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• Now our short trip in Chongqing has ended. We believe that you have fell in love with her. Welcome to Chongqing again. See you !
• At ciqikou,you can experience the lifestyle of old Chongqing and all kinds of characteristics snacks.
• Now ,let’s go to Jinyun Mountain in Beibei District. It is praised as the backyard of Chongqing and famous for its beautiful forests and spa .
Welcome to Chongqing
Chaotianmen Port
Jinyun Mountain
Dazu Stone Carvings
解说词内容是根据幻灯片内容顺序来的 分为朝天门
解放碑 洪崖洞等等
• Since ancient times,chaotianmen is the most important port.
• The carving work began in late Tang Dynasty and saw its heyday in the Song Dynasty.There are over 60,000 statues altogether. And there are many treasures.
• The largest business centre of the city,where you can go shopping or do some entertainments.
• Hongyadong is located in the downtown of Chongqing by the riverside of Jialing River.It used to be one of top eight ancient scenaries.Hongyadong has a very special contruction feature which is built on hillside and on riverside. Now what you are visiting is a newly built one,where we can enjoy a lot of Local cuisine. Such as Chongqing hot pot , Poached Fish, braised pork and so on.
• Today,chaotianmen is not only a port but also a perfect place for Overlooking the convergence of Yangtze river and jiangling river ,and viewing the scenery along the Rivers.
• You have experienced the bustling city. Now ,let’s go to Ciqikou ancient town. In the past , Ciqikou was Байду номын сангаасamous for china. As it’s unchanged cham for aillennium . it becomes a miniature and a symbol of Chongqing.