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动物医学进展,2011,32(4):98 102

Pr ogress in Veterinary Medicine




摘 要:四环素类抗生素被广泛用于动物疾病的治疗,并长期以亚治疗剂量添加于动物饲料中用于动物疾病的预防和促进动物生长。由于四环素类抗生素大量使用使其在环境中普遍存在,并导致了细菌耐药性。研究表明某些四环素类抗生素在环境中具有一定的持久性,因此其在环境中行为引起了众多学者的关注。论文回顾了四环素类抗生素在环境中残留、迁移转化等方面的研究进展,重点阐述近年来有关四环素类抗生素环境行为方面的研究新成果,并探索提出今后应该开展的研究方向。


中图分类号:S859.799.9文献标识码:A文章编号:1007 5038(2011)04 0098 05


收稿日期:2011 01 17




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Advance in Heat Stress Mechanism Effect in Animals

LI Lin,XU Chen yi,YANG Shu hua,LONG Miao,H E Jian bin (College of A nimal H u sbandr y and Vete rinary M ed icine,S heny ang A g ricultu ral Univ ersity,S heny ang,L iaoning,110161,China) Abstract:Studies hav e show n that the amount of heat shock pr otein's synthesis increases in anim al to avo id the irrever sible damag e that caused by heat stress to the anim al.The heat shock pr otein is a g eneral class of cellular chapero ne protein that can be produced by all living cells after stimulated by the stressor,w hich can participate in the protein folding,assembly,and transpo rt and other activ ities in cells'life processes, and also play s an im por tant ro le in the regulatio n of cell grow th,survival and differentiation.T herefo re, the mechanism,results and pro tection of heat shock protein in the heat stress is described fr om the partici patio n in the heat stress.A s the results of previous studies is summ arized,scientific and detailed outlook to the research prog ress of the heat shock protein may be appeared in som e important o f biomedical area,so as to provide a reliable theoretical basis to reduce the adv erse effects of the heat stress in liv estock produc tion practice effectively.

Key words:heat stress;heat shock pr otein;mechanism
