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Final Examination of the English Course for 2009 Ph.D. Candidates

Part 1 Academic Paper Writing (50%)

1.What are the linguistic features of TITLE? Give your comments on the following titles or

revise them if necessary?

(1) Using more nouns, noun phrases and gerunds.

(2) Using an incomplete sentence.

1).On Learning Foreign Languages and Cultural Background Teaching

This is not a good title. First, the parallel parts of this title are not grammatically symmetrical. Second, it is not brief. It can be revised like this:

Foreign Languages Learning and Cultural Background Teaching.

2).Focusing on the Commuicative Skills-Advanced English Communication Course for Non-English Major Postgraduates in Tsinghua University.

I think this is a good title.

2. State the general functions of AUTHOR and AFFILIATION. Write your name and affiliation in English.

(1) Bearing author’s responsibility.

(2) Facilitating retrieval and correspondence.

(3) Heightening celebrity.


School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, the People’s Republic of China

3. What is your understanding of the structural features of an introduction?

An introduction usually starts with the research background, and then transits to the existing problem, and lastly focuses on the present research.

4. What are the criteria in distinguishing a result from a conclusion?

5. Analyze the following abstract.

(1)Underline the part stating the research background.

(2)Parenthesize the new survey instrument adopted in the present research.

(3)Draw a box around the part indicating the focus of research.

(4)Cricle the achievement and significance of the research.


In an era of unprecedented technological advancement, engineering practice continues to evolve but engineering education has not changed appreciably. This schism(分裂) has prompted industry, government, and key constituents to question the relevancy and efficacy of current programs. Qualitative methodologies such as formal surveys and structured interviews can be used to capture and qualify industry expectations of needed attributes i.e. knowledge, skills, and experience for entry level engineering employees. Such instruments can provide key data useful in determining objectives and designing curricula to attain those objectives. This paper presents the results of a formal survey of 172 attributes related to the formal survey and database resulting from efforts of the categories. This is the first formal survey and database resulting from efforts of the Industry-University-Government Roundtable for Enhancing Engineering Education (IUGREEE) to initiate a continuing, evolving process to provide curriculum designers with important information from industry.
