种类中文名称英文名称中文名称英文名称模具种类连续模Progressive die 冲孔模Pierce die 机械手Transfer die 剪边模Trimming die 手动机械手Hand transfer die 下料模Blanking die 单工程模Single die 成形模Forming die 铸造结构模Cast die 折弯模Bending die 简易模Prototype die 围边模Flange die 铆合模Riveting die 拉伸模Draw die 复合模Compound die 快换模Changeable die工序类料带strip 料带图strip layout 工序process 冲导正孔pilot pierce 冲孔pierce 侧冲cam pierce 切边notch 切侧刃notch french 折弯bend 墩薄coin成形form 侧成形cam form 整形restrike 围边flange打凸米boss / dimple 打凸包emboss打字印stamp 打沙拉孔hourglass 面押coin burr 抽孔extrude hole 拍平flat 卷圆curl种类中文名称英文名称中文名称英文名称工序类旋转rotate 铆接rivet产品切边线trim line 铆螺母stake nut 切断cutoff 接刀口mismatch 料带带料处carrier tab 毛刺方向burr direction压线groove 下料blanking模板类上托板top plate 下托板bottom plate 上垫脚upper parallel 下垫脚lower parallel 上模座upper die set 下模座lower die set 上垫板punch backup 下垫板lower backup 上夹板punch holder 下夹板die holder 上脱料板stripper 下模板die plate 冲头punch 凹模die零件类浮块lifter 浮料板lifter plate 成型公form punch 压料块pressure pad 切边冲头trim punch 刀口trim steel 沉头孔counter bore 冲孔入子button 顶针kick off / ejector 废料切断刀slug breaker 成型凹模forming die 整形公restrike punch 导尺rail 导尺顶杆lifter bolt 导料板rail plate 镶件/入子insert侧冲组件cam 滑块slide滑块上油槽oil groove 铲机driver 码模槽mounting slot 储运块storage block 限位柱stop block 起吊孔handing hole 起吊环eyebolt 靠块heel脱料拉杆spool 模座导正块thrust heel种类中文名称英文名称中文名称英文名称零件类耐磨片wear plate 垫片shim 压块keeper 初始管位first start pin 键槽key slot 键key氮气弹簧nitrogen spring 螺旋弹簧coil spring 聚氨酯弹簧urethane 导柱guide post导套guide bushing 插针pilot pin 插针套pilot bushing 侧刃french传感器sensor 销dowel螺丝screw 拔牙jackscrew 垫圈washer 盲销blind dowel压毛边冲头deburring punch 挡块stopping plate压线冲头groove punch 定位块location block字模冲头stamp punch 圆冲头round punch压筋冲头ribbon punch 气垫板air cushion plate 异形冲头special shape punch 气垫顶杆air-cushion eject-rod 切边冲头trimming punch 上压块pressure block加强筋冲头stiffening rib punch 弹簧箱spring box 定位板guide plate 弹簧箱顶杆spring-box eject-rod 压边圈binder 弹簧箱顶板spring-box eject-plate公差类公差tolerance 公差范围tolerance range 上公差upper tolerance 下公差lower tolerance 公差+/- 0.05 plus minus 0.05 形位公差图GD&T 平面度flatness 直线度Straightness 倾斜度angularity 垂直度perpendicularity 平行度parallelism 圆度roundness种类中文名称英文名称中文名称英文名称公差类圆柱度cylindricity 面轮廓度surface profile 线轮廓度line profile 位置度true position 同轴度concentricity 对称度symmetry 圆跳动runout 全跳动total runout 尺寸dimension 角度值angle degree 尺寸全检报告dimensional layout 三次元尺寸报告CMM report冲床相机械冲床mechanical press 油压机hydraulic press 吨位tonnage 行程stroke / travel关冲床上台面ram 冲床下台面bolster 冲床台面布置图press layout 冲床上的快速对正QDC 冲床气垫air cushion 码仔stirrup闭合高度shut height T型槽T-slot送料机feeder 送料高度feeding height工具卡尺caliper 千分尺micrometer 直尺ruler 高度尺height gage 丝攻screw tap 起子screwdriver 拨牙器jacker 扳手wrench风磨机hand grinder 油石oil stone加工类开料cutting material 钻drill (DR) 攻牙tap 铰ream铣mill 车lathe 电脑锣NC mill 线切割wire cutting(W/C) 磨grind 刨planer 电火花EDM 镭射laser cutting 倒角chamfer xx的精加工finish XX真空热处理vacuum heat treatment 镀钛TD coating 退磁demagnetization 烧焊weld4.1.2 加工说明对照表:加工说明Machining Note注:有0.00的地方为数据填入处外导套OUTER GUIDE BUISHING 起吊杆HANDING PIN实数铣通MILL THRU 正反两面各铣TOP SIDE AND OPP SIDE MILLX:-¢0.00(氮气弹弓过孔,锣穿)单+0.00X:-¢0.00 (DR.THRU FOR GAS SPRING) S+0.00X:-¢0.00(氮气弹弓沉头,正面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00.)X:-¢0.00 ( CNC C'BORE TOP SIDE FOR GAS SPRING, S+0.00, DP0.00)X:-¢0.00(氮气弹弓沉头,反面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00.)X:-¢0.00 (CNC C'BORE OPP SIDE FOR GAS SPRING, S+0.00, DP0.00)X:-¢0.00(合销孔,铰)X:-¢0.00 (REAM FOR DOWEL)X:-¢0.00(合销孔,割)单+0.00X:-¢0.00 (W/C FOR DOWEL) S+0.00(正面沉头¢0.00*0.00深,内攻M0.00*1.5牙)(¢0.00*0.00 C'BORE DP0.00 TOP SIDE, TAP M0.00*1.5 THR)(反面沉头¢0.00*0.00深,内攻M0.00*1.5牙)X:-¢0.00(合销孔,钻穿)X:-¢0.00 (DR.THRU FOR DOWEL)X:-¢0.00(一般孔,钻穿)X:-¢0.00 (DR.THRU HL)X:-¢0.00(穿丝孔,钻穿)X:-¢0.00 (DR.THRU FOR WEDM S.H.)X:-¢0.00(漏油孔,钻穿) 按向视图加工X:-¢0.00 (DR.THRU FOR DRAIN HL) ACCORDING VIEW DRAWING TO MACHINING X:-(漏油槽,反面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:- (CNC POCKET OPP.SIDE FOR DRAIN, S+0.00, DP0.00)X:-¢0.00(基准孔,铰)X:-¢0.00 (REAM FOR DATUM HL)X:-¢0.00钻穿(螺丝过孔)内攻M0.00牙X:-¢0.00 (DR.THRU FOR CLEARANCE HL, TAP M0.00 THR)(正面沉头¢0.00*0.00深)(¢0.00*0.00 C'BORE DP0.00 TOP SIDE)(反面沉头¢0.00*0.00深)(¢0.00*0.00 C'BORE DP0.00 OPP. SIDE)(侧面沉头¢0.00*0.00深)(¢0.00*0.00 C'BORE DP0.00 EDGE SIDE)X:-M0.00钻穿,反面攻深0.00,有效牙0.00X:-M0.00 DR.THRU, TAP DP0.00 OPP.SIDE, THR DP0.00)X:-M0.00钻穿,正面攻深0.00,有效牙0.00X:-M0.00 DR.THRU, TAP DP0.00 TOP SIDE, THR DP0.00)X:-M0.00钻穿,正反面攻深0.00,有效牙0.00X:-M0.00 DR.THRU, TAP DP0.00 TOP&OPP. SIDE, THR DP0.00)X:-M0.00盲孔,反面攻深0.00,有效牙0.00X:-M0.00 BLIND HL, TAP WORK DP0.00 OPP. SIDE)X:-M0.00盲孔,正面攻深0.00,有效牙0.00X:-M0.00 BLIND HL, TAP WORK DP0.00 TOP SIDE, THR DP0.00)X:-M0.00盲孔,正反面攻深0.00,有效牙0.00X:-M0.00 BLIND HL, TAP DP0.00 TOP&OPP. SIDE, THR DP0.00)X:-M0.00盲孔,侧面分中攻深0.00,组模自配X:-M0.00 BLIND HL, TAP DP0.00 ON EDGE FROM CENTER , DIE MAKER FIT)(侧面沉头¢0.00*0.00深)(¢0.00*0.00 C'BORE DP0.00 EDGE SIDE)X:-M0.00盲孔,侧面分中钻深0.00X:-M0.00 BLIND HL, DR. DP0.00 ON EDGE FROM CENTER X:-M0.00(拨牙螺丝孔,攻穿)X:-M0.00 TAP.THRU FOR JACK SCREWX:-¢0.00(塞打过孔,钻穿)X:-¢0.00 DR.THRU FOR SPOOLX:-¢0.00(弹弓过孔,钻穿)X:-¢0.00 DR.THRU FOR SPRINGX:-¢0.00(弹弓孔,反面沉深0.00)有效深0.00X:-¢0.00(弹弓孔,正面沉深0.00)有效深0.00X:-(避空孔,锣穿)单+0.00X:- (POCKET THRU)S+0.00X:-(避空孔,正面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:- (POCKET, CNC MILL S+0.00 DP0.00 TOP SIDE)X:-(避空孔,反面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:- (POCKET, CNC MILL S+0.00 DP0.00 OPP SIDE)X:-¢0.00(避空孔,反面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:-¢0.00 (POCKET, CNC MILL S+0.00, DP0.00 OPP.SIDE) X:-¢0.00(避空孔,正面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:-¢0.00 (POCKET, CNC MILL S+0.00, DP0.00 EDGE SIDE) X:-¢0.00(两用销过孔,割)单+0.00X:-¢0.00 (LIFTER PIN, W/C S+0.00)X:-(导尺避空,CNC单+0.00锣穿)X:- (POCKET FOR RAIL, CNC MILL THRU, S+0.00)X:-(导尺避空,正面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:-(导尺避空,反面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:-(浮块避空,正面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:-(浮块孔,割)单+0.00(反面避空单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:-(LIFTER HL, W/C)S+0.00(POCKET DP0.00 S+0.00 OPP.SIDE)X:-(浮块孔,锣)单+0.00(反面避空单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:-(LIFTER HL, MILL)S+0.00(POCKET DP0.00 S+0.00 OPP.SIDE)X:-¢0.00(顶针孔,钻穿)(反面沉头¢0.00*0.00深,内攻M0.00*1.5牙)X:-¢0.00 (EJECT PIN, DR.THRU.)(¢0.00 C'BORE DP0.00 OPP. SIDE, TAP M0.00*1.5 THR) X:-¢0.00(顶针孔,钻穿)(正面沉头¢0.00*0.00深,内攻M0.00*1.5牙)X:-¢0.00 (EJECT PIN, DR.THRU.)(¢0.00 C'BORE DP0.00 TOP SIDE, TAP M0.00*1.5 THR) X:-¢0.00(导柱(导套)孔,CNC锣)单+0.00X:-¢0.00 CNC MILL FOR GUIDE PIN(BUSHING) S+0.00 X:-¢0.00(导柱(导套)孔,割)单+0.00X:-¢0.00 W/C FOR GUIDE PIN(BUSHING) S+0.00X:-M0.00*1.5(止付螺丝,正面攻深0.00)X:-M0.00*1.5(SET SCREW, TAP DP0.00 TOP SIDE)X:-M0.00*1.5(止付螺丝,反面攻深0.00)X:-M0.00*1.5(SET SCREW, TAP DP0.00 OPP SIDE)X:-(入子孔,CNC单+0.00,锣穿)X:-(INSERT HL, CNC MILL THRU S+0.00)(阴影部分正面沉头单+0.00,锣深0.00)(SHADE AREA, MILL DP0.00 S+0.00 TOP SIDE)(阴影部分反面沉头单+0.00,锣深0.00)(SHADE AREA, MILL DP0.00 S+0.00 OPP SIDE)X:-(入子孔,割)单+0.00X:-(INSERT HL, W/C S+0.00)(阴影部分扣位正面锣深0.00)(SHADE AREA FOR HEAD POCKET, MILL DP0.00 TOP SIDE)(阴影部分扣位反面锣深0.00)(SHADE AREA FOR HEAD POCKET, MILL DP0.00 OPP. SIDE)(正面沉头单+0.00,锣深0.00)(POCKET, MILL DP0.00 TOP SIDE)注: 此处的沉头不能用C'BORE, 只有圆形的沉头才用C'BORE.(反面沉头单+0.00,锣深0.00)(POCKET, MILL DP0.00 TOP SIDE)X:-(入子孔,CNC单+0.00,锣穿)X:- (INSERT HL, CNC MILL THRU. S+0.00)X:-(入子孔,正面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:- (INSERT HL, CNC MILL DP0.00 S+0.00 TOP SIDE)X:-(入子孔,反面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:- (INSERT HL, CNC MILL DP0.00 S+0.00 OPP. SIDE)X:-¢0.00(插针孔,铰)单+0.00X:-¢0.00(REAM S+0.00 FOR PILOT PIN)X:-¢0.00(插针孔,割)单+0.00(正面沉头¢0.00*0.00深)X:-¢0.00(W/C FOR PILOT PIN)(¢0.00 C'BORE DP0.00 TOP SIDE)X:-¢0.00(插针孔,钻穿)(正面沉头¢0.00*0.00深)X:-¢0.00(DR.THRU FOR PILOT PIN)(¢0.00 C'BORE DP0.00 TOP SIDE)X:-(冲头过孔,割)单+0.00(正面避空,CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)(阴影部分扣位正面锣深0.00)X:-(W/C S+0.00 FOR PUNCH CLEARANCE HL)(POCKET, CNC DP 0.00 S+0.00 TOP SIDE)(POCKET SHADE FOR HEAD, DP0.00 TOP SIDE)X:-(冲头过孔,锣穿)单+0.00(正面避空,CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:-(MILL THRU.FOR PUNCH CLEARANCE HL)(POCKET DP0.00 CNC S+ TOP SIDE)X:-(异形冲孔,直x斜x,割)单+0.00(双线部分,割)单+0.00X:-(W/C FOR SPECIAL HL, 0.00 LAND 0.00 TAPER, S+0.00)(W/C PER DOUBLE LINE S+0.00)X:-(冲孔,直x斜x,割)单+0.00X:-(W/C FOR PIERCE DIE HL, 0.00 LAND 0.00 TAPER S+0.00)X:-(冲孔,割)单+0.00X:-(W/C FOR PIERCE DIE HL S+0.00)X:-¢0.00(冲孔漏屎,钻穿)X:-¢0.00 (DR. THRU FOR CHUTE)X:-(异形冲孔漏屎,CNC单+0.00,锣穿)X:-¢0.00 (MILL. THRU FOR SPECIAL CHUTE S+0.00)X:-(产品落料斜度,实数斜30o锣)X:-(MILL 30 TAPER FOR PART RAMP NO CLEARANCE)X:-(漏屎斜度,直x斜45o锣)X:-(MILL FOR CHUTE 0.00 LAND 45 TAPER)反面沉深底面留0.00MILL UNTIL DP正面沉深底面留MILL UNTIL DP五金模具单词总结模具种类:连续模progressive die机械手transfer die手动机械手hand transfer die单工程模single die/line die复合模compound die铆接模riveting die铸造结构模cast die能快换的模changeover die泡沫模pattern互换性:公差tolerance上公差upper tolerance下公差lower tolerance公差范围tolerance range公差+/- 0.05 plus minus 0.05形位公差图GD&T平面度flatness直线度straightness倾斜度angularity垂直度perpendicularity / squareness平行度parallelism圆度roundness / circularity圆柱度cylindricity面轮廓度surface profile线轮廓度line profile位置度true position同轴度concentricity对称度symmetry圆跳动runout全跳动total runout尺寸dimension角度angle degree全尺寸报告dimensional layout工艺性:料带strip料带图strip layout工序process冲导正孔pilot pierce冲孔pierce侧冲cam pierce切边notch成形后的切边trim切侧刃french trim / fringe trim厚料切边后的精修边shave折弯bend墩薄coin折弯处压筋gusset成形form侧成形cam form整形restrike / rehit围边flange压线/压长条状筋ribbon打凸米boss / dimple打凸包emboss打字印stamp打沙拉孔hourglass面押coin burr抽孔extrude hole拍平flat / spanking包边hem edge压角cone张角flare切舌lance半剪knockout卷圆curl/热恶劣旋转rotate铆接rivet铆螺母stake nut切断cutoff接刀口mismatch料带带料处carrier tabs毛刺方向burr direction产品切边线trim line模具零件:模具die / tool上托板upper mounting plate 上垫脚upper parallel上模座upper die set上垫板punch backup上夹板punch holder止挡板traveling stop脱料板stripper下模板die plate下垫板die backup plate下模座lower die set下垫脚lower parallel上托板base mounting plate 浮块lifter浮料板lifter plate成型公form punch压料块pressure pad切边冲头trim punch刀口trim steel刀口直身位land直5斜1 5mm Land 1 taper 刀口上沉头的深度die life 沉头counter bore冲头倒斜shear高低冲stagger punch球锁冲头ball-lock punch球锁座ball-lock retainer冲孔入子button顶针kick off / ejector废料切断刀slug breaker成型凹模form die整形公restrike form punch导尺rail /stock guidance导尺顶杆lifter bolt导料板rail plate镶件/入子insert侧冲组件cam滑块slide滑块上油槽oil groove铲机driver码模槽mounting slot储运块storage block限位柱stop block起吊孔handing hole起吊环eyebolt模柄shank靠块heel摆块rocker bender脱料板拉杆stripper bolt模座导正块thrust耐磨片wear sheet耐磨板wear plate垫片shim两用销lifter pin初始管位first start pin内限位standoff压块keeper导柱导套压块keeper/ boss键槽key slot键key氮气弹簧gas spring / nitrogen spring 氮气弹簧安装法兰mounting flange 氮气弹簧系统nitrogen manifold螺旋弹簧coil spring聚氨酯弹簧urethane弹簧套spring cage导柱guide post导套guide bushing插针pilot pin插针套pilot bushing插针通孔pilot through hole侧刃french误检装置misfeeder传感器sensor误检杆trigger油嘴oil nipple销针dowel pin螺丝screw牙thread拔牙jackscrew内六角螺钉socket head screw垫圈washer螺塞screw plug盲销blind dowel行程,走位stroke / travel吨位tonnage机械冲床mechanical press油压机hydraulic press冲床下台面bolster冲床上台面ram冲床台面布置图press layout冲床码模槽press mounting slot冲床气垫air cushion码模钳stirrup闭合高度shut height送料高度feeding height送料机feederT型槽T-slot避位clearance /pocket掏空pocket挂台head扣位pocket of head通气孔air vent hole漏油孔drain hole漏料孔slug hole基准孔datum hole通孔through hole穿丝孔first wire holeT型槽T-slot拔牙?jackscrew摆块?rocker?bender闭合高度?shut?height避位?clearance?/pocket侧冲组件?cam侧刃?french插针?pilot?pin插针套?pilot?bushing插针通孔?pilot?through?hole铲机?driver沉头?counter?bore成型凹模form?die成型公?form?punch冲床码模槽?press?mounting?slot 冲床气垫?air?cushion冲床上台面?ram冲床台面布置图?press?layout冲床下台面?bolster冲孔入子?button冲头倒斜?shear初始管位?first?start?pin储运块?storage?block穿丝孔?first?wire?hole?传感器?sensor弹簧套?spring?cage氮气弹簧?gas?spring?/?nitrogen?spring 氮气弹簧安装法兰?mounting?flange氮气弹簧系统?nitrogen?manifold刀口?trim?steel刀口上沉头的深度?die?life刀口直身位?land导尺?rail?/stock?guidance导尺顶杆?lifter?bolt导料板?rail?plate导套?guide?bushing导柱?guide?post导柱导套压块?keeper/?boss垫片?shim垫圈?washer顶针?kick?off?/?ejector吨位?tonnage废料切断刀?slug?breaker浮块?lifter浮料板?lifter?plate?高低冲?stagger?punch挂台?head滑块?slide滑块上油槽?oil?groove机械冲床?mechanical?press基准孔?datum?hole键?key键槽?key?slot聚氨酯弹簧?urethane?靠块??heel扣位?pocket?of?head两用销???lifter?pin漏料孔?slug?hole?漏油孔?drain?hole螺塞?screw?plug螺丝?screw螺旋弹簧?coil?spring码模槽?mounting?slot码模钳?stirrup盲销?blind?dowel模柄?shank模具?die?/?tool模座导正块?thrust内六角螺钉?socket?head?screw 内限位?standoff耐磨板?wear?plate耐磨片?wear?sheet起吊环?eyebolt起吊孔?handing?hole切边冲头?trim?punch球锁冲头?ball-lock?punch球锁座?ball-lock?retainer上垫板?punch?backup上垫脚?upper?parallel上夹板?punch?holder上模座?upper?die?set下托板?base?mounting?plate上托板?upper?mounting?plate送料高度?feeding?height送料机?feeder掏空?pocket通孔?through?hole通气孔?air?vent?hole脱料板?stripper脱料板拉杆?stripper?bolt误检杆?trigger误检装置?misfeeder?下垫板?die?backup?plate下垫脚?lower?parallel下模板?die?plate下模座?lower?die?set?限位柱stop?block镶件/入子?insert销针?dowel?pin行程,走位?stroke?/?travel压块keeper压料块?pressure?pad牙?thread油压机?hydraulic?press油嘴?oil?nipple整形公?restrike?form?punch?直5斜1??5mm?Land?1?taper止挡板?traveling?stop机加工:开料cutting material钻drill (DR)攻牙tap铰ream铣mill车lathe电脑锣NC mill线切割wire cutting (W/C)磨grind刨planer电火花EDM镭射laser cutting倒角chamfer精加工finish XX真空热处理vacuum heat treatment镀钛TD coating退磁demagnetization烧焊weldG :40-M6BLIND HL,TAP DP18.00 OPP SIDE,THR DP18.00) 盲孔,反面攻深**G10:4-M30BLIND HL,TAP DP18.00 EDGE SIDE)盲孔,侧攻深**(%%c34.00*14.00 C'BORE DP14.00 TOP SIDE) 正面沉头多少×多少深G2 :24-%%c8.00(REAM FOR DOWEL WORK DP16.00 OPP SIDE,DR%%c6.00 HL)G2 :24-%%c8.00(合销,背铰深16.00,有效深,内钻%%C6.00通孔)G4 :3-%%c10.00(基准孔,背铰深20.00)背面锣25.00*25.00方形沉头,深1.00%%P0.01(REAM FOR DATUM HL DP20.00,MILL25.00*25.00 OPP SIDE DP1.00%%P0.01)M:2-%%c15.00(弹簧孔,锣深33.00) (C'BORE OR SPRING DP33.00 TOP SIDE,WORK DP33.00)X :3-%%c32.00(导套孔,锣穿,单+0.01)(MILL THRU FOR GUIDE BUSHING S+0.01)G :2-M10盲孔,侧攻深30.00(有效深)(BLIND HL,TAP WORK DP30.00 EDGE SIDE)(沉头5.20%%P0.05深)(SLOT DP5.20%%P0.05 TOP SIDE)L :2-%%c8.000(合销,割)单+0.005 (W/C FOR DOWEL)S+0.005盲孔,攻深20.00(有效深) (BLIND HL,TAP DP20.00 TOP SIDE,THR DP20.00)(插针孔,割,单+0.01) (W/C S+0.01 FOR PILOT PIN)(避位孔,背锣9.80(有效深) (POCKET,MILL DP9.80 OPP SIDE WORK)(冲头过孔,锣穿) (MILL THRU FOR PUNCH CLEARANCE HL)(导柱孔,锣穿,单+0.005) (MILL FOR GUIDE PIN) S+0.005避位槽,背锣深19.00) (POCKET,MILL DP15.40 OPP SIDE)(背,沉头%%c14.00,掏深留11.00) (%%c14.00 C'BORE UNTIL DP14.00 OPP SIDE)下模刀口,实数割,直5斜1.5 (内钻%%C5.0穿丝孔)W/C S+0.00 TRIM STEEL,5.0LAND 1.5TAPER,(DR THRU%%c3.00 WEDM S.H)(MILL FOR INSERT DP30.0%%P0.01 S+0.01)(入子槽,锣深30.00%%p0.01,单+0.01)(氮气槽,背锣深4.00%%P0.1,单+0.1) (GAS SPRING MILL DP4.00 OPP SIDE)S+0.1按向视图加工ACCORDING VIEW DRAWING TO MACHINING试模材料:热扎板HRS (hot-roll steel)冷扎板CRS (cold-roll steel)不锈钢板Stainless steel镀锌板galvanized steel镀铝锌板galvalume steel热扎酸洗板HRPO steel (hot-rolled pickled and oiled steel)工具:卡尺caliper千分尺micrometer拨牙器jacker扳手wrench丝攻screw tap起子screwdriver码模钳stirrup设备/工具:3D Programmable CMM三次元检测仪3D CMM Beam Drilling Machine摇臂钻Bench Drilling Machine钻铣床Caliper卡尺CNC EDM电火花机CNC Machine Center加工中心CNCCNC Milling Machine数控铣床CNCCNC Planer Type Milling Machine龙门刨铣床Hardness Tester硬度计Height Gauge高度仪High Wire Cutting快走丝Hole Puncher 打孔机Horizontal surface grinder小水磨/卧式平面磨床Horizontal surface large grinder大水磨Lathe车床Measurement Surface Plate测量平台Metal Saw Machine锯床Milling Machine铣床Oil Press油压机Pin Gauge标准针规Plastic Injection Machine注塑机Point to Point CMM三次元测量仪Precision surface grinder精密手摇磨Press冲床Projector profile投影机Shear Press剪板机Slow Wire Cutting慢走丝Vertical Milling Machine卧式强力铣床扳手?wrench拨牙器?jacker卡尺?caliper码模钳?stirrup起子?screwdriver千分尺?micrometer丝攻?screw?tapCARVE 雕刻pothook 挂钩SPECIAL HL 异形孔漏斗 filler角铁 ANGLE IRON展开 expanding微调开关 INCHING SWITCH合叶 HINGE优力胶 RUBBER球锁垫板 LOCK WASHER双线边刀口,不倒角TRIM STEEL NEAR THE DOUBLE LINE NO CHAMFER滑块座:SLIDE SET机械:(engine type) liquid cooled, in-line, 4cylinder, carb (发动机型号)水冷,直列,四缸,化油器式(engine) compression ratio (发动机)压缩比(engine) displacement (发动机)排量(engine) fuel (发动机)燃料13-mode 13工况3rd gear 三档齿轮3-way seat 三向座椅4WD control device 四轮驱动控制装置4WD indicator switch 四轮驱动指示灯开关4WD lamp electrical connection 四轮驱动指示灯接线4WD switch 四轮驱动开关5th synchromesh assy. 五档同步器总成6PK belt 6PK 多楔驱动皮带A / C compressor assembly 空调压缩机总成A / C control assembly 空调控制装置A/C & heater assy. 空调加热器总成A/C blower 空调鼓风机A/C clutch 空调压缩机离合器A/C compressor MTG bracket 空调压缩机安装支架A/C control assy. 空调控制器A/C housing assy. 空调箱总成A/C low pressure switch 空调低压开关A/C mode select switch 空调状态选择开关abdomen performance criterion 腹部性能指标Abdominal Peak Force 腹部力峰值ABS 防抱死制动系统acceleration fuel system 加速系统acceleration running noise level 加速行驶噪声accelerator interlocking type 加速踏板联锁式accounting foundation 财政基础Actual cycle work 实际循环功Actual torso angle 实际躯干角adapter 连接器additional features 附加装置additional rule 附加法规adjust screw 调整螺钉adjuster cable 调整拉线adjuster plug 调整盖adjuster screw assy. 调整螺栓总成adjuster washer 调整棘片adjuster, diff. bearing 差速器轴承调整螺母Adjustment system 调节装置Administration and Registration Division 管理科Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts Which Can Be Fitted and/or Be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of These Prescriptions关于对轮式车辆、安装和/或用于轮式车辆的装备和部件采用统一条件并相互认可基于上述条件批准的协定书Agreement Regulations 协定法规air cleaner 空气滤清器air cleaner assy. 空气滤清器总成air cleaner cartridge 空气滤清器滤芯Air compressor 空压机air condition compressor 空调压缩机air direct 空气走向air filter 空气滤清器air flow 空气流向Air flow meter 空气流量计air jet 空气量孔air metering hole 空气量孔air path 气道Air Pressure of Tire 轮胎气压Air type 空气型air valve 空气阀air-cooled 风冷Aisles 通道Alcohol 酒精all bearing 球轴承alternater bracket 发动机支架alternator 交流发电机alterntor assembly 交流发电机总成alumininum-rim 铝合金钢圈alumininum opposed model 铝制对开式AM/FM cassette stereo radio 调幅/调频立体声收放机ambulance 救护车Amended by 修正文amount of exhaust emission 排气排放量Amplitude resolution 幅度分辨率Analogue magnetic recorder 模拟式磁记录仪ANALYZER 分析仪anchor plate, brake caliper 制动钳安装支架Anchorage 座椅固定装置Angle of divergence 偏离角Angle of rotation 旋转角angles drift off vertical line 指针偏离垂直线的角度Angular diameter of the retro-reflecting device 回复反射装置的角直径annex 附件Announcement 公告anti, shutdown screw 防不灭车调整螺钉Antilock Brake System 防抱死制动系统appendix 附录Applicable motor vehicle 适用机动车Applicable scope 适用范围applicant 申请人application 申请application for notification 认可申请书approval 认可arm, valve rocket 摇臂armature 转子总成armature shaft 电枢轴Arm-rests 靠手Article 条Article 1 第1条Asphalt solution 沥青溶剂Attached document 附署文件attached sheet 附表Attached Table 附表attaching location of seat belt anchorage 座椅安全带固定装置的固定位置attachment 附属文件Attendants onboard 车上值班人员automatic chock cover setting 自动阻风门盖调到automotive electric system 汽车电系automotive engine system 引擎系统automatic transmission 自动变速器,自动排挡变速箱Auxiliary Brake 辅助制动器Auxiliary Direction Indicator Lamps 辅助转向信号灯auxiliary spring 副簧Auxiliary Stop Lamp 辅助驻车灯axle case 桥壳axle case assy. 桥壳总成axle ratio 桥速比axle tube 桥管axle weight 轴重back angle level 靠背角水平仪back angle quadrant 靠背角量角器back pan 靠板back spring 回位弹簧backing plate 制动底板Backing sheet 衬背板Back-Up Light 倒车灯backup washer 支撑挡圈bail wire 卡紧环balance tube 平衡管ball 钢球ball bearing 球轴承ball joint assy. , upper 上球销总成ball valve 球阀ball valve, inlet 进油口球阀bar 拉杆barrier 障碍壁battery 蓄电池battery terminal 蓄电池接线柱bearing cap 轴承盖bearing cover, input shaft 输入轴轴承盖bearing, connecting rod 连杆轴承bearing, input shaft 输入轴轴承Bed for babies 婴儿床bell 带束层bench seat 长条座椅berived cap 轴承盖bezel assy. 框板总成bezel, cluster 表框be pilot 小批量产品blead door 混合风门bleeder screw 放气螺钉blower assy. 鼓风机总成blower motor 鼓风发电机blower resistor 鼓风机电阻blower switch 鼓风机开关body 车身,阀体body & liftgate assembly 车身和举升门总成body assy. 车身总成body block 人体模块body of A/C & heater 空调加热器壳体bolt 主缸连接螺栓bolt, connecting rod 连杆螺栓Booster 助力器boot 护罩BOSCH starter motor assembly “波舍”起动机总成bottle assy. , coolant recover 冷却液回收罐总成bottom houseing, fuel pump 燃油泵下壳体bottom housing, fuel tank 燃油箱下壳体bracket 支架bracket assy. , spring seat 弹簧座支架bracket, steering damper mounting 转向减振器支架brake alarm lamp 制动报警灯brake alarm lamp switch 制动报警灯开关Brake booster 制动助力器brake caliper 制动钳brake caliper assy. 制动钳总成brake caliper piston 制动钳活塞brake combination valve 制动组合阀brake disc 制动盘Brake drum 制动鼓brake fluid 刹车油Brake hose 制动软管brake lining 刹车来令brake line, LF 左前制动油管brake line, RF 右前制动油管brake oil flow 制动液流向brake paddle 制动踏板brake pedal 制动踏板Brake pipe 制动管brake shoes 刹车蹄片brake shoe 制动衬块Brake System 制动系Brake Systems for Tractors and Trailers 牵引车及挂车的制动装置Brake tester 制动器试验台brake valve 制动阀brake warning lamp 制动报警灯brake warning switch 制动报警开关Braking efficiency 制动效能braking force control system 制动控制装置Braking wheel 制动轮branch office 分署breaker 断电器bridge 过桥broadcasting vehicle 广播车brush 碳刷总成Buckle 带扣bulkhead 隔板Bulldozer 推土机bumper 保险杠Bumper element 保险杠构件bus transfer 车辆转移台bushing 衬套bushing, upper control arm 上控制臂衬套Business Place 业务场所bypass valve 旁通阀Cabinet Decision 内阁决议cable guide 拉线导向块cable-operated control system 液压式离合器系统Calibration factor of a data channel 数据通道校正系数calibration gas 标定气体calibration method 标定方法caliper assy. , front brake 前制动钳总成Camber 外倾camber angle 前轮外倾角camshaft 凸轮轴camshaft oil gallery 凸轮轴油道cap 加机油口盖cap assy. , power steering fluid reservoir 动力转向液油罐盖cap assy. , radiator 散热器盖总成cap screws 螺钉cap, connecting rod 连杆盖Capacity 容量,规格Capacity of the fuel tank 燃油箱容量capillary tube 毛细管carbon brushes & brush holder 电刷支架总成Carbon monoxide measuring instrument 一氧化碳分析仪Carburetor 化油器carburetor assy. 化油器总成carburetor bowl 化油器浮子室carburetor bowl vent system 化油器浮子室通风系统carburetor overhaul scheme 化油器分解图carburetor working scheme 化油器工作示意图carcase 胎体case runout (Max.) 差速器壳圆跳动(最大)Caster 后倾Catalyst 催化器category 类别cement and aggregate 水泥和混凝料Centreplane of occupant 乘员中心面Certified 经认证的Cetane number 十六烷值chain 驱动链chain drive 驱动链Channel amplitude class 幅度级通道Channel Frequency Class 频率级通道chassis 底盘chassis dynamometer 底盘测功机chassis shuttle 底盘平移台chassis number 底盘号Check and Maintenance 检查和保养check assy. , front door 前门限位器总成check assy. , rear door 后门限位器总成check ball 回止球check bracket 限位器支架check nut 限位器螺母check valve 单向阀check valve hole 回止阀孔check valve retainer 单向阀保持架check valve spring 单向阀弹簧check weight 回止块Chigi Circular No. 地技第…号Chigi No. 地技第…号Child Restraints 儿童约束装置chime module 蜂鸣器Chishin Circular No. 地审第…号Chishin No. 地审第…号chock heater 阻风门加热器总成chock plate 阻风门chock unloaded 阻风门连动装置choke 阻风门choke device 阻风装置choke unload mode 阻风门卸载状态cigarette lighter 点烟器circuit breaker, wiper/washer 刮水器/洗涤器电器断路器Circular 通告circular notice 通告clamp 卡圈Clamp ring type 锁紧圈式Cleaning efficiency 清洗效率Cleaning period 清洗周期clearance 最小离地间隙Clearance Lamp 示廓灯clinder head 气缸盖clip 卡子cluster housing 组合仪表壳Clutch system 离合器clutch assembly 离合器总成clutch control device 离合器控制装置clutch disc,clutch 离合器片clutch housing 离合器壳clutch master cylinder 离合器主缸clutch working cylinder 离合器工作缸Coating 涂层Code No. 型号Code of Federal Regulations 美国联邦法规总览Coefficient of luminous intensity (CIL) 亮度系数coil spring 圈状弹簧cold air 冷空气cold cranking voltage(min.) 最小冷启动电压collapsible spacer 可压缩隔垫collector 拼装台colorimeter 色度计coloured-light unit 有色灯光组column assy. 转向管柱总成combination brake switch and proporting 组合阀combined lamp 复合灯combined pump 复合泵combined pump diaphragm 复合泵膜片combined pump diaphragm rod 复合泵膜片杆combined pump lifter link 复合泵举升拉杆combined pump move direct 复合泵运动方向Combustion Chamber 燃烧室commutator 换向器compensate opening 补偿孔completion inspection certificate 终了检验证书Completion of notification 完成认可compressor 压缩机compression (both) 气环槽(两个)compression ignition type 压燃式Compression ratio 压缩比concrete mixer truck 混凝土搅拌车condenser 冷凝器condenser assy. 冷凝器总成conduit pipe 导管cone , diff. side bearing 差速器轴承,内圈带滚子cone, pinion front bearing 主动齿轮前轴承内圈带滚子cone, pinion rear bearing 主动齿轮后轴承内圈带滚子Confirmor 确认者connecting rod 连接杆connecting link 连接杆connecting rod journal diameter 连杆轴径connecting rod journal width 连杆轴径宽度connecting rod throttle 连杆喷油孔connector 连接器connector of service valve 维修阀接口Constant speed 等速construction and device 结构和装置control & tube assy. , hyd clutch 离合器工作缸和油管总成Control System 操纵系control valve 控制阀阀门control valve model 控制阀型式control valve seat 控制阀阀座convex plate 凸台cooling fan 冷却风扇cooling system 冷却系统Cornering Lamp 转弯灯corrected 修正的cotter 开口销counter 5th gear 中间轴五档齿轮counter shaft 中间轴coupled condition 连接状态Coupling Device 牵引装置cover 端盖cover & plate assy. 离合器盖及压盘总成cover assy. , air cleaner 空气滤清器盖总成cover, gear 侧盖cover, heater air 空气加热罩cover, rear axle case 后桥壳盖crane vehicle 起重车crankcase 曲轴箱crankshaft 曲轴crankshaft gear 曲轴齿轮crankshaft & connecting 曲轴连杆机构crankshaft oil gallery 曲轴油道crankshaft sprocket 轴承链轮critical flow 临界流Cross sensitivity of a linear transducer 线性传感器的横向灵敏度Crush distance 压碎距离Crush rate 压碎速率Crush Strength 压碎强度Cumulative time 累计时间cup 皮碗cup, diff. side bearing 差速器轴承外圈cup, pinion front bearing 主动齿轮前轴承外圈cup, pinion rear bearing 主动齿轮后轴承外圈Cut-off 明暗截止线cycle 冲程cyclinder head cover 气门室罩Cylinder 气缸cylinder block 汽缸体cylinder body 缸体Cylinder bore 缸径cylinder head 汽缸盖cylinder head cover 气门室罩cylinder number 气缸数cylinder working order(clockwise) 气缸工作顺序(顺时针)damper 转向减振器dangerous article 危险物darkroom 暗室Data channel 数据通道Data Processing 数据处理Date of notification 认可日期Deceleration of the structure 地板减速度Definitions 定义Definitions 术语deflection 偏移defroster 除霜器dehydrator 储液器和干燥器delay valve 延迟阀Design torso angle 设计躯干角designated 认定designated motor vehicle 经型式认定的机动车Designation 名称Designation of business place 业务场所名称Designation of Confirmor 指定确认者detonation 爆震device proper 装置本身Device type designation 装置的型式认定dextrorotation 右旋diameter 口径diaphragm 膜片diaphragm of fuel pump 油泵膜片diaphragm return spring 膜片回位弹簧diaphragm rod 膜片杆diaphragm spring 膜片弹簧Diesel fuel 柴油Diesel oil 轻柴油diesel smoke 柴油排烟Diesel smoke measuring instrument 柴油机排烟测量仪diesel-powered motor vehicle 柴油机动车differential case 差速器壳differential gear 半轴齿轮differential gearbox , front axle 前桥减速器differential gearbox , rear axle 后桥减速器differential side gear-to-case clearance 半轴齿轮与差速器壳之间的间隙Digital magnetic recorder 数字式磁记录仪Digitilizing 数字化Diluted exhaust gas 稀释排气dilution tunnel 取样探管direct injection type 直喷型direction indicator lamp 转向信号灯directly controlled wheel 直接控制车轮Director of the Vehicle and Component Approvals Division 车辆和零部件认证科长Director-General 署长Director-General of District Transport Bureau 地方运输局长Director-General of Land Transport Engineering Department 陆运管理处长Director-General of Local Land Transport Office 地方陆运署长Director-General of Motor Vehicle Inspection and Registration Office 机动车检验注册署长disc brakes 碟式刹车disc brake 盘式制动器disk assy. , clutch drived 从动盘总成disk type braker 盘式制动器Displacement 排气量Displacement system 位移装置Distillation properties 分馏特性distillation temperature 馏出温度。
GLOSSARYAabrasive grinding 强力磨削L 3 abrasive[☜'breisiv] a.磨料的, 研磨的L2,3 absence ['✌bs☜ns] n.. 不在,缺席L17 accesssory[✌k'ses☜ri] n.附件L10 accommodate[☜'k m☜deit] v. 适应L 5 accordingly[☜'k :di☠li] adv.因此,从而,相应地L7,13 accuracy['✌kjur☜si] n精度,准确性L1,3 actuate['✌ktjueit] vt.开动(机器), 驱动L8 adequate['✌dikwit] a. 足够的L13 adhesive[☜d'hi:siv] n. 粘合剂L22 adjacent[☜'d✞eisnt] a. 邻近的L13 adopt[☜'d pt] vt. 采用L 4 advance [☜d'v✌:ns] n.进步L7 advisable [☜d'vaizbl] adj. 可取的L20 agitate['✌d✞iteit] v. 摇动L 2 a large extent 很大程度L4,13 algorithm ['✌l♈☜ri❆☜m] n. 算法L 6 align [☜'lain] v 定位,调准L17 alignment[☜'lainm☜nt] n. 校直L11 all-too-frequent 频繁L17 allowance[☜'l☜uens] n. 容差, 余量L5 alternate[' :lt☜nit]v.交替,轮流L 1 alternative[ :l't☜:n☜tiv] n. 替换物L 3 alternatively[ :l't☜:n☜tivli] ad. 做为选择, 也许L 5 aluminiun[ ✌lju'minj☜m] n.铝L 2 ample['✌mpl] adj. 充足的L20 analysis [☜'n✌l☜sis] n. 分析L 6 ancillary['✌nsil☜ri] a.补助的, 副的L 4 angular ['✌♈jul☜] adj. 有角的L20 annealing[☜'li:li☠] n.退火L 2 aperture ['✌p☜t☞☜] n.孔L17 applied loads 作用力L 1 appropriate [☜'pr☜uprieit] a. 适当的L6,20 arc[a:k] n.弧, 弓形L10 arise[☜'raiz] vi. 出现, 发生L21 arrange[☜'reid✞] v. 安排L12 article['a:tikl] n.制品, 产品L21 ascertain[ ✌s☜'tein] vt. 确定, 查明L 1 assemble[☜'sembl] vt.组装L 4 attitude ['✌titju:d] n 态度L17 auxiliary [ :♈'zilj☜ri]adj. 辅助的L8 avoid[☜'v id] v.避免L7 axis['✌ksis] n.轴L 5 axle['✌ksl] n.轮轴, 车轴L 1Bbackup['b✌k ✈p] n. 备份L9 batch [b✌t☞] n 一批L17 bearing['b☪☜ri☠] n.轴承,支座L21 bed[bed] n. 床身L 5 behavior[bi'heivj☜] n. 性能L 1 bench-work 钳工工作L 4 bend[bend] v.弯曲L 1 beneath[bi'ni: ] prep在···下L 4 bin [bin] n. 仓,料架L19 blank [bl✌☠k] n. 坯料L20 blank [bl✌☠k] v. 冲裁,落料L17 blanking tool 落料模L17 blast [bl✈st] n.一阵(风)L18 blemish['blemi☞] n. 缺点, 污点L13 bolster['b☜ulst☜] n. 模座,垫板L4,5boost[bu:st] n. 推进L9 boring['b :ri☠] n.镗削, 镗孔L4,5 bracket ['br✌kit] n. 支架L19 brass [br✌s] n.黄铜L 2 break down 破坏L 1 breakage ['breikid✞] n.破坏L17121bridge piece L16 brine[brain] n. 盐水L 2 brittle['britl] adv.易碎的L 1 buffer [b✈f☜] n.缓冲器L8 built-in 内装的L9 bulging [b✈ld✞i☠] n. 凸肚L22 burr [b☜:] n. 毛刺L17 bush [bu☞] n. 衬套L17 bush[bu☞]n. 衬套L 5 by far (修饰比较级, 最高级)···得多, 最L 3 by means of 借助于L 5Ccabinet ['k✌binit] n.橱柜L7 call upon 要求L17 carbide['ka:baid] n.碳化物L10 carburzing['ka:bjureti☠] n. 渗碳L 2 carriage['k✌rid✞] n.拖板, 大拖板L 5 carry along 一起带走L18 carry down over 从···上取下L2 1 carry out 完成L17 case hardening 表面硬化L 2 case[keis] n. 壳, 套L 2 cast steel 铸钢L17 casting['ka:sti☠] n. 铸造,铸件L 3 category['k✌t☜♈☜uri] n. 种类L6,15 caution ['k :☞☜n] n. 警告,警示L17 cavity and core plates 凹模和凸模板L11 cavity['k✌viti] n.型腔, 腔, 洞L4,10 centre-drilling 中心孔L 5 ceramic[si'r✌mik] n.陶瓷制品L 3 chain doted line 点划线L11 channel['t☞✌nl] n.通道, 信道L8 characteristic[k✌r☜kt☜'ristik] n.特性L 1 check[t☞ek] v.核算L21 chip[t☞ip] n.切屑, 铁屑L 3 chuck [t☞✈k] n.卡盘L5,8 chute [☞u:t] n. 斜道L19 circa ['s☜k☜:] adv. 大约L7 circlip['s☜:klip] n.(开口)簧环L22 circuit['s☜:kit] n. 回路, 环路L13 circular supoport block L 5 circulate['s☜:kjuleid] v.(使)循环L13 clamp [kl✌mp] vt 夹紧L17 clamp[kl✌mp] n.压板L1 2 clay[klei] n. 泥土L2,7 clearance ['kli☜r☜ns] n. 间隙L17 clip [klip] vt. 切断,夹住L19 cold hobbing 冷挤压L 4 cold slug well 冷料井L12 collapse[k☜'l✌ps] vi.崩塌, 瓦解L22 collapsible[k☜'l✌ps☜bl] adj.可分解的L22 combination [k mbi'nei☞☜n] n. 组合L18 commence[k☜'mens] v. 开始, 着手L16 commence[k☜'mens]v. 开始L21 commercial [k☜'m☜:☞☜l] adj. 商业的L7 competitive[k☜m'petitiv] a. 竞争的L9 complementary[ k mpli'ment☜ri] a. 互补的L 5 complexity [kem'pleksiti] n.复杂性L8 complicated['k mpl☜keitid] adj.复杂的L2 complication [k mpli'kei☞☜n] n. 复杂化L5,20 compression [k☜m'pre☞☜n] n.压缩L 1 comprise[k☜m'prais] vt.包含L16 compromise['k mpr☜maiz] n. 妥协, 折衷L1 3 concern with 关于L 6 concise[k☜n'sais] a. 简明的, 简练的L9 confront[k☜n'fr✈nt] vt. 使面临L14 connector[k☜'nekt☜] n. 连接口, 接头L14 consequent['k nsikw☜nt] a. 随之发生的, 必然的L 3 console ['k nsoul] n.控制台L8 consume [k☜n'sjum] vt. 消耗, 占用L7 consummate [k☜n's✈meit] vt. 使完善L 6122container[k☜n'tein☜] n. 容器L11 contingent[ken'tind✞☜nt] a.可能发生的L9 contour['k☜ntu☜] n.轮廓L5,21 conventional[k☜n'ven☞☜nl] a. 常规的L4 converge[k☜n'v☜:d✞] v.集中于一点L21 conversant[k n'v☜:s☜nt] a. 熟悉的L15 conversion[k☜n'v☜:☞☜n] n 换算, 转换L7 conveyer[ken'vei☜] n. 运送装置L12 coolant['ku:l☜nt] n. 冷却液L1 3 coordinate [k☜u' :dnit] vt. (使)协调L8 copy machine 仿形(加工)机床L4 core[k :] n. 型芯, 核心L2,4 corresponding [ka:ri'sp di☠] n.相应的L7 counteract [kaunt☜'r✌kt] vt. 反作用,抵抗L20 couple with 伴随L20 CPU (central processing unit) 中央处理器L9 crack[kr✌k ] v.(使)破裂,裂纹L1,17 critical['kritikl] adj.临界的L 2 cross-hatching 剖面线L16 cross-section drawn 剖面图L1 1 cross-slide 横向滑板L 5 CRT (cathoder-ray tube) 阴极射线管L9 crush[kr✈☞]vt.压碎L 1 cryogenic[ krai☜'d✞enik ]a.低温学的 L 1 crystal['kristl] adj.结晶状的L 1 cubic['kju:bik] a. 立方的, 立方体的L 3 cup [k✈p] vt (使)成杯状, 引伸L18 curable ['kjur☜bl] adj. 可矫正的L20 curvature['k☜:v☜t☞☜] n.弧线L21 curve [k☜:v] vt. 使弯曲L20 cutter bit 刀头, 刀片L 3 cyanide['sai☜naid] n.氰化物L 2Ddash [d✌☞] n. 破折号L 6 daylight ['deilait] n. 板距L12 decline[di'klain] v.下落,下降,减少, L3,9 deform[di'f :m] v. (使)变形L1, 3 demonstrate['dem☜streit ] v证明L21 depict[di'pikt ] vt 描述L18 deposite [di'p zit] vt. 放置L20 depression[di'pre☞☜n] n. 凹穴L12 descend [di'sent] v. 下降L20 desirable[di'zair☜bl] a. 合适的L 2 detail ['diteil] n.细节,详情L17 deterioration[diti☜ri:☜'rei☞☜n] n. 退化, 恶化L12 determine[di't☜:min] v.决定L1 6 diagrammmatic[ dai☜gr☜'m✌tik].a.图解的,图表的L10 dictate['dikteit] v. 支配L12 die[dai] n.模具, 冲模, 凹模L 2 dielectric[daii'lektrik] n. 电介质L10 die-set 模架L19 digital ['did✞itl ] n.数字式数字, a.数字的L3, 6 dimensional[dddi'men☞☜nl] a. 尺寸的, 空间的L 3 discharge[dis't☞a:d✞] n.v. 放电, 卸下, 排出L 3 discharge[dis't☞a:d✞] v.卸下L8 discrete [dis'cri:t] adj. 离散的,分立的L7 dislodge[dis'l d✞] v. 拉出, 取出 L1 2 dissolution[dis☜'lu:☞☜n] n.结束L9 distinct [dis'ti☠kt] a.不同的,显著的L 6 distort [dis'd :t] vt. 扭曲L20 distort[dis't :t] vt. (使)变形, 扭曲L 1 distributed system 分布式系统L9 dowel ['dau☜l] n. 销子L19 dramaticlly [dr☜'m✌tikli] adv. 显著地L7 drastic ['dr✌stik] a.激烈的L17 draughting[dra:fti☠] n. 绘图L1 6 draughtsman['dr✌ftsm☜n] n. 起草人L16123drawing['dr :i☠] n. 制图L11 drill press 钻床L8 drum [dr✈m] n.鼓轮L8 dual ['dju:☜l] adv. 双的,双重的L18 ductility [d✈k'tiliti ] n.延展性L1,21 dynamic [dai'n✌mik ] adj 动力的L 6Eedge [ed✞] n .边缘L20 e.g.(exempli gratia) [拉] 例如L12 ejector [i'd✞ekt☜] n.排出器,L18 ejector plate 顶出板L16 ejector rob 顶杆L 5 elasticity[il✌'stisiti] n.弹性L 1 electric dicharge machining 电火花加工L3 electrical discharge machining电火花加工L10 electrochemical machining 电化学加工L3 electrode[i'lektr☜ud] n. 电极L10 electro-deposition 电铸L 4 elementary [el☜'ment☜ri] adj.基本的L 2 eliminate[i'limineit] vt. 消除, 除去L10 elongate[i'l ☠♈et] vt. (使)伸长, 延长L 1 emerge [i'm☜:d✞] vi. 形成, 显现L20 emphasise['emf☜saiz] vt. 强调L 4 endeavour[en'dev☜] n. 尽力L17 engagement[in'♈eid✞ment] n. 约束, 接合L2 2 enhance[in'h✌ns] vt. 提高, 增强L9 ensure [in'☞u☜] vt. 确保,保证L17 envisage[in'vizid✞] vt.设想L15 erase[i'reis] vt. 抹去, 擦掉L16 evaluation[i'v✌lju ei☞☜n] n. 评价, 估价L 1 eventually[i'v☜nt☞u☜li ] adv.终于L2 1 evolution[ev☜'lu:☞☜n] n.进展L16 excecution[eksi'kju:☞☜n] n. 执行, 完成L9 execute ['ekskju:t] v. 执行L8 exerte [i♈'z☜:t] vt. 施加L20 experience[iks'piri☜ns] n. 经验L16 explosive[iks'pl☜usiv]adj.爆炸(性)的L22 extend[eks'tend] v. 伸展L 2 external[eks't☜:nl] a. 外部的L5,11 extract[eks'tr✌kt] v. 拔出L14 extreme[iks'tri:m] n. 极端L13 extremely[iks'tri:mli] adv. 非常地 L1 2 extremity[iks'tmiti] n. 极端L13 extrusion[eks'tru:✞☜n] n. 挤压, 挤出L 3FF (Fahrenheit)['f✌r☜nhait]n.华氏温度L2 fabricate ['f✌brikeit] vt.制作,制造L7 facilitate [f☜'siliteit] vt. 帮助L 6 facility[f☜'siliti] n. 设备L 4 facing[feisi☠] n. 端面车削L 5 fall within 属于, 适合于L15 fan[f✌n] n.风扇L7 far from 毫不, 一点不, 远非L9 fatigue[f☜'ti♈] n.疲劳L 1 feasible ['fi:z☜bl] a 可行的L18 feature ['fi:t☞☜] n.特色, 特征L7,17 feed[fi:d] n.. 进给L 5 feedback ['fi:db✌k] n. 反馈L8 female['fi:meil] a. 阴的, 凹形的L11 ferrule['fer☜l] n. 套管L1 4 file system 文件系统L9 fitter['fit☜] n.装配工, 钳工L 4 fix[fiks] vt. 使固定, 安装, vi. 固定L11 fixed half and moving half 定模和动模L1 1 flat-panel technology 平面(显示)技术L9 flexibility[fleksi'biliti] n. 适应性, 柔性L9 flexible['fleks☜bl] a. 柔韧的L13 flow mark 流动斑点L13124follow-on tool 连续模L18 foregoing ['f :'♈☜ui☠]adj. 在前的,前面的L8 foretell[f :'tell] vt. 预测, 预示, 预言L9 forge[f :d✞] n. v. 锻造L 3 forming[f :mi☠] n. 成型L 3 four screen quadrants 四屏幕象限L9 fracture['fr✌kt☞☜] n.破裂L21 free from 免于L21Ggap[♈✌p] n. 裂口, 间隙L10 gearbox['♈i☜b ks] n.齿轮箱L 5 general arrangement L16 govern['♈✈v☜n] v.统治, 支配, 管理 L13 grain [♈rein] n. 纹理L20 graphic ['♈r✌fik] adj. 图解的L 6 grasp [♈r✌sp] vt. 抓住L8 grid[♈rid] n. 格子, 网格L16 grind[♈raind] v. 磨, 磨削, 研磨L 3 grinding ['♈raindi☠] n. 磨光,磨削L3,20 grinding machine 磨床L 5 gripper[♈rip☜] n. 抓爪, 夹具L9 groove[♈ru:v] n. 凹槽L12 guide bush 导套L 5 guide pillar 导柱L 5 guide pillars and bushes 导柱和导套L11Hhandset['h✌ndset] n. 电话听筒L 4 hardness['ha:dnis] n.硬度L1,2 hardware ['ha:dw☪☜] n. 硬件L 6 headstock['hedst k] n.床头箱, 主轴箱L5 hexagonal[hek's✌♈☜nl] a. 六角形的, 六角的L11 hindrance['hindr☜ns] n.障碍, 障碍物L11 hob[h b] n. 滚刀, 冲头L 4 hollow-ware 空心件L21 horizontal[h ri'z ntl] a. 水平的L16 hose[h☜uz] n. 软管, 水管L13 hyperbolic [haip☜'b lik] adj.双曲线的L7Ii.e. (id est) [拉] 也就是L12 identical[ai'dentikl] a同样的L16 identify [ai'dentifai] v. 确定, 识别L7 idle ['aidl] adj.空闲的L8 immediately[i'mi:dj☜tli] adv. 正好, 恰好L1 2 impact['imp✌kt] n.冲击L 1 impart [im'pa:t] v.给予L11,17 implement ['implim☜nt] vt 实现L 6 impossibility[imp s☜'biliti] n.不可能L21 impression[im'pre☞☜n] n. 型腔L11 in contact with 接触L 1 in terms of 依据L 1 inasmuch (as)[in☜z'm✈t☞] conj.因为, 由于L 3 inch-to-metric conversions 英公制转换L7 inclinable [in'klain☜bl] adj. 可倾斜的L20 inclusion [in'klu☞☜n] n. 内含物L19 inconspicuous[ink☜n'spikju☜s] a. 不显眼的L1 4 incorporate [in'k :p☜reit] v 合并,混合L17 indentation[ inden'tei☞☜n ] n.压痕L 1 indenter[in'dent☜] n. 压头L 1 independently[indi'pein☜ntli] a. 独自地, 独立地L1 6 inevitably[in'evit☜bli] ad. 不可避免地 L14 inexpensive[inik'spensiv]adj. 便宜的L 2 inherently [in'hi☜r☜ntli] adv.固有的L7 injection mould 注塑模L11 injection[in'd✞ek☞☜n] n. 注射L11 in-line-of-draw 直接脱模L14 insert[in's☜:t] n. 嵌件L16 inserted die 嵌入式凹模L19 inspection[in'spek☞☜n] n.检查,监督L9 installation[inst☜'lei☞☜n] n. 安装125L10 integration [inti'♈rei☞☜n] n.集成L 6 intelligent[in'telid✞☜nt]a. 智能的L9 intentinonally [in'ten☞☜n☜li] adv 加强地,集中地L17 interface ['int☜feis] n.. 界面L 6 internal[in't☜:nl] a. 内部的L1,5 interpolation [int☜p☜'lei☞☜n] n.插值法L7 investment casting 熔模铸造L 4 irregular [i'regjul☜] adj.不规则的,无规律L17 irrespective of 不论, 不管L1 1 irrespective[iri'spektiv] a. 不顾的, 不考虑的L1 1 issue ['isju] vt. 发布,发出L 6Jjoint line 结合线L14Kkerosene['ker☜si:n] n.煤油L10 keyboard ['ki:b :d ] n. 健盘L 6 knock [n k] v 敲,敲打L17Llance [la:ns] v. 切缝L19 lathe[lei❆] n. 车床L 4 latitude ['l✌titju:d] n. 自由L17 lay out 布置L1 3 limitation[limi'tei☞☜n] n.限度,限制,局限(性)L 3 local intelligence局部智能L9 locate [l☜u'keit] vt. 定位L18 logic ['l d✞ik] n. 逻辑L7 longitudinal['l nd✞☜'tju:dinl] a. 纵向的L5 longitudinally['l nd✞☜'tju:dinl] a. 纵向的L1 3 look upon 视作, 看待L17 lubrication[lju:bri'kei☞☜n ] n.润滑L21Mmachine shop 车间L 2 machine table 工作台L8 machining[m☜'☞i:ni☠] n. 加工L 3 made-to-measure 定做L15 maintenance['meintin☜ns] n.维护,维修L7 majority[m☜'d✞a:riti] n.多数L21 make use of 利用L 2 male[meil] a. 阳的, 凸形的L1 1 malfunction['m✌l'f✈☠☞☜n] n. 故障L9 mandrel['m✌dtil] n.心轴L22 manifestation[m✌nif☜s'tei☞☜n] n. 表现, 显示L9 massiveness ['m✌sivnis ] 厚实,大块L19 measure['me✞☜] n. 大小, 度量L 1 microcomputer 微型计算机L9 microns['maikr n] n.微米L10 microprocessor 微处理器L9 mild steel 低碳钢L17 milling machine 铣床L 4 mineral['min☜r☜l] n.矿物, 矿产L 2 minimise['minimaiz] v.把···减到最少, 最小化L13 minute['minit] a.微小的L10 mirror image 镜像L16 mirror['mir☜] n. 镜子L16 M I T(M a s s a c h u s e t t s I n s t i t u t e o f Technology) 麻省理工学院L7 moderate['m d☜rit]adj. 适度的L1,2 modification [m difi'kei☞☜n ] n. 修改, 修正L 6 modulus['m djul☜s] n.系数L 1 mold[m☜uld] n. 模, 铸模, v. 制模, 造型L 3 monitor ['m nit☜ ] v. 监控L 6 monograph['m n☜♈ra:f] n. 专著L 4126more often than not 常常L20 motivation[m☜uti'vei☞☜n] n. 动机L9 mould split line 模具分型线L12 moulding['m☜udi☠] n. 注塑件L5,11 move away from 抛弃L17 multi-imprssion mould 多型腔模L12Nnarrow['n✌r☜u] a. 狭窄的L12 NC (numerical control ) 数控L7 nevertheless[ nev☜❆☜'les] conj.,adv.然而,不过L11 nonferrous['n n'fer☜s] adj.不含铁的, 非铁的L 2 normally['n :mli]adv.通常地L22 novice['n vis] n. 新手, 初学者L16 nozzle['n zl] n. 喷嘴, 注口L1 2 numerical [nju'merikl] n. 数字的L 6Oobjectionable [☜b'd✞ek☞☜bl] adj. 有异议的,讨厌的L17 observe[☜b'z☜:v] vt. 观察L 2 obviously [' bvi☜sli] adv 明显地L17 off-line 脱机的L 6 on-line 联机L9 operational [ p☜'rei☞☜nl] adj.操作的, 运作的L8 opportunity[ p☜'tju:niti] n. 时机, 机会L1 3 opposing[☜'p☜uzi☠] a.对立的, 对面的L12 opposite[' p☜zit] n. 反面L1a.对立的,对面的L12 optimization [ ptimai'zei☞☜n] n.最优化L6 orient [' :ri☜nt] vt. 确定方向L8 orthodox [' : ☜d ks] adj. 正统的,正规的L19 overall['☜uv☜r :l] a.全面的,全部的L8,13 overbend v.过度弯曲L20 overcome[☜uv☜'k✈m] vt.克服, 战胜L10 overlaping['☜uv☜'l✌pi☠] n. 重叠L 4 overriding[☜uv☜'raidi☠] a. 主要的, 占优势的L11Ppack[p✌k] v. 包装L 2 package ['p✌kid✞] vt.包装L7 pallet ['p✌lit] n.货盘L8 panel ['p✌nl] n.面板L7 paraffin['p✌r☜fin] n. 石蜡L10 parallel[p✌r☜lel] a.平行的L 5 penetration[peni'trei☞☜n ] n.穿透L 1 peripheral [p☜'rif☜r☜l] adj 外围的L 6 periphery [p☜'rif☜ri] n. 外围L18 permit[p☜'mit] v. 许可, 允许L16 pessure casting 压力铸造L 4 pillar['pil☜] n. 柱子, 导柱L5,17 pin[pin] n. 销, 栓, 钉L5,17 pin-point gate 针点式浇口L12 piston ['pist☜n] n.活塞L 1 plan view 主视图L16 plasma['pl✌zm☜] n. 等离子L9 plastic['pl✌stik] n. 塑料L 3 platen['pl✌t☜n] n. 压板L12 plotter[pl t☜] n. 绘图机L9 plunge [pl✈nd✞] v翻孔L18 plunge[pl✈nd✞] v.投入L 2 plunger ['pl✈nd✞☜ ] n. 柱塞L19 pocket-size 袖珍L9 portray[p :'trei] v.描绘L21 pot[p t] n.壶L21 pour[p :] vt. 灌, 注L22 practicable['pr✌ktik☜b] a. 行得通的L14 preferable['pref☜r☜bl] a.更好的, 更可取的L 3 preliminary [pri'limin☜ri] adj 初步的,预备的L19 press setter 装模工L17127press[pres] n.压,压床,冲床,压力机L2,8 prevent [pri'vent] v. 妨碍L20 primarily['praim☜rili] adv.主要地L 4 procedure[pr☜'si:d✞☜] n.步骤, 方法, 程序L2,1 6 productivity.[pr☜ud✈k'tiviti] n. 生产力L9 profile ['pr☜ufail] n.轮廓L10 progressively[pr☜'♈resiv] ad.渐进地L15 project[pr☜'d✞ekt] n.项目L 2 project[pr☜'d✞ekt] v. 凸出L11 projection[pr☜'d✞ek☞☜n] n.突出部分 L21 proper['pr p☜] a. 本身的L10 property['pr p☜ti] n.特性L 1 prototype ['pr☜ut☜taip] n. 原形L7 proximity[pr k'simiti] n.接近L9 prudent['pru:d☜nt] a. 谨慎的L16 punch [p✈nt☞] v. 冲孔L 3 punch shapper tool 刨模机L17 punch-cum-blanking die 凹凸模 L18 punched tape 穿孔带L 3 purchase ['p☜:t☞☜s] vt. 买,购买L 6 push back pin 回程杆L 5 pyrometer[pai'n mit☜] n. 高温计L 2Qquality['kwaliti] n. 质量L1,3 quandrant['kw dr☜nt] n. 象限L9 quantity ['kw ntiti] n. 量,数量L17 quench[kwent☞] vt. 淬火L 2Rradial['reidi☜l] adv.放射状的L22 ram [r✌m] n 撞锤. L17 rapid['r✌pid]adj. 迅速的L 2 rapidly['r✌pidli]adv. 迅速地L 1 raster['r✌st☜] n. 光栅L9 raw [r :] adj. 未加工的L 6 raw material 原材料L 3 ream [ri:m] v 铰大L17 reaming[ri:mi☠] n. 扩孔, 铰孔L8 recall[ri'k :l] vt. 记起, 想起L13 recede [ri'si:d] v. 收回, 后退L20 recess [ri'ses] n. 凹槽,凹座,凹进处L4,18 redundancy[ri'd✈nd☜nsi] n. 过多L9 re-entrant 凹入的L12 refer[ri'f☜:] v. 指, 涉及, 谈及L1,12 reference['ref☜r☜ns] n.参照,参考L21 refresh display 刷新显示L9 register ring 定位环L11 register['red✞st☜] v. 记录, 显示, 记数L2 regrind[ri:'♈aind](reground[ri:'gru:nd]) vt. 再磨研L12 relative['rel☜tiv] a. 相当的, 比较的L12 relay ['ri:lei] n. 继电器L7 release[ri'li:s] vt. 释放L1 relegate['rel☜geit] vt. 把··降低到L9 reliability [rilai☜'biliti] n. 可靠性L7 relief valves 安全阀L22 relief[ri'li:f] n.解除L22 relieve[ri'li:v ]vt.减轻, 解除L 2 remainder[ri'meind☜] n. 剩余物, 其余部分L 4 removal[ri'mu:vl] n. 取出L14 remove[ri'mu:v] v. 切除, 切削L 4 reposition [rip☜'zi☞☜n] n.重新安排L17 represent[ repri'zent☜] v 代表,象征L11 reputable['repjut☜bl] a. 有名的, 受尊敬的L1 5 reservoir['rez☜vwa: ] n.容器, 储存器L22 resident['rezid☜nt] a. 驻存的L9 resist[ri'zist] vt.抵抗L 1 resistance[ri'zist☜ns] n.阻力, 抵抗L1 resolution[ rez☜'lu:☞☜n] n. 分辨率L9 respective[ri'spektiv] a.分别的,各自的L11 respond[ris'p nd] v.响应, 作出反应L9 responsibility[risp ns☜'biliti] n.责任L13 restrain[ris'trein]v.抑制L21128restrict [ris'trikt] vt 限制,限定L18 restriction[ris'trik☞☜n] n. 限制L12 retain[ri'tein] vt.保持, 保留L2,1 2 retaining plate 顶出固定板L16 reveal [ri'vil] vt.显示,展现L17 reversal [ri'v☜sl] n. 反向L1,20 right-angled 成直角的L20 rigidity[ri'd✞iditi] n. 刚度L 1 rod[r d] n. 杆, 棒L1,5 rotate['r☜uteit] vt.(使)旋转L 5 rough machining 粗加工L 5 rough[r✈f] a. 粗略的L5,21 routine [ru:'ti:n] n. 程序L7 rubber['r✈b☜] n.橡胶L3,22 runner and gate systems 流道和浇口系统L1 1Ssand casting 砂型铸造L 3 satisfactorily[ s✌tis'f✌ktrili] adv. 满意地L 1 saw[a :] n. 锯子L 4 scale[skeil]n. 硬壳L 2 score[sk :] v. 刻划L14 scrap[skr✌p] n.废料, 边角料, 切屑L2,3 screwcutting 切螺纹L 4 seal[si:l] vt.密封L22 secondary storage L9 section cutting plane 剖切面L16 secure[si'kju☜] v.固定L22 secure[si'kju☜] vt.紧固,夹紧,固定L5,22 segment['se♈m☜nt] v. 分割L10 sensitive['sensitiv]a.敏感的L1,7 sequence ['si:kw☜ns] n. 次序L 6 sequential[si'kwen☞☜l] a.相继的L16 seriously['si☜ri☜sli] adv.严重地L 1 servomechanism ['s☜:v☜'mek☜nizm] n.伺服机构L7 Servomechanism Laboratoies 伺服机构实验室L7 servomotor ['s☜:v☜m☜ut☜] n.伺服马达L8 setter ['set☜] n 安装者L17 set-up 机构L20 sever ['sev☜] v 切断L17 severity [si'veriti] n. 严重L20 shaded[☞✌did] adj.阴影的L21 shank [☞✌☠k] n. 柄. L17 shear[☞i☜]n.剪,切L 1 shot[☞t] n. 注射L12 shrink[☞ri☠k] vi. 收缩L11 side sectional view 侧视图L1 6 signal ['si♈nl] n.信号L8 similarity[simi'l✌riti] n.类似L1 5 simplicity[sim'plisiti] n. 简单L12 single-point cutting tool 单刃刀具L 5 situate['sitjueit] vt. 使位于, 使处于L11 slide [slaid] vi. 滑动, 滑落L20 slideway['slaidwei] n. 导轨L 5 slot[sl t] n. 槽L 4 slug[sl✈♈] n. 嵌条L12 soak[s☜uk] v. 浸, 泡, 均热L 2 software ['s ftw☪☜] n. 软件L 6 solid['s lid] n.立体, 固体L9 solidify[s☜'lidifai] vt.vi. (使)凝固, (使)固化L1 3 solution[s☜'lu:☞☜n] n.溶液L 2 sophisiticated [s☜'fistikeitid] adj.尖端的,完善的L8 sound[saund] a. 结实的, 坚固的) L 1 spark erosion 火花蚀刻L10 spindle['spindl] n. 主轴L5,8 spline[splain] n.花键L 4 split[split] n. 侧向分型, 分型L12,14 spool[spu:l] n. 线轴L14 springback n.反弹L20129spring-loaded 装弹簧的L18sprue bush 主流道衬套L11 sprue puller 浇道拉杆L12 square[skw☪☜] v. 使成方形L 4 stage [steid✞] n. 阶段L16,19 standardisation[ st✌nd☜dai'zei☞☜n] n. 标准化L15 startling['sta:tli☠] a. 令人吃惊的L10 steadily['sted☜li ] adv. 稳定地L21 step-by-step 逐步L8 stickiness['stikinis] n.粘性L22 stiffness['stifnis] n. 刚度L 1 stock[st k] n.毛坯, 坯料L 3 storage tube display 储存管显示L9 storage['st :rid✞] n. 储存器L9 straightforward[streit'f :w☜d]a.直接的L10 strain[strein] n.应变L 1 strength[stre☠] n.强度L 1 stress[stres] n.压力,应力L 1 stress-strain应力--应变L 6 stretch[stret☞] v.伸展L1,21 strike [straik] vt. 冲击L20 stringent['strind✞☜nt ] a.严厉的L22 stripper[strip☜] n. 推板L15 stroke[strouk] n. 冲程, 行程L12 structrural build-up 结构上形成的L11 sub-base 垫板L19 subject['s✈bd✞ikt] vt.使受到L21 submerge[s☜b'm☜:d✞] v.淹没L22 subsequent ['s✈bsikwent] adj. 后来的L20 subsequently ['s✈bsikwentli] adv. 后来, 随后L 5 substantial[s☜b'st✌n☞☜l] a. 实质的L10 substitute ['s✈bstitju:t] vt. 代替,.替换L7 subtract[s☜b'tr✌kt] v.减, 减去L15 suitable['su:t☜bl] a. 合适的, 适当的L5 suitably['su:t☜bli] ad.合适地L15 sunk[s✈☠k](sink的过去分词) v. 下沉, 下陷L1 1 superior[s☜'pi☜ri☜] adj.上好的L22 susceptible[s☜'sept☜bl] adj.易受影响的L7 sweep away 扫过L17 symmetrical[si'metrikl] a. 对称的L1 4 synchronize ['si☠kr☜naiz] v.同步,同时发生L8Ttactile['t✌ktail] a. 触觉的, 有触觉的L9 tailstock['teilst k] n.尾架L 5 tapered['teip☜d] a. 锥形的L12 tapping['t✌pi☠] n. 攻丝L8 technique[tek'ni:k] n. 技术L16 tempering['temp☜r☠] n.回火L 2 tendency['tend☜nsi] n. 趋向, 倾向L1 3 tensile['tensail] a.拉力的, 可拉伸的L2 拉紧的, 张紧的L 1 tension ['ten☞☜n] n.拉紧,张紧L 1 terminal ['t☜:m☜nl ] n. 终端机L 6 terminology[t☜:mi'n l☜d✞i ] n. 术语, 用辞L1 1 theoretically [ i:☜'retikli ] adv.理论地L21 thereby['❆☪☜bai] ad. 因此, 从而L15 thermoplastic[' ☜:m☜u'pl✌stik] a. 热塑性的, n. 热塑性塑料L 3 thermoset[' ☜:m☜set] n.热固性L12 thoroughly[' ✈r☜uli] adv.十分地, 彻底地L 2 thread pitch 螺距L 5 thread[ red] n. 螺纹L 5 thrown up 推上L17 tilt [tilt] n. 倾斜, 翘起L20 tolerance ['t l☜r☜ns] n..公差L17 tong[t ☠] n. 火钳L 2 tonnage['t✈nid✞] n.吨位, 总吨数L 3130glossary131 tool point 刀锋 L 3 tool room 工具车间 L 10 toolholder['tu:lh ☜uld ☜] n.刀夹,工具柄 L5 toolmaker ['tu:l'meik ☜] n 模具制造者 L17 toolpost grinder 工具磨床 L 4 toolpost['tu:l'p ☜ust] n. 刀架 L 4 torsional ['t :☞☜nl] a 扭转的 . L 1 toughness['t fnis] n. 韧性 L 2 trace [treis] vt.追踪 L 7 tracer-controlled milling machine 仿形铣床 L 4 transverse[tr ✌ns'v ☜:s] a. 横向的 L 5 tray [trei] n. 盘,盘子,蝶 L 19 treatment['tri:tm ☜nt] n.处理 L 2 tremendous[tri'mend ☜s] a. 惊人的, 巨大的 L 9 trend [trend] n.趋势 L 7 trigger stop 始用挡料销 L 17 tungsten['t ✈☠st ☜n] n.钨 L 10 turning['t ☜:ni ☠] n.车削 L 4, 5 twist[twist ] v.扭曲,扭转 L 1 two-plate mould 双板式注射模 L 12Uultimately['✈ltimitli] adv 终于. L 6 undercut moulding 侧向分型模 L 1 4 undercut['✈nd ☜k ✈t] n. 侧向分型L 1 4 undercut['✈nd ☜k ✈t] n.底切L 1 2 underfeed['✈nd ☜'fi:d] a, 底部进料的 L 15 undergo[✈nd ☜'♈☜u] vt.经受 L 1 underside['✈nd ☜said] n 下面,下侧 L 11 undue[✈n'dju:] a.不适当的, 过度的 L4,10 uniform['ju:nif :m] a.统一的, 一致的 L 12 utilize ['ju:tilaiz] v 利用 L 17 Utopian[ju't ☜upi ☜n] adj.乌托邦的, 理想化的 L 21 V valve[v ✌lv] n.阀 L 2 2 vaporize['veip ☜raiz] vt.vi. 汽化, (使)蒸发 L 10 variation [v ☪☜ri'ei ☞☜n] n. 变化 L 20 various ['v ☪☜ri ☜s] a.不同的,各种的 L1,20 vector feedrate computation 向量进刀速率计算 L 7 vee [vi:] n. v 字形 L 20 velocity[vi'l siti] n.速度 L 1 versatile['v ☜s ☜tail] a.多才多艺的,万用的 L 5,8 vertical['v ☜:tikl] a. 垂直的 L 16 via [vai ☜] prep.经,通过 L 8 vicinity[v ☜'siniti] n.附近 L 13 viewpoint['vju:p int] n. 观点 L 4 W wander['w nd ☜] v. 偏离方向 L 13 warp[w :p] v. 翘曲 L 2 washer ['w ☞☜] n. 垫圈 L 18 wear [w ☪☜] v.磨损 L 7 well line 结合线 L 13 whereupon [hw ☪☜r ☜'p n] adv. 于是 L 19 winding ['waindi ☠] n. 绕, 卷 L 8 with respect to 相对于 L 1,5 withstand[wi ❆'st ✌nd] vt.经受,经得起 L1 work[w ☜:k] n. 工件 L 4 workstage 工序 L 19 wrinkle['ri ☠kl] n.皱纹vt.使皱 L 21 Y yield[ji:ld] v. 生产 L 9 Z zoom[zu:] n. 图象电子放大 L 9。
加工说明Machining Note
cam pierce
notch french
cam form
boss / dimple
coin burr
extrude hole
blind dowel
deburring punch
stopping plate
groove punch
location block
stamp punch
round punch
ribbon punch
air cushion plate
X:—¢0.00 (DR。THRU HL)
五金模具常用专业术语中英文对照表上模座upper die set 成型公form punch脱料板stripper 垫板subplate/backup plate 下模座die plate 滑块CAM slider垫脚parallel 误检misfeeder托板mounting plate 顶料销kick off初始管位first start pin 带肩螺丝shoulder screw两用销lifter pin 氮气汽缸gas spring弹簧护套spring cage 拔牙螺丝jack screw侧冲组件cam section 导正装置guide equipment漏废料孔slug hole 刀口trim line加强装置enhance equipment 入子insert护套bushing 整形公restrike forming punch 止挡板stop plate 挂台head扣位pocket of head 导柱guide post导套guide bushing 油嘴oil nipple接刀口mismatch/cookie bites 限位块stop block挡块stopper 浮块lifter压块keeper 靠块heel对正块alignment block 简易模prototype tooling检具gage/checking fixture 料带图strip layout闭合高度shut hight 俯视图top view料带strip 公差tolerance正视图front view 走位travel避位/空pocket 退磁demagnetization间隙clearance 真空热外理vacuum heat treatment 镗孔mill hole 表面外理surface coasting镀钛TD coasting 沉头counter sink精锣finish mill 线割wire cutting穿丝孔first wire hole 斜度taper镭射laser-cut 上夹板/固定座holder/retainer下模座lower die set 成刑母公forming die电火花EDM 码模槽mounting slot球锁紧固定座ball-lock 导尺rail球锁紧凸模BALL--LOCK 送料板rail plate外购out sourcing 倒角chamfer清角SCRAP CHOPPER 销钉dowel尖角sharp --angle 普通弹簧coil spring展开图EXPENSINg DWG 三打螺丝spool镶件insert 毛刺burr键销key 插针pilot pin顶杆lifter bolt 结构图die layout/design起吊孔handing hole 侧视图cross-section view 垫片shim/wear-plate 退磁DEMAGNETIZATION 键槽key slot 沉孔counter hole储运块storage block 电火花EDM导正块thrust block 剪口直深位trim land手板件prototype unit/part 装备MAURTIG规格spec有效A V AILABILITY五金模具常用专业术语中英文对照表上模座upper die set 下模座lower die set 上夹板holder脱料板stripper 镶件insert 夹板/固定座retainer下模板die plate 成型公form punch 成型母公form die垫脚parallel 垫板sub-plate/backup plate backing plate码模槽mounting slot托板mounting plate 滑块cam slider 导尺rail初始管位first start pin 误检装置misfeeder 送料板rail plate两用销lifter pin 顶料销kick off 键销key止付螺丝set screw 带肩螺丝shoulder screw 销钉dowel弹簧护套spring cage 氮气汽缸gas spring 普通弹簧coil spring侧冲组件cam sections 拔牙螺孔jack screw 三打螺丝spool漏废料孔slug hole 导正装置guide equipment 毛刺burr加强装置enhance equipment 刀口trim line 插针pilot pin护套bushing 入子insert 顶杆lifter bolt止挡板stop plate 整形公restrike forming punch 起吊孔handing hole 扣位pocket of head 挂台head 垫片shim/wear-plate 导套guide bushing 导柱guide post 键槽key slot接刀口mismatch/cookie bites 油嘴oil nipple 靠刀:Heel of cutting punch 固定冲头公夹板:common punch holer 非标易损件:non-standard wearing parts 挡块stopper 限位块(柱)stop block 储运块storage block 压块keeper 浮块lifter 导正块thrust block对正块alignment block 靠块heel 耐磨块:Wear Plate on cutting steel 检具gage/checking fixture 简易模prototype tooling 板件prototype unit/part 料带strip 料带图strip layout 结构图die layout/design 正视图front view 俯视图top view 侧视图:cross-section view 避位/空pocket 间隙clearance 公差tolerance 走位travel 行程stroke 镗孔mill hole 真空热处理vacuum heat treatment 退磁demagnetization 镀钛TD coating 表面处理surface coating 倒角chamfer精锣(缩)finish mill 沉头counter sink 沉孔counter hole 穿丝孔first wire hole 线切割(缩)wire cutting 电火花(缩)EDM 镭射(缩)laser-cut 斜度taper 剪口直深位trim land常用工序名称1.pilot pierce 导正冲孔2.trim 飞边/切边3.idle 空步4.draw 拉伸5.flange 翻边/围边6.forge/coin 镦薄7.repress 回压8.restrike 整形9.reel 卷圆10.ribbon 压筋11.draw hole 翻孔/抽牙nce 切舌刺破13.flatten 拍平14.coin burr 压毛刺/拍披锋/面压15.cut off 切断/切离铭牌信息Tool No. (模具编号)Part No. (产品编号)Part name (产品名称)Stock thickness (材料厚度)Stock width (料宽)Progression (步距)Shut height (闭合高度)Feed height (送料高度)Tonnage (吨位)Total die weight (模具总重量)Upper die weight (上模重量)。
组装、冲压、喷漆等专业词汇Assembly line组装线Layout布置图Conveyer流水线物料板Rivet table拉钉机Rivet gun拉钉枪Screw driver起子Electric screw driver电动起子Pneumatic screw driver气动起子worktable 工作桌OOBA开箱检查fit together组装在一起fasten锁紧(螺丝)fixture 夹具(治具)pallet栈板barcode条码barcode scanner条码扫描器fuse together熔合fuse machine热熔机repair修理operator作业员QC品管supervisor 课长ME制造工程师MT制造生技cosmetic inspect外观检查inner parts inspect内部检查thumb screw大头螺丝lbs. inch镑、英寸EMI gasket导电条front plate前板rear plate后板chassis基座bezel panel面板power button电源按键reset button重置键Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试V oltage switch of SPS电源电压接拉键sheet metal parts 冲件plastic parts塑胶件SOP制造作业程序material check list物料检查表work cell工作间trolley台车carton纸箱sub-line支线left fork叉车personnel resource department人力资源部production department生产部门planning department企划部QC Section品管科stamping factory冲压厂painting factory烤漆厂molding factory成型厂common equipment常用设备uncoiler and straightener整平机punching machine 冲床robot机械手hydraulic machine油压机lathe车床planer |'plein|刨床miller铣床grinder磨床driller??床linear cutting线切割electrical sparkle电火花welder电焊机staker=reviting machine铆合机position职务president董事长general manager总经理special assistant manager特助factory director厂长department director部长deputy manager | =vice manager副理section supervisor课长deputy section supervisor =vice sectionsuperisor副课长group leader/supervisor组长line supervisor线长assistant manager助理to move, to carry, to handle搬运be put in storage入库pack packing包装to apply oil擦油to file burr 锉毛刺final inspection终检to connect material接料to reverse material 翻料wet station沾湿台Tiana天那水cleaning cloth抹布to load material上料to unload material卸料to return material/stock to退料scraped |'skræpid|报废scrape ..v.刮;削deficient purchase来料不良manufacture procedure制程deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良oxidation |' ksi'dein|氧化scratch刮伤dents压痕defective upsiding down抽芽不良defective to staking铆合不良embedded lump镶块feeding is not in place送料不到位stamping-missing漏冲production capacity生产力education and training教育与训练proposal improvement提案改善spare parts=buffer备件forklift叉车trailer=long vehicle拖板车compound die合模die locker锁模器pressure plate=plate pinch压板bolt螺栓name of a department部门名称administration/general affairs dept总务部automatic screwdriver电动启子thickness gauge厚薄规gauge(or jig)治具power wire电源线buzzle蜂鸣器defective product label不良标签identifying sheet list标示单screwdriver holder起子插座pedal踩踏板stopper阻挡器flow board流水板hydraulic handjack油压板车forklift叉车pallet栈板glove(s)手套glove(s) with exposed fingers割手套thumb大拇指forefinger食指midfinger中指ring finger无名指little finger小指band-aid创可贴iudustrial alcohol工业酒精alcohol container沾湿台head of screwdriver起子头sweeper扫把mop拖把vaccum cleaner吸尘器rag 抹布garbage container灰箕garbage can垃圾箱garbage bag垃圾袋chain链条jack升降机production line流水线chain链条槽magnetizer加磁器lamp holder灯架to mop the floor拖地to clean the floor扫地to clean a table擦桌子air pipe 气管packaging tool打包机packaging打包missing part漏件wrong part错件excessive defects过多的缺陷critical defect极严重缺陷major defect主要缺陷minor defect次要缺陷not up to standard不合规格dimension/size is a little bigger尺寸偏大(小)cosmetic defect外观不良slipped screwhead/slippery screw head螺丝滑头slipped screwhead/shippery screwthread滑手speckle斑点mildewed=moldy=mouldy发霉rust生锈deformation变形burr(金属)flash(塑件)毛边poor staking铆合不良excesssive gap间隙过大grease/oil stains油污inclusion杂质painting peel off脏污shrinking/shrinkage缩水mixed color杂色scratch划伤poor processing 制程不良poor incoming part事件不良fold of pakaging belt打包带折皱painting make-up补漆discoloration羿色water spots水渍polishing/surface processing表面处理exposed metal/bare metal金属裸露lack of painting烤漆不到位safety安全quality品质delivery deadline交货期cost成本engineering工程die repair模修enterprise plan = enterprise expansionprojects企划QC品管die worker模工production, to produce生产equipment设备to start a press开机stop/switch off a press关机classification整理regulation整顿cleanness清扫conservation清洁culture教养qualified products, up-to-gradeproducts良品defective products, not up-to-gradeproducts不良品waste废料board看板feeder送料机sliding rack滑料架defective product box不良品箱die change 换模to fix a die装模to take apart a die拆模to repair a die修模packing material包材basket蝴蝶竺plastic basket胶筐isolating plate baffle plate; barricade隔板carton box纸箱to pull and stretch拉深to put material in place, to cut material,to input落料to impose lines压线to compress, compressing压缩character die字模to feed, feeding送料transportation运输(be)qualfied, up to grade合格not up to grade, not qualified不合格material change, stock change材料变更feature change 特性变更evaluation评估prepare for, make preparations for 准备parameters参数rotating speed, revolution转速manufacture management制造管理abnormal handling异常处理production unit生产单位lots of production生产批量steel plate钢板roll material卷料manufacture procedure制程operation procedure作业流程to revise, modify修订to switch over to, switch---to throw--over switching over切换engineering, project difficulty工程瓶颈stage die工程模automation自动化to stake, staking, reviting铆合add lubricating oil加润滑油shut die架模shut height of a die架模高度analog-mode device类模器die lifter举模器argon welding氩焊vocabulary for stamping冲压常词汇stamping, press冲压punch press, dieing out press冲床uncoiler & strainghtener整平机feeder送料机rack, shelf, stack料架cylinder油缸robot机械手taker取料机conveyer belt输送带transmission rack输送架top stop上死点bottom stop下死点one stroke一行程inch寸动to continue, cont.连动to grip(material)吸料location lump, locating piece, blockstop 定位块reset复位smoothly顺利dent压痕scratch刮伤deformation变形filings铁削to draw holes抽孔inquiry, search for查寻to stock, storage, in stock库存receive领取approval examine and verify审核processing, to process加工delivery, to deliver 交货to return delivenry to.to send delinery backto retrn of goods退货registration登记registration card登记卡to control管制to put forward and hand in提报safe stock安全库存acceptance = receive验收to notice通知application form for purchase请购单consume, consumption消耗to fill in填写abrasion磨损reverse angle = chamfer倒角character die字模to collect, to gather收集failure, trouble故障statistics统计demand and supply需求career card履历卡to take apart a die卸下模具to load a die装上模具to tight a bolt拧紧螺栓to looser a bolt拧松螺栓to move away a die plate移走模板easily damaged parts易损件standard parts标准件breaking.(be)broken,(be)cracked 断裂to lubricate润滑common vocabulary for dieengineering模具工程常用词汇die 模具figure file, chart file图档cutting die, blanking die冲裁模progressive die, follow (-on)die连续模compound die复合模punched hole冲孔panel board镶块to cutedges=side cut=side scrap切边to bending折弯to pull, to stretch拉伸Line streching, line pulling线拉伸engraving, to engrave刻印upsiding down edges翻边to stake铆合designing, to design设计design modification设计变化die block模块folded block折弯块sliding block滑块location pin定位销lifting pin顶料销die plate, front board模板padding block垫块stepping bar垫条upper die base上模座lower die base下模座upper supporting blank上承板upper padding plate blank上垫板spare dies模具备品spring 弹簧bolt螺栓document folder文件夹file folder资料夹to put file in order整理资料spare tools location手工备品仓first count初盘人first check初盘复棹人second count 复盘人second check复盘复核人equipment设备waste materials废料work in progress product在制品casing = containerazation装箱quantity of physical invetory second count 复盘点数量quantity of customs count会计师盘,点数量the first page第一联filed by accounting department for reference会计部存查end-user/using unit(department)使用单位summary of year-end physical inventory bills年终盘点截止单据汇总表bill name单据名称This sheet and physical inventory list will be sent to accounting department together (Those of NHK will be sent to financial department)本表请与盘点清册一起送会计部-(NHK厂区送财会部)Application status records of year-end physical inventory List andphysical inventory card 年终盘点卡与清册使用-状况明细表blank and waste sheet NO.空白与作废单号plate电镀mold成型material for engineering mold testing工程试模材料not included in physical inventory不列入盘点sample样品incoming material to be inspected进货待验description品名steel/rolled steel钢材material statistics sheet物料统计明细表meeting minutes会议记录meeting type 会别distribution department分发单位location地点chairman主席present members出席人员subject主题conclusion结论decision items决议事项responsible department负责单位pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日approved by / checked by / prepared by核准/审核/承办PCE assembly production schedulesheetPCE组装厂生产排配表model机锺work order工令revision版次remark备注production control confirmation生产确认checked by初审approved by核准department部门stock age analysis sheet库存货龄分析表on-hand inventory现有库存available material良品可使用obsolete material良品已呆滞to be inspected or reworked待验或重工total合计cause description原因说明part number/ P/N 料号type形态item/group/class类别quality品质prepared by制表notes说明year-end physical inventory differenceanalysis sheet年终盘点差异分析表physical inventory盘点数量physical count quantity帐面数量difference quantity差异量cause analysis原因分析raw materials原料materials物料finished product成品semi-finished product半成品packing materials包材good product/accepted goods/ acceptedparts/good parts良品defective product/non-good parts不良品disposed goods处理品warehouse/hub仓库on way location在途仓oversea location海外仓spare parts physical inventory list备品盘点清单spare molds location模具备品仓skid/pallet栈板tox machine自铆机wire EDM线割EDM放电机coil stock卷料sheet stock片料tolerance工差score=groove压线cam block滑块pilot导正筒trim剪外边pierce剪内边drag form压锻差pocket for the punch head挂钩槽slug hole废料孔feature die公母模expansion dwg展开图radius半径shim(wedge)楔子torch-flame cut火焰切割set screw止付螺丝form block折刀stop pin定位销round pierce punch=die button圆冲子shape punch=die insert异形子stock locater block定位块under cut=scrap chopper清角active plate活动板baffle plate挡块cover plate盖板male die公模female die母模groove punch压线冲子air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing block衬套insert 入块club car高尔夫球车capability能力parameter参数factor系数phosphate皮膜化成viscosity涂料粘度alkalidipping脱脂main manifold主集流脉bezel斜视规blanking穿落模dejecting顶固模demagnetization去磁;消磁high-speed transmission高速传递heat dissipation热传rack上料degrease脱脂rinse水洗alkaline etch龄咬desmut剥黑膜D.I. rinse纯水次Chromate铬酸处理Anodize阳性处理seal封孔revision版次part number/P/N料号good products良品scraped products报放心品defective products不良品finished products成品disposed products处理品barcode条码flow chart流程表单assembly组装stamping冲压molding成型spare parts=buffer备品coordinate座标dismantle the die折模auxiliary fuction辅助功能poly-line多义线heater band 加热片thermocouple热电偶sand blasting喷沙grit 砂砾derusting machine除锈机degate打浇口dryer烘干机induction感应induction light感应光response=reaction=interaction感应ram连杆edge finder巡边器concave凸convex凹short射料不足nick缺口speck瑕??shine亮班splay 银纹gas mark焦痕delamination起鳞cold slug冷块blush 导色gouge沟槽;凿槽satin texture段面咬花witness line证示线patent专利grit沙砾granule=peuet=grain细粒grit maker抽粒机cushion缓冲magnalium镁铝合金magnesium镁金metal plate钣金lathe车mill锉plane刨grind磨drill铝boring镗blinster气泡fillet镶;嵌边through-hole form通孔形式voller pin formality滚针形式cam driver铡楔shank摸柄crank shaft曲柄轴augular offset角度偏差velocity速度production tempo生产进度现状torque扭矩spline=the multiple keys花键quenching淬火tempering回火annealing退火carbonization碳化alloy合金tungsten high speed steel钨高速的moly high speed steel钼高速的organic solvent有机溶剂bracket小磁导liaison联络单volatile挥发性resistance电阻ion离子titrator滴定仪beacon警示灯coolant冷却液crusher破碎机模具工程类plain die简易模pierce die冲孔模forming die成型模progressive die连续模gang dies复合模shearing die剪边模riveting die铆合模pierce冲孔forming成型(抽凸,冲凸) draw hole抽孔bending折弯trim切边emboss凸点dome凸圆semi-shearing半剪stamp mark冲记号deburr or coin压毛边punch riveting冲压铆合side stretch侧冲压平reel stretch卷圆压平groove压线blanking下料stamp letter冲字(料号) shearing剪断tick-mark nearside正面压印tick-mark farside反面压印冲压名称类extension dwg展开图procedure dwg工程图die structure dwg模具结构图material材质material thickness料片厚度factor系数upward向上downward向下press specification冲床规格die height range适用模高die height闭模高度burr毛边gap间隙weight重量total wt.总重量punch wt.上模重量五金零件类inner guiding post内导柱inner hexagon screw内六角螺钉dowel pin固定销coil spring弹簧lifter pin顶料销eq-height sleeves=spool等高套筒pin销lifter guide pin浮升导料销guide pin导正销wire spring圆线弹簧outer guiding post外导柱stop screw止付螺丝located pin定位销outer bush外导套模板类top plate上托板(顶板)top block上垫脚punch set上模座punch pad上垫板punch holder上夹板stripper pad脱料背板up stripper上脱料板male die公模(凸模)feature die公母模female die母模(凹模)upper plate上模板lower plate下模板die pad下垫板die holder下夹板die set下模座bottom block下垫脚bottom plate下托板(底板)stripping plate内外打(脱料板)outer stripper外脱料板inner stripper内脱料板lower stripper下脱料板零件类punch冲头insert入块(嵌入件)deburring punch压毛边冲子groove punch压线冲子stamped punch字模冲子round punch圆冲子special shape punch异形冲子bending block折刀roller滚轴baffle plate挡块located block定位块supporting block for location定位支承块air cushion plate气垫板air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆trimming punch切边冲子stiffening rib punch = stinger 加强筋冲子ribbon punch压筋冲子reel-stretch punch卷圆压平冲子guide plate定位板sliding block滑块sliding dowel block滑块固定块active plate活动板lower sliding plate下滑块板upper holder block上压块upper mid plate上中间板spring box弹簧箱spring-box eject-rod弹簧箱顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing bolck衬套cover plate盖板guide pad导料块塑件&模具相关英文compre sion molding压缩成型flash mold溢流式模具plsitive mold挤压式模具split mold分割式模具cavity型控母模core模心公模taper锥拔leather cloak仿皮革shiver饰纹flow mark流痕welding mark溶合痕post screw insert螺纹套筒埋值self tapping screw自攻螺丝striper plate脱料板piston活塞cylinder汽缸套chip细碎物handle mold手持式模具移转成型用模具encapsulation molding低压封装成型射出成型用模具two plate两极式(模具)well type蓄料井insulated runner绝缘浇道方式hot runner热浇道runner plat浇道模块valve gate阀门浇口band heater环带状的电热器spindle阀针spear head刨尖头slag well冷料井cold slag冷料渣air vent排气道h=0.02~0.05mmw=3.2mmL=3~5mm welding line熔合痕eject pin顶出针knock pin顶出销return pin回位销反顶针sleave套筒stripper plate脱料板insert core放置入子runner stripper plate浇道脱料板guide pin导销eject rod (bar)(成型机)顶业捧subzero深冷处理three plate三极式模具runner system浇道系统stress crack应力电裂orientation定向sprue gate射料浇口,直浇口nozzle射嘴sprue lock pin料头钩销(拉料杆)slag well冷料井side gate侧浇口edge gate侧缘浇口tab gate搭接浇口film gate薄膜浇口flash gate闸门浇口slit gate缝隙浇口fan gate扇形浇口dish gate因盘形浇口H=F=1/2t~1/5tT=2.5~3.5mmdiaphragm gate隔膜浇口ring gate环形浇口subarine gate潜入式浇口tunnel gate隧道式浇口pin gate针点浇口Φ0.8~1.0mmRunner less无浇道(sprue less)无射料管方式long nozzle延长喷嘴方式sprue浇口;溶渣品质人员名称类QC quality control 品质管理人员FQC final quality control 终点品质管制人员IPQC in process quality control制程中的品质管制人员OQC output quality control 最终出货品质管制人员IQC incoming quality control 进料品质管制人员TQC total quality control 全面质量管理POC passage quality control 段检人员QA quality assurance 质量保证人员OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员QE quality engineering 品质工程人员品质保证类FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查FAA first article assurance 首件确认TVR tool verification report 模具确认报告3B 3B 模具正式投产前确认CP capability index 能力指数CPK capability index of process 模具制程能力参数SSQA standardized supplier quality合格供应商品质评估OOBA out of box audit 开箱检查QFD quality function deployment品质机能展开FMEA failure model effectivenessanalysis 失效模式分析8 disciplines 8项回复内容FA final audit 最後一次稽核CAR corrective action request 改正行动要求corrective action report 改正行动报告FQC运作类AQL Acceptable Quality Level 运作类允收品质水准S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小ACC Accept 允收REE Reject 拒收CR Critical 极严重的MAJ Major 主要的MIN Minor 轻微的AOQ Average Output Quality 平均出厂品质AOQL Average Output Quality Level 平均出厂品质Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 品质/可靠度服务MIL-STD Military-Standard 军用标准S I-S IV Special I-Special IV 特殊抽样水准等级P/N Part Number 料号L/N Lot Number 特采AOD Accept On Deviation 特采UAI Use As It 首件检查报告FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 百万分之一PPM Percent Per Million 批号制程统计品管专类SPC Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制SQC Statistical Quality Control 统计品质管制R Range 全距AR Averary Range 全距平均值UCL Upper Central Limit 管制上限LCL Lower Central Limit 管制下限MAX Maximum 最大值MIN Minimum 最小值GRR Gauge Reproducibility&Repeatability 量具之再制性及重测性判断量可靠与否DIM Dimension 尺寸DIA Diameter 直径FREQ Frequency 频率N Number 样品数其它品质术语类QCC Quality Control Circle 品质圈QIT Quality Improvement Team 品质改善小组PDCA Plan Do Check Action 计划执行检查总结ZD Zero Defect 零缺点QI Quality Improvement 品质改善QP Quality Policy 目标方针TQM Total Quality Management全面品质管理MRB Material Reject Bill 退货单LQL Limiting Quality Level 最低品质水准RMA Return Material Audit 退料认可QAN Quality Amelionrate Notice品质改善活动ADM Absolute DimensionMeasuremat 全尺寸测量QT Quality Target 品质目标7QCTools 7 Quality Controll Tools品管七大手法通用之件类ECN Engineering Change Notes 工程变更通知(供应商)ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改动要求(客户)PCN Process Change Notice 工序改动通知PMP Product Management Plan 生产管制计划SIP Specification In Process 制程检验规格SOP Standard Operation Procedure制造作业规范IS Inspection Specification 成品检验规范BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单PS Package Specification 包装规范SPEC Specification 规格DWG Drawing 图面系统文件类QC Quality System 品质系统ES Engineering Standarization 工程标准CGOO China General PCE龙华厂文件H Huston (美国)休斯敦C Compaq (美国)康伯公司C China 中国大陆A Assembly 组装(厂)S Stamping 冲压(厂)P Painting 烤漆(厂)I Intel 英特尔公司T TAIWAN 台湾IWS International Workman Standard工艺标准ISO International StandardOrganization 国际标准化组织GS General Specification 一般规格CMCS C-China M-ManufactC-Compaq S-Stamping Compaq产品在龙华冲压厂制造作业规范CQCA Q-Quality A-AssemblyCompaq产品在龙华组装厂品管作业规范CQCP P-Painting Compaq产品在龙华烤漆厂品管作业规范部类PMC Production & MaterialControl 生产和物料控制PPC Production Plan Control 生产计划控制MC Material Control 物料控制ME Manafacture Engineering 制造工程部PE Project Engineering 产品工程部A/C Accountant Dept 会计部P/A Personal & Administration 人事行政部DC Document Center 资料中心QE Quality Engineering品质工程(部)QA Quality Assurance 品质保证(处)QC Quality Control 品质管制(课)PD Product Department 生产部LAB Labratry 实验室IE Industrial Engineering 工业工程R&D Research & Design 设计开发部P Painting 烤漆(厂)A Asssembly 组装(厂)S Stamping 冲压(厂)生产类PCS Pieces 个(根,块等)PRS Pairs 双(对等)CTN Carton 卡通箱PAL Pallet/skid 栈板PO Purchasing Order 采购订单MO Manufacture Order 生产单D/C Date Code 生产日期码ID/C Identification Code (供应商)识别码SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求L/N Lot Number 批号P/N Part Number 料号其它OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原设备制造PCE Personal Computer Enclosure 个人电脑外设PC Personal Computer 个人电脑CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器SECC SECC` 电解片SGCC SGCC 热浸镀锌材料NHK North of Hongkong 中国大陆PRC People's Republic of China中国大陆U.S.A the United States of America美国A.S.A.P As Soon As Possible 尽可能快的E-MAIL Electrical-Mail 电子邮件N/A Not Applicable 不适用QTY Quantity 数量VS 以及REV Revision 版本JIT Just In Time 零库存I/O Input/Output 输入/输出OK Ok 好NG Not Good 不行,不合格C=0 Critical=0 极严重不允许ESD Electry-static Discharge 静电排放5S 希腊语整理,整顿,清扫,清洁,教养ATIN Attention 知会CC Carbon Copy 副本复印相关人员APP Approve 核准,认可,承认CHK Check 确认AM Ante Meridian 上午PM Post Meridian 下午CD Compact Disk 光碟CD-ROM Compact Disk Read-OnlyMemory 只读光碟FDD Floppy Disk Drive 软碟机HDD Hard Disk Drive 碟碟机REF Reference 仅供参考CONN Connector 连接器CA V Cavity 模穴CAD Computer Aid Design 计算机辅助设计ASS'Y Assembly 装配,组装MAT'S Material 材料IC Integrated Circuit 集成电路T/P True Position 真位度TYP Type 类型WDR Weekly Delivery Requitement周出货需求C?T Cycle Time 制程周期L/T Lead Time 前置时间(生产前准备时间)S/T Standard Time 标准时间P/M Product Market 产品市场3CComputer,Commumcation,Consumerelectronic's 消费性电子5WIHWhen,Where,Who,What,Why,How to5MMan,Machine,Material,Method,Measurement4MIHMan,Materia,Money,Method,Time人力,物力,财务,技术,时间(资源)SQA Strategy Quality Assurance策略品质保证DQA Desigh Quality Assurance 设计品质保证MQA Manufacture QualityAssurance 制造品质保证SSQA Sales and service QualityAssurance 销售及服务品质保证LRR Lot Rejeet Rate 批退率BS Brain storming 脑力激荡EMI Electronic Magnetion Inspect高磁测试FMI Frequency Modulatim Inspect高频测试B/M Boar/Molding(flat cable)C/P Connector of PCA/P AssemblySPS Switching power supply 电源箱DT Desk Top 卧式(机箱)MT Mini-Tower 立式(机箱)DVD Digital Vedio DiskVCD Vdeio Compact DiskLCD Liquid Crystal DisplayCAD Computer AID DesignCAM Computer AID ManufacturingCAE Computer AID EngineeringABIOS Achanced Basic input/output system 先进的基本输入/输出系统CMOS Complemeruary MetollOxide Semiconductor 互补金属氧化物半导体PDA Personal Digital Assistant 个人数字助理IC Integrated Circuit 集成电路ISA Industry Standard Architecture 工业标准体制结构MCA Micro Channel Architecture 微通道结构EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture 扩充的工业标准结构SIMM Single in-line memory module 单项导通汇流组件DIMM Dual in-line Memory Module 双项导通汇流组件LED Light-Emitting Diode 发光二级管FMEA Failure Mode Effectivenes 失效模式分析W/H Wire Harness 金属线绪束集组件F/C Flat Calle 排线PCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷电路板CAR Correction Action Report 改善报告NG Not Good 不良WPR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出货要求PPM Parts Per Million 百万分之一TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生产保养MRP Material Requiremcnt Planning 物料需计划OC Operation System 作业系统TBA To Be Design 待定,定缺D/C Drawing ChangeP/P Plans & ProceduneEMI Electrical-Music Industry 电子音乐工业RFI Read Frequency Input 读频输入MMC Maximum Material ConditionMMS Maximum Material SizeLMC Least Material ConditionLMS Least Material Size模具技术用语各种模具常用成形方式accurate die casting 精密压铸powder forming 粉末成形calendaring molding 压延成形powder metal forging 粉末锻造cold chamber die casting 冷式压铸precision forging 精密锻造cold forging 冷锻press forging 冲锻compacting molding 粉末压出成形rocking die forging 摇动锻造compound molding 复合成形rotaryforging 回转锻造compression molding 压缩成形rotational molding 离心成形dip mold 浸渍成形rubber molding橡胶成形encapsulation molding 注入成形sand mold casting 砂模铸造extrusion molding 挤出成形shellcasting 壳模铸造foam forming ?泡成形sinter forging烧结锻造forging roll 轧锻six sides forging 六面锻造gravity casting 重力铸造slushmolding 凝塑成形hollow(blow) molding 中空(吹出)成形squeeze casting 高压铸造hot chamber die casting 热室压铸swaging 挤锻hot forging 热锻transfer molding 转送成形injection molding 射出成形warmforging 温锻investment casting 精密铸造matched die method 对模成形法laminating method 被覆淋膜成形low pressure casting 低压铸造lost wax casting 脱蜡铸造matchedmould thermal forming 对模热成形模各式模具分类用语bismuth mold 铋铸模landed plungermold 有肩柱塞式模具burnishing die 挤光模landed positivemold 有肩全压式模具button die 镶入式圆形凹模loadingshoe mold 料套式模具center-gated mold 中心浇口式模具loose detail mold 活零件模具chill mold 冷硬用铸模loose mold活动式模具clod hobbing 冷挤压制模louveringdie 百叶窗冲切模composite dies 复合模具manifolddie 分歧管模具counter punch 反凸模modular mold组合式模具double stack mold 双层模具multi-cavity mold 多模穴模具electroformed mold 电铸成形模multi-gate mold 复式浇口模具expander die 扩径模offswt bendingdie 双折冷弯模具extrusion die 挤出模palletizing die叠层模family mold 反套制品模具plastermold 石膏模blank through dies 漏件式落料模porous mold 通气性模具duplicated cavity plate 复板模positive mold 全压式模具fantail die 扇尾形模具pressure die压紧模fishtail die 鱼尾形模具profile die轮廓模flash mold 溢料式模具progressivedie 顺序模gypsum mold 石膏铸模protablemold 手提式模具hot-runner mold 热流道模具prototype mold 雏形试验模具ingot mold 钢锭模punching die 落料模lancing die 切口模raising(embossing) 压花起伏成形re-entrant mold 倒角式模具sectional die 拼合模runless injection mold 无流道冷料模具sectional die 对合模具segment mold 组合模semi-positive mold 半全压式模具shaper 定型模套single cavity mold 单腔模具solid forging die 整体锻模split forging die 拼合锻模split mold 双并式模具sprueless mold 无注道残料模具squeezing die 挤压模stretch form die 拉伸成形模sweeping mold 平刮铸模swing die 振动模具three plates mold 三片式模具trimming die 切边模unit mold 单元式模具universal mold 通用模具unscrewing mold 退扣式模具yoke type die 轭型模模具厂常用之标准零配件air vent vale 通气阀anchor pin 锚梢angular pin 角梢baffle 调节阻板angular pin 倾斜梢baffle plate 折流档板ball button 球塞套ball plunger 定位球塞ball slider 球塞滑块binder plate 压板blank holder 防皱压板blanking die落料冲头bolster 上下模板bottom board 浇注底板bolster 垫板bottom plate 下固定板bracket 托架bumper block 缓冲块buster 堵口casting ladle 浇注包casting lug 铸耳cavity 模穴(模仁)cavity retainer plate 模穴托板centerpin 中心梢clamping block 锁定块coil spring螺旋弹簧cold punched nut 冷冲螺母coolingspiral 螺旋冷却栓core 心型core pin 心型梢cotter 开口梢cross 十字接头cushion pin 缓冲梢diaphragm gate盘形浇口die approach 模头料道die bed 型底die block 块形模体die body 铸模座die bush 合模衬套die button 冲模母模die clamper 夹模器die fastener 模具固定用零件die holder 母模固定板die lip 模唇die plate 冲模板die set 冲压模座direct gate 直接浇口dog chuck 爪牙夹头dowel 定位梢dowel hole 导套孔dowel pin 合模梢dozzle 辅助浇口dowel pin 定位梢draft 拔模锥度draw bead 张力调整杆drive bearing传动轴承ejection pad 顶出衬垫ejector 脱模器ejector guide pin 顶出导梢ejectorleader busher 顶出导梢衬套ejector pad 顶出垫ejector pin 顶出梢ejector plate 顶出板ejector rod 顶出杆ejector sleeve 顶出衬套ejector valve顶出阀eye bolt 环首螺栓filling core 椿入蕊film gate 薄膜形浇口finger pin 指形梢finish machined plate 角形模板finish machined round plate 圆形模板fixed bolster plate 固定侧模板flanged pin 带凸缘?flash gate 毛边形浇口flask 上箱floating punch 浮动冲头gate 浇口gate land 浇口面gib 凹形拉紧?goose neck 鹅颈管guide bushing 引导衬套guide pin 导梢guide post 引导柱guide plate 导板guide rail 导轨head punch 顶?冲头headless punch直柄冲头heavily tapered solid 整体模蕊盒hose nippler 管接头impact damper 缓冲器injection ram压射柱塞inlay busher 嵌入衬套inner plunger内柱塞inner punch 内冲头insert 嵌件insert pin 嵌件梢king pin 转向梢king pin bush 主梢衬套knockout bar脱模杵land 合模平坦面land area 合模面leader busher 导梢衬套lifting pin 起模顶?lining 内衬locating center punch 定位中心冲头locating pilot pin 定位导梢locatingring 定位环lock block 压块locking block 定位块locking plate 定位板loose bush 活动衬套making die 打印冲子manifold block歧管档块master plate 靠模样板match plate分型板mold base 塑胶模座mold clamp 铸模紧固夹mold platen 模用板moving bolster换模保持装置。
五金模具常用专业术语中英文对照表上模座upper die set成型公form punch脱料板stripper 垫板subplate/backup plate 下模座die plate滑块CAM slider垫脚parallel 误检misfeeder托板mounting plate顶料销kick off初始管位first start pin带肩螺丝shoulder screw两用销lifter pin氮气汽缸gas spring弹簧护套spring cage 拔牙螺丝jack screw侧冲组件cam section 导正装置guide equipment漏废料孔slug hole刀口trim line加强装置enhance equipment 入子insert护套bushing 整形公restrike forming punch 止挡板stop plate 挂台head扣位pocket of head 导柱guide post导套guide bushing 油嘴oil nipple接刀口mismatch/cookie bites 限位块stop block挡块stopper 浮块lifter压块keeper 靠块heel对正块alignment block 简易模prototype tooling检具gage/checking fixture 料带图strip layout闭合高度shut hight 俯视图top view料带strip 公差tolerance正视图front view 走位travel避位/空pocket 退磁demagnetization间隙clearance 真空热外理vacuum heat treatment镗孔mill hole 表面外理surface coasting镀钛TD coasting 沉头counter sink精锣finish mill 线割wire cutting穿丝孔first wire hole 斜度taper镭射laser-cut 上夹板/固定座holder/retainer下模座lower die set 成刑母公forming die电火花EDM 码模槽mounting slot球锁紧固定座ball-lock 导尺rail球锁紧凸模BALL--LOCK 送料板rail plate外购out sourcing 倒角chamfer清角SCRAP CHOPPER 销钉dowel尖角sharp --angle 普通弹簧coil spring展开图EXPENSINg DWG 三打螺丝spool镶件insert 毛刺burr键销key 插针pilot pin顶杆 lifter bolt 结构图 die layout/design 起吊孔 handing hole 侧视图 cross-section view 垫片 shim/wear-plate 退磁 DEMAGNETIZATION 键槽 key slot 沉孔 counter hole 储运块 storage block 电火花 EDM导正块 thrust block 剪口直深位 trim land手板件 prototype unit/part 装备 MAURTIG 规格 spec有效 A V AILABILITY五金模具常用专业术语中英文对照表上模座 upper die set 下模座 lower die set 上夹板 holder脱料板 stripper 镶件 insert 夹板/固定座 retainer 下模板 die plate 成型公 form punch 成型母公form die 垫脚 parallel 垫板 sub-plate/backup plate backing plate 码模槽 mounting slot托板 mounting plate 滑块 cam slider 导尺 rail初始管位 first start pin 误检装置 misfeeder 送料板 rail plate 两用销 lifter pin 顶料销 kick off 键销 key 止付螺丝 set screw 带肩螺丝 shoulder screw 销钉 dowel弹簧护套 spring cage 氮气汽缸 gas spring 普通弹簧 coil spring 侧冲组件 cam sections 拔牙螺孔 jack screw 三打螺丝 spool 漏废料孔 slug hole 导正装置 guide equipment 毛刺 burr 加强装置 enhance equipment 刀口 trim line 插针 pilot pin 护套 bushing 入子insert 顶杆 lifter bolt止挡板 stop plate 整形公 restrike forming punch 起吊孔 handing hole 扣位 pocket of head 挂台 head 垫片 shim/wear-plate 导套 guide bushing 导柱 guide post 键槽 key slot 接刀口 mismatch/cookie bites 油嘴 oil nipple 靠刀:Heel of cutting punch 固定冲头公夹板:common punch holer 非标易损件:non-standard wearing parts挡块 stopper 限位块(柱)stop block 储运块 storage block 压块 keeper 浮块 lifter 导正块 thrust block对正块 alignment block 靠块 heel 耐磨块:Wear Plate on cutting steel检具 gage/checking fixture 简易模 prototype tooling 手板件 prototype unit/part料带 strip 料带图 strip layout 结构图 die layout/designVISION TOOL & Die CO .,LTD中泰五金模具有限公司正视图front view 俯视图top view 侧视图:cross-section view避位/空pocket 间隙clearance 公差tolerance 走位travel 行程stroke镗孔mill hole 真空热处理vacuum heat treatment 退磁demagnetization镀钛TD coating 表面处理surface coating 倒角chamfer精锣(缩)finish mill 沉头counter sink 沉孔counter hole穿丝孔first wire hole 线切割(缩)wire cutting 电火花(缩)EDM 镭射(缩)laser-cut 斜度taper 剪口直深位trim land常用工序名称1.pilot pierce 导正冲孔2.trim 飞边/切边3.idle 空步4.draw 拉伸5.flange 翻边/围边6.forge/coin 镦薄7.repress 回压8.restrike 整形9.reel 卷圆10.ribbon 压筋11.draw hole 翻孔/抽牙nce 切舌刺破13.flatten 拍平14.coin burr 压毛刺/拍披锋/面压15.cut off 切断/切离铭牌信息Tool No. (模具编号)Part No. (产品编号)Part name (产品名称)Stock thickness (材料厚度)Stock width (料宽)Progression (步距)Shut height (闭合高度)Feed height (送料高度)Tonnage (吨位)Total die weight (模具总重量)Upper die weight (上模重量)。
五⾦模具中英⽂专业术语五⾦模具常⽤专业术语中英⽂对照表上模座upper die set成型公form punch脱料板stripper 垫板subplate/backup plate 下模座die plate滑块CAM slider 垫脚parallel 误检misfeeder托板mounting plate顶料销kick off初始管位first start pin带肩螺丝shoulder screw两⽤销lifter pin氮⽓汽缸gas spring弹簧护套spring cage 拔⽛螺丝jack screw侧冲组件cam section 导正装置guide equipment漏废料孔slug hole⼑⼝trim line加强装置enhance equipment ⼊⼦insert护套bushing 整形公restrike forming punch ⽌挡板stop plate 挂台head扣位pocket of head 导柱guide post导套guide bushing 油嘴oil nipple接⼑⼝mismatch/cookie bites 限位块stop block挡块stopper 浮块lifter压块keeper 靠块heel对正块alignment block 简易模prototype tooling检具gage/checking fixture 料带图strip layout闭合⾼度shut hight 俯视图top view料带strip 公差tolerance正视图front view ⾛位travel避位/空pocket 退磁demagnetization间隙clearance 真空热外理vacuum heat treatment镗孔mill hole 表⾯外理surface coasting镀钛TD coasting 沉头counter sink精锣finish mill 线割wire cutting穿丝孔first wire hole 斜度taper镭射laser-cut 上夹板/固定座holder/retainer下模座lower die set 成刑母公forming die电⽕花EDM 码模槽mounting slot球锁紧固定座ball-lock 导尺rail球锁紧凸模BALL--LOCK 送料板rail plate外购out sourcing 倒⾓chamfer清⾓SCRAP CHOPPER 销钉dowel尖⾓sharp --angle 普通弹簧coil spring展开图EXPENSINg DWG 三打螺丝spool镶件insert ⽑刺burr键销key 插针pilot pin顶杆 lifter bolt 结构图 die layout/design 起吊孔 handing hole 侧视图 cross-section view 垫⽚ shim/wear-plate 退磁DEMAGNETIZATION 键槽 key slot 沉孔 counter hole 储运块 storage block 电⽕花 EDM导正块 thrust block 剪⼝直深位 trim land⼿板件 prototype unit/part 装备 MAURTIG 规格 spec有效 A V AILABILITY五⾦模具常⽤专业术语中英⽂对照表上模座 upper die set 下模座 lower die set 上夹板 holder脱料板 stripper 镶件 insert 夹板/固定座 retainer 下模板 die plate 成型公 form punch 成型母公form die 垫脚 parallel 垫板 sub-plate/backup plate backing plate 码模槽 mounting slot托板 mounting plate 滑块 cam slider 导尺 rail初始管位 first start pin 误检装置 misfeeder 送料板 rail plate 两⽤销 lifter pin 顶料销 kick off 键销 key ⽌付螺丝 set screw 带肩螺丝 shoulder screw 销钉 dowel弹簧护套 spring cage 氮⽓汽缸 gas spring 普通弹簧 coil spring 侧冲组件 cam sections 拔⽛螺孔 jack screw 三打螺丝 spool 漏废料孔 slug hole 导正装置 guide equipment ⽑刺 burr 加强装置 enhance equipment ⼑⼝ trim line 插针 pilot pin 护套bushing ⼊⼦insert 顶杆 lifter bolt⽌挡板 stop plate 整形公 restrike forming punch 起吊孔 handing hole 扣位 pocket of head 挂台 head 垫⽚ shim/wear-plate 导套 guide bushing 导柱 guide post 键槽 key slot 接⼑⼝ mismatch/cookie bites 油嘴 oil nipple 靠⼑:Heel of cutting punch 固定冲头公夹板:common punch holer ⾮标易损件:non-standard wearing parts挡块 stopper 限位块(柱)stop block 储运块 storage block 压块 keeper 浮块 lifter 导正块 thrust block对正块 alignment block 靠块 heel 耐磨块:Wear Plate on cutting steel检具 gage/checking fixture 简易模 prototype tooling ⼿板件 prototype unit/part料带 strip 料带图 strip layout 结构图 die layout/designVISION TOOL & Die CO .,LTD中泰五⾦模具有限公司正视图front view 俯视图top view 侧视图:cross-section view避位/空pocket 间隙clearance 公差tolerance ⾛位travel ⾏程stroke镗孔mill hole 真空热处理vacuum heat treatment 退磁demagnetization镀钛TD coating 表⾯处理surface coating 倒⾓chamfer精锣(缩)finish mill 沉头counter sink 沉孔counter hole穿丝孔first wire hole 线切割(缩)wire cutting 电⽕花(缩)EDM 镭射(缩)laser-cut 斜度taper 剪⼝直深位trim land常⽤⼯序名称1.pilot pierce 导正冲孔2.trim 飞边/切边3.idle 空步4.draw 拉伸5.flange 翻边/围边6.forge/coin 镦薄7.repress 回压8.restrike 整形9.reel 卷圆10.ribbon 压筋11.draw hole 翻孔/抽⽛/doc/28d576ee551810a6f52486da.html nce 切⾆刺破13.flatten 拍平14.coin burr 压⽑刺/拍披锋/⾯压15.cut off 切断/切离铭牌信息Tool No. (模具编号)Part No. (产品编号)Part name (产品名称)Stock thickness (材料厚度)Stock width (料宽)Progression (步距)Shut height (闭合⾼度)Feed height (送料⾼度)Tonnage (吨位)Total die weight (模具总重量)Upper die weight (上模重量)Spherical bearing 滚动轴承(外球⾯轴承)代号:UCF OR UCPAligning ball bearing 调⼼滚⼦轴承 22205-22264 22308-22380 Cylindrical roller bearing 圆柱滚⼦轴承 NJ202-264 NU303 NJ304-356 Angular contact ball bearing⾓接触轴承7200C-7248C 7300C-7348CDeep groove ball bearing 深沟球轴承 6016-6330Taper roller bearing 圆锥滚⼦轴承 30304-32356 30202-30256(⼀)滚动轴承总论1. 滚动轴承rolling bearing在⽀承负荷和彼此相对运动的零件间作滚动运动的轴承,它包括有滚道的零件和带或不带隔离或引导件的滚动体组。
4.1.2加工说明对照表:夕卜导套OUTER GUIDE BUISHING 起吊杆HANDING PIN实数铣通MILL THRU 正反两面各铣TOP SIDE AND OPP SIDE MILLX:- g0.00 (氮气弹弓过孔,锣穿)单+0.00X:- g 0.00 (DR.THRU FOR GAS SPRING) S+0.00X:- g 0.00 (氮气弹弓沉头,正面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00.)X:- g 0.00 ( CNC C'BORE TOP SIDE FOR GAS SPRING S+0.00, DP0.00)X:- g 0.00 (氮气弹弓沉头,反面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00.)X:- g 0.00 (CNC C'BORE OPP SIDE FOR GAS SPRING S+0.00, DP0.00)X:- g 0.00 (合销孔,铰)X:- g 0.00 (REAM FOR DOWEL)X:- g 0.00 (合销孔,割)单+0.00X:- g 0.00 (W/C FOR DOWEL) S+0.00(正面沉头g 0.00*0.00深,内攻M0.00*1.5牙)(g 0.00*0.00 C'BORE DP0.00 TOP SIDE, TAP M0.00*1.5 THR)(反面沉头g 0.00*0.00深,内攻M0.00*1.5牙)(g 0.00*0.00 C'BORE DP.0.00 OPP. SIDE, TAP M0.00*1.5 THR)X:- g 0.00 (合销孔,钻穿)X:- g 0.00 (DR.THRU FOR DOWEL)X:- g 0.00 (一般孔,钻穿)X:- g 0.00 (DR.THRU HL)X:- g 0.00 (穿丝孔,钻穿)X:- g 0.00 (DR.THRU FOR WEDM S.H.)X:- g 0.00 (漏油孔,钻穿)按向视图加工X:- g 0.00 (DR.THRU FOR DRAIN HL) ACCORDING VIEW DRAWING TO MACHINING X:-(漏油槽,反面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:- (CNC POCKET OPP.SIDE FOR DRAIN, S+0.00, DP0.00)X:- g 0.00 (基准孔,铰)X:- g 0.00 (REAM FOR DATUM HL)X:- g 0.00钻穿(螺丝过孔)内攻M0.00牙X:- g 0.00 (DR.THRU FOR CLEARANCE HL, TAP M0.00 THR)(正面沉头g 0.00*0.00深)(g 0.00*0.00 C'BORE DP0.00 TOP SIDE)(反面沉头g 0.00*0.00 深)(g 0.00*0.00 C'BORE DP0.00 OPP. SIDE)X:-M0.00钻穿,反面攻深0.00,有效牙0.00X:-M0.00 DR.THRU, TAP DP0.00 OPP.SIDE, THR DP0.00)X:-M0.00钻穿,正面攻深0.00,有效牙0.00X:-M0.00 DR.THRU, TAP DP0.00 TOP SIDE, THR DP0.00)X:-M0.00钻穿,正反面攻深0.00,有效牙0.00X:-M0.00 DR.THRU, TAP DP0.00 TOP&OPP. SIDE, THR DP0.00)X:-M0.00盲孔,反面攻深0.00,有效牙0.00X:-M0.00 BLIND HL, TAP WORK DP0.00 OPP. SIDE)X:-M0.00盲孔,正面攻深0.00,有效牙0.00X:-M0.00 BLIND HL, TAP WORK DP0.00 TOP SIDE, THR DP0.00)X:-M0.00盲孔,正反面攻深0.00,有效牙0.00X:-M0.00 BLIND HL, TAP DP0.00 TOP&OPP. SIDE, THR DP0.00)X:-M0.00盲孔,侧面分中攻深0.00组模自配X:-M0.00 BLIND HL, TAP DP0.00 ON EDGE FROM CENTER , DIE MAKER FIT)(侧面沉头C0.00*0.00深)(C 0.00*0.00 C'BORE DP0.00 EDGE SIDE)X:-M0.00盲孔,侧面分中钻深0.00X:-M0.00 BLIND HL, DR. DP0.00 ON EDGE FROM CENTERX:-M0.00 (拨牙螺丝孔,攻穿)X:-M0.00 TAP.THRU FOR JACK SCREWX:- C 0.00 (塞打过孔,钻穿)X:- C 0.00 DR.THRU FOR SPOOLX:- C 0.00 (弹弓过孔,钻穿)X:- C 0.00 DR.THRU FOR SPRINGX:- C0.00 (弹弓孔,反面沉深0.00)有效深0.00X:- C 0.00 (C'BORE FOR SPRING DP.0.00 OPP.SIDE, USED DP.0.00)X:- C0.00 (弹弓孔,正面沉深0.00)有效深0.00X:- C 0.00 (C'BORE FOR SPRING DP.0.00 TOP.SIDE, WORK DP.0.00)X:-(避空孔,锣穿)单+0.00X:- (POCKET THRU)S+0.00X:-(避空孔,正面CNC单+0.00锣深0.00)X:- (POCKET, CNC MILL S+0.00 DP0.00 TOP SIDE)X:-(避空孔,反面CNC单+0.00锣深0.00)X:- (POCKET, CNC MILL S+0.00 DP0.00 OPP SIDE)X:- C 0.00 (避空孔,反面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:-电 0.00 (POCKET, CNC MILL S+0.00, DP0.00 OPP.SIDE)X:- g 0.00 (避空孔,正面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:- g 0.00 (POCKET, CNC MILL S+0.00, DP0.00 EDGE SIDE)X:- g 0.00 (两用销过孔,割)单+0.00X:- g 0.00 (LIFTER PIN, W/C S+0.00)X:-(导尺避空,CNC单+0.00锣穿)X:- (POCKET FOR RAIL, CNC MILL THRU, S+0.00)X:-(导尺避空,正面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:- (POCKET FOR RAIL, CNC MILL DP.0.00 TOP SIDE, S+0.00)X:-(导尺避空仮面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:- (POCKET FOR RAIL, CNC MILL DP.0.00 OPP. SIDE, S+0.00)X:-(浮块避空,正面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:- (POCKET FOR LIFTER, CNC MILL DP.0.00 TOP SIDE, S+0.00)X:-(浮块孔,割)单+0.00(反面避空单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:- (LIFTER HL, W/C)S+0.00(POCKET DP0.00 S+0.00 OPP.SIDE)X:-(浮块孔,锣)单+0.00(反面避空单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:- (LIFTER HL, MILL)S+0.00(POCKET DP0.00 S+0.00 OPP.SIDE)X:- g 0.00 (顶针孔,钻穿)(反面沉头g 0.00*0.00深,内攻M0.00*1.5牙)X:- g 0.00 (EJECT PIN, DR.THRU.)(g 0.00 C'BORE DP0.00 OPP. SIDE, TAP M0.00*1.5 THR)X:- g 0.00 (顶针孔,钻穿)(正面沉头g 0.00*0.00深,内攻M0.00*1.5牙)X:- g 0.00 (EJECT PIN, DR.THRU.)(g 0.00 C'BORE DP0.00 TOP SIDE, TAP M0.00*1.5 THR)X:- g 0.00 (导柱(导套)孔,CNC锣)单+0.00X:- g 0.00 CNC MILL FOR GUIDE PIN(BUSHING) S+0.00X:- g 0.00 (导柱(导套)孔,割)单+0.00X:- g 0.00 W/C FOR GUIDE PIN(BUSHING) S+0.00X:-M0.00*1.5(止付螺丝,正面攻深0.00)X:-M0.00*1.5(SET SCREW, TAP DP0.00 TOP SIDE)五金模具单词总结模具种类:连续模progressive die 机械手transfer die 手动机械手hand transfer die 单工程模single die/line die 复合模compound die 铆接模riveting die 铸造结构模cast die 能快换的模changeover die 泡沫模pattern互换性:公差toleranee 上公差upper toleranee 下公差lower toleranee 公差范围toleranee range 公差+/- 0.05 plus mi nus 0.05 形位公差图GD&T 平面度flatness 直线度straightness 倾斜度an gularity 垂直度perpendicularity / squareness 平行度parallelism 圆度roundness / circularity 圆柱度cylindricity 面轮廓度surface profile 线轮廓度line profile 位置度true position 同轴度concentricity 对称度symmetry 圆跳动run out 全跳动total run out 尺寸dimension 角度angle degree 全尺寸报告dimensional layout工艺性:料带strip 料带图strip layout 工序process 冲导正孑L pilot pierce 冲孑L pierce 侧冲cam pierce 切边notch成形后的切边trim切侧刃french trim / fringe trim 厚料切边后的精修边shave 折弯be nd 墩薄coin折弯处压筋gusset 成形form 侧成形cam form 整形restrike / rehit 围边flange压线/压长条状筋ribbon 打凸米boss / dimple 打凸包emboss 打字印stamp 打沙拉孑L hourglass 面押coin burr 抽孑L extrude hole 拍平flat / spanking 包边hem edge 压角cone 张角flare 切舌lance 半剪knockout 卷圆curl/热恶劣旋转rotate 铆接rivet 铆螺母stake nut 切断cutoff 接刀口mismatch 料带带料处carrier tabs 毛刺方向burr direct ion 产品切边线trim line模具零件:模具die / tool 上托板upper mounting plate 上垫脚upper parallel 上模座upper die set 上垫板punch backup 上夹板punch holder 止挡板traveling stop 脱料板stripper 下模板die plate 下垫板die backup plate 下模座lower die set 下垫脚lower parallel 上托板base mounting plate 浮块lifter 浮料板lifter plate 成型公form punch 压料块pressure pad 切边冲头trim punch 刀口trim steel 刀口直身位land 直5 斜1 5mm Land 1 taper 刀口上沉头的深度die life 沉头counter bore 冲头倒斜shear 高低冲stagger punch 球锁冲头ball-lock punch 球锁座ball-lock retainer 冲孔入子button 顶针kick off / ejector 废料切断刀slug breaker 成型凹模form die 整形公restrike form punch 导尺rail /stock guidanee 导尺顶杆lifter bolt 导料板rail plate 镶件/入子insert 侧冲组件cam 滑块slide滑块上油槽oil groove 铲机driver 码模槽mounting slot 储运块storage block 限位柱stop block 起吊孑L handing hole 起吊环eyebolt 模柄shank 靠块heel 摆块rocker bender 脱料板拉杆stripper bolt 模座导正块thrust 耐磨片wear sheet 耐磨板wear plate 垫片shim 两用销lifter pin 初始管位first start pin 内限位standoff 压块keeper 导柱导套压块keeper/ boss 键槽key slot 键key氮气弹簧gas spring / nitrogen spring 氮气弹簧安装法兰mou nting flange 氮气弹簧系统n itroge n man ifold 螺旋弹簧coil spring 聚氨酯弹簧urethane 弹簧套spring cage 导柱guide post 导套guide bushing 插针pilot pin 插针套pilot bushing 插针通孔pilot through hole 侧刃french误检装置misfeeder 传感器sensor 误检杆trigger 油嘴oil nipple 销针dowel pin 螺丝screw 牙thread 拔牙jackscrew 内六角螺钉socket head screw 垫圈washer 螺塞screw plug 盲销blind dowel 行程,走位stroke / travel 吨位tonnage 机械冲床mechanical press 油压机hydraulic press 冲床下台面bolster 冲床上台面ram 冲床台面布置图press layout 冲床码模槽press mounting slot 冲床气垫air cushion 码模钳stirrup 闭合高度shut height 送料高度feeding height 送料机feeder T 型槽T-slot 避位clearanee /pocket 掏空pocket 挂台head 扣位pocket of head 通气孑L air vent hole 漏油孔drain hole 漏料孔slug hole 基准孑L datum hole 通孑L through hole穿丝孑L first wire holeT 型槽T-slot 拔牙jackscrew 摆块rocker ben der闭合高度shut height 避位cleara nee /pocket侧冲组件cam 侧刃french 插针pilot pin 插针套pilot bushi ng 插针通孔pilot through hole铲机driver 沉头coun ter bore成型凹模form die 成型公form punch 冲床码模槽press moun ti ng slot冲床气垫air cushi on冲床上台面ram冲床台面布置图press layout冲床下台面bolster冲孔入子button冲头倒斜shear初始管位first start pin储运块storage block 穿丝孑L first wire hole 传感器sen sor 弹簧套spri ng cage 氮气弹簧gas spri ng / n itroge n氮气弹簧安装法兰mou nting flange氮气弹簧系统n itroge n man ifold刀口trim steelspri ng刀口上沉头的深度die life 刀口直身位land导尺rail /stock guida nee导尺顶杆lifter bolt导料板rail plate 导套guide bush ing导柱guide post导柱导套压块keeper/ boss 垫片shim 垫圈washer顶针kick off / ejector 吨位tonn age废料切断刀slug breaker浮块lifter脱料板拉杆stripper bolt 误检杆trigger误检装置misfeeder下垫板die backup plate下垫脚lower parallel下模板die plate下模座lower die set限位柱stop block镶件/入子in sert销针dowel pin行程,走位stroke / travel压块keeper压料块pressure pad牙thread油压机hydraulic press油嘴oil n ipple整形公restrike form punch直 5 斜 1 5mm Land 1 tap er 止挡板traveli ng s top机加工:开料cutting material 钻drill (DR) 攻牙tap 铰ream 铣mill 车lathe 电脑锣NC mill 线切割wire cutting (W/C) 磨grind 刨planer 电火花EDM 镭射laser cutting 倒角chamfer 精加工finish XX 真空热处理vacuum heat treatment 镀钛TD coating 退磁demagnetization 烧焊weldG :40-M6BLIND HL,TAP DP18.00 OPP SIDE,THR DP18.00)盲孔,反面攻深** G10:4-M30BLIND HL,TAP DP18.00 EDGE SIDE)盲孔,侧攻深**(%%c34.00*14.00 C'BORE DP14.00 TOP SIDE)正面沉头多少X多少深G2 :24-%%c8.00(REAM FOR DOWEL WORK DP16.00 OPP SIDE,DR%%c6.00 HL)G2 :24-%%c8.00(合销,背铰深16.00有效深,内钻%%C6.00通孔)G4 :3-%%c10.00(基准孔,背铰深20.00)背面锣25.00*25.00 方形沉头,深1.00%%P0.01(REAM FOR DATUM HL DP20.00,MILL25.00*25.00 OPP SIDE DP1.00%%P0.01) M:2-%%c15.00(弹簧孔,锣深33.00) (C'BORE OR SPRINGDP33.00 TOP SIDE,WORK DP33.00)X :3-%%c32.00(导套孔,锣穿,单+0.01)(MILL THRU FOR GUIDE BUSHING S+0.01)G :2-M10盲孔,侧攻深30.00(有效深)(BLIND HL,TAP WORK DP30.00 EDGE SIDE)(沉头5.20%%P0.05深)(SLOT DP5.20%%P0.05 TOP SIDE)L :2-%%c8.000(合销,割)单+0.005 (W/C FOR DOWEL)S+0.005盲孑L ,攻深20.00(有效深) (BLIND HL,TAP DP20.00 TOP SIDE,THR DP20.00)(插针孔,割,单+0.01) (W/C S+0.01 FOR PILOT PIN)(避位孑L ,背锣9.80(有效深) (POCKET,MILL DP9.80 OPP SIDE WORK)(冲头过孔,锣穿)(MILL THRU FOR PUNCH CLEARANCE HL)(导柱孔,锣穿,单+0.005) (MILL FOR GUIDE PIN) S+0.005避位槽,背锣深19.00) (POCKET,MILL DP15.40 OPP SIDE)(背,沉头%%c14.00,掏深留11.00) (%%c14.00 C'BORE UNTIL DP14.00 OPP SIDE)下模刀口,实数割,直5斜1.5 (内钻%%C5.0穿丝孔)W/C S+0.00 TRIM STEEL,5.0LAND 1.5TAPER,(DR THRU%%c3.00 WEDM S.H)(MILL FOR INSERT DP30.0%%P0.01 S+0.01)(入子槽,锣深30.00%%p0.01 单+0.01)(氮气槽,背锣深4.00%%P0.1 单+0.1) (GAS SPRING MILL DP4.00 OPP SIDE)S+0.1按向视图加工ACCORDING VIEW DRAWING TO MACHINING试模材料:热扎板HRS (hot-roll steel) 冷扎板CRS (cold-roll steel) 不锈钢板Stainless steel 镀锌板galvanized steel 镀铝锌板galvalume steel 热扎酸洗板HRPO steel (hot-rolled pickled and oiled steel)工具:卡尺caliper 千分尺micrometer 拨牙器jacker 扳手wrench 丝攻screw tap 起子screwdriver 码模钳stirrupPin Gauge标准针规Plastic Injection Machi ne 注塑机Poi nt to Poi nt CMM 三次元测量仪Precisio n surface grin der 精密手摇磨Press冲床Projector profile 投影机Shear Press 剪板机Slow Wire Cutting 慢走丝Vertical Milli ng Machi ne 卧式强力铣床扳手wrench 拨牙器jacker 卡尺caliper 码模钳stirrup 起子screwdriver 千分尺micrometer 丝攻screw tap CARVE 雕刻pothook 挂钩SPECIAL HL 异形孑L 漏斗filler合叶HINGE优力胶RUBBER球锁垫板LOCK WASHER双线边刀口,不倒角TRIM STEEL NEAR THE DOUBLE LINE NO CHAMFER滑块座:SLIDE SET机械:(engine type) liquid cooled, in-line, 4cylinder, carb (发动机型号)水冷,直列,四缸,化油器式(engine) compression ratio (发动机)压缩比(engine) displacement (发动机)排量(engine) fuel (发动机)燃料13-mode 13 工况3rd gear三档齿轮3-way seat 三向座椅4WD control device四轮驱动控制装置4WD in dicator switch 四轮驱动指示灯开关4WD lamp electrical conn ection四轮驱动指示灯接线4WD switch 四轮驱动开关5th syn chromesh assy.五档同步器总成6PK belt 6PK多楔驱动皮带A / C compressor assembly 空调压缩机总成A / C control assembly 空调控制装置A/C & heater assy.空调加热器总成A/C blower 空调鼓风机A/C clutch 空调压缩机离合器A/C compressor MTG bracket空调压缩机安装支架A/C con trol assy.空调控制器A/C housing assy.空调箱总成A/C low pressure switch 空调低压开关A/C mode select switch空调状态选择开关abdome n performa nee criteri on 腹部性能指标Abdomi nal Peak Force 腹部力峰值ABS防抱死制动系统acceleration fuel system 加速系统acceleration running noise level 加速行驶噪声accelerator in terlock ing type 力卩速踏板联锁式acco un ti ng foun dati on 财政基础Actual cycle work 实际循环功Actual torso angle 实际躯干角adapter连接器additional features 附加装置additional rule 附加法规adjust screw调整螺钉adjuster cable 调整拉线adjuster plug 调整盖adjuster screw assy.调整螺栓总成adjuster washer 调整棘片adjuster, diff. beari ng差速器轴承调整螺母Adjustme nt system 调节装置Administration and Registration Division 管理科Angle of rotation 旋转角angles drift off vertical line指针偏离垂直线的角度An gular diameter of the retro-reflect ing device 回复反射装置的角直径annex附件Announ ceme nt 公告an ti, shutdow n screw防不灭车调整螺钉Antilock Brake System 防抱死制动系统appe ndix 附录Applicable motor vehicle 适用机动车Applicable scope 适用范围applicant申请人application 申请application for notification 认可申请书approval 认可arm, valve rocket 摇臂armature转子总成armature shaft 电枢轴Arm-rests 靠手Article 条Article 1 第1 条Asphalt solution 沥青溶剂Attached docume nt 附署文件attached sheet 附表Attached Table 附表attach ing locati on of seat belt an chorage座椅安全带固定装置的固定位置attachme nt附属文件Attendants on board车上值班人员automatic chock cover sett ing 自动阻风门盖调至U automotive electric system 汽车电系automotive engine system 引擎系统automatic tran smissi on自动变速器,自动排挡变速箱Auxiliary Brake 辅助制动器Auxiliary Direction Indicator Lamps 辅助转向信号灯auxiliary spring 畐寸簧Auxiliary Stop Lamp 辅助驻车灯axle case 桥壳axle case assy.桥壳总成axle ratio桥速比axle tube 桥管axle weight 轴重back an gle level靠背角水平仪back an gle quadra nt靠背角量角器back pan 靠板back spri ng回位弹簧back ing plate制动底板Backing sheet 衬背板Back-Up Light 倒车灯cover & plate assy.离合器盖及压盘总成cover assy. , air clea ner空气滤清器盖总成cover, gear 侧盖cover, heater air空气加热罩cover, rear axle case后桥壳盖crane vehicle 起重车cran kcase曲轴箱cran kshaft 曲轴cran kshaft gear 曲轴齿轮cran kshaft & conn ect ing 曲轴连杆机构crankshaft oil gallery 曲轴油道cran kshaft sprocket 轴承链轮critical flow 临界流Cross sen sitivity of a lin ear tran sducer 线性传感器的横向灵敏度Crush dista nee 压碎距离Crush rate压碎速率Crush Stre ngth 压碎强度Cumulative time 累计时间cup皮碗cup, diff. side beari ng差速器轴承外圈cup, pinion front beari ng 主动齿轮前轴承外圈cup, pi nio n rear beari ng 主动齿轮后轴承外圈Cut-off明暗截止线cycle冲程cycli nder head cover 气门室罩Cylinder 气缸cylinder block 汽缸体cylinder body 缸体Cyli nder bore 缸径cyli nder head 汽缸盖cyli nder head cover 气门室罩cylinder number 气缸数cylinder working order(clockwise)气缸工作顺序(顺时针) damper转向减振器dan gerous article 危险物darkroom 暗室Data cha nnel数据通道Data Processi ng 数据处理Date of notification 认可日期Decelerati on of the structure 地板减速度Definitions 定义Definitions 术语deflection 偏移defroster除霜器dehydrator储液器和干燥器delay valve 延迟阀Desig n torso an gle 设计躯干角designated 认定desig nated motor vehicle 经型式认定的机动车Desig nati on 名称Desig natio n of bus in ess place 业务场所名称Designation of Confirmor 指定确认者det on ati on 爆震device proper装置本身Device type desig nati on 装置的型式认定dextrorotati on 右旋diameter 口径diaphragm 膜片diaphragm of fuel pump 油泵膜片diaphragm retur n spri ng 膜片回位弹簧diaphragm rod 膜片杆diaphragm spri ng 膜片弹簧Diesel fuel 柴油Diesel oil轻柴油diesel smoke柴油排烟Diesel smoke measuring instrument柴油机排烟测量仪diesel-powered motor vehicle 柴油机动车differe ntial case 差速器壳differe ntial gear 半轴齿轮differe ntial gearbox , front axle 前桥减速器differe ntial gearbox , rear axle 后桥减速器differe ntial side gear-to-case cleara nee半轴齿轮与差速器壳之间的间隙Digital magn etic recorder 数字式磁记录仪Digitilizi ng 数字化Diluted exhaust gas 稀释排气dilution tunnel 取样探管direct injectio n type 直喷型directi on in dicator lamp 转向信号灯directly con trolled wheel 直接控制车轮Director of the Vehicle and Comp onent Approvals Divisi on 车辆和零部件认证科长Director-Ge neral 署长Director-Ge neral of District Tran sport Bureau 地方运输局长Director-Ge neral of Land Tran sport Engin eeri ng Departme nt 陆运管理处长Director-Ge neral of Local Land Tran sport Office 地方陆运署长Director-Ge neral of Motor Vehicle In spection and Registratio n Office 机动车检验注册署长disc brakes 碟式刹车disc brake盘式制动器disk assy. , clutch drived 从动盘总成disk type braker盘式制动器Displacement 排气量Displaceme nt system 位移装置Distillation properties 分馏特性distillati on temperature 馏出温度distribution device 配气机构distributor 分电器distributor assy.分电器总成distributor cap 分电器盖distributor rotor 分电器转子distributor shaft 分电器轴distributor type分电器型号District Tran sport Bureau 地方陆运署docume nts to Be Submitted 需提交的文件dome lamp 顶灯door assy. , front RH.右前门总成door assy. , rear RH.右后门总成door hinge assy.车门铰链总成door hinge plate 车门铰链垫板doors assembly & body accessories前后车门总成及其附件double-lip seal双唇油圭寸double-tire 双胎dowel pin定位销合销dowel pin s-pump ring 定子定位销DRAWING PROCEDURE 绘制规程drier干燥剂drier receiver贮液干燥器drier receiver body 贮液气壳体drive end shield 前驱动端盖drive line system 传动系统drive pi nio n gear depth 驱动齿轮深度drive shaft 驱动轴drive sprocket 驱动链轮driver' s Seat驾驶员座椅driv ing beam 远光光束driving wheel 驱动轮drum brakes 鼓式杀V车drum brake鼓式制动器drum type braker鼓式制动器dry air干空气dry basis 干基dry-bulb 干球dummy假人dump自卸车dust boot防尘罩Dy namic test动态试验ECE Regulation ECE 法规eddy-curre nt type 电涡流式efe heater进气加热器Effective height 有效高度Effective Weighted factor 有效加权系数Effective width 有效宽度Electrical汽车电器Electrical System 电器系electromagnetic compatibility 电磁兼容性EMBOSSMENT 凸字Emerge ncy Brake紧急制动器Emerge ncy Exit 紧急出口Emerge ncy Motor Vehicles 应急用车Emerge ncy Sig nals应急信号用具Emerge ncy Stop In dicati on Devices 紧急停车表示用具emerge ncy valve 应急阀Emissio n Con trol Device排放物控制装置end cleara nee轴向间隙ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURE 实施规程En forceme nt Regulati on 实施规则en gi ne发动机,引擎Engine and Power Train System发动机及动力传动系engine assy.发动机总成engine displacement 发动机排量engine hood发动机罩engine in take ma ni fold 发动机进气歧管en gi ne load发动机负荷engine oil发动机润滑油engine oil capacity 发动机机油容量engine outside diagram 发动机外形图engine revoluti on speed 发动机转速engine type发动机型号Engin eeri ng and Safety Departme nt 技术安全咅E entrance step 入口台阶en try item填写项目entry value 填入值eqalizer平衡架Equivale nt in ertia weight 当量惯性重量escort vehicle 护卫车Europea n Econo mic Commu nity Comma nd 欧洲经济共同体指令Exam in ati on 审查exam in ati on affair 审查事务Fluid con tai ner 液体容器fluid torque converter 液力变扭器fluoresce nt surface 荧光面flying wheel 飞轮fog lamp 雾灯fog lamp relay 雾灯继电器fog lamp switch 雾灯开关Foil Thick ness 箔厚folded seat 折叠椅foldi ng seat折叠式座椅foot an gle quadra nt小腿夹角量角器fork拨叉Formalin福尔马林forward-opening inner door 内门前开型four-stroke cycle 四行程引擎four-wheel drive motor vehicle 四轮驱动的机动车Four-wheeled 四轮Frame车架Frame and Body 车架及车身Friction clutch摩擦离合器from evaporator drier 自蒸发器from heater core 出加热器from receiver drier自贮液干燥器from water jacket in take ma ni fold 自进气歧管水套front axle 前桥front axle assy.前桥总成front axle motor 前桥挂档马达front beari ng 前轴承front beari ng retainer 前轴承盖front beari ng, front output shaft 前输出轴前轴承front beari ng, in put shaft 输入轴前轴承front beari ng, output shaft 输出轴前轴承front brake disc 前制动盘front brake disc assy.前制动盘总成front case前壳体front case of vacuum booster 助力器前壳体front coil spring 前螺旋弹簧front comb ined lamps 前组合灯front disk braker前盘式制动器front edge 前边缘front end of shield发电机前端盖front engine front drive F.F 式车辆front engine rear drive F.R式车辆front fan前风扇Front Fogfront shock absorber 前减震器front stabilizer 前稳定杆front suspe nsion 前悬吊front thrust plate 前配流盘front transfer车辆转移台front tube failure前管路失效状态front wall angle cover 前围角板front washer pump 前洗涤器泵front washer reservoir前风挡洗涤器储液罐front wheel前轮,前壳体front wheel alig nment 前轮定位front wheel brake前轮制动器Front Win dshield 前风窗front wiper motor 前刮水器电动机Fron t-E nd Outli ne Marker Lamps 前端示廓灯Fuel燃料fuel direct燃油走向fuel filter 集滤器fuel filter housing燃油滤清器壳体fuel filter paper燃油滤清器滤纸fuel gauge燃油表fuel gauge calibrati on 燃油表电阻Fuel Injection Device 燃料喷射装置fuel level indicator 机油压力表fuel pump然油泵Fuel Resista nee 耐油性fuel sen sor燃油(箱)传感器fuel sen sor harness燃油传感器线束fuel supply system 供油系Fuel System 燃料系Fuel System of Motor Vehicles Whose Fuel Is High-Pressure Ga d 高压气体作为燃料的机动车燃料系Fuel System of Motor Vehicles Whose Fuel Is Producer Gas以发生炉煤气作为燃料的机动车燃料系Fuel Tank燃料箱fule meteri ng bar 计量杆full circle 大循环Full flow dilution 全流稀释full trailer 全挂车full-hydraulic type 全液力式full-trailer 全挂车fully-loaded 全负荷fuse熔断器fuse panel熔断器板garbage truck 垃圾车gas container气体容器gas sample 样气gas turbi ne燃气轮机gasket节温器密圭寸垫,衬垫gasket cyli nder head cover 气门室罩垫gasket, i ntake man ifold 进气歧管衬垫gasket, liftgate han dle举升门手柄垫片Gasoli ne 汽油gasoli ne fueled motor vehicle 汽油机动车gatheri ng heat cover-TCV system TCV 系统集热罩gear , coun ter shaft fifth 五档中间齿轮gear end cleara nee, plastic gauge齿轮端部间隙,塑料间隙规gear hub 齿毂gear range档位级另廿Gear ratio 速比gear to body cleara nce(radial)齿轮至U壳体间隙(径向) gear, 4WD四轮驱动齿轮gear, annu lus 齿圈gear, low shift 抵挡齿轮gear, rearaxle diff.半轴齿轮gear, sleeve 齿套Gear-cha nge lever 变速杆gears档位Gen eral Comme nts 概述General Construction 通用结构GENERAL PROVISIONS 通用规贝U Gen eral provisi ons —般规定gen erator发电机Glaz ing 车窗glove box lamp 杂物箱灯Goods-Load ing Accommodati on 载货装置gover nor type调节器式Gravimeter 重力计Gross Vehicle Weight 车辆总重grou nd Cleara nee 离地间隙Grou nd-Co ntact Section and Con tact Pressures 地部位及接地压力grouped lamp 组合灯grouped, comb ined or reciprocally in corporated lamps 组合、复合或混合灯光组haloge n headlamp 卤素头灯halogen sealed-beam unit (HSB unit)卤素圭寸闭式(HSB) han dle assy. , door I/S车门内手柄总成han die assy. , door O/S前门外手柄总成han die, liftgate lock举升门锁芯手柄han die, wi ndow regulator 玻璃升降器手柄han dii ng处理办法HANDLING PROCEDURE 管理规程han ger调耳harn ess 线束harn ess, body车身线束harn ess, engine hous ing 发动机仓线束harn ess, lift gate 尾门线束hatch-back 掀背型Hazard Warni ng Lamps危险报警闪光灯head缸盖head form头部模型head performa nee criteri on 头部性能指标Head Restrai nt 头枕head room probe头部空间探测杆Headlamp clea ner前照灯清洗器headlamp dimmer switch 变光开关headlamp switch前照灯开关Headlamps前照灯Headlight tester前照灯试验器Heat Resista nee Test耐热性试验heat-damage 热损害heated hydrogen flame ion izatio n detector 加热式氢火焰离子化检测器heater加热器heater & A/C pan el lamp暖风/空调开关灯heater, i ntake ma nifold进气歧管加热器Heavy oil重柴油here in after referred to as 下文称为Here in after the same 下文同hi-beem in dicator lamp 组合仪表远光指示灯high idle speed 高怠速high pressure gas 高压气体high range 高档High-floor 高地板High-floor that can be ope ned in three ways 三向开启的高地板High-Pressure Gas Tran sport Devices 高压气体运输装置hip an gle quadra nt臀部角度量角器hoist举升hold in winding 保持线圈holddown pin拉紧销钉holddow n spri ng 压紧弹簧hole ladder type 带孔梯式hon eycomb cell axes 蜂窝单元轴hon eycomb ribb on axis 蜂窝条纹轴Horiz on tally-opposed 水平对置horn relay喇叭继电器horn switch喇叭按钮Horns喇叭hose assy. , power steering return动力转向回油管总成hose assy. , power to pump油罐至U泵的油管总成hose, coola nt recover冷去卩液回收管hose, radiator in let散热器进水软管hose, radiator to water pump散热器至水泵软管hose, thermostat to in take mi ni fold 节温器至进气歧管软管hot air热空气hot idle mode热怠速状态hot idle screw热怠速调整螺钉hous ing壳体,外壳hous ing assy.壳总成hous ing clutch 离合器壳hous ing end plug 壳体端盖hous ing, steeri ng gear 转向器壳体H-point pivot H 点支轴H-po int sight butt on H 点标记钮hub & beari ng assy.轮毂与轴承总成hub cap车轮盖hub gear 齿毂hub range shift 换档毂hub sleeve No 2 二号毂套humidity correction factor 湿度修正系数hydraulic tappet 液力挺柱hydraulic type 液力式Hydrocarb on measuri ng in strume nt 碳氢化合物分析仪Hydroge n flame ioni zati on detector 氢火焰离子化分析仪l/S locking rod内锁止拉杆l/S release rod内开启拉杆Identification Code 标t记idle fuel tube怠速油管idle fuel way怠速油道idle jet怠速喷口idle mixture screw怠速混合气调整螺钉idle tube 怠速油管idling operation 怠速工况Idling Speed 怠速ignition coil 点火线圈ignition coil type点火线圈类型ignition controler 点火控制器ignition key点火钥匙ignition module点火控制器ignition point 燃点ignition switch 点火开关Ign iti on System 点火系iqnition wire 点火线Illuminating axis 光照轴illu min at ing surface 透光面Illumination angle 入射角Illumination intensity 光照强度Illumination of the retro-reflecting device 回复反射装置的照度illuminations actually measured 实测照度Illuminometer 照度计IMPACT REDUCTION OF INSIDE REARVIEW MIRRORS 缓冲式室内后视镜IMPACT REDUCTION TYPE OUTSIDE REARVIEW MIRRORS 缓冲式后视镜Impact test冲击试验Impactor碰撞块IMPORTED MOTOR VEHICLE 进口机动车in connection with 与…有关inclination angle 倾斜角in dicati ng secti on 指示部分in dicator lamp 指示灯indicator lamp, left turn 左转向指示灯indicator lamp, right turn 右转向指示灯in directly con trolled wheel 间接控制车轮Infant-carrying vehicles 幼儿专用车information 资料in itial choke valve cleara nee 初始阻风门间隙initial inspection 初始检验Injection Nozzle 喷油嘴Injection Pump 喷油泵injector 喷油器in let进油口in let hole进气孔in let hose 进风口inlet ope ning 进油口in let tube进油管in let valve 进油阀Inner Dimension 内部尺寸inner shaft 内半轴inner tube 内胎input shaft 输入轴in put shaft, tranm issi on 变速器输入轴in put voltage输入电压In spect ion equipme nt 检验设备in spector检验人员in stall panel 安装板in strume nt cluster 组合仪表(盘)in strume nt harn ess 仪表板线束instrument illumination lamps 组合仪表照明灯in strume nt panel assy.仪表板总成in strume nt pan els 仪表板in take and exhaust device 进排气装置in take duratio n 进气持续角in take heater进气加热器in take ma ni fold 进气歧管lamp switch, 4WD四轮驱动灯开关lamp type 灯式Lap belt an chorages腰带固定装置Large-Sized Rear Reflex Reflectors 大型后回复反射器Large-sized special 大型专用latch assy. , frontRH. Door 右前门锁总成latch assy. , rear RH. Door 右后门总成lateral level横向水平仪lead ing shoe 领蹄Leaf spri ng 片簧left fog lamp 左雾灯left headlamp左前照灯left horn左喇叭left steeri ng 左转向left tail lamp 左尾灯lege nd图例Length of trochoid 旋轮线Length, Width and Height 全长、全宽、全高Lens配光镜lens, cluster 表蒙let in air 进气lever assy. , turn sig nal sta ndard 综合开关操纵杆总成lice nse lamp 牌照灯lift gate举升门liftgate assy.举升门总成liftgate latch assy.举升门锁总成liftgate lock assy.举升门锁芯总成light source module 光源模组Light Vehicles 轻型车辆Light-Exposure and Light-a nd-Water-Exposure Apparatus 光线暴露及光线与水暴露设备lighting device 照明装置Lighti ng System 照明系统Limit towards blue 趋蓝极限Limit towards red 趋红极限limiting valve body 限压阀壳体limiting valve spring 限压阀弹簧Linearity error 线性误差lining衬片link assy. of front stabilizer 前稳定杆连杆总成lin kage type 联杆式Liquefied Petroleum Gas-Fueled燃用液化石油气机动车load cell simulator载荷传感器模拟装置load sensing device负载感受装置Loaded goods 装载物loaded WT最大总质量Load ing Capacity 载重量Loading platform 货箱Loading platform offset 货箱偏移量Local Land Tran sport Office 地方陆运署Local Office 地方署Locati on of bus in ess place 业务场所地点lock CYL assy. , RH. door右车门锁芯总成lock piece, reverse gear 换档器锁片locking & indexing plate 锁止刻度盘Locking Device 锁止装置Lock ing system 锁止装置long axis 长轴Iong-body长车身Iongitudinal center 纵向中心Iongitudinal centerline 纵向中心线Ion gitudi nal pla ne 纵向平面Iongitudinally-mounted 纵向安装low fuel warning indicator bezel 低燃油报警灯框low fuel warning indicator lens 低燃油报警灯透片low fuel warning module低燃油报警组件low idle system 低怠速系统low range 抵挡low range lock plate 抵挡锁止板low speed jet彳氐速喷口lower con trol arm 下控制臂总成lower pressure switch 低压开关lubrica nt capacity润滑油加注油lubrica nts 润滑油Lubricating oil 润滑油lubricati ng system 润滑系luminance factor 亮度因数luminous flux 光通量luminous intensity 光照强度M / CYL / vacuum booster assembly制动主缸及真空助力器总成M/CYL push rod主缸推杆Magnification 增大率mai n beari ng 主轴承ma in beari ng journal cleara nee 主轴承间隙mai n beari ng journal diameter 主轴承轴径mai n beari ng journal width 主轴承宽度main body, conn ector 化油器中体mai nfold presure 歧管压力mai nfold vacuum 歧管真空ma in fuel system & vacuum reriched system 主油系及真空加泷系统Ma in hon eycomb block 主蜂窝块main injection jet 主喷口main jet主量孑Lmain oil gallery 主油道mai n spri ng 主簧Make and type厂牌和型号Management supervisor 主管人manual tran smissi on手动变速器,手排挡变速箱Manu facturer 制造者MANUFACTURER TEST 制9造者试验mapp ing瞬态性能mapp ing curve瞬态性能曲线marker lamp, left front 左前示廓灯marker lamp, right front 右前示廓灯mass flow rate质量流动速率master cylinder制动主缸,总泵,刹车总泵master cyli nder and vacuum booster制动主缸及真空助力器master cyli nder body 制9动主缸缸体master cyli nder cover 制动主缸缸盖mate合笼max gas direct 混合器走向max. amps最大电流MAX. power最大功率Max. torque最大扭距Maximum Loading Capacity 最大载重量maximum out-of round(all journals) 最大不圆度(所有轴径) maximum output 最大功率Maximum Stable Inclination Angle 最大稳定倾斜角maximum taper(all journ als)最大锥度(所有轴径) Maximum Torque 最大扭矩Measuri ng equipme nt 度量装备Measuri ng tape 卷尺mecha ni cal steeri ng 机械转向器media n seati ng pla ne 座椅中心面medical treatment and epidemics prevention vehicle医疗防疫车Meter仪表meteri ng rod 计量杆meteri ng rod arm 计量杆摇臂meteri ng rod arm assy.计量杆摇臂总成metering valve限流阀,限压阀micro-air direct微量空气走向microph one 话筒Middle density foam rubber 中密度泡沫橡胶min. output voltage at 1000r/mi n 1000r/mi n 最小输出电压min. rpm最小转速Minimum Grou nd Cleara nee 最小离地间隙Min i-sized 微型mini-sized motor vehicle 小型机动车Mi nister of Land, In frastructure and Tran sport 国土交通大臣Mi nistry of Land, In frastructure and Tran sport 国土交通省Min istry of Tran sport 运输省Mi nistry of Tran sport Ordi nance 运输省令notified motor vehicle获得认可的机动车NTSEL运输大臣Number of cyli nders 缸数Number Plate Lamp 牌照灯nut螺母nut, conn ect ing rod 连杆螺母nut, fron t output shaft 前输出轴螺母nut, jack sealed 插座螺母Observ ing an gle 观测角Observi ng axis 观测轴Observi ng pla ne 观测平面odograph记录仪Offset偏置量OFFSET COLLISION 侧面碰撞oil co ntrol 油环(槽)oil control rail 刮油环oil fill plug注油螺塞oil filter机油滤清器oil filter assy.机油滤清器总成oil gallery 油道oil pan油底壳oil path, bypass valve 旁通阀油道oil pressure gauge 油压表oil pressure gauge calibrati on 电压表电阻oil pressure relief 溢流压力oil pressure sen sor机油压力传感器oil pressure switch 油压开关oil pump机油泵oil pump & in let assy.机油泵与进油管总成oil pump assy.油泵总成oil seal油圭寸oil soaked clos ing magn etic path model 油浸闭磁路式OK ran ge合适范围on-board diag no stic 车载诊断on board diag no stic device 车载诊断设备opacimeter不透光式烟度计Ope n Flame Su nshi ne Carbo n-Arc Type 明焰日光碳弧灯型Opening roof 天窗Operati on con diti ons 运行状态Operational Limits 运行参数Ordin ary-sized 普通型O-ri ng, seal O型油圭寸Outer diameter 夕卜径outer tube夕卜胎outlet 出油口outlet of comb ined pump 复合泵出油口outlet ope ning 出油口outlet tube 出油管outlet valve 出油阀Outli ne Marker Lamps 示廓灯output shaft 输出轴overhead hoist 吊运装置overall dime nsions 夕卜形尺寸overall view 透视图Overhead valve 顶置气门overr unning clutch 单向啮合器P/S pump MTG bracket动力转向泵安装支架pad衬块panel damper仪表板风门Paper tape recorder 纸带记录仪Paragraph 项park brake level停车制动拉臂park brake switch 手制动开关park lamp, left front 左前小灯park lamp, right front 右前小灯Parki ng Brake驻车制动器park ing brake cable 驻车制动拉线park ing brake lever 驻车制动操纵杆Parki ng Brake System驻车刹车系统park ing lamp 驻车灯parking switch手制动开关Partial flow dilution 分流稀释particulate matter 颗粒物parts of heat ing & air con diti oning system 暖风系统部件Passe nger Accommodatio n 乘坐装置passe nger airbag deactivati on system乘客气囊禁用。
五金模具用语(英语)五金模板:上托板/顶板top plate 托板mounting plate上垫脚top block 垫脚parallel上盖板cover上模座punch set上垫板punch pad 垫板sub plate/ backup plate 上夹板punch holder止挡板/脱料背板stripper pad stop plate上脱板up stripper 脱料板stripper上模板upper plate外脱板outer stripper内脱板inner stripper下脱板lower stripper下模板lower plate下垫板die pad下模座die set下垫脚bottom block下托板/底板bottom plate凸模/公模male die凹模/母模female die凸凹模/公母模feature die成型公form punch 成形凸模forming die整形公restrike forming punch五金零件:滚轴roller 切边冲子trimming punch挡块baffle plate定位块located block 定位板guide plate定位支撑块supporting block for location滑块sliding block内导柱inner guide post / pin / pillar外导柱outer guiding post固定销dowel pin弹簧spring gas spring coil spring普通弹簧弹簧护套spring cage顶料销、两用销lifter pin 浮升销kick off 等高套筒equal-height sleeves=spool销pin 浮升导料销lifter guide pin导正销guide pin圆线弹簧wire spring内六角螺钉inner hexagon screw内外打板/脱料板stripping plate止付螺丝stop screw定位销located pin外导套outer bush冲头punch 入块insert压毛边冲子deburring punch压线冲子groove punch字模冲子stamped punch圆冲子round punch异形冲子special shape punch折刀bending block误送检测misfeeder初始管位first start pin带肩螺丝shoulder screw侧冲组件cam section导正装置guide equipment漏废料孔slug hole刀口trim line加强装置enhance equipment挂台head扣位pocket of head接刀口mismatch / cookie bites限位块stop block 挡块stopper浮块lifter 压块keeper靠块heel 导正块thrust block对正块alignment block简易模prototype tooling 手板模手板件prototype unit / part 检具gage / checking fixture码模槽、压板槽mounting slot球锁紧固定座ball-lock球锁紧凸模BALL-LOCK导尺rail 导料板、送料板rail plate销钉dowel 定位销键销key 插销pilot pin顶杆lifter bolt起吊孔handing hole沉孔counter hole 沉头counter sink术语:外购out sourcing 外发加工料带图strip layout 料带strip排样图layout闭合高度、合模高度shut high俯视图top view 正视图front view 侧视图cross-section view 公差tolerance间隙clearance毛刺burr flash走位travel避空、避位pocket清角clear corner退磁demagnetization真空热处理vacuum heat treatment硬化处理hardness treatment 表面处理surface treatment 镗孔mill hole镀钛TD coasting精锣finish mill线割wire cutting穿丝孔first wire hole斜度taper 拔模draft镭射laser-cut 激光切割电火花EDM倒角chamfer尖角sharp angle工序:Pilot pierce 导正冲孔Trim 飞边切边Idle 空步Draw 拉伸Flange 翻边围边Forge / coin 镦薄Repress 回压Restrike 整形Reel 卷圆Ribbon 压筋Draw hole 翻孔/抽牙Lance 切舌刺破Flatten 拍平Coin burr 压毛刺拍披锋面压Cut off 切断切离分离separate铭牌信息:Tool No. 模具编号Part No. 产品编号Part name 产品名称Stock thickness 材料厚度Stock width 料宽Progression 步距Shut height 闭合高度Feed height 送料高度Tonnage 吨位Total die weight 模具总重量Upper die weight 上模重量Stock:1.5Tx260Wx72P 备料:1.5mm厚*260mm宽*步距72mm Process English Name 中文Pierce 冲孔Blanking 落料Trim 切边Emboss 打台位或凸包Hulf cutting 打半剪Dimple 凸点Draw 抽引或拉伸Rib 加强筋Bridge-form 冲桥位Ant-hillWraparound form 翻边或包角Bending/45 Bending 折弯/45度折弯Extrusion hole 抽牙或猪嘴C’sink holes 沙拉孔或Hemming 拍平Coin 压毛边,Score 压线Stamping mark 冲字模Re-strike 回压FORM 成形Chop off and form down 最后一步连剪带下折。
English中文常见词义bolt螺栓die钢模injection注塑mould模具spring弹簧lower die base下模座mould strength模具强度packing materials包材padding block垫块semi-finished product半成品sink mark缩水slide block滑块spare die模具备品thin steel薄钢位weak steel area薄钢位upper die base上模座upper padding plateblank上垫板upper supporting blank上承板buffle隔板bush衬套灌木bushing衬套管cross四通elbow弯头肘部insert镶件latch锁扣lifter斜顶升降机metallurgy冶金plate压条盘子,板材screw螺丝slide滑块ball catch波子弹弓??choke plug堵头die spring模具弹簧dowel pin管钉guided injection bushing顶针板套管latch lock弹键锁leader pin边钉lever arm杠杆臂locating ring定位圈mold base模胚movable core活动铁芯movable joint活接头parting lock set核膜定位器pipe cap管帽ply bar scot开模槽push bar推杆stripper plate推板bend折弯blanking下料空白burr毛边dome凸圆factor系数gap间隙groove压线reducer减速器tee三通cavity insert上内模die height range适用模高draw hole抽孔ejector pin顶针ejector plate guide顶针板导柱ejector retainer plate顶针板forming die成型模material thickness材料厚度plain die简易模press specification冲床规格progressive die连续模riveting die铆合模shearing die剪边模side stretch测冲压平sprue bushing唧嘴stamp mark冲记号support pillar撑头support plate撑板turned-over edge翻边abrasion磨损adhesive黏附的break断裂brittleness脆性。
五金模俗语中英文对照表主题:五金模具中英文对照版本: X1 目的:更好地读懂模具俗语.范围:模具设计科全体人员日期:2004/09/20序号中文名英文名1 上模座PUNCH SET2 下模座DIE SET3 上垫板PUNCH PAD4 下垫板DIE PAD5 上夹板PUNCH HOLDER6 下夹板DIE HOLDER7 打背板STRIPPER PAD8 上打板UP STRIPPER9 下打板DOWN STRIPPER10 上模板UP PLATE11 下模板LOWER PLATE12 下垫脚BOTTOM BLOCK13 上垫脚TOP BLOCK14 结构图DIE STRUCTURE DWG15 展开图EXTENSION DWG编制/日期:王怡/ 审核/日期: 核准/日期:五金模俗语中英文对照表主题:五金模具中英文对照版本: X1 目的:更好地读懂模具俗语.范围:模具设计科全体人员日期:2004/09/20序号中文名英文名16 简易模PLAIN DIE17 成形模FORMING DIE18 复合模GANG DIE19 铆合模RIVETING DIE20 冲孔模PIERCE DIE21 连续模FOLLOW DIE22 切边模SHEARING DIE23 冲孔PIERCE24 抽孔DRAW HOLE25 切边TRIM26 折弯BENGING27 凸点EMBOSS28 半剪SEMI-SHEARING29 压毛边DEBURROR COIN30 侧冲压平SIDE STRETCH31 压线GROOVE编制/日期:王怡/ 审核/日期: 核准/日期:五金模俗语中英文对照表主题:五金模具中英文对照版本: X1 目的:更好地读懂模具俗语.范围:模具设计科全体人员日期:2004/09/20序号中文名英文名32 刻印STAMP LETTER33 剪断SHEARING34 下料BLANKING35 铆合RIVETING36 反面压印TICK-MARK NEARSIDE37 正面压印TICK-MARK FARSIDE38 材料MATERIAL39 料厚MATERIAL THICKNESS40 系数FACTOR41 向上UPW ARD42 向下DOWNW ARD43 毛边BURR44 间隙GAP45 正面TOP46 反面BOT(BOTTOM)47 贯穿THR编制/日期:王怡/ 审核/日期: 核准/日期:五金模俗语中英文对照表主题:五金模具中英文对照版本: X1 目的:更好地读懂模具俗语.范围:模具设计科全体人员日期:2004/09/20序号中文名英文名48 沉头CB49 攻牙TAP50 斜度,直边S EDGE51 冲头PUNCH52 入块INSERT53 垫片SPACER54 定位销DOWEL PIN55 浮升销LIFT PIN56 对称形SYM57 同基准/同类型TYP58 CNC线切割W/C59 研磨加工M60 下极点lower dead center61 下模die62下模座lower bolster/lower shor63上件feeding/loading编制/日期:王怡/ 审核/日期: 核准/日期:五金模俗语中英文对照表主题:五金模具中英文对照版本: X1 目的:更好地读懂模具俗语.范围:模具设计科全体人员日期:2004/09/20序号中文名英文名64上件装置feed/feeding equipment65上极点top dead center66上模punch67上模座upper shoe/upper bolster68工件finished part69工序件work70刃口斜度draft angle71切开lancing72切边trimming73切舌lancing74切断cutoff/cropping75中性层neutral axis76中性层系数neutral axis location77气垫air cushion78毛刺burr编制/日期:王怡/ 审核/日期: 核准/日期:五金模俗语中英文对照表主题:五金模具中英文对照版本: X1 目的:更好地读懂模具俗语.范围:模具设计科全体人员日期:2004/09/20序号中文名英文名79毛刺面burr side80毛面break/fracture81反拉深reverse redrawing82反侧压块heel block83双面间隙total clearanc84凸模punch85凹模die/die block/ matrix/die section86出件unloading87出件装置unloading device88闭合高度shut height89冲孔piercing/punching/perforating90冲件stamping91冲缺notching92冲裁cutting93冲模die编制/日期:王怡/ 审核/日期: 核准/日期:五金模俗语中英文对照表主题:五金模具中英文对照版本: X1 目的:更好地读懂模具俗语.范围:模具设计科全体人员日期:2004/09/20序号中文名英文名94冲槽slotting95夹持送料装置grip feed96扩口expanding97压凸swaging98压花stamping99压料板(圈) pressure pad/binder/blank holder 100压料筋(槛) locking bead /raw bead101压筋beading102成形forming103光洁冲裁finish blanking/smooth-edge blanking 104光面cut band/burnish105回弹spring-back106行程stroke107导正销pilot108导板guide plate/wear plate编制/日期:王怡/ 审核/日期: 核准/日期:五金模俗语中英文对照表主题:五金模具中英文对照版本: X1 目的:更好地读懂模具俗语.范围:模具设计科全体人员日期:2004/09/20序号中文名英文名109导柱guide post/guide pin/leader pin/guide pillar 110导柱模架plain guide die set111导料板stock guide/material guide/guide plate 112导套guide-post bushing/guide-pin bushing 113防护板barrier guard114间隙clearance115寿命die life116扭弯twisting117连续拉深progressive draw/multi-stage drawing 118连续模(级进模)progressiv die/follow-ontool/multi-stagdrawing119步距pitch/progression120条料strip121定位销(板)gage/pin gage/locating pin/nest plate 122变薄拉深ironing123废料切刀scrap cutter编制/日期:王怡/ 审核/日期: 核准/日期:五金模俗语中英文对照表主题:五金模具中英文对照版本: X1 目的:更好地读懂模具俗语.范围:模具设计科全体人员日期:2004/09/20序号中文名英文名124卷边curling125卷料coil126卷缘curling127单工序模wiring128试模tryout129顶杆pressure pin130顶板pressure pad/liftout plate131顶料销stock lifter132拉延tetching133拉弯stretch-forming134拉深drawing135拉深比draw ratio136拉痕draw mark137板料sheet/late138坯料blank139齿圈v-ring编制/日期:王怡/ 审核/日期: 核准/日期:五金模俗语中英文对照表主题:五金模具中英文对照版本: X1 目的:更好地读懂模具俗语.范围:模具设计科全体人员日期:2004/09/20序号中文名英文名140固定板punch-retainer/punch plate141固定卸料板fixed stripper/positive stripper142固定挡料销(板)solid stop143卸件器stripper144卸料板stripper plate145卸料螺钉stripper bolt146侧刃notching punch/trimming punch 147侧压板pusher148胀形bulging149承料板strip material tray150限位柱(块)bumper block/stop block151始用挡料销starting stop152组合冲模universal die153突耳earing154弯曲bending155弯曲半径bend radius编制/日期:王怡/ 审核/日期: 核准/日期:五金模俗语中英文对照表主题:五金模具中英文对照版本: X1 目的:更好地读懂模具俗语.范围:模具设计科全体人员日期:2004/09/20序号中文名英文名156送料feeding157送料装置feed/feeding equipment158拼块segment159挡块(板)trim stop160挡料销material stop/stop pin161垫板backing plate162钩式送料装置hook feed163复合模compound die/combinationdie/compound-combination die164保持圈ballbearing cage/ballbearing retainer 165浮动模柄flexible(die set)coupling166剖切parting167料斗hopper168料槽chute169起伏成形embossing170起拱dish编制/日期:王怡/ 审核/日期: 核准/日期:五金模俗语中英文对照表主题:五金模具中英文对照版本: X1 目的:更好地读懂模具俗语.范围:模具设计科全体人员日期:2004/09/20序号中文名英文名171起皱wrinkling172校平flattening173展开尺寸blank size174展开图blank developent175液压拉深hydraulic-action forming176粘模galling177理件stacking178理件装置stacking device179排样layout180排样图strip layout181推杆knockout pin/ejector pin182推板knockout plate183崩刃chipping/flaking184斜楔cam185弹压卸料板spring-operated stripper编制/日期:王怡/ 审核/日期: 核准/日期:五金模俗语中英文对照表主题:五金模具中英文对照版本: X1 目的:更好地读懂模具俗语.范围:模具设计科全体人员日期:2004/09/20序号中文名英文名186弹顶器die cushion187落料blanking188搭边scrap allowance/bridge189硬质合金冲模carbide die190凿切dinking191最小弯曲半径minimum bend radius192滚轴送料装置roll feed193滚珠导柱模架ball bearing die set194塌角edge radius/rollover195锥形压料圈conic blankholder196漏料孔clearance hole197漏料斜度angular clearance198精冲fine blanking199模柄shank/stalk200模架die set编制/日期:王怡/ 审核/日期: 核准/日期:五金模俗语中英文对照表主题:五金模具中英文对照版本: X1 目的:更好地读懂模具俗语.范围:模具设计科全体人员日期:2004/09/20序号中文名英文名201模框die block202缩口necking203整形sizing204整修shaving205鄱孔hole-flanging206翻边flaring207。
五金模具常用专业术语中英文对照表上模座upper die set成型公form punch脱料板stripper 垫板subplate/backup plate下模座die plate滑块CAM slider垫脚parallel 误检misfeeder托板mounting plate顶料销kick off初始管位first start pin带肩螺丝shoulder screw两用销lifter pin氮气汽缸gas spring弹簧护套spring cage 拔牙螺丝jack screw侧冲组件cam section 导正装置guide equipment漏废料孔slug hole刀口trim line加强装置enhance equipment 入子insert护套bushing 整形公restrike forming punch止挡板stop plate 挂台head扣位pocket of head 导柱guide post导套guide bushing 油嘴oil nipple接刀口mismatch/cookie bites 限位块stop block挡块stopper 浮块lifter压块keeper 靠块heel对正块alignment block 简易模prototype tooling检具gage/checking fixture 料带图strip layout闭合高度shut hight 俯视图top view料带strip 公差tolerance正视图front view 走位travel避位/空pocket 退磁demagnetization间隙clearance 真空热外理vacuum heat treatment镗孔mill hole 表面外理surface coasting镀钛TD coasting 沉头counter sink精锣finish mill 线割wire cutting穿丝孔first wire hole 斜度taper镭射laser-cut 上夹板/固定座holder/retainer下模座lower die set 成刑母公forming die电火花EDM 码模槽mounting slot球锁紧固定座ball-lock 导尺rail球锁紧凸模BALL--LOCK 送料板rail plate外购out sourcing 倒角chamfer清角SCRAP CHOPPER 销钉dowel尖角sharp --angle 普通弹簧coil spring展开图EXPENSINg DWG 三打螺丝spool镶件insert 毛刺burr键销key 插针pilot pin顶杆lifter bolt 结构图die layout/design起吊孔handing hole 侧视图cross-section view垫片shim/wear-plate 退磁DEMAGNETIZATION键槽key slot 沉孔counter hole储运块storage block 电火花EDM导正块thrust block 剪口直深位trim land手板件prototype unit/part 装备MAURTIG规格spec有效A V AILABILITY五金模具常用专业术语中英文对照表上模座upper die set 下模座lower die set 上夹板holder脱料板stripper 镶件insert 夹板/固定座retainer下模板die plate 成型公form punch 成型母公form die垫脚parallel 垫板sub-plate/backup plate backing plate码模槽mounting slot托板mounting plate 滑块cam slider 导尺rail初始管位first start pin 误检装置misfeeder 送料板rail plate两用销lifter pin 顶料销kick off 键销key止付螺丝set screw 带肩螺丝shoulder screw 销钉dowel弹簧护套spring cage 氮气汽缸gas spring 普通弹簧coil spring侧冲组件cam sections 拔牙螺孔jack screw 三打螺丝spool漏废料孔slug hole 导正装置guide equipment 毛刺burr加强装置enhance equipment 刀口trim line 插针pilot pin护套bushing 入子insert 顶杆lifter bolt止挡板stop plate 整形公restrike forming punch 起吊孔handing hole扣位pocket of head 挂台head 垫片shim/wear-plate导套guide bushing 导柱guide post 键槽key slot接刀口mismatch/cookie bites 油嘴oil nipple 靠刀:Heel of cutting punch固定冲头公夹板:common punch holer 非标易损件:non-standard wearing parts挡块stopper 限位块(柱)stop block 储运块storage block压块keeper 浮块lifter 导正块thrust block对正块alignment block 靠块heel 耐磨块:Wear Plate on cutting steel检具gage/checking fixture 简易模prototype tooling 手板件prototype unit/part料带strip 料带图strip layout 结构图die layout/design正视图front view 俯视图top view 侧视图:cross-section view避位/空pocket 间隙clearance 公差tolerance 走位travel 行程stroke镗孔mill hole 真空热处理vacuum heat treatment 退磁demagnetization镀钛TD coating 表面处理surface coating 倒角chamfer精锣(缩)finish mill 沉头counter sink 沉孔counter hole穿丝孔first wire hole 线切割(缩)wire cutting 电火花(缩)EDM镭射(缩)laser-cut 斜度taper 剪口直深位trim land常用工序名称1.pilot pierce 导正冲孔2.trim 飞边/切边3.idle 空步4.draw 拉伸5.flange 翻边/围边6.forge/coin 镦薄7.repress 回压8.restrike 整形9.reel 卷圆10.ribbon 压筋11.draw hole 翻孔/抽牙nce 切舌刺破13.flatten 拍平14.coin burr 压毛刺/拍披锋/面压15.cut off 切断/切离补充:ground spring 接地弹簧crimp 使卷曲/使有褶铭牌信息nameplateTool No. (模具编号)Part No. (产品编号)Part name (产品名称)Stock thickness (材料厚度)Stock width (料宽)Progression (步距)Shut height (闭合高度)Feed height (送料高度)Tonnage (吨位)Total die weight (模具总重量)Upper die weight (上模重量)Material Scrap 3% Raw-MaterialCost(RMB/Kg)MaterialCostManu.CostHangPlating .CostPainting .CostRMB(Without17% VAT )ToolingCostHKD/PC材料损耗原料人民币价材料费加工费挂镀费喷粉不含税价模具HKD喷喷成本PassivationCost AnodizingCostToolingCostUSD/PCClearchromateCostPackingCostWeldingCostHeattreatmentElectricCoatingCostMOLYKOTEOIL COST钝化阳极氧化模具USD 清洗费包装费焊接费热处理费电着费螺丝去油费。
五金模具常用专业术语中英文对照表上模座upper die set成型公form punch脱料板stripper 垫板subplate/backup plate 下模座die plate滑块CAM slider垫脚parallel 误检misfeeder托板mounting plate顶料销kick off初始管位first start pin带肩螺丝shoulder screw两用销lifter pin氮气汽缸gas spring弹簧护套spring cage 拔牙螺丝jack screw侧冲组件cam section 导正装置guide equipment漏废料孔slug hole刀口trim line加强装置enhance equipment 入子insert护套bushing 整形公restrike forming punch 止挡板stop plate 挂台head扣位pocket of head 导柱guide post导套guide bushing 油嘴oil nipple接刀口mismatch/cookie bites 限位块stop block挡块stopper 浮块lifter压块keeper 靠块heel对正块alignment block 简易模prototype tooling检具gage/checking fixture 料带图strip layout闭合高度shut hight 俯视图top view料带strip 公差tolerance正视图front view 走位travel避位/空pocket 退磁demagnetization间隙clearance 真空热外理vacuum heat treatment镗孔mill hole 表面外理surface coasting镀钛TD coasting 沉头counter sink精锣finish mill 线割wire cutting穿丝孔first wire hole 斜度taper镭射laser-cut 上夹板/固定座holder/retainer下模座lower die set 成刑母公forming die电火花EDM 码模槽mounting slot球锁紧固定座ball-lock 导尺rail球锁紧凸模BALL--LOCK 送料板rail plate外购out sourcing 倒角chamfer清角SCRAP CHOPPER 销钉dowel尖角sharp --angle 普通弹簧coil spring展开图EXPENSINg DWG 三打螺丝spool镶件insert 毛刺burr键销key 插针pilot pin顶杆 lifter bolt 结构图 die layout/design 起吊孔 handing hole 侧视图 cross-section view 垫片 shim/wear-plate 退磁 DEMAGNETIZATION 键槽 key slot 沉孔 counter hole 储运块 storage block 电火花 EDM导正块 thrust block 剪口直深位 trim land手板件 prototype unit/part 装备 MAURTIG 规格 spec有效 A V AILABILITY五金模具常用专业术语中英文对照表上模座 upper die set 下模座 lower die set 上夹板 holder脱料板 stripper 镶件 insert 夹板/固定座 retainer 下模板 die plate 成型公 form punch 成型母公form die 垫脚 parallel 垫板 sub-plate/backup plate backing plate 码模槽 mounting slot托板 mounting plate 滑块 cam slider 导尺 rail初始管位 first start pin 误检装置 misfeeder 送料板 rail plate 两用销 lifter pin 顶料销 kick off 键销 key 止付螺丝 set screw 带肩螺丝 shoulder screw 销钉 dowel弹簧护套 spring cage 氮气汽缸 gas spring 普通弹簧 coil spring 侧冲组件 cam sections 拔牙螺孔 jack screw 三打螺丝 spool 漏废料孔 slug hole 导正装置 guide equipment 毛刺 burr 加强装置 enhance equipment 刀口 trim line 插针 pilot pin 护套 bushing 入子insert 顶杆 lifter bolt止挡板 stop plate 整形公 restrike forming punch 起吊孔 handing hole 扣位 pocket of head 挂台 head 垫片 shim/wear-plate 导套 guide bushing 导柱 guide post 键槽 key slot 接刀口 mismatch/cookie bites 油嘴 oil nipple 靠刀:Heel of cutting punch 固定冲头公夹板:common punch holer 非标易损件:non-standard wearing parts挡块 stopper 限位块(柱)stop block 储运块 storage block 压块 keeper 浮块 lifter 导正块 thrust block对正块 alignment block 靠块 heel 耐磨块:Wear Plate on cutting steel检具 gage/checking fixture 简易模 prototype tooling 手板件 prototype unit/part料带 strip 料带图 strip layout 结构图 die layout/designVISION TOOL & Die CO .,LTD中泰五金模具有限公司正视图front view 俯视图top view 侧视图:cross-section view避位/空pocket 间隙clearance 公差tolerance 走位travel 行程stroke镗孔mill hole 真空热处理vacuum heat treatment 退磁demagnetization镀钛TD coating 表面处理surface coating 倒角chamfer精锣(缩)finish mill 沉头counter sink 沉孔counter hole穿丝孔first wire hole 线切割(缩)wire cutting 电火花(缩)EDM 镭射(缩)laser-cut 斜度taper 剪口直深位trim land常用工序名称1.pilot pierce 导正冲孔2.trim 飞边/切边3.idle 空步4.draw 拉伸5.flange 翻边/围边6.forge/coin 镦薄7.repress 回压8.restrike 整形9.reel 卷圆10.ribbon 压筋11.draw hole 翻孔/抽牙nce 切舌刺破13.flatten 拍平14.coin burr 压毛刺/拍披锋/面压15.cut off 切断/切离铭牌信息Tool No. (模具编号)Part No. (产品编号)Part name (产品名称)Stock thickness (材料厚度)Stock width (料宽)Progression (步距)Shut height (闭合高度)Feed height (送料高度)Tonnage (吨位)Total die weight (模具总重量)Upper die weight (上模重量)Spherical bearing 滚动轴承(外球面轴承)代号:UCF OR UCPAligning ball bearing 调心滚子轴承 22205-22264 22308-22380 Cylindrical roller bearing 圆柱滚子轴承 NJ202-264 NU303 NJ304-356 Angular contact ball bearing角接触轴承7200C-7248C 7300C-7348CDeep groove ball bearing 深沟球轴承 6016-6330Taper roller bearing 圆锥滚子轴承 30304-32356 30202-30256(一)滚动轴承总论1. 滚动轴承rolling bearing在支承负荷和彼此相对运动的零件间作滚动运动的轴承,它包括有滚道的零件和带或不带隔离或引导件的滚动体组。
五金模具常用专业术语中英文对照表上模座upperdieset成型公formpunch脱料板stripper垫板subplate/backupplate下模座dieplate滑块CAMslider垫脚parallel误检misfeeder托板mountingplate顶料销kickoff初始管位firststartpin带肩螺丝shoulderscrew两用销lifterpin氮气汽缸gasspring弹簧护套springcage拔牙螺丝jackscrew侧冲组件camsection导正装置guideequipment漏废料孔slughole刀口trimline加强装置enhanceequipment入子insert护套bushing整形公restrikeformingpunch止挡板stopplate挂台head扣位pocketofhead导柱guidepost导套guidebushing油嘴oilnipple接刀口mismatch/cookiebites限位块stopblock挡块stopper浮块lifter压块keeper靠块heel对正块alignmentblock简易模prototypetooling检具gage/checkingfixture料带图striplayout闭合高度shuthight俯视图topview料带strip公差tolerance正视图frontview走位travel避位/空pocket退磁demagnetization间隙clearance真空热外理vacuumheattreatment镗孔millhole表面外理surfacecoasting镀钛TDcoasting沉头countersink精锣finishmill线割wirecutting穿丝孔firstwirehole斜度taper镭射laser-cut上夹板/固定座holder/retainer下模座lowerdieset成刑母公formingdie电火花EDM码模槽mountingslot球锁紧固定座ball-lock导尺rail球锁紧凸模BALL--LOCK送料板railplate外购outsourcing倒角chamfer清角SCRAPCHOPPER销钉dowel尖角sharp--angle普通弹簧coilspring展开图EXPENSINgDWG三打螺丝spool镶件insert毛刺burr键销key插针pilotpin顶杆lifterbolt结构图dielayout/design起吊孔handinghole侧视图cross-sectionview垫片shim/wear-plate退磁DEMAGNETIZATION键槽keyslot沉孔counterhole储运块storageblock电火花EDM导正块thrustblock剪口直深位trimland手板件prototypeunit/part装备MAURTIG规格spec有效AVAILABILITY五金模具常用专业术语中英文对照表上模座upperdieset下模座lowerdieset上夹板holder脱料板stripper镶件insert夹板/固定座retainer下模板dieplate成型公formpunch成型母公formdie垫脚parallel垫板sub-plate/backupplatebackingplate码模槽mountingslot托板mountingplate滑块camslider导尺rail初始管位firststartpin误检装置misfeeder送料板railplate两用销lifterpin顶料销kickoff键销key止付螺丝setscrew带肩螺丝shoulderscrew销钉dowel弹簧护套springcage氮气汽缸gasspring普通弹簧coilspring侧冲组件camsections拔牙螺孔jackscrew三打螺丝spool漏废料孔slughole导正装置guideequipment毛刺burr加强装置enhanceequipment刀口trimline插针pilotpin护套bushing入子insert顶杆lifterbolt止挡板stopplate整形公restrikeformingpunch起吊孔handinghole扣位pocketofhead挂台head垫片shim/wear-plate导套guidebushing导柱guidepost键槽keyslot接刀口mismatch/cookiebites油嘴oilnipple靠刀:Heelofcuttingpunch固定冲头公夹板:commonpunchholer非标易损件:non-standardwearingparts挡块stopper限位块(柱)stopblock储运块storageblock压块keeper浮块lifter导正块thrustblock对正块alignmentblock靠块heel耐磨块:WearPlateoncuttingsteel检具gage/checkingfixture简易模prototypetooling板件prototypeunit/part料带strip料带图striplayout结构图dielayout/design正视图frontview俯视图topview侧视图:cross-sectionview避位/空pocket间隙clearance公差tolerance走位travel行程stroke镗孔millhole真空热处理vacuumheattreatment退磁demagnetization镀钛TDcoating表面处理surfacecoating倒角chamfer精锣(缩)finishmill沉头countersink沉孔counterhole穿丝孔firstwirehole线切割(缩)wirecutting电火花(缩)EDM镭射(缩)laser-cut斜度taper剪口直深位trimland常用工序名称1.pilotpierce导正冲孔2.trim飞边/切边3.idle空步4.draw拉伸5.flange翻边/围边6.forge/coin镦薄7.repress回压8.restrike整形9.reel卷圆10.ribbon压筋11.drawhole翻孔/抽牙nce切舌刺破13.flatten拍平14.coinburr压毛刺/拍披锋/面压15.cutoff切断/切离铭牌信息ToolNo.(模具编号)PartNo.(产品编号)Partname(产品名称)Stockthickness(材料厚度)Stockwidth(料宽)Progression(步距)Shutheight(闭合高度)Feedheight(送料高度)Tonnage (吨位)Totaldieweight(模具总重量)Upperdieweight(上模重量)。
五金模具单词总结1.码模槽倒角3-5mm;Clamping slots with chamfers2.中心孔/模具定位有倒角5*45°;Centering holes/Die Locator with chamfers(5*45°)3.下托板有倒角(>5mm);Lower plate with chamfers (>5mm).4.去尖角(一般);Sharp corners broken(general)5.运输以及冲床匹配; Transport and press fitting6.吊模块与设计相符?Lifting lugs as Design7.码模槽区域与标准相符?Clamping slots met the defined free area as standard.8.顺利进入码模槽固定?Free access to the Clamping slots fixation.9.模具高度与设计一致?Tool Height according to the design10.模具起吊时绳索不会碰撞?No collision of ropes during Die Handling11.绳索接触的区域是圆形的(R=20MM)Contact area of the ropes are rounded(R=20MM)12.吊模块锁上了?Pin of lifting lugs locked13.码模装置没有干涉?No collision with the Die Clamp device14.下托板上的中心孔/模具定位有按计划加工Centering holes / Die Locator on Lower plate are machined asdesign15.机械手的下托板与送料机/下台面平行?The Lower grouping plate of Transfer Dies are parallel to theSlide /Bolster16.码模槽/模具定位/与冲床台面匹配?Clamping slots/ Die Locator are compatible with the press table.17.闭合高度适合冲床标准The Height of the tool(closed)is according to the press specifications?18.储运块按标准Store Blocks as specified.19.标记及工件识别Labelling and component identification20.所有工件有识别的产品编号,材质及硬度?All components identified with product number, material andhardness.21.所有可移动工件有无防反Components wich are removable are identified with the mounting position.22.模具正面有无铭牌Tag in front of the Die(inserted 100*50*3) as die standard.23.氮气压力警告牌(如果有氮气系统)Warning plates for pressure gas springs(if gas springs connected andhave manifold).24.工件拆卸警示牌Warning plates of disassembly of components25.铸件标识产品编码,工站,项目,材料及编号Casting identified with product number ,operation, item,material and code of the tool26.模具有注明重量(总重,上模重及下模重)Die identified with weight (Total ,upper and lower plate).27.喷漆有按标准Die painting according to Standard28.有标识送料方向?Labelling flow direction29.导正Die guiding30.导柱导套可按功能调节Adjustment of Guiding posts and bushes according to the function31.开始导入的地方有倒角(20*5)Starting period chamfered(20*5)32.导柱导套与设计一致Guiding posts and bushes according to the design33.导柱导套没有标记Guiding posts and bushes without marks34.导柱导套数是否按规格Quality of Guiding posts and bushes as specifications35.导柱有压块Retaining clip on guiding posts36.导柱导套有漏油槽The guides have lubrication channels37.导柱导套的直径与模具匹配Guiding posts and bushes have a diameter compatible with the size of thetool38.导柱导套直径至少32mm Guiding posts and bushes have minimal Ф32mm39.有明显可拆卸的打死印(仅机械手)Bottom marker visible &dismountable(0.3mm)(Transfer dies only)40.LOGO及日期编码按标准(日期编码只对机械手)Logo and date stamps as standard (data stamps transferDies only)41.打死块接触区域为硬料Contact areas of the Bottom marker are Hardened42.Logo没有印在产品的另一面Logos do not mark the other side of the part43.红丹图片Functionel Spotting picture(more than 80%)44.管位正确定位材料或产品Locators positioning the blank/part correctly45.管位不干涉且固定住材料或产品Locators does not interfere placement and removal of the blank/par46.管位没使用材料或产品变形Locators does not deformed the blank/part47.产品定位的间隙孔要够大以便调节Clearence holes for part locators should be large enough to allow foradjustment.48.有侧刃Exitence of notches at the entrance of reference.49.定位及插针是圆锥形Locating and pilot pins are conical shape50.插针的工作区域不大于5mm51.冲头很好的固定了The pierce is well located from scrap52.侧刃误检感应器有按设计要求安装Pitch sensor are installed according to the design53.出产品感应器按设计要求安装Part ejection sensors are installed as design54.电线没有干涉There are no interference with electrical wires55.电线或空气管有保护Electric & air tubes protected from scrap56.电线有固定The electrical cables are secured to the plate by clips57.接线盒有按设计安装Harting connector mounted as specified by the design58.感应器和产品没有碰着No collision between Sensors part59.定位器有防反避免不正确的装配Locators to be fool proofed to avoid incorrect assembly60.插针尺寸合适Pilot pins are well sized ensuring the stamping process61.插针没使料带变形Pilot pins did not deform the strip62.产品有定位且与型面相符The part position and fitting on the forming63.产品漏斗使产品与废料分开Part chutes prevent parts to be mixed with scraps64.铸件设计;废料间隙Cast design; Scrap clearance65.有废料槽(网板)Scrap chutes with sliding blank(diamond plates)66.漏斗不限制模具功能及强度Chutes don’t exceed limit of structure and don’t disturb the Diestorage/Transportation67.是否有拔牙Jack screws incorporated68.顶针弹簧力是否够Springs lifters have enough pressure on function69.顶针间隙合适Clearance of lifters properly70.有将产品顶起到送料高度的浮块/顶针Lifters used to raise parts up to feed level71.气管安装Pneumatic tube fixed &airtight72.气管按冲床标准安装Pneumatic connector according press standard73.浮块/顶针有无防转Lifters have anti-rotation device74.弹簧顶针不会使产品变形Spring plunger extraction does not deform the product75.正面有气/电插座Air/electric plugs on front76.气管至少在托板后5mm Pneumatic connector must be at least 5mm behind the base plate.77.管路受保护Tubes protected78.浮块方便操作Lifters should operate freely79.切边站的压料板必须压住切边区域的10-15mm Strip holder from cutting operation must seating between10 and 15mm from the Trim area.80.热处理的铸件硬度满足其功能flame-hardened cast with hardness compatible with function81.铸件上没裂纹No cracks on casting82.表面热处理Surface subject to coating83.处理工件的证明Certificates of all treated steels available84.按标准使用材料Used material as standard85.使用材料的证明有效Certificates of used material available86.烧焊是否适合材质及功能Weld applied is compatible with the material and function87.功能区域是否有多孔性Existence of porosity in functional areas88.是否有开裂影响产品质量There are cracks that compromise the quality of the product89.有没有螺丝孔Existence machining to support the screw heads90.销钉有无按设计来Dowel pins according to the design91.向上固定的螺栓有无弹簧垫圈Bolts that are tightened upwards have spring washers92.牙深铸件至少2X,板块至少1.5X Thread depth for bolts are at least 2*Ф for casting and 1,5*Ф forplates93.一块板上没有不同尺寸的螺丝No screws with different sizes on the same piece94.有无储运块Existence of store blocks on the side and center.95.平衡块Adjunsted balance96.起吊耳的位置合适Position oflifting lugs is proper97.模具在托板上于设计一致Die location on lower plate according to the desing98.伸入超出模板的导柱有无保护系统Guiding posts that exceed the limit of the grouping plate have asecurity system99.侧导正接触面足够contact surface of cam guide sufficient100.回位钩有5-6mm的R以便更好的安装滑块Guides with entrance radius(5-6mm) in order to facilitate the assembly of the CAM101.导正保护Guiding protected102.有垂直于滑块表面的起吊孔/牙Existence of vertical lifting holes and threads on CAMs and Drivers103.氮气弹簧按设计做Gas springs as specified by design104.氮气无泄漏Gas springs free of leaks105.氮气系统管路不受干涉Tubes of Gas springs system are free from points of interference106.氮气和脱料板无干涉 There is no interference between the Gas springs and the Strip Holder107.压力表可见并受保护 Control panel visible, protected and Equiped with filling、108.氮气按设计连接起来 Gas springs connected according to the design109.氮气管路系统安装在模板上Tubes of Gas springs system are fixed on the plate110.下模氮气沉入氮气高度的1/3深Lower Gas springs are inserted 1/3 of there height111.上模氮气按客户标准安装Gas spring are set above the upper plate as Sodecia standard112.压料板先于冲头Strip Holder acts before the punches113.压料板与镶件有间隙Clearance pressure pad adumbration to steel inserts114.起吊耳或起吊孔的位置正确Position of lifting lugs and threads so that handling and assembly is facillitate 115.有安全块(喷安全颜色)Protections are placed (painted with safety color)116.压料板定位/垫片及安全定位有效Pressure pad fixation/spacer tube and safety fixations are functional 117.平衡块正确可调Balancing pads correct adjusted118.聚氨酯(优力胶)弹簧压缩时不干涉模具Polyurethane springs do not interfere tooling when compressed 119.聚氨酯弹簧支撑够The support for polyurethane springs is enough120.压料板适当的抛光Pressure pad finish is appropriate121.压料板合上时冲头和刀口可调Pressure pad when closed allows adjustment of steels and punches122.上模有易于取出冲头的盖板Existence of covers on upper Die to remove punch the top123.脱料板脱离工作区域The strip holder are free out of the work area124.起吊孔不受干涉The lifting holes are free of interference125.弹簧的力够The support for the springs are enough126.弹簧中心有导正杆Springs to have locating pins through the center to avoid deflections127.普通弹簧符合压力需求The compression springs meet the required pressure128.镶件间隙(小于或等于0.03mm)Gap of Inserts (less than or equal to 0,003mm)129.地面平坦,直角打磨Footprint planar and squarness grinded130.工件的支持区域够(工件不移动)Support area for components is enough(components free from float 131.剪口显示开裂危害模具寿命(铸件)The clipping shows cracks that compromise the die life(In cast of cast) 132.工件倒角Workmanship of the cut edge133.废料切断刀比展开的废料大(15mm)The scrapcutter are bigger than the piece stretched(15mm) 134.脱料板外的最小刀口深度为2.5倍料厚Minimum depth of cuts on outside of stripper should be 2,5 the Material thickness135.刀口直升6-7mm(最多不超过3片废料)Height of die life on cutting matrix 6 to 7 mm136.异形冲头和入子是否防转Anti twist device at shaped buttons &Shaped punches137.工件有无起吊孔/拔牙Dismountability of components that present difficulty have lifting holes138.工件退磁Steels are demagnetized139.同时作用的冲头间要有1.0-1.5mm的间隙Overlapping Punches should have bypass notches(1.0-1.5mm) 140.侧切要有废料偏转装置Slug deflectors must be used on all CAM pierce operations141.漏斗与铸件之间没有间隙以防止废料跳动No gap between the chute and the cast to allow escape of scrap142.漏斗不能超出模具Chutes should not extend outside the die in storage position143.漏斗确保废料和产品顺利掉出Chutes ensure good outcome of Scraps and Parts144.所有冲头有冲头夹板保护All Punches must be securely supported by Punch holder145.冲头可以不用拆卸脱料板快拆It’s possible to remove punches without dismounting the striper146.冲头的安装位置有标识Mounting position of the punches identified147.铸件不阻塞废料Cast don’t obstruct the scrap148.冲头夹板确保正确定位Punch retainers ensures correct position149.球锁冲头安装好且易拆Ball lock punches well mounted and easy removable150.刀口镶件有螺丝便于取出Anti twist device on matrices have screw to extract151.冲头进入刀口5-6mm Cutting punch entry is correct (5-6)mm152.冲头夹板上安装垫板Buck-up plates fixed to punch holders153.冲头上有顶针Slug ejectors mounted on cutting punches154.上模与下模切边刀口有间隙(取决于料厚)Trim gap between upper & lower knives(according to material thickness)155.切边线无开裂(如D2,D3,VD2等材料)Trim line free from cracks(in the case of noble steel , AS D2,D3,VD2,etc 156.有从上托板上取出冲头的盖板Cover to remove punches from upper plate157.临界区做镶件快拆Critical areas inserted and easy maintenance or replacement158.成型工件适当的抛光finish of the forming components are adequate159.装配面至少有80%的接触Mounting surface of steels have min 80%contact160.大于10KG的工件有起吊牙Components above 10KG have lifting/handling holes.161.成型工件的R与产品合适Radius of forming components are compatible with the parts 162.翻边处的弹簧顶针确保顶出产品Springs plunger of flange ensure the extraction of the part 163.冲头与刀口的间隙正确Clearance between forming punches and die sections is correct 164.有出产品的顶针Spring plunger for part extraction are provided165.脱料板导柱有?进入?(超前角)Strip guide with entry(lead angle)166.步距按结构设计,侧刃间隙充足Pitch according design and bypass notches sufficient 167.产品无起皱No crush on part168.产品误压印刮花No marks on part169.变薄率小于料厚的20% Thinning are below 20% of the material thickness170.产品无开裂No cracks on part171.产品误叠料No overlapping of material on part172.切边冲头上有顶针顶出废料Spring plunger173.冲头及刀口上不允许有垫片Shims on punches and matrixes174.有无废料堆积There is accumulation of slivers on the surface175.有无烧焊工件Existence of welded components176.有初始线Die marked with the first strike(start line)177.靠块/沉入模座Heels/Pocketing178.Has formability been simulated?有无产品成型模拟分析179.Are part of form concessions required?产品形状有无申请改动180.Has the blank development been finalized料片外形是否最终确认181.Coil width progression182.Does material usage match quoted amount?)材料利用率是否和报价吻合。
(侧面沉头C 0.00*0.00深)(C 0.00*0.00C'B0REDP0.00EDGESIDE)X:-M0.00钻穿,反面攻深0.00,有效牙0.00X:-M0.00DR.THRU,TAPDP0.000PP.SIDE,THRDP0.00)X:-M0.00钻穿,正面攻深0.00,有效牙0.00X:-M0.00DR.THRU,TAPDP0.00T0PSIDE,THRDP0.00)X:-M0.00钻穿,正反面攻深0.00,有效牙0.00X:-MO.OODR.THRU,TAPDPO.OOTOP&OPP.SIDE,THRDPO.OO)X:-M0.00盲孔,反面攻深0.00,有效牙0.00X:-MO.OOBLINDHL,TAPWORKDPO.OOOPP.SIDE)X:-M0.00盲孔,正面攻深0.00,有效牙0.00X:-M0.00BLINDHL,TAPW0RKDP0.00T0PSIDE,THRDP0.00)X:-M0.00盲孔,正反面攻深0.00,有效牙0.00X:-M0.00BLINDHL,TAPDP0.00T0P&0PP.SIDE,THRDP0.00)X:-M0.00盲孔,侧面分中攻深0.00,组模自配X:-M0.00BLINDHL,TAPDP0.000NEDGEFR0MCENTER,DIEMAKERFIT)(侧面沉头0 0.00*0.00深)(0 0.00*0.00C'B0REDP0.00EDGESIDE)X:-M0.00盲孔,侧面分中钻深0.00X:-M0.00BLINDHL,DR.DP0.000NEDGEFR0MCENTERX:-M0.00 (拨牙螺丝孔,攻穿)X:-M0.00TAP.THRUFORJACKSCREWX:- 0 0.00 (塞打过孔,钻穿)X:- 0 0.00DR.THRUF0RSP00LX:- 0 0.00 (弹弓过孔,钻穿)X:- 0 0.00DR.THRUFORSPRINGX:- 0 0.00 (弹弓孔,反面沉深0.00)有效深0.00X:- 0 0.00 (弹弓孔,正面沉深0.00)有效深0.00X:-(避空孔,锣穿)单+0.00X:-(P0CKETTHRU)S+0.00X:-(避空孔,正面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:-(P0CKET,CNCMILLS+0.00DP0.00T0PSIDE)X:-(避空孔,反面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:- (P0CKET,CNCMILLS+0.00DP0.000PPSIDE)X:- 0 0.00 (避空孔,反面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:- 0 0.00(P0CKET,CNCMILLS+0.00,DP0.000PP.SIDE)X:- 0 0.00 (避空孔,正面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:- 0 0.00(P0CKET,CNCMILLS+0.00,DP0.00EDGESIDE)X:- 0 0.00 (两用销过孔,割)单+0.00X:- 0 0.00(LIFTERPIN,W/CS+0.00)X:-(导尺避空,CNC单+0.00锣穿)X:-(POCKETFORRAIL,CNCMILLTHRU,S+0.00)X:-(导尺避空,正面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:-(导尺避空,反面CNC单+0.00 ,锣深0.00)X:-(浮块避空,正面CNC单+0.00 ,锣深0.00)X:-(浮块孔,害心单+0.00(反面避空单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:- (LIFTERHL,W/C)S+0.00(POCKETDPO.OOS+O.OOOPP.SIDE)X:-(浮块孔,锣)单+0.00(反面避空单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:- (LIFTERHL,MILL)S+0.00(P0CKETDP0.00S+0.000PP.SIDE)X:- C 0.00 (顶针孔,钻穿)(反面沉头0 0.00*0.00 深,内攻M0.00*1.5牙)X:- 0 0.00(EJECTPIN,DR.THRU.)(0 0.00C'B0REDP0.000PP.SIDE,TAPM0.00*1.5THR)X:- 0 0.00 (顶针孔,钻穿)(正面沉头0 0.00*0.00深,内攻M0.00*1.5牙)X:- 0 0.00(EJECTPIN,DR.THRU.)(0 0.00C'B0REDP0.00T0PSIDE,TAPM0.00*1.5THR)X:- 0 0.00 (导柱(导套)孔,CNC锣)单+0.00X:- 0 0.00CNCMILLF0RGUIDEPIN(BUSHING)S+0.00 X:- 0 0.00 (导柱(导套)孔,害V)单+0.00X:- 0 0.00W/CF0RGUIDEPIN(BUSHING)S+0.00X:-M0.00*1.5(止付螺丝,正面攻深0.00)X:-M0.00*1.5(SETSCREW,TAPDP0.00T0PSIDE)X:-M0.00*1.5(止付螺丝,反面攻深0.00)X:-M0.00*1.5(SETSCREW,TAPDP0.000PPSIDE)X:-(入子孔,CNC单+0.00,锣穿)X:- (INSERTHL,CNCMILLTHRUS+0.00)(阴影部分正面沉头单+0.00,锣深0.00)(SHADEAREA,MILLDP0.00S+0.00T0PSIDE)(阴影部分反面沉头单+0.00,锣深0.00)(SHADEAREA,MILLDP0.00S+0.000PPSIDE)X:-(入子孔,害心单+0.00X:- (INSERTHL,W/CS+0.00)(阴影部分扣位正面锣深0.00)(SHADEAREAF0RHEADP0CKET,MILLDP0.00T0PSIDE)(阴影部分扣位反面锣深0.00)(SHADEAREAF0RHEADP0CKET,MILLDP0.000PP.SIDE)(正面沉头单+0.00,锣深0.00)(P0CKET,MILLDP0.00T0PSIDE》匕处的沉头不能用C'BORE,只有圆形的沉头才用C'BORE.(反面沉头单+0.00,锣深0.00)(POCKET,MILLDP0.00TOPSIDE)X:-(入子孔,CNC单+0.00,锣穿)X:-(INSERTHL,CNCMILLTHRU.S+0.00)X:-(入子孔,正面CNO+0.00,锣深0.00)X:-(INSERTHL,CNCMILLDP0.00S+0.00TOPSIDE)X:-(入子孔,反面CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)X:-(INSERTHL,CNCMILLDPO.OOS+O.OOOPP.SIDE)X:- C 0.00 (插针孔,铰)单+0.00X:- C 0.00 (REAMS+0.00F0RPIL0TPIN)X:- C 0.00 (插针孔,割)单+0.00(正面沉头0 0.00*0.00深)X:- 0 0.00 (W/CFORPILOTPIN)(0 0.00CB0REDP0.00T0PSIDE)X:- 0 0.00 (插针孔,钻穿)(正面沉头0 0.00*0.00深)X:- 0 0.00 ( DR.THRUFORPILOTPIN)(0 0.00CB0REDP0.00T0PSIDE)X:-(冲头过孔,割)单+0.00(正面避空,CNC单+0.00,锣深0.00)(阴影部分扣位正面锣深0.00)MILLUNTILDP五金模具单词总结模具种类:连续模progressivedie 机械手transferdie 手动机械手handtransferdie 单工程模singledie/linedie 复合模compounddie 铆接模rivetingdie 铸造结构模castdie 能快换的模changeoverdie 泡沫模pattern 互换性:公差toleranee 上公差uppertoleranee 下公差lowertoleranee 公差范围tolerancerange 公差+/-0.05plusmi nu s0.05 形位公差图GD&T 平面度flatness 直线度straightness 倾斜度angularity 垂直度perpendicularity/squareness 平行度parallelism 圆度roundness/circularity 圆柱度cylindricity 面轮廓度surfaceprofile 线轮廓度lineprofile 位置度trueposition 同轴度concentricity 对称度symmetry 圆跳动run out 全跳动totalrunout 尺寸dimension 角度angledegree 全尺寸报告dimensionallayout 工艺性:料带strip料带图striplayout 工序process 冲导正孑L pilotpierce 冲孑L pierce侧冲campierce 切边notch 成形后的切边trim 切侧刃frenchtrim/fringetrim 厚料切边后的精修边shave 折弯be nd 墩薄coin折弯处压筋gusset 成形form 侧成形camform 整形restrike/rehit 围边flange 压线/压长条状筋ribbon 打凸米boss/dimple 打凸包emboss 打字印stamp 打沙拉孔hourglass 面押coin burr 抽孑L extrudehole 拍平flat/spanking 包边hemedge 压角cone 张角flare 切舌lance 半剪knockout 卷圆curl/热恶劣旋转rotate 铆接rivet 铆螺母stake nut 切断cutoff 接刀口mismatch 料带带料处carriertabs 毛刺方向burrdirection 产品切边线trimline 模具零件:模具die/tool 上托板uppermountingplate 上垫脚upperparallel 上模座upperdieset 上垫板punchbackup 上夹板punchholder 止挡板travelingstop 脱料板stripper 下模板dieplate 下垫板diebackupplate 下模座lowerdieset 下垫脚lowerparallel 上托板basemountingplate 浮块lifter 浮料板lifterplate 成型公formpunch 压料块pressurepad 切边冲头trimpunch 刀口trimsteel 刀口直身位land 直 5 斜15mmLand1taper 刀口上沉头的深度dielife 沉头counterbore 冲头倒斜shear 高低冲staggerpunch 球锁冲头ball-lockpunch 球锁座ball-lockretainer 冲孔入子butt on 顶针kickoff/ejector 废料切断刀slugbreaker 成型凹模formdie 整形公restrikeformpunch 导尺rail/stockguidanee 导尺顶杆lifterbolt 导料板railplate 镶件/入子insert 侧冲组件cam 滑块slide 滑块上油槽oilgroove 铲机driver 码模槽mountingslot 储运块storageblock 限位柱stopblock 起吊孑L handinghole 起吊环eyebolt 模柄shank 靠块heel冲床下台面bolster 冲床上台面ram 冲床台面布置图presslayout 冲床码模槽pressmountingslot 冲床气垫aircushion 码模钳stirrup 闭合高度shutheight 送料高度feedingheight 送料机feeder T 型槽T-slot 避位clearance/pocket 掏空pocket 挂台head 扣位pocketofhead 通气孑L airventhole 漏油孔drainhole 漏料孔slughole 基准孑L datumhole 通孑L throughhole 穿丝孑L firstwireholeT 型槽T-slot 拔牙?jackscrew 摆块?rocker?be nder 闭合高度?shut?height 避位?cleara nce?/pocket 侧冲组件?cam 侧刃?fren ch 插针?pilot?pin 插针套?pilot?bushi ng 插针通孔?pilot?through?hole 铲机?driver 沉头?co un ter?bore 成型凹模form?die 成型公?form?pu nch 冲床码模槽?press?mounting?slot 冲床气垫?air?cushion 冲床上台面?ram 冲床台面布置图?press?layout 冲床下台面?bolster 冲孔入子?button 冲头倒斜?shear初始管位?first?start?pin 储运块?storage?block 穿丝孔?first?wire?hole? 传感器?se nsor 弹簧套?spri ng?cage 氮气弹簧?gas?spring?/?nitrogen?spring 氮气弹簧安装法兰?mounting?flange 氮气弹簧系统?nitrogen?manifold 刀口?trim?steel 刀口上沉头的深度?die?life 刀口直身位?land 导尺?rail?/stock?guida nee 导尺顶杆?lifter?bolt 导料板?rail?plate 导套?guide?bushi ng 导柱?guide?post 导柱导套压块?keeper/?boss 垫片?shim 垫圈?washer 顶针?kick?off?/?ejector 吨位?tonn age 废料切断刀?slug?breaker 浮块?lifter 浮料板?lifter?plate? 高低冲?stagger?p unch 挂台?head 滑块?slide 滑块上油槽?oil?groove 机械冲床?mechanical?press 基准孔?datum?hole 键?key 键槽?key?slot 聚氨酯弹簧?urethane? 靠块??heel 扣位?pocket?of?head 两用销???lifter?pin 漏料孔?slug?hole? 漏油孔?drai n?hole 螺塞?screw?plug 螺丝?screw 螺旋弹簧?coil?spring 码模槽?moun ti ng?slot码模钳?stirrup 盲销?bl in d?dowel 模柄?sha nk 模具?die?/?tool 模座导正块?thrust 内六角螺钉?socket?head?screw 内限位?sta ndof 耐磨板?wear?plate 耐磨片?wear?sheet 起吊环?eyebolt 起吊孔?ha ndin g?hole 切边冲头?trim?punch 球锁冲头?ball-lock?punch 球锁座?ball-lock?retai ner 上垫板?pu nch?backup 上垫脚?upper?parallel 上夹板?pu nch?holder 上模座?upper?die?set 下托板?base?m oun ti ng?plate 上托板?upper?m oun ti ng?plate 送料高度?feeding?height 送料机?feeder 掏空?pocket 通孔?through?hole 通气孔?air?ve nt?hole 脱料板?stripper 脱料板拉杆?stripper?bolt 误检杆?trigger 误检装置?misfeeder?下垫板?die?backup?plate 下垫脚?lower?parallel 下模板?die?plate 下模座?lower?die?set?限位柱stop?block 镶件/入子?in sert 销针?dowel?p in 行程,走位?stroke?/?travel 压块keeper 压料块?pressure?pad 牙?thread油压机?hydraulic?press油嘴?oil? nipple整形公?restrike?form?pu nch? 直 5 斜 1??5mm?Land?1?taper 止挡板?traveli ng?stop机加工:开料 cuttingmaterial 钻 drill(DR) 攻牙tap 铰 ream 铣 mill 车 lathe 电脑锣NCmill 线切割 wirecutting(W/C) 磨 grind 刨 planer电火花EDM 镭射 lasercutting 倒角 chamfer 精加工finishXX 真空热处理vacuumheattreatment镀钛 TDcoating退磁 demagnetization 烧焊weldG:40-M6BLINDHL,TAPDP18.000PPSIDE,THRDP18」G10:4-M30BLINDHL,TAPDP18.00EDGESI(%%c34.00*14.00C'BOREDP14.00TOPSID 正面沉头多少X 多少深G2:24-%%c8.00(REAMFORDOWELWORKDP16.000PPSIDE,DR%%c6.00HL) G2:24-%%c8.00(合销,背铰深16.00,有效深,内钻%%C6.0通孔)G4:3-%%c10.00(基准孔,背铰深20.00)背面锣25.00*25.00方形沉头,深1.00%%P0.01(REAMFORDATUMHLDP20.00,MILL25.00*25.00OPPSIDEDP1.00%%P0.01) M:2-%%c15.00(弹簧孔,锣深33.00)(C'BOREORSPRINGDP33.00TOPSIDE,WORKDP33.00)X:3-%%c32.00(导套孔,锣穿,单 +0.01)(MILLTHRUFORGUIDEBUSHINGS+0.01)G:2-M10盲孔,侧攻深30.00(有效深)(BLINDHL,TAPWORKDP30.00EDGESIDE)(沉头 5.20%%P0.05深)(SLOTDP5.20%%P0.05TOPSIDE)L:2-%%c8.000(合销,割)单+0.005(W/CFORDOWEL)S+0.005盲孔,攻深 20.00(有效深)(BLINDHL,TAPDP20.00TOPSIDE,THRDP20.00)00孔,反面攻深**孔,侧攻深**Horiz on talsurfacelargegri nder 大水磨Lathe车床Measureme ntSurfacePlate 测量平台MetalSawMachine 锯床MillingMachine 铣床OilPress油压机Pin Gauge标准针规PlasticInjectio nM achi ne 注塑机PointtoPointCMM三次元测量仪Precisionsurfacegrinder 精密手摇磨Press冲床Projectorprofile 投影机ShearPress 剪板机SlowWireCutting 慢走丝VerticalMilli ngMachi ne 卧式强力铣床扳手?wre nch 拨牙器?jacker 卡尺?caliper 码模钳?stirrup 起子?screwdriver 千分尺?micrometer 丝攻?screw?tap CARVE 雕刻pothook 挂钩SPECIALH异形孔漏斗filler 角铁ANGLEIRON 展开expanding 微调开关INCHINGSWITCH 合叶HINGE优力胶RUBBER球锁垫板LOCKWASHER双线边刀口,不倒角TRIMSTEELNEARTHEDOUBLELINENOCHAMFER滑块座:SLIDESET机械:(enginetype)liquidcooled,in-line,4cylinder,carb( 发动机型号)水冷,直列,四缸,化油器式(engin e)compressi on ratio( 发动机)压缩比(engin e)displaceme nt( 发动机)排量airflow 空气流向Airflowmeter 空气流量计airjet 空气量孔airmeteri nghole 空气量孔airpath 气道AirPressureofTire 轮胎气压Airtype空气型airvalve 空气阀air-cooled 风冷Aisles 通道Alcohol 酒精allbeari ng 球轴承alternaterbracket 发动机支架alternator 交流发电机alter ntorassembly 交流发电机总成alumi ninu m-rim 铝合金钢圈alumininumopposedmodel 铝制对开式AM/FMcassettestereoradio 调幅/调频立体声收放机ambula nee救护车Ame ndedby 修正文amoun tofexhaustemissi on 排气排放量Amplituderesolutio n 幅度分辨率An aloguemag neticrecorder 模拟式磁记录仪ANAL YZE分析仪an chorplate,brakecaliper 制动钳安装支架An chorage座椅固定装置An gleofdiverge nee 偏离角An gleofrotati on 旋转角an glesdriftoffverticalli ne 指针偏离垂直线的角度An gulardiameteroftheretro-reflect in gdevice 回复反射装置的角直径annex附件Announ ceme nt 公告an ti,shutdow nscrew 防不灭车调整螺钉An tilockBrakeSystem 防抱死制动系统appendix 附录Applicablemotorvehicle 适用机动车Applicablescope 适用范围applica nt 申请人applicati on 申请applicati onforno tificati on 认可申请书approval 认可arm,valverocket 摇臂armature转子总成armatureshaft 电枢车由Arm-rests 靠手Article 条Article1 第1 条Asphaltsolution 沥青溶剂Attacheddocument 附署文件attachedsheet 附表AttachedTable 附表attachi nglocatio no fseatbelta nchorage 座椅安全带固定装置的固定位置attachment附属文件Attendantsonboard 车上值班人员automaticchockcoversett ing 自动阻风门盖调到automotiveelectricsystem 汽车电系automotivee ngi nesystem 引擎系统automatictra nsmissio n 自动变速器,自动排挡变速箱backspring 回位弹簧back in gplate 制动底板Back in gsheet 衬背板Back-UpLight 倒车灯backupwasher支撑挡圈bailwire 卡紧环balancetube 平衡管ball钢球ballbeari ng 球轴承balljo in tassy.,upper 上球销总成ballvalve 球阀ballvalve,i nlet 进油口球阀bar拉杆barrier 障碍壁battery 蓄电池batterytermi nal 蓄电池接线柱bearingcap 轴承盖beari ngcover,i nputshaft 输入轴轴承盖beari ng,c onn ect in grod 连杆轴承beari ng,i nputshaft 输入轴轴承Bedforbabies 婴儿床bell带束层benchseat长条座椅berivedcap车由承盖bezelassy.框板总成bezel,cluster 表框bepilot 小批量产品bleaddoor混合风门bleederscrew放气螺钉blowerassy.鼓风机总成blowermotor鼓风发电机blowerresistor 鼓风机电阻blowerswitch 鼓风机开关body车身,阀体body&liftgateassembly 车身和举升门总成bodyassy.车身总成bodyblock人体模块bodyofA/C&heater空调加热器壳体bolt主缸连接螺栓bolt,c onn ect in grod 连杆螺栓Booster助力器braki ngforcec on trolsystem 制动控制装置Brakingwheel 制动轮bran choffice 分署breaker断电器bridge过桥broadcast in gvehicle 广播车brush碳刷总成Buckle带扣bulkhead 隔板Bulldozer 推土机bumper保险杠Bumpereleme nt保险杠构件bustra nsfer 车辆转移台bushing 衬套bushi ng,upperc on trolarm 上控制臂衬套BusinessPlace 业务场所bypassvalve 旁通阀Cabi netDecisio n 内阁决议cableguide 拉线导向块cable-operatedc on trolsystem 液压式离合器系统Calibratio nfactorofadatacha nn el 数据通道校正系数calibratio ngas 标定气体calibratio nm ethod 标定方法caliperassy.,fro ntbrake 前制动钳总成Camber外倾camberangle前轮外倾角camshaft凸轮车由camshaftoilgallery 凸轮轴油道cap加机油口盖capassy.,powersteer in gfluidreservoir 动力转向液油罐盖capassy.,radiator 散热器盖总成capscrews 螺钉cap,c onn ect in grod 连杆盖Capacity容量,规格Capacityofthefuelta nk 燃油箱容量capillarytube 毛细管carb on brushes&brushholder 电刷支架总成Carbonmono xidemeasuri ngin strume nt —氧化碳分析仪Carburetor 化油器carburetorassy. 化油器总成carburetorbowl 化油器浮子室carburetorbowlve ntsystem 化油器浮子室通风系统carburetoroverhaulscheme 化油器分解图carburetorwork in gscheme 化油器工作示意图carcase 胎体caserunout(Max.)差速器壳圆跳动(最大) Caster后倾Catalyst催化器category 类另U cementandaggregate水泥和混凝料Cen trepla neofoccupa nt 乘员中心面Certified 经认证的Ceta nenu mber十六烷值chain驱动链cha in drive 驱动链Cha nn elamplitudeclass 幅度级通道ChannelFrequencyClass 频率级通道chassis 底盘chassisdynamometer 底盘测功机chassisshuttle 底盘平移台chassisnumber 底盘号Checka ndMai nte nance 检查和保养checkassy.,fron tdoor 前门限位器总成checkassy.,reardoor 后门限位器总成checkball回止球checkbracket限位器支架check nut限位器螺母checkvalve 单向阀checkvalvehole 回止阀孔checkvalvereta iner 单向阀保持架checkvalvespri ng 单向阀弹簧checkweight 回止块ChigiCircularNo.地技第…号ChigiNo.地技第—号ChildRestrai nts 儿童约束装置chimemodule 蜂鸣器Chishi nCircularNo.地审第…号ChishinNo.地审第…号chockheater阻风门加热器总成chockplate 阻风门chock uni oaded阻风门连动装置choke阻风门chokedevice阻风装置chokeu nl oadmode阻风门卸载状态cigarettelighter 点烟器circuitbreaker,wiper/washer 刮水器/洗涤器电器断路器Circular通告circular no tice 通告clamp卡圈Clampringtype 锁紧圈式Clea nin gefficie ncy 清洗效率Clea nin gperiod 清洗周期clearanee最小离地间隙Cleara nceLamp 示廓灯cli nderhead 气缸盖clip 卡子clusterhous ing 组合仪表壳Clutchsystem 离合器clutchassembly 离合器总成clutchco ntroldevice 离合器控制装置clutchdisc,clutch 离合器片clutchhous ing 离合器壳clutchmastercyli nder 离合器主缸clutchworki ngeyli nder 离合器工作缸Coati ng 涂层CodeN o型号CodeofFederalRegulatio ns 美国联邦法规总览Coefficie ntoflumi no usi nte nsity(CIL)亮度系数coilspri ng 圈状弹簧coldair 冷空气coldcra nkin gvoltage( min.) 最小冷启动电压collapsiblespacer 可压缩隔垫collector 拼装台colorimeter 色度计coloured-lightu nit 有色灯光组columnassy.转向管柱总成combi natio nbrakeswitcha ndproporti ng 组合阀comb in edlamp 复合灯comb in edpump复合泵comb in edpumpdiaphragm 复合泵膜片comb in edpumpdiaphragmrod 复合泵膜片杆comb in edpumplifterl ink 复合泵举升拉杆comb in edpumpmovedirect 复合泵运动方向Combustio nChamber燃烧室commutator 换向器compensateopening 补偿孑L completio nin spectio ncertificate 终了检验证书Completio no fnotificatio n 完成认可compressor 压缩机compression(both)气环槽(两个) compressi onign iti on type 压燃式Compression ratio 压缩比con cretemixertruck 混凝土搅拌车condenser冷凝器condenserassy.冷凝器总成con duitpipe 导管con e,diff.sidebeari ng 差速器轴承,内圈带滚子con e,p inionfron tbeari ng 主动齿轮前轴承内圈带滚子con e,p inion rearbeari ng 主动齿轮后轴承内圈带滚子Confirmor确认者connectingrod 连接杆conn ect in gli nk 连接杆conn ect in grodjour naldiameter 连杆轴径conn ect in grodjour nalwidth 连杆轴径宽度conn ect in grodthrottle 连杆喷油孑Lconnector连接器conn ectorofservicevalve 维修阀接口Constantspeed 等速con structi onan ddevice 结构和装置con trol&tubeassy.,hydclutch 离合器工作缸和油管总成ControlSystem 操纵系con trolvalve 控制阀阀门con trolvalvemodel 控制阀型式con trolvalveseat 控制阀阀座convexplate 凸台cooli ngfan 冷去卩风扇coolingsystem 冷去卩系统CorneringLamp 转弯灯corrected 修正的cotter 开口销cou nter5thgear 中间轴五档齿轮coun tershaft 中间车由coupledc on diti on 连接状态CouplingDevice 牵引装置cover端盖cover&plateassy.离合器盖及压盘总成coverassy.,airclea ner 空气滤清器盖总成cover,gear 侧盖cover,heaterair 空气加热罩cover,rearaxlecase 后桥壳盖cran evehicle 起重车crankcase 曲轴箱cran kshaft 曲轴cran kshaftgear 曲轴齿轮cran kshaft&conn ect ing 曲轴连杆机构cran kshaftoilgallery 曲轴油道cran kshaftsprocket 车由承链轮criticalflow 临界流Crossse nsitivityofali neartra nsducer 线性传感器的横向灵敏度Crushdistanee 压碎距离Crushrate压碎速率CrushStrength 压碎强度Cumulativetime 累计时间cup皮碗cup,diff.sidebeari ng 差速器轴承外圈cup,p inionfron tbeari ng 主动齿轮前轴承外圈cup,p inion rearbeari ng 主动齿轮后轴承外圈Cut-off明暗截止线cycle冲程cycli nderheadcover 气门室罩Cylinder 气缸cyli nderblock 汽缸体cyli nderbody 缸体Cyli nderbore 缸径cyli nderhead 汽缸盖cyli nderheadcover 气门室罩cylindernumber 气缸数cyli nderworki ngorder(clockwise) 气缸工作顺序(顺时针) damper转向减振器dan gerousarticle 危险物darkroom 暗室Datachannel数据通道DataProcessing 数据处理Dateofnotificati on 认可日期Decelerati ono fthestructure 地板减速度Defin iti ons 定义Defin iti ons 术语deflection 偏移defroster 除霜器dehydrator储液器和干燥器delayvalve 延迟阀Desig ntorsoa ngle 设计躯干角designated 认定desig natedmotorvehicle 经型式认定的机动车Designation 名称Desig nati onofbusin essplace 业务场所名称Desig nati onofCon firmor 扌旨定确认者det on ati on 爆震deviceproper 装置本身Devicetypedesig nati on 装置的型式认定dextrorotati on 右旋diameter 口径diaphragm 膜片diaphragmoffuelpump 油泵膜片diaphragmretur nspri ng 膜片回位弹簧diaphragmrod 膜片杆diaphragmspring 膜片弹簧Dieselfuel 柴油Dieseloil 轻柴油dieselsmoke柴油排烟Dieselsmokemeasuri ngin strume nt 柴油机排烟测量仪diesel-poweredmotorvehicle 柴油机动车differe ntialcase 差速器壳differe ntialgear 半轴齿轮differe ntialgearbox,fr on taxle 前桥减速器differe ntialgearbox,rearaxle 后桥减速器differe ntialsidegear-to-casecleara nee 半轴齿轮与差速器壳之间的间隙Digitalmag neticrecorder 数字式磁记录仪Digitilizi ng 数字化Dilutedexhaustgas 稀释排气dilutio ntu nnel 取样探管directinjectio ntype 直喷型directi onin dicatorlamp 转向信号灯directlyc on trolledwheel 直接控制车轮DirectoroftheVehiclea ndComp onen tApprovalsDivisi on 车辆和零部件认证科长Director-Ge neral 署长Director-Ge neralofDistrictTra nsportBureau 地方运输局长Director-Ge neralofLa ndTra nsportE ngi neeri ngDepartme nt 陆运管理处长Director-Ge neralofLocalLa ndTra nsportOffice 地方陆运署长Director-Ge neralofMotorVehiclel nspectio nan dRegistrati onO ffice 机动车检验注册署长discbrakes碟式刹车discbrake盘式制动器diskassy.,clutchdrived 从动盘总成disktypebraker 盘式制动器Displacement 排气量Displacementsystem 位移装置Distillatio nproperties 分馏特性distillatio ntemperature 馏出温度distributi on device 配气机构distributor 分电器distributorassy. 分电器总成distributorcap 分电器盖distributorrotor 分电器转子distributorshaft 分电器轴distributortype 分电器型号DistrictTra nsportBureau 地方陆运署documentstoBeSubmitted 需提交的文件domelamp顶灯doorassy.,fr on tRH.右前门总成doorassy.,rearRH. 右后门总成doorhingeassy. 车门铰链总成doorhi ngeplate 车门铰链垫板doorsassembly&bodyaccessories 前后车门总成及其附件double-lipseal 双唇油圭寸double-tire 双胎dowelpin定位销合销dowelp in s-pumpri ng 定子定位销DRAWINGPROCED绘RE规程drier 干燥剂drierreceiver 贮液干燥器drierreceiverbody 贮液气壳体drivee ndshield 前驱动端盖driveli nesystem 传动系统drivep inion geardepth 驱动齿轮深度driveshaft 驱动轴drivesprocket 驱动链轮driver ' sSeat驾驶员座椅drivingbeam 远光光束driv in gwheel 驱动轮drumbrakes鼓式刹车drumbrake鼓式制动器drumtypebraker 鼓式制动器dryair 干空气drybasis 干基dry-bulb 干球dummy假人dump自卸车dustboot防尘罩Dynamictest 动态试验ECERegulatio nECE 法规eddy-curre nttype 电涡流式efeheater进气加热器Effectiveheight 有效高度EffectiveWeightedfactor 有效加权系数Effectivewidth 有效宽度Electrical 汽车电器ElectricalSystem 电器系electromag neticcompatibility 电磁兼容性EMBOSSMENT字Emerge ncyBrake紧急制动器EmergencyExit 紧急出口EmergencyMotorVehicles 应急用车EmergencySignals应急信号用具Emerge ncyStop In dicatio nDevices 紧急停车表示用具emergencyvalve 应急阀Emissio nCo ntrolDevice 排放物控制装置endclearanee车由向间隙ENFORCEMENTPROCE实URE程En forceme ntRegulatio n 实施规则engine发动机,引擎Enginean dPowerTra in System发动机及动力传动系engineassy.发动机总成engin edisplaceme nt 发动机排量enginehood发动机罩en gi nei ntakema nifold 发动机进气歧管engineload发动机负荷en gi neoil发动机润滑油en gi neoilcapacity 发动机机油容量engin eoutsidediagram 发动机外形图engin erevoluti on speed 发动机转速enginetype发动机型号Engin eeri ngan dSafetyDepartme nt 技术安全咅B entrancestep 入口台阶entryitem 填写项目en tryvalue 填入值eqalizer 平衡架Equivale ntin ertiaweight 当量惯性重量escortvehicle 护卫车Europea nEcono micCom muni tyComman欧洲经济共同体指令Exam in ati on 审查exam in ati on affair 审查事务Excepti on toapplicati on 不适用条款excreme nt排泄物exhaust排水管exhaustdurati on 排气持续角exhaustemission 排气排放物ExhaustEmissio nCo ntrolDevice 排放物控制装置exhausthose 排放管exhaustma nifold (发动机)排气歧管exhaustsytem排气系统exhausttube 放气管exhaustvalve 排气门exhaustvalvetim ing 排气门定时expa nderoilrail 油环衬簧expansionbox 膨胀盒expansioncore 蒸发器芯expansionvalvebody 阀体extensioncase 夕卜接壳体EXTERNALPROJECT外部突出物Externalsurface 夕卜表面Externalview 外观图extremeidlescrew极限怠速调整螺钉factoryplatemodel 厂牌型号fan风扇fan belt风扇皮带fan&viscousdrive 风扇及硅油离合器fastidlecam 快怠速凸轮fastidlecamli nk 快怠速凸轮连杆fastidlecamseco ndstep 快怠速凸轮第二阶段fastidlecamsett in gi ndex 快怠速凸轮调整刻度fastidlemode 快怠速状态fastidlescrew 快怠速调整螺钉fastidlespeed 快怠速转速FederalMotorVehiclesSafetySta ndards 美国联邦机动车安全标准Feel in gtest 感觉试验Fiducialmarks 基准标记FilamentLamp 白炽灯filler neckseal 加水口密圭寸fillerope ning 进油口Filli ng-i nProcedure 填写规程Filli ng-in ProcedureforEachltem 每一项目的填写规程filter 滤清器,滤网Filtercharacteristics 滤波特性Filteri ng 滤波FireExt in guisher 灭火器Firetruck 消防车fitti ng,flowc on trolvalve 流量控制阀接头fixshaft 定位轴flange 法兰flashpo int 闪点flasher,hazardlamp 危险报警闪光器FlexibleDisk 软盘float 浮子floatlevel 浮筒油面高度floatpin 浮子轴floati ngcoat 中涂floordamper地板风门flowc on trolvalve 流量控制阀Fluidco nta in er 液体容器fluidtorqueco nverter 液力变扭器fluoresce ntsurface 荧光面flyin gwheel 飞轮foglamp 雾灯foglamprelay雾灯继电器foglampswitch 雾灯开关FoilThick ness 箔厚foldedseat 折叠椅fold in gseat 折叠式座椅foota nglequadra nt 小腿夹角量角器fork拨叉Formalin福尔马林forward-ope ninginn erdoor 内门前开型four-strokecycle 四行程引擎four-wheeldrivemotorvehicle 四轮驱动的机动车Four-wheeled 四轮Frame车架Framea ndBody车架及车身Frictio nclutch 摩擦离合器fromevaporatordrier 自蒸发器fromheatercore 出加热器fromreceiverdrier 自贮液干燥器fromwaterjacket in takema nifold 自进气歧管水套fron taxle 前桥fron taxleassy. 前桥总成fron taxlemotor 前桥挂档马达fron tbeari ng 前轴承fron tbeari ngreta iner 前轴承盖fron tbeari ng,fr on toutputshaft 前输出轴前轴承fron tbeari ng,i nputshaft 输入轴前轴承fron tbeari ng,outputshaft 输出轴前轴承fron tbrakedisc 前制动盘fron tbrakediscassy. 前制动盘总成frontcase 前壳体fron tcaseofvacuumbooster 助力器前壳体fron tcoilspri ng 前螺旋弹簧frontcombinedlamps 前组合灯fron tdiskbraker 前盘式制动器frontedge 前边缘fro nten dofshield 发电机前端盖fron te ngi nefron tdriveF.F. 式车辆frontengin ereardriveF.R. 式车辆frontfan 前风扇Fron tFogLamp 前雾灯fron tfro ntaxle 前前桥fron tope ning 出油口fron toutputshaft 前输出轴fron toutputshaftgear 前输出轴齿轮Frontoverhang 前悬fron tpa nel 前板frontpinion beari ng 前主动齿轮轴承fron tport 前接口fron tpropellershaft 前传动车由fron tpropellershaftassy. 前传动轴总成fron tshockabsorber 前减震器fron tstabilizer 前稳定杆fron tsuspe nsion 前悬吊fron tthrustplate 前配流盘fron ttra nsfer 车辆转移台fro nttubefailure 前管路失效状态fron twalla nglecover 前围角板frontwasherpump前洗涤器泵fron twasherreservoir 前风挡洗涤器储液罐fron twheel前轮,前壳体fron twheelalig nment 前轮定位fron twheelbrake 前轮制动器FrontWin dshield 前风窗fron twipermotor 前刮水器电动机Fron t-E ndOutli neMarkerLamps 前端示廓灯Fuel燃料fueldirect 燃油走向fuelfilter 集滤器fuelfilterhousi ng 燃油滤清器壳体fuelfilterpaper 燃油滤清器滤纸fuelgauge燃油表fuelgaugecalibration 燃油表电阻FuelInjectio nDevice 燃料喷射装置fuelleveli ndicator 机油压力表fuelpump然油泵FuelResistanee 耐油性fuelsensor燃油(箱)传感器fuelse nsorharness 燃油传感器线束fuelsupplysystem 供油系FuelSystem 燃料系FuelSystemofMotorVehiclesWhoseFuellsHigh-PressureGas 以高压气体作为燃料的机动车燃料系FuelSystemofMotorVehiclesWhoseFuellsProducerGas 以发生炉煤气作为燃料的机动车燃料系FuelTank燃料箱fulemeteri ngbar 计量杆fullcircle 大循环Fullflowdilutio n 全流稀释fulltrailer 全挂车full-hydraulictype 全液力式full-trailer 全挂车fully-loaded 全负荷fuse熔断器fusepanel熔断器板garbagetruck 垃圾车gascontainer 气体容器gassample 样气gasturbine 燃气轮机gasket节温器密圭寸垫,衬垫gasketcyli nderheadcover 气门室罩垫gasket,i ntakema nifold 进气歧管衬垫gasket,liftgateha ndle 举升门手柄垫片Gasoline 汽油gasoli nefueledmotorvehicle 汽油机动车gatheringheatcover-TCVsystemTCV 系统集热罩gear,co un tershaftfifth 五档中间齿轮geare ndcleara nce,plasticgauge 齿轮端部间隙,塑料间隙规gearhub 齿毂gearrange档位级另U Gearratio 速比geartobodycleara nce(radial) 齿轮至U壳体间隙(径向)gear,4WD四轮驱动齿轮gear,annulus 齿圈gear,lowshift 抵挡齿轮gear,rearaxlediff. 半轴齿轮gear,sleeve 齿套Gear-changelever 变速杆gears档位Gen eralComme nts概述Gen eralCo nstructi on 通用结构GENERALPROVISIC通用规则Gen eralprovisi ons —般规定generator 发电机Glazing 车窗gloveboxlamp 杂物箱灯Goods-LoadingAccommodation 载货装置governortype 调节器式Gravimeter 重力计GrossVehicleWeight 车辆总重groundClearanee 离地间隙Grou nd-Co ntactSectio nan dCo ntactPressure 接地部位及接地压力groupedlamp 组合灯grouped,comb in edorreciprocallyi ncorporatedlamps 组合、复合或混合灯光组halogenheadlamp 卤素头灯halogensealed-beamunit(HSBunit) 卤素圭寸闭式(HSB) han dleassy.,doorl/S 车门内手柄总成han dleassy.,doorO/S 前门外手柄总成han dle,liftgatelock 举升门锁芯手柄han dle,wi ndowregulator 玻璃升降器手柄handling处理办法HANDLINGPROCED 管理规程han ger调耳harness 线束harness,body车身线束har ness,e ngin ehous ing 发动机仓线束har ness,liftgate 尾门线束hatch-back 掀背型HazardWar nin gLamps危险报警闪光灯head缸盖headform头部模型headperforma ncecriterio n 头部性能指标HeadRestraint 头枕headroomprobe头部空间探测杆Headlampcleaner前照灯清洗器headlampdimmerswitch 变光开关headlampswitch前照灯开关Headlamps前照灯Headlighttester 前照灯试验器HeatResistanceTest 耐热性试验heat-damage 热损害heatedhydroge nflameio nizatio ndetector 加热式氢火焰离子化检测器heater加热器heater&A/Cpanellamp暖风/空调开关灯heater,i ntakema nifold 进气歧管加热器Heavyoil重柴油herei nafterreferredtoas 下文称为Here in afterthesame 下文同hi-beem in dicatorlamp 组合仪表远光指示灯highidlespeed 高怠速highpressuregas 高压气体highrange 高档High-floor 高地板High-floorthatca nbeope nedi nthreeways 三向开启的高地板idlejet 怠速喷口 idlemixturescrew 怠速混合气调整螺钉 idletube 怠速油管idli ngoperati on 怠速工况IdlingSpeed 怠速ign iti on coil 点火线圈ign itio ncoiltype 点火线圈类型ign iti oncon troler 点火控制器ign iti on key 点火钥匙ign iti onm odule 点火控制器ign iti onpoint 燃点ign iti on switch 点火开关Ign iti on System 点火系ign iti on wire 点火线Illu min ati ngaxis 光照车由illu min ati ngsuface 透光面Illu min ati onan gle 入射角Illu min ati oninten sity 光照强度Illu min ati ono ftheretro-reflect in gdevice 回复反射装置的照度illumi natio nsactuallymeasured 实测照度Illumi no meter 照度计 IMPACTREDUCTIONOFINSIDEREARVIEWM 缓冲式室内后视镜 IMPACTREDUCTIONT YPEOUTSIDEREARVIEW 缓冲式后视 镜Impacttest 冲击试验Impactor 碰撞块IMPORTEDMOTORVEH 进口机 动车inconn ecti on with in cli nati onan gle in dicati ngsecti on in dicatorlamp 指示灯in dicatorlamp,leftturn in dicatorlamp,rightturn in directlyc on trolledwheel Infan t-carryi ngvehicles in formati on 资料 in itialchokevalvecleara neein itiali nspecti on 初始检验 Injectio nN ozzle 喷油嘴 Injection Pump 喷油泵 injector 喷油器in let 进油口与…有关倾斜角指示部分左转向指示灯 右转向指示灯 间接控制车轮 幼儿专用车 初始阻风门间隙InnerDimension 内部尺寸inn ershaft 内半车由inn ertube 内胎in putshaft 输入轴in putshaft,tra nm issi on 变速器输入车由in putvoitage 输入电压In specti on equipme nt 检验设备inspector 检验人员in staiipa nei 安装板in strume ntcluster 组合仪表(盘)in strume nthar ness 仪表板线束in strume ntillu min ati onl amps 组合仪表照明灯in strume ntpa nelassy.仪表板总成in strume ntpa nels 仪表板in takea ndexhaustdevice 进排气装置in takedurati on 进气持续角in takeheater 进气加热器in takema ni fold 进气歧管in takesile ncer 进气消声器in takevalve 进气门in takevalvetim ing 进气门定时in tegralplace 整数in tegralpowersteeri ng 整体式动力转向器in tegraltype 整体式in tershaftassy. 动力转向中间轴总成In tercooler 增压中冷器in termediateaxleshaft 中间半轴in termediateguide 中间导向器in termediateshaft 中间车由in ternalfa n 内风扇in terpolatedvalue 内插值In-UseMotorVehicles 在用车辆Issuanee 发放ISSUANCEOFNOTI通玄口书的发放istidlejet 第一怠速空气量孔Items 项JAIA日本汽车进口商协会JAMA日本汽车制造商协会Japa nAutomobilelmporters'Associatio n 日本汽车进口商协会Japa nAutomobileMa nu facturersAssociatio n 日本汽车制造商协会Japa nAutomobileSta ndardsl nternatio nalizatio nCen ter 日本汽车标准国际化中心JapaneseAutomobileTypeApprovalHandbook 日本车辆型式认证手册Japa nese In dustrialSta ndards 日本工业标准JikoNo.自公第…号通告JIS日本工业标准JiseiNo.自整第…号JishaCircular 自车第…号通告JiyuNo.自运第…号jour nalcrossassy. 十字万向节总成jump,sparkwire 高压电线katakana片假名Kerosene 灯油key键kick-type 反冲式Kin ematicviscosity 运动粘度Kingpin 立轴kingpin castera ngle 主销后倾角Kingpinin cli nati onan gle 主销内倾角kingpin sidewise in cli nati onan gle 主销内倾角knock敲击kneeanglequadrant膝部角量角器KoshinNo.交审第xx号lampswitch,4WD四轮驱动灯开关lamptype 灯式Lapbeltanchorages 腰带固定装置Large-SizedRearReflexReflectors 大型后回复反射器Large-sizedspecial 大型专用latchassy.,fro ntRH.Door 右前门锁总成latchassy.,rearRH.Door 右后门总成laterallevel 横向水平仪leadingshoe 领蹄Leafspri ng 片簧leftfoglamp 左雾灯leftheadlamp左前照灯lefthorn 左喇叭leftsteeri ng 左转向lefttaillamp 左尾灯lege nd图例Len gthoftrochoid 旋轮线Len gth,Widtha ndHeight 全长、全宽、全高Lens配光镜len s,cluster 表蒙let in air 进气leverassy.,tur nsig nalsta ndard 综合开关操纵杆总成licenselamp 牌照灯liftgate 举升门liftgateassy. 举升门总成liftgatelatchassy. 举升门锁总成liftgatelockassy. 举升门锁芯总成lightsourcemodule 光源模组LightVehicles 轻型车辆Light-Exposurea ndLight-a nd-Water-ExposureApparatus 露设备light in gdevice 照明装置Lighti ngSystem 照明系统Limittowardsblue 趋蓝极限光线暴露及光线与水暴Limittowardsred 趋红极限limit in gvalvebody 限压阀壳体limiti ngvalvespri ng 限压阀弹簧Lin earityerror 线性误差lining衬片lin kassy.offr on tstabilizer 前稳定杆连杆总成lin kagetype 联杆式LiquefiedPetroleumGas-Fueled 燃用液化石油气机动车loadcellsimulator 载荷传感器模拟装置loadse nsin gdevice 负载感受装置Loadedgoods 装载物loadedWT最大总质量LoadingCapacity 载重量Loadi ngplatform 货箱Loadi ngplatformoffset 货箱偏移量LocalLa ndTra nsportOffice 地方陆运署LocalOffice 地方署Locatio nofbusin essplace 业务场所地点lockCYLassy.,RH.door右车门锁芯总成lockpiece,reversegear 换档器锁片lock ing&in dex in gplate 锁止刻度盘Lock in gDevice 锁止装置Lock in gsystem 锁止装置Iongaxis 长车由Iong-body长车身Ion gitudi nalce nter 纵向中心Ion gitudi nalce nterli ne 纵向中心线Ion gitudi nalpla ne 纵向平面Ion gitudi nally-m oun ted 纵向安装lowfuelwarni ngi ndicatorbezel 低燃油报警灯框lowfuelwarni ngi ndicatorle ns 低燃油报警灯透片lowfuelwarni ngmodule 低燃油报警组件lowidlesystem低怠速系统lowrange 抵挡lowra ngelockplate 抵挡锁止板lowspeedjet 低速喷口lowerc on trolarm 下控制臂总成lowerpressureswitch 低压开关lubrica ntcapacity 润滑油加注油lubrica nts 润滑油Lubricati ngoil 润滑油lubricati ngsystem 润滑系luminan cefactor 亮度因数lumino usflux 光通量luminousinten sity 光照强度M/CYL/vacuumboosterassembly制动主缸及真空助力器总成M/CY Lpushrod主缸推杆Mag ni fication 增大率mainbearing 主轴承mai nbeari ngjournalcleara nee 主轴承间隙。
die 模具figure file,chart file图档cutting die,blanking die冲裁模progressive die, follow (-on)die 连续模compound die复合模punched hole冲孔panel board镶块to cutedges=side cut=side scrap切边to bending折弯to pull, to stretch拉伸Line streching, line pulling线拉伸engraving,to engrave刻印upsiding down edges翻边to stake铆合design modification设计变化die block模块folded block折弯块sliding block滑块location pin定位销lifting pin顶料销die plate,front board模板padding block垫块stepping bar垫条upper die base上模座lower die base下模座upper supporting blank上承板upper padding plate blank上垫板spare dies模具备品spring 弹簧bolt螺栓plate电镀mold成型material for engineering mold testing工程试模材料not included in physical inventory不列入盘点incoming material to be inspected进货待验PCE assembly production schedule sheetPCE组装厂生产排配表model机锺work order工令revision版次production control confirmation生产确认checked by初审approved by核准stock age analysis sheet库存货龄分析表on-hand inventory现有库存available material良品可使用obsolete material良品已呆滞to be inspected or reworked待验或重工cause description原因说明part number/ P/N 料号item/group/class类别prepared by制表year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet年终盘点差异分析表physical inventory盘点数量physical count quantity帐面数量difference quantity差异量good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts良品defective product/non—good parts不良品disposed goods处理品on way location在途仓oversea location海外仓spare parts physical inventory list备品盘点清单spare molds location模具备品仓skid/pallet栈板tox machine自铆机wire EDM线割EDM放电机coil stock卷料sheet stock片料tolerance工差score=groove压线cam block滑块pilot导正筒trim剪外边pierce剪内边drag form压锻差pocket for the punch head挂钩槽slug hole废料孔feature die公母模expansion dwg展开图radius半径shim(wedge)楔子torch-flame cut火焰切割set screw止付螺丝form block折刀stop pin定位销round pierce punch=die button圆冲子shape punch=die insert异形子stock locater block定位块under cut=scrap chopper清角active plate活动板baffle plate挡块cover plate盖板male die公模female die母模groove punch压线冲子air-cushion eject—rod气垫顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing block衬套insert 入块capability能力parameter参数factor系数phosphate皮膜化成viscosity涂料粘度alkalidipping脱脂main manifold主集流脉bezel斜视规blanking穿落模dejecting顶固模demagnetization去磁;消磁high-speed transmission高速传递heat dissipation热传rack上料degrease脱脂rinse水洗alkaline etch龄咬desmut剥黑膜D。
trim line
stake nut
carrier tab
burr direction
(¢0.00*0.00 C'BORE DP0.00 TOP SIDE, TAP M0.00*1.5 THR)
special shape punch
air-cushion eject-rod
trimming punch
pressure block
stiffening rib punch
spring box
guide plate
spring-box eject-rod
top plate
bottom plate
upper parallel
lower parallel
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初始管位firststartpin带肩螺丝shoulderscrew 两用销lifterpin氮气汽缸gasspring
侧冲组件camsection导正装置guideequipment 漏废料孔slughole刀口trimline
接刀口mismatch/cookiebites限位块stopblock 挡块stopper浮块lifter
对正块alignmentblock简易模prototypetooling 检具gage/checkingfixture料带图striplayout
间隙clearance真空热外理vacuumheattreatment 镗孔millhole表面外理surfacecoasting
镭射laser-cut上夹板/固定座holder/retainer 下模座lowerdieset成刑母公formingdie
弹簧护套springcage氮气汽缸gasspring普通弹簧coilspring 侧冲组件camsections拔牙螺孔jackscrew三打螺丝spool 漏废料孔slughole导正装置guideequipment毛刺burr
挡块stopper限位块(柱)stopblock储运块storageblock 压块keeper浮块lifter导正块thrustblock
正视图frontview俯视图topview侧视图:cross-sectionview 避位/空pocket间隙clearance公差tolerance走位travel行程stroke
Tonnage (吨位)