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环境与职业医学2003年10月第20卷第5期J En viron Occup Med ,Oct 2003Vol .20

N o .5

·325·大气颗粒物是指悬浮在大气中固体和液体颗粒物的总称。不同来源的颗粒物由于形成条件不同,其粒径分布、化学组成也大不相同。粒径大小不同,被吸入并沉积在呼吸系统的部位不同,对机体的危害也有明显差异。细颗粒物PM 2.5指空气动力学直径≤2.5μm 的颗粒物,吸入后可沉积在肺泡,最终造成呼吸系统结













我国两城市空气细颗粒物PM 2.5污染及对肺上皮细胞炎性因子的影响


摘要:[目的]比较北京和太原细颗粒物PM 2.5污染水平及研究其炎性损伤毒性。[方法]选取我国具有典型污染特征的两大城市太原与北京,采用分级采样器和重量法收集两城市空气中细颗粒物样品,用甲醇超声提取细颗粒物上的B (a )P ,硝酸和过氧化氢溶解Pb ,从质量浓度、B (a )P 、Pb 含量等方面比较分析了两城市细颗粒物污染水平;同时用ELISA 及RT _PCR 法,测定细颗粒物对人肺泡上皮细胞(A549)产生的炎性因子IL _6、TNF _α表达的影响。[结果]以美国EPA 大气环境质量PM 2.5标准为参考,PM 2.5太原冬季、北京冬季超标率、超标倍数分别为100%,4.23;90.6%,2.62。太原冬季、北京冬季空气中B (a )P 浓度分别为5.86,1.09(μg /100m 3

),均超过我国标准。总之,太原细颗粒物污染高于北京。细颗粒物能引起人肺上皮细胞产生炎性因子IL _6、TNF _α及其mRNA 的表达增加,而且呈现剂量_效应关系。[结论]上述两城市的细颗粒物污染严重,并具有一定程度的炎性损伤毒性。

关键词:空气污染;细颗粒物;IL _6;TNF _α

Stud y on Inflamation C y tokines of Alveolar E p itelial Cells Induced b y Am bient Fine Particles PM 2.5in Two

Cities of China ZHA NG W en _li ,QI Qi _p in g ,XU D on g _q un ,CU I Jiu _si (De p artm ento f Biol o g ic al M onitorin g Insti -tute o f Environm ental H yg iene and H ealth Related Product Sa f e t y ,Center f o r Disease C ontrol and Pr ev ention ,China )

A bstract :[Objective ]To investigate and com pare the PM 2.5pollution levels in Taiyuan and

B eijing and to study inflam mation damage induced by PM 2.5.[Methods ]Two cities ,Taiyuan and Beijing ,were selected to reflect two different airpollution types .Classifica -tion air sampler and weighting method were used for PM 2.5collection in the air of the two cities .B (a )P in PM 2.5was extracted by methyl alcohol usin g ultrasonicmethod and Pb in PM 2.5dissolved in nitric acid and h y dro g en p eroxide .The levels of PM 2.5p ollution in mass con -centrat ion and B (a )P and Pb contents were com p ared .Human alveolar e p ithelial cell lin e (A549)was used as tar g et cells incubated with PM 2.5at different doses .As inflammation c y tokines ,IL _6,TNF _αconcentrations were measured b y an ELISA k it and the mRNA ex p res -sion level of IL _6,TNF _αwere evaluated by reverse transcription polymerase chain react ion (RT _PCR ).[Results ]According to the Air Quality Standard for PM 2.5of U .S .EPA ,the results showed that the rate and multiple exceeding standard of PM 2.5concentration in Taiyuan winter ,Beijing winter and B eijing spring were 100%,4.23;90.6%,2.62and 97.4%,2.53,respectively .B (a )P in Taiyuan winterand B ei j in g winter were 5.86and 1.09(μg /100m 3),res p ectivel y ,the y were overthe standard .In a word ,the level of PM 2.5is hi g h -er in Tai y uan than that in Bei j in g .PM 2.5ex p osure could induce the increase in concentration and mRNA ex p ression of IL _6,TNF _αcom -p ared with untreated cells with a dose

_effect relationshi p .[Conclusion ]This stud y showed that PM 2.5air p ollution is ver y heav y in the two cities and PM 2.5has potential inflammation damage .

Key Words :air pollution ;fine particles ;IL _6;TNF _α

D OI :10.13213/j .cn ki .je o m .2003.05.003
