.indication n.黛玉美丽脆弱,daddy奉献一生,三角恋爱复杂,弟弟里面提示defile v. 弄脏,弄污deviation n. 离题,偏差fortitude n. 坚忍,刚毅fortfortify 巩固fortress 城堡actor 男演员actress 女演员waiterwaitressinconsolable adj. 伤心的solar 太阳的solconsole 安慰solace 安慰lunar 月亮的Luna 月神lunatic 疯子eclipse 食clippingconsole 安慰consolable 可安慰的nibble vi. 细咬,细食TYPICAL USE: Aren't you hungry? Y ou are only nibbling your food.babble 胡言乱语gabble 口齿不清,说话急促dabble 涉足,戏水gobble 狼吞虎咽nibble 小口轻咽abble好象able,baby胡言乱语,哥哥口齿不清,弟弟在那戏水,gobble狼吞虎咽,nibble 小口吞咽pageant n. 壮观,华饰tenant 房客elegant 优雅的warrant 保证,担保propagate 繁殖prone 倾向prone tobe prone toscourge n. 引起灾害的事物或人courage 勇气smother 窒息,减少eliminateswaysneaknakedmapleampleamplifyploughplasmaplatitudeplaguepledgeplunderprowlpluckbanditgangstercommemoratesolareclipseLunalunaticnibblepageantpropagatetenantwarranttumble v. 跌落,跌倒humble 谦虚含苞要谦卑,贪步会跌倒stumble 跌倒,绊倒stumble to 明白gamble 赌博tumbler 不倒翁tum 臃肿tumid 臃肿的limpid 清澈的turbid 混沌的torpid 有气无力的humid 潮湿的humous 腐殖土的tumor 肿瘤afflict v. 使痛苦-flict 打conflict 冲突MEANING: cause pain to, trouble very much, sicken, ail TYPICAL USE: There are many illnesses which afflict old people. inflictcensure v. 责难versatile 多才多艺的chastise 责备pan 平底锅,猛烈批评panic 恐怖dissimulation n. 假装,掩饰simulate 模仿simulation n.stimulate 刺激stimulation n.mediate 调解meditate 考虑simulate 模仿dissimulate v. 假装stimulatesimulatestimulation n.simulation n.mediatemeditatemediation n.meditationflog v. 重打,鞭笞MEANING: beat or whip hard, paddle, caneTYPICAL USE: Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailers.flair 天赋的本能flog 鞭打blog 博客flinch 畏缩quail 鹌鹑;v. 畏缩exodus 成群结队外出flaunt 炫耀flock 成群结队的飞;n. 一群flout 藐视,蔑视flounder 挣扎飞回inch为畏缩,飞来的圆木在鞭打,飞在空中是本能,飞来的姑姑在炫耀,锁在一起成群飞,飞到外边受蔑视,飞到下边才挣扎flirt 调情flee 逃走glee 高兴feeble 脆弱的,易受伤害的fade 褪色fling 抛,扔flee为逃走,fade为褪色,fling抛石头,feeble才脆弱fledge 鸟儿长羽毛,喂养pledge 发誓duckling 小鸭子catling 小猫fledgling 小鸟yearling 一岁大的小动物hedge 篱笆haunt 常来常往的地方,鬼神出没的地方,萦绕于心头难以忘记Memory haunts me.commemoratebe haunted by 被......所困扰inscription n. 题字,碑铭subscribe 订阅ascribe 归因于circumscribe 限制flounderconscribe 征兵prescribe 开药方toadyswankinscribe 铭刻,雕刻pebble 卵石rubble 碎石scribble 涂鸦hobble 跛行quibble 借口拍卵石,入碎石,写涂鸦,好跛行、鬼借口defendoffendbanditgangsterquaint 古怪acquaint 熟悉exquisite 精美的,华丽的meddle v. 干预或扰乱他人之事meddle with sth.posture n. 人体的姿势posecompose 创作,组成be composed ofcompose sthcomposition 作文decompose 分解humousimpose 征税royaltyexpose 暴露depose 降职,免职deposit 沉积物,下蛋,产卵spawn 产卵roe 卵fawn 小鹿;v. 奉承pawn 典当飞来小鹿怕典当,小蛇在前才产卵quailexodusrummage v. 翻寻,寻找rumor 谣言spout v. 喷出,涌出specialist 专家专家外出看喷发TYPICAL USE: The water spouted out when the pipe was broken. sprout 发芽brotherbotherbroth 肉汤兄弟无人是肉汤disturbturbidlimpidspurn 踢到一边去urn 咖啡壶,骨灰罐spur 踢马刺,刺激Saturn 土星saturnine 极度忧郁的,极度郁闷的spank 打人swank 打扮专家爱打人,天鹅爱打扮sphere 球体sparrow 麻雀spoil 溺爱,损坏toilspouse 配偶sprain 扭伤wrenchtraverse v. 走过,横过universe 宇宙universal 井然有序的,普遍的reverse 颠倒,反转inverse 反转的,相反的anniversary 周年纪念annual 每年的averse 憎恨的,厌恶的avocation 副业moral - morality n. - immoralmortal - mortality n. - immortal amoral 没有道德意识的perverse 故意作对的,刚愎自用的adverse 敌对的adversary 对手controversy 矛盾malversation 诽谤,贪污malady 疾病plasmamareretire 退休relicbare 半裸的,暴露(引申为缺乏)be bare of 缺乏be rich in 丰富versatile 多才多艺的diverse 不同的diversify v.wistful adj. 渴望的cupiditycraveeagermeager 缺乏amicable adj. 友善的amiable 友善的,和善的blizzard n. 大风雪,暴风雪lizard 蜥蜴cruise v. 往返航行,海上游弋cruiser 巡洋舰bruise 淤伤bromide 陈腐的obsoleteplatitudecommonplacepedestrian 行人;adj. 平凡的bale 灾祸,包裹blightblasterbolderadicate v. 根除,歼灭evaluateelongateenroll 招收学员embody 具体体现,具体表现radical 根本的,基本的,激进的radicate 使其生根,确立glimmer n. 微光glitter 珠宝的闪光glisten 露珠的闪光glimmer 微光slim 苗条glamour 魅力amorous 色情的,好色的morose 郁闷under the rose 秘密地prose 散文homosexual 同性恋glee 高兴复习mortalmoralfadeflinchspoutsproutspurnspoilsparrowsprainplasmamaremaladyglistenbereaveglimmerslimcraveamiableamicableblizzardlizardbruisebromidecommonplacebalerummagestumblegamblepanicversatilebrothswankspankobsoletesolarsolar eclipseLunalunaticplagueploughprowl第三讲lump n. 堆,团,大量lump 肿块lumpish 笨拙的,臃肿的plump 丰满的bump 碰撞bump intobumper 保险杠bumper carmope 不开心gloom 郁闷的,天气不好的,阴沉的,昏暗的bump 碰撞gump 傻瓜lump 肿块plump 丰满的slump 脱落,跌落mirth 高兴mend 修补maladymarenightmare妈妈不开心,不要去碰她,哥哥大傻瓜,长个大肿块,丰满才漂亮,死了才脱落MEANING: a mass of something solid without a special size or shapeTYPICAL USE: On his desk, many articles and documents are always piled in great lump.slump v. 陷,猛然落下TYPICAL USE: Our feet slumped repeatedly through the melting ice.ransack v. 细细搜索lay offget your sackraccoonslash v. (以剑、刀等) 砍lash 鞭打flog 鞭打sparrowspurnSaturnspoilspheresproutspoutsprainspanksacredvestmentconsecratemirthmendmoralimmoralamoralavocationvogue n. 时尚,流行vague 模糊linger 徘徊,逗留I have a lingering fear.TYPICAL USE: That pop-song had a great vogue at one time.ascribe v. 将......归因于......TYPICAL USE: He ascribes his success to skill and hard work.bulwark n. 防波堤Styx 冥河Pluto 冥王星abyss 深渊abysmal 深的,深渊的Titan 巨人titanicabsurd 荒谬的chchronic 慢性病chronicle 编年史chronometer 记时计proPrometheusEpimetheusdeluge 大洪水epitome 一卷书,一册书atom 原子epitome 故事的梗概AchillesAchilles' heel 致命的弱点chilltremble 颤抖extreme 极限extreme sports 极限运动dubious adj. 惊疑的,暖昧的facet n. (事情之) 一面farce 闹剧fart头(tou)- toe屁(pi)- pea 豌豆扑克(pu ke)- puke 呕吐臭(chou)- chou 女朋友peacock 孔雀fart 放屁heed n. 注意huddle v. 挤成一团waddle 摇摆mumble v. 喃喃而言;咕哝hush 安静tricklewoowoo one's dreamgo after 追求relic n. 遗迹;遗物遗俗TYPICAL USE: The ruined bridge is a relic of the Korean War in 1950.smog n. 烟雾smog = smoke + fogwayfarer n. 旅人;徒步旅行者wont n. 习惯absolve v. 赦免abuse 滥用abnormal 变态的abide 忍受absolve 赦免bias n. 偏见contend v. 竞争;辩论tender 细嫩的deplore v. 悲痛;深悔fracture n. 挫伤;骨折fraction 部分friction 摩擦faction 团体,党派fiction 小说a部分i摩擦,部分无花是党派,摩擦无花是小说refraction 折射reflection 反射;反思narcissus 水仙花echo 回音,回声echo locationglamourfragfragile 脆的,易碎的exile 流放agile 敏捷的agenda 会议议程fragment 碎片magnitude n. 大小;量;长(度)magnify 放大magnificent 精美的,华丽的relish n. 胃口;喜好famine 饥荒famish 使饥饿vanish 消失punish 惩罚banish 放逐abandon 放纵liberatedpolish 抛光apple-polisher 马屁精lumpish 笨拙的surly adj. 暴怒的exileagileagendabanishvanishfamishpolishblemish 污点;v. 弄脏relishsneak v. 潜行;行为鬼祟TYPICAL USE: Trying not to be seen, they quietly sneaked into the room. sample 标本,样品scuba 潜水呼吸器smuggle 走私marsh 沼泽marshal 元帅scubasmugglebanishpunishvanishmarshalsmugglepolishsurlyrelishfaminefamishblemishsneaksampletidings n. 消息aghast adj. 惊骇的;恐怖的ghost 鬼魂gaunt 憔悴的flaunthauntgrim 恐怖的,严格的sternabnormalmopegrisly adj. 恐怖的cumber v. 阻碍;拖累cubincubate 孵化incubator 孵化器cubicle 小室concubine 情妇sweetycompare 比较succumb 屈服decree v. 命令;决定frolic v. 嬉戏;作乐enjoymentaggressiveattacktackle 处理mingle 混合sparkle 点亮startle 震惊图钉在前是处理,明明在前是混合,火花在前才闪烁,开始在前才震惊sneer 蔑视snore 打鼾intercourse n. 交往;交通menace n. 威胁manifold 多种多样的,各种各样的f old 折叠folder 文件夹unfold 揭示close 关闭disclose 揭示veil 面纱reveal 揭示manoeuvre 操纵,控制mandate 命令date sb. 跟某人约会appointmenttryst 约会precipice n. 悬崖cliffclimax 高潮clinique 诊所cliche 腐朽的,陈词滥调的manifoldmandatetrystmanoeuvreclimaxcliniquecliffclichécommonplaceplatitudepedestrianbanal 腐朽的tacklesparklestartlecipprecious 珍贵的spice 调味料珍贵的调味料都长在悬崖上sanctuary n. 圣所;圣堂;神殿mortalmortuary 停尸间mortify 羞辱scourgevauntboast 自吹自擂boastfultoast 干杯coast 海岸线roast 烧,烤在海岸线上烧烤,为吹嘘自己而干杯sanction 批准concubinehusband 丈夫,节俭sprout v. 长出;发芽TYPICAL USE: After a light spring rain, leaves began to sprout from trees. spate 下大雨a spate oftread v. 行走于;步行于glisten 露珠的闪光torpor 有气无力languish 无精打采哥哥听闪光,走路他读书,太婆有气无力,懒鬼无精打采climaxcliniquecliffclichéfamineattackTYPICAL USE: She trod lightly in order not to wake the sleeping baby. ammunition n. 弹药;军火flack 高射炮invade 侵略- invasive adj. - invasion n.evade 逃走- evasive adj. - evasion n.pervade 蔓延,遍及- pervasive adj. - pervasion n. elude 逃走illusion 幻觉illumine 点亮,照亮illuminateelope 私奔antelope 羚羊lope 慢跑grislyaghastgrimsterngaunteludeelusive 深奥的,难以理解的illusionillumineelopeantelopelopeprecipicedoting adj. 过于喜爱的;溺爱的cocker 溺爱bicker 吵架spoil 溺爱pamper 溺爱humor 溺爱engross v. 全神贯注于concentrateconcentrate oneccentric 古怪的gush n. 涌出;倾流blush 脸红flush 脸红bush 灌木丛lobster 龙虾gush 涌出hush 肃静plush 绒毛;adj. 豪华的不在灌木丛中,哥哥喷涌而出,喝水才会安静,漂亮才会豪华banalbanishbanditpunishvanishfaminefamishpolishsurlyapple-polisherinvadeevadepervadeeludeelusiveelopeantelopelopebridegroomvicarbishopbickercockerpamperhumorlobsterambush 伏击某人insuperable adj. 不能超越的;不能克服的superfluous 多余的,冗余的,过剩的redundant 冗余的,多余的,过剩的abundantsuperior 卓越的,优良的superficial 表面的,肤浅的obedient 顺从的,服从的aggressive 攻击性的superb 非常好的,极好的supervise 监督visible 可见的supervisor 考官ordeal n. 残酷的考验;痛苦的考验pouch n. 小袋;囊screech v. 尖叫;哭siren 尖叫,报警Sphinxstature n. 身材;身长undermine v. 1. 以危险手段伤害;暗中破坏 2. 在…之下挖掘;逐渐损毁undergo 经历underline 强调undertake 承担,从事undermine 暗中破坏underscore 强调underage 未成年的stagger 步履蹒跚的走staple 主要产品stable 稳定的savage 野蛮的mentalassess v. 评估;估定asset 财产evaluate 评估,评价chamber n. 1. 房间;寝室 2. 立法或司法团体the Chamber of the West 西厢记Stone Storydisdain v. 鄙视;轻视sneer 鄙视despise 鄙视scorn 轻视,蔑视,看不起espy v. 鄙视;轻视glossy adj. 平滑的;有光泽的TYPICAL USE: The beautiful glossy coat of the cat shone as it lay in sunlight. janitor n. 管门者packet n. 包裹;(邮件等的) 一捆pulpit n. (教堂的) 讲台;说教台scorch v. 1. 烧焦 2. 使萎;使枯singe 烧焦binge 狂欢forge 伪造barge 驳船tugboat 拖船tinge 微染singe 烧焦twinge 剧痛,痛苦badge 徽章箱里的哥哥在狂欢,为了哥哥去伪造,哥哥拿着棍子进驳船,拿着锡桶去微染,有罪的哥哥被烧焦,双胞胎的哥哥心里剧痛,坏哥哥却得了军功章lingervaguevoguegamblestumbletumblehumbletumortumblertumidlumpishsurge v. (波浪) 起伏;汹涌surplus 多余的surpass 超过surge (波浪)起伏;汹涌utensil n. 器皿;用具bayonet n. 刺刀compassion n. 怜悯;同情compass 指南针detain v. 1. 使迟延;阻止 2. 拘留;扣押faction n. 小派;小党派cliquehue n. 色彩;色度luster n. 1. 光彩;光辉 2. 荣誉;光荣lust 欲望lustful 好色的persevere v. 坚忍rave v. 发狂语crave 渴望illusion 幻觉slay v. 杀;毁massacre 大屠杀slaughter 大屠杀tablet n. 块;片ringlet 小卷发pullet 小母鸡booklet 小书lakelet 小湖voluptuous adj. 肉感的第四讲access n.1.进入 2.接近excess 走多了,过度了,过剩了excessionexcessiveaccessible 可接近的inaccessible 不可接近的process 前进,加工processionconcession 妥协recession 停业,整顿,企业处于萧条状态incessant 连续不断的beckon v.招手或点头示意concur v.1.同意;意见一致 2.同时发生occur 发生recur 复发,重现incur 招致,导致precursor 祖先ancestor 祖先excursion 探险,远征descendant 后代successor 后任predecessor 前任denounce v.当众指责allege 宣布claim 声称sert 塞insert 插入assert 断言desert 遗弃,沙漠desserts 甜品stressedrevoke 撤销announce 宣布renounce 撤销He was denounced as a coward and traitor.他被指责为懦夫和卖国贼。
比如,英文单词“elephant”(大象),我们可以通过联想将其记忆为“E for elephant”(E代表elephant),这样我们就能更容易地记住这个单词了。
比如,每天规定自己背诵 50 个新单词,并且定期复习之前学过的词汇,以加强记忆。
2)形与义的联想,如:eye 把两个e看成两个眼。
banana 把a看成一个个的香蕉。
bird 把b和d看成两个翅膀。
8.理解记忆:通过正确理解单词的本义、引申义和比喻义等,如:second 是秒,它来源于古代的六分法,分,秒,它是二次划分,因此second,也是第二,进一步引申,还可理解为辅助用这种方法特别适合那些一词多义的词。
例如,知道词根cur的.意思为“跑”〔引申意思为“发生”〕后,认识并记忆以下词汇并不难: occur〔发生,进展〕current〔目前的,流行的〕excursion〔远足〕recur 〔再次出现,反复出现〕concur 〔同时出现,同意〕,雅思英语《雅思英语词汇记忆方法》。
例如,以ique结尾的词雅思中涉及的有:unique〔独特的〕technique 〔技术,方法〕physique〔体质,体格〕antique〔古老的,古式的,古董〕boutique〔时装商店〕。
雅思分类词汇博物馆类history museum (历史博物馆)military museum(军事博物馆),art museum(艺术博物馆), science museum(科技博物馆),natural museum(自然博物馆), public museum(公立博物馆), private museum(私人博物馆), specialized museum(专业博物馆)产业类advertising industry广告业aerospace industry航空和航天工业agricultural industry农业生产aircraft industry飞机制造工业airline industry航空公司;航线alcoholic beverage industry酒精饮料工业, 甜酒-白酒工业animal industry 畜牧业anti-pollution industry 反污染工业appliance industry 器械工业armament industry 军火工业arms industry 军需工业artificial petroleum industry 人造石油工业artisan industry 手工业生产assembly industry 组装[装配]工业atomic industry 原子工业baking industry 焙烤食品工业; 面包工业basic industry 基础工业, 重工业bay scallop industry 海湾扇贝养殖业bituminous industry 沥青工业book industry 图书出版业bottleneck industry 薄弱环节产业brain industry 头脑产业brewing industry 啤酒酿造工业; 酿造工业broiler-fryer industry 肉用仔鸡鸭养殖业[场] building industry建筑工业business industry 商办工业by-product industry 副产物加工业canned foods industry 罐头食品工业capital-intensive industry 资本密集[集约]工业; 资本密集工业; 耗费资金的工业car industry 汽车制造工业cement industry 水泥工业ceramic industry陶瓷工业clothing industry 服装工业, 缝纫业coal industry 煤炭工业cold storage industry 冷藏工业competitive industry 竞争性产业confectionery industry 糖食工业, 糖果工业consumer goods industry 消费品工业cottage industry 家庭手工业data processing industry 资料数据处理行业defense industrys 国防工业domestic industry 家庭工业; 手工业生产electric industry 电气制造工业electric utility industry 电力工业electronic industry 电子工业electronic computer industry 电子计算机工业energy industrys 动力工业engineering industry 机器制造业entertainment industry 娱乐业fabricated metal industry 金属制品工业farming industry 农业生产fisheries industry 渔业, 水产业food service industry 食品行业foundry industry 铸造工业fuel industry 燃料工业furniture industry 家具工业gas industry 煤气工业glass industry 玻璃工业goods-producing industry 工业和建筑业hard carbide industry 硬质合金工业hard metal industry 硬质合金工业heavy clay industry 重粘土工业, 砖瓦工业heavy machine building industry 重型机器制造工业hog industry 养猪业home industry 本国工业; 手工业生产; 家庭工业home petroleum industry 本国石油工业horological industry 钟表[计时器]工业hotel industry 旅馆业infant industry 新生工业information industry 信息产业, 情报企业instrument industry 仪表制造业insurance industry 保险业knowledge industry 知识产业, 知识界knowledge concentrated industry 知识密集型产业labour concentrated industry 劳动密集型产业leading industry 主导产业leisure industry 娱乐产业light industry 轻工业local industry地方工业machine-building industry 机器制造业marine products industry水产业meat-packing industry 肉类加工业metal-processing industry金属加工业metallurgical industry 冶金工业microbiological industry微生物工业mineral industry 采掘工业most advanced industry尖端产业motor industry 汽车制造业munitions industry军火工业, 军事工业neighbourhood industry 街道工业non-ferrous metals industry 有色金属工业offshore oil industry 海上石油开采业oil production industry 油脂工业opportunity industry 机会产业paper manufacturing industry 造纸工业petro-chemical industry 石油化学工业petroleum industry 石油工业plastics industry 塑料工业power industry 电力工业powder metallurgy industry 粉末冶金工业rising sun industry 朝阳产业rubber industry 橡胶工业ship-building industry 造船工业shipping industry 航运业silk textile industry 丝绸工业social development industry 社会开发产业space industry 航天工业speciality industry 特产产业state-operated industry 国营工业steel industry 钢铁工业sunsetting industry 夕阳产业synthetic fiber industry 合成纤维工业tannery industry 皮革工业textile industry 纺织工业trade industry 商业部门travel industry 旅游业war industry 军事工业wood industry 木材工业yeast industry 酵母工业电影类film, motion picture 影片,电影(美作:movie)newsreel 新闻片,纪录片documentary (film) 记录片,文献片filmdom 电影界literary film 文艺片musicals 音乐片comedy 喜剧片tragedy 悲剧片dracula movie 恐怖片swordsmen film 武侠片detective film 侦探片ethical film 伦理片affectional film 爱情片erotic film 黄色片western movies 西部片film d'avant-garde 前卫片serial 系列片trailer 预告片cartoon (film) 卡通片,动画片footage 影片长度full-length film, feature film 长片short(film) 短片colour film 彩色片(美作:color film)silent film 默片,无声片dubbed film 配音复制的影片,译制片silent cinema, silent films 无声电影sound motion picture, talkie 有声电影cinemascope, CinemaScope 西涅玛斯科普型立体声宽银幕电影,变形镜头式宽银幕电影cinerama, Cinerama 西涅拉玛型立体声宽银幕电影,全景电影title 片名original version 原着dialogue 对白subtitles, subtitling 字幕credits, credit titles 对原作者及其他有贡献者的谢启和姓名telefilm 电视片action film (动作片)document.ry 纪录片,kongfu film 武打片,comedy 喜剧tragedy 悲剧detective film 侦探片science fiction 科幻电影disaster灾难片thriller 惊悚片horror film 恐怖片western 西部片musical 音乐片cartoon 动画片romance/love story 言情片biographies(人物传记)auto biographies(自转)science fiction (科幻)romance (爱情)mystery(侦探)horror (恐怖片)main actor/actress 男主演/女主演hero/heroine 男主角/女主角director 导演acting 演技plot 情节big scene 大场面splendid landscape 秀丽的景色intriguing 引人入胜fascinating 令人着迷的terrific 极好的relaxing 令人放松的happy ending 圆满结局touching 感人的moving 令人感动的tragic ending 悲剧结局个人品质类able 有才干的,能干的active 主动的,活跃的adaptable 适应性强的adroit 灵巧的,机敏的aggressive 有进取心的alert 机灵的ambitious 有雄心壮志的amiable 和蔼可亲的amicable 友好的analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的capable 有能力的,有才能的careful 办事仔细的candid 正直的charitable 宽厚的competent 能胜任的confident 有信心的conscientious 认真的,自觉的considerate 体贴的constructive 建设性的contemplative好沉思的cooperative 有合作精神的creative 富创造力的dashing 有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的dedicated 有奉献精神的devoted 有献身精神的dependable 可靠的diplomatic 老练的,有策略的disciplined 守纪律的discreet (在行动,说话等方面)谨慎的dutiful 尽职的dynamic 精悍的earnest 认真的well-educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的energetic 精力充沛的enthusiastic 充满热情的expressive善于表达faithful 守信的,忠诚的forceful (性格)坚强的frank 直率的,真诚的friendly 友好的frugal俭朴的generous 宽宏大量的genteel 有教养的gentle 有礼貌的hard-working 勤劳的hearty 精神饱满的honest 诚实的hospitable 殷勤的humble 恭顺的humorous 幽默的impartial 公正的independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的initiative首创精神have an inquiring mind 爱动脑筋intellective 有智力的intelligent 理解力强的inventive 有发明才能的,有创造力的just 正直的kind-hearted 好心的knowledgeable 有见识的learned 精通某门学问的liberal 心胸宽大的logical 条理分明的loyal忠心耿耿的methodical 有方法的modest 谦虚的motivated 目的明确的objective 客观的open-minded 虚心的orderly 守纪律的original 有独创性的painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的practical 实际的precise: 一丝不苟的persevering 不屈不挠的punctual 严守时刻的purposeful 意志坚强的qualified 合格的rational 有理性的realistic 实事求是的reasonable 讲道理的reliable 可信赖的responsible 负责的self-conscious 自觉的selfless 无私的sensible 明白事理的sincere 真诚的smart 精明的spirited 生气勃勃的sporting 光明正大的steady 塌实的straightforward 老实的strict 严格的systematic 有系统的strong-willed 意志坚强的sweet-tempered 性情温和的temperate 稳健的tireless 孜孜不倦海洋河流类sea 海high seas, open sea 远海ocean 大洋inlet 小湾bay 海湾,湾gulf 海湾cove 湾cape 海角promontory, headland 海角,岬cliff悬崖峭壁port, harbour 港(美作:harbor)bay, roadstead 碇泊处sandbank 沙滩beach, shore 海滩strait 海峡isthmus 地峡reef 礁石key 暗礁sandbar 沙洲tide 潮wave 浪undertow 回头浪tempest 风暴ground swell 涌浪seaquake 海震,海啸low water 最低水位territorial waters 领海,领水ice floe 冰川iceberg 冰山shore 海岸bank 河岸estuary 湖港区delta 三角洲mouth, ria 河口flord 峡湾current, watercourse 水流stream, brook 小溪torrent 湍流山溪rapids 急流source 源头spring 泉bed 河床flood 洪水flow 泛滥swelling, freshet 河水猛涨,涨水basin 流域waterfall, falls, cascade 瀑布cataract大瀑布tributary 支流confluent 汇合点meander 河曲canal 运河wadi, wady 干谷航空航天类launch a satellite发射卫星launch pad 发射台multistage rocket 多级火箭second stage 第二级third stage 第三级orbit 轨道artificial satellite 人造卫星Telstar 通信卫星antenna 天线solar cell 太阳电池spacecraft 航天器premonitionlunar module 登月舱LM-maneuvering rockets 登月舱机动火箭landing pad 着陆架service module 服务舱directional antenna 定向天线nozzle of the main engine 主发动机喷嘴lunar module 登月舱ascent stage 上升段descent stage 下降段hatch 舱口ladder 扶梯command module 指令舱service module 服务舱astronaut 航天员space suit 航天服emergency oxygen apparatus 应急供氧装置access flap 接口盖life support system 生命维持系统建筑类ancient architecture古代建筑civil architecture 民用建筑classical architecture古典conventional architecture 寺院建筑decorated architecture 尖拱式建筑domestic architecture 民用建筑false architecture 装饰画的舞台布景上的建筑garden architecture 庭院建筑neo-classic新古典式建筑duplex apartment 双层式建筑a thatched shed 茅蓬skyscraper 摩天大楼block of flats 公寓楼(美作:apartment block) monument纪念碑palace 宫殿temple 庙宇basilica 皇宫,教堂cathedral 大教堂church 教堂tower 塔,塔楼ten-storey office block 十层办公大楼greenbelt 绿地教育类instruction, education: oviduct viviparous vivisection bisect deduct aqueduct 教育culture 文化primary education 初等教育secondary education 中等教育higher education 高等教育the three r's 读、写、算school year 学年term, trimester 学季semester 学期school day 教学日school holidays 假期curriculum 课程subject 学科discipline 纪律timetable 课程表class, lesson 课homework 家庭作业exercise 练习dictation 听写spelling mistake 拼写错误(short) course 短训班seminar 研讨班playtime, break 课间,休息to play truant, to play hooky 逃学,旷课course (of study) 学业student body 学生(总称) classmate, schoolmate 同学pupil 小学生student 大学生schoolboy 男生schoolgirl 女生auditor 旁听生swot, grind 用功的学生old boy 老生grant, scholarship, fellowship 奖学金holder of a grant, scholar, fellow 奖学金获得者school uniform 校服teaching staff 教育工作者(总称) teachers 教师(总称)primary school teacher 小学老师teacher lecturer 大学老师professor 教授schooling 教授,授课assistant 助教headmaster 校长(女性为:headmistress) deputy headmaster, deputy head 副校长rector 校长dean 教务长laboratory assistant, lab assistant 实验员beadle, porter 门房,学校工友games master, gym teacher, gym instructor 体育教师private tutor 私人教师,家庭教师pedagogue 文学教师(蔑称) of school age 教龄beginning of term 开学matriculation 注册to enroll, to enroll 予以注册to take lessons (学生)上课to teach (老师)上课to study 学习to learn by heart 记住,掌握to revise, to go over 复习test 考试to test 考试to take an examination, to sit an examination, to do an examination 参加考试convocation notice 考试通知examiner 考试者board of examiners 考试团examination oral, written examination 口试,笔试question 问题question paper 试卷crib 夹带(美作:trot)to pass an examination (或exam), 通过考试pass, passing grade 升级prizegiving 分配奖品to fall an examination 未通过考试failure 未考好to repeat a year 留级degree 学位graduate 毕业生to graduate 毕业project, thesis 毕业论文general certificate of education 中学毕业证书(美作:high school diploma) holder of the general certificate of education 中学毕业生(美作:holder of a high school diploma)doctorate 博士学位doctor 博士competitive examination 答辩考试failure 未考好to repeat a year 留级degree 学位graduate 毕业生to graduate 毕业project, thesis 毕业论文general certificate of education 中学毕业证书(美作:highschool diploma) holder of the general certificate of education 中学毕业生(美作:holder of a high school diploma) doctorate 博士学位doctor 博士competitive examination 答辩考试旅游类travel agency 旅行社flight number 航班号take off 起飞land 降落check in 办理登机手续motel 汽车旅馆hostel 青年旅社book the ticket 订票passport 护照visa 签证credit card 信用卡driving license/licence 驾照expire v.驾照、护照等过期platform 站台museum 博物馆souvenir 纪念品art gallery 画廊hiking 徒步旅行hitch-hike 搭便车旅行surfing 冲浪skiing 滑雪bag-packer 肩背大包进行自助旅行的人农业类land,soil 土壤arable land, tilled land 耕地dry soil 旱田fertile soil 沃土,肥沃的土壤humus 腐殖质irrigable land 水浇地lean soil, poor soil 贫瘠土壤wasteland, barren land 荒地grass 草grassland 草地meadow 草甸prairie 大草原pasture land 牧场to lie fallow 休闲fallow 休闲地stubble, stubble field 亩茬地straw, hay 稿杆rural population 农村人口rural exodus 农村迁徙land reform, agrarian reform 土地改革mechanization of farming 农业机械化mechanized farming 机械化耕作farm 农场cattle farm 奶牛场ranch 大农场,牧场hacienda 庄园holding 田产plot, parcel, lot 地块cooperative farm 合作农场collective farm 集体农场country, countryside 农村countryman 农民,农夫countrywoman 农民,农妇agronomist 农学家latifundium, large landed estate 大农场主farmer 农户producer 农业工人settle 佃户landowner 地主,土地拥有者absentee landlord 外居地主smallholder, small farmer 小农rancher 牧场主tenant farmer, leaseholder 土地租用人sharecropper 佃农ploughman 农夫,犁田者farm labourers 农场工人,农业工人(美作:farm laborers)farm hand 农场短工cattle farmer 牧场工人cowherd, cowboy 牛仔shepherd 牧人fruit grower 果农vinegrower 葡萄栽植者vintager 采葡萄者farming, husbandry 农业animal husbandry, animal breeding 畜牧业dairy farming 乳品业,乳牛业horticulture 园艺market gardening 商品蔬菜种植业fruit growing 果树栽培vinegrowing, viticulture 葡萄栽培olive growing 油橄榄栽培arboriculture 树艺学silviculture 造林学agricultural products, farm products 农产品foodstuffs 食品dairy produce, dairy products 乳制品dairy industry 乳品加工业crop year, farming year 农事年season 季节agricultural, commodities market 农业市场livestock 牲畜摄影类still camera 照相机cinecamera 电影摄影机(美作:movie camera)television camera 电视摄像机box camera 箱式照相机folding camera 风箱式照相机lens 镜头aperture 光圈wide-angle lens 广角镜头diaphragm 光圈telephoto lens 远摄镜头,长焦镜头zoom lens 变焦头,可变焦距的镜头eyepiece 目镜filter 滤光镜shutter 快门shutter release 快门线viewfinder 取景器telemeter, range finder 测距器photometer, exposure meter 曝光表photoelectric cell 光电管mask 遮光黑纸sunshade 遮光罩tripod 三角架flash, flashlight 闪光灯guide number 闪光指数magazine (相机中的)软片盒cartridge 一卷胶卷spool 片轴film 胶片,胶卷plate 感光片latitude 宽容度plateholder 胶片夹spotlight, floodlight 聚光灯食品类meat 肉beef 牛肉veal 小牛肉lamb 羊肉sirloin 牛脊肉steak 牛排chop 连骨肉,排骨cutlet 肉条stew 炖肉roast 烤肉pork 猪肉ham 火腿bacon 咸肉sausage 香肠black pudding, blood sausage 血肠cold meats 冷盘(美作:cold cuts) chicken 鸡turkey 火鸡duck 鸭fish 鱼vegetables 蔬菜dried legumes 干菜chips 炸薯条,炸土豆片(美作:French fries)mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥pasta 面条noodles 面条,挂面macaroni 通心粉consomme 肉煮的清汤broth 肉汤milk 奶cheese 奶酪butter 奶油bread 面包slice of bread 面包片crust 面包皮crumb 面包心egg 蛋boiled eggs, soft-boiled eggs 水煮蛋hard-boiled eggs 煮硬了的蛋fried eggs 煎蛋poached eggs 荷包蛋scrambled eggs 炒鸡蛋,摊鸡蛋omelet 煎蛋卷pastry 糕点sponge cake 奶油鸡蛋,蜂糕tart 果焰糕点biscuits (英)饼干,(美)小面包fruit 水果ice cream 冰激凌compote 蜜饯jam, preserves 果酱marmalade 桔子酱spices 调料salt 盐vinegar 醋sauce 酱油oil 油salad oil 色拉油pepper 辣椒mustard 芥末clove 丁香学校生活类(1)学习篇enrolment 注册selective/elective/option 选修课required course/compulsory course 必修课course arrangement 课程安排application form 申请表letter of recommendation 推荐信programme/program 某一专业的课程总称school 学院graduate school 研究生院undergraduate 本科postgraduate 研究生school of Arts and Sciences 文理学院score 成绩credit 学分degrees 学位assessment 对学生的学习情况进行评估handout 上课老师发的印刷品assignment 作业presentation 针对某一专题进行的发言project 需要学生进行独立钻研的课外课题paper/thesis/dissertation 论文/硕士论文/博士论文essay 短论文journal 周记/每周要做的作业participation 出勤lecture 老师的讲课tutorial 助教的辅导TA(Teaching Assistant) 助教office hour 教授与学生面谈的时间coordinator 课程协调人/班主任professor 教授associate professor副教授assistant professor 助理教授lecturer 讲师dean 系主任counselor 辅导老师adviser 导师mentor 导师president 校长chancellor 名誉校长faculty 教职员工的总称(2) 生活篇campus 校园common room (英)师生公用的休息室canteen 餐厅dining hall 食堂cafeteria 自助小餐厅accommodation 住宿dorm/dormitory 宿舍dormmate/roommate/flatmate/housemate 合租一间宿舍/公寓/房屋的人parking lot 停车场parking regulations 停车规定shopping mall 购物中心teaching building 教学楼/教室楼lecture theatre 大教室/阶梯教室administrating office/admin office 行政办公室laboratory/lab 实验室student union 学生会society 学生社团club 学生俱乐部student account 银行中的学生帐户current account 现金帐户chequebook/checkbook 支票本withdraw cash 取钱deposit money in a bank 存钱(3) 课题研究篇research 研究deadline 最后期限poll (民意)调查survey 调查hypothesis 假设statistics 统计statistically valid 统计学上有效的data/datum 数据investigation 调查quantitative 数量的/定量的significant difference 显着的差异interview 访谈respondents/interviewee 回答调查问题者/被访谈的人questionnaire 调查问卷multiple choice questions 选择题analyze/analyse data 分析数据results 结果conclusion 结论interpretation 解释/阐释opinion 观点(4) 课程篇mathematic, literature, history, psychology, physics, philosophy, anthropology Arts(Humanities/Social) Science/Science level of courses:elementary, primary, intermediate,secondary, advanced),(5)计算机篇lab rules printercopier fax machine moderm Macintosh network, access to the net(6)图书馆篇due, overdue and pay a fine, renew, information desk stacks(书库) open/closed shelves, library card ,call slip(索书单)catalogue(under titles/authors/subjects),periodical(magazines and journals), reference books,current/ back issues, librarian and reader(7)指路、指示方向be far from 距离某处很远be nearby 距离某处很近go straight across/to/through 径直走过/向/过cross (over) 穿过(某条街道)be next to 紧邻turn left/right 左转/右转go up/down 向上(北)/向下(南)go back/back/back up 向回走go east/west/south/north 向东/南/西/北go on/along…till you meet…沿…一直走,直到…be on sb’s left/right 在某人的左边/右边be the first/second/third from the left/right 从左/右数第一/二/三个directly opposite 和…相对be located behind/in front of 坐落在…的前面/后面be on the corner of A street and B street 在A和B街交汇的拐角处be in the corner of 在…的角落里ground floor (英)首层wing 配楼/建筑的一部分annex 配楼/建筑的附属建筑basement 地下室/第一层twin building 由两个完全相同的部分构成的建筑landmark 标志性的建筑block/complex 由若干个建筑构成的建筑群/街区stair 楼梯step 台阶wheel chair access 无台阶的/残疾人用aisle 过道intersection/crossroad 十字路口a fork on the road 分叉路口a T road 丁字路口intersection/crossroads/junction/clover-leaf 立交桥地名类./the United Kingdom/Great BritainLondon 伦敦England 英格兰Liverpool 利物浦Manchester 曼彻斯特Sheffield 谢菲尔德Birmingham 伯明翰Coventry 考文垂Leeds 利兹Scotland 苏格兰Glasgow 格拉斯哥Edinburgh 爱丁堡Wales 威尔士Cardiff 加的夫North Ireland 北爱尔兰Belfast 贝尔法斯特爱尔兰IrelandDublin 都柏林澳大利亚AustraliaCanberra 堪培拉Queensland 昆士兰州Brisbane 布里斯班New South Wales 新南威尔士州Sydney 悉尼South Australia 南澳大利亚州Adelaide 阿德莱德Victoria 维多利亚州Melbourne 墨尔本Western Australia 西澳大利亚州Perth 珀斯新西兰New ZealandWellington 惠灵顿加拿大CanadaOttawa 渥太华British Columbia 不列颠哥伦比亚省Victoria 维多利亚Vancouver 温哥华Alberta 艾伯塔省Edmonton 埃德蒙顿Ontario 安大略省Toronto 多伦多Quebec 魁北克省Montreal 蒙特利尔美国The United States of AmericaWashington New York Boston Atlanta Seattle Los Angeles/. Chicago 租房类land/lord, land/lady types dormitory hostel hotel flat,bedsitters surroundings rural areas, suburb, downtownrooms single room, double bedroom, bathroom, kitchen,balconyfacilities shower, central heater(ing), radiators, refrigerator, carpet, telephone,stove,microwave,oven), bed central air-conditioning(中央空调)。
四、职业 I
五、职业 II
六、人体 I
七、人体 II
其中,词性为动词、形容词的词是必须掌握的,因为它们往往带有一定的感情色彩,如反对/支持、鼓励/抵制等等,而这些,也是雅思考试multiple choice、list of headings、matching等题型经常考察的出题点。
以下是小编为大家分享的“雅思词汇8000词使用句子来记忆”相关内容,一起来看看吧!1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn. typical ['tipikəl] adj. 典型的;特有的;象征性的grassland ['ɡrɑ:slænd]n. 草原;牧草地dweller ['dwelə] n. 居民,居住者continent ['kɔntinənt] n. 大陆,洲,陆地antelope ['æntiləup] n. 羚羊;羚羊皮革pronghorn ['pr ɔŋhɔ:n] n. [脊椎] 叉角羚;糜鹿美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。
2. Of the millions who saw Haley's comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century. Haley ['heili:] n. 哈利(人名) comet ['kɔmit] n. [天] 彗星1986年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中,有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢?3. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions. anthropologist [,ænθrə'pɔlədʒist] n. 人类学家;人类学者fear [fiə] n. 害怕;恐惧;敬畏;担心happiness ['hæpinis]n. 幸福sadness ['sædnis]n. 悲哀surprise [sə'praiz] n. 惊奇,诧异universally [,ju:ni'və:səli] adv. 普遍地;人人;到处reflect [ri'flekt] v. 反映;反射,照出;反省facial ['feiʃəl] adj. 面部的,表面的;脸的,面部用expression [ik'spreʃən] n. 表达,表示;表情;表现力人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的。
1、Prefix/ suffix/ root前缀决定意义后缀决定词性2、词以类记,场景词汇分类动物类/人类发展史类/教育旅游交通/结构建筑/医疗卫生/自然环境/社科类/管理类/艺术类3、读写记忆法、拼读记忆法Mesmerize v. 吸引、迷住Mesmerizing adj. 迷人的、引人注意的AttractiveFascinatingAbsorbEye-catchingCaptivatingConcentrateCon: 1.together 2.fullyCentr: 中心Ate: v后缀Tact: touch4、Repeat-ant n. 表人AssistantAttendantContestantApplicantParticipantInhabitant inhabit=dwell(dwelling住所dweller居民)Descendant 子孙后代offspringComplainant 原告Defendant 被告★Not only…but also, and such the benefits as … and …Fabulous adj. 难以置信的;传说的;寓言中的;极好的Descend 上升ascend 下降Defend 1、保卫;2、防御;3、辩护Immigrant emigrant emigrationIssue > problemcurrently 现今more currently 最新asylum=refugee难民refuge v. 避难persecution 迫害★1st is …, followed by …-al,adj. 属于…的,具有…性质的Personal peoples 民族Interpersonal relationship 人与人之间的关系Parental 父母的maternal 母亲的paternal 父亲的Indulgence 放纵溺爱v. indulge 放纵Regional affairs 地区争端尤其、特别、exceptionalExceptionally/ extremely/ particularlyFairly = veryIn the international arena 在当今世界上/在国际舞台上Bungee 蹦极n. 行为、状况DenialBetrayal/ disloyal=unfaithful disloyalty/ traitorUndoubtedly = there is no denying thatJudasYou Judas = you are such a traitor描述:portray / depict / picturePortrayal 绘画self-portrait 自画像More and more = increasingly评估:appraise / assess / evaluate军队:army / troop / militaryEspousal = support public espousal of sthspouse 配偶espouse 支持(n)board school 寄宿学校Appraisal = assessment = evaluation n.RefusalWithdrawal 收回(吵架);撤回(打仗);取钱遭难:disaster / catastrophe / calamity / cataclysmFireplace 壁炉(听力)intact forest 原始森林-in 否定前缀-cyn. 指人或事物的性质、状态、职位、官职、社会阶层EmergencyFluency 流利性accuracy 准确性cy-t n.- adj.Tissue 器官organ 组织复杂:intricacy -ate intricate 描述各种复杂complexity 描述结构复杂(西直门桥)complication 类似人脑反:simplicity谬论:Fallacy 反truth / right fallacious错误的wrong / incorrect / erroneous error n. err v.Tell the right from the wrong 明辨是非Deficiency 缺点、缺乏mentally / physically challenge 心理/生理残疾Intelligence 机密Perpetual 永久的(能源、动力)Permanent 永久的Eternal 永久(感情、精神)Idiocy = foolishness = stupidityBe of + n. > adj.Captaincy rugbyPresidency 总裁、总统、大学校长Fancy chef 主厨chief executive Bankruptcy merge v. 合并、融合merger n. 兼并Infancy / childhood / teenage / youth / middle age / old age senior citizens 老年人Phase 一段时间Intimacy 反estrangement 疏远bosom friends e+n. 使…Intimate adj.Democracy 民主体制demo 前缀人民Autocracy 专制、独裁autonomy 自治Bureaucracy 官僚主义bureau 局bureau of security Aristocracy 贵族(集合名词)Supremacy = paramountcy 至高无上supremeCogency 说服力Efficiency 效率Sufficiency 反deficiency / shortage / insufficiencyProficiency 熟练、驾轻就熟Indecency 猥琐Decency be decently dressed 衣着得体Elegant elegance / cy 长久以来、性质(内)/ 表象(外、偶尔)Ascendancy 优势、优越利弊:Ascendancy / descendancy merits / demerits pros / consPungency 一针见血(文章)Incompetency 不称职的competency 能力Capable / capability 否定前缀:il(l), in(积累), de, im(bmp), un, ir(r), dis,Illegitimacy 不合法、私生Legitimate 合法的Illiteracy 文盲、无知Literature --------literacy n./adj. 有文化的(人)Conspiracy 阴谋、诡计词根spire 1、breath 2、breatheConspire 共谋、协力Aspire = be determined / fervently / ardently / hope / pursue / firmpursue of happiness looking for chase after chase away (驱散)InspireExpire 终止、结束、到期run out 反:unexpiredRespire v. 呼吸respiration 呼吸作用Perspire 出汗(专业)sweat 出汗(口语)per: 表穿过★encouraging / motivating / inspiringEntrepreneurs 创业者、企业家Robustly / strongly / firmly / ferventlyGo to gym = workout = do some exercise进步、提升、提高Enhance / advanceTrigger (n./v.) 扳机;促进推动、激励、激发Spar促进推动、激励、激发Propel促进推动、激励、激发propeller 螺旋桨propellant 推动燃料Simulate evoke provokeGenius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspirationHarp 竖琴pianist violinistCholesterol 胆固醇tissue 器官Respiratory organ 呼吸器官circulatory organ 循环器官blood circulation 血液循环Asthma 哮喘ailment 小恙Fatal 致命的belly 腹部Smallpox 天花Diabetes 糖尿病Influenza 流感Polio 小儿麻痹HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) germ bacteriaContagious / infectious 传染的;感染的Cardiac 心脏的Epidemic 广泛的;流行性的Acute / chronic 急性的/ 慢性的-ious adj. 属于…的;有…性质的ContagiousCurious 好奇的curiosity n. 好奇Contradicious 矛盾的Malicious 恶毒的malicious wordsLaborious 体力劳动的Industrious 勤劳的Spacious 具有空间感的Rebellious 反复无常的rebel 反叛;叛乱Gender 性别shuttle 往返shuttle hours 通勤时间shuttle bus 通勤车space shuttle 宇宙飞船monotonous 单调的daily-routined 单调的constellation 星座Pluto 冥王星dem(o) = people 人民epidemic / pandemic 传染的;流行的/ 广泛流行的pan:泛democrat 民主主义者autocrat 独裁者monocracy / monocrat 独裁统治/ 独裁者dictationship / dictator 独裁统治/ 独裁者plutocracy / plutocrat 财阀统治bureaucracy / bureaucrat 官僚统治/ 官僚主义者demagogy 煽动;蛊惑人心demography 人口统计学graph = gram 写;画;记;图形★according to the graph / gramDemographyPhotography 摄影;摄影术Autograph 手稿Biography 传记;自传bio 与生命相关essays 散文集Dissertation 毕业论文Historiography 编史工作Pseudograph 冒名作品pseudo 前缀: fake pseudoname 笔名艺名Monograph 专题论文;著作Chronograph 计时器Seismograph 地动仪Potential 潜伏的Chron 词根时Chronic latency / latent period 潜伏期Synchronic 同时发生synchronical synchronically syn : 同义词Chronicle 编年史Chronicler 写编年史的人Chronolgy 年代学-logy 学、论、法Methodology 方法论Climatology 气象学Oceanology 海洋学Mineralogy 矿产学Etymology 昆虫学tropical rainforest; subtropical; submarine; subsidy (政府)补贴;津贴Dialectology 方言学dialect 方言accent 口音Dent = tooth (牙齿) 凹痕Dentist 牙医nursing staff 医院当中工作的人stuff=thingsSurgeon 外科plastic surgeon 整容physician 内科psychiatrist 心理医生Denture 假牙Indented 锯齿状的jagger n. 齿轮Edentate adj. 无齿的;n. 贫齿兽Centipede 蜈蚣decade 十年millennium 千年Dict,dic,doc = say,assert 说话、断言claim reckon 估计、计算Dictate 口授;命令;听写dictation 听写Dictator 发命令者;独裁者Docile 温顺的;易驯服的Document 文件;证书diploma 证书(学位)licenseDocumentary 纪录片horror 恐怖片thriller 惊悚cartoon / amination Dictionary a walking dictionary / skeleton skinningDictum 格言;断言there is a dictum going…Benediction 祝福Malediction 诅咒Contradict v. 反驳;否认the facts contradict his theoryContradiction n. 矛盾;对立Predict = foresee = forecast 预言;预告;预计predictionCord = heartCordial 至诚的cordially = sincerely yours cordially cordiality n. 挚诚;热情Record recorder recordableConcord concordance concordant adj. 和谐;达成一致Discord discordance discordant 不和谐;不一致;不协调Make / reach a concordanceFail to make / reach a concordance a&bDistribution assignment allocation 分配Distributor 分店Dean 系主任CoreCordate 心形的Ate adj. 有…性质的;如…形状的Roseate 玫瑰状的;玫瑰色的PrivateFortunate adj. 幸运的;吉祥的fortune 顺境adversity 逆境adverse adj. 不利的adversary n. 对手considerate 体贴的;考虑周到的considerable 大量的passionate adj. 热情的energetic 有活力的enthusiastic 热情的proportionate 按比例分开proportion 比例percentagereach proportion / percentage ofdeterminate 决定determine a is solely determined by bdeterminant n. 决定性因素/条件abomination 厌恶;憎恨hatred n. create a abomination / hatred between a & b contaminate = make sth dirty = pollutiondiscriminate 分别对待racial discriminate 种族歧视dominate 主导;主宰dominant n. 主导性因素enlighten = illuminate 启迪;启示;启发illuminous the Enlightenment 启蒙运动nominate 推荐;提名nominee 被提名的人(作品)terminate = put sth to an end 终结;结束;终止terminal terminatoranthrop 人类;人anthropology / anthropologist 人类学/ 人类学家philanthropy / philanthropist 慈善的/ 慈善家philanthropic 博爱的benevolence n. 仁慈;善行misanthropy / misanthropist / misanthropic 厌恶人类的phile 爱phobia 对…恐惧mania 对…爱好;狂热maniac 疯子;疯狂的work maniac 工作狂biblio 书bibliography = reference booksbibliophile 热爱书的人bibliophobia 厌恶书的人bibliomania 热爱书的人hydrophobia 恐水症francophobe 厌恶法国Francophile 亲法者japanophile 亲日派bible 圣经cert 确定,确实certainty 必然的事to one degree / extent or another 以这样或那样的程度to some measure 在一定程度上by degrees = graduallyascend / descend by degrees-ty 后缀n. 表性质、情况、状态Specialty 独特/ novelty 新颖/ penalty 酷刑/ subtlety 微妙/ entirely / entire / completely Penalize / punish / punishment / empire / emperor / uncertaintyClin 表趋向Decline / reclineRecline on a sofa / recline against in(on) / recline chairInclinev. 倾向于incline to / towardsI incline to the view that…Incline to do 倾向做assume / assert / maintain / containn. a slop 斜坡inclination~ to / towards do sth for sthCult 耕,培养(精心)CultivateEg: she tries to cultivate an air of sophisticatedSophisticated = skillfulCultivatable 可耕、可养的CultivationCultivator数据走势:An upward trend / climb / grow / surge / upsurge / soar / rocket /rocket highA rocketing high can be found…A downward trend / fall / decline / decrease / drop / reduce / slump / plummet / nose-dive There is a nose-dive…Remain stable / steady / stay / constant / maintain the same level / level out / level offA leveling out can be seen……Consume v. 消失Fluctuate around 波动 a minor 最小值Circumstance = atmosphere = ambience (积极、抽象)-ure n. 行为、结果、状态、情况Departure 离开(closure – conceal / disclosure / reveal)Pleasure with pleasureProcedure : 步骤Sculpture / sculptor 雕像/ 雕塑家Floriculture / floriculturistFlora & fauna = plants & animalsNo big dealNo biggie3 dimensional film dimension n. 规模、维度Sb needs to chill 冷静jail sprinkler 洒水车Cycle 圆、环、轮n. 周期、循环Cyclone / trade wind / typhoon / hurricane / tornado / whirlwind / gale / gust / blizzard / hail / thunderstorm / tempest / downpour / drizzle / droplet / sprinkle / shower / sleet / avalanche / deluge / flood / precipitationReach a precipitation of……Autocycle / motorcycleHemicycleUnicycle / bicycle / tricycleUni- / multi-Unilateral 单边的Multilateral 多边的Multinational = internationMulticentric 多中心的Multistorey 多层的Multi-purpose 事半功倍Bi 双by 侧、旁、非正式、副Byroad / bystreet / bypath 小径By time / pastime by hobby / by workBy name / nicknameBy-effect = side effects by-product by-business 自己是老板biweekly 半月刊/ bimonthly 双月刊/ bisexual / bifacial / bilateraltritriangle trilateral 三边的trinity 三位一体,唯一的神trisection 三等分trigonometry 三角学elite 精英versatile 多才多艺joyous = gayoccasion 机会What’s your favorite……Pastime = 宠物、运动Spirit 精灵-try 学术、行业Chemistry / forestry / geometry / dentistry / merchantry旅游场景Cosmopolitan city / metropolitan city 大都市Cosmopolis / metropolis 大都市Cosmology 宇宙学metro 地下交通Characteristics / features / specialties / properties / traits 特点1.必游之地tourist attraction2.历史文化名城 a world-renowned historic & cultural cityWorldly / corny 世俗的3.故地重游an old haunt worthing a revisitSpinning / haunting 萦绕Trip 短途journey 长途(艰辛)excursion = packer 远足Explorer / treckBon voyage 一路顺风Facility 设施infrastructure 基础设施Chromosome 染色体Protagonist 主人公main characters 主角real estate 房地产交通便利:convenience / expedientelevated highway 高架桥、立交桥bus rapid transit BRT 快轨fast train / bullet train / express train / airport expressmake plans before you goitinerary 计划(旅行)schedule / agenda / timetable / journal / diary / datebook / calendar at the top of the agenda 最重要it = goinitiate / initial / initiation / initiative 1.primary 2.最重要at hand = handy = just around the corner 方便go away / get off / fuck off / piss offvital / significant(有意义) / crucial(关键) / critical(关键) / essential / necessary / indispensable(无可替代)/ irreplaceable / imperative(无可比拟)essence 精华at this very crucial / critical juncture 千钧一发-active 表具有…性质、倾向、作业Affirmative 肯定的Comparative 比较的、相当的Argumentative 争辩的、好辩的argumentations 论证Designative 指定的Shanghai located in the yangze river delta(三角洲)Topography: flood plain(冲积平原) / basin(盆地) / bluff(悬崖) / ridge(山脊)/ gorge(峡) / canyon(峡谷) / waterfall / cascade(小瀑布) / blonde(金发) / highland(高地) / plateau(高原) Ridged 崎岖的entrepreneur 企业家branch 分支、子公司Boast v. 1.sth作主语表拥有;2.sb作主语表夸耀。
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雅思分类词汇博物馆类history museum (历史博物馆)military museum(军事博物馆),art museum(艺术博物馆), science museum(科技博物馆),natural museum(自然博物馆), public museum(公立博物馆), private museum(私人博物馆), specialized museum(专业博物馆)产业类advertising industry广告业aerospace industry航空和航天工业agricultural industry农业生产aircraft industry飞机制造工业airline industry航空公司;航线alcoholic beverage industry酒精饮料工业, 甜酒-白酒工业animal industry 畜牧业anti-pollution industry 反污染工业appliance industry 器械工业armament industry 军火工业arms industry 军需工业artificial petroleum industry 人造石油工业artisan industry 手工业生产assembly industry 组装[装配]工业atomic industry 原子工业baking industry 焙烤食品工业; 面包工业basic industry 基础工业, 重工业bay scallop industry 海湾扇贝养殖业bituminous industry 沥青工业book industry 图书出版业bottleneck industry 薄弱环节产业brain industry 头脑产业brewing industry 啤酒酿造工业; 酿造工业broiler-fryer industry 肉用仔鸡鸭养殖业[场] building industry建筑工业business industry 商办工业by-product industry 副产物加工业canned foods industry 罐头食品工业capital-intensive industry 资本密集[集约]工业; 资本密集工业; 耗费资金的工业car industry 汽车制造工业cement industry 水泥工业ceramic industry陶瓷工业clothing industry 服装工业, 缝纫业coal industry 煤炭工业cold storage industry 冷藏工业competitive industry 竞争性产业confectionery industry 糖食工业, 糖果工业consumer goods industry 消费品工业cottage industry 家庭手工业data processing industry 资料数据处理行业defense industrys 国防工业domestic industry 家庭工业; 手工业生产electric industry 电气制造工业electric utility industry 电力工业electronic industry 电子工业electronic computer industry 电子计算机工业energy industrys 动力工业engineering industry 机器制造业entertainment industry 娱乐业fabricated metal industry 金属制品工业farming industry 农业生产fisheries industry 渔业, 水产业food service industry 食品行业foundry industry 铸造工业fuel industry 燃料工业furniture industry 家具工业gas industry 煤气工业glass industry 玻璃工业goods-producing industry 工业和建筑业hard carbide industry 硬质合金工业hard metal industry 硬质合金工业heavy clay industry 重粘土工业, 砖瓦工业heavy machine building industry 重型机器制造工业hog industry 养猪业home industry 本国工业; 手工业生产; 家庭工业home petroleum industry 本国石油工业horological industry 钟表[计时器]工业hotel industry 旅馆业infant industry 新生工业information industry 信息产业, 情报企业instrument industry 仪表制造业insurance industry 保险业knowledge industry 知识产业, 知识界knowledge concentrated industry 知识密集型产业labour concentrated industry 劳动密集型产业leading industry 主导产业leisure industry 娱乐产业light industry 轻工业local industry地方工业machine-building industry 机器制造业marine products industry水产业meat-packing industry 肉类加工业metal-processing industry金属加工业metallurgical industry 冶金工业microbiological industry微生物工业mineral industry 采掘工业most advanced industry尖端产业motor industry 汽车制造业munitions industry军火工业, 军事工业neighbourhood industry 街道工业non-ferrous metals industry 有色金属工业offshore oil industry 海上石油开采业oil production industry 油脂工业opportunity industry 机会产业paper manufacturing industry 造纸工业petro-chemical industry 石油化学工业petroleum industry 石油工业plastics industry 塑料工业power industry 电力工业powder metallurgy industry 粉末冶金工业rising sun industry 朝阳产业rubber industry 橡胶工业ship-building industry 造船工业shipping industry 航运业silk textile industry 丝绸工业social development industry 社会开发产业space industry 航天工业speciality industry 特产产业state-operated industry 国营工业steel industry 钢铁工业sunsetting industry 夕阳产业synthetic fiber industry 合成纤维工业tannery industry 皮革工业textile industry 纺织工业trade industry 商业部门travel industry 旅游业war industry 军事工业wood industry 木材工业yeast industry 酵母工业电影类film, motion picture 影片,电影(美作:movie)newsreel 新闻片,纪录片documentary (film) 记录片,文献片filmdom 电影界literary film 文艺片musicals 音乐片comedy 喜剧片tragedy 悲剧片dracula movie 恐怖片swordsmen film 武侠片detective film 侦探片ethical film 伦理片affectional film 爱情片erotic film 黄色片western movies 西部片film d'avant-garde 前卫片serial 系列片trailer 预告片cartoon (film) 卡通片,动画片footage 影片长度full-length film, feature film 长片short(film) 短片colour film 彩色片(美作:color film)silent film 默片,无声片dubbed film 配音复制的影片,译制片silent cinema, silent films 无声电影sound motion picture, talkie 有声电影cinemascope, CinemaScope 西涅玛斯科普型立体声宽银幕电影,变形镜头式宽银幕电影cinerama, Cinerama 西涅拉玛型立体声宽银幕电影,全景电影title 片名original version 原著dialogue 对白subtitles, subtitling 字幕credits, credit titles 对原作者及其他有贡献者的谢启和姓名telefilm 电视片action film (动作片)document.ry 纪录片,kongfu film 武打片,comedy 喜剧tragedy 悲剧detective film 侦探片science fiction 科幻电影disaster灾难片thriller 惊悚片horror film 恐怖片western 西部片musical 音乐片cartoon 动画片romance/love story 言情片biographies(人物传记)auto biographies(自转)science fiction (科幻)romance (爱情)mystery(侦探)horror (恐怖片)main actor/actress 男主演/女主演hero/heroine 男主角/女主角director 导演acting 演技plot 情节big scene 大场面splendid landscape 秀丽的景色intriguing 引人入胜fascinating 令人着迷的terrific 极好的relaxing 令人放松的happy ending 圆满结局touching 感人的moving 令人感动的tragic ending 悲剧结局个人品质类able 有才干的,能干的active 主动的,活跃的adaptable 适应性强的adroit 灵巧的,机敏的aggressive 有进取心的alert 机灵的ambitious 有雄心壮志的amiable 和蔼可亲的amicable 友好的analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的capable 有能力的,有才能的careful 办事仔细的candid 正直的charitable 宽厚的competent 能胜任的confident 有信心的conscientious 认真的,自觉的considerate 体贴的constructive 建设性的contemplative好沉思的cooperative 有合作精神的creative 富创造力的dashing 有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的dedicated 有奉献精神的devoted 有献身精神的dependable 可靠的diplomatic 老练的,有策略的disciplined 守纪律的discreet (在行动,说话等方面)谨慎的dutiful 尽职的dynamic 精悍的earnest 认真的well-educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的energetic 精力充沛的enthusiastic 充满热情的expressive善于表达faithful 守信的,忠诚的forceful (性格)坚强的frank 直率的,真诚的friendly 友好的frugal俭朴的generous 宽宏大量的genteel 有教养的gentle 有礼貌的hard-working 勤劳的hearty 精神饱满的honest 诚实的hospitable 殷勤的humble 恭顺的humorous 幽默的impartial 公正的independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的initiative首创精神have an inquiring mind 爱动脑筋intellective 有智力的intelligent 理解力强的inventive 有发明才能的,有创造力的just 正直的kind-hearted 好心的knowledgeable 有见识的learned 精通某门学问的liberal 心胸宽大的logical 条理分明的loyal忠心耿耿的methodical 有方法的modest 谦虚的motivated 目的明确的objective 客观的open-minded 虚心的orderly 守纪律的original 有独创性的painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的practical 实际的precise: 一丝不苟的persevering 不屈不挠的punctual 严守时刻的purposeful 意志坚强的qualified 合格的rational 有理性的realistic 实事求是的reasonable 讲道理的reliable 可信赖的responsible 负责的self-conscious 自觉的selfless 无私的sensible 明白事理的sincere 真诚的smart 精明的spirited 生气勃勃的sporting 光明正大的steady 塌实的straightforward 老实的strict 严格的systematic 有系统的strong-willed 意志坚强的sweet-tempered 性情温和的temperate 稳健的tireless 孜孜不倦海洋河流类sea 海high seas, open sea 远海ocean 大洋inlet 小湾bay 海湾,湾gulf 海湾cove 湾cape 海角promontory, headland 海角,岬cliff悬崖峭壁port, harbour 港(美作:harbor)bay, roadstead 碇泊处sandbank 沙滩beach, shore 海滩strait 海峡isthmus 地峡reef 礁石key 暗礁sandbar 沙洲tide 潮wave 浪undertow 回头浪tempest 风暴ground swell 涌浪seaquake 海震,海啸low water 最低水位territorial waters 领海,领水ice floe 冰川iceberg 冰山shore 海岸bank 河岸estuary 湖港区delta 三角洲mouth, ria 河口flord 峡湾current, watercourse 水流stream, brook 小溪torrent 湍流山溪rapids 急流source 源头spring 泉bed 河床flood 洪水flow 泛滥swelling, freshet 河水猛涨,涨水basin 流域waterfall, falls, cascade 瀑布cataract大瀑布tributary 支流confluent 汇合点meander 河曲canal 运河wadi, wady 干谷航空航天类launch a satellite发射卫星launch pad 发射台multistage rocket 多级火箭second stage 第二级third stage 第三级orbit 轨道artificial satellite 人造卫星Telstar 通信卫星antenna 天线solar cell 太阳电池spacecraft 航天器premonitionlunar module 登月舱LM-maneuvering rockets 登月舱机动火箭landing pad 着陆架service module 服务舱directional antenna 定向天线nozzle of the main engine 主发动机喷嘴lunar module 登月舱ascent stage 上升段descent stage 下降段hatch 舱口ladder 扶梯command module 指令舱service module 服务舱astronaut 航天员space suit 航天服emergency oxygen apparatus 应急供氧装置access flap 接口盖life support system 生命维持系统建筑类ancient architecture古代建筑civil architecture 民用建筑classical architecture古典conventional architecture 寺院建筑decorated architecture 尖拱式建筑domestic architecture 民用建筑false architecture 装饰画的舞台布景上的建筑garden architecture 庭院建筑neo-classic新古典式建筑duplex apartment 双层式建筑a thatched shed 茅蓬skyscraper 摩天大楼block of flats 公寓楼(美作:apartment block) monument纪念碑palace 宫殿temple 庙宇basilica 皇宫,教堂cathedral 大教堂church 教堂tower 塔,塔楼ten-storey office block 十层办公大楼greenbelt 绿地教育类instruction, education: oviduct viviparous vivisection bisect deduct aqueduct 教育culture 文化primary education 初等教育secondary education 中等教育higher education 高等教育the three r's 读、写、算school year 学年term, trimester 学季semester 学期school day 教学日school holidays 假期curriculum 课程subject 学科discipline 纪律timetable 课程表class, lesson 课homework 家庭作业exercise 练习dictation 听写spelling mistake 拼写错误(short) course 短训班seminar 研讨班playtime, break 课间,休息to play truant, to play hooky 逃学,旷课course (of study) 学业student body 学生(总称) classmate, schoolmate 同学pupil 小学生student 大学生schoolboy 男生schoolgirl 女生auditor 旁听生swot, grind 用功的学生old boy 老生grant, scholarship, fellowship 奖学金holder of a grant, scholar, fellow 奖学金获得者school uniform 校服teaching staff 教育工作者(总称) teachers 教师(总称)primary school teacher 小学老师teacher lecturer 大学老师professor 教授schooling 教授,授课assistant 助教headmaster 校长(女性为:headmistress) deputy headmaster, deputy head 副校长rector 校长dean 教务长laboratory assistant, lab assistant 实验员beadle, porter 门房,学校工友games master, gym teacher, gym instructor 体育教师private tutor 私人教师,家庭教师pedagogue 文学教师(蔑称) of school age 教龄beginning of term 开学matriculation 注册to enroll, to enroll 予以注册to take lessons (学生)上课to teach (老师)上课to study 学习to learn by heart 记住,掌握to revise, to go over 复习test 考试to test 考试to take an examination, to sit an examination, to do an examination 参加考试convocation notice 考试通知examiner 考试者board of examiners 考试团examination oral, written examination 口试,笔试question 问题question paper 试卷crib 夹带(美作:trot)to pass an examination (或exam), 通过考试pass, passing grade 升级prizegiving 分配奖品to fall an examination 未通过考试failure 未考好to repeat a year 留级degree 学位graduate 毕业生to graduate 毕业project, thesis 毕业论文general certificate of education 中学毕业证书(美作:high school diploma) holder of the general certificate of education 中学毕业生(美作:holder of a high school diploma)doctorate 博士学位doctor 博士competitive examination 答辩考试failure 未考好to repeat a year 留级degree 学位graduate 毕业生to graduate 毕业project, thesis 毕业论文general certificate of education 中学毕业证书(美作:highschool diploma) holder of the general certificate of education 中学毕业生(美作:holder of a high school diploma) doctorate 博士学位doctor 博士competitive examination 答辩考试旅游类travel agency 旅行社flight number 航班号take off 起飞land 降落check in 办理登机手续motel 汽车旅馆hostel 青年旅社book the ticket 订票passport 护照visa 签证credit card 信用卡driving license/licence 驾照expire v.驾照、护照等过期platform 站台museum 博物馆souvenir 纪念品art gallery 画廊hiking 徒步旅行hitch-hike 搭便车旅行surfing 冲浪skiing 滑雪bag-packer 肩背大包进行自助旅行的人农业类land,soil 土壤arable land, tilled land 耕地dry soil 旱田fertile soil 沃土,肥沃的土壤humus 腐殖质irrigable land 水浇地lean soil, poor soil 贫瘠土壤wasteland, barren land 荒地grass 草grassland 草地meadow 草甸prairie 大草原pasture land 牧场to lie fallow 休闲fallow 休闲地stubble, stubble field 亩茬地straw, hay 稿杆rural population 农村人口rural exodus 农村迁徙land reform, agrarian reform 土地改革mechanization of farming 农业机械化mechanized farming 机械化耕作farm 农场cattle farm 奶牛场ranch 大农场,牧场hacienda 庄园holding 田产plot, parcel, lot 地块cooperative farm 合作农场collective farm 集体农场country, countryside 农村countryman 农民,农夫countrywoman 农民,农妇agronomist 农学家latifundium, large landed estate 大农场主farmer 农户producer 农业工人settle 佃户landowner 地主,土地拥有者absentee landlord 外居地主smallholder, small farmer 小农rancher 牧场主tenant farmer, leaseholder 土地租用人sharecropper 佃农ploughman 农夫,犁田者farm labourers 农场工人,农业工人(美作:farm laborers)farm hand 农场短工cattle farmer 牧场工人cowherd, cowboy 牛仔shepherd 牧人fruit grower 果农vinegrower 葡萄栽植者vintager 采葡萄者farming, husbandry 农业animal husbandry, animal breeding 畜牧业dairy farming 乳品业,乳牛业horticulture 园艺market gardening 商品蔬菜种植业fruit growing 果树栽培vinegrowing, viticulture 葡萄栽培olive growing 油橄榄栽培arboriculture 树艺学silviculture 造林学agricultural products, farm products 农产品foodstuffs 食品dairy produce, dairy products 乳制品dairy industry 乳品加工业crop year, farming year 农事年season 季节agricultural, commodities market 农业市场livestock 牲畜摄影类still camera 照相机cinecamera 电影摄影机(美作:movie camera)television camera 电视摄像机box camera 箱式照相机folding camera 风箱式照相机lens 镜头aperture 光圈wide-angle lens 广角镜头diaphragm 光圈telephoto lens 远摄镜头,长焦镜头zoom lens 变焦头,可变焦距的镜头eyepiece 目镜filter 滤光镜shutter 快门shutter release 快门线viewfinder 取景器telemeter, range finder 测距器photometer, exposure meter 曝光表photoelectric cell 光电管mask 遮光黑纸sunshade 遮光罩tripod 三角架flash, flashlight 闪光灯guide number 闪光指数magazine (相机中的)软片盒cartridge 一卷胶卷spool 片轴film 胶片,胶卷plate 感光片latitude 宽容度plateholder 胶片夹spotlight, floodlight 聚光灯食品类meat 肉beef 牛肉veal 小牛肉lamb 羊肉sirloin 牛脊肉steak 牛排chop 连骨肉,排骨cutlet 肉条stew 炖肉roast 烤肉pork 猪肉ham 火腿bacon 咸肉sausage 香肠black pudding, blood sausage 血肠cold meats 冷盘(美作:cold cuts) chicken 鸡turkey 火鸡duck 鸭fish 鱼vegetables 蔬菜dried legumes 干菜chips 炸薯条,炸土豆片(美作:French fries)mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥pasta 面条noodles 面条,挂面macaroni 通心粉consomme 肉煮的清汤broth 肉汤milk 奶cheese 奶酪butter 奶油bread 面包slice of bread 面包片crust 面包皮crumb 面包心egg 蛋boiled eggs, soft-boiled eggs 水煮蛋hard-boiled eggs 煮硬了的蛋fried eggs 煎蛋poached eggs 荷包蛋scrambled eggs 炒鸡蛋,摊鸡蛋omelet 煎蛋卷pastry 糕点sponge cake 奶油鸡蛋,蜂糕tart 果焰糕点biscuits (英)饼干,(美)小面包fruit 水果ice cream 冰激凌compote 蜜饯jam, preserves 果酱marmalade 桔子酱spices 调料salt 盐vinegar 醋sauce 酱油oil 油salad oil 色拉油pepper 辣椒mustard 芥末clove 丁香学校生活类(1)学习篇enrolment 注册selective/elective/option 选修课required course/compulsory course 必修课course arrangement 课程安排application form 申请表letter of recommendation 推荐信programme/program 某一专业的课程总称school 学院graduate school 研究生院undergraduate 本科postgraduate 研究生school of Arts and Sciences 文理学院score 成绩credit 学分degrees 学位assessment 对学生的学习情况进行评估handout 上课老师发的印刷品assignment 作业presentation 针对某一专题进行的发言project 需要学生进行独立钻研的课外课题paper/thesis/dissertation 论文/硕士论文/博士论文essay 短论文journal 周记/每周要做的作业participation 出勤lecture 老师的讲课tutorial 助教的辅导TA(Teaching Assistant) 助教office hour 教授与学生面谈的时间coordinator 课程协调人/班主任professor 教授associate professor副教授assistant professor 助理教授lecturer 讲师dean 系主任counselor 辅导老师adviser 导师mentor 导师president 校长chancellor 名誉校长faculty 教职员工的总称(2) 生活篇campus 校园common room (英)师生公用的休息室canteen 餐厅dining hall 食堂cafeteria 自助小餐厅accommodation 住宿dorm/dormitory 宿舍dormmate/roommate/flatmate/housemate 合租一间宿舍/公寓/房屋的人parking lot 停车场parking regulations 停车规定shopping mall 购物中心teaching building 教学楼/教室楼lecture theatre 大教室/阶梯教室administrating office/admin office 行政办公室laboratory/lab 实验室student union 学生会society 学生社团club 学生俱乐部student account 银行中的学生帐户current account 现金帐户chequebook/checkbook 支票本withdraw cash 取钱deposit money in a bank 存钱(3) 课题研究篇research 研究deadline 最后期限poll (民意)调查survey 调查hypothesis 假设statistics 统计statistically valid 统计学上有效的data/datum 数据investigation 调查quantitative 数量的/定量的significant difference 显著的差异interview 访谈respondents/interviewee 回答调查问题者/被访谈的人questionnaire 调查问卷multiple choice questions 选择题analyze/analyse data 分析数据results 结果conclusion 结论interpretation 解释/阐释opinion 观点(4) 课程篇mathematic, literature, history, psychology, physics, philosophy, anthropology Arts(Humanities/Social) Science/Science level of courses:elementary, primary, intermediate,secondary, advanced),(5)计算机篇lab rules printercopier fax machine moderm Macintosh network, access to the net(6)图书馆篇due, overdue and pay a fine, renew, information desk stacks(书库) open/closed shelves, library card ,call slip(索书单)catalogue(under titles/authors/subjects),periodical(magazines and journals), reference books,current/ back issues, librarian and reader(7)指路、指示方向be far from 距离某处很远be nearby 距离某处很近go straight across/to/through 径直走过/向/过cross (over) 穿过(某条街道)be next to 紧邻turn left/right 左转/右转go up/down 向上(北)/向下(南)go back/back/back up 向回走go east/west/south/north 向东/南/西/北go on/along…till you meet…沿…一直走,直到…be on sb’s left/right 在某人的左边/右边be the first/second/third from the left/right 从左/右数第一/二/三个directly opposite 和…相对be located behind/in front of 坐落在…的前面/后面be on the corner of A street and B street 在A和B街交汇的拐角处be in the corner of 在…的角落里ground floor (英)首层wing 配楼/建筑的一部分annex 配楼/建筑的附属建筑basement 地下室/第一层twin building 由两个完全相同的部分构成的建筑landmark 标志性的建筑block/complex 由若干个建筑构成的建筑群/街区stair 楼梯step 台阶wheel chair access 无台阶的/残疾人用aisle 过道intersection/crossroad 十字路口a fork on the road 分叉路口a T road 丁字路口intersection/crossroads/junction/clover-leaf 立交桥地名类U.K./the United Kingdom/Great BritainLondon 伦敦England 英格兰Liverpool 利物浦Manchester 曼彻斯特Sheffield 谢菲尔德Birmingham 伯明翰Coventry 考文垂Leeds 利兹Scotland 苏格兰Glasgow 格拉斯哥Edinburgh 爱丁堡Wales 威尔士Cardiff 加的夫North Ireland 北爱尔兰Belfast 贝尔法斯特爱尔兰IrelandDublin 都柏林澳大利亚AustraliaCanberra 堪培拉Queensland 昆士兰州Brisbane 布里斯班New South Wales 新南威尔士州Sydney 悉尼South Australia 南澳大利亚州Adelaide 阿德莱德Victoria 维多利亚州Melbourne 墨尔本Western Australia 西澳大利亚州Perth 珀斯新西兰New ZealandWellington 惠灵顿加拿大CanadaOttawa 渥太华British Columbia 不列颠哥伦比亚省Victoria 维多利亚Vancouver 温哥华Alberta 艾伯塔省Edmonton 埃德蒙顿Ontario 安大略省Toronto 多伦多Quebec 魁北克省Montreal 蒙特利尔美国The United States of AmericaWashington New York Boston Atlanta Seattle Los Angeles/L.A. Chicago租房类land/lord, land/lady types dormitory hostel hotel flat,bedsitters surroundings rural areas, suburb, downtownrooms single room, double bedroom, bathroom, kitchen,balconyfacilities shower, central heater(ing), radiators, refrigerator, carpet, telephone,stove,microwave,oven), bed central air-conditioning(中央空调)。