













第一章 海商法概述

第一章  海商法概述

• 3. 法律关系复杂性
• (1)参与主体多元化
• (2)权利和义务内容复杂 • 如:贸易术语 CIF中,卖方既可以是运输合同的托运人
海商法的价值理念 1. 实质公平——最典型的商法
2. 衡平原则——国家之间、海运各方 主体之间、海商制度之间
3. 保护海运业——海运业是高风险、
第四节 海商法的法律渊源
第五节 海商法的适用效力
其主要内容涉及船舶。 船长。船员。海难救助 以及船长出卖运送品之 权能等。在大西洋一带
法国海商法:路易十四1681年颁布《海事条例》, 是欧洲第一部综合性海商法典,内容涉及船员、船舶、 运输契约、海事司法、国家对海岸和港湾渔业的管理 等。1807年拿破仑把《海事条例》的私法部分纳入 《法国商法典》第二编“海商”部分。
是法国大西洋海岸一带 商人海事法庭的判例和 康苏拉度原意为“裁 判官”,该法又称为 《海商裁判例》,它 收集了14世纪流行于 地中海沿岸的海事判 例、习惯和学说,内 容丰富,体系完整, 被称为当时最完备的 海事法,对以后的欧 洲航运界影响深远。 在瑞典哥特兰岛上的 维斯比城编纂并因此 得名。它主要继承了 奥列隆海法、阿姆斯 特丹法、波罗的海汉 萨城镇吕贝克法的传 统,盛行于波罗的海 沿岸及北海南岸,德 国、瑞典等波罗的海 沿岸国家海商法受其 影响较大。
德国海商法:立法体例照搬 了法国商法典的。1861年 《德国商法典》第五编
英国的海商法:14世纪《海事黑皮书》、1734 年《船舶所有人责任法》、1855年《提单法》、 1894年《商船法》、1906年《海上保险法》、 1924年和1971年《海上货物运输法》



1、SEA WAYBILL是什么意思?意思是海运单海运单,是指证明海上货物运输合同和承运人接收货物或者已将货物装船的不可转让的单证。
















补充:Waybill (Sea waybill) 运单(海运单)。

1992年英国海上货物运输法(the U.K. Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992)(U.K. 1992 c. 50)第1(3)条将海运单定义为:“海运单是指任何不是提单但是是:1、包含或证明了海上货物运输合同的货物收据;以及2、确定了承运人根据该海上货物运输合同应对其交付货物的人,的一份单据。










一、英国海商法下认可合同的相对性原则合同相对性原则,又称合同相关性原则(privity of contract )指“订立契约系由双方当事人所为,因此契约中之权利义务等亦只涉及契约中双方当事人之间的问题,契约之内容及履行不涉及与双方当事人之间所订契约无关之第三人”[1]324。


在此之前,虽然也有判例提出这些观点,比如说,根据权威的英国法律史著作所述,早在1668年,法院在Bourne v.Mason (1668)中就判决原告没有起诉权,因为他“并没有给自己带来任何麻烦或者给被告带来任何利益,因此,就合同的对价来说,他只是一个局外人(stranger )”。


根据公认的看法,合同相对性原则最早是在Tweddle v.Atkinson 案件中提出来确立的。

电放提单和SEA WAY BILL有什么区别啊!

电放提单和SEA WAY BILL有什么区别啊!

Surrender B/L电放提单表示不用全套正本提单清关。





电放提单,也是放货指令的一种操作形式!SURRENDER B/L一般是卖方收到买家的货款/或确信买家能付款的情况下,通知船公司出电放单给目的港代理,这样,客户就可以不凭提单提到货了,这样做比较有风险,但是如果是货款到帐了的话,是比较简便的操作模式。







一般最好是在未出提单前办理,船公司不用出具正本提单;如果已经出具正本提单,则需要将正本提单交回船公司(如果是TO ORDER(横条加法人章背书)或者是船公司要求的话就必须背书(公章)),让船公司电放提单。



现在比较流行SEA WAYBILL ,它是介于正本提单和电放提单之间的。



最保险的就是收到钱后做SEA WAYBILL本人现在是做外贸操作,出口西班牙马德里的货一般都是电放。



都是“FOB”惹的祸?--------天津周刚立一 现今出口流行曲:FOB最近这些年,尤其是在江浙和广东一带,当笔者以进出口公司名义初次向生产厂商寻购产品时,这些企业中不少业务人员脱口而出:FOB 美元多少。










问题是随着这种价格术语合同数量的增大,这种合同出现的问题——骗局,讹诈,付款失控和无单放货的数量也大增,当然这和比例有一定的关系,但是和FOB 价格合同的性质和我国出口商家对FOB价格合同和FOB价格术语的掌握程度就没有直接的连带关系吗?有人说我国出口采用FOB合同的现象,有它的“存在的合理性”和“存在的空间”。









《海商法》下收货人提货权利义务之辨陈琳琳【摘要】《中华人民共和国海商法》(简称《海商法》)第86条将收货人在卸货港的提货行为绝对义务化,使得包括该条文以及第42条、第44条、第71条、第78条、第79条、第80条在内的法律条文间,存在着概念范围模糊、条文冲突的法律形式逻辑问题,也与《海商法》设置提单等制度的法律目的相背离.因此,在法律条文上进一步明确卸货港提货为收货人的权利,修正收货人提货权在《海商法》中的条文表达,将有助于提升《海商法》法律形式逻辑的严密性,并促进《海商法》立法目的和价值的实现.【期刊名称】《中国海商法研究》【年(卷),期】2018(029)003【总页数】5页(P11-15)【关键词】《海商法》;收货人;卸货港;提货权【作者】陈琳琳【作者单位】大连海事大学法学院,辽宁大连 116026【正文语种】中文【中图分类】DF961.9在国际货物买卖中,买方通常被要求承担及时提货的义务。









海上货物运输法的历史发展及其启示张文广• 2013-06-27 09:57:00 来源:《中国海商法研究》2013年第2期摘要:在过去的百年中,曾产生过若干个重要的海上货物运输立法,其中的经验与教训值得我们深思。
















一、《哈特法》《哈特法》(The Harter Act)的全称是《关于船舶航行、提单以及与财产运输有关的某些义务、职责和权利的法律》(An Act Relating to Navigation of Vessels, Bills of Lading, and to Certain Obligations, Duties, and Rights in Connection with the Carriage of Property)。























第二十章、1971年《海上货物运输法》translated by Thomas Guo郭国汀【关键词】国际航运、海上货物运输【全文】导论1971年《海上货物运输法》继续了最初由1924年《海上货物运输法》调整船东和提单当事人之间相互权利和义务的立法进程。



然而,对于提单出现了不同的考虑,它们不仅是运输合同,而且也是物权凭证(documents of title)由于商业习惯及1855年《提单法》提单得自由地在贸易中作为部分货币(as part of currency)流通,赋予他们的持有人权利和义务。

因此,收货人,银行及其他非原始合同当事人,以及不能有效地控制其条款的人们,变得与提单有关系,却没有真正的机会检查其条款,或估计它提供的担保价值,(value of security)在1914年至1918年战前及战后数年间,由于提单条款变得更为多种多样,标准化的需求变得日益迫切,立法对部分进出口强加的要求也日益增加,1893年美国的哈特法,规定了签发提单的海运承运人的某些最低限度的责任。

不过,有一派相反的观点主张,在准备定义承运人和货方的权利和义务的法律规则(code of rule)过程中,寻求对货方的不满(merchant’s grievances)进行救济。








关键词:提单议付 ucp600 占有留置权一、引言跟单信用证贸易情况下,议付行因议付而持有提单,当议付行因为审单失误而遭开证行拒付,又因受益人破产而无法追索时,提单便成了议付行收回损失的唯一依据。










根据《海商法》第79条,提单的转让,依照下列规定执行: 1.记名提单: 不得转让;2.指示提单: 经过记名背书或者空白背书转让;3.不记名提单: 无需背书, 即可转让。

浅论我国 《海商法》中“提单持有人”的概念

浅论我国 《海商法》中“提单持有人”的概念















英国1992年海上货物运输法本法取代1855 年提单法,并就提单及某些其他航运单证做出新规定。

本法由上院贵族议员和下院议员于本次议会审议通过,并经女王陛下批准,兹经其授权颁布如下:第 1 条适用本法的有关航运单证(1)本法适用于下列单证:(a)任何提单;(b)任何海运单;以及(c)任何船舶交货单。









第 2 条航运单证所赋予的权利(1)依照本条后述规定,成为下列之一者:(a)合法的提单持有人;(b)承运人按货物运输合同应将有关海运单项下的货物向其交付的人(该人不是货物运输合同的原缔约一方);(c)按照船舶交货单所包含的保证,应将与该交货单有关的货物向其交付的人;则应(由于其成为提单持有人,或根据具体情况,成为提取货物者)被视为已成为货物运输合同的缔约一方,从而被转让和赋予该合同项下的一切诉讼权利。



提单是运输合同吗篇一:从运输合同到提单债权邢海宝上传时间:2006-10-10从运输合同到提单债权邢海宝中国人民大学法学院副教授浏览次数:4119 字体大小:大中小提单在托运人和承运人之间不能被视为运输合同本身。



















英国海上运输法 1992年

英国海上运输法 1992年

Status: This is the original version (as it was originally enacted).Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 19921992 CHAPTER 50An Act to replace the Bills of Lading Act 1855 with new provision with respect to bills of lading and certain other shipping documents.[16th July 1992] Be it enacted by the Queen’s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:—1Shipping documents etc. to which Act applies(1)This Act applies to the following documents, that is to say—(a)any bill of lading;(b)any sea waybill; and(c)any ship’s delivery order.(2)References in this Act to a bill of lading—(a)do not include references to a document which is incapable of transfer eitherby indorsement or, as a bearer bill, by delivery without indorsement; but(b)subject to that, do include references to a received for shipment bill of lading.(3)References in this Act to a sea waybill are references to any document which is not abill of lading but—(a)is such a receipt for goods as contains or evidences a contract for the carriageof goods by sea; and(b)identifies the person to whom delivery of the goods is to be made by the carrierin accordance with that contract.(4)References in this Act to a ship’s delivery order are references to any document whichis neither a bill of lading nor a sea waybill but contains an undertaking which—(a)is given under or for the purposes of a contract for the carriage by sea of thegoods to which the document relates, or of goods which include those goods;and2Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992 (c. 50)Document Generated: 2011-03-19 Status: This is the original version (as it was originally enacted).(b)is an undertaking by the carrier to a person identified in the document to deliverthe goods to which the document relates to that person.(5)The Secretary of State may by regulations make provision for the application of thisAct to cases where a telecommunication system or any other information technology is used for effecting transactions corresponding to—(a)the issue of a document to which this Act applies;(b)the indorsement, delivery or other transfer of such a document; or(c)the doing of anything else in relation to such a document.(6)Regulations under subsection (5) above may—(a)make such modifications of the following provisions of this Act as the Secretaryof State considers appropriate in connection with the application of this Act toany case mentioned in that subsection; and(b)contain supplemental, incidental, consequential and transitional provision;and the power to make regulations under that subsection shall be exercisable by statutory instrument subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of Parliament.2Rights under shipping documents(1)Subject to the following provisions of this section, a person who becomes—(a)the lawful holder of a bill of lading;(b)the person who (without being an original party to the contract of carriage) isthe person to whom delivery of the goods to which a sea waybill relates is tobe made by the carrier in accordance with that contract; or(c)the person to whom delivery of the goods to which a ship’s delivery order relatesis to be made in accordance with the undertaking contained in the order, shall (by virtue of becoming the holder of the bill or, as the case may be, the person to whom delivery is to be made) have transferred to and vested in him all rights of suit under the contract of carriage as if he had been a party to that contract.(2)Where, when a person becomes the lawful holder of a bill of lading, possession of thebill no longer gives a right (as against the carrier) to possession of the goods to which the bill relates, that person shall not have any rights transferred to him by virtue of subsection (1) above unless he becomes the holder of the bill—(a)by virtue of a transaction effected in pursuance of any contractual or otherarrangements made before the time when such a right to possession ceased toattach to possession of the bill; or(b)as a result of the rejection to that person by another person of goods ordocuments delivered to the other person in pursuance of any such arrangements.(3)The rights vested in any person by virtue of the operation of subsection (1) above inrelation to a ship’s delivery order—(a)shall be so vested subject to the terms of the order; and(b)where the goods to which the order relates form a part only of the goods towhich the contract of carriage relates, shall be confined to rights in respect ofthe goods to which the order relates.(4)Where, in the case of any document to which this Act applies—Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992 (c. 50) Document Generated: 2011-03-193Status: This is the original version (as it was originally enacted).(a) a person with any interest or right in or in relation to goods to which thedocument relates sustains loss or damage in consequence of a breach of thecontract of carriage; but(b)subsection (1) above operates in relation to that document so that rights of suitin respect of that breach are vested in another person,the other person shall be entitled to exercise those rights for the benefit of the person who sustained the loss or damage to the same extent as they could have been exercised if they had been vested in the person for whose benefit they are exercised.(5)Where rights are transferred by virtue of the operation of subsection (1) above in relationto any document, the transfer for which that subsection provides shall extinguish any entitlement to those rights which derives—(a)where that document is a bill of lading, from a person’s having been an originalparty to the contract of carriage; or(b)in the case of any document to which this Act applies, from the previousoperation of that subsection in relation to that document;but the operation of that subsection shall be without prejudice to any rights which derive from a person’s having been an original party to the contract contained in, or evidenced by, a sea waybill and, in relation to a ship’s delivery order, shall be without prejudice to any rights deriving otherwise than from the previous operation of that subsection in relation to that order.3Liabilities under shipping documents(1)Where subsection (1) of section 2 of this Act operates in relation to any documentto which this Act applies and the person in whom rights are vested by virtue of that subsection—(a)takes or demands delivery from the carrier of any of the goods to which thedocument relates;(b)makes a claim under the contract of carriage against the carrier in respect ofany of those goods; or(c)is a person who, at a time before those rights were vested in him, took ordemanded delivery from the carrier of any of those goods,that person shall (by virtue of taking or demanding delivery or making the claim or, ina case falling within paragraph (c) above, of having the rights vested in him) becomesubject to the same liabilities under that contract as if he had been a party to that contract.(2)Where the goods to which a ship’s delivery order relates form a part only of the goodsto which the contract of carriage relates, the liabilities to which any person is subject by virtue of the operation of this section in relation to that order shall exclude liabilities in respect of any goods to which the order does not relate.(3)This section, so far as it imposes liabilities under any contract on any person, shall bewithout prejudice to the liabilities under the contract of any person as an original party to the contract.4Representations in bills of ladingA bill of lading which—(a)represents goods to have been shipped on board a vessel or to have beenreceived for shipment on board a vessel; and4Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992 (c. 50)Document Generated: 2011-03-19 Status: This is the original version (as it was originally enacted).(b)has been signed by the master of the vessel or by a person who was not themaster but had the express, implied or apparent authority of the carrier to signbills of lading,shall, in favour of a person who has become the lawful holder of the bill, be conclusive evidence against the carrier of the shipment of the goods or, as the case may be, of their receipt for shipment.5Interpretation etc(1)In this Act—“bill of lading”, “sea waybill” and “ship’s delivery order” shall be construedin accordance with section 1 above;“the contract of carriage”—(a)in relation to a bill of lading or sea waybill, means the contract containedin or evidenced by that bill or waybill; and(b)in relation to a ship’s delivery order, means the contract under or for thepurposes of which the undertaking contained in the order is given;“holder”, in relation to a bill of lading, shall be construed in accordance withsubsection (2) below;“information technology” includes any computer or other technology bymeans of which information or other matter may be recorded or communicatedwithout being reduced to documentary form; and“telecommunication system” has the same meaning as in theTelecommunications Act 1984.(2)References in this Act to the holder of a bill of lading are references to any of thefollowing persons, that is to say—(a) a person with possession of the bill who, by virtue of being the person identifiedin the bill, is the consignee of the goods to which the bill relates;(b) a person with possession of the bill as a result of the completion, by deliveryof the bill, of any indorsement of the bill or , in the case of a bearer bill, of anyother transfer of the bill;(c) a person with possession of the bill as a result of any transaction by virtue ofwhich he would have become a holder falling within paragraph (a) or (b) abovehad not the transaction been effected at a time when possession of the bill nolonger gave a right (as against the carrier) to possession of the goods to whichthe bill relates;and a person shall be regarded for the purposes of this Act as having become the lawful holder of a bill of lading wherever he has become the holder of the bill in good faith.(3)References in this Act to a person’s being identified in a document include referencesto his being identified by a description which allows for the identity of the person in question to be varied, in accordance with the terms of the document, after its issue; and the reference in section 1(3)(b) of this Act to a document’s identifying a person shall be construed accordingly.(4)Without prejudice to sections 2(2) and 4 above, nothing in this Act shall preclude itsoperation in relation to a case where the goods to which a document relates—(a)cease to exist after the issue of the document; or(b)cannot be identified (whether because they are mixed with other goods or forany other reason);Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992 (c. 50) Document Generated: 2011-03-195Status: This is the original version (as it was originally enacted).and references in this Act to the goods to which a document relates shall be construed accordingly.(5)The preceding provisions of this Act shall have effect without prejudice to theapplication, in relation to any case, of the rules (the Hague-Visby Rules) which for the time being have the force of law by virtue of section 1 of the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1971.6Short title, repeal, commencement and extent(1)This Act may be cited as the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992.(2)The Bills of Lading Act 1855 is hereby repealed.(3)This Act shall come into force at the end of the period of two months beginning withthe day on which it is passed; but nothing in this Act shall have effect in relation to any document issued before the coming into force of this Act.(4)This Act extends to Northern Ireland.。

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Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992 (c. 50)An Act to replace the Bills of Lading Act 1855 with new provision with respect to bills of lading and certain other shipping documents.[16th July 1992] Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:—Shipping documents etc. to which Act applies.1.—(1) This Act applies to the following documents, that is to say—(a) any bill of lading;(b) any sea waybill; and(c) any ship's delivery order.(2) References in this Act to a bill of lading—(a) do not include references to a document which is incapable oftransfer either by indorsement or, as a bearer bill, by delivery withoutindorsement; but(b) subject to that, do include references to a received for shipment billof lading.(3) References in this Act to a sea waybill are references to any document which is not a bill of lading but—(a) is such a receipt for goods as contains or evidences a contract forthe carriage of goods by sea; and(b) identifies the person to whom delivery of the goods is to be madeby the carrier in accordance with that contract.(4) References in this Act to a ship's delivery order are references to any document which is neither a bill of lading nor a sea waybill but contains an undertaking which—(a) is given under or for the purposes of a contract for the carriage bysea of the goods to which the document relates, or of goods whichinclude those goods; and(b) is an undertaking by the carrier to a person identified in thedocument to deliver the goods to which the document relates to thatperson.(5) The Secretary of State may by regulations make provision for the application of this Act to cases where a telecommunication system or any other information technology is used for effecting transactions corresponding to—(a) the issue of a document to which this Act applies;(b) the indorsement, delivery or other transfer of such a document; or(c) the doing of anything else in relation to such a document.(6) Regulations under subsection (5) above may—(a) make such modifications of the following provisions of this Act asthe Secretary of State considers appropriate in connection with theapplication of this Act to any case mentioned in that subsection; and(b) contain supplemental, incidental, consequential and transitionalprovision;and the power to make regulations under that subsection shall be exercisable by statutory instrument subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of Parliament.Rights under shipping documents.2.—(1) Subject to the following provisions of this section, a person who becomes—(a) the lawful holder of a bill of lading;(b) the person who (without being an original party to the contract ofcarriage) is the person to whom delivery of the goods to which a seawaybill relates is to be made by the carrier in accordance with thatcontract; or(c) the person to whom delivery of the goods to which a ship'sdelivery order relates is to be made in accordance with the undertakingcontained in the order,shall (by virtue of becoming the holder of the bill or, as the case may be, the person to whom delivery is to be made) have transferred to and vested in him all rights of suit under the contract of carriage as if he had been a party to that contract.(2) Where, when a person becomes the lawful holder of a bill of lading, possession of the bill no longer gives a right (as against the carrier) to possession of the goods to which the bill relates, that person shall not have any rights transferred to him by virtue of subsection (1) above unless he becomes the holder of the bill—(a) by virtue of a transaction effected in pursuance of any contractualor other arrangements made before the time when such a right topossession ceased to attach to possession of the bill; or(b) as a result of the rejection to that person by another person ofgoods or documents delivered to the other person in pursuance of anysuch arrangements.(3) The rights vested in any person by virtue of the operation of subsection(1) above in relation to a ship's delivery order—(a) shall be so vested subject to the terms of the order; and(b) where the goods to which the order relates form a part only of thegoods to which the contract of carriage relates, shall be confined torights in respect of the goods to which the order relates.(4) Where, in the case of any document to which this Act applies—(a) a person with any interest or right in or in relation to goods towhich the document relates sustains loss or damage in consequence ofa breach of the contract of carriage; but(b) subsection (1) above operates in relation to that document so thatrights of suit in respect of that breach are vested in another person,the other person shall be entitled to exercise those rights for the benefit of theperson who sustained the loss or damage to the same extent as they could have been exercised if they had been vested in the person for whose benefit they are exercised.(5) Where rights are transferred by virtue of the operation of subsection (1) above in relation to any document, the transfer for which that subsection provides shall extinguish any entitlement to those rights which derives—(a) where that document is a bill of lading, from a person's havingbeen an original party to the contract of carriage; or(b) in the case of any document to which this Act applies, from theprevious operation of that subsection in relation to that document;but the operation of that subsection shall be without prejudice to any rights which derive from a person's having been an original party to the contract contained in, or evidenced by, a sea waybill and, in relation to a ship's delivery order, shall be without prejudice to any rights deriving otherwise than from the previous operation of that subsection in relation to that order.Liabilities under shipping documents. 3.—(1) Where subsection (1) of section 2 of this Act operates in relation to any document to which this Act applies and the person in whom rights are vested by virtue of that subsection—(a) takes or demands delivery from the carrier of any of the goods towhich the document relates;(b) makes a claim under the contract of carriage against the carrier inrespect of any of those goods; or(c) is a person who, at a time before those rights were vested in him,took or demanded delivery from the carrier of any of those goods,that person shall (by virtue of taking or demanding delivery or making the claim or, in a case falling within paragraph (c) above, of having the rights vested in him) become subject to the same liabilities under that contract as if he had been a party to that contract.(2) Where the goods to which a ship's delivery order relates form a part only of the goods to which the contract of carriage relates, the liabilities to which any person is subject by virtue of the operation of this section in relation to that order shall exclude liabilities in respect of any goods to which the order does not relate.(3) This section, so far as it imposes liabilities under any contract on any person, shall be without prejudice to the liabilities under the contract of any person as an original party to the contract.Representations in bills of lading. 4. A bill of lading which—(a) represents goods to have been shipped on board a vessel or to havebeen received for shipment on board a vessel; and(b) has been signed by the master of the vessel or by a person who wasnot the master but had the express, implied or apparent authority of thecarrier to sign bills of lading,shall, in favour of a person who has become the lawful holder of the bill, beconclusive evidence against the carrier of the shipment of the goods or, as thecase may be, of their receipt for shipment.Interpretation etc. 5.—(1) In this Act—"bill of lading", "sea waybill" and "ship's delivery order" shall beconstrued in accordance with section 1 above;"the contract of carriage"—(a) in relation to a bill of lading or sea waybill, means thecontract contained in or evidenced by that bill or waybill; and(b) in relation to a ship's delivery order, means the contractunder or for the purposes of which the undertaking containedin the order is given;"holder", in relation to a bill of lading, shall be construed in accordancewith subsection (2) below;"information technology" includes any computer or other technologyby means of which information or other matter may be recorded orcommunicated without being reduced to documentary form; and"telecommunication system" has the same meaning as in the [1984c. 12.] Telecommunications Act 1984.(2) References in this Act to the holder of a bill of lading are references toany of the following persons, that is to say—(a) a person with possession of the bill who, by virtue of being theperson identified in the bill, is the consignee of the goods to which thebill relates;(b) a person with possession of the bill as a result of the completion,by delivery of the bill, of any indorsement of the bill or , in the case ofa bearer bill, of any other transfer of the bill;(c) a person with possession of the bill as a result of any transaction byvirtue of which he would have become a holder falling withinparagraph (a) or (b) above had not the transaction been effected at atime when possession of the bill no longer gave a right (as against thecarrier) to possession of the goods to which the bill relates;and a person shall be regarded for the purposes of this Act as having becomethe lawful holder of a bill of lading wherever he has become the holder of thebill in good faith.(3) References in this Act to a person's being identified in a documentinclude references to his being identified by a description which allows for theidentity of the person in question to be varied, in accordance with the terms ofthe document, after its issue; and the reference in section 1(3)(b) of this Act to adocument's identifying a person shall be construed accordingly.(4) Without prejudice to sections 2(2) and 4 above, nothing in this Act shall preclude its operation in relation to a case where the goods to which a document relates—(a) cease to exist after the issue of the document; or(b) cannot be identified (whether because they are mixed with othergoods or for any other reason);and references in this Act to the goods to which a document relates shall be construed accordingly.(5) The preceding provisions of this Act shall have effect without prejudice to the application, in relation to any case, of the rules (the Hague-Visby Rules) which for the time being have the force of law by virtue of section 1 of the [1971 c. 19.] Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1971.Short title, repeal, commencement and extent. 6.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992.(2) The [1855 c. 111.] Bills of Lading Act 1855 is hereby repealed.(3) This Act shall come into force at the end of the period of two months beginning with the day on which it is passed; but nothing in this Act shall have effect in relation to any document issued before the coming into force of this Act.(4) This Act extends to Northern Ireland.。
