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Liberty, Love! These two I need. For my love I will sacrifice life, For liberty I will sacrifice my love.
自由与爱情, 我需要这两样。 为了爱情, 我牺牲我的生命, 为了自由, 我又牺牲了我的爱情。 (兴万生译) 生命诚可贵, 爱情价更高; 若为自由故, 两者皆可抛。 (殷夫译)
2. 翻译(研究)能否成为一门科学? 反方(实践派):劳 陇、张经浩等 正方 (文化派或理论派):谢天振、张南峰、杨自 俭、王东风等西方翻译理论派
1. 翻译研究流派或时期划分
( 1 )奈 达: 语文学派、语言学派、交际学派和社 会符号学派( Nida,1984: 9-15 ) ( 2 )根茨勒: 美国翻译培训班派、翻译科学派、 早期翻译研究派、多元体系派和解构主义派(E. Gentzler,转引自廖七一,2000:17) ( 3 )吕俊: 语文学研究阶段、结构主义现代语言 学研究阶段、后结构主义研究阶段、建构主义研 究阶段(吕俊,2001:56-58)
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
A. 作者中心论范式、结构主义语言学的文 本中心论范式、读者反应的译者中心论 范式 B. 语文学范式、结构主义语言学范式和后 结构主义范式 (语用学范式???)
3. 各范式的哲学基础、特征及典型译论 (1)语文学范式(Philological Paradigm) 哲学基础:直觉主义哲学 特 征:神秘主义、强调灵顿与感悟 典型译论:“神似”、“化境”
典型译论、代表人物、代表作品: ◆解构主义翻译研究(Deconstruction)
◆多元系统论(Polysystem Theory)
文化转向 (Cultural Turn) 规范论 (Norm)
操控派和改写派 (manipulation)
(Cultural School)
后殖民翻译研究 (Post-colonialism) 女性主义翻译研究 (Feminism)
多元系统论 (Polysystem Theory )
代表人物: 埃文-佐哈尔(Itamar Evan- Zohar) Papers in Historical Poetics 西奥•赫曼斯 (Theo Hermans) Translation in Systems: Descriptive and SystemOriented Approaches Explained 关键词: (1) System (2) Descriptive studies (3) Translated literature (4) Adequacy and acceptability
1. 范式: 托马斯· 库恩在《科学革命的结构》中提出“范式” 的概念。库恩对科学发展持历史阶段论,认为每一个 科学发展阶段都有特殊的内在结构,而体现这种结构 的模型即“范式”。范式(Paradigm)就是某一个历史 时期为大部分共同体成员所广泛承认的问题、方向、 方法、手段、过程、标准等等 。
提倡“异化”翻译,突出源语文本语言和文化上的 差异
1. “怡红院” :Court of Green Delight “怡红公子” : Green Boy 2. “阿弥陀佛” :God bless my soul (Amitabha) 3. “巧妇难为无米之炊”
主要观点:翻译是一种社会行为,翻译规范是内化了 的规则,翻译过程中的所有决策受规范的制约。
期待规范(expectancy norms)案例
IT may be safely assumed that, two thousand years ago, before Caesar set foot in southern Britain, the whole country-side visible from the windows of the room in which I write, was in what is called "the state of nature." Except, it may be, by raising a few sepulchral mounds, such as those which still, here and there, break the flowing contours of the downs, man's hands had made no mark upon it; and the thin veil of vegetation which overspread the broad-backed heights and the shelving sides of the coombs was unaffected by his industry. The native grasses and weeds, the scattered patches of gorse, contended with one another for the possession of the scanty surface soil; they fought against the droughts of summer, the frosts of winter, and the furious gales which swept, with unbroken force, now from the Atlantic, and now from the North Sea, at all times of the year; they filled up, as they best might, the gaps made in their ranks by all sorts of underground and overground animal ravagers. One year with another, an average population, the floating balance of the unceasing struggle for existence among the indigenous plants, maintained itself. It is as little to be doubted, that an essentially similar state of nature prevailed, in this region, for many thousand years before the coming of Caesar; and there is no assignable reason for denying that it might continue to exist through an equally prolonged futurity, except for the intervention of man.
从翻译研究的范式演进看 翻译学的学科构成
The Make-up of Translation Studies Viewed from Its Paradigm Shifts
1. 范式的概念 2. 翻译能够为“学”吗?
1. 翻译研究流派或时期划分 2. 翻译研究范式划分 3. 各范式的哲学基础、特征及典型译论
(2)语言学范式(Linguistic Paradigm) 哲学基础:认识论主体哲学(理性哲学) 特 征:科学主义、强调语言的共性 、 逻格斯中心 典型译论: “忠实”、“对等”、“等 效”
( 3)后结构主义范式(Post-structuralism Paradigm) 哲学基础:解释哲学、后现代哲学 特 征:人本主义、反理性、反传统、 否定中 心、否认标准、强调 多元、凸显差异、强调他者
◆目的论(Skopos Theory )
◆ 解构主义文化理论代表人物: 德里达(Jacque Derrida)、福柯(Michel Foucault)、 巴特(Roland Barthes) ◆解构主义翻译思想代表人物及作品: 沃尔特•本亚明(Walter Benjamin) The Task of the Translator ◆ 关键词:译文与原文地位平等、译者是创新的主体、 翻译文本是创造的新语言 ◆ 译者地位的提高:作者死了 原作者死了 翻译 即创作 翻译文学不是外国文学,属于国别文学
(1) 翻译研究派
(Translation Studies School )
A. 规范论 ( Norm) 代表人物及其作品:
(1) Gideon Toury: Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond (2) Andrew Chesterman: Memes of Translation (3) Theo. Hermans: Norms and the Determination of Translation
He made you a highway to my bed; But I, a maid, die maiden-widowed.
他要借你[软梯]做牵引相思的桥梁, 可是我却要做一个独守空闺的怨女而死去。 (朱生豪 译) 他本要借你做捷径,登上我的床; 可怜我这处女,活守寡,到死是处女。 (方平 译)
B. 操控学派 (Manipulation)& 改写理论 (Rewriting) 代表人物: Evan-Zohar, AndréLefevere, Toury 等
◆ “All translation implies a degree of manipulation of the source text for certain purpose” (Hermans, 1985) ◆ “Translation is a obviously recognizable type of rewriting”(Lefevere 1992) . It is a process which manipulates ST by adjusting it to fit in with two important constrains: ideology and poetics. André Lefevere: Translations, Rewriting, and the Manipulation of Literature Fame
赫胥黎独处一室之中,在英伦之南,背山而面野,槛外诸境,历历如在几下。乃悬想二千年前, 当罗马大将恺撒未到时,此间有何景物?计惟有天造草昧,人功未施,其借征人境者,不过几 处荒坟,散见坡陀起伏间,而灌木丛林,蒙茸山麓,未经删治如今日者,则无疑也。怒生之草, 交加之藤,势如争长相雄,各据一抔壤土。夏与畏日争,冬与严霜争,四时之内,飘风怒吹, 或西发西洋,或东起北海,旁午交扇,无时而息,上有鸟兽之践啄,下有蚁蝝之啮伤。憔悴孤 虚,旋生旋灭。菀枯顷刻,莫可究详。是离离者亦各尽天能,以自存种族而已。数亩之内,战 事炽然,强者后亡,弱者先绝。年年岁岁,偏有遗留。未知始自何年,更不知止于何代。苟人 事不施于其间,则莽莽榛榛,长此互相吞并,混逐蔓延而已,而诘之者谁耶? (《天演论》首段 严复译)
(2) 后殖民翻译研究
代表人物以作品: Lawrence Venuti: Translator’s Invisibility: A History of Translation The Scandals of Translation: Towards an Ethics of Difference Maria Tymoczco: Translation in a Postcolonial Context: Early Irish Literature in English Translation 主要观点: