



郑州黑莓之家黑莓手机使用教程第一版ZZYQ2007-8-18黑莓——BlackBerry是由加拿大Research in Motion(RIM)公司生产的一种智能手机,它具有邮件、电话、无线上网、短信、即时讯息、企业信息等多种功能一、什么是黑莓?二、黑莓的发展历程三、黑莓主流型号四、黑莓手机操作技巧入门五、进阶学习——黑莓软件安装六、高阶学习——黑莓系统升级+刷机七、附录什么是黑莓?黑莓——BlackBerry是由加拿大Research in Motion(RIM)公司生产的一种智能手机,它具有邮件、电话、无线上网、短信、即时讯息、企业信息等多种功能。










黑莓简单易懂--基本操作篇(全键盘 增强键盘)

黑莓简单易懂--基本操作篇(全键盘 增强键盘)

[教程]黑莓简单易懂--基本操作篇(全键盘+增强键盘)本帖最后由红山枣于 2010-8-30 19:43 编辑黑莓简单易懂--基本操作篇(全键盘+增强键盘)这个对新手来讲是比较好的直观学习贴,根据这个贴你将很快熟悉BB的基本操作,顺便也让可以让大家看看这两种类型机器一些区别。

黑莓BlackBerry的外表操作详细说明(全键盘篇)BlackBerry 机型不算众多,那也不能算太少了。

从 6230 到 7290,从 8300 到9000 乃至是最新的 9700,本来 BlackBerry 的外表操纵精华并没有太多的改动,对于全键盘机型来说,是应该融会贯通的。

我们将一台 BlackBerry 分割成“顶部”、“屏幕”、“键盘”三个部分来聊。

Part 01:BlackBerry 顶部顶部有顶部左侧键、顶部右侧键、Led 灯、扬声器听筒。







LED 灯:俗称小红灯,是 BlackBerry 精华之一。


蓝牙连接时蓝灯闪烁;LED 覆盖显示器(即设置为 LED 常亮)时绿灯闪烁;电量不到时充电黄灯闪烁。






BlackBerry Torch 9800 SmartphoneVersión: 6.0SWDT643442-941426-0830090414-005ContenidoAyuda rápida (9)Los 10 temas principales (9)Buscar teclas importantes (12)Uso del dispositivo por primera vez (15)Descubrir la pantalla de inicio (24)Personalizar el dispositivo (25)Trucos de manejo (32)Accesos directos básicos de BlackBerry (32)Accesos directos del teléfono (32)Accesos directos de los mensajes (33)Atajos de escritura para el teclado de la pantalla táctil (34)Atajos de escritura para el teclado plegable (35)Atajos para archivos y datos adjuntos (36)Atajos de multimedia (37)Accesos directos del navegador (38)Trucos de manejo del calendario (39)Trucos de manejo de búsqueda (39)Resolución de problemas: accesos directos (40)Teléfono (41)Conceptos básicos del teléfono (41)Llamadas de emergencia (43)Volumen (44)Correo de voz (45)Marcación rápida (46)Llamada en espera, reenvío de llamadas y bloqueo de llamadas (47)Marcación fija y marcación inteligente (49)Conferencias telefónicas (51)Registros de llamadas (52)Varios números de teléfono (53)Opciones del teléfono (54)Accesos directos del teléfono (56)Resolución de problemas: teléfono (57)Comandos de voz (60)Realizar una acción con un comando de voz (60)Comandos de voz disponibles (60)Cambiar el idioma de los comandos de voz (61)Desactivación de las listas de elección para los comandos de voz (61)Cambiar las opciones de los mensajes de voz (61)Mejorar el reconocimiento de voz (62)Resolución de problemas: marcación por voz (62)Mensajes (63)Correo electrónico (63)Mensajes PIN (79)Mensajes de texto (83)Opciones de seguridad para mensajes (91)Archivos adjuntos (92)Mensajes protegidos S/MIME (94)Mensajes cifrados nativos de IBM Lotus Notes (100)Mensajes protegidos con PGP (100)Accesos directos de los mensajes (106)Atajos para archivos y datos adjuntos (107)Resolución de problemas: mensajes (108)Archivos (113)Conceptos básicos de archivos (113)Administración de archivos y datos adjuntos (115)Atajos para archivos y datos adjuntos (118)Resolución de problemas: archivos adjuntos (119)Multimedia (120)Música (120)Podcasts (123)Vídeos (124)Videocámara (126)Cámara (127)Imágenes (130)Notas de voz (132)Melodías de llamada (133)Almacenamiento de contenido multimedia (134)Transferencia y descarga de archivos multimedia (138)Formatos de archivo de audio y vídeo compatibles (140)Atajos de multimedia (140)Resolución de problemas: multimedia (141)Melodías de llamada, sonidos y alertas (144)Acerca de las melodías de llamada, sonidos y alertas (144)Cambiar su melodía de llamada, notificadores o recordatorios (144)Añadir un perfil personalizado (144)Añadir una alerta de contactos (145)Silencio del dispositivo (145)Intermitencia del LED (145)Cambiar las opciones de notificación de alarma (146)Activar los sonidos de evento (146)Resolución de problemas: melodías de llamada, sonidos y alertas (146)Explorador (148)Conceptos básicos del explorador (148)Favoritos del explorador (151)Fuentes de contenido RSS (152)Opciones del explorador (153)Seguridad del explorador (155)Inserción de explorador (157)Accesos directos del explorador (158)Resolución de problemas: explorador (159)Calendario (161)Conceptos básicos sobre los calendarios (161)Reuniones (163)Reuniones de conferencia (165)Sincronizar el calendario (167)Opciones del calendario (168)Trucos de manejo del calendario (170)Resolución de problemas: calendario (171)Contactos (172)Conceptos básicos de los contactos (172)Personalización de contactos (173)Sincronización de contactos (175)Listas de distribución personales (176)Múltiples listas de contactos (177)Opciones de la lista de contactos (178)Resolución de problemas: contactos (179)Reloj (180)Obtener automáticamente la fecha y hora de la red inalámbrica (180)Configuración de la fecha y hora (180)Cambiar el elemento que aparece en la pantalla cuando se está cargando el dispositivo (180)Cambio de la esfera del reloj (181)Mostrar una segunda zona horaria en el reloj (181)Activar la alarma (181)Silencio de la alarma (181)Cambiar las opciones de notificación de alarma (182)Activar el modo reloj de cabecera (182)Configurar las opciones del modo reloj de cabecera (182)Uso del cronómetro (182)Utilizar el temporizador (183)Cambio de las opciones de notificación del temporizador (183)Resolución de problemas: reloj (183)Tareas y notas (184)Crear una tarea o una nota (184)Enviar una tarea o una nota (184)Cambiar o borrar una tarea o una nota (184)Cambiar el estado de una tarea (184)Cómo ocultar tareas completadas (184)Visualización de tareas del calendario (185)Sincronizar las tareas y notas (185)Acerca de las categorías (187)Clasificación de un contacto, tarea o nota (187)Creación de una categoría para contactos, tareas o notas (187)Desactivación de la confirmación que aparece antes de eliminar elementos (188)Escritura (189)Conceptos básicos de la escritura (189)Métodos de introducción de datos (190)Opciones de escritura (191)Verificación ortográfica (192)Diccionario personalizado (193)texto automático (194)Atajos de escritura para el teclado de la pantalla táctil (195)Atajos de escritura para el teclado plegable (196)Resolución de problemas: escritura (197)Teclado (198)Cambiar el diseño del teclado (198)Cambiar el teclado predeterminado para la vista vertical (198)Asignación de una aplicación a una tecla de acceso rápido (198)Cambiar el símbolo de divisa predeterminado (198)Definición de la velocidad del cursor (199)Activar los tonos del teclado (199)Configurar la sensibilidad del panel táctil (199)Apagar el sonido del panel táctil (199)Resolución de problemas: teclado (200)Idioma (201)Acerca de los idiomas de introducción de datos (201)Cambiar el idioma (201)Utilizar un atajo para cambiar los idiomas de introducción de datos al escribir (201)Agregar un idioma de visualización (201)Eliminar un idioma (202)Resolución de problemas: idioma (202)Pantalla (203)Configurar opciones de retroiluminación (203)Utilizar una imagen como fondo de escritorio del dispositivo (203)Modificación de la fuente de visualización (203)Organización de las aplicaciones en la pantalla de inicio (203)Agregar un mensaje que aparezca cuando el dispositivo esté bloqueado (204)Activación de la notificación mediante LED para la cobertura inalámbrica (205)Utilizar la escala de grises o Invertir contraste para la pantalla (205)Temas (205)Resolución de problemas: pantalla (206)Tecnología GPS (207)Acerca de la tecnología GPS (207)Activar la tecnología GPS (207)Configurar el receptor GPS utilizado para hacer un seguimiento de su movimiento (207)Obtener la ubicación GPS (208)Evitar que otras personas puedan rastrear su ubicación (208)Desactivar la ayuda de ubicación (208)Resolución de problemas: tecnología GPS (209)Mapas (210)Conceptos básicos sobre los mapas (210)Opciones de mapa (213)Trucos de manejo de los mapas (213)Resolución de problemas: mapas (214)Descripción general (215)Acerca de múltiples tareas (215)Mantener una aplicación ejecutándose en segundo plano y cambiar a otra aplicación (215)Cerrar una aplicación para que no se ejecute en segundo plano (215)Acerca de cómo agregar aplicaciones (216)Acerca de aplicaciones de redes sociales (217)Acerca de aplicaciones de mensajería instantánea (217)Requerir su contraseña del dispositivo antes de agregar una aplicación (217)Eliminar una aplicación (218)Visualización de propiedades de una aplicación (218)Visualización del tamaño de la base de datos de una aplicación (218)Resolución de problemas: aplicaciones (218)BlackBerry Device Software (219)Acerca de la actualización de BlackBerry Device Software (219)Actualizar BlackBerry Device Software a través de la red inalámbrica (219)Regresar a o eliminar la versión anterior de BlackBerry Device Software (220)Actualizar BlackBerry Device Software desde un sitio Web (220)Actualizar BlackBerry Device Software a través de BlackBerry Desktop Software (221)Resolución de problemas: BlackBerry Device Software (221)Gestionar conexiones (222)Conceptos básicos de Gestionar conexiones (222)Red móvil (224)Tecnología Wi-Fi (228)Tecnología Bluetooth (233)Alimentación y batería (241)Apagar el dispositivo (241)Configurar el dispositivo para encenderse y apagarse de forma automática (241)Restablecimiento del dispositivo (241)Comprobar el nivel de alimentación de la batería (241)Prolongación de la vida de la batería (241)Tarjetas de memoria y tarjetas multimedia (243)Acerca de las tarjetas multimedia (243)Tarjetas multimedia compatibles (243)Desactivación de la compatibilidad con tarjetas multimedia (243)Reparar archivos almacenados en la tarjeta multimedia o en el dispositivo (243)Acerca de la compresión (244)Acerca del cifrado de archivos (244)Activar el cifrado (244)Práctica recomendada: mantenimiento de la memoria en su dispositivo (245)Resolución de problemas: almacenamiento y tarjetas multimedia (245)Buscar (246)Buscar un elemento (246)Establecer los tipos de elementos que se incluyen en las búsquedas (246)Búsqueda de mensajes (246)Criterios de búsqueda de mensajes (247)Realice más acciones con los resultados de búsqueda de mensajes (247)Buscar texto en un mensaje, en un archivo o en una página Web (248)Ver, cambiar o eliminar una búsqueda guardada (248)Buscar un contacto en la libreta de direcciones de la empresa (248)Trucos de manejo de búsqueda (249)Tarjeta SIM (250)Acerca de la libreta de teléfonos de la tarjeta SIM (250)Agregar un contacto a la tarjeta SIM (250)Copiar los contactos de la tarjeta SIM a la lista de contactos (250)Copiar contactos de la lista de contactos a la tarjeta SIM (250)Cambiar o eliminar un contacto de la tarjeta SIM (251)Almacenar mensajes de texto en la tarjeta SIM (251)Modificación del nombre para mostrar de un número de teléfono (251)Acerca de la seguridad de la tarjeta SIM (252)Proteger la tarjeta SIM con un código PIN (252)Cambio del código PIN de la tarjeta SIM (252)Seguridad (253)Conceptos básicos de seguridad (253)Servicio de mantenimiento de contraseñas (255)Cifrado (257)Limpieza de la memoria (259)Certificados (260)Claves PGP (267)Servidores de certificados (272)Almacén de claves (273)Tarjetas inteligentes (276)Configuración de VPN (279)Comprobar manualmente el software de seguridad (281)Control de aplicaciones de terceros (281)Resolución de problemas: seguridad (285)Libros de servicios e informes de diagnóstico (286)Aceptar, eliminar o restaurar un libro de servicios (286)Ejecución de un informe de diagnóstico (286)Ver, enviar o eliminar un informe de diagnóstico (286)Establecimiento de un destinatario predeterminado para los informes de diagnóstico (287)No puedo ejecutar o enviar un informe de diagnóstico (287)Ver el número de versión de BlackBerry Device Software en el dispositivo (287)Enviar un informe de diagnóstico de Wi-Fi (287)Configurar opciones para informes de diagnóstico de Wi-Fi (288)Sincronización (289)Acerca de la sincronización (289)Reconciliar el correo electrónico a través de la red inalámbrica (289)Borrar mensajes de correo electrónico en el dispositivo y en la aplicación de correo electrónico del ordenador (290)Sincronización de los datos del organizador a través de la red inalámbrica (290)Acerca de los conflictos de sincronización (290)Gestionar conflictos de reconciliación de correo electrónico (291)Administración de conflictos de sincronización de datos (291)Acerca de copia de seguridad y restauración de los datos del dispositivo (291)Vaciar la carpeta de elementos eliminados del ordenador desde el dispositivo (292)Resolución de problemas: sincronización (292)Opciones de accesibilidad (294)Acerca de las opciones de accesibilidad (294)Opciones de accesibilidad a la pantalla (294)Opciones de accesibilidad al audio y al teléfono (295)Opciones de accesibilidad de escritura (297)Calculadora (299)Utilizar la calculadora (299)Conversión de una medida (299)BrickBreaker (300)Acerca BrickBreaker (300)Cápsulas BrickBreaker (300)Puntuación de BrickBreaker (301)Funcionamiento de BrickBreaker (301)Ajustar el volumen (301)Configurar la velocidad de la pala (302)Juego Word Mole (303)Conceptos básicos del juego Word Mole (303)Partidas de un solo jugador (304)Partidas multijugador (305)Resolución de problemas: World Mole (306)Glosario (307)Aviso legal (312)Ayuda rápidaLos 10 temas principales¡Los usuarios de dispositivos BlackBerry® han hablado! Estos son los 10 temas principales que quieren saber sobre el uso de sus dispositivos.Cambiar su melodía de llamada, notificadores o recordatorios1.En la pantalla de inicio, haga clic en el icono Perfiles de sonido y alertas.2.Haga clic en Cambiar sonidos y alertas > Sonidos para el perfil seleccionado > Melodía de llamada.•Haga clic en una melodía de llamada.•Para utilizar una melodía guardada en el dispositivo BlackBerry® o en una tarjeta multimedia, haga clic en Seleccionar música. Busque un archivo de audio y haga clic en él.3.Pulse la tecla > Guardar.Configurar una dirección de correo electrónico1.En la pantalla de inicio, haga clic en el icono Configuración.2.En la sección Configuración , haga clic en el icono Cuentas de correo electrónico.3.Siga las instrucciones de las pantallas para configurar la dirección de correo electrónico. Una vez su dirección de correo electrónico sehaya configurado correctamente, recibirá un mensaje de confirmación. Para ver y gestionar sus mensajes de correo electrónico, en la pantalla de inicio, haga clic en el icono Mensajes.Nota: En algunos casos, podrá ver las siguientes opciones. En tal caso, seleccione una de las opciones.•Cuenta de correo de Internet: utilice esta opción para asociar su dispositivo BlackBerry® a una o más de las cuentas de correo electrónico existentes (por ejemplo, Windows Live™ Hotmail®), o para crear una nueva dirección de correo electrónico para su dispositivo.•Cuenta de empresa: si su administrador le ofreció una contraseña de activación de empresa, utilice esta opción para asociar su dispositivoa su cuenta de correo electrónico del trabajo a través de BlackBerry® Enterprise Server.Si está intentando configurar una cuenta de correo electrónico de Internet (por ejemplo, Windows Live™ Hotmail®) o una dirección de correo electrónico nueva para su dispositivo, y no ve esta opción, póngase en contacto con su administrador o con el proveedor de servicios inalámbricos. Acerca de cómo agregar aplicacionesEn función del proveedor de servicios inalámbricos y de la región, puede que tenga la opción de agregar o actualizar aplicaciones a través del escaparate BlackBerry App World™, BlackBerry® Desktop Software o el Centro de Aplicaciones. También es posible que pueda descargar aplicaciones desde una página Web (pruebe a visitar desde su dispositivo BlackBerry), o desde una aplicación que ofrezca su proveedor de servicios inalámbricos.Puede que se apliquen términos y condiciones adicionales al software y los servicios disponibles a través del escaparate BlackBerry App World™, BlackBerry Desktop Software o el Centro de Aplicaciones. Podrían aplicarse cargos por datos al agregar o utilizar una aplicación a través de la red inalámbrica. Póngase en contacto con su proveedor de servicios inalámbricos para obtener más información.BlackBerry App WorldSi tiene la aplicación BlackBerry App World instalada en su dispositivo, puede buscar y descargar juegos, aplicaciones de redes sociales, aplicaciones de productividad personal y mucho más. Con una cuenta de PayPal® existente puede comprar y descargar elementos a través de la red inalámbrica a su dispositivo.Para descargar BlackBerry App World, visite .Para obtener más información acerca de cómo administrar aplicaciones con la aplicación BlackBerry App World, haga clic en el icono de BlackBerry App World. Pulse la tecla > Ayuda.BlackBerry Desktop SoftwareSi tiene BlackBerry Desktop Software instalado en su ordenador, puede conectar el dispositivo a su ordenador para agregar, actualizar, eliminar o restaurar aplicaciones. También puede agregar al dispositivo las aplicaciones que haya descargado en su ordenador sin tener que utilizar la red inalámbrica.Para descargar BlackBerry Desktop Software, visite /desktop.Para obtener más información acerca de cómo administrar aplicaciones con BlackBerry Desktop Software, consulte la ayuda de BlackBerry Desktop Software.Centro de AplicacionesSi tiene el Centro de Aplicaciones instalado en su dispositivo, puede agregar, actualizar o volver a la versión anterior de un número seleccionado de aplicaciones alojadas por su proveedor de servicios inalámbricos. En función de su proveedor de servicios inalámbricos, es posible que esta característica no esté disponible.Para obtener más información acerca de cómo administrar aplicaciones con el Centro de Aplicaciones, haga clic en el icono del Centro de Aplicaciones. Pulse la tecla > Ayuda.Descarga de un temaEn un función de su proveedor de servicios móviles, es posible que esta función no esté admitida.1.En la pantalla de inicio o en una carpeta, haga clic en el icono Opciones.2.Haga clic en Pantalla > Pantalla.3.Pulse la tecla > Descargar temas.Utilizar una imagen como fondo de escritorio del dispositivo1.En la pantalla de inicio, haga clic en el icono Multimedia > icono Imágenes.2.Vaya a una imagen.3.Pulse la tecla > Establecer como fondo de escritorio.Formatos de archivo de audio y vídeo compatiblesTipo Formato de archivoAudio•.mp3•.m4a•.wma•.wavVídeo•.mp4•.mov•.3gp•.3gp2•.avi•.asf•.wmvTransferir un archivo desde su ordenador a su dispositivo utilizando el dispositivo como unidad de memoria de USBDebe utilizar BlackBerry® Desktop Software para administrar y conservar la información o el cifrado que se asoció a sus archivos multimedia cuando transfiera los archivos entre su dispositivo BlackBerry y el ordenador.1.Conecte el dispositivo al ordenador mediante un cable USB.2.Lleve a cabo una de las acciones siguientes:•Si desea transferir la mayoría de los tipos archivo, en el cuadro de diálogo que aparece en su dispositivo, seleccione la opción USB.•Si desea transferir los archivos multimedia protegidos con DRM, en el cuadro de diálogo que aparece en su dispositivo, seleccione la opción de transferencia multimedia.3.Si es necesario, escriba la contraseña. Su dispositivo aparece como una unidad en el ordenador.4.Arrastre un archivo desde una ubicación en el ordenador a una carpeta en el dispositivo.Para ver el archivo transferido en su dispositivo, desconecte su dispositivo del ordenador y busque el archivo.Información relacionadaTransferir archivos multimedia desde el ordenador a su dispositivo mediante BlackBerry Desktop Software, 138Abrir, cerrar o cambiar de pestañaLleve a cabo una de las acciones siguientes:•Para abrir una pestaña nueva, en el navegador, pulse la tecla > Pestañas. Haga clic en el icono Nueva pestaña.•Para abrir una pestaña nueva para un vínculo en una página Web, seleccione el vínculo. Pulse la tecla > Abrir vínculo en nueva pestaña.•Para alternar entre pestañas, en el navegador, pulse la tecla > Pestañas. Haga clic en una pestaña.•Para cerrar una pestaña, en el navegador, pulse la tecla > Pestañas. Seleccione una pestaña. Haga clic en el icono . Reconciliar el correo electrónico a través de la red inalámbricaPuede configurar la opción Reconciliación inalámbrica para cada dirección de correo electrónico que esté asociada al dispositivo BlackBerry®.1.En la pantalla de inicio, haga clic en el icono Mensajes.2.Pulse la tecla > Opciones > Reconciliación del correo electrónico.3.Si aparece el campo Servicios de mensajes, configúrelo con su correspondiente cuenta de correo electrónico.4.Seleccione la casilla de verificación Reconciliación inalámbrica.5.Pulse la tecla > Guardar.Si el dispositivo está asociado a una cuenta de correo electrónico de Microsoft® Outlook® deberá utilizar la herramienta de sincronización de BlackBerry® Desktop Software para reconciliar el correo electrónico en carpetas personales. Para obtener más información, consulte la ayuda de BlackBerry Desktop Software.Agregar una firma a los mensajes de correo electrónico del trabajoPara realizar esta tarea, su cuenta de correo electrónico debe utilizar un servidor BlackBerry® Enterprise Server compatible con esta característica. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con el administrador.1.En la pantalla de inicio, haga clic en el icono Mensajes.2.Pulse la tecla > Opciones > Preferencias de correo electrónico.3.Si aparece el campo Servicios de mensajes, configúrelo con su correspondiente cuenta de correo electrónico.4.Seleccione la casilla de verificación Utilizar firma automática.5.Introduzca una firma en el cuadro de texto que aparece.6.Pulse la tecla > Guardar.La firma se agrega al mensaje de correo electrónico después de enviarlo.Buscar teclas importantesAverigüe qué hacen las teclas y aprenda a desplazarse por la pantalla de su dispositivo BlackBerry®.Acerca de la tecla Menú y la tecla EscapeLa tecla Menú de su dispositivo BlackBerry® le ofrece una lista completa de acciones disponibles para una aplicación. La tecla Menú y la tecla Escape le ayudan a cambiar de pantallas y aplicaciones rápida y fácilmente.Clave AccionesTecla Menú•en la pantalla de inicio o en una aplicación, púlsela para abrir el menú•en la pantalla de inicio o en una aplicación, manténgala pulsada para cambiar deaplicación•en un menú, púlsela para seleccionar un elemento del menú resaltadoTecla Escape •púlsela para volver a la pantalla anterior•púlsela para cerrar un menúAcerca de múltiples tareasSu dispositivo BlackBerry® es compatible con múltiples tareas, lo que le permite ejecutar más de una aplicación a la vez. Durante una llamada, por ejemplo, quizás quiera cambiar a la aplicación calendario para ver sus citas o cambiar a la aplicación de contactos para buscar un contacto. Mientras reproduce una canción, quizás quiera cambiar a la aplicación de mensajes para contestar a un mensaje.Hay también trucos de manejo para la mayoría de las aplicaciones que le pueden ayudar a realizar tareas comunes rápidamente.Nota: Cuantas más aplicaciones esté ejecutado, más memoria y batería utiliza su dispositivo. Para optimizar el rendimiento de su dispositivo, intente cerrar las aplicaciones cuando haya acabado con ellas.Información relacionadaMantener una aplicación ejecutándose en segundo plano y cambiar a otra aplicación, 215Cerrar una aplicación para que no se ejecute en segundo plano, 215Acerca del control deslizante y el tecladoEl control deslizante le permite utilizar su dispositivo BlackBerry® cuando está abierto o cerrado. Por ejemplo, cuando el control deslizante estácerrado, puede utilizar el teclado de la pantalla táctil para escribir respuestas cortas a mensajes. Cuando el control deslizante está abierto, el teclado plegable y giratorio se puede utilizar para escribir mensajes más largos, acceder a atajos del teclado y escribir mientras ve una pantalla completa de contenido. También puede abrir el control deslizante para contestar a una llamada y para activar la retroiluminación.Puede utilizar el teclado de la pantalla táctil en vista vertical u horizontal. Si abre el control deslizante cuando se muestra el teclado de la pantalla táctil, el teclado de la pantalla táctil desaparece y el dispositivo muestra las pantallas en vista vertical. Los vídeos se muestran de acuerdo con la orientación de su dispositivo.Desplazarse por la pantallaPuede desplazarse por la pantalla y seleccionar elementos pulsando (tocando y soltando rápidamente) la pantalla táctil o (pulsando) haciendo clic en el panel táctil. Puede utilizar la pantalla táctil junto con el panel táctil para mayor eficacia y control. Por ejemplo, puede recorrer una página Web usando la pantalla táctil y, a continuación, señalar y seleccionar vínculos usando el panel táctil.Tarea Pantalla táctil Panel táctilDesplazarse hacia abajo Deslizar el dedo hacia arriba Deslizar el dedo hacia abajoDesplazarse hacia arriba Deslizar el dedo hacia abajo Deslizar el dedo hacia arribaIr a la pantalla siguiente Deslizar el dedo a la izquierda rápidamente Deslizar el dedo a la derecha rápidamente Volver a la pantalla anterior Deslizar el dedo a la derecha rápidamente Deslizar el dedo a la izquierda rápidamente Resaltar un elemento.Tocar y mantener pulsado el elemento Deslizar el dedo por el panel táctilPara ver tutoriales en vídeo acerca de la navegación en la pantalla táctil, en la pantalla de inicio o en una carpeta, haga clic en el icono Configuración y, a continuación, haga clic en el icono Tutoriales.Seleccionar los comandos mediante barras de herramientas y menús emergentesHay varios comandos de menú también disponibles en la pantalla para ayudarle a realizar rápidamente las acciones más comunes.Barras de herramientasLas barras de herramientas están disponibles en la mayoría de las aplicaciones y aparecen en la parte inferior de la pantalla. Puede utilizar la barra de herramientas de la aplicación de Mensajes, por ejemplo, para buscar rápidamente sus mensajes, redactar un correo electrónico, o abrir o borrar el mensaje resaltado.•Para ver una descripción de un icono de la barra de herramientas, toque y mantenga pulsado el icono.•Para seleccionar el comando, toque el icono.Menús emergentesLos menús emergentes están disponibles en la mayoría de las aplicaciones y aparecen en el centro de la pantalla. Puede utilizar el menúemergente cuando está viendo un mensaje, por ejemplo, para archivar, reenviar o para contestar al mensaje.•Para abrir un menú emergente, toque y mantenga pulsado un elemento en la pantalla o mantenga pulsado el panel táctil.•Para seleccionar un comando, toque el icono o haga clic en el panel táctil.•Para ver comandos adicionales, toque el icono Menú completo.Aplicar las funciones de zoom y panorámica a las pantallasPuede utilizar el panel y la pantalla táctiles para ampliar, alejar o desplazarse lateralmente por pantallas como páginas Web, imágenes y mapas. Ampliar•Para ampliar, separe dos dedos en la pantalla táctil.•Para ampliar un bloque de texto de una página Web, toque dos veces la pantalla o haga clic en el panel táctil.•Para ampliar una imagen un solo incremento, haga clic en el panel táctil.Reducir•Para alejar la imagen, acerque dos dedos en la pantalla táctil.。

BlackBerry手册 黑莓手机使用

BlackBerry手册 黑莓手机使用

DM:BlackBerry Desktop Manager,桌面管理器BM:BlackBerry ManagerOTA:Over The AirIPPP:Inter Process第一部分BESBES服务器上通过系统开始菜单——程序——BlackBerry Enterprise Server——BlackBerry Manager,打开BM:用户右键菜单右键单击用户列表中的用户,弹出右键菜单。


根据用户状态,菜单中的某些选项可能会略有不同:打开用户列表,右键单击空白处添加用户,或在下方选择Add Users:成后可以通过右键菜单中的【Choose Folders for Redirection】看到用户邮箱中的文件夹,类似下图:企业激活设置有线激活将BlackBerry终端用USB数据线连接到BES服务器,右键单击需要使用此设备的用户,右键菜单中选择【Assign Device】,弹出窗口中选择设备:点击【OK】即可。






设置激活密码对指定用户使用右键菜单中的【Set Activation Password】,设置激活密码:注意该密码只能用于激活对应用户邮件地址的BB终端,仅能使用一次,且有时效限制,默认为48小时。



黑莓Blackberry z10手机六大误区与使用技巧

黑莓Blackberry z10手机六大误区与使用技巧

黑莓Blackberry z10手机六大误区与使用技巧黑莓手机自从911事件后名声大口噪,自然有它的优秀的一面,而黑莓z10从上市到目前为上已经9个月了,,居统计国内淘宝网累计销售大约有一万多台的样子,由于其配置相当于iphone 4受到莓友和新手的追捧,,该机还支持4G 网络,目前国内还没有一家手机厂商在高端机中支持4G网络的,什么是高端机,高端机配置一般cpu为1.5GHZ以上,机身内存16G,显示色素1700万色,配IPS屏,这些黑莓z10已经具备,另外该机支持4G网络,这是ipnhne 5s无法比的。





第二章屏幕快照功能说到iphone 4有一项专利,那就是屏幕快照。


第三章黑莓十大误区误区一:BlackBerry Link是黑莓自家出的同步软件,照片,联系人,音乐同步,经作者测试黑莓z10可以兼容,但是不能同步安装应用软件,感觉上仍不顺手。


复制粘贴随便操作由此可见BlackBerry Link是多余的,不必安装到计算机中。

误区二:不论是菜鸟还是老鸟,拿到z10后第一件事就是安装软件,登录黑莓中国官网下载blackberry Desktop Software7.1当安装完后USB连接电脑,这时蹦出一个对话框blackberry Desktop Softwar提示不支持该版本系统。








一、先说说刷机时各项的名称及可精简的内容English UK Language Support英文UK语言支持可以不要CangJei input Method 仓颉输入法你可能用不到Pinyin lnput Method 拼音输入法这个你需要吧WubiHua lnput Method 五笔画输入法不是五笔字型BlackBerry Tradtional Chinese C…繁体中文的支持似乎用不到CangJei lnput Method繁体的仓颉输入法Jyutping lnput Method繁体的一种输入法BrickBreaker 打转块的游戏可以删除Browser 浏览器可以删除JavaSoript Package 浏览网页时支持JAVA脚本也可以不要了SSL/TLS Security Package这个我反正不要WTLS Security Package这个我反正不要DDD Root Certificates这个我反正不要Help 帮助文件可以不用了吧MemoPad 记事本看你的需要了Password Keeper 密码管理器可以不要Phone 电话这个必须要了呵呵TTY Support这个是聋哑人用的不需要Tasks 任务看自己的情况啦二、如何安装BB软件和卸载软件.推荐使用DM管理器,在Desktop软件里,刷ROM 的那个地方卸载软件,备份与恢复的高级选项中删通讯录短信等。

三、正常发中文短信必须设置的步骤options->SMS->data coding :UCS2四、一些基本的按键功能长按开机键:关闭屏幕中英文切换:alt + enter显示信息:alt + cap + h隐藏、移动图标:移到图标上,alt + 按滚轮-> 选择隐藏或移动查看SIM网络:选项->SIM卡 ,cap + MEPD查看phone calls详细:在短信介面按 alt + P查看Out Going:在短信介面按 alt + O五、如何输入符号bb如何输入一些符号呀,急死了比如:下划线,@,《》等等回车键的左边有个SYM,点一下试六、打开屏幕快捷键功能后的一些快捷键(1)在主画面 (Home screen)条件: 关闭主画面拨号功能M – Messages - 消息C – Compose - 编写P – Phone - 电话A – Address Book - 地址簿B – Browser - 浏览器L – Calendar - 日历S – Search - 搜索V – Saved Messages - 已保存消息T – Tasks - 任务D – MemoPad - 记事簿R – Alarm - 警报F – Profiles - 配置U – Calculator - 计算器O – Options - 选项K – Keyboard Lock - 键盘锁定(2) 在消息画面ALT+I – Incoming Messages - 接收的ALT+O – Outgoing Messages - 发出的E – Oldest Error - 最久的出错的R – Reply - 回复T – Top - 最新的B – Bottom - 最旧的N – Next - 下一条P – Previous - 上一条U – Next Unread - 下一条未读的S – Search - 搜索C – Compose - 新编V – Saved Messages - 已存的消息1.阅读文本时,按9向下翻屏,按3向上翻屏,按1到文章顶部,按3到文章末尾。



上网相关:net_rim_wap.cod W AP支持net_rim_xml.cod_____________________________________浏览的语言字体:net_rim_bb_explorer_resource__cs.codnet_rim_bb_explorer_resource__de.codnet_rim_bb_explorer_resource__es.codnet_rim_bb_explorer_resource__fr.codnet_rim_bb_explorer_resource__hu.codnet_rim_bb_explorer_resource__it.codnet_rim_bb_explorer_resource__pl.codnet_rim_bb_explorer_resource__pt_BR.codnet_rim_bb_explorer_resource__zh_CN.cod_____________________________________功能模块:net_rim_bb_standardcalculator_app.cod 计算器net_rim_bb_messagesearch_lib.cod 短信搜索net_rim_bb_activation.cod 企业激活net_rim_bb_browser_push.cod 浏览器推入,BB收邮件用的。

net_rim_bb_globalsearch_app.cod 全局搜索功能net_rim_bb_alarm_app.cod 闹钟net_rim_bb_globalsearch_app.cod 全局收缩net_rim_bb_attachment.cod 附件下载,上网用net_rim_event_log_viewer_app.cod 日志功能net_rim_bb_search.cod 搜索net_rim_bb_task_app.cod 任务net_rim_bb_memo_app.cod 记事本net_rim_phone_tty_enabler.cod 电话的TTY功能,盲人用的net_rim_font_chinese_hong_kong.cod 繁体中文net_rim_font_chinese.cod 简体中文_____________________________________密码管理器:net_rim_bb_passwordkeeper_resource__zh_CN.codnet_rim_bb_passwordkeeper.codnet_rim_bb_passwordkeeper_resource.codnet_rim_bb_passwordkeeper_resource__en.cod_____________________________________net_rim_crypto_1.codnet_rim_crypto_2.codnet_rim_crypto_3.codnet_rim_crypto_cms.codnet_rim_crypto_keystore_browser.codnet_rim_crypto_keystore_browser_certificate.cod net_rim_crypto_resource.codnet_rim_crypto_resource__en.cod_____________________________________日历:net_rim_bb_calendar_app.codnet_rim_bb_calendar_lib.codnet_rim_bb_calendar_ota.cod_____________________________________英文字体:net_rim_font_european_sff.codnet_rim_font_european_shared.codnet_rim_font_millbank.cod_____________________________________媒体引擎,用来播放动画:net_rim_plazmic_mediaengine_bundle.codnet_rim_plazmic_mediaengine_pme02.codnet_rim_plazmic_mediaengine_pme10.cod_____________________________________隐私:net_rim_crypto_1.codnet_rim_crypto_2.codnet_rim_crypto_3.codnet_rim_crypto_resource.codnet_rim_crypto_resource__en.cod_____________________________________个人信息管理:net_rim_bbapi_pim.codnet_rim_bbapi_pim_res.codnet_rim_bbapi_pim_res__en.codnet_rim_bbapi_pim_todo.cod_____________________________________net_rim_bb_crypto_api.codnet_rim_bb_crypto_resource.codnet_rim_bb_crypto_resource__en.cod_____________________________________帮助:net_rim_bb_help.codnet_rim_bb_help_gprs__en.cod__________阅读:net_rim_bb_docview.codnet_rim_bb_docviewimage.cod_____________________________________邮箱相关接口:net_rim_bbapi_mail.codnet_rim_bbapi_mailv2.cod_____________________________________屏幕上方时间、日期、电量、信号:net_rim_plazmic_mediaengine_bundle.cod net_rim_plazmic_mediaengine_pme02.cod net_rim_plazmic_mediaengine_pme10.cod_____________________________________browser(浏览器)相关模块:net_rim_bb_browser_daemon.codnet_rim_bb_browser_field_api.codnet_rim_bb_browser_javascript.codnet_rim_bb_browser_lib.codnet_rim_bb_browser_lib_large.codnet_rim_bb_browser_lib_large_color.codnet_rim_bb_browser_plugin_security.codnet_rim_bb_browser_push.codnet_rim_bb_browser_rendering_lib.cod_____________________________________脚本:net_rim_ecmascript.codnet_rim_ecmascript_regexp.codnet_rim_ecmascript_resource.codnet_rim_ecmascript_resource__en.cod_____________________________________好像与BB之间互发消息有关:net_rim_bb_qm_peer.codnet_rim_bb_qm_peer_resource_en.cod_____________________________________打砖块游戏:net_rim_device_apps_games_brickbreaker.codnet_rim_device_apps_games_brickbreaker240X160resources.cod_____________________________________net_rim_cellbroadcast.cod:小区广播net_rim_bluetooth.cod:蓝牙net_rim_DoDRootCerts.cod 根证书net_rim_MIDPRootCerts.cod MIDP根认证net_rim_tcp_options.cod option里的tcp选项,去除后就看不到了。









------------------------------------------------------ ———————————按键解释:8310 8100 8800系列机器为例:键盘中间的滚珠为导航键,用来控制上下左右,向下按为确认键。




8700 7290 系列机器:手机右侧的滚轮为导航键,滚轮滚动控制上下左右,滚轮往里按为确定键或者菜单键。



BlackBerry Bold 9780 Smartphone 说明书

BlackBerry Bold 9780 Smartphone 说明书

BlackBerry Bold 9780 Smartphone用户指南版本: 6.0要查看最新的用户指南,请访问/docs/smartphonesSWDT643442-941426-0128075601-011内容快速帮助 (9)前 10 条 (9)了解您的智能手机 (13)提示 (18)量身定制 (23)快捷方式 (30)电话快捷方式 (30)消息快捷方式 (30)文件和附件快捷方式 (31)键入快捷方式 (32)媒体快捷方式 (33)浏览器快捷方式 (34)日历快捷方式 (34)搜索快捷方式 (35)地图快捷方式 (35)故障排除:快捷方式 (36)电话 (37)电话基本知识 (37)紧急呼叫 (40)音量 (40)语音邮件 (41)单键拨号 (42)呼叫等待、呼叫转移和呼叫阻止 (43)固定拨号和智能拨号 (45)电话会议 (46)通话记录 (48)多个电话号码 (49)电话选项 (50)电话快捷方式 (52)故障排除:电话 (52)声控命令 (55)通过声控命令执行操作 (55)可用的声控命令 (55)更改声控命令的语言 (56)关闭声控命令的选择列表 (56)更改语音提示的选项 (56)改善声音识别 (56)故障排除:声控拨号 (57)消息 (58)电子邮件 (58)PIN 消息 (73)短信 (78)消息的安全选项 (86)附件 (87)受 S/MIME 保护的消息 (89)IBM Lotus Notes 本地加密消息 (95)PGP 受保护的消息 (95)消息快捷方式 (101)文件和附件快捷方式 (102)故障排除:消息 (103)文件 (108)文件基本知识 (108)管理文件和附件 (110)文件和附件快捷方式 (113)故障排除:附件 (113)媒体 (115)音乐 (115)播客 (118)视频 (119)摄像机 (121)相机 (122)图片 (124)语音消息 (126)铃声 (127)媒体存储 (129)传输和下载媒体文件 (131)支持的音频和视频文件格式 (133)媒体快捷方式 (134)故障排除:媒体 (135)铃声,声音和提醒 (137)关于铃声、声音和提醒 (137)更改铃声、通知或提醒 (137)添加自定义情景设置 (137)添加联系人提醒 (138)使设备静音 (138)LED 闪烁 (138)更改闹钟通知选项 (139)打开事件声音 (139)故障排除:铃声、声音和提醒 (140)浏览器 (141)浏览器基本知识 (141)浏览器书签 (144)RSS 订阅源 (145)浏览器选项 (146)浏览器安全性 (148)浏览器推送 (150)浏览器快捷方式 (151)故障排除:浏览器 (152)日历 (153)日历基本知识 (153)会议 (154)电话会议 (156)同步日历 (158)日历选项 (159)日历快捷方式 (161)故障排除:日历 (161)联系人 (163)联系人基本知识 (163)自定义联系人 (164)同步联系人 (166)个人通讯组列表 (167)多个联系人列表 (168)联系人列表选项 (169)故障排除:联系人 (170)时钟 (171)设置日期和时间 (171)更改在设备充电时屏幕显示的内容 (171)更改钟面 (171)在时钟上显示第二个时区 (171)打开闹钟 (172)使闹钟静音 (172)更改闹钟通知选项 (172)打开枕边闹钟模式 (172)设置枕边闹钟模式的选项 (173)使用秒表 (173)使用计时器 (173)更改计时器通知选项 (173)故障排除:时钟 (174)任务和记事 (175)创建任务或记事 (175)发送任务或记事 (175)更改或删除任务或记事 (175)更改任务状态 (175)隐藏已完成的任务 (176)显示日历中的任务 (176)同步任务和记事 (176)关于类别 (178)将联系人、任务或记事分类 (178)为联系人、任务或记事创建类别 (178)关闭在删除项目之前弹出确认提示的功能 (179)键入 (180)键入基本知识 (180)输入法 (181)键入选项 (181)拼写检查器 (182)自定义单词表 (183)自动图文集 (184)键入快捷方式 (185)故障排除:键入 (186)键盘 (187)为快捷键分配应用程序 (187)更改默认货币符号 (187)设置光标速度 (187)打开按键音 (187)设置触控板敏感度 (188)关闭轨迹板声音 (188)故障排除:键盘 (188)语言 (189)关于输入语言 (189)更改语言 (189)在键入时使用快捷键切换键入输入语言 (189)添加显示语言 (189)删除语言 (190)故障排除:语言 (190)屏幕显示 (191)设置背光灯选项 (191)将某图片设置为设备壁纸 (191)更改显示字体 (191)整理主屏幕上的应用程序 (192)添加当设备锁定时出现的消息 (193)对屏幕显示使用灰度或反转对比 (193)打开无线网络覆盖的闪烁 LED 通知 (193)主题 (193)故障排除:显示屏 (194)GPS 技术 (195)关于 GPS 技术 (195)打开 GPS 技术 (195)将 GPS 接收器设置为在跟踪行程时使用 (195)获取 GPS 位置 (196)禁止他人跟踪您的位置 (196)关闭位置帮助 (196)故障排除:GPS 技术 (197)地图 (198)地图基本知识 (198)地图选项 (200)地图快捷方式 (201)故障排除:地图 (201)应用程序 (202)关于多任务处理 (202)让应用程序在后台运行并切换至另一个应用程序 (202)关闭应用程序以便它不在后台运行 (202)关于添加应用程序 (203)关于社交网络应用程序 (203)关于即时消息应用程序 (204)在添加应用程序之前需要设备密码 (204)删除应用程序 (204)查看应用程序的属性 (204)查看应用程序数据库的大小 (205)故障排除:应用程序 (205)BlackBerry Device Software (206)关于更新 BlackBerry Device Software (206)通过无线网络更新 BlackBerry Device Software (206)从网站更新 BlackBerry Device Software (207)使用 BlackBerry Desktop Software更新 BlackBerry Device Software (207)故障排除:BlackBerry Device Software (208)管理连接 (209)管理连接基本知识 (209)移动网络 (211)Wi-Fi 技术 (214)蓝牙技术 (220)电源和电池 (228)关闭设备 (228)将设备设置为自动打开或关闭 (228)重置设备 (228)检查电池电量 (228)提示:延长电池寿命 (228)内存和媒体卡 (230)关于媒体卡 (230)支持的媒体卡 (230)查看设备的可用存储空间 (230)关闭媒体卡支持 (230)修复存储在媒体卡或设备上的文件 (230)关于压缩 (231)关于文件加密 (231)打开加密 (231)提示:释放和节省存储空间 (231)故障排除:存储和媒体卡 (233)搜索 (234)搜索项目 (234)设置包括在搜索中的项目类型 (234)搜索消息 (234)消息搜索标准 (235)消息搜索结果更多操作 (235)在消息、文件或网页中搜索文本 (236)查看、更改或删除保存的搜索 (236)在组织的通讯簿中搜索联系人 (236)搜索快捷方式 (237)SIM 卡 (238)关于 SIM 卡电话簿 (238)在 SIM 卡中添加联系人 (238)将联系人从 SIM 卡复制到联系人列表 (238)将联系人从联系人列表复制到 SIM 卡 (238)更改或删除 SIM 卡联系人 (239)在 SIM 卡上存储短信 (239)更改电话号码的显示名称 (239)关于 SIM 卡安全性 (239)通过 PIN 码保护您的 SIM 卡 (240)更改 SIM 卡的 PIN 码 (240)安全性 (241)安全性基本知识 (241)密码管理器 (242)加密 (244)内存清除 (246)证书 (247)PGP 密钥 (254)证书服务器 (259)密钥库 (260)智能卡 (263)VPN 设置 (266)手动验证安全软件 (267)第三方应用程序控制 (267)故障排除:安全性 (270)服务预订和诊断报告 (271)接受、删除或恢复服务预订 (271)运行诊断报告 (271)查看、提交或删除诊断报告 (271)设置诊断报告的默认收件人 (272)我无法运行或提交诊断报告 (272)在设备上查看 BlackBerry Device Software 的版本号 (272)同步 (273)关于同步 (273)通过无线网络同步电子邮件 (273)删除设备上和计算机上的电子邮件应用程序中的电子邮件 (273)通过无线网络同步管理器数据 (274)关于同步冲突 (274)管理电子邮件同步冲突 (275)管理数据同步冲突 (275)关于备份和恢复设备数据 (275)在设备上清空计算机上已删除的邮件文件夹 (275)故障排除:同步 (276)可访问性选项 (278)关于辅助功能选项 (278)屏幕可访问性选项 (278)音频和电话可访问性选项 (279)键入可访问性选项 (281)计算器 (283)使用计算器 (283)转换度量单位 (283)打砖块 (284)关于打砖块 (284)打砖块胶囊 (284)打砖块计分 (285)玩打砖块游戏 (285)调节音量 (285)设置挡板速度 (286)Word Mole 游戏 (287)Word Mole 游戏基础 (287)单人游戏 (288)多人游戏 (289)故障排除:Word Mole (290)词汇表 (291)法律声明 (296)快速帮助前 10 条BlackBerry® 设备用户已讲话! 此处介绍有关如何操作设备的前十件事情。

黑莓9780 9800 中文说明书常见设置你需要的

黑莓9780 9800 中文说明书常见设置你需要的

黑莓9780 9800 中文说明书常见设置特别注意:红色字段为常见问题的标题,请对照遇到的问题从以下文字找到对应的设置9800也为6.0的系统,所有菜单的显示都是一样,就没有单独的列出,请大家对应9780的操作就可以横向界面有:全部--收藏夹--多媒体--下载--经常--这些图标它是可以滑动光标左右移动的黑莓9780 6.0系统使用到底怎么样,操作之后您就知道首先从最基本的信号打开调出“全部”界面下的图标--进去“管理连接”(一个信号标志)--管理连接界面下有“移动网络,wifi,蓝牙”小方框打钩既为打开对应项了。


数字输入是按住alt不松按数字键***蓝牙传输(解决能发送成功,接收失败的问题)■.选项--蓝牙——按菜单键——启动蓝牙■.添加设备——开始搜索——找到需要配对的设备——找到需要配对的设备(输入配对码通常建议0000)——对方设配输入同样的配对码——进入媒体--选择从蓝牙接收——对方发送提示接收——选择保存的地址和文件名(注意:保存不能使用中文名)经常有用户提到能传给对方,但是却收不到对方发送过来的文件,请注意你接收文件时一定要进去媒体里面选择从蓝牙接收,注意:保存不能使用中文名**手机时间日期设置进入选项(扳手图标)——显示——时间和日期——将时区设置为北京,香港特别行政区(+8)注意:具体时间的更改必须要将“更新时间”调为手动否则是无法移动光标设置时间,***如何修改手机显示语言进入选项(扳手图标)——键入和输入——语言——显示语言***如何设置触控板灵敏度进入选项(扳手图标)——键入和输入——触控板敏感度——水平敏感度,垂直敏感度**如何更改屏幕桌面壁纸进入选项(扳手图标)——显示——主屏幕首选项——壁纸设置里面可自行更改喜欢的壁纸***自动开关机设置进入选项(扳手图标)——设备——自动打开/关——里面设置根据个人需要选择工作日和周末的——已启用和已禁用***从通讯薄拨打电话提示“未开通国际长途业务”及“短信发送不出去”需要的设置按绿色拨号键进入拨号界面——按菜单键——进入选项——智能拨号——国家(地区)代码:未知***我现在消息里面会显示通话记录!要怎么设置?按拨号键进入拨号界面——然后按菜单键进入选项——进去呼叫记录——在消息列表中显示这些呼叫记录类型选择“无”***拨号界面“我的号码”显示未知,如何更改首先按拨号键进入拨号界面——按菜单键选项——常规选项——显示我的号码处选择“是”***如何恢复手机的初始设置初始设置步骤:进去选项(扳手图标)——安全性——安全擦除——选择第一个默认的就可以,然后输入blackberry 擦除(如果手机上有重要的资料要先备份一下)***手机上网的接入点设置进入选项(扳手图标)——设备——高级系统设置——TCP IP ——apn设置已启用后面打钩——apn:CMW AP (根据SIM卡接入点填写)注意:移动卡一般是CMWAP 或CMNET联通2G卡一般是UNIWAP或UNINET (需要导入联通服务预订设置才有效)联通3G卡一般设置为3GW AP或3GNET (需要导入联通服务预订设置才有效)。









如果需要真正意义上带自检的重启过程,那么依次按住Alt、Cap (Space右边第二个)和Del键就可以重启,或者直接取下电池【转到底部/顶部】按B键可以转到底部,按T键可以转到顶部,例如短消息、记事本、文本、自带浏览器页面等【滚屏】按住Alt键后,再移动轨迹球可以翻页【多选】在消息、通话记录等列表中,按住Shift键后再移动轨迹球可以多选项目。

【切换输入法】按住Alt键再按住回车键(DEL下边的键)可以切换输入法,但前提是必须在选项-语言中开启“使用输入法快捷键”【Caps Lock(连续输入大写字母)】按Alt(最下一排左边第一个)键后再按右Shift键可以打开Caps Lock,再按任意Shift键关闭Caps Lock【Num Lock(连续输入数字)】按Alt键后再按左Shift键可以打开Num Lock,再按任意Shift 键关闭Num Lock【选择文本】按任意Shift键后再按滚轮/轨迹球可以选择文本【复制文本】选择文本后,按Alt键后再按滚轮(轨迹球)可以复制文本【剪切文本】选择文本后,按Shift键后再按Del键可以剪切文本【粘贴文本】复制或剪切文本后,按Shift后再按滚轮/轨迹球可以粘贴文本【特殊字符】按住某键并移动滚轮/轨迹球可以输入对应的特殊字母,如西班牙、希腊文等【在文本中插入当前日期】依次按L、D和空格键可以在当前位置插入当前的日期与星期【在文本中插入当前时间】依次按L、T和空格键可以在当前位置插入当前的时间【消息(Email和短信息)】在消息(Message)中按S键可以搜索所有收发的消息内容、相应联系人以及文件夹在消息中按Alt键再按O键可以打开发件箱;在消息中按Alt键再按I键可以打开收件箱;在消息中按Alt键再按S键可以打开短消息文件夹,包含所有收发的SMS;在消息中按Alt 键再按P键可以查看通话记录;在消息中按Alt键再按V键可以查看语音信息;在消息中按V键可以查看已标记为保存的消息;在消息中按E键可以查看发送失败的消息在消息列表中按U键可以查看下一个未读消息【黑莓自带浏览器】在任意页面按G键可以输入地址以跳转输入地址时按空格键可以输入"."输入地址时按任意Shift键再按空格键可以输入"/"按A键可以将当前页面添加到书签内按K键可以查看书签按R键可以刷新当前页面按I键可以查看历史记录按L键可以查看当前选中的链接地址按O键可以打开浏览器选项在页面中按X键可以打开页面导航器按D键可以最小化浏览器在页面中按F键可以进行搜索在页面中按C键可以查看IP、连接时间及使用流量等信息在页面中按S键可以将此页面的书签保存到消息列表在界面中按U键可以全屏,再按一次退出全屏按H键可以返回首页按P键可以查看当前页面的地址按空格键可以向下滚屏,按住Shift键再按空格键可以向上滚屏查看网页源代码按住Alt并依次按R、B、V、S即可查看当前网页的源代码【日历】按C键可以快速添加新日程按A键可以查看所有日程按D键可以以单日视图来查看日历;按W键可以以星期视图来查看日历;按M键可以以月份视图来查看日历按Shift+空格键可以移动到上一天/周/月,按空格键可以移动到下一天/周/月按T键可以移动到今天按G键可以移动到指定日期【多媒体浏览器】按N或者长按音量+键可以跳到下一首歌曲或者下一张图片按P或者长按音量-键可以返回到上一首歌曲或者上一张图片按I键可以放大图片按O键可以缩小图片按W键可以将图片恢复到原始大小这是我自己理出来的。

BlackBerry Bold 9780 Smartphone 使用指南

BlackBerry Bold 9780 Smartphone 使用指南

BlackBerry Bold 9780 Smartphone使用指南版本: 6.0若要尋找最新的使用者指南,請造訪 /docs/smartphonesSWDT643442-941426-0128075601-028目錄快速協助 (9)10 個實用操作提示 (9)認識您的智慧型手機 (13)提示 (18)專屬風格 (23)捷徑 (30)電話捷徑 (30)訊息捷徑 (30)檔案與附件捷徑 (31)打字捷徑 (32)媒體捷徑 (33)瀏覽器捷徑 (34)行事曆捷徑 (34)搜尋捷徑 (35)地圖捷徑 (35)疑難排解:捷徑 (36)電話 (37)電話基礎知識 (37)緊急電話 (40)音量 (40)語音郵件 (41)快速撥號 (42)通話插撥、來電轉接和通話封鎖 (43)固定撥號及智慧撥號 (45)會議電話 (46)通話記錄 (48)多個電話號碼 (49)電話選項 (50)電話捷徑 (52)疑難排解:電話 (52)語音命令 (55)使用語音命令執行動作 (55)可用的語音命令 (55)變更語音命令的語言 (56)關閉語音命令的選擇清單 (56)變更語音提示選項 (56)提升語音辨識功能 (56)疑難排解:語音撥號 (57)訊息 (58)電子郵件 (58)PIN 訊息 (73)文字訊息 (78)訊息的安全性選項 (86)附件 (87)受 S/MIME 保護的訊息 (89)IBM Lotus Notes 原生加密訊息 (95)PGP 保護的訊息 (95)訊息捷徑 (101)檔案與附件捷徑 (102)疑難排解:訊息 (103)檔案 (108)檔案基礎 (108)管理檔案與附件 (110)檔案與附件捷徑 (113)疑難排解:附件 (113)媒體 (115)音樂 (115)Podcast (118)視訊 (119)視訊攝影機 (121)相機 (122)圖片 (124)語音備註 (126)鈴聲 (127)媒體儲存 (129)傳送與下載媒體檔案 (131)支援的音訊與視訊檔案格式 (133)媒體捷徑 (134)疑難排解:媒體 (135)鈴聲、音效與警示 (137)關於鈴聲、音效與警示 (137)變更鈴聲、通知器或提醒 (137)新增自訂設定檔 (137)新增連絡人警示 (138)裝置靜音 (138)LED 閃爍 (138)變更鬧鈴通知選項 (139)開啟事件音效 (139)疑難排解:鈴聲、音效與警示 (140)瀏覽器 (141)瀏覽器基礎 (141)瀏覽器書籤 (144)RSS 摘要 (145)瀏覽器選項 (146)瀏覽器安全性 (148)瀏覽器推播 (150)瀏覽器捷徑 (151)疑難排解:瀏覽器 (152)行事曆 (153)行事曆基礎 (153)會議 (154)會議電話 (156)同步處理行事曆 (158)行事曆選項 (159)行事曆捷徑 (161)疑難排解:行事曆 (161)連絡人 (163)連絡人基礎 (163)自訂連絡人 (164)同步處理連絡人 (166)個人通訊群組清單 (167)多個連絡人清單 (168)連絡人清單選項 (169)疑難排解:連絡人 (170)時鐘 (171)設定日期與時間 (171)變更裝置充電時畫面顯示的內容 (171)變更鐘面 (171)在時鐘上顯示第二個時區 (171)開啟鬧鈴 (172)將鬧鈴設為靜音 (172)變更鬧鈴通知選項 (172)開啟夜間時鐘模式 (172)設定床邊時鐘模式選項 (173)使用碼錶 (173)使用計時器 (173)變更計時器通知選項 (173)疑難排解:時鐘 (174)工作與備忘錄 (175)建立工作或備忘錄 (175)傳送工作或備忘錄 (175)變更或刪除工作或備忘錄 (175)變更工作狀態 (175)隱藏已完成的工作 (176)在行事曆中顯示工作 (176)同步處理工作及備忘錄 (176)關於類別 (178)將連絡人、工作或備忘錄分類 (178)建立連絡人、工作或備忘錄的類別 (178)關閉在刪除項目之前出現的提示 (179)打字 (180)打字基礎 (180)鍵入輸入法 (181)打字選項 (181)拼字檢查器 (182)自訂字典 (183)自動圖文集 (184)打字捷徑 (185)疑難排解:打字 (186)鍵盤 (187)為應用程式指派便利鍵 (187)變更預設貨幣符號 (187)設定游標速度 (187)開啟按鍵音 (187)設定軌跡板敏感度 (187)關閉軌跡板音效 (188)疑難排解:鍵盤 (188)語言 (189)關於輸入語言 (189)變更語言 (189)在打字時使用捷徑切換輸入語言 (189)新增顯示語言 (189)刪除語言 (190)疑難排解:語言 (190)畫面顯示 (191)設定背光選項 (191)將圖片設為裝置桌布 (191)變更顯示字型 (191)整理首頁畫面上的應用程式 (192)新增裝置鎖定時所出現的訊息 (193)將灰階或反轉對比用於畫面顯示 (193)開啟無線涵蓋範圍閃爍的 LED 通知 (193)主題 (193)疑難排解:顯示 (194)GPS 技術 (195)關於 GPS 技術 (195)開啟 GPS 技術 (195)設定追蹤移動時使用的 GPS 接收器 (195)取得 GPS 位置 (196)防止他人追蹤您所在的位置 (196)關閉位置援助 (196)疑難排解:GPS 技術 (196)地圖 (198)地圖基礎 (198)地圖選項 (200)地圖捷徑 (201)疑難排解:地圖 (201)應用程式 (202)關於多工 (202)讓應用程式在背景繼續執行,並切換至其他應用程式 (202)關閉應用程式,使其不在背景執行 (202)關於新增應用程式 (203)關於社交網站應用程式 (203)關於即時傳訊應用程式 (204)新增應用程式需要裝置密碼 (204)刪除應用程式 (204)檢視應用程式的內容 (204)檢視應用程式資料庫的大小 (205)疑難排解:應用程式 (205)BlackBerry Device Software (206)關於更新 BlackBerry Device Software (206)透過無線網路更新 BlackBerry Device Software (206)從網站更新 BlackBerry Device Software (207)使用 BlackBerry Desktop Software 更新 BlackBerry Device Software (207)疑難排解:BlackBerry Device Software (208)管理連線 (209)管理連線基礎 (209)行動網路 (211)Wi-Fi 技術 (214)藍牙技術 (220)電源與電池 (228)關閉裝置 (228)將裝置設定成自動開啟與關閉 (228)重設裝置 (228)檢查電池電力 (228)提示:延長電池壽命 (228)記憶體與媒體卡 (230)關於媒體卡 (230)支援的媒體卡 (230)檢視裝置可用的儲存空間容量 (230)關閉媒體卡支援 (230)修復媒體卡或裝置上儲存的檔案 (230)關於壓縮 (231)關於檔案加密 (231)開啟加密 (231)提示:釋放與保留儲存空間 (231)疑難排解:儲存與媒體卡 (233)搜尋 (234)搜尋項目 (234)設定搜尋中所包含的項目類型 (234)搜尋訊息 (234)訊息搜尋準則 (235)進一步利用您的訊息搜尋結果 (235)在訊息、檔案或網頁上搜尋文字 (236)檢視、變更或刪除已儲存的搜尋 (236)在組織通訊錄中搜尋連絡人 (236)搜尋捷徑 (237)SIM 卡 (238)關於 SIM 卡電話簿 (238)將連絡人新增至 SIM 卡 (238)將連絡人從 SIM 卡複製到連絡人清單 (238)將連絡人從連絡人清單複製到 SIM 卡 (238)變更或刪除 SIM 卡連絡人 (239)將文字訊息儲存在 SIM 卡上 (239)變更電話號碼的顯示名稱 (239)關於 SIM 卡安全性 (239)使用 PIN 碼保護 SIM 卡 (240)變更 SIM 卡 PIN 碼 (240)安全性 (241)安全性基礎 (241)密碼管理員 (242)加密 (244)記憶體清理 (246)憑證 (247)PGP 金鑰 (254)憑證伺服器 (259)金鑰庫 (260)智慧卡 (263)VPN 設定 (266)手動驗證安全性軟體 (267)協力廠商應用程式控制 (267)疑難排解:安全性 (270)服務手冊與診斷報告 (271)接受、刪除或還原服務手冊 (271)執行診斷報告 (271)檢視、提交或刪除診斷報告 (271)設定診斷報告的預設收件者 (272)無法執行或提交診斷報告 (272)檢視您裝置上的 BlackBerry Device Software 版本號碼 (272)同步處理 (273)關於同步處理 (273)透過無線網路同步化電子郵件 (273)刪除裝置上及電腦上電子郵件應用程式中的電子郵件 (273)透過無線網路同步處理管理幫手資料 (274)關於同步處理衝突 (274)管理電子郵件同步化衝突 (275)管理資料同步處理衝突 (275)關於備份與還原裝置資料 (275)從裝置上清空電腦內的刪除的郵件資料夾 (275)疑難排解:同步處理 (276)協助工具選項 (278)關於協助工具選項 (278)畫面協助工具選項 (278)音訊與電話協助工具選項 (279)打字協助工具選項 (281)計算機 (283)使用計算機 (283)單位換算 (283)BrickBreaker (284)關於 BrickBreaker (284)BrickBreaker 膠囊 (284)BrickBreaker 得分 (285)玩 BrickBreaker (285)調整音量 (285)設定橫桿速度 (286)Word Mole 遊戲 (287)Word Mole 遊戲基本概念 (287)單人玩家遊戲 (288)多人遊戲 (289)疑難排解:Word Mole (290)詞彙表 (291)法律注意事項 (296)快速協助10 個實用操作提示應 BlackBerry® 裝置使用者熱烈要求! 以下是使用者最想知道的 10 個裝置操作提示。



BlackBerry中文使用说明书【简介】9.11事件发生,美国总统Bush整天拿着一个BlackBerry随时接受各方面的电子邮件,2005年参加沃达丰论坛的商界精英们几乎人手一个BlackBerry……目录手机背景简介--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 黑莓真的有这么大的魅力吗?----------------------------------------------------------2 全键盘拼音输入强的不得了-------------------------------------------------------------3 小编见过最舒适的屏幕效果---------------------------------------------------------------3 扩展性与智能手机还有一定差距---------------------------------------------------------4 随机附带保护腰夹和桌面底座------------------------------------------------------------4 黑莓7230令你意想不到的超低价--------------------------------------------------------4 BlackBerry基础操作------------------------------------------------------------------------------5一、BB的系统刷新--------------------------------------------------------------------------5二、解开it policy-----------------------------------------------------------------------------6三、软件的安装------------------------------------------------------------------------------6四、efile的文件导入------------------------------------------------------------------------7五、电子书------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7六、BB与outlook的同步------------------------------------------------------------------9七、BB里看图-------------------------------------------------------------------------------10八、BB里看新闻----------------------------------------------------------------------------10 BlackBerry进阶操作-快捷键------------------------------------------------------------------11通用快捷键----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11文本输入快捷键------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11桌面快捷键-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11信息及邮件快捷键---------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 32种使用技巧---------------------------------------------------------------------------------12中文大法- 新增天才设计的复活-----------------------------------------------------------------14后注: 已知的BUG---------------------------------------------------------------------------------14短信攻略-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 Blackberry高级应用系列: 旗舰级的eFile文件系统--------------------------------------16一. 推荐篇------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16二. 兼容篇-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16三. 安装篇-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16四. 操作篇-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16五. 应用篇一: DynoPlex的免费套餐---------------------------------------------------------------17六. 应用篇二: DynoPlex隐藏的被我挖出来的免费品---------------------------------------------18 手机背景简介黑莓真的有这么大的魅力吗?BlackBerry8707V如果你每天会有相当多的时间用于处理各类电子邮件,并且不愿意带着所谓的“wifi”笔记本,绕到麦当劳,肯德基或者星巴克去收发E-mail,黑莓(BlackBerry)会是一个实用又时尚的解决办法。

黑霉手机培训资料BlackBerry 操作介绍

黑霉手机培训资料BlackBerry 操作介绍

如需查看表格详细信息,需移动轨迹球把光标移至表格缩写上,单击查看, 即可显示该表格详细信息。
1)移至特定单元格 直接使用轨迹球移动光标至相应的单元格 2)查看单元格的内容 在需查看的单元格中,单击轨迹球 3)查看工作表列表 在电子表格中,按菜单键 单击目录 要移动至特定工作表,请单击工作表->单击查看 4)前后切换工作表 在电子表格中,按菜单键 单击下一个工作表或前一个工作表 5)更改列的大小 要更改所有电子表格的列大小,请按菜单键->单击选项->设置列宽度字段->按菜 单键->单击保存
按菜单键,然后点选跳至幻灯片,然后输入页面数字,即可跳转至相应 页面
2)多页PPT翻页 在多页PPT附件中,向上下滚动轨迹球,可以上下翻页 3)缩放和移动
输入拼音,如左图,如果需要选择 的字不在第一个,需要按住键盘上 的ALT键+数字键选择需要的字或者 滚动轨迹球进行选择。如果需要选 择的字在待选字的第一个,直接输 入下一个字的拼音,程序会自动的 选择。
如果需要输入的是常见的词组,无需一个个字选择,直接输入拼音。但 此时需要使用ALT+数字键选择到词组,否则,程序将按照单个字进行选 择。
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 在消息列表,单击轨迹轮。转动选择“选项” 选择“电子邮件设置” 单击菜单键,选择“文件夹转寄” 选择需要同步的子文件夹,单击轨迹轮,选择“更改选项”。 当文件夹前面出现一个勾之后,单击轨迹轮,选择“保存”。

JURA Z10 咖啡机用户手册说明书

JURA Z10 咖啡机用户手册说明书

Table of contentsYour Z101 IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS (4)2 Control elements (8)3 Preparing and using for the first time (10)Operation with touchscreen display and Rotary Switch (10)Setting up the machine (10)Filling the bean container (10)Determining the water hardness (11)First-time use (11)Managing your Z10 – the JURA Cockpit (13)Connecting milk (14)Connecting the Cool Control milk cooler wirelessly (14)Establishing a WiFi connection (14)4 Preparation (15)Aroma Selection (16)Preparation with preselection (Specialty Selection) (16)Cold Brew (17)Espresso and coffee (17)Latte macchiato, cappuccino and other specialty coffees with milk (17)Milk and milk foam (18)Espresso doppio (18)Caffè Barista and Americano (18)Jug of coffee (18)Ground coffee (18)Hot water (19)Adjusting the product settings (20)5 Daily operation (21)Switching the machine on and off (21)Filling the water tank (21)Maintenance actions (22)6 Machine settings (23)2Table of contents 7 Maintenance (24)Rinsing the machine (24)Automatic milk system rinsing (25)Cleaning the milk system (25)Dismantling and rinsing the dual spout (26)Inserting/changing the filter (27)Cleaning the machine (28)Descaling the machine (29)Descaling the water tank (31)Cleaning the bean container (32)8 Display messages (33)9 Trou b leshooting (34)10 Transport and environmentally friendly disposal (36)Transport / Emptying the system (36)Disposal (36)11 Technical data (37)12 Index (38)13 JURA contact details / Legal information (40)31 IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS5SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS. Pass them on to any subsequent user.The appliance is designed and intended for household use only. Itshall only be used for coffee preparation and to heat milk and water,according to these instructions. Use for any other purpose will bedeemed improper. JURA Elektroapparate AG cannot accept anyresponsibility for the consequences of improper use.People, including children, whoZ do not have the physical, sensory or mental capabilities to usethe appliance safely orZ are inexperienced or lack knowledge in how to use theappliance safelymust be supervised by a responsible person when using it, or mustbe instructed in how to use it correctly.Z A short power-supply cord is to be provided to reduce risksresulting from becoming entangled in or tripping over alonger cord.Z The cord shall be arranged so that it will not drape over thecounter top or table top where it can be pulled on by childrenor tripped over.Z This appliance has a 3-pin grounded plug.Z Do not modify the plug in any way.Intended use Special power cord set instructions Z The use of an accessory attachment not recommended by theappliance manufacturer may result in fire, electric shock, orinjury to persons.Z Do not use outdoors.Z Do not let the cord hang over the edge of a table or counter,or touch hot surfaces.Z Do not place on or near a hot gas or electric burner, or in aheated oven.Z To disconnect, turn any control to ‘OFF’ then remove plugfrom wall outlet.Z Do not use appliance for other than intended use.Z Use extreme caution when dispensing hot steam, hot wateror hot coffee.(or you will void your4 PreparationYou can use Aroma Selection on your Z10 to change the consistency of grind and coffee strength of any product:Example: Espresso with higher coffee strength T Place a cup under the dual spout.T Touch the ‘Aroma Selection’ symbol (bottom right).T Touch ‘Espresso’.T Touch s to increase the coffee strength.T Touch ‘Start’.The preset amount of water for coffee flows into the cup.Touch ‘Z Z Z Z ’ to initiate the Specialty Selection and activate the desired preselection for your next product:Specialty Selection Meaning Cold Brew d (espresso, coffee, caffè Barista, Americano)The product is prepared as a cold beverage.Extra Shot s (all specialty coffees)The product is prepared with two brewing operations, each with half the amount of water – for a specialty coffee with a particularly intense taste.Double product e The product is prepared 2x in succession (2 strokes).Ground coffee £The product is prepared with ground coffee. E The Specialty Selection closes after 10 seconds. E If you press your preselection briefly, the next product will be prepared according to your preselection. E If you press and hold your preselection (for 2 seconds), the preselection will be active until you switch off your Z10.Aroma SelectionPreparation withpreselection (SpecialtySelection)4 PreparationThe preset amount of water for espresso flows into the glass. E 8 minutes after preparation, the milk system is automatically rinsed. Therefore, always place a receptacle under the dual spout after preparing milk.To ensure that the milk system in the dual spout always works properly, you must clean it daily (see chapter 7 ‘Maintenance – Cleaning the milk system’).Your Z10 prepares hot milk and milk foam. E 8 minutes after milk preparation, the milk system is automatically rinsed. Therefore, always place a receptacle under the dual spout after preparing milk.‘Doppio’ is Italian for ‘double’. When you select Espresso doppio, two espressi are prepared one after the other. The result is an extra full-bodied and aromatic specialty coffee.For the ‘caffè Barista’ and ‘Americano’, the Z10 blends the coffee with hot water using a special preparation method. This results in a full-bodied specialty coffee which is particularly easy to digest. You can change the amount of this additional water (see chapter 4 ‘Preparation – Adjusting the product settings’).Relive the good old days – a ‘jug of coffee’, traditionally made from porcelain, is perfect when you want to slow things down and catch up with friends or family. The ‘jug of coffee’ function provides a large portion of black coffee which is generally served at breakfast or to accompany a piece of cake. Fill the jug with 1–5 strokes of black coffee.You can choose to use a second coffee variety, for example decaffeinated coffee, with the filter funnel for ground coffee. U Never add more than two level measuring spoons of ground coffee. U Use ground coffee which is not ground too finely. Very fine coffee can block up the system so that the coffee only comes out in drips. U If you did not fill the machine with a sufficient amount of ground coffee, ‘Not enough ground coffee’ is displayed and the Z10 stops the operation.Milk and milk foamEspresso doppioCaffè Barista and AmericanoJug of coffeeGround coffee4 PreparationTouch a product for approximately 2 seconds to access the settings: U ‘Product settings’: Specify individual settings such as coffee strength, amount of water, etc. U ‘Initials’: Change the name of the product. U ‘Permanent preselection’: Specify a permanent preselection (Specialty Selection). U ‘Replace product’: Replace the products on the start screen with your favorites.The settings always follow the same model.Example: Proceed as follows to change the coffee strength for one coffee.T Touch ‘Coffee’ for approximately 2 seconds.T Touch ‘Product settings’. E Depending on the selected product, there will be different settings available which are represented by symbols on your display.T Touch the _ symbol.The _ symbol appears in white.T Turn the Rotary Switch to change the setting.T Touch ‘Save’.T Touch ‘Back’ to return to the start screen.Adjusting the product settings5 Daily operationOptimal coffee quality depends on many factors. One importantprerequisite is regular maintenance of your Z10. P erform thefollowing steps:Maintenance action Daily If necessary NoteEmpty the drip tray and coffee grounds container and rinse with warm water(The insert for the drip tray, including the drip tray itself, and the coffee grounds container are dishwasher-safe)x Always empty the coffeegrounds container when themachine is switched on. This isthe only way of resetting thecoffee grounds counter.Clean the milk system (if heavily soiled, also dismantle it)x(see chapter 7 ‘Maintenance – Dismantling and rinsing thedual spout’)Rinse the milk pipe xRinse the water tank xWipe the surface of the machine with aclean, soft, damp cloth (e.g. microfibercloth)xChange the milk pipe HP3approx. every3 months Clean the inside of the water tank witha brushxClean the top and bottom of the cupplatformxClean the drip tray and coffee grounds container x The message Maintenanceinformation appears in the‘Maintenance section’ cwithin the Cockpit.E You will find more information about maintenance of yourZ10 in the ‘Maintenance’ c section in the program item‘Maintenance information’.Maintenance actions6 Machine settings 6 Machine settingsPress the Rotary Switch to open the Cockpit. In the ‘Machine setting’ f section, you can make the following settings:Program item Explanation‘Smart mode’Arrange products by preparation frequency on the start screen after a certain amount of time (the h symbol in the Cockpit shows that ‘Smart mode’ isactivated)‘Product name’Display product images with/without product names on the start screen‘Add startscreen’Define number of start screens (1–4)‘Number of products’Set the number of products on the start screen: 2 products, 5 products or automatic (‘Smart mode’)‘Wi-Fi connection’Wirelessly connect your Z10 with your JURA app (J.O.E.®) or with the Cool Control milk cooler, or disconnect again (see chapter 3 ‘Preparing and using for the first time – Establishing a WiFi connection’)‘Switch off after’Set the automatic switch-off time to save energy (switch-off after 15 minutes,30 minutes or 1–9 hours after the last action on the machine)‘Chooselanguage’Set language‘Factory setting’Restore factory settings (your Z10 will switch off after this)‘Water hardness’Set the hardness of the water used (1 °dH to 30 °dH) to prevent calcification of your machine.‘Units’Set the unit for the amount of water (ml or oz)‘Information’View software version‘Connect accessory’Wirelessly connect your Z10 with your JURA app (J.O.E.®) or with the Cool Control milk cooler, or disconnect again‘Display’Change display brightness (in 10% increments)‘Empty system’Empty the system to protect the Z10 from frost during transport (see chapter 10 ‘Transport and environmentally friendly disposal – Transport / Emptying thesystem’)‘Productcounter’View product counter‘Maintenancecounter’View the maintenance counter7 MaintenanceCleaning the bean containerCoffee beans may be covered with a slight oil film which remains onthe walls of the bean container. These traces may negatively affectthe coffee result. For this reason, clean the bean container fromtime to time.Precondition: ‘Fill bean container’ is displayed.T Switch the machine off with the On/Off button Q.T Remove the aroma preservation cover.T Clean the bean container with a soft, dry cloth.T Fill the bean container with coffee beans and close the aromapreservation cover.8 Display messages 8 Display messagesMessages on the start screenMessage Cause/Result Action‘Fill water tank’The water tank is empty. You cannotprepare any products.T Fill the water tank (see chapter 5 ‘Daily operation – Filling the water tank’).‘Empty coffee grounds container’ / ‘Empty drip tray’The coffee grounds container is full. /The drip tray is full. You cannotprepare any products.T Empty the coffee grounds containerand the drip tray (see chapter 5 ‘Dailyoperation – Maintenance actions’).‘Drip tray not fitted’The drip tray is not inserted correctlyor is not inserted at all. You cannotprepare any products.T Fit the drip tray.‘Fill bean container’The bean container is empty. Youcannot prepare any specialty coffees,but you can prepare hot water andmilk.T Fill the bean container (see chapter 3‘Preparing and using for the firsttime – Filling the bean container’).‘Not enough ground coffee’There is insufficient ground coffee inthe machine; the Z10 stops theoperation.T The next time you prepare abeverage, add more ground coffee(see chapter 4 ‘Preparation – Groundcoffee’).‘Spout is not fitted’The cover of the dual spout has notbeen fitted.T Correctly fit the cover of the dualspout.Messages in the CockpitMessage Cause/Result ActionThe filter symbol $ lights up red.‘Change the filter’Filter capacity is met .T Replace the CLEARYL Smart filter cartridge(see chapter 7 ‘Maintenance – Inserting/changing the filter’).‘Clean’The Z10 is prompting you toclean it.T Perform cleaning (see chapter 7‘Maintenance – Cleaning the machine’).‘Descale’The Z10 is prompting you todescale it.T Perform descaling (see chapter 7 ‘ Maintenance – Descaling the machine ’).‘Clean the milk system’The Z10 prompts you toclean the milk system.T Perform milk system cleaning (see chapter 7‘Maintenance – Cleaning the milk system’).9 Trou b leshooting9 Trou b leshootingProblem Cause/Result ActionInsufficient foam is produced when the milk is frothed or milk sprays from the dual spout.The dual spout isdirty.T Make sure the cover of the dual spout iscorrectly fitted.T Clean the milk system in the dual spout(see chapter 7 ‘Maintenance – Cleaning the milksystem’).T Dismantle and rinse the dual spout (see chapter 7‘Maintenance – Dismantling and rinsing the dualspout’).The milk and milkfoam temperature isset too high.T Set a lower milk and milk foam temperature for theproduct.With specialty coffees with a finer grinder setting, the coffee only flows in drips.The coffee has beenground too finelyand is blocking thesystem.T If possible, set the consistency of grind for thespecialty coffee 1–2 levels coarser (see chapter 4‘Preparation – Adjusting the product settings’).Coffee only comes out in drips when it is being prepared.The coffee has beenground too finelyand is blocking thesystem.T Use more coarsely ground coffee (see chapter 4‘Preparation – Ground coffee’).The water hardnessmay not have beencorrectly set.T Perform descaling (see chapter 7 ‘Maintenance –Descaling the machine ’).There is dry ground coffee behind the coffee grounds container.The beans used areresulting in anabove-averagevolume of groundcoffee.T Reduce the coffee strength or choose a finergrinder setting (see chapter 4 ‘Preparation –Adjusting the product settings’).‘Fill water tank’ is not displayed although the water tank is empty.There is a lot oflimescale in thewater tank.T Descale the water tank (see chapter 7‘Maintenance – Descaling the water tank’).Grinder is making a very loud noise.There are foreignobjects in thegrinder.T Contact customer support in your country (seechapter 13 ‘JURA contact details / Legal information’).9 Trou b leshooting Problem Cause/Result Action‘Error 2’ or ‘Error 5’is displayed.If the machine hasbeen exposed to thecold for a longperiod of time,heating may bedisabled for safetyreasons.T Warm the machine at room temperature.Other ‘Error’messages are displayed.–T Switch the Z10 off with the On/Off button Q. Contact customer support in your country (see chapter 13‘JURA contact details / Legal information’).Little or no steam comes out of the dual spout. The pump is very quiet.The connector of themilk system in thedual spout may beblocked by milkresidues or limescalefragments loosenedduring descaling.T Press the releasing devices and pull the cover of thedual spout up and off.T Remove the milk system from the dual spout.T Unscrew the black connector with the aid of thehexagonal hole on the measuring spoon for groundcoffee.T Clean the connector thoroughly.T Screw the connector back on by hand.T Carefully tighten it using the hexagonal hole on themeasuring spoon, turning by no more than a quarterof a rotation.E If you were unable to solve the problem, contact customersupport in your country (see chapter 13 ‘JURA contactdetails / Legal information’).12 Index12 IndexAAddresses 40Adjusting the product settings 20Aroma preservation coverBean container with aroma preservationcover 9Aroma Selection 16BBean containerBean container with aroma preservationcover 9Cleaning 32Filling 10Bluetooth 37Bus barTechnical data 37ButtonOn/Off button 9Bypass amount of water 18CCaffè Barista 18Caffè latte 17Cappuccino 17CleaningBean container 32Machine 28CLEARYL Smart filter cartridgeChanging 27Inserting 27Cockpit 13, 23, 24Coffee 17Coffee grounds container 9Cold Brew 17Connecting an accessory 14 Connecting the Cool Control milk cooler 14 Contact details 40Cup platform 9Customer support 40DDescalingMachine 29Water tank 31DisplayCockpit 13Touchscreen display 9, 10Display messages 33Disposal 36Drip tray 9Dual spoutDismantling and cleaning 26Height- and width-adjustable dualspout 9EEmptying the system 36ErrorsTroubleshooting 34Espresso 17Espresso doppio 18FFillingBean container 10Water tank 21FilterChanging 27Inserting 27Filter casing 9First-time use 11Flat White 17GGround coffee 18Measuring spoon for ground coffee 9Powder chute for ground coffee 9 HHotline 40Hot water 19Hot-water spout 9IImportant safeguardsSafety 4Instant coffeeGround coffee 18JJug of coffee 18JURAContact details 4012 IndexLLatte macchiato 17MMacchiato 17MachineCleaning 28Descaling 29Rinsing 24Setting up 10Machine settings 23 Maintenance 24Maintenance actions 22 Measuring spoon for ground coffee 9 Messages, display 33Milk 18Connecting milk 14Milk foam 18Milk system 37Clean 25Milk system rinsing 25PPowder chutePowder chute for ground coffee 9 Power cord 9Preparation 15, 17Americano 18Aroma Selection 16Caffè latte 17Cappuccino 17Coffee 17Cold Brew 17Espresso 17Espresso doppio 18Flat White 17Ground coffee 18Hot water 19Jug of coffee 18Latte macchiato 17Macchiato 17Milk 18Milk foam 18Specialty Selection 16 ProblemsTroubleshooting 34Product settingsAdjusting 20RRFID 37RinsingMachine 24Rotary Switch 9, 10SSafetyImportant safeguards 4Setting upSetting up the machine 10 Smart Connect 14Specialty SelectionExtra Shot 16Ground coffee 16SpoutHeight- and width-adjustable dualspout 9Hot-water spout 9Switching off 21Switching on 21TTechnical data 37Milk system 37Tel 40Touchscreen display 9, 10 Transport 36Troubleshooting 34UUse, First-time 11WWater hardnessDetermining the water hardness 11 Water tank 9Descaling 31Filling 21WiFi Connect 14WiFi connection 14Wireless connection 14, 27, 3713 JURA contact details / Legal information13 JURA contact details / Legal informationJURA Elektroapparate AGKaffeeweltstrasse 10CH-4626 NiederbuchsitenSwitzerlandUSA : JURA Inc.Canada: FAEMACustomer ServicePhone E-Mail 1-800-220-5701************.com 1-(855)-544-8600******************Opening Hours (EST)Mon – Thu 9 am – 9 pm,Fri 9 am – 8 pm,Sat 9 am – 5 pmDistributor Address Phone Fax 20 Craig Road Montvale, NJ 07645001 (201) 767-3999001 (201) 767-9684115 Matheson Boulevard EastMississauga, Ontario, L4Z 1X81-(905)-501-8600Internet @You will find additional contact details for your country at .We reserve the right to make technical changes. The diagrams usedin these instructions for use are for illustration purposes only and donot represent the original colors of the machine. Some details ofyour Z10 may vary.Your opinion is important to us! Use the contact details at .The instructions for use contain information which is protected bycopyright. It is not permitted to photocopy these instructions for useor translate them into another language without the prior writtenconsent of JURA Elektroapparate AG.Technical changes Feedback Copyright J74945/Z10(NAA)/US-en/202103。

BlackBerry Bold 9780 Smartphone User 说明书

BlackBerry Bold 9780 Smartphone User 说明书

BlackBerry Bold 9780SmartphoneUser GuideVersion: 6.0To find the latest user guides, visit /docs/smartphones.SWDT643442-941426-0606105146-001ContentsQuick Help (9)Top 10 (9)Getting to know your smartphone (13)Tips (19)Make it yours (25)Shortcuts (32)Phone shortcuts (32)Message shortcuts (32)File and attachment shortcuts (33)Typing shortcuts (34)Media shortcuts (35)Browser shortcuts (36)Calendar shortcuts (37)Search shortcuts (38)Map shortcuts (38)Troubleshooting: Shortcuts (38)Phone (40)Phone basics (40)Emergency calls (43)Volume (43)Voice mail (44)Speed dial (46)Call waiting, call forwarding, and call blocking (47)Fixed dialing and smart dialing (49)Conference calls (51)Call logs (52)Multiple phone numbers (53)Phone options (54)Phone shortcuts (57)Troubleshooting: Phone (57)Voice commands (60)Perform an action using a voice command (60)Available voice commands (60)Change the language for voice commands (61)Turn off choice lists for voice commands (61)Change the options for voice prompts (61)Improve voice recognition (62)Troubleshooting: Voice dialing (62)Messages (63)Email (63)PIN messages (79)Text messages (84)Security options for messages (92)Attachments (93)S/MIME-protected messages (95)IBM Lotus Notes native encrypted messages (101)PGP protected messages (102)Message shortcuts (108)File and attachment shortcuts (109)Troubleshooting: Messages (110)Files (115)File basics (115)Managing files and attachments (117)File and attachment shortcuts (120)Troubleshooting: Attachments (121)Media (122)Music (122)Podcasts (125)Videos (127)Video camera (128)Camera (130)Pictures (132)Voice notes (134)Ring tones (135)Media storage (137)Transferring and downloading media files (140)Supported audio and video file formats (142)Media shortcuts (142)Troubleshooting: Media (143)Ring tones, sounds, and alerts (146)About ring tones, sounds, and alerts (146)Change your ring tone, notifiers, or reminders (146)Add or delete a custom profile (147)Add a contact alert (147)Silence your device (147)Flashing LED (148)Change alarm notification options (148)Turn on or turn off event sounds (149)Troubleshooting: Ring tones, sounds, and alerts (149)Browser (150)Browser basics (150)Browser bookmarks (153)RSS feeds (154)Browser options (155)Browser security (157)Browser push (159)Browser shortcuts (160)Troubleshooting: Browser (161)Calendar (163)Calendar basics (163)Meetings (164)Conference call meetings (166)Synchronizing calendar (168)Calendar options (170)Calendar shortcuts (171)Troubleshooting: Calendar (172)Contacts (174)Contact basics (174)Customizing contacts (175)Synchronizing contacts (177)Personal distribution lists (179)Multiple contact lists (180)Contact list options (180)Troubleshooting: Contacts (181)Clock (183)Set the date and time (183)Change what appears on the screen when your device is charging (183)Change the clock face (183)Display a second time zone on the clock (184)Turn on the alarm (184)Silence the alarm (184)Change alarm notification options (184)Turn on bedside clock mode (185)Set options for bedside clock mode (185)Use the stopwatch (185)Use the timer (185)Change timer notification options (186)Troubleshooting: Clock (186)Tasks and memos (187)Create a task or memo (187)Send a task or memo (187)Change or delete a task or memo (187)Change the status of a task (187)Hide completed tasks (188)Show tasks in the calendar (188)Synchronizing tasks and memos (188)About categories (190)Categorize a contact, task, or memo (190)Create a category for contacts, tasks, or memos (190)Turn off the prompt that appears before you delete items (191)Typing (192)Typing basics (192)Typing input methods (193)Typing options (193)Spelling checker (194)Custom dictionary (195)Word Substitution (196)Typing shortcuts (197)Troubleshooting: Typing (198)Keyboard (199)Assign an application to a Convenience key (199)Change the default currency symbol (199)Set the cursor speed (199)Turn on key tones (199)Set the trackpad sensitivity (200)Turn off trackpad sounds (200)Troubleshooting: Keyboard (200)Language (201)About typing input languages (201)Change the language (201)Use a shortcut for switching typing input languages when you are typing (201)Add a display language (202)Delete a language (202)Troubleshooting: Language (202)Screen display (203)Set options for backlighting (203)Use a picture as your device wallpaper (203)Change the display font (203)Organizing applications on the Home screen (204)Add a message that appears when your device is locked (205)Use grayscale or reverse contrast for the screen display (205)Turn on flashing LED notification for wireless coverage (205)Themes (205)Troubleshooting: Display (206)GPS technology (207)About GPS technology (207)Turn on GPS technology (207)Set the GPS receiver that you use to track your movement (207)Get your GPS location (208)Prevent others from tracking your location (208)Turn off location aiding (208)Troubleshooting: GPS technology (209)Maps (210)Map basics (210)Map options (213)Map shortcuts (213)Troubleshooting: Maps (214)Applications (215)About multitasking (215)Keep an application running in the background and switch to another application (215)Close an application so that it is not running in the background (215)About adding applications (216)About social networking applications (217)About instant messaging applications (217)Require your device password before adding an application (217)Delete an application (218)View properties for an application (218)View the size of an application database (218)Troubleshooting: Applications (218)BlackBerry Device Software (219)About updating the BlackBerry Device Software (219)Update the BlackBerry Device Software over the wireless network (220)Update the BlackBerry Device Software from a web site (220)Update the BlackBerry Device Software using the BlackBerry Desktop Software (221)Troubleshooting: BlackBerry Device Software (221)Manage Connections (222)Manage Connections basics (222)Mobile network (224)Wi-Fi technology (228)Bluetooth technology (235)Bluetooth technology basics (235)Bluetooth technology options (238)Troubleshooting: Bluetooth technology (241)Power and battery (243)Turn off your device (243)Set your device to turn on and turn off automatically (243)Reset the device (243)Check the battery power level (243)Tips: Extending battery life (243)Memory and media cards (245)About media cards (245)Supported media cards (245)View the amount of available storage space on your device (245)Turn off media card support (245)Repair files stored on your media card or on your device (245)About compression (246)About file encryption (246)Turn on encryption (246)Tips: Freeing and conserving storage space (247)Troubleshooting: Storage and media cards (248)Search (249)Search for an item (249)Set the types of items that are included in searches (249)Search for messages (249)Message search criteria (250)Do more with your message search results (250)Search for text in a message, in a file, or on a webpage (251)View, change, or delete a saved search (251)Search for a contact in your organization's address book (251)Search shortcuts (252)SIM card (253)About the SIM card phone book (253)Add a contact to your SIM card (253)Copy contacts from your SIM card to your contact list (253)Copy a contact from your contact list to your SIM card (253)Change or delete a SIM card contact (254)Store text messages on your SIM card (254)Change the display name for a phone number (254)About SIM card security (255)Protect your SIM card with a PIN code (255)Change the SIM card PIN code (255)Security (256)Security basics (256)Password Keeper (258)Encryption (260)Memory cleaning (262)Certificates (263)PGP keys (270)Certificate servers (275)Key store (277)Smart cards (279)VPN settings (282)Verify security software manually (284)Third-party application control (284)Troubleshooting: Security (287)Service books and diagnostic reports (288)Accept, delete, or restore a service book (288)Run a diagnostic report (288)View, submit, or delete a diagnostic report (288)Set a default recipient for diagnostic reports (289)I cannot run or submit a diagnostic report (289)View the version number of the BlackBerry Device Software on your device (289)Synchronization (290)About synchronization and reconciliation (290)Reconcile email over the wireless network (290)Delete email on your device and in your email application on your computer (291)Synchronize organizer data over the wireless network (291)About synchronization conflicts (291)Manage email reconciliation conflicts (292)Manage data synchronization conflicts (292)About backing up and restoring device data (292)Empty the deleted items folder on your computer from your device (293)Troubleshooting: Synchronization (293)Accessibility options (295)About accessibility options (295)Screen accessibility options (295)Audio and phone accessibility options (296)Typing accessibility options (298)Calculator (300)Use the calculator (300)Convert a measurement (300)BrickBreaker (301)About BrickBreaker (301)BrickBreaker capsules (301)BrickBreaker scoring (302)Play BrickBreaker (302)Adjust the volume (302)Set the paddle speed (303)Word Mole game (304)Word Mole game basics (304)Single-player games (305)Multiplayer games (306)Troubleshooting: Word Mole (307)Glossary (308)Legal notice (313)Quick HelpTop 10BlackBerry® device users have spoken! Here are the top 10 things they want to know how to do on their devices.Set up an email address1.On the Home screen, click the Setup icon.2.In the Setup section, click the Email Accounts icon.3.Follow the screens to set up your email address. When your email address is set up correctly, you receive a confirmationmessage. To view and manage your email messages, on the Home screen, click the Messages icon.Note: In some cases, you might see the following options. If so, select one of the options.•Internet Mail Account: Use this option to associate your BlackBerry® device with one or more existing email accounts (for example, Google Mail™ or Windows Live™ Hotmail®) or to create a new email address for your device.•Enterprise Account: If your administrator gave you an enterprise activation password, use this option to associate your device with your work email account using the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server.If you are trying to set up an Internet email account (for example, Google Mail or Windows Live Hotmail) or a new email address for your device, and do not see this option, contact your administrator or wireless service provider.Related informationChange options for your personal email account, 71Change your ring tone, notifiers, or remindersIn addition to changing the tone, you can also change options for volume, LED, vibration, and notification during calls.1.On the Home screen, click the Sound and Alert Profiles icon.2.Click Change Sounds and Alerts > Sounds for Selected Profile.•To change your ring tone, click Phone.•To change notifiers or reminders, click to expand a section. Click an option.3.In the Ring Tone, Notifier Tone, or Reminder Tone field, do one of the following:•Click a tone.•To use a song that is on your BlackBerry® device or on a media card, click All Music. Find and click a song.•To use a voice note that you recorded, click All Voice Notes. Find and click a voice note.•To use a preloaded alert, click All Alerts. Find and click an alert.4.Press the key > Save.Related informationI can't change the number of times that my device rings, 59Find or hide an application iconDepending on your theme, you might not be able to hide some application icons.On the Home screen or in a folder, do any of the following:•To see all your application icons, press the key > Show All.•To hide an application icon, highlight the icon. Press the key > Hide.•To show all hidden application icons, press the key > Show All.•To stop hiding an application icon, highlight the icon. Press the key > Hide. A check mark should not appearbeside the Hide field.Related informationMy display changed, 206About adding applicationsDepending on your wireless service provider and region, you might have the option to add or update applications using the BlackBerry App World™ storefront, the BlackBerry® Desktop Software, or the Application Center. You might also be able to download applications from a web page (try visiting from your BlackBerry device), or from an application offered by your wireless service provider.Additional terms and conditions might apply to software and services made available through the BlackBerry App World™ storefront, the BlackBerry Desktop Software, or the Application Center. Data charges might apply when you add or use an application over the wireless network. For more information, contact your wireless service provider.BlackBerry App WorldIf you have BlackBerry App World on your device, you can search for and download games, social networking applications, personal productivity applications, and much more. Using an existing PayPal® account, you can buy and download items over the wireless network to your device.To download BlackBerry App World, visit .For more information about managing applications using BlackBerry App World, click the App World icon. Press the key> Help.BlackBerry Desktop SoftwareIf you have the BlackBerry Desktop Software installed on your computer, you can connect your device to your computer to add, update, remove, or restore applications. You can also add applications to your device that you have downloaded to your computer, without having to use the wireless network.To download the BlackBerry Desktop Software, visit /desktop.For more information about managing applications using the BlackBerry Desktop Software, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.Application CenterIf you have the Application Center on your device, you can add, update, or return to the previous version of a select number of applications that are hosted by your wireless service provider. Depending on your wireless service provider, this feature might not be available.For more information about managing applications using the Application Center, click the Application Center icon. Press the key > Help.Add or change your signatureDepending on your wireless service plan, this feature might not be supported.1.On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.2.Press the key > Options.•For a work email account, click Email Preferences. If the Message Services field appears, change this field to theappropriate email account. If the Use Auto Signature check box is not selected, select it. Place your cursor in the field that appears.•For a personal email account, click Email Account Management. Click an email account. Press the key > Edit.3.Type a signature.4.Press the key > Save.Your signature is added to your email after you send it.Use a picture as your device wallpaper1.On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Pictures icon.2.Browse to a picture.3.Press the key > Set As Wallpaper.Related informationMy display changed, 206Supported audio and video file formatsDepending on your BlackBerry® device model and wireless service provider, some media file formats might not be supported.For information about codecs and recommended video and audio file formats for your device, visit /docs/ smartphones and click Multimedia > Media Types Supported on BlackBerry Smartphones.Transfer a file from your computer to your device using your device as a USB memory driveYou must use the BlackBerry® Desktop Software to manage and preserve the information or the encryption that is associated with your media files when you transfer files between your BlackBerry device and your computer.1.Connect your device to your computer using a USB cable.2.Do one of the following:•If you want to transfer most types of files, in the dialog box that appears on your device, select the USB Drive option.•If you want to transfer media files that are protected with DRM, in the dialog box that appears on your device, select the media transfer option.3.If necessary, type a password. Your device appears as a drive on your computer.4.Drag a file from a location on your computer to a folder on your device.To view the transferred file on your device, disconnect your device from your computer and find the file.Related informationTransfer your media files from your computer to your device using BlackBerry Desktop Software, 28Open, close, or switch between tabsDo one of the following:•To open a new tab, in the browser, press the key > Tabs. Click the New Tab icon.•To open a new tab for a link on a web page, highlight the link. Press the key > Open Link in New Tab.•To switch between tabs, in the browser, press the key > Tabs. Click a tab.•To close a tab, in the browser, press the key > Tabs. Highlight a tab. Click the icon.Reconcile email over the wireless networkYou can set the Wireless Reconcile option for each email address that is associated with your BlackBerry® device.1.On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.2.Press the key > Options > Email Reconciliation.3.If the Message Services field appears, set this field to the appropriate email account.4.Select the Wireless Reconcile check box.5.Press the key > Save.If your device is associated with a Microsoft® Outlook® email account, you must use the synchronization tool of the BlackBerry® Desktop Software to reconcile email in personal folders. For more information, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.Getting to know your smartphoneFind out about apps and indicators, and what the keys do on your BlackBerry® smartphone.Important keysFront keysTop keysSide keysKeyboardSelect commands using pop-up menusPop-up menus are available in most applications, and appear in the center of the screen. You can use the pop-up menu when you are viewing a message, for example, to file, forward, or reply to the message.•To open a pop-up menu, click and hold an item on the screen.•To select a command, click the icon.•To see additional commands, click the Full Menu icon.Tips: Doing things quicklyFor full instructions, click the links under Related information at the bottom.Press and hold the key. Click an app.The other app might still be running in the background.Press a convenience key on the side of your device.Highlight an app on the Home screen or in a folder. Press thekey >On the Home screen, press the key >Related informationKeep an application running in the background and switch to another application, 215Assign an application to a Convenience key, 199Change what happens when you type on the Home screen, 26ApplicationsGet started with some of these great applications.To show or hide an icon, highlight the icon using the trackpad. Press the key > Show All or Hide. Status indicatorsMessagesPhoneTips: Managing indicatorsIndicators tell you that there is something new or updated, such as a new message, voice message, or feed, or they inform you of the status of something, such as the battery or network connection. Indicators often appear on app icons, new content within apps, and at the top of the Home screen.Remove the new item indicatorRemove the unopened message indicatorMark a message as opened. Highlight a message. Press thekey >Mark all messages that are prior to a date as opened.Highlight a date field. Press the key >Feature availabilityThe following items affect the availability of features on your BlackBerry® device. The features discussed are meant as examples, and are not inclusive of every feature that might or might not be available on your device.Related informationBlackBerry Device Software, 219Find more information, 31Check what wireless networks your device connects to, 222TipsSave time and maximize your efficiency with these quick tips.Tips: Finding appsLook in a folder on your Home screenMake all hidden apps visible on the Home screen On the Home screen, press the key >the app, highlight it and then click Hidedoes not appear in the menu, there are no appsTips: Doing things quicklyFor full instructions, click the links under Related information at the bottom.Press and hold the key. Click an app.The other app might still be running in the background.Press a convenience key on the side of your device.Highlight an app on the Home screen or in a folder. Press thekey >On the Home screen, press the key >Related informationKeep an application running in the background and switch to another application, 215Assign an application to a Convenience key, 199Change what happens when you type on the Home screen, 26Tips: Managing indicatorsIndicators tell you that there is something new or updated, such as a new message, voice message, or feed, or they inform you of the status of something, such as the battery or network connection. Indicators often appear on app icons, new content within apps, and at the top of the Home screen.Remove the new item indicatorRemove the unopened message indicatorkey >Mark all messages that are prior to a date as opened.Highlight a date field. Press the key >Tips: Extending battery lifeFor full instructions, click the links under Related information at the bottom.In an app, press the key >When you are replying to a message, press the key >icon. Click the flash iconRelated informationSet your device to turn on and turn off automatically, 243Set options for backlighting, 203Turn on or turn off a network connection, 223Change your ring tone, notifiers, or reminders, 9Delete the original text from a reply message, 65Tips: Freeing and conserving storage spaceTry to maintain at least 400 KB of available application storage on your BlackBerry® device. If you find that your device processes are unusually slow, try freeing storage space by deleting files that you don't need. Changing options for email messages, calendar entries, and media files might help you conserve storage space.For full instructions, click the links under Related information at the bottom.On the Home screen or in a folder, click thehighlight a file. Press the key >On the Home screen, click the Browser icon. Press thesection.Calendar icon.Press the key >On the Home screen, click the icon. Press theicon. Press theYour BlackBerry device supports media card sizes up to 32 GB.icon. Press the Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you update any software. Maintaining a current backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.Related informationView the amount of available storage space on your device, 245Move, rename, or delete a file, 117Delete browsing information, 157Set how long your device stores messages, 74Change how long your device stores calendar entries, 171Stop storing messages sent from your computer on your device, 74Stop storing messages sent from your device on your computer, 74Receive only the first section of long email messages, 72Change the size of pictures that you take, 130The application memory on my device is low, 248Tips: Keeping your information safeYou can take some simple steps to help prevent the information on your BlackBerry® device from being compromised, such as avoiding leaving your device unattended.Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you update any software. Maintaining a current backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.For full instructions, click the links under Related information at the bottom.Related informationSet a device password, 256Turn on encryption, 138Tips: Updating your softwareUpdated BlackBerry® Device Software and BlackBerry® Desktop Software are released periodically, and you might be able to update the software from either your computer or your smartphone. Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you update any software. Maintaining a current backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue. For full instructions, click the links under Related information at the bottom.Related informationBlackBerry Device Software, 219Visit the Setup applicationThe Setup application helps you learn about navigation and typing, change options to personalize your BlackBerry® device, and set up network connections, such as Bluetooth® connections. You can also set up email addresses and social networking accounts. The Setup application should appear automatically the first time that you turn on your device.1.If the Setup application does not appear automatically, on the Home screen or in a folder, click the Setup icon.2.Click a section to change options or to complete a short series of prompts that help you set the options.Make it yoursMake your BlackBerry® smartphone your own by getting apps, transferring your files, and personalizing your settings. Your Home screenSwitch themes1.On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.2.Click Display > Screen Display.3.In the Theme section, click a theme.4.Click Activate.To delete a theme, click the theme. Click Delete.Related informationMy display changed, 206Use a picture as your device wallpaper1.On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Pictures icon.2.Browse to a picture.3.Press the key > Set As Wallpaper.Related informationMy display changed, 206Move an application icon1.On the Home screen or in an application folder, highlight an application icon.2.Press the Menu key.3.Perform one of the following actions:•To move the application icon to a different location on the Home screen, click Move. On the trackpad, slide your finger to the new location. Click the trackpad.•To move the application icon into an application folder, click Move to folder. Click an application folder.。



Blackberry使用说明书本说明书由联禧南京代理logway工作室编译整理目录一、关于Blackberry和RIM ....................... - 3 - ◇ Research In Motion (RIM) 公司背景............ - 3 - ◇ Blackberry手机.............................. - 4 - ◇ BlackBerry手机家族大展示(图) ................ - 5 - 二、手机功能介绍 .............................. - 8 -(一)、认识blackberry的里里外外 ................ - 8 -(二)、72**系列快捷方式 ........................ - 11 -(三)、71**系列快捷方式 ........................ - 16 - 三、blackberry上手教程........................ - 21 -(一)、打开blackberry .......................... - 21 -(二)、更改设置................................ - 21 - (三)打电话、发短信 .......................... - 28 - (四)其他自带程序 ............................ - 30 - 四、桌面管理器................................ - 32 - (一)、安装桌面管理器 ......................... - 32 - (二)、安装blackberry的系统文件 .............. - 34 - (三)、刷机................................... - 35 - (四)、加载应用程序 ........................... - 36 - (五)、与电脑进行数据同步 ..................... - 37 - (六)、数据备份和恢复 ......................... - 39 - 五、利用blackberry的JDE ...................... - 40 - (一)、自己转换java程序 ...................... - 40 - (二)、加载cod文件 ........................... - 41 - (三)、用模拟器下载图片和铃声 ................. - 42 - 六、blackberry进阶教程(第三方实用软件)...... - 45 - (一)、BBToday ................................ - 45 -(二)、BB device info ......................... - 47 - (三)、BBLight ................................ - 48 - (四)、SMS Broadcast .......................... - 48 - (五)、MiniExcel .............................. - 50 -(六)、eFile ................................... - 54 -(七)、MobiPocket Reader/Creater ............... - 57 - 七、GPRS上网.................................. - 61 -一、关于Blackberry和RIM◇ Research In Motion (RIM) 公司背景Research In Motion 是全球移动通信市场的领先厂商,主要致力于设计、制造和销售创新型无线解决方案。



以下是Z10各个版本的频段和制式详情(在黑莓各国官网COPY下来的)(Z30没整理,买家可以自己按型号号码上官网追溯到网络和制式支持信息)由于各国的运营商定制或代售Z10的肯定不止一个,故此或有可能一个国家(地区)有不同版本的Z10(但通常该国家或地区的官网也会同时列出本地在售的不同版本)请核对Z10的设置>关于>类别:常规>型号号码(STL100-1/2/3/4)来确定你的Z10可以支持什么网络:泰国、印度、马拉西亚、菲律宾、印尼、台湾(STL100-1)21Mbps HSPA+Quad band HSPA+ 1, 2, 5/6, 8 (850/900/1900/2100 MHz)Quad band EDGE (850/900/1800/1900 MHz)(这个就是所谓的亚太版,仅支持联通3G)巴西、澳大利亚、英国、新加坡、香港(STL100-2)Quad band LTE 3, 7, 8, 20 (1800/2600/900/800 MHz)Tri band HSPA+ 1, 5/6, 8 (2100/850/900 MHz)Quad band EDGE (850/900/1800/1900 MHz)加拿大、美国AT&T(STL100-3)Quad band LTE 2, 5, 4, 17 (700/850/1700/1900 MHz)Quad band HSPA+ 1, 2, 4, 5/6, (850/1700/1900/2100 MHz)Quad band EDGE (850/900/1800/1900 MHz)*Note: HSPA+ Band 4 (AWS) is carrier dependent美国Verizo(STL100-4)LTE Band-13 (700 MHz)CDMA Cell-band and PCS-band (800/1900 MHz)WCDMA Band-1 and Band-8 (2100/900 MHz)GSM/EDGE Quad Bands (850/900/1800/1900 MHz)(支持电信3G通话短信,但数据受限)以下是现在中国3大运营商的制式和频段划分情况,供对比:2G移动GSM900:上行890~909MHz,下行935~954MHz,移动E-GSM频段:上行885-890MHz,下行930-935MHz移动DCS1800:上行1710~1720MHz,下行1805~1815MHz联通GSM900:上行909~915MHz,下行954~960MHz联通DCS1800:上行1745~1755MHz,下行1840~1850MHz电信CDMA:上行825~835 MHz,下行870~880MHz3G:移动TD-SCDMA:2010~2025MHz,1880~1920MHz联通WCDMA:上行1940~1955MHz,下行2130~2145MHz电信CDMA2000:上行1920~1935MHz,下行2110~2125MHz4G:中国电信FDD 1755-1785MHZ / 1850-1880MHz TDD:未列出中国联通FDD 1955--1980MHz / 2145-2170MHz TDD:未列出中国移动TDD 1900MHz (F频段,TD-SCDMA升级)、2600MHz(D频段,2575-2635MHz,新建FDD)、2300MHz (E频段):前两个做室外覆盖,后一个做室内覆盖由此可以总结:日本、韩国、中国大陆均没上市,没所谓的日本版、中国大陆版请大家不要被骗!所谓的亚太版本应该是东南亚版本一般只支持3G。



©2009 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. BlackBerry®, RIM®, Research In Motion®, SureType®, SurePress™ and related trademarks, names and logos are the property of Research In Motion Limited and are registered and/or used in the U.S. and countries around the world. Bluetooth is a trademark of Bluetooth SIG. Google Mail is a trademark of Google Inc. Hotmail and Windows Live are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Wi-Fi is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. This documentation is provided "as is" and without condition, endorsement, guarantee, representation or warranty, or liability of any kind by Research In Motion Limited and its affiliated companies, all of which are expressly disclaimed to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law in your jurisdiction.MAT-26553-001 | PRINTSPEC-058 | SWD-656736-1023023704-001 | RCG41GW/RCL21CW Learn More booklet: Find feature information and instructions for common tasks. This bookletcame with your BlackBerry® device.Help application: Find step-by-step instructions for all device tasks. Access this applicationfrom the Home screen or in an application menu.BlackBerry® User Tools CD: Find the BlackBerry 101 tutorial, user guide, software licenseagreement and warranty, or Safety and Product Information booklet. You can also use this CDto install the BlackBerry® Desktop Software to synchronize data between your device and yourcomputer. This CD came with your device.Your wireless service provider web site: Find information about your wireless network oryour wireless service plan./support: Find interactive support tools and information about supportservices. For example, you can find answers to your questions by using the BlackBerry®Answers tool or by joining the BlackBerry® Support Community Forums./go/declarationofconformity: View the Declaration of Conformitymade under Directive 1999/5/EC (HG nr.88/2003).Find more information: Find software, applications, and accessories for yourBlackBerry® device.: Find accessories for your device. You can also contact yourwireless service provider to buy accessories./ownerslounge: Find more ways to personalize your device bybecoming a member of the BlackBerry® Owners Lounge.CAUTION: Use only those accessories approved by Research In Motion. Using any accessoriesnot approved by RIM for use with this particular device model might invalidate any approvalor warranty applicable to the device, might result in the non-operation of the device, and mightbe dangerous.Personalize your deviceStart HereBlackBerry Curve 8500 S eriesGet ready to experience the freedom and connectivity of your all-in-one mobile solution. Setting up your BlackBerry® Curve™ smartphone is easy. Simply follow the instructions in this guide to set up your device and learn the basics quickly.Insert the SIM card and batteryDepending on your BlackBerry® device model or your wireless service provider, you might not need to insert a SIM card to use your device. For more information, see the Learn More booklet that came with your device.If the battery is charged, your device turns on automatically. If your device does not turn on, charge the battery.Welcome to BlackBerry!Charge the batteryBattery power level indicatorsfull battery power battery charginglow battery powerBe safe!Please read the Safety and Product Information booklet, located on the BlackBerry® User Tools CD, before using your device or any accessories that came with your device. This booklet includes important safety information about your battery. To view the most recent version of the Safety and Product Information booklet, visit /go/docs .The setup wizard is designed to help you learn about navigation and typing, change options to personalize your BlackBerry® device, set up wireless and Bluetooth® connections and set up one or more email addresses. The setup wizard should appear automatically the first time that you turn on your device.1.If the setup wizard does not appear automatically, on the Home screen or in the Setup folder, click the Setup Wizard icon.plete the instructions on the screen.Set up an email addressTo perform this task, you must know the login information for your existing email addresses or your administrator must have provided you with an enterprise activation password.1.On the Home screen or in the Setup folder, click the Setup Wizard icon.2.On the email setup screen, select one of the following options:•I want to create or add an email address : This email setup option is most common for individual users. Use this option to associate your BlackBerry® device with one or more (up to ten) existing email addresses (for example, a Google Mail™ or Windows Live™Hotmail® email account) or to create a new email address for your device. To use a social networking application on your device, you must use this option to associate your device with the email address that you use to receive social networking notifications. If this option does not appear, contact your wireless service provider.•I want to use a work email account with a BlackBerry Enterprise Server : This email setup option is most common for corporate users. Use this option to associate your device with a work email account using the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server if your administrator has provided you with an enterprise activation password.3.Click Next .Complete the setup wizardplete the instructions on the screen.Note: When your email address is set up correctly, you receive a confirmation message. To view and manage your email messages, on the Home screen, click the Messages icon.I cannot set up an email addressTry performing the following actions:•On the Home screen or in the Setup folder, click the Setup Wizard icon. On the email setup screen, verify that you have typed all the email address information correctly. To view the password that you typed, select the Show Password check box.•Verify that the email address is associated with a supported email account (for example, a POP3email account or an IMAP email account). For more information about supported email accounts, contact your wireless service provider.•If you are switching from another BlackBerry® device that is associated with one or more email addresses using the BlackBerry® Internet Service, you must switch devices automatically or manually using the email setup application. For more information about switching devices, see the Learn More booklet that came with your device.For more information about setting up an email address, visit /go/docs and click BlackBerry Internet Service .Learn the basics The Menu key and Escape key on your BlackBerry® device are designed to help you navigate screens and complete tasks quickly and easily. If you want to complete an action in an application or on the Home screen, you can find it in the menu that appears when you press theMenukey. To select a highlighted menu item, press the Menu key again. If you want to close the menu or move back a screen, press the Escapekey.About the Menu key and Escape keyHome screenMore applications on the Home screen•To view more applications on the Home screen, press the Menu key.•To return to the Home screen, when you are not on a call, press the End key.•To move back a screen, press theEscapekey.•To move the cursor in any direction and highlight items, slide your finger on the trackpad.•To select an item or open a link, click the trackpad.•To change the value in a field, click a field. Click a value.Move around the screenImportant: When you use your BlackBerry® device, take frequent breaks. If you experiencediscomfort in any part of your body when you use your device, stop using your device immediately.If the discomfort persists, consult a physician.For an interactive typing tutorial, on the Home screen or in the Setup folder, click the Setup Wizard icon. Click Navigation and Typing Tutorials .•To capitalize a letter, press and hold the letter key until the capitalized letter appears or press thekey and the letter key.•To type a number or the alternate character on a key, press thekey and the number key or character key. For example, to type the number one (1), press thekey and.•To insert an at sign (@) or a period (.) in an email address field, press thekey.•To type a symbol, press thekey. To view more symbols, press thekey again. Typethe letter that appears below the symbol.Typing indicatorsWhen you type, typing indicators appear at the top-right corner of the screen.CAP lock (capital letter lock)Alt modeNUM lock (number lock)Typing tipsYou can access applications on the Home screen and in folders on the Home screen. To view theHome screen, when you are not on a call, press theEndkey. The initial view of the Home screen displays only some of the available applications. To view more applications on the Home screen, press the Menu key.Take some time to explore the applications that are available on your BlackBerry® device. Here are a few applications to get you started.ApplicationsSome applications might appear in one of the following folders:Home screen status indicatorsPhone status indicatorsStatus indicatorsMessage list status indicators。

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BlackBerry Z10 Smartphone 版本: 10.1用户指南发布日期: 2013-04-17 SWD-20130417155301523目录欢迎 (8)BlackBerry 10 简介:最新应用程序和功能 (9)入门 (12)插入 SIM 卡、电池和媒体卡 (12)取下电池盖 (12)插入或取出 SIM 卡 (12)插入或取出电池和媒体卡 (13)设置设备 (14)主屏幕一览 (15)应用程序图标 (15)通知图标 (18)在项目之间滚动和移动 (18)使用滑块 (19)选择项目 (20)从屏幕上进行放大或缩小操作 (20)将项目从一个位置移至另一位置 (21)最小化应用程序并显示活跃感应框 (21)显示菜单 (22)关于 BlackBerry ID (23)设置新 BlackBerry ID (23)使用 BlackBerry 语音控制应用程序 (23)设备切换 (24)切换设备之前 (24)了解可用的传输选项 (24)记录您的用户名和密码 (24)更新 BBM (25)如果我的联系人保存在 SIM 卡上该怎么办? (25)备份和切换设备 (25)使用媒体卡从 BlackBerry 7 设备传输数据 (25)使用计算机和 BlackBerry Link 将数据传输至新设备 (26)切换设备后 (26)恢复 BBM 的联系人和组 (26)从密码管理器应用程序传输密码 (27)将帐户添加至设备 (27)切换设备后的提示 (27)故障排除:设备切换 (28)我无法将 SIM 卡切换到新的 BlackBerry 10 设备 (28)如何重置丢失或忘记的 BlackBerry ID 密码? (28)旧设备的一些数据不在新设备上 (28)我无法使用媒体卡传输项目 (29)BlackBerry 10 设备与其他 BlackBerry 设备有何不同? (30)如何访问菜单? (30)如何返回主屏幕? (30)如何更改我的设置和选项? (30)我的铃声和通知配置文件位于何处? (31)我的消息位于何处? (31)我的应用程序位于何处? (31)我的任务、记事和语音消息位于何处? (32)可在何处找到我的文件? (32)可在何处找到我的设备信息和密码? (32)如何进行搜索? (32)什么是 BlackBerry Link? (33)使用 BlackBerry Keyboard 获得所需消息 (34)键盘与打字一览 (34)显示键盘 (34)删除单词 (35)键入重音字符 (35)键入符号或数字 (36)输入大写字符 (36)采用自动协助设置加快输入速度 (36)剪切、复制和粘贴文本 (36)选择在您键入时显示的单词建议 (37)选择建议的单词 (37)连接 (38)检查设备连接的无线网络 (38)连接至移动网络 (38)无线连接图标 (38)提示:选择连接。

(39)网络连接 (39)设备间的连接 (40)将设备连接到 HDMI 显示器 (40)打开飞行模式 (41)连接 Wi-Fi 网络 (41)手动连接 Wi-Fi 网络 (42)我无法连接至 Wi-Fi 网络 (42)打开 蓝牙 技术 (43)与 蓝牙 设备配对并连接 (43)什么是 NFC? (44)打开 NFC (44)使用 NFC 发送文件 (44)使用 BlackBerry Hub 保持连通 (45)关于 BlackBerry Hub (45)将帐户添加至设备 (45)我无法添加电子邮件帐户 (46)我没有收到消息 (46)BlackBerry Hub 图标 (46)信息图标 (47)从任意位置扫视 BlackBerry Hub 中的消息 (47)按帐户或消息类型查看消息 (48)搜索消息 (48)通过 BlackBerry Hub 发送消息 (48)答复或转发电子邮件 (49)在电子邮件或信息上附加文件 (49)从任意位置扫视 BlackBerry Hub 中的消息 (49)在编写或查看消息时扫视消息和通知 (50)从 BlackBerry Hub 检查近期事件安排 (50)从电子邮件创建会议 (51)将发件人添加至联系人列表 (51)通过 BBM 了解世界 (52)关于 BlackBerry Messenger (52)BBM 图标 (52)添加 BBM 联系人 (53)发起 BBM 聊天 (53)扫视聊天情况 (54)发送文件或校验联系人 (54)邀请其他人加入聊天 (55)加入 BBM 组 (55)发起 BBM Video 聊天 (55)切换摄像头或分享屏幕 (55)使用相机穿越时空 (57)相机应用程序一览 (57)拍摄照片和录制视频 (57)拍摄照片 (58)录制视频 (58)在相机、摄像机和 Time Shift 模式之间切换。

(58)从锁定屏幕访问相机应用程序 (59)使用 Time Shift 模式 (59)使用 Time Shift 模式拍摄最佳照片 (59)使用 Time Shift 模式替换人物表情 (59)使用 BlackBerry World 增强您的体验 (60)BlackBerry World 一览 (60)搜索应用程序、游戏、音乐或视频 (60)下载和购买应用程序、游戏、音乐和视频 (61)更改付款选项 (61)对下载的应用程序或游戏进行评级或添加评论 (61)下载应用程序或游戏的更新 (62)删除应用程序 (62)从 BlackBerry World 删除下载的商品 (62)从主屏幕删除应用程序 (62)重新安装应用程序或游戏 (63)玩转“日历”,占尽先机 (64)关于日历应用程序 (64)将帐户添加至设备 (64)查看事件 (64)查找与活动关联的电子邮件和文件 (65)查看要会面的人 (65)创建活动 (65)邀请人员参加活动 (65)更改或删除活动 (66)Remember (67)使用 Remember 应用程序收集和整理任务、备注等 (67)在 Remember 应用程序中创建文件夹 (67)在 Remember 应用程序中添加条目 (67)向条目添加标签 (68)录制语音消息 (68)向 Remember 应用程序发送内容 (68)法律声明 (69)用户指南欢迎欢迎BlackBerry Z10 智能手机专为您的出行倾心打造,本用户指南也是如此。

您在这里可以发现众多实用提示,帮助您快速了解 BlackBerry 10 OS 的基本情况及独特功能。

当然,BlackBerry 10 OS 还有更多功能需要您来探索,因此,您可以点按主屏幕上的帮助来访问完整更新的用户指南文档。


您还可通过计算机或平板电脑访问“操作方法”网站: /startdocs。


8BlackBerry 10 简介:最新应用程序和功能重新设计的 BlackBerry 为您带来智能直观的体验,不断满足您的各种需求。


BlackBerry 10 OS 通过简单快速的手势,让您在不同的任务和应用程序之间轻松游走。

BlackBerry HubBlackBerry Hub 将您收到的所有消息集中到一个方便位置。

接收并回复电子邮件、信息、社交网络消息、BBM 聊天以及即时消息。

无论任何屏幕,只需轻轻一滑,即可扫视相关通知、进入 BlackBerry Hub 查看消息、或扫视近期的会议和事件。


BlackBerry KeyboardBlackBerry 设备会学习了解您想说的内容及其在句子中的位置。

设备会使用这些信息尝试预测下一个可能要键入的单词并在 BlackBerry Keyboard 上显示建议的单词。


您还可使用两种或更多语言同时输入!BBM Video 含屏幕共享功能通过 HSPA+、4G LTE 和 Wi-Fi 网络与您的 BBM 联系人进行面对面视频对话。

只需点按图标,即可从电话或联系人应用程序中启动 BBM Video,或将 BBM 聊天切换至 BBM Video 对话。


相机和 Time Shift 模式您的 BlackBerry 设备设有前后两个摄像头,可拍摄高分辨率照片和录制高清视频。


Time Shift 模式可以捕捉照片前后数毫秒内的图像,您可准确确定照片帧,拍出完美照片。

BlackBerry Story MakerBlackBerry Story Maker 可以将您的照片、视频和音乐组合成为动人心弦的高清电影,留作日后观赏并可快速与他人分享。


9BlackBerry RememberBlackBerry Remember 综合了记事和任务功能,让您可以整理自己的兴趣、想法和项目。




您可使用帐户类型(例如您可选择只查看 BBM 联系人)来快速过滤联系人。


日历日历应用程序已与 BlackBerry Hub、联系人应用程序及其他应用程序实现了集成,您可针对每个社交网络帐户过滤日历事件。



BlackBerry Browser全新的 BlackBerry Browser 功能强大、响应迅速、速度强劲。



共享、播放或显示媒体文件只需从应用程序中进行几个快速点按,即可通过电子邮件、BBM、蓝牙 连接、NFC、社交网络帐户等与人轻松分享自己的音乐、照片、视频、文档、网页和联系人。

您也可以通过受支持的 DLNA 认证 设备(例如计算机、电视或其他家庭娱乐设备)播放媒体文件,或者使用 HDMI 缆线在电视或计算机上显示这些媒体文件。


