





The government in China plans to end its one-child per family policy and instead let families have two children.The plan was announced Thursday after high-level political meetings in Beijing. The official Xinhua news agency says the country's top legislature must approve the proposal before it becomes law.A Chinese Communist Party statement gave a number of reasons for the change in policy. The statement said the change is meant to balance population development. It said the move also attempts to stop a declining birth rate and strengthen the country's work force.China - the world's most populous country - launched the one-child policy in 1980. But the government permitted only a small number of couples to have two children. For example, some rural families were given approval to have two children.A total of 19 rural provinces have a partial two-child policy. That policy states if the first-born is a girl, a second child is permitted.In 2013, the Chinese government gave other couples a chance to have two children. Families could have two if one parent was an only child.A teacher and population expert, Jiang Quanbao, explained how Chinese families will react to the policy."Too many young people in the cities are probably no longer interested in having a second child," he said. "People in rural farming villages may be more interested. But again, some ofthem are already allowed to have two children."At the end of 2014, China had a population of 1.37 billion people. A total of 800 million of them are employed. But that job market population is expected to drop by 2050. With the two-child policy, an increase in births will ease the labor shortage, starting in 20 years.中国政府计划终止独生子女政策,允许每个家庭生育两个孩子。



wild China.美丽中国(Wild China)第六集潮汐更迭Tides of Change 双语对照文本字幕从东端的长城起From the eastern end of the Great Wall,中国的海岸跨度14,500公里China's coast spans 14,500 kilometres并且拥有五千多年的历史and more than 5,000 years of history.在这个方面显示了This is the area which shows the greatest contrast中国的过去和未来之间的差距between China's past and its future.如今中国的东海岸线Today China's eastern seaboard有七亿人口is home to 700 million people,居住在科技高速发展的沿海城市packed into some of the most dazzling hi-tech cities on earth.然而这些拥挤的海岸仍然是野生动物的一个重要财富Yet these crowded shores remain hugely important for a wealth of wildlife.现在古老的传统渐渐被新的气息所侵蚀Now, as ancient traditions mingle with new aspirations,那么在中国拥挤的海岸上还有野生动物的活动场所吗is there any room at all for wildlife on China's crowded shores?谨以此献给我们多灾多难但美丽依旧的祖国For our troubled but drop-dead beautiful motherland在中国北方的扎龙自然保护区In northern China's Zhalong Nature Reserve,一对丹顶鹤正守望着它们的产卵领土a pair of red-crowned cranes have staked out their nesting territory在一个商业管理的芦苇床残株里in the stubble of a commercially managed reed bed.数百年来For centuries,cranes have been revered in China鹤被中国人视为长寿的象征而备受尊崇as symbols of longevity.它们的雕像被放在皇帝的宝座旁Their statues were placed next to the Emperor's throne.鹤因此而受到赞扬The cranes have cause to celebrate.幼鹤在困难时刻就象征着希望This chick is a sign of hope in difficult times.丹顶鹤是世界上最濒临灭绝边缘的物种之一Red-crowned cranes are one of the world's most endangered species.在过去的一个世纪Over the last century,中国失去了近一半的沿海湿地China has lost nearly half of its coastal wetlands并且大多数改造地是为了造福人类而非野生动物and most of what remains is managed for the benefit of people, not wildlife.从现在起的数个月 A few months from now,幼鹤和它的家人将面临一场往南方的大迁徙this chick and its parents will face a long migration south来躲避北方的严冬to escape the harsh northern winter.它们将沿着海岸向前Their route will take them along a coast然而这些海岸已经受到人类活动的巨大影响which has been greatly affected by human activity.在它们的征途上Along their journey,the cranes will be joined将有成千上万其他鸟类加入迁徙大军by many thousands of other migrating birds.它们迁徙的方向横跨南渤海湾All heading south across the Bohai Gulf 沿海岸的黄海和中国东海and along the shores of the Yellow and East China Seas,最远甚至抵达中国南海some even reaching as far as the South China Sea寻找一个安全的冬季避难所in search of a safe winter haven.每年候鸟迁徙已持续了数千年之久The annual bird migration has been going on for thousands of years.在中国东北海岸的锦屏山Here at Mount Jinping on China's northeast coast,存留着人类there is surprising evidence曾长期居住过的惊人遗迹that people have lived here almost as long. 七千年前Seven thousand years ago,少昊部落的成员雕刻下的神奇符号members of the Shao Hao tribe carved magical symbols描绘出他们日常生活得到的重要原理representing significant elements of their daily lives.这种岩石雕刻显示出The petroglyphs show wheat sheaves connected by lines to human figures,中国第一个有记录的耕种遗址the first known recordings of cultivation in China.因为常年目睹群鸟迁徙的奇观Familiar with the spectacle of yearly bird migrations,少昊人选择一只鸟的符号作为他们的图腾the Shao Hao people chose a symbol of a bird as their totem.锦屏山位于山东半岛附近Mount Jinping lies near the Shandong peninsula,是候鸟的一个重要越冬场所an important wintering site for migrant birds,即使在今天仍然有鸟群沿着这条海岸线前进and even today there are still communities along this coastline并且和当地的鸟群保持着密切关系who retain a special affinity with their local birdlife.烟墩礁Yandun Jiao village,位于半岛的东北岸on the north-eastern shore of the peninsula, 以其传统特色的海藻覆顶建筑闻名于世is famous for its traditional seaweed-thatched cottages.在早春料峭的清晨On a chilly morning in early spring,屈夫妇在破晓时刻出来碰运气Mr and Mrs Qu venture out at first light带着海民的传统工具——桶和小铲armed with the traditional seaside accessories of bucket and spade.当屈家人朝着港湾前进As the Qus head down into the harbour,一群被当地人 a flock of whooper swans,亲切称为“冬日天使”的大天鹅known affectionately here as "winter angels", 在海湾醒来are waking out in the bay.屈家和他们的邻居在潮落的泥浆中The Qus and their neighbours search for tube holes寻找管状的孔in the mud at low tide,那里意味着有扇贝或竹蛏深藏在泥底the sign of cockles and razor shells hidden deep below.收集贝克是颇为流行的消遣While gathering shellfish is a popular pastime,当地人以出海为主要营生the main business of Yandun Jiao happens further out at sea.当老屈站在启程船只的甲板上As the boats set out,with Mr Qu on board,天鹅并肩掠过the swans set a parallel course.整个海湾是一个巨型海藻农场The whole of the bay is a gigantic seaweed farm.人们整天忙于清理和照料海藻叶The men work all day cleaning and tending the kelp fronds海藻长在巨大浮标舰队互相连接的绳子上that are grown on ropes linked to a vast armada of buoys.天鹅只吃长在绳子表面的本地海藻The swans eat native seaweeds growing on the surface ropes而非更有价值的产物rather than the valuable crop of kelp,所以它们无损经济作物的生长so they do no harm to the commercial operation.下午当风在海上生起In the afternoon,as the wind picks up out at sea,工人和天鹅退回岸边the workers and swans return to shore.当追求与自然和谐的文化While the culture of seeking balance with nature历经远路回归中国的时候goes back a long way in China,在中国拥挤的海岸线很难看到如此和谐的人地关系it is rare to see such harmonious relationships on China's crowded coast.当夜晚降临As evening draws on,屈家人准备了扇贝the Qu family prepare their evening meal of cockles,馒头和海藻做为晚膳steamed bread and seaweed.孩子们谈话声(KIDS CHATTERING)剩菜被村里的孩子们用来喂天鹅Leftovers are given to the village children to feed the swans.这给孩子和村民带来许多乐趣It's fun for the kids and provides并未鸟儿们度过寒夜提供了能量补给an extra energy boost for the birds as they face another cold night.天鹅已经利用这个庇护港The swans have been using this sheltered bay作为冬天的过冬地at as a winter refuge for many generations.只要敬重自然的传统还在As long as the tradition of respect for nature persists,烟墩礁的村民和“冬日天使”间的this remarkable association between the Yandun Jiao community奇妙友谊就会持续下去and their winter angels looks set to continue. 在渤海湾天鹅村的最东北处Out in the Bohai Gulf,northeast of the swan village,一座小小的岩岛为迁徙的鸟儿提供了安静的歇脚地a small rocky island provides a quiet resting spot for migrating birds.但是蛇岛亦潜伏着危险But Shedao Island has hidden dangers.由于海平面上升蝮蛇已被困在这座岛上6000余年Pallas' pit vipers trapped here6,000 years ago by rising sea levels这已演化成一种险恶的生存方式have evolved a sinister lifestyle.每年有10个月For 10 months of the year岛上没有任何食物there is nothing substantial to eat on the island,因此爬行类动物保持静止以保存体力so the reptiles conserve their energy by barely moving at all.鸟群鸣叫(BIRDS CAWING)当阳光使它们的岩石家园变暖As the sun warms their rocky home,这些蛇便爬进灌木树丛the snakes climb up into the bushes and trees.但是它们不是来这晒日光浴的But they aren't here to sunbathe.越来越多的毒蛇出现了More and more vipers appear事实上毒蛇占据了几乎所有栖息地until virtually every perch where a bird might land等着鸟们上钩has been booby-trapped.“守猎”游戏开始了Then the waiting game begins.蛇隐藏得很好The serpents' camouflage is remarkable,但是蛇攻击鸟的时候but so are the birds' reactions,鸟的反应同样迅速as this high-speed shot reveals.鸟群只在岛上停留几周The birds will only stay on the island for a couple of weeks.但是尽管蛇已经饿了几个月了But although the snakes have been starving for months,但是它们实现饱餐一顿心愿的途径their only hope of bagging a meal is to be patient只能是潜藏起来耐心等待and sit tight.即便最微小的失误The slightest miscalculation也会导致狩猎的失败and the snake is left with a mouthful of feathers.蛇只能通过嗅觉寻找失去的美味The dropped meal is tracked down mainly by smell,毒蛇用分叉的舌头the viper using its forked tongue分辨空气来靠近追逐的猎物to taste the air until it is close enough to see its quarry.最后的挑战是吞下自己头部两倍粗的食物The final challenge is to swallow a meal that's twice the size of its head.蛇能让下巴脱臼并合理安排食物的方向It does so by dislocating its jaws and positioning its prey使鸟嘴指向后边so the beak is pointing backwards.对于爬虫来说,充足的时间也很短暂For the reptiles,this time of plenty is all too brief.再过几个星期,迁移就要结束了In a couple of weeks,the migration will be over鸟群会继续前进and the birds will have moved on.这可能是蛇六个月中的最后一餐This could be the snake's last meal for six months.但是并不是岛上会经历But it isn't just islands盛宴和饥馑的循环that experience cycles of feast and famine. 海也有季节变化The sea, too, has its seasons,沿岸的渔民都知道这个变化a fact well known to fishing communities along the neighbouring coasts.在初望港In Chuwang harbour,盛大的聚会是新汛期开始的证明the start of a new fishing season provides the excuse for a massive party.但是对于船主老赵来说But for boat owner Mr Zhao,既有庆祝又有祈祷it's a day of prayer as well as celebration.老赵希望通过祭祀海神Zhao hopes that by presenting gifts and showing respect to the sea goddess,来确保他们来年捕鱼he can help ensure a prosperous and safe year ahead顺利安全for him and his crew.同时鼓声爆竹反映了古人的信念Meanwhile, drums, firecrackers and fireworks reflect the ancient belief古人认为嘈杂巨响能驱赶海怪和坏运气that loud noises will frighten off dangerous sea devils and bad fortune.台子中间的那个是海龙的象征Occupying centre stage is a representation of the sea dragon,传说海龙控制着水和天气mythical ruler of water and weather.夜晚风平浪静In the calm of the evening,赵先生和家人点亮了纸船灯笼Mr Zhao and his family light paper boat lanterns.每一个闪烁的火焰带着一个愿望飘向海神Each flickering flame carries a wish to the sea goddess,这个传统世代传递着a tradition passed on from parents to children over countless generations.在中国拥挤的海岸线上On China's crowded coasts,渔民们必须非常机敏fishermen need to be extremely resourceful. 收渔网是一项繁重的工作Hauling in the nets is hard work,目前为止还没有看到鱼and so far there's not a fish in sight.只有海蜇Only jellyfish.每年无数的海蜇Each year, millions of jellyfish被渤海湾的水流带到南方are carried south with the currents in the Bohai Gulf.这种现象的生态学原因很复杂The ecological story behind this event is complex,但决不是中国特有的but by no means unique to China.海蜇是快速繁殖的浮游生物的食物Jellyfish are fast-breeding plankton feeders. 近些年来人类污水和精耕细作使用的化肥In recent years, human sewage and fertilisers from intensive farming增大了海湾的浮游生物繁殖速度have increased plankton blooms in the Gulf,提供了丰富的海蜇食物providing extra jellyfish food.由于过度捕鱼海蜇的敌人和竞争者少了While over-fishing has reduced their enemies and competitors.这种现象已经It's a phenomenon that has become increasingly widespread在全球蔓延across the world's seas.然而别的地方认为是个问题However, what is seen elsewhere as a problem,在中国却被当成机会in China is perceived as an opportunity.岸上Back on shore,四轮车载着海蜇到附近的大商店里mule carts transport the jellyfish to nearby warehouses在那里处理后销往全国where they will be processed and sold as food all over China.四代人正在饱餐一碗海蜇片Four generations tuck into a bowl of sliced jellyfish,这道菜可以延年益寿the recipe for a long and healthy life.离开了渤海湾Leaving the Bohai Gulf behind,迁徙的鹤群migrating cranes,篦鹭和鸭子里边加入了其他鸟类spoonbills and ducks are joined by other birds,它们都飞向南方寻找安全的冬天栖息地all heading south in search of a safe winter haven.鸟群的迁徙路线顺着黄海The birds' migration route follows the coast of the Yellow Sea一路朝向江苏省down into Jiangsu Province,那里有肥沃的农业风景 a fertile agricultural landscape有中国最后存留的盐沼泽地with some of the last remaining salt marshes in China.大丰At Dafeng,一小块盐沼泽的就是一只幸存动物的家园a small salt marsh reserve is home to an animal which is lucky to be alive.中国人认为麋鹿是奇怪复杂的动物The Chinese see these Milu as a curious composite animal,有像马一样的头with a horse's head,牛一样的脚cow's feet,驴一样的尾巴 a tail like a donkey朝向后边的鹿角and backwards-facing antlers.在西方自从第一个欧洲人In the West, we know it as David's Deer,叫它麋鹿以后我们也这样叫了after the first European to describe it.在发情期During the rut,雄鹿用植物的花环来装饰自己stags decorate themselves with garlands of vegetation这些东西是用鹿角弄的collected in their antlers.激烈的战斗决定谁拥有交配权Fierce battles decide mating rights.雌鹿仍然带着去年的幼鹿The females still have last year's fawns in tow.母鹿在发情期也没有给幼鹿断奶They haven't been weaned by the time of the rut幼鹿聚在一起and band together in large crhes,只回到自己母亲那里喂食only returning to their mothers to feed.这种特殊的行为有助于帮助它们记清楚好斗的雄鹿This unique behaviour helps to keep them clear of the aggressive males.现在中国仅存2500头麋鹿了Today, there are just2,500 Milu in China, 很明显如果再多也很有限but it is remarkable that there are any at all. 在20世纪初期野外的麋鹿濒临灭绝In the early 1900s Milu became extinct in the wild,幸运的是一些良种鹿群被当作礼物送到了欧洲but luckily, some of the Imperial herd had been sent as a gift to Europe.那些在英格兰Woburn Abbey的麋鹿繁衍了下来Those at Woburn Abbey,in England, prospered.20世纪80年代40头鹿被送回了故乡And in the early 1980s, 40 of the deer were returned to their homeland它们在那里继续繁衍生息where they continue to thrive.迁徙的鹤群至今已经The migrating cranes have so far travelled 顺着海岸向南飞行了两千多公里了over 2,000 kilometres southwards along the coast.经过了大丰的麋鹿预留区Passing the Milu Deer Reserve at Dafeng, 它们接近了另一个盐沼泽地they are approaching another salt marsh那里给它们过冬提供了极好的条件which will provide the perfect conditions for them to spend the winter.盐城,中国最大的沿海湿地This is Yancheng,the largest coastal wetland in China,每年估计有三百万鸟拜访这里visited by an estimated three million birds each year.(嘎嘎的叫声)(SQUAWKING)刚出生七个月的幼鹤Crane chicks that were only born seven months ago完成了第一次来回旅行have now completed the first leg of a round trip它们将会每年重复这样which they will repeat every year.坚强的鹤群能应付冬天的温度The hardy cranes can cope with winter temperatures温度可能降到零度以下which may drop below freezing.但是其他迁徙的鸟类比如濒临灭绝的黑面篦鹭However, other migrating birds, like the endangered black-faced spoonbill,就没有那么耐寒are less cold-tolerant它们将要继续南飞寻找更温暖的气候and will continue even further south in search of warmer climes.(嘎嘎的叫声)(SQUAWKING)在这里许多迁徙的鸟群At this point,many of the migrating bird flocks勉强达到了它们南飞旅程的一半are barely halfway along their southward journey.在它们前面还有新的挑战Ahead of them lies a new challenge,中国最伟大的河——长江China's greatest river, the Yangtze,是许多种类迁徙物种的聚集地and the venue for a very different kind of migration.每年上百万吨的货物往来江面Each year, millions of tons of cargo travel up and down the river,使这里成了世界上最繁忙的航路之一making this one of the busiest waterways in the world.这些是中华绒蝥蟹These are Chinese mitten crabs,因它们长毛爪子得名named for their strange hairy claws.它们可以迁移长达1500公里They may migrate as much as1,500 kilometres从支流和湖泊一直到河口from tributaries and lakes to the river mouth, 他们在那里繁殖后代where they gather to breed.中华鲟也有相似的迁徙 A similar migration is made by the giant Yangtze sturgeon,中华鲟能长到4米长半吨重which can reach four metres long and weigh half a ton.近些年来它们的数量骤减In recent years,its numbers have declined dramatically这是由于它们的迁徙被越来越多的河坝阻挡了as its migration is impeded by ever more river dams.但是不仅中华鲟有这样的境遇But it isn't just animals like the sturgeon that are in trouble,整个长江的生态系统都遭到了破坏the entire Yangtze River ecosystem is being poisoned.虽然有显耀的清理计划项目In spite of being the subject of an ambitious clean-up plan,估计长江是最大的today the river is reckoned to be the biggest 污染太平洋的单向水源single source of pollution entering the Pacific Ocean.坐落于长江入海口的Situated right at the mouth of its estuary,崇明岛为迁徙的滨鸟Chongming Island provides a vital resting and feeding spot提供了重要的休养生息的地方for migrating shorebirds,人们对长江流域的野生动物的态度不断转变and a place which offers welcome evidence这个地方也是个很好的证明of changing attitudes towards the Yangtze's beleaguered wildlife.几个世纪里这些沿岸泥滩一直吸引许多捕猎者For centuries these coastal mudflats have attracted hunters,就像金先生一样like Mr Jin,他们不断地改善捕猎技巧who have honed their trapping skills to perfection捕获稀有鸟类供上海有钱人食用to put rare birds on the tables of Shanghai's elite.40年里金先生一直用一张网For 40 years Mr Jin has used a net,简单的诱鸟和一只竹笛simple decoy birds and a bamboo whistle来诱惑经过的鸟到他的网里to lure passing birds towards his nets.(笛声)(WHISTLING)这需要耐心和高超的技巧It takes both patience and consummate skill. 但是事情并不总是这样But all is not as it seems.像其他许多最好的自然保护者一样Mr Jin, like many of the best conservationists, 金先生现在由偷猎者变为了看护者is poacher turned gamekeeper,使用他捕猎技艺来保护他原先的猎物using his hunting skills to benefit his old quarry.在东潭鸟类保护基地里The staff here at Dongtan Bird Reserve人们将给这些捕获的鸟测量带环称重will measure, ring and weigh the trapped birds然后把它们释放before releasing them unharmed.由金先生和他的同事们收集的这些信息The information gathered by Mr Jin and his colleagues帮助保护了200多个不同的鸟类helps to protect over 200 different species of birds这些鸟类每年都要来到这个岛屿which visit the island each year.在崇明岛正南端Just south of Chongming Island是中国最大的海边城市——上海lies China's largest coastal city, Shanghai.上海处于一条河流生物和鸟类迁徙的路径上Situated on a major migration route for birds as well as river life,现在它正进行一个更大的侵袭动作Shanghai is now preparing for an even bigger invasion.满载着建筑材料的驳船不停的到达这个城市的码头Barges loaded with building materials constantly arrive in the city's docks,来满足这个世界最繁忙建设之一的需要feeding one of the greatest construction booms in the world.去年全世界一半的水泥都运往中国的各个城市Last year, half the world's concrete was poured into China's cities,这些都是为了人类历史上最大规模的all in preparation for the biggest mass migration of people人口迁移做准备in the history of the world.在未来25年里预计有超过3亿中国人In the next 25 years,well over 300 million people将从中国农村迁移到城市例如上海are predicted to move from rural China into cities like Shanghai.从农村到城市的人类迁移The migration of people from country to city在全世界各地都可以看到is being mirrored around the world,and by 2010到2010年超过一半的世界人口将成为城市居住者over half of the world's population will be urban dwellers.当夜晚来临时上海就会揭示它的本色As night falls,Shanghai reveals its true colours.这是中国最快增长的金融中心China's fastest-growing financial centre 是这个巨大繁荣的中心is in the midst of a massive boom.其人口估计超过2千万With an estimated population of more than 20 million,上海无疑是中国最大Shanghai is officially China's largest也是最耀眼的城市and certainly its most dazzling city.但他的辉煌背后存在着环境代价But there is an environmental cost.上海居民使用的电力是Shanghai residents now use two and a half times more power per head郊区居民的2.5倍than their rural cousins.这个城市近乎贪得无厌的能源需求The city's seemingly insatiable energy demands得需要17个电厂来提供满足currently require the output of 17 power stations.上海往南城市灯光逐渐暗淡South of Shanghai the city lights gradually fade好象我们进入了一个古老的世界as we enter an ancient world.这是福建省This is Fujian Province,一个崎岖的地域 a rugged terrain由于花岗岩大山的护卫guarded by sheer granite mountains which have helped to forge and preserve使得一些中国最古老的遗址和传统文化得以稳固并保存some of China's most ancient sites and traditional cultures.远高出海边地带坐落着1400米高的太姥山Towering above the coast,the 1,400-metre-high Taimu Mountains是中国人熟识的“海上仙都”are known to the Chinese as "Fairyland on the Sea".潮湿的海风在寒冷的山顶凝聚Moist sea breezes condense on the cool mountaintops并与排水良好的酸性土壤结合and combine with well-drained acid soils便形成了完美的种植环境to produce the perfect growing conditions 适合喜酸性的植物——例如野杜鹃for acid-loving plants like wild azaleas.也合适生长山茶It's also home to camellias,including the most famous of all,包括最著名的茶树种植the tea plant.沿着福建沿海一带的类似种植环境Similar growing conditions all along the Fujian coast使得中国茶叶独享其尊make this the treasure chest for China's tea, 其茶产业远可源自4000多年前the heart of an industry dating back almost 4,000 years.这个地区最传统的茶树栽培文化One of the most traditional tea-growing cultures in the area当数这里的客家人沿袭的is that of the Kejia people.每天清晨山羊被放养在这些茶树梯田间Every morning, goats are let loose among the tea terraces,这是个历史悠久的传统 a centuries-old tradition.看起来好象很奇怪让这些This might seem surprising given goats' reputation山羊去吃这些绿色的植物for eating anything green,不过茶树并不像看上去那样毫无设防but tea isn't as defenceless as it looks.茶叶中存在刺激性的化学成分Tea leaves are loaded with bitter chemicals 以驱走啃食的动物designed to repel browsing animals.这对山羊很有效It works on the goats,它们只是吃光茶树外的杂草who leave the tea untouched and instead eat up the weeds,它们的粪便恰好茶树供给了养分fertilising the tea plants with their droppings.惊讶的是我们人类The surprise is that we humans却还没发现同样刺激性的化学鸡尾酒should find the same bitter chemical cocktail以便让人类根本不敢染指utterly irresistible.对客家人而言种植茶树是家族事业Among the Kejia people,tea-growing is a family business.女人们采摘男人门加工打包Women do the picking,while the men process and pack it.张女士是一名客家家族的成员Mrs Zhang belongs to a Kejia family她们家族在这片同样的茶园that has lived and worked for generations 生活劳作了数个世代among these same tea terraces.最精良的茶叶需要在温暖的阳光里快速采摘The finest tea needs to be gathered quickly in warm sunshine这样可以让茶叶保留有茶油的香味as this brings out the flavour-enhancing oils inside the leaves.这个可持续的产业使得中国最精美的地形之一This sustainable industry has protected one of China's finest landscapes和最传统文化之一得以保存下来and one of its most traditional cultures.在早上采摘之后At the end of the morning's picking,张女士把茶叶带回家以待加工Mrs Zhang returns home to drop off her tea ready for processing.这个城堡式样的建筑在过去This fort-like design has survived from a time客家人得以从与敌对的当地部落势力when the Kejia needed to protect themselves斗争中幸存下来against hostile local tribes.每个房子有3到4层Each house has three or four levels以适合50到250人居住designed to accommodate50 to 250 people. 最底层是厨房和家畜使用The ground floor houses the kitchens and animal stock同时有一条通道通向水井取水with access to a well for water.第一层房间用作储藏The first floor rooms are used for storage 第二层作为寝居and the upper floors are bedrooms.这一些很非凡的建筑已有800多年历史了Some of these remarkable buildings are 800 years old经历了地震和台风并完整的保存了下来and have survived earthquakes and typhoons.当收集一定数量茶叶时下一步加工开始了Once enough tea has been gathered in,the processing begins.把绿色茶叶变为市场销售的茶叶Turning green leaves into saleable tea最少包含8个步骤involves at least eight different stages,包括干燥捻细筛挤压和扭拧including drying, bruising,sifting, squeezing and twisting,这些都是成品打包前必须的步骤before the finished product is finally ready for packing.张女士的村庄出产“小黑龙”茶The Zhang's village produces"little black dragon",即——乌龙茶or oolong tea,其称呼源于冲泡茶叶时so called because of the way its twisted leaves unfurl那宛如蟠龙舒展的姿态when water is poured over them.茶在客家人生活中占据着重要地位Tea plays a vital part in Kejia life,既是一个收入来源也是一种迎宾之道not only as a source of income,but also as a way to welcome visitors它将人们联系在一起and bring people together.在中国人传统生活中In traditional Chinese life,即使最简单的一杯茶也被赋以复杂的仪式even the simplest cup of tea is poured with an intricate amount of ritual.在过去In the past,客家人的其他主要收入来自运送像茶叶一样的货物the Kejia people's other main income came from transporting goods like tea穿越变幻莫测的山川和河流入口across the treacherous topography of mountains and river estuaries.他们的运输路线在1059年变得轻松易行Their route was suddenly made easier when, in 1059,一切归于这座名桥的建造this remarkable bridge was built.它的桥面由重达10吨的花岗岩架设而成Made from massive10-ton slabs of granite,是中国不太知名的建筑奇葩之一it is one of China's lesser-known architectural gems.洛阳桥历经地震狂潮风采依旧Luoyang Bridge has withstood earthquakes and tempestuous tides.被称为“万安渡”的Known as "10,000 ships launching",46座桥墩the bridge's 46 piers在潮水的冲刷下已经屹立的近千年have withstood time and tide for almost a millennium.据当地传说According to folklore,桥的成功在于有远见地应用了生物工程its success is due to a far-sighted piece of bio-engineering.在桥墩上养殖牡蛎之后Oysters were seeded on the piers利用他们的凝固物可以and ever since,their concretions have helped cement将花岗岩胶合凝结起来the granite blocks together.如今惠安的女人们仍用传统的Today, oysters are still cultivated here方法在这里养殖牡蛎in the traditional way by Hui'an women.屹立在桥下的泥滩之中的岩石Stones are stood in the mudflats below the bridge可以使牡蛎附着生长to encourage the oysters to grow.如今当地人主要用洛阳桥来Luoyang Bridge is now mainly used by locals运送货物穿过河口到港口去carrying goods across the estuary towards the coastal ports.两千多年来For more than 2,000 years,中国的沿海贸易主要依靠于coastal trade in China has depended一种具有开创性卓越性能船on a remarkable and pioneering type of ship, 我们称之为舢板known to us as the junk.这艘船所用的的大众化设计This working vessel follows a general design 在福建已经使用了600多年that's been in use in Fujian for at least 600 years.船首是画上了两只大眼睛的鸟喙造型Its bows take the form of a beak,with two large painted eyes古代的航员们相信evoking the traditional seafarers' belief鸟的形象可以使海员们平安归来that the bird's image would help sailors return safely,就像每年春秋回来的候鸟一样like the migrants that return each spring and autumn.茶叶和其他货物经防水处理后储存Tea and other goods were stored in strong bulkheads,分储在防水壁中以降低洪涝带来的损失each waterproofed and separated from the next to minimise flood damage.这种保持珍贵茶叶干燥的革新措施This innovation, introduced to keep precious tea cargos dry,不仅改进了中国的船只spurred on the improvement of not only Chinese boats,还改进了西方的船只but Western ones, too.舢板上独特的索具The distinctive rigging of the junk's sails使得它在恶劣的天气下也容易操纵allows easy handling in bad weather,这在风暴肆虐的海边至关重要essential along this storm-battered coast.台风一词源于“大风”的谐音Each year from July to November,up to a dozen typhoons,每年7至11月成批的台风 a corruption of the Chinese word for "great wind",朝西北方向席卷中国而来head northwest towards China.全球像二氧化碳这样的温室气体的增加Typhoons are becoming more frequent as sea temperatures rise,使得海的温度升高aided by a global increase in greenhouse gases,台风也因此变得更加频繁such as carbon dioxide.但卫星图片却显示了一个令人惊讶的转变But satellite pictures have revealed a。



BBC新闻讲解附字幕:英国首相布朗要求女王解散议会(2010-04-9)查看原文第一部分:听力文本BBC News with Iain PurdonThe BBC has learned that the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has decided that the British general election will take place on6May.Mr Brown will go to Buckingham Palace tomorrow Tuesday to ask Queen Elizabeth to dissolve parliament,and then make a formal announcement of the election date.That will start the official election campaign,which,a BBC correspondent says, will be dominate d by issues of taxation and spending in the wake of the global recession.Pakistani militants have launched their first attack in five years on a United States facility in the country.The local Taliban say they carried out the assault on the US consulate in Peshawar.Seven people including all four attackers were killed.The White House has strongly condemned the attacks.The Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi rejected suggestions that Pakistan wasn't doing enough to prevent suicide bombings."If somebody is determined to kill and get killed in the process,it's very limited what you can do. We have deployed150,000troops on the western border.We are doing our utmost,but this is a challenge that Pakistan cannot face alone."Earlier,at least43people were killed and dozens wounded when a suicide bomber blew himself up at a political rally in Lower Dir district in northwestern Pakistan.The event,which was attended by hundreds of people,was organized by the largely secular Awami National Party,Forces from the United Nations and the Congolese army have secured an airport in the northwest of the Democratic Republic of Congo after heavy fighting.On Sunday,at least100armed men attacked the capital of Equateur province Mbandaka,killing three UN staff.Thomas Fessy reports from Kinshasa.The airport was retaken on Monday morning after a new joint offensive between Congolese and UN troops.Both sides have now confirmed that operations are underway around the airport and the provincial capital to find the in surge nts.A UN spokesman in Kinshasa says that a few fighters have been arrested by the Congolese police,but the number of insurgents detained is still unknown.The Congolese army is expected to send an assessment mission in the coming days to decide whether reinforcement is needed.The United States government says it intends to impose the maximum penalty available on the Japanese carmaker Toyota over the way it handled the mass recall of its vehicles because of safety faults.The US Transportation Department said it would seek to fine Toyota more than16milliondollars for failing to inform Washington about problems with the accelerators in a number of models.In some cases,the malfunction caused cars to accelerate uncontrollably.World News from the BBCAnti-government protesters have settled in for another night in the center of the Thai capital Bangkok despite a court ruling that the government has the right to evict them.The leaders of the red-shirts,as they are known,have also indicated they may be extending the protest.On Monday, the demonstrators briefly forced their way into the offices of the election commission.The Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has asked parliament to reconsider its rejection of his plans for heavy cuts in food and energy subsidies.The legislature said it was concerned that implementing the proposed40-billion-dollar cuts in full would lead to a surge in inflation.Instead, parliament approved savings worth just20billion dollars.A South Korean warship is pursuing a supertanker which was hijacked by Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean.The ship was on its way from Iraq to the US and is carrying up to160million dollars worth of crude oil.From Seoul,here is our correspondent John Sudworth.The hijack took place hundreds of kilometers from the coast of Somalia in the middle of the Indian Ocean,an area of sea normally thought to be relatively safe from this kind of attack.The South Korean navy,which already has a warship based in the Gulf of Aden to assist with the international efforts to protect shipping,has ordered it to reach the oil tanker before it reaches the African coast.But any attempt to recapture the ship by force would be risky.The volatile cargo makes a gun battle inconceivable.The United States has criticized a string of planned defence contracts which could see Venezuela buying billions of dollars of additional weapons from Russia.Earlier,the Prime Minister Vladimir Putin revealed that Moscow had recently signed arms deals estimate d to be worth up to five billion dollars.However,a US State Department spokesman said Washington failed to see why President Chavez needed to purchase more arms.BBC News提示:文本转自普特听力论坛第二部分:参考翻译BBC获悉,英国首相戈登·布朗已经决定英国大选在5月6日举行。



BBC标题:China to end one-child policy and allow twoChina has decided to end its decades-long one-child policy, the state-run Xinhua news agency reports.官媒新华社发布报道:中国决定结束长达数十年的计划生育政策。

【计划生育政策解读】Introduced in 1979, the policy meant that many Chinese citizens - around a third, China claimed in 2007 - could not have a second child without incurring a fine 2007年中国称:1979年开始实施的计划生育政策意味着绝大多数的中国居民(大约1/3)无法在不罚款的情况下生第二胎。

In rural areas, families were allowed to have two children if the first was a girl 在农村,如果第一胎是女孩,可以允许生二胎。

卫报标题:China ends one-child policy after 35 years“I’m shaking to be honest,” said Stuart Gietel-Basten, an University of Oxford demographer who has argued for the end of the one-child policy. “It’s one of those things that you have been working on and saying for years and recommending they should do so mething and it finally happened. It’s just a bit of a shock.”“我真的非常震惊,”牛津大学人口统计学家斯图尔特·让泰尔-巴斯顿评论计划生育政策。














1. 宣传政策。


2. 完善配套措施。


3. 加强社会支持。


4. 加强政策评估。


























China should roll back its one-child policyand instead mandate that all couples have two children, a family planningofficial has said, drawing criticism from a ruling Communist Party newspaper(AFP Photo/Wang Zhao) “中国应该暂缓独生子女计划,建议每对夫妇都生两个孩子。


Beijing (AFP) -China should roll back its one-child policy and instead mandate that allcouples have two children, a family planning official has said, drawingcriticism Friday from a ruling Communist Party newspaper. “中国应该暂缓独生子女计划,要求每对夫妇都生两个孩子。


Mei Zhiqiang,deputy director the Family Planning Commission of Shanxi province, offered therecommendation earlier this week as a way to solve the country's increasinglyproblematic gender imbalance. 梅志强,现任山西省计划生育委员会副主任。


"We shouldmake sure our policy and system allows our children to give birth to twochildren," Mei said, according to a report by the government-run news website. “我们应该从政策和制度上允许我们的子女生育两个孩子。
























BBC : hotmail (2009-10-
cutthrough distraction
cutthrough distraction



关于二胎政策的英语作文(带翻译)China is a great country with the largest population in the world. In order to solve the population problem, our government decides to implemented one-child policy. When it is carried out for some time, many people not only see its advantages but also disadvantages. Thus, people argue that two-child policy should be put into effect. In my opinion, two-child policy should be carried out.中国是一个人口大国。





First of all, two-child policy is the gift for some only child. For some families, maybe the parents are only child and they also can have only child. Put aside the loneliness of their child, when their child grows up and they grow older, their child marry with an only child girl accidentally, the burden on their child and his wife is unimaginable heavy. Their child and his wife have to take care of two old couples. Usually, a young couple looking after an old couple is a little difficult; if the pressure increasing twice, how can they stand it. But if their parents have two children, they can share the burden of taking care of their parents. It would be much better.首先,二胎政策对于一些独生子女来说是天赐的礼物。





The TwoChild Policy also known as the universal twochild policy is a significant demographic policy adjustment announced by the Chinese government on October 29 2015. This policy allows all couples to have two children in response to Chinas increasingly serious issues of population aging and labor shortages.自1979年中国实施计划生育政策以来中国一直实行独生子女政策即每对夫妇只能生育一个孩子。




Since the implementation of the family planning policy in 1979 China has been enforcing the onechild policy which allows each couple to have only one child. However as time went on this policy gradually revealed some problems such as population aging labor shortage and gender imbalance. To address these issues the Chinese government relaxed the family planning policy in 2013 allowing couples with one child to have two children. However the effect of this policy was not obvious so the government further relaxed the policy in 2015 implementing the universal twochild policy.全面二孩政策的实施对于中国社会和经济的发展具有重要意义。





























China Adopts Universal Two-Child Policy (1)重要资料,可以直接用。

Ever Changing, Improving: China's Family Planning (计划生育)Policy (17)China Adopts Universal Two-Child PolicyChina further relaxed its more thanthree-decade-old family planning policy, according to a statement issued on Thursday by the Communist Party of China Central Committee.Roughly 90 million Chinese couples will become eligible to have a second child.It's the latest move by the authorities to fine-tune the family planning policy, amid the nation's changingdemo-graphics, which could lead to potential labor shortages (潜在的劳动力短缺)in the future if not addressed.(处理)The statement said the country's ageing trend(老龄化趋势)would be actively addressed by the universal(普遍的)two-child policy, and that China would continue to stick to the family planning policy as a basic State interest.(国家利益)Yuan Xin, a population scientist at Nankai University in Tianjin, who sits on(开庭审理;成为…的一员;旁听;列席)an expert panel (专家团)of the National Healthand Family Planning Commission, said scrapping the family planning policy remained a long way off."The new initiative will be much better received among the Chinese people than the previous(以前的,先前的)policy relaxation and will help boost (推动,促进)China's labor supply in the long run," he said.In late 2013, the central government relaxed (放松,放宽)the family planning policy, allowing couples to have a second child in situations(在。

【推荐】中国将实行“全面二孩政策”-word范文模板 (1页)

【推荐】中国将实行“全面二孩政策”-word范文模板 (1页)

【推荐】中国将实行“全面二孩政策”-word范文模板本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==中国将实行“全面二孩政策”10月29日闭幕的中国共产党第十八届中央委员会第五次全体会议提出,全面实施一对夫妇可生育两个孩子政策。


& nbsp ;& nbsp ;Li Shuchun , 4, and his 7- month - old brother Li Shuhan , live in Beijing with their parents who are among the 1.07 million out of 11 million eligible couples applied to have a second child by the end of last year . [ Photo by Wang Nina / Provided to chinadaily . com . cn ]请看相关的报道:China further relaxed its more than three - decade - old family planning policy , according to a statement issued on Thursday by the Communist Party of China Central Committee . The statement said the country ' s aging trend would be actively addressed by the universal two - child policy .29日,中共中央委员会发布公报称,中国将进一步放开实施了30多年的计划生育政策。

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The UN secretary general says he's encouraged that Iran has become involved for the first time in international talks in resolving the conflict in Syria. The US secretary of State John Kerry has held preliminary discussions with his counterparts from Iran, Russia, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. As world powers prepare for a substantive negotiations in Vienna, Ban Ki-moon urged them to show a sense of flexibility. I'm urging all these five countries to show their global leadership rather than their own national perspectives. The longer they take their own national perspectives, the much more our people will suffer and whole world will suffer.
Men armed with knives have attacked rally held by the main opposition National League for Democracy in Myanmar's largest city Yangon. The NLD candidate for the area, a seating MP has been taken to hospital with injuries to his head and hands. The attack comes ten days before Myanmar's first openly contested election in 25 years and three days before the NLD leader Aung San Suu Kyi is due to hold a large rally.
Paul Ryan has been elected as the new speaker of US House of Representatives. The 45-year-old republican from Wisconsin succeeds John Boehner who announced his retirement last month. A White House spokesman said President Obama respected the speaker Ryan despite differences on policy. In his speech accepting the role, Mr. Ryan described the house as broken. The BBC's Anthony Zurcher says he's facing a difficult task. He is generally well-respected as a charismatic young man. He comes kind of from the conservative wing of the Republican party, but they've turned on people who they think don't have their backs before. So he's going to have to try to broke or some compromises actually get legislation passed and when that happens, that's when you see this right-wing conservative Tea Party caucus started to break away and cause trouble.
A Saudi Arabia blogger Raif Badawi has been given the Sakharov human rights prize. He ran an Internet discussion forum "Free Saudi Liberals". Last year, there was an international outrage when he was sentenced to ten years in prison for insulting Islamic values. Alvilin Avidboal is the co-founder of the Raif Badawi Foundation for Freedom. She says the award may not help his cause immediately. Well, it means a lot. It's the second most important prize or the same level as the Nobel Prize for freedom and it means that his struggle is concerned for so many people around the world, for the European
Parliamentarian. Of course it's a consolation for now but it doesn't mean that Raif will be released tomorrow morning. BBC news.
China has announced the end of its decades-long policy of restricting most families to having only one child. The official Xinhua News Agency said that all couples would be allowed to two children citing a statement from the ruling Communist Party.
Reports from Sudan say there's been an escalation of a border dispute with Ethiopia. Sudan's interior minister Esmat Abdel Rahman told Parliament that Ethiopian cattle rustlers had killed at least 16 farmers and stolen nearly 300 cattle in recent raids. Members of the Sudanese Parliament have asked government to send troops to the border state of El-Gadaref.
A corruption watchdog says nearly all countries in the Middle East and North Africa have opaque defense budgets with almost no parliamentary accountability. In a new report, the London-based Transparency International says secrecy across defense and security establishment remains the norm in the region and that the ensuing corruption was having a big impact on the rise of terrorism. It said only Jordan and Tunisia published their defense budgets. BBC news.。
