生活大爆炸第三季S3E15 中英文对照剧本

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你当然选我了 Well,of course you are. 你还能选谁呢 Who else would you take? 佩妮 Penny. 什么 What? 这太荒谬了 That's absurd. 佩妮对亚原子粒子的研究又不感兴趣 Penny has no interest in subatomic particle research. 没错 但那是情人节啊 Yes,but it'll be Valentine's Day. 我们可以去观光滑雪 We can go sightseeing and skiing 然后在熊熊炉火前与皑皑白雪所覆盖的 and make love in front of a roaring fire 阿尔卑斯山阴中共度春宵 in the shadow of the snowcapped Alps. 但佩妮对亚原子粒子的研究不感兴趣啊 But Penny has no interest in subatomic particle research. 抱歉 谢尔顿 I'm sorry,Sheldon. 抱歉 Sorry? 我自从九岁起就一直梦想着有朝一日 I've been dreaming about going to the Large Hadron Collider 去看大型强子对撞机 since I was nine years old. 是吗 那我还从六岁起就梦想有朝一日有个女生 Yeah,well,I've been dreaming about spending Valentine's Day 能与我共度情人节呢 with a girl since I was six. 太可耻了 Shame on you! 这不是科学家该有的梦 That's no dream for a scientist! 你要给我什么巨大的惊喜啊 Okay,what's the big surprise? 稍等一下 Just a minute. 这个托盘里藏着 This tray contains clues
你和我如何共度情人节的线索 as to what you and I are going to be doing on Valentine's Day. 喔 好吧 Oh. Wow. Okay. 让我看看 Let's see. 有牛奶巧克力 We've got,uh,milk chocolate, 瑞士硬干酪 芝士火锅 Swiss cheese,fondue. 我的乳糖不耐症男友要吃完这些 My lactose-intolerant boyfriend is going to eat all this. 然后我骑在他背上 Then I'm going to climb on his back 直冲月球 and rocket to the moon? 不对 No. 但的确跟空中旅行有关 But it does involve air travel. 这样吧 Okay,um... 我用"瑞士"军刀 let me slice this Swiss cheese 切一片"瑞士"干酪 with my Swiss army knife, 你可以把它加到一杯 and then you can wash it down with a cup "瑞士"小姐速溶可可里 of Swiss Miss instant cocoa. 嗯 我觉得瑞士应该是个关键词了 Okay,I'm starting to think Swiss is key here. 没错 Uh-huh. 去迪士尼乐园玩马特洪峰雪橇过山车 We're going to Disneyland and ride the Matterhorn? 这怎么会跟空中旅行有关 How does that involve air travel? 去迪士尼世界玩马特洪雪橇过山车[奥兰多 佛罗里达] We're going to Disney World and ride the Matterhorn? 不对 No. 亲爱的 开始是挺好玩的 Okay,sweetie,this started out fun,
我怎么听说他是在攀新女友的高峰时把腰扭了 I heard he threw his back out climbing on his new girlfriend. 就是第二台的那个爆乳天气女郎吗 The big-boobed weather girl on Channel 2? 就是她 That's the one. 不管怎样 他们邀请我代替他 In any case,they're asking me to fill in for him. 是瑞士还是爆乳天气女郎 In Switzerland or with the big-boobed weather girl? 瑞士 Switzerland. 而且我还能带一个人去 And I get to bring a guest! 哦 天呐 不可能 老兄 Oh,man! No way,dude! 太难以置信了 This is incredible! 我太开心了 I'm so happy, 我甚至不想去质疑他们为什么会选你去了 I'm not even going to question their judgment in picking you. 我要速度奔回家收拾行李 I'm just going to run home and start packing. 你怎么不带佩妮去 Why wouldn't you take Penny? 我是要带佩妮去的 I am taking Penny. 哦 Oh. 那我预测你回家会面临个尴尬的境地 Well,then I anticipate an awkward situation when you get home. 谢尔顿 有空吗 Sheldon,you got a minute? 当然了 我的好朋友 ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baiduf course,my good friend. 请进 Come in. 帮我参考一下 Help me out. 哪顶滑雪帽比较像超级对撞机 Which ski hat says aprey supercollider? 谢尔顿 我没有选你去瑞士 Sheldon,I'm not taking you to Switzerland.
谁杯具和孤独了 Who's miserable and alone? 我 Me. 噢 Oh. 我以前也这样 I used to be like that. 直到我有了女朋友 Then I got a girlfriend. 用 1976 年之前的话来说 "哦也-哦也" In pre-1976 terms,neener-neener. 嘿 你和伯纳黛特准备如何 Hey,what are you and Bernadette doing 共度你们的第一个情人节 for your first Valentine's Day? 啊 我可是绞尽脑汁了 Yeah,I am pulling out all the stops. 华馆提供了 39.95 美金的情侣特典套餐 There's a $39.95 lover's special at P.F. Chang's. 蛋卷啊 饺子啊 Egg rolls,dumplings, 数不清的炒菜 最后你还能和门口硕大的 bottomless wok,and you get your picture taken 大理石马合影留念 on the big marble horse out front. 考虑到圣瓦伦丁是个在公元三世纪 Given that Saint Valentine was a third century Roman priest 被丢石头和斩首的罗马祭司 who was stoned and beheaded, 在这个夜晚带着女朋友去看一场残忍的凶杀 wouldn't a more appropriate celebration of the evening 难道不是更合情理的庆祝方式吗 be taking one's steady gal to witness a brutal murder? 我明白你的意思 但是有选择的话 I understand your point,but given a choice, 犹太人永远选择中国菜 Jews always go with Chinese food. 呃 如果任何人有兴趣 Well,if anyone's interested, 今年的情人节 I'll be spending this Valentine's Day 我会像往年一样 the same way I spend every Valentine's Day.
从超市买只大烤鸡 Buying a rotisserie chicken from the supermarket, 带回家 站在洗手池边 taking it home,standing over the sink 像只禽兽一样直接打开包装用手抓着吃 and eating it out of the package with my bare hands like an animal. 很好 那总结一下 一个是大理石骏马 Okay,so to sum up: one giant marble horse, 一条愚蠢之极的意见 one asinine comment, 剩男则独自回家吃鸡 one lonely man and his chicken. 让我们看看 还剩谁呢 And let's see. Who's left? 没错 就剩我的计划了 Oh,that's right. My plans. 有人想要问一下吗 Isn't anyone going to ask? 好吧 告诉我们你会和佩妮云雨一番 Fine,tell us you're going to have sex with Penny. 这不是我想说的 That's not what I was going to tell you. 没关系 It's okay. 我不介意听听你的性生活 I don't mind hearing about your sex life. 只有他的才会让我抓狂 It's his that bugs me. 你们猜学校要派谁去瑞士 Guess who the university is sending to Switzerland 参加研讨会并参观欧洲核子研究委员会的超级对撞机 to attend a conference and see the CERN supercollider 就在二月十四日 on February 14? 诺顿教授 尽管原因只有上帝才知道 Professor Norton,although,God knows why. 他自从获得诺贝尔奖之后 He hasn't published anything of note 就再也没有发表过任何著名的文章 since he won that Nobel Prize. 事实上 诺顿教授去不成了 Actually,Professor Norton can't make it. 他在攀岩的时候把腰扭了 He threw his back out rock climbing.
嗯 我也想你了 亲爱的 Yeah,I miss you,too,sweetie.
我得挂了 晚上见吧 Listen,I got to go,but I'll see you tonight? 好的 Okay. 拜拜 Bye-bye. 拜拜 Bye-bye. 不 你先挂嘛 No,you hang up first. 喂 Hello? 老兄 我为你好不容易找到个女朋友而高兴 Dude,I'm glad you finally got a girlfriend, 但你非得当着我们这些光棍的面 but do you have to do all that lovey-dovey stuff 玩那套你亲我热的把戏吗 in front of those of us who don't? 事实上 他也许该当如此 Actually,he might have to. 在经济学里有种概念被称之为地位商品 There's an economic concept known as a positional good 它只在持有人手中才能彰显其价值 in which an object is only valued by the possessor 因为其他人无法拥有 because it's not possessed by others. 这个词由经济学家弗列得·赫希杜撰于 1976 年 The term was coined in 1976 by economist Fred Hirsch 用来取代更口语化 但并不准确的"哦也-哦也"[嘲讽] to replace the more colloquial,but less precise "neener-neener." 才不是呢 That's not true. 我的快乐不是建立于 My happiness is not dependent 挚友的杯具与孤独之上的 on my best friend being miserable and alone. 谢谢 Thank you. 当然 要说我没得儿意地笑肯定是说谎了 Although,I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a little bit of a perk.