英语口译基础Unit Five



第五章 商务会议 (Business Conference)
There are different forms of international business conferences.
The stages of business conferences:
1)welcome and opening remarks; 2)introduction to objectives to be achieved at the conference; 3)brief history review of the given business issue; 4)conference agenda; 5)conference speeches or discussions by the participants and closing remarks or speeches;
增词:传播,; 三个名词短语动态化才能继续说明其在全球范围内的影响; know no borders可以简单明了地译为“是不分国界的”
E-C Interpretation (Passage 1)
Today, the World Bank Group is at the forefront of international efforts to raise and administer funds to meet challenges like these that confront rich and poor countries alike.
海而皆准的道理,但此处若翻译成名词短语稍显拗口,可 转换词性; 建议:在翻译英语/汉语同一个词时,要注意根据具体的语境 灵活的翻译,富于变化。

新编经贸英语口译教程第五单元 招商引资

新编经贸英语口译教程第五单元 招商引资

prospective investors 潜在投资者
• • • • • • • • • • foreign investor外国投资者 foreign investment外资 foreign-funded enterprise 外资企业 attract foreign investment/capital 吸引外资 institutional investors 机构投资者 Foreign Direct Investment 国外直接投资 retail investor个人投资者 securities investors 证券投资者 accredited investor认可投资者 cornerstone investors 基石投资者
方法一:巧用中国人较强的形象思维和汉 字涵义。 方法二:巧用标点符号和数学符号。 方法三:巧用箭头、线段。 方法四:巧用中英文缩略词。

Unit 5
1. Commerce
Sentence Interpretation Interpretation Skills Passage Interpretation (E-C) Passage Interpretation (C-E) Extra Exercises
unveil (首次) 提出,介绍,公布
• • • • • unveiling ceremony 揭幕式 unlock/ break a secret 揭秘 uncover/unveil a plot 揭穿阴谋 make public 公之于众 disclose / expose /reveal/ unmask/ bring to light 揭露
Interpretation Skills ----Note-taking (Symbol)



2) Clues for recalling; While it is essential for an interpreter to be able to use his/her shortterm memory, it is highly important for him/her to be able to use notes to help remembering, especially when the input is longer than what the short-term memory can manage. 3) Help to visualize the structure of SL speech; 4) Help to organize TL reproduction. Practice 1
3. What to be taken as notes? 1) Selectively---note ideas, not words; 2) Topical words, key words; 3) Logical links; But successful identification of key words and logical links needs thorough understanding and analysis.
Instant memory –0.25s ~ 2s short-term memory-5s~20s ~ 1m long-term memory- several days, several weeks, several months, several years;
2. Process of Interpreting Deverbalization ~ Extract of the meaning Meaning (Four major components ) SL --------------- TL

实用职场英文口译教程Chapter Five Exhibitions-精品文档

实用职场英文口译教程Chapter Five Exhibitions-精品文档

餐饮服务 电话与无线上网 旺季 淡季 平季 主办 支出 出口 进口 进/出口许可证 利润 收入 名片 折扣
food and beverage service telephone and Internet access high season low season shoulder season host expenditure export import import/export license profit revenue name card discount / allowance
Part II Interpretation Lead-in
A. 重点词汇 Vocabulary Preview 展览业 展览会 博览会 展示会 展览馆 展位 展位号 展馆平面图 桌面展示 服务指南 参观指南 参展商 商品目录 exhibition industry exhibition exposition trade show hall exhibit/booth booth number floor plan tabletop display service kit exhibit directory exhibitor catalogue
参观者 团体参观者 参观人数 与会者 贵宾 登记者 赞助者 国际买家 展台搭建、布展期 展台设计/搭建商 撤展/撤展isitors attendance participants distinguished guests registrant sponsor international traders installation/move-in exhibit designer/producer dismantle/move-out exposition manager/show manager/show organizer facilities and service consultancy



Ceremonial AddressLecture SixObjectivesAfter studying this unit, you should⏹understand how to make a short-term preparation for the interpreting tasks.⏹find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance.⏹master the basic words and expressions about ceremonial address.⏹know some cultural background knowledge about ceremonial address.I. --Warm-up ExercisesSuppose you are going to work as an interpreter for a businessman who is going to make a ceremonial address.⏹How are you going to prepare for it?⏹What questions are you going to ask if you are able to contact the organizer or the speaker before the interpretation starts?--Skills Presentation Preparing Training (I): Short-term Preparation⏹What to Prepare?⏹Meeting Documents⏹A Glossary List⏹Dictionaries, Notebooks and Pens⏹Dresses and Name Cards⏹How to Prepare?⏹Read through the Relevant Documents⏹Surf the Internet⏹Contact the Organizer and the Speaker⏹Prepare a question listII. Relevant information about ceremonial address礼仪祝词属于应用文类型,一般用于宴会、开幕式和闭幕式等场合。

商务口译Unit 5

商务口译Unit 5

Unit 5II. Phrase InterpretingA1. columnist2. resident correspondent3. well-informed source4. authoritative source5. top news6. front-page news7. exclusive news 8. reliable news 9. inside story10. box news1.专栏作家2.常驻记者3.消息灵通人士4.权威来源5.头条新闻6.头版新闻7.独家新闻8.可靠消息9.内幕新闻10.花边新闻B.1.采访人2.被采访人3.无可奉告4.新闻发布会5.现场报道‘6.通讯社7.记者证8.标题新闻9.专题报道10.时事1. interviewer2. interviewee3. no comment4. news briefing5. live report6. news agency7. press card 8. headline news 9. special report10. current affairsIII. Sentence InterpretingPut the students into pairs and ask them to do the activity. Have one student read the following sentences and the other interpret them one by one. When the students have finished, ask them to compare their sentences with the reference.A.1. You seem to have been extremely successful in setting up joint ventures in China.2. We strongly believe that a sound business partnership is the foundation for a successful joint venture.3. Thank you very much for sharing your experiences with us today.4. As you know, the world has entered the information era in which telecommunication is evolving as the universal framework for human interaction.5. As a matter of interest, what are the responsibilities of a director of human resources? 1.您在与中国建立合资企业方面取得了相当大的成功。

实用口译unit 5-Note-taking principles and skills

实用口译unit 5-Note-taking principles and skills
实用口译unit 5-Note-taking principles and skills
脑记占70%,笔记占30%,要注意脑记和笔记的平 衡协调。 3)得意忘形:
记的是意思和逻辑关系而不是字词。 4)快速准确:
使用精简缩略,用最少的符号代表尽量完整的意义。 快速书写但不潦草。 5)清楚易认:
T3-A-1 p60 + Great Inventions
3. Interpretation Practice
❖ Abbreviate words by syllables, consonant
clusters, rather than the first one or two
For key info.
❖ Use sym. (arrows, dash, slash, mathematic sym)
数学符号:+ - = ≈ 箭头:→ ← ↑ ↓ ↗ ↘
笔记法专用符号 习惯俗成符号 临时符号 个性符号
标点符号:? ! :
象形符号: :)
Notes for interpreting
are sth. individual
1. 关系词不用 文字而只用符号
❖ 因果 ∵ ∴ ❖ 转折 // ❖ 并列 & ❖ 递进 + ❖ 列举 { ❖ 包括 () ❖ 否定 ×



Unit 5Mr. President, Madam Liu, Laura and I are honored to welcome you and your delegation to the White House. It’s a pleasure to have you here, along with our other distinguished guests. In 2008, China will welcome athletes from all over the world as your great nation hosts the summer Olympics. Beijing will showcase China’s transformation and demonstrate China’s commitment to the international institutions that make fair and peaceful competition possible for all nations. Mr. President, I thank you for the constructive and candid conversations we had this morning. I appreciate the opportunity to expand the dialogue between our two great nations. And Mr. President, I’m pleased to offer a toast to you and to your gracious wife, and to the people of China.主席阁下,刘女士,劳拉和我非常荣幸欢迎您和您的代表团来到白宫。


商务英语口译Unit 5 Schedule Arrangement

商务英语口译Unit 5 Schedule Arrangement

fluently and understand them.

Mr. Wilson is visiting Guangzhou Textiles Corporation
and talking with Mr. Lin Bing,the section chief of the Public
Relations Department of Guangzhou Textiles Corporation
Part Two
Unit 5 Schedule Arrangement
• This unit includes some general conversations with reference to the schedule arrangement in detail, such as time, date, place, people involved, etc. with the customer. The learner can learn it according to each situation easily and then can easily handle every situation when it happens.
• W: Yes, it’ll be easier for us to get down to facts. By the way, can you recommend a good restaurant? I’d like to give a farewell dinner to express my gratitude to you.
Part Two
Unit 5 Schedule Arrangement
• W: That would be nice. When? • L: The day after tomorrow. • W: Shall we have enough time for our talks? • L: We’ll have talks at half past two tomorrow afternoon and



基础口译教程词汇短语表U5 Social ProblemsWarming-up Practice1. It was an impulse buy.impulse /'ɪmpʌls/ n. a sudden strong desire to do something without thinking about whether it is a sensible thing to do冲动;突然的欲望an impulse buy冲动购物downtown area市区lottery ticket彩票one in ten million 一千万分之一negative /'negətɪv/ adj. considering only the bad qualities of a situation, person etc and not the good ones消极的,负面的trade v. to buy and sell goods, services etc as your job or business买卖(货物),进行贸易,从事交易share cn. one of the equal parts into which the ownership of a company is divided股,股份stock market股市shareholder n. someone who owns shares in a company or business股东,股票持有者invest /ɪn'vest/ v. t o buy shares, property, or goods because you hope that the value will increase and you can make a profit投资bet n. an agreement to risk money on the result of a race, game etc or on something happening, or the money that you risk打赌;赌金,赌注sheer /ʃɪə/ adj. 纯粹的2. I opened a life insurance policy yesterday.insurance /ɪn'ʃʊərəns/ un. an arrangement with a company in which you pay them money, especially regularly, and they pay the costs if something bad happens, for example if you become ill or your car is damaged保险policy /ˈpɒlɪsɪ/ n. a way of doing something that has been officially agreed and chosen by a political party, a business, or another organization政策,方针open a life insurance policy买了一份人寿保险generation /‚dʒenə'reɪʃən/ n. all people of about the same age一代(人)retire v.退休claim /kleɪm/ v. to officially demand or receive money from an organization because you have a right to it索要,索取allowance / əˈlauəns/ n. amount of sth, esp money, allowed or given regularly 津贴; 补助claim a monthly allowance 每个月领取一笔津贴under the insurance policy根据保险契约in case 以防万一agree with sb. on sth.在某事上跟某人达成一致3. What explains the growing trend toward delayed childbearing?growing trend逐渐增长的趋势delayed childbearing 晚育divorce /dɪ'vɔːs/ n. the legal ending of a marriage离婚divorce rate离婚率think twice再三考虑financial /faɪ'nænʃ(ə)l/ adj. relating to money or the management of money金融的;财务的secure /sɪ'kjʊə/ adj. a situation that is secure is one that you can depend on because it is not likely to change稳固的,可靠的,稳定的financially secure经济上有保证了devote /dɪ'vəʊt/ v. to use all or most of your time, effort etc in order to do something or help someone致力,献身,倾注devote time to one’s career把时间投入到事业中Passage InterpretationPart A English-Chinese InterpretationPassage 1Paragraph 1make comments on sth.对……作出评论juvenile /'dʒuːvənaɪl/ adj. law relating to young people who are not yet adults少年的juvenile crime 少年犯罪Paragraph 2unsatisfactory /,ʌnsætɪs'fækt(ə)rɪ/ adj. not good enough or not acceptable不够好的,不能令人满意的involve /ɪn'vɒlv/ v. If you say that someone involves themselves in something, you mean that they take part in it, often in a way that is unnecessary or unwanted. 使卷入criminal activity 犯罪活动inevitably /ɪnˈɛvɪtəblɪ/ adv. used for saying that something is certain to happen and cannot be avoided必然地,不可避免地have a serious impact on sth.对……有着严重影响growing child成长中的孩子take… for granted 把……视为理所当然conflict /'kɒnflɪkt/ n. a state of disagreement or argument between people, groups, countries etc 〔意见等的〕抵触,冲突,矛盾on bad terms with与……关系不好get divorced离婚put a great emotional strain on sb. 给某人带来很大的感情压力Paragraph 3boredom /'bɔːdəm/ n. the feeling you have when you are bored, or the quality of being boring厌倦,厌烦;无聊discontent /dɪskən'tent/ n. a feeling of being unhappy and not satisfied with the situation you are in不满意,不满足,不愉快spoilt middle-class youths 被宠坏了的中产阶级家庭的年轻人regard… as…把……当作revolutionary /revə'luːʃ(ə)n(ə)rɪ/ cn. someone who joins in or supports a political or social revolution革命者;革命家fulfillment /fʊl'fɪlmənt/ n. 满足gang wars 集体斗殴Paragraph 4alienation /eɪlɪə'neɪʃ(ə)n/ n. the feeling of not being part of society or a group疏离感disgraceful /dɪs'greɪsfʊl/ adj. bad, embarrassing, or unacceptable可耻的,丢脸的;很差劲的desperate /'desp(ə)rət/ adj. willing to do anything to change a very bad situation, and not caring about danger〔为了改变糟糕境遇而〕不惜冒险的,拼命的,绝望的isolated /'aɪsəleɪtɪd/ adj. feeling alone and unable to meet or speak to other people〔人〕孤单的,孤独的bully /'bʊlɪ/ v. to threaten to hurt someone or frighten them, especially someone smaller or weaker 欺侮,恐吓〔尤指以大欺小,恃强凌弱〕humiliate /hjʊ'mɪlɪeɪt/ v. to make someone feel ashamed or stupid, especially when other people are present使蒙羞,羞辱Paragraph 5violence /'vaɪəl(ə)ns/ n. behaviour that is intended to hurt other people physically暴力seek /siːk/ v. to try to achieve or get something寻求;谋求outlet /'aʊtlet/ n. a way of expressing or getting rid of strong feelings〔强烈情感的〕发泄途径[方法]Passage 2Paragraph 1according to根据single mother单亲妈妈sb be more likely to do某人更有可能做某事prematurely adv. 过早地partner n.伴侣Paragraph 2majority / məˈdʒɔrətɪ/ n. the greater number or part; most 大多数; 大半; 大多suffer from 承受(痛苦,疾病等)financial hardship经济困难social pressure社会压力couple / ˈkʌpl/ n. 夫妻Paragraph 3single-parent family单亲家庭income n.收入lack of缺乏emotional support感情支持underestimate / ˏʌndərˈestɪmeɪt/ v. make too low an estimate of (sb/sth) 过分低估make a decision做决定moreover / mɔːˈrəuvə(r)/ adv. (used to introduce sth new that adds to or supports the previous statement 用以引入新内容以补充或支持前言) further; besides; in addition 再说; 此外; 而且relationship n.关系ex-partner n.从前的伴侣Paragraph 5a closer analysis进一步的分析particularly / pəˈtɪkjulə(r)lɪ/ adv. 尤其地at the risk of…面临……的危险suicide / ˈsuːɪsaɪd/ n. killing oneself intentionally 自杀violence /'vaɪəl(ə)ns/ n. behaviour that is intended to hurt other people physically暴力alcohol / ˈælkəhɔl/ un. 含酒精的饮料; 酒alcohol-related 酗酒相关的Passage 3Paragraph 1Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak. 谢谢给我发言的机会。



• • • • •
6. 反译法: 真是太感谢你了。 I cannot thank you enough. 归国的念头始终萦绕在他的心中。 The thought of returning to his native land never deserted him.
• 7. 倒置法: • 近年来,我们两国在文化、教育、卫生、司法执 法等领域互利合作不断扩大,在许多重大国际和 地区问题上保持有效沟通和协调。 • In recent years, our two untries have constantly expanded mutually beneficial cooperation in culture, education, health care, justice and law enforcement and have maintained effective communication and coordination on many major international and regional issues.
• 篇章口译:pp. 43-44
• 非理性的低价销售只会引发新一轮的价格战。 • 由于罢工造成港口拥塞,装运被迫推迟到7月份。 • 当省城价格发生剧烈波动时,其临近地区的可比 价格却保持基本平稳。 • 政府决定对出口到北美的货物征收10%的出口关 税。 • 根据双方签订的技术转让合同,外方将负责主要 设备的安装以及提供必要的技术指导。
• • • • • •
Loading port / days / charges Load cargo into the hold Lash 捆扎;扎牢 Rigging 索具 Break bulk 分装的 COSCO 中国远洋货运公司



Unit 5 Interpreting Ceremonial Speech 礼仪性口译5--1 Revisiting the Old Haunt 故地重游haunt①以鬼神的形式出现 to inhabit, visit, or appear to in a form of a ghost or other super natural being②经常拜访,常去/常去的地方 to visit often/frequently I haunted the movie theaters.③时常萦绕心头 to come to mind continually a riddle that haunted me all the morning 一个困扰我一个上午的谜语。

Vocabulary1、world-renowned 举世著名的 renowned well-known or famous2、diversity 原义:不同、差异、多样性本文:气象万千3、dynamism 充满活力 full of vigorousness adj: dynamic4、nostalgic 思念的,怀旧的 n. nostalgia①怀旧 long for things, persons, or situations of the past②想家的状况/想家 the conditions of being homesick/homesickness5、utmost courtesy 高度的礼貌utmost: 极限的,极高的the maximum/ highest or greatest of degree6、overshadow 弱化①To cast a shadow over; darken or obscure.向…投上阴影;使暗淡:在…上面投上一个阴影;使变暗或使模糊②To make insignificant by comparison;使显得不重要,使相形见拙:通过对比使不重要7、non-governmental sector 民间机构8、good faith 良好的诚意典型句型1Permit me first to thank you, our Chinese hosts, for your extraordinary arrangements and hospitality.首先,请允许我感谢中国主人的精心安排与好客。

口译UNIT 5 第五单元教案

口译UNIT 5 第五单元教案

UNIT 5 第五单元来源:口译-学院精品课程作者:Jay J YangSTENOGRAPHY (II)口译笔记技巧(二)Unit Objective (单元目标)After reading this unit you should☆ understand the structure of stenographic notes.☆ master the two major types of stenography.Warm-up (准备)1. Two students are requested to sit at the Interpreting Desk or Booth, acting as interpreters of the class. Their performance is evaluated and graded by instructor.2.One or Two students are asked to present a piece of news or a weather forecast of the week.Theory of Interpretation (口译理论)口译笔记的结构:纵向分页、横向分段、阶梯排列、条列记录。


Memoria Technica (记忆法)Listen to the following passage, “Dutch Treat”, and try to catch the key words and details, then retell them in your own words:Dutch TreatThe phrase “Dutch Treat” can sometimes pull you out of a group of four and had an expensive diner.Well, the waiter brings the check shortly after you have offered to pay for the diner. You look at the check and shocked at the total cost. Whew! Slowly you pick up the check, but the only other man in the group says: “Just a minute. Let me take it.”Off course, he does not mean it, and feels safe in making the offer because you have already agreed to pay the check.. You both struggle,weakly, to pick up the bill. You have a way out. You say, “Let’s go Dutch,” or “Dutch Treat”. And so you both find a way out of the hole you dug for yourselves.Going Dutch or Dutch treat, simply means that everybody pays for himself. Why Dutch? Your guess is as good as mine.As it is well known, the English and Dutch fought bitterly in the 1660s for control of the seas. At the time the English settled in the New World, their hatred for the Dutch was intense and it was shown in the times they said about them:One expression is a “Dutch Bargain, meaning a one-sided exchange –the Dutch giving too little and asking too much. The English used the name Dutch in many other unpleasant ways. “To talk Dutch” or “Double Dutch” means to talk nonsense.Stenography (口译笔记)Read the first part of Unit 5 of your Textbook, to understand the structure of stenography, its four types of organization and two types of noting.A.Read the First part, “Reading Prelude” of Uni t 5 of the textbook..B.Review the Signs and continue to study stenography (2): Big Wordsand Place–name Abbreviations.(1)Method of Abbreviation for Big WordsWord Suffix Short Hand Sample… tion n Composition Cmp… ism m Socialism S… a ble bl Immovable M… ing g Interesting Inter… cal cl Economical Eco… ianºTechnician Tech(2) Abbreviation for Country (place)-NamesAbbreviation Country Name AA AustraliaAF AfghanistanAR ArgentinaB BelguimBM MurmaBR BrazilCA CanadaCN ChinaCU CubaD Germany (Deutchland)DK DenmarkE (S)SpainF FranceHK Hong KongI ItalyIK IraqIN IndiaIR IranIRL IrelandJ JapanK Korea-K South KoreaK-North KoreaMA MalaysiaME MexicoNZ New ZealandPH The PhilippinesPK PakistanPL PolandRM RomaniaSGP SingaporeTH ThailandUS The United StatesUK The United Kingdom(Britain)VT Vietnam(3) Example:Ladies and Gentlemen, I regard it as a great honor to announce the opening of Shanghai Exhibition. There are over 10000 visitors every day, who came from US, Great Britain, South Kerea, Singapore, New Zealand, Japan, Canada, and other European countries.句序口译笔记理解(暗记)1 L、G、I 开 exhi SH//女先,我荣幸开展览馆上海210’ °d← USUK-KSGPNZJCaE □ //一万人天来自美国英国南韩新加坡新西兰日本加拿大欧洲国家C.Practice work on the second part, “Exercises” of Unit 5 of thetextbook..Cultural Salon or Seminar (文化沙龙或研讨会)In the last 20 minutes will be a cultural salon or seminar. Two or three students who have been asked to prepare a speech in advance on a given topic. Students will do the oral interpretation.Topic: SocietyHomework Assignments (课后作业)Work on Exercise 3 in Unit 4 of the Textbook: Information Industry: Engine of Economic GrowthTask 1: Listen to the article and then start interpreting at the end of each segment.Task 2: Use the signs of Stenography learnt in this class to take notes while reading the article.Reference (单元参考资料)仲伟合主编:《英语口译教程》(上下册),高等教育出版社,2005年版。

英语口译基础Unit Five

英语口译基础Unit Five

• 主题导入:节目主持人杨澜在德国世界杯(World Cup)后采访阿迪达斯总裁,探讨运动品牌的市场 战略。 • 杨澜:海纳先生,非常感谢您来到我们的节目。 首先要祝贺(congratulations on)这次精彩的世界 杯给世界带来了巨大的欢乐和激情。我知道阿迪 达斯公司在本次世界杯上业绩出色,你们一共销 售出了多少个足球? • Mr. Hainer, thank you very much for being in our show. First of all, congratulations on this wonderful World Cup that has brought to the world such great joy and excitement. Addidas did very well during this World Cup. How many soccer balls did you sell?
• Hainer: we sold a lot of soccer balls, around 50 millions, with the new design of Teamgeist Ball(团队之星). This was definitely a number which we did not foresee before. But this Would Cup was great in lots of respects(方面). Of course, for us as a company with our financial results, but I think more for the country of Germany because all of the German people turned into real football fans. • 我们卖了很多足球。新设计的“团队之星”就卖了五千万 个。这个数字我们之前都没有预见到。本届世界杯在很多 方面都非常出色。当然对于我们公司,我们收获一些经济 上的回报,但对于整个德国而言收获更多,它使得许多德 国人成为真正的足球迷。

商务英语口译Unit 5 Insurance

商务英语口译Unit 5 Insurance

Part Three
Unit 5 Insurance
• Teaching/study Aims: • 1. knowledge aim: Through the study of this unit, the
students will not only learn how to interpret sentences relating to insurance, but also learn how to negotiate with clients about insurance when meeting guests, or clerks of insurance company. • 2. Skill aim: Students will be able to make their conversations according to the given situations.
• Z: Of course. Our PICC enjoys a high prestige in settling claims promptly and has agents in almost all the large cities throughout the world.
Part Three
• Dialogue Three Discussing about insurance • (Mr. Wilson who is meeting Sun Li,, the clerk of a foreign



euthanasia (mercy-killing) • 常住户口
An Advanced Course in Interpretation
(Unit 5)
Mouth Warm-up:
What is Success ?
Warm-up Activity: Reading and Reciting
What is success?
• Success is completion of a task. • Success is attainment of an aim. • Success is satisfaction of a desire. • Success is realization of a worthy ideal. • Success is achievement of one’s true self. • Success is fulfillment of one’s potentiality. • Success is a favorable result of one’s action. • Success is acquisition of 3 P’s, i.e., prosperity,
position and popularity.
Warm-up Activity: Reading and Reciting
Quotations from celebrities
• 成功需要做到:努力、努力、再努力。 —— 哈丁
• Success is won by three things: first, effort; second, more effort; third, still more effort. —— Harding
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Unit Five一、口译技巧二、单句口译三、口译实践1、体育比赛赛前新闻发布会主题导入:体育局官员在国际马拉松比赛赛前新闻发布会上介绍赛事准备情况。



Thank you all for attending the press conference on the international marathon. First of all, I will brief you on the following features of this year’s competition, and then I would like to answer questions raised by friends from media.首先,这次马拉松赛事世界级的高水平赛事。


First, the international marathon is a world class competition. So far, it has been confirmed that 17 foreign marathon runners have signed up for it. They come from seven countries including Spain, Kenya, Tanzania, Ecuador, Brazil, Ethiopia and North Korea.同时我们还邀请到曾参加全国马拉松锦标赛和奥运会马拉松选拔赛的国内运动员120人参赛。


We have also invited 120 Chinese athletes who have attended other nationwide marathon championships and qualification competitions for the Olympic marathon. With the participation of those athletes from home and abroad, we are expecting a fierce, exhilarating and thrilling competition.其二,本次比赛选用的赛道在往年的基础上有所调整,更改后的赛道更加平坦,有利于运动员出成绩。

Second, this year the race course has been readjusted based on last year’s results, to make it flatter and more conducive to better performanc e.比赛线路中大部分路段位于环岛路和大型绿化广场范围内,风景如画,空气清新宜人,被许多专家誉为举办马拉松比赛的绝佳线路。

Most of the route lies along Island Ring Road and its large-scale landscaped squares, providing beautiful scenery and fresh air. The route is acclaimed to be the most pleasant one for marathons.第三,本次比赛将采用航拍现场直播整个赛程。


Third, the whole competition will be covered by aerial view, CCTV, Xiamen TV Station and 15 other provincial TV stations will be conducting live broadcast.第四,比赛将采用电子芯片计时,保证比赛成绩的准确性。

Fourth, electronic chips will be used for timing, so as to ensure the accuracy of the result.第五,今年比赛的奖金有了全面的提升。


Fifth, prize money is higher than that of last year. It is now one million dollars, rather than last year’s 500,000 dollars, for a World Record Award.男子冠军由2.5万美元提高到3万美元;女子冠军由2万美元提高到3万美元。


30,000 dollars, rather than last year’s 25,000 dollars, for Men’s Champion, and 30,000 dollars, rather than last year’s 20,ooo dollars for Women’s Champion. In addition, pri ze money for athletes ranking second to eighth has also increased.我的介绍就到这里,现在欢迎大家提问。

That’s all for my briefing. Now the floor is open for questions.2、体育与商业:阿迪达斯的品牌战略主题导入:节目主持人杨澜在德国世界杯后采访阿迪达斯总裁,探讨运动品牌的市场战略。



我知道阿迪达斯公司在本次世界杯上业绩出色,你们一共销售出了多少个足球?Mr. 哈除了人,thank you very much for being in our show. First of all, congratulations on this wonderful World Cup that has brought to the world such great joy and excitement. Addidas did very well during this World Cup. How many soccer balls did you sell?Hainer: we sold a lot of soccer balls, around 50 millions, with the new design of Teamgeist Ball. This was definitely a number which we did not foresee before. But this Would Cup was great in lots of respects. Of course, for us as a company with our financial results, but I think more for the country of Germany because all of the German people turned into real football fans. 我们卖了很多足球。





杨澜:您有到比赛现场吗?您到现场看了几场比赛?Were you at the game? How many matches did you watch yourself?Hainer: Of Course I’ve been to the games as I myself am a great football fan. I played when I was young. So I went to 19 games, many of them were exciting, some of them were mediocre. But honestly, I enjoyed all of them. 我当然看比赛了。






I heard that Addidas didn’t sponsor many teams during the World Cup. You only sponsored six, right? And your competitor sponsored twelve?Hainer: Yes, this is correct and I got this question several times before the World Cup. And my answer was always the same. I said, “I don’t think quantity is what counts, quality is what counts”. 是的,没错。




”The Second point I made, especially when we talk about our competitor who has twelve teams, is that after the first round you will see a lot of teams dropping out, and finally Addidas has more teams in the quarter final than anybody else. We have more teams in the semi-final than anybody else, and Addida-sponsored team won in the final. 我说的第二点,特别是谈及我们的竞争对手赞助了十二支球队时,是这样的事实——在第一轮比赛之后,很多球队被淘汰。
