一、课程名称高中生物双语授课二、授课对象高中一年级学生三、授课时间2课时四、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)掌握生物基本概念和原理;(2)理解生物学实验的基本步骤和结果分析;(3)了解生物学在现代社会中的应用。
2. 能力目标:(1)提高学生英语听说读写能力;(2)培养学生的科学思维和实验操作技能;(3)提升学生的自主学习能力和团队合作精神。
3. 情感、态度和价值观目标:(1)激发学生对生物学的兴趣和好奇心;(2)培养学生尊重科学、热爱自然的价值观;(3)增强学生的社会责任感和使命感。
五、教学重点和难点1. 教学重点:(1)生物基本概念和原理;(2)生物学实验的基本步骤和结果分析;(3)生物学在现代社会中的应用。
2. 教学难点:(1)生物学术语的理解和应用;(2)生物学实验的严谨性和准确性;(3)生物学在现代社会中的实际应用案例分析。
六、教学方法1. 案例分析法:通过引入实际案例,引导学生分析生物学知识在现实生活中的应用;2. 互动式教学:鼓励学生积极参与课堂讨论,提高英语口语表达能力;3. 实验操作教学:通过学生亲自动手操作,掌握生物学实验技能;4. 多媒体辅助教学:利用PPT、视频等多媒体资源,丰富教学内容,提高教学效果。
七、教学过程第一课时1. 导入新课教师用英语介绍本节课的主题,引导学生思考生物学在生活中的重要性。
2. 课堂讲解(1)用英语讲解生物基本概念和原理;(2)结合实际案例,讲解生物学在现代社会中的应用。
3. 课堂互动教师提出问题,引导学生用英语回答,提高学生的英语听说能力。
4. 实验操作演示教师演示生物学实验的基本步骤,学生跟随操作。
第二课时1. 复习导入教师用英语复习上节课所学内容,检查学生对知识的掌握情况。
2. 课堂讲解(1)讲解生物学实验的基本步骤和结果分析;(2)结合实际案例,讲解生物学实验在科学研究中的应用。
3. 课堂互动教师提出问题,引导学生用英语回答,提高学生的英语听说能力。
课程名称:高中生物授课年级:高中授课课时: 1课时教学目标:知识目标:- 理解本节课的核心概念和原理。
- 掌握相关的生物学术语。
- 了解相关生物现象和实验方法。
能力目标:- 培养学生的观察能力、分析能力和解决问题的能力。
- 提高学生的实验操作技能和实验报告撰写能力。
情感目标:- 激发学生对生物学的兴趣和热爱。
- 培养学生的科学精神和创新意识。
教学重点:- 本节课的核心概念和原理。
- 相关生物学术语和实验方法。
教学难点:- 复杂的生物现象和原理的理解。
- 实验操作和实验结果的解释。
教学过程:一、导入(5分钟)1. 双语导入:使用中英文介绍本节课的主题和重要性。
2. 提问:提出与主题相关的问题,引导学生思考。
二、新课讲授(30分钟)1. 核心概念和原理:- 使用中英文详细讲解本节课的核心概念和原理。
- 结合实例和图片,帮助学生理解。
2. 生物学术语:- 介绍相关的生物学术语,并解释其含义。
- 使用中英文进行对比,加深学生的理解。
3. 实验方法:- 介绍相关的实验方法,并讲解操作步骤。
- 强调实验注意事项和安全操作。
三、课堂练习(10分钟)1. 中英文练习:- 设计一些中英文练习题,让学生巩固所学知识。
- 鼓励学生积极参与,并给予及时反馈。
2. 实验操作:- 组织学生进行简单的实验操作,巩固实验技能。
四、总结与反思(5分钟)1. 总结:- 使用中英文总结本节课的主要内容和学习目标。
2. 反思:- 引导学生反思本节课的学习收获和不足,并提出改进建议。
五、作业布置1. 课后作业:- 布置相关的课后作业,巩固所学知识。
2. 实验报告:- 要求学生撰写实验报告,提高实验技能和写作能力。
教学资源:1. 教材和相关参考书籍。
2. 多媒体课件、图片和视频。
3. 实验器材和实验药品。
教学评价:1. 课堂参与度:观察学生的课堂表现,评价学生的参与度和积极性。
2. 作业完成情况:检查学生的作业完成情况,评价学生的知识掌握程度。
三、师生英语互动。这节课师生英语互动的问题有二类:一类是课堂用语师生英语互动:如:你能描述……?小组讨论,完成……请找出…… ?等等。同时设计了难易不同的学科问题师生英语互动,如:(1)“草履虫要生存下去,须解决哪些问题”?(2)“草履虫是一个细胞吗?为什么?”使不同层次的学生都有参与课堂讨论的机会,并在学科知识和学科英语两方面都获得成功感。
students should be able to listen to, speak, read and write the next words, items and definition, the words are‘paramecium,microscope,water environment, waste production, oxygen, carbon dioxide, bacteria, cilia, food vacuole, small nucleus, large nucleus, contractile vacuole, oral groove.’The terms are‘observe,shape,way of movement, cell, wave, undigested food, purify water, water polluted, growth and reproduction.’The definition of a unicellular organism..
《生物化学(双语)》课程教学大纲课程编号:2130053学时:48学分:3.0授课学院:药物科学与技术学院适用专业:药学教材:Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Fourth Edition (2005).作者: David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox 出版社:W. H. Freeman一.课程的性质、目的及任务生物化学是一门利用化学的理论和方法作为主要手段来研究生命现象,揭示生命的奥秘的学科。
6、基因信息的贮存和表达掌握DNA、RNA 的分子结构和功能、中心法则、DNA的半保留复制。
熟悉DNA 损伤修复,RNA和蛋白质生物合成、核酸的分子杂交、基因工程及聚合酶链反应。
Section A Cell organization 5课时A1 ProkaryotesA2 EukaryotesA3 MicroscopyA4 Cellular fractionationSection B Amino acids and proteins 9课时B1 Amino acidsB2 Acids and basesB3 Protein structureB4 Myoglobin and hemoglobinB5 CollagenB6 Protein purificationB7 Chromatography of proteinsB8 Electrophoresis of proteinsB9 Protein sequencing and peptide synthesisSection C Enzymes 6课时C1 Introduction to enzymesC2 ThermodynamicsC3 Enzyme kineticsC4 Enzyme inhibitionC5 Regulation of enzyme activitySection D Antibodies 6课时D1 The immune systemD2 Antibody structureD3 Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodiesD4 Antibody synthesisD5 Antibodies as toolsSection E Membranes 6课时E1 Membrane lipidsE2 Membrane protein and carbohydrateE3 Membrane transport: small moleculesE4 Membrane transport: macromoleculesE5 Signal transudationSection F DNA structure and replication 6课时F1 DNA structureF2 ChromosomesF3 DNA replication in bacteriaF4 DNA replication in eukaryotesSection G RNA synthesis and processing 8课时G1 RNA structureG2 Transcription in prokaryotesG3 The lac operonG4 The trp operonG5 Transcription in eukaryotes: an overviewG6 Transcription of protein-coding genes in eukaryotesG7 Regulation of transcription by RNA Pol ⅡG8 Processing of eukaryotic Pre-mRNAG9 Ribosomal RNAG10 Transfer RNASection H Protein synthesis 6课时H1 The genetic codeH2 Translation in prokaryotesH3 Translation in eukaryotesH4 Protein targetingH5 Protein glycosylationSection I Recombinant DNA technology 6课时I1 Restriction enzymesI2 Nucleic acid hybridizationI3 DNA cloningI4 VirusesI5 DNA sequencingI6 Polymerase chain reactionSection J Carbohydrate metabolism 10课时J1 Monosaccharides and disaccharidesJ2 Polysaccharides and oligosaccharidesJ3 GlycolysisJ4 GluconeogenesisJ5 Pentose Phosphate PathwayJ6 Glycogen MetabolismJ7 Control of glycogen metabolismSection K Lipid metabolism 6课时K1 Structures and roles of fatty acidsK2 Fatty acid breakdownK3 Fatty acid synthesisK4 TriacylglycerolsK5 CholesterolK6 LipoproteinsSection L Respiration and energy 6课时L1 Citric acid cycleL2 Electron transport and oxidative phosphorylationL3 PhotosynthesisSection M Nitrogen metabolism 6课时M1 Nitrogen fixation and assimilationM2 Amino acid metabolismM3 The urea cycleM4 Hemes and chlorophylls三、教学方法采用英文原版教材,实行双语教学,制作PPT课件,利用多媒体技术和适当的板书辅助教学。
生物学专业英语 教学大纲
课程名称:生物学专业英语/ English in bioscience
SYNOPSIS FOR BIOCHEMISTRY (BILINGUAL)《生物化学》双语教学大纲Course ID: 610020168Course Name: Bilingual Biochemistry生物化学(双语)Total Periods: 63; Lectures: 63; Credit: 3.5Intended Major: Biology, Biotechnology and BioengineeringⅠThe Nature, Status and Task of This CourseBiochemistry may be considered as the description of life at the molecular level. The chemical and physical nature of structures and functions within living cells is studied. This course allows students to develop an understanding of the major classes of biochemical compounds found in living organisms and the metabolism of these compounds. Study of biochemistry is central to studies in biology, and in particular is related to plant and mammalian physiology, microbiology, genetics, cell biology and molecular biology. A series of practical classes is integrated with the lectures to allow students to further develop concepts covered in the lectures, and also to become familiar with use of materials and equipment commonly used in biochemistry laboratories.Ⅱ ObjectivesOn completion of this course students will be able to:(1) demonstrate a knowledge of the major classes of biochemical compounds, including carbohydrates, lipids and proteins; (2) understand and describe the action of enzymes and their application in the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins; (3) demonstrate familiarity with the integration of metabolic pathways in an organism; (4) demonstrate an awareness of the different metabolic processes which occur in different species (including animals, plants and microorganisms); (5) demonstrate an awareness of the applications of biochemistry in contemporary science, particularly in biotechnology; (6) demonstrate familiarity with a range of laboratory techniques used to identify, quantify and study biochemical substances; (7) carry out simple qualitative biochemical tests, and quantitative reliably a range of common biochemical substances in biological specimens; and (8) improve the students’ abilities in reading and understanding biochemical language so that they can function smoothly in further (postgraduate) studies; (9) build up necessary biochemical terminologies for their future easy consulting of related researching publications; (10) and the last but not the least, improve their proficiencies in general English.ⅢRationale for Selecting TextbookTextbook selected was Biochemistry Fundamentals (edited by Li Guanrong, 2001). This teaching manual was adapted chiefly from the latest and authoritative Lehninger’s Principles of Biochemistry (David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox Eds, the Third Edition, Worth Publishers, 2000) and Biochemistry (Lubert Stryer Eds, the Fourth Edition, W.H Freeman and Company, 1995 ) and in combination with the status quo of biochemistry instruction in our university. All together 22 chapters packaged into four parts: Foundations of Biochemistry, Structure and Catalysis, Bioenergetics and Metabolism, Information Pathways, were carefully selected, which encompass all the contents the Biochemistry Synopsis required.ⅣSYNOPSIS FOR BILINGUAL BIOCHEMISTRY (Lecture: 62 Periods, Credit: 3) PARTⅠ FOUNDATIONS OF BIOCHEMISTRY第一部分生物化学地基Chapter 01 The Molecular Logic of Life (2 periods)第一章 生命的分子逻辑(2学时)1.The Chemical Unity Of Diverse Living Organisms第一节 生物的化学统一性1.1 Biochemistry Explains Diverse Forms of Life in Unifying Chemical Terms一、生物化学用统一化学术语解析各种生命形式All Macromolecules Are Constructed from a Few Simple Compounds二、生物大分子由简单的分子构成2. Energy Production and consumption in Metabolism第二节 新陈代谢中的产能与耗能2.1 Organisms Are Never at Equilibrium with Their surroundings.一、生物与其环境永难平衡2.2 Molecular Composition Reflects a Dynamic Steady State二、生物分子组成的动力学稳态2.3. Organisms Transform Energy and Matter from Their Surroundings三、生物与环境间的物质和能量转化2.4 The Flow of Electrons Provides Energy for Organisms四、电子流动为生物提供能量2.5 Energy Coupling Links Reactions in Biology五、生物化学反应与能量偶联2.6 Enzymes Promote Sequences of Chemical Reactions六、酶催化系列反应2.7 Metabolism is Regulated to Achieve Balance and Economy七、代谢受到调节以实现平衡和经济性3. Biological Information Transfer第三节 生物信息转移3.1Genetic Continuity Is Vested in DNA Molecules一、 DNA与遗传连续性3.2 The Structure of DNA Allows for its Repair and Replication with Near-perfect Fidelity二、 DNA结构及其几近完美的复制和修复忠实性3.3 Changes in the Hereditary Instructions Allow Evolution三、 遗传指令的改变导致进化3.4 Molecular Anatomy Reveals Evolutionary Relationships四、 分子解剖学揭示进化关系3.5 The Linear sequence in DNA encodes Proteins with Three-dimensional Structures五、 DNA的线形序列编码三维蛋白质3.6 Noncovalent Interactions Stabilize Three-dimensional Structures六、非共价键相互作用稳定三维结构4. The Physical Roots of the Biochemical World第四节 生物化学世界的物理根基Chapter 02 Cells (2periods)第二章细胞(2学时)1. Cellular Dimensions第一节 细胞的大小2.Cells and Tissues Used in Biochemical Studies第二节 生物化学研究中使用的细胞和组织3.Evolution and Structure of prokaryotic Cells第三节 原核细胞的结构与进化4. Evolution of Eukaryotic Cells第四节 真核细胞的进化5. Major Structural features of Eukaryotic Cells第五节 真核细胞的主要结构特征5.1 The Plasma Membrane Contains Transporters and Receptors一、 质膜上有转运体和受体5.2 Endocytosis and Exocytosis carry Traffic across the Plasma Membrane二、 跨膜的内吞作用和胞泌作用5.3 The Endoplasmic Reticulum Organizes the Synthesis of Proteins and Lipids三、 内质网组织蛋白质和脂类的生物合成5.4 The Golgi Complex Processes and Sorts Proteins四、 高尔基复合体加工分选蛋白质5.5 Lysosomes Are the Sites of Degradative Reactions五、 溶酶体是降解反应的发生部位5.6 Vacuole of Plant cells Play Several Important Roles六、 植物液泡的几个重要作用5.7 Peroxisomes Destroy Hydrogen Peroxide, and Glyoxysomes convert Fats to carbohydrates七、 过氧化物酶体消除过氧化氢,乙醛酸体将脂肪转变为碳水化合物5.8 The Nucleus Contains the Genome八、 细胞核含有基因组5.9 Mitochondria Are the Power Plants of Aerobic Eukaryotic Cells九、 线粒体是需氧生物的动力工厂5.10 Chloroplasts Convert Solar Energy into Chemical Energy十、 叶绿体使光能转变成化学能5.11 Mitochondria and Chloroplasts Probably Evolved from Endosymbiotic Bacteria十一、线粒体和叶绿体可能由早期的内共生细菌进化而来5.12 The Cytoskeleton Stabilizes Cell Shape the Cytoplasm, and Produces Motion十二、细胞骨架维持细胞和细胞质的形状并产生细胞运动。
五、每周课时二学时(一个学时的课堂讲解,一个学时的讲练结合课)六、必读和选读材料1、教师• Horton H. R. Principles of Biochemistry (Third Edition). Prentice-Hall Inc. 2002•B.D. Hames & N.M. Hooper.Instant notes in biochemistry .科学出版社,2003• Peter R. Bergethon .The physical basis of biochemistry .世界图书出版公司,2005•H.Robert Horton.生物化学原理.科学出版社,2003•Markus R Wenk and Aaron Zefrin Fernandis .A Manual for Biochemistry Protocols. A World Science Publishing Co. 2007•Engelbert Buxbaum .Fundamentals of Protein Structure and Function . Springer Science_Business MediaLLC,2007•CR Calladine, HR Drew, BF Luisi, and AA Trqvers .Understanding DNA: The molecule & How it works . Elsevier Academic Press, 2004 •Jan Koolman and Klaus-Heinrich Roehm .Color Atlas of Biochemistry . revised and enlarged, Thieme Stuttgart New York , 2005•Gary C. Howard and William E. Brown.Modern Protein Chemistry.Practical Aspects CRC PRESS ,2002•Protein Biochemistry and Proteomics (Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier 2006, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved2、学生B.D.Hames(2002)和其他读物被列在每节课的书单里面。
*学习目标(Learning Outcomes)
Focus on basic knowledge, scientific literacy, andresearch ability.
7)Metabolism: Basic Concepts and Design:Basic ConceptsofMetabolism; ATP;The Oxidation of Carbon Fuels Is an important Source of Cellular Energy; Metabolic Pathways Contain Many Recurring Motifs.
Course Introduction:
This courseincludes23chapters.Itcovers twosections: structure biochemistry and metabolism biochemistry.
高中生物双语授课教案教学目标:1. 了解细胞的基本结构和功能;2. 掌握细胞的分裂与生长过程;3. 理解遗传的基本原理和遗传变异的机制。
教学重点:1. 细胞结构和功能;2. 细胞分裂和生长;3. 遗传规律和变异机制。
教学难点:1. 遗传规律的理解;2. 遗传变异的原因。
教学准备:1. 教材:《高中生物教材》;2. 教具:投影仪、幻灯片、实物模型等;3. 实验器材:显微镜、载玻片、染色液等。
教学过程:1. 细胞结构与功能(Cell Structure and Function)a. 展示细胞的基本结构图,说明其各部分功能;b. 引导学生观察显微镜下的细胞样本,辨认不同类型的细胞;c. 讨论细胞的功能和特点,与生物体的生长和发育之间的关系。
2. 细胞分裂与生长(Cell Division and Growth)a. 呈现细胞分裂的过程图,解释其重要性和原理;b. 演示实验观察细胞分裂的现象,比较有丝分裂和无丝分裂的异同;c. 探讨细胞生长与分裂的关系,分析其机制和调控方式。
3. 遗传规律和变异机制(Genetic Laws and Variation)a. 导入遗传概念,介绍孟德尔遗传规律的基本原理;b. 展示遗传变异的例子,讨论突变与自然选择的关系;c. 研究遗传变异对生物进化和适应性的影响,引发学生思考。
《生物技术》全英班课程教学大纲Introduction to Biotechnology适用对象:本科药学专业(全英班)学分:2 学时:总共36 , 24课堂讲授+12实验课程属性:专业选修课开课单位:华侨大学生物医学学院先修课程:生物学、药学相关课程I. Course aims and objectives:Biotechnology course is an introductory course that covers modern biotechnology development and applications for student biology, pharmaceutics and other related subjects. The aim of this course is to offer students to comprehend the basic mechanisms, technology and methodology of biotechnology. And let the students to be familiar with the applications and achievements of biotechnology in life science research, agriculture, food, human health, energy and environment science, et al. To help the students to know about the impacts of biotechnology on human society, expand their knowledge on the protection of biotechnology innovation and invention, as well as bio-safety policy both in China and abroad.Through study of basic knowledge, the course will enable student to master basic concepts and research methods in biotechnology, and combine with their background knowledge, helping them to think and study. It is expand contents for future work in pharmaceutics research and production.II. Course contents and requirements (include chapter aims, basic teaching context and teaching requirements):Modern biotechnology is an interdisciplinary science, its knowledge frombiology, medical science, physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science and engineering. In this course, our specific teaching context are:1. The biotechnology century and its workforceAims and objectives:Master: basic concepts of biotechnology, Be proficient in: Types of biotechnology, Comprehend: the future development of biotechnology.Contens: Concepts of biotechnology, History of biotechnology, Biotechnolgy as an nterdisciplinary science, Ethics and biotechnology, Types of biotechnology and their research contents, The future of biotechnology and impacts on the society.2.An Introduction to Gene and Genomics:Aims and objectives:Master: Cell structure; The process of DNA replication, transcription and Translation. Be proficient in: The structure of nucleotides, DNA molecules and chromosomes. Comprehend: The concept of gene; Types of gene mutation and their Causes and Consequences.Contens: Comparison of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells; Evidence that DNA is the Inherited Genetic Material; The Structure of DNA, Nucleotide and Chromosome; DNA Replication; Genome; The Process of RNA and Protein Synthesis; SiRNA and their functions; Gene Expression Regulation at Different Levels; Types of Mutations and Their Causes and Consequences.3. Recombinant DNA Technology and GenomicsAims and objectives:Master: Basic Concepts of DNA Recombination Technology and Methodology; Technologies for Identifying and Cloning of a Gene of Interest; Be proficient in: Practical Features of DNA Cloning Vectors; Genomic Libraries and Cloning a Gene of Interest. Comprehend: Laboratory Techniques for Studying Gene Expression; Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology; Concepts and Applications of Genomics and Bioinformatics.Contens: Introduction to Recombinant DNA Technology and DNA Cloning; Restriction Enzymes and Plasmid DNA Vectors; Transformation of Bacterial Cells and Selection of recombinant bacteria after transformation; Practical Features of DNA Cloning Vectors; Identify and Clone a Gene of Interest; Genomics Library Preparation;PCR; Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology; Agarose Gel Electrophoresis and Restriction Mapping Gene Structure; DNA Sequencing Technologies; Chromosome Location and Copy Number; Laboratory Techniques for Studying Gene Expression; Concepts and Applications of Genomics and Bioinformatics; The Human Genome Project and Its Impacts.4. Protein as ProductsAims and objectives:Master: Protein Structure; Protein Purification and Verification. Be proficient in: Preserving Proteins; Scaling up protein purification and Postpurification analysis methods. Comprehend: Types of Protein Products; Concepts of Proteomics; Applications of Proteins.Contens: Applications of Protein in Biotech Drugs and other medical applications, Food Industry, Textiles and leather goods, Detergents, Bioremediation; Protein Structure, Protein Folding, Glycosylation; Protein Engineering; Protein Purification Methods; Protein Purification and Verification; Preserving Proteins; Scaling up protein purification and Postpurification analysis methods; Proteomics. 5.Microbial BiotechnologyAims and objectives:Master: the Structure of Microbes ;Microorganisms as Tools; Antibodies; Vaccines and Vaccines production; Using Microbes for a Variety of Everyday Applications ; Be proficient in: Microbial Diagnostics and Microbial Genomes. Comprehend: Microbial and the Combating Bioterrorism.Contens: The Structure of Microbes; Microbial Enzymes; Calcium Chloride Transformation; Using Microbes for a Variety of Everyday Applications; Cloning and Expression; Vaccines and Vaccines production;Sequencing the entire genomes of Viral; Viral Genomics; Microbial Diagnostics; Bacterial Detection Strategies; Microbial and the Combating Bioterrorism.6.Plant BiotechnologyAims and objectives:Master: Methods Used in Plant Transgenesis; Be proficient in: Practical Applications and Health and Environmental Concerns. Comprehend: Social problems bring by Biotechnology .Contens: Plant Biotechnology and Agriculture; Conventional Selective Breeding and Hybridization, Cloning, Protoplast fusion, Leaf fragment technique, Gene guns, Chloroplast engineering, Antisense technology; Practical Applications in the Field: Vaccines for plants, Genetic pesticides, Herbicide resistance, Enhanced nutrition, The future: from pharmaceuticals to fuel, Metabolic engineering; Health and Environmental Concerns.7. Animal BiotechnologyAims and objectives:Master: Basic Concepts of Animal Biotechnology and Cloning; Be proficient in: Animal Models and Animals in Research; Transgenic Animals; Producing Human Antibodies in Animals . Comprehend: Laws and Regulations of Animals Research; The limitations and Prospects of Cloning.Contens: Basic Concepts of Animal Biotechnology; Animal Models and Alternatives to Animal Models; Laws and Regulations of Animals Research; Animal Cloning and Applications; The Limits to Cloning and The Future of Cloning; Transgenic Animals and Applications; Producing Human Antibodies in Animals.8. DNA Fingerprinting and Forensic AnalysisAims and objectives:Master: DNA Fingerprinting and Forensics; Preparing a DNA Fingerprint; Be proficient in: Putting DNA to Use, DNA and the Rules of Evidence, Familial Relationships and DNA Profiles. Comprehend: Nonhuman DNA Analysis.Contens: Concepts of DNA Fingerprinting; Preparing a DNA Fingerprin; Application of DNA Fingerprinting; DNA and the Rules of Evidence, Familial Relationships and DNA Profiles: Mitochondrial DNA and Chromosome Analysis, Nonhuman DNA Analysis.9. BioremediationAims and objectives:Master: What Is Bioremediation and the Basics of Bioremediation. Be proficient in: Cleanup Sites and Strategies; Applying Genetically Engineered Strains to Clean Up the Environment. Comprehend: Environmental Disasters: Case Studies in Bioremediation; Challenges for Bioremediation .Contens: Concepts of Bioremediation; The Basics of Bioremediation; CleanupSites and Strategies; Applying Genetically Engineered Strains to Clean Up the Environment and Environmental Disasters; Case Studies in Bioremediation; Challenges for Bioremediation.10. Aquatic BiotechnologyAims and objectives:Master: Molecular Genetics of Aquatic Biotechnology; Be proficient in: Aquatic Biotechnology, Aquaculture. Comprehend: Genetic Technologies and Aquatic Organisms, Nonmedical Products, Environmental Applications of Aquatic Biotechnology.Contens: Introduction to Aquatic Biotechnology; The Economics of Aquaculture, Innovations in Fish Farming, Improving Strains for Aquaculture, Enhancing Seafood Quality and Safety, Barriers and Limitations to Aquaculture, The Future of Aquaculture; Genetic Technologies and Aquatic Organisms: Discovery and Cloning of Novel Genes and Genetic manipulations of Finfish and Shellfish, Medical Applications of Aquatic Biotechnology, Nonmedical Products, Environmental Applications of Aquatic Biotechnology: Antifouling agents, Biosensors, Environmental Remediation.11. Medical BiotechnologyAims and objectives:Master: The Power of Molecular Biology: Detecting and Diagnosing Human Disease Conditions, Gene Therapy; Be proficient in: Medical Products and Applications of Biotechnology, The Potential of Regenerative Medicine.Contens: Models of Human Disease; Biomarkers; Biomarkers for Disease Detection; Detecting Genetic Diseases; Gene Therapy; Cell and Tissue Transplantation; Tissue Engineering; Stem Cell Technology; Cloning and Regulations; Human Genome Project and Regenerative Medicine.12. Biotechnology RegulationsAims and objectives:Master: The Regulatory Framework of Biotechnology; Introduction to Patents of Biotechnology.Be proficient in: International Biotechnology Regulation and Legislation and Regulation: The Ongoing Role of Government; Global biotechnology products.Contens: The Regulatory Framework of Biotechnology,i nternational Biotechnology Regulation and Legislation and Regulation: The Ongoing Role of Government; The Patents of Biotechnology; Global biotechnology products.13. Ethics and BiotechnologyAims and objectives:Master: What Is Ethics and Relationship with Biotechnology; Be proficient in: Biotechnology and Nature. Comprehend: Economics, The Role of Science, and Communication.Contens: Ethic and Biotechnology;Regulations in Biotechnology research; Economics, The Role of Science, and Communication.III. Key Points and Difficult Points1. The biotechnology century and its workforceKey Points: Concepts of biotechnology; History of biotechnology basic concepts of biotechnology; Biotechnolgy as an nterdisciplinary science; Types of biotechnology and their research contents; The future of biotechnology and impacts on the society.Difficult Points: Ethics and biotechnology; The future of biotechnology and impacts on the society.2.An Introduction to Gene and GenomicsKey Points: Comparison of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells; Evidence that DNA is the Inherited Genetic Material and The Structure of DNA; The Structure of Chromosome, DNA Replication and the Genome; The Process of RNA and Protein Synthesis; SiRNA and their functions; Gene Expression Regulation at Different Levels; Types of Mutations and Their Causes and Consequences.Difficult Points: Evidence that DNA is the Inherited Genetic Material and The Structure of DNA; The Structure of Nucleotide; SiRNA and their functions; Gene Expression Regulation at Different Levels; Types of Mutations and Their Causes and Consequences.3. Recombinant DNA Technology and GenomicsKey Points: Basic Concepts of DNA Recombination Technology and Methodology; Restriction Enzymes and Plasmid DNA Vectors; Transformation of Bacterial Cells and Selection of recombinant bacteria after transformation; Practical Features of DNA Cloning Vectors; Identify and Clone a Gene of Interest; Genomics Library Preparation; PCR; Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology; Agarose Gel Electrophoresis and Restriction Mapping Gene Structure; DNA Sequencing Technologies; Chromosome Location and Copy Number; Laboratory Techniques for Studying Gene Expression; Northern and Real-time PCR; Concepts and Applications of Genomics and Bioinformatics; The Human Genome Project and Its Impacts.Difficult Points: PCR; DNA Sequencing Technologies; Northern and Real-time PCR.4. Protein as ProductsKey Points: Applications of Protein in Biotech Drugs and other medical applications, Food Industry, Textiles and leather goods, Detergents, Bioremediation; Protein Structure, Protein Folding, Glycosylation; Protein Engineering; Protein Production; Protein Purification Methods; Protein Purification and Verification; Preserving Proteins; Scaling up protein purification and Postpurification analysis methods; Proteomics.Difficult Points: Protein Structure, Protein Folding, Glycosylation; Protein Purification Methods; Scaling up protein purification and Postpurification analysis methods; Proteomics.5.Microbial BiotechnologyKey Points: The Structure of Microbes; Microbial Enzymes; Calcium Chloride Transformation; Using Microbes for a Variety of Everyday Applications; Antibodies; Vaccines and Vaccines production; Sequencing the entire genomes of Viral; Viral Genomics; Microbial Diagnostics; Bacterial Detection Strategies; Microbial and the Combating Bioterrorism.Difficult Points: Cloning and Expression; Vaccines and Vaccines production;Sequencing the entire genomes of Viral; Viral Genomics; Microbial Diagnostics; Bacterial Detection Strategies.6.Plant BiotechnologyKey Points: Plant Biotechnology and Agriculture; Methods Used in Plant Transgenesis: Conventional Selective Breeding and Hybridization, Cloning, Protoplast fusion, Leaf fragment technique, Gene guns, Chloroplast engineering, Antisense technology; Practical Applications in the Field: Vaccines for plants, Genetic pesticides, Herbicide resistance, Enhanced nutrition, The future: from pharmaceuticals to fuel, Metabolic engineering; Health and Environmental Concerns.Difficult Points: Methods Used in Plant Transgenesis7. Animal BiotechnologyKey Points: Basic Concepts of Animal Biotechnology; Animal Models and Alternatives to Animal Models; Laws and Regulations of Animals Research; Animal Cloning and Applications; The Limits to Cloning and The Future of Cloning; Transgenic Animals and Applications; Producing Human Antibodies in Animals.Difficult Points: Animal Cloning and Applications; Transgenic Animals and Applications.8. DNA Fingerprinting and Forensic AnalysisKey Points: Concepts of DNA Fingerprinting; Preparing a DNA Fingerprin; Application of DNA Fingerprinting; DNA and the Rules of Evidence, Familial Relationships and DNA Profiles: Mitochondrial DNA and Chromosome Analysis, Nonhuman DNA Analysis.Difficult Points: Concepts of DNA Fingerprinting; Familial Relationships and DNA Profiles.9. BioremediationKey Points: Concepts of Bioremediation; The Basics of Bioremediation; Cleanup Sites and Strategies; Applying Genetically Engineered Strains to Clean Up the Environment and Environmental Disasters; Case Studies in Bioremediation;Challenges for Bioremediation.Difficult Points: Applying Genetically Engineered Strains to Clean Up the Environment10.Aquatic BiotechnologyKey Points:Introduction to aquatic biotechnology; The Economics of aquaculture; Fish-Farming Practices; Improving Strains for Aquaculture; Enhancing Seafood Quality and Safety; Barriers and Limitations to Aquaculture; Genetic Technologies and Aquatic Organisms; Discovery and Cloning of Novel Genes; Genetic Manipulation of Fish and Shellfish; Medical Applications of Aquatic Biotechnology; Environmental Applications of Aquatic BiotechnologyDifficult Points: Discovery and Cloning of Novel Genes; Genetic Manipulation of Fish and Shellfish11. Medical BiotechnologyKey Points:Human disease model; Biomarker; Detection of genetic diseases; Medical products and biotechnology applications; Mechanism of Gene Therapy and its aims and challenges; Cell and Tissue Transplantation; Tissue Engineering; Stem Cell Technology; Cloning and Regulations; Human Genome and Medical Biotechnology Difficult Points:Detection of genetic diseases; Mechanism of Gene Therapy and its aims and challenges; Human Genome and Medical Biotechnology 12.Regulations in BiotechnologyKey Points:The regulatory framework; The regulatory Agency, law, policy and reulations; Biotechnology Patents; Global biotechnology products.Difficult Points:The regulatory Agency, law, policy and reulations in China and abroad.13.Ethics and BiotechnologyKey Points: Bioethics, Biotechnology and Nature, Regulations in Biotechnology research, Economics, The Role of Science, and CommunicationDifficult Points:BioethicsIV. Teaching Plan:V. Text BookWilliam J.Thieman,Michael A.Palladino,Introduction to Biotechnology, 科学出版社,2011年.VI. Others1. Teaching method:Use multimedia presentations, enhance visual teaching experience, help the students to better understand and memorize the context. Encourage student to think, to discus and to analyze cases. Assign homework, organize class discussions andpresentations.2. ExaminationHomework and Presentations(15%)、Experiments(15%)Paper Based Test 70%。
Section A Cell organization 5课时A1 ProkaryotesA2 EukaryotesA3 MicroscopyA4 Cellular fractionationSection B Amino acids and proteins 9课时B1 Amino acidsB2 Acids and basesB3 Protein structureB4 Myoglobin and hemoglobinB5 CollagenB6 Protein purificationB7 Chromatography of proteinsB8 Electrophoresis of proteinsB9 Protein sequencing and peptide synthesisSection C Enzymes 6课时C1 Introduction to enzymesC2 ThermodynamicsC3 Enzyme kineticsC4 Enzyme inhibitionC5 Regulation of enzyme activitySection D Antibodies 6课时D1 The immune systemD2 Antibody structureD3 Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodiesD4 Antibody synthesisD5 Antibodies as toolsSection E Membranes 6课时E1 Membrane lipidsE2 Membrane protein and carbohydrateE3 Membrane transport: small moleculesE4 Membrane transport: macromoleculesE5 Signal transudationSection F DNA structure and replication 6课时F1 DNA structureF2 ChromosomesF3 DNA replication in bacteriaF4 DNA replication in eukaryotesSection G RNA synthesis and processing 8课时G1 RNA structureG2 Transcription in prokaryotesG3 The lac operonG4 The trp operonG5 Transcription in eukaryotes: an overviewG6 Transcription of protein-coding genes in eukaryotesG7 Regulation of transcription by RNA Pol ⅡG8 Processing of eukaryotic Pre-mRNAG9 Ribosomal RNAG10 Transfer RNASection H Protein synthesis 6课时H1 The genetic codeH2 Translation in prokaryotesH3 Translation in eukaryotesH4 Protein targetingH5 Protein glycosylationSection I Recombinant DNA technology 6课时I1 Restriction enzymesI2 Nucleic acid hybridizationI3 DNA cloningI4 VirusesI5 DNA sequencingI6 Polymerase chain reactionSection J Carbohydrate metabolism 10课时J1 Monosaccharides and disaccharidesJ2 Polysaccharides and oligosaccharidesJ3 GlycolysisJ4 GluconeogenesisJ5 Pentose Phosphate PathwayJ6 Glycogen MetabolismJ7 Control of glycogen metabolismSection K Lipid metabolism 6课时K1 Structures and roles of fatty acidsK2 Fatty acid breakdownK3 Fatty acid synthesisK4 TriacylglycerolsK5 CholesterolK6 LipoproteinsSection L Respiration and energy 6课时L1 Citric acid cycleL2 Electron transport and oxidative phosphorylationL3 PhotosynthesisSection M Nitrogen metabolism 6课时M1 Nitrogen fixation and assimilationM2 Amino acid metabolismM3 The urea cycleM4 Hemes and chlorophylls三、教学方式采用英文原版教材,实行双语教学,制作PPT课件,利用多媒体技术和适当的板书辅助教学。
Section A Cell organization5课时A1 ProkaryotesA2 EukaryotesA3 MicroscopyA4 Cellular fractionation Section BAmino acids and proteins9课时B1 Amino acidsB2 Acids and basesB3 Protein structureB4 Myoglobin and hemoglobinB5 CollagenB6 Protein purificationB7 Chromatography of proteinsB8 Electrophoresis of proteinsB9 Protein sequencing and peptide synthesis Section C Enzymes6课时C1 Introduction to enzymesC2 ThermodynamicsC3 Enzyme kineticsC4 Enzyme inhibitionC5 Regulation of enzyme activity Section D Antibodies6课时D1 The immune systemD2 Antibody structureD3 Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodiesD4 Antibody synthesisD5 Antibodies as tools Section E MembranesE1 Membrane lipidsE2 Membrane protein and carbohydrateE3 Membrane transport: small moleculesE4 Membrane transport: macromoleculesE5 Signal transudation Section F DNA structure and replicationF1 DNA structureF2 ChromosomesF3 DNA replication in bacteriaF4 DNA replication in eukaryotes Section GRNA synthesis and processingG1 RNA structureG2 Transcription in prokaryotesG3 The lac operonG4 The trp operonG5 Transcription in eukaryotes: an overview G6 Transcription of protein-coding genes in eukaryotesG7 Regulation of transcr iption by RNA Pol ⅡG8 Processing of eukaryotic Pre-mRNAG9 Ribosomal RNAG10 Transfer RNA Section HProtein synthesisH1 The genetic codeH2 Translation in prokaryotesH3 Translation in eukaryotesH4 Protein targetingH5 Protein glycosylation Section IRecombinant DNA technologyI1 Restriction enzymesI2 Nucleic acid hybridizationI3 DNA cloningI4 VirusesI5 DNA sequencing6课时 6课时 8课时 6课时 6课时I6 Polymerase chain reaction Section J Carbohydrate metabolism10课时J1 Monosaccharides and disaccharidesJ2 Polysaccharides and oligosaccharidesJ3 GlycolysisJ4 GluconeogenesisJ5 Pentose Phosphate PathwayJ6 Glycogen MetabolismJ7 Control of glycogen metabolism Section KLipid metabolism6课时K1 Structures and roles of fatty acidsK2 Fatty acid breakdownK3 Fatty acid synthesisK4 TriacylglycerolsK5 CholesterolK6 Lipoproteins Section LRespiration and energy6课时L1 Citric acid cycleL2 Electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation L3 Photosynthesis Section MNitrogen metabolism6课时M1 Nitrogen fixation and assimilationM2 Amino acid metabolismM3 The urea cycleM4 Hemes and chlorophylls三、教学方法采用英文原版教材,实行双语教学,制作PPT课件,利用多媒体技术和适当的板书辅助教学。
高中生物双语授课教案范文Subject: BiologyGrade: 10Topic: The CellObjectives:1. To understand the structure and function of a cell2. To differentiate between plant and animal cells3. To appreciate the importance of cells in living organismsMaterials Needed:- Diagrams of plant and animal cells- Microscopes- Prepared slides of plant and animal cells- Worksheets for labeling cell structuresWarm-Up:- Start the lesson by asking students to identify different objects in the classroom that are made up of cells.- Discuss with students the importance of cells in living organisms.Main Activities:1. Introduction to Cells (10 minutes)- Show students a diagram of a cell and explain the basic structure of a cell, including the cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus.- Explain the functions of each cell structure.2. Plant vs. Animal Cells (15 minutes)- Show students diagrams of plant and animal cells side by side and ask them to identify the differences between the two.- Discuss the unique structures found in plant cells, such as chloroplasts and cell walls.3. Microscope Observation (20 minutes)- Divide students into pairs and provide them with microscopes and prepared slides of plant and animal cells.- Ask students to observe the cells under the microscope and draw what they see.- Have students label the different cell structures they observe on their worksheets.4. Recap and Discussion (10 minutes)- Review the key concepts learned in the lesson and ask students to share their observations from the microscope activity.- Discuss with students the importance of cells in living organisms and how different cell structures contribute to the overall function of the cell.Homework Assignment:- For homework, ask students to research a specific type of cell (e.g. red blood cells, nerve cells) and write a short paragraph describing its structure and function.Assessment:- Assess students' understanding of cell structures by reviewing their labeled worksheets and microscope observations.- Encourage students to ask questions and engage in discussion throughout the lesson to gauge their understanding.Closure:- Summarize the key points of the lesson and emphasize the importance of cells in living organisms.- Encourage students to continue exploring the world of cells and their functions.This lesson plan is designed to introduce students to the concept of cells and provide opportunities for hands-on learning and exploration. By using a combination of visual aids, hands-on activities, and discussions, students will gain a deeper understanding of the structure and function of cells in living organisms.。
生物化学(双语)实验课程教课纲领Syllabus for Biochemistry (Bilingual) Experiment 课程代码: 01500646Curriculum Code: 01500646合用专业(方向):中医学专业七年制,针灸推拿专业七年制Major: Traditional Chinese Medicine (7-year), Acupuncture and Massage (7-year)总学时数: 16Total periods: 88 (experiment 16)学分数: 1Score: 1实验教材:生化实验与学习指导(自编)王晶山东中医药大学2006。
Experiment Textbook: Biochemical Experiment and Study Guide1.序言Introduction本课程是针对中医学和针灸推拿专业七年制本科生开设的一门基础课,旨在使学生经过实验加深对生物化学基本理论的理解,更好地将理论与实践亲密结合。
Biochemistry (bilingual) experiment is the prerequisite and bilingual course for Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture and Massage major. The purpose of teaching is to enable students to have a further understanding of the fundamental theory of biochemistry by experiments and to combine theory with practice better. This course aims at making students master basic operative skills of biochemical experiment, cultivating the scientific attitude and style and improving students’the capability for analyzing and resolving problems. Therefore, a solid theoreticalfoundation can be laid for further study of some and clinical courses.2、实验项目实验一项目名称:生物化学实验基本操作技术项目学时: 4目的要求:经过本实验, 掌握比色法定量测定的基来源理;娴熟掌握刻度吸管、微量加样器、离心计、721-分光光度计的正确操作技术及电泳实验中的点样操作技术。
School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology
OrganicChemistry,General Biology,Microbiology
Focus on basic knowledge, scientific literacy, andresearch ability.
1)Biochemistry: An Evolving Science:Understanding ofBiochemical Unity Underlies Biological Diversity;DNA Illustrates the Interplay Between Form and Function;ConceptsFrom Chemistry Explain the Properties of Biological Molecules;The GenomicRecentProgress in Both Genomics and Proteomics Is transforming Biology and Medicine;Biochemistry Is Essential Knowledge for Biological Science.(A3, A5.4.1, B5, B6, C6)
2)Protein and Research Technique:Focus onProtein Composition and Structure. Exploring Proteins and Proteomes:the essentialpurificationtechniques.Understanding ofMassspectrometry;X-raycrystallography and NMR Spectroscopy.(A3,A5.4.1,A5.3, B8, B6, C3, C4)
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8. 结课技能
1. 说课与讲课的异同点
2. 说课的内容
1. 通过微格训练学生各项教师技能。
2. 分组模拟教学并录课,最终每人保存15—20分钟的录课。
3. 分组练习说课,最终能完成一个完整课的说课,时间为8分钟左右。
1. 印发十大技能的评价标准给各小组,让学生进行各项技能的训练,在训练的过程中,同组学生互相听、互相评,让大家在这种互听互评的氛围中不断地得到提高。
2. 学生进行完整的课堂教学设计,并印发课堂教学评价标准,让学生在标准的要求下,指导老师的指导下,不断地完善自己。
3. 学生配合自己所设计的课程,完成说课稿,并练习说课。
1. 教师准备一些英语视频,给学生提供一种学习英语的氛围。
2. 组织本专业的学生进行英语角活动。
3. 让学生把本人教学设计过程中遇到的一些专业词与其他同学共同分享。
4. 学生用英语对话,特别是练习一些课堂组织用语。
5. 练习讲课。
2.周美珍《生物教育学》1999 浙江教育出版社
10. 刘恩山《中学生物学教学论》2003.8第一版高等教育出版社