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兰州市黄河5号楼采暖及换热站设计 Heating and heat transfer station design of

the Yellow River Building No. 5,Lanzhou

长 春 工 程 学 院

学生姓名 学 号 所在系部 所学专业 所在班级 指导教师 教师职称 完成时间 成 绩








With the development of city construction in our country, and national requirements for energy and environmental protection, heating system scale from a single building heating system developed into large regional central heating system, the emergence of a large number of residential, central heating system of public buildings. The central heating has a lot of advantages in energy saving and environmental protection, the development speed is very fast.

The design for the design of heating Lanzhou City office buildings and heat exchange station. The heating part is divided into twenty-two layers, 84 meters high.

Design of city heating network with 95 ℃hot water as a heat source of constant pressure, constant pressure pump. Comparison of structure,according to the office of each room use and the economic and technical feasibility, the vertical divided into three zones, the district is divided into two loops, the double pipe next time for the next program with hot-water heating system. Hydraulic calculation of the heat transfer coefficient of building envelope, the calculation of heating the room heat load calculation, selection and calculation of the room radiators, the pipeline system, but also considering the safety, economical, energy-saving and other requirements, so that the building can meet the heating requirements.

Design of heat exchange station including equipment layout, location size determination, calculation and selection of heat exchanger, the calculation and selection of circulating water pump water pump and auxiliary equipment selection.

Keywords: Calculation of central heating, heat load, hydraulic, heat exchanger


前言 (1)

第一章设计资料 (2)

1.1 设计题目 (2)

1.2设计任务和目的 (2)

1.3设计原始资料 (2)

1.3.1工程概述 (2)

1.3.2 气象资料 (2)

1.3.3 墙体资料 (2)

1.3.4屋面资料 (2)

1.3.5门窗资料 (2)

第二章设计参数的计算与确定 (3)

2.1设计温度的确定 (3)

2.2传热系数的确定 (3)

第三章供暖系统的设计热负荷 (4)

3.1采暖系统的分类 (4)

3.2通过围护结构的耗热量 (4)

3.2.1采暖系统的分类 (5)

3.2.2采暖系统的分类 (5)

3.2.3通过围护结构的耗热量 (5)

3.3计算冷风渗透耗热量 (5)

3.4外门冷风侵入耗热量的计算 (6)

3.5供暖房间热负荷计算示例 (6)

第四章供暖系统的选择 (8)

4.1采暖系统的分类 (8)

4.2供热热媒的选择 (8)

4.3供暖热源的选择 (8)

4.4供热系统形式的比较选择 (8)

第五章供暖系统的散热设备 (10)

5.1散热器的选择 (10)

5.2散热器的布置 (11)

5.3散热器的计算 (11)

5.3.1散热器计算参数的确定 (11)

5.3.2散热器的计算 (13)

第六章水力计算 (14)

6.1热水供暖系统管路水力计算 (14)
