皮格马利翁效应 英语演讲

皮格马利翁效应英语作文The Pygmalion Effect, a psychological phenomenon, illustrates the profound impact of expectations on performance. It suggests that when individuals believe in their capabilities, they are more likely to achieve their goals.In classrooms, this effect is palpable. Teachers who hold high expectations for their students often witness remarkable progress. It's as if the belief in potential ignites a spark within the students, propelling them to excel.The workplace is another arena where the Pygmalion Effect thrives. Managers who express confidence in their team's abilities can foster an environment where employees thrive and exceed targets. It's a testament to the power of positive reinforcement.However, the Pygmalion Effect is not without its challenges. When expectations are set too high, it can lead to undue pressure and, in some cases, disappointment. It's crucial to strike a balance between aspiration and realism.In personal development, the Pygmalion Effect encourages self-belief. By setting high standards for oneself, individuals can push through barriers and achieve personal bests. It's a reminder that our own expectations can shape our reality.In conclusion, the Pygmalion Effect is a powerful tool that can drive success in various aspects of life. By fostering an atmosphere of belief and support, we can unlock the potential within ourselves and others.。

以发 展 的 眼 光 看待 他 们 ,以较 强 的毅 力使 自己保 持 耐 心 ,细 心 发 现 学 生 身 上 的任 何 一 个 闪 光 点 ,要相 信 经 过 自 己 的努 力 一 定 能 使 他 们 取 得 进 步 。 只 有 这样 ,教
师 才 能 发 现学 生 的 可爱 之处 ,才 能 激 发 心 中对 他 们 的
唱 歌 , 尤 其 是 英 语 歌 曲 , 唱 起 来 韵 味 十 足 。 针 对 他 的
的 塑像 ,并 且 对 这 具 塑 像 倾 注 了 全 部 的 热 情 和 期
望 ,精 雕 细 琢 ,最 终 竟 然 如 愿 以偿 地 使 少 女 活 了过
这 一爱 好 和 特 长 ,我 经 常 让 他 在 课 前 5分 钟 教 学 o ud o f y o u”“ I ' m v e r y p l e a s e d wi t h y o ur
w o r k”之 类 的 话 ,使 学 生 有 一 种 成 就 感 。 对 那 些成 绩
特 别差 的 学 生 ,教 师 要 给 予 他 们 更 多 的 关 注 和 鼓 励 ,
创 造 机 会 让 他 们 回 答 力 所 能 及 的 问 题 , 以 调 动 他 们 的
积 极 性 。学 生 回答 问题 紧 张 的时 候 ,教 师要 不 失 时 机 地 对 他 们 说 “I t d o e s n ' t ma t t e r ”“ T a k e i t e a s y ”
常 运 用 激 励性 语 言 对 学 生进 行 表 扬 和 鼓 励 。这 些 赞 扬
能 充 分 利 用 一 切 对 教 学 有 利 的 因 素 ,提高 学 生 的英 语水平。
的话 具 有 兴 奋 剂 的 作 用 ,使 学 生 精 神 振 奋 ,信 心 倍

Feelings after reading Pygmalion Pygmalion saw so much to blame in women that he came at last to abhor the sex, and resolved to live unmarried.He was a very talented sculptor in ancient Greece who loved his work, and would spend hours carving beautiful ivory statues, losing himself in his art. One day, he chose a large, beautiful piece of ivory, and worked day and night until he finished. It was a statue of a beautiful lady. Pygmalion fell in love with her. Pygmalion went to the temple of Aphrodite to pray for a wife just like the statue in his home.Aphrodite was touched by Pygmalion, so she brought it to life. When the sculptor returned home, he found the statue alive, and threw himself at her feet. She smiled down at him. They soon got married. Aphrodite blessed them with happiness and love.This is to say, people tend to behave as you expect they will. You will deserve what you expect. As long as you have a strong faith in something, things will happen as you hoped. However, if you believe something is difficult to come true, you will meet a lot of obstacles. Successful person always keep an optimistic view of events, they believe good things will happen.Our expectations to others and ourselves have a huge effect on our daily lives. If you have high expectations for yourself, tell yourself that you can do everything! Then there will be miracles, you will feel everyday is full of hope.The phenomenon in which the greater the expectation placed upon people, often children or students and employees, the better they perform is called Pygmalion effect.For example, if a teacher is patient and provide extra feedback to a student, the student will make great progress, whether the student is bright or not. The main concern is that the teacher believes that the student can do what he expects.I think, if I’m a teacher in the future, I will try my best to encourage my students. Because when teachers expect students to do well and show intellectual growth, they do; when teachers do not have such expectations, performance and growth are not so encouraged and may in fact be discouraged in a variety of ways. My attitude will have a strong effect on my students.I hope teachers can encourage their students at times, your expectation and your trust means a lot to them. Never lose hope to them! You know, a smile, a hopeful word, a trust light in your eyes can change a bad student into a top one. There are miracles if you believe.Sunday, November 28, 2010121 251 150 179255 255 255 128121 251 150 129219 146 0 130 202 194 116 66。

“皮格马利翁效应”在初中英语教学中的运用1. 引言1.1 皮格马利翁效应的概念皮格马利翁效应是指人们根据他们对某种现象的期望或信念,而使这种期望成为现实的心理现象。
1.2 初中英语教学的重要性初中阶段是学生英语学习的起步阶段,通过系统的教学,学生可以逐步建立起英语学习的框架,打下坚实的基础。
2. 正文2.1 皮格马利翁效应在初中英语教学中的运用皮格马利翁效应在初中英语教学中的运用是非常重要的。

罗森塔尔效应英文版English:The Rosenthal effect, also known as the Pygmalion effect, is a psychological phenomenon where higher expectations lead to an increase in performance. The effect was first observed in a study by Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson in 1968. In their study, teachers were told that certain students were identified as high academic performers based on a test, when in reality, they were randomly selected. At the end of the school year, the students labeled as high performers showed significant improvement compared to their peers, despite no initial differences in ability. This demonstrates how the teachers' expectations influenced the students' performance. The Rosenthal effect has significant implications in various fields, including education, management, and sports, as it emphasizes the importance of positive reinforcement and high expectations in enhancing performance and achievement.中文翻译:罗森塔尔效应,也被称为皮格马利翁效应,是一种心理现象,即较高的期望会导致表现的提高。

George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856 – 2 November 1950) was an Irish playwright and aco-founder of the London School of Economics. Although his first profitable writing was music and literary criticism, in which capacity he wrote many highly articulate pieces of journalism, his main talent was for drama, and he wrote more than 60 plays. He was also an essayist, novelist and short story writer. Nearly all his writings address prevailing social problems, but have a veinof comedy which makes their stark themes more palatable. Issues which engaged Shaw's attention included education, marriage, religion, government, health care, and class privilege.Read the story about Pygmalion in Greek mythology onlineIn Ovid's narrative, Pygmalion was a Cypriot sculptor who carved a woman out of ivory and named her Galatea. According to Ovid, after seeing the Propoetides prostituting themselves (more accurately, they were reduced to prostitution by Aphrodite after they denied Aphrodite's divinity), he was "not interested in women", but his statue was so fair and realistic that he fell in love with it.In time, Aphrodite's festival day came, and Pygmalion made offerings at the altar of Aphrodite. There—too scared to admit his desire—he quietly wished for a bride who would be "the living likeness of my ivory girl". When he returned home, he kissed his ivory statue, and found that its lips felt warm. He kissed it again, touched its breasts with his hand, and found that the ivory had lost its hardness. Aphrodite had granted Pygmalion's wish.Pygmalion married the ivory sculpture changed to a woman under Aphrodite's blessing. In Ovid's narrative, they had a son, Paphos, from whom the city's name is derived. One translation reads as follows:A lovely boy was born;Paphos his name, who grown to manhood, wall'dThe city Paphos, from the founder call'd。

➢ 应用于教育领域 老师、家长等在教育孩子或者是其它受教育者时,应该多采用鼓励的口吻,激发被教育者内在的能动性,
让被教育者先自我认可,然后自发的向教育者想要的方向发展。 ➢ 应用于职场人员管理
“世界上没有无用的员工,只有不会用人的老板”、“世界上的每一个人都是人才,那些表现笨拙的人,只 是他们的潜力还没有被充分开发而已。”
皮格马利翁效应,(Pygmalion Effect),又称罗森塔尔效应,也名期待效应。它是指热切的期望与赞美 能够产生奇迹。
罗森塔尔,全名罗伯特·罗森塔尔(Robert Rosenthal),生于1933年的德国,后移居美国。 罗森塔尔于1956年在加州大学洛杉矶分校获得博士学位,最开始研究临床心理学,后来转为 研究社会心理学。1962至1999年在哈佛大学任教,1992年出任心理学院院长。1999年自哈 佛退休后来到加利福尼亚大学,著有《行为研究纲要:方法与数据分析》。
类似于上面的这些话语,对于从事人力资源管理的人员来说,一定听过无数遍。这些话,说的对吗?说 的有点夸张,但绝对是正确的。这些话语的理论基础就是今天我们所说的皮格马利翁效应。
受到关注的学生,更加自信开朗,更加努力的学习,所以学习成绩越来越好。 罗森塔尔和雅克布森的实验结果和古希腊神话皮格马利翁的内容相似,所以他们把这一效应,称之为皮 格马利翁效应。
理论一:罗杰斯人本主义理论。罗杰斯人本主义理论强调人要积极看待自我的能力。人是具有主动性的个体 ,可以通过外部力量,尤其是教育者的激励变得更完善。 理论二:马斯洛需要层次理论:马斯洛认为人的需要是多层次的,而需要与激励内在统一,个体的内在需要 和外部激励相结合可以增强个体动机强度,达到激励效益。而期望与赞美是满足需要、激励人自我实现的有 效方式。 理论三:巴甫洛夫的阳性强化法:巴甫洛夫的阳性强化法认为,人们会因奖励而加强为他人所赞赏的行为; 因惩罚而减少不为人们所认同的行为。当“阳性强化法”被用于教学中,期待效应就会显现。 理论四:班杜拉的社会学习理论:班杜拉的社会学习理论认为,强化是使学习行为表现的必要因素。教师的 激励对学生的行为形成外部强化。学习除了强化外,还可以通过观察获得,因此,教师作为学生学习的对象 ,要从激励和自身榜样两方面关注自身行为。
高中英语选修8 u4 Pygmalion Reading

5. Why Eliza began to cry? Because _____. A. she thought Professor Higgins would arrest her B. the gentleman didn’t give her some money C. Pickering beat and scolded her D. there was no reason
In Shaw’s play, Professor Higgins is a man who does not like women either and is very rude to them. For a bet he agrees to teach a poor young woman so that she can be passed off as a rich lady in high class society. So, like Pygmalion, Higgins creates a perfect young woman. Both the statue and Eliza depend on their creator for their new life.
officer in Colonel ★ He is a(n) 14. ______ Pickering the army and later a friend of Higgins’. ★ He studies many Indian 15. ________ dialects and comes to England to make Higgins’ acquaintance.
3. The flower girl wanted to become ________. A. a duchess B. a shop assistant C. a lady D. a lady’s maid

My fair lady by George Bernard Shaw
乔治.萧伯纳 is an adaptation of a Greek story.
皮格马利翁效应”成为一个人只要对艺术对象有 着执着的追求精神,便会发生艺术感应的代名词。
America , famous psychologists, Robert Rosenthal(罗森塔尔)、 Jacobsen(雅各布森)
Robert Rosenthal Effect “罗森塔尔效应” 或“期待效应”
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢
The corollary of the Pygmalion effect is the Golem effect, in which low expectations lead to a decrease in performance. The Pygmalion effect and the golem effect are forms of selffulfilling prophecy, and, in this respect, people will internalize their positive labels, and those with positive labels succeed accordingly“
Theme of the Greek story: Pygmalion, an artist created a statue from stone and made it have a new life .

皮格马利翁效应作者:胡永启来源:《疯狂英语·新阅版》2018年第08期娓娓道来Pygmalion, King of Cyprus, was a famous sculptor. He made an ivory image of a woman so lovely that he fell in love with it. Every day he tried to make Galatea up in gold and purple, for that was the name he had given to this mistress of his heart. He embraced and kissed it, but it remained a statue. In despair he went to Aphrodites shrine (圣地) for help. Offering rich sacrifice and sending up a passionate prayer, he begged the goddess to give him a wife as graceful as Galatea. Back home, he went straight up to the statue. Even as he gazed at it, a change came over it. A faint colour appeared on its cheeks, a gleam shone from its eyes and its lips opened into a sweet smile. Pygmalion stood speechless when Galatea began to move towards him. She was simple and sweet and alive!Soon the room was ringing with her silver voice. The work of his own hands became his wife.塞浦路斯的國王皮格马利翁是一位有名的雕塑家。

皮格马利翁效应英语作文The Pygmalion Effect, also known as the self-fulfilling prophecy, is a psychological phenomenon where high expectations lead to improved performance. This concept is based on the story of Pygmalion, a sculptor from Greek mythology who fell in love with his own creation, a statue named Galatea. In the story, Pygmalion's devotion and belief in the statue's beauty ultimately led to it coming to life.In the context of psychology and education, the Pygmalion Effect refers to the idea that individuals will perform better when they are expected to do so. When teachers have high expectations for their students, those students are more likely to excel academically. Similarly, when managers have high expectations for their employees, they tend to perform better in their roles.The Pygmalion Effect demonstrates the power of belief and expectation in influencing outcomes. When people are given positive feedback and are encouraged to strive for success, they are more likely to reach their full potential. On the other hand, low expectations can lead to self-fulfilling prophecies of failure.In conclusion, the Pygmalion Effect highlights the importanceof fostering a positive and supportive environment where individuals are encouraged to believe in their own abilities and strive for excellence. By setting high expectations and providing encouragement, we can help others reach their full potential and achieve success.中文翻译:皮格马利翁效应,也被称为自我实现预言,是一种心理现象,即高期望会导致表现的提高。

• Pygmalion carved a
woman out of ivory(象 牙), but his statue was so fair(白皙的, 美丽的) and realistic that he fell in love with it. In time, Aphrodite's festival day came, and Pygmalion made offerings(祭品) at the altar of Aphrodite.
• He quietly wished that Aphrodite could bring his statue to life. When he returned home,
• he kissed his ivory statue, and found that its lips felt warm. He kissed it again, and found that the ivory had lost its hardness. His prayers brought to life as Galatea. • Pygmalion got married with her.
• Propoetides are the daughters of Propoetus from the city of Amathus on the island of Cyprus. The immoral Propoetides dared to deny that Venus was the goddess. • For this, because of her anger, they are said to have been the first to prostitute(使沦为妓女) their bodies and their reputations in public,and losing all sense of shame.

/pig’meiljən/ 皮格马利翁
Main characters:
a very talented sculptor who is the king of Cyprus in ancient Greece who loved his work, would spend hours carving beautiful ivory(象牙) statues, immersing himself in his art. Galatea (sleeping love) : the statue Pygmalion made Paphos: their child p 2
When Venus heard him, she went the home of the sculptor to see what it’s like. She was delighted when she saw Galatea. She thought it looked a lot like her, so she brought it to life. When Pygmalion returned home, he went to see the statue, and leaning over the couch, gave a kiss to her mouth. It seemed to be warm. He pressed her lips again, it felt so soft to his touch. Galatea was alive and smiled at him!
Pygmalion saw too much to blame in women that he came at last to abhor(憎恨) the sex and resolved to live unmarried (reason). One day, he choose a large , beautiful piece of ivory, and worked diligently at it, chiseling(用凿子凿开) and hammering(捶打)until he finished. It was a statue of a beautiful lady which was so perfect that it looked like the workmanship of nature.

1. 皮格马利翁效应简介皮格马利翁效应是指热切的期望与赞美能够产生奇迹:期望者通过一种强烈的心理暗示,使被期望者的行为达到他的预期要求。
2. 对英语教学的启示2.1 注重情感交流,创设积极的课堂氛围教师的职责不但要传授知识、训练技能、还要创设宽松和谐的课堂气氛,教师要激发学生的积极情感,克服消极情感,这就要求教师在讲课过程中语言准确、生动、活泼、形象,富有感染力和情趣。

皮格马利翁效应的英文The Pygmalion Effect, also known as the Rosenthal Effect or Expectation Effect, is a psychological phenomenon. It describes the expectations or predictions formed by people based on their perception of a certain situation, which will have the effect of adapting to this expectation or prediction in that situation. Specifically, when people eagerly expect something or someone to reach a certain state, this expectation can often come true because the expectant will use a strong psychological suggestion to make the expected person's behavior meet their expected requirements.This effect is particularly significant in the field of education. The expectations and beliefs of teachers towards students greatly affect their learning achievement and performance. If teachers have positive expectations for students and express them through encouragement, praise, and other means, students often become more confident, work harder, and ultimately achieve better grades. On the contrary, if teachers hold a negative attitude or have low expectations towards students, it may undermine their confidence and enthusiasm, thereby affecting their learning outcomes.The Pygmalion effect also applies to work and family life. Leaders and parents can also stimulate employees' work enthusiasm and creativity, as well as children's confidence and creativity, through positive expectations and praise.Overall, the Pygmalion effect reveals the significant impact of expectations and trust on individual actual performance. Through sincere attitude and sincere appreciation, we can mobilize the enthusiasm of others and encourage them to develop in the direction we expect.。

皮格马利翁效应∶Pygmalion Effect编辑本段皮格马利翁效应概述皮格马利翁效应,也有译“毕马龙效应”、“比马龙效应”,由美国著名心理学家罗森塔尔和雅格布森在小学教学上予以验证提出。
亦称“罗森塔尔效应(RobertRosenthal Effect) 或”“期待效应”。
1963 年,罗森塔尔和福德告诉学生实验者,用来进行迷津实验的老鼠来自不同的种系:聪明鼠和笨拙鼠。
1968 年,两位美国心理学家来到一所小学,他们从一至六年级中各选3 个班,在学生中进行了一次煞有介事的“发展测验”。
8 个月后,他们又来到这所学校进行复试,结果名单上的学生成绩有了显著进步,而且情感、性格更为开朗,求知欲望强,敢于发表意见,与教师关系也特别融洽。
Pygmalion 皮格马利翁

PygmalionAct ThreeMrs. Higgins' drawing room. Higgins bursts in and tells his mother he has picked up a "common flower girl" whom he has been teaching. Mrs. Higgins is not very impressed with her son's attempts to win her approval because it is her 'at home' day and she is entertaining visitors. The visitors are the Eynsford-Hills. Higgins is rude to them on their arrival. Eliza enters and soon falls into talking about the weather and her family. Whilst she is now able to speak in beautifully modulated tones, the substance of what she says remains unchanged from the gutter. She confides her suspicions that aunt was killed by relatives, and mentions that gin had been "mother's milk" to this aunt, and that Eliza's own father was always more cheerful after a good amount of gin. Higgins passes off her remarks as "the new small talk", and Freddy is enraptured. When she is leaving, he asks her if she is going to walk across the park, to which she replies, "Walk? Not bloody likely!" (This is the most famous line from the play, and, for many years after the play's debut, use of the word 'bloody' was known as a pygmalion; Mrs. Campbell was considered to have risked her career by speaking the line on stage.) After she and the Eynsford-Hills leave, Henry asks for his mother's opinion. She says the girl is not presentable and is very concerned about what will happen to her, but neither Higgins nor Pickering understand her thoughts of Eliza's future, and leave feeling confident and excited about how Eliza will get on. This leaves Mrs. Higgins feeling exasperated, and exclaiming, "Men! Men!! Men!!!" However, the six months are not yet up, and just in time for the Embassy Ball Eliza learns to behave properly as well as to speak properly. The challenge she faces is increased, however, by the presence at the Ball of Nepommuck, a former pupil of Higgins' who speaks 32 languages and is acting as an interpreter for a "Greek diplomatist" who was in fact born the son of a Clerkenwell watchmaker and "speaks English so villainously that he dare not utter a word of it lest he betray his origin." Nepommuck charges him handsomely for helping keep up the pretence. Pickering worries that Nepommuck will see through Eliza's disguise; nonetheless, Eliza is presented to the Ball's hosts, who, impressed by this vision of whom they know nothing, despatch Nepommuck to find out about her. Meanwhile Higgins, the interesting work done, rapidly loses interest in proceedings as he sees that no-one will see through Eliza. Indeed, Nepommuck returns to his hosts to report that he has detected that Eliza is not English, as she speaks it too perfectly ("only those who have been taught to speak it speak it well"), and that she is, in fact, Hungarian, and of Royal blood. When asked, Higgins responds with the truth - and no-one believes him.。

皮格马利翁英文作文改写Pikachu, the iconic electric-type Pokémon, is knownfor its cute appearance and powerful electric attacks. With its lightning-fast speed and cheeky personality, Pikachu has captured the hearts of Pokémon fans around the world.Pikachu's signature move, Thunderbolt, can unleash a powerful electric shock that can paralyze its opponents.Its agility and quick reflexes make it a formidable opponent in battles, and its cute and cuddly appearance makes it a favorite among Pokémon trainers.In the Pokémon animated series, Pikachu is the loyal companion of Ash Ketchum, and the two share a strong bond that helps them overcome many challenges. Pikachu's determination and bravery have made it a beloved character in the Pokémon univ erse.Pikachu's popularity extends beyond the Pokémon franchise, as it has become a symbol of Japanese popculture and a beloved mascot for the Pokémon brand. Its image can be found on merchandise, clothing, and even in parades and events around the world.Overall, Pikachu's combination of cuteness and power has made it a beloved and iconic character in the world of Pokémon, and its impact on popular culture is undeniable. Whether in battle or as a symbol of friendship, Pikachu continues to capture the imagination of fans everywhere.。
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Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can and should be and he will become as he can and should be. ----Goethe
• Teachers may use the Pygmalion Effect to encourage students to think in positive way and stimulate them to succeed.ຫໍສະໝຸດ Self-perception
• People who believe that they are capable of achieving the things which they set out to do are usually more likely to do so.
The Result
• By the Pygmalion Effect, people internalize their positive labels, and those with positive labels succeed accordingly.
The uses of the Pygmalion Effect
What is the Pygmalion Effect? • The Pygmalion Effect is the phenomenon whereby the greater the expectation placed upon people, the better they perform.
• • • in business in education in self-perception
• The Pygmalion Effect plays an important role in the working world because bosses may influence the success of employees by expecting them to rise and overcome challenges.
The power of the expectations
for others
Expectation for ourselves
For others
We should praise, encourage, appreciate and trust others.
Konosuke Matsushita 松下幸之助
Positive expectations and encouragement can stimulate us, but others’ negative comments to us are always obstructions.
What should we do to deal with the negative comments?
• Firstly, face them correctly. • Secondly, learn to encourage ourselves.
For ourselves
Be confident and positive
We will get what we expect.
The Introducers
• Rozentali(罗森塔尔)
• Lenore Jacobson (雅各布森)
The experiment
• California elementary school students were considered as the “spurters” in the IQ test.