



10中石油内部的托福经验中石油托福成绩査询10中石油内部的托福经验中石油托福成绩查询话题:中石油托福成绩查询无老师总结经验托福中石油内部的托福经验【无老师力荐】May 3rd, 2010这篇文章内容稍老,但是无老师认为体现的学习方法很值得借鉴。




在考试之前已经对了中石油内部托福有了&多的了解,这些了解多来自于网上特别是地平线bbs, —些前辈的经验。













阅读词汇考考查的单词正确的选项词性中文含义频 abundant plentiful a.大量的 accelerate increase v.加速;加大 accessible available a.可用的 according to depending on 依据;按照;;取决于 accordingly for that reason ad.因此 accordingly consequently ad.因此 account explain v.解释;说明2account for explain v.解释,说明2account for explain v.解释,说明 accumulate collect v.积累;积聚 accumulate collect v.聚集 adequate sufficient a.充分的;足够的 adhere stick v.黏附;胶着 adjunct addition n.附加物 administered managed v.管理 adorn decorate v.装饰 advent arrival n.出现;到来 adversely negatively ad.不利地;有害地 advocate proponent n.倡导者;辩护者 aesthetically artistically ad.审美地;美学地 affront insult v.公开侮辱;轻蔑 aided helped v.帮助 alert wary a.机敏的 allay reduce v.减轻;减少 alter change v.改变;调整 alternative option n.替代;替代物 altogether completely ad.完全地 ancillary secondary a.附属的;辅助的 annihilate conquer v.消灭;征服 antagonist enemy n.对手;敌人 antecedent predecessor n.先辈 anticipate look forward to v.期待;盼望 apace with as fast as 快速的 appealing attractive a.吸引人的 apply used for v.应用;适用 appreciated recognized v.赏识 appreciation recognition n.鉴赏;鉴别 aptly appropriately ad.适当地 arduous difficult a.艰巨的;艰苦的 article object n.物品,物体 ascend climb v.攀升;升高2assemble gather v.装配;组合2assemble bring together v.装配;组合 assortment variety n.形形色色;各式各样 assumption belief n.确信的想法 at any rate regardless 无论如何;至少 attachment preference for n.依恋;偏好 attained achieved v.达到 attained reached v.达到 attendant accompanying n.服务员 attire clothing n.衣着;盛装 attribute credit v.被认为;被鉴定 attribute characteristics n.特征 avail make use v.有用 avid eager a.渴望的;热心的 barren infertile a.贫瘠的;不毛的 barter exchange v.易货贸易;物物交换 besides in addition to prep.除此之外2bias prejudice n.偏见;嗜好2bias prejudice n.偏见;嗜好 bind tie v.捆;绑;使结合 boast take pride in having n./v.夸口;自恃 boosted raised v.提高,推进 bound limit n.范围;界限 bound held v.限制 break departure from n.决裂;破裂 brief look glance n.瞥视;浏览 bring about cause v.导致;引起 brittle easily broken a.易碎的 by virtue of because of 依靠;由于 calculate determine v.计算;确定 came to the forefront became important  carry support v.支撑;支持2carry on conduct v.开展;维持;继续2carry on continue v.  cease stop v.停止;结束 celebratory full of praise n.颂扬 celestial astronomical a.天空的;天上的 chance unplanned a.偶然的;碰巧的 characteristics qualities n.性质,特性 charged with assigned to 主管, 掌管 chronicle describe v.记述 circumscribe restrict v.在……周围画线;限制 classify categorize v.分类 clear unobstructed a.畅通的;无阻的3clue information n.线索;信息3clue information n. 3clue proof n.  cluster group v.成群2coarse rough a.粗糙的2coarse crude a.  coin create v.创造;杜撰 coincide with happen at the same time ad.同时 collective group n.集体 collectively together ad.共同地 come of age establish itself v.达到法定年龄;确立自身地位 comparably similarly ad.可比地;相当地 compelling forceful a.强制的;强迫的 component parts n.部分 compose focus on v.创作;创造 comprise consist of v.包含;包括 concealed covered a.隐藏着的 concentrate cluster v.集中;积聚 conclusive definitive a.最后的 concomitant with in conjunction with ad.协同 concrete specific a.具体的;特定的 configuration arrangement n.结构;形状2confine limit v.限制;局限2confine restrict v.  confirm uphold v.证实;确认 conflicting opposing a.冲突的;抵触的 conjectural based on guessing a.猜测的;推测的 consequence result n.结果2conserve store v.保存;保护2conserve retain v. 4considerable large a.很重要的;很大的4considerable substantial a. 4considerable much a. 4considerable great a.  consistent constant a.持续的 consort associate v.结交 conspicuous noticeable a.显著的 constituent component n.成分;要素 constitute make up v.构成;组成 consume eat v.吃掉 consumption eat n.消费;消耗3contemporary existing a.当代的;现有的3contemporary current a. 3contemporary written at that time a.  convergence gathering n.聚集2convert change v.转换;转变2convert chang v.  correspondingly similarly ad.相应地;对应地 count weigh v.有价值;有分量 counter overcome v.反对;驳回 counteract negate v.抵消;反作用 counterpart version n.复本;对应物 crisscross move back andforthv.穿梭;交错往来 critical judge of fine arts connoisseur n.鉴赏家;评论家 crucial important a.重要的 cumbersome burdensome a.麻烦的;笨重的 customary usual a.习惯的;惯例的 dampen moisten v.使潮湿 daring bold a.勇敢的;大胆的 deft skilled a.熟练的;灵巧的 deliberate careful a.审慎的;仔细的 deliver present v.递送;呈递 demand require v.要求;需求 demise death n.死亡 demonstrate show v.表明;证实 dense thick a.稠密的;浓厚的 depend rely v.依靠;依赖 depict represent v.描绘;描述 depress lower v.压低;使沮丧 derive obtain v.得到 derive from base on v.基于 detect find v.探测2detectable measurable a.可察觉的;易发现的2detectable apparent a.  devastated ruined a.毁坏的;被破坏的 developing evolving a.发展的;演化的2devote to dedicate v.致力于;献身于2devote to specializing in v. 2dictate determine v.指示;决定;确定2dictate determine v.  diffuse travel v.扩散;传播 disaster catastrophe n.灾难 discard get rid of v.丢弃;抛弃 dispute argument n.争论;争执2disseminate spread/impart v.散布;传播2disseminate spread v. 4distinct separate a.清晰的;不同的;独特的4distinct separate a. 4distinct different a. 4distinct separate a.  distnctive unique a.特殊的;独特的 distinguish differentiate v.区分;辨别 divergence difference n.差异;变化3diverse dissimilar a.多种多样的;不一样的;不同的3diverse varied a. 3diverse different a.  dividing line boundary n.边界;分界线 do sth. repeatedly iterate v.重复;反复2domain field n.领域;范围2domain region n.  dominant most common a.主要的;占优势的 dominate be prevalent in v.支配;控制 dramatic striking a.戏剧性的;显著的 drastic radical a.激烈的;猛烈的 drastically severely ad.激烈地3draw attract v.吸引;引导3draw attract v. 3draw instruct v.  durability endurance n.经久,耐久2durable long-lasting a.持久的;耐用的2durable strong a.  dwelling house n.住处;寓所 eager enthusiastic a.热心的2easily moved portable a.轻便的;可携带的2easily moved portable a.  edge advantage n.优势 effect influence v.影响;效果 efficiency effectiveness n.效力 elaborately done in great detail ad.详尽地;精心地 elevate promote v.提高;提升 elicit bring out v.引出 embraced welcomed v.欢迎 emerge appear v.浮现;出现2emit give off v.发出;生产,发行2emit produce v.  emphasize stress v.强调 employ use v.雇佣;应用2enable allow v.使能够;使可能2enable help v.  enactment performance n.演出;表演 encompass include v.包含 encounter meet v.遇到;相遇 end goal n.末端;目的 endless continuous a.无止境的;无穷的 engage hire v.雇佣 enhance increase v.提高;增进 enhancement improvement n.提高;增进 ensure guarantee v.保证 entire whole a.全部的 entity object n.实体;存在 entomb trap v.埋葬;设陷阱 envelop surround v.遮盖;包围 era period of time n.时期 eradicate eliminate v.除去;消除 erroneous ideas misconception n.误解;错误观念 erroneously identified as mistake v.误以为;误认为 essence basic nature n.基本 essential fundamental a.基本的 establish create v.设立;创作 estimate judge v.鉴定 evidence indicate n.迹象;预示 evolution development n.发展;演化 exalted superior a.高贵的;崇高的2excavate dig v.挖掘;开凿2excavate dig v.  exceptional remarkable a.非凡的;例外的2execute create v.造成;制成;履行;执行2execute produce v.  exercise utilize v.行使,利用2exert cause v.引起;产生2exert put v.施加(压力等) exorbitant expensive a.昂贵的 expendable unprofitable a.没有用的2expose subject to v.使暴露;暴露于2expose uncover v. 2extend stretch v.延长;扩展2extend increase v. 2extol praise v.赞美2extol praise v. 3extract remove v.提取;取得;根除,移除3extract remove v. 3extract remove v.  extraordinary supreme a.非凡的;极度的2fabricate make v.制作;装配;构建2fabricate construct v.  facilitate enable v.使容易;使便利;帮助 faction side n.小派系 fashion create v.造成,引起 fatal deadly a.致命的 favor prefer v.喜爱 favored perferred a.喜爱的 feed put v.供给;供应 feel detect v.察觉;感觉 finding scientific discovery  fine tiny a.细小的 finely minutely ad.精细的  fixture commonplaceobjectn.固定设备;附属装置 flamed burned a.燃烧的 flattering complimentary a.称赞的;奉承的 flourished thrived n.茂盛2forage feed v.搜索;寻找食物2forage search for food v.  formidable difficult a.艰难的 fortuitous sudden a.偶然的;幸运的 forward-looking progressive a.向前看的;有远见的 frame pose v.构造;提出 framework structure n.结构;框架 freeing releasing n.解除,释放 frown on disapprove of v.露出不悦之色;表示不赞成 functional usable a.合用的 fundamental basic a.基础的;基本的 furnish provide v.提供;供应 gambit calculated risk n.策略;谋略 gap open n.缺口;缝隙 give rise to bring about v.引起;带来;导致 give way to turn into v.让位;变成 glowing shining a.光亮的 good name reputation n.名声;名誉 gradually by degrees ad.逐渐地;逐步地 graphic vivid a.生动的 grumble complain v.抱怨 hard firm a.坚硬的;牢固的 hardiest most vigorous a.最强健的;最有力的 hard to deal with stubborn a.执拗的;固执的 haul load n.搬运物;载货 heart center n.中心 hemisphere side n.半球;半边 hence for these reasons ad.因此;所以 henceforth from that time on ad.自此以后 herald announce v.预示;预报 hing on depend on v.依靠 hinterland region n.地方;区域 ideal perfect a.完美的 identical exactly alike a.同样的 ignite set on fire v.着火;燃烧 imitate copy v.模仿;伪造 immunity protection n.保护 immutable unchangeable a.不变的 impediment obstacle n.妨碍;阻碍 imperceptibly subtly ad.不可觉察地;极缓慢地 implement tool n.工具;器械 implication significance n.含义;意义 imposing demanding a.紧迫的;紧急的 inaccessible enreachable a.难接近的;难达到的 in place of instead of ad.代替  in reality actually n.实际上;事实上 inaccessible unreachable a.难接近的;难达到的 inception beginning n.起初 incinerate burn up v.烧毁 incised carved a.雕刻的 incise cut v.切割;雕刻 inclination preference n.倾向;偏好 incorporate combine v.结合;合并 indeterminate uncertain a.模糊的;不确定的 influx arrival n.流入;到达 ingenuity resourcefulness n.机灵 inhibit hinder v.阻止;阻碍2initiate start v.开始;引发2initiate cause v. 2innovation new idea n.创新;革新2innovative new a.创新的 insignificant unimportant a.不重要的 instance case n.实例;例证2integral essential a.整体的;不可缺少的;基本的2integral fundamental a.  intense extreme a.强烈的;剧烈的 intensive concentrated a.加强的,集中的2intent goal n.目的2intent purpose n.  interchangeable equivalent a.相等的;可互换的 intermittently periodically ad.间歇地;断断续续地 intervals periods n.周期 intervention influence n.干涉;影响 intricate complex a.复杂的3intriguing attractive a.迷人的 3intriguing fascinationg a. 3intriguing fascinationg a.  invade move into v.侵入 inviting attractive a.吸引人的;诱人的 justify prove v.辩护;证实 key important  laborious difficult a.费力的 lie be located v.位于 load weight n.重担 locale place n.场所 lured attracted v.吸引,引诱 magnify intensify v.放大;强化3maintain preserve v.维持;坚持3maintain preserve v. 3maintain keep v.  major principal a.主要的;大型的 make possible allow v.允许;使可能 mandate require v.要求 margin edge n.边;边缘2marked pronounce a.明显的;显著的2marked noticeable a.  means method n.方法  merely only ad.仅仅地,只不过 meteoric rapid a.迅速的 meticulously carefully ad.小心地 minuscule tiny a.很小的;微小的 minute tiny a.微小的;细微的 modifying changing v.修改;变化 momentarily effortlessly ad.即刻 monopolize dominate v.独占;占优势2moreover furthermore ad.此外;另外2moreover in addition ad.  motif design n.图案;花纹 mundane ordinary a.世俗的;普通的 myriad many a.许多的;无数的 nascent immature a.新生的;初生的 necissitate require v.使需要;使成为必需 nevertheless however ad.然而;仍然 norm standard n.标准 note observe v.注意到 notice announce v.宣告,通告2notwithstanding despite prep.尽管2notwithstanding in spite of prep.  noxious harmful a.有害的;有毒的3obtain get v.获得;取得3obtain acquire v. 3obtain acquire v.  obvious apparent a.明显的;显而易见的 on the threshold of at the start of 在……的起点;开端 optimal best a.最佳的 ornate elaborate a.华丽的 oscillate swing v.来回摇摆;犹豫不决 outbreak beginning n.爆发;开始 outline summarizing v.总结;概括 outstanding excellent a.杰出的;显著的 over great distances faraway a.遥远之处 oversee supervise v.检查;监督 overtake surpass v.赶上,超越 partitioning division n.分割, 划分 peak maximum a.最高的;高峰的 peculiar strange a.奇特的 penetrate go through v.穿透;透过 people in the play actor n.演员;剧中人物 periphery outer edge n.外围 permeate spread through v.渗透;透过 persist continue v.持续 personal magnetism charisma n.个人魅力 pertinent relevant a.有关的 phenomena event n.现象;事件 pick up follow v.寻找;寻路 picture imagine v.想像 pit hole n.坑;洼地 plunge drop n./v.投入,陷入 ponderous heavy a.笨重的 pore hole n.毛孔;细孔 position job n.职位;职务 postulate suggest v.假定;要求 potential possible a.潜在的;可能的 precarious uncertain a.不稳定的 precise accurate a.精确的 prefer favor v.偏好;喜欢 preside manage v.负责;统辖 presumably probably ad.大概 prevailed dominated v.成功,统治2prevailing most frequent a.盛行的;流行的;占优势的2prevailing dominant a.  prevent avoid v.制止;阻止 primarily chiefly ad.主要地 primary fundamental a.基本的;初步的 prime principal a.主要的;首要的 primitive undeveloped a.原始的, 远古的 prior to preceding a.在先;居前 prized valued a.贵重的2probe explore v.探察2probe explore v.  produce butter n.产物;产品2prolific productive a.多产的2prolific fruitful a.  prolonged extended a.持续久的;长时期的2prominent distinguished a.显著的;卓越的;著名的2prominent famous a.  proponent supporter n.支持者 prototype model n.原型;范例 protrude project v.突出;伸出 provision supply v.提供……以必需品 pry off locate v.查找 puncture pierce v.刺穿;刺破 pursue chase v.追赶 raise rear v.饲养;养育 random unpredictable a.不可知的 rapidity swiftness n.迅速 rare infrequent a.稀有的;罕见的 rather instead ad.相反;相反地 rather than instead of 而不是 readily easily ad.容易地2realization awareness n.认识;意识2realization recognition n.  reap accept v.收获;接受 rear raise v.培养;饲养 reckless irresponsible a.不负责任的 recorded documented a.已纪录的 recruit enlist v.征募;补充 refreshing unusual a.清新的;清爽的 regardless of no matter what a.不管 relate connect v.相关;关联 reliance dependence n.依靠 remarkable significant a.异常的;非凡的 representative typical a.典型的2resemble be similar to v.相似;类似2resemble appear similar to v.  resolve find a solution for v.解决 resort to using v.采用 revered respected v.尊敬 revise change v.修正;改造 revitalize bring new life to v.新生 robust strong a.强健的;坚强的 roll back reduce v.压低;减少2rotate alternate v.轮流;更迭2rotate turn v.  rotting decaying v.腐烂 roughly approximately ad.概略地;大约 rudimentary undeveloped a.原始的;简单的 rupture burst v.破裂;裂开 rushing rapid a.急流的 sanitation health n.卫生;健康状态 saturate soak v.浸透;饱和 saying two oppositethingsparadox n.悖论;隽语 scale measure n./v.刻度/测量 scattered irrgularlydistributeda.离散的;分散的 scarce rare a.稀有的 scarcely barely ad.稀缺;珍贵 scope extent n.范围 scorched burned v.烧焦 score musicalcompositionsn.乐谱 scurrying rushing v.急赶2secure acquire v.获得;取得2secure safe ad.安全的 sedentary inactive a.不移栖的 sentiment opinion n.意见;观点 serve as function as v.充当;担任 set establish v.确定;安置 settle decide v.决定;解决 settled stabled a.固定的 severe poverty indigence n.贫困;赤贫2shield protect v.保护;避开 significance importance n.意义;重要性 significant meaningful a.有重要意义的 site location n.地点;场所 skepticism doubt n.怀疑主义;怀疑态度 sketch draw v.速写;素描 skilled expert a.熟练的;擅长的 skyrocket increase rapidly v.猛涨,突增 sleep briefly nap n.小睡;打盹 smooth operation effectivefunctioning snap break v.折断;拉断2sole only a.唯一的;独一的2sole only a.  solemn serious a.严肃的;庄重的 sort out separate v.挑选出 source basis n.根源;水源;根本 source of energy fuel n.能源;燃料 spanning covering v.包含 spark bring about v.激发;发动 spawn create v.酝酿;引起 speculate hypothesize v.推测;假设 staggering overwhelming a.压倒的;压倒之势的 standard customary a.标准的 standing not flowing a.停滞的;不流动的2staple popular edition n.主要成分;流行的东西2staple basic element n.  stimulate encourage v.激发;促进 storey level n.楼层;层 strain stress v.拉紧,重压 strength basis n.实力;基础 stress emphasize v.强调 striking noticeable a.显著的;惊人的 strikingly noticeablely ad.显著地;惊人地 stringent strict a.严格的;严厉的 strip remove v.除去:剥去 struggle competition n.竞争 stunning impressive a.令人印象深刻的 subject susceptible a.易受影响的;遭受影响的 subjugated conquered v.征服 subscribe to agree with v.同意 subsequent later a.后来的 subsidize finance v.资助;赞助 subsidy finance n.补助金;补贴 succinct concise a.简洁的;简练的  sufficient adequate a.足够的;充足的 suitably appropriately ad.适宜地 sumptuous luxurious a.豪华的;奢侈的 sums amounts n.和2supplant replace v.取代;替代2supplement extension n.补充;补遗2supplement add to v.补充,增加 support hold v.支持;支撑 supposedly seemingly ad.想象地;表面上 supremacy dominance n.至高无上;支配地位 supreme most outstanding a.最大的;极度的 surge increase sharply v.急剧增加 surging accelerating a.高涨的;跃进的 suspend hang v.挂;悬挂 sustain support v.支撑 sweep extend v.扫过:伸展;逶迤 symmetrical proportionallybalanceda.对称的;匀称的 tangled twisted together a.混乱的 technically officially ad.学术上;正式地 telling challenging a.有效的;有力的 teeming with full of a.充满;富于 tempting attractive a.诱人的 tend care for v.照顾,照料 testimony to evidence of n.证据;证明 thanks to because of n.由于;多亏 thereby by that means  think highly admire v.钦佩;羡慕2thrive grow well v.繁荣;兴旺2thrive flourish v.  thwart frustrate v.妨碍;使挫折 tolerate endure v.忍受;忍耐 trace imprint n.痕迹;遗迹 transform change v.转换;改变 transition change v.转变;过渡 trend tendency n.趋势;趋向 typify characterize v.代表,表现2ultimately eventually ad.最后2ultimately in the end ad.  unchronicled unrecorded a.未记录的3undergo experience v.经历 3undergo experienced v. 3undergo experienced v.  underscore emphasize v.强调 underwater craft submarine n.潜水艇 undoubtedly certainly ad.的确地2unique particular a.独特的;非凡的2unique singular a. 2unprecedented never seen before a.空前的2unprecedented not existing before a.  unravel discover v.解开;阐明 unrestricted unlimited a.无限制的;自由的 unsubstantiated unverified a.未证实的;未核实的 urged encouraged v.催促,鼓励 usher begin v.引导;开始 various different a.不同的 vary differ v.变化;改变2vast large a.巨大的;大量的;广阔的2vast great a.  venture endeavor n.冒险;冒险行动 version form n.版本;形式 very closely intimately ad.亲密;密切 vestige evidence n.遗迹;残余 virtually completely n.实质地 want to much greedy a.贪婪的;贪心的 whether if conj.是否 wider more extensive a.宽广的 witness observe v.目睹;目击2yield provide v.产生;出产;生长;产生效果2yield produce v. 。


答案:B 测试点;主语/动名词。分析:由单数系动词 is 可以推知 materials 不是主语,主语缺,而 into 又提示了此主语应具有动作 性, 故选(B)动名词 transforming.动名词短语作主语要求其谓语 为单数形式.
7. Alexander Graham Bell once told his family that he would rather be remembered as a teacher of the deaf ---of the telephone. (A) than inventing (B) than as the inventor (C) the invention (D) as the inventor 8. Because its leaves remain green long after being picked, rosemary --- associated with the idea of remembrance. (A) and becomes (B) became (C) becoming (D) to become 9. --- that of iron construction, the technology for constructing buildings with reinforced concrete developed rather rapidly. (A) Dissimilar (B) Different (C) Not likely (D) Unlike 10. Although adult education in the United States began in colonial times, --- chief growth has taken place since the 1920’ s. (A) its (B) so it (C) but its (D) it is 11. Hot objects emit --- do cold objects. (A) rays more than infrared (B) rays are more infrared than (C) more than infrared rays (D) more infrared rays than 12. An Olympic marathon is 26 miles and 385 yards, approximately --- from Marathon to Athens. (A) the distance is (B) that the distance is (C) is that the distance (D) the distance



VOCABULARY AND READING COMPREHENSION1. Recent discoveries in Montana indicate that some dinosaurs may have resided in colonies.(A) lived(B) died(C) hunted(D) fed2. Algae vary in their capacity to tolerate salinity changes.(A) desire(B) ability(C) effort(D) purpose3. Most classical music is recorded in studios where minimal extraneous sounds and distractions are likely to occur.(A) reliable(B) complementary(C) the loudest(D) the fewest4. Voted the most valuable player of the National League in 1949, baseball player Jackie Robinson also received a gold medal that year for his role in bettering race relations.(A) improving(B) discussing(C) evaluating(D) bartering5. Although great strides in agricultural technology have resulted in massive production increases, weather remains an important limitation.(A) abrupt(B) enormous(C) long-term(D) overdue6. The American dancer Loie Fuller used perfume to create special effects during her performances.(A) dim lights(B) strange music(C) darkness(D) scent7. The circulatory system helps dispose of wastes that would harm the body if they accumulated.(A) catch up with(B) bear up under(C) get rid of(D) run out of8. The amount of time spent watching television in the average household in the United States has risen steadily since television sets were introduces in the 1950's.(A) discreetly(B) consistently(C) automatically(D) disproportionately9. In 1896 George Washington Carver became director of the Department of Agricultural Research at Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, a position he retained for the rest of his life.(A) expanded(B) managed(C) cherished(D) kept10. Penicillin was discovered by chance in 1928.(A) finally(B) accidentally(C) experimentally(D) opportunely11. Lamp filaments are made from tungsten, a strong metal that can hold up under high temperatures without melting.(A) reduce(B) withstand(C) illuminate(D) reflect12. The junior college has become a significant component in the expansion of educational opportunities in the United States since the Second World War.(A) force(B) element(C) concept(D) academy13. During their winter hibernation period, bears doze.(A) sleep lightly(B) lose fur(C) go hungry(D) have babies14. Asbestos is a mineral fiber that can cause cancer if inhaled.(A) picked up(B) taken indoors(C) breathed in(D) eaten up15. Known as "The First Lady of Song." Ella Fitzgerald got her start as a professional singer when she won a contest at the Apollo Theater in Harlem in 1934.(A) an award(B) an argument(C) a competition(D) a contract16. Chromium is a comparatively scarce element, occurring in nature only in compounds.(A) complex(B) strong(C) hard(D) rare17. Many photographers prefer to take pictures at twilight, when they can take advantage of the special effects of the setting sun.(A) at dusk(B) at noon(C) in the spring(D) in the fall18. The climate of the Middle Atlantic region of the United States varies with the altitude and land surface.(A) ocean waves(B) humidity(C) wind direction(D) elevation19. Since the Second World War, most urban growth in the United States has occurred on the outskirts of existing metropolitan areas.(A) in the counties(B) on the edges(C) on the streets(D) at the intersections20. A recent study concluded that unstable weather patterns may cause migraine headaches.(A) unforeseen(B) variable(C) violent(D) unusual21. Janet Guthrie was the first woman to compete in the Indianapolis 500, the most prestigious automobile race in the United States.(A) fastest(B) wealthiest(C) most honored(D) most dangerous22. Logrolling is a sport in which contestants perform various maneuvers while treading on a floating log.(A) speeches(B) duties(C) marches(D) moves23. The reproductive potential of aphids is unmatched in the insect world.(A) unqualified(B) unrecognized(C) underestimated(D) unequaled24. The boom in silver production after 1860 spurred the use of innovative machinery in crafting silver flatware and vessels.(A) stimulated(B) allowed(C) required(D) accompanied25. Barbara Reed, a probation officer in Ohio, tried to climinate overly sweet foods from probationers’ diets in order to temper their antisocial behavior.(A) explain(B) moderate(C) do away with(D) learn about26. If roundworms are removed from the soil and placed in a liquid, they thrash helplessly around.(A) carelessly(B) tirelessly(C) powerlessly(D) heartlessly27. H.L.Mencken's sardonic prose left an indelible mark on the English language.(A) an unrivaled(B) an unmistakable(C) a pretentious(D) a permanent28. In studying social groups, sociologists often gain insightthrough the use of such devices as questionnaires.(A) access(B) credibility(C) publicity(D) understanding29. After his military defeat in 1865, Robert E. Lee entreated the people of the South to work for national harmony.(A) warned(B) urged(C) commanded(D) recruited30. The value of a topaz is largely determined by its quality.(A) especially(B) actually(C) mainly(D) alwaysVOCABULARY AND READING COMPREHENSION1. In addition to being organs of hearing our ears assist us in maintaining our sense of balance.(A) Without(B) Instead of(C) Besides(D) In contrast to2. British Columbia's first gold rush was followed directly by the discovery of gold in eastern Canada.(A) secretly(B) importantly(C) smoothly(D) immediately3. The scientist and agricultural innovator George Washington Carver aided the economy of the South by developing hundreds of commercial uses for crops such as the peanut.(A) restored(B) stabilized(C) helped(D) changed4. Although best known for his political writing, reformer W. E. B.Du Bois also produced noteworthy fiction and poetry.(A) musical(B) unnoticed(C) extensive(D) significant5. The Mandan Indians lived beside the Missouri River where they cultivated fields of beans, corn, squash, sunflowers, and tobacco.(A) surveyed(B) farmed(C) irrigated(D) discovered6. Copper is commonly alloyed with zinc to make brass.(A) mixed(B) beaten(C) layered(D) heated7. Colorful parades were commonly organized on the frontier to display newly arrived merchandise.(A) cavalry mops(B) objects for sale(C) immigrants to the West(D) circus shows8. Europeans established permanent colonies on the eastern shores of what is now the United States t hroughout the seventeenth century.(A)during(B) before(C) up until(D) just after9. The Atlantic trade winds and the belt of calms between them shift northward and southward with the seasons.(A) intensify(B) twist(C) move(D) rush10. Eudora Welty's stories deal with life in the rural South.(A) criticize(B) elevate(C) concern(D) ridicule11. Boston owes some of its economic success to its outstanding public transportation network.(A) busy(B) scenic(C) remarkable(D) gigantic12. In 1973 Ernest Vincent Wright wrote the 50,100-word novel Gadsby without once using the letter "e"(A) simply(B) ever(C) at once(D) at first13. Caused by an ascorbic acid deficiency, scurvy was a serious humana affliction until fairly recent times(A) attribute(B) notion(C) situation(D) problem14. Because light travels more quickly than sound, a rumble of thunder never precedes a bolt of lightning.(A) follows(B) accompanies(C) brings about(D) comes before15. Inuits depend mainly on fishing and hunting for their sustenance.(A) training(B) luxuries(C) recreation(D) livelihood16. Long acclaimed as one of the world's leading sopranos. Beverly Sills retired from her singing career to become artistic directorof the New York City Opera.(A) principal(B) versatile(C) imposing(D) demanding17. Under proper conditions an iceboat can actually travel faster than the presuming breech.(A) suitable(B) unlikely(C) various(D) windy18. Swallows nest in barns, sheds, chunneys and other secluded places.(A) isolated(B) high(C) comfortable(D) rural19. The harpsichord, developed during the Middle Ages, was one of the forerunners of the piano.(A) competitors(B) imitators(C) predecessors(D) offspring20. Geneticist Barbara McClintock discovered that genes, which prescribe the function of cells in plants and animals, can move in unpredictable ways.(A) inhibit(B) mimic(C) alter(D) dictate21. Artists of the school of New Realism deliberately avoid expressing what they feel or think about the subject of their paintings.(A) subtly(B) actually(C) consistently(D) intentionally22. Citizens of foreign countries who hold certificates of deposit in Canadian banks are responsible for paying the Canadian government a tax on their investment earnings.(A) revenue(B) commission(C) product(D) banking23. In the Nothern Hemisphere, summer days are considerably longer than winter days.(A) above all(B) very much(C) in a way(D) on the whole24. In the 1400's artists often created their own pigments by pulverizing semiprecious stones.(A) washing color from(B)making a powder of(C) imitating colors of(D) brushing dust from25. The genetic material DNA contains coded information for the synthesis of proteins.(A) analysis(B) formation(C) absorption(D) functioning26. Cosmologists are more concerned with the origin and evolution of the universe than with the composition of the planets and stars.(A) interaction(B) background(C) outlook(D) make-up27. Gorillas build make-shift-hit nests each night after a day of foraging for leaves and beetles.(A) erode temporary(B) wide strong(C) skillfully camouflaged(D) individually tailored28. Until about A. D. 1400 iron was invariably smelted by the direct or bloomery process.(A) cheaply(B) rapidly(C) always(D) seldom29. For centuries before the first astronomers' probings, the Sun had been viewed only as a deity and was therefore not often the subject of scientific study.(A) a satellite(B) a god(C) an illusion(D) a planet30. Most of the great mountain systems now in existence developed fairly late in geologic history.(A) equally(B) somewhat(C) decidedly(D) altogether。



1. I could just see a car in the distance, but I couldn't make out what color it was.2. The application of new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods usually make jobs easier to do.3. He mumbled something and blushed as though a secret had been exposed 。

4. Mr. Morgan can be very sad in private _, though in public he is extremely cheerful.5 . You should throw away__ these tables and buy new ones.6. _ In regard to _ their suggestions, we will discuss them fully at the next meeting.7. The medicine which the doctor gave her can only relieve _ 'her temporarily from pain.8. On cloudy nights it is not possible to see the stars with naked _ eye.9. Many new _ opportunities _ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.10. The weather is highly _ variable _ at this time of the year and it is hard to know what to wear.11. When you go to a new country, you must _ adapt _ yourself to new manners and customs.12. I found myself completely carried away by his vivid performance.13. These safety measures will result in _ the reduction of accidents.14. Some discussion has _ arisen _ about who should be put in charge of this project.15. _ In the light of _ these changes we must revise our plan.16. Although the examination he had passed was unimportant, his success encouraged him in his later s tudy.17. More and more cheaper materials are being_ substituted _ for the better, more expensive kind in production.18. We are taking _ up __ a collection to buy flowers for John because he is in the hospital.19. This is _ by no means __ the first time you have been late.20. The taxi had to pull up because the traffic light had turned red.II. Grammatical Structure21. So frightened was the girl __ in darkness that she did not dare to move an inch.22. It was not until then that I came to know that knowledge comes from practice.23. Everything depends on _ whether _ we have enough time.24. I'd just as soon you didn't speak __ rudely to her.25. While you may be right, 1 can't altogether agree.26.--I must have eaten something wrong. I feel like _ throwing up _--I told you not to eat at a restaurant. You'd better eat at home.27. His response was _ such _ that he didn't say yes and he didn't say no.28. There being nothing more to discuss, the CEO got to his feet, said goodbye and left the meeting room.29. I went to my adviser to ask him what courses _ to take。



中石油职称英语词汇a/anart.一,—个;任何—个,每一;n.字母Aabandonn.放任,狂热;vt.放弃,遗弃abilityn.能力,才干ableadj.能…的,有才能的,能干的,能够的abnormaladj.反常的,变态的aboardadv.prep.在船(飞机、车)上,上船(飞机、车)aboutadv.附近,大约,转向,左右,周围;prep.在附近,关于,在…周围,忙于aboveadj.上面的,上述的,上文的;adv.在上面;prep.在…上方,过于,超出abroadadv.往国外,海外,到处,广泛,差得远,心里没有谱absencen.不在场,缺席,缺乏,没有absentadj.不在的,缺席的,缺少的;vt.缺席absoluteadj.完全的,绝对的,纯粹的,肯定的absolutelyadv.完全地,绝对地,纯粹地,肯定地absorbvt.吸收,吸引,使专心abstractadj.抽象的,理论上的,难解的;n.摘要,抽象物,提取物;vt.摘要,使抽象化,提取,抽取abundantadj.丰富的,充裕的,丰富,盛产,富于abusen.滥用,虐待,辱骂,陋习,弊端;v.滥用,辱骂academicadj.学院的,理论的,学术性的;n.大学教师,学者academyn.(高等)专科院校,研究院,学会,学院acceleratev.加速,促进accelerationn.加速度accentn.重音,口音,腔调,重音符acceptvi.同意,承认;vt.接受,认可,承担,承兑acceptableadj.可接受的,合意的acceptancen.接受,承认,赞同,认可,承兑accessn.通路,访问,入门;vt.存取,接近accessoryadj.附属的,补充的,副的,同谋的;n.附件,零件,附加物,从犯,同谋者accidentn.意外事件,事故accidentaladj.意外的,偶然的,附属的accommodatevt.供应,供给,使适应,调节,和解,向…提供住宿,容纳,调和;vi.适应accommodationn.住处,膳宿,(车,船,飞机等的)预订铺位,(眼睛等的)适应性调节,(社会集团间的)迁就融合accompanyvt.陪伴,伴奏accomplishvt.完成,达到,实现accordn.一致,符合,调和,协定;vt.一致,给予;vi.符合accordancen.一致,和谐accordinglyadv.因此,从而,相应地accountn.账目,报道,客户,理由;vi.说明,认为,得分;vt.认为accumulatev.积聚,堆积accuracyn.精确性,正确度accurateadj.正确的,精确的accusevt.控告,谴责,非难accustomvt.习惯于accustomedadj.通常的,习惯的,按照风俗习惯的achen.疼痛;vi.觉得疼痛,渴望achievevt.完成,达到achievementn.成就,功绩acidadj.酸的,讽刺的,刻薄的;n.[化]酸,(俚)迷幻药acknowledgevt.承认,答谢,告知收到(某物)acquaintancen.相识,熟人acquirevt.获得,学到acren.英亩acrossadv.横过,交叉地,在对面;prep.越过,交叉,在…的那边,在…对面那边actn.法案,法令,动作,举动,节目,(戏剧的)一幕;vi.行动,产生…的效果,担当,表演,假装,表现,见效;vt.扮演,装作actionn.动作,作用,战斗,行动,举动,行为,(戏剧或书中)的情节,诉讼activatev.刺激,使活动,激活,使产生放射性activeadj.积极的,有活动能力的,[语法]主动的;n.[语法]主动语态activityn.活跃,活动性,行动,行为,[核]放射性actorn.男演员actressn.女演员actualadj.实际的,真实的actuallyadv.实际上,事实上acuteadj.敏锐的,严重的,灵敏的,[医.]急性的adn.广告adaptvi.适应;vt.使适应,改编addvi.加,增添,做加法;vt.增加,添加,计算…总和,补充说additionn.加,加起来,增加物,另外,加法additionaladj.另外的,附加的,额外的additiveadj.附加的,加成的,添加的;n.添加剂addressn.地址,演讲vt.向…致辞,演说,写姓名地址,称呼adequateadj.适当的,足够的,可以胜任的adhere[ad'hia]vt.粘附,胶着,坚持adjacentadj.邻近的,接近的adjustvt.调整,调节,校准,使适合adjustmentn.调整,调节administrationn.管理,经营,施政,行政部门admirev.赞美,钦佩,羡慕admissionn.允许进入,承认,供认,入场费admitv.容许,承认,接纳adoptvt.采用,收养,采纳adultadj.成人的,成熟的;n.成年人advancen.前进,提升,预付款;v.前进,提前,预付;adj.前面的,预先的advancedadj.高级的,年老的,先进的advantagen.优势,有利条件,利益adventuren.冒险,冒险的经历;v.冒险adverbn.副词adverseadj.不利的,敌对的,相反的advertisev.做广告,登广告,宣扬advertisementn.广告advicen.忠告,建议,[商]通知advisableadj.可取的,明智的advisevt.劝告,忠告,建议advocaten.提倡者,鼓吹者,辩护人;vt.提倡,鼓吹,拥护aeroplanen.飞机affairn.事务,事件,(尤指关系不长久的)风流韵事affectvt.影响,感动,侵袭,假装,爱好affection.友爱,爱情,影响,疾病,倾向affirmv.断言,确认,肯定affordvt.担负得起,买得起,花得起,有能力担负;提供,给予afraidadj.害怕,担心African.非洲Africann.非洲人;adj.非洲的afteradv. prep. conj.在…之后,在…后面,模仿,与…一致,以…命名,后来的,后面的afternoonn.午后,下午afterwardadv.然后,后来againadv.又,再次,此外,再一次againstprep.相反,反对,逆着,靠着,倚着agen.年龄,使用年限,限定年龄,时代;v.变老,上年纪,成熟agencyn.代理处,行销处,代理,中介agentn.代理(商),作用剂,原动力aggressiveadj.好斗的,敢做敢为的,有闯劲的,侵略性的agoadv.以前的,以往的agonyn.苦恼,极大的痛苦agreevi.同意,赞成…的意见,与…一致,承认,适合;vt.同意agreementn.同意,一致,协定,协议agriculturen.农业,农艺,农学aheadadj. adv.在前,向前,提前aidn.帮助,援助,有帮助的事物;vt.资助,援助,帮助aimn.目标,目的,瞄准;v.对…瞄准,打算airn.空气,天空,空中,气氛;vt.晾干,使通风,宣扬,aircraftn.航行器,飞机airlinen.定期航线,航空公司airmailn.航空邮件airplanen.飞机airportn.(美>民用机场,航空站alarmn.警报,惊慌,警告器;vt.恐吓,警告alcoholn.酒精,酒alertadj.提防的,警惕的;n.警惕,警报;v.使…保持警觉alienn.外侨;adj.外国的,相异的,不同的alignvi.排列;vt.使结盟,使成一行alikeadj.相同的,相似的;adv.以同样的方式,类似于aliveadj.活着的,活泼的alladj.全部的,所有的,整个的;adv.完全;n.一切alliedadj.联合的,同盟的,与…同属一系allocatevt.分派,分配allowvt.允许,承认allowancen.津贴,补助,宽容,允许alloyn.合金;vt.使成合金,减低成色almostadv.几乎,差不多aloneadj.单独的,独一无二的,孤独的,独自的;adv.独自地alongadv.往前,向前;prep.顺着,沿着aloudadv.大声地alphabetn.字母表alreadyadv.已经alsoadv.也,同样alterv.改变alternateadj.交替的,轮流的,预备的;v.交替,轮流,改变alternativen.二中择一,可供选择的办法,事物adj.选择性的,二中择一的alternativelyadv.作为选择,二者选一地althoughconj.虽然,尽管altituden.(尤指海拔)高度,高处(海拔甚高的地方)altogetheradv.完全地,总而言之aluminiumn.[化]铝;adj.铝的alwaysadv.总是,永远,始终amateurn.业余爱好者,业余艺术家amazevt.使吃惊ambitionn.野心,雄心ambulancen.战时流动医院,救护车American.<美)美国,美洲(包括北美和南美洲)Americann.美国人,美洲人;adj.美国的,美洲的amongprep.在…之中,…之一amongstprep.在…中间,在…之中amountn.数量;vt.总计,等于amperen.安培ampleadj.充足的,丰富的amplifyv.放大,增强,扩大amplituden.广阔,丰富,振幅(物理学名词)amusevt.使发笑,使愉快analogousadj.类似的,相似的,可比拟的analogyn.类似,类推analysen.分析;vt.分析,分解analysisn.分析,分解analyticadj.分析的,解析的analyzevt.分析,分解ancestorn.祖先,祖宗anchorn.锚;v.抛锚,锚定ancientadj.远古的,旧的andconj.和,并且,而且,于是,同时,然后,因而angeln.天使,完善可爱的人angern.怒,愤怒;v.恼火anglen.[数]角,角落;vi.钓鱼,曲解,按某一角度转动angryadj.生气的,愤怒的,狂暴的(风雨等)animaln.动物;adj.动物的anklen.[解]踝anniversaryn.周年纪念announcevt.宣布,通告announcern.广播员,告知者,报幕员annoyvt.使苦恼,骚扰annualn.一年生植物,年刊,年鉴;adj.一年一次的,每年的,一年生的anotheradj.另外的,又一,不同的;prep.另一个,另一个人,同类的东西answern.答案,回答,答辩,抗辩;v.回答说,答复说,符合,反响,响应antn.蚂蚁antennan.天线,(动>触角anticipatevt.预期,预见,预订,期望,过早使用,先人一着,占先anxietyn.忧虑,焦急,渴望,热望anxiousadj.观念的,担忧的,渴望的,盼望的anyadj.任何的,任何一种,所有的;pron.无论那一个,任何anybodypron.任何人,重要人物anyhowadv.无论如何,总之anyonepron.任何一个anythingpron.任何事anywayadv.无论如何,总之anywhereadv.无论何处apartadv.分离,分成零件,分别地,分离着apartmentn.(美)公寓住宅,单元住宅,房间apologizevi.道歉,辩白apologyn.(为某种思想,宗教,哲学等)辩解,道歉apparatusn.器械,设备,仪器apparentadj.显然的,外观上的appealn.请求,呼吁,上诉,吸引力,要求;vi.求助,诉请,要求;vt.控诉appearvi.出现,看来,似乎,公开露面,出版,发表appearancen.出现,露面,外貌,外观appendixn.附录,附属品,[解]阑尾appetiten.食欲,胃口,欲望,爱好applen.苹果,似苹果的果实appliancen.用具,器具applicableadj.可适用的,可应用的applicationn.请求,申请,申请表,应用,运用,施用,敷用,应用程序,应用软件applyvt.申请,应用;vi.申请,适用appointvt.约定,指定(时间,地点),任命,委任appointmentn.约会,指定,任命,选派appreciableadj.可感知的,可评估的appreciatevi.增值,涨价;vt.赏识,鉴赏,感激approachn.接近,逼近,走进,方法,步骤,途径,通路;vt.接近,动手处理;vi.靠近appropriateadj.适当的approvaln.赞成,承认,正式批准approvev.赞成,满意,批准,通过approximateadj.近似的,大约的;v.近似,接近approximatelyadv.近似地,大约Apriln.四月(略作Apr)aptadj.易于…的,有…倾向的,灵敏的,灵巧的,适当的Arabianadj.阿拉伯的,阿拉伯人的arbitraryadj.任意的,武断的,独裁的,专断的arcn.弧,弓形,拱archadj.主要的;n.拱门,弓形结构,拱形;v.(使)弯成弓形architecturen.建筑,建筑学,体系机构arean.范围arguevi.争论,辩论;vt.说服argumentn.争论,辩论,论据,论点arisevt.出现,发生,起因于,起来arithmeticn.算术,算法armn.臂,臂状物,衣袖,海湾,武器;vi.武装起来;vt.供给,提供,武装,装备armyn.陆军,军队,大群,大军aroundadv.周围,四周,到处,大约,左右;prep.在…周围,四处arousevi.睡醒;vt.唤醒,唤起,鼓励,引起arrangeyi.筹划,安排;vt.排列,整理,安排,布置,改编arrangementn.排列,安排arrayn.排列,编队,军队,盛装,大批;vt.部署,穿着,排列arrestn.逮捕,拘留;vt.逮捕,拘留,吸引arrival [a'raival]n.到来,到达,到达者arrivevi.到达,抵达arrown.箭,箭头记号artn.艺术,艺术品,技术,巧妙,美术articlen.文章,论文,物品,商品,项目,条款,冠词artificialadj.人造的,假的,非原产地的,虚假的artistn.艺术家,画家artisticadj.艺术的,有美感的,风雅的asadv.同样地,被看作,像;prep.当作;conj.像…一样,如同,当…时,因为,尽管,如此…以致ascendvi.攀登,上升ascertainvt.确定,探知vt.分配,指派,赋值assignmentn.分配,委派,任务,(课外)作业assistvt.援助,帮助assistancen.协助,援助,补助,(英>国家补助assistantadj.辅助的,助理的;n.助手,助教associateadj.副的;n.合作人,同事;vt.使发生联系,使联合;vi.交往,结交associationn.协会,联合,结交,联想assumevt.假定,设想,采取,呈现assumptionn.假定,设想,担任,承当,假装,作态assurancen.确信,断言,保证,担保assurevt.断然地说,确告,保证,担保astonishvt.使惊讶astronautn.太空人,宇航员atprep.在,于,向,对准,在…方面athleten.运动员,运动选手Atlanticadj.大西洋的;n.大西洋atmospheren.大气,空气,气氛atmosphericadj.大气的atomn.原子attachv.缚上,系上,贴上,配属,隶属于attachment n.附件,附加装置,配属attackn.进攻,攻击,(用语言)抨击,批评,疾病发作,侵袭;vt.攻击,抨击,动手处理(某事);vi.攻击attainv.达到,获得;到达attemptn.努力,尝试,企图;vt.尝试,企图attendvi.专心于,留意;vt.出席,参加,照顾,护理,注意attendantn.服务员;adj.伴随的,服侍的,附带的attentionn.注意,关心,关注,注意力,(口令)立正!attentiveadj.注意的,专心的,留意的attituden.姿势,态度,看法,意见attractvi.有吸引力,引起注意;vt.吸引attractionn.吸引,吸引力,吸引人的事物attractiveadj.吸引人的,有魅力的attributen.属性,品质,特征;vt.加于,把…归于,归因于…audiencen.听众,观众,接见,拜见Augustn.八月(略作Aug)august口巧.令人敬畏的,威严的auntn.姑妈,伯母,舅妈,阿姨auraladj.听觉的Australian.澳洲,澳大利亚Australianadj.澳洲的,澳大利亚的,澳大利亚人的;n.澳大利亚人authorn.作家,创造者authorityn.权威,威信,权威人士,权力,职权,典据,著作权威automaticadj.自动的,无意识的,机械的;n.自动机械automationn.自动控制,自动操作automobilen.(美>汽车(=(英) motorcar,car)autumnn.秋天,成熟期,渐衰期auxiliaryadj.辅助的,补助的;n.辅助者,助手availableadj.可用到的,可利用的,有用的,有空的,接受探访的avenuen.林荫道,大街,方法,途径,路averageadj.一般的,通常的,平均的;n.平均,平均水平,平均数;vi.买进,卖出;vt.平均为,均分,使平衡,达到平均水平aviationn.飞行,航空,航空学,航空术avoidvt.避免,消除awaitvt.等候awakeadj.警觉的,醒着的,意识到;vi.醒,觉醒领会,觉悟;vt.唤醒awardn.奖,奖品;vt.授予,判给awareadj.知道的,明白的,意识到的awayadv.在远处,到远处,离去awfuladj.可怕的,威严的,(口)极度的,糟糕的awfullyadv非常,很,十分awkwardadj.难使用的,笨拙的axn.斧头,战斧;vt.削减axisn.轴B.C.adj.公元前babyn.婴孩backadj.后面的,在后面,已过去的;adv.向后地;n.背部,后面;v.后退,支持backgroundn.背景,后台,不重要或不引人注目的地方或位置backwardadv.adj.向后地(的),相反地(的),追溯,退步,由好变坏bacterian.细菌badadj.劣质的,有害的,坏的,不利的,不健康的,严重的badgen.徽章,证章badlyadv.严重地,恶劣地badmintonn.羽毛球bafflevt.困惑,阻碍,为难;n.隔板bagn.袋子,猎获物baggagenn行李,[军]辎重bakev.烘焙,烤,烧硬balancen.秤,天平,平衡,[商]收支差额,结余,余额,资产平衡表;v.平衡,称,权衡,对比,结算balln.球,球状物,舞会,尽情地玩balloonn.气球bananan.香蕉bandn.带子,镶边,波段,队,乐队;v.联合,结合bangn.重击,突然巨响;v.发巨响,重击bankn.银行,堤,岸,沙洲,浅滩,一堆(土),(云)层,储藏所(库);vt.存(款)于银行,储蓄,(车或飞机)倾斜转弯bankruptadj.破产了的,完全丧失的;n.破产者;n.使破产bannern.旗帜,横幅,标语barn.条,棒(常用作栅栏,扣栓物),横木,酒吧间,栅,障碍物;vt.禁止,阻挡,妨碍,把门关住barbern.理发员,理发师bareadj.赤裸的,无遮蔽的,空的;vt.使赤裸,露出barelyadv.仅仅,刚刚,几乎不能bargainn.契约,合同,成交商品,便宜货;v.议价barkn.树皮,吠声;v.吠,咆哮barnn.[农]谷仓,畜棚,畜舍,机器房barrel['baeral]n.桶,一桶之量,枪管barriern.(阻碍通道的)障碍物,栅栏,屏障baseadj.卑鄙的,低级的;n.底部,基础,根据地,基地,本部,基数,(运动)出发点;vt.以…作基础,基于…basementn.地下室,墙脚basicadj.基本的,碱性的;n.基本,要素,基础;n.[计]BASIC语言,基本高级语言basicallyadv.基本上,主要地basinn.盆,盆地,水池basisn.基础,基本,根据,主要成分(或要素),(认识论中的)基本原则或原理basketn.篮,一篮basketballn.篮球,篮球运动batn.蝙蝠,球棒;vt.用球棒击球bathn.沐浴,浴室bathen.洗澡;v.沐浴,洗,(光线)充满bathroomn.浴室,盥洗室batteryn.电池,炮组,一组battlen.战役(指大规模会战),战争;vi.作战,战斗,搏斗,斗争bayn.海湾,狗吠声,月桂树;vf.吠;vt.吠,使走投无路beprep.是,在,存在;abbr.[域]Belgium,比利时BE =Bank of England 英格兰银行[英]beachn.海滩beadn.珠子,水珠beamn.梁,桁条,(光线的)束,柱,电波,横梁;v.播送beann.豆,豆形果实bearn.熊;v.负担,忍受,带给,挤beardn.胡须bearingn.轴承,关系.方面,意义,方向,方位beastn.兽,畜牲,人面兽心的人beatn.敲打,拍子,巡逻区域;v.打,打败beautifuladj.美丽的,很好的beautyn.美,美景,美好的东西,美人becauseconj.adv.因为becomevi.变成,成为,变得;vt.适合,相称bedn.床,基础,路基,河底,海底,一堆,一层;vi.上床,分层been.蜜蜂beefn.牛肉beern.啤酒beforeadv.在前,以前;conj.在…之前,与其…宁可;prep.在…之前beforehandadv.预先begv.请求,乞求beggarn.乞丐beginV.开始,首先beginnern.初学者beginningn.开始behalfn.利益behavevi.举动,举止,运转,行为表现behaviorn.举止,行为behaviourn.行为,举止,习性behindadv.在后;prep.在…之后beingbe的现在分词;n.存在,生命,人,本质beliefn.信任,信心,信仰believev.有坚定的宗教信仰,相信,信任,认为,想belln.铃,钟belongvi.处在,该在,( to)属于belovedadj.心爱的;n.所爱的人,爱人belowprep.在…下面,adv.在较低处,到下面beltn.带子,地带,腰带benchn.长椅子,法官bendn.弯曲;v.弯曲,专心于,屈服beneathadv.在…之下;prep.在…之下beneficialadj.有益的,受益的,[法律]有使用权的benefitn.利益,好处;1,f.受益;vt,有益于,有助于berryn.浆果besideprep.在旁边,和…比较besidesadv.此外;prep.除…之外bestadj.最好的;adv.最好地,最,极;n.最佳的状态或作品,最好的东西betn.赌,打赌;v.赌,赌钱betrayvt.出卖,背叛,泄露(秘密),露出…迹象betteradj.较好的;adv.更好,更多,更佳;n.较好的人(东西);v.改善,胜过betweenprep.在…之间,连接…,由…协力合作;adv.在其间,当中beyondadv.在远处;prep.在(到)…较远的一边,超过,那一边Biblen.圣经bicyclen.脚踏车,自行车;v.骑自行车bidn.出价,投标;vt.出价,投标,祝愿,命令,吩咐,支付bigadj.大的,重要的,量大的,重要的biken.脚踏车,自行车billn.账单,钞票,票据,清单,议案,法案,广告;vt.用海报宣传,把…列成表,给…开账单billionadj.(美、法)十亿(的),(英、德)万亿(的);n.(美、法)十亿(的),(英、德)万亿(的);bindv.绑,镶边,装订,凝固,约束biologyn.生物学,生物(总称)birdn.鸟,(俚)人birthn.出生,产生,出身birthdayn.生日biscuitn.饼干,小点心bitn.小块,少量,片刻,钻头,刀头,辅币,[计]位,比特biten.咬,咬伤,一口,刺痛;v.咬,刺痛bitter adj.苦的,痛苦的,怀恨的bitterlyadv.苦苦地,悲痛地,厉害地blackadj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的;n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人;vt.(使)变黑,涂黑blackboardn.黑板bladen.刀刃,刀片blamen.过失,责备;vt.责备,谴责blankadj.空白的,空着的,失色的,没有表情的;n.空白,(美>表格blanketn.毯子;vt.覆盖blastn.一阵(风),一股(气流),爆炸,冲击波;vt.爆炸,毁灭,使枯萎,损害blazen.火焰,光辉,情感爆发;vi.燃烧,照耀,激发;vt.公开宣布bleedv.使出血,放血blendn.混合物;vt.混合blessvt.祝福,保佑,(口)哎呀!我的天哪!blindadj.瞎的,盲目的;vt.使失明,缺乏眼光或判断力;n.窗帘,欺瞒,掩饰,隐蔽处blockn.木块,石块,块,街区,印版,滑轮,阻滞,(一)批;vt.妨碍,阻塞bloodn.血,血液,血统;v.使(某人)先取得经验bloomn.花,旺盛,青春;v.(使)开花,(使)繁盛blossomn.花(尤指结果实者),花开的状态,兴旺期;vi.开花,兴旺,发展blueadj.蓝色的,忧郁的,沮丧的;n.蓝色blown.殴打,突然的打击;v.风吹,吹气于,叫,烧断boardn.木板,(供特殊用途的)木板,甲板,膳食费用,会议桌,部;vt.用板盖上,包伙食,提供膳食,上(船、飞机等)boastn.自夸,值得夸耀的事物;v.自夸,以有…而自豪boatn.小船,艇;v.划船bodyn.身体,肉体,人,尸体,主要部分,团体,大量;vt.赋以形体boiln.沸点,沸腾,疖子;v.煮沸,激动boilern.煮器(锅,壶的统称),汽锅,锅炉boldadj.大胆的,粗体的,冒失的,显眼的boltn.门闩,螺钉,闪电,跑掉;v.上门闩,囫囵吞下,逃跑bombn.炸弹;vt.投弹于,轰炸bondn.结合(物),黏结(剂),联结,公债,债券,合同;v.结合bonen.骨;v.剔除bookn.书,书籍,卷,篇,账簿,名册,工作簿;v.登记,预订,控告boomn.繁荣,隆隆声;v.发隆隆声,兴隆bootn.<美>(长统)靴,靴子,引导启动程序boothn.货摊,售货亭,棚bordern.边界,国界,边,边沿,边境;vt.与…接壤,接近,近似bore[b3:]n.令人讨厌的人,怒潮,枪膛,孔;v.使烦扰,钻孔bornadj.天生的,原本的,天生就…的;vbl.出生borrowv.借,借人,借用bosomn.胸部,胸,胸怀,内心,内部,中间,任何温暖、舒适而熟悉的地方bossn.老板,上司;vt.指挥bothadj.两者,双方的;pron.双方,两者bothern.麻烦,烦扰;vi.烦恼,操心;vt.烦扰,打扰bottlevt.烦恼,操心;vt.烦扰,n.瓶子;vt.用瓶装bottomadj.底部的;n.底,底部,尽头,末端;vt.装底,查明真相,测量深浅;vi.到达底部,建立基础boughn.大树枝,主枝bouncen.(球)跳起,弹回;v.(使)反跳,弹起,(指支票)被银行退票,弹跳boundadj.正要启程的,开往…去的,被束缚的,装订的;n.进,跳,范围,限度;v.跳跃,限制boundaryn.边界,分界线bown.弓,乐弓,弓形,鞠躬,船首;v.鞠躬,弯腰bowln.碗,碗状物,木球;v.滚,(板球)投球boxn.盒子,箱,包厢,岗亭,一拳;v.装…入盒中,打耳光,拳击boyn.男孩,儿子,孩子气的人,男仆brainn.脑,头脑braken.闸,刹车;v.刹车branchn.枝,分枝,分部,分店,(学科)分科,部门,支流,支脉;v.出现分歧brandn.商标,牌子,烙印;vt.打烙印brandyn.白兰地酒brassn.黄铜,黄铜制品braveadj.勇敢的breadn.面包,生计breadthn.宽度,(布的)幅宽,(船)幅breakn.休息,暂停,破裂,突变;v.打破,违犯,折断,削弱,超过,突变breakfastn.早餐;vi.进早餐breastn.胸部,乳房,胸怀,心情;vt.以胸对着,对付breathn.呼吸,气息,气味breathev.呼吸,发出,低语breedn.品种,种类;v.(使)繁殖,教养,抚养breezen.微风,煤屑,轻而易举的事,小风波;vi.吹微风,逃走brickn.砖,砖块,砖形物(如茶砖,冰砖等)bridgen.桥,舰桥,鼻梁,桥牌;vt.架桥,渡过briefn.摘要,大纲;adj.简短的,短暂的;vt.摘要,(军事)下达简令brightadj.明亮的,辉煌的,欢快的,聪明的,伶俐的brightenv.(使)变亮,(使)愉快brilliantadj.灿烂的,闪耀的,有才气的brimn.(杯,碗等)边,边缘,(河)边;vi.满溢;vt.注满,使满溢bringvi.停下;vt.拿来,带来,产生,引起,提出(诉讼)briskadj.敏锐的,凛冽的,轻快的,活泼的bristlen.刚毛,猪鬃;vi.(毛发等)竖起,发怒;adj.长满硬毛的,易发怒的Britainn.英国,不列颠Britishadj.大不列颠的,英国的,英国人的;n.英国人brittleadj.易碎的,脆弱的broadadj.宽的,阔的,广泛的,明朗的,显著的,主要的;n.湖沼地区broadcastn.广播,播音;v.播撒(种子),(无线电或电视)广播,播送,播放brokenadj.坏掉的,患病的,被制服的,断掉的;vbl.break的过去分词bronzeadj.青铜色的;n.青铜(铜与锡合金),铜像broodn.(动物中鸟或家禽的)一窝,(同种或同类的)一伙;vt.沉思brookn.小溪;vt.容忍broomn.扫帚,[植]金雀花;vt.扫除brothern.兄弟brown.眉毛,额,(面部)表情brownn.褐色adj.褐色的,棕色的;v.(使)成褐色,晒黑bruisen.瘀伤,擦伤;v.打伤,撞伤brushn.刷子,毛刷,画笔;vt.刷,掸,拂bruteadj.残忍的,畜生般的;n.残忍的人,畜生bubblen.泡沫,幻想的计划;vi.起泡,潺潺地流bucketn.桶,一桶的量,[桶状物]铲斗budn.芽,蓓蕾;vi.发芽,萌芽budgetn.预算;vi.做预算,编人预算buildn.构造,体格,体形;v.建造,建筑buildingn.建筑物,营造物(如房屋,大楼,工厂,船等)bulbn.鳞茎,球形物,电灯泡bulkn.大小,体积,大批,大多数,散装;vt.显得大,起重大作用;adj.大批的bull[bul]n.[动]公牛,粗壮如牛的人,(股票)多头bulletn.子弹bunchn.串,束;v.捆成一束bundlen.捆,束,包;v.捆扎burdenn.担子,负担;v.负担bureaun.办公桌,衣柜,<美>局,办公署burn[n.烧伤,灼伤;v.烧,烧焦,点(灯),使感觉烧热burstn.突然破裂,爆发,脉冲;v.爆裂,炸破,急于,爆发buryvt.埋葬,掩埋,隐藏busn.公共汽车bushn.矮树丛,灌木businessn.商业,买卖,交易,生意,事情,事物,营业,商行busyadj.忙碌的,热闹的butadv几乎,仅仅;conj.而是,但是;prep.除…以外butchern.屠夫,屠户;vt.屠宰,屠杀buttern.黄油,牛油;vt.涂黄油于…上butterflyn.[动]蝴蝶,蝶泳buttonn.纽扣,[计]按钮;v.扣住,扣紧buyn.廉价品,合算的买卖;v.买byadv.通过,经过,附近;prep.在附近,在旁边,经,由,依据,按照,通过,用cabbagen.[植]甘蓝,卷心菜cabinn.小屋,船舱cabinetadj.(美)内阁的,小巧的;n.(有抽屉或格子的)橱柜,(美)内阁cablen.电缆,海底电报,缆,索;v.拍电报cafen.咖啡馆,小餐馆cafeterian.自助餐厅cagen.笼,槛,(矿井)贯笼caken.蛋糕,饼,饼状物calciumn.[化]钙(元素符号Ca)calculatev.计算,考虑,计划,打算;v.(美)以为,认为calculationn.计算,考虑calculatorn.计算机,计算器calendarn.日历,历法calibratev.校准calibrationn.标度,刻度,校准calln.喊声,叫声,命令,号召,访问,叫牌,通话,必要;v.呼叫,召集,称呼,认为,命名,打电话calmadj.(天气、海洋等)静的,平静的,镇静的,沉着的;v.(使)平静,(使)镇定,平息cameln.骆驼cameran.照相机campn.露营地,阵营;vi.露营,扎营campaignn.[军]战役,(政治或商业性)活动,竞选运动;vi.参加活动,从事活动,作战campusn.<美)校园,大学教育canconj.能,可以;n.罐头,铁罐;vt.装进罐中,把食品装罐Canadan.加拿大Canadianadj.加拿大的;n.加拿大人canaln.运河,小道,导管,槽,沟渠;vt.开运河cancelvt.取消,删去cancern.癌,毒瘤candidaten.候选人,报考者candlen.蜡烛candyn.糖果,冰糖;v.蜜饯,糖煮(水果)cannonn.大炮,加农炮;v.炮轰canoen.独木舟,轻舟canteenn.小卖部,食堂,餐厅,饭盒,(军用)水壶canvasn.帆布,油画capn.帽子,军帽,(瓶)帽,(笔)帽;vt.覆盖,胜过capabilityn.(实际)能力,性能,容量,接受力capableadj.有能力的,能干的,有可能的,可以…的capacityn.容量,生产量,容量,智能,才能,能力,接受力,地位capitaladj.资金的,重要的,死罪的,大写的;n.首都,首府,大写字母,资本,资金,资产captainn.队长,首领,船长,机长,(空军,海军)上校,(陆军)上尉;v.指挥,统帅captiveadj.被俘的,被迷住的;n.俘虏,被美色或爱情迷住的人capturen.捕获,战利品;vt.俘获,捕获,夺取carn.汽车,小汽车,车辆,客车,[铁]车厢carbonn.[化]碳(元素符号C),(一张)复写纸carbonaten.[化]碳酸盐;vt.使变成碳酸盐,使充满二氧化碳,碳化cardn.纸牌,卡片,信用卡caren.注意,照料,烦恼,忧虑,由…转交;vi.关心,顾虑,照顾,喜爱;vt.在意careern.(原意:道路,轨道)事业,生涯,速度carefuladj.小心的,仔细的carelessadj.粗心的,疏忽的cargon.船货,(车、船、飞机等运输的)货物carpentern.木匠carpetn.地毯carriagen.马车,客车,运费,(机械)车架carriern.运送者,邮递员,带菌者,(自行车等)行李架,搬运器,航空母舰;[电]载波(信号)carrotn.胡萝卜carryn.进位,射程,运载;vi.被携带,能达到;vi.携带,运送,支持,支撑,传送,意味cartn.大车,手推车;vt.用车装载carvev.雕刻,切开casen.事,病例,案例,情形,场合,讼案,容器,(语法)格cashn.现金;vt.兑现casingn.罩,壳,套,管cassetten.盒子,盒式磁带castn.投掷,铸件,脱落物,一瞥,演员表;v.投,抛,浇铸,计算,派(角色)castlen.城堡casualadj.偶然的,不经意的,临时的catn.猫catalogn.目录,目录册;v.编目录catalystn.催化剂catchn.捕捉,捕获物,(窗)钩;v.捕获,赶上(车船等),发觉,感染(疾病),抓住,燃着categoryn.种类,别,[逻]范畴cathedraln.大教堂cattlen.牛,家养牲畜causen.原因,导致某事发生的人或事,动机,理由,根据,目标,理想,事业;vt.引起,惹起,使(发生),促成cautionn.小心,谨慎,警告;vt.警告caven.洞穴,窑洞;vi.凹陷,投降;vt.挖洞,使凹陷ceasev.停止,终了ceilingn.天花板,最高限度celebratev.庆祝,祝贺,表扬,赞美,举行celln.单元,细胞,蜂房,(尤指监狱或寺院的)单人房间,电池cellarn.地窖,地下室,酒窖,藏酒室cementn.水泥,接合剂;vi.粘牢;vt.接合,用水泥涂,巩固centn.(货币单位)分,分币centigradeadj.分为百度的,百分度的,摄氏温度的centimetren.厘米,公分centraladj.中心的,中央的,重要的,主要的,中枢的,走中间道路的centren.中心,中央,中心区;v.集中centuryn.世纪,百年,板球中的一百分ceremonyn.典礼,仪式,礼节certainadj.确定的,某一个,无疑的,必然的,可靠的;pron.某几个,某些certainlyadv.的确,(口语)当然,行certaintyn.确定,确实的事情,确定性certificaten.证书,证明书;vt.发给证明书,以证书形式授权给…chainn.链(条),镣铐,一连串,一系列vt.用链条拴住chairn.椅子,教授职位,主席位,讲座;vt.担任主席(主持人)chairmann.席,会长chalkn.笔,白垩;vt.粉笔写,和以白垩challengen.挑战;vt.向…挑战chambern.室,房间,议院,会所,卧室championn.冠军,拥护者,战士;vt.拥护,支持chance]adj.偶然的;n.机会,可能性,偶然性,运气;v.碰巧,偶然发生,冒…的险changen.改变,变化,转变,找回的零钱,找头,辅币;vt.改变,变革,改造,兑换channeln.海峡,水道,沟,路线,信道,频道;vt.引导,开导,形成河道chaptern.(书籍)章charactern.(事物的)特性,性质,特征(的总和),(人的)品质,字符,性格,特征,人物characteristicadj.特有的,表示特性的,典型的;n.特性,特征characterizevt.表现…的特色,刻画的…性格chargen.负荷,电荷,费用,主管,掌管,充电,充气,装料;v.装满,控诉,责令,告诫,指示,加罪于,冲锋,收费charityn.慈善,施舍,慈善团体charmingadj.迷人的,娇媚的chartn.海图,图表;vt.制图chartervt.租,包(船、车等);n.宪章chasen.追赶,追击;vt.追赶,追逐,雕镂cheapadj.便宜的,不值钱的cheatn.欺骗,骗子;v.欺骗,骗取checkn.阻止,制止,控制,阻止物,支票,检讫的记号,饭馆的账单;vi.证明无误,核对无误,逐项相符,[象棋]将军;vt.检查,制止,核对,寄存,托运cheekn.颊,厚颜,类似颊的事物cheern.愉快,欢呼;v.(使)快活,(对……)欢呼cheerfuladj.愉快的,高兴的cheesen.干酪,乳酪chemicaladj.化学的;n.化学制品,化学药品chemistn.化学家,药剂师chemistryn.化学chequen.支票cherryn.樱桃,樱桃树,如樱桃的鲜红色chessn.国际象棋chestn.胸腔,胸膛,箱,柜chewv.咀嚼,认真考虑chickenn.小鸡,鸡肉,胆小鬼chiefn.首领,领袖,酋长,长官,主要部分,最有价值的部分;a主要的,首要的,首席的,主任的childn.孩子,儿女,子孙childhoodn.孩童时期childishadj.孩子气的,幼稚的chilladj.寒冷的;n.寒意,寒战,寒心;v.使冷,变冷,冷藏chimneyn.烟囱,灯罩chinn.下巴,下颚chinan.陶瓷,瓷器,瓷料Chinan.中国Chineseadj.中国的,中国人的,中国话的,汉语的;n.中国人,中国话,汉语,中文chipn.碎片,筹码,芯片;v.削成碎片,碎裂chloriden.[化]氯化物chocolaten.巧克力,巧克力色choiceadj.精选的,上等的,挑三拣四的,可选的,宠爱的,爱惜的;n.选择,抉择,精选品,选择机会,选择权choken.窒息,阻气门;v.窒息,哽住,使呼吸困难,阻塞choosev.选择,选定chopn..砍,排骨,官印,商标;vt.剁碎,砍,(风浪)突变Christiann.基督徒,信徒;adj.基督教的,信基督教的Christmasn.(纪念耶稣基督诞生的节日,12月25日)圣诞节churchn.教堂,礼拜堂,教会,教派,[宗]礼拜cigaretten.香烟,纸烟cineman.电影院,电影circlen.圆周,圆形物,派系,循环;v.围,环绕,盘旋circuitn.电路,一圈,周游,巡回circularadj.圆形的,循环的;n.函件,通知circulatev.(使)流通,(使)运行,(使)循环,(使)传播circulationn.循环,流通,发行额circumferencen.圆周,周围circumstancen.环境,详情,境况citevt.引用,引证,提名表扬citizenn.市民,公民cityn.城市,都市,全体居民,城邦civiladj.全民的,市民的,公民的,国民的,民间的,民事的,根据民法的,文职的,有礼貌的civilizationn.文明,文化,文明社会,文明,一个著名游戏的名称。



VOCABULARY AND READING COMPREHENSION1. Recent discoveries in Montana indicate that some dinosaurs may have resided in colonies.(A) lived(B) died(C) hunted(D) fed2. Algae vary in their capacity to tolerate salinity changes.(A) desire(B) ability(C) effort(D) purpose3. Most classical music is recorded in studios where minimal extraneous sounds and distractions are likely to occur.(A) reliable(B) complementary(C) the loudest(D) the fewest4. Voted the most valuable player of the National League in 1949, baseball player Jackie Robinson also received a gold medal that year for his role in bettering race relations.(A) improving(B) discussing(C) evaluating(D) bartering5. Although great strides in agricultural technology have resulted in massive production increases, weather remains an important limitation.(A) abrupt(B) enormous(C) long-term(D) overdue6. The American dancer Loie Fuller used perfume to create special effects during her performances.(A) dim lights(B) strange music(C) darkness(D) scent7. The circulatory system helps dispose of wastes that would harm the body if they accumulated.(A) catch up with(B) bear up under(C) get rid of(D) run out of8. The amount of time spent watching television in the average household in the United States has risen steadily since television sets were introduces in the 1950's.(A) discreetly(B) consistently(C) automatically(D) disproportionately9. In 1896 George Washington Carver became director of the Department of Agricultural Research at Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, a position he retained for the rest of his life.(A) expanded(B) managed(C) cherished(D) kept10. Penicillin was discovered by chance in 1928.(A) finally(B) accidentally(C) experimentally(D) opportunely11. Lamp filaments are made from tungsten, a strong metal that can hold up under high temperatures without melting.(A) reduce(B) withstand(C) illuminate(D) reflect12. The junior college has become a significant component in the expansion of educational opportunities in the United States since the Second World War.(A) force(B) element(C) concept(D) academy13. During their winter hibernation period, bears doze.(A) sleep lightly(B) lose fur(C) go hungry(D) have babies14. Asbestos is a mineral fiber that can cause cancer if inhaled.(A) picked up(B) taken indoors(C) breathed in(D) eaten up15. Known as "The First Lady of Song." Ella Fitzgerald got her start as a professional singer when she won a contest at the Apollo Theater in Harlem in 1934.(A) an award(B) an argument(C) a competition(D) a contract16. Chromium is a comparatively scarce element, occurring in nature only in compounds.(A) complex(B) strong(C) hard(D) rare17. Many photographers prefer to take pictures at twilight, when they can take advantage of the special effects of the setting sun.(A) at dusk(B) at noon(C) in the spring(D) in the fall18. The climate of the Middle Atlantic region of the United States varies with the altitude and land surface.(A) ocean waves(B) humidity(C) wind direction(D) elevation19. Since the Second World War, most urban growth in the United States has occurred on the outskirts of existing metropolitan areas.(A) in the counties(B) on the edges(C) on the streets(D) at the intersections20. A recent study concluded that unstable weather patterns may cause migraine headaches.(A) unforeseen(B) variable(C) violent(D) unusual21. Janet Guthrie was the first woman to compete in the Indianapolis 500, the most prestigious automobile race in the United States.(A) fastest(B) wealthiest(C) most honored(D) most dangerous22. Logrolling is a sport in which contestants perform various maneuvers while treading on a floating log.(A) speeches(B) duties(C) marches(D) moves23. The reproductive potential of aphids is unmatched in the insect world.(A) unqualified(B) unrecognized(C) underestimated(D) unequaled24. The boom in silver production after 1860 spurred the use of innovative machinery in crafting silver flatware and vessels.(A) stimulated(B) allowed(C) required(D) accompanied25. Barbara Reed, a probation officer in Ohio, tried to climinate overly sweet foods from probationers’ diets in order to temper their antisocial behavior.(A) explain(B) moderate(C) do away with(D) learn about26. If roundworms are removed from the soil and placed in a liquid, they thrash helplessly around.(A) carelessly(B) tirelessly(C) powerlessly(D) heartlessly27. H.L.Mencken's sardonic prose left an indelible mark on the English language.(A) an unrivaled(B) an unmistakable(C) a pretentious(D) a permanent28. In studying social groups, sociologists often gain insightthrough the use of such devices as questionnaires.(A) access(B) credibility(C) publicity(D) understanding29. After his military defeat in 1865, Robert E. Lee entreated the people of the South to work for national harmony.(A) warned(B) urged(C) commanded(D) recruited30. The value of a topaz is largely determined by its quality.(A) especially(B) actually(C) mainly(D) alwaysVOCABULARY AND READING COMPREHENSION1. In addition to being organs of hearing our ears assist us in maintaining our sense of balance.(A) Without(B) Instead of(C) Besides(D) In contrast to2. British Columbia's first gold rush was followed directly by the discovery of gold in eastern Canada.(A) secretly(B) importantly(C) smoothly(D) immediately3. The scientist and agricultural innovator George Washington Carver aided the economy of the South by developing hundreds of commercial uses for crops such as the peanut.(A) restored(B) stabilized(C) helped(D) changed4. Although best known for his political writing, reformer W. E. B.Du Bois also produced noteworthy fiction and poetry.(A) musical(B) unnoticed(C) extensive(D) significant5. The Mandan Indians lived beside the Missouri River where they cultivated fields of beans, corn, squash, sunflowers, and tobacco.(A) surveyed(B) farmed(C) irrigated(D) discovered6. Copper is commonly alloyed with zinc to make brass.(A) mixed(B) beaten(C) layered(D) heated7. Colorful parades were commonly organized on the frontier to display newly arrived merchandise.(A) cavalry mops(B) objects for sale(C) immigrants to the West(D) circus shows8. Europeans established permanent colonies on the eastern shores of what is now the United States t hroughout the seventeenth century.(A)during(B) before(C) up until(D) just after9. The Atlantic trade winds and the belt of calms between them shift northward and southward with the seasons.(A) intensify(B) twist(C) move(D) rush10. Eudora Welty's stories deal with life in the rural South.(A) criticize(B) elevate(C) concern(D) ridicule11. Boston owes some of its economic success to its outstanding public transportation network.(A) busy(B) scenic(C) remarkable(D) gigantic12. In 1973 Ernest Vincent Wright wrote the 50,100-word novel Gadsby without once using the letter "e"(A) simply(B) ever(C) at once(D) at first13. Caused by an ascorbic acid deficiency, scurvy was a serious humana affliction until fairly recent times(A) attribute(B) notion(C) situation(D) problem14. Because light travels more quickly than sound, a rumble of thunder never precedes a bolt of lightning.(A) follows(B) accompanies(C) brings about(D) comes before15. Inuits depend mainly on fishing and hunting for their sustenance.(A) training(B) luxuries(C) recreation(D) livelihood16. Long acclaimed as one of the world's leading sopranos. Beverly Sills retired from her singing career to become artistic directorof the New York City Opera.(A) principal(B) versatile(C) imposing(D) demanding17. Under proper conditions an iceboat can actually travel faster than the presuming breech.(A) suitable(B) unlikely(C) various(D) windy18. Swallows nest in barns, sheds, chunneys and other secluded places.(A) isolated(B) high(C) comfortable(D) rural19. The harpsichord, developed during the Middle Ages, was one of the forerunners of the piano.(A) competitors(B) imitators(C) predecessors(D) offspring20. Geneticist Barbara McClintock discovered that genes, which prescribe the function of cells in plants and animals, can move in unpredictable ways.(A) inhibit(B) mimic(C) alter(D) dictate21. Artists of the school of New Realism deliberately avoid expressing what they feel or think about the subject of their paintings.(A) subtly(B) actually(C) consistently(D) intentionally22. Citizens of foreign countries who hold certificates of deposit in Canadian banks are responsible for paying the Canadian government a tax on their investment earnings.(A) revenue(B) commission(C) product(D) banking23. In the Nothern Hemisphere, summer days are considerably longer than winter days.(A) above all(B) very much(C) in a way(D) on the whole24. In the 1400's artists often created their own pigments by pulverizing semiprecious stones.(A) washing color from(B)making a powder of(C) imitating colors of(D) brushing dust from25. The genetic material DNA contains coded information for the synthesis of proteins.(A) analysis(B) formation(C) absorption(D) functioning26. Cosmologists are more concerned with the origin and evolution of the universe than with the composition of the planets and stars.(A) interaction(B) background(C) outlook(D) make-up27. Gorillas build make-shift-hit nests each night after a day of foraging for leaves and beetles.(A) erode temporary(B) wide strong(C) skillfully camouflaged(D) individually tailored28. Until about A. D. 1400 iron was invariably smelted by the direct or bloomery process.(A) cheaply(B) rapidly(C) always(D) seldom29. For centuries before the first astronomers' probings, the Sun had been viewed only as a deity and was therefore not often the subject of scientific study.(A) a satellite(B) a god(C) an illusion(D) a planet30. Most of the great mountain systems now in existence developed fairly late in geologic history.(A) equally(B) somewhat(C) decidedly(D) altogether。































9、电话 -定主题,听语气,背套话 * 电话号码本:yellow pages, telephone directory,干扰static,接 通put through * 占着电话tie up, be off下线断线,过会 打给你get back to sb.

10、选课 -先学入门课intro/basic/prerequisite ,再学高级课,教授得同意 approval/permission/signature -三大顾虑:too much, too difficult, intro course -课程难,心情不好 -少选明智,多选犯傻,时刻准备退课 drop

2、男生爱花钱 *have money to burn, burn the candle at both ends, spend money like water *花完go through = use p *破产I was broke, I never seem to have enough money. *save for rainy days.存钱以备不时之 需

7、女生不记仇 * 故意mean to do,记恨 hold the grudge, forgive, forgiving, tolerant,忘 掉 get over it * broad-minded, open heart, a heart of gold. Think much/little of sb. Look up to /down upon sb 8、常考女生的优点(参看男生缺点)。 好女帮男场景:说教





二、考试方式: 参试人员应参加笔试和口试。






3、笔试分级标准:A级530以上;B级480以上;C级450以上;D级 450分以下四、口试:1、口试小组的组成:口试小组由三名教师组成对参试人员进行口试。



3、口试成绩评定标准: A级:对教师提出的所有问题理解迅速、准确,不需教师做任何帮助或提示,回答准确,能表达自己完整的意念,发音基本正确。


B 级:对教师提出的所有问题理解迅速、准确,不需教师做任何帮助或提示,回答较正常语速慢,有时表达完整的意念略有困难或不够清楚准确,需教师提问确认,语言不够简洁,但不影响交流。





五、综合评定成绩: 将笔试与口试成绩进行综合评定即为该生的综合评定成绩。





2004年8月TOEFL试题PART ONE LISTENING1. (A) She left the videos in her other bag.(B) She will return one of the videos today.(C) She returned the videos last week.(D) She forgot how many videos she had borrowed.2. (A) She is not sure if there is a reduced price for students.(B) She is not willing to help the man.(C) She knows that students do not get a discount.(D) She thinks the tickets are free.3. (A) His sister studied at many different schools.(B) His sister will attend the same school he does.(C) His brother will come to visit soon.(D) He is not sure what his brother's plans are.4. (A) It might not be open.(B) It might have what the man is looking for.(C) It has less expensive clothing than the stores in town.(D) It does not sell sweaters.5. (A) The library will be closed later this afternoon.(B) The computers in the library are not working.(C) The man needs his computer all afternoon.(D) The woman lent her computer to somebody.6. (A) She has already paid the bill.(B) The bill should have been paid yesterday.(C) She has extra time to pay the bill.(D) The man can pay the bill next month.7. (A) He lost his watch.(B) lie thought the meeting was for a different day.(C) His history class ended 20 minutes late.(D) He was not paying attention to the time.8. (A) The man and the woman use the same computer.(B) The man cannot help the woman.(C) The woman cannot turn off the computer.(D) The man has helped the woman with her computer before.9. (A) She also thinks the lecture was interesting.(B) She was too tired to learn much from the lecture.(C) She missed the lecture this morning.(D) She did not finish the reading before the lecture.10. (A) Do something easier(B) Think of an idea himself(C) Tell her about his friend(D) Try asking someone else11. (A) She does not like to carry her books around.(B) She prefers reading books to reading on a computer.(C) She did not know the colnputcr version was avadablc.(D) She uses the book when her computer is not working.12. (A) The woman should change her living arrangement.(B) The woman will have to call her roommate.(C) The woman should not spend so much time on the phone.(D) The woman does not clean her apartment often enough.13. (A) He is too busy to come to the picnic.(B) The weather on Sunday will not be good enough for a picnic.(C) The woman should not change the date of the picnic.(D) The woman should invite more people to the picnic.14. (A) Going to the opera is time-consuming.(B) There is no time left to order opera tickets.(C) She would like to go with the man to the opera.(D) She will help the man pay for the opera tickets.15. (A) Explain the article again(B) Compare one historical period to another(C) Tell the class what her opinion is(D) Assign the class only one article to read16. (A) The woman can call the owner from his house.(B) He wants the woman to give him the wallet.(C) He knows who the wallet belongs to.(D) The woman should leave the wallet at his house.17. (A) Read the articles right away(B) Finish typing the letters before 4 o'clock(C) Make the photocopies as soon as possible(D) Go to the meeting late18. (A) He will not be able to attend the class next Friday.(B) He thinks the class will meet as scheduled.(C) The woman should cancel her plans for the weekend.(D) The professor has canceled classes before.19. (A) Stay in bed until he feels better(B) Go see a doctor(C) Take less medicine(D) Take a walk to the drugstore20. (A) The woman needs more work experience.(B) The woman may need to work while attending graduate school.(C) The woman needs to finish writing her statement soon.(D) The woman's work experience is relevant to her career plans.21. (A) Tell her the man left without her(B) Ask her to call the man back later(C) Go to the newspaper office(D) Tell her the man will call her at 2 o'clock22. (A) The woman does not like to drink coffee in the afternoon(B) It was not the woman's coat that the man spilled coffee on.(C) The woman just had her coat cleaned.(D) The woman is not angry with the man.23. (A) The man will easily find a good job ill biochemistry.(B) The man should choose another field with more opportunities.(C) The man should try to get a job before he graduates.(D) The man needs to study harder to be a biochemist.24. (A) He will go to the art exhibition.(B) He did not get an invitation.(C) He already has other plans for Saturday.(D) He wants to join the publicity committee.25. (A) The toothpaste will soon be on sale.(B) She will lend the man seven dollars.(C) Toothpaste prices have risen sharply.(D) Many people are willing to buy the toothpaste.26. (A) She is worried about the midterm exam.(B) She heard the class is very difficult.(C) Professor Johnson is a new teacher.(D) Professor Johnson's leaching style will probably change.27. (A) Change his clothes before he goes hiking(B) Take a radio with him(C) Check the weather report in the local paper(D) Cancel his plans28. (A) She hopes to get into art school.(B) She is looking for a job as a commercial artist.(C) She has talents other than drawing.(D) She cannot decide upon a career.29. (A) He does not know how to get to the clinic.(B) He is going to the clinic for the first time.(C) The clinic will be closed by the time the woman gets there.(D) The woman is going the wrong way.30. (A) He will go to the film Saturday.(B) He will watch a basketball game on Saturday.(C) He will practice with the basketball team on Sunday.(D) He does not like to watch films.31. (A) What the man's plans are for tonight(B) Why the man does not want to play tennis(C) Why they do not have time to play tennis after class today(D) What time they can meet in the library32. (A) Yesterday before dinner(B) Two days ago(C) Last weekend(D) One week ago33. (A) He drank too much coffee last night.(B) He has the flu.(C) He is nervous about his anthropology project.(D) He missed dinner last night.34. (A) Let him win a tennis game(B) Help him finish his anthropology project(C) Give him some medicine for his stomach(D) Lend him her anthropology book35. (A) Safety in poorly lighted areas(B) A new type of outdoor lighting(C) Highway safety(D) Color blindness36. (A) The weather will be foggy later(B) The man will have to leave after dinner.(C) She no longer enjoys walking at night.(D) She wants to avoid rush hour traffic.37. (A) The sodium bulbs used there are stronger than in residential neighborhoods.(B) The spacing of the lights helps ensure true color.(C) The bulbs on highways are a different color.(D) The headlights on cars counter the fade-out effect.38. (A) They last much longer than regular bulbs.(B) They are easy to replace.(C) They conform to the new construction code.(D) They are safer to use than regular bulbs.39. (A) Eliminating the original vegetation from the building site(B) Making the houses in an area similar to one another(C) Deciding where on a site a house will be built(D) Surrounding a building with wildflowers and plants40. (A) They are changed to make the site more interesting.(B) They are expanded to limit the amount of construction.(C) They are integrated into the design of the building.(D) They are removed for construction.41. (A) Because many architects studied with Wright(B) Because Wright started the practice of "land-scraping"(C) Because Wright used elements of envelope building(D) Because most of the houses Wright built were made of stone42. (A) Protecting buyers of paintings(B) Why copies of famous paintings are made(C) How paintings are sold in the United States(D) Protecting artists from illegal use of their work43. (A) After the artwork is reviewed by lawyers(B) After all documents are filed(C) When the artist first gets an idea(D) moment the work of art The is finished44. (A) The buyer has the right to reprint it.(B) The buyer is allowed to change it.(C) The artist continues to hold the copyright for it.(D) The artist must report the sale to the United States Copyright Office.45. (A) The United States Copyright Office created it.(B) It does not protect artists' techniques and procedures.(C) It has not been changed since its creation.(D) It is applied only to copies of the original work.46. (A) The original work of art increases in value.(B) An artist has greater legal protection.(C) Artists can sell their work abroad.(D) Artists are allowed to make changes in their own works.47. (A) To explain how sense organs normally function(B) To point out errors in a recent study(C) To discuss an unusual condition of the brain(D) To present a creative approach to teaching language skills48. (A) Remembering word definitions(B) Recognizing repeated numbers(C) Distinguishing between similar colors(D) Tasting sounds49. (A) To explain the causes of synesthesia(B) To prove that sound and color can affect a person's mood(C) To determine whether or not synesthesia exists(D) To show how creativity can be stimulated50. (A) Consistently associate words with certain colors(B) Memorize long lists of words(C) Use colored printing to learn pronunciation(D) Use words creatively in art objectsPART TWO GrammarIn tile philosophical school of pragmatism, -----certainty and there are no absolutes.(A) there is no(B) is there not(C) neither(D) no2. The femur, or thighbone, is in the human body.(A) the bone is longest(B) the longest bone that(C) the longest bone(D) that of which the longest bone3.------- different kinds of beans are cultivated throughout the world.(A) Many(B) Of the many(C) There are many(D) Many are the4. A major source of rock salt is domes, ------of rock salt embedded in surrounding layers of earth.(A) are that vertical cylinders(B) that vertical cylinders(C) cylinders are vertical(D) vertical cylinders5. Hot springs are one of the most characteristic features of areas of recent volcanic activity, although----- in other areas less abundantly.(A) also to have occurred(B) their occurrence also(C) also occur(D) they do also occur6. Soap operas, a type of television drama series, are so called because at first they were such as soap manufacturers.(A) commercial companies by sponsored(B) companies commercial by sponsored(C) sponsored by commercial companies(D) companies commercial sponsored by7. In the early 1900's, Albert Einstein showed, under special circumstances, matter and energy can be converted into one another.(A) in which(B) that(C) what(D) there are8.------in the United States began in the eighteenth century, when individuals, merchants, and colonial governments loaned money to one another.(A) Banking(B) When banking(C) It was banking(D) Banking was9. By performing specific motions, forager honeybees are able to recruit to gather at a recently discovered food source.(A) while their nestmates(B) so that their nestmates(C) their nestmates(D) their nestmates are10. Although the chemical elements niobium and tantalum are not quite zirconium and hafnium, the differences between them are slight(A) as similar(B) as similar as(C) similar than(D) that similar11. ------both safety and reliability have always been primary goals of the railway mechanical engineer.(A) Railroad history(B) Railroad history includes(C) Throughout railroad history(D) In railroad history there are12. The trumpet is-----of most dance and jazz bands.(A) a part is important(B) partly important(C) what part is important(D) an important part13. Most whole milk undergoes homogenization, -------hot milk is pumped through valves to break up and permanently disperse the fat globules.(A) a process(B) which process(C) a process in which(D) which is a process14. A lingua franca is any auxiliary language, -------a rudimentary kind, used as a medium of communication between people who speak different languages.(A) of which usually(B) which usually of(C) is usually of(D) usually of15. In 1865 the astronomer Maria Mitchell became appointed to the faculty of Vassar College.(A) as the first woman(B) the first woman was(C) the first woman(D) being the first woman 16. Reptiles are found on land and in water, but they cannot alive in frigid climates because they need the Sun's warmth to give them energy_17. Stone tools began to be replaced around 6,000 years ago by metal tools, who were used to buildinstruments and simple machines.18. One of the most famous structures in the world, the Statue of Liberty is widely considered ainspiring symbol of hope and freedom.19. Buses were developed at the beginning of the twentieth century to compete with streetcars byproviding flexibility greater in routes.20. Abundant rainfall or irrigation is necessary during the early grow period of coffee, but dryconditions during ripening produce beans with the best flavor.A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C DA BD21. There was at least 2,000 years ago that inhabitants of the Northwest Coast of North Americafirst established trade mutes for obsidian.22. The simplest polymers are created when pressure or heat causes small molecules alter slightlyand link together in a long chain.23. A Canadian Prime Minister must have the supportive of a majority of the members of the Houseof Commons to remain in office.24. The Ashcan school of painting concentrated on ordinary --even ugly--city scenes, rendering they in straightforward, conventional styles that bordered occasionally on illustration.25. By. the end of the 1950"s, the suburban population of the United States totaled 60 million,approximately equivalence to the urban areas of the country.26. Because it is often dependent of the conditions of crystallization, the composition of the minerals in a rock can be important in determining the rock's geologic history.27. Endemic diseases are diseases that habitual infect only those persons living within certaingeographical limits.28. Regional geography examines, on a regional basis, the ways in which the people local interactwith the environment of the area where they live.29. The Mobile River and its tributaries, which flow south to the Gulf of Mexico, form mostimportant river system in Alabama.30. Beneath the surface of the ocean there lies a hidden world inhabit by plants and animals werarely see.31. Advertising's primary objective is to presell a product, that is, to convince consumers to purchasean item before they are actually see and inspect it.C A BDA B C D A B CDAB C DA BC DA BC DA B C DA B CDA B C D A B CDA B C D32. Fats and fixed oils are greasy or waxy substance that ill their pure state are normally tasteless,A B C D colorless, and odorless.'33. Of all the elements in the Earth's crust, oxygen is known to be the more common.A B C D34. In microphotography, processes photographic are used to reproduce text or illustrations onA Bfilm in sizes requiring magnification for reading or viewing them.C D35. The round, hard-shelled nuts of the macadamia tree grow in clusters and are covered withA Bhusks what split when the nuts are ripe.C D36. The United States Social Security Act, enacted in 1935, contained three major programs aA B retirement fund, unemployment insurance, and welfare grants for local distribute.C D37. The light produced by lasers is in general far more monochromatic, powerfully, and coherentA Bthan that from any other light source.C D38. Nineteenth-century United States artist John La Farge was the premier interior designer of hisAtime , receiving commissions for church interiors, private houses, and mural.B C D39. During first ten years of the Space Age, which began in 1957, more than 500 artificialA B Csatellites were rocketed into orbit around the Earth.D40. Settlers streamed into Connecticut River towns in so large numbers between 1765 and 1790A Bthat they nearly doubled the population of Hampshire County, Massachusetts.C DPART THREE READINGPeople living today in the northwestern state of Washington who have many sourcesof news in addition to newspapers must stretch their imaginations to understand the importance of the press during much of the state's history. Beginning in 1852 withThe Cohumblan. the first paper in Washington Territory, ,lewspapers served to connectsettlers in frontier communities with each other and with the rnajor events of their times.Unlike many mid-century papers, The Columbian, published every Saturday in Olympia,one of Washington's larger towns, was "neutral in politics," meaning that it was not theorgan of a particular political party or religious group. For its first few years, it was theonly newspaper in the territory, but during the following decades, enterprisingWashingtonians founded many other papers. Few of these papers lasted long. Until theturn of the century, most were the production of an individual editor, who might beginwith insufficient capital or fail to attract a steady readership. Often working with nostaff at all, these editors wrote copy, set type, delivered papers, oversaw billing, andsold advertising. Their highly personal journals reflected their own tastes, politics, and known as the "Oregon style"--graphic, torrid, and potentially libelous.Early newspapers were thick with print, carrying no illustrations or cartoons.Advertising was generally confined to the back pages and simply listed commodities received by local stores. Toward the end of the century, newspapers in Washingtonbegan to carry national advertising, especially from patent medicine companies, which bought space from agencies that brokered ads in papers all over the country. By 1900, Washington boasted 19 daily and 176 weekly papers. Especially in the larger cities, they reflected less the personal opinions of the editor than the interests of the large businessesthey had become. They subscribed to the Associated Press and United Press news services, and new technology permitted illustrations. Concentrating on features, crime reporting, and sensationalism, they imitated the new mass-circulation papers that William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer were making popular throughout the United States.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) Ways in which various newspapers were advertised in Washington(B) The history of newspapers in Washington(C) Editors of the first Washington newspapers(D) The illustrations in early Washington newspapers2. What does the passage imply about early Washington newspapers?(A) People relied on them as their primary source of news.(B) They contained important historical articles.(C) They were not as informative as today's newspapers.(D) They rarely reflected the views of any particular religion.3. ln line 7. the word “'i t” refers to(A) The Columbian(B) Olympia(C) religious group(D) political party4. In line 13, the word "oversaw" is closest in meaning to(A) estimated(B) supervised(C) collected(D) provided5. In line 15, the word "'delivered'" is closest in meaning to(A) confirmed(B) compared(C) questioned(D) presented6. According to the passage, which of the following was true of curly Washington newspapers?(A) Most were owned by part-time editors who worked at other jobs.(B) Most were run by editors who had little or no earlier newspaper experience.(C) Most received financial support from the town in which they were published.(D) Most stayed in business for only a short while.7. What does the author mention as typical of early newspaper editors from Washington?(A) Their capital grew rapidly.(B) Their political opinions changed with time.(C) They had many types of responsibilities.(D) They were generally members of the same political party.8. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about advertising in Washington newspapers of the mid-nineteenth century?(A) It contained information about patent medicines.(B) It focused on local rather than national products.(C) It was printed on entire pages distributed in local stores.(D) It was the only part of the paper containing cartoons.9. In line 22, the word "boasted" is closest in meaning to(A) planned(B) financed(C) was forced to close(D) took pride in havingEuropa is the smallest of planet Jupiter's four largest moons and the second moonout from Jupiter. Until 1979, it was just another astronomy textbook statistic. Thencame the close-up images obtained by the exploratory spacecraft V oyager 2, and withindays, Europa was transformed--in our perception, at least--into one of the solar system'smost intriguing worlds. The biggest initial surprise was the ahnost total lack of detail,especially from far away. Even at close range, the only visible features are thin, kinkedbrown lines resembling cracks in an eggshell. And this analogy is not far offthe mark.The surface of Europa is almost pure water ice, but a nearly complete absence ofcraters indicates that Europa's surface ice resembles Earth's Antarctic ice cap. Theeggshell analogy may be quite accurate since the ice could be as little as a few kilometersthick--a tree shell around what is likely a subsurface liquid ocean that, in turn, encasesa rocky core. The interior of Europa has been kept warm over the cons by tidal forces generated by the varying gravitational tugs of the other big moons as they wheel around Jupiter. The tides on Europa pull and relax in an endless cycle. The resulting internal heatkeeps what would otherwise be ice melted almost to the surface. The cracklike marks onEuropa's icy face appear to be fractures where water or slush oozes from below.Soon after Voyager 2's encounter with Jupiter in 1979, when the best images ofEuropa were obtained, researchers advanced the startling idea that Europa's subsurfaceocean might harbor life. Life processes could have begun when Jupiter was releasing avast store of internal heat. Jupiter's early heat was produced by the compression of thematerial forming the giant planet. Just as the Sun is far less radiant today than the primalSun, so the internal heat generated by Jupiter is minor compared to its former intensity.During this warm phase, some 4.6 billion years ago, Europa's ocean may have been liquidright to the surface, making it a crucible for life.10. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) The effect of the tides on Europa's interior(B) Temperature variations on Jupiter's moons(C) Discoveries leading to a theory about one of Jupiter's moons(D) Techniques used by V oyager 2 to obtain close-up images11. The word "intriguing" in line 5 is closest in meaning to(A) changing(B) perfect(C) visible(D) fascinating12. In line 7, the author mentions "cracks in an eggshell" in order to help readers(A) visualize Europa as scientists saw it in the Voyager 2 images(B) appreciate the extensive and detailed informalion available by viewing Europa from far away(C) understand the relationship of Europa to the solar system(D) recognize the similarity of Europa to Jupiter's other moons13. It can be inferred from the passage that astronomy textbooks prior to 1979(A) provided many contradictory statistics about Europa(B) considered Europa the most important of Jupiter's moons(C) did not emphasize Europa because little information of interest was available(D) did not mention Europa because it had not yet been discovered14. What does the author mean by stating in line 7 that "this analogy is not far off the mark"?(A) The definition is not precise.(B) The discussion lacks necessary information.(C) The differences are probably significant.(D) The comparison is quite appropriate.15. It can be inferred from the passage that Europa and Antarctica have in common which of the following?(A) Both appear to have a surface with many craters.(B) Both may have water beneath a thin, hard surface.(C) Both have an ice cap that is melting rapidly.(D) Both have areas encased by a rocky exterior.16. The word "endless" in line 14 is closest in meaning to(A) new(B) final(C) temporary(D) continuous17. According to the passage, what is the effect of Jupiter's other large moons on Eurnpa?(A) They prevent Europa's subsurface waters from freezing.(B) They prevent tides that could damage Europa's surface.(C) They produce the very hard layer of ice that characterizes Europa.(D) They assure that the gravitational pull on Europa is maintained at a steady level.18. According to the passage, V oyager 2's images Ied rcsearchers to develop which of the following theories'?(A) Jupiter may be hotter today than it once was.(B) Europa is far older than scientists originally thought(C) Europa's temperature is maintained by Jupiter's vast store of internal heat.(D) The ocean waters of Europa could contain some forms of life.19 The word "it" in line 24 refers to(A) internal heat(B) warm phase(C) Europa's ocean(D) surfaceThe term "print" has several meanings, so it is important to understand exactly what is meant by the artistic terminology. A print in the artistic sense is not a reproduction of a work of art done in some other medium, such as painting or drawing. That can in no sense be considered a work of art, since the artist had no involvement with it. A print is an original work of art created by an indirect method. Instead of making an image directly on a surface, as in drawing or painting, the artist works on a master surface, which may be a sheet of metal, a block of stone, wood, plastic, or linoleum. From this master surface, numerous impressions may be made by inking the surface, laying a sheet of paper on it, and then subjecting both surface and paper to pressure, generally by means of a printing press.A print may exist in several versions. Sometimes the printmaker alters the image between impressions, so that each print is slightly different from the others. Any series of such prints is referred to as multiples. The number of impressions (known as the edition) that are possible from a single original varies with the material. Prints made from linoleum, which wears readily, will be fewer than those made from a metal plate, which is capable of striking fine-quality prints in the thousands. It is customary to number prints as they come off the press, the earlier impressions being the finest and therefore the most desirable.Prints incorporate the same compositional principles, as paintings. Line, shape, or texture may be the predominant element according to the printing technique used. Some prints have obvious decorative qualities while others may be filled with emotional impact. Printmaking derives from two historical sources: early woodblocks into which animage was cut and used to illustrate a book or playing cards, and the medieval practice of decorating metal with incised designs, as in armor. Today most techniques fall into one of four categories: relief( intaglio, lithography, and serigraphy. However, there are many variations, combinations with photographic techniques, and considerable overlapping.20. In the artistic sense, a print is a work of art created by(A) making a painting from an original drawing(B) drawing or painting similar images many times(C) transferring an original image from one surface to another(D)copying an original image made on paper onto a hard surface21. The word "That" in line 3 refers to(A) terminology(B) sense(C) reproduction(D) medium22. Which of the following is mentioned as an example of a master surface?(A) a drawing or painting。







中石油职称英语高频词汇200例1.abide by (=be faithful to; obey) 忠于;遵守2.be absent from... 缺席,不在3.absence of mind (=being absent-minded) 心不在焉4.absorb (=take up the attention of) 吸引……的注意力(被动语态);be absorbed in 全神注贯注于……近;be engrossed in; be lost in; be rapt in; be concentrated on; be focused on; be centered on5.(be) abundant in (be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有6.access(to) (不可数名词)能接近,进入,了解7.by accident (=by chance, accidentally) 偶然地,意外。

Without accident (=safely) 安全地8.of one's own accord ( =without being asked; willingly; freely) 自愿地,主动地9.in accord with 与……一致out of one's accord with 同……不一致10.with one accord (=with everybody agreeing) 一致地11.in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据12.on one's own account1)为了某人的缘故,为了某人自己的利益2)(=at one's own risk) 自行负责3)(=by oneself) 依靠自己on account 赊账;on account of 因为;on no account 不论什么原因也不;of …account 有……重要性。



1.abide by (=be faithful to; obey) 忠于;遵守2.be absent from.... 缺席,不在3.absence or mind (=being absent-minded) 心不在焉4.absorb (=take up the attention of) 吸引……的注意力(被动语态);be absorbed in 全神注贯注于……近;be engrossed in; be lost in; be rapt in; be concentrated on; be focused on; be centered on5.(be) abundant in (be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有6.access(to) (不可数名词)能接近,进入,了解7.by accident (=by chance, accidentally) 偶然地,意外。

Without accident (=safely) 安全地8.of one’s own accord ( =without being asked; willingly; freely) 自愿地,主动地9.in accord with 与……一致out of one’s accord with 同……不一致10.with one accord (=with everybody agreeing) 一致地11.in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据12.on one’s own account1)为了某人的缘故,为了某人自己的利益2)(=at one’s own risk) 自行负责3)(=by oneself) 依靠自己on account 赊账;on account of 因为;on no account 不论什么原因也不;of ……account 有……重要性。

10中石油内部的托福经验 中石油托福成绩查询

10中石油内部的托福经验 中石油托福成绩查询

10中石油内部的托福经验中石油托福成绩查询10中石油内部的托福经验中石油托福成绩查询话题:中石油托福成绩查询无老师总结经验托福中石油内部的托福经验【无老师力荐】May 3rd, 2010这篇文章内容稍老,但是无老师认为体现的学习方法很值得借鉴。


















扫描下方二维码获取小马免费资料包:【小马托福必修课】美式英语发音教程点击查看扫描二维码的方法Petroleum Resources 石油资源1.Petroleum, consisting of crude oil and natural gas, seems to originate from organic matter in marine sediment. Microscopic organisms settle to the seafloor and accumulate in marine mud. The organic matter may partially decompose, using up the dissolved oxygen in the sediment. As soon as the oxygen is gone, decay stops and the remaining organic matter is preserved.段落梗概:石油和天然气都是来自海底的有机物沉淀。


2.Continued sedimentation—the process of deposits’ settling on the sea bottom—buries the organic matter and subjects it to higher temperatures and pressures, which convert the organic matter to oil and gas. As muddy sediments are pressed together, the gas and small droplets of oil may be squeezed out of the mud and may move into sandy layers nearby. Over long periods of time (millions of years), accumulations of gas and oil can collect in the sandy layers. Both oil and gas are less dense than water, so they generally tend to rise upward through water-saturated rock and sediment.段落梗概:持续的沉积——堆积物沉积到海底的过程将有机物埋在海底使之受到海底温度、高压的影响,最终转变成石油和天然气。

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托福考试历年词汇真题1995.8Inaccessible 难以接近的:unreachableExtracting 提取,提炼:removingStrength 基础:basisSurging 激增,迅速上升:acceleratingTrend 倾向,趋势:tendencyPeak 最高点,最高峰:maximumPrior to 在前,局先:precedingAdvocates 提倡者,赞成者:proponents Unsubstantiated 无确实根据的,未经证实的:unverifiedMaintain 维持:preserveConsiderable 极其,相当,大量:substantial Enactment 制定,执行:performanceStaggering 令人惊愕的:overwhelmingDevastated 毁坏:ruinedDemonstrate 证明,示威:showedExtend 延伸,扩展:stretchVast 巨大的,辽阔的:largeSparked 发动,鼓舞:brought aboutPotential 潜在的,可能的:possibleOutstanding 突出的,显著的:excellentAccount for 解释,说明:explainPicking up 沿着:followingA supremacy至高,霸权:a dominanceSupplanted代替:replacedMyriad无数:manySupreme最高的:most outstandingSettle解决,决定:decideAscending 上升,攀登:climbingSolemn 严肃的:seriousComposed创作,作曲:createdScores 乐谱:music compositionComprises 包含,由,构成:consists ofIntense 剧烈的:extremeMargins 空白:edgesSupport 支撑:holdAppreciation 感激,评价,欣赏:recognition Bias 偏见:prejudicePrevailing 流行的:most frequentAccumulated 积聚,堆积:collectedRelated 有关系得:connectedSupported 支撑:upheldForward-looking 向前看的:progressive 进步的Rudimentary 不发达的,未发展的:undevelopedSole 唯一的:onlySubsidizes 资助:financeRotates 旋转:alternatesImplements 玩具:toolsClues 线索:informationHemispheres 半球:sidesSubject to 遭受:susceptible toPuncture 刺穿:pierceDramatic 戏剧性的,显著的:striking Characterized 不同,区别于其他:distinguishedBizarre 古怪的:oddCasts off 抛弃:gets rid ofHomogeneous 一致的,同一的:uniform Largely renounces 基本上拒绝:generally rejectsPrevail 流行,支配控制:dominatesSubtle 轻微的,精细的:slightCompile 收集,积累:put togetherRaw 未加工的,为处理的:unprocessed Prospect 前景,可能性:possibility Roughly 大约地:approximatelyMagnify 增加,扩大:increaseDistinction 不同,区别:differencesFused 结合:combinedLure 吸引:attractPlaced 放置:depositedDiscrete 分泌:separateOvertaxed 负担沉重的:heavily burdened Inadequate 不充足的:deficientInevitable 不可避免地:unavoidably Lamented 不满,抱怨:complaint about First rank 最高水平:highest qualityFaded from 消失于:disappeared from Novel 创新的,新颖的:innovative Stationary 固定的:fixedVessel 船只:craftSmothering 窒息的:eliminatedCoined 组成,创造:createdIntervention 干预:influenceEmerged 出现:appearedOutlining 概括,总结:summarizing Deliberate 仔细地:carefulDemanded 需要:requiredImitate 模仿:copyComparably 相似地:similarly Inclinations 偏好,喜好: preferences Varied 不同:differedCumbersome 笨重地:burdensome Confined 局限:limitedFramed 构造,制定:posedSupposedly 可能地,推测地:seemingly Sanitation 卫生:healthConflicting 对立的:apposingGive way to 让位于:turns into Speculate 假设:hypothesizeAlternative 选择:optionImposing 要求高的,费力的:demanding Penetrate 穿过:go throughExtended 增加,延长:increase Preferred 喜欢; favoredBarren 贫瘠的:infertileHard 坚硬的:firmDivergence 不同,区别:difference Durable 耐久地:long-lastingDwelling 住所:housesElaborately 精心地:done in a great detail Bounds 限制:limitsChance 偶然的:unplannedIntegral 必要的,基本的:an essential Carry 承担:supportConcentrated 集中:clusteredEffect 影响:influenceDistinct 区别,不同:separateSetting 建立:establishingEnds 目标:goalsDrastic 激进的:radicalExtracted 提取:removedInstances 例子:casesEntombed 陷入:trappedMarked 明显的:pronouncedUshering 开始,引入:beginning Execute 执行,创造:createDomains 领域:fieldsFundamental 基本的:basicSkilled 专业的:expertPresided over 管理控制:managed Celestial 天文学的:astronomicalEntities 物体:objectsMotifs 母题,图案:designsRare 罕见的:infrequentMaintaining 维持:preservingTolerate 忍耐:endure Obtain 获得getRoll back 减少reduceStimulating 刺激encouragingDepressed 降低,使沮丧loweredStringent 严厉的strictDictates 决定determinesWitnessed 看到observedA break with 分开 a departure from Conserve 维持,保留retainMagnified 加强,加剧intensifiedForage 觅食feedCounteracted 否定,抵消negatedIn season 应季 a particular time of year Fixture 寻常物品commonplace object Nevertheless 但是howeverRotates 转动,改变turnsReadily 容易地,欣然地easily Constituting 组成making upPits 洞,坑holesDisputes 争论argumentsUnrestricted 不受限制的unlimitedSnap 折断breakFed 吃/放入putExposed to 易受影响的,受支配subjected to Exert 引起,导致causeDiffuses 穿过,扩散travelsRapture 破裂burstMiniscule 微小的tinyEnables 使能够allowsAesthetically 美学的,艺术的artistically Refreshing 非同寻常的,耳目一新的unusualDevote 奉献dedicateBound 系,绑tiedAssembling 聚集gatheringAdorned 装修decoratedAttire 服装clothingUnravel 揭露discoverMundane 平凡的ordinaryGap 空隙openingDiscards 抛弃gets rid ofDeft 灵巧的skilledRobust 强壮的strongHeralded 宣布announcedPosition 职位jobMajor 主要的principalSymmetrical 比例平衡的,对称的proportionally balancedObvious 明显的apparentDominated 占支配地位的were prevalent in Supplements 补充extensionsCrisscross 交叉move back and forth Skepticism 怀疑主义doubtSubsidy 资助financingConjectural 猜测的based on guessing Employing 采用usingAssortment 种类varietyExalted 高级的superiorIngots 银锭/块blocks of silver mixed with copperCame of age 出现了,成名了established itselfTrace 痕迹imprintsExposed 暴露uncoveredAdversely 逆向/反的negativelyAltered 改变changedNoxious 有毒的,有害的harmful Detectable 可以探测的measurableAcute 敏锐的,剧烈的intenseExceeded 超越surpassedAstounding 惊讶的surprisingDurable 耐久的lastingCustomarily 通常usuallyInduced 导致causedRemarkable 异常的extraordinaryExerted 运用appliedRestricted 限制limitedIntricate 错综复杂的complexVary 区别,不同differInitially 首先at firstCohesion 凝聚力unityConsciously 有意识地,故意地purposely Unadorned 未装饰的,平凡的plain Consumption 消费,吃eating Constituents 组成部分components Calculated 计算,决定determinedCeased 停止stopProminent 著名的distinguishedApply to 应用于used forCoarser 粗糙的rougherDense 浓密的thickThanks to 由于because ofEagerly anticipated 渴望,期待looked forward toProperties 特征,特点characteristics Ascribed to 归功于,认为assumed to be true ofRevolutionized 巨变,革命dramatically changedAppeal 吸引attractionSpawned 产生,产卵createdCore 核心centerEmbedded 镶嵌encasedSpotting 识别identifyingDogma 信仰,教条beliefDetect 发现discovered the presence of Shied away from 避免avoidedMilestone 里程significant development Critical 关键的essentialJolting 震动shockingMagnitude 成都/大小extentAttachment to 倾向于preference for Protruding 凸出的projectingShield 保护protectDaring 大胆boldBoosted 鼓舞raisedInhibited 阻碍hinderedCounterpart 版本,对应物version Detectable 明显的,可探测的apparent Sumptuous 奢侈的luxuriousYield 供应provideAdhere 坚持stickInitiate 启动,开始beginModifying 改变,限制changingRapidity 迅速swiftnessEfficiency 效率effectivenessRear 抚养raiseScale 攀登climbImmunity 免疫,保护protection Conspicuous 明显的noticeableBias 偏见prejudiceExorbitant 丰富的expensiveUndergone 经历experiencedConsorted 交往associatedSufficient 充足adequateAnnihilate 消灭,征服conquerAptly 恰当的appropriatelyFashion 制造createArticle 物品objectStaples 基本产品basic elementsInvade 侵入move intoContemporary 当代的existingFinely 微小的minutelyAttendant 伴随的accompanyingExponential leaps 迅速上升rapid increases Virtually 几乎完全,实际上almost completely Pertinent 相关的relevantSuccinct 简明conciseRevise 改变changeMonopolized 垄断dominatedFactions 部分sidesFlattering 赞美complimentaryDisseminated 分散spreadAccelerated 加速increasedGiven way to 替代been replaced byReliance 依赖dependencePicture 想象imagineEmit 发出give offGlowing 发光的shiningInflux 流入,到达arrivalExtraordinary 异常的exceptionalEra 时代period of timeIntriguing 吸引人的attractiveConclusive 总结性的definitivePreoccupation 卷入involvementPrimary 基本的fundamentalEntire 整个wholeBring about 引起causeTemping 吸引人的attractiveReckless 不负责任的irresponsible Concomitant with 同时发生的,与之伴随的in conjunction withSkyrocketing 迅速上升increasing rapidlyExtolling 高度赞扬praisingRoughly 大约harshlyReaped 获得gainedInterchangeable 互换的,等同于equivalent Classified 分类categorizedIncinerated itself 燃烧burn upSecuring 获得acquiringImplications 意义significantHinterland 腹地,内地贸易区regionPersisted 坚持,持续continuedUndergoing 经历,遭受experiencing Suspend 悬挂,延迟hangFatal 致命的deadlySecure 安全的safeSorted out 分类,挑练separatedDampened 使潮湿moistenedFine 细微的tinyDerived 起源,得自obtainedDrastically 激烈的,彻底的severelyCoincided with 一致,符合happened at the same timeSupplement 补充add toContemporary 当代的,同时代的written at the same timePrized 珍视valuedOvertaken 超越,胜出surpassedIntervals 间隔periodsFreeing 解除releasingPlunge 投入,跳进dropTangled缠结的,紊乱的twisted together Concealed 隐藏coveredAvail themselves 利用make use Accordingly 因此for that reasonCrucial至关重要的importantPonderous 笨重的heavyAttained 达到,获得achievedAbundant 丰富的,充裕的plentiful Peculiar 独特的,奇异的strange Meticulously小心翼翼的carefully Durability 经久,耐久力enduranceIncised雕刻的carvedConsumed消耗,吃eatenInnovative 创新的newExtract 提取,提炼removeScorched烧焦burnedConsequence 结果resultExceed超越,胜出go beyondGenerated 产生causeNorm 标准standardHenceforth 今后from that time on Mandated委托统治的recommended Immutable 不可变的unchangeable Revered 尊敬respectedConsist 一致的,协调的constantIntent 目的,意向goalAdministered 管理managedPeriphery 外围outer edgeInception 起初beginningFabricating 构成,虚构constructingResort to 采取usingIngenuity 机灵,灵巧resourcefulness Functional 有功能的,有用的usable Significant 有意义的meaningfulAttained 获得reachedFlamed 燃烧burnedEncompass包围,环绕includeCame to the forefront 来到最前线/变得很重要became importantHinged on 依赖depended onLured 引诱attractedExpendable消费品,可以牺牲的nonessential Notwithstanding 尽管despiteIntricate 错综复杂的complexRandom 任意的unpredictableOptimal 最佳的,最理想的bestUrged 催促encouragedCarried on 继续continuedDiverse 不同的variedEnsures确保guaranteesSuitable 合适的,适宜的appropriately Scares 稀有rareResemble 类似look likeCoarse 粗糙的crudeBrittle易碎的,脆弱的easily broken Appreciated赏识,意识到recognized Merely 仅仅onlyEmitting 发出producingSpanning 跨越coverPursue追赶catch chaseAltogether 完全的completelyIntensive 集中的,透彻的concentrated Prevailed 流行,盛行dominatedDepicted 描述describedForemost 首要的leadingMeteoric流星的,迅速的rapidApace with 快速的,急速的as fast asWider 宽广的more extensiveThereby 因此,在那方面by that means Unique 唯一的,独特的singularRotting 腐烂的decayingKey 关键的importantConverted修改changedAntecedent 先行的的,先辈predecessor Appealing吸引人的attractiveLocal 场所placeBoosted推进raisedScope 范围extentProlific多产的,丰富的productiveEager 热心的,渴望的enthusiastic Engaged使用,雇佣hireSubsequent后来的laterSums 总数amountsIdentical同样的exactly alikeGraphic生动的,鲜明的vivid Undoubtedly 毫无疑问的certainly Components 组成部分partsBesides 除此之外in addition toFlourished繁荣,昌盛thrivedGrumbled 抱怨,牢骚complainedServe服务,适合functionSole 唯一的onlyDetecting 发现findingSedentary久坐的,不活动的inactive Subjected 受影响的exposedEssence 本质,精华basic natureDiverse 不同的differentNoted 注意到observedEmphasize 强调stressAccessible易接近的,可靠近的available Account for 解释,说明explainSmooth operation 顺利进行effective functioningCluster 成群groupAlert 警惕wareScurrying 急跑,匆忙走rushing Formidable 艰难地,令人敬畏的difficult Intent 目的,意向purposeRegardless of 不管,不顾no matter what Marked 显著地noticeableConfine 限制restrictPresumably 推测,大概probablySustain 支撑,持续supportInsignificant 无关紧要的unimportant Ultimately 最后,最终eventuallyDemise 死亡deathConvert 转变changePrimarily 主要地,根本上chiefly Prevailing 流行的dominantUndergone 经历experiencedVast 巨大的greatPrecarious 不稳定的uncertainSettled 固定的stableChronicle 记载,记录,编年史describe Ornate 装饰的,华丽的elaborateDerived from 起源based onVarious 不同的,多样的differentAccount for 解释explainSubjugated 征服conqueredSynonymous with 同义的equivalent to Excavating 挖掘diggingAgents 动因,代理人causesAided 帮助的helpedEstimated 评估judgedPry off 翘起removeLittered 杂乱堆满,乱丢covered Preserved 保持,保存protected from destructionConstant 持续的,一致的consistent Attained 达到,获得achievedResumed 再继续,重新开始began again Attests to 证明give evidence ofDrab 单调的dullProminent 显著的,突出的noticeableYet 仍,至今so farRudimentary 根本的,未发展的basic Biting 尖锐的sharpHeightened 提高,提升increased Meticulous 小心翼翼的careful Accumulated 积聚,积累built up Tantamount to 与……相等的practically the same asRemarkable 非凡的,显著的extraordinary Link 连结,联合connectionSurge 汹涌,激增sharp increase Unprecedented 空前的,前所未闻的not seen beforeObscure 模糊的,朦胧的unclearDisplay 陈列展示exhibitLoad 负荷,重担weightPrecise 精确的accurateExercise 训练,使用utilizeElicit 得出,引出bring outProbe 探查exploreProlific 多产的,丰富的fruitfulIdeal 理想的perfectStandard 标准customaryStrain 疲劳,紧张stressAccordingly 因此,从而consequently Teeming with 充满了,丰富的full of Resemble 类似,模仿appear similar to Postulated 假定,假设suggested Depended 依靠reliedSubscribed 订阅,赞成agreed with Stunning 极好的impressive 感人的,印象深刻的Spawn 产生,制造createPartitioning 分割,划分divisionEnhances 增强,提高increasedTransition 转换,过渡changeIgnited 点燃set on fireEvolution 发展,演化developmentMomentarily 即刻brieflyDepict 描述representAdvent 出现,到来arrivalAffront 侮辱,冒犯insultIntriguing 迷人的fascinatingEndless 无止境的continuous连续的Adequate 充分的,足够的sufficientRather than 胜于instead of 而不是Forage 觅食search for foodIntermittently 间歇地periodically周期性的Furnish 供应,提供provideOscillating 震荡,摇摆swingingUltimately 最终in the endCompelling 强迫地,又说服力的forcefulExceptional 异常地,意外地remarkable 不平常地,显著地Enhancement 增加/进improvementRevitalize 新生bring new life toExecuting 执行,制造producingAllay 减轻,减少reducePermeated 弥漫,渗透spread throughTestimony to 证词/明evidence ofHardiest 坚硬most vigorousFramework 框架,结构structureProlonged 延长的extendedEncounter 遭遇meetFortuitous 偶然的,幸运的luckyThwarted 阻挠,挫败frustrated失败的,落空的Scattered 分散的irregularly distributedBy virtue of 由于because ofCircumscribed 限制restrictedIndeterminate 不确定的uncertainEnveloped 包围着surrounded 环绕地Gradually 逐渐地by degreesAt any rate 无论如何regardless 不管2004.5Tend 照料,照顾care forProvisioning 提供supplyingEdge 优势advantageShielded 保护protectedPrime 主要的principalIncised 切,刻cutDistinctive 与众不同的,独特的uniqueYield 生产produceBartering 交换exchangingSupplanted 取代,替换replacedCharged with 指定到assigned toPrimitive 原始的,简单的undevelopedOn the threshold 在…的开端of at the start of Imitation 模仿,仿造copyingExert 运用,发挥putDurable 耐用的,持久的strongShattered 打碎broken apartDominant 支配的,显性的most common 2004.8Oversaw 监督supervisedDelivered 递送presentedBoasted 以有…而自豪took pride in having Intriguing 迷人的,有趣的fascinatingEndless 无止境的,连续的continuousVersions 版本,译本formsCustomary 通常的,习惯的usualAccording to 根据,取决于depending on Significance 重要性importanceCounter 反对,反击overcomeTransform 改变,转换change Unprecedented 空前的,无前历的not existing beforeHaul 搬运,拖拉loadStrip 剥去,剥夺removeProbe 探查,探测explore2004.10Frown on 不赞成disapproved ofDisseminated 散布,传播spreadSource 来源basisUnchronicled 未记录的unrecordedClues 线索indicationsGave rise to 导致,引起brought about Strikingly 显著地,突出的noticeablyCarried on 实施,执行conducted Necessitated 需要,迫使requiredHence 因此for these reasonsSweep 伸展,延伸extendTechnically 技术上,正式地officially Contemporary 当代的currentFacilitate 促进,帮助,使容易enable Realization 领悟recognitionInaccessible 难接近的,难到达的unreachable Thriving 兴旺的flourishing2005.1Invariably 不变地,总是without exception Superseded 作废的,被取代的replacedSeldom 很少,不常rarelyAdept 熟练的,擅长的skilledDual 双的,双重的double Principal 首要的,最重要的mainStocked 备有suppliedEnsure 保证,确保guaranteeEventually 最后,终于ultimatelyTrapped 捕获,抓到caughtConstituent 成分componentBland 乏味的dullContingent on 视…而定,取决于dependent on Perpetuated 保持continuedWitnessed 目击observed2005. 5Grappled(with)努力,尽力解决struggled Proxy 代理,替代substituteVital 至关重要的,非常必要的necessary Essentially 本质上,实质上basically Complement 补足物replacementNothing more than 不过是,无非是simply Captures 捕获,记录registersOnce 一次,一旦,曾经afterTask 任务,工作jobFostered 培养encouragedNotable 显著的,著名的remarkable Receptive to 善于接受的,能容纳的ready for Emerged 出现developedDeplorable 悲惨的,杂乱的awfulHampered 限制,阻碍restrained2005.8Scarce 缺乏的,稀有的uncommon Lamented 哀悼,控诉,抱怨complained Champion 冠军,拥护者supporterRetain 保持,保留keepGrievances 抱怨,不满complaintsEvidence 证据referenceSchemes 方案,计划systemsSignificant 重要的importantEnhance 增加,加强increaseAlarmed 受惊的,惊恐的frightenedIn particular 尤其,特别especiallyAccurate 精确地,准确的correctExpedition 远征,探险voyageDevised 计划,设计developed。
