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构成㊁变化㊁运用等ꎬ 特点是规律性强㊁ 灵活性较小ꎮ 旨在考
一 ㊁ 同义句转换
型ꎬ它综合考查语法㊁词汇㊁短语或习惯用语和句型结 ㊀ ㊀ 同义句转换题是近几年英语中考的一个常考题 个挖了空的句子ꎬ 要求同学们在空格处填上适当词ꎬ 使之与上句在意义上相同或相近ꎮ (4) 用名词短语改写ꎮ
We don������t know where we shall meet. ңWe don������t know where He is so weak that he can������t carry it. ңHe is too weak to car ̄ (2) 用介词短语改写ꎮ
He spent 4ꎬ000 yuan on the computer. ң He paid 4ꎬ000 yuan for the computer. ңThe computer cost him 4ꎬ000 yuan. We have lessons from Monday to Friday in a week. ң We
have lessons every day except Saturday and Sunday. the watch.
That watch doesn������t work. ң There is something wrong with
Emma likes pork. Linda likes porkꎬ too. ң Emma likes pork. So does Linda.
构等知识ꎮ 它的形式是给出一个原句ꎬ 紧接着给出一
我们发现这类题目主要考查以下几个方面: 1. 简单句与简单句之间的转换ꎮ
Could you tell me how I can get to the park? ңCould you tell me the way to the park? lest boy in his class. He is taller than any other boy in his class. ңHe is the tal ̄ (5) 用最高级改写ꎮ
(2) 对其他成分提问ꎬ用 疑问词 + 一般疑问句语序 ꎮ
He has already finished the work. ңHe hasn������t finished the work yet. 动词用单数形式ꎻneither. . . nor. . . 连接两个主语时ꎬ 谓语动 (3) all ң noneꎬ both ң neitherꎬ both. . . and ң neither. . . norꎬ此时ꎬ谓语动词仍用肯定形式ꎬ 但当 neither 作主语ꎬ 谓语
ңNeither Lucy nor Lily has finished the book. (2) 用分词短语改写ꎮ
Lucy hasn������t finished the work. Lily hasn������t finished itꎬeither.
instead of him because he was ill that he can������t walk any further.
The room is quite large. It can hold 100 people. ңThe room
I went to bed after my father came back. ңI didn������t go to bed (6) 一些常见句型及习惯用法之间的转换ꎮ
to meet. ry it.
He was illꎬso I went to do it instead of him. I went to do it (3) 将两个简单句改成含有状语从句的复合句ꎮ
(2) 将并列句改成含原因状语从句的复合句ꎮ
He is very tired. He can������t walk any further. ңHe is so tired (4) 将两个简单句改成含有宾语从句的复合句ꎮ
asks me if I studied in the school last year. (5) 将复合句改为另一复合句ꎮ until my father came back.
Did you study in the school last year? He asks me. ң He
is large enough to hold 100 people. 3. 将复合句改为简单句ꎮ (1) 用不定式改写ꎮ
3) 对画线部分提问ꎮ
He can speak Chinese and English. ңHe can������t speak Chi ̄ nese or English. bikeꎬeither.
据语意选择相应的疑问句语序ꎬ句末改用问号ꎮ 这时我们要 (1) 对主语或主语的定语提问时ꎬ 用陈述句语序ꎮ 对定
ing telephone.
I saw it happen when I was going to school. ңOn my way to schoolꎬI saw it happen. news she began to cry. When she heard the news she began to cry. ңHearing the (3) 用分词短语改写ꎮ
It������s time for school ңIt������s time to go to school. Let������s go out for a walk. ңWhat / How about going out for a Phone is short for telephone. ңPhone is another way of say ̄
(1) 将并列句改成含有条件状语从句的复合句ꎮ
but alsoꎬnot. . . but 并列连词或词组改写ꎮ
We lived in a small village. Its name is Gum Tree. ңWe lived in small village called / named Gum Tree. thin for us to walk on. The ice is very thin. We can������t walk on it. ңThe ice is too (3) 用 too. . . toꎬenough to 等不定式结构改写ꎮ
主要考查学生对语法知Fra Baidu bibliotek的运用能力ꎬ基本上采用限定词填 2. 该题型主要考查同学们的语言基础知识㊁句子结构的
般在 5 ~ 10 分左右ꎮ 句型转换是中考英语的传统考查方式ꎬ
㊀ ㊀ 1. 从 2012 年全国中考试卷来看ꎬ 句型转换所占分数一
第三单元 ㊀ 句 型 转 换
子( 句式转换) ꎮ
查考生用不同的方法和句型结构来表达相同㊁相近或相反的 语意的能力ꎬ训练灵活运用语言的技巧ꎮ 3. 从题型上看ꎬ句型转换可分两大类: 一类是同义句㊁近义句的转换ꎻ 另一类是按要求改写句
It������s very heavy. Can you help me? ңIt������s very heavy. Can you give me a hand? Gao. Miss Gao teaches us English. ңWe learn English from Miss 2. 将两个句子或并列句改变为简单句ꎮ (1) 用 both. . . andꎬeither. . . orꎬneither. . . norꎬnot only. . . (2) 运用反义词近义词的否定式改写ꎮ
David spent half an hour on his homework last night. ңDa ̄ vid spent half an hour( in) doing his homework last night. ңIt took David half an hour to do his homework last night.
(1) 运用同义词或近义词( 词组) 改写ꎮ 如:
4. 将并列句或两个简单句改为复合句ꎮ
you������ll pass the exam. late.
Work hardꎬand you������ll pass the exam. ң If you work hardꎬ Hurry upꎬor we������ll be late. ңIf we don������t hurry upꎬwe������ll be
1) 改变谓语结构ꎮ
1. 肯定句改为否定句 在系动词 be㊁ 助动词 beꎬhave / has / hadꎬwillꎬshallꎬwouldꎬ
其前面加 do not( don������t) ꎬdoes not( doesn������t) 或 did not( didn������t ) ꎬ He will write the book in two months. ңHe won������t write the book in two months. work this afternoon. We can finish the work this afternoon. ңWe can������t finish the 2) 用 含 否 定 意 义 的 词 ( 如: neverꎬ nothingꎬ nobodyꎬ none (1) always / ever ңneverꎬand ңor. 如: He was always late for school last term. ңHe was never late They have ever read the book. ңThey have never read the 并将第三人称动词或过去式改为原形ꎮ 如:
4) 注意大小写和拼写ꎮ
3) 注意根据所空的位置的数量确定需要填写的单词ꎻ
2) 注意两个句子的句型特点和意义联系ꎻ
1) 注意两个句子的搭配形式ꎻ
第三单元㊀ 句 型 转 换
二㊁ 句 式 转 换
式的句子ꎬ如陈述句改为一般疑问句㊁特殊疑问句㊁反 ㊀ ㊀ 句式转换即按照指定要求将原句改写成其他形 单句或简单句改为复合句等ꎮ 句应用 can������tꎮ 如: 意疑问句㊁感叹句ꎬ肯定句改为否定句ꎬ 复合句改为简 4) 当 must 表示推测ꎬ 表示 一定㊁ 肯定 的含义时ꎬ 否定 2. 改为疑问句 He must be in the room. ңHe can������t be in the room.
should 和情态动词后加 not( n������t ) ꎮ 如果句中没有这些词ꎬ 则
1) 一般疑问句ꎮ end of last term. ң end of last term? they?
The students had learned about 1ꎬ000 English words by the Had the students learned about 1ꎬ000 English words by the The twins have never been to the Summer Palaceꎬ have
的某一成分ꎬ使之成为一个特殊问句ꎮ 其方法主要是: 先依
(2) too ңnot. . . eitherꎬalready ңnot. . . yet. 如: He goes to school by bikeꎬtoo. ңHe doesn������t go to school by
语提问时ꎬ所修饰的名词应放在疑问词后ꎮ (3) 选择恰当的疑问词ꎮ 如:
2) 反意疑问句ꎮ
neitherꎬlittle few 等) for school last term. book.
will you? 如:
注:Let������s 和 Let us 祈使句的附加问句分别为 shall we 或
Let������s go out for a walkꎬshall we? Let us go swimmingꎬwill you? 对画线部分提问ꎬ就是用一个合适的疑问词去替代句中