What’s the influence to Britain after leaving from the EU?
1.英镑兑美元一度跌11%,直逼1.32, 创1970年除实行浮动汇率以来最大日 跌幅 2.人民币兑美元早盘大跌370点,创5年 半新低; 3.沪指盘中跳水跌超2%,收跌1.30%
What’s the influence to China after Britain leave from the EU?
More than 2 million people in Britain signed a petition to request a second referendum.
Imagination Network
1. Studying in Britain will be cheaper; 2. Aggravate RMB depreciation; 3. China-EU trade and economic cooperation
will change; 4. Chinese enterprises fast track in Europe
1.About money
Why did Britain want to leave from the EU?
2. About law
Why did Britain want to leave from the EU?
3.Differences expand: immigrants, refugees, and security issues
• 最初阶段,欧盟采取的对策以“堵”为主,主要措施包括:第一,打击组织非法移民的犯罪组织,阻断非 法移民潮;第二,加强边境管控,不让非法移民过境;第三,提供资金给一线国家建立收容站对非法移民 予以遣返。
英国脱欧 Britain out of the EU
英国当地时间2016年6月23—24日,英国举行全民公投,公投结果LEAVE多于 REMAIN,英国正式脱离欧洲联盟!
1960年,英国首次申请加入欧盟前身的欧洲经济共同体(EEC),遭 法国总统戴高乐否决。 1973年,英国首相希斯(Edward Heath)重启加入欧共体谈判,终 成为成员国。 1975年,英国首相威尔森(Harold Wilson)举行公投,决定英国继续 留在欧共体。 1984年,英国首相撒切尔夫人(Margaret Thatcher)成功令欧共体同 意英国预算贡献获得部分退款。 1997年,英国首相布莱尔(Tony Blair)计划在1997年后加入使用欧 洲单一货币欧元,遭到当时财政大臣戈登布朗(Gordon Brown)阻 止。 由于历史与地理原因,19世纪晚期以来,英国一直奉行对欧洲大陆事 务不干预政策,被称为“光荣的孤立”。 英国并非欧元区国家,可以发行自己独立的货币,有利保持其出口竞 争力,拥有自主的财政政策。但这使英国很难真正的加入欧洲大陆的 事务处理。尤其是欧债危机的关键时期,由于各种利益分歧明显,这 一传统强国正在逐步丧失其在欧盟中的地位与参与权。
英国脱欧的背景及原因英语作文The Background and Reasons of Brexit。
The United Kingdom's decision to leave the European Union, often referred to as Brexit, has been a significant event in recent global politics. The background and reasons behind this decision are complex and multifaceted, involving historical, economic, and political factors.One of the key factors contributing to the push for Brexit was the issue of sovereignty. Many proponents of leaving the EU argued that the UK should have full control over its laws, borders, and immigration policies without interference from the EU. They believed that EU regulations and directives were undermining the UK's ability to govern itself and make independent decisions on crucial matters.Another important factor in the Brexit decision was the issue of immigration. TheEU's freedom of movement policy allowed citizens of member states to live and work in any other member state, leading to significant levels of immigration to the UK. This influx of immigrants was a source of concern for many Britons, who felt that it was putting pressure on public services, housing, and job opportunities. The desire to regain control over immigration policy was a driving force behind the Brexit campaign.Economic considerations also played a significant role in the Brexit decision. Proponents of leaving the EU argued that the UK would be better off economically outside of the EU, free from the constraints of EU regulations and able to negotiate its trade deals with other countries. They believed that Brexit would allow the UK to regain its economic independence and pursue its own interests on the global stage.The historical and cultural identity of the UK also played a part in the Brexit decision. Many Britons felt a strong sense of national pride and a desire to preserve their unique identity and traditions. Some saw the EU as a threat to this identity, with its push for greater integration and standardization across member states. The desire to maintain the UK's distinct cultural heritage was a significant factor for many Brexit supporters.The Brexit decision also reflected broader political trends and divisions within the UK. The referendum on EU membership in 2016 revealed deep divisions between different regions of the UK, with England and Wales voting to leave the EU, while Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to remain. These divisions were reflective of broader political and social cleavages within the UK, including differences in economic prosperity, attitudes towards globalization, and perceptions of national identity.In conclusion, the decision to leave the EU was the result of a complex interplay of historical, economic, political, and cultural factors. The desire for sovereignty, control over immigration, economic independence, and the preservation of national identity all played a role in shaping the Brexit decision. The aftermath of Brexit continues to have profound implications for the UK and its relationship with the EU, as well as for global politics more broadly.。
2020年高考时事英语热点外刊课件回:顾英国脱欧之路 Brexit (The British withdrawal from the EU)
![2020年高考时事英语热点外刊课件回:顾英国脱欧之路 Brexit (The British withdrawal from the EU)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c66e448b3169a4517723a3d7.png)
★ continue继续 ★ the color of their skin肤色 ★ passport护照 ★ national flag国旗 ★ add补充
People in the United Kingdom (U.K.) will notice few changes immediately. 英国人不会马上注意到什么变化。 The U.K. and the EU will have an 11-month 'transition' period. 英国和欧盟将有11个月的“过渡期”。
He said Britains capital would remain"a truly…European city." 他说,英国首都仍将是“一个真正的……欧洲城市”。
★ Mayor 市长 ★ link... to联系 ★ racist 种族主义 ★ immigrant移民 ★ abuse虐待 ★ remain仍然
★ President 总统 ★ occupation占据 ★ warn警告 ★ EEC members 欧共体成员国 ★ bring about 导致
He worried that in times of trouble,Britain would always agree with the United States over its European neighbors. 他担心在困难时期,英国总是会在欧洲邻国问题上与美国达成一致。
The French kept the British out of the EU until 1973. 1973年之前,法国一直将英国排除在欧盟之外。
★ times of trouble困难时期 ★ agree with与……一致 ★ keep ... out of ...将……排除在……之外
高考时事英语热点外刊回顾英国脱欧 之路Bre xitppt
许多人在庆祝英国退欧。然而,很少有人记得英国当初加入欧盟是多么困难。 第二次世界大战后,英国的世界性帝国濒临灭亡。它的经济正在衰退。
★ celebrate庆祝 ★ Brexi英国退欧 ★ World War II第二次世界大战 ★ empire 帝国
高考时事英语热点外刊回顾英国脱欧 之路Bre xitppt
It is all likely to be difficult. 这一切可能都很困难。
★ follow the EU's rules 继续遵守欧盟的规则
★ agreements 协议
★ trade贸易
★ security 安全
高考时事英语热点外刊回顾英国脱欧 之路Bre xitppt
★ likely 可能的
People there voted by a large majority to stay in the union. 绝大多数伦敦人投票赞成留在欧盟。
★ citizen公民
★ a large majority 绝大多数
高考时事英语热点外刊回顾英国脱欧 之路Bre xitppt
★ union 联盟
“我们将继续欢迎来自世界各地的人们,无论他们的肤色、护照的颜色或国旗的颜色 是什么,”他补充说。
★ continue继续 ★ the color of their skin肤色 ★ passport护照 ★ national flag国旗 ★ add补充
The news_____th_a_t_______ Beijing will host the 2008 Olympic Games inspired the whole country. 同位语从句
同位语从句 vs. 定语从句
位置相似,都是接着名词 同位语从句---名词性从句的一种,解释说明 定语从句---形容词性的从句,修饰作用,并且先 行词在从句中充当成分
The mother made a promise to her son that she will buy a computer for him.
接壤,或水边 相邻不接壤
Success lies in hard work. result from, be due to 在于, 取决于
That most of these are now threatened and may disappear is a serious Matter to the people中夺冠的可能性几乎等于零 The possibility that China will win the World Cup Champion is nearly equal to 0.
他无法回答这笔钱是怎样得到这个问题 He can’t answer the question how he get the money.
a single state
an independent republic
be considered to do/be
be of great value
Language points:
约翰逊的雄心勃勃,没 几天就化成了又一堆的 一地鸡毛。茫茫然看不 到前途,是整个英国和 欧盟的状态。
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sed libero magna ultrices gravida sit amet at diam. Suspendisse placerat gravida magna vel fermentum. Aenean nunc purus.
担任英国商业、能源与产业战略部国务大臣的乔 约翰逊9 月5日宣布辞职,理由是自己在家与国的抉择中已被“撕裂”, 并表示这是一个“没有办法解决的矛盾”。
但有几点,应该可以确定的: 第一,约翰逊很可能成为英国历史上最短命首相,三年前脱欧公投,三年来英国已经换了三名英国首相,但折腾 还在继续。 第二,如果约翰逊东山再起,那欧盟和英国将彻底分家,可能是以非常惨烈的方式,可能不是一两只黑天鹅的问 题,而是一群黑天鹅的问题。 第三,如果脱欧又延期,那意味着新一轮冗长的谈判,未来几个月甚至几年,英国和欧洲会一直笼罩在不确定性 中,资本市场最害怕的就是不确定性。
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sed libero magna ultrices gravida sit amet at diam. Suspendisse placerat gravida magna vel fermentum. Aenean nunc purus.
面对“分手”喊了三年的英国,欧洲 到底怎么想?一次次选择“原谅”,他们 都有哪些内心戏?
I. Recent History of British Economy
Polices: Drastic reforms Nationalization of industries
Result: Although the government changed from one party to another,
• Limited government spending • Kept inflation under control • Reduced unemployment
By the end of the 20th century, British economic growth surpassed that of other major European countries.
The London foreign exchange market • one of the largest centers for
trading stocks and bonds. • the most international of all the
world’s stock exchaish Economy
Agricultural products:
• Crops: wheat, barley, sugar beet, potatoes • Dairy farming
• World’s lIeIading exporter of cattle, sheep, pigs and horses
Mrs. Thatcher and her polices were and remain highly controversial.
高二英语the british isle(PPT)3-2
![高二英语the british isle(PPT)3-2](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6273e56c52d380eb62946d9d.png)
1.The idea that England stands for Fish& Chips, Speakers’ Corner, Big Ben and the Tower of London is past.
The fact that Great Britain is made up of three countries is still unknown to many.
同位语从句,一般跟着某些名词(belief, fact, hope, wish, idea, news, problem, promise, possibility…等),用以说明或解 释前面的名词。引导同位语从句常见的是连 词that, 也可用how, when, where, why等疑 问词引导
科学家调查了该天体的轨道是如何转变为几乎圆形的轨道,通过对轨道演化的时间计算,发现如果海卫一冰壳之下是液态海洋的话,那么至今这片海洋依然 存在。最新的研究计算了海卫一表层冰壳厚度是如何影响潮汐耗散以及地下海洋的结晶化过程,结果显示假如海卫一的冰壳厚度较薄,那么潮汐力作用就很 明显加热效应也会越强,反之冰壳较厚的话,海卫一就会更加坚固,潮汐力产生的热效应较弱但即便是液体海洋也将会是富含氮的海洋此外海卫一的岩质核 心的具体大小还是个未知数,这将决定内核放射性同位素衰变释放的热量科学家认为海卫一的地下海洋可以作为外星生命的栖息地,虽然仍然有许多争论, 比如木卫二就是外星生命栖息地的候选者之一,即便海卫一生命出现的概率远小于木卫二欧罗巴,但也不能将其排除。研究人员推测海卫一地下海洋或存在 硅基生命,它们并不是以碳元素作为基础,还没有足够的研究揭示硅烷在特殊行星环境下的行为,[]其他相关编辑海王星俘获海卫一大小与冥王星相仿,围 绕海王星; 股票知识:https:// ; 旋转的方向和海王星自转的方向相反,所处的位置恰好在海王星的内层卫星和外层卫星轨道之间。太阳 系中的其他行星也有逆行卫星,但大小都比不卫一,轨道也没这么独特。因此,海卫一的来源成为一个谜。美国天文学家日报告说,海卫一很可能原先是围 绕太阳旋转的一个双星系统的一部分,遇到海王星后被其俘获。这一观点发表在新一期《自然》杂志上。加州大学圣克鲁斯分校的艾格诺和马里兰大学的汉 密尔顿认为,海卫一原先所属的双星系统,类似于冥王星与其卫星冥卫一的关系,即双方质量相差不太大,无所谓谁围绕谁旋转,实际上是双星围绕它们的 公共质心旋转,而这个公共质心又围绕太阳旋转。但是,当这个双星系统与海王星近距离相遇时,海王星的引力便破坏了双星体系,其中的一个星体被海王 星俘获。由于双星系统的残余影响和海王星的引力共同作用,海卫一的轨道旋转方向就变成和海王星自转方向相反。研究人员指出,近年来天文学家在太阳 系中发现了多个双星系统,特别是在太阳系外围盛产小行星的柯伊伯带有%的小行星构成双星系统,地球附近的小行星也有%属于双星系统,小行星双星系 统遇到海王星这样的大质量行星的概率相当大。此前曾有天文学家猜测,海卫一的奇特运行轨道可能是它和海王星的其他卫星碰撞所致。但艾格诺等人指出 这种碰撞既要大到足以改变海卫一的轨道,又不能太大以致海卫一被撞毁,其发生概率很小,冥王星(小行星序号:Pluto;天文代号:?,Unicode编码: U+7)是柯伊伯带中的矮行星。冥
英国GDP在欧盟GDP中占比约15% 是欧盟第二大经济体,世界第五大经济体
英国脱欧 为什么能 吸引如此 多的关注?
英国是欧盟第3大财政来源国,贡献了欧 盟每年财政收入12.57%,脱欧或引起欧 盟的财政问题。
英国脱欧 为什么能 吸引如此 多的关注?
英国的出口贸易依赖欧盟。去年,英欧双 边贸易额超过4000亿欧元,如果脱欧可能 会严重影响英国的经济。
4、退出欧盟,英国就可以独立推行其贸易战略,贯彻其贸易 主张这可以增强英国商品出口的竞争力
2011年,东欧8国的就业人数占到了英国就业人数的1.7%。 2015年欧洲更是发生难民危机欧盟涌入大量难民
就业机会 社会福利 国家安全
1、社会阶层的分化 年龄越大、受教育程度越低、收入水平越差的民众越倾向于 选择“脱欧”。 2、政治选票
1、“日不落帝国”,巨大的民族自豪感&追求独立的思潮。 2、光荣孤立&.1%
2016年6月23日,英国公投决定在欧盟的去留问题。 据了解,此次脱欧公投共有382个选区,根据对其中的352个选区的 计票结果显示,脱离欧盟的支持者领先,共获得51.9%的投票,即 1570万人支持退欧,而留在欧盟的支持者共有1458万人,获得 48.1%的选票。最终以微弱优势决定退出欧盟。
1、欧盟100多项繁琐的规定,让英国一年花费333亿英镑, 这无疑给英国的财政增添了负担,英国在一定程度上认为自 己的发展受到了欧盟的约束。
2、欧共体建立后,欧共体的资金主要用于农业的恢复与发展, 这对于工业发达的英德等发达国家来说,对他们的发展促进 作用较小。
3、随着欧债危机、难民危机等事件的发生,给欧盟经济的发 展套上了枷锁,欧盟经济也在较长时间内停留在不景气的状 态
❖ English is an official language of the United Nations and many other international organizations, including the International Olympic Committee. UNESCO, World Health Organization.
❖ Use international organizations
general situation
❖ Approximately 375 million people speak English as their first language.
❖ combining native and non-native speakers it is the most commonly spoken language in the world
❖ Experts say the people in about five thousand years ago spoke a language called Proto-Indo-European.
❖ it is believed to be the ancestor of most European languages. These include the languages that became ancient Greek, ancient German and the ancient Latin
英国脱欧英文作文英文:Brexit, the decision for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, has been a hot topic for the past few years. As a citizen of the UK, I have mixed feelings about it.On one hand, I understand the desire for independence and sovereignty. The EU has its flaws and the UK has been a strong and influential country for centuries. It can be argued that being part of the EU limits our ability to make our own decisions and govern ourselves.On the other hand, leaving the EU has significant consequences. The economy could suffer, trade could be impacted, and there could be restrictions on travel and immigration. It's also important to consider the impact on the millions of EU citizens living and working in the UK, as well as the British citizens living in EU countries.Personally, I believe that the decision to leave the EU was made too hastily and without enough consideration for the potential consequences. It's a complex issue with no easy answers, and I think it's important for the government to approach it with caution and care.中文:英国脱欧,即英国决定退出欧盟,成为过去几年的热门话题。
Those who support the brexit say that 90 per cent of the UK economy is unrelated to EU trade, but remains hamstrung by EU rules, leaving many of the UK's small and medium-sized businesses vulnerable to EU regulations and employment opportunities.
On June 15th: The struggling masses again negotiated with the king in Smith Field, North of London.
On June 15th , 1381, Watt Taylor, leader of the British peasant uprising , was assassinated during negotiations with the king, the uprising failed.
Influence of Brexit
Long - term impact
Its international status and influence will be greatly reduced.
In terms of trade, Britain and Europe are always interdependent, and half of the trade comes from other European countries.
(新)高考时事英语热点外刊ppt课件回:顾英国脱欧之路 BrexitPPT
![(新)高考时事英语热点外刊ppt课件回:顾英国脱欧之路 BrexitPPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/efdcc18d58fb770bf68a553e.png)
But the idea grew within Britain'sConservative Party, which had a small group of people who opposed EU membership. 但这一想法在英国保守党内部得到了支持,该党中有一小部分人反对加入欧盟。 In 2016, Prime Minister David Cameronagreed to hold a nationwide referendum,saying he wanted to settle the issue.2016年,英国首相戴维·卡梅伦同 意举行全民公投,称他希望解决这个问题。
★ majority 大多数 ★ shock震惊 ★ political class政治阶层 ★ work out 解决 ★ the break-up脱欧 ★ divide分歧
The city of London is home to more than 1million EU citizens. 伦敦市有100多万欧盟公民。 People there voted by a large majority to stay in the union. 绝大多数伦敦人投票赞成留在欧盟。
(新)高考时事英语热点外刊ppt课件回 :顾英 国脱欧 之路 BrexitPPT
"We will continue to welcome people from around the world,(without concern for) the color of their skin, the color of their passport or the colors of their national flag,"he added.