


Legal English (revised version for the students)Ch.1 The Main Features of Legal English一、法律英语的英译:David Mellinkoff(加州大学洛杉矶分校法学院教授):《The Language of the Law》19631.legal English---Lawful EnglishLegal parlance(说法、用语)/legal lingo(行话、隐语)/legal jargon(行话、黑话)/legalese( 法律八股文)/language of jurisprudence(法理语言)2. the English Language of the Law or shortened as “the language of the law”3. 法律英语与法学英语二、法律英语的范围:是否凡是涉及法律的英语(词汇、表达方法、句子结构……)都是法律英语?英美法学界所公认的法律英语主要是指普通法国家(common-law countries)的法律人所用的习惯语言(customary language),包括某些词汇、短语,或具有特色的一些表达方法(mode of expressions)。

三、法律英语的主要特点:I. precise or exact (准确)正常情况下,起草法律文件时,用词造句务必十分精准(with great exactness),因为一旦笔者的思想、观点、企图落实成文字,即成为法庭判断是非的重要依据,因为按严格解释原则(principle of strict construction)或唯名论原则(principle of nominalism),尽管实践中还存在推测意图原则(principle of presumed intent),但其不占主导地位,书面文字仍然是法官解释法律文件的唯一依据。





法律英语证书(Legal Englis h Certificate,简称LEC)考试由教育部主管、中国职业技术教育学会主办、法律英语证书全国统一考试委员会具体组织,目的是为从事涉外业务的企业、律师事务所提供招募国际性人才的客观标准,同时督促国内法律从业人员提高专业英语水平。




试卷一为多项选择题,包括美国法基本知识和逻辑推理,内容涉及美国宪法、财产法、知识产权法、侵权法、商事组织法、民事程序法、刑法及刑事程序法等,重点考察合同法、商事组织法、侵权法、知识产权法及财产法的知识;试卷二是主观题,包括案件阅读、翻译和法务写作三项,其中法务写作将重点考察office memo, case brief 及律师信函的写作格式及写作内容。








法律英语(Legal English)(第二版)法律出版社,2003年•北京何家弘Lesson One Legal System1. 公诉制度 public prosecution2. 普通法系 common law legal system3. 判例法case law4. 成文法(制定法) written law (statutory law)5. 遵从前例 stare decisis6. 判例汇编 reports7. 有约束力的法律解释binding interpretation8. 法学方法论 legal methodology9. 颁布•••为法律be decreed10. 巡回法官itinerant judges11. 英国皇家法院 English Royal Court12. 令状,法院令状writ13. 诉讼请求的强制执行 enforcement of a claim14. 追诉权 recourse15. 牛津条例Provision of Oxford16. 本案令状writ upon the case17. 诉讼行为forms of action18. 衡平法 equity law19. 公平且善良 ex aequo bono20. 特定履行(实际履行)方式之救济relief in the form of specific performance21. 大法官法院 Court of Chancery22. 补偿性损害赔偿金 compensatory damages23. 强制令the injunction24. 衡平法准则 maxims of equity law25. 法律概念 legal concept26. 不动产real property/ real estate/ immovable property/ realty27. 民事诉讼 civil suit28. 衡平法院 Chancery Court29. 财产法上的所有权分割 division of title in the law of property30. 先例 precedents31. 普通法系the Common Law Legal Family/ the English Law Legal Family/ the English-American Law Legal Family32. 大陆法系 the Roman Law Legal Family/ the Civil Law Legal Family/ the Continental Law Legal Family33. 五月花号公约the Mayflower Compact34. 制宪会议 the Constitutional ConventionLesson Two Legal Profession1. 法律职业/律师职业 the bar法官职业 the bench2. 律师协会 The Bar Association3. (律师)执业 practice law4. 执业律师 practicing lawyer5. 出庭辩护/代理诉讼 advocacy6. 法律咨询 counseling7. 法律文件的起草 drafting of legal instruments8. 法律文件 legal instruments9. 单独执业者single/individual practitioner10. 合伙关系 partnership11. 薪水律师 salaried lawyer12. 律师业务 law practice13. 专职法律顾问 house counsel/corporate counsel(公司或团体法律顾问)14.辩护人/律师 advocate15. 私人开业 private practice16. 州检察官/律师 state prosecutor/state attorney17. 地区检察官/律师 district attorney18. 起诉检察官/公诉律师 prosecuting attorney19. 检察系统prosecutorial system20. 联邦检察官 federal prosecutor21. 地方检察官 local prosecutor22. 助理检察官 assistant prosecutor23. 检察行业prosecutorial profession24. 个人尊严 the integrity of the individual25. 机会均等equality of opportunity26. 职业道德规范 ethics codes27. 听证会hearings28. 社区法律服务community legal services29. 单人开业 solo practice30. 律师/法律工作者(美国)attorney/attorney-at-law/counsellor/counsellor-at-law31. 律师(英国)barrister/solicitorLesson Three Legal Education1. 法律博士 Juris Doctor(JD)我国现称“法律硕士”并有新名“Juris Master(JM)2. 法学硕士 Master of Laws(LLM)3. 法学博士 Doctor of Juridical Science(SJD)4. 法律文书写作 legal writing5. 批评性思维 critical thinking6. 案例教学法 case method7. 苏格拉底式教学法 socratic method8. 讲演式教学法lecture method9. 美国律师协会认可的法学院 ABA accredited law schools10. 案情摘要briefs11. 模拟法庭 moot court12. 模拟审判 mock trial13. 课程指南 curriculum guide14. 刑事司法 criminal justice15. 自由资本主义laissez faire/lesei’ feə/Lesson Four Judicial System1. 联邦法院federal courts2. 联邦法院的组成:联邦最高法院the Supreme Court13个联邦上诉法院 Courts of Appeals95个联邦地区法院 District Courts此外还有:索赔法院 the Court of Claims关税法院 the Customs Court关税及专利上诉法院the Court of Customs and Patent Appeals等联邦特别法院 special courts3. 各州法院系统一般包括三级法院:基层法院多称为审判法院 Trial Court或巡回法院 Circuit Court中级法院多称为上诉法院 Appellate Court or Court of Appeals高级法院多称为最高法院 Supreme Court许多州也有一些专门法院:遗嘱检验法院 Probate Court青少年法院 Juvenile Court家庭关系法院 Court of Domestic Relations小额索赔法院 Small Claims Court4.联邦和州最高法院法官称为大法官 Justice上诉法院和审判法院的法官则称为法官 Judge有些基层法院的审判人员还称为治安法官 Justice of the Peace或司法官 Magistrate5. 美国联邦最高法院首席大法官 Chief Justice其他8人称大法官 Associate Justice6. 巡回法官Circuit Judge7. 合议庭Collegiate Panel/Collegiate Bench8. 诉讼当事人 litigant9. 司法管辖区 judicial district10. 案件数量caseload11. 联邦巡回法院 the Federal Circuit12. 复审案件 review a case13. 复查判决 review a decision14. 特别法庭 tribunals15. 死刑 capital punishment/death penalty16. 调案复审令writ of certiorari17. 具有开业律师资格be admitted to practice law18. 职业法官 career judiciary19. 民众选举 popular vote20. 现任法官 sitting judges21. 严重不端行为 gross misconduct22. 正式诉讼 formal proceedings23. 负民事责任incur civil liability24. 美国律师协会的“法官行为准则”The American Bar Association’s Code of Judical Conduct25. 私人开业律师 private practitioner26. 重罪felony27. 轻罪misdemeaner28. 审查案件的事实并作出判决 review the facts of a case and render a disposition29. 终审法院 court of last resort30. 司法巡回区judicial circuit31. 保释金 bond32. 预审听证 preliminary hearings33. 杀人 homicide34. 强奸 sexual assault35. 累犯 repeat offenders36. 惯犯 habitual offenders37. 驳回上诉 deny the petition for appeals38. 发回重审remand the case back to the lower court for reconsideration39.行使广泛的自由裁量权 exercise wide discretion overLesson Five Constitution1. 法律分类 classification of law2. 普通法Common Law衡平法 Equity3. 实体法 substantive law程序法 procedural law4. 公法public law私法private law5. 联邦条例 Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union(1977年,美国联邦会议通过,美国最早的宪法性法律文件)6. 宪法修正条款amendments7. 人权法案 the Bill of Rights(美国1787宪法前十条修正条款的合称)8. 宪法至上原则 doctrine of constitution supremacy9. 基本法 fundamental law10. 通过投票选举来表示其意思 express their will through the ballot box11. 严重不法行为 extreme misconduct12. 渎职行为 malfeasance13. 弹劾程序 process of impeachment14. 第二条第四款 article II, section415. 弹劾案 bill of impreachment16. 众议院 House of Representatives17. 参议院 Senate18. 严厉措施 drastic measure19. 众议院司法委员会House Judiciary Committee20. 生效 enter into force21. 无效 have no force22. 司法解释 judicial interpretation23. 叁权分立 separation of powers24. 制衡原则 checks and balance25. 滥用职权 excesses26. 行政法令合条例 executive acts and regulations27. 马伯里诉麦迪逊案 case of Marbury vs Madison28. 司法审查原则the doctrine of judicial review29. 合宪性 constitutionality30. 酸度测试/严格检验 acid test31. 否决 veto32. 特赦grant pardons for33. 拨款 appropriate funds for34. (法规、条约等的)序言、导言preamble35. 联邦条例 Articles of Confederation36. 权力的滥用 excessive power37. 英国普通法中的“自然正义原则”principles of “Natural Justice” under British Common Law。


solemn (庄重的), rigid (刻板的), due to its formal (语句正规, 有一定的程式,专 用于严肃客观地表述所涉事项)。
Vocabulary (1)
1. formal
prior → before; subsequent → after; construe, deem, operate, subject to, whereas, without prejudice construe: understand
Vocabulary (3)
3. old English (before the year of 1100) Middle English (1100 至 1500) 古英语 中古英语 hereafter, herein, hereof, hereto, heretofor, hereunder, herewith; thereafter, thereat, thereby, therefore, therefrom, therein, thereof, thereon. Thereto, theretofore, thereunder, therewith whereas, whereby, wherein, whereof
Sentence Structure (2)
passive voice and nounization (名词化 名词化) 名词化 Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement, but no failure by any party to exercise, and no delay on its part in exercising any right hereunder will operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right under this Agreement preclude any other or further exercise of it or the exercise of any right or prejudice or affect any right against the other. The rights and remedies provided in this Agreement are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law.

法律英语课件 第一讲Legal English (2)

法律英语课件 第一讲Legal English (2)

我学英语仅仅是为了看电影看得爽一点。 (剑走偏锋的英文学习之路)
其实学英语就是一种态度,只要你敢说,老 外就敢懂。(这很重要)
For me, English just a tool of communication, so in my class you are free to ask any thing, I mean any thing, with one condition, which is in English.
The first lawyer replies,
“It’s the $100 I owe you.”
Confusing English 1. Sporting house 2. Dead president 3. Confidence man 4. Rest room 5. Dressing room 6. Horse sense 7. In ones birthday suit 8. An apple of love 9. Have a fit 10. Pull up ones socks
“You lawyers are so materialistic. You make me sick.” The officer snapped, “You are so upset about your stupid BMW, that you didn’t even notice that your left arm was ripped off in the accident.”
While this is going on, one of the lawyers jams something into the other lawyer’s hand. Without looking down, the second lawyer whispers, “What is this?”



法律英语的特点法律英语的特点一、法律英语的概念法律英语(Legal English),在英语国家中被称为Legal Language 或Language of the Law,即法律语言,在英语中指表述法律科学概念以及诉讼或非诉讼法律事务时所用的语种或某一语种的部分用语。


二、法律英语的语言特点法律英语作为专业英语(ESP)的分支学科之一,具有ESP的一般特点:1课程设置是为满足学习者的特定需要;2采用所服务的专业学科的教学研究方法和活动组织方式;3学习重点在于与该专业相适应的语言(语法、词汇、语域)、技巧、语篇以及体裁;4 材料的真实性,即材料来于立法文件、司法文件以及法学家的论著。






同时,为了追求语意确切、论证周详,法律语言中常使用同义、近义词,如《香港刑法摘要》(D igest of Hong Kong Criminal Law)第八章关于“参加暴动并阻碍船舶、飞机、或者铁路列车罪”中规定“It is an offence for any perso n taking part in a riot to unlawfully and with force (a)prevent , hinder or obstruct ,or attempt to prevent, hinder, or obstruct, t he loading or unloading, or the movement of ; or (b)board, or attempt to board with intent to do so ; any motor vehicle ,tra mcar ,aircraft ,train or vessel . 然而在现实中,有许多案子是由于对法律文字的理解不一造成的,这就有赖于法官在具体案件中对法律条文进行解释。



【导语】法律英语(Legal English),在英语国家中被称为Legal Language或Language of theLaw,即法律语⾔,在英语中指表述法律科学概念以及诉讼或⾮诉讼法律事务时所⽤的语种或某⼀语种的部分⽤语。


1.Asubsequentratificationhasaretrospectiveaffect,andbeequivalenttoapriorcommand. 事后假追认有溯及⼒,等同先前命令。

2.Absolutepowercorruptsabsolutely. 绝对权⼒绝对腐败。

3.Fairnessandjusticeinajurisdictionarerealizedcasebycasebeingsettledproperly. 司法的公平和正义是通过案件逐⼀得到妥善解决予以实现的。

4.Giveathiefenoughropeandhe'llhanghimself. 多⾏不义必⾃毙。

5.Goodorderinthefoundationofallthings. 良好的秩序是⼀切之基础。

6.Ignoranceoflawexcusesnoone. 不知法不能成为任何⼈逃避法律的借⼝。

7.Inahealthylegalsystemthevaluesoforderandjusticearenotnormallyatcross-purposes. 在健全的法律制度下,秩序与正义这两个价值⼀般不会冲突。

8.Indoubt,themildercourseistobefollowed. 遇到疑义时应遵循从宽原则。

9.Infancyisshield,notasword. 未成年可作为抗辩之理由,但不能作为攻击之借⼝。

10.ItisanimportantsteptoreplacetheruleofmenwiththeurleoflawinChina'sjusticereforms. 以法治代替⼈治是中国司法改⾰的重要⼀步。



法律英语翻译-法律英语特点法律英语(Legal English)措辞严谨,句式冗长,结构复杂,甚至一句话能长达一篇文章。

在做好法律英语(Legal English)翻译(translation)之前,清楚认识法律英语(Legal English)的特点(characteristics)至关重要。


法律英语(Legal English)是以英语共同语为基础,在立法和司法等活动中形成和使用的具有法律专业特点(characteristics)的语言。

因此,在法律英语(Legal English)中不仅有众多的具有法律专门意义的特殊词汇(words),而且由于规定人们权利和义务的法律、法令或契约等法律文书所表述的内容必须准确、严密、客观和规范,不容许丝毫的引伸、推理或抒发和表达感情,因而在法律英语(Legal English)中又形成了许多其特有的句法特点(characteristics),这些词法和句法特点(characteristics)在翻译(translation)过程中必须受到充分重视。

下面我们从词汇(words)、词类使用和句型结构三方面来考察法律英语(Legal English)的文体(style)特点(characteristics):一、法律英语(Legal English)的文体(style)特点(characteristics)之一:法律英语(Legal English)词汇(words)1.1法律英语(Legal English)用词特点(characteristics):庄重、规范、书面语较多法律是掌握国家政权的阶级、集团的意志体现,它有鲜明的政策性,权威性。




试析法律英语的词汇特点摘要法律英语(Legal English),在英语国家中被称为Legal Language或Language of the Law,即法律语言,在英语中指表述法律科学概念以及诉讼或非诉讼法律事务时所用的语种或某一语种的部分用语。




















法律英语课件-legal English(2014)

法律英语课件-legal English(2014)
,其计算方法是根据选择的正确的答案的数目 来确定。选对25个左右,分数大概为130分; 选对39个左右,分数大概为140分;选对55个 ,分数大概为150分;选对72个,分数为160; 选对87个,分数为170分;选对98个以上,分 数为满分180分。一般好的学校要求的成绩都在 160分以上。考试成绩一般在考后五周左右由主 办机构寄出,直接寄给考生本人。LSAT成绩在 5年内有效。
Advanced; TOLES Higher; TOLES Foundation。
ILEC作为ESOL于2008年推出的又一项崭 新的职业认证证书目前已被欧洲公司律师公会
、欧洲法律专业学生协会、国际青年律师公会 及欧洲青年律师公会认可。ILEC考察证书申请 人在法律领域运用英语的能力,分为听力(40 分钟)、阅读(75分钟)、写作(75分钟)和 口语(16分钟)四个部分。语言等级相当于雅 思(IELTS)5.0-7.0分。成绩分为三个及格等 级和两个不及格等级。
该考试的目的是以法律英语这门技术语 言为媒介,来核查考生对英美法民商事部门 法知识的掌握,从而满足律师事务所、公司 、法律机构、律师和法律系学生测评个人法 律英语水平的需要。

Legal English 大学法律英语重点

Legal English 大学法律英语重点

Legal English考试分数占70 上课回答问占10 Presentation 占20客观题填空主观题名词解释占20 判断占80 简答题选择翻译论述题第一章总体介绍重点前五个关键词法系英美法特点两个主义遵循先例三推一1.【legal family】The doctrine of legal families seeks to establish common groups, identifying similar legal practices, activities and subject matter and thereby classifying the entirety of global legal transactions and activities into "families" according to particular criteria. The traditional and almost exclusive focus on the continental European and Anglo-American systems.法系的信条是争取建立共同的团体,识别相似的法律实践,活动和主题从而将整个全球法律事务和活动分为“家庭”根据特定的标准。


2.【英美法的特点】Main characteristic① In the way of thinking and mode of operation of law, the common law system is the use of inductive methods. 归纳法② in the legal form, the case law plays an important role.判例法很重要③In the classification of the law, common law there is not strictly department law In the classification of the law, common law there is not strictly department law 普通法无严格分类④In education law area, common law in the United States is mainly located in vocational education.职业教育⑤In the legal profession, judges of the Federal Court of Justice are generally from lawyers.从律师做到法官3.【两个主义】4.【遵循先例原则】后文也有此处提到The Doctrine of Stare ; The doctrine ofstare decisis; Stare Decisis; the principle of stare decisis;the Precedent Principle.5.【犯罪构成理论:三推一】The theory of constitution of crime in civil law system.犯罪构成理论,强调严格以制定法为依据,将行为人和行为带入犯罪构成体系中进行衡量,得出是否构成犯罪的结论。

Legal English 2B (for the students)法律英语

Legal English 2B (for the students)法律英语

Legal EnglishCh.2 Typical Legal English Sentence Structures(Conjunctions) and Translations Thereof:法律翻译有一个非常重要的原则,即在法律文书中要保持法律术语、习语及相同句式结构译文的同一性和一致性,不能随意用不同形态的同义词或近义词表达相同的法律概念,也不能让同样的句式结构有许多不同形式的翻译表述,法律英译为了维护同一概念、内涵或事物在法律上始终同一,,以免引起歧义,词语一经选定就必须前后统一,在翻译中只要认准并用准了某词语,就千万别怕反复使用该词语。


Henry Weihofen 在其《法律文体》一书中曾告诫英语法律起草工作执笔者:Don’t be afraid to repeat the right word! 其所以然,旨在保证法律文字的准确:Exactness often demands repeating the same term to express the same idea. Where that is true, never be afraid of using the same word over and over again. Many more sentences are spoiled by trying to avoid repetition than by repetition. 据有人研究,我国《民法通则》中同样是“法律规定”的动词“规定”,就被英译者有意识地一而再、再而三地更换译名,如stipulate (Art. 72), specify (Art. 52), prescribe (Art.64), require (Art. 65) 和provide (Art. 107). 自然违反同一律,会使法律概念混淆,使读者不必要地去揣测不同词语之差别,从而影响法律的精确度。



Case Analysis of Legal English
Case selection and background
Case selection
The cases selected for the course are typically real life cases that have been heard by a course or trial, and are there of legal significance
The grammar of Legal English is often complex and formal, using archaeological language and legal jargon
Synthetic Characteristics of Legal English
Interpretation of Case Judgman
Interpretation of judgments
The course specifically includes the judgments or decisions rendered by the course or trial in each case Students are expected to read and interpret these judgments, understanding the reasoning behind the course's decision and its impact on the parties involved
Voice and Mood
The voice and Mood of Legal English are both formal and personal, emphasizing objectivity and precision in communication



Legal English, words, usages, differences(法律英语词语用法区别)There was no legal English in English, but because of its special usage and regularity in law, it gradually became a subject like technical English, business English and so on. Legal English is different from "French prdession" (legal terms), but across the borderline disciplines of English and law, so some people translate legal English into "English for the". Many regions, such as Shanghai, have also set up special training institutions for this purpose. Due to the different language habits, for a long time with acceptable usage effect in legal English some confusing or misused words often appear, some interesting phenomenon occurred sometimes in English Chinese translation. This article is intended to make some common discussions with readers in light of the casual way to arouse the readers' interest in legal english.China, China's, and Chinese differ greatly when used as attributesThese three words can be used as attributes, translated into "China", but their meanings are very different. For example, "China law firms" means "law firms in China", not necessarily Chinese. It should include a foreign law firm (foreign law firms) that has been granted permission to establish in china. If you refer to a law firm established by a Chinese lawyer, apply Chinese law firms. It is very particular in legal documents. In the WTO legal documents, such as "Chinese economic characteristics" (the special characteristic of China's economy); "China tariff quota system" (China's TRO system);"specific commitments Chinese schedules" (China's Schedule of Specific (Commitments); "China patent law" (China's Patent Law). Language, almost all use China's instead of Chinese. But when it comes to "Chinese", Chinese should be used. Such as "Chinese" (Chinese side); "Chinese" (Chinese nationals); "Chinese government" (Chinese government); "Chinese National Lawyers regis-tered" (Chinese lawyer).Of course, some nouns can be preceded by either China or Chinese. Such as Chinese Vaish (paint); Chinese ink (Mexico), but most of them have fixed collocation, should check dictionary, not just. Such as China Sea (China Sea); Chinatown (Chinese area, Chinatown); China teas (Chinese tea); Chinese cabbage (Chinese cabbage); Chinese Lantem (lantern) and so on, can not be changed freely.The same English verb has two diametrically opposite meaningsThe same English verb, in legal English, sometimes as much as two almost completely opposite meanings, for example discharge is a common term used in legal English, it can be used as a "performance" solution, but also can be used for "undo" solution, and the two, in Chinese almost exactly the opposite the. Therefore, you must be careful when translating or using it.Such as the discharge a contract refers to "contract", not "cancel the contract"; discharge a bankrupt refers to "exempt bankrupt responsibility", not "perform bankrupt responsibility"; discharge a burden of proof "refers to the performance of the burden of proof", not "discharge of theburden of proof;" discharge one's liabilities "pay sb debt", rather than "to withdraw one's debt"; such as The judge discharged the jury. said the judge discharged the jury ", rather than" the judge discharged the jury ".Has he divorced his wife?You might translate it as "He has divorced with his wife". If so, you are wrong. Because when used as a verb, divorce is "divorce". It is often used in the passive voice. The common collocation is "to be divorced from sb". Therefore, this sentence should be translated into He, has, been, divorced, from, his, wife.Of course, it can also use the active voice, translated version He, has, divorced, his, wife. At this point, you don't have to add from. Do not follow Chinese habits plus "with" and so on. Some of the following uses look rough, but in fact they are very idiomatic in english:Did, Mr., Hill, divorce, his, wife, or, did, his, wife, divorce, him? Is Mr. Hill divorced from his wife or is his wife divorcing him?The judge divorced them., the judge let them get divorced. (rather than divorce the judge.)The court divorced Mr. and Mrs. Jones., the court divorced Jones and his wife.Ouster: ejection, ejedctment, which is right and which is wrongwith evictionThese words can be translated as "deprivation", "deportation", "out of". But the occasions used are entirely different, even the opposite. "Ouster" means that the rights of legal owners are illegally taken away, so it is very reasonable for the Hongkong people to translate it into "cross capture". While ejection and ejectment are reasonable deprivation of the illegal rights obtained by the illegal possessor.For example, the owner of the property will evict the owner of the property from the property, which is called "ejection" and "ejectment". Therefore, it is the right to recover legal rights, and can not be changed casually with ouster.Such as For, removal, of, illegal, occupier, from, the, property, she, had, to, bring, an, action, of, ejectment. (in order to expel illegal property from the property, she had to initiate proceedings to recover real estate. ) of course, the application of ejectment. However, it is sometimes difficult to say whether the act of deprivation or expulsion is lawful or illegal. At this time, the speaker can only adopt it according to his own position. Such as The, police, at, the, meeting, were, makiang, an, ejection, to, the, trouble-makers. (presence of police in the eviction of troublemakers). This means that the speaker thinks the rioters are wrong. Such as ouster of franchise (ouster of disenfranchised); jurisdiction (deprived of jurisdiction), suggesting that the speaker thinks the deprivation behavior is improper; and in the ejection of tenant (action of ejectment; evictions) (ejectment action), but that the speaker thinks these deprivation is justified the.But there is also a more neutral term, that is eviction, it only refers to the real estate owner or tenant evictions, recovery of real estate does not emphasize the behavior, which is right and which is wrong. Such as There, have, been, a, lot, of, evictions, in, this, District, recently. (this area has been several cases of eviction of tenants recently. This means that the speaker only wants to show that there is such a thing, does not mean whether it is the landlord's fault or the tenant's fault.Mortgagor and mortgageeAs is known to all, as a noun suffix, "-or" refers to "doer," and "-ee" refers to the receiver". Perhaps the doer is often associated with the right holder (such as employer, consignor, author), and mortgagor is often mistaken for the holder of the mortgage. In fact, in the mortgage relationship, on the contrary, mortgagor is the mortgagor, also known as the mortgagee. He is a debtor in a mortgage relationship. The mortgagee is the mortgagee, also known as the mortgagee, who is the creditor in the mortgage relationship. This kind of mistranslation or misunderstanding more, such as the commercial English dictionary in the foreclosure text in one example: The mortgagor applied foreclosure when the mortgagee failed pay the instalments of the loan.The translator according to the original translated as "because the mortgagee failed to amortize the loan, mortgage applicants for foreclosure foreclosure." Amortization of loans should be the mortgagor, mortgagee can become? Have the right to apply for cancellation of mortgage foreclosure is only creditors thatmortgages,That is to say, the mortgagee in the translation. The mortgagor is the debtor, he is not entitled to apply for foreclosure. Obviously, the original is to reverse the two words "inortgagor" and "mortgagee".Fraud squad and fraud GangThe general dictionary translates the two words "aquad" and "Gang" into groups, squads, and groups,But in legal terms, the use and meaning of the two are sometimes quite different. Squad only refers to a group of people (group of people), does not contain derogatory, such as: Olympic squad is the "Olympic National Team"; fraud squad was investigating the fraud police team ", rather than" fraud group". The homicide squad is the homicide case investigation team, not the homicide squad". The word Gang is often derogatory, generally refers to the organized group of criminals (of people or group gang) who aer typically troublesome (a troublemaker), known as gang of four refers to the "Gang of four", rather than "group of four" fraud Gang "is a fraud gang". Gang-war refers to the gang fights between, not the general public brawl. Therefore, if Don't go around with that or you'll no good come Gang said that the speaker believes that the group is not a good person, mixed with these people, naturally no good end.Domicile and habitual residenceThere is no difference between the two words on the surface.Some dictionaries have translated these two words into "residences" or "residences"". But in law they mean very different things. Domicile is the place of residence". The domicile of the citizen, the place where the census register is located. The domicile of a legal person is the place where the principal business or office of a legal person is located. So some of the more careful dictionaries translated domicile into the household register". It means "habitual residence", which is not necessarily the place where one's domicile is. In the legal instrument, if the two words are not translated correctly, the jurisdiction of the case will have a serious impact. Such as: China's civil procedure law the provisions of article twenty-second, filed a civil lawsuit against citizens, by the court at the domicile of the defendant (the peopel's court of the place where dedefendant has his domicile) under the jurisdiction of. Where the defendant's domicile is inconsistent, he is under the jurisdiction of the court of regular residence (the people's court the place of his habitual residence). Of. The so-called habitual residence, the law is also required. According to the judicial interpretations of the Supreme People's court, a citizen's habitual residence refers to a place where a citizen has resided for more than one year until he or she has been away from the place of residence. Except where citizens are hospitalized.Bankrupt and insolventIn dictionaries, their Chinese equivalents are "bankrupt" and "insolvent"". In legal terms, their use is very different. Or its nominal form, bankruptcy, can be used by companies, businesses, or individuals. Such as: Several local companieshave gone bankrupt. (several local companies have been bankrupt); The court dechred him bankrupt. (the court declared him bankrupt), are the correct use.Insolvent, or its nominal form, insolvency, is usually used only in companies in the UK and not for individuals. Such as: Their, company, was, in, a, state, of, insolvency. (their company is in bankruptcy). But in American English, this distinction seems to have faded. For example, a bankrupt can use an insolvent person. When insolvent is used as a noun, it means "bankrupt"".The changeable translation of "trial"Some people say that Chinese is the most flexible text, not false. For example, the word "trial" can be used as a verb, a noun or an adjective. As a noun, it can indicate a position,It can also represent an action, an action, or even a program. It is not so convenient to translate "trial" into english. It often has different translations because of its different connotations and situations. This difference in the two languages, and common usage, making the "trial" appeared in many different, sometimes even expression not interchangeable. There are more than ten kinds of translation methods which are different from each other. The following are some of the usual translations of the word "trial":The trial by the people's court is responsible for the The people's court are responsibIe for adjudicationThe trial object is object of adjudicationNational judicial organ state adjudicatory organJudicial power, judicial, powerJudge judicial personnelTrial committee Judicial Committee -Trial proceedings court proceedings; trial procedureTrial organization trial organizationTrial supervision procedure procedure, for, trial, supervision During the trial, during a trialTrial independence independence, of, trial, and, decision Trial by default; judgment by default; trial by default Trial case to try a case; trial of casesTo open, the, session, for, court, trial, of, the, case Public trial to be heard in public; open trialTo be, heard, together, with, the, criminal, case, together with criminal casesAt the trial / hearing, attend the to be present at the hearingTrial unfair, failure, of, justiceState of the ForumTrial fee juridical expenses; hitigation costsDelivery order; the difference between delivery note and delivery receiptThe three phrases are literally similar, but their legal meaning is almost the opposite. Delivery order refers to the owner or his authorized agent issued to the holder of the goods (such as warehouse) indicating goods held into handing over the goods to a written instructions specified by the parties, generally translated as "delivery", "delivery order", "bill of lading" or "warrant", it is the legal evidence of goods withdrawn the. Delively note and this is just the opposite, it is the goods sent to the consignee, signed the delivery notice, commonly used in the usual delivery, generally translated as "delivery receipt or delivery receipt". In the legal documents of Chinese, often has the "delivery" and "delivery notice" or "delivery receipt" casual mix, this is absolutely not allowed in the English translation, sometimes one word, it will cause serious legal consequences, can not be careless.Not too literallyIn legal English, many words are formed gradually in the course of several hundred years or even thousands of years, and theirforms and meanings are relatively fixed. There are many words that seem the same, but there is a difference. This internal distinction is entirely based on historical usage, and the light literally can not find the cause. Therefore, in translation, if not fully grasp, must avoid using dictionaries, a free translation. Such as ground lease and pround rent two words, although lease and rent can be translated into "lease" and "rent", but the ground lease the first lease on in the UK as a freehold building (the first rental of freehold real estate), and ground rent known as the "rent". Hard money; hard currency; hard cash looks like synonyms. In fact, otherwise. "Hard money" in American English refers to a coin relative to paper money and sometimes "cash". Hard currency is not a coin, nor is it necessarily cash. It refers to a hard currency of relatively stable value".Such as the dollar, the euro, the pound and so on, are the world's hard currency, but they are not necessarily'hard money. As for hard cash (or hardcash), it refers only to "cash", informal usage, and sometimes "coins", but not "hard currency"". Again, Day, of, Judgment, or Judgment Day do not refer to what is commonly called "day of judgment", but "the end of the world"". So there are also written Day of the Last Judgment. It has nothing to do with the date of the court's regular sentencing. "Sentencing day" should be using date of the pronouncement of judgment or the date to pronounce a judgment.The same Chinese equivalents do not necessarily have the same meaningIt is very dangerous to translate by Chinese equivalents inlegal english. Because there are many legal words, although the Chinese equivalents, the meaning is different, sometimes far apart. For example, the Chinese equivalents of free, trade, area and free trade zone are free trade zones, but in practice, flee trade area refers to a number of countries that implement free trade. They are part of the national coalition that is designed to eliminate trade barriers between member states by reducing or eliminating tariffs. The free trade zone refers to a country within the tariff free trade area, the scope is obviously much smaller. The Chinese equivalents of legacy and devise are "legacies"". But legacy generally refers to the bequest of movable property, excluding real estate. Devise refers to no bequest. The Chinese equivalents of majority and plurality are "majority", whereas "majority" means more than half of the majority. Plurality refers to no more than half of the majority, or the relative majority (relative, majority). For example, He won the election by a clear majority gaining 70 of the l00 votes cast. (he won the election by a clear majority, and got 70 votes in the vote. The majority in this sentence must not be changed to plurality. By the same token, "overwhelming majority" can only be translated as "overwhelming majority" instead of "overwhelming phwality". Even if half of them did not exceed, it would not be "overwhelming."". "Deportation order" and "exclusion order" are translated as "eviction orders" in the legal dictionary". In fact, they have different meanings. The former refers to the official order to expel someone abroad. Exclusion and order are used to prevent the husband or wife into the matrimonial home court order in Matrimonial Proceedings (court order in matrimonial proceedings which stops a wife or husiband from going into matrimonial home). Again, "murder", "manslaughter","homicide", these three words, often translated as "murder", in fact, they are very different. "Murder" means "intentional homicide", that is, murder". It means "premeditated murder" (premeditated and deliberate murder), in the United States known as the first degree murder (murder). Manslaughter means "manslaughter" or "manslaughter", focuses on not premeditated murder. So involuntary killing is called involuntary manslaughter. Even, even murder, intentional: but apparently has given the circumstances, such as encounter each other for reasons of provocation, and positions or in self-defense to kill, also known as voluntary manslaughter, without the word murder. Homicide refers to all killings, including accidental manslaughter, homicide, and intentional homicide. The homicide, rate, has, doubled, in, the, last, ten, years. (in the past ten years, homicide rates have doubled). ) this obviously means all kinds of homicide cases. Such as culpable homieide (criminal homicide), justifiable homicide (legitimate homicide) and so on are included.资本与词都被译成”大写”。



Aforesaid/Aforementioned 上述的 The aforementioned were present at the trial. Herein 此中,于此 The law does not recognize this type of evidence, and herein lies the problem(问题就在于

Thereof 其中,属于它 All citizens of the United States are ruled by the laws thereof.
Thereunder 在其下 the land, with any minerals found thereunder……

Laws and codes: usu. Made by Parliament or Council Ordinance: an order given by ruler or governing body Regulation: an official rule or order, such as Tax Regulations; Safety Regulations; Regulations governing the sale of guns
Find for/against 做有利于/不利于……的裁决

Adverse 非法的 Avoid 废止 Battery 伤害;殴打罪 Consideration 对价 Counterpart 副本 Covenant 契约 Condemn 判刑,定罪 Declaration 申诉书 Letter 许可证书



法律英语特点法律英语(Legal English),在英语国家中被称为Legal Language或Language of the Law,即法律语言,在英语中指表述法律科学概念以及诉讼或非诉讼法律事务时所用的语种或某一语种的部分用语。


)今天要讲的五个内容:正式性,准确性,模糊性,专业性,法律英语词汇来源2 ,准确性A,法律英语作为一种具有规约性的语言的分支,有其独特的语言风格,而其中最重要、最本质的特点就是语言的准确性。






请看例句:No law or administrative or local rules and regulations shall contravene the constitution. (一切法律、行政法规和地方法规都不得同宪法相抵触)。



Shall通常译为“应、应当”,而Shall的否定式shall not则译为“不得”。

C,I will pay back in a year.法律文本所要阐明的就是权利和义务,为了维护法律的尊严,不至于产生语义上的分歧而发生纠纷,一词一句都应力求无懈可击。

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Features of Legal English

Legal English Vocabulary Legal English Sentence Legal English Translation

1、Conception: Legal English is the style of common written English in legal profession including laws, codes, ordinances(条例), regulations(规章), agreements, verdicts(判决) and rulings(裁定), etc. esp. refers to the English used by lawyers and other legal professionals in the course of their work.

Laws and codes: usu. Made by Parliament or Council Ordinance: an order given by ruler or governing body Regulation: an official rule or order, such as Tax Regulations; Safety Regulations; Regulations governing the sale of guns

During the medieval period, lawyers used a mixture of Latin, French and English. Finally, lawyers used the English as the formal Legal language.

Show Demonstrate Use Utilize Enough Sufficient Alone Solely Begin Initiate According to In accordance with Relating to As to Fra bibliotek
Reach Attain More than In the excess of Instead of In lieu of If In the event that A year Per annum Under Pursuit to To Unto

Overview of Legal English Vocabulary

1、使用正式的词语 Buy Purchase Change Modify/Alter End Terminate Go Proceed Make Render Begin/Start Commence

Issue Promulgate Keep Retain The dead The deceased Must, May, Will Shall(美国法律文书) May do 可以做什么 Shall do 应该做什么 Must do / may not do / shall not do 必须做什么

Why do lawyers carry their certification on their dashboard(挡风玻璃) ? So they can park in the handicapped parking; it’s proof of a moral disability.

Legal language is the work tool for the legal profession.

2、History: In the pase, the existence of law depends on people’s memories.
Latin words were completely used as the language of judicial proceedings and law documents.

What’s the difference between God and a lawyer ? God doesn’t think He’s a lawyer.

Children who never come when called will grow up to be doctors. Children who come before they are called will grow up to be lawyers.
Eat Own Sandwiches (joke)

Two attorneys went into a diner and ordered two drinks. Then they produced sandwiches from their briefcases(公文包) and started to eat. The owner became quite concerned and marched over and told them, “You can’t eat your own sandwiches here!” The attorneys looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and then exchanged sandwiches.

3、Different Features: Solemn 庄重 Rigid 刻板 Mystical 神秘

Discussion : 1、Is legal English a knowledge or a skill ?(何

2、Which skill among understanding (listening), speaking, reading and writing is the most important one for studying legal English ?