Brocade B24光纤交换机基本命令行配置及示例













由于管理软件采用了Java编程,配置终端需要安装JRE〔Java Runtime Environment翻开配置终端的IE浏览器,在URL栏直接输入“〞并回车,如下列图:输入用户名和密码。

默认用户名为admin,密码是password.即可连接到交换机图形管理界面,如下列图:上图窗口左边显示当前设备的常用配置联接,右边显示指定交换机的状态点击窗口左边的Zone Admin,进入Zone管理。


此时弹出对话框,要求输入新建Zone的名字,如下列图:在这里我们输入Zone的名字:Exch01_VTL,并点击OK.在Zone标签界面的“Name〞下拉条中选择Exch01_VTL,如下列图:通过Ctrl和鼠标左键,选中Port & Attached列表中的1,0(U-Port,PID:010000)和1,3(U-Port,PID:030000)这2个端口,再点击“Add Member〞按钮,即可将这2个端口添加到Exch01_VTL里面,如下列图:.此时各Port附属的Zone已经划分完毕。



标签:?2013-12-24 10:19?2062人阅读?(0)???分类:SanIBM的双机双柜,两光纤交换机分别引一根光纤到另一楼光纤交换机,插上无反应,后得知需要更改交换机的domain id 默认出厂为1。



Brocade SAN交换机常用命令默认用户名:admin,默认密码password1. switchStatusShow查看交换机的总体健康状态switch:admin> switchstatusshowSwitch Health ReportSwitch Name: SWFCRSwitchState: MARGINALDuration: 863:23Power supplies monitor MARGINALTemperatures monitor HEALTHYFans monitor HEALTHYWWN servers monitor HEALTHYStandby CP monitor HEALTHYBlades monitor HEALTHYFlash monitor HEALTHYMarginal ports monitor HEALTHYFaulty ports monitor HEALTHYMissing SFPs monitor HEALTHYAll ports are healthyswitch:admin>2. switchShow查看交换机基本配置信息Enter the switchShow command, which displays the following information for a switch:- switchname - The switch name.- switchtype - The switch model and firmware version numbers.- switchstate - The switch state: Online, Offline, Testing, or Faulty.- switchrole - Displays the switch role: Principal, Subordinate, or Disabled.- switchdomain - Displays the switch Domain ID.- switchid - The embedded port D_ID of the switch.- switchwwn - The switch World Wide Name.13. slotShow查看各个Blade的状态14. portCfgSpeed修改端口的速率15. portEnable或portCfgPersistentEnable4. 重新启用交换机输入命令swichEnable升级FirmwareFC10-6 Blade需要Firmware Version 以上FC4-16IP Blade、FC4-48 Port Blade需要Firmware Version 以上FR4-18i router blade需要Firmware Version 以上如果M48有主备Control Processor,且主备CP处于synchronized状态,则升级过程可在线进行,不干扰数据流量。


Configure,以菜单的形式对交换机进行配置.这个命令需要先使用switchdisable命令将交换暂停使用.第一个选项Fabric parameters如选yes.那么我们可以进入他的子选项去更改domain ID.
Licenseshow, licenseadd, licenseremove, license的添加,查看,删除命令
configupload和configdownload,可以将配置文件上传或下载.支持ftp scp和local



设置博科Brocade交换机IP地址博科交换机的默认IP地址是10.77.77.77,在命令行模式下可以通过ipaddrset命令对交换机的IP地址进行设置和修改swd77:admin> ipaddrsetEthernet IP Address []: #输入交换机需要设置的IP地址Ethernet Subnetmask []: #输入掩码Fibre Channel IP Address [none]:Fibre Channel Subnetmask [none]:Gateway IP Address [none]: # 输入网关DHCP [Off]: #是否开启DHCPswd77:admin>一般情况下只需要设置Ethernet 的IP和掩码就可以了,这个IP地址主要是用来对交换机进行管理设置。

Brocade SAN交换机的几种管理方法为了对SAN网络进行管理,Brocade公司了丰富的管理工具,来适应不同场景下对SAN 网络的管理。

Telnet交换机管理的最基本方法,通过命令行的方式直接登录到交换机上,通过交换机上操作系统(Fabric OS)提供的命令对交换机作管理工作。



WEB TOOLS图形界面的管理工具,通过浏览器对交换机完成管理工作。



Fabric Manager对SAN网络中的交换机进行批量管理的工具。



SNMP 网络管理的标准协议在Brocade交换机上运行有SNMP模块,让网络中的SNMP管理工作站对SAN网络完成管理工作。




1,改修端口速率:brocade4Gb:admin> portcfgspeed 2 2 ####端口号速率2,改修Domain ID:brocade4Gb:admin> switchdisablebrocade4Gb:admin> configureConfigure...Fabric parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no] yes Domain: (1..239) [2] 3R_A_TOV: (4000..120000) [10000]E_D_TOV: (1000..5000) [2000]WAN_TOV: (0..30000) [0]MAX_HOPS: (7..19) [7]Data field size: (256..2112) [2112]Sequence Level Switching: (0..1) [0]Disable Device Probing: (0..1) [0]Suppress Class F Traffic: (0..1) [0]Per-frame Route Priority: (0..1) [0]Long Distance Fabric: (0..1) [0]BB credit: (1..27) [16]Insistent Domain ID Mode (yes, y, no, n): [no]Virtual Channel parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no] F-Port login parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no]Zoning Operation parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no] RSCN Transmission Mode (yes, y, no, n): [no]Arbitrated Loop parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no] System services (yes, y, no, n): [no]Portlog events enable (yes, y, no, n): [no]ssl attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]rpcd attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]cfgload attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]webtools attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]Custom attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]System (yes, y, no, n): [no]WARNING: The domain ID will be changed. The port level zoning may be affectedbrocade4Gb:admin> savehistorybrocade4Gb:admin> switchenable3,配置及查看IP地址brocade4Gb:admin> ipaddrsetbrocade4Gb:admin> ipaddrshow4,配置zonebrocade4Gb:admin> zonecreate "testzone2","3,2;3,0" 创建zone名为testzone2,成员为3,2和3,0端口brocade4Gb:admin> zoneremove "testzone2","3,2" 删除zone名为testzone2中的成员:3,2 brocade4Gb:admin> zoneadd "testzone2","3,2" 增加zone名为testzone2中的成员:3,2 brocade4Gb:admin> zonecreate "testzone1","3,1;3,0"brocade4Gb:admin> cfgcreate "zoneconf1","testzone1;testzone2" 创建一个zone配置为:zoneconf1;成员为:testzone1和testzone2brocade4Gb:admin> cfgremove "zoneconf1","testzone1" 删除zone配置:zoneconf1中的成员:testzone1brocade4Gb:admin> cfgadd "zoneconf1","testzone1" 增加zone配置:zoneconf1中的成员:testzone1brocade4Gb:admin> cfgenable zoneconf1 应用zone配置:zoneconf1 brocade4Gb:admin> cfgsave 保存配置:zoneconf1。



与交换机交互,可以使用三种方式:串口以太网口光纤口缺省的串口参数是:9600,N,8,1缺省IP访问方式是:IP地址: 10.77。


77用户名:admin密码:password时区: Pacific time交换机名称:switch可使用ipAddrSet命令来重新设置交换机的IP地址。




对于Fabric OS v4。

1,SSH v2可以被使用。

如果Brocade Secure Fabric OS被设置有效,CLI 接口必须是Brocade Secure Telnet.Brocade API v2。

1提供给用户扩展访问到交换机的方法;可以轻松的整合Brocade SAN Fabric的智能到已经存在的管理应用中,或者快速的开发用户SAN的特殊功能。

该工具包可以通过Brocade Connect 站点获得。

Brocade Fabric Manager v4。

0 是一个实时管理多台Brocade 光纤交换机的很好的一个工具,它提供了有效的配置、监控、动态资源分配管理。

Brocade Web Tool是一个直观简单的管理小型SAN网络的管理工具。

运行支持JRE的Web Browser上。

Brocade 提供基于SNMP的MIBs用来在交换机上读和配置公共设置。

串口管理:n一条串口连接电缆DB9 (female-to-female)n使用超级终端或UNIX终端n Windows: Hyper Terminaln UNIX:tipu Microsoft Windows® 环境之中–传输速率:9600bit/sec–数据位:8–校验位:None–停止位: 1–流控制: Noneu UNIX® 环境下, 输入以下命令#tip /dev/ttyb –9600u安装步骤1. 通过串口线将两者进行连接2。



BROCADE博科光纤交换机的设置博科BROCADE交换机的设置博科登录管理模块➢IE: admin/password从Web 的Switch View中点Admin button输入user=admin pass=password。

Configuring IPClick the Network tab在配置IP同时,可配置Syslog的IP,用于记录系统的Log(Max支持6个IP记录系统Log)Firmware Download1.Click the Firmware tab.2.Click the Firmware Download radio button.3.Type the host IP address, user name, password, and fullyqualified path to the file name.Configuring a Switch1.Click the Swicth Table2.Switches can be identified by IP address, domain ID, WorldWide Name (WWN), 或通过命名来确定3.domain IDs一般是系统自动分配,但也可人工说明4.在这里可打印系统的配置信息View ReportRebooting the Switch1.Click the Firmware tab2.Click the Fastboot radio button.Configuring Ports(给Port 命名)1.可给每个Ports命名2.可给每个Ports端口设置Speed3.可设置Ports的Enable/Disable4.+Port(通过购买license)+SPFa)Install the Brocade Ports on Demand licensed product.b)+License Keyc)Enable the ports5.可改变Port口的距离(Long Distance)1)Click the Extended Fabric tab.1.在Configure中2.输入Host IP User Name File Name和Password后Apply下载到指定的Server上3.配置文件也可上传Config DownLoad To Switch(相同配置一次,下载后上传就可)下载traceDumpTrace TableZone1.为了方便管理和区分WinZone,UnixZone,将应用分为不同的Zone进行管理(将应用主机HBA卡和存贮的Port口绑在一起,以应用起名Alias)2.一个Alias下放一个应用主机HBA卡联接的Switch上的Port+存贮的一个Port构成一个Zone)Selecting the Zoning Method一般选择Port Zone类型,就是按Port划Zone +Zone➢给新命名的Zone+Add Member(+Port),到命名的Zone中(一般Min是两个Port,一个是存贮的,一个是主机的)➢这样不继的+Zone,到+完为止Create Config并将ZONE加入到CONFIG中把所有的Zone+到一个Config中,启动这个Config就完成了➢将Zone Member + 到这个Config中Save & Enable这CONFIGSwitch级联Enabling Long Distance Fabric Mode➢需要这个Brocade ExtendedFabrics licensese➢这是针对Port设置Long Distance(当然要有相应的License Key)级联1.修改两个交换机的IP和名字2.把两个交换机的域名改为不同。



Brocade(博科)交换机重要命令Brocade(博科)交换机重要命令一、改变admin帐号密码以用户名admin登录到SAN交换机,然后在输入命令:Passwd,再根据提示输入相应的用户名和密码,对话过程如下:switch:admin> passwdChanging password for adminEnter new password:Re-type new password:Password changed.Saving password to stable storage.Password saved to stable storage successfully.二、设置和查看管理IP地址设置交换机管理IP地址的命令为ipaddrset,以下对话将管理IP 设置为182.1.10.10/ IP Address []: Subnetmask []: Channel IP Address [none]:Fibre Channel Subnetmask [none]:Committing configuration...Done.OK.说明:Fibre Channel IP Address和Fibre Channel Subnetmask 不需设置。


三、设置交换机名命令switchname用于查看(不带参数时)和设置(带参数时)交换机名,以下对话先将交换机名设置为“MideaTsw”,然后查看交换机名:switch:admin> switchname MideaTswMideaTsw:admin> switchnameMideaTsw四、关于Zone的操作新建Zone建立新Zone的命令为zonecreate,以下命令建立名为cpdtestzone的Zone,并指定端口“1,0”和“50,14”作为其成员:MideaTsw:admin> zonecreate “cpdtestzone”, “1,0; 50,14”说明:“50,14”中50是交换机的Domain ID,14是交换机的端口号。



打开IE浏览器,在地址栏输入交换机的IP地址,回车进入之后,输入管理员用户名和密码登陆,缺省用户名:Admin,密码:password ,界面如下(图一)
2、点击ZONE ADMIN,进入图二界面:
3、选择第一个项Switch/Port Level Zon…,点击OK,进入界面如下(图三)
4、点击PORT ZONE进入端口ZONE设置,首先CREATE ZONE,输入ZONE名称,双击端口号追加到Members成员,追加完毕之后点击APPLY,一个zone创建完成。


5、点击port confige,进入图四:
6、点击Create Cfg,输入CFG名称,在FC MEMBERS中加入需要的zone,点击APPLY.

Brocade 光纤交换机常用命令

Brocade 光纤交换机常用命令

2013-12-24 10:19 2062人阅读评论(0) 收藏举报分类:San11. 删除一个zoneswitch:admin>zonedelete "redzone"switch:admin>cfgsave12. 查看当前定义配置中的zone以下命令查看所有以字母A、B、C开头的zoneswitch:admin>zoneshow "[A-C]*"zone: Blue_zone 1,1; array1; 1,2; array2zone: Bobs_zone 4,5; 4,6; 4,7; 4,8; 4,913. 创建zone配置switch:admin>cfgcreate "NEW_cfg", "redzone; bluezone; greenzone" switch:admin>cfgsave14. 向zone配置成员中加入zoneswitch:admin>cfgadd "newcfg", "bluezone"switch:admin>cfgsave15. 从zone配置成员中删除zoneswitch:admin>cfgremove "NEW_cfg", "redzone"switch:admin>cfgsave16. 删除zone配置switch:admin>cfgdelete "testcfg"switch:admin>cfgsave17. 撤销对zone配置的修改命令cfgTransAbort将撤销所有未保存的修改,及恢复到上次执行cfgSave时的状态。

18. 查看zone配置信息cfgShow不带任何参数:显示处于defined和effective状态的所有zone配置信息switch:admin>cfgshowDefined configuration:cfg: USA1 Blue_zonecfg: USA_cfgRed_zone; Blue_zonezone: Blue_zone1,1; array1; 1,2; array2zone: Red_zone1,0; loop1alias: array1 21:00:00:20:37:0c:76:8c; 21:00:00:20:37:0c:71:02alias: array2 21:00:00:20:37:0c:76:22; 21:00:00:20:37:0c:76:28alias: loop1 21:00:00:20:37:0c:76:85; 21:00:00:20:37:0c:71:df Effective configuration:cfg: USA_cfgzone: Blue_zone1,121:00:00:20:37:0c:76:8c21:00:00:20:37:0c:71:021,221:00:00:20:37:0c:76:2221:00:00:20:37:0c:76:28zone: Red_zone1,021:00:00:20:37:0c:76:8521:00:00:20:37:0c:71:df19. 保存zone配置switch:admin>cfgenable "USA_cfg"You are about to enable a new zoning configuration.This action will replace the old zoning configuration with the current configuration selected.Do you want to enable 'USA_cfg' configuration (yes, y, no, n): [no] y zone config "USA_cfg" is in effectUpdating flash ...。



BROCADE博科光纤交换机的设置博科BROCADE交换机的设置博科登录管理模块➢IE: admin/password从Web 的Switch View中点Admin button输入user=admin pass=password。

Configuring IPClick the Network tab在配置IP同时,可配置Syslog的IP,用于记录系统的Log(Max支持6个IP记录系统Log)Firmware Download1.Click the Firmware tab.2.Click the Firmware Download radio button.3.Type the host IP address, user name, password, and fullyqualified path to the file name.Configuring a Switch1.Click the Swicth Table2.Switches can be identified by IP address, domain ID, WorldWide Name (WWN), 或通过命名来确定3.domain IDs一般是系统自动分配,但也可人工说明4.在这里可打印系统的配置信息View ReportRebooting the Switch1.Click the Firmware tab2.Click the Fastboot radio button.Configuring Ports(给Port 命名)1.可给每个Ports命名2.可给每个Ports端口设置Speed3.可设置Ports的Enable/Disable4.+Port(通过购买license)+SPFa)Install the Brocade Ports on Demand licensed product.b)+License Keyc)Enable the ports5.可改变Port口的距离(Long Distance)1)Click the Extended Fabric tab.1.在Configure中2.输入Host IP User Name File Name和Password后Apply下载到指定的Server上3.配置文件也可上传Config DownLoad To Switch(相同配置一次,下载后上传就可)下载traceDumpTrace TableZone1.为了方便管理和区分WinZone,UnixZone,将应用分为不同的Zone进行管理(将应用主机HBA卡和存贮的Port口绑在一起,以应用起名Alias)2.一个Alias下放一个应用主机HBA卡联接的Switch上的Port+存贮的一个Port构成一个Zone)Selecting the Zoning Method一般选择Port Zone类型,就是按Port划Zone +Zone➢给新命名的Zone+Add Member(+Port),到命名的Zone中(一般Min是两个Port,一个是存贮的,一个是主机的)➢这样不继的+Zone,到+完为止Create Config并将ZONE加入到CONFIG中把所有的Zone+到一个Config中,启动这个Config就完成了➢将Zone Member + 到这个Config中Save & Enable这CONFIGSwitch级联Enabling Long Distance Fabric Mode➢需要这个Brocade ExtendedFabrics licensese➢这是针对Port设置Long Distance(当然要有相应的License Key)级联1.修改两个交换机的IP和名字2.把两个交换机的域名改为不同。



与交换机交互,可以使用三种方式:串口以太网口光纤口缺省的串口参数是:9600,N,8,1缺省IP访问方式是:IP地址: 10.77。


77用户名:admin密码:password时区: Pacific time交换机名称:switch可使用ipAddrSet命令来重新设置交换机的IP地址。




对于Fabric OS v4。

1,SSH v2可以被使用。

如果Brocade Secure Fabric OS被设置有效,CLI 接口必须是Brocade Secure Telnet.Brocade API v2。

1提供给用户扩展访问到交换机的方法;可以轻松的整合Brocade SAN Fabric的智能到已经存在的管理应用中,或者快速的开发用户SAN的特殊功能。

该工具包可以通过Brocade Connect 站点获得。

Brocade Fabric Manager v4。

0 是一个实时管理多台Brocade 光纤交换机的很好的一个工具,它提供了有效的配置、监控、动态资源分配管理。

Brocade Web Tool是一个直观简单的管理小型SAN网络的管理工具。

运行支持JRE的Web Browser上。

Brocade 提供基于SNMP的MIBs用来在交换机上读和配置公共设置。

串口管理:n一条串口连接电缆DB9 (female-to-female)n使用超级终端或UNIX终端n Windows: Hyper Terminaln UNIX:tipu Microsoft Windows® 环境之中–传输速率:9600bit/sec–数据位:8–校验位:None–停止位: 1–流控制: Noneu UNIX® 环境下, 输入以下命令#tip /dev/ttyb –9600u安装步骤1. 通过串口线将两者进行连接2。

博科 光纤交换机配置命令一览

博科 光纤交换机配置命令一览

DS_200B:admin> helpaaaconfig Configure RADIUS for AAA servicesad Specifies all administration domain (AD)-leveloperationsag Configure the Access Gateway featureagshow Displays the Access Gateway information registeredwith the fabricagtcfgdefault Reset SNMP agent to factory defaultaliadd Add a member to a zone aliasalicreate Create a zone aliasalidelete Delete a zone aliasaliremove Remove a member from a zone aliasalishow Print zone alias informationaptpolicy Get and set Advanced Performance Tuning policy auditcfg Modifies and displays audit log filterconfiguration.authutil Get and set authentication configuration backplanetest Backplane connection test for multi-blade systems. backport Test for back-end ASIC pair to ASIC pair links. bannerset Set security bannerbannershow Display security bannerbcastshow Display broadcast routing information bladebeacon Enables or disables blade beaconing or displays thecurrent mode.bladedisable Disables all user ports on a blade.bladeenable Enables all User Ports on a blade.burninerrclear Clear errors that are stored in the non-volatilestorageburninerrshow Display errors that are stored in the non-volatilestorageburninstatus Display the diagnostics burnin status.camtest Verify QuickLoop's Content Addressable Memory(CAM).SID translationcentralmemorytest Test ASIC central memory operation.cfgactvshow Display Effective zone configuration information cfgadd Add a member to a configurationcfgclear Clear all zone configurationscfgcreate Create a zone configurationcfgdelete Delete a zone configurationcfgdisable Disable a zone configurationcfgenable Enable a zone configurationcfgremove Remove a member from a configurationcfgsave Save zone configurations in flashcfgshow Print zone configuration informationcfgsize Print size details of zone databasecfgtransabort Abort zone configuration transaction cfgtransshow Print zone configurations in transaction buffer chassisconfig Display or set the chassis configuration chassisname Display or set the chassis's Namechassisshow Display all Field Replaceable Units (FRU) chipregshow Displays the port registers for a given chipnumber.cmemretentiontest Data retention test of the central memory SRAMs. cmitest Verify CMI bus between ASICs.configdefault Reset config to factory defaultconfigdownload Load switch config from a serverconfigshow Print switch config parametersconfigupload Save switch config to a serverconfigure Set switch config parametersdatatypeshow Display available diagnostic data Print/set the system date and timedbgshow Display debug levels of various modules defzone Activates or deactivates a default zoneconfiguration.diagclearerror Clears diagnostics failure status. diagcommandshow Display diagnostic command descriptions. diagdisablepost Disable diagnostic POST.diagenablepost Enable diagnostic POST.diagenv Diagnostic debug parameters management package. diaghelp Display diagnostic command descriptions. diagloopid Select the diagnostics loop ID.diagmodeshow Displays diagnostic mode configuration. diagpost Displays the contents of port registers andmemories.diagretry Sets diagnostic retry modediagsetburnin Initializes the blade for a burnin run.diagsetcycle Set diagnostic script parameters. diagsetesdmode Set or display ESD mode.diagsetshowtime Set or display diagnostic show-time mode. diagshow Display diagnostic status.diagshowtime Set or display diagnostic show-time mode. diagstatus Display currently running diagnostic tests. diagstopburnin Terminate burnin run on a blade.distribute Distributes data to switches in a fabric.dlsreset Turn off the dynamic load sharing (DLS) option dlsset Turn on the dynamic load sharing (DLS) option dlsshow Display the state of the dynamic load sharingoptiondnsconfig Configure DNS serviceenclosureshow Display the switch enclosure attributes errclear Clear error logerrdelimiterset Sets the error log start and end delimiter formessages sent to the console and syslog errdump Print error log (no page breaks)errfilterset Sets a filter for an error log destination errmoduleshow Displays all the defined modules in the system errshow Print error logfabportshow Display contents of a particular port's data fabretryshow Display retry count of various fabric commands fabriclog Displays or manipulates the fabric log fabricprincipal Displays/Enables/Disables Principal SwitchSelection modefabricshow Print fabric membership infofabstateclear Clears the fabric state information fabstateresize Changes the number of state entries fabstateshow Displays the fabric state information fabstatsshow Displays the fabric statistics information fabswitchshow Display fabric switch state information fandisable Disables a fan unit.fanenable Enables a fan unit.fanshow Print fan statusfastboot Reboot this switch and bypass POST fastwritecfg Configure FC fastwrite featurefazoneadd Add a member to a fabric assist zone fazonecreate Create a fabric assist zonefazonedelete Delete a fabric assist zonefazoneremove Remove a member from a fabric assist zone fazoneshow Print Fabric Assist Zone information fcipchiptest Functional Test of Components in FCIP Complex. fciphelp Print FCIP help infofcippathtest Data Path Test of the FCIP complex.fcping Sends a FC ELS ECHO request to a port fcplogclear Clear the FCP logfcplogdisable Disable logging of FCP eventsfcplogenable Enable logging of FCP eventsfcplogshow Display FCP probing log information fcpprobeshow Display FCP probing information fcprlsshow Display FCP RLS (read link state) information fcrchiptest Functional Test of FCR FPGA.fcrconfigure Sets FC Router configuration parameters. fcrfabricshow Displays FC Routers on a backbone fabric. fcrlsancount Display maximum LSAN zone limit.fcrlsanmatrix Manage LSAN fabric matrix configuration. fcrpathtest Data Path Test on Connection between FCR FPGA andCentral ASIC.fcrphydevshow Displays FC Router physical device information. fcrproxyconfig Displays or configures proxy devices presented byan FC Router.fcrproxydevshow Displays FC Router proxy device information. fcrresourceshow Displays FC Router physical resource usage. fcrrouterportcost Displays FC Router route information.fcrrouteshow Displays FC Router route information. fcrxlateconfig Displays or persistently configures a translate(xlate) domain's domain ID for bothEX_Port-attached fabric and backbone fabric.fddcfg fddcfg manages the fabric data distributionconfiguration parameters.fdmicacheshow Display abbreviated remote FDMI device informationaccording to remote domain IDfdmishow Display detailed FDMI device information ficonclear Clears contents of the specified FICON managementdatabaseficoncupset Sets FICON-CUP parameters for a switch ficoncupshow Displays FICON-CUP parameters for a switch ficonhelp Displays FICON commandsficonshow Displays contents of the specified FICON managementdatabasefiltertest Run frame filter test for bloom ASICs. firmwarecommit Commit firmware to stable storage firmwaredownload Download firmware into switch firmwaredownloadstatus Display the progress and status of firmwareDownload firmwarerestore Restore the old firmware in the switchfirmwareshow Display firmware versions in the switchfosconfig Enable/disable FabOS servicesfporttest Functional test of F->N N->F point to point path. framerpathtest Tests data path between ASICsfrureplace Replace a Field Replacable Unitfspfshow Print FSPF global informationfwalarmsfilterset Configure alarms filtering for Fabric Watch fwalarmsfiltershow Show alarms filtering for Fabric Watchfwclassinit Initialize all Fabric Watch classesfwconfigreload Reload Fabric Watch configurationfwconfigure Configure Fabric Watchfwfrucfg Configure FRU state and notificationfwhelp Print Fabric Watch help infofwmailcfg Configure Fabric Watch Email Alertfwportdetailshow Create a report with detailed port information fwsamshow Show availability monitor informationfwset Set port persistence timefwsettocustom Set boundary & alarm level to custom fwsettodefault Set boundary & alarm level to defaultfwshow Show thresholds monitored and port persistence time grep Linux grep commandh Print shell historyhadisable Disables the High Availability feature in theswitch.hadump Displays information about the status of the HighAvailability feature in the switch.haenable Enables the High Availability feature in the switch hafailover Forces the failover mechanism so that the StandbyControl Processor (CP)becomes the Active CP. hashow Displays control processor (CP) status hasyncstart Enables HA state synchronization.hasyncstop Disables the HA state Print this listhistorylastshow Displays last history recordhistorymode Display or set the mode of the history log historyshow Displays entire history loghttpcfgshow Used to show the version of the Java plug-in usedby the Webtoolsi Display process summaryifmodeset Set the link operating mode for a network interface ifmodeshow Display the link operating mode for a networkinterfaceinterfaceshow Display the FSPF (TM) interface information interopmode Displays/enables/disables Brocade switchinteroperability with switches from othermanufacturersiodreset Turn off the in-order delivery (IOD) optioniodset Turn on the in-order delivery (IOD) optioniodshow Display the state of the in-order delivery option ipaddrset Set ethernet and FC IP addressesipaddrshow Print ethernet and FC IP addressesipfilter Manage/display IP filtersiscsihelp Print iSCSI help infoislshow Display the current connections and statuskilltelnet Terminate telnet/serial login sessionsinteractivelylicenseadd Adds license keys to switchlicensehelp Print license help infolicenseidshow Displays the system license IDlicenseport Configure per-port POD license assignments licenseremove Removes a license key from this system licenseshow Displays current license keyslinkcost Set or print the FSPF cost of a linklogin Login as a new userlogout Logout from remote sessionloopporttest Functional test of L-port M->M path on a loop. lsdbshow Displays the FSPF link state databasememshow Display memory usage in the system.minicycle Functional test of internal and external transmitand receive paths at full speed.minispropshow Displays ASIC pair properties.more Linux more commandmscapabilityshow Display Management Server Capability. msconfigure Configure Management Servermsplatshow Display the Management Server Platform Database msplatshowdbcb Display the Management Server Database ControlBlockmsplcleardb Clear the Management Server Platform Databasefabric-widemsplmgmtactivate Activate the Management Server Platform Databasefabric-widemsplmgmtdeactivate Deactivate the Management Server Platform Databasefabric-widemstddisable Disables the Management Server Topology DiscoveryManagement Servicemstdenable Enables the Management Server Topology DiscoveryManagement Servicemstdreadconfig Display status of Management Server TopologyDiscovery Servicemyid Display the current login session details nbrstateshow Display FSPF (TM) neighbors' states nbrstatsclear Reset the FSPF (TM) interface countersnetstat Display network connections and statisticsnodefind Display all the devices' PID matching the givenworld wide namensaliasshow Display local Name Server information with Aliases nsallshow Print global Name Server information nscamshow Print local Name Server Cache information nsshow Print local Name Server information information nszonemember Display the information of all the online deviceswhich are zoned with the given device. opensource Display information on open source softwareutilized in FabOSpasswd Set usernames and passwordspasswdcfg passwdcfg manages the password policies. pathinfo Display routing information between two ports pdshow Show information from Panic Dump file perfaddeemonitor Add end-to-end monitorperfaddipmonitor Add monitor for IP trafic frame count perfaddreadmonitor Add filter-based monitor - SCSI Read perfaddrwmonitor Add monitor - SCSI Read and Write perfaddscsimonitor Add monitor for SCSI frame count perfaddusermonitor Add filter-based monitorperfaddwritemonitor Add filter-based monitor - SCSI Write perfcfgclear Clear Performance settings from FLASH perfcfgrestore Restore Performance configuration from FLASH perfcfgsave Save Performance configuration to FLASH perfclearalpacrc Clears the CRC error count associated with a portand Arbitrated Loop Physical Address (AL_PA). perfcleareemonitor Clears statistics counters of one or moreend-to-end performance monitors. perfclearfiltermonitor Clears counters of one or more filter-basedperformance monitors.perfdeleemonitor Delete end-to-end monitorperfdelfiltermonitor Delete filter-based monitorperfhelp Print Performance Monitoring help info perfmonitorclear Clear end-to-end/filter-based/ISL monitors perfmonitorshow Show end-to-end/filter-based/ISL monitors perfsetporteemask Set overall mask for end-to-end monitors perfshowalpacrc Get ALPA CRC count by port and ALPA perfshoweemonitor Show user-defined end-to-end monitors perfshowfiltermonitor Show filter-based monitors perfshowporteemask Show the current end-to-end maskpkicreate Creates public key infrastructure (PKI) objects pkiremove Removes existing public key infrastructure (PKI)objectspkishow Displays existing public key infrastructure (PKI)objectspolicy Configure IPSec encryption and authenticationalgorithmsportalpashow Show the ALPAs of a portportbuffershow Print the buffer allocations for the ports of aquadportcamshow Display filter utilizationportcfg Create/Delete a new ip interface/route/arp entry onthe GigE portportcfgdefault Restore the port configuration to defaults portcfgeport Enable/Disable a port from becoming E_Port portcfgexport Sets a port to be an EX_Port and sets and displaysEX_Port configuration parameters. portcfggport Lock a port as a G_Portportcfgislmode Configure a port to be ISL R_RDY Modeenabled/disabledportcfglongdistance Configure a Long Distance Portportcfglport Lock a port as a L_Portportcfgnpivport Enables and disables NPIV functionality on a port. portcfgnport Enable/disable N_Port capability for a port portcfgpersistentdisable Persistently disable a port portcfgpersistentenable Enable a persistently disabled portportcfgshow Displays port configuration settings. portcfgspeed Configure a port to a particular speed level portcfgtrunkport Configure a port for trunkingportcfgvexport Sets a port to be an VEX_Port connected to FC-IPand sets and displays VEX_Port configurationparameters.portcmd Execute commands (ping etc) on the GigE port portdebug Set debug level and verbosity level of port modules portdisable Disable a specified portportenable Enable a specified portporterrshow Print port error summaryportflagsshow Display the port status bitmaps of all ports in aswitchportledtest Cycle user port LEDs.portlogclear Clear port activity logportlogconfigshow Display portlog configurationportlogdisable Disable portlog facilityportlogdump Print port log (no page breaks) portlogdumpport Print port log (no page breaks)portlogenable Enables port log facilityportlogeventshow Display information about port log events portloginshow Display port login informationportlogpdisc Set or clear the debug_pdisc_flagportlogreset Enable portlog facilityportlogresize Resize the port logportlogshow Print port activity logportlogshowport Print port activity logportlogtypedisable Disable port loggingportlogtypeenable Enable port loggingportloopbacktest Functional test of port N->N path.portmirror Set a port's configuration to be disabled orenabledportname Assign or display the name associated with a port portperfshow Print port throughput numbersportregtest Write/read test of the ASIC SRAMs portregtest. portrouteshow Display various routing tables for a portportshow Show configured ip interfaces/routes/arp entries onthe GigE Portportstats64show Display the 64-bit hardware statistics for a port portstatsclear Clear the status of a specified switch port portstatsshow Print hardware statisticsportswap Swaps area numbersportswapdisable Disable portswap featureportswapenable Enable portswap featureportswapshow Display port and area informationporttest Functional test on a live fabric. Starts porttest. porttestshow Retreive information from porttest.portzoneshow Displays the enforced zone type of the F/FL-portsof a switch.powerofflistset sets slot power off list orderpowerofflistshow Displays slot power-off order.psshow Print power supply statusquietmode Displays/enables/disables quietmode on telnetsessionreboot Reboot this processorroutehelp Print routing help infosaschiptest Functional Test of Components in SAS Complex. saspathtest Data Path Test of the SAS complex.secactivesize Displays size of the active (security) database secauthsecret Creates/Manages DHCHAP secret key details seccertutil Creates/Manages/Displays third party PKIcertificatessecdefinesize Displays size of the defined (security) database secfabricshow Displays security related fabric information secfcsfailover Forces primary role to this FCS switch secglobalshow Displays current internal security stateinformationsechelp Displays information about security commands secmodedisable Disables secure modesecmodeenable Enables secure modesecmodeshow Displays whether secure mode is enabled or disabled secnonfcspasswd Sets the admin passwd for non-FCS switches secpolicyabort Aborts changes to defined policysecpolicyactivate Activates all policy setssecpolicyadd Adds members to an existing policysecpolicycreate Creates a new policysecpolicydelete Deletes an existing policysecpolicydump Displays all members of existing policies secpolicyfcsmove Moves a member in the FCS policy secpolicyremove Removes members from an existing policy secpolicysave Saves defined policy set and sends to all switches secpolicyshow Shows members of one or more policies secstatsreset Resets security statisticssecstatsshow Displays security statistics sectemppasswdreset Resets temporary password sectemppasswdset Sets temporary passwordsectransabort Aborts current transactionsecversionreset Resets version stampsensorshow Display sensor readingssetdbg Set debug level of the specified module setesdmode Set or display ESD mode.setmfgmode Set or display diagnostic MFG mode. setmodem Enables or disables modem login to a controlprocessor (CP)setsplbmode Set or display SPLB mode.setverbose Set verbosity level of the specified module sfpshow Print Serial ID SFP information shellflowcontroldisable Disable xon-xoff flow control on console serialportshellflowcontrolenable Enable xon-xoff flow control on console serial port slotpoweroff Removes power from a slot.slotpoweron Restores power to a slot.slotshow Displays the status of all slots in the system. sltest Serial link test of port N->N path.snmpconfig Configure SNMPsnmpmibcapset Set options for configuring SNMP Mib/TrapCapabilitysnmpmibcapshow Show SNMP Mib/Trap Configurationspinfab Functional test of switch to switch ISL cabling andtrunk group operation.spinjitter line-speed jitter measurementspinsilk Functional test of internal and external transmitand receive paths at full speed sramretentiontest Data retention test of the miscellaneous SRAMs inASIC.statsclear Clear port and diagnostic statistics.statstest Statistics counter test for the ASICs.stopporttest Terminate the running porttest.supportffdc Modifies or displays first-failure data capture(FFDC) configuration.supportftp set support Ftp parameterssupportsave retrieve support data from switch to host supportshow Prints switch information for debugging purposes. supportshowcfgdisable Disables a group of commands under supportshowcommand.supportshowcfgenable Enables a group of commands under supportshowcommand.supportshowcfgshow Displays the groups of commands enabled fordisplay. by the supportshow command. switchbeacon Set switch beacon on or off switchcfgpersistentdisable Persistently disable a switch switchcfgpersistentenable Enable a persistently disabled switch switchcfgspeed Configures all ports of the switch to a particularspeed levelswitchcfgtrunk Configure all ports on the switch for trunking switchdisable Disable this switchswitchenable Enable this switchswitchname Print/set this switch's nameswitchreboot Halts and restarts the operational switch. switchshow Print switch and port status switchstatuspolicyset Set policy parameters for overall switch status switchstatuspolicyshow Print policy parameters for overall switch status switchstatusshow Print overall switch statusswitchuptime Display the amount of time for which the switch isupsyslogdfacility Change the syslog facilitysyslogdipadd Add syslog daemon IP address syslogdipremove Remove syslog daemon IP address syslogdipshow Print the syslog daemon targetssysshutdown Provides a graceful shutdown to protect the switchfile systems.systemverification Run a suit of diagnostic tests on all switches in asystem.tempshow Print temperature readingstimeout Set/show the IDLE timeout value for a login session topologyshow Display the unicast fabric topologytracedump generate/remove trace dump or display trace dumpstatustrackchangeshelp Print Track Changes help infotrackchangesset Configure alert for login/logout/config update trackchangesshow Displays status of track changestrunkdebug Debug a trunk link failuretrunkshow Display trunking informationtsclockserver Displays or sets the NTP server addresststimezone Displays or sets the time zoneturboramtest Turbo SRAM test for bloom ASICs.txdpath Functional test of ASIC pair TXA TXD connections. uptime Print how long switch has been upurouteconfig Configure a static routeurouteremove Remove a static routeurouteshow Display unicast routing informationuserconfig Display or configure user accountsuserrename Rename user login nameversion Print firmware versionwwn Display or set the world wide namezone Copies/Removes/Validates zone objectszoneadd Add a member to a zonezonecreate Create a zonezonedelete Delete a zonezonehelp Print zoning help infozoneobjectcopy Copies a zone objectzoneobjectexpunge Expunges a zone objectzoneobjectrename Rename a zoning Objectzoneremove Remove a member from a zonezoneshow Print zone information。



Brocade(博科)交换机重要命令一、改变admin帐号密码以用户名admin登录到SAN交换机,然后在输入命令:Passwd,再根据提示输入相应的用户名和密码,对话过程如下:switch:admin> passwdChanging password for adminEnter new password:Re-type new password:Password changed.Saving password to stable storage.Password saved to stable storage successfully.二、设置和查看管理IP地址设置交换机管理IP地址的命令为ipaddrset,以下对话将管理IP设置为182.1.10.10/ IP Address []: Subnetmask []: Channel IP Address [none]:Fibre Channel Subnetmask [none]:Committing configuration...Done.OK.说明:Fibre Channel IP Address和Fibre Channel Subnetmask不需设置。


三、设置交换机名命令switchname用于查看(不带参数时)和设置(带参数时)交换机名,以下对话先将交换机名设置为“MideaTsw”,然后查看交换机名:switch:admin> switchname MideaTswMideaTsw:admin> switchnameMideaTsw四、关于Zone的操作新建Zone建立新Zone的命令为zonecreate,以下命令建立名为cpdtestzone的Zone,并指定端口“1,0”和“50,14”作为其成员:MideaTsw:admin> zonecreate “cpdtestzone”, “1,0; 50,14”说明:“50,14”中50是交换机的Domain ID,14是交换机的端口号。



Brocade光纤交换机常用命令IBM的双机双柜,两光纤交换机分别引一根光纤到另一楼光纤交换机,插上无反应,后得知需要更改交换机的domain id 默认出厂为1。


接下来是小编为大家收集的Brocade 光纤交换机常用命令,希望能帮到大家。

Brocade 光纤交换机常用命令使用电脑连接管理网口,默认IP地址为:,掩码:默认用户名:admin,默认密码password1. switchStatusShow查看交换机的总体健康状态2. switchShow查看交换机基本配置信息3. portShow 查看端口状态4. fanShow查看交换机散热风扇的状态5. psShow查看交换机的电源状态注:如果安装FR4-18i、FC4-16IP、FC10-6、FC8-48板,需要满配4个电源6. tempShow查看交换机的环境温度查看交换机的内部消息日志8. supportShow、supportSave、pdShow 收集交换机的诊断数据检查连接到交换机的设备10. licenseShow、wwn检查license文件和交换机的WWN号11. version检查Fabric OS的版本,将显示如下信息:12. haShow查看Control Blade的状态查看各个Blade的状态14. portCfgSpeed修改端口的速率15. portEnable或portCfgPersistentEnableReset端口16. 检查WWN卡状态下列命令如果不能正确执行,则说明WWN卡需要更换:www,chassisShow:显示交换机的WWN号chassisShow:显示chassis和WWN卡的状态ipAddrShow,ipAddrSet:显示CP Blades的IP地址historyShow、historyLastShow:显示历史日志信息switchName:显示交换机的名字修改Domain ID1. 查看当前的Domain ID输入命令fabricShow,输出结果中的Switch ID即包括交换机的Domain ID。



Brocade光交命令手册目录第一章管理地址设置 (3)1.1默认管理地址31.2更改管理地址31.3查看管理地址3第二章ZONE基本命令 (5)2.1alias命令52.2zone命令6第三章CFG基本命令 (8)第四章常用维护命令 (9)4.1 ............................ switchshow94.2 ......................... switchstatusshow124.3 ............................ porterrshow134.4 ............................ licenseshow134.5 ............................ s upportshow14第一章管理地址设置1.1默认管理地址Brocade光交默认管理地址为10.77.77.77 默认用户名密码为admin/password也可以使用串口进行连接,波特率为9600 1.2更改管理地址1.3查看管理地址第二章ZONE基本命令2.1a lias命令alias是可选项,对于软zone(wwn zone)来说是非常有必要配置的,它的主要作用就是对每一个wwn或者物理端口取一个别名alicreate "aliName", "member[; member...]"如aliadd "aliName", "member[; member...]"假设HIS01的HBA0卡坏掉了,这个时候我们换了一块卡,就需要对其成员进行更新,先把新的WWN加进去,如aliremove "aliName", "member[; member...]"再比如把原先坏掉的HBA卡的WWN信息从alias里去除,如alidelete "aliName"如果这个成员我们彻底不需要了,例如主机移除,如2.2z one命令zonecreate "zonename", "member[; member...]"假设我们需要让HIS01的HBA0能够访问VNX5400_1的SPA和SPB,如和aliadd/aliremove的语法类似,zoneadd/zoneremove也是从一个ZONE里面加入一个成员或者移除一个成员,这里就不具体举例了zonedelete "zonename"假设我们这个时候不需要让HIS01能够访问存储了,我们就删除该Zone,实际上为了达到这个目的,不删除Zone也是可以的,只要让这个Zone不加入到CFG 配置中去就可以了,这里只是为了演示如何删除。


















博科B R O C E交换机常用命令与z o n e配置IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】t e l n e ta d m i n?p a s s w o r d? ctrl+c?Help不带任何参数会列出所有交换机的命令带参数时输出如下Switchshow查看交换机状态Chassisshow显示外壳信息.重要的是可以显示序列号Configure,以菜单的形式对交换机进行配置.这个命令需要先使用switchdisable命令将交换暂停使用.第一个选项Fabricparameters如选yes.那么我们可以进入他的子选项去更改domainID.Configdefault恢复出厂默认设置,也需要先做switchdisableLicenseshow,licenseadd,licenseremove,license的添加,查看,删除命令configupload和configdownload,可以将配置文件上传或下载.支持ftpscp和localipAddrShow和ipAddrSet,查看设置管理端口的IP地址Version:查看firmware版本Sfpshow查看sfp状态Userconfig查看和配置登陆账号Domainsshow查看交换机的domain信息Zone的配置Zoning是Brocade交换机上的标准功能,通过在SAN网络中交换机上进行Zoning的配置,可以将连接在SAN网络中的设备,逻辑上划分为不同的区域,使各区域的设备相互间不能访问,是网络中的主机和设备间相互隔离Zone的配置示例创建Members,就是给端口或wwn创建别名,这里创建了3个别名,每个别名包括3个端口.红线标出的1,1表示domain1中的1号端口.创建Zones通过zonecreate命令可以将别名,或端口名添加到zone中.创建Configurations.将创建的zone添加到配置中.选用配置、存储配置。



博科交换机操作手册B24 交换机操作手册一、基本配置操作1. 连接到B24、SSH说明:交换机管理的最基本方法,通过命令行的方式直接登录到交换机上,通过交换机上操作系统(Fabric OS)提供的命令对交换机作管理工作。


连接方法:用SSH工具通过B24 IP地址登陆。


、Web Tools说明:图形界面的管理工具,通过浏览器对交换机完成管理工作。





、串口管理说明:通过串口线连接到B24交换机的串口上进行管理连接方法:使用串口线连接B24和笔记本/工作站的串口,打开“超级终端”,配置如下:Bits per second: 9600Data bits: 8 Parity: NoneStop bits: 1Flow control: None当超级终端停止报告信息,按“Enter”显示login信息,默认用户:admin,默认密码:password。

2. 设置IP地址B24默认IP地址为:设置交换机IP地址:> ipaddrsetEthernet IP Address [Ethernet Subnetmask [Fibre Channel IP Address [none]:Fibre Channel Subnetmask [none]:Gateway IP Address [none]:DHCP [Off]:显示交换机的IP> ipaddrshow3. 设置默认账号密码B24交换机有两个默认的账号,admin和user账号。

Admin:为管理员账号User:为非管理员账号(比如可以用来监视系统)、登录时更改密码:在第一次登录B24时,系统会提示更改系统账号密码或者跳过更改login: adminPassword:Please change your passwords now.Use Control-C to exit or press 'Enter' key to proceed.for user - rootChanging password for rootEnter new password: *****Password changed.Saving password to stable storage.Password saved to stable storage successfully.Please change your passwords now.for user - factoryChanging password for factoryEnter new password: *****Password changed.Saving password to stable storage.Password saved to stable storage successfully.Please change your passwords now.for user - adminChanging password for adminEnter new password: *****Password changed.Saving password to stable storage.Password saved to stable storage successfully.Please change your passwords now.for user - userChanging password for userEnter new password: *****Password changed.Saving password to stable storage.Password saved to stable storage successfully.、更改当前登录账号密码> passwd、更改其它账号密码> passwd user如果被设置的账号的权限小于当前账号,那么不需要输入被设置的账号的旧密码,反之,则系统会提示输入被设置账号的旧密码。

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Brocade B24光纤交换机CMD配置编写人审批人所属部门修改内容修改时间版本号张屹网络部DBA组新建文档20170714V0.1光纤交换机常用操作命令,下面以博科(Brocade)的光纤交换机操作说明,IBM和HP的光纤交换机都是OEM博科的,操作命令类似。

命令uptime 显示交换机工作时间ipaddrshow 显示交换机IP地址信息licenseshow 显示当前交换机所添加的license信息switchshow 检查交换机信息及端口状态switchstatusshow 显示交换机的运行状态firmwareshow 显示微码版本fanshow 显示风扇运行状态tempshow 显示交换机当前温度信息psshow 显示电源运行状态slotshow 显示板卡运行状态hashshow 显示CP版卡HA状态,errdump 显示错误日志fabricshow 显示fabric信息及级联信息cfgshow 显示交换机配置信息porterrshow 显示交换机端口的错误统计chassisshow 显示外壳信息及序列号version 相看版本userconfig --show -a 查看登录帐号domainsshow 查看交换机的domain信息aliashow 查看别名snmpconfig --disable snmpv1 关闭SNMPV1级联互ping:fcping --number 10000 --length 2036 --interval 1 10:00:00:05:33:9f:06:28级联更改portcfglongdistance 0备份configuplocadProtocol (scp or ftp):ftphost:user name:filename:password:恢复switchdisable 停用交换机configdownloadProtocol (scp or ftp):ftpServer Name or IP Address [host]:User Name [user]:File Name [config.txt]:config.txt.........Do you want to continue [y/n]:yPassword:设置IPipaddrsetEthernet IP Address []:Ethernet Subnetmask []:Fibre Channel IP Address [none]:Fibre Channel Subnetmask [none]:Fibre Channel Subnetmask [none]:Gataway IP Address []:DHCP [On]Zone配置示例:创建别名alicreate "member1","1,1;1,2;1,3"alicreate "member2","1,2;1,3;1,4"alicreate "member3","1,3;1,4;1,5"alishow划分zonezonecreate "zone1","member1;member2"zonecreate "zone2","1,1;1,7"zonecreate "zone2","member3;1,8"zoneshow将zone添加到配置中cfgcreate "conf1","zone1;zone2;zone3"cfgshow启用配置cfgenable conf1存储配置cfgsave删除cfgIBM_2005_H16:admin> cfgRemove "H16_cfg","vmtest"IBM_2005_H16:admin> cfgsaveIBM_2005_H16:admin> cfgenable H16_cfg删除zoneIBM_2005_H16:admin> zonedelete vmtest配置示例11、新服务器的HBA卡接入光交,将其和IBM V5000存储的HBA接口划分在同一个ZONE,与其它服务器分开。

查看交换机信息及端口状态union_gj1:admin> switchshowswitchName: union_gj1switchType: 71.2switchState: OnlineswitchMode: NativeswitchRole: PrincipalswitchDomain: 1switchId: fffc01switchWwn: 10:00:00:27:f8:3a:49:48zoning: ON (union_db_config)switchBeacon: OFFIndex Port Address Media Speed State Proto==============================================0 0 010000 id N8 Online FC F-Port 50:05:07:68:03:04:b8:e91 1 010100 id N8 Online FC F-Port 50:05:07:68:03:04:b8:e82 2 010200 id N8 Online FC F-Port 10:00:00:90:fa:a3:54:703 3 010300 id N8 Online FC F-Port 10:00:00:90:fa:a3:54:894 4 010400 id N8 Online FC F-Port 21:00:00:24:ff:13:a4:bb5 5 010500 id N8 No_Light FC6 6 010600 id N8 Online FC F-Port 10:00:00:90:fa:2f:1a:777 7 010700 id N8 No_Light FC8 8 010800 -- N8 No_Module FC9 9 010900 -- N8 No_Module FC10 10 010a00 -- N8 No_Module FC11 11 010b00 -- N8 No_Module FC12 12 010c00 -- N8 No_Module FC12 12 010c00 -- N8 No_Module FC13 13 010d00 -- N8 No_Module FC14 14 010e00 -- N8 No_Module FC15 15 010f00 -- N8 No_Module FC16 16 011000 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled17 17 011100 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled18 18 011200 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled19 19 011300 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled20 20 011400 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled21 21 011500 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled22 22 011600 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled23 23 011700 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled如上所示,Port 0 1 2 3 4 6接口state处于online。

查看ZONE配置:union_gj1:admin> zoneshowDefined configuration:cfg: union_db_configunion_db1_zone; union_db2_zone; union_dna_zonezone: union_db1_zone1,0; 1,1; 1,3zone: union_db2_zone1,0; 1,1; 1,2zone: union_dna_zone1,0; 1,1; 1,6Effective configuration:cfg: union_db_configzone: union_db1_zone1,01,11,3zone: union_db2_zone1,01,11,2zone: union_dna_zone1,01,11,6如上所示,有三个ZONE,分别为union_db1_zone(PORT包括0,1,3),union_db2_zone(PORT包括0,1,2),union_dna_zone(PORT包括0,1,6);还有一个配置文件 union_db_config,包括了这三个ZONE。

注意:一个端口可以属于不同的ZONE,在这里PORT0和1连接的是V5000存储的两个FC口,而PORT 2,3,6则是分别连接不同的DB服务器的FC口。


接下来,将PORT4(连接DB服务器)、PORT0和1划分至新的ZONE union_bgp_zone。

union_gj1:admin> zonecreate "union_bgp_zone","1,0;1,1;1,4"查看刚刚创建的ZONE un ion_bgp_zone:union_gj1:admin> zoneshowDefined configuration:cfg: union_db_configunion_db1_zone; union_db2_zone; union_dna_zonezone: union_bgp_zone1,0; 1,1; 1,4zone: union_db1_zone1,0; 1,1; 1,3zone: union_db2_zone1,0; 1,1; 1,2zone: union_dna_zone1,0; 1,1; 1,6Effective configuration:cfg: union_db_configzone: union_db1_zone1,01,01,11,3zone: union_db2_zone1,01,11,2zone: union_dna_zone1,01,11,6将刚新建的zone union_bgp_zone加入union_db_config配置文件:union_gj1:admin> cfgadd "union_db_config","union_bgp_zone"注意:c fgadd――向已有配置文件中增加zoneC fgenable:启动配置文件(每次对zone或配置文件的变动,都要执行此操作,此操作对不会造成应用中断)union_gj1:admin> cfgenable "union_db_config"You are about to enable a new zoning configuration.This action will replace the old zoning configuration with thecurrent configuration selected. If the update includes changesto one or more traffic isolation zones, the update may result inlocalized disruption to traffic on ports associated withthe traffic isolation zone changesDo you want to enable 'union_db_config' configuration (yes, y, no, n): [no] yeszone config "union_db_config" is in effectUpdating flash ...再次查看zo ne配置情况:union_gj1:admin> zoneshowDefined configuration:cfg: union_db_configunion_db1_zone; union_db2_zone; union_dna_zone;union_bgp_zonezone: union_bgp_zone1,0; 1,1; 1,4zone: union_db1_zone1,0; 1,1; 1,3zone: union_db2_zone1,0; 1,1; 1,2zone: union_dna_zone1,0; 1,1; 1,6Effective configuration:cfg: union_db_configzone: union_bgp_zone1,01,11,4zone: union_db1_zone1,01,11,3zone: union_db2_zone1,01,11,2zone: union_dna_zone1,01,11,6可以看到ZONE u nion_bgp_zone已处于effective状态。
