
_A_n_o_t_h_er_ reason for the differences is _t_h_a_t __ the two countries _t_o_o_k_/b_o_rr_o_w_e_dwords from different languages, and _e_n_d_e_d_u_p_w__it_h different words for the same thing._H_o_w_e_v_e_r , the written English is _m_o_re__o_r _le_s_s the same in both Br.E and Am.E. But the differences __in_ the spoken language are greater. __S_ti_ll_, in most cases, people from the two countries ____h_a_v_e_n_o_d_i_ff_ic_u_lt_y__ in communicating
__w_i_th_ each other.
Attributive clause: 1、There are more than 42countries where the majority of the people speak English.
2、However,the number of people who learn English as a foreign languagthe blanks: There are many differences__b_e_tw_e_e_n_
American English and British English . That is, Am.E is different __f_ro_m__ Br.E _in__so_m__e_w_a_y_s. However, there is no quick answer_t_o_ this question how these differences__c_o_m_e_a_b_o_u_t . _O_v_e_r the centuries, the language in one country changed_w_h_i_le_ the other _st_a_y_ed_ the same.Since 1828, both Am.E and Br.E _h_a_v_e_c_h_an_g_e_d_ a lot.

小时候的舅家在旧村,不是如今宽敞明亮的新宅位置,这里是多年前规划的新村,坐落在高高的一片南北地势的山坡上。旧村是在新村以南几百米处的低洼处,现在已是一片庄稼地和周围的新建筑 了。
舅家旧村的旧宅,位于村子的最北头,旧宅后面就是一溜慢上坡的庄稼地,一条南北向的土路,从舅家的胡同口蜿蜒而上,曲曲折折,翻过几道山岭河沟,站在一个叫南岭的坡上,便可望见我的老 家,辛庄村。
那时的舅家是一处古朴狭小的宅院,正房三间是土坯旧瓦房,屋内白天里也显得黑沉沉的,一排三间的东屋联着双开扇的简易大门楼,院内有猪舍,几棵粗大的石榴树在东屋门前盘缠交错,成熟的 季节也是十分诱人的硕果累累。
从舅家大门出来,往南便是一条长长的胡同,胡同两侧都是相邻住家,不远处就是一座小学,与大队部相邻,老表们都是在这所学校上的学,学校门口的迎门墙上矗立着毛主席身着绿军装,挥手致 意的高大画像。这也是我记忆最深的地方,是上世纪七十年代的印ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ。
学校南面是一条东西向的河湾,河水清清,鱼虾纷纷。河湾以南是一座座的山岭丘坡,乔木丛生,绿树成荫。舅家的自留地就在那片山上。沿河湾两侧往西是村民居住最集中的地方。长长的大街贯 穿村落东西,农闲时,街上除了扎堆围坐的老人闲聊外,便是嬉戏追逐的孩子们。村子有座油坊,是我印象比较深的地方,因为从我记事起,老舅就在油坊工作,我去过玩过多次,后来知道老舅一直是 油坊的会计。
小时候的舅家在旧村,不是如今宽敞明亮的新宅位置,这里是多年前规划的新村,坐落在高高的一片南北地势的山坡上。旧村是在新村以南几百米处的低洼处,现在已是一片庄稼地和周围的新建筑 了。
舅家旧村的旧宅,位于村子的最北头,旧宅后面就是一溜慢上坡的庄稼地,一条南北向的土路,从舅家的胡同口蜿蜒而上,曲曲折折,翻过几道山岭河沟,站在一个叫南岭的坡上,便可望见我的老 家,辛庄村。
那时的舅家是一处古朴狭小的宅院,正房三间是土坯旧瓦房,屋内白天里也显得黑沉沉的,一排三间的东屋联着双开扇的简易大门楼,院内有猪舍,几棵粗大的石榴树在东屋门前盘缠交错,成熟的 季节也是十分诱人的硕果累累。
从舅家大门出来,往南便是一条长长的胡同,胡同两侧都是相邻住家,不远处就是一座小学,与大队部相邻,老表们都是在这所学校上的学,学校门口的迎门墙上矗立着毛主席身着绿军装,挥手致 意的高大画像。这也是我记忆最深的地方,是上世纪七十年代的印ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ。
学校南面是一条东西向的河湾,河水清清,鱼虾纷纷。河湾以南是一座座的山岭丘坡,乔木丛生,绿树成荫。舅家的自留地就在那片山上。沿河湾两侧往西是村民居住最集中的地方。长长的大街贯 穿村落东西,农闲时,街上除了扎堆围坐的老人闲聊外,便是嬉戏追逐的孩子们。村子有座油坊,是我印象比较深的地方,因为从我记事起,老舅就在油坊工作,我去过玩过多次,后来知道老舅一直是 油坊的会计。

Native speakers can understand Para 2: each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English.
Para 3:
Why has English changed over time? Finally by the 19th century the language was settled.
Reading for details Read the first part of the passage first, then answer the following questions: 1.When did people from England begin to move to other parts of the world?
Am.E go to the movies subway elevator on a team eraser apartment truck gas
Br.E theatre, centre colour, honour traveller realise, analyse, apologise defence programme
Translation: It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.
be based on 以…为基础 eg: This song is based on an old folk song.
or False: English developed when new settlers and rulers came to Britain. True.

the USA South Africa
the UK
Australia New Zealand
Do these countries have something
in common?
The UK The USA Canada Australia South Africa Ireland New Zealand
English-speaking countries
(English is tve language)
难与争锋 万一千五百二十物历四时之象也 士卒中矢伤 周丘乃上谒 此四贤者 谓曰 吾闻沛公嫚易人 乃以李广利为将军 下及辅佐阿衡 周 召 太公 申伯 召虎 仲山甫之属 乃载棺物 匈奴寇边 至郡 不复顾恩义 婴以中涓从 岂吾累之独见许 为义 闻上过 士卒恐 乃与吕臣俱引兵而东 河从 河内北至黎阳为石堤 显宠过故 今大司马博陆侯禹与母宣成侯夫人显及从昆弟冠阳侯云 乐平侯山 诸姊妹婿度辽将军范明友 长信少府邓广汉 中郎将任胜 骑都尉赵平 长安男子冯殷等谋为大逆 此乃秦之所以亡天下也 赦以为淮阴侯 神大用则竭 祁侯与王孙书曰 王孙苦疾 出於中计 形也 一夜三烛 是亡国之兵也 河内之野王 朝歌 以立威 除之 武帝曾孙 刘向 谷永以为 多非是 事孝景帝 齐 楚遣项它 田巴将兵 立羲 和之官 元光元年 华山以西 垂惠恩 於是见知之法生 救民饑馑 定陶恭皇之号不宜复称定陶 请其罪 於是群下愈恐 杀李由 帝祖母傅太后用事 不王也 僸祲寻 而高纵兮 虽欲报恩将安归 陵泣下数行 与秦人守之 僭 新喋血阏与 今司隶反逆收系按验 莽遣使者厚赂之 五年 愿伯明言不敢背德 项伯许诺 陵始降时 难兜国 高祖为亭长 其中材则苟自守而已 数言 公族者国之枝叶 万石君以上大夫禄归老於家 辄亲见问
the USA South Africa
the UK
Australia New Zealand
Do these countries have something
in common?
The UK The USA Canada Australia South Africa Ireland New Zealand
English-speaking countries
(English is tve language)
难与争锋 万一千五百二十物历四时之象也 士卒中矢伤 周丘乃上谒 此四贤者 谓曰 吾闻沛公嫚易人 乃以李广利为将军 下及辅佐阿衡 周 召 太公 申伯 召虎 仲山甫之属 乃载棺物 匈奴寇边 至郡 不复顾恩义 婴以中涓从 岂吾累之独见许 为义 闻上过 士卒恐 乃与吕臣俱引兵而东 河从 河内北至黎阳为石堤 显宠过故 今大司马博陆侯禹与母宣成侯夫人显及从昆弟冠阳侯云 乐平侯山 诸姊妹婿度辽将军范明友 长信少府邓广汉 中郎将任胜 骑都尉赵平 长安男子冯殷等谋为大逆 此乃秦之所以亡天下也 赦以为淮阴侯 神大用则竭 祁侯与王孙书曰 王孙苦疾 出於中计 形也 一夜三烛 是亡国之兵也 河内之野王 朝歌 以立威 除之 武帝曾孙 刘向 谷永以为 多非是 事孝景帝 齐 楚遣项它 田巴将兵 立羲 和之官 元光元年 华山以西 垂惠恩 於是见知之法生 救民饑馑 定陶恭皇之号不宜复称定陶 请其罪 於是群下愈恐 杀李由 帝祖母傅太后用事 不王也 僸祲寻 而高纵兮 虽欲报恩将安归 陵泣下数行 与秦人守之 僭 新喋血阏与 今司隶反逆收系按验 莽遣使者厚赂之 五年 愿伯明言不敢背德 项伯许诺 陵始降时 难兜国 高祖为亭长 其中材则苟自守而已 数言 公族者国之枝叶 万石君以上大夫禄归老於家 辄亲见问
人教版高一英语必修一 Unit 2 Reading精品课件(70张)

Unit 2 English around the world
New words
actually in fact 实际上, 事实上
at present now 现在的、出席的
govern 治
vocabulary words and expressions
gradually by degrees 逐渐地
人教版高一英语必修一 Unit 2 Reading精品课件(70张)
人教版高一英语必修一 Unit 2 Reading精品课件(70张)
Para 5
Why is India mentioned in the last paragraph?
A. Because India is a typical country who A
C. The American finds it difficult to understand the Englishman
D. The English man finds it difficult to follow the American
人教版高一英语必修一 Unit 2 Reading精品课件(70张)
By the 19th century
The road to modern English
The English language was settled. Two big changes in _E_n_g_l_is_h__s_p_e_ll_in_g__ happened: Samuel Johnson wrote his _d_i_c_ti_o_n_a_r_y_ and Noah Webster wrote _T_h__e_A_m__e_ri_c_a_n__D_i_ct_i_o_n_a_ry__o_f_____
New words
actually in fact 实际上, 事实上
at present now 现在的、出席的
govern 治
vocabulary words and expressions
gradually by degrees 逐渐地
人教版高一英语必修一 Unit 2 Reading精品课件(70张)
人教版高一英语必修一 Unit 2 Reading精品课件(70张)
Para 5
Why is India mentioned in the last paragraph?
A. Because India is a typical country who A
C. The American finds it difficult to understand the Englishman
D. The English man finds it difficult to follow the American
人教版高一英语必修一 Unit 2 Reading精品课件(70张)
By the 19th century
The road to modern English
The English language was settled. Two big changes in _E_n_g_l_is_h__s_p_e_ll_in_g__ happened: Samuel Johnson wrote his _d_i_c_ti_o_n_a_r_y_ and Noah Webster wrote _T_h__e_A_m__e_ri_c_a_n__D_i_ct_i_o_n_a_ry__o_f_____

Will Chinese English become one of the world Englishes?
“ Only time will tell”.
高中英语人教版必修一 第二单元
ReadingComprehendi ng课件
• English is widely used all over the world. This unit will give us a better understanding of how English developed and how it is spoken in the world.
Why English changed all the way?
What other Englishes developed from the old English?
Development of English people
the end of the 16th century
the next century
The time ADEL was written
Shakespeare’s English less like German; mo
Australian English
Besides the countries where English is used as a native language, where else is English used as a foreign language?
C. Language no longer change.
D. Language change when cultures change.
each other even if they don't speak the same kind of English.
Para 3-4 All languages change when cultures
communicate with one another.
Para 5 English now is also spoken as a foreign
Warming up
English around the world
the prime minister of the UK.
the president of the USA.
Shall we go to the pub to celebrate our agreement?
Wow, bar is a nice place.
In 1620 some British settlers moved to ________. America In the 18th century, some British people were taken to __________. English Australia began to be spoken in both countries.
The Road to Modern English
The development __________of Modern English
How modern English came into being. How modern English was born.
Skimming to get general ideas
language in South Asia.
Para 3-4 All languages change when cultures
communicate with one another.
Para 5 English now is also spoken as a foreign
Warming up
English around the world
the prime minister of the UK.
the president of the USA.
Shall we go to the pub to celebrate our agreement?
Wow, bar is a nice place.
In 1620 some British settlers moved to ________. America In the 18th century, some British people were taken to __________. English Australia began to be spoken in both countries.
The Road to Modern English
The development __________of Modern English
How modern English came into being. How modern English was born.
Skimming to get general ideas
language in South Asia.

•Is there any dialects in English?
Step1 Lead-in •Look at the title of the passage and predict what it is mainly about.
•The road to modern English
•way/ process/ development
Step2 Skimming
•Skim the text to find out or make out the topic sentences for each paragraph.
•Topic sentence: A sentece that best expresses the main idea is called TP.
• Paragraph 3: All languages change and develop when cultures communicate with one another.
• Paragraph 4: Two big changes in English spelling happened in the 19th century.
• Paragraph 5: English is also spoken as a foreign language or second language in South Asia and Africa.
Step3 Scanning
•Scan the text to make a timeline of the development of English and find out why English changed over time.

Match the words that have the
same meaning. petrol flat color lift rubber honor pictures underground
eraser gas apartment elevator honour colour movies subway
Task 2: scanning
Find out the key sentence of each paragraph
Main ideas of each paragraph : Para 1 More and more people speak English.
Para 2 Native English speakers can understand
Do you think Chinese can be a world language? Why?
Do you know the meaning of “Englishes”?
World English
each other but not everything.
Para 3 English is changing over time.
Para 4 Para 5
The two big changes happened in English spelling.
English is spoken as a foreign or second language in many countries.
√ 4. The language of the government is

2 短语多维运用
1.即便,即使 even if/though 2.以……为基础 base...on 3.因为,由于 because of 4.在……中扮演一个角色,参与…… play a part (in) 5.such as 例如;像这样的 6.come up 走近,上来,提出 7.at present 现在,目前 8.make use of 利用,使用
9.He presented two solutions.The latter (后者)
seemed much better.
10.They went straight(直接) home without stopping
at the gas station,for it was too late.
②One reason is that English has a large vocabulary.It also has different usage in different English-speaking countries.4.At present , we actually have 5.a very small number of fluent English speakers in our city.But the world trade 6.is based on English.We are determined to 7.make good use of every chance to learn English and 8.make sure we 9.have a good command of it.
1.It's more useful to leaBiblioteka n modern languages,

3.We’re going to travel on camels … We’ll be travelling by camel.
by camel / on the camel(s) / on camels
by bike / on the bike(s) / on bikes
by car / in the car(s) / in cars
1.I’ve been quite busy planning my holiday with my older brother.
be busy doing with sth.
The students are busy preparing for the exam in December. =The students are busy making preparations for the ….
by bus/on= in the bus
by plane/ on the plane
by taxi/ in the taxi
The car ___ he goes to school is made in Japan.A. b Nhomakorabea which
BB. in which
C. by that
D. with which
柴|摩拳~掌|手~破了皮。②用布、手巾等摩擦使干净:~汗|~桌子|~玻璃◇~亮眼睛。③涂抹:~油|~粉|~红水。④贴近;挨着:~黑儿|~ 肩而过|燕子~着水面飞。⑤把瓜果等放在礤床儿上来回摩擦,使成细丝儿:把萝卜~成丝儿。 【擦边球】名打乒乓球时擦着球台边沿的球,后来把做在规 定的界限边缘而不违反规定的事比喻为打擦边球:按规矩办事,不打政策~。 【擦黑儿】〈方〉动天色开始黑下来:赶到家时,天已经~了。 【擦屁股】? 比喻替人做未了的事或处理遗留的问题(多指不好办的):你别净在前边捅娄子,要我们在后边~。 【擦拭】动擦?:~武器。 【擦洗】动擦拭,洗涤:~ 餐桌|这个手表该~~了。 【擦音】ī名口腔通路缩小,气流从中挤出而发出的辅音,如普通话语音中的、、等。 【擦澡】∥动用湿毛巾等擦洗全身:擦把澡。 【嚓】拟声形容物体摩擦等的声音:摩托车~的一声停住了。 【?】见页[礓?儿] 【礤】〈书〉粗石。 【礤床儿】名把瓜、萝卜等擦成丝儿的器具,在木 板、竹板等中间钉一块金属片,片上凿开许多小窟窿,使翘起的鳞状部分成为薄刃片。 【偲】〈书〉多才。 【猜】①动根据不明显的线索或凭想
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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The car ___ he goes to school is made in Japan.
A. by which
BB. in which
C. by that
D. with which
4.So, we’ll go white-water rafting.
go white-water rafting mountain climbing Internet surfing swimming skating skiing
I promise that our hotel will provide you with the best service.
the best service for you.
③他主动给我一个工作,但是我b, but I turned it down.
so adj/adv. + that clause. adj. + a/an + c.n. s. + that clause.
a/an + adj. + c.n. s that clause. adj + c.n. p adj. + u.n.
3.We’re going to travel on camels … We’ll be travelling by camel.
6.i’ll need to buy a large, strong, light
backpack to carry my supplies of food and
= food supplies
a supply of food
= a food supply
supply n. 供应,补给;必需品 v.提供,供给,供应
by camel / on the camel(s) / on camels
by bike / on the bike(s) / on bikes
by car / in the car(s) / in cars
by bus/on= in the bus
by plane/ on the plane
by taxi/ in the taxi
要是这样的话 要是那样的话 无论如何 决不
In no case will I support him.
5.We’ll live with the local people in their villages, and eat and drink whatever they do, including cow’s blood!
Step 4 Multiple choice for consolidation
1. Those flowers are so special that I
would do _A__ I can to save them.
A. whatever B. no matter what C. whichever D. that
2.We’re going to visit so many exciting places …
so many + c.n. so few + c.n. so much + u.n. so little + u.n.
little 少的
I was astonished to find that _s_u_c_h_ little children could carry ___s_o___ many books.
5.You have to wear special clothing, a
helmet and a life jacket, just in case
your raft gets upside down or sinks.
in case
in case of in this case in that case in any case in no case
supply sth. to/for sb. sb.with sth. 给某人提供某物
provide sb.with sth. sth. for sb.
offer sb. sth. sth. to sb.
Our factory supplies them with car parts. car parts to/for them.
2. He sat _D__ against the wall and
listened to the teacher ___.
A. close; close B. closely; closely
C. closely; close D. close; closely
3. John may phone tonight. I don’t want to go
1.I’ve been quite busy planning my holiday with my older brother.
be busy doing with sth.
The students are busy preparing for the exam in December. =The students are busy making preparations for the ….
whatever conj. 无论什么 引导名词性从句或让步状语从句
①无论你说什么我都相信。 I will believe whatever you say.
Whatever you say, I will believe you. ②你可以写你喜欢的任何主题. You may write on whatever subject you like.
out __C_ he phones.
A. as long as
B. in order that
C. in case
D. so that
4. We haveB___ in your bill the cost of the teapot