



毕业设计(论文)题目:网络在线考试系统英文题目:Network Online Examination System学生姓名:专业:计算机网络技术班级:指导老师:东华理工大学国际教育学院二零壹零年五月摘要随着计算机技术越来越深入而广泛的应用,无纸化考试实施在技术上已逐步成熟。






关键字:J2EE;在线考试;jspAbstractWith more and more computer technology and extensive application of the technical implementation of paperless examinations has gradually matured. Paperless examination system is an evolving new discipline, any unit to survive is to develop high efficiency of the internal examination organized organically, it must establish its own characteristics compatible with the examination system.The second is the development of network-based J2EE online examination system, mainly jsp and struts1, breaking the original test model, using the framework of existing network resources, a new kind of test platform. Simplify a complex examination of the original operation, it allows students to participate in various examinations and convenient, is no longer any space-time, geographical boundaries. Combining examination of the design of specific development practices graduation, more in-depth analysis of the site's design, development and deployment of the entire process, for later the work has good guidance and reference.Paper structure consists of the following components: First, the analysis of the online examination system status and development trend of the online examination system development model and implementation techniques; Secondly, technical feasibility, develop the outline design software, structural design and detailed design several major modules such as a comprehensive introduction; Finally, the initial completion of the online examination system development.Keywords: J2EE; online exam;目录绪论 (1)1.网络在线考试系统可行性分析 (2) (2) (2) (2) (3) (3) (3) (4)JSP技术简介 (4)JAVA BEAN技术 (5)JDBC技术 (5)MVC设计模式 (6) (7)AJAX技术 (7) (8) (8) (9) (10) (12) (12)前台首页界面 (13)考生信息模块 (13)考生注册 (14)找回密码 (15) (16)在线考试模块 (17)在线考试 (17)我的错题本 (20)成绩查询 (21)后台首页界面 (21) (22) (23) (25) (25) (26) (26) (27) (28)7.结论 (29)致谢 (30)参考文献 (31)绪论在计算机技术、Internet技术迅猛发展形式的推动下,给传统的办学提供了新的模式。



1670 引言在教学过程中,随着科学技术的不断进步,在线考试系统逐渐的普及,且随着在线考试系统的逐渐普及和应用,在很大程度上降低了教师的工作量,促进学校考试工作合理性、公平性以及科学性,不断的提高学校的教学质量,基于Struts以及Hibernste整合框架的在线考试系统,使得在线考试系统的可维护性以及灵活性不断的提高。


1 系统设计需求随着考试管理工作的不断进行,教师、学生以及考务人员对考试系统的应用越来越频繁,随着考试系统的逐渐出现并投入应用,考试系统的运行与维护工作就显得格外重要。



2 系统的功能分析这种系统主要是主要是利用计算机代替人工,以一种更智能化的方式进行在线考试。




根据上述内容,在线考试系统需要做到以下几点:2.1 考生管理此功能主要是对所有考生的基本信息进行管理,可以通过该功能对考生的基本信息进行添加、删除以及修改等、核查考生的基本信息。

基于ASP.NET的在线考试系统的设计与实现 毕业设计论文

基于ASP.NET的在线考试系统的设计与实现  毕业设计论文

基于的在线考试系统的设计与实现-Based online Examination System Design and Implementation摘要随着计算机技术的发展和互联网时代的到来,人们已经步入了信息时代,也有人称为数字化时代。




前端开发平台采用了当今流行的开发工具Microsoft Visual Studio 2008中的 技术,采用C#语言编写代码,采用IIS服务器技术,后端数据库采用SQL Server 2005数据库管理系统。


系统主要实现如下功能:1. 后台管理——负责考前准备,包括注册学生信息维护,试题信息维护,组织生成试卷和成绩管理等模块。

2. 前台管理——实现上机答题,包括学生注册,登陆,答题,交卷、查询等模块。

关键词在线考试 B/S模式 VS2008 SQL Server 2005-Based online Examination System Design and ImplementationAbstract With the development of computer technology and the Internet era, people have entered the information age, it was also known as the digital age. In the digital network environment, the students want personal satisfaction, to learn according to their own circumstances, the teachers hope that the effective improvement of existing test model to improve the efficiency of examinations, educational institutions also want to give students a more comprehensive line of flexible services to fully and accurately track and evaluate students. But the traditional model in the written exam cost savings, environmental protection and other aspects of exposed many shortcomings, the most prominent problem is low efficiency test, waste of human resources, but also pollute the environment is not conducive to our long-term sustainable development strategy."Online Examination System Based on " of the B / S architecture, is running under a network environment management information system software. Front-end development platform using today's popular development tools, Microsoft Visual Studio 2008's technology, using C # language code, using IIS server technology, back-end database using SQL Server 2005 database management system.The main features of the system does not require the client to install any software, the operatorsimply enter the URL in the browser you can log on the server to answer.System to achieve the following main functions:1. Admin - for exam preparation, including maintenance of registered student information, testinformation maintenance, organization and performance management, generation module papers.2. front desk management - to achieve the machine answer, including student registration,landing, turning in an assignment, query modules.Key words Online exam B / S mode VS2005 SQL Server 2005目录第一章概述 (1)1.1 基于的在线考试系统 (1)1.2 开发工具的选择 (1)1.2.1 概述 (1)1.2.2 数据库(SQL Server 2005)概述 (3)1.2.3 SQL Server2005的特性 (3)1.2.4 SQL Server 2005的体系结构 (3)1.2.5 B/S模式概述 (4)第二章可行性研究 (5)2.1 技术可行性 (5)2.1.1 硬件可行性 (5)2.2.2 软件可行性 (5)2.2.3 人员可行性 (5)2.2 经济可行性 (6)2.3 操作可行性 (6)2.4 法律可行性 (6)第三章需求分析 (7)3.1 业务流程调查 (7)3.2 “基于的在线考试系统”业务用例分析 (9)3.3 用例图描述 (10)第四章系统分析 (15)4.1 “基于的在线考试系统”的静态结构 (15)4.2 “基于的在线考试系统”的动态结构 (16)4.3 “基于的在线考试系统”的物理结构 (17)4.4 “基于的在线考试系统”的数据表设计 (18)第五章系统实现 (20)5.1 Web.Config配置文件编写 (20)5.2 数据库操作类Datacon编写 (20)5.3 系统后台主要功能模块设计 (24)5.3.1 后台主要用到的技术 (24)5.3.2 管理员信息模块 (25)5.3.3 管理员修改模块 (27)5.3.4 考试题目模块设计 (29)5.3.5 试题添加模块设计 (30)5.4 系统前台主要功能模块设计 (32)5.4.1 前台界面设计主要应用到技术 (32)5.4.2 考生登录模块设计 (32)5.4.3 考生注册模块设计 (35)5.4.4 考生准备考试模块设计 (36)5.4.5 考生答题模块设计 (36)5.4.6 考生成绩查询模块设计 (41)第六章软件测试 (44)6.1 测试计划 (44)6.1.1 测试目的 (44)6.1.2 测试方法 (44)6.2 测试用例 (44)结论 (47)致谢.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。








系统使用ASP动态网页技术,以VBScript和JavaScript脚本语言和HTML超文本标记语言结合为编写工具,结合SQL server 2000数据库技术开发。


通过ASP我们可以结合HTML 网页、JavaScript、ASP指令和ActiveX控件建立动态、交互且高效的web服务器应用程序。


【关键词】网上考试系统ASP SQL ServerABSTRACTWith the development of computer network technique and network education, the traditi onal test form cannot meet the n eeds of moder n developme nt. Therefore, little by little, the traditi onal test is replaced by the on-l ine test. The computer on-l ine exam in ati on, gradi ng and so on so as to separateteach ing from testi ng, to a degree, which reduces huma n factors and the workload of teachers. The desig n of the on-I ine exam in atio n system is based on the above purposes.Accord ing to the dema nding an alysis of the school exam in ati ons, the system adopts the design thinking of modularization and of the user power in managing to divide the system functions into modules. It realizes the total functions about the basic information man ageme nt of exam in ees; to update the questio n database; to produce exam in ati on papers automatic; to evaluate exam in ati on papers automatic; exam in ees could exam on li ne and also could check the past exam in ati on results, and so on.. This article makes a detail illustration on how to design the system and make it come true, especially to completed the specific fun ctio n modules.The system uses the ASP dyn amic homepage tech no logy, and compiles the tool VBScript and JavaScript as script Ianguage and union the HTML hypertext mark Ian guage, un ifies SQL server 2000 database tech no logy to develop. ASP is a Microsoft development environment for server-side script, which includes the IIS. Through the ASP, we can comb ine HTML pages,ASP and ActiveX comma nd set up to create dyn amic, in teractive and efficie nt web server applicati ons. With ASP, you do not worry about whether the clie nt browser to run the code we write, because all of the code will run in the server, i nclud ing all embedded in ordinary HTML in scripts.【Key words] : Exami nation On li ne System ASP SQL Server目录刖言.................................... -1 -第一章开发工具的概述........................... -2 -第一节ASP的简介 ............................ -2 -第二节D REAMWEAVE MX200牟勺简介................... -2 -第三节SQLS ERVER数据库简介...................... -3 -第二章系统分析.............................. -4 -第一节系统需求分析............................. -4 -一、实现教师网上组卷.......................... -4 -二、实现学生网上答卷.......................... -4 -三、实现试题库维护........................... -4 -第二节可行性分析.............................. -5 -一、技术可行性.............................. -5 -二、经济可行性............................ -5 -三、操作可行性.............................. -5 -第三节系统基本功能............................ -6 -一、教师用户功能............................ -6 -二、学生用户功能............................ -7 -第四节系统业务分析............................ -7 -一、考生考试模块............................ -7 -二、教师管理模块............................. -7 -第五节系统数据分析............................ -9 -一、科目管理数据流程图......................... -9 -二、试题管理数据流程图.......................... -9 -三、试卷管理数据流程图......................... -10 -第三章系统的总体设计............................. -12 -第一节主要功能模块............................. -12 -一、后台管理:............................. -12 -二、考试功能:............................. -12 -第二节系统数据库分析与设计......................... -12 -一、 主登录界面设计 ......................... -18 -二、 教师登录界面设计 ....................... -21 -第二节教师管理员模块 ............................一、 试卷管理模块(adminsubject.asp ) .............................. - 22 -二、 题库管理模块(adminhouse.asp ) ................................. - 24 -三、 试卷生成模块(adminpaper.asp ) ................................. - 27 -四、 考试信息模块(adminsentnotice.asp ) ..................... - 29五、 考生信息管理模块(adminuser.asp ) ..................... - 29 -第三节实现普通考生考试界面(SUBJECTAS P ......................................一、 选择试卷和考试界面设计 ...................... -30 -二、 查询成绩界面 .......................... -34 -第五章系统测试 ................................第一节系统使用方法 ..............................第二节系统测试 ................................一、 模块测试 ............................. -35 -二、 确认测试 ............................ -35 -三、 系统测试 ............................. -35 -第三节系统维护 ................................一、 数据维护 ............................. -36 -二、 代码维护 ............................. -36 -三、 软件维护 ............................. -36 -总结 ....................................致谢 ....................................参考文献 .................................附录 ....................................一、 英文原文 ...............................二、 英文翻译 ...............................三、 源代码 .............................................. 错误! 第四章系统设计与实现 .............................第一节登录界面的设计 .............................-18 - -18 - -22 - -30 - -35 - -35 - -35 - -36 - -37 - -38 - -39 - -40 - -40 -45 - 未定义书签。







关键词:ASP技术,SQL语句,VBScript,Access数据库This text expounds the fact one has an examination systematic design and realizes online. Discussion step that software development need, spend and comparatively exhaustive development structural frame and distribution map of course, have analyzed structural frame and system block-diagram and function block-diagram of the online examination system, construct module two major module of the super user's module and ordinary user. Super user include user information management , test subject management , examination question manage three major parts in the module among them, user informofer include registration of users, deal with user information, revise user information, inquire score, add user module again in the module among them. Ordinary user include test subject of choosing , participate in examination , go over examination papers , produce answer , sub function module of withdrawing from etc. automatically in the module.Keywords:ASP,SQL,VBScript,Access引言网络技术发展到今天,以前许多需要以其他方式,通过许多复杂的步骤来完成的事情都可以通过网络,利用计算机的处理来完成。



A NOVEL WEB-BASED ONLINE EXAMINATIONSYSTEM FORCOMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATIONYuan Zhenming1, Zhang Liang2, Zhan Guohua3AbstractWeb-based Examination System is an effective solution for mass education evaluation. We have developed a novel online examination system based on a Browser/Server framework which carries out the examination and auto-grading for objective questions and operating questions, such as programming, operating Microsoft Windows, editing Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint, etc. It has been successfully applied to the distance evaluation of basic operating skills of computer science, such as the course of computer skills in Universities and the nationwide examination for the high school graduates in Zhejiang Province, China.1. WEB-BASED ONLINE EXAMINATION SYSTEM1.1The aim of the examination systemAs a universal examination system for the education of basic computer operation, it must meet the following requirements:1. A reasonable question storage, which must conform to the general outline of the exam.2. A practical interface. There are two types of exam interfaces. One is the simulation, the other is the actual environment. The second scheme will give the student computer skills.3. A range of question types, such as objective questions, operating questions, design questions, information retrieval, group testing, etc.4. A safety and reliable examination system.1.2 The components of WOESThe Web based Online Examination System (WOES) is a multi-layer system which is composed of the Web Server, Database Server, and WOES middleware Server, WOES client module and Browser, such as Internet Explorer. In this system, we use the Internet Information Server 4.0(IIS) as the Web Server, the Database Server is Microsoft SQL Server 7.0.The kernel of WOES is the WOES middleware Serve and the WOES client module, which is designed according to Microsoft DCOM standards. DCOM is the binary COM object’s extension jointing LAN, WAN and Internet, which can instance and bind objects over different network. It is an advanced network protocol used to cooperate with COM based components of two processes in different locations. The WOES middleware Server is a server-side component The WOES middleware Server is a server-side component providing communication interfaces between WOES clients and the Web Server or Database Server. The WOES client is a client-side component, which is called by the Browser to control the client computer and submit or receive information from the WOES Server. This technology guarantees the flexibility and the potential for extension of the test system. In addition, it allows access to local files, whereas in conventional systems, the IE security prevents such access.1.3 The key technologies of WOES1. A user-friendly interfaceWe use br owser as our user’s interface. The Browser interface has a uniform and consistent user interface. Almost everyone is able to use it skillfully. Therefore it can eliminate the differences of various exam systems and guarantee a fair test.2. Simplified system maintenanceSince the system is based on Browser/Server architecture, the teacher can update the system or the question database o examine the student’s database only in Server. It is not necessary to update the client system as the Client/Server must do.3. Central examination managementProfiting from the central controlled system, the teacher can easily control the examination process, such as the beginning and end of the exam, collecting the answers and monitoring the students’ conditions on the te acher’s screen.4. SecurityThe most severe difficulty which the B/S based system faces is security, because in principle the web-based examination system can be accessed on the Internet or WAN in a city.All the questions, materials and answers are transmitted in bits stream format after encoding, not in file format. It can ensure not only security in the transmission process, but also protect from invasion.When one student starts his test, the system will distribute him a password produced according to his client’s hardware and operation system environment. It can prevent cribbers to login from other clients imitating this student.The newest method to prevent the distant student from leaving the client or is making use of face detection and recognition technology. Before the start of the exam, the student is asked to sit in front of thecomputer camera, which can monitor the whole scene. Then the system will automatically recognize the student’s face and his identification. As soon as the validation is performed, the student must stay in front of the camera until the exam is finished.2. AUTO-GRADING SYSTEMThe auto-grading system can automatically grade the answers, which are collected from the examination system. It helps teachers to achieve the score with ease.There are two types of the grading: objective questions and operating questions. Objective questions, such as choice questions, yes/no questions, and fill-in questions, can be graded effectively by accurate matching or fuzzy matching. But it is difficult to grade operating questions by simple matching technologies.A possible solution could be: Reading the answer file directly and comparing it to the key file. But this is not practical because the format of Microsoft Office files is complicated.Another solution is: (2) grading by using the Office OLE object. This method is convenient and efficient, but it has a big disadvantage: the source code of the grading system is closely related to the concrete question, which results in a large amount of work when the questions are changed.We propose a universalized grading system, which is carried out on the basis of a database of key knowledge.First, we extract all possible knowledge points and store them in a triple form: (key, value, location). Then we produce the question file by labeling the question point directly on it; the system will add the corresponding question key to the standard key library. So, the last process of auto-grading system is to compare the answer file with the standard key library. The auto-grading system also allows the teacher to add his /her own questions to our examination system.3. CONCLUSIONWe have developed an overall solution to the examination system for practical computer skills. It provides a user- friendly platform of various questions for the basic computer education in Universities. Hundreds of thousands of students and teachers have used this system and agree that it has effectively raised the learning and testing efficiency.一种新型的基于web的在线考试系统Yuan Zhenming1, Zhang Liang2, Zhan Guohua3摘要基于web的在线考试系统是大众教育评估的一种有效解决方法。



郑州大学毕业设计(论文)题目:在线考试系统指导教师:学生姓名:学号:专业: 计算机科学与技术(软件工程)院(系):信息工程学院完成时间:2010/4/172010年04 月17 日在线考试系统摘要:在线考试系统(NES)是使用javaEE 和ss2h框架开发的一个基于Web的在线考试平台,目标是为公司的招聘人才进行初次检验。




关键字:java EE,ss2h ,NES,Spring ,Struts2,Hibeinate,Mysql,在线考试系统Abstact:Online examination system (NES) is that one using java EE and ss2h frame to develop is based on Web to have an examination in the platform online,the goal is examined for the first time for the recruitment talents of the company. Having it's time for and had an examination the platform and included examinee’s having an examination,users manage, manage in examination, the paper is managed, the exam pool is managed, a lot of functions that the report form is managed,etc。



C语言在线考试系统的设计第一章开发简介1. 需求分析目前,在高校的实际环教学环节中,仍然过分依赖于传统的面授形式,对于网络的开发和应用的程度远远不够。
















附件1:外文原文A Novel Web-Based Automatic teaching system For ComputerScience EducationAbstractWeb-based Automatic teaching system is an effective solution for mass education evaluation. We have developed a novel Automatic teaching system based on aBrowser/Server framework which carries out the examination and auto-grading for objective questions and operating questions,such as programming,operating Microsoft Windows,editing Microsoft Word,Excel and PowerPoint,etc. It has been successfully applied to the distance evaluation of basic operating skills of computer science,such as the course of computer skills in Universities and the nationwide examination for the high school graduates in Zhejiang Province,China.Index TermsExamination system,Auto-grading system,Web-based,DCOM1. IntroductionIn China, the education for basic computer operating skills has been broadly launched. The skills include the operating of Windows, MS Office, Networking skills, etc., which are the foundation of a combination of different courses, as well as of electronic-government. Now, every undergraduate must pass the course of the Computer skills, while every civil servant must pass the corresponding Computer Operating Exams. Furthermore, the basic computer education in high schools is in process. Since the late 1990’s, hundreds of thousands of people have taken part in different levels of computer education and testing in Zhejiang Province. It is necessary to build a Web-based learning and examination system for such a large number of people,as an effective solution to mass learning and evaluation of basic computer education.Several Web-based learning and testing systems have been designed, such as WebCT[1], QUIZIT[2], ASSYST[3], and PILOT[4]. The most widely used question types of the Web-based examination system are objective tests and quizzes which assume simple answers that can be formally checked and easily evaluated online. The typicalquestions are limited to yes/no questions, multiple -choice/singleanswer questions, multiple-choice/multiple-answer questions, and fill-in questions with a string and numeric answer.[5] Richer types of answers in these systems need to be graded manually by the course graders or the instructors. In addition, these systems do not support testing operating skills, such asWindows printer setup operation and Word editing, etc. in the client computer.Our examination system for basic computer operating skills has the following characteristics: (1) The question types include not only objective questions, but also operating questions as Windows, MS Word, MS Excel, Internet skills, etc. (2) The goal of the learning and testing system is to train the practical skills. As a result, operating and testing in the actual environment of the client machine is the best learning method. (3) It is urgent to develop an automatic grading system which can grade the operating questions as well as the objective ones. However, the previous Web-based learning and testing system cannot support such functions.We have developed a novel Automatic teaching system based on a Browser/Server framework using state-of-art computer technologies, which carries out the examinations for basic computer operating skills including objective tests, Visual Basic programming, Microsoft Windows operating , Word, Excel and PowerPoint editing, Internet and Email skills, etc. It has also implemented automatic grading online.2. System ArchitectureOur web-based examination system is a distributed collaborative system which is based on DCOM technology. It has four major components : the examination preparation system, the examination system, the examination monitor system and the auto-grading system.The preparation system is used to manage question storage, assign test ID and schedule the test. The question database is composed of the questions, a set of possible answers, the question types and other metadata, which are indexed by several factors, such as topics, keywords, complexity and difficulty, etc. The database is open to teachers, allowing them to add questions and answers by template.The examination System is a web-based testing interface for students , called WOES , which include the following key features: client side control, time control,security control and auto-installation. Benefiting from DCOM technology, the system can install and update itself conveniently, better than the C/S framework. Because the system is established on the Web, the systematic security faces a severe challenge. We guarantee the security by cryptography, real-time monitoring system and data transmission encryption. The cryptography is used to validate student identification before testing.The real-time monitoring system requires students not to leave the computer during the test by face tracking technology. The data transmission encryption system transmits the examination question and result in secret form through the network to the server. The examination monitor system is also the manager of the examination system, by which we can monitor the test processing, carry out test ID statistic and collect the answers, etc.The auto-grading system is designed by the fuzzy matching algorithm and the macro programming technology, which is seasoned with variable question types.3. Web-Based Automatic teaching System3.1 The aim of the examination systemAs a universal examination system for the education of basic computer operation, it must meet the following requirements:[6]1. A reasonable question storage, which must conform to the general outline of the exam.2. A practical interface. There are two types of exam interfaces. One is the simulation, the other is the actual environment. The second scheme will give the student more flexibility because of the practical nature of computer skills.3. A range of question types , such as objective questions, operating questions, design questions, information retrieval, group testing, etc.4. A safety and reliable examination system.3.2 The components of WOESThe Web based Automatic teaching System (WOES) is a multi-layer system which is composed of the Web Server, Database Server, WOES middleware Server, WOES client module and Browser, such as Internet Explorer. In this system, we use the Internet Information Server 4.0(IIS) as the Web Server, the Database Server is Microsoft SQL Server 7.0.The kernel of WOES is the WOES middleware Server and the WOES client module, which is designed according to Microsoft DCOM standards. DCOM is the binary COM object’s extension jointing LAN, WAN and Internet, which can instance and bind objects over different network. It is an advanced network protocol used to cooperate with COM based components of two processes in different locations. The WOES middleware Server is a server-side component providing communication interfaces between WOES clients and the Web Server or Database Server. The WOES client is a client-side component which is called by the Browser to control the client computer and submit or receive information from the WOES Server. This technology guarantees the flexibility and the potential for extension of the test system. In addition, it allows access to local files, whereas in conventional systems, the IE security prevents such accessBenefiting from DCOM, the WOES clients can be downloaded or updated automatically from WOES middleware Server on the Internet. They can also move from one client to the other and communicate with the WOES Server. The system acts like an Agent society, which is a centralized Agent system controlled by only the WOES Server.3.3 The key technologies of WOES1. A user-friendly interfaceWe use browser as our user’s interface. The Browser interface has a uniform and consistent user interface. Almost everyone is able to use it skillfully. Therefore it can eliminate the differences of various exam systems and guarantee a fair test.2. Simplified system maintenanceSince the system is based on Browser/Server architecture, the teacher can update the system or the question database or examine the student’s database only in Server. It is not necessary to update the client system as the Client/Server must do.3. Central examination managementProfiting from the central controlled system, the teacher can easily control the examination process, such as the beginning and end of the exam, collecting the answers and monitoring the students’ conditions on the teacher’s screen.4. SecurityThe most severe difficulty which the B/S based system faces is security, because in principle the web-based examination system can be accessed on the Internet or WAN in a city.A ll the question s, materials and answers are transmitted in bits stream format after encoding, not in file format. It can ensure not only security in the transmission process, but also protect from invasion.When one student starts his test, the system will distribute him a password produced according to his client’s hardware and operation system environment. It can prevent cribbers to login from other clients imitating this student.T he newest method to prevent the distant student from leaving the client or is making use of face detection and recognition technology. Before the start of the exam, the student is asked to sit in front of the computer camera which can monitor the whole scene. Then the system will automatically recognize the student’s face and his identification. As soon as the validation is performed, the student must stay in front of the camera until the exam is finished.4. Auto-Grading SystemThe auto-grading system can automatically grade theanswers, which are collected from the examination system . It helps teachers to achieve the score with ease.There are two types of the grading: objective questions and operating questions. Objective questions, such as choice questions, yes/no questions, and fill-in questions, canbe graded effectively by accurate matching or fuzzy matching. But it is difficult to grade operating questions by simple matching technologies. A possible solution could be: (1) Reading the answer file directly and comparing it to the key file. But this is not practical because the format of Microsoft Office files is complicated. Another solution is: (2) grading by using the Office OLE object. This method is convenient and efficient, but it has a big disadvantage: the source code of the grading system is closely related to the concrete question, which results in a large amount of work when the questions are changed.We propose a universalized grading system which is carried out on the basis of a database of key knowledge.First, we extract all possible knowledge points and store them in a triple form: (key, value, location). Then we produce the question file by labeling the question point directly on it; the system will add the corresponding question key to the standard key library. So, the last process of autograding system is to compare the answer file with the standard key library. The auto-grading system also allows the teacher to add his /her own questions to our examination system.5. ConclusionWe have developed an overall solution to the examination system for practical computer skills . It provides a userfriendly platform of various questions for the basic computer education in Universities, civil servant training and nationwide examination for high school graduates in jiangsu Province, Hundreds of thousands of students and teachers have used this system and agree that it has effectively raised the learning and testing efficiency.。



毕业设计说明书英文文献及中文翻译班姓学专业:指导教师:外文资料:Regard along with the network technology daily popularization and the information construction, now the school generally all compounded the test safe monitoring equipment, and has built the management information system in this foundation, to information construction positive impetus function. But has the software construction in the practical work to fall behind the phenomenon which constructs to the hardware, for example, the education administration level also pauses to examinee's inspection in the traditional test pattern, not only the efficiency is low, moreover also has many malpractices, creates the information resource the waste.Test non- paper, network, not only can effectively reduce the correlation personnel's work load, the better use computer and the network superiority, enhances the working efficiency, also can fairly cause the test, to be fair. Based on this kind of demand, we developed set of performance stably for the test design, safe have been reliable the network which, the ease of operation was allowed to satisfy massively simultaneously uses to take a test the system. Causes the test the security, fairness, fair greatly to enhance. After this system actual movement uses, effect good, not only greatly advanced the test information construction advancement, moreover causes the school to examinee's inspection more scientific, air, fair, to be highly effective and the network.The network test system should be able to satisfy the massive examinees in any place, any time all can participate in the test, and automatic judgment result. Through to the test service demand multianalysis, the main function which this system should provide as follows:1) The examinee may on-line carry on the test, after the test had finished by computer automatic judgment score, and the recording result, the examinee also may examine the standard answer. If the test time, the system automatic prompt completes anassignment and stops doing answers.2) The teacher may on-line establish the revision question bank, revises the examinee individual material, and monitors the examination place situation and so on.3) the manager may on-line establish reference material and so on the examinee, teacher, the verification question bank, arranges the examinee to take a test, revises the examinee and the examination place condition, inquires the examinee to take a test the result, monitors the examination place situation as well as the establishment test project with tests the test question number and so on.Moreover for the guarantee test fair, is fair, the examination paper test question stochastically extracts by the computer from the question bank. For strictly will cease the test to cheat the behavior, the system later is best also should provide the function which the fingerprint confirmation will register.Its main flow is: After the user basis is authorized registers, the system basis user jurisdiction difference, establishes the corresponding operation. After the train attendant registers may carry on the test, operation and so on examination result and standard answer; After the teacher registers may carry on revises operation and so on examinee's individual material, revision question bank, revision user password as well as monitoring test situation; After the manager registers besides has teacher's all functions, but also may carry on the verification question bank (only has verified question bank only then to be allowed to carry on test),establishment operation and so on test time, inquiry, printing test result.Also may establish following several items:Test workstation: Carries on the test to the examinee the customer end procedure. Mainly provided has carried on according to the system disposition stochastically sets the topic of a composition, the confirmation registers, test function and so on time prompt, automatic judgment result, examination test result as well as standard answer. Test workstation divides into the customer end procedure and the Web way in the realization way, former allows the examinee (support touches screen test pattern) through the customer end procedure the way to carry on the test, latter allows theexaminee to carry on the test through the test special-purpose network.The test establishes the workstation: Carries on the establishment tote test service the customer end procedure. Mainly provided the revision question bank, the verification question bank, revised the examinee material, establishes the examinee/examination place condition, the inquiry/printing test result, the question bank inducts/derives function and so on function as well as monitoring test situation.Test application server: Network on-line test system application server. Mainly has realized the data cushion and the test service logic seal and duplicate uses the function, is takes a test the workstation, the test establishes the workstation and the database server connection. Has provided the rich connection using the server, may increase or the reduced service rule through the module way, considered later will take a test the service promotion, also should reserve the new test type connection using the server level, will cause later the system to expand conveniently. Moreover, for guarantee test effectiveness, using server support hot backup database server pattern, namely if presently is using the database server breaks down, then in the system disposition reserve database server automatic cutover for the current database server, all these is does not know in the user with in the intervention situation carries on. Through application server level effectiveness, truly caused the test service to achieve the use easily, the function formidable, the performances table, the modular degree was strong, has satisfied the new time to an information construction higher request.Furthermore, considered the system the stability with carries out the efficiency, in the analysis network configuration foundation, the system later might select distributional three C/S and B/S will mix with the overhead construction method, namely: The examinee if miscarries on the test in this section, may choose the C/S structure to touch the screen test and the examination site test pattern; If the examinee is carries on the test in the outside areas, may choose the B/S structure the examination site test pattern.The network on-line test system needs to carry on the data through the network the transmission, therefore applies the server, the Web server and the database serversecurity must from the system design time carries on the plan. We might use below the security measure:1) In stalls the reliable firewall, carries on the effective containment to the exterior malicious attack.2) The server (including applies server, database server and the Web server) the hard disk district transformation is the NTFS form, open sure sportive jurisdiction according to the different demand for the user.3) May write the essential code the DLL module, not only streng the need the security, simultaneously also caused the system the modular degree to strengthen, enhanced the system performance.4) May carry on two times of encryptions in the database to the essential data.5) 2,000 data backups with restores the function using SQL the SERVER, guarantees the database information the integrity and the security.The current software quite popular system structural model mainly has: C/S structural model and B/S structural model. These two kinds of structures may divide into two with the multilayered overhead con saturation, the main difference lies in whether has used them idle ware (for example COM+ or CORBA) comes the overhead construction to apply the server level. This structural model unified distributional multilayered C/S and the B/S merit designs, divides into the customer level, business logic level and the data level in the usual situation.Customer level: Below mainly uses for to satisfy the overall system each kind of visit demand and processes works: The receive user's in put, carries on the analysis inspection to user's input and makes corresponding processing; Sends out the data to the server to request that, demonstrated by movement result which transmits using the server. The customer level usually is composed by the customer advancement, the customer advancement mainly includes the advancement in this model which the IE browser dynamic foundation the advancement as well as the customer end test workstation founds and so on.Business logic level: Will be responsible to receive the request which will transmitfrom the customer end or the tour and to request will bequeath the first floor to carry on processing, simultaneously will request the processing result transmission for the customer end or the brow ser. Business logic level advancement mainly is composed bymiddle ware MTS/COM+ as well as some related processing advancements.Microsoft Corporation has promoted Windows DNA under the Windows platform (Distributed inter Net Application Architecture, distribution network application structure) strategy. Takes Windows COM+ in the DNA strategy the middleware. In the Windows 2,000 above operating systems, COM+ has become a system part. COM+ was the intermediate level has characteristic provided the load balance, the object pond (Object Pooling), business characteristic and so on a series of force support, and the procedure which worked in COM+ receives the operating system the protection, thus the biggest guarantee system security, stable and was highly effective.In this model, mainly through the ADO realization data dynamic ration, ADO is the Microsoft current mainstream data accessing module, compares with the former data accessing technology, it has provided the extremely simple object model, and has sealed the complex first floor visit technology. Data level: Mainly provides the digital data service for business logic level, like the stored datum operating result, returns to the data retrieval result and so on.This structural model has overcome two C/S malpractice, fully has used distributional multilayered C/S and the multilayered B/S merit, extremely good has used the existing network resources, and is to the existing network resources effective integration, the use as well as the expansion.Then what is XML?XML (eXtended Markup Language) is one kind of mark language, likes HTML which we is familiar with to be same, but the XML label is according to own needs to come by the people to have custom-made, in other words, any word and the character all may do for the label uses, so long as can the accurate expression data attribute. The accurate expression data meaning is the biggest advantage which XML brings. Moreover, the XML use text mode saves its form, is advantageous for between the procedure, the operating system links up, the exchange, the adapt ion at present the Internet development. XML appeared the short several years to obtain the widespread application, at present newly promotes software nearly could support XML. For example MicrosoftNet series software, Office series software and so on. Does not leave for several years, XML can replace HTML to become on Internet the standard mark language?This system if introduces the XML language expression data the advantage, is causes in the system the customer end data demonstration and the system processing data separation, reduces the development system complex, reduces the system process time, reduces the network transmission quantity, thus enhances the system to carry out the efficiency. The unified modeling language (Unified Modeling Language, UML) is the object-oriented software standardized modeling language. Because its simple, is unified, also can express in the software design the tendency and the static information, at present already became the visible modeling language in fact industry standard.From enterprise information system to base on Web distributional application, even is strict real-time inserts the type system all suitably to come in handy UML to come the modeling. This is one kind of rich expression strength language, may describe each kind of view which the development needs, then take this as foundation assembly system. This system if introduces UML the main superiority enhances the software development efficiency, reduces the development time, saves the development cost. Take the UML language modeling should be by Rational Corporation's Rose tool as best. But Rose quite expensive, and Rose quite is huge, uses is not too convenient. Borland Corporation produces the ModelMaker modeling tool not only supports, moreover also has its original place in the object modeling. Therefore the modeling tool selects ModelMaker.翻译随着网络技术的日益普及和信息化建设的出视,现在学校普遍都配制了考试安全监控设备,并在此基础上搭建了管理信息系统,对信息化建设起到了积极的推动作用。



在线考试系统的开发基于BIS结构关键词:在线考试系统;JSP;数据库;B / S概要:随着互联网技术的发展,网络教育学院和公司已经开发出一种WWW-based远程教育系统。













在线考试的一个优点是它基于B / S结构可以动态地管理各种考试信息。











Servlet是用Java语言编写的服务器端扩展Java applet服务器上运行的功能。



目录摘要 (1)引言 (1)1. 绪论 (1)1.1课题背景 (1)1.2国内外研究的现状 (2)1.3课题设计的意义 (2)1.4设计方法 (2)2. 系统需求分析 (3)2.1系统功能需求分析 (3)2.2系统模块和数据流图 (4) (4) (4) (5)3. 系统数据库设计 (6)3.1系统的E-R图设计 (6)3.2数据表的创建 (7)4. 系统功能的设计与实现 (8)系统登陆界面的设计 (9)4.2生成考题模块的设计 (10)4.3生成试卷模块的设计 (11)4.4考生在线考试模块的设计 (11)4.5老师评卷模块的设计 (12)5. 总结 (13)参考文献 (13)网上考试系统的设计与实现姓名:张晓宁学号:201015060224学院:计算机科学与技术学院专业:软件工程指导教师:朱变职称:讲师摘要:本论文的主要工作是设计并实现一个在线考试系统。


在服务器端,系统平台采用Windows XP,数据库平台采用SQL Server 2005,采用ASP技术实现用户界面层设计。


关键词:在线考试;题库;试卷;动态生成The design and implementation of online examination system Abstract:The present paper prime task is designs and realizes an online test system. Use the online test system, the examination paper dynamic production, uses the computer to sentence the volume automatically, enhances greatly examines test papers the efficiency. In the server end, the system platform uses Windows XP, the database platform uses SQL Server 2005, uses the ASP technology realization user boundary layer design. Use the manager, the teacher, the examinee three level of authorization ways, enhances the system safety.Key Words:online examination; database; test; dynamic generation引言随着Internet/Intranet技术的飞速发展,基于Web的开发技术得到了极大的应用。









一位与会者指出,安全应该被设计成每一个物联网产品,在发展的每个阶段, 包括“在设计周期的早期的技术。






在这些情况下,公司超越了Android和IOS操作系统提供的设置,所以,SSL 加密不是正确实施。












关键词:系统需求分析;软件开发;可行性分析;需求获取;需求分析;需求规格说明ABSTRACTXXX analysis in are development。


the background and significance of the research are introduced。

and then the contents of feasibility analysis。

requirement n。

XXX the research。

we found that system XXX role in are development。

which can help XXX and quality of are development.Keywords: XXX。

are development。

feasibility analysis。

requirement n。

requirement analysis。

requirement n1.绪论1.1 研究背景随着信息技术的不断发展和应用,软件已经成为现代社会不可或缺的一部分。



1.2 研究意义系统需求分析是软件开发过程中的重要环节,它能够帮助开发人员更好地理解用户需求,从而提高软件开发效率和质量。


2.系统需求分析2.1 可行性分析在系统需求分析的过程中,可行性分析是非常重要的一步。







关键词:在线考试系统,面向对象,JSP,MySQLAbstract:With the continuous advancement and development of Internet technology, many traditional learning and education methods are gradually changing. Among them, the application of online examination system has become an important form of examination. This paper takes the online examination system as the research object, and mainly explores the functional requirements, system design and implementation process of the system. In the system design process, the object-oriented design concept is adopted, and JSP technology and MySQL database are used to implement the system.Keywords: online examination system, object-oriented, JSP, MySQL1 引言随着互联网技术的发展和普及,越来越多的教育和考试机构开始使用在线考试系统来进行考试。



附录Based on B/S ETAS on-line test system deliberatingBased on B/S ETAS on-line test system deliberating Along with the computer and its the network technology rapid development and the social information level unceasing enhancement, the computer surveyed and appraises the process also to obtain the widespread application in the education. The computer assistance appraisal in the education, the teaching and in the study appraisal process application, has initiated the appraisal content, the method and the form profound transformation. The development, the application can gather the education to evaluate after testing the theory, the method and the modern information technology method on-line evaluates after testing the system, provides for the student individuality study "nimble, convenient, scientific, is fair" "individually melts the study to evaluate after testing the service", has become the education front specially is a important task which the general distance learnings worker faces.Has developed distance learning 20 for many years, has obtained the rich experience in the distance learning aspect, receives the Ministry of Education and the education profession highly takes. Since in 1999, the development "the talented person raise pattern reform and the opening have educated the experiment site" the project, on the one hand positively explores teaching aspect the and so on management pattern, teaching method, teaching method reform, simultaneously also positively is developing the curriculum to evaluate after testing the way the reform, adapts the distance learning development as well as the talented person raise pattern reform and the opening educates the experiment site the need. Therefore, has developed "the on-line test system".The ETAS on-line test system has fully manifested the open design thought. The system not only can load bearing each kind of curriculum (or has custom-made inspection content, like each kind of non- school record education training) the question bank, the volume storehouse or the single wrap examination paper, the implementation curriculum (or has custom-made inspection content) test. Thequestion bank, the volume storehouse or the single wrap examination paper may carry on maintenance as necessary and so on increase, deletion, revision; The data transmission support many kinds of ways, in the network unobstructed situation may through the Internet direct transmission, also may the data which is going to transmit after the network not unobstructed situation pack the encryption to progress the good data transmission the copy to each kind of storage device; The teacher (or appraisal) and the study may register in the certain jurisdiction every time; The system support many kinds of registers for the way, including on-line registers for, the examination site registers for, the single registers for, the batch inducts, the test registration nimble is convenient.The test system evaluates after testing the system since, also is long-distance evaluates after testing the management system management system. Its design based on the graduation school, the level-to-level administration management mechanism, uses the multistage system constitution. The central administrative center is the overall system control center, the provincial level administrative center is this system data relay and the processing center, the examination site is the systematic most basic unit, is directly organizes the examinee to carry on the registration, the test, the collection information terminal. All levels of systems may increase the test content under the certain condition, carries on in the assignment jurisdiction the test organization, simultaneously, the collection formulation test plan, the examinee registration, the examination place arrangement, the examination place management, the examinee take a test, examines test papers with flow and so on result output issue is a body, has had the distance learning management function. These functions realizations enable this system to have the superiority which the campus on-line test system did not have.The system formulation test plan nimble is convenient, can assign the test the time, the test subject, the test use question bank or the volume storehouse, as well as inspection content and test question difficulty and so on; In order to achieve the test secure request, the data encryption uses the multistage encryption the way, defined the question bank and the volume storehouse only can open a time in the test process, strengthened the question bank secrecy. The system broke through the most computers test system topic to be unitary also only to have the objective test question the shortcoming, supported the many kinds of test questions type, the objective test question including the list selected topic, the multi- selected topics, the choice filledup the topic, the judgement topic, fills up the topic, the subjective test question included: The large-scale idea mathematics problem, the medium idea mathematics problem, the small idea mathematics problem, the elaboration topic, Jan answer, the case analysis topic, the solid service topic, the synthesis synthesis. Moreover, but also may hang meets like the IT kind of curriculum simulation experiment, greatly strengthened the system extension and the usability. The system use test question attribute expressed between the test question relations, the test question attribute has the incompatible topic, contains the topic, the smooth topic and so on, scientifically causes the group volume to be effective. The system use knowledge spot, the difficulty, the discrimination, the exposure time many kinds of parameters control test question, carries on the science the group volume, also guarantees the test fairness, also effectively prevented the student cheats the behavior occurrence. The system grades, the objective test question automatically comments reads, the subjective test question transmission comments reads the center to comment reads, and can carries on passing an examination rate to the examinee and the test question, cheats the situation, lacks tests the situation, the result section distribution, test question responding rate and so on the many kinds of statistical analysis, forms to the teaching effective feedback. Considers the examination place partial software and hardware environment the non- unity, but the examination place are partial also is the test important link, the reliability is the system design priority target, in the system uses the data backup machine to preserve all examinees' test result, guaranteed student's test machine in the power cut, dying machine and so on in the situation, can restore to the normal test condition, guaranteed examinee's test data cannot lose.After the system development completes, first has carried on the experiment site in the Beijing TV University. January 15-18, 2003, the Beijing TV University has carried on the WTO knowledge course curriculum test using the test system, altogether had 1,081 people to participate in the test, has supposed three examination places (engine room), has carried on 45 tests. The test carries on very smoothly, does not have any exceptionally.After the Beijing TV University experiment site, starts in the TV University system promotion use, the selection curriculum to cover the region to be broad, but reference population relative less "accounting" and "business management" specialized degree English curriculum. In June 28 on 29th, "business management" and "accounting" specialized degree English on-line test official hold. 42 TVUniversity 180 examination site, 440 numbers of showings, 12,063 people participate in the test, because the entire day power cut, the subordinate branch school outside examination site except the Guangdong Zhongshan examination site because the examination place is unable to induct the examination site arrangement test not to complete, other examination site all quite smoothly have completed the test. On December 7 on 8th, saved the school, 135 examination site, 11,215 examinees in 44 has carried on the second degree test, did not have any exceptionally.After the test had ended, each measure unit to be used believed, ETAS on-line test system design thought advanced, system various modules function complete, movement safe reliable, the operation is simple. The on-line test overcame the traditional test malpractice, the examinee has stochastically obtained the test question on the computer, completed the test, substituted formerly took a test sets the topic of a composition, printing, delivered the topic, the test, receives the volume, grades, ascends classifies a series of operating process, caused the test process to change conveniently, is highly effective, quickly, simultaneously also reduced the test cost, was worth promoting the application.After the test the examinee responded that, Through on-line carries on the test using the computer, provides nimbly for the student, convenient, scientific, is fair individually melts the test service, causes the student namely to namely is the possibility, extremely adapts the characteristic which the adult studies, they welcome very much.The ETAS on-line test system is in under the modern science fast development new situation, for adapts a collection modern distance learning theory, the method and the modern information technology method test system well which the modern distance learning evaluates after testing needs to promote. The system not only has the function which the campus on-line test system has, moreover also had has tested the service management function, fully has manifested the distance learning open characteristic. Its development and use, not only will play in our country distance learning test appraisal the vital role, moreover will have the significant influence to our country distance learning test reform. First, the test system widely is promoted in the TV University opening education school record education the application, takes the traditional written examination the supplement. At present already has completed 50 curricula small question banks, these curricula tests soon complete through the on-line test system; Along with our country economy development and the computerpopularization, it possibly replaces examines by writing, becomes the test the mainstream; Satisfies individually melts the need which the student takes a test, the student may independently choose the curriculum to study, participates in the test every time. Regarding because works the student which or other reasons cannot participate in the curriculum written examination, may complete through the on-line test system; Moreover, this system also will use in the social non- school record education curriculum and the profession authentication project test service; Specially, the test system may use in the Austria huge mythical bird distance learning service platform public service system, serves for our country distance learning curriculum test makes the contribution.Any new software system, always some gradually consummates the process, the ETAS on-line test system also so, at present also has some problems, for example: The system has not solved the examinee identification authentication problem; The question bank construction also must further consummate, the subjective topic test realization also needs to seek a more effective way and so on, unceasingly will develop in the network technology and the test theory today, the test system also further consummates in various aspects.译文基于B/S的ETAS网上考试系统的研讨随着计算机及其网络技术的飞速发展和社会信息化水平的不断提高,计算机在教育测量和评价过程也得到了广泛的应用。



JISHOU UNIVERSITY本科生毕业设计题目:在线考试系统的设计与实现作者:XXXXXX学号:00000000000所属学院:XXXXXXXX专业年级:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX指导教师:XXXXXX 职称:讲师完成时间:XXXX年XX月XX日吉首大学教务处制在线考试系统设计与实现XXXXXX(吉首大学信息科学与工程学院XXXXXXXXXX 湖南吉首416000)摘要在线考试系统以java作为开发语言,Struts2、Hibernate实现前后台数据管理,Spring实现业务逻辑管理,以MyEclipse作为开发工具,MySQL实现数据持久化,Tomcat部署整个系统,实现了院系管理、专业管理、班级管理、用户管理、课程管理、题库管理、考试管理、成绩管理八大功能。

关键字:在线考试系统、J2EE、JSP、Struts2、Hibernate、Spring、MySQL、TomcatOnline Examination System Design and ImplementationXXXXXX(College of Information Science and Engineering, Jishou University, Jishou,Hunan 416000)AbstractOnline examination system with Java as a development language, struts 2, Hibernate implementation QianHouTai data management, Spring management, implement the business logic with MyEclipse as development tools, M and SQL for data persistence, Tomcat deployment of the entire system, realized the departments management, professional management, class management, user management, course management, question bank management, examination management, grade management eight functions. Key words:online examination system;J2EE;JSP;struts 2;Hibernate;Spring;MySQL;Tomcat目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (II)第一章绪论 (1)第二章可行性分析 (3)2.1 经济可行性 (3)2.2 技术可行性 (3)2.3 操作可行性 (4)第三章需求分析 (5)3.1 功能需求 (5)3.2 运行环境需求 (16)3.3 性能需求 (16)第四章概要设计 (17)4.1 功能模块设计 (17)4.2 E-R图 (21)4.3 数据库设计 (24)4.4 创建工程 (31)第五章详细设计 (33)5.1 登录 (33)5.2 院系管理 (34)5.3 专业信息管理 (37)5.4 班级信息管理 (40)5.5 用户信息管理 (43)5.6 课程管理 (49)5.7 题库管理 (51)5.8 考试管理 (63)5.9 成绩管理 (69)第六章总结 (72)致谢 (73)参考文献 (74)第一章绪论当今社会是一个信息社会,一个知识经济时代。



在线考试系统翻译河北理⼯⼤学轻⼯学院COLLEGE OF LIGHT INDUSTRY, HEBEI POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY本科毕业设计资料翻译(汉译英)论⽂题⽬:在线考试系统学⽣姓名:学号:专业班级:学部:指导教师:2013年05⽉25⽇摘要系统采⽤/doc/060fb9866bec0975f465e265.html 和SQL Server 2008数据库,开发了基于B/S三层体系结构的C#在线考试系统。

第⼀层客户层,该层是位于客户端的Web浏览器,⽤户由Web浏览器访问Web服务器, 在客户端的Web浏览器上显⽰所需要的主页。








关键字/doc/060fb9866bec0975f465e265.html ;考试;组卷; SQL Server 2008⽬录摘要................................................................................................................... I ⽬录.................................................................................................................. II 第⼀章数据库设计 (3)1.1 数据库选择 (3)1.2数据库逻辑设计(E-R图) (3)1.3数据库表结构 (3)第⼆章系统设计 (7)2.1系统功能设计 (7)2.2在线考试流程图 (8)2.3系统功能模块 (8)结论 (10)第⼀章数据库设计1.1 数据库选择数据库服务器选⽤Microsoft SQL Server 2008数据库,它能够处理⼤量数据,同时保持数据的完整性并提供许多⾼级管理功能。

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