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a woman dressed in white
a woman who is dressed in white
The functions of verb-ed form
1. attribute(定语)
当V- ed 放在名词前 或名词后修饰名词,可 以和定语从句互换,放 在名词前相当于adj
2) 一般来说,过去分词放 在名词前可以表示被动的 意思(passive meanings ),有时也可以 表达过去完成的动作 (past meanings) 。
a highly-respected professBiblioteka Baidur
a well-paid job 报酬颇丰的工作
Hand-made furniture 手工制作的家具
a newly-married couple
2. v-ed用在系动词 (link-verbs)之后, 作表语(predicative)
V-ing 与V-ed 作表语的区别
1.They were _d_e_li_g_h_t_e_d to hear thed_e_li_g_h_t_in_gnews.
2. The teacher announced the _e_x_c_it_in__g news with an _e_x_c_it_e_d_voice. (excite)
注意:有些动词如 surprise,confuse, worry,embarrass, frighten等常用过去分词来 修饰人的表情,声音等
an embarrassed look
3. Past participles used as the
Object Complement (宾语补足语)
1.在使役动词后面make, get, have… +宾+宾补(ved)
系动词的分类: 基本形式: Be动词 “似乎类”:seem, appear, look “感觉类”:feel, sound, smell, taste “变成类”:become, go, get, grow,
fall, turn
“仍然 remain, stay, keep
1.听到我通过考试,我爷爷 很开心。 2.爱迪生年轻的时候就对科 学感兴趣。 3.当那个小男孩听说他能去 参加晚会的时候,他看上 去很兴奋。
3.There was a _s_u_r_p_ri_s_e_d_ (surprise) look on his face.
4. When he looked at the _c_o_n_f_u_s_in__g problem, he had ac_o_n_f_u_s_e_d_(confuse) expression on his face.
a broken window a window that/which is broken
a woman_d_r_e_s_s_e_d__in__w_h_i_te___ (穿着白色衣服的)
a picturep_a_in_t_e_d_b_y_Q__i _B_a_is_hi (齐白石画的)
a picture painted by Qibaishi a picture that is painted by Qibaishi
the game,in2012 London Olympics.
The _s_u_r_p_r_is_i_n_g_ (surprise) news
got across to the world and his
fans were _d_i_s_a_p_p_o_i_n_t_e_d
(disappoint) to see it,but they still
1) I had my hair cut yesterday.
2) The teacher spoke slowly and clearly to make himself understood.
3)The classroom is noisy, so he has to raise his voice to make himself heard.
2.在感官动词后面作 宾补
see, hear, feel, watch,
notice ,find… + 宾+宾补(v-ed)
1) 她发现门锁上了。
She found the door
2) We saw the thief _ca_u_g_h_t_b_y__t_he__p_olice
M5u3 Grammar and usage
Verb-ed form
Verb-ing and verb-ed used as adjectives
Liu Xiang is a player _l_o_v_e_d_(love)
by many thousands of fans.
Unluckily ,he got i_n_j_u_re__d(injure) in
4.若v-ed放在stand, sit , lie 等词后,则表示这两个 动作是同时进行。 She lay trapped under the building for three days.
She lay there and was trapped.
The boy sat at the table and was buried in his homework.
the escaped criminal past the developed countries past a widely used language passive the retired scientist past
3) Adv./ n. 可放在过 去分词前,构成复合 词.
a so-called professor
wished him a happy life.
a polluted river • a broken window
a lighted candle
a drunken/ drunk man
a polluted river
a river that/which is polluted