House Tyrell Growing Strong
Highgarden The Reach
(从(属 属地 :: 河高 湾庭 地
) )
葛雷乔伊家族(House Greyjoy) 家徽:海怪
族语:“强取胜于苦耕”(We Do Not Sow) 属地:派克城(Pyke)
从属:铁群岛(Iron Islands)
House Stark of
Winterfell: rulers
of the North, the
largest region of
the continent. Led
by Lord Eddard12
House Stark
Bran thought about it:”Can
When the snows fall
and the white winds blow,
the lone wolf dies, but the
pack survives. Summer is
Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take
White Walkers(异鬼)
The White Walkers appear in Game of Thrones as tall and gaunt with flesh pale as milk and eyes like blue stars. It declares them to be cold dead things, and so cold as to shatter any object they touch. What’s worse, they will translate all living things into another White Walker and control them.
House Tyrell Growing Strong
Highgarden The Reach
(从(属 属地 :: 河高 湾庭 地
) )
葛雷乔伊家族(House Greyjoy) 家徽:海怪
族语:“强取胜于苦耕”(We Do Not Sow) 属地:派克城(Pyke)
从属:铁群岛(Iron Islands)
House Stark of
Winterfell: rulers
of the North, the
largest region of
the continent. Led
by Lord Eddard12
House Stark
Bran thought about it:”Can
When the snows fall
and the white winds blow,
the lone wolf dies, but the
pack survives. Summer is
Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take
White Walkers(异鬼)
The White Walkers appear in Game of Thrones as tall and gaunt with flesh pale as milk and eyes like blue stars. It declares them to be cold dead things, and so cold as to shatter any object they touch. What’s worse, they will translate all living things into another White Walker and control them.
权力的游戏英语演讲 PPT
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I am Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen
徒利家族(House Tully) “家族,责任,荣誉” (Family, Duty, Honor)
艾林家族(House Arryn) 族语:“高如荣誉” (As High as Honor)
属地:鹰巢城(Eyrie) 从属:谷地(Vale)
(Cersei Lannister)
坦格利安家族 House Targaryen 族语:“血火同源” Fire and Blood 属地:君临城 King's Landing 从属:王领 Crownlands
丹妮莉丝·坦格利安 Daenerys Targaryen
(族(提 语利 :尔 “家 生族 生 不 息)
House Tyrell Growing Strong
Highgarden The Reach
(从(属 属地 :: 河高 湾庭 地
葛雷乔伊家族(House Greyjoy) 家徽:海怪
族语:“强取胜于苦耕”(We Do Not Sow) 属地:派克城(Pyke)
I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post.
The Vow Of Night's Watch
I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men.
徒利家族(House Tully) “家族,责任,荣誉” (Family, Duty, Honor)
艾林家族(House Arryn) 族语:“高如荣誉” (As High as Honor)
属地:鹰巢城(Eyrie) 从属:谷地(Vale)
(Cersei Lannister)
坦格利安家族 House Targaryen 族语:“血火同源” Fire and Blood 属地:君临城 King's Landing 从属:王领 Crownlands
丹妮莉丝·坦格利安 Daenerys Targaryen
(族(提 语利 :尔 “家 生族 生 不 息)
House Tyrell Growing Strong
Highgarden The Reach
(从(属 属地 :: 河高 湾庭 地
葛雷乔伊家族(House Greyjoy) 家徽:海怪
族语:“强取胜于苦耕”(We Do Not Sow) 属地:派克城(Pyke)
I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post.
The Vow Of Night's Watch
I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men.
The series begins with Ned Stark being asked to be the chief advisor (known as the Hand of the King) to King Robert Baratheon. Ned and his wife Catelyn receive a letter from Catelyn's sister, Lysa that gives them reason to believe that rival House Lannister - to which the King's wife Cersei belongs - was the cause of the previous Hand's death.
Ned must travel south to help the king and find out who killed the previous Hand of the King, Jon Arryn , while trying to protect his family from the Lannisters. As he tries to uncover the reasons behind Jon Arryn's death he uncovers the dark secrets about the Lannisters that Arryn himself died trying to expose.
The Wall is a huge structure of ice, stone and magic on the northern border of the Seven Kingdoms. It is home to the Night's Watch, a brotherhood sworn to protect the realms of men from the threats beyond the Wall.
The story takes place in a land of overhead: the seven
kingdoms of westeros. Westeros is about the size of
South America continent, has long history can be traced
wild man
A nationality living outside the Great wall.In the south of the Great Wall, they often called as wild man.
They divided into hundreds of different tribes, clans and villages.Part of them has a certain amount of culture, others are brutal and hostile.
A Song of Ice and Fire
《Game of Thrones》 is an American fantasy drama television
series created by HBO.It is based on a novel《A song of ice and
When the White Walkers were defeated,they disappeared from the scene,It gradually became a pure myth which was used to scare children In the south of the Great Wall.
The story takes place in a land of overhead: the seven
kingdoms of westeros. Westeros is about the size of
South America continent, has long history can be traced
wild man
A nationality living outside the Great wall.In the south of the Great Wall, they often called as wild man.
They divided into hundreds of different tribes, clans and villages.Part of them has a certain amount of culture, others are brutal and hostile.
A Song of Ice and Fire
《Game of Thrones》 is an American fantasy drama television
series created by HBO.It is based on a novel《A song of ice and
When the White Walkers were defeated,they disappeared from the scene,It gradually became a pure myth which was used to scare children In the south of the Great Wall.
These people call themselves as free-men,to distinguish the People in the south of the Wall who kneel to the lords and Kings.
Next,let's watch a
video clip.
长 的 时 间 隧 道,袅
A Song of Ice and F ire
Stark Baratheon
The seven Kingdoms and the nine Families: Kingdom of the North of the Rock Kingdom of the Reach Kingdom of Mountain and Vale Kingdom of the Isles and Rivers Kingdom of Dorne Kingdom of the Stormlands
If you already have interest in this ingenious creation,I recommend you makeing time to enjoy it.You'll be fond of it!
进 入 夏 天 ,少 不了一 个热字 当头, 电扇空 调陆续 登场, 每逢此 时,总 会想起 那 一 把 蒲 扇 。蒲扇 ,是记 忆中的 农村, 夏季经 常用的 一件物 品。 记 忆 中 的故 乡 , 每 逢 进 入夏天 ,集市 上最常 见的便 是蒲扇 、凉席 ,不论 男女老 少,个 个手持 一 把 , 忽 闪 忽闪个 不停, 嘴里叨 叨着“ 怎么这 么热” ,于是 三五成 群,聚 在大树 下 , 或 站 着 ,或随 即坐在 石头上 ,手持 那把扇 子,边 唠嗑边 乘凉。 孩子们 却在周 围 跑 跑 跳 跳 ,热得 满头大 汗,不 时听到 “强子 ,别跑 了,快 来我给 你扇扇 ”。孩 子 们 才 不 听 这一套 ,跑个 没完, 直到累 气喘吁 吁,这 才一跑 一踮地 围过了 ,这时 母 亲总是 ,好似 生气的 样子, 边扇边 训,“ 你看热 的,跑 什么? ”此时 这把蒲 扇, 是 那 么 凉 快 ,那么 的温馨 幸福, 有母亲 的味道 ! 蒲 扇 是 中 国传 统工艺 品,在 我 国 已 有 三 千年多 年的历 史。取 材于棕 榈树, 制作简 单,方 便携带 ,且蒲 扇的表 面 光 滑 , 因 而,古 人常会 在上面 作画。 古有棕 扇、葵 扇、蒲 扇、蕉 扇诸名 ,实即 今 日 的 蒲 扇 ,江浙 称之为 芭蕉扇 。六七 十年代 ,人们 最常用 的就是 这种, 似圆非 圆 , 轻 巧 又 便宜的 蒲扇。 蒲 扇 流 传 至今, 我的记 忆中, 它跨越 了半个 世纪, 也 走 过 了 我 们的半 个人生 的轨迹 ,携带 着特有 的念想 ,一年 年,一 天天, 流向长
Next,let's watch a
video clip.
长 的 时 间 隧 道,袅
A Song of Ice and F ire
Stark Baratheon
The seven Kingdoms and the nine Families: Kingdom of the North of the Rock Kingdom of the Reach Kingdom of Mountain and Vale Kingdom of the Isles and Rivers Kingdom of Dorne Kingdom of the Stormlands
If you already have interest in this ingenious creation,I recommend you makeing time to enjoy it.You'll be fond of it!
进 入 夏 天 ,少 不了一 个热字 当头, 电扇空 调陆续 登场, 每逢此 时,总 会想起 那 一 把 蒲 扇 。蒲扇 ,是记 忆中的 农村, 夏季经 常用的 一件物 品。 记 忆 中 的故 乡 , 每 逢 进 入夏天 ,集市 上最常 见的便 是蒲扇 、凉席 ,不论 男女老 少,个 个手持 一 把 , 忽 闪 忽闪个 不停, 嘴里叨 叨着“ 怎么这 么热” ,于是 三五成 群,聚 在大树 下 , 或 站 着 ,或随 即坐在 石头上 ,手持 那把扇 子,边 唠嗑边 乘凉。 孩子们 却在周 围 跑 跑 跳 跳 ,热得 满头大 汗,不 时听到 “强子 ,别跑 了,快 来我给 你扇扇 ”。孩 子 们 才 不 听 这一套 ,跑个 没完, 直到累 气喘吁 吁,这 才一跑 一踮地 围过了 ,这时 母 亲总是 ,好似 生气的 样子, 边扇边 训,“ 你看热 的,跑 什么? ”此时 这把蒲 扇, 是 那 么 凉 快 ,那么 的温馨 幸福, 有母亲 的味道 ! 蒲 扇 是 中 国传 统工艺 品,在 我 国 已 有 三 千年多 年的历 史。取 材于棕 榈树, 制作简 单,方 便携带 ,且蒲 扇的表 面 光 滑 , 因 而,古 人常会 在上面 作画。 古有棕 扇、葵 扇、蒲 扇、蕉 扇诸名 ,实即 今 日 的 蒲 扇 ,江浙 称之为 芭蕉扇 。六七 十年代 ,人们 最常用 的就是 这种, 似圆非 圆 , 轻 巧 又 便宜的 蒲扇。 蒲 扇 流 传 至今, 我的记 忆中, 它跨越 了半个 世纪, 也 走 过 了 我 们的半 个人生 的轨迹 ,携带 着特有 的念想 ,一年 年,一 天天, 流向长
The North consists of the northern half of Westeros and is ruled by House Stark from Winterfell. The North is nearly as big as the other six kingdoms combined, but only sparsely populated.
Ned must travel south to help the king and find out who killed the previous Hand of the King, Jon Arryn , while trying to protect his family from the Lannisters. As he tries to uncover the reasons behind Jon Arryn's death he uncovers the dark secrets about the Lannisters that Arryn himself died trying to expose.
And beyond the wall, Ned's bastard son Jon Snow joins the Night's Watch, an ancient brotherhood sworn to watch over the massive Wall that separates the Seven Kingdoms from the dangerous unknown beyond. But an ancient force, long believed dead, threatens the land.
Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created for HBO by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss as showrunners and main writers. It is an adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire, George R. R. Martin's series of fantasy novels,
the second covers the rising threat of the impending winter and the Southerners' fear of the legendary creatures and fierce peoples of the North;
the third chronicles the attempts of the exiled last scion of the realm's deposed ruling dynasty to reclaim the throne. Through its exploration of the ambitions and morals of its many characters, the series explores issues of social hierarchy, religion, loyalty, corruption, civil war, crime, and punishment.
and by hand to defend Westeros from the threat of 'The
Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created for HBO by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss as showrunners and main writers. It is an adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire, George R. R. Martin's series of fantasy novels,
the second covers the rising threat of the impending winter and the Southerners' fear of the legendary creatures and fierce peoples of the North;
the third chronicles the attempts of the exiled last scion of the realm's deposed ruling dynasty to reclaim the throne. Through its exploration of the ambitions and morals of its many characters, the series explores issues of social hierarchy, religion, loyalty, corruption, civil war, crime, and punishment.
and by hand to defend Westeros from the threat of 'The
House Stark
House Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen
The other powers
Wild man
White Walkers
Night's watch
White Walkers(异鬼)
According to legend,thr White Walkers appeared for the first time in a winter lasted a century.In the end, they were driven back with Night‘s watch,then the Great Wall was built to resist the White Walkers.
Stark Baratheon
The seven Kingdoms and the nine Families: Kingdom of the North Kingdom of the Rock Kingdom of the Reach Kingdom of Mountain and Vale Kingdom of the Isles and Rivers Kingdom of Dorne Kingdom of the Stormlands
A Song of Ice and Fire
《Game of Thrones》 is an American fantasy drama television
• The third story is set on an eastern continent named Essos, and follows Daenerys Targaryen, isolated from the others. On Essos, Daenerys rises from a pauper sold into marriage, to a powerful and intelligent ruler.
Daenerys is a beautiful girl with silver hair and violet eyes, and one of the last members of the ancient Targaryen Dynasty, the former royal family of Westeros. Her rise is aided by the birth of three dragons from eggs given to her as wedding gifts: used initially as symbols, and later as weapons.
House Stark of Winterfell: rulers of the North, the largest region of the continent. Led
House Lannister of Casterly Rock: rulers of the Westerlands. Richest house in Westeros. Led by Lord Tywin
• The story takes place on the fictional continents Westeros and Essos, where seasons last for years on end.
• The third story is set on an eastern continent named Essos, and follows Daenerys Targaryen, isolated from the others. On Essos, Daenerys rises from a pauper sold into marriage, to a powerful and intelligent ruler.
Daenerys is a beautiful girl with silver hair and violet eyes, and one of the last members of the ancient Targaryen Dynasty, the former royal family of Westeros. Her rise is aided by the birth of three dragons from eggs given to her as wedding gifts: used initially as symbols, and later as weapons.
House Stark of Winterfell: rulers of the North, the largest region of the continent. Led
House Lannister of Casterly Rock: rulers of the Westerlands. Richest house in Westeros. Led by Lord Tywin
• The story takes place on the fictional continents Westeros and Essos, where seasons last for years on end.
wild man
A nationality living outside the Great wall.In the south of the Great Wall, they often called as wild man.
They divided into hundreds of different tribes, clans and villages.Part of them has a certain amount of culture, others are brutal and hostile.
当你尽了自己的最大努力时,失败也是伟大的, 所以不要放弃,坚持就是正确的。
When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So Don'T Give Up, Stick To The End 演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日
It means that the 1 episode of《Game of Thrones》costs can shoot 41 episode of《甄嬛 传》
Stark Baratheon
The seven Kingdoms and the nine Families: Kingdom of the North Kingdom of the Rock Kingdom of the Reach Kingdom of Mountain and Vale Kingdom of the Isles and Rivers Kingdom of Dorne Kingdom of the Stormlands
权利的游戏英语介绍英文演 讲
《Game of Thrones》 is an American fantasy drama television series created by HBO.It is based on a novel《A song of ice and fire》.The story takes place in a land of overhead: the seven kingdoms of westeros. Westeros is about the size of South America
continent, has long history can be traced back to 12,000 years ago.
Every season there usually lasted for years.
This is a story in the darkest days of Westeros, the land in the western world, the Sun Setting Place, is changing its dynasty.The Empire once united by seven lands and seven families, known as the kingdom of dragon, now is facing the partition. Dragon had died.King was killed.Five kingdoms are crashing. The immemorial legend and extinct creature, has come back. Who will save the land? The most beautiful scenery, will be open to your eyes.
《Game of Thrones》 is an American fantasy drama television series created by HBO.It is based on a novel《A song of ice and fire》.The story takes place in a land of overhead: the seven kingdoms of westeros. Westeros is about the size of South America
continent, has long history can be traced back to 12,000 years ago.
Every season there usually lasted for years.
This is a story in the darkest days of Westeros, the land in the western world, the Sun Setting Place, is changing its dynasty.The Empire once united by seven lands and seven families, known as the kingdom of dragon, now is facing the partition. Dragon had died.King was killed.Five kingdoms are crashing. The immemorial legend and extinct creature, has come back. Who will save the land? The most beautiful scenery, will be open to your eyes.