assignment 1-1
ch 1 introduction 简介
C. Goals of International Tax Rules
1. Getting its fair share of revenue from cross-border transactions. 2. Promoting fairness. 3. Enhancing the competitiveness of the domestic economy. 4. Capital-export and capital-import neutrality.
2. With the economic globalization, international tax issues have become more important for ----multinational corporations (MNC) ----small and medium size firms ----governments: attract foreign investment and protect tax base
2.Promoting fairness. (1) What is fairness: Impose equal tax burdens on taxpayers with equal income, without reference to the source of the income, and make those burdens commensurate with the ability to pay of taxpayers.
In the medium and long run, tax incentives and other beggar-thy-neighbor policies are inappropriate. (harmful tax competition)
Assignment1 for chapter 1
Assignment1True/FalseIndicate whether the statement is true or false.__T__ 1. A transaction is an exchange of value.__F__ 2. Business-to-consumer electronic commerce occurs when a person sells an item through a Web auction site to another person.__T__ 3. The U.S. government is one of the largest EDI trading partners in the world.__T__ 4. Firms such as Wal-Mart and General Electric have been pioneers in using EDI to improve their purchasing processes and their relationships with suppliers.__T__ 5. In some cases, business processes use traditional commerce activities very effectively, and technology cannot improve upon them.__T__ 6. Electronic commerce provides buyers with an easy way to customize the level of detail in the information they obtain about a prospective purchase.__T__ 7. Businesses and individuals can use electronic commerce to reduce transaction costs by improving the flow of information and increasing the coordination of actions.__T__ 8. Using the value chain reinforces the idea that electronic commerce should be a business solution, not technology implemented for its own sake.Multiple ChoiceIdentify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.__b__ 9. The group of logical, related, and sequential activities and transactions in which businesses engage are often collectively referred to as business ____.a. services c. logisticsb. processes d. communications__c__ 10. A(n) ____ is a specific collection of business processes used to identify customers, market to those customers, and generate sales to those customers.a. industry value chain c. revenue modelb. strategic alliance d. value-added network__a__ 11. Businesses often calculate ____ numbers before committing to any new technology.a. return-on-investment c. productivityb. return-to-profit d. return-to-value__d__ 12. In a ____, companies coordinate their strategies, resources, and skill sets by forming long-term, stable relationships with other companies and individuals based on shared purposes.a. market economic structure c. business modelb. value system d. network economic structure__c__ 13. Strategic partnerships occurring between or among companies operating on the Internet are called ____.a. strategic alliances c. virtual companiesb. economic structure d. virtual partnerships__b__ 14. As more people participate in a network, the value of the network to each participant increases. This is known as the ____.a. law of diminishing returns c. listing effectb. network effect d. fax effect__c__ 15. A ____ is a way of organizing the activities that each strategic business unit undertakes to design, produce, promote, market, deliver, and support the products or services it sells.a. supply chain c. value chainb. supply group d. value group__c__ 16. SWOT is the acronym for ____.a. supply, wealth, occupations, and threatsb. supply, weaknesses, opportunities, and testingc. strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threatsd. strengths, wealth, occupations, and testingCompletionComplete each statement.17. In the first wave of electronic commerce, __________English__________ was the dominant language usedon most Web sites.18. A combination of ___________electronic_________ and traditional commerce strategies works best whenthe business process includes both commodity and personal inspection elements.19. A(n) __________virtual community__________ is a gathering of people who share a common interest, whichtakes place on the Internet.20. A(n) __________strategic business__________ unit is an autonomous part of a company that is large enoughto manage itself but small enough to respond quickly to changes in its business environment.21. The law of __________diminishing__________ returns says that most activities yield less value as theamount of consumption increases.22. Your e-mail account, which gives you access to a network of other people with e-mail accounts, is anexample of a(n) __________network__________ effect.23. Internet e-mail accounts are far more valuable than single-organization e-mail accounts because of the__________network effect__________.24. Internet __________infrastructure__________ includes the computers and software connected to the Internetand the communications networks over which the message packets travel.Essay25. What are the results of ’s SWOT analysis?优势:1、方便快捷,服务优势增加2、产品齐全3、降低商品的价格4、基础设施建设费用少劣势:1、网络购物的方式满足不了用户的消费心理2、诚信制度尚未完善3、物流配送不完善4、缺少增值服务5、利润偏低机会:1、信息技术发展迅速2、电子商务联盟3、电子商务整体环境日渐完善威胁:1、安全问题2、法律不完善3、竞争激烈26. What types of business processes are well suited to electronic commerce?The following business processes are well suited to electronic commerce:Sale/purchase of books and CDs, sale/purchase of goods that have strong brand reputations, online delivery of software and digital content, sale/purchase of travel services, online shipment tracking, and sale/purchase of investment and insurance products.。
A review is a report in which someone gives their opinion of something such as a new book or film.
Air conditioning is essential for maintaining thermal comfort in indoor environments, particularly for hot and humid climates. 空气调节装臵对于维持室内环境的热舒适是 非常必要的,特别是对于湿热气候。
They all consume mainly electricity to operate. When specifying the kW/R ton of a plant, there are two levels of monitoring cooling efficiency: 它们全部主要靠消耗电能来运行。一个指定 ( kW/R ton)功率的装臵,有两级监测制 冷效率的水平:
Assignment 2
Achieving better energy-efficient air conditioning – A review of technologies and strategies
review n.复习, 回顾, 检讨, 评审 vt.检阅, 评论, 温习, 检讨
Therefore, there is tremendous potential to improve the overall efficiency of the airconditioning systems in buildings. 因此,提高建筑中空调系统总体效率的潜力 巨大。
Consider the following small data set:
xy 13 -1 -2 24
• Solve for the value of θ1 that minimizes the cost function by substituting the values from the training set into the cost function, setting the derivative equal to zero, and solving for θ1. Show your work.
some θ0, θ1 such that J(θ0, θ1) = 0. Which of the statements below must then be true? (Check all that apply.)
A: This is not possible: By the definition of J(θ0, θ1), it is not possible for there to exist θ0 and θ1 so that J(θu,
∂ ∂v
∂ ∂u
∂ ∂v
Partial Derivative Intuition Consider the contour plot of a function f (u, v) in Figure 1. For each of the following partial derivatives, state whether it is positive, negative, or equal to zero. Briefly explain. These questions can be answered from the contour plot without knowing the formula for the function.
CSC415/CI6226 2011 P rogramming A ssignment 1 (100 p oints) Objectives: I n t his a ssignment, y ou w ill•Build a s pelling c orrection e ngine•Build a t ext s earch e ngine w ith L ucene, a nd•Integrate y our s pelling c orrector i nto t he t ext s earch e ngineDue: M arch 10, 2011 (Thursday) 11:59pm. L ate s ubmissions a re a llowed b ut w ill b e p enalized a t a r ate of 10% p er d ay.Teams: Y ou a re a llowed (but n ot r equired) t o w ork i n p airs f or t his a ssignment. T eams o f t wo s hould only s ubmit o ne c opy o f t heir w ork. Y ou m ay (and a re e ncouraged t o) d iscuss w ith o ther t eams, b ut should N OT t ake a ny d etailed n otes f rom t he d iscussions t hat w ill a ppear v erbatim i n y our s ource c odes and r eports.Implementation: W e s trongly r ecommend t hat y ou w rite y our p rogram i n J ava, t hough y ou m ay u se other p rogramming l anguages (e.g. C, C++, P ython) w ithout o fficial s upport (e.g. L ucene). Delivery: Y ou s hould s ubmit t he f ollowings v ia e mail t o j•A z ip f ile t hat c ontains t he c odes y ou w rote (Do N OT i nclude d ata f iles a nd c ompiled l ibraries) •A t ext f ile w ith p rogram o utput•A d ocument i n r eadable E nglish s entences w ith f igures o r t ables a s n eeded. T he d ocument should N OT h ave m ore t han 4 p ages (excluding f igures a nd t ables). I t s hould c ontain o The n ames o f t eam m emberso Descriptions o f w hat y ou h ave d one f or e ach p art, r epresentative o utput f rom y our program, a ny n otable d esign d ecisions m ade o r t rade-‐offs c onsidered (withjustifications), a nd a n e rror a nalysis o f w hen y our s ystem f ailso Detailed i nstructions o n h ow t o c ompile a nd r un t he c odes f or e ach p art, i ncluding where t o p lace d ata f iles a nd l ibraries u sed. I f y ou u se a ny o ther r esource f iles e xceptthose p rovided b y u s, p lease p lace t hem i n a W eb s ite (e.g. N TU M ySite) a nd d escribehow t o d ownload t hem s o t hat w e c an d ownload a nd t est t hem. P lease m ake s ure t heinstructions w ork o n o ther m achines e xcept y ours b efore s ubmission. Y ou w ill l osepoints i f y our c odes f ail t o c ompile o r r un o n t he e valuator’s m achine.If y our e mail s ubmission i s r eturned b ack t o y ou a s a s pam d ue t o t he c odes b y t he N TU e mail s ystem, you s hould s ubmit t he p rogram o utput a nd t he d ocument b y e mail b y t he d eadline a forementioned a nd bring a U SB m emory d evice w ith t he c odes t o t he o ffice (N4-‐02c-‐111) d uring o ffice h ours o n M arch 11. Honor c ode: Y ou s hould n ot l ook f or p roblem a nswers e lsewhere. B ut, i f m aterial i s t aken f rom elsewhere, t hen y ou s hould a cknowledge i t. Y ou a re n ot p ermitted t o g et p rogramming h elp f rom people o ther t han y our p artner. I n g eneral, w e w ill e xpect y ou t o a ct o n y our h onor.Part 1: S pelling C orrection (40 p oints)In t his p art y ou w ill b uild a n n-‐gram b ased s pelling c orrector. I n l ecture 3 (tolerant r etrieval), w e s aw that o ne w ay t o o ffer s pelling s uggestions w as t o c ount t he p roportion o f c haracter n-‐grams t hat o verlap between t he q uery w ord a nd k nown w ords f rom a c orpus. D oing s o w ill r equire a n i nverted i ndex t hat maps n-‐grams t o d ictionary w ords a nd a s coring f unction t hat c ounts n-‐gram o verlaps b etween candidate w ords. Y ou a re o n y our o wn f or b uilding t he i nverted i ndex -‐ y ou s hould n ot u se a ny e xisting libraries o r c ode s nippets t o d o t his f or y ou. Y ou s hould i mplement t he J accard s core o f n-‐gram o verlap as d escribed i n c lass a s t he s coring f unction f or c andidate r eplacements.Take a l ook a t t he s i nterface:package;import java.util.List;/*** Basic interface for the spelling corrector.** @author dramage (revised by kim)*/public interface SpellingCorrector {/*** Returns a list of top-scoring spelling corrections for a given* (possibly misspelled) word. The list is expected to include* the best corrected spelling. The maximum length of the* returned list will be specified, while the actual length of* the list may be smaller than it.** @param word A single word whose spelling is to be checked.* @param max The maximum number of corrections in the* returned list. Should be greater than 0.* @return A list of top-scoring corrections, with better corrections* ordered first.*/public List<String> corrections(String word, int max);}Your n-‐gram b ased s pelling c orrector w ill i mplement t his i nterface t o r eturn a l ist o f m ost l ikely candidate s pelling c orrections f or a g iven (possibly m isspelled) w ord.Your s pelling c orrector s hould r ead a ll t he w ords f rom a l arge f ile o f E nglish t ext. Y ou m ay u se t he t ext file (‘big.txt’) t hat c omes f rom P eter N orvig's p age o n H ow t o W rite a S pelling C orrector, w hich t akes a n alternative a pproach t o b uilding a s pell c hecker. [From N orvig's s ite: "The f ile i s a c oncatenation o f several p ublic d omain b ooks f rom P roject G utenberg a nd l ists o f m ost f requent w ords f rom W iktionary and t he B ritish N ational C orpus."]You m ust c omplete t he f ollowing s ub-‐problems:1.1. I mplement a n n-‐gram s pelling c orrector (named s b asedon t he w ords i n t he f ile b ig.txt. B riefly d escribe y our i mplementation a nd p rovide s ome e xample mis-‐spelled w ords a long w ith t he p ossible c orrections y our a lgorithm p rovides. W hat i s t he o utput of s c lass (see b elow) w hen r un w ith a rguments s hown b elow (a-‐d)?What a re t he s ources o f e rrors? 1 ‘path t o s pelltest1.txt’ 1 ‘path t o s pelltest2.txt’ 10 ‘path t o s pelltest1.txt’ 10 ‘path t o s pelltest2.txt’1.2. I n c lass, i t i s m entioned t hat a n n-‐gram b ased c orrector c ould b e u sed i n c oncert w ith a n e ditdistance f unction. W rite a n i mplementation o f L evenshtein e dit d istance a nd a n ew i mplementation of S pellingCorrector, c alled N GramWithEditDistanceSpellingCorrector, t hat w raps t he u nderlying spelling c orrector a nd r e-‐scores i ts o utput u sing t he w eighted e dit d istance f unction. I n p articular, use y our n-‐gram s pelling c orrector t o g et s ome n umber o f c losest c andidates i n t he d ictionary, score e ach w ith t he E dit d istance f unction a nd t hen s uggest t he c orrections w ith l owest e ditdistance. P rovide o utput, e xamples, a nd e rror a nalysis a s y ou d id f or s ub-‐problem 1.1, w hilereplacing ‘NGramSpellingCorrector' w ith ‘NGramWithEditDistanceSpellingCorrector' i n t hearguments.1.3. W rite a w eighted e dit d istance f unction a nd u se i t f or a n ew i mplementation o f S pellingCorrector,called N GramWithWeightedEditDistanceSpellingCorrector. Y ou s hould d efine y our o wn w eighting scheme, f or e xample, a llowing d ifferent w eights f or d ifferent k inds o f e dit o perations a nd d ifferent weights f or d ifferent c haracter r eplacements. H ow d id y ou f ind t he w eighting s cheme a nd w hy?What i s t he i mpact o f a ny c hanges o n t he s cheme? P rovide o utput, e xamples, a nd e rror a nalysis a s you d id f or s ub-‐problem 1.1, w hile r eplacing ‘NGramSpellingCorrector' w ith‘NGramWithWeightedEditDistanceSpellingCorrector' i n t he a rguments.Using S pellingScorer a nd A utomatic Q uantitative G radingThe i ncluded c lass s p rovides a w ay t o t est t he r esults o f y our SpellingCorrector i mplementations a cross a c ollection o f s pelling e rrors (see t he N orvig's s ite). T o r un the S pellingScorer, y ou s hould p rovide t he f ollowing t hree a rguments:1.Java c lass o f t he s pelling c orrector t o b e t ested2.The m aximum n umber o f c orrections f or e ach m is-‐spelling t o b e t ested.3.Path t o t he d ata f ile t o b e t ested (e.g. s pelltest1.txt, s pelltest2.txt).(You m ay r evise t he r eleased v ersion o f S pellingScorer f or y our p rogram i f n ecessary. F or e xample, i t does n ot a llow w hite s paces i n t he f ile p ath, a nd y ou c an r evise t o f ix t he p roblem.)For e xample, y ou m ay r un i t a s f ollows:$ j ava -‐cp b in/ s s 1data/spelltest1.txtThe S pellingScorer c hecks, f or e ach m is-‐spelling i n t he d ata f ile, i f t he l ist o f c orrections r eturned b y t he given S pellingCorrector i ncludes t he e xpected c orrected s pelling. S pellingScorer w ill r eport t he performance o f t he S pellingCorrector b ased o n t he d ata f ile.You m ust i nclude t he o utput o f t his p rogram i n y our s ubmission. W e a lso m ay u se t he S pellingScorer o n a d ifferent s et o f w ords t o e valuate t he q uality o f y our i mplementation.Part 2: L ucene (50 p oints)In t his p art y ou b uild u p a s earch e ngine f or t he c ollection o f 30,000+ T DT3 n ews a rticles (i.e. ‘’) by u sing L ucene, a t ext s earch e ngine l ibrary w ritten i n J ava. T he c ollection c onsists o f t ext f iles, w here each f ile c ontains a n ews a rticle. A n e xample f ile i s s hown b elow.File: tdt3/19981001/CNN19981001_1600_1059.txt<DOC><DOCNO> CNN19981001.1600.1059 </DOCNO><DOCTYPE> NEWS </DOCTYPE><TXTTYPE> CAPTION </TXTTYPE><TEXT>General Motors is taking another step in its effort to lure customersback after strikes shut down most of its plants this summer. G.M.says it will install a safety and security system on many of its trucksand cars for free. The system is worth about $1,300. G.M. saw itsmarket share shrink from 31% in June to less than 21% in July as thestrike was taking place.</TEXT></DOC>Your t ask i s t o c reate a L ucene i ndex f or t he c ollection, w rite a p rogram t hat t akes i n a q uery f rom t he user (i.e. S a nd r eturns a l ist o f t op 20 d ocuments, a nd i ntegrate s pelling c orrectors w ith t he program. T he i ndex s hould h ave t he f ollowing t hree f ields: d ocno (called I Ds), d ate (inferrable f rom t he sub-‐directory n ames, e.g., 19981001), a nd t ext.2.1 I mplement s ome q ueries i n t he p rogram t o f ind t he I Ds (e.g. C NN19981001.1600.1059) o f t he documents t hat m eet t he f ollowing c onditions:a)Documents t hat c ontain b oth “New Y ork” a nd “San F rancisco”b)Documents w here t he w ords ‘helicopter’ a nd ‘hurricane’ a ppear w ithin 5 w ords o f e ach o therc)Documents w hich c ontain t he n ame “Dan R onan” a nd w as p ublished i n N ovember 19982.2 A ssume t hat w e a re i nterested i n n ews a rticles a bout s tock m arket m ore t han o thers. W rite a program t o a utomatically c ollect t erms r elated t o s tock m arket (e.g. s tock, s hare, f und), f or e xample, from t he W ikipedia p age o n s tock m arket (/wiki/Stock_market). C ount t heir frequencies i n t he T DT3 a rticles a nd a ssign q uery-‐independent w eights b etween 0 a nd 1 t o t he a rticles (cf. S ection 7.1.4 o f t he t extbook). R evise t he p rogram f rom 2.1 t o r erank t he r esults f rom t he L ucene index b y u sing t he q uery-‐independent w eights: F or e xample, c onsidering a q uery q, o ne o f i ts r esultant articles d, a nd t he o riginal s core o f d g iven b y L ucene, s core(q,d), y ou m ay a dd t he q uery-‐independent weight o f d, g(d), t o s core(d) t o o btain t he n ew s core o f d, s core’(q,d), a s f ollows:score’(q,d) = s core(q,d) + g(d)Find e xample q ueries w hose t op 20 d ocuments a re a ffected b y t he r eranking a nd t hose n ot a ffected. Discuss i f t he r eranking h elps u s a chieve t he g oal o f f ocusing o n s tock m arket a nd h ow t o i mprove i t.2.3 W rite a p rogram t hat t akes i n a m isspelled q uery, r uns t he b est s pell c orrector y ou w rote i n p art 1 o n this q uery t o s uggest a lternative s pellings, a nd q ueries t he L ucene i ndex u sing t he s uggested s pellings, printing o ut t he I Ds o f t op 20 d ocuments. S how o utput o f y our s ystem w here t he s pell c orrection d oes well a nd w here i t d oes p oorly. L ucene a lso h as a s pell c hecker. W rite a nother p rogram t hat u ses t he Lucene S pellChecker. C ompare t he r esults w ith t hose o f t he b est s pell c orrector f rom p art 1. W hich i s better a nd w hy? H ow c an y our e ngine b e i mproved?Credit f or a dvanced (10 p oints):Implement s ome o f y our s uggestions f or i mprovement f rom 2.2 a nd 2.3. T he q uality o f y our i dea, implementation, a nd w riteup w ill a ll b e c onsidered.References:•Lucene: h ttp:///java/docs/index.html•Information R etrieval a nd W eb S earch c ourse a t S tanford U niversity (source o f t his a ssignment): /class/cs276/•Topic D etection a nd T racking (TDT) P hase 3 (source o f t he T DT3 c orpus):/TDT3/Resource f iles p rovided a t t he c ourse s ite:•, S A s m entioned a bove•big.txt: A c ollection o f d ocuments f rom w hich y ou m ay c ollect d ictionary w ords•spelltest1.txt, s pelltest2.txto Test d ata f iles f or s pelling c orrection, w here e ach l ine f ollows t he f ormat “a d ictionary word : a l ist o f i ncorrectly s pelled w ords”• A n ews a rticle c ollection。
1.If students are not satisfied with their grades, should the college allow them to negotiate grades with their professors?如果学生对他们的成绩不满意,学院应该允许他们和他们的教授谈判成绩吗?2.He will not easily give up and will continue his pursuit of happiness.他不会轻易放弃,会继续追求幸福。
3. The professor has just come out with a new book on war and world politics.教授刚出版了一本关于战争和世界政治的新书。
4. The reports of terror attacks in were splashed across newspapers and websites.恐怖袭击的报道在报纸和网站上引起了广泛关注。
5. We waited for Phil for two hours, but he did not show up. We had to cancel the appointment.我们等了Phil两个小时,但他没有出现。
6. Setting goals can help to strengthen your motivation and take charge of your life.设定目标有助于增强你的动力并掌控你的生活。
7. An arms race refers to a competition between countries to produce more and better weapons during peace time.军备竞赛是指各国在和平时期生产更多更好武器的竞争。
英国文学史assignment 1
Assignment 11.Who were the earliest settlers of Britton/England? What do you know about them (home,language, belief, life style)?The earliest settlers of Britain/England were Britons.They were ancient Celtic people from the island of Great Britain . They lived a tribal life ,spoke Celtic language, and had no belief. The Britons (sometimes Brythons or British) were the Celtic people culturally dominating Great Britain from the Iron Age through the Early Middle Ages. They spoke the Insular Celtic language known as British or Brythonic. They lived throughout Britain south of about the Firth of Forth; after the 5th century Britons also migrated to continental Europe, where they established the settlements of Brittany in France and the obscure Britonia in what is now Galicia, Spain. Their relationship to the Picts north of the Forth has been the subject of much discussion, though most scholars accept that the Pictish language during this time was a Brythonic language related to, but perhaps distinct from, British.2.What are the 3 conquests? What effects they had upon the nation?The first is the Roman Conquest. Romans brought Christianity to England. And one of the worst results of the Roman conquest was the growth of the slave system, private land ownership.The Romans made the part of island under their control a province of their huge empire, called Britannia, ruled by Roman governors. The Romans also built walls and forts across northern England to protect the province from the war like tribes of Scotland .The most famous of the walls was Hadrian's Wall, named after the Emperor Hadrian. During the Roman period, Christianity came to England. A number of things with Christian symbols on them that date from the 4th century AD have been found in various places in England.The second is the Anglo-Saxon Conquest. In 449 A.D., Britain was invaded by three Germanic tribes from the Northeast of Europe: Angles, Saxons and Jutes, who had reached the later stages of tribal society. At first they established some small kingdoms in Britain which by the 7th century were combined into a united kingdom called England (the land of Angles). Its people was called the English. The three dialects spoken by them naturally grew into a single language called Anglo-Saxon or Old English. Angles, Saxons and Jutes usually known as Anglo-Saxons are the first Englishmen. Language spoken by them is called the Old English, which is the foundation of English language and literature. With the Anglo-Saxon settlement in Britain, the history of English literature began.The third is Norman Conquest. Norman Conquest marks the establishment of feudalism in England. The conquest also greatly influenced the English language.3.Ideologically what is the most significant change in people’s spiritual life?The acceptation of Christianity is the most significant change in people’s spiritual life.4. How was the nation developed politically or what changes were there in the form of the social structure?After the Roman Conquest, the form of social was changed from slave society to feudal society. based on the ownership of land.5. In terms of literature, what influence had the French upon England?Due to the Norman influence, English passed from Old to Middle English. The French influence affected the English vocabulary, grammar, spelling and pronunciation and brought the romance style to England6. How many languages were spoken during the French reign? How do you understand modern English as a language?Two, they are French and Old English.Modern English as we know it has existed since about 1500, and Shakespeare's plays were written between 1592 and 1610 -- exact dates are not known. Shakespeare was using the same "English" that we use today, but as languages tend to do, the meanings of words and some words in their entirety have changed.。
Assignment 1各种信函
6. 合同的正文范例
Buyers: Peter Company Limited Sellers: John Hayde, Inc. Ltd. This contract is made by and between the buyers and the sellers; whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under mentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below: Name of Commodity: Printed Cotton Sheeting Specifications: No.137 35.36 inch in width Quality: as per sample submitted by the buyers on March 9 Quantity: 40,000 yards Price: USD 6.6 per yard CIF London Amount: USD 264,000
We refer to contract 235 for 3000 photocopiers. The contract was made on a C&F basis, whereas basis, your L/C states CIF. To avoid any further delay in shipping, we suggest that we arrange the necessary insurance coverage. The premium will coverage. cost US$ 2500 and we could deduct it from the commission payable to you. The consignment is being shipped, leaving Liverpool for Taiwan on 15th June. We will send you bill of lading and other shipping documents as soon as we receive them and meanwhile enclose a invoice showing prices at which the goods should be offered for sale.
assignment 1 分析
3. 我存在,我曾经存在。 I am,I was. 电影“Artificial Intelligence”,I am, I was. I think, so I am. (Decarte) 改译: I am here, I was here. ??? I exist, I ever existed. ???
4. 有想做的事,有值得爱的人,有美丽的梦。 I want something to do, someone to love and something to hope for.
语义问题: Someone to love指有一个人去爱,但原文中是“有值得 爱的人”,与原文不符。Something to hope for指“有事情去期待” 的意思,与原文中“有美丽的梦”仍不吻合。 改译:
17.生命是一场又一场的相遇和别离,后会有期。 Life is full of encounters and separations. See you some day.
语义问题:separation: n. a period of time that people spend apart from each other. 一般指长时间离别。所以在该句中用parting: n. the act or occasion of leaving a person or place”一词比较好,与原文 中所表达的意思相近。
2. 我希望活得有意义,活得深刻,汲取生命所有的精髓。 I wanted to live deliberately,live deep and suck out all the marrow of the life. (Walden) 语法问题:原文中的动词wanted用了过去式,过去式指的是在过去的时间内所发生的 事情,从原文中了解到这种渴望和希望应该经常存在,故用一般现在时want比较合适。 语义问题:deliberately有两个意思,分别是“done in a way that was planned, not by chance”和 “slowly and carefully”, deliberately 并不符合有意义的意思。deep可以指物理意 义上的深,情感上的深厚,知识的渊博,人性格深沉,这里指生活态度不恰当。尽管 deep也有做副词的时候,但多用于deep inside,deep into这种情况,在这里用deeply才 是正确的。而且此处用profoundly更好,语气更强,更能体现出活得深刻的意味。 文体问题:“汲取”在文中具有象征意义,指的是“学习”生命的意义。suck out指的 是吮吸,只是单纯的动作。marrow象征的是生命中的智慧,而marrow是生物上骨髓的 意思。 改译: I wanted to lead a meaningful and profound life, from which I receive all the wisdom of life.
Assignment 1:冉文浩2017180136260161.Give a formal or descriptive definition for each of the following terms.●ITRS,1●Gate-Equivalent,1●Technology Nodes,1●Feature size,1●IC design complexity sources,1 ●Behavioral representation,1●Abstraction hierarchy,1●IC design,1●Synthesis,1●Refinement,1●System-level synthesis,1●Logic synthesis,1●Layout synthesis,1●Partial design tree,●Design window,1●Digital design space,1●Static timing analysis,1●Behavioral simulation,1●Post place and routesimulation,1●Composition-based approach.12.Access the Internet for information about Daniel D. Gajski’s “Y-c hart”methodology for integrated circuits design. According to your investigation of the related research papers and/or technical reports, please summarize the “Y-c hart”theory, including (1) design representation domains, (2) design abstraction hierarchy and (3) design activities. References must be listed at the end of your report.3.Write a summary in Chinese of the paper “A New Ear in Advanced IC Design” (inless than 200 characters).1. Give a formal or descriptive definition for each of the following terms.ITRS:International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor(国际半导体技术发展路线图)Gate-Equivalent:A gate equivalent (GE) stands for a unit of measure which allows to specify manufacturing-technology-independent complexity of digital electronic circuits. It corresponds to a two input NAND gateTechnology Nodes:DRAM 结构里第一层金属的金属间距(pitch)的一半Feature size:roughly half the length of the smallest transistor(芯片上的最小物理尺寸)IC design complexity sources: It includes four main metrics:reliability、cost、performance and power consumption. It also includes four complexity sources:large size、variability and reliability、power dissipation and heterogeneity.Behavioral representation: Represents a design as a black box and its outputs in terms of its input and time. Indicates no geometrical information or structure information. Tables the form of text, math or algorithm.Abstraction hierarchy:Abstraction hierarchies are a human invention designed to assist people in engineering every complex systems by ignoring unnecessary details.A set of interrelated representation levels that allow a system to be represented in varying amounts of details. It includes six levels:system level、chip/algorithm level、RTL、logic gate level、circuit level、layout/silicon levelIC design: An integrated circuit is a set of electronic circuits on one small flat piece (or "chip") of semiconductor material, normally silicon.(在以小片半导体材料上面设计大量的集成电路)Synthesis:将高层次的信息转换成低层次的描述,具体是指将行为域的信息转换成结构域的信息。
Presentation and Stylistic dimensions: writing style,
organization and presentation of material.
Conclusion: Offer a conclusion drawing upon the main
Construction and presentation of
Title: Use this title format, state the title of the paper, and write the details in reference style
Poole (2006) The effect of selective visiting on maternal anxiety. British Journal of Midwifery.
✓ Must be a research paper ✓ Not an article ✓ Topic of professional interest ✓ Place a copy of it in the appendix
Referred journal:
✓ Double blind referred ✓ Peer reviewed
7(3), 144-149.
Construction and presentation of critique (cont’d)
Present the critique under the following sub headings: Introduction: rationale for choice of paper and critiquing
1. Assignment 1 - discrimination of vowels
Assignment 1 Discrimination of vowel soundsparison between monophthongs/iː/ —/ɪ/leave —live feel —fill read — ridheel —hill peach —pitch deed —did/e/ — /æ/men —man bed —bad lend —landmet —mat send —sand beg —bag/ɔ:/ — /ɒ/sport —spot chalk —chock caught —cotcork —cock forks —fox naught —not/ɑ:/ —/ʌ/calm —come march —much harm —humbarn —bun heart —hut dark —duck/u:/ — /ʊ/fool —full pool —pull cool —couldshoed —should wooed —would food —footparison between diphthongs/aʊ/ — /əʊ/now —no out —oat crowd —crowed blouse —blows couch —coach bow (v.) —bow (n.)/ɪə/— /eə/hear —hair fear —fair beer —bearcheer —chair dear —dare really —rarelyparison between monophthongs & diphthongs/i:/—/eɪ/me — may bee — bay eat — eightsee — say heat — hate feet — fatemeet — mate lead — laid read — raid/e/ —/eɪ/let — late pen — pain get — gatemen — main ate — eight wet — waittest — taste debt — date tell —tail/æ/ —/aɪ/fat —fight cat —kite back —bikehat —height lack —like sad —side/ɔ:/ — /əʊ/raw —row saw —so caught —coat walk —w oke ball —bowl call —coal/u:/ — /əʊ/cool —coal grew —grow fooled —fold room —roam soup —soap flute —float/aʊ/— /ɔ:/loud —lord shout —short howl —hall house —horse down —dawn town —torn/ɪə/ & /ɛə/hear, here — hair dear, deer — dare fear — fair, fare ear — air rear — rare pier — pearbeer — bear cheer — chair spear — spare really — rarely/eə/ — /æ/Mary —marry rarely —rally paired —pad glared —glad bared —bad careless —callous/eə/ —/e/vary —very Mary —merry shared —shed fairly —felly dared —dead barely —belly。
Unit1Vocabulary1.1) allot2) go through fire and water3) reside4) sobbed5) made no mention of6) sacrifice7) came upon8) rhythm9) volume10) something of a2.1) I stayed on as an assistant professor.2) I hold it to my ear because I want to hear time tick away.3) The salary is not wonderful, but the duties are light.4) The moral of the lesson is not to talk to strangers.5) Yes, but it cannot hold a candle to Huangshan.3.1) The nasty smell from the kitchen made her stomach churn.2) When she sank into drunkenness, she was able to forget her sorrow.3) In the 1,500 meters, Martin and Parker came first and third respectively.4) The two hills Shunner Fell from the north and Lovely Seat from the south flank the famous Butter Tubs Pass.5) Levi, in gratitude to Joshua, gave a party for him.4.1) Ambition ambition regardless of2) discourse by way of3) is engraved inward5.1) have come upon / across2) had come out3) come on / up4) came across5) comes down to6) came around / to7) comes to8) came through9) came up with10) comes upUsage1) the Wilsons2) Mark Twain3) Annie Johnsons4) another Winston Churchill5) a Mrs. Burton6) a Budweiser7) A Monet8) an old FordCloze 1.1) go through fire and water2) salary3) give4) no peace5) sink into6) ambition7) By way of8) expressive9) churned10) engraved11) not hold a candle to12) inward2.1) Success2) literacy3) significantly4) promoting5) appropriate6) too7) later8) repetition9) invented10) lessTranslationAlthough my grandmother was illiterate, she had a good stock of myths and legends. When I was young I gave her no peace, constantly asking her to tell me stories. Aftershe had finished her housework, she would lift me onto her lap and tell stories, all the while rocking me in rhythm.Having noticed my interest in stories, my parents lost no time in initiating me into reading. They bought many storybooks with illustrations, and whenever free, they would read these stories to me over and over again. By and by I had a vocabulary large enough to read on my own.Unit2Vocabulary1.1) appetite2) destructive3) agency4) processed5) saturated6) utter7) hoisted8) referring to9) retrieve10) Unfortunately2.1) Peter was chasing the dog and Tom was riding the wooden horse in the garden.2) They all looked on except one young man. He took her to the hospital instantly.3) I laid charges against the company and won the case.4) If we want to stay competitive, first of all we need to modernize our factory.5) They got irrigation water from the dammed rivers.3.1) Except in the oases the desert is almost devoid of vegetation, although some stunted, thorny shrubs grow in the western Sahara.2) The fruits growing wild in the coastal forest are edible.3) The national security agency made recommendations for improving safety standards in airplanes / to improve safety standards in airplanes.4) The Beatles enjoyed success on a scale unparalleled by any previous pop group.5) The emergence of language was a defining factor in the evolution of modern humans.4.1) Excluding packaged to boost / of boosting2) comes second to infected with traces of3) vegetarian are bred slaughtered ideal reduction5.1) get over2) got to3) get through4) get over5) get by6) get away7) got in8) get … out9)get along10)get away with Usage1. sing a pop song2. died a miserable death3. live a harmonious life4. Breathing a deep breath5. dreamed a bad dream6. smiled a bitter smile7. a hard fight to fight8. sleep a troubled sleep Cloze 1.1) exclude2) stubborn3) devoid of4) bow to5) potent6) drawbacks7) contaminating8) heightened9) infected10) come second to2.1) consumption2) between3) packed4) evident5) population6) encouraging7) grave8) against9) criticize10) itselfTranslationStudy after study has uncovered the fact that there is a close correlation between food and a number of chronic diseases. For example, a decreased risk of certain chronic diseases is associated with an increased consumption of plant-based foods. Therefore, in the past decade, the American Dietetic Association has urged Americans to reduce their intake of animal fats, and to boost consumption of fruits, vegetables, and grains. Meanwhile, the United States Department of Agriculture has released a document containing the food guide pyramid, which encourages a minimum of three vegetable and two fruit servings per day. However, many Americans still don't meet / listen to these recommendations.Unit3Vocabulary1.1) invitation2) eloquent3) concede4) contradictory5) conceals6) guilty7) generalize8) get caught in9) for now10) as a last resort2.1) Non-smoking area. John's very intolerant of people who smoke.2) She is an interesting character, and a bit of a mystery to me.3) Because it does not reveal their marital status.4) We are planning on trekking through the Malaysian Rainforest.5) He muttered something under his breath that I couldn't understand.6) They may need to wear protective rubber gloves and clothing.7) The chairperson said sometimes unemployment tempted the youth into criminal activities.8) Though she never admitted it, the look on her face when I mentioned James' name gave her away.3.1) Throughout history, people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.2) The hill farmers' lot has never been easy and in recent years has been assailed by a series of major crises.3) As most people in his family, Grey is a great talker when he's in the mood to talk.4) Few people find it necessary to condemn white lies on the grounds that they are not real lies.5) All the evidence of your qualifications and skills that backs up the claims you make in your résumé should be included.4.1) In general that irritates arrogant2) adamant never indulge in absurd a romantic3) be aware nonetheless acceptable to5.1) go around / round2) Go for3) went off4)go on5) is going on6) go about7) go along8) go through9) go by10) go overUsage1. was being careful with his words.2. was being polite and ate quite a bit.3. was getting impatient waiting for the waiter to come around.4. are being stupid because they run the risk of being caught and expelled from school.5. He was being a coward.6. was being a nuisance when he complained.7. I'm being serious.Cloze 1.1) go along2) honesty3) straightforward4) indulge in5) What about6) dodge7) assert8) absurd9) resort10) juggle2.1) asserting2) go along3) because4) part5) Mistakes6) exceptions7) end8) resort9) dying10) freedomTranslationThe new president of our university disapproves of the idea that we should be allowed to tell lies under certain circumstances. He believes that if people get used to telling any kind of lie, they will indulge themselves and eventually be stuck with the bad habit. To tell or not to tell a lie can sometimes become a very sticky issue, but our president insists on the notion that nobody in the world of education should dodge the responsibility of attaching primary importance to honesty while teaching the young. I agree with him. What about you?Unit4Vocabulary1.1) for myself2) concluded3) infinite4) internal5) misery6) mode7) ventured8) visible9) observation10) commended2.1) I lay in bed feeling thoroughly wretched.2) It is fragrant with the smell of apple blossom.3) They are fine specimens of the veteran revolutionaries.4) I'd like to enroll in the modern art course if it is not too late.5) The taste is slightly bitter, and it has a strange odor.3.1. The scheme does nothing to help families on low incomes and is sure to provoke / call forth / draw / arouse criticism.2. Jenny is terribly uncertain as to whether Bob is the right boy for her.3. These goods bear no resemblance to those I saw printed in the advertisements.4. In China, where black hair and black eyes are the norm, her blond hair and blue eyes are rather conspicuous.5. We did not have time for a rehearsal before the performance because of the delay of our flight.4.1) an energetic ardent The investigation a wretched To leave them to their own devices2) entrusted explicit did not commend itself to look him in the face turning to3) my subsequent The latter part with with reluctance5.1) turned to2) turn … down3) turn up4) turned out5) turned …over6) turned on7) turned away8) turns out9) turned in10) turning inWords1) come2) Come …bring bring3) take taken4) went went going5)went came6) take7) bring8) come9) brought10) went/cameCloze 1.1) Enrolling2) specimen3) leave him to his own devices4) investigation5) By and by6) content with7) entrusted8) reluctance9) infectious10) observation11) mode12) grounded in2.1) known2) only3) doing4) assistance5) assignment6) simply7) But8) turned9) singled10) becauseTranslationWhen I enrolled in Math 202, I anticipated difficulties because I was not well grounded in mathematics in high school. The course was taught by Professor Richardson, a fine specimen of an old-fashioned gentleman, very cordial to his students. However, when it came to academic matters, he was by no means an easy person. Before he started his lecture, he discoursed enthusiastically on the importance of working in an orderly fashion, of being thoroughly prepared before each class, and of not being content with what you have learned. His attitude towards work was infectious, and by and by I became an ardent math lover, too.Unit5Vocabulary1.1)percentage2)Zone3)warmth4)diverse5)widen6)look around7)in the face of8)in perspective9)temperate10)theoretical2.1) Its profits shrank from $5 million to $1.25 million in the last global financial crisis.2) They will have to adhere to the cultural norms of the organization in order to be successful with their database project.3) My hometown is/lies halfway in between Salk Lake City and Denver.4) I saw waves battering against) the rocks at the bottom of the cliff.5) Flood waters washed away the only bridge connecting the village to the outside world.3.1) Your report on the new car park is fine, but why don't you beef it up with some figures?2) There is a wide variation among Internet providers in cost, features, software, reliability and customer service.3) Poverty is one of the reasons for the high incidence of crime in this neighborhood.4) I suggested we sing and dance for the elderly people in the nursing home, and all my roommates were in favor of my idea.5) Doctors who are compelled to work 36 hours at a stretch cannot possibly be fully efficient.4.1) is attributed to diverse the scary are dying off2) from esteemed trigger overwhelming3) melting throwing into turmoil be magnified going up5.1) think back to / on2)think … over3)thought of4)think of… as5) think up1) picked up2) picked out3) picked up4) picked on5) picks atWord 1.1) contaminated2) contaminate3) contamination4) uncontaminated2.1) habitable2) habitation3) inhabit4) uninhabited5) uninhabitable6) inhabitedCloze 1.1) beef up2) coastal3) in favour of4) residents5) theoretical6) disastrous7) battered8) shrinking9) migrate10) washed away11) Scary12) humanity2.1) predicting2) accuracy3) basis4) collide5) atmosphere6) melts7) affected8) actions9) striving10) technologiesTranslationMost scientists no longer doubt that the world is warming up and that humanityhas altered climate. They agree that the long-term effects of global warming will be disastrous for the planet and its inhabitants. What is more, climate change won't be a smooth transition to a warmer world. Some regions will be greatly affected by abrupt climate changes. Enormous areas of densely populated land like coastal Florida would become uninhabitable. Hundreds of millions of residents would have to migrate to safer regions. Therefore, it is no surprise that global warming has made its way onto the agenda of world leaders.。
Assignment 02-1
Assignment I: CalculatorObjectiveThis assignment has two parts. The goal of the first part of the assignment is to recreate the demonstration given in class on Wednesday. Not to worry, you will be given very detailed walk-through instructions. It is important, however, that you understand what you are doing with each step of the walk-through because the second part of the assignment is to add a few extensions to your calculator which will require similar steps to those taken in the walk-through.This assignment must be submitted using the submit script (see the class website for details) by 11:59pm on Tuesday, April 6th. You may submit it multiple times if you wish. Only the last submission will be counted. For example, it might be a good idea to go ahead and submit it after you have done the walk-through and gotten that part working.Be sure to check out the Hints section below!Materials•By this point, you should have been sent an invitation to your sunet e-mail to join the iPhone University Developer Program. You must accept this invitation and download the iPhone SDK.It is critical that you get the SDK downloaded and functioning as early as possible in the week so that if you have problems you will have a chance to talk to the TA’s and get help. If you wait until the weekend (or later!) and you cannot get the SDK downloaded and installed, it is unlikely you’ll finish this assignment on time.•The walkthrough document for the first part of the assignment can be found on the class website (same place you found this document).Required Tasks1.Follow the walk-through instructions (separate document) to build and run thecalculator in the iPhone Simulator. Do not proceed to the next steps unless yourcalculator builds without warnings or errors and functions as expected.2.Your calculator already works with floating point numbers (e.g. if you press 3 / 4 =it will properly show the resulting value of 0.75), however, there is no way for the user to enter a floating point number. Remedy this.3.Add the following four single-operand operators:•1/x : inverts the number in the display (i.e. 4 becomes .25). Be sure to handle the case where the display currently contains a zero. You can fail silently, but don’tcrash.•+/-: changes the sign of the number in the display.•sin : calculates the sine of the number in the display.•cos : calculates the cosine of the number in the display.4.Add the following three “memory” buttons:•Store : stores the current value of the display into a memory location.•Recall : recalls the value in memory.•Mem + : adds the current value of the display to whatever’s already in memory. 5.Add a “C” button that clears everything (display, “waiting” operations, memory).Hints1.Be careful when copying and pasting buttons in Interface Builder because the target/action of the button will be copied as well.•Sometimes this is what you want (if you’re creating 9 more digit buttons from an existing digit button or some more operation buttons from an existing operationbutton).•Sometimes it is not what you want (if you’re copying and pasting a digit button to try and make an operation button).•Buttons can have multiple target/action pairs, so if you copy a digit button to make an operation button and then ctrl-drag a connection from the new button to File’s Owner (your CalculatorViewController) and hook it up tooperationPressed:, then when you press that button both digitPressed:andoperationPressed: will be sent. This is most definitely not what you want.•To disconnect an unwanted target/action, ctrl-right-mouse on the sending object.You will get a list of all the actions it sends (and on what event it sends it). Justscroll down to the unwanted one and click the little X to disconnect it.2.There’s an NSString method which you might find quite useful for doing the floatingpoint part of this assignment. It’s called rangeOfString: Check it out in thedocumentation. It returns an NSRange which is just a normal C struct which you can access using dot notation. For example, consider the following code:NSString *greeting = @"Hello There Joe, how are ya?";NSRange range = [greeting rangeOfString:@"Joe"];if (range.location == NSNotFound) { … } // no Joe!3.Non-object comparisons use == (double equals), not = (single equals). A single equalsmeans “assignment.” A double equals means “test for equality.” See the last line of code above. Object comparisons for equality usually use the isEqual: method.Comparing objects using == is dangerous. == only checks to see if the two pointers are the same (i.e. they point to exactly the same instance of an object). It does not check to see if two different objects are semantically the same.4.Don’t forget that NSString constants start with @. See the greeting variable in thecode fragment above. Constants without out the @ (e.g. “hello”) are const char * and are rarely used on the iPhone.5.While is a valid IP address, it is not a valid floating point number. Do notlet your user enter that in your calculator!6.Be careful of the case where the user starts off entering a new number by pressing thedecimal point, e.g., they want to enter the number “.5” into their calculator. Handle this case properly.7.sin() and cos() are functions in the normal BSD Unix C library. Feel free to usethem to calculate sine and cosine.8.When you add a single-operand operator, be careful of where you put your if’s,else’s and {}’s.9.The three memory buttons and the clear button can all simply be treated like single-operand operations. Creating a bunch more methods to handle all those cases is a waste of code on your part and on the part of any object who wants to use theCalculatorBrain’s public API. These functions operate on or assign the current operand just like any other single-operand operation does, so there’s no need to treat them differently.10.This entire assignment can be done by adding one method (for the floating-pointpart), one instance variable (for the memory part), and less than 20 lines of code total (not including curly braces). Economy is valuable in coding: the easiest way to ensurea bug-free line of code is not to write the line of code at all.LinksMost of the information you need is best found by searching in the documentation through Xcode (see the Help menu there), but here are a few links to Apple Conceptual Documentation that you might find helpful. Remember that we are going to go much more in-depth about Objective-C and the rest of the development environment next week, so don’t feel the need to absorb these documents in their entirety.•Objective-C Primer•Introduction to Objective-C•NSString ReferenceEvaluationIn all of the assignments this quarter, writing quality code that builds without warnings or errors, and then testing the resulting application and iterating until it functions properly is the goal.Here are the most common reasons assignments are marked down:•Project does not build.•Project does not build without warnings.•One or more items in the Required Tasks section was not satisfied.• A fundamental concept was not understood.•Code is sloppy and hard to read (e.g. indentation is not consistent, etc.).•Assignment was turned in late (you get 3 late days per quarter, so use them wisely).Extra CreditHere are a few ideas for some more things you could do to get some more experience with the SDK at this point in the game. Any and all are optional, but you will be given extra credit for any you complete.1.Add a UILabel somewhere in the user-interface which shows the contents of theCalculatorBrain’s memory. This will require the CalculatorBrain to “export”this information to your Controller via the CalculatorBrain’s API (i.e. a newmethod in its header file, CalculatorBrain.h).2.Note that we have not asked you to implement a “clear memory (only)” button. Thiswould be straightforward in your CalculatorBrain (it’s just yet another single-operand operation), but it’s a bit more of a challenge to yourCalculatorViewController than the other memory operations are. Why is that?Hint: Clearing memory should have no effect on anything else the user is doing in the calculator at the time.3.Implement a “backspace” button for the user to press if they hit the wrong digitbutton. This is not intended to be “undo,” so if they hit the wrong operation button, they are out of luck!4.Add a π button.5.Implement a user-interface for choosing whether the operand to sin() or cos() isconsidered radians or degrees. When you call sin(x) in the C library, x is assumed to be in radians (i.e. 0 to 2π goes around the circle once), but users might want to enter 180 and press the sin button and get 0 instead of -0.8012 (which is the sine of 180 radians). You could use a UIButton for this and switch out the titleLabel’s text each time the UIButton is pressed, but a better way would be to see if you can figure out how to use a UISwitch by reading the documentation (if you dare!).6.Add a UILabel somewhere in your user-interface which shows the state of a 2-operand operation in progress. For example, if the user hit the following buttons 3 +4 *5 = this extra field would show nothing until the +, at which point it woulddisplay 3 + then it would change to 7 * as soon as the * button was pressed. Like Extra Credit #1 above, you will need to augment your CalculatorBrain’s public API to share information about whether there is a 2-operand operation pending or not since that is currently private implementation in the CalculatorBrain. A cool place to put this UILabel is above the display and left-aligned.。
1-1-Secrets of A Students
Alex, now a first-year student in natural sciences at Cambridge, played football for his school in Manchester and directed the school production of a play — but he left school with five A's. Amanda, studying English at Bristol University, acted in plays at her school and played tennis regularly. Yet she still managed to get four A's.How do A students like these do it? Brains aren't the only answer. The most gifted students do not necessarily perform best in exams. Knowing how to make the most of one's abilities counts for much more.Hard work isn't the whole story either. Some of these high-achieving students actually put in fewer hours than their lower-scoring classmates. The students at the top of the class get there by mastering a few basic techniques that others can easily learn. Here, according to education experts and students themselves, are the secrets of A students.1. Concentrate! Top students allow no interruptions of their study time. Once the books are open, phone calls go unanswered, TV unwatched and newspapers unread. "This doesn't mean ignoring important things in your life," Amanda explains. "It means planning your study time so that you can concentrate. If I'm worried about a sick friend, I call her beforeI start my homework. Then when I sit down to study, I can really focus."2. Study anywhere — or everywhere. A university professor in Arizona assigned to tutor underachieving college athletes, recalls a runner who exercised daily. He persuaded him to use the time to memorise biology terms. Another student stuck a vocabulary list on his bathroom wall and learneda new word every day while brushing his teeth.3. Organize your materials. At school, Tom played basketball. "I was too busy to waste time looking for a pencil or a missing notebook. I kept everything just where I could get my hands on it," he says. Paul, a student in New Mexico, keeps two folders for each subject — one for the day's assignments, the other for homework completed and ready to hand in. A drawer keeps essentials together and cuts down on time-wasting searches.4. Organize your time. When a teacher set a long essay, Alex would spenda couple of days reading round the subject and making notes, then he'd do a rough draft and write up the essay. He would aim to finish a couple of days before the assignment was due so that if it took longer than expected, he'd still meet the deadline. Amanda stuck to a study schedule that included breaks every two hours. "Trying to study when you're overtired isn't smart," she advises. "Even a short break to stretch or get some fresh air can work wonders."5. Learn how to read. "I used to spend hours going through irrelevant material," Amanda remembers. "But then I got used to reading quickly; if the first sentence of a paragraph wasn't relevant, I'd move on to the next paragraph." "The best course I ever took," says an Oklahoma student, "was speed-reading. I not only increased my words per minute but also learned to look at a book's table of contents and pictures first. Then, when Ibegan to read, I had a sense of the material and I retained a lot more." To such students, the secret of good reading is to be an active reader — one who keeps asking questions that lead to a full understanding of the material being read.6. Take good notes. "Before writing anything, I divide my page into two parts," says Amanda, "the left part is about a third of the page wide; the right, two-thirds. I write my notes in the wider part, and put down the main ideas on the left. During revision, this is very useful because you can see immediately why the material is relevant, rather than being worried by a great mass of information." Just before the end of lesson bell rings, most students close their books, put away papers, talk to friends and get ready to leave. But a smart student uses those few minutes to write two or three sentences about the lesson's main points, which he scans before the next class.7. Ask questions. "If you ask questions, you know at once whether you have got the point or not," says Alex. Class participation is a matter of showing intellectual curiosity. In a lecture on economics, for example, curious students would ask how the Chinese economy could be both socialist and market-driven, thus interesting themselves not only in whats, but also in whys and hows.8. Study together. The value of working together was shown in an experiment at the University of California at Berkeley. A graduate student there who observed a first-year calculus course found that Asian-American students discussed homework, tried different approaches and explained their solutions to one another while the others studied alone, spent most of their time reading and rereading the text, and tried the same approach time after time even if it was unsuccessful.After all, the secrets of A students are not so secret. You can learn and master them and become an A student, too.。
Assignment 1 for Ch 1 to Ch 4
Assignment 1 (for Ch 1 to Ch 4)Question 1Suppose that one investment has a mean return of 8% and a standard deviation of returns of 14%. Another investment has a mean return of 12% and a standard deviation of returns of 20%. The correlation between the investments is 0.3. Produce a chart similar to Figure 1.2, showing alternative return-risk portfolios from the two investments. Question 2A fund manager has maintained an actively managed portfolio with a beta of 0.2. During the last year, the risk-free rate was 5% and major equity indices performed very badly, providing returns of about -30%. The manager produced a return of -10% and claims that in the circumstances it was good. Discuss this claim.Question 3Regulators calculate that DLC bank (see Section 2.2) will report a profit that is normally distributed with a mean of $0.6 million and a standard deviation of $2.0 million. How much equity capital in addition to that in Table 2.2 should regulators require for there to be a 99.9% chance of the capital not being wiped out by losses?Question 4An investment bank has been asked to underwrite an issue of 10 million shares by a company. It is trying to decide between a best-efforts deal where it charges a fee of $0.2 for each share sold and a firm-commitment deal where it buys the shares for $10 per share. For the latter deal, the bank considers that the selling price per share is either $10.8 or $9.8. What are the break-even probabilities of selling prices so that the bank is indifferent to the two deals (assume that all 10 million shares are sold out)? Question 5Use Table 3.1 to calculate the minimum premium an insurance company should charge for a $5 million three-year term life insurance contract issued to a man aged 60. Assume that the premium is paid at the beginning of each year and death always takes place halfway through a year. The risk-free interest rate is 6% per annum (with semi-annual compounding).Question 6Suppose that in a certain defined benefit pension plan (1)Employees work for 45 years earning salaries thatincrease at the real rate 實質利率 of 2% per year (= the nominal rate 名義利率 the inflation rate 通脹率 ).(2)The pension fund’s income is invested in bonds, whichearn the real rate of 1.5% per year.(3)They retire with an annuity equal to 70% of their finalsalaries. This annuity decreases at the real rate of 1% per year.(4)The annuities are received for 18 years.Calculate (using a software, say Excel) the percentage R of an employee’s salary that must be contributed to the pension plan if it is to remain solvent.Assume that the initial salary is $100,000 per year. Note that the salary of the employee makes no difference to the answer. This is because it has the effect of scaling all numbers up or down.Do all calculations in real rather than nominal dollars. Each team is required to hand in a spreadsheet only. (Given that the required contribution rate R = 25.02%.)Question 7An investor buys 100 shares in a mutual fund on 1 January 2015, for $50 each. The fund earns dividends of $2 and $3 per share during 2015 and 2016. These are reinvested in the fund. The fund’s realized capital gains in 2015 and 2016 are $5 per share and $3 per share, respectively. The investor sells the shares in the fund during 2017 for $59 per share. Explain how the investor is taxed.Question 8Good years are followed by equally bad years for a mutual fund. It earns +8%, –8%, +12%, –12% in successive years.(a)What is the investor’s overall return for the four years?(b)What is the inve stor’s av erage return each year?Form a team having 4 or 5 students (who register with the same Monday's or Friday's classes) to complete this assignment.Please hand in a hard copy of your team work during the classes held on 29 February 2016 (Monday's classes) / 4 March 2016 (Friday's classes).Note that this assignment carries only 5 marks out of 15 marks (the total of continuous assessment).。
ELEC 6097 – Assignment 1Second Semester 2013 Due: 20 March 2013 by 19:001.(8 points) Consider Figure 1. Assume that we know the bottleneck link along the path fromthe server to the client is the first link with rate bits/sec. Suppose we send a pair of packets back to back from the server to the client, and there is no other traffic on this path. Assume each packet of size bits, and both links have the same propagation delay .a.(4 points) What is the packet inter-arrival time at the destination? That is, how much timeelapses from when the last bit of the first packet arrives until the last bit of the second packet arrives? Explain your answer.b.(4 points) Now assume that the second link is the bottleneck link (i.e., ). Is itpossible that the second packet queues at the input queue of the second link? Explain.Now suppose that the server sends the second packet seconds after sending the first packet. How large must be to ensure no queuing before the second link? Explain your answer.Figure 1. Throughput for a file transfer from server to client2.(12 points) Perform a Traceroute between source and destination in the Hong Kong SpecialAdministrative Region (HKSAR) at two different hours of the day. Make a screenshot or screen clipping of every Traceroute result. Indicate when the Traceroutes are taken.a.(2 points) Find the average and standard deviation of the round-trip delays at each of thetwo hours.b.(2 point) Find the number of routers in the path at each of the two hours. Did the pathschange during any of the hours?c.(2 points) Try to identify the number of ISP networks that the Traceroute packets passthrough from source to destination. Routers with similar names and/or similar IPaddresses should be considered as part of the same ISP. In your experiments, do the largest delays occur at the peering interfaces between adjacent ISPs?d.(6 points) Repeat the above three sub-questions for a source in the HKSAR anddestination in Mainland China. Make a screenshot or screen clipping of every Traceroute result. Compare the results with those in sub-questions a, b and c.Hint: Please Google the keyword “traceroute”to find out the corresponding command of Traceroute for your computer’s operating system.3.(12 points) Consider a short, 15-metre link, over which a sender can transmit at a rate of 160bits/sec in both directions. Suppose that packets containing data are 200,000 bits long, and packets containing only control (e.g., ACK or handshaking) are 100 bits long. Assume that N parallel connections each get of the link bandwidth. Now consider the HTTP protocol, and suppose that each downloaded object is 200 Kbits long, and that the initial downloaded object contains 10 referenced objects from the same sender. Assume that the propagation speed is .a.(5 points) Would parallel downloads via parallel instances of non-persistent HTTP makesense in this case?b.(7 points) Now consider persistent HTTP. Do you expect significant gains over the non-persistent case? Justify and explain your answer.4.(12 points) Consider Figure 2, for which there is an institutional network connected to theInternet and assume that the access link is of rate . Suppose that the average object size is and that the average request rate from the institution's browsers to the origin servers is .Also suppose that the amount of time it takes from when the router on the Internet side of the access link forwards an HTTP request until it receives the response is 2 seconds on average.Model the total average response time as the sum of the average access delay (that is, the delay from Internet router to institution router) and the average Internet delay. For the average access delay, use , where is the average time required to send an object over the access link and is the arrival rate of objects to the access link.As for the parameters mentioned above, we assume the following setting:1)For students whose university numbers are even numbers, the parameter settings are asfollows,2)For students whose university numbers are odd numbers, the parameter settings are asfollows,Please carefully follow the corresponding parameter settings above when doing the calculations in the two sub-questions.a.(5 points)Find the total average response time.b.(7 points) Now suppose a cache is installed in the institutional LAN. Suppose the missrate is 0.4. Find the total response time. Assume that the time taken to access a web content from the cache is negligible.access link of rateFigure 2. Bottleneck between an institutional network and the Internet5.(10 points) Consider distributing a file of bits to peers using a client-server architecture.Assume a fluid model where the server can simultaneously transmit to multiple peers, transmitting to each peer at different rates, as long as the combined rate does not exceed .Let denote the lowest download rate among peers.a.(5 points) Suppose that . Explain with a distribution scheme that has adistribution time of .b.(5 points) Suppose that . Explain with a distribution scheme that has adistribution time of .6.(7 points) Consider a reliable data transfer protocol that uses only negative acknowledgments.Suppose the sender sends data only infrequently.a.(3 points) Would a NAK-only protocol be preferable to a protocol that uses ACKs? Why?b.(4 points) Now suppose the sender has a lot of data to send and the end-to-end connectionexperiences few losses. In this second case, would a NAK-only protocol be preferable toa protocol that uses ACKs? Why?7.(18 points) Consider a simplified TCP's AIMD algorithm where the congestion window sizeis measured in number of segments, not in bytes. In additive increase, the congestion window size increases by one segment in each RTT. In multiplicative decrease, the congestion window size decreases by half (if the result is not an integer, round down to the nearest integer). Suppose that two TCP connections, C1 and C2, share a single congested link of speed 35 segments per second. Assume that both C1 and C2 are in the congestion avoidance phase. Assume that when the data rate in the link exceeds the link's speed, all TCP connections experience data segment loss.Scenario 1:Based on the network described in the problem setting, suppose that connection C1's RTT is50 msec and connection C2's RTT is 100 msec.a.(6 points) If both C1 and C2 at time have a congestion window of 10 segments, whatare their congestion window sizes after 1000 msec? Track and write down the evolution of window sizes and sending rates of C1 and C2 during the 1000-msec period.b.(2 points) In the long run, will these two connections get the same share of the bandwidthof the congested link? Explain.Scenario 2:Based on the network described in the problem setting, now suppose that the two TCP connections, C1 and C2, have the same RTT of 100 msec. Suppose that at time , Cl's congestion window size is 15 segments but C2's congestion window size is 10 segments.c.(4 points) What are their congestion window sizes after 1000 msec? Track and writedown the evolution of window sizes and sending rates of C1 and C2 during the 1000-msec period.d.(1 points) In the long run, will these two connections get about the same share of thebandwidth of the congested link?e.(2 points) We say that two connections are synchronized, if both connections reach theirmaximum window sizes at the same time and reach their minimum window sizes at the same time. In the long run, will these two connections get synchronized eventually? If so, what are their maximum window sizes?f.(3 points) Will this synchronization help to improve the utilization of the shared link?Why? Sketch some idea to break this synchronization.8.(11 points) Flow and error control.a.(5 points) A World Wide Web (WWW) server is usually set up to receive relatively smallmessages from its clients but to transmit potentially very large messages to them. Which type of the ARQ protocol, go-back-N or selective reject, would provide less of a burden to particularly popular WWW server. Explain your answer.b.(6 points) Explain why, for a sliding window ARQ protocol with a -bit sequence spaceto run correctly, the window size must be no larger than frames.9.(10 points) Show that, when two segments are dropped from a window of data, the Renosender is forced to wait for a retransmit timeout whenever the congestion window is less than10 segments or it is within 2 segments of the receiver's advertised window when fastrecovery is initiated. Assume that all segments are of the same maximum segment size.。
Assignment 1 – Write each word 3 times each
Assignment 1– Write each word 3 times each.1._________________________________________________________2._________________________________________________________3._________________________________________________________4._________________________________________________________5._________________________________________________________6._________________________________________________________7._________________________________________________________8._________________________________________________________9._________________________________________________________10._________________________________________________________11._________________________________________________________12._________________________________________________________13._________________________________________________________14._________________________________________________________15._________________________________________________________16._________________________________________________________18._________________________________________________________19._________________________________________________________20._________________________________________________________ Assignment 2– List your words in alphabetical order.1._________________________________________________________2._________________________________________________________3._________________________________________________________4._________________________________________________________5._________________________________________________________6._________________________________________________________7._________________________________________________________8._________________________________________________________9._________________________________________________________11._________________________________________________________12._________________________________________________________13._________________________________________________________14._________________________________________________________15._________________________________________________________16._________________________________________________________17._________________________________________________________18._________________________________________________________19._________________________________________________________20._________________________________________________________ Assignment 3– Use each of your words in a completesentence.1._________________________________________________________2._________________________________________________________4._________________________________________________________5._________________________________________________________6._________________________________________________________7._________________________________________________________8._________________________________________________________9._________________________________________________________10._________________________________________________________11._________________________________________________________12._________________________________________________________13._________________________________________________________14._________________________________________________________15._________________________________________________________16._________________________________________________________17._________________________________________________________18._________________________________________________________19._________________________________________________________20._________________________________________________________Spelling PracticeSpelling Websites– Use the following sites to study your spelling words in fun ways. You can type in the list of words, then play games and complete other activities./SpellingTest/FreeSpellingTest.htmlOther ways to practice words …∙Write your words in shaving cream∙Use magnet letters and cookie sheets∙Write your words on a dry erase board∙Write your words outside with chalk∙Use a Q-tip and water to paint on a chalkboard∙Use a tape recorder to record yourself spelling the words ∙Practice your words out loud with a parent or sibling ∙Type your words on a typewriter or a computer∙Paint your words∙Use toothpicks or pipe cleaners to form your wordsName __________________ Date ____________ Lesson _____ Spelling Homework Checklist1._____ Complete the spelling rule sheet.2._____ Write your spelling words 3 times each.3._____ List your words in alphabetical order.4._____ Use each of your words in a complete sentence.5._____ Study for your test. Use the list of suggestions on thelast page.6._____ Check off all assignments. The entire packet should beturned in by Friday.----------------------------------------------GradingSpelling Rule Page - _____ out of 53 Times Each - _____ out of 5Alphabetical Order - _____ out of 5Sentences - _____ out of 5Total Weekly Homework Grade - _____ out of 20。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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有一位老板在报纸上声明他办公室需要 一个男孩, 一个男孩,在前来找工作的大约五十个 男孩中,老板选中了一个。 男孩中,老板选中了一个。 老板的一个朋友问: 老板的一个朋友问:“我想知道为什 么你喜欢那个男孩? 么你喜欢那个男孩?你知道他根本没带 能证明他的能力和品质的信函。 能证明他的能力和品质的信函。 你错了, 老板说。 “你错了,”老板说。“他才是我要的 男孩。 男孩。他在门口擦干净他的脚并且进来 随手关上了门,这表明他做事认真。 随手关上了门,这表明他做事认真。
Oral English Practice: A Story 1 Key Words: announce need out of … should like to… clean…at the door close… after… give…to… take off answer walk over on purpose wait for instead of notice
他把他的座位毫不犹豫的让给了老人, 他把他的座位毫不犹豫的让给了老人, 表明他心地善良。 了帽子,干练地回答了我的问题,这 表明他既懂礼貌人又聪明” 表明他既懂礼貌人又聪明”。 “其他所有人都踩过我故意放在地 上的书, 上的书,他拾起来把它放在桌上并且 静静地等着轮到他而不是跟着拥挤。 静静地等着轮到他而不是跟着拥挤。 我跟他谈话的时候, 我跟他谈话的时候,注意到他的头发 和手指都很干净, 和手指都很干净,你认为这些不是能 力强和优秀品质的表现吗” 力强和优秀品质的表现吗”?
A boss announced in a newspaper that he needed a boy to work in his office. Out of nearly fifty who came for the job, the boss chose one. One of the boss’s friends asked, “I should like to know why you liked that boy? You know he brought no letter about his skills and attitudes,” “You are wrong,” said the boss, “He is the right boy. He cleaned his feet at the door and closed the door after him, which showed that he was careful. He gave his seat immediately to the old man, showing that he was kind.
He took off his cap when he came in and answered my questions quickly, this showed that he was polite and bright.” “All the others walked over the book I had put on the floor on purpose. He picked it up and placed it on the table; and he waited quietly for his turn instead of pushing. When I talked to him, I noticed his clean hair and fingers. Don’t you think these things are excellent skills and attitudes?”