






肾功能损害的患者:对于中度肾功能损害(肌酐清除率30∼60 ml/min)患者(参见【注意事项】和【药代动力学】),推荐剂量为每次服用20mg (1片),一日2次,即早、晚用餐期间各服用1片。

【不良反应】不良反应,即被认为至少可能与曲美他嗪治疗相关的不良事件,按以下常规频率列表如下:很常见(≥1/10);常见(≥1/100 至<1/10);不常见(≥1/1,000至<1/100);罕见(≥1/10,000至<1/1,000);极罕见(<1/10,000);未知(无法通过已有数据估算)。














对于预期暴露量会增加的患者,开具曲美他嗪处方时应谨慎:- 中度肾功能损害(参见【用法用量】和【药代动力学】)- 超过75岁以上的老年患者(参见【用法用量】)。




发现日常活动中的无症状心肌缺血 发现持续1分钟以上的ST段压低
测力计脚踏车 自动踏板器 化学运动试验
增量 (瓦特)
90W 60W
3min 6min 9min 时间(分)
心室收缩期(心室收缩) 舒张期(休息)
前负荷 “作用于心脏的重量 ”(于舒张末期作用 于心室的压力取决于静脉回流) 后负荷 “作用于心脏的阻力”(当主动脉瓣打开时, 心室射血所遇到的阻力) 收缩性 心肌纤维固有的特点,与负荷条件无关。
供给 需求
“常规体力活动不引发心绞痛”如走路,上楼梯等。当具有 使劲的快速的或持续的体力活动时,心绞痛发作。
“常规活动轻度受限”。当走路或上楼梯较快,上坡行走, 或进餐后走路或上楼梯,或在寒冷时,或起风时,或于情绪 压力下,或于清醒后仅数小时。以正常步伐和正常条件行走 超过两条平街或上楼超过一层。
当心绞痛阈值到达时,或当超过冠脉储备量时, 心绞痛就发作。 典型症状:疼痛 起病: 突然 部位: 中线、胸骨后分布 传布: 额和左臂 性质: 紧缩感、伴有焦虑 特点: 舌下含服硝酸甘油缓解
劳累或情绪激动诱发心绞痛,持续几周无变化。 稳定型心绞痛可持续几年,随着粥样硬化病变的进展 发展成为不稳定型心绞痛。
-- 稳定性心绞痛的危险分层






盐酸曲美他嗪片商品介绍通用名:盐酸曲美他嗪片生产厂家: 苏州长征-欣凯制药有限公司批准文号:国药准字H20073709药品规格:20mg*15片药品价格:¥15元盐酸曲美他嗪片说明书【通用名称】盐酸曲美他嗪片【商品名称】盐酸曲美他嗪片(爱怡令)【英文名称】TrimetazidinedihydrochlorideTablets【拼音全码】YanSuanQuMeiTaZhenPian(AiYiLing)【主要成份】盐酸曲美他嗪片(爱怡令)主要成份为盐酸曲美他嗪,化学名称:1-(2,3,4-三甲氧基苯甲基)哌嗪二盐酸盐。


















心血管口服药一、万爽力(Vasorel)【通用名】盐酸曲美他嗪片【外文名】Trimetazidine , Vastarel, Vasorel【适应症】临床适用于冠脉功能不全,心绞痛,血流动力学药物单独治疗无效的心绞痛,糖尿病冠心病,陈旧性心肌梗塞等。






























1. 稳定性好。


2. 可溶性好。


3. 毒副作用小。





治 疗 稳定 型 心绞 痛 的长 效 药 ,
暂 的缺 血 、 氧 的一 组 临床 综 缺 合征。 此病 患者 的病情 通 常 比 较 稳定 ( 括 心 绞痛 发 作 的频 包
被 广 泛地应 用于 临床 。 药可 此 通 过 抑制 肾 上腺 素 、 甲肾上 去 腺 素和 抗 利 尿 激 素 在 心 脏 中
是 在 冠 状 动 脉 已出 现 狭 窄 的 情况 下 , 由于 心肌 负荷 量 增加
而 引 起 的心 肌 出 现 急 剧 且 短
稳定 型 心绞 痛 的首 选药 物 。 由于 盐 酸 曲 美他 嗪 具 有 作 用 时 间长 、 用 强度 大和 安 作 全 性 高 的优点 , 在我 国常作 为
3 3
健 肝 灵胶 囊 的具体 用法 为 : 每
低 谷 丙 转 氨 酶 水 平 、保 护 和 促 进肝 细胞 再 生等 作 用 , 可
《 髫 巢 2 07 +广 信 抗过敏 改善过 求 问 》l 01 0 告 息 敏体质——葡芮 康O C胶囊 免费 P 咨询电 407878 话: —0—05 o
}B Y D用药宝典] Y
治 疗 稳 定 型 J 绞 痛 的 良 药

江苏 主管 药师 李 罗伟
万 作 工包 定型心绞痛是临床上最 美他 嗪 ( 爽 力 ) 为 心 肌 代 I 常见的一种 心绞痛 , , 它 谢 类 药物 , 强 烈推 荐 为治 疗 被
次( 三餐 后服 用 ) 在 。 盐酸 曲美他 嗪的静脉 注射 用法 为 : 8~2 取 O毫克 的盐 酸 曲 美他 嗪 ,将 其 加入 到 2 0毫 升 2 % 的葡 萄糖 注 射液 中静 5 脉注 射 , 日可 注射 1次。 每 盐酸 曲美他 嗪 的静 脉滴 注 用法 为 : 8~2 取 0毫克 的盐 酸 曲美他 嗪 , 将其 加入 到 5 0毫 0



盐酸曲美他嗪片的功能主治1. 什么是盐酸曲美他嗪片盐酸曲美他嗪片是一种药物,主要成分为盐酸曲美他嗪。


2. 盐酸曲美他嗪片的功能盐酸曲美他嗪片具有多种功能,以下是它的主要功能:2.1 镇静作用盐酸曲美他嗪片具有镇静作用,可以缓解焦虑和紧张情绪。


2.2 改善失眠盐酸曲美他嗪片对失眠患者也具有较好的疗效。



2.3 抗抑郁作用盐酸曲美他嗪片对于一些轻度或中度抑郁症状也有一定的抗抑郁作用。


2.4 缓解焦虑盐酸曲美他嗪片可以有效缓解焦虑症状。


3. 盐酸曲美他嗪片的主治疾病盐酸曲美他嗪片主要用于以下疾病的治疗:3.1 焦虑症盐酸曲美他嗪片在治疗焦虑症方面表现出色。


3.2 抑郁症对于轻度或中度抑郁症状的患者,盐酸曲美他嗪片也可以发挥一定的治疗作用。


3.3 失眠症盐酸曲美他嗪片对于失眠症患者也有一定的疗效。


3.4 精神紧张性疾病由于盐酸曲美他嗪片具有镇静作用,因此也常用于治疗精神紧张引起的疾病,如焦虑症、神经衰弱等。

4. 注意事项在使用盐酸曲美他嗪片时,需要注意以下事项:•应遵医嘱使用:使用盐酸曲美他嗪片前,应咨询医生并按照医生的建议使用。











二、药理作用1. 钙通道阻滞作用:盐酸曲美他嗪通过阻断细胞膜上的钙离子通道,减少心肌细胞内钙离子浓度,从而降低心肌细胞的收缩能力,减轻心脏负荷,达到降压的效果。

2. 冠脉扩张作用:盐酸曲美他嗪具有扩张冠脉血管的作用,增加冠脉血流量,改善心肌缺血状况,对于一些冠心病患者来说,可以缓解胸痛症状。

3. 抑制交感神经系统:盐酸曲美他嗪可以通过抑制交感神经系统的活性,降低心脏的收缩频率和力度,减轻心脏负荷。

4. 利尿作用:盐酸曲美他嗪还具有利尿作用,可以增加尿量,帮助排除多余的液体,降低血容量,减轻心脏负荷。

三、临床应用盐酸曲美他嗪缓释片主要用于以下情况:1. 高血压:盐酸曲美他嗪可以降低血压,减轻高血压带来的心脏负荷,改善心血管系统功能。


2. 心绞痛:盐酸曲美他嗪可以扩张冠脉血管,增加心肌血流,缓解心绞痛的症状。


3. 心力衰竭:盐酸曲美他嗪可以降低心肌负荷,改善心肌功能,减轻心力衰竭的症状。


4. 血管性头痛:盐酸曲美他嗪可以减少交感神经系统的兴奋,缓解血管性头痛的症状。


注意事项和副作用在使用盐酸曲美他嗪缓释片时,需要注意以下事项:1. 注意遵医嘱:请遵循医生的建议和处方用药,不要自行更改剂量或停止用药。

2. 注意个体差异:每个人对药物的反应都可能存在差异,如果出现严重的不良反应,应立即就医。






1. 镇静安眠•盐酸曲美他嗪具有镇静作用,能够改善睡眠质量。



2. 解痉镇痛•盐酸曲美他嗪具有较强的解痉作用,能够缓解肌肉痉挛和疼痛感。



3. 抗焦虑•盐酸曲美他嗪具有一定的抗焦虑效果。



4. 其他功能•盐酸曲美他嗪还具有抗恶心、呕吐、抑制短暂性脑缺血发作等功能。





















01 盐 酸 曲 美 他 嗪 缓 释 片 的 药 理 作 用 02 盐 酸 曲 美 他 嗪 缓 释 片 的 适 应 症 03 盐 酸 曲 美 他 嗪 缓 释 片 的 用 法 用 量 04 盐 酸 曲 美 他 嗪 缓 释 片 的 临 床 研 究 05 盐 酸 曲 美 他 嗪 缓 释 片 的 比 较 研 究 06 盐 酸 曲 美 他 嗪 缓 释 片 的 未 来 发 展
盐酸曲美他嗪缓 释片适用于心肌 梗死后的治疗, 以减少心脏负荷, 改善心脏功能。
盐酸曲美他嗪缓 释片可以降低心 肌梗死后的心肌 氧耗,增加心肌 氧供,从而改善 心肌梗死后的心 脏功能。
盐酸曲美他嗪缓 释片还可以降低 心肌梗死后的心 率,减轻心脏负 荷,从而改善心 脏功能。
盐酸曲美他嗪缓 释片还可以降低 心肌梗死后的血 压,减轻心脏负 荷,从而改善心 脏功能。
盐酸曲美他嗪缓释片与β阻滞剂的比较:在降低血压方面,盐酸曲美他嗪缓 释片效果更明显
盐酸曲美他嗪缓释片与钙通道阻滞剂的比较:在治疗心绞痛方面,盐酸曲 美他嗪缓释片效果更明显
盐酸曲美他嗪缓释片与其他药 物联合使用,可以增强治疗效 果
联合用药可以针对不同病因和 症状,提高治疗针对性
联合用药可以减少药物副作用, 提高患者的耐受性
联合用药可以提高患者的生活 质量,减轻疾病带来的痛苦
研究背景:盐酸曲美他嗪 缓释片是目前治疗心绞痛 的主要药物之一,但存在 一定的副作用和局限性。
研究目标:开发新型剂型, 提高药物疗效,降低副作
研究方法:采用新型药物 传递系统和制剂技术,如 纳米技术、微球技术等。












盐酸曲美他嗪片Yansuan Qumeitaqin PianTrimetazidine Dihydrochloride Tablets本品含盐酸曲美他嗪(C 14H 22N 2O 3·2HCl )应为标示量的95.0%~105.0%。

【性状】 本品为薄膜衣片,除去包衣后显白色或类白色。

【鉴别】 (1)取本品细粉适量(约相当于盐酸曲美他嗪10mg ),加水5ml ,振摇使盐酸曲美他嗪溶解,滤过,取滤液1ml ,照盐酸曲美他嗪项下的鉴别(1)项试验,显相同的反应。

(2)取本品细粉适量,加0.1mol/L 盐酸溶液制成每1ml 中含盐酸曲美他嗪20μg 的溶液,滤过,照紫外-可见分光光度法(中国药典2010年版二部附录Ⅳ A 测定),在231nm 的波长处有最大吸收。

(3)取本品,除去包衣,研细,称取细粉适量(约相当于盐酸曲美他嗪100mg ),加甲醇10ml ,振摇使盐酸曲美他嗪溶解,滤过,取续滤液作为供试品溶液;另取盐酸曲美他嗪对照品适量,加甲醇溶解并制成每1ml 中含10mg 的溶液,作为对照品溶液。

照薄层色谱法(中国药典2010年版二部附录Ⅴ B )试验,吸取上述两种溶液各10μl ,分别点于同一硅胶GF 254薄层板上,以乙醇-浓氨水(8:2)为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,置紫外光灯(254nm )下检视。




【检查】 有关物质 取本品细粉适量(约相当于盐酸曲美他嗪0.2g ),置50ml 量瓶中,加水适量超声使溶解,用水稀释至刻度,摇匀,离心(转速为每分钟5000转)15分钟,取上清液作为供试品溶液;精密量取供试品溶液1ml ,置100ml 量瓶中,用水稀释至刻度,摇匀,作为对照溶液;精密量取对照溶液2ml ,置100ml 量瓶中,用水稀释至刻度,摇匀,作为灵敏度测试溶液。



盐酸曲美他嗪的用法用量功能主治1. 用法用量盐酸曲美他嗪是一种抗过敏药物,主要用于治疗各种过敏症状和缓解过敏反应。


1.1 口服用法用量成人及12岁以上儿童:每次口服剂量为25毫克(mg),每日3次。




1.2 静脉注射用法用量成人及12岁以上儿童:每次静脉注射剂量为25毫克,每日1-3次。


2. 功能主治盐酸曲美他嗪具有抗组胺、抗胆碱、抗肾上腺素等作用,可以有效缓解过敏症状,如打喷嚏、流涕、鼻塞、喉咙痒、皮肤瘙痒等。

2.1 缓解过敏性鼻炎症状盐酸曲美他嗪能够抑制组胺的释放,从而减轻过敏性鼻炎引起的鼻塞、打喷嚏、流涕等症状。


2.2 缓解过敏性皮肤病症状盐酸曲美他嗪对于过敏性皮肤病,如荨麻疹和接触性皮炎等,也具有缓解作用。


2.3 镇静作用盐酸曲美他嗪还具有一定的镇静作用,可用于治疗因过敏引起的失眠或焦虑症状。

3. 注意事项在使用盐酸曲美他嗪前,应注意以下事项:•对该药物过敏者禁用;•对中枢神经系统抑制药物过敏的患者慎用;•孕妇慎用;•在服用盐酸曲美他嗪期间,应避免同时饮酒;•长期大剂量使用应监测血压、心率等指标。

4. 常见不良反应使用盐酸曲美他嗪可能出现以下不良反应:•头痛;•嗜睡或烦躁;•口干;•胃肠不适,如恶心、呕吐、腹泻等;•失眠或反应迟钝。

5. 药物相互作用盐酸曲美他嗪与其他药物之间可能存在相互作用,应慎用或避免与下列药物合用:•镇定剂和催眠药物;•镇痛药物,如吗啡类药物;•抗精神病药物;•三环抗抑郁药物。

6. 结论盐酸曲美他嗪是一种广泛应用于过敏症状缓解的药物。



清华大学 山东大学 沈阳药科大学 天津大学 上海医工院 山东医科院 等30多家合作
山东大学瑞阳 药物研究所
美国乔治敦大 学瑞阳药物研
瑞阳上海药物 研究所
合作院校 药物研究所
公司先后承 担国家、省 、市各类计 划项目10项 ,获得60余 项专利证书 、60多个新
注射用美洛西林钠制剂 及原料药等7个产品通 过了山东省科技成果鉴 定,有4项填补国内空 白,新药葛根汤颗粒被 认定为“国家重点新产 品”。公司的青霉素半 合抗粉针制剂分装水平 、中药提取水平和头孢 类原料药合成技术均达
曲美他嗪: 独特的代谢作用机制
抑制更耗氧的游离脂肪酸氧化, 促进葡萄糖氧化, 利用有限的氧,产生更多ATP, 增加心脏收缩功能 减少缺血再灌注时细胞内离子改变
·减少酸中毒 ·减少钙离子过载 增加细胞膜磷脂的合成
Rationale for a metabolic approach to Ischemic Heart Disease
➢ 代谢特点 ➢ 作用机理 ➢ 临床研究 ➢ 临床使用
“心脏不仅是一个泵,而且是一个需要通过 代谢获得能量的器官,代谢性疾病——心肌缺血, 需要用理想的代谢方案治疗。” —— Opie L.
➢ 缺血性心肌病的糖尿病患者:曲美他嗪能够改善左心室收缩
➢ 运动诱导性心肌缺血:曲美他嗪能减轻运动诱发的心肌缺血,



In man:
Molecular formula: C14H 22N2O3·2HCl Molecular weight: 339.3 [Description] Film-coated tablet with white core [Indications] Prophylactic treatment of episodes of angina pectoris. Adjuvant symptomatic treatment of vertigo and tinnitus. [Strength] 20mg [Dosage and administration] 60 mg per 24 hours: 1 tablet to be taken 3 times a day at meal times. [Adverse reactions] Rare cases of gastrointestinal disorders (nausea and vomiting). Because of the presence of sunset yellow FCF S (E110) and cochineal red A (E124), risk of allergic reactions. [Contraindications] This drug should never be used in case of hypersensitivity to any one of the product's constituents. This drug is generally not recommended during breastfeeding (Cf. Pregnancy and lactation). [Precautions] This drug is not a curative treatment for angina attacks, nor is it indicated as initial treatment for unstable angina, or myocardial infarction. It should not be used in the pre-hospital phase nor during the first days of hospitalization; In the event of an angina attack, the coronaropathy should be reevaluated and an adaptation of the treatment considered (drug treatment and possibly revascularisation). [Pregnancy and lactation]
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Ultrasonic microdialysis coupled with capillary electrophoresis electrochemiluminescence study the interaction between trimetazidine dihydrochloride and human serum albuminShuangjiao Sun,Chanjuan Long,Chunyao Tao,Sa Meng,Biyang Deng *Key Laboratory for the Chemistry and Molecular Engineering of Medicinal Resources (Ministry of Education of China),School of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences,Guangxi Normal University,Guilin 541004,ChinaH I G H L I G H T SG R A P H I C A L A B S T R A C TA homemade ultrasonic (US)micro-dialysis (MD)device was described. The equilibrium speed was improved about 6times using USMD.The binding speed was improved 4times using US technique.New method for the determination of binding sites number and binding constant wasdeveloped.A R T I C L E I N F OArticle history:Received 12June 2014Received in revised form 1August 2014Accepted 6August 2014Available online 13August 2014Keywords:Ultrasonic microdialysis Capillary electrophoresis Electrochemiluminescence Trimetazidine dihydrochloride Human serum albuminA B S T R A C TThe paper describes a homemade ultrasonic microdialysis device coupled with capillary electrophoresis electrochemiluminescence (CE-ECL)for studying the interaction between human serum albumin (HSA)and trimetazidine dihydrochloride (TMZ).The time required for equilibrium by ultrasonic microdialysis was 45min,which was far less than that by traditional dialysis (240min).It took 80min to achieve the required combination equilibrium by normal incubation and only 20min by pared with traditional dialysis,the use of ultrasonic microdialysis simpli fied experimental procedures,shortened experimental time and saved consumption of sample.A simple,sensitive and selective determination of TMZ was developed using CE-ECL and the parameters that affected ECL intensity were optimized.Under the optimized conditions,the linear range of TMZ was from 0.075to 80m mol/L (r 2=0.9974).The detection limit was 26nmol/L with RSD of 2.8%.The number of binding sites and binding constant were 1.54and 15.17L/mol,respectively.ã2014Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionTrimetazidine dihydrochloride (TMZ,Fig.S1in Supporting Information)is an effective and well-tolerated anti-anginal meta-bolic agent used for optimizing myocardial energy metabolism,protecting the adenosine triphosphate generation process,reducing the intracellular acidosis,preventing the accumulation of sodiumand calcium and maintaining stable environment in the cell.Meanwhile,it is an antiadrenergic drug that can reduce vascular resistance,increase blood flow of coronary artery and improve heart function.It also has a curative effect in the treatment of angina pectoris,acute myocardial infarction,ischemic heart disease,idiopathic dilated heart,heart failure,arrhythmia and other diseases [1–8].The increasing interests in metabolic modulation in recent years need to develop quick analytical methods for the determina-tion of TMZ.Supplementry material related to this article found,in the online version,at /10.1016/j.aca.2014.08.012.*Corresponding author.Tel.:+867735845726;fax:+867732120958.E-mail address:dengby16@ (B.Deng)./10.1016/j.aca.2014.08.0120003-2670/ã2014Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Analytica Chimica Acta 851(2014)37–42Contents lists available at ScienceDirectAnalytica Chimica Actaj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /a caSeveral methods have been reported for the determination of TMZ such as HPLC[9],RPLC[10],voltammetry[11],mass spectrometry[12,13],spectrophotometry[14–16],chemilumines-cence[17].The method for the determination of TMZ using CE-ECL has not been reported.There are two types of molecular structures in blood.One is in molecular state(free drugs),and the other one is reversibly associated with plasma proteins.Only the free drug molecules are able to cross membrane barriers and be distributed to tissues and organs and exert pharmacological effect[18].When free drugs are delivered into tissues and organs or are cleared away,the combined drugs could separate from combining site to make up for the free drugs.Thus,the reversible combination of drugs with protein is critically involved in drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.Therefore,it is important to study the combination of drugs and HSA[19].Equilibrium dialysis[20], ultrafiltration method[21],ultracentrifugation,gelfiltration and microdialysis[22]are main methods to study the interaction between drugs and protein.Among these techniques,the equilibrium dialysis is regarded as the reference method.The traditional dialysis device contains three units(dialysis bag,vessel loaded dialysate,and mechanical stirrer).It has the disadvantages of low efficiency and time consuming due to low speed of mechanical stirrer.The normal incubation was carried out in shaking table.Ultrasound is helpful when small molecules pass through the dialysis membrane and reach the equilibrium quickly. Therefore,dialysis assisted with ultrasound can improve the analysis speed,effectively shorten the equilibrium time[23]. CE-ECL is simple,fast,highly sensitive and has better precision and wide linear range.In recent years,many papers have been reported regarding the application of CE-ECL on drug determination [24–31],but only some of them concerned about the interaction between drugs and protein[32,33].Besides,it takes several hours for some drugs to reach the combination equilibrium with HAS by traditional method,which is time-consuming[32,33].This work designed an ultrasonic microdialysis device for studying the combination balance and dialysis equilibrium between HSA and TMZ.In37 C,the time for combination balance and dialysis equilibrium of HSA with TMZ were80min and240min, respectively.However,they were only20min and45min when assisted with ultrasonic.The paper chose the condition of ultrasonic to study the combination balance and equilibrium dialysis between HSA and TMZ at the same time,which simplified the experimental steps,shortened experimental time and obtained the binding-sites number and binding constant.2.Experimental2.1.Reagents and apparatusThe CE-ECL system was produced by Xi’an Remex Electronic Science-Tech Co.,Ltd.(Xi’an,China)and consists of four main parts: a numerical control capillary electrophoresis high-voltage power supply,a multifunction chemiluminescence detector,a multichan-nel data collection analyzer and a numerical controlflow injection sample injector.The end-column ECL cell is composed of a three-electrode system:a Pt disk as work electrode,a Pt wire as auxiliary electrode and Ag/AgCl(saturated KCl)as the reference electrode. An uncoated fused-silica capillary(75m m I.D)with the length of 50cm was obtained from Yongnian Optical Conductive Fiber Plant (Hebei,China).The dialysis membrane(15kDa)was obtained from Union Carbide Corporation(Chicago,IL,USA);Model HSJ-4A pH meter was produced by Shanghai Precision and Scientific Instrument Corporation(Shanghai,China);Model SK3200H ultrasonic cleaner was produced by Shanghai Kudos Ultrasonic Instrument Co.,Ltd.(Shanghai,China).Cary60UV–vis spectro-photometer was produced by Agilent Technologies,Australia Pty Ltd.(Australia).TMZ was obtained from the National Institute for the Control of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products(Beijing,China)and HAS (>96%,MW65.3kDa)was obtained from Sigma–Aldrich(St.Louis, MO,USA).Tris(2,20-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II)chloride hexahydrate was purchased from Alfa Aesar(Johnson Matthey,Ward Hill,MA, USA).Na2HPO4,Na3PO4and NaH2PO4were purchased fromXilongFig.1.Exploded view of microdialysis device(a);microdialysis device(b);ultrasonic microdialysis device(c).1forfixing cover with a sample-introducing hole;2for dialysis bag;3forfixing sleeve;4for centrifuge tube;5for thermometer;6for water outlet;7for water inlet;8for sample;9for dialysis liquid;10for ultrasonic cleaning instrument; 11forfloating frame.38S.Sun et al./Analytica Chimica Acta851(2014)37–42Chemical Co.,Ltd.(Guangdong,China).All reagents used were of analytical grade.Double-distilled water was used throughout. 2.2.ProceduresNew capillary was activated by0.1mol/L NaOH for12h.For daily use,the activated capillary was subsequentlyflushed with 0.1mol/L NaOH,filtered water and separation buffer for10min each.Between runs,the capillary wasflushed by separation buffer. The surface of the working electrode was polished with0.3m m alumina power and cleaned with water in an ultrasonic cleaner before use.The Ru(bpy)32+–phosphate solution was replaced every 2h during the experiments to maintain good reproducibility of the ECL measurements.In all experiments,samples were introduced into the capillary by electrokinetic injection at10kV for10s, separated in the capillary at9kV.Detection potential wasfixed at 1.25V.The separation buffer(pH7.5)contained15mmol/L phosphate.The potential of the photomultiplier tube(PMT)was operated at800V.2.3.Ultrasonic microdialysis deviceThe microdialysis device consists of a centrifuge tube,dialysis bag,fixing sleeve andfixing cover(see Fig.1a).In order to reduce the dead volume in dialysis bag and enhance dialysis efficiency, thefixing button was designed to be hard and thefixing part has the same height as thefixing sleeve.In the center of thefixing button,a hole was made for sample introduction.For the device, the volume of the centrifuge tube can be adjusted according to the experiment requirement.The volume of the centrifuge tube with the dialysis solution of500m L is750m L.The microdialysis equipment was shown in Fig.1b.In this equipment,the volume of dialysis bag is50m L.Normally,the temperature of human body is about37 C and too high temperature may cause the protein denaturation.In order to maintain a temperature with37 C for ultrasonic dialysis,the flowing water supplied by a pump with two pipes was used as ultrasonic media.In order to prevent the dialysis equipment from move,a foam was used forfixing the equipment.The whole ultrasonic dialysis device was shown in Fig.1c.3.Results and discussion3.1.Cyclic voltammetric scan and detection potentialWhen there was only Ru(bpy)32+in ECL detection,ECL intensity was weak,as shown in Fig.2a.An obvious enhancement to the ECL intensity was detected after adding TMZ into the ECL detection cell, as shown in Fig.2b.Therefore,based on this examination,a new sensitive method for determination of TMZ has been established.3.2.Optimization of detection potentialThe effect of detection potential on the ECL intensity of TMZ was investigated.As shown in Fig.S2(Fig.S2in Supporting Informa-tion),when detection potential changed from1.10V to1.40V,the ECL intensity reached a maximum at1.25V,so1.25V was selected as the ECL optimum detection potential.Supplementry material related to this article found,in the online version,at /10.1016/j.aca.2014. of pH in the ECL cellFor CE-ECL detection system,the reaction between Ru(bpy)32+ and analyte depends on the pH in the ECL cell,so the pH could directly affect the ECL intensity.Previous report indicated that the optimum concentration of Ru(bpy)32+and buffer were5mmol/L and50mmol/L in the ECL cell,respectively[34],so5mmol/L Ru (bpy)32+and50mmol/L buffer were chosen as experimental concentration.The effects of buffer pH on the ECL intensity was investigated with a range of6.0–9.0.The results indicated that the ECL intensities reached the maximum at pH7.5and then decreased with the increase in the pH(Fig.3).Therefore,pH7.5was selected.3.4.Optimization of the concentration and pH of running bufferThe effects of concentration and pH of running buffer on the ECL intensity were studied.The results were shown in Fig.S3(Fig.S3in Supporting Information)and Fig.4.When the buffer concentration was set at10mmol/L,the pH was investigated from6.0to8.5and the maximum intensity was observed at7.5.When pH value of the running buffer was kept at pH7.5,the buffer concentration was augmented gradually from5to25mmol/L.The results indicated that the highest ECL signals appeared when the buffer concentrationwasFig.2.The profile of electrochemiluminescence.Detection conditions:scan rate:100mV/s;50mmol/L pH7.5phosphate buffer containing5mmol/L Ru(bpy)32+(a),50mmol/L pH7.5phosphate buffer containing5mmol/L Ru(bpy)32+and20m mol/LTMZ(b).Fig.3.Effect of pH in the ECL cell on ECL intensity.Detection conditions:detectionpotential of1.25V;other conditions are the same as conditions in Fig.S2(Fig.S2inSupporting Information).S.Sun et al./Analytica Chimica Acta851(2014)37–423915mmol/L.Therefore,15mmol/L phosphate buffers at pH 7.5was chosen for following experiments.Supplementry material related to this article found,in the online version,at /10.1016/j.aca.2014. of separation voltageThe separation voltage directly in fluences the migration time and the ECL intensity of analyte.The increase of separation voltage would shorten analysis time.However,too high voltage led to Joule ’s heat.The effects of separation voltage on the ECL intensity was investigated varying from 7kV to15kV.As shown in Fig.S4(Fig.S4in Supporting Information),the ECL intensity reached its maximum values,when the separation voltage was 9kV.In this paper,9kV separation voltage was selected.Supplementry material related to this article found,in the online version,at /10.1016/j.aca.2014. of injection voltage and injection timeInjection voltage and injection time are other two important factors in fluencing ECL intensity of the tested analyte.The effect of injection time and injection voltage were investigated by altering injection voltage from 4kV to 14kV while keeping injection time constant and changing injection time from 4s to 14s when injection voltage was invariable.As shown in Fig.S5(Fig.S5in Supporting Information),the system had higher ECL signal when injection voltage was 10kV.Therefore,10kV was selected as the optimized injection voltage.ECL intensity became stronger with the increasing of the injection time,however,when too much sample was injected,electrophoresis peak was broadened.Considering the peak width and the peak shape,10s was selected as the optimized injection time.Supplementry material related to this article found,in the online version,at /10.1016/j.aca.2014.,detection limit and reproducibility of TMZUnder the optimized experimental conditions,as shown in Fig.5,with the increase of TMZ concentration,the ECL intensity enhanced.The linear concentration range and the detection limit were studied.The ECL intensity was linear with the concentration of TMZ in the range from 0.075to 80m mol/L,with a regression equation of y =56.14x (m mol/L)+14.83(R 2=0.9974).The detection limit was 26nmol/L (3s ).When six consecutive injections of20m mol/L TMZ were performed,the relative standard deviations (RSD)of the peak height and the migration time were 2.8%and 2.6%,respectively.4.Interaction between TMZ and HSA4.1.Study on dialysis timeThe combination of HSA with TMZ was studied by dialysis method.Dialysis bag was soaked in 15mmol/L phosphate buffer solution at pH 7.5before use and was fixed by the fixing device.A 50m L phosphate buffers at pH 7.5containing 20m mol/L TMZ and 10m mol/L HSA was injected into dialysis bag through the sample-introducing hole.The dialysis solutionwas 450m L phosphate buffers (15mmol/L)at pH 7.5.Both traditional dialysis and ultrasonic microdialysis were investigated using CE-ECL method by determin-ing the ECL intensity of dialysate every 15min or 30min.As shown in Fig.6,the ECLintensity increased withthedialysis timeandreached a stable value at 45min for ultrasonic microdialysis and at 240min for traditional dialysis.The stable value indicated the arrival of dialysis equilibrium and TMZ concentration would no longer change.Therefore,the time required for equilibrium by ultrasonic micro-dialysis was 45min,which was far less than that by traditional dialysis (240min).UV –vis is the most common method for studying the combination of protein with drugs,the combinationofFig.4.Effect of concentration of the running buffer on ECL intensity.Detection conditions:pH of separation phosphate buffer for pH 7.5;other conditions are the same as conditions in Fig.S3(Fig.S3in SupportingInformation).Fig. 5.CE-ECL electropherograms of TMZ.Detection conditions:50mmol/L phosphate buffer (pH 7.5)containing 5mmol/L Ru(bpy)32+in ECL cell;detection potential of 1.25V;electrokinetic injection of 10kV Â10s;separation voltage of 9kV;separation buffer of 15mmol/L phosphate (pH 7.5);5m mol/L TMZ (a);10m mol/L TMZ (b);20m mol/L TMZ(c).Fig.6.Effect of dialysis time on ECL intensity.Normal dialysis (a);ultrasonic dialysis (b).40S.Sun et al./Analytica Chimica Acta 851(2014)37–420.10mmol/L HSA with 0.10mmol/L TMZ also investigated by UV –vis under the condition of normal incubation and ultrasonic incubation,respectively.As shown in Fig.7,it took 80min to achieve the required equilibrium by normal incubation.However,it was only 20min by ultrasonic incubation.As a result,the condition of ultrasonic can greatly improve the binding rate of HSA with TMZ and shorten the experimental period.4.2.The ultraviolet spectrum of HSA with TMZThe binding of HSA with TMZ was characterized by ultraviolet spectrum.As shown in Fig.S6a and Fig.S6b (Fig.S6in Supporting Information),both HSA and TMZ had UV absorption.The UV absorption enhanced as TMZ was added into the HSA solution (Fig.S6c),however,the absorption became weak after ultrasound for 20min (Fig.S6d).The decrease of absorption indicated the combination of HSA with TMZ.Supplementry material related to this article found,in the online version,at /10.1016/j.aca.2014. on the number of binding sites and binding constantThe dialysis membrane (<15kDa)allows the free TMZ passage and prevents the passage of HSA as well as the combined TMZ with HSA.The concentrations of free TMZ would be equivalent inside and outside of the dialysis bag after dialysis equilibrium.The quantity of the combined TMZ with HSA is equal to the total amount of TMZ minus the quantity of free TMZ.In order to study the number of binding sites and binding constant,a series of different concentrations of TMZ were mixed with 0.01mmol/L HSA in the microdialysis bag and different concentrations of free TMZ were determined after the equilibrium of ultrasonic microdialysis.In most cases,it is supposed that the drug (D )is bound to m types of independent binding sites on the protein (P ).The fraction (r )of bound drug molecules per protein molecule can be represented as [35]:r ¼½D bound ½P total ¼X mi ¼1n iK i ½D free1þK i ½D free (1)In the expression,[D bound ,P total ]and [D free ]represent the concen-trations of bound drug,total protein and free drug,respectively.The n i is the number of sites of class i involved in binding and K i stand for the binding constant.Considering that the nature of protein binding sites often remain unclear.Eq.(1)can be simpli fiedinto Eq.(2)by accounting for one type of binding sites on the protein:r ¼nK ½D free I þK ½D free (2)In the expression,n and K are the number of binding sites and the binding constant,respectively [36].If different [D free ]and the corresponding r were given,the binding curve could be established to estimate the number of sites and binding constant by non-linear fitting using origin 8.0.In this paper,the number of binding sites and the binding constant of HSA with TMZ was obtained by non-linear fitting with origin 8.0.The binding curve was shown in Fig.8and the fitting non-linear equation as follows:r ¼1:53Â15:15½D free 1þ15:15½D freeIt can be seen from the equation,the number of binding sites and the binding constant of HSA with TMZ were 1.53and 15.15L/mol,respectively.5.ConclusionsIn this work,a new CE-ECL method for the determination of TMZ was developed.A simple device for ultrasonic microdialysis was designed.The number of binding sites and binding constant between HSA and TMZ were investigated using the device coupled with CE-ECL.The number of binding sites and binding constant were 1.53and 15.15L/mol,pared with the other reported methods,the ultrasonic microdialysis in the paper simpli fied the experimental procedure,shortened experimental time and improved analysis ef ficiency.AcknowledgementsThis work was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant no.21365006)and by the 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