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(一)看例句,分析many和much 在句中充当的句子成分:

1.many have been asked, but few are able to answer.问了很多人,但很少有人能回答。

2.many hands make light work.人多好办事。

3.We only have those seats. There are not many.我们只有那么多位子。不多。

4.Much remain s to be done. 还有很多工作要做。

5.I can’t leave now, I have much work to do. 我现在还不能走,我还有很多工作要做。

6.We only have 300 yuan . There is not much. 我们只有300元钱,不多。


(二)用法:(请生回答)many作主语时,谓语动词用复数;much作主语时谓语动词用单数。名词前若有the/my your/our/their/this/that/these/those/it/what等,此时不能直接用many/much,需用many of/much of.


二.用many ,much, many of ,much of填空:

1. the news on this page concerns the progress of the peace conference.

2.We should speed up the work, for it hasn’t been finished. I

3. I invited all my friends, but them did n’t come.

(三)比较级,最高级:many/much –more –most

造句:1.我比你多书:I have more books than you.

2.我们班上最流行的一句话是:根本停不下来!:The most popular sentence in our class is “can not stop doing”.

二、few 和little的用法

用a little, a few 填空:

1.Except for datum errors, your report is very well written.

2.However busy you may be, you should take time for amusement.


1. a few/few(有一些)+可数名词复数(肯定)

a little /little+不可数名词(肯定)



用a little, a few, little, few 填空:

如:It’s pretty cold, there are people in the swimming pool.

It’s not very cold, there are people in the swimming pool.

There is milk in the fridge, I need to buy some.

There is milk in the fridge, I don’t to buy any right now.

(二)比较级,最高级:little-less-least; few-fewer-fewest


1.He did the work and got the money.(little/many)

2.Who makes the of the three ?(few)

3.I was given cake and biscuits than she had.(little/few)

习惯短语: a great/good many 很多

as many as 和……一样多

as much as 和……一样多

as much as I know 就我所知

be too much 太过分了

many happy returns长命百岁

many a little makes a mickle积少成多

总结本节课知识点:many和much的用法;few, a few; little, a little 的用法(请生总结要点+师补充)。
