1368个单词 表格整理版
side edge base core
head eye ear face nose foot mouth tooth tongue neck shoulder breast chest stomach arm hand finger nail leg knee throat brain heart lung muscle bone nerve hair skin blood sweat
state condition environment
situation: mess balance peace emergency chance opportunity
act exercise practice test experiment lesson bath security attention focus step education advertisement treatment trick habit service business homework
road street bridge station
device lock key bell scale tap
equipment shower radio telephone camera computer TV fridge video
container box cup dish plate bowl basket tub sink pot pan
disease fever flu cancer
house office room floor wall window door roof kitchen
jewelry diamond ring
cosmetics perfume lipstick powder
transport traffic bicycle ship boat plane train
vehicle motorcycle bus car truck brake engine gear tire wheel
activity game discipline crime trade economy politics war trip fashion industry
sports: soccer football golf basketball race
thought idea view theory religion
mind spirit soul emotion feeling: shame stress respect desire pain sense
strength force
power: authority
ability: sight intelligence memory skill
tail wing
level: degree grade rank standard
rate: speed percentage
kind type
way: behavior mood logic tradition culture style pattern relation manner
plan: strategy policy program
具体名词物时间time morning afternoon noon evening night tonight today tomorrowyesterday weekend month year season spring autumn winter daydate moment period history future birthday holiday festival scheduleage气候weather rain snow wind cloud自然nature mountain air light water fire ice smoke heat ground sky riverfield forest sea stone star植物plant grass tree crop动物animal bird cat dog horse rabbit elephant bear tiger lion bull cowpig chicken fish sheep monkey snake reptile昆虫insect bee butterfly spider其他bacteria地点place hospital restaurant hotel university factory jail zoo park schoolstore club bar court market town village city机构organization company charity声音sound voice noise music食品food egg meat steak bread cake dessert soup sandwich noodle piechocolate sauce餐饮meal breakfast lunch dinner蔬菜vegetable potato tomato carrot lettuce bean水果fruit apple orange banana食材ingredient oil sugar salt butter cream饮料drink coffee milk tea juice beer wine alcohol营养nutrient mineral vitamin protein疾病disease fever flu cancer房屋house office room floor wall window door roof kitchen家具furniture bed chair desk table seat couch服装clothes shirt shoes cap hat coat dress pants uniform suitsunderwear pocket jeans button zip sock首饰jewelry diamond ring化妆品cosmetics perfume lipstick powder交通transport traffic bicycle ship boat plane train车辆vehicle motorcycle bus car truck brake engine gear tire wheel路桥road street bridge station装置device lock key bell scale tap设备equipment shower radio telephone camera computer TV fridge video容器container box cup dish plate bowl basket tub sink pot pan材料material cloth paper glass plastic gold paint chemical日常用品toy brush mirror chain board handle cartoon bottle wood clock knifepen book album menu card envelope ticket pipe tube wire beltweb film screen gift channel alarm electricity towel carpet tool junkfork spoon medicine drug pill数量couple double load pack lot单位unit meter inch pound gram piece事情thing issue matter stuff object event人家庭角色parent daughter son father mother brother sister husband wife uncleaunt grandfather grandmother role社会角色kid child baby boy girl man woman friend lady gentleman bosscustomer student neighbor person volunteer fool sir madam职业职业 job doctor nurse professor lawyer engineer teacher coach guardjudge群体群体group people class team human staff society generation armygovernment family抽象名词抽象名词 话语话语words topic subject joke question suggestion instruction permission 文字文字 document story report novel note text letter email blog list menurule: law grammar principle信息信息 information message news update notice fact detail evidence cluebackground data sign knowledge状态状态 state condition environmentsituation: mess balance peace emergency chance opportunity行为行为 act exercise practice test experiment lesson bath security attentionfocus step education advertisement treatment trick habit servicebusiness homeworkjob: task project challengeduty: responsibility faultperformance: concert opera dramastudy: math art science philosophy psychologyarrangement: deal insurance account engagementoccasion: meeting interview party picnic wedding funeral barbecueceremonymoney: profit income salary loan cash cost credit deposit price taxbill budget活动活动 activity game discipline crime trade economy politics war trip fashionindustrysports: soccer football golf basketball race思想思想 thought idea view theory religionplan: strategy policy program整体整体 network internet series careersystem: language transport其他其他 favor privilege mistake risk advantage benefit problem trouble surprisesecret award prize diet property option case example sample scorelimit experience effort energy figure构成类名词 核心词核心词 part 部位部位side edge base core 身体身体 head eye ear face nose foot mouth tooth tongue neck shoulderbreast chest stomach arm hand finger nail leg knee throat brainheart lung muscle bone nerve hair skin blood sweat精神精神 mind spirit soul emotion feeling: shame stress respect desire painsense力量力量 strength forcepower: authorityability: sight intelligence memory skill动物动物tail wing 植物植物flower leaf root branch 其他其他whole rest half 属性类名静态属性静态属性 形状形状 shape appearance词 尺寸尺寸size space 位置位置 positionpoint line endbottom middle top front back center corner left rightdirection: east west northsouth品质品质quality feature character personality 其他其他color weight tone material structure 数量数量 amount number measurement distance volume angle temperaturelevel: degree grade rank standardrate: speed percentage类别类别kind type 动态属性动态属性 方式方式 formway: behavior mood logic tradition culture style pattern relationmanner原因原因 cause reason source excuse factor目的目的 purpose goal结果结果 effect result过程过程 course process单纯性动词 本源词本源词 be go come make归属归属 拥有某物拥有某物 have得到某物得到某物 get给出某物给出某物 give拿到某物拿到某物 take终点位置终点位置 使达到某一位置put 使轻轻到达某一位置一位置lay place 使从其他位置到达说话者位置bring 使从说话者位置到达其他位置send 使位置暂停改变hold 使位置保持不变keep 位置保持不变位置保持不变stay hang settle 相互位置相互位置 一事物到另一事物上面事物上面cover 一事物到另一事物下面事物下面support 两事物混合两事物混合mix 两事物互换两事物互换switch 两事物相连两事物相连link join connect stick tie 两事物相遇两事物相遇meet 两事物交叉两事物交叉cross 运动轨迹运动轨迹 从一个点到另move shift一个点一个点经过某个点经过某个点pass 低点往高点低点往高点raise lift rise 高点往低点高点往低点drop fall 一事物到另一事物后面事物后面follow一事物到另一事物前面事物前面lead 一物载另一物一物载另一物carry 往复运动往复运动bounce roll shake screw 速度速度快速运动快速运动 run rush hurry 力量力量 轻轻接触轻轻接触touch 用力接触用力接触hit knock crash 使快速运动使快速运动throw 用力接触并来回移动回移动rub 用力使实物脱离原来的位置离原来的位置pull 对事物朝某一方向用力方向用力push draw press 空间空间 空间开放或关闭open close shut 一事物进入某一空间一空间fit enter 一事物进入某一空间(气体或液体)液体)fill pump spill spray 事物离开某一空间空间clean clear wipe 事物离开某一地点地点leave quit 一事物到达某一地点一地点arrive reach 一事物固定在某一个空间某一个空间fix set 时间时间 某事发生某事发生begin start happen 某事结束某事结束finish 某事停止某事停止stop 方向方向 一个方向到另一个方向一个方向turn 整体与部分整体与部分 从大到小(用力)力)break crack split tear 从大到小从大到小divide 从多到少从多到少cut 形状形状bend fold twist stretch spread 尺寸尺寸grow 行为行为 look see listen hear say speak talk tell ask think believe know likelove do系动词系动词become seem feel sound smell taste 世故型动词 看 find watch observe ignore search show 说 意见意见agree cancel let allow 告诉告诉claim warn introduce explain express confirm 要求要求beg charge order 带有情感地说带有情感地说argue blame praise encourage complain promise insist shout threat 其他其他 answer call count pronounce想consider guess beserve offer doubt suspect trust forget rememberimagine mean learn understand wonder decide try want hope wishexpect will shall should may might can must dare need impressattract 感觉感觉 enjoy suffer appreciate care hate worry thank welcome bless thrillfreak shock bother annoy disturb自然现象自然现象die live burn boil 人体行为人体行为 肢体肢体dance ride lie climb beat 上肢上肢hug 下肢下肢sit stand walk kick jump skip 面部面部smile laugh cry 嘴巴嘴巴 eat kiss suck lick blow cough sing 鼻子鼻子breathe 皮肤皮肤bleed 精神精神sleep wake relax 健康健康 hurt injure cure inject生活行为生活行为cook back fry drive measure wear wash tape record post travelscrew dig hide pack mark 社会行为社会行为 buy sell shop pay spend waste invite rent fight kill steal cheatinvest rob wait marry divorce borrow lend owe vote bet celebrateplay pretend help direct entertain interrupt distract design build inventcopy prepare organize manage handle treat control use apply savechoose accept pick collect win fail miss lose check examinecompare solve analyze运动运动skate swim fly shoot 工作工作work interview hire fire compete retire 学习学习read write spell translate 事物之间的关系关系match qualify equal share include separate belong depend involve 事物的发展变化变化change develop improve reduce add promote 食物的相互作用作用damage spoil ruin affect attack 形容词形容词 物的属性与构成构成 大小大小 big huge little small medium 高低高低high low 长短长短long short tall 深浅深浅deep shallow 粗细粗细thick thin fat slim 宽窄宽窄 narrow wide 重量重量heavy light 正斜正斜 straight curved flat形状形状round square 距离距离near far 事物与空间事物与空间full empty blank bare dirty 时间时间new fresh 数量数量extra only single poor rich slight total 质地质地 hard soft tough tender smooth rough sharp blunt fresh raw pureplain even力量力量strong weak tight loose firm tense 状态状态liquid gas solid 温度温度hot warm cold 湿度湿度dry wet 亮度亮度bright dark dull 味道味道sweet bitter delicious sour spicy 声音声音loud quiet 人的属性与构成构成 时间时间 young old 身体身体hungry ill sick tired blind sore born pregnant alive 行为行为busy violent wild 外表外表beautiful ugly sexy 心智心智smart clever stupid confused awake asleep familiar patient 态度态度polite lazy honest rude brave aggressive 情感情感interested curious proud sure confident 心情心情 happy glad sad upset sorry guilty calm afraid angry crazy madexcited bored disappointed jealous lonely事的属性与构成构成 难度难度 easy hard difficult 时间时间late due urgent efficient 可能性可能性possible available 安全性安全性dangerous safe 其他其他 wrong strict correct fair proper lucky successful综合属性综合属性 品质(好)品质(好) good nice fine great perfect wonderful amazing excellent品质(坏)品质(坏) bad terrible awful真实性真实性 real true false fake完整性完整性 complete精确性精确性 exact specific复杂性复杂性 complicated simple其他其他 fun horrible weird strange comfortable incredible gross 事物关系事物关系特殊性特殊性 special regular一致性一致性 same different普遍性普遍性 typical normal common general popular average particular own重要性重要性 serious causal important main formal professional必要性必要性 necessary关联性关联性 free relative legal physical mental local native international cheapexpensive separate public worth 介词介词 动态位置动态位置 轨迹轨迹across along past over up down through on off in out against 起点起点from 终点终点 to toward for about静态位置静态位置 点 at点与点点与点by beside before after behind between around点与平面点与平面beyond under above below 点与空间点与空间outside inside within 从属从属of with without 时间时间during since till 替代替代instead of 比较比较than as 整体与部分整体与部分besides among except including 因果因果according to其他其他 despite per 副词副词 时间时间now early just then recently ago already yet ever never forever 位置位置here there 方向方向away forth apart together aside 数量数量extra alone 程度程度quite much very well extremely almost enough 强调强调actually especially absolutely certainly 速度速度fast slow soon suddenly immediately gradually 频率频率again often usually always 顺序顺序finally eventually 转折转折otherwise 可能性可能性probably perhaps maybe 递进递进also too either neither else 引导引导when where how why what 连词连词 因果因果because 转折转折but though 并列并列and 条件条件if unless except 时间时间while 选择选择or whether 限定词限定词 顺序顺序last next 数量数量all any some both each either neither every few many much 指代指代this that these those another such 代词代词I you he she we they it 疑问代词疑问代词which who 冠词冠词aan the 感叹词感叹词bye hello no yes pardon please wow damn 缩略词缩略词Mr. Ms. 数词数词zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten hundredthousand million billion。
为什么只需要 个单词?
Why are 1368 words enough?
如何解决 个 单词外的表达问题?
为什么要先学 这 个单词?
For example
catch call
breathe earn receive
answer attack
所 思 所 想
先大词 后小词
口语化 的翻译
看图片 观视频
现场演 示 先中式 后英式
怎么学习这 个单词?
怎么练习这 个单词?
怎么练习这 个单词?
语序训练 单词释义 主题训练 搭配练习 看视频
曾经有一份真诚的感情放在我面前,我没有珍惜, 等到我失去的时候才追悔莫及,人世间最痛苦的事莫过于此… … 如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会, 我会对那个女孩子说三个字:“我爱你。” 如果非要在这份爱加上一个期限, 我希望是… … 一万年!
I ever had a true love.I did’t take it. I’m very sorry after I lost it. It is the worst thing in the world. If the God could give me one more chance, I would tell the girl,”I love you.” If you ask me how long I want it to be, I hope it could be 10000 years!
1.具体名词:有关物的名词时间类time morning afternoon noon evening night tonight today tomorrow yesterday weekend month year season spring autumn winter day date moment period history future birthday holiday festival schedule age气候类weather rain snow wind cloud自然类nature mountain air light water fire ice smoke heat ground sky river field forest sea stone star植物类plant grass tree crop动物类animal bird cat dog horse rabbit elephant bear tiger lion bull cow pig chicken fish sheep monkey snake reptile panda昆虫类insect bee butterfly spider ant其他生物bacteria[bæk'tɪərɪə]地点类place hospital restaurant['restrɒnt]hotel university factory jail [dʒeɪl] zoo park school store club bar court market town village city downtown机构类organization [ˌɔːɡənaɪ'zeɪʃn] company charity ['tʃærɪtɪ]声音类sound voice noise music食品类food egg meat steak bread cake dessert soupsandwich noodle pie chocolate ['tʃɒk(ə)lət]sauce [sɔːs]餐饮类meal breakfast lunch dinner蔬菜类vegetable potato tomato carrot lettuce ['letɪs] bean 水果类fruit apple orange banana食材类ingredient [ɪn'griːdɪənt] oil sugar salt butter cream饮料类drink coffee milk tea juice beer winealcohol ['ælkəhɒl]营养类nutrient['njuːtrɪənt]mineral ['mɪnərəl]vitamin ['vaɪtəmɪn] protein ['prəʊtiːn]疾病类disease [dɪ'ziːz] fever['fiːvə] flu cancer房屋类house office room floor wall window door kitchen roof[ruːf]家具类furniture['fɜːnɪtʃə]bed chair[tʃeə]desk table seat couch服装类clothes shirt shoes cap hat coat dress pants [pænts] uniform['juːnɪfɔːm]suits underwear pocket jeans[dʒinz] button ['bʌtn]zip sock首饰类jewelry['dʒuːəlrɪ] diamond['daɪəmənd] ring chain化妆品cosmetics perfume [pɜː'fjuːm] lipstick powder['paʊdə]交通类transport['trænspɔːt]traffic bicycle ship boat plane train车辆类vehicle[ˈviːəkl]motorcycle bus car truck brake engine gear tire wheel路桥类road street bridge station装置类device lock key bell scale tap设备类equipment shower radio telephone camera computer TV fridge video instrument容器类container[kən'teɪnə] box cup dish plate bowl basket tub sink[sɪŋk] pot pan材料类material[mə'tɪərɪəl]cloth paper glass plastic gold paint chemical ['kemɪk(ə)l] steel porcelain ['pɔːs(ə)lɪn]日常用品类toy brush mirror chain board handle cartoon [kɑː'tuːn]bottle wood clock knife pen book album ['ælbəm]menu card envelope ticket pipe tube[tjuːb]wire belt web film screen gift channel ['tʃæn(ə)l] alarm electricity [,ɪlek'trɪsɪtɪ]towel carpet['kɑːpɪt]tool junk[dʒʌŋk]fork spoon medicine drug pill数量couple double load pack lot单位unit meter inch pound gram[ɡræm] piece事情thing issue['ɪʃuː] matter stuff[stʌf] object event有关人的名词家庭角色类parent daughter son father mother brother sister husband wife uncle aunt grandfather grandmotherrole社会角色类kid child baby boy girl man woman friend lady gentleman boss customer student neighbor person volunteer[,vɒlən'tɪə]fool sir madam职业类job doctor nurse professor lawyer['lɔːjə;] engineer teacher coach guard judge群体类group people class team human staff[stɑːf] society [sə'saɪətɪ]generation army government family2.抽象名词:光背下来还不行话语类words topic subject joke question suggestion instruction [ɪn'strʌkʃ(ə)n]permission文字类document ['dɒkjʊm(ə)nt]story report note text letter email['iːmeɪl] list menu novel blog rule信息类information message fact detail evidence ['evɪd(ə)ns] clue[kluː] background ['bækgraʊnd] data sign knowledge news update [ʌp'deɪt]notice状态类state condition environment[ɪn'vaɪrənm(ə)nt] situation行为类act practice test experiment[ɪk'sperɪm(ə)nt] experience [ɪk'spɪərɪəns]lesson attention focus ['fəʊkəs]stepeducation advertisement [,ædvɚ'taɪzmənt]trick habit business exercise bath security[sɪ'kjʊərətɪ]treatment service homework job duty performance[pə'fɔːm(ə)ns]study arrangement[ə'reɪn(d)ʒm(ə)nt]occasion [ə'keɪʒ(ə)n] money活动类activity[æk'tɪvɪtɪ]game discipline['dɪsɪplɪn]crime trade economy [ɪ'kɒnəmɪ]politics ['pɒlɪtɪks]war trip fashion industry['ɪndəstrɪ] sports思想类thought idea view theory['θɪərɪ]religion [rɪ'lɪdʒ(ə)n] plan整体类network internet series ['sɪəriːz] career [kə'rɪə] system 其他类favor privilege[ˈprɪvəlɪdʒ]mistake risk advantage [əd'vɑːntɪdʒ]benefit['benɪfɪt]problem trouble surprise secret award[ə'wɔːd]prize diet property['prɒpətɪ]option case example sample score limit experience effort ['efət]energy ['enədʒɪ]figure ['fɪgə]3.构成类名词:你的外在与内在核心词part部位side edge [edʒ] base core [kɔː]身体head eye ear face nose foot mouth tooth tongue [tʌŋ] neck shoulder['ʃəʊldə]breast chest stomach arm handfinger nail leg knee throat brain heart lung muscle bone nerve [nɜːv] hair skin blood sweat [swet]精神mind spirit['spɪrɪt]soul emotion [ɪ'məʊʃ(ə)n] feeling力量strength[streŋθ]force power ['paʊə]动物tail wing [wɪŋ]植物flower ['flaʊə]leaf root branch [brɑːn(t)ʃ]其他whole [həʊl] rest half4.属性类名词:你的状态静态属性形状shape appearance尺寸size space位置position point line end bottom middle top front back center corner left right direction品质quality feature character personality其他属性color weight tone material structure数量amount number measurement distance volume angle temperature level rate类别kind type动态属性方式form way原因cause reason source excuse factor目的purpose goal结果effect result过程course process。
rate: speed percentage
kind type
way: behavior mood logic tradition culture style pattern relation manner
lay place
stay hang settle
link join connect stick tie
plan: strategy policy program
network internet series career
system: language transport
favor privilege mistake risk advantage benefit problem trouble surprise secret award prize diet property option case example sample score limit experience effort energy figure
sound voice noise music
food egg meat steak bread cake dessert soup sandwich noodle pie chocolate sauce
1368个单词词汇-中文翻译版List 1.(96 个)mome nt时刻fire 火时间类period 期ice冰time时间history 历史smoke 烟morning早上好future未来heat 热after noon下午好birthday生日快乐ground地面noon中午holiday 假日sky天空evening晚上好festival 节river 河ni ght晚上schedule时间表field 场toni ght 今晚age年龄forest森林today今天气候类sea海tomorrow 明天weather 天气stone 石yesterday 昨天rain 雨star 明星weekend 周末snow 雪植物类month 月wi nd 风pla nt植物year 年cloud 云grass草season季节自然类tree 树spri ng春天n ature自然crop作物autu mn秋天mou ntai n 山动物类wi nter冬天air空气an imal动物day天light 光bird 鸟date日期water 水cat猫dog狗horse 马rabbit 兔elepha nt 大象bear 熊tiger 老虎lion狮子bull公牛cow牛pig猪chicke n 鸡fish 鱼sheep羊monkey猴子snake蛇reptile 爬行动物昆虫类insect昆虫bee蜜蜂butterfly 蝴蝶spider蜘蛛其他生物bacteria 细菌地点类place的地方hospital 医院restaura nt餐厅hotel酒店university 大学factory 工厂jail监狱zoo动物园park公园school学校store商店club 俱乐部bar酒吧court法院market市场tow n 镇village 村city 城市List 2(95 个)机构类organi zati on 组织compa ny 公司charity 慈善声音类sou nd声音voice的声音no ise 噪声music音乐食品类food食品egg鸡蛋meat 肉steak牛排bread面包cake蛋糕dessert甜点soup 汤pie馅饼in gredie nt 成分disease病chocolate巧克力oil油fever发烧>1夕sugar糖flu流感sauce酱餐饮类salt 盐cancer癌症meal 餐butter黄油房屋类breakfast 早餐cream奶油house房子lunch午餐饮料类office办公室dinner 晚餐drink 喝room房间蔬菜类coffee咖啡floor地板vegetable 蔬菜milk牛奶wall 墙potato马铃薯tea茶wi ndow 窗口tomato番茄juice 汁door 门carrot胡萝卜beer啤酒roof屋顶lettuce 生菜wi ne 酒kitche n 厨房bea n 豆alcohol 酒精家具类水果类营养类furniture 家具fruit水果nu trie nt 营养bed床apple苹果mi neral 矿物chair椅子orange橙色vitamin维生素desk书桌banana香蕉protein 蛋白table 表couch沙发ring 环brake制动服装类化妆品engine发动机clothes 衣服cosmetics化妆品gear 齿轮shirt衬衫perfume 香水tire轮胎shoes鞋lipstick 口红wheel 轮cap帽powder 粉路桥类hat帽子List 3.(93 个)road 路coat夕卜套交通类street 街dress连衣裙tran sport 运输bridge 桥pants裤子traffic 交通stati on 站uniform 均匀bicycle自行车装置类suits套装ship 船device装置un derwear 内衣boat 船lock 锁pocket 口袋pla ne平面key关键jeans牛仔裤train火车bell贝尔button按钮车辆类scale规模zip拉链vehicle 车辆tap水龙头sock袜子motorcycle 摩托车设备类首饰类bus总线equipme nt 设备jewelry 珠宝car车shower淋浴diam ond 钻石truck卡车radio 无线电paper纸glass玻璃plastic 塑料gold 金pai nt 油漆chemical 化学日常用品类toy玩具brush刷mirror镜子cha in 链board 板han dle 手柄carto on 卡通bottle 瓶wood木材clock时钟knife 刀pen 笔book 书album专辑menu菜单card 卡env ticket 票pipe 管tube 管wire 线belt 带web Web film电影scree n屏幕gift礼物cha nnel 通道alarm报警electricity 电towel毛巾carpet地毯tool 工具junk 垃圾fork 叉spo on勺子telepho ne 电话camera相机computer计算机TV电视fridge冰箱video视频容器类container 容器box箱cup杯dish 菜plate 板bowl 碗basket篮子tub浴缸sink 沉pot锅pan潘drug药物pill 丸数量couple 一对double 一双load 一车,大量pack —包lot许多单位unit issue问题matter事件stuff 东西、材料object物品eve nt 大事件有关人的名词家庭角色类pare nts 父母daughter 女儿son儿子father父亲mother母亲brother 兄弟sister 姐妹husba nd 丈夫wife妻子un cle 叔aunt 姨,姑gran dmother 祖母role角色社会角色类kidchildbabyboygirlmanwoma nfrie ndladygen tlema n 先生boss customer 顾客stude ntn eighborpers onvolun teerfoolsirmadam职业类Jobdactornurse professor 教授engineer工程师teacher coach教练guard保镖,保安judge法官、裁判群体grouppeopleclassteam团队human人类staff员工society 社会generatio n—代人army军队government 政府familyList 5(87 个)话语类words 话topic话题subject主题joke笑话questio n 问题suggesti on 建议in structi on 指令文字类docume nt 文件story故事report报告no vel 小说note 注text 文本letter 信email电子邮件blog博客menu菜单rule:规则:law法grammar 语法prin ciple 原理信息类information 信息message消息n ews新闻update更新no tice通知fact事实detail细节evide nee 证据clue线索background 背景data数据sign标志knowledge 知识状态类state状态conditi on 条件en vironment 环境situati on:情境:mess混舌L balanee 平衡peace和平emerge ncy急救cha nee机会opport unity 机会行为类act行为exercise 运动practice 实践test测试experime nt实验less on 课bath 浴security安全atte ntio n注意focus集中注意力step 步list列表educati on 教育art艺术profit利润advertiseme nt广告scie nee 科学in come收入treatme nt 治疗philosophy 哲学salary工资trick戏法psychology 心理学loan贷款habit习惯arran geme nt排列cash现金service月服务deal 一言为定cost成本bus in ess 业务in sura nee 保险credit信用homework 作业acco unt 帐户deposit 存款job:工作:en gageme n订婚price价格task任务List6(79 个)tax税project 项目上接行为类bill账单challe nge 挑战occasi on:场合:budget预算duty:职责:meeting 会议活动类resp on sibility 责任in terview 面试activity 活动fault故障party 方game游戏performa nee:性能:pic nic野餐discipli ne 纪律concert音乐会wedd ing 婚礼crime犯罪opera歌剧fun eral 葬礼trade贸易drama戏居U barbecue 烧烤economy 经济study 研究cerem ony 仪式politics 政治math数学Mo ney 钱war战争trip旅行in ternet互联网opti on选项fashion 时尚series系列case案例industry 产业career职业生涯example 例子sports:体育运动:syste m系统sample样品soccer足球(美式)Ian guage 语言score分数football 足球tran sport 运输limit极限golf高尔夫其他类experie nee 经验basketball 篮球favor赞成effort努力race比赛privilege 特权en ergy冃能量思想类mistake 错误figure 图thought 思想risk风险List 7(65 个)idea思想adva ntage 优势构成类名词view 观ben efit 效益核心词theory理论problem 问题Part部分religio n 宗教trouble 麻烦部位pla n:计划:surprise 惊喜side 侧strategy 策略secret秘密edge 边缘policy政策award 奖base基地program 程序prize 奖core核心整体类diet饮食身体n etwork 网络property 财产head 头eye眼heart 心力量ear耳lung 肺stre ngth 强度face面对muscle肌肉force 力nose鼻子bone 骨power:权力:foot 脚n erve神经authority 权威mouth 口hair头发ability 能力tooth 齿skin皮肤sight视线ton gue 舌blood 血in tellige nce 智能neck颈部sweat汗水memory记忆shoulder 肩精神skill技能breast乳腺mi nd心灵动物chest胸部spirit精神tail 尾stomach 胃soul灵魂- 习习wi ng 異arm臂emoti on 情感植物hand 手feeli ng 感觉flower 花fin ger手指shame羞耻leaf 叶nail 钉stress压力root 根leg腿respect 尊重branch分公司knee膝关节desire欲望其他throat喉咙pain疼痛whole整个brain 脑sense感rest休息half 半cor ner 角level:水平:List8(70 个)left 左degree度属性类名词right是的grade等级静态属性directi on 方向rank 秩形状east 东sta ndard 标准shape形状character 字符rate: 率: appeara nee外观personality 人格speed速度尺寸其他属性perce ntage百分比size大小color颜色类别space空间weight重量kind 种位置tone 音type 型positi on 位置material 材料动态属性poi nt 点structure 结构方式line 线数量form形式end结束amount 量way:方式:bottom 底nu mber 数behavior 行为middle中间measureme n测量mood 心情top顶dista nee 距离logic逻辑front 前volume体积traditi on 传统back回来an gle 角culture 文化een ter中心temperature 温度style风格patter n 模式go去support 支持relation 关系come 来mix混合manner的方式make 使switch开关原因归属link链接cause原因have 有joi n力口入reason原因get得到conn ect 连接source 源give 给stick坚持excuse 借口take 带tie领带factor因子终点位置meet满足目的put把cross交叉purpose 目的lay躺运动轨迹goal球进了place的地方move移动结果bring 带shift 移effect影响send发送pass通过result结果hold持有raise提高过程keep保持lift电梯course课程stay 待rise上升process 过程hang 挂drop 滴List 9(114 个)settle解决fall秋天本源词相互位置follow遵循be是cover盖lead 铅carry携带turn 转begi n开始bounce反弹空间start开始roll 卷ope n打开happe n发生shake摇close关闭fin ish完成screw螺杆shut 关stop停止速度fit适合整体与部分run运行en ter进入break打破rush高峰fill填充crack裂纹hurry快点pump 泵split分裂力量spill泄漏tear撕裂touch触摸spray喷雾divide 分hit打clea n清洁cut切knock 敲clear明确形状crash崩溃wipe 擦bend弯曲throw 扔leave离开fold折叠rub 擦quit退出twist 捻pull 拉arrive 至U达stretch 拉伸push 推reach达至U spread 传播draw 画fix修复尺寸press出版社set集grow成长方向时间行为look 看see 看至U liste n 听着hear听至U say说speak说话talk 谈tell告诉ask问thi nk认为believe 相信know 知道like 像love 爱do做系动词become 成为seem 似乎feel感觉sound声音smell气味taste味道看findwatch searchshow说意见agreecan celletallow告诉clai nwarnin troduce expla in express con firm要求beg charge order带有情感的说argue blame praise en courage compla in promise in sist shout threat其他cou nt pronounce 想con sider guess deserve offer 11 doubt suspect trust forgetrememberimagi nemean 11 learn un derstand won der11 decide trywant hopewish live cough expect 11 burn sig n will boil 鼻子shall should人体行为breathe may肢体皮肤might dan ce bleed can ride 精神must liesleep dare climbwake need 11 beatrelaximpress attract 上肢hug健康感觉下肢hurt injureenjoysitsuffer cure appreciatesta nd injectcarewalkkickList 11(106 个)hate worry jump生活行为thank skip cook库克welcome 11 面部back回来blesssmilethrill laugh fry炒freak cry drive驱动shock bother嘴巴eatmeasure测量annoy disturb kisswear 穿suck wash 洗自然现象lickrecord记录inv est投资copy复制post 后rob抢劫prepare 准备travel旅行wait等一等organize 组织screw螺杆marry结婚man age管理dig挖divorce 离婚han dle手柄hide隐藏borrow 借treat治疗pack 包lend 借con trol 控制mark马克owe欠use使用社会行为vote投票apply应用buy购买bet打赌save保存sell 卖celebrate 庆祝choose选择shop 店play 玩accept接受pay支付prete nd 假装pick 接spe nd花费help帮助collect 收集waste废物direct直接win 赢in vite邀请en terta in 娱乐fail失败rent租金in terrupt 中断miss思念fight战斗distract 分散lose失去kill 杀desig n设计check检杳steal 偷build建立exam ine 检杳cheat欺骗in ve nt发明compare 比solve解决qualify 资格List12(104个)an alyze 分析equal平等物的属性与构成运动share分享大小skate滑冰in elude 包括big大swim游泳separate分M huge巨大的fly飞bel ong属于little 小shoot拍摄depe nd依赖small 小工作invo Ive 涉及medium介质work工作事物的发展变化高低in terview 面试cha nge改变high 高hire雇用develop 发展low低fire 火improve 提高长短compete 竞争reduce减少long 长retire退休add添加short 短学习promote 促进tall 高read 读事物相互作用深浅write 写damage损伤deep 深spell咒语spoil破坏shallow 浅tran slate 翻译ruin破产粗细事物之间的关系affect影响thick 厚match比赛attack攻击thi n 薄fat脂肪bla nk空白sharp夏普slim苗条bare光秃秃的blu nt 钝宽窄dirty 脏fresh新鲜的n arrow 窄时间raw原wide 宽new新的pure 纯重量fresh新鲜的plai n平原heavy重数量eve n即使light 光extra额外的力量正斜on ly只有strong 强straight 直si ngle 单weak 弱curved 弯曲poor可怜的tight 紧flat 平rich丰富的loose 松形状slight轻微的firm公司round 圆total 总ten se紧张square广场质地状态距离hard 硬liquid液体n ear附近soft 软gas气far远tough艰难的solid固体事物与空间tender招标温度full 全smooth光滑hot热empty 空rough粗糙warm温暖cold 冷身体stupid猪头湿度hungry 饿了con fused 困惑dry干ill 病了awake清醒wet 湿sick生病的asleep睡着了—i_K * 、A亮度tired 累了familiar 熟悉bright明亮的bli nd 盲patie nt 病人dark黑暗sore 痛List 13(104 个)dull没意思born出生态度味道preg nant 怀孕polite有礼貌的sweet 甜alive活着lazy懒惰bitter 苦行为hon est诚实delicious 美味busy忙死了rude粗鲁的sour 酸viole nt 暴力brave勇敢的spicy 辣wild野生aggressive 声音外表侵略性的loud大声的beautiful 真美情感quiet安静ugly丑陋的in terested 感兴趣人的属性与构成sexy性感curious 好奇时间心智proud骄傲young年轻的smart智能sure当然con fide nt 自信。
1368个单词 表格整理版
fruit apple orange banana
ingredient oil sugar salt butter cream
drink coffee milk tea juice beer wine alcohol
nutrient mineral vitamin protein
group people class team human staff society generation army government family
words topic subject joke question suggestion instruction permission
road street bridge station
device lock key bell scale tap
equipment shower radio telephone camera computer TV fridge video
container box cup dish plate bowl basket tub sink pot pan
couple double load pack lot
unit meter inch pound gram piece
thing issue matter stuff object event
parent daughter son father mother brother sister husband wife uncle aunt grandfather grandmother role Nhomakorabea社会角色
List 1.(96个) 时间类time 时间morning 早上好afternoon 下午好noon 中午evening 晚上好night 晚上tonight 今晚today 今天tomorrow 明天yesterday 昨天weekend 周末month 月year 年season 季节spring 春天autumn 秋天winter 冬天day 天date 日期moment 时刻period 期history 历史future 未来birthday 生日快乐holiday 假日festival 节schedule 时间表age 年龄气候类weather 天气rain 雨snow 雪wind 风cloud 云自然类nature 自然mountain 山air 空气light 光water 水fire 火ice 冰smoke 烟heat 热ground 地面sky 天空river 河field 场forest 森林sea 海stone 石star 明星植物类plant 植物grass 草tree 树crop 作物动物类animal 动物bird 鸟cat 猫dog 狗horse 马rabbit 兔elephant 大象bear 熊tiger 老虎lion 狮子bull 公牛cow 牛pig 猪chicken 鸡fish 鱼sheep 羊monkey 猴子snake 蛇reptile 爬行动物昆虫类insect 昆虫bee 蜜蜂butterfly 蝴蝶spider 蜘蛛其他生物bacteria 细菌地点类place 的地方hospital 医院restaurant 餐厅hotel 酒店university 大学factory 工厂jail 监狱zoo 动物园park 公园school 学校store 商店club 俱乐部bar 酒吧court 法院market 市场town 镇village 村city 城市List 2(95个)机构类organization 组织company 公司charity 慈善声音类sound声音voice 的声音noise 噪声music 音乐食品类food 食品egg 鸡蛋meat 肉steak 牛排bread 面包cake 蛋糕dessert 甜点soup 汤sandwich 三明治noodle 面条pie 馅饼chocolate 巧克力sauce 酱餐饮类meal 餐breakfast 早餐lunch 午餐dinner 晚餐蔬菜类vegetable 蔬菜potato 马铃薯tomato 番茄carrot 胡萝卜lettuce 生菜bean 豆水果类fruit 水果apple 苹果orange 橙色banana 香蕉食材类ingredient 成分oil 油sugar 糖salt 盐butter 黄油cream 奶油饮料类drink 喝coffee 咖啡milk 牛奶tea 茶juice 汁beer 啤酒wine 酒alcohol 酒精营养类nutrient 营养mineral 矿物vitamin 维生素protein 蛋白疾病类disease 病fever 发烧flu 流感cancer 癌症房屋类house 房子office 办公室room 房间floor 地板wall 墙window 窗口door 门roof 屋顶kitchen 厨房家具类furniture 家具bed 床chair 椅子desk 书桌table 表seat 座椅couch 沙发服装类clothes 衣服shirt 衬衫shoes 鞋cap 帽hat 帽子coat 外套dress 连衣裙pants 裤子uniform 均匀suits 套装underwear 内衣pocket 口袋jeans 牛仔裤button 按钮zip 拉链sock 袜子首饰类jewelry 珠宝diamond 钻石ring 环化妆品cosmetics 化妆品perfume 香水lipstick 口红powder 粉List 3.(93个)交通类transport 运输traffic 交通bicycle 自行车ship 船boat 船plane 平面train 火车车辆类vehicle 车辆motorcycle 摩托车bus 总线car 车truck 卡车brake 制动engine 发动机gear 齿轮tire 轮胎wheel 轮路桥类road 路street 街bridge 桥station 站装置类device 装置lock 锁key 关键bell 贝尔scale 规模tap 水龙头设备类equipment 设备shower 淋浴radio 无线电telephone 电话camera 相机computer 计算机TV 电视fridge 冰箱video 视频容器类container 容器box 箱cup 杯dish 菜plate 板bowl 碗basket 篮子tub 浴缸sink 沉pot 锅pan 潘材料类material 材料cloth 布paper 纸glass 玻璃plastic 塑料gold 金paint 油漆chemical 化学日常用品类toy 玩具brush 刷mirror 镜子chain 链board 板handle 手柄cartoon 卡通bottle 瓶wood 木材clock 时钟knife 刀pen 笔book 书album 专辑menu 菜单card 卡envelope 信封ticket 票pipe 管tube 管wire 线belt 带web Webfilm 电影screen 屏幕gift 礼物channel 通道alarm 报警electricity 电towel 毛巾carpet 地毯tool 工具junk 垃圾fork 叉spoon 勺子medicine 医学drug 药物pill 丸数量couple 一对double 一双load 一车,大量pack 一包lot 许多单位 unitissue 问题matter 事件stuff 东西、材料object 物品event 大事件有关人的名词家庭角色类parents 父母daughter 女儿son 儿子father 父亲mother 母亲brother 兄弟sister 姐妹husband 丈夫wife 妻子uncle 叔aunt 姨,姑grandfather 祖父grandmother 祖母role 角色社会角色类kidchildbabyboygirlmanwomanfriendladygentleman 先生bosscustomer 顾客studentneighborpersonvolunteerfoolsirmadam职业类Jobdactornurseprofessor 教授lawyer 律师engineer 工程师teachercoach 教练guard 保镖,保安judge 法官、裁判群体grouppeopleclassteam 团队human 人类staff 员工society 社会generation 一代人army 军队government 政府familyList 5(87个) 话语类words 话topic 话题subject 主题joke 笑话question 问题suggestion 建议instruction 指令permission 许可文字类document 文件story 故事report 报告novel 小说note 注text 文本letter 信email 电子邮件blog 博客list 列表menu 菜单rule: 规则:law 法grammar 语法principle 原理信息类information 信息message 消息news 新闻update 更新notice 通知fact 事实detail 细节evidence 证据clue 线索background 背景data 数据sign 标志knowledge 知识状态类state 状态condition 条件environment 环境situation: 情境:mess 混乱balance 平衡peace 和平emergency 急救chance 机会opportunity 机会行为类act 行为exercise 运动practice 实践test 测试experiment 实验lesson 课bath 浴security 安全attention 注意focus 集中注意力step 步education 教育advertisement 广告treatment 治疗trick 戏法habit 习惯service 服务business 业务homework 作业job: 工作:task 任务project 项目challenge 挑战duty: 职责:responsibility 责任fault 故障performance: 性能:concert 音乐会opera 歌剧drama 戏剧study 研究math 数学art 艺术science 科学philosophy 哲学psychology 心理学arrangement 排列deal 一言为定insurance 保险account 帐户engagement 订婚List6(79个)上接行为类occasion: 场合:meeting 会议interview 面试party 方picnic 野餐wedding 婚礼funeral 葬礼barbecue 烧烤ceremony 仪式Money 钱profit 利润income 收入salary 工资loan 贷款cash 现金cost 成本credit 信用deposit 存款price 价格tax 税bill 账单budget 预算活动类activity 活动game 游戏discipline 纪律crime 犯罪trade 贸易economy 经济politics 政治war 战争trip 旅行fashion 时尚industry 产业sports: 体育运动:soccer 足球(美式) football 足球golf 高尔夫basketball 篮球race 比赛思想类thought 思想idea 思想view 观theory 理论religion 宗教plan: 计划:strategy 策略policy 政策program 程序整体类network 网络internet 互联网series 系列career 职业生涯system系统language 语言transport 运输其他类favor 赞成privilege 特权mistake 错误risk 风险advantage 优势benefit 效益problem 问题trouble 麻烦surprise 惊喜secret 秘密award 奖prize 奖diet 饮食property 财产option 选项case 案例example 例子sample 样品score 分数limit 极限experience 经验effort 努力energy 能量figure 图List 7(65个)构成类名词核心词Part 部分部位side 侧edge 边缘base 基地core 核心身体head 头eye 眼ear 耳face 面对nose 鼻子foot 脚mouth 口tooth 齿tongue 舌neck 颈部shoulder 肩breast 乳腺chest 胸部stomach 胃arm 臂hand 手finger 手指nail 钉leg 腿knee 膝关节throat 喉咙brain 脑heart 心lung 肺muscle 肌肉bone 骨nerve 神经hair 头发skin 皮肤blood 血sweat 汗水精神mind 心灵spirit 精神soul 灵魂emotion 情感feeling 感觉shame 羞耻stress 压力respect 尊重desire 欲望pain 疼痛sense 感力量strength 强度force 力power: 权力:authority 权威ability能力sight 视线intelligence 智能memory 记忆skill 技能动物tail 尾wing 翼植物flower 花leaf 叶root 根branch 分公司其他whole 整个rest 休息half 半List8(70个) 属性类名词静态属性形状shape 形状appearance 外观尺寸size 大小space 空间位置position 位置point 点line 线end 结束bottom 底middle 中间top 顶front 前back 回来center 中心corner 角left 左right 是的direction 方向east 东character 字符personality 人格其他属性color 颜色weight 重量tone 音material 材料structure 结构数量amount 量number 数measurement 测量distance 距离volume 体积angle 角temperature 温度level: 水平:degree 度grade 等级rank 秩standard 标准rate: 率:speed 速度percentage 百分比类别kind 种type 型动态属性方式form 形式way: 方式:behavior 行为mood 心情logic 逻辑tradition 传统culture 文化style 风格pattern 模式relation 关系manner 的方式原因cause 原因reason 原因source 源excuse 借口factor 因子目的purpose 目的goal 球进了结果effect 影响result 结果过程course 课程process 过程List 9(114个) 本源词be 是go 去come 来make 使归属have 有get 得到give 给take 带终点位置put 把lay 躺place 的地方bring 带send 发送hold 持有keep 保持stay 待hang 挂settle 解决相互位置cover 盖support 支持mix 混合switch 开关link 链接join 加入connect 连接stick 坚持tie 领带meet 满足cross 交叉运动轨迹move 移动shift 移pass 通过raise 提高lift 电梯rise 上升drop 滴fall 秋天follow 遵循lead 铅carry 携带bounce 反弹roll 卷shake 摇screw 螺杆速度run 运行rush 高峰hurry 快点力量touch 触摸hit 打knock 敲crash 崩溃throw 扔rub 擦pull 拉push 推draw 画press 出版社方向turn 转空间open 打开close 关闭shut 关fit 适合enter 进入fill 填充pump 泵spill 泄漏spray 喷雾clean 清洁clear 明确wipe 擦leave 离开quit 退出arrive 到达reach 达到fix 修复set 集时间begin 开始start 开始happen 发生finish 完成stop 停止整体与部分break 打破crack 裂纹split 分裂tear 撕裂divide 分cut 切形状bend 弯曲fold 折叠twist 捻stretch 拉伸spread 传播尺寸grow 成长行为look 看see 看到listen 听着hear 听到say 说speak 说话talk 谈tell 告诉ask 问think 认为believe 相信know 知道like 像love 爱do 做系动词become 成为seem 似乎feel 感觉sound 声音smell 气味taste 味道看findwatchobserveignoresearchshow说意见agreecancelletallow告诉clainwarnintroduceexplainexpressconfirm要求begchargeorder带有情感的说argueblamepraiseencouragecomplainpromiseinsistshoutthreat其他answercallcountpronounce想considerguessdeserveoffer 11doubtsuspecttrustforgetrememberimaginemean 11learnunderstandwonder 11decidetrywanthopewish expect 11 willshall shouldmaymightcanmustdareneed 11 impress attract感觉enjoy suffer appreciate carehateworry thank welcome 11 blessthrillfreak shock bother annoy disturb自然现象die liveburnboil人体行为肢体danceridelieclimbbeat上肢hug下肢sitstandwalkkickjumpskip面部smilelaughcry嘴巴eatkisssucklickblowcoughsign鼻子breathe皮肤bleed精神sleepwakerelax健康hurtinjurecureinjectList 11(106个)生活行为cook 库克back 回来fry 炒drive 驱动measure 测量wear 穿wash 洗tape 磁带record 记录post 后travel 旅行screw 螺杆dig 挖hide 隐藏pack 包mark 马克社会行为buy 购买sell 卖shop 店pay 支付spend 花费waste 废物invite 邀请rent 租金fight 战斗kill 杀steal 偷cheat 欺骗invest 投资rob 抢劫wait 等一等marry 结婚divorce 离婚borrow 借lend 借owe 欠vote 投票bet 打赌celebrate 庆祝play 玩pretend 假装help 帮助direct 直接entertain 娱乐interrupt 中断distract 分散design 设计build 建立invent 发明copy 复制prepare 准备organize 组织manage 管理handle 手柄treat 治疗control 控制use 使用apply 应用save 保存choose 选择accept 接受pick 接collect 收集win 赢fail 失败miss 思念lose 失去check 检查examine 检查compare 比较solve 解决analyze 分析运动skate 滑冰swim 游泳fly 飞shoot 拍摄工作work 工作interview 面试hire 雇用fire 火compete 竞争retire 退休学习read 读write 写spell 咒语translate 翻译事物之间的关系match 比赛qualify 资格equal 平等share 分享include 包括separate 分离belong 属于depend 依赖involve 涉及事物的发展变化change 改变develop 发展improve 提高reduce 减少add 添加promote 促进事物相互作用damage 损伤spoil 破坏ruin 破产affect 影响attack 攻击List12(104个)物的属性与构成大小big 大huge 巨大的little 小small 小medium 介质高低high 高low 低长短long 长short 短tall 高深浅deep 深shallow 浅粗细thick 厚thin 薄fat 脂肪slim 苗条宽窄narrow 窄wide 宽重量heavy 重light 光正斜straight 直curved 弯曲flat 平形状round 圆square 广场距离near 附近far 远事物与空间full 全empty 空blank 空白bare 光秃秃的dirty 脏时间new 新的fresh 新鲜的数量extra 额外的only 只有single 单poor 可怜的rich 丰富的slight 轻微的total 总质地hard 硬soft 软tough 艰难的tender 招标smooth 光滑rough 粗糙sharp 夏普blunt 钝fresh 新鲜的raw 原pure 纯plain 平原even 即使力量strong 强weak 弱tight 紧loose 松firm 公司tense 紧张状态liquid 液体gas 气solid 固体温度hot 热warm 温暖cold 冷湿度dry 干wet 湿亮度bright 明亮的dark 黑暗dull 没意思味道sweet 甜bitter 苦delicious 美味sour 酸spicy 辣声音loud 大声的quiet 安静人的属性与构成时间young 年轻的old 老身体hungry 饿了ill 病了sick 生病的tired 累了blind 盲sore 痛born 出生pregnant 怀孕alive 活着行为busy 忙死了violent 暴力wild 野生外表beautiful 真美ugly 丑陋的sexy 性感心智smart 智能clever 聪明的stupid 猪头confused 困惑awake 清醒asleep 睡着了familiar 熟悉patient 病人List 13(104个)态度polite 有礼貌的lazy 懒惰honest 诚实rude 粗鲁的brave 勇敢的aggressive侵略性的情感interested 感兴趣curious 好奇proud 骄傲sure 当然confident 自信心情happy 快乐glad 很高兴sad 悲伤upset 心烦sorry 对不起guilty 有罪calm 平静afraid 害怕angry 生气crazy 疯子mad 疯狂excited 兴奋bored 无聊disappointed 失望jealous 嫉妒lonely 寂寞事的属性与构成难度easy 别急慢慢来hard 硬difficult 困难时间late 晚due 由于urgent 紧急efficient 高效可能性possible 可能的available 可用安全性dangerous 危险safe 安全其他wrong 错误strict 严格correct 对的fair 公平proper 适当的lucky 幸运successful 成功的综合属性品质(好)good 好的nice 好的fine 好极了great 太好了perfect 很完美wonderful 奇妙的amazing 太神了excellent 很棒品质(坏)bad 坏terrible 好可怕awful 糟糕真实性real 真正的true 真正的false 假fake 假完整性complete 完成精确性exact 精确specific 具体复杂性complicated 复杂simple 简单的其他fun 乐趣horrible 好可怕weird 奇怪的strange 奇怪的comfortable 舒适incredible 简直不可思议gross 毛事物关系特殊性special 特殊regular 定期一致性same 相同different 不同普遍性typical 典型的normal 正常common 常见的general 一般popular 流行average 平均particular 特别的own 自己重要性serious 严重causal 因果important 重要main 主要formal 正式的professional 专业必要性necessary 必要的关联性free 自由relative 相对legal 法律physical 物理mental 心理local 局部native 本土international 国际cheap 便宜expensive 昂贵的separate 分离public 公共worth 值得List 14(48个)介词动态位置轨迹across 穿过along 沿past 过去over 在up 起来down 下来through 通过on 在off 关闭in 在out 出against 反对起点from 从终点to 以toward 向for 对于about 关于静态位置点at 在点与点by 通过beside 旁边before 之前after 后behind 后面between 之间around 围绕点与平面beyond 超越under 下above 以上below 下面点与空间outside 外面inside 里面within 在从属of 对with 随着without 没有时间during 在since 自till 直到替代instead 相反of 对比较than 比as 作为整体与部分besides 除了among 在…之间except 除了including 包括因果according 根据to 以其他despite 尽管per 每List 15(123个)副词及其他副词时间now 现在early 早期just 只是then 然后recently 最近ago 以前already 已经yet 然而,ever 曾经never 绝不forever 永远位置here 在这里there 那里方向away 离开forth 四apart 除了together 在一起aside 一边数量extra 额外的alone 独自一人程度quite 相当much 多very 非常well 怎么样extremely 极almost 差不多enough 足够的强调actually 事实上especially 尤其是absolutely 绝对certainly 当然了速度fast 快slow 慢soon 很快suddenly 突然immediately 立即gradually 逐渐地频率again 又often 经常usually 通常always 总是顺序finally 最后eventually 最终转折otherwise 否则可能性probably 可能perhaps 也许maybe 也许吧递进also 再者too 太either 无论是neither 既不else 其他的引导when 什么时候where 在哪儿how 怎么用why 为什么呢what 干嘛连词因果because 因为转折but 但though 虽然并列and 和条件if 如果unless 除非except 除了时间while 而选择or 或whether 是否限定词顺序last 最后next 下一个数量all 所有any 任何some 一些both 两each 每个either 无论是neither 既不every 每一个few 几many 许多much 多指代this 这that 那these 这些those 那些another 另一个such 这样的代词I 我you 你he 他she 她we 我们they 他们it 它疑问代词which 这who 谁冠词a 一an 一个the 这个感叹词bye 再见hello 你好no 没有yes 可以pardon 原谅please 拜托wow 真的damn 该死缩略词Mr. 先生Ms. 女士数词zero 零one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五six 六seven 七eight 八nine 九ten 十hundred 百thousand 千million 万billion 十亿。
List 1.(96 个)moment时刻fire 火时间类period 期ice冰time时间history 历史smoke 烟morning早上好future未来heat 热afternoon下午好birthday生日快乐ground地面noon中午holiday 假日sky天空evening晚上好festival 节river 河night晚上schedule时间表field 场tonight 今晚age年龄forest森林today今天气候类sea海tomorrow 明天weather 天气stone 石yesterday 昨天rain 雨star明星weekend 周末snow 雪植物类month 月wind 风plant植物year 年cloud 云grass 草season季节自然类tree 树spring春天nature自然crop作物autumn秋天mountain 山动物类winter冬天air空气animal动物day天light 光bird 鸟date日期water 水cat猫dog狗其^生物horse 马bacteria 细菌rabbit 兔地点类elephant 大象place的地方bear 熊hospital 医院tiger老虎restaurant 餐厅lion狮子hotel酒店bull公牛university 大学cow牛factory 工厂pig猪jail监狱chicken 鸡zoo动物园fish 鱼park公园sheep 羊school学校monkey猴子store商店snake虫它club俱乐部reptile爬行动物bar酒吧昆虫类court法院insect昆虫market市场bee蜜蜂town 镇butterfly 蝴蝶village 村spider蜘蛛city城市pie馅饼ingredient 成分disease 病chocolate巧克力oil油fever发烧sauce 酱sugar 糖flu流感餐饮类salt 盐cancer癌症meal 餐butter黄油房屋类breakfast 早餐cream奶油house房子lunch午餐饮料类office办公室dinner晚餐drink 喝room房间蔬菜类coffee咖啡floor地板vegetable 蔬菜milk牛奶wall 墙potato马铃薯tea茶window 窗口tomato番茄juice 汁door 门carrot胡萝卜beer啤酒roof屋]贞lettuce 生菜wine 酒kitchen 厨房bean 豆alcohol 酒精家具类水果类营养类furniture 家具fruit水果nutrient 营养bed床apple苹果mineral 矿物chair椅子orange橙色vitamin 维生素desk书桌banana香蕉protein 蛋白table 表食材类疾病类seat座椅couch沙发ring 环brake制动服装类化妆品engine发动机clothes 衣服cosmetics化妆品gear齿轮shirt衬衫perfume 香水tire轮胎shoes 鞋lipstick 口红wheel 轮cap帽powder 粉路桥类hat帽子List 3.(93 个)road 路coat外套交通类street 街dress连衣裙transport 运输bridge 桥pants裤子traffic 交通station 站uniform 均匀bicycle自行车装■类suits套装ship 船device装置underwear 内衣boat 船lock 锁pocket 口袋plane平面key关键jeans牛仔裤train火车bell贝尔button按钮车辆类scale规模zip拉链vehicle 车辆tap水龙头sock袜子motorcycle 摩托车设备类首饰类bus总线equipment 设备jewelry 珠宝car车shower淋浴diamond 钻石truck卡车radio无线电telephone 电话paper 纸camera相机glass玻璃computer计算机plastic 塑料TV电视gold 金fridge冰箱paint油漆video视频chemical 化学容器类日常用品类container 容器toy 玩具box箱brush 刷cup杯mirror镜子dish 菜chain 链plate 板board 板bowl 碗handle手柄basket篮子cartoon 卡通tub浴缸bottle 瓶sink 沉wood木材pot锅clock时钟pan潘knife 刀材料类pen笔material 材料book 书cloth 布album专辑menu菜单card 卡envelope 信封ticket 票pipe 管tube 管wire 线belt 带web Web film电影screen屏幕gift礼物channel 通道alarm报警electricity 电towel毛巾carpet地毯tool工具junk 垃圾fork 叉spoon勺子medicine 医学drug药物brother 兄弟foolsirpill 丸sister姐妹madam数量husband 乂夫职业类couple——对wife妻子Jobdactordouble 一双uncle 叔nurseload 一车,大量aunt姨,姑professor 教授pack 一包grandfather 祖父lawyer律师lot许多grandmother 祖母engineer工程师单位unit role角色teacherissue问题社^角色类coach教练matter事件kid guard保镖,保安stuff东西、材料object物品child baby boy judge法官、裁判群体event大事件girlmangroup people有关人的名词woman class 家庭角色类parents 父母friend lady gentleman 先生team团队human人类daughter 女儿bossstaff员工son 儿子customer 顾客society 社会father父亲mother母亲student neighborpersongeneration 一代人army军队volunteer government 政府familyList 5(87 个) 话语类 words 话 topic 话题 subject 主题 joke 笑话 question 问题suggestion 建议 instruction 指令 permission 许可 文字类 document 文件 story 故事 report 报告 novel 小说 note 注 text 文本letter 信 email 电子邮件 blog 博客list 列表 menu 菜单 condition 条件 rule:规则: environment 环境 law 法 situation:情境: grammar 语法 mess 混乱 principle 原理 balance 平衡 信息类 peace 和平 information 信息 emergency 急救 message 消息 chance 机会 news 新闻 opportunity 机会 update 更新 行为类 notice 通知 act 行为 fact 事实 exercise 运动 detail 细节 practice 实践 evidence 证据 test 测试 clue 线索 experiment 实验 background 背景 lesson 课 data 数据 bath 浴 sign 标志 security 安全 knowledge 知识 attention 注意 状态类 focus 集中注意力 state 状态step 步education 教育advertisement 广告treatment 治疗trick戏法habit习惯service 服务business 业务homework 作业job:工作:task任务project 项目challenge 挑战duty:职责:responsibility 责任fault故障performance:性能: concert音乐会opera歌剧drama戏剧study研究math数学art艺术science 科学philosophy 哲学psychology 心理学arrangement 排列deal 一言为定insurance 保险account 帐户engagement 订婚List6(79 个)上接行为类occasion:场合:meeting 会议interview 面试party 方picnic野餐wedding 婚礼funeral 葬礼barbecue 烧烤profit利润income收入salary工资loan贷款cash现金cost成本credit信用deposit 存款price价格tax税bill账单budget预算活动类activity 活动game游戏discipline 纪律crime,犯罪trade贸易economy 经济politics 政治ceremony 仪式Money 钱trip旅行internet互联网option选项fashion 时尚series系列case案例industry 产业career职业生涯example 例子sports:体育运动:system系统sample样品soccer足球(美式)language 语言score分数football 足球transport 运输limit极限golf高尔夫其他类experience 经验basketball 篮球favor赞成effort努力race比赛privilege 特权energy能量思想类mistake 错误figure 图thought 思想risk风险List 7(65 个)idea思想advantage 优势构成^名词view 观benefit 效益核心词theory理论problem 问题Part部分religion 宗教trouble 麻烦^位plan:计划:surprise 惊喜side 侧strategy 策略secret秘密edge边缘policy政策award 奖base基地program 程序prize 奖core核心整体类diet饮食身体network 网络property 财产head 头eye眼heart 心力量ear耳lung 肺strength弓强度face面对muscle肌肉force 力nose鼻子bone 骨power:权力:foot 脚nerve神经authority 权威mouth 口hair头发ability 能力tooth 齿skin皮肤sight视线tongue 舌blood 血intelligence 智能neck颈部sweat :干水memory记忆shoulder 肩精神skill技能breast乳腺mind /心灵动物chest胸部spirit精神tail 尾stomach 胃soul灵魂wing 翼arm臂emotion 情感植物hand 手feeling 感觉flower 花finger手指shame羞耻leaf 叶nail 钉stress压力root 根leg腿respect 尊重branch分公司knee膝关节desire欲望其他throat喉咙pain疼痛whole整个brain 脑sense 感rest休息half 半corner 角level:水平:List8(70 个)left 左degree 度属性类名词right是的grade等级静态属性direction 方向rank 秩形状east 东standard 标准shape形状character 字符rate:率:appearance 外观personality 人格speed速度尺寸其他属性percentage 百分比size大小color颜色类别space空间weight重量kind 种位置tone 音type 型position 位置material 材料动态属性point 点structure 结构方式line 线数量form形式end结束amount 量way:方式:bottom 底number 数behavior 行为middle中间measurement 测量mood心情top顶distance 距离logic逻辑front 前volume体积tradition 传统back回来angle 角culture 文化center中心temperature 温度style风格mix混合come 来1/—1―make [史switch 开关归属link链接have 有join加入get得至1」connect 连接give 给stick坚持take 带tie领带终点位置meet满足put把cross交叉lay躺运动轨迹place的地方move移动bring 带shift 移send发送pass通过hold持有raise提高keep保持lift电梯stay 待rise上升hang 挂drop 滴settle解决fall秋天相互位置follow遵循cover 盖lead 铅carry 携,带,turn 转begin开始bounce反弹空间start开始roll 卷open打开happen发生shake 摇close关闭finish完成screw螺杆shut 关stop停止速度fit适合整体与^分run运行enter进入break打破rush高峰fill填充crack裂纹hurry快点pump 泵split分裂力量spill泄漏tear撕裂touch触摸spray喷雾divide 分hit打clean清洁cut切knock 敲clear明确形状crash崩溃wipe 擦bend弯曲throw 扔leave离开fold折叠rub擦quit退出twist 捻pull 拉arrive到达stretch 拉伸push 推reach达到spread传播draw 画fix修复尺寸press出版社set集grow成长方向时间行为look 看see看到taste味道看praiseencouragecomplainlisten听着find promisewatch insist hear听到observe shoutsay说ignore threatsearch 其他speak说话showanswer talk 谈说calltell告诉意见countpronounceask问agreecancel 想think认为let consider believe 相信allow guessknow知道告诉clain deserve offer 11like 像warn doubt suspectlove 爱introduce explain trustdo做expressforgetremember系动词confirm要求imaginebecome成为mean 11seem似乎beg learn charge understandfeel感觉order wonder 11 sound声音带有情感的说arguedecide try smell气味wantwish live cough expect 11 burn signwill boil 鼻子shall人体行为,•1 1 1 一breathe should皮肤maymight dance bleed can ride 精神must liesleep dare climbwake need 11 beatrelax impress 上肢健康attracthug感觉hurt下肢injure enjoy sit cure sufferstand injectappreciatewalk careList 11(106 个)kickhate 生活^为jumpworryskip thankwelcome 11 cook库克面部back回来bless smilethrill laughfry炒freak cry drive驱动shock bother 嘴巴measure 测量eatannoykiss wear 穿disturbsuck wash 洗自然现象lickrecord记录invest投资copy复制post 后rob抢劫prepare 准备travel旅行wait等一等organize 组织screw螺杆marry结婚manage管理dig挖divorce 离婚handle手柄hide隐藏borrow 借treat治疗pack 包lend 借control 控制mark马克owe欠use使用社会行为vote投票apply应用buy购买bet打赌save保存sell 卖celebrate 庆祝choose选择shop 店play 玩accept接受pay支付pretend 假装pick 接spend花费help帮助collect 收集waste废物direct直接win赢invite邀请entertain 娱乐fail失败rent租金interrupt 中断miss思念fight战斗distract 分散lose失去kill 杀design设计check检查steal 偷build建立examine 检查cheat欺骗invent发明compare 比较solve解决qualify 资格List12(104个)analyze 分析equal平等物的属性与构成运动share分享^小skate滑冰include 包括big大swim游泳separate 分离huge巨大的fly飞belong 属丁little 小shoot拍摄depend依赖small 小工作involve 涉及medium介质work工作事物的发展变化高低interview 面试change改变high 高hire雇用develop 发展low低fire 火improve 提高长短compete 竞争reduce减少long 长retire退休add添加short 短学习promote 促进tall 高read 读事物相互作用^浅write 写damage损伤deep 深spell咒语spoil破坏shallow 浅translate 翻译ruin破产粗细事物之间的关系affect影响thick 厚match上匕赛attack攻击thin 薄fat脂肪blank空白sharp夏普slim苗条bare光秃秃的blunt 钝^窄dirty 脏fresh新鲜的narrow 窄时间raw原wide 宽new新的pure 纯重量fresh新鲜的plain平原heavy 重数量even即使light 光extra额外的力量正斜only只有strong 强straight 直single 单weak 弱curved弯曲poor可怜的tight 紧flat 平rich丰富的loose 松形状slight轻微的firm公司round 圆total 总tense紧张square广场^地状态距离hard 硬liquid液体near附近soft 软gas气far远tough艰难的solid固体事物与空间tender招标温度full 全smooth光滑hot热empty 空rough粗糙warm温暖cold 冷身体stupid猪头湿度hungry 饿了confused 困惑dry干ill 病了awake清醒wet湿sick生病的asleep 睡着了亮度tired 累了familiar 熟悉bright明亮的blind 盲patient 病人dark黑暗sore 痛List 13(104 个)dull没意思born出生态度味道pregnant 怀孕polite有礼貌的sweet 甜alive活着lazy懒惰bitter 苦行为honest诚实delicious 美味busy忙死了rude粗鲁的sour 酸violent 暴力brave勇敢的spicy 辣wild野生aggressive声音外表侵略性的loud人声的beautiful 真美情感quiet安静ugly丑陋的interested 感兴趣人的属性与构成sexy性感curious 好奇时间心智proud骄傲young年轻的smart智能sure当然old老clever聪明的confident 自信happy快乐时间good好的glad很高兴late 晚nice好的sad悲伤due由于fine好极了upset心烦urgent紧急great太好了sorry对不起efficient 高效perfect很完美guilty有罪可能性wonderful奇妙的calm平静possible可能的amazing 太神了afraid害怕available 可用excellent 很棒angry生气安全性品质(坏)crazy疯子dangerous 危险bad坏mad疯狂safe安全terrible好可怕excited 兴奋其他awful糟糕bored无聊wrong错误真实性disappointed 失望strict严格real真正的jealous 嫉妒correct 对的true真正的lonely寂寞fair公平false 假事的属性与构成proper适当的fake 假难度lucky幸运完整性easy别急慢慢来successful 成功的complete 完成hard 硬综合属性精确性difficult 困难品质阴)exact精确specific 具体typical典型的physical 物理复杂性normal正常mental /心理complicated 复杂common常见的local局部simple简单的general 般native 本土其他popular 流行international 国际fun乐趣average 平均cheap便宜horrible好可怕particular 特别的expensive昂贵的weird奇怪的own自己separate 分离strange奇怪的重要性public公共comfortable 舒适serious 严重worth值得incredible简直不可可思causal因果List 14(48 个)议important 重要介词gross 毛main主要动态位置事物关系formal正式的轨迹特殊性professional 专业across穿过special 特殊必要性along 沿regular 定期necessary必要的past过去一致性关联性over 在same相同free自由up起来different 不同relative 相对down下来普遍性legal法律through 通过on在between 之间of对off关闭around围绕比较in在点与平面than 比out出beyond超越as作为against 反对under 下整体与^分起点above以上besides 除了from 从below下面among在…之间终点点与空间except 除了to以outside夕卜面including 包括toward 向inside里面因果for对于within 在according 根据about关于从属to以静态位置of对其他点with随着despite 尽管at在without 没有per每点与点时间List 15(123 个)by通过during 在副词及其^副词beside旁边since 自时间before之刖till直到now现在after 后替代early早期behind后面instead 相反just只是then然后quite相当often经常recently 最近much 多usually 通常ago以前very非常always总是already 已经well怎么样顺序yet然而,extremely 极finally 最后ever曾经almost差不多eventually 最终never绝不enough足够的转折forever 永远^调otherwise 否则位置actually事实上可能性here在这里especially 尤其是probably 可能there那里absolutely 绝对perhaps 也许方向certainly 当然了maybe也许吧away离开速度递进forth 四fast 快also再者apart 除了slow 慢too太together 在起soon很快either无论是aside 一边suddenly 突然neither 既不数量immediately 立即else其他的extra额外的gradually逐渐地引导alone独自一人^率when什么时候程度again 又where在哪儿how怎么用顺序such这样的why为什么呢last最后^词what干嘛next下一个I我^词数量you你因果all所有he他because 因为any任何she她转折some 一些we我们but但both 两they他们though虽然each每个it它并列either无论是疑问^词and和neither 既不which 这条件every每一个who谁if如果few几冠词unless除非many许多 a -except 除了much 多an 一个时间指代the这个while 而this 这慝叹词选择that 那bye再见or或these这些hello你好whether 是否those那些no没有限定词another 另一个yes可以pardon原谅please 拜托wow真的damn该死缩略词Mr.先生Ms.女士数词zero 零one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五six六seven 七eight 八million 万billion 十亿ten十hundred 百thousand 千。
1368个单词具体名词:背下来就可以有关物的名词时间类time时间;次morning早上;上午afternoon下午noon中午evening晚上;傍晚night 夜;夜晚;黑夜tonight今天晚上;今夜today今天;现在;当前tomorrow明天yesterday昨天weekend周末month月year年season季;季节spring春天;春季autumn秋天;秋季winter冬天;冬季day天;日date日期moment一会儿;片刻period时期; (一段)时间; 学时; 句号history历史,经历; 沿革; future 将来;未来birthday生日holiday假日;节日festival节日; 节期; 贺宴,会演schedule时刻表; 目录;安排; age年龄; 时代; 老年; 年龄段; 老化;戒毒气候类weather天气rain下雨snow下雪wind风cloud云; 阴影自然类nature自然; 天性; 天理; 类型; mountain山;山脉air空气;大气light光;灯;灯光wate水;给……浇水fire火;火炉;火灾ice冰smoke烟; 吸烟; 冒烟;heat热,热度,高温ground地面;土地;运动场sky天空;天river江;河field田地;牧场;场地forest森林; 丛林; sea海;海洋stone石头; 宝石; 矿石; star星; 恒星星级; 明星植物类plant 植物,工厂;种植,放置grass草tree树crop农作物,庄稼动物类Animal动物bird鸟;家伙;羽毛球cat.猫;猫科动物dog狗horse马;骑兵;脚架;海洛因rabbit.兔子,野兔elephant象;大号图画纸bear熊tiger 虎lion狮bull公牛cow奶牛pig猪chicken鸡fish鱼sheep羊monkey猴snake蛇reptile爬行动物昆虫类insect 虫bee蜜蜂butterfly蝴蝶spider 蜘蛛其他生物bacteria细菌地点类place地方hospital医院restaurant餐厅hotel酒店university大学factory工厂jail监狱zoo动物园park公园school学校store商店club俱乐部bar酒吧court法院market市场town镇village村city城市机构类organization组织company公司charity慈善机关声音类sound声音voice嗓音,呼声noise噪声music音乐食品类food食品egg鸡蛋meat肉steak牛排bread面包cake蛋糕dessert甜点soup汤sandwich三明治noodle面条pie馅饼chocolate巧克力sauce酱餐饮类meal餐breakfast早餐lunch午餐dinner晚餐vegetable蔬菜potato马铃薯tomato番茄carrot胡萝卜lettuce生菜bean豆水果类fruit apple orange bananafruit水果apple苹果orange桔子banana香蕉食材类ingredient oil sugar salt butter cream饮料类drink coffee milk tea juice beer wine alcohol营养类nutrient mineral vitamin protein疾病类disease fever flu cancer房屋类house office room floor wall window door roof kitchen家具类furniture bed chair desk table seat couch服装类clothes shirt shoes cap hat coat dress pants uniform suits underwearpocket jeans button zip sock首饰类jewelry diamond ring化妆品cosmetics perfume lipstick powder交通类transport traffic bicycle ship boat plane train车辆类vehicle motorcycle bus car truck brake engine gear tire wheel路桥类road street bridge station装置类device lock key bell scale tap设备类equipment shower radio telephone camera computer TV fridge video容器类container box cup dish plate bowl basket tub sink pot pan材料类material cloth paper glass plastic gold paint chemical日常用品类toy brush mirror chain board handle cartoon bottle wood clock knifepen book album menu card envelope ticket pipe tube wire belt web film screen gift channel alarm electricity towel carpet tool junk fork spoon medicine drug pill数量couple double load pack lot单位unit meter inch pound gram piece事情thing issue matter stuff object event有关人的名词家庭角色类parent daughter son father mother brother sister husband wife uncleaunt grandfather grandmother role社会角色类kid child baby boy girl man woman friend lady gentleman bosscustomer student neighbor person volunteer fool sir madam职业类job doctor nurse professor lawyer engineer teacher coach guard judge群体类group people class team human staff society generation armygovernment family关于具体名词的解读总单词量:355个类别:38个抽象名词:光背下来还不够话语类words topic subject joke question suggestion instruction permission文字类document story report novel note text letter email blog list menurule:law grammar principle信息类information message news update notice fact detail evidence cluebackground data sign knowledge状态类state condition environmentsituation:mess balance peace emergency chance opportunity行为类act exercise practice test experiment lesson bath security attentionfocus step education advertisement treatment trick habit service businesshomeworkjob:task project challengeduty:responsibility faultperformance:concert opera dramastudy:math art science philosophy psychologyarrangement:deal insurance account engagement occasion:meeting interview party picnic wedding funeral barbecueceremonymoney:profit income salary loan cash cost credit deposit price taxbill budget活动类activity game discipline crime trade economy politics war trip fashionindustrysports:soccer football golf basketball race思想类thought idea view theory religionplan:strategy policy program整体类network internet series careersystem:language transport其他类favor privilege mistake risk advantage benefit problem troublesurprise secret award prize diet property option case example sample score limit experience effort energy figure关于抽象名词的解读总单词量:166个类别:9个构成类名词:你的外在与内在核心词part部位side edge base core身体head eye ear face nose foot mouth tooth tongue neck shoulder breastchest stomach arm hand finger nail leg knee throat brain heart lung musclebone nerve hair skin blood sweat精神mind spirit soul emotionfeeling:shame stress respect desire pain sense力量strength forcepower:authorityability:sight intelligence memory skill动物tail wing植物flower leaf root branch其他whole rest half关于构成类名词的解读总单词量:65个类别:8个属性类名词:你的状态静态属性形状shape appearance尺寸size space位置positionpoint line endbottom middle top front back center corner left right direction:eastwest north south品质quality feature character personality其他属性colorweighttonematerialstructure数量amount number measurement distance volume angle temperaturelevel:degree grade rank standardrate:speed percentage类别kind type动态属性方式formway:behavior mood logic tradition culture style pattern relation manner原因cause reason source excuse factor目的purpose goal结果effect result过程course process关于属性类名词的解读总单词量:70个类别:12个单纯型动词:广交天下朋友本源词be go come make归属拥有某物have得到某物get给出某物give拿到某物take终点位置使到达某一位置put使轻轻到达某一位置lay place使从其他位置到达说话者位置bring使从说话者位置到达其他位置send使位置暂停改变hold使位置保持不变keep位置保持不变stay hang settle相互位置一事物到另一事物上面cover一事物到另一事物下面support 两事物混合mix两事物互换switch两事物相连link join connect stick tie两事物相遇meet两事物交叉cross运动轨迹从一个点到另一个点move shift经过某个点pass低点往高点raise lift rise高点往低点drop fall一事物在另一事物后面follow一事物在另一事物前面lead一物载另一物carry往复运动bounce roll shake screw速度快速运动run rush hurry力量轻轻接触touch用力接触hit knock crash使快速运动throw用力接触并来回移动rub用力使事物脱离原来的位置pull对事物朝某一方向用力push draw press空间空间开放或关闭open close shut一事物进入某一空间fit enter一事物进入某一空间(气体或液体)fill pump spill spray事物离开某一空间clean clear wipe事物离开某一地点leave quit一事物到达某一地点arrive reach一事物固定在某一个空间fix set时间某事发生begin start happen某事结束finish某事停止stop方向一个方向到另一个方向turn整体与部分从大到小(用力)break crack split tear从大到小divide从多到少cut形状bend fold twist stretch spread尺寸grow行为look see listen hear say speak talk tell ask think believe know likelove do系动词become seem feel sound smell taste关于单纯型动词的解读总单词量:114个类别:15个世故型动词:朋友少,但效率高看find watch observe ignore search show说意见:agree cancel let allow告诉:claim warn introduce explain express confirm要求:beg charge order带有情感地说:argue blame praise encourage complain promise insistshout threat其他:answer call count pronounce想consider guess deserve offerdoubt suspect trust forget remember imagine meanlearn understand wonderdecide try want hope wish expectwill shall should may might can must dare needimpress attract感觉enjoy suffer appreciate care hate worry thank welcome bless thrillfreak shock bother annoy disturb自然现象die live burn boil人体行为肢体:dance ride lie climb beat上肢:hug下肢:sit stand walk kick jump skip面部:smile laugh cry嘴巴:eat kiss suck lick blow cough sing鼻子:breathe皮肤:bleed精神:sleep wake relax健康:hurt injure cure inject生活行为cook bake fry drive measure wear wash tape record post travel screwdig hide pack mark社会行为buy sell shop pay spend waste invite rent fight kill steal cheat invest rob wait marry divorce borrow lend owe vote bet celebrateplay pretend help direct entertain interrupt distractdesign build invent copyprepare organize manage handle treat controluse apply save choose accept pick collectwin fail miss losecheck examine compare solve analyze运动skate swim fly shoot工作work interview hire fire compete retire学习read write spell translate事物之间的关系match qualify equal share include separate belong depend involve事物的发展变化change develop improve reduce add promote事物相互作用damage spoil ruin affect attack关于世故型动词的解读总单词量:219个类别:14个让感觉飞起来:形容词物的属性与构成大小big huge little small medium高低high low长短long short tall深浅deep shallow粗细thick thin fat slim宽窄narrow wide重量heavy light正斜straight curved flat形状round square距离near far事物与空间full empty blank bare dirty时间new fresh数量extra only single poor rich slight total质地hard soft tough tender smooth rough sharp blunt fresh raw pure plain even力量strong weak tight loose firm tense状态liquid gas solid温度hot warm cold cool湿度dry wet亮度bright dark dull味道sweet bitter delicious sour spicy声音loud quiet人的属性与构成时间young old身体hungry ill sick tired blind sore born pregnant alive行为busy violent wild外表beautiful ugly sexy心智smart clever stupid confused awake asleep familiar patient态度polite lazy honest rude brave aggressive情感interested curious proud sure confident心情happy glad sad upset sorry guilty calm afraid angry crazy mad excited bored disappointed jealous lonely事的属性与构成难度easy hard difficult时间late due urgent efficient可能性possible available安全性dangerous safe其他wrong strict correct proper lucky fair successful综合属性品质(好)good nice fine great perfect wonderful amazing excellent品质(坏)bad terrible awful真实性real true false fake完整性complete精确性exact specific复杂性complicated simple其他fun horrible weird strange comfortable incredible gross事物关系特殊性special regular一致性same different普遍性typical normal common general popular average particular own重要性serious causal important main formal professional必要性necessary关联性free relative legal physical mental local native international cheap expensive separate public worth关于形容词的解读总单词量:208个类别:47个英语的灵魂:介词动态位置轨迹across along past over up down through on off in out against起点from终点to toward for about静态位置点at点与点by beside before after behind between around点与平面beyond under above below点与空间outside inside within从属of with without时间during since till替代instead of比较than as整体与部分besides among except including因果according to其他despite per关于介词的解读总单词量:48个类别:14个英语的配角:副词及其他副词时间now early just then recently ago already yet ever never forever 位置here there方向away forth apart together aside数量extra alone程度quite much very well extremely almost enough强调actually especially absolutely certainly速度fast slow soon suddenly immediately gradually频率again often usually always顺序finally eventually转折otherwise可能性probably perhaps maybe递进also too either neither else引导when where how why what连词因果because转折but though并列and条件if unless except时间while选择or whether限定词顺序last next数量all any some both each either neither every few many much指代this that these those another such代词I you he she we they it疑问代词which who冠词a an the感叹词bye hello no yes pardon please wow damn缩略词Mr. Ms.数词zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten hundred thousand million billion关于副词及其他词的解读总单词量:123个类别:9个。
organizationcompany charity
sound voice noise music
food egg meat steak bread cake dessert soup sandwich noodle pie chocolatesauce
meal breakfast lunch dinner
nutrient mineral vitamin protein
disease fever flu cancer
house office room floor wall window door roof kitchen
furniture bed chair desk table seat couch
government family
words topic subject joke question suggestioninstructionpermission
document story report novel note text letter email blog list menu rule:law grammar principle
animal birdcatdoghorse rabbit elephantbear tiger lion bull cow
pig chickenfishsheep monkey snake reptile
insect bee butterfly spider
place hospital restaurant hotel university factory jail zoo park school store club bar court market town village city
2)举例:“Bad”a). I thought it was a very bad article.我觉得这文章写得很烂。
(劣质的,代替inferior)b).Smoking gives you bad breath.抽烟会让你有难闻的口气。
(难闻的,代替unpleasant)c).Rotten:食物腐烂了,如:The apple is rotten.Rancid:含有脂肪的食物酸败了,如:The butter is rancid.Sour:牛奶等不新鲜,如The milk is sour.但在表示“坏了”这个意思时,这些词相互之间不可以混搭。
如果你说The apple is sour.那就变成“这个苹果是酸的”的意思了。
神奇的是,所有的这些食物都可以和bad搭配,都可以用“食物名be bad”的句式表达食物变质的意思。
2)举例:“Important”重要的东西一定有它的具体特点(一些可以被感知的特点,要么大,要么高,要么数量多,要么位置靠前)我们可以用其他具体概念来代替important,如下:a). If it means that much to you, I'll go find something else.要是它对你那么重要,我就再去找找别的东西吧!(从数量角度说明事物的重要性)b). For him, family comes before everything.对他来说,家庭比什么都重要。
List 1.(96个) 时间类time 时间morning 早上好afternoon 下午好noon 中午evening 晚上好night 晚上tonight 今晚today 今天tomorrow 明天yesterday 昨天weekend 周末month 月year 年season 季节spring 春天autumn 秋天winter 冬天day 天date 日期moment 时刻period 期history 历史future 未来birthday 生日快乐holiday 假日festival 节schedule 时间表age 年龄气候类weather 天气rain 雨snow 雪wind 风cloud 云自然类nature 自然mountain 山air 空气light 光water 水fire 火ice 冰smoke 烟heat 热ground 地面sky 天空river 河field 场forest 森林sea 海stone 石star 明星植物类plant 植物grass 草tree 树crop 作物动物类animal 动物bird 鸟cat 猫dog 狗horse 马rabbit 兔elephant 大象bear 熊tiger 老虎lion 狮子bull 公牛cow 牛pig 猪chicken 鸡fish 鱼sheep 羊monkey 猴子snake 蛇reptile 爬行动物昆虫类insect 昆虫bee 蜜蜂butterfly 蝴蝶spider 蜘蛛其他生物bacteria 细菌地点类place 的地方hospital 医院restaurant 餐厅hotel 酒店university 大学factory 工厂jail 监狱zoo 动物园park 公园school 学校store 商店club 俱乐部bar 酒吧court 法院market 市场town 镇village 村city 城市List 2(95个)机构类organization 组织company 公司charity 慈善声音类sound声音voice 的声音noise 噪声music 音乐食品类food 食品egg 鸡蛋meat 肉steak 牛排bread 面包cake 蛋糕dessert 甜点soup 汤sandwich 三明治noodle 面条pie 馅饼chocolate 巧克力sauce 酱餐饮类meal 餐breakfast 早餐lunch 午餐dinner 晚餐蔬菜类vegetable 蔬菜potato 马铃薯tomato 番茄carrot 胡萝卜lettuce 生菜bean 豆水果类fruit 水果apple 苹果orange 橙色banana 香蕉食材类ingredient 成分oil 油sugar 糖salt 盐butter 黄油cream 奶油饮料类drink 喝coffee 咖啡milk 牛奶tea 茶juice 汁beer 啤酒wine 酒alcohol 酒精营养类nutrient 营养mineral 矿物vitamin 维生素protein 蛋白疾病类disease 病fever 发烧flu 流感cancer 癌症房屋类house 房子office 办公室room 房间floor 地板wall 墙window 窗口door 门roof 屋顶kitchen 厨房家具类furniture 家具bed 床chair 椅子desk 书桌table 表seat 座椅couch 沙发服装类clothes 衣服shirt 衬衫shoes 鞋cap 帽hat 帽子coat 外套dress 连衣裙pants 裤子uniform 均匀suits 套装underwear 内衣pocket 口袋jeans 牛仔裤button 按钮zip 拉链sock 袜子首饰类jewelry 珠宝diamond 钻石ring 环化妆品cosmetics 化妆品perfume 香水lipstick 口红powder 粉List 3.(93个)交通类transport 运输traffic 交通bicycle 自行车ship 船boat 船plane 平面train 火车车辆类vehicle 车辆motorcycle 摩托车bus 总线car 车truck 卡车brake 制动engine 发动机gear 齿轮tire 轮胎wheel 轮路桥类road 路street 街bridge 桥station 站装置类device 装置lock 锁key 关键bell 贝尔scale 规模tap 水龙头设备类equipment 设备shower 淋浴radio 无线电telephone 电话camera 相机computer 计算机TV 电视fridge 冰箱video 视频容器类container 容器box 箱cup 杯dish 菜plate 板bowl 碗basket 篮子tub 浴缸sink 沉pot 锅pan 潘材料类material 材料cloth 布paper 纸glass 玻璃plastic 塑料gold 金paint 油漆chemical 化学日常用品类toy 玩具brush 刷mirror 镜子chain 链board 板handle 手柄cartoon 卡通bottle 瓶wood 木材clock 时钟knife 刀pen 笔book 书album 专辑menu 菜单card 卡envelope 信封ticket 票pipe 管tube 管wire 线belt 带web Webfilm 电影screen 屏幕gift 礼物channel 通道alarm 报警electricity 电towel 毛巾carpet 地毯tool 工具junk 垃圾fork 叉spoon 勺子medicine 医学drug 药物pill 丸数量couple 一对double 一双load 一车,大量pack 一包lot 许多单位 unitissue 问题matter 事件stuff 东西、材料object 物品event 大事件有关人的名词家庭角色类parents 父母daughter 女儿son 儿子father 父亲mother 母亲brother 兄弟sister 姐妹husband 丈夫wife 妻子uncle 叔aunt 姨,姑grandfather 祖父grandmother 祖母role 角色社会角色类kidchildbabyboygirlmanwomanfriendladygentleman 先生bosscustomer 顾客studentneighborpersonvolunteerfoolsirmadam职业类Jobdactornurseprofessor 教授lawyer 律师engineer 工程师teachercoach 教练guard 保镖,保安judge 法官、裁判群体grouppeopleclassteam 团队human 人类staff 员工society 社会generation 一代人army 军队government 政府familyList 5(87个) 话语类words 话topic 话题subject 主题joke 笑话question 问题suggestion 建议instruction 指令permission 许可文字类document 文件story 故事report 报告novel 小说note 注text 文本letter 信email 电子邮件blog 博客list 列表menu 菜单rule: 规则:law 法grammar 语法principle 原理信息类information 信息message 消息news 新闻update 更新notice 通知fact 事实detail 细节evidence 证据clue 线索background 背景data 数据sign 标志knowledge 知识状态类state 状态condition 条件environment 环境situation: 情境:mess 混乱balance 平衡peace 和平emergency 急救chance 机会opportunity 机会行为类act 行为exercise 运动practice 实践test 测试experiment 实验lesson 课bath 浴security 安全attention 注意focus 集中注意力step 步education 教育advertisement 广告treatment 治疗trick 戏法habit 习惯service 服务business 业务homework 作业job: 工作:task 任务project 项目challenge 挑战duty: 职责:responsibility 责任fault 故障performance: 性能:concert 音乐会opera 歌剧drama 戏剧study 研究math 数学art 艺术science 科学philosophy 哲学psychology 心理学arrangement 排列deal 一言为定insurance 保险account 帐户engagement 订婚List6(79个)上接行为类occasion: 场合:meeting 会议interview 面试party 方picnic 野餐wedding 婚礼funeral 葬礼barbecue 烧烤ceremony 仪式Money 钱profit 利润income 收入salary 工资loan 贷款cash 现金cost 成本credit 信用deposit 存款price 价格tax 税bill 账单budget 预算活动类activity 活动game 游戏discipline 纪律crime 犯罪trade 贸易economy 经济politics 政治war 战争trip 旅行fashion 时尚industry 产业sports: 体育运动:soccer 足球(美式) football 足球golf 高尔夫basketball 篮球race 比赛思想类thought 思想idea 思想view 观theory 理论religion 宗教plan: 计划:strategy 策略policy 政策program 程序整体类network 网络internet 互联网series 系列career 职业生涯system系统language 语言transport 运输其他类favor 赞成privilege 特权mistake 错误risk 风险advantage 优势benefit 效益problem 问题trouble 麻烦surprise 惊喜secret 秘密award 奖prize 奖diet 饮食property 财产option 选项case 案例example 例子sample 样品score 分数limit 极限experience 经验effort 努力energy 能量figure 图List 7(65个)构成类名词核心词Part 部分部位side 侧edge 边缘base 基地core 核心身体head 头eye 眼ear 耳face 面对nose 鼻子foot 脚mouth 口tooth 齿tongue 舌neck 颈部shoulder 肩breast 乳腺chest 胸部stomach 胃arm 臂hand 手finger 手指nail 钉leg 腿knee 膝关节throat 喉咙brain 脑heart 心lung 肺muscle 肌肉bone 骨nerve 神经hair 头发skin 皮肤blood 血sweat 汗水精神mind 心灵spirit 精神soul 灵魂emotion 情感feeling 感觉shame 羞耻stress 压力respect 尊重desire 欲望pain 疼痛sense 感力量strength 强度force 力power: 权力:authority 权威ability能力sight 视线intelligence 智能memory 记忆skill 技能动物tail 尾wing 翼植物flower 花leaf 叶root 根branch 分公司其他whole 整个rest 休息half 半List8(70个) 属性类名词静态属性形状shape 形状appearance 外观尺寸size 大小space 空间位置position 位置point 点line 线end 结束bottom 底middle 中间top 顶front 前back 回来center 中心corner 角left 左right 是的direction 方向east 东character 字符personality 人格其他属性color 颜色weight 重量tone 音material 材料structure 结构数量amount 量number 数measurement 测量distance 距离volume 体积angle 角temperature 温度level: 水平:degree 度grade 等级rank 秩standard 标准rate: 率:speed 速度percentage 百分比类别kind 种type 型动态属性方式form 形式way: 方式:behavior 行为mood 心情logic 逻辑tradition 传统culture 文化style 风格pattern 模式relation 关系manner 的方式原因cause 原因reason 原因source 源excuse 借口factor 因子目的purpose 目的goal 球进了结果effect 影响result 结果过程course 课程process 过程List 9(114个) 本源词be 是go 去come 来make 使归属have 有get 得到give 给take 带终点位置put 把lay 躺place 的地方bring 带send 发送hold 持有keep 保持stay 待hang 挂settle 解决相互位置cover 盖support 支持mix 混合switch 开关link 链接join 加入connect 连接stick 坚持tie 领带meet 满足cross 交叉运动轨迹move 移动shift 移pass 通过raise 提高lift 电梯rise 上升drop 滴fall 秋天follow 遵循lead 铅carry 携带bounce 反弹roll 卷shake 摇screw 螺杆速度run 运行rush 高峰hurry 快点力量touch 触摸hit 打knock 敲crash 崩溃throw 扔rub 擦pull 拉push 推draw 画press 出版社方向turn 转空间open 打开close 关闭shut 关fit 适合enter 进入fill 填充pump 泵spill 泄漏spray 喷雾clean 清洁clear 明确wipe 擦leave 离开quit 退出arrive 到达reach 达到fix 修复set 集时间begin 开始start 开始happen 发生finish 完成stop 停止整体与部分break 打破crack 裂纹split 分裂tear 撕裂divide 分cut 切形状bend 弯曲fold 折叠twist 捻stretch 拉伸spread 传播尺寸grow 成长行为look 看see 看到listen 听着hear 听到say 说speak 说话talk 谈tell 告诉ask 问think 认为believe 相信know 知道like 像love 爱do 做系动词become 成为seem 似乎feel 感觉sound 声音smell 气味taste 味道看findwatchobserveignoresearchshow说意见agreecancelletallow告诉clainwarnintroduceexplainexpressconfirm要求begchargeorder带有情感的说argueblamepraiseencouragecomplainpromiseinsistshoutthreat其他answercallcountpronounce想considerguessdeserveoffer 11doubtsuspecttrustforgetrememberimaginemean 11learnunderstandwonder 11decidetrywanthopewish expect 11 willshall shouldmaymightcanmustdareneed 11 impress attract感觉enjoy suffer appreciate carehateworry thank welcome 11 blessthrillfreak shock bother annoy disturb自然现象die liveburnboil人体行为肢体danceridelieclimbbeat上肢hug下肢sitstandwalkkickjumpskip面部smilelaughcry嘴巴eatkisssucklickblowcoughsign鼻子breathe皮肤bleed精神sleepwakerelax健康hurtinjurecureinjectList 11(106个)生活行为cook 库克back 回来fry 炒drive 驱动measure 测量wear 穿wash 洗tape 磁带record 记录post 后travel 旅行screw 螺杆dig 挖hide 隐藏pack 包mark 马克社会行为buy 购买sell 卖shop 店pay 支付spend 花费waste 废物invite 邀请rent 租金fight 战斗kill 杀steal 偷cheat 欺骗invest 投资rob 抢劫wait 等一等marry 结婚divorce 离婚borrow 借lend 借owe 欠vote 投票bet 打赌celebrate 庆祝play 玩pretend 假装help 帮助direct 直接entertain 娱乐interrupt 中断distract 分散design 设计build 建立invent 发明copy 复制prepare 准备organize 组织manage 管理handle 手柄treat 治疗control 控制use 使用apply 应用save 保存choose 选择accept 接受pick 接collect 收集win 赢fail 失败miss 思念lose 失去check 检查examine 检查compare 比较solve 解决analyze 分析运动skate 滑冰swim 游泳fly 飞shoot 拍摄工作work 工作interview 面试hire 雇用fire 火compete 竞争retire 退休学习read 读write 写spell 咒语translate 翻译事物之间的关系match 比赛qualify 资格equal 平等share 分享include 包括separate 分离belong 属于depend 依赖involve 涉及事物的发展变化change 改变develop 发展improve 提高reduce 减少add 添加promote 促进事物相互作用damage 损伤spoil 破坏ruin 破产affect 影响attack 攻击List12(104个)物的属性与构成大小big 大huge 巨大的little 小small 小medium 介质高低high 高low 低长短long 长short 短tall 高深浅deep 深shallow 浅粗细thick 厚thin 薄fat 脂肪slim 苗条宽窄narrow 窄wide 宽重量heavy 重light 光正斜straight 直curved 弯曲flat 平形状round 圆square 广场距离near 附近far 远事物与空间full 全empty 空blank 空白bare 光秃秃的dirty 脏时间new 新的fresh 新鲜的数量extra 额外的only 只有single 单poor 可怜的rich 丰富的slight 轻微的total 总质地hard 硬soft 软tough 艰难的tender 招标smooth 光滑rough 粗糙sharp 夏普blunt 钝fresh 新鲜的raw 原pure 纯plain 平原even 即使力量strong 强weak 弱tight 紧loose 松firm 公司tense 紧张状态liquid 液体gas 气solid 固体温度hot 热warm 温暖cold 冷湿度dry 干wet 湿亮度bright 明亮的dark 黑暗dull 没意思味道sweet 甜bitter 苦delicious 美味sour 酸spicy 辣声音loud 大声的quiet 安静人的属性与构成时间young 年轻的old 老身体hungry 饿了ill 病了sick 生病的tired 累了blind 盲sore 痛born 出生pregnant 怀孕alive 活着行为busy 忙死了violent 暴力wild 野生外表beautiful 真美ugly 丑陋的sexy 性感心智smart 智能clever 聪明的stupid 猪头confused 困惑awake 清醒asleep 睡着了familiar 熟悉patient 病人List 13(104个)态度polite 有礼貌的lazy 懒惰honest 诚实rude 粗鲁的brave 勇敢的aggressive侵略性的情感interested 感兴趣curious 好奇proud 骄傲sure 当然confident 自信心情happy 快乐glad 很高兴sad 悲伤upset 心烦sorry 对不起guilty 有罪calm 平静afraid 害怕angry 生气crazy 疯子mad 疯狂excited 兴奋bored 无聊disappointed 失望jealous 嫉妒lonely 寂寞事的属性与构成难度easy 别急慢慢来hard 硬difficult 困难时间late 晚due 由于urgent 紧急efficient 高效可能性possible 可能的available 可用安全性dangerous 危险safe 安全其他wrong 错误strict 严格correct 对的fair 公平proper 适当的lucky 幸运successful 成功的综合属性品质(好)good 好的nice 好的fine 好极了great 太好了perfect 很完美wonderful 奇妙的amazing 太神了excellent 很棒品质(坏)bad 坏terrible 好可怕awful 糟糕真实性real 真正的true 真正的false 假fake 假完整性complete 完成精确性exact 精确specific 具体复杂性complicated 复杂simple 简单的其他fun 乐趣horrible 好可怕weird 奇怪的strange 奇怪的comfortable 舒适incredible 简直不可思议gross 毛事物关系特殊性special 特殊regular 定期一致性same 相同different 不同普遍性typical 典型的normal 正常common 常见的general 一般popular 流行average 平均particular 特别的own 自己重要性serious 严重causal 因果important 重要main 主要formal 正式的professional 专业必要性necessary 必要的关联性free 自由relative 相对legal 法律physical 物理mental 心理local 局部native 本土international 国际cheap 便宜expensive 昂贵的separate 分离public 公共worth 值得List 14(48个)介词动态位置轨迹across 穿过along 沿past 过去over 在up 起来down 下来through 通过on 在off 关闭in 在out 出against 反对起点from 从终点to 以toward 向for 对于about 关于静态位置点at 在点与点by 通过beside 旁边before 之前after 后behind 后面between 之间around 围绕点与平面beyond 超越under 下above 以上below 下面点与空间outside 外面inside 里面within 在从属of 对with 随着without 没有时间during 在since 自till 直到替代instead 相反of 对比较than 比as 作为整体与部分besides 除了among 在…之间except 除了including 包括因果according 根据to 以其他despite 尽管per 每List 15(123个)副词及其他副词时间now 现在early 早期just 只是then 然后recently 最近ago 以前already 已经yet 然而,ever 曾经never 绝不forever 永远位置here 在这里there 那里方向away 离开forth 四apart 除了together 在一起aside 一边数量extra 额外的alone 独自一人程度quite 相当much 多very 非常well 怎么样extremely 极almost 差不多enough 足够的强调actually 事实上especially 尤其是absolutely 绝对certainly 当然了速度fast 快slow 慢soon 很快suddenly 突然immediately 立即gradually 逐渐地频率again 又often 经常usually 通常always 总是顺序finally 最后eventually 最终转折otherwise 否则可能性probably 可能perhaps 也许maybe 也许吧递进also 再者too 太either 无论是neither 既不else 其他的引导when 什么时候where 在哪儿how 怎么用why 为什么呢what 干嘛连词因果because 因为转折but 但though 虽然并列and 和条件if 如果unless 除非except 除了时间while 而选择or 或whether 是否限定词顺序last 最后next 下一个数量all 所有any 任何some 一些both 两each 每个either 无论是neither 既不every 每一个few 几many 许多much 多指代this 这that 那these 这些those 那些another 另一个such 这样的代词I 我you 你he 他she 她we 我们they 他们it 它疑问代词which 这who 谁冠词a 一an 一个the 这个感叹词bye 再见hello 你好no 没有yes 可以pardon 原谅please 拜托wow 真的damn 该死缩略词Mr. 先生Ms. 女士数词zero 零one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五six 六seven 七eight 八nine 九ten 十hundred 百thousand 千million 万billion 十亿。
1368个单词 音标
1368个单词具体名词:背下来就可以有关物的名词时间类time [taɪm]morning ['mɔrnɪŋ] afternoon [,æftɚ'nun] noon [nun]evening ['ivnɪŋ]night [naɪt]tonight [tə'naɪt] today [tə'de] tomorrow [tə'mɔro] yesterday ['jɛstɚde] weekend ['wikɛnd] month [mʌnθ]year [jɪr]season ['sizn]spring [sprɪŋ]autumn ['ɔtəm]winter ['wɪntɚ]day [de]date [det]moment ['momənt]period ['pɪrɪəd]history ['hɪstri]future ['fjʊtʃɚ]birthday ['bɝθde]holiday ['hɑləde]festival [ˈfɛstəvəl]schedule ['skɛdʒul]age [edʒ]气候类weather ['wɛðɚ]rain [reɪn]snow [sno]wind [wɪnd]cloud [klaʊd]自然类nature ['netʃɚ]mountain [ˈmaʊntn]air [er]light [laɪt]water ['wɔtɚ]fire [faɪr]ice [aɪs]smoke [smok]heat [hit]ground [ɡraʊnd]sky [skaɪ]river ['rɪvɚ]field [fild]forest ['fɔrɪst]sea [si]stone [ston]star [stɑr]植物类plant [plænt]grass [ɡræs]tree [tri]crop [krɑp]动物类animal ['ænɪml]bird [bɝd]cat [kæt]dog [dɔɡ]horse [hɔrs]rabbit ['ræbɪt]elephant ['ɛlɪfənt]bear [bɛr]tiger ['taɪɡɚ]lion ['laɪən]bull [bʊl]cow [kaʊ]pig [pɪɡ]chicken ['tʃɪkɪn] fish [fɪʃ]sheep [ʃip] monkey ['mʌŋki] snake [snek] reptile ['rɛptaɪl]昆虫类insect ['ɪnsɛkt]bee [bi]butterfly ['bʌtɚflaɪ] spider ['spaɪdɚ]其他生物bacteria [bæk'tɪrɪə]地点类place [ples] hospital ['hɑspɪtl] restaurant [ˈrestrɑnt] hotel [ho'tɛl]university [,junɪ'vɝsəti]factory [ˈfæktəri]jail [dʒel]zoo [zu]park [pɑrk]school [skul]store [stɔr]club [klʌb]bar [bɑr]court [kɔrt]market ['mɑrkɪt]town [taʊn]village ['vɪlɪdʒ]city ['sɪti]机构类organization [,ɔrɡənə'zeʃən]company ['kʌmpəni]charity ['tʃærəti]声音类sound [saʊnd]voice [vɔɪs]noise [nɔɪz]music ['mjuzɪk]食品类food [fud]egg [ɛɡ]meat [mit]steak [stek]bread [brɛd]cake [kek]dessert [dɪ'zɝt]soup [sup]sandwich ['sænwɪtʃ]noodle ['nʊdl]pie [paɪ]chocolate ['tʃɑklət]sauce [sɔs]餐饮类meal [mil]breakfast ['brɛkfəst]lunch [lʌntʃ]dinner ['dɪnɚ]蔬菜类vegetable ['vɛdʒtəbl]potato [pə'teto]tomato [tə'meto]carrot ['kærət]lettuce ['lɛtɪs]bean [bin]水果类fruit [frut]apple ['æpl]orange ['ɔrɪndʒ]banana [bə'nænə]食材类ingredient [ɪn'ɡridɪənt] oil [ɔɪl]sugar ['ʃʊgɚ]salt [sɔlt]butter ['bʌtɚ]cream [krim]饮料类drink [drɪŋk]coffee ['kɔfi]milk [mɪlk]tea [ti]juice [dʒus]beer [bɪr]wine [waɪn]alcohol ['ælkəhɔl]营养类nutrient ['njʊtrɪənt] mineral ['mɪnərəl]vitamin ['vaɪtəmɪn]protein ['protin]疾病类disease [dɪ'ziz]fever ['fivɚ]flu [flu]cancer ['kænsɚ]房屋类house [haʊs]office ['ɔfɪs]room [rum]floor [flɔr]wall [wɔl]window ['wɪndo]door [dɔr]roof [ruf]kitchen ['kɪtʃɪn]家具类furniture ['fɝnɪtʃɚ]bed [bɛd]chair [tʃɛr]desk [dɛsk]table ['tebl]seat [sit]couch [kaʊtʃ]服装类clothes [klo(ð)z]shirt [ʃɝt]shoes ['ʃuz]cap [kæp]hat [hæt]coat [kot]dress [drɛs]pants [pænts]uniform ['junɪfɔrm]suits [suts]underwear ['ʌndɚwɛr]pocket ['pɑkɪt]jeans [dʒinz]button ['bʌtn]zip [zɪp]sock [sɑk]首饰类jewelry ['dʒʊəlri]diamond ['daɪəmənd]ring [rɪŋ]化妆品cosmetics [kɑz'mɛtɪks]perfume [pɚ'fjum]lipstick ['lɪpstɪk]powder ['paʊdɚ]交通类transport ['trænspɔrt]traffic ['træfɪk]bicycle ['baɪsɪkl]ship [ʃɪp]boat [bot]plane [plen]train [tren]车辆类vehicle [ˈviəkl] motorcycle ['motɚ'saɪkl] bus [bʌs]car [kɑr]truck [trʌk]brake [brek]engine ['ɛndʒɪn]gear [ɡɪr]tire ['taɪɚ]wheel [wil] 路桥类road [rod] street [strit] bridge [brɪdʒ] station ['steʃən]装置类device [dɪ'vaɪs] lock [lɑk]key [ki]bell [bɛl] scale [skel]tap [tæp]设备类。
List1.(96个)moment时刻fire火period期ice冰时间类time时间history历史smoke烟morning早上好future未来heat热afternoon下午好birthday生日快乐ground地面noon中午holiday假日sky天空evening晚上好festival节river河night晚上schedule时间表field场tonight今晚age年龄forest森林today今天sea海气候类tomorrow明天weather天气stone石yesterday昨天rain雨star明星weekend周末snow雪植物类month月wind风plant植物year年cloud云grass草season季节tree树自然类spring春天nature自然crop作物autumn秋天mountain山动物类winter冬天air空气animal动物day天light光bird鸟date日期water水cat猫dog狗List2(95个)其他生物horse马bacteria细菌机构类rabbit兔organization组织地点类elephant大象place的地方company公司bear熊hospital医院charity慈善tiger老虎restaurant餐厅声音类soundlion狮子hotel酒店声音bull公牛university大学voice的声音cow牛factory工厂noise噪声pig猪jail监狱music音乐chicken鸡zoo动物园食品类fish鱼park公园food食品sheep羊school学校egg鸡蛋monkey猴子store商店meat肉snake蛇club俱乐部steak牛排reptile爬行动物bar酒吧bread面包昆虫类court法院cake蛋糕insect昆虫market市场dessert甜点bee蜜蜂town镇soup汤butterfly蝴蝶village村sandwich三明治spider蜘蛛city城市noodle面条WORD格式pie馅饼ingredient成分disease病chocolate巧克力oil油fever发烧sauce酱sugar糖flu流感salt盐cancer癌症餐饮类meal餐butter黄油房屋类breakfast早餐cream奶油house房子lunch午餐office办公室饮料类dinner晚餐drink喝room房间coffee咖啡floor地板蔬菜类vegetable蔬菜milk牛奶wall墙potato马铃薯tea茶window窗口tomato番茄juice汁door门carrot胡萝卜beer啤酒roof屋顶lettuce生菜wine酒kitchen厨房bean豆alcohol酒精家具类水果类营养类furniture家具fruit水果nutrient营养bed床apple苹果mineral矿物chair椅子orange橙色vitamin维生素desk书桌banana香蕉protein蛋白table表食材类疾病类seat座椅couch沙发ring环brake制动engine发动机服装类化妆品clothes衣服cosmetics化妆品gear齿轮shirt衬衫perfume香水tire轮胎shoes鞋lipstick口红wheel轮cap帽powder粉路桥类hat帽子List3.(93个)road路coat外套street街交通类dress连衣裙transport运输bridge桥pants裤子traffic交通station站uniform均匀bicycle自行车装置类suits套装ship船device装置underwear内衣boat船lock锁pocket口袋plane平面key关键jeans牛仔裤train火车bell贝尔button按钮scale规模车辆类zip拉链vehicle车辆tap水龙头sock袜子motorcycle摩托车设备类首饰类bus总线equipment设备jewelry珠宝car车shower淋浴diamond钻石truck卡车radio无线电telephone电话paper纸menu菜单camera相机glass玻璃card卡computer计算机plastic塑料envelope信封TV电视gold金ticket票fridge冰箱paint油漆pipe管video视频chemical化学tube管容器类日常用品类wire线container容器toy玩具belt带webWebbox箱brush刷film电影cup杯mirror镜子screen屏幕dish菜chain链gift礼物plate板board板channel通道bowl碗handle手柄alarm报警basket篮子cartoon卡通electricity电tub浴缸bottle瓶towel毛巾sink沉wood木材carpet地毯pot锅clock时钟tool工具pan潘knife刀junk垃圾材料类pen笔fork叉material材料book书spoon勺子cloth布album专辑medicine医学fooldrug药物brother兄弟sirpill丸sister姐妹madamhusband丈夫数量职业类Jobcouple一对wife妻子dactordouble一双uncle叔nurseload一车,大量aunt姨,姑professor教授pack一包grandfather祖父lawyer律师lot许多grandmother祖母engineer工程师teacher单位unitrole角色coach教练issue问题社会角色类guard保镖,保安kidmatter事件childjudge法官、裁判stuff东西、材料baby群体boyobject物品girlgroupevent大事件manpeoplewomanclass有关人的名词friendteam团队家庭角色类ladyhuman人类parents父母gentleman先生staff员工bossdaughter女儿customer顾客society社会son儿子studentgeneration一代人father父亲neighborarmy军队personmother母亲volunteergovernment政府familymenu菜单condition条件List5(87个)rule:规则:environment环境话语类law法situation:情境:words话grammar语法mess混乱topic话题principle原理balance平衡subject主题信息类peace和平joke笑话information信息emergency急救question问题message消息chance机会suggestion建议news新闻opportunity机会instruction指令update更新行为类permission许可notice通知act行为文字类fact事实exercise运动document文件detail细节practice实践story故事evidence证据test测试report报告clue线索experiment实验novel小说background背景lesson课note注data数据bath浴text文本sign标志security安全letter信knowledge知识attention注意email电子邮件状态类focus集中注意力blog博客state状态step步list列表education教育art艺术profit利润advertisement广告science科学income收入treatment治疗philosophy哲学salary工资trick戏法psychology心理学loan贷款habit习惯arrangement排列cash现金service服务deal一言为定cost成本business业务insurance保险credit信用homework作业account帐户deposit存款job:工作:engagement订婚price价格task任务List6(79个)tax税project项目bill账单上接行为类challenge挑战occasion:场合:budget预算duty:职责:meeting会议活动类responsibility责任interview面试activity活动fault故障party方game游戏performance:性能:picnic野餐discipline纪律concert音乐会wedding婚礼crime犯罪opera歌剧funeral葬礼trade贸易drama戏剧barbecue烧烤economy经济study研究ceremony仪式politics政治math数学Money钱war战争trip旅行internet互联网option选项fashion时尚series系列case案例industry产业career职业生涯example例子sports:体育运动:system系统sample样品soccer足球(美式)language语言score分数football足球transport运输limit极限golf高尔夫experience经验其他类basketball篮球favor赞成effort努力race比赛privilege特权energy能量mistake错误figure图思想类thought思想risk风险List7(65个)idea思想advantage优势构成类名词view观benefit效益核心词theory理论problem问题Part部分religion宗教trouble麻烦部位plan:计划:surprise惊喜side侧strategy策略secret秘密edge边缘policy政策award奖base基地program程序prize奖core核心整体类diet饮食身体network网络property财产head头WORD格式eye眼heart心力量ear耳lung肺strength强度face面对muscle肌肉force力nose鼻子bone骨power:权力:foot脚nerve神经authority权威mouth口hair头发ability能力tooth齿skin皮肤sight视线tongue舌blood血intelligence智能neck颈部sweat汗水memory记忆shoulder肩skill技能精神breast乳腺mind心灵动物chest胸部spirit精神tail尾stomach胃soul灵魂wing翼arm臂emotion情感植物hand手feeling感觉flower花finger手指shame羞耻leaf叶nail钉stress压力root根leg腿respect尊重branch分公司knee膝关节desire欲望其他throat喉咙pain疼痛whole整个brain脑sense感rest休息half半corner角level:水平:List8(70个)left左degree度right是的grade等级属性类名词direction方向rank秩静态属性形状east东standard标准shape形状character字符rate:率:appearance外观personality人格speed速度尺寸其他属性percentage百分比size大小color颜色类别space空间weight重量kind种tone音type型位置position位置material材料动态属性point点structure结构方式line线form形式数量end结束amount量way:方式:bottom底number数behavior行为middle中间measurement测量mood心情top顶distance距离logic逻辑front前volume体积tradition传统back回来angle角culture文化center中心temperature温度style风格WORD格式pattern模式go去support支持relation关系come来mix混合manner的方式make使switch开关link链接原因归属cause原因have有join加入reason原因get得到connect连接source源give给stick坚持excuse借口take带tie领带factor因子meet满足终点位置put把cross交叉目的purpose目的lay躺运动轨迹goal球进了place的地方move移动bring带shift移结果effect影响send发送pass通过result结果hold持有raise提高过程keep保持lift电梯course课程stay待rise上升process过程hang挂drop滴List9(114个)settle解决fall秋天本源词相互位置follow遵循WORD格式be是cover盖lead铅WORD格式carry携带turn转begin开始bounce反弹start开始空间roll卷open打开happen发生shake摇close关闭finish完成screw螺杆shut关stop停止速度整体与部分fit适合run运行enter进入break打破rush高峰fill填充crack裂纹hurry快点pump泵split分裂spill泄漏tear撕裂力量touch触摸spray喷雾divide分hit打clean清洁cut切knock敲clear明确形状crash崩溃wipe擦bend弯曲throw扔leave离开fold折叠rub擦quit退出twist捻pull拉arrive到达stretch拉伸push推reach达到spread传播draw画fix修复尺寸press出版社set集grow成长WORD格式方向时间行为WORD格式praise look看taste味道encouragesee看到看complainfindpromiselisten听着watchinsisthear听到observeshoutignorethreatsay说search其他speak说话showanswer talk谈说callcounttell告诉意见pronounceagreeask问想cancelthink认为letconsiderallowguessbelieve相信know知道like像love爱告诉do做系动词clainWORD格式warnintroduceexplainexpressconfirm要求mean11become成为beglearnseem似乎chargeunderstand orderwonder11feel感觉sound声音smell气味带有情感的说argueblamed ecidetrywanthopeWORD格式wishlivecoughexpect11burnsignwillboil鼻子shall should 人体行为breathe 肢体皮肤maymightdancebleedcanride精神mustdareneed11 impress attract感觉enjoy suffer appreciate carehateworry thank l ieclimbbeat上肢hug下肢sitstandwalkkickjumpskipsleepwakerelax健康hurtinjurecureinjectList11(106个)生活行为cook库克面部welcome11back回来blesssmilefry炒thrilllaughfreakcrydrive驱动WORD格式shockbotherannoydisturb嘴巴eatkisssuck measure测量wear穿wash洗自然现象licktape磁带dieblowrecord记录invest投资copy复制post后rob抢劫prepare准备travel旅行wait等一等organize组织screw螺杆marry结婚manage管理dig挖divorce离婚handle手柄hide隐藏borrow借treat治疗pack包lend借control控制mark马克owe欠use使用vote投票apply应用社会行为buy购买bet打赌save保存sell卖celebrate庆祝choose选择shop店play玩accept接受pay支付pretend假装pick接spend花费help帮助collect收集waste废物direct直接win赢invite邀请entertain娱乐fail失败rent租金interrupt中断miss思念fight战斗distract分散lose失去kill杀design设计check检查steal偷build建立examine检查cheat欺骗invent发明compare比较solve解决qualify资格List12(104个)analyze分析equal平等物的属性与构成share分享运动大小skate滑冰include包括big大swim游泳separate分离huge巨大的fly飞belong属于little小shoot拍摄depend依赖small小工作involve涉及medium介质work工作事物的发展变化高低interview面试change改变high高hire雇用develop发展low低fire火improve提高长短compete竞争reduce减少long长retire退休add添加short短学习promote促进tall高read读事物相互作用深浅write写damage损伤deep深spell咒语spoil破坏shallow浅translate翻译ruin破产粗细事物之间的关系affect影响thick厚match比赛attack攻击thin薄WORD格式fat脂肪blank空白sharp夏普slim苗条bare光秃秃的blunt钝dirty脏fresh新鲜的宽窄narrow窄raw原时间wide宽new新的pure纯重量fresh新鲜的plain平原heavy重even即使数量light光extra额外的力量only只有strong强正斜straight直single单weak弱curved弯曲poor可怜的tight紧flat平rich丰富的loose松slight轻微的firm公司形状round圆total总tense紧张square广场质地状态距离hard硬liquid液体near附近soft软gas气far远tough艰难的solid固体事物与空间tender招标温度full全smooth光滑hot热empty空rough粗糙warm温暖cold冷stupid猪头身体hungry饿了confused困惑湿度dry干ill病了awake清醒wet湿sick生病的asleep睡着了亮度tired累了familiar熟悉bright明亮的blind盲patient病人dark黑暗sore痛List13(104个)dull没意思born出生态度pregnant怀孕polite有礼貌的味道sweet甜alive活着lazy懒惰bitter苦honest诚实行为delicious美味busy忙死了rude粗鲁的sour酸violent暴力brave勇敢的aggressive spicy辣wild野生侵略性的声音外表情感loud大声的beautiful真美interested感兴趣quiet安静ugly丑陋的curious好奇人的属性与构成sexy性感proud骄傲时间心智sure当然young年轻的smart智能confident自信old老clever聪明的心情happy快乐good好的时间glad很高兴late晚nice好的sad悲伤due由于fine好极了upset心烦urgent紧急great太好了sorry对不起efficient高效perfect很完美guilty有罪wonderful奇妙的可能性calm平静possible可能的amazing太神了afraid害怕available可用excellent很棒angry生气品质(坏)安全性crazy疯子dangerous危险bad坏mad疯狂safe安全terrible好可怕excited兴奋awful糟糕其他bored无聊wrong错误真实性disappointed失望strict严格real真正的jealous嫉妒correct对的true真正的lonely寂寞fair公平false假事的属性与构成proper适当的fake假难度完整性lucky幸运easy别急慢慢来successful成功的complete完成hard硬综合属性精确性difficult困难品质(好)exact精确specific具体normal正常mental心理common常见的local局部复杂性complicated复杂general一般native本土simple简单的popular流行international国际其他average平均cheap便宜fun乐趣particular特别的expensive昂贵的horrible好可怕own自己separate分离weird奇怪的public公共重要性strange奇怪的serious严重worth值得comfortable舒适causal因果List14(48个)incredible简直不可思议important重要介词gross毛main主要动态位置formal正式的事物关系轨迹professional专业across穿过特殊性special特殊along沿必要性regular定期necessary必要的past过去一致性关联性over在same相同free自由up起来different不同relative相对down下来普遍性legal法律through通过typical典型的physical物理on在WORD格式a round围绕off关闭比较in在than比点与平面out出beyond超越as作为against反对under下整体与部分起点above以上besides除了from从below下面among在⋯之间终点点与空间e xcept除了to以outside外面including包括toward向inside里面因果for对于within在according根据about关于to以从属of对静态位置其他with随着despite尽管点at在without没有per每List15(123个)点与点时间by通过d uring在副词及其他副词beside旁边s ince自时间before之前till直到now现在after后early早期替代behind后面instead相反just只是o f对then然后between之间recently最近much多usually通常ago以前very非常always总是already已经well怎么样顺序yet然而,extremely极finally最后ever曾经almost差不多eventually最终never绝不enough足够的转折forever永远otherwise否则强调位置可能性actually事实上here在这里especially尤其是probably可能there那里absolutely绝对perhaps也许certainly当然了maybe也许吧方向away离开速度递进forth四fast快also再者apart除了slow慢too太together在一起soon很快either无论是aside一边suddenly突然neither既不数量immediately立即else其他的extra额外的gradually逐渐地引导alone独自一人when什么时候WORD格式频率程度again又where在哪儿quite相当often经常how怎么用WORD格式why为什么呢last最后代词what干嘛next下一个I我you你连词数量all所有he他因果because因为any任何she她转折some一些we我们but但both两they他们though虽然each每个it它either无论是并列疑问代词and和neither既不which这every每一个who谁条件if如果few几冠词unless除非many许多a一except除了much多an一个时间指代the这个while而this这感叹词选择that那bye再见or或these这些hello你好whether是否those那些no没有WORD格式限定词another另一个yes可以顺序such这样的pardon原谅WORD格式please拜托billion十亿wow真的damn该死缩略词Mr.先生Ms.女士数词zero零one一two二three三four四five五six六seven七eight八nine九ten十hundred百thousand千million万。
(完整word版)1368个单词词汇-中文翻译版List 1.(96个) 时间类time 时间morning 早上好afternoon 下午好noon 中午evening 晚上好night 晚上tonight 今晚today 今天tomorrow 明天yesterday 昨天weekend 周末month 月year 年season 季节spring 春天autumn 秋天winter 冬天day 天date 日期moment 时刻period 期history 历史future 未来birthday 生日快乐holiday 假日festival 节schedule 时间表age 年龄气候类weather 天气rain 雨snow 雪wind 风cloud 云自然类nature 自然mountain 山air 空气light 光water 水ice 冰smoke 烟heat 热ground 地面sky 天空river 河field 场forest 森林sea 海stone 石star 明星植物类plant 植物grass 草tree 树crop 作物动物类animal 动物bird 鸟cat 猫dog 狗horse 马rabbit 兔elephant 大象bear 熊tiger 老虎lion 狮子bull 公牛cow 牛pig 猪chicken 鸡sheep 羊monkey 猴子snake 蛇reptile 爬行动物昆虫类insect 昆虫bee 蜜蜂butterfly 蝴蝶spider 蜘蛛其他生物bacteria 细菌地点类place 的地方hospital 医院restaurant 餐厅hotel 酒店university 大学factory 工厂jail 监狱zoo 动物园park 公园school 学校store 商店club 俱乐部bar 酒吧court 法院market 市场town 镇village 村city 城市List 2(95个)机构类organization 组织company 公司charity 慈善声音类声音voice 的声音noise 噪声music 音乐食品类food 食品egg 鸡蛋meat 肉steak 牛排bread 面包cake 蛋糕dessert 甜点soup 汤sandwich 三明治noodle 面条pie 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话topic 话题subject 主题joke 笑话question 问题suggestion 建议instruction 指令permission 许可文字类document 文件story 故事report 报告novel 小说note 注text 文本letter 信email 电子邮件blog 博客list 列表menu 菜单rule: 规则:law 法grammar 语法principle 原理信息类information 信息message 消息news 新闻update 更新notice 通知fact 事实detail 细节evidence 证据clue 线索background 背景data 数据sign 标志knowledge 知识状态类state 状态condition 条件environment 环境situation: 情境:mess 混乱balance 平衡peace 和平emergency 急救chance 机会opportunity 机会行为类act 行为exercise 运动practice 实践test 测试experiment 实验lesson 课bath 浴security 安全attention 注意focus 集中注意力step 步education 教育advertisement 广告treatment 治疗trick 戏法habit 习惯service 服务business 业务homework 作业job: 工作:task 任务project 项目challenge 挑战duty: 职责:responsibility 责任fault 故障performance: 性能:concert 音乐会opera 歌剧drama 戏剧study 研究math 数学art 艺术science 科学philosophy 哲学psychology 心理学arrangement 排列deal 一言为定insurance 保险account 帐户engagement 订婚List6(79个)上接行为类occasion: 场合:meeting 会议interview 面试party 方picnic 野餐wedding 婚礼funeral 葬礼barbecue 烧烤ceremony 仪式Money 钱profit 利润income 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疼痛sense 感力量strength 强度force 力power: 权力:authority 权威ability能力sight 视线intelligence 智能memory 记忆skill 技能动物tail 尾wing 翼植物flower 花leaf 叶root 根branch 分公司其他whole 整个rest 休息half 半List8(70个) 属性类名词静态属性形状shape 形状appearance 外观尺寸size 大小space 空间位置position 位置point 点line 线end 结束bottom 底middle 中间top 顶front 前back 回来center 中心corner 角left 左right 是的direction 方向east 东character 字符personality 人格其他属性color 颜色weight 重量tone 音material 材料structure 结构数量amount 量number 数measurement 测量distance 距离volume 体积angle 角temperature 温度level: 水平:degree 度grade 等级rank 秩standard 标准rate: 率:speed 速度percentage 百分比类别kind 种type 型动态属性方式form 形式way: 方式:behavior 行为mood 心情logic 逻辑tradition 传统culture 文化style 风格pattern 模式relation 关系manner 的方式原因cause 原因reason 原因source 源excuse 借口factor 因子目的purpose 目的goal 球进了结果effect 影响result 结果过程course 课程process 过程List 9(114个) 本源词be 是go 去come 来make 使归属have 有get 得到give 给take 带终点位置put 把lay 躺place 的地方bring 带send 发送hold 持有keep 保持stay 待hang 挂settle 解决相互位置cover 盖support 支持mix 混合switch 开关link 链接join 加入connect 连接stick 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expect 11 willshall shouldmaymightcanmustdareneed 11 impress attract感觉enjoy suffer appreciate care hateworry thank welcome 11 bless thrillfreak shock bother annoy disturb 自然现象die liveboil人体行为肢体dance ridelie climb beat上肢hug下肢sit stand walk kick jump skip面部smile laugh cry嘴巴eat kiss suck lick blow cough signbreathe皮肤bleed精神sleepwakerelax健康hurtinjurecureinjectList 11(106个)生活行为cook 库克back 回来fry 炒drive 驱动measure 测量wear 穿wash 洗tape 磁带record 记录post 后travel 旅行screw 螺杆dig 挖hide 隐藏pack 包mark 马克社会行为buy 购买sell 卖shop 店pay 支付spend 花费waste 废物invite 邀请rent 租金fight 战斗kill 杀steal 偷cheat 欺骗invest 投资rob 抢劫wait 等一等marry 结婚divorce 离婚borrow 借lend 借owe 欠vote 投票bet 打赌celebrate 庆祝play 玩pretend 假装help 帮助direct 直接entertain 娱乐interrupt 中断distract 分散design 设计build 建立invent 发明copy 复制prepare 准备organize 组织manage 管理handle 手柄treat 治疗control 控制use 使用apply 应用save 保存choose 选择accept 接受pick 接collect 收集win 赢fail 失败miss 思念lose 失去check 检查examine 检查compare 比较solve 解决analyze 分析运动skate 滑冰swim 游泳fly 飞shoot 拍摄工作work 工作interview 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活着行为busy 忙死了violent 暴力wild 野生外表beautiful 真美ugly 丑陋的sexy 性感心智smart 智能clever 聪明的stupid 猪头confused 困惑awake 清醒asleep 睡着了familiar 熟悉patient 病人List 13(104个) 态度polite 有礼貌的lazy 懒惰honest 诚实rude 粗鲁的brave 勇敢的aggressive侵略性的情感interested 感兴趣curious 好奇proud 骄傲sure 当然confident 自信心情。
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List1(96个)时间类time morning afternoon noon evening night tonight today tomorrow yesterday weekend month year season spring autumn winter day date moment period history future birthdayfestival schedule age气候类weather rain snow wind cloud自然类nature mountain airlight water fireice smoke heat ground sky river field forest sea stone star植物类grass tree crop动物类animal birdcatdog horse rabbit elephant bear tiger lionbull cowpig chicken fish sheep monkey snake reptile 昆虫类insect bee butterfly spider其他生物bacteria地点类place hospital restaurant hotel university factoryjailzoopark school storeclubbarcourt market town villagecityList2(95个)机构类organization company声音类sound voice noise music食品类food egg meat steak bread cake dessert soup sandwich noodle pie chocolate sauce餐饮类meal breakfast lunch dinner蔬菜类vegetable potato tomatolettuce bean水果类fruit apple orange banana 食材类ingredient oil sugar salt butter cream饮料类drink coffee milkteajuice beer wine alcohol 营养类nutrient mineral vitamin protein疾病类disease feverflu cancer 房屋类house office room floor wall window door roof kitchen 家具类furniture bed chair desk table seat couch 服装类clothes shirt shoes caphatdress pants uniform suits underwear pocket jeans button zipsock首饰类jewelry diamond ring化妆品cosmetics perfume lipstick powder List3(93个)交通类transport traffic bicycle shipboattrain车辆类vehicle motorcycle buscartruck brake engine geartire wheel路桥类road street bridge station装置类device lockkeybell scaletap设备类equipment shower radiotelephone camera computer TVfridge video容器类container boxcupdish plate bowl basket tubsinkpotpan材料类material cloth paper glass plastic gold paint chemical 日常用品类toymirror chain board handle cartoon bottle wood clock knife pen book album menu card envelope ticket pipe tube wirebelt webfilm screen gift channel alarm electricity towel carpetjunkfork spoon medicine drugpillList5(87个)话语类words topic subject joke question suggestion instruction permission 文字类document story report novel notetext letter email bloglistrule:law grammar principle信息类information message news update noticefactdetail evidence clue background datasign knowledge 状态类state condition environment situation: mess balance peace emergency chanceopportunity 行为类act exercise practicetest experiment lessonbath security attention focusstep education advertisement treatment trickhabit service business homework job:taskproject challenge duty: responsibility fault performance: concertdrama study:mathartscience philosophy psychology arrangement: deal insurance account engagement List6(79个)上接行为类occasion: meeting interview partypicnic wedding funeral barbecue ceremony money: profit income salarycash cost credit deposit pricetaxbill budget 活动类activity game discipline crime trade economy politics wartrip fashion industry sports: soccer football golf basketball race思想类thoughtview theory religion plan: strategy policy program 整体类network internet series career system: language transport 其他类favor privilege mistake risk advantage benefit problem trouble surprise secret award prizeproperty option case example sample score limit experience effort energy figure List7(65个)构成类名词核心词part部位side edge base core身体headeyeearface nosefoottooth tongue neck shoulder breast chest stomach arm hand finger nailleg knee throat brain heart lung muscle bone nerve hair skin blood sweat 精神mind spirit soul emotionshame stress respect desire pain sense力量strength force power: authority ability: sight intelligence memory skill动物tailwing植物flower leafroot branch其他whole resthalfList8(70个)属性类名词静态属性形状shape appearance 尺寸size space位置position pointlineend bottom middletopfrontback center cornerleftright direction: east character personality其他属性color weighttone material structure数量amount number measurement distance volume angle temperature level: degree graderank standard rate:speed percentage 类别kindtype动态属性方式formway:behavior mood logic tradition culture style pattern relation manner原因cause reason source excuse factor目的purpose goal结果effect result过程course process List9(114个)本源词become make 归属have get give take终点位置putlay place bring send hold keep stay hang settle 相互位置cover support mix switch link join connect sticktiecross 运动轨迹move shift pass raiseliftrise drop fall follow lead carry bounce roll shake screw 速度run rush hurry 力量touch hit knock crash throw rubpush draw press 方向turn 空间open close shutfit enter fill pump spill spray clean clear wipe leave quit arrive reach fixset时间begin start happenstop整体与部分break crack splittear dividecut形状bendfoldtwist stretch spread尺寸grow行为looksee listen hearsay speak talktellaskthink believelikelovedo系动词become seemfeelsound smelltasteList11(106个)生活行为cookbackfrydrive measure wearwashtape recordposttravel screwdighidepack社会行为buysell shop pay spend waste invite rent fightkill steal cheat invest robwait marry divorce borrow lend owe votebet celebrate play pretend help direct entertaininterrupt distract design build invent copy prepare organize manage handle treat control use apply save choose accept pick collect winfail miss lose check examine compare solve analyze 运动skateflyshoot工作work interviewhirefirecompete retire学习readwritespell translate事物之间的关系match qualifyequalshare include separate belong depend involve事物的发展变化change develop improveaddpromote事物相互作用damagespoilruinaffectattackList12(104个)物的属性与构成大小bighugelittlesmall medium高低highlow长短longshorttall深浅deep shallow粗细thickthinfatslim宽窄narrow wide重量heavy light正斜straight curved flat形状round square距离nearfar事物与空间full empty blank baredirty时间fresh 数量extra only single poor rich slight total 质地hard soft tough tender smooth rough sharp blunt fresh raw pure plain even 力量strong weak tight loosetense状态liquidgassolid温度hotwarmcold湿度drywet亮度brightdarkdull味道sweetbitter delicioussourspicy声音loudquiet人的属性与构成时间old身体hungry illsick tired blind sore born pregnant alive行为busy violent wild外表beautiful ugly sexy心智smart clever stupid confused awake asleep familiar patient13(104个)态度politelazy honest rudebrave aggressive 情感interested curious proudsure confident心情happygladsadupsetsorryguiltycalmafraid angry crazymad excited boreddisappointed jealous lonely事的属性与构成难度easyharddifficult时间latedueurgent efficient可能性possible available安全性dangerous safe其他wrongstrictcorrectfairproperlucky successful综合属性品质(好)goodnicefinegreat perfect wonderful amazing excellent 品质(坏)bad terrible awful真实性realtruefalsefake完整性complete 精确性exact specific复杂性complicated simple其他funhorrible weird strange comfortable incredible gross事物关系特殊性special regular一致性same different普遍性typical normal common general popular average particular own重要性serious causal important main formal professional必要性necessary 关联性free relative legal physical mental local native international cheap expensive separate public worthList14(48个)介词动态位置轨迹across alongpastoverupdown throughonoffinout against 起点from终点to toward for about 静态位置点at点与点by beside before after behind between around 点与平面beyond under above below点与空间outside inside within从属ofwith without 时间during sincetill替代insteadof比较thanas整体与部分besides among except including 因果according to其他despiteperList15(123个)副词及其他副词时间nowearlyjustthenrecentlyagoalreadyyeteverneverforever位置herethere方向awayforthapart togetheraside数量extraalonequite muchverywell extremely almost enough强调actually especially absolutely certainly速度fastslowsoon suddenly immediately gradually 频率again often usually always顺序finally eventuallyotherwise 可能性probably perhaps maybe 递进alsotoo either neither else引导when where how why what连词因果because 转折but though 并列and条件ifexcept 时间while 选择or whether 限定词顺序last next数量allany some both each either neither every few many much 指代this that these thosesuch代词Iyouheshewe theyit疑问代词which who冠词aanthe感叹词bye hello noyes pardon please wow damn 缩略词Mr. Ms.数词zero onetwo three fourfivesix seven eight nineten hundred thousand million billion。