

HOBART 霍巴特 C44B(左进右出) 通道式洗碗机C44B(左) 说明书

HOBART 霍巴特 C44B(左进右出) 通道式洗碗机C44B(左) 说明书

品牌HOBART 霍巴特产品型号C44B (左进右出)产品描述单缸通道式洗碗机(需另配外置加热器)原产地中国适用场所适用于300~600人酒店、宾馆、连锁餐厅、员工食堂等产品功能清洗杯、碟、餐盘等大件餐具,及勺子、筷子等小件餐具洗涤能力203筐/小时(理论最大洗涤速度),3650碟/小时(10寸碟),5075杯/小时(25格/筐)洗涤参数产品技术规格·单缸清洗;单道喷淋·有效洗涤高度:440mm·每筐耗水量:3.37 L ;每小时最大耗水量:684 L 洗涤筐尺寸500*500标准配置·多层不锈钢水泵入口滤网可阻止大颗粒 杂物进入水泵,延长水泵寿命·垃圾过滤网和大容量垃圾过滤篮布满整 个水箱,保证水的回流·自动定时待机,节约水源·门开关互锁装置,保证操作安全·杯筐触动自动清洗及喷淋控制系统·配置过载保护传送系统·所有加热器均配备过热保护,防止加热 管干烧·电控箱配有散热装置·内置清洁剂和干燥剂控制信号输出重量尺寸·洗涤筐尺寸:500mm*500mm (由客户自配)★独特设计内凹防堵塞喷嘴,超强清洁能力★简便排水传动系统★不锈钢清洗泵,结实耐用★水箱、洗室、机器筐架、支撑脚及地脚 均采用耐久良好的不锈钢材料·控制开关及温度监视集中位于机器顶端不锈钢控制盒内·表盘式清洗和喷淋温度,便于观察数据·高效1.5kW 清洗泵具有自排干清洁功能·82℃以上热水喷淋,消毒更彻底·自动进水系统,确保水箱保持最佳水位·L 型水箱设计,确保最大发挥清洗泵功能机器尺寸:宽*深*高 1105*768*1685mm 包装尺寸:宽*深*高 1370*970*1900mm 机器净重:255Kg品牌HOBART 霍巴特产品型号C44B (右进左出)产品描述单缸通道式洗碗机(需另配外置加热器)原产地中国适用场所适用于300~600人酒店、宾馆、连锁餐厅、员工食堂等产品功能清洗杯、碟、餐盘等大件餐具,及勺子、筷子等小件餐具洗涤能力203筐/小时(理论最大洗涤速度),3650碟/小时(10寸碟),5075杯/小时(25格/筐)洗涤参数产品技术规格·单缸清洗;单道喷淋·有效洗涤高度:440mm·每筐耗水量:3.37 L ;每小时最大耗水量:684 L 洗涤筐尺寸500*500标准配置·多层不锈钢水泵入口滤网可阻止大颗粒 杂物进入水泵,延长水泵寿命·垃圾过滤网和大容量垃圾过滤篮布满整 个水箱,保证水的回流·自动定时待机,节约水源·门开关互锁装置,保证操作安全·杯筐触动自动清洗及喷淋控制系统·配置过载保护传送系统·所有加热器均配备过热保护,防止加热 管干烧·电控箱配有散热装置·内置清洁剂和干燥剂控制信号输出重量尺寸·洗涤筐尺寸:500mm*500mm (由客户自配)★独特设计内凹防堵塞喷嘴,超强清洁能力★简便排水传动系统★不锈钢清洗泵,结实耐用★水箱、洗室、机器筐架、支撑脚及地脚 均采用耐久良好的不锈钢材料·控制开关及温度监视集中位于机器顶端不锈钢控制盒内·表盘式清洗和喷淋温度,便于观察数据·高效1.5kW 清洗泵具有自排干清洁功能·82℃以上热水喷淋,消毒更彻底·自动进水系统,确保水箱保持最佳水位·L 型水箱设计,确保最大发挥清洗泵功能机器尺寸:宽*深*高 1105*768*1685mm 包装尺寸:宽*深*高 1370*970*1900mm 机器净重:255Kg通道式洗碗机——C44B (右)。






霍巴特AM-14 AM-14C洗碗机说明书

霍巴特AM-14 AM-14C洗碗机说明书

Item #________________________________Quantity _______________________________C.S.I. Section 11400F-8091 – AM-14/AM-14C Dishwashers Page 1 of 12STANDARD FEATURES■53 racks per hour – hot water sanitizing ■16 gauge stainless steel tank, chamber, doors,frame and feet ■Stainless steel front panel (AM14)■Microcomputer controls with LED cycle/temperature display ■Manual by-pass controls■Field adjustable control box height ■Left hand or right hand controls (AM14)■90° controls (AM14C)■Revolving upper and lower anti-clogging wash arms ■Revolving upper and lower anti-clogging rinse arms ■Scrap screen and bucket system■Self-draining, high efficiency pump with Ni-resistant impeller ■Automatic fill■Door actuated drain closure■Spring counterbalanced doors with nylon door guides ■Vent fan control (gas units only)■Pass-through or corner installation ■Hot water or chemical sanitationVOLTAGE❑208-240/60/1❑208-240/60/3❑480/60/3Model AM-14CMODELS❑AM-14❑AM-14COPTIONS AT EXTRA COST❑70° rise electric booster heater ❑Flanged feetACCESSORIES❑Vent fan control field installed kit (electric heat)❑3⁄4" pressure regulator valve ❑Peg rack❑Combination racks ❑Stainless steel tray rackSpecifications, Details and Dimensions on Inside and Back.Page 2 of 12F-8091 – AM-14/AM-14C DishwashersSTANDARD DESIGN FEATURESAUTOMATIC DRAIN SHUT-OFF: Door actuated,automatically closes drain when doors are lowered.AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROL ANDPOSITIVE LOW-LEVEL WATER PROTECTION: The stainless steel probe contains a thermistor sensor for water temperature control and a reed switch works in conjunction with the float (below the probe) for positive low-level water protection.DOOR CYCLE SWITCH: Automatically starts the wash-rinse timer program when doors are closed. Door cycle switch turns off power to pump if doors are opened while machine is operating and resets timer program to start position.CONTROL BOX: Mounted on right or left side (AM14) or 90° (AM14C) of machine, below table level, to provide easy access to the microcomputer controls. Field adjustable in height from table 11⁄16" to 1011⁄16".PUMP: High efficiency self-draining pump assures maximum cleanliness and sanitation.UPPER WASH & RINSE ASSEMBLY: Wash arm – allstainless steel (Hobart exclusive design) providesimproved washability. Interchangeable with lower wash arm. Revolving upper rinse arm assures efficient, effectiverinse coverage.LOWER WASH AND RINSE ARMS: Wash arm — all stainless steel, interchangeable with upper wash arm.Lower revolving rinse arm assures effective rinse coverage.REMOVABLE SCRAP BASKET: Stainless steel,self-flushing strainer pan and removable scrap basket for easy cleaning.F-8091 – AM-14/AM-14C Dishwashers Page 3 of 12The new microcomputer control provides LED digital display of cycle (Fill, Wash, Rinse) and temperature. Built-in, self diagnostics makes service fast and easy, if it should ever be needed.The AM-14 is field convertible to either hot water or low temperature chemical sanitizing and features “flexible timing for special applications”. Capacity varies from 52 racks per hour to 80 racks per hour depending on operating mode.Unit has equal capacity to some two-rack fill and dump dishwashers, but requires only half the space and consumes less water.MICROCOMPUTER CONTROLS FOR RELIABILITY AND PERFORMANCESTANDARD EQUIPMENTOPTIONAL ACCESSORY GROUPS(at extra cost)1 H.P. Magnetically Controlled Motor 208-240/60/1, 208-240/60/3 and 480/60/3*200-240/50/3, 380-415/50/3all with solid state motor protection all with solid state motor protection Choice of HeatElectric with automatic temperature Gas immersion tube style with energy-saving controlsolid state ignition, temperature control and stainless steel flue Control SystemMicrocomputer control system 13KW, 70° rise electric hot water Door cycle switchsbooster heaterSolid state water temperature sensor Left or right hand mounted control panelPositive low water protectionStainless steel water-protected control box and switchingMagnetic power switchLED display on control box for monitoring wash and final rinse temperaturesManual override switches for wash and rinse Construction16 gauge welded stainless steel tank, legs and frame unit16 gauge welded stainless steel upper chamberModel AM-14 - 3 door, straight thru with inspection door and stainless steel “snap-in” front enclosure panelModel AM-14C - 2 door for corner installationsRacksPeg compartment,Plate racks, glass and silverware racks(*These electrical specs not submitted for UL Listing)Page 4 of 12F-8091 – AM-14/AM-14C DishwashersF-8091 – AM-14/AM-14C Dishwashers Page 5 of 12Page 6 of 12F-8091 – AM-14/AM-14C DishwashersF-8091 – AM-14/AM-14C Dishwashers Page 7 of 12Page 8 of 12F-8091 – AM-14/AM-14C DishwashersF-8091 – AM-14/AM-14C Dishwashers Page 9 of 12Page 10 of 12F-8091 – AM-14/AM-14C DishwashersF-8091 – AM-14/AM-14C Dishwashers Page 11 of 12Printed On Recycled Paper Page 12 of 12F-8091 (REV. 8/03)LITHO IN U.S.A. (H-01)The microcomputer-based control system is built into the AM-14Series Dishwashers. Model AM-14 is for straight-thru operation witha third (front) door for inspection, and AM-14C for corner installation.Each is available in standard electrical specifications of 208-240/60/1,208-240/60/3, 480/60/3 and all are equipped with a reduced voltagepilot circuit transformer.*CAUTION: CERTAIN MATERIALS, INCLUDING SILVER,ALUMINUM AND PEWTER ARE ATTACKED BY SODIUMHYPOCHLORITE (LIQUID BLEACH) IN THE CHEMICALSANITIZING DISHWASHER MODE OF OPERATION. WATERHARDNESS MUST BE CONTROLLED TO 2-6 GR. FOR BESTRESULTS.CONSTRUCTION: Tank and wash chamber constructed of#16 gauge stainless steel, arc-welded. Unitized welded stainlesssteel tank, frame and stainless steel feet. Wash chamber and frontof tank above motor compartment are polished satin finish. Stainlesssteel snap-in front panel – no fasteners required.DOOR LIFT: Doors coupled by stainless steel door handle, springcounterbalanced (except the front inspection door). All doors guidedfor ease of operation and long life.PUMP: With Ni-Resist impeller, integral with motor assures alignmentand quiet operation. Pump shaft seal with stainless steel parts and acarbon ceramic sealing interface. Easily removable impeller housingpermits ease of inspection. Capacity 160 GPM. Pump is completelyself-draining.MOTOR: Built for Hobart, 1 H.P., with inherent thermal protection,grease-packed ball bearings, splashproof design, ventilated.Single-phase is capacitor-start, induction-run type. Three-phase issquirrel-cage, induction type.MICROCOMPUTER CONTROL SYSTEM: Hobart microcomputercontrols, assembled within water-protected enclosure, provide built-inperformance and reliability.The microcomputer control, switches and contactors are housed in asingle stainless steel enclosure, mounted on right-hand or left-handside (AM14) or 90° (AM14C) of dishwasher below table level. Controlenclosure is field adjustable to an alternate lower position of 1011⁄16"from table. The line voltage electrical components are completelywired with 105°C, 600V thermoplastic insulated wire with strandedconductors and routed through listed electrical conduit. Low-voltageelectrical components are wired with type ST cord. Line disconnectswitch NOT furnished.CYCLE OPERATION: The microcomputer timing program is startedby closing the doors, which actuates the door cycle switch. Themicrocomputer energizes the wash pump motor contactor during thewash portion of the program. After the wash, a dwell permits theupper wash manifold to drain. At the end of the dwell, the final rinsesolenoid valve is energized, after the final rinse valve closes,Sani-Dwell (Hot Water Mode only) permits sanitization to continue.The Rinse LED remains on during this period, completing theprogram. If the microcomputer is interrupted during a cycle by thedoor-cycle switch, the microcomputer is reset to the beginning of theprogram. Hot Water Sanitizing – 62 seconds (AM14: 53 Racks/hr.;AM14C: 52 Racks/hr.): 40 Second Wash, 4 Second Dwell, 9 SecondRinse, 9 Second Sani-Dwell. Chemical Sanitizing (Normal Duty) –53 Seconds (AM14: 62 Racks/hr.; AM14C: 60 Racks/hr.):40 Second Wash, 4 Second Dwell, 9 Second Rinse. ChemicalSanitizing (Light Duty) – 40 Seconds (AM14: 80 Racks/hr.;AM14C: 76 Racks/hr.): 27 Second Wash, 4 Second Dwell, 9 SecondRinse (130°F Minimum). All of the above programs and many morecan be pre-selected by your Hobart service technician.WASH: Hobart revolving stainless steel wash arms with unrestricted openings above and below provide thorough distribution of water jets to all dishware surfaces. Arms are easily removable for cleaning and are interchangeable. Stainless steel tubing manifold connects upper and lower spray system.RINSE: Upper revolving rinse arm with eight rinse spray nozzles.The stainless steel upper and lower rinse arms are easily removable without tools. Lower revolving rinse arm with eight nozzles lifts out for inspection. Diaphragm-type rinse control solenoid valve mounted outside machine. Machine is equipped with special hot water vacuum breaker on downstream side of rinse valve – mounted 6" above uppermost rinse opening. Easy open brass line strainer furnished.FILL: Microcomputer controlled fill valve installed on upstream side of rinse vacuum breaker. Ratio fill method is used giving the correct fill at any flowing water pressure. (20 PSIG necessary for proper rinsing.)DRAIN AND OVERFLOW: Large bell type automatic overflow and drain valve controlled from inside of machine. Drain automatically closed by lowering doors. Drain seal is large diameter, high temperature “O” ring. Cover for overflow is integral part of stainless steel strainer system.STRAINER SYSTEM: Equipped with large, exclusive self-flushing,easily removable perforated stainless steel strainer and large capacity soil basket. Submerged soil basket minimizes frequent removal and cleaning.HEATING EQUIPMENT: Standard tank heat is 5KW electric immersion heating element. Regulated power immersion tube gas burner system is optional at extra cost. A solid-state ignitor board controls the gas valve and provides flame ignition. A transformer steps the control circuit voltage down to 24 volts to power the ignitor board and gas valves. Gas Heated Dishwasher: For natural gas, gas pressure (customer connection) not to exceed 7" W.C. For liquified petroleum, gas pressure to burner (customer connection) not to exceed 11" W.C. If gas pressure is higher than 7" W.C. natural or 11" W.C. LP, a pressure regulating valve must be supplied (by others) in the gas line to the dishwasher. Water temperature regulation is controlled by thermistor sensor in combination with microcomputer controls. The tank heat and positive low water protection microcomputer circuits are automatically activated when the main power switch is turned “on”. If tank is accidentally drained,low water protection device automatically turns heat off. Gas immersion tube is additionally protected by a high limit device mounted on the surface of the tube. These features are standard with the Hobart Microcomputer Control System.STANDARD EQUIPMENT: In addition to the standard features listed on the front are the following–latest design door cycle switch, ratio fill,stainless steel adjustable feet. Adjustable height control panel.Chamber, tank and all doors of 16 gauge stainless steel. Detergent injector and sensing connections provided as well as connection in fill line for rinse agent and sanitizer dispensing. Manual by-pass switch.OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT AT EXTRA COST – ELECTRIC BOOSTER HEATER: Electric booster adequately sized to raise 110°F inlet water to 180°F (not available on gas heat machines).Pressure gauge for incoming water.CONTROLS: Optional 90° controls on C models.ACCESSORIES: 193⁄4" x 193⁄4" Peg and Combination All-Plastic Dishracks. Desirable functional accessories can be furnished at added cost. See listed options and accessories on this specification sheet. Write to the factory for special requirements not listed above.As continued product improvement is a policy of Hobart, specifications are subject to change without notice.。


–– 不要扭结排水管。
2. 控制
➀ 机器 启动/停止 按钮
➁ 程序按钮1&2 ➂ 维修按钮 ➃ 清洗温度显示 ➄ 喷淋温度 ➅⑦ 显示设定功能
67 按这个按钮机器开。 LED灯亮 −− 闪烁 = 机器注水并加热。 −− 长亮 = 机器已准备好运行。 在错误操作或发生故障时,按这个按钮可以立即关闭机器。 机器关闭后仍然带电! 通过按这些按钮选择短周期循环(1)或标准周期循环(2)。 相应的 LED 灯亮。
1.5. 进水连接
必须由被授权的技术人员按照当地和国家标准执行。 本机器必须使用可饮用水。对高浓度矿物质水质,强烈推荐使用外 部矿物质去除装置。
–– 如果可能,连接温水(最高60°C)。 –– 水硬度:
• 不带软水器(最高 3.75°Clark, 相当于0.5 mmol/l)。 • 带软水器(最高 37.5°Clark, 相当于5.3 mmol/l)。 –– 进水压力: 流动压力 50kPa – 1000 kPa。 > 1000 kPa:必须安装减压阀。 –– 连接供水管路上的螺母“A”(3/4”)和现场的进水阀。 –– 不要扭结或切割供水管路。如果需要加长供水管路,其规格必须 与原软管相同。
8. 故障表.........................................................................................14

Hobart 洗碗机化学指南说明书

Hobart 洗碗机化学指南说明书

1. YoUr ProffICIEnt DISHWASHInG PArtnErSPECIALIStS In DISHWASHInG 1.1Hobart is a global leader in the field of commercial warewashing technology. Hobart products stand for top quality and reliability and have been developed in close cooperation with customers. thousands of Hobart machines are used by satisfied customers all over the world who rely on the …Made in Germany“ quality mark. all Hobart machines – from large flight-type dishwashers to compact glasswashers – meet the same high quality standards.First impressions are important, and there is nothing more inviting in a restaurant than clean, sparkling crockery and glassware. this chemical guide contains all the information, tips and tricks you need to achieve brilliant cleaning results –for satisfied customers!2. WHY USE HobArt DEtErGEntS AnD rInSE AIDS?CHEMICAL GUIDEEffICIEnt – rELIAbLE – InnovAtIvEHobArt ProDUCtS offEr A rAnGE of ADvAntAGES 2.1• Excellent cleaning results thanks to quality components• Product formulations are tailor-made for HOBART dishwashers• Clearly labelled and colour-coded containers to prevent confusion• Excellent reliability• Easy handling and dosing thanks to an integrated dosing system for liquid products• Clearly structured product range for all applicationst D E t E r G E n t S A n D r I n S E A I D S3. WHAt ArE tHE KEY fACtorS for brILLIAnt DISHWASHInG rESUL tS?CHEMICAL GUIDEEffICIEnt – rELIAbLE – InnovAtIvEA CIrCLE tHAt EXPLAInS tHE CoMPLEtE CLEAnInG CYCLE!3.1these factors are arranged in a circle. If one factor is reduced, the loss must be compensated for by increasing one or more other factors. For instance, if you wish to reduce the amount of chemicals used in the process, you must increase the temperature. this is, of course, only possible within certain limits, asexcessively high temperature would cause the glassto crack.the Sinner circle developed by the chemist Dr. HerbertSinner illustrates the four key components for thehygienic cleaning of crockery, glassware and cutlery,namely temperature, time, chemical action and mecha-nical action. For the washing of glassware, the qualityof the water is another important factor.CLEAnInG fACtorStEMPErAtUrEMECHAnICAL ACtIon CLEAnInG fACtorS In HobArt DISHWASHErStEMPErAtUrEMECHAnICAL ACtIonA CIrCLE tHAt EXPLAInS tHE CoMPLEtE CLEAnInG CYCLE!3.1CHEMICAL GUIDEEffICIEnt – rELIAbLE – InnovAtIvEPErfECt CHEMIStrY!3.2WHY?Depending on the washware for which they are formulated, detergents and rinse agents containdifferent ingredients. Chemicals for glassware washingmust, for example, protect the surface and thedecorative effect while ensuring hygienic cleaning.Perfect hygienic results can only be achieved bychoosing the right detergent and the right rinse aid.Sparkling, hygienically cleaned washware can only beachieved by using the correct amounts of carefullyselected detergents and rinse aids.CorrECt tEMPErAtUrE rAnGE!3.3WHY?the higher the temperature, the more effective the chemical cleaning action. If the water temperature is too low, dirt might remain on the washware and germs might survive. However, excessively high temperatures can result in glass corrosion and glass breakage. High temperatures shorten the service life of decorative glassware.Glasswashing:The washing temperature should be around 55°C,while the rinsing temperature should be betweenapprox. 60 and 70°C.Dishwashing:The washing temperature should be around 60 to65°C, while the rinsing temperature should bebetween approx. 80 and 85°C.CHEMICAL GUIDEEffICIEnt – rELIAbLE – InnovAtIvEE Y f A C t o r S f o r b r I L L I A n t D I S H W A S H I n G r E S U L t SADEQUAtE WASHInG tIME!3.4WHY?Hobart dishwashers optimise the Sinner circle cleaning factors of temperature, chemical action and mechanical action in such a way that the time factor can be reduced to a minimum.In the catering business, time is a scarce commodity.During busy periods, every minute counts. If all thecleaning factors are optimised, commercialdishwashers can process a full basket within about60 seconds!CHEMICAL GUIDEEffICIEnt – rELIAbLE – InnovAtIvEEffECtIvE MECHAnICAL ACtIon!3.5WHY? Wash water at the correct pressure removes dirt from the washware, leaving behind a perfectly rinsedsurface. Dried food scraps and milk froth residue areeffectively dissolved and washed away by watersprayed at the correct pressure.apart from the temperature, chemical action, time,mechanical action and water pressure have a hugeeffect on the cleaning result.CHEMICAL GUIDEEffICIEnt – rELIAbLE – InnovAtIvEGooD WAtEr QUALItY!3.6washware, water must drip off without leaving behind any mineral or salt residue. the mineral content of water, which includes salts, is measured in μS/cm. Ideally, rinsing water should be treated to reduce the total mineral content or even eliminate all minerals. this is done by using a partial or full desalination cartridge, which ensures spotless glassware and cutlery.the cleaning result heavily depends on the quality of thewater used in the machine.WHY?Every drop of water contains many different chemicals,including minerals and salts. other important waterquality factors are the carbonate hardness and thenon-carbonate hardness. to achieve spotlessly cleanCHEMICAL GUIDEEffICIEnt – rELIAbLE – InnovAtIvEE Y f A C t o r S f o r b r I L L I A n t D I S H W A S H I n G r E S U L t SHobArt rECoMMEnDAtIon• For spotless glassware, the total salt content of watershould be around 100 μS/cm. Depending on the rawwater composition, this can be achieved by treatment ina partial or full desalination cartridge.• Water softening systems are designed to prevent limescale deposits. they primarily protect the machine components such as heating rods and wash arms. as water softening systems do not reduce the total mineral content of the water, they cannot effectively preventwater spots on dry glassware and crockery.4. HoW Do CLEAnInG AGEntS WorK?CHEMICAL GUIDE EffICIEnt – rELIAbLE – InnovAtIvEfUnCtIonS of DEtErGEntS4.1• Emulsification: grease and fat is emulsified and removed from the washware • Dispersion: solid and insoluble residue is removed from the washware • Hygiene treatment: disinfectant agents such as chlorine, active oxygen, etc.• Protection of washware: special care ingredients designed to protect the washware • Water softening: prevention of deposits on the washware or on machine parts (only effective up to a certain hardness grade)• Wetting of washware for improved water distribution • Capillarity: reduction of surface tension so that water can enter all recesses and cavitiesG A G E n t S W o r K ?• Wetting of cleaned washware for effective rinsing• Reduction of water surface tension: reduction of interfacial tension • Accelerated washware drying fUnCtIonS of rInSE AGEntS 4.2• P hosphates, citrates, polycarboxylates: suspension of dirt particles • t ensides: reduction of interfacial tension, for improved dissolution of grease and dirt particles • (Citric) acid: prevention of limescale deposits; removal of rust particles; reduction of pH; biodegradableDetergents contain a number of active agents: mainingredients and their effects:• a lkaline agents: swelling and removal of proteins,grease and starch; increase of pH• b leaching agents: destruction of colorants anddisinfection• E nzymes: removal of grease, protein and starchparticlesCHEMICAL GUIDEEffICIEnt – rELIAbLE – InnovAtIvEEffECtS of InDIvIDUAL ACtIvE InGrEDIEntS 4.3G A G E n t S W o r K ?5. SAfE HAnDLInG of DISHWASHEr CHEMICALSCoMPLIAnCE WItH HobArt rECoMMEnDAtIonS5.1• T he correct dosing quantities should be determined by a specialist technician upon installation and commissioning of the machine.• U se only detergents and rinse aids made for commercial dishwashers.• A cidic detergents or products containing chlorine might cause damage to the decorative effect and turbidity.• W hen changing detergent or rinse aid, observe the instructions in the user manual to prevent damage to • H OBART detergents and rinse aids are carefully formulated for best compatibility and effectiveness.• O bserve the dosing instructions. If the rinse aid concentration is too low, droplets and residual limescale streaks remain on the cleaned washware. the goods are therefore not perfectly clean and might not last as long as when rinsed properly. Excessive rinse aid in the cycle results in streaks on the washware, pollutes the water and is not economical.CHEMICAL GUIDEEffICIEnt – rELIAbLE – InnovAtIvED I S H W A S HE r C H E M I C A L SPrEvEntIon of EXCESSIvE CHEMICALS ConSUMPtIon 5.2Preventing such problems results in reduced detergent consumption, which helps protect the environment and saves you money!the cleaning results are determined by factorsthat are outside the machine. Under unfavourableconditions, these factors can lead to increasedconsumption of detergent and rinse aid. Suchproblems can occur in the following situations:• Insufficient manual removal of food scraps• Food on plates has been allowed to dry• S hort contact times combined with very dirtywashware• Dosing quantity too high or too lowCHEMICAL GUIDEEffICIEnt – rELIAbLE – InnovAtIvEo f D I S H W A S H E r C H E M I C A L S SAfE AnD CArEfUL HAnDLInG of CHEMICALS5.3Correct storage • Store in properly sealed, upright original containers.• Store in a cool and dry room.• Protect against direct sunlight, frost and heat.• D o not store together with incompatible substances, food or beverages.• Always wear protective goggles and gloves.• S hould small amounts of alkaline or acidic substances come into skin contact, immediately rinse the affected area with plenty of water.• Remove soiled clothing to prevent skin irritation.• I n the event of skin or eye contact, immediately consult a doctor.6. Poor CLEAnInG rESUL tS – CAUSES AnD rEMEDIESProbLEM PoSSIbLE CAUSE rEMEDY Washware not properly cleaned Excessive dirt in machine Improve manual plate clearing procedure, clean the filters in the machine Wash arm/rinse arm fails to rotate; the nozzles are blocked remove wash arm/rinse arm and clean Insufficient detergent and/or rinse agent Increase chemical dosage Insufficient or no detergent and/or rinse agent Canister empty; replace canister Shelf life exceeded Change product Starch residue, discolouration Chosen product not suitable for current cleaning task; change product and/or clean washware by hand Washware shows streaks and smells of detergent; poor cleaning performance, Detergent and rinsing aid canisters are connected the wrong way round: detergent is added to the boiler, while rinse Check dosing hoses are correctly installed in the right bottles Flush boiler and dosing hoses with water CHEMICAL GUIDE EffICIEnt – rELIAbLE – InnovAtIvEtroUbLESHootInG6.1r E S U L t S – C A U S E S A n D r E M E D I E SProbLEM PoSSIbLE CAUSE rEMEDY Plastic parts fail to dry rinse aid concentration too low adjust dosage Streaks, rainbow colours, clouds and burst bubble marks on washware rinse aid concentration too high adjust dosage Crystals in dosing hose,no addition of detergent/rinse aid Hoses were not rinsed with water before installing a new product thoroughly rinse dosing hoses with water Limescale Machine is operated with excessively hard water Use water softener Chemicals consumption too high Dosing quantity too high adjust dosage/reduce dosing time pH in water tank increases gradually (crystals in detergent)Product shelf life has been exceeded, or product canister has been left open for a prolonged period of time; keep canisters tightly closed Chemicals not suitable for actual hardness CHEMICAL GUIDE EffICIEnt – rELIAbLE – InnovAtIvEtroUbLESHootInG6.1r E S U L t S – C A U S E S A n D r E M E D I E SWE ArE ALWAYS tHErE for YoU.HobArt offErS ItS CUStoMErS CoMPEtEnt SPECIALISt SUPPort for • The correct dishwashing chemicals• Proper water pre-treatment• T he correct basket selection to match yourwashware• U ser training on your dishwasher CHEMICAL GUIDEEffICIEnt – rELIAbLE – InnovAtIvEt H E r E f o r Y o UThe HOBART hygiene products of the HYLINE hygiene range are available from your specialist dealer.For further information, see .HYLINE CHEMICAL SALESEffICIEnt – rELIAbLE – InnovAtIvEWAREWASHINg COOkINg FOOD PREPARATION WASTE TREATMENTSERvICE HobArt GMbH Robert-Bosch-Straße 1777656 Offenburg Phone +49(0)781.600-28 20Fax +49(0)781.600-28 19 e-Mail:*********************Internet: Member of the ITW Food Equipment group Europe。



洗碗机系统使用说明书目录一.养成安全第一的好习惯二.控制板视图三.洗碗机内部视图四.技术参数五.盐、洗涤剂和助清剂六.将餐具装入洗碗机七.运行洗碗机八.洗涤循环调整按钮九.洗涤循环表十.节能密诀十一.如何保存洗碗机十二.清洗及专门维护十三.故障排除十四.安装一.养成安全第一的好习惯注意:请仔细阅读本手册的安项内容, 它向你提供了有关洗碗机安全、正确安装以及使用和维护的重要内容。



2.除去包装后,请检查确认机器是否有损,如有疑惑,请与Ariston 授权的技术人员联系。











二.控制板视图A开关钮 E 按钮B开关灯 F 按钮C开门把手H 低盐指示灯D选择钮三.洗碗机内部视图E上栅架F顶部喷洒臂G栅架高度调节器H 下部栅架I 底部喷洒臂J 盐容器盖K 洗涤过滤器L 洗涤剂和助清剂分配器四.技术参数五.盐、洗涤剂和助清剂盐:水的硬度随地域不同而变化。



washers. Remove large remnants of food from 3. Switch on the appliance ⁠.
the tableware. Check that the spray arms can ro-
4. Select the programme. 5. Start the programme ⁠. 6. Remove the tableware at the end of the pro-
6. Re-assemble the filter system.
7. Insert the filter system into the appliance and turn the coarse filter clockwise. Make sure that the arrow markings match up.
spoon and grip it by the crosspiece.
5. Lift the pump cover inwards at an angle and remove.
6. Remove any remnants of food and foreign bodies in the area
1) Duration [h:min] 2) Energy [kWh] 3) Water [l]
Intensive 70°
1) 2:05 - 2:15 2) 1,350 - 1,400 3) 10,5 - 13,5
Auto 45-65°
1) 1:40 - 2:45 2) 0,850 - 1,450 3) 7,0 - 15,5
1) 0:15 - 0:15 2) 0,050 - 0,050 3) 4,0 - 4,0










• 单门式:按如下程序操作此类洗碗机,先打开一扇门,插入碗碟架,关上门,然后开始运行机器。

• 门通道输送式:按如下程序操作操作此类机器,把碗碟架推入机器,直至架子与通道输送相连接,该通道输送经过多次循环而把架子送入。




• 如果是高温机器, 则该机器依赖水温进行消毒。


• 如果是低温机器,则餐具是靠化学制品进行清洗和消毒。






• 不要穿戴可能卷入机器中的宽大衣物和首饰。

• 为了防止滑倒和跌倒,在洗碗机的前方,使用橡胶垫子,并且穿上合适的防滑鞋。

• 在你安装、清洗或者拆开电气设备时,随时关闭该设备的电源。

• 循环在运行时,千万不可打开洗碗机的门或者把手伸进洗碗机。

海尔 EW130266BKT 13套独嵌两用全自动洗碗机 使用说明书

海尔 EW130266BKT 13套独嵌两用全自动洗碗机 使用说明书


















HOBART 洗碗机HL120+技术资料

HOBART 洗碗机HL120+技术资料

7 * 11 * 14 † 27 † 45 †
4 5 1 7
2.3 □
18 □
5 8 1 11
20 □
8 11 2 16
32 * 68 *
14 □ 29 □
84 *
34 45 9 54
45 □
B — 搅拌板 C — 搅拌板 D — 搅拌球 ED —搅拌钩 I — 重型搅拌钩 P — 搅拌刀 □ 1档速度 * 2档速度 † 3档速度
11 □ 20 □ 20 □ 36 * 77 * 95 *
7 □ 14 □ 16 □ 27 * 64 * 79 *
4 □ 6 □ 11 □ 18 □ 39 □ 61 □
5 □ 9 □ 15 □ 32 □ 70 □ 86 □ 9 □ 18 □ 20 □ 32 * 70 * 86 *
适用场所 产品功能 加工能力
适用于餐馆、西餐厅等进行食物初加工 用于对生面团、稠面糊、土豆、蛋糕糊、奶油、蛋等食物或混合物进行搅拌加工


请检查机器上贴的数据牌上的规格说明,或瓦斯燃烧器管子上的标签,以了解应该使用哪种瓦斯。 将瓦斯管路和瓦斯供应源连接一起。 瓦斯燃烧器是无法调整的。如果使用的是天然瓦斯,而管路压力超过 0.018kg/cm2,或用的是丙烷而 压力超过 0.028kg/cm2,则必须在瓦斯供应管路上加装一个调节阀(未随机供应)。 燃烧器由固态电力电路自动点燃,不使用母火。瓦斯流量由温度控制电路以一个压缩机和离心式开 关系统调节。 机器附近请放置任何易燃物。 请勿阻碍燃烧和通风所需之空气的流通。 在测试系统压力时,若测试压力 0.035kg/cm2 超过,则瓦斯燃烧器及其各个关闭阀必须和瓦斯供应 管路系统隔离。 在测试瓦斯供应管路系统压力时,若测试压力等于或超过 0.035kg/cm2, 则必须关上瓦斯燃烧器的 各个手动关闭阀,以和瓦斯供应管路系统隔离。 洗碗机安装的方式和位置都不应阻碍到燃烧和通风所需空气之流通。燃烧室的空气出入口应有适当 通风。请确定室内有足够的空气供应,使燃烧器的瓦斯得以燃烧。 洗碗机背面和易燃构造间应至少离76mm,侧边则不需留空间。 洗碗机前端必须至少要有1公尺的空间,以便进行维修和操作。
CRS、CCS、和CPW模式的洗碗机绵备有 0.746 千瓦(1 马力)的预洗泵马达,但只有 CPW 模式 才可另加选购 1.492 千瓦(2 马力)的预洗泵马达。预洗泵马达的电压和构造和清洗泵马达相同。
频率(赫兹) 相



SM6T2SM6T2DISHWASHERMODELSM6T2ML-110857701 S. RIDGE AVENUETROY, OHIO 45374-0001Installation, Operation, and Care ofMODEL SM6T2 DISHWASHERSAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSGENERALThe SM6T2 dishwasher is an electrically controlled, semi-automatic, rack type dishwasher with telescoping hoods, designed for straight-through operation. The wash and rinse cycles are timed and automatically controlled. The timed rinse cycle operates a solenoid valve. The wash pump motor is rated 1/2 HP . The wash tank heater is rated 1000 watts. The dishwasher accommodates 16" x 16" racks,available in durable plastic, pegged or flat-bottomed. A vacuum breaker is provided on the rinse and fill line which provides an air gap to prevent any reverse flow of water from the machine into the potable water supply.MODEL SM6T2 DISHWASHERFig. 1MANUAL-AUTOVALVEFILL CONNECTIONPRESSURE GAUGECONTROL HANDLEINTERLOCKINSTALLATIONImmediately after unpacking the dishwasher, check for possible shipping damage. If the machine is found to be damaged, save the packaging material and contact the carrier within 15 days of delivery. Prior to installation, test the electrical service to make sure it agrees with the specifications on the machine data plate.LOCATION AND LEVELINGThe dishwasher must be installed per the drawings on pages 4 – 6. Stainless steel is the recommended material for the table. The table should be a convenient height for the operator. The dishwasher should be level, both front-to-back and side-to-side. The table should drain into the dishwasher. Seal around the table flange with an NSF approved sealer.PLUMBING CONNECTIONSWARNING: PLUMBING CONNECTIONS MUST COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE SANITARY, SAFETY, AND PLUMBING CODES.The plumber who connects this machine is responsible for making certain that incoming water lines are THOROUGHLY FLUSHED OUT before connecting to any manual valve or solenoid valve.This "flush-out" is necessary to remove all foreign matter, such as chips (resulting from cutting or threading of pipes), pipe joint compound from the lines, or, if soldered fittings are used, bits of solder or cuttings from tubing. Debris, if not removed, may lodge in the valves and render them inoperative. Manual valves or solenoid valves fouled by foreign matter, and any expenses resulting from this fouling, are NOT the responsibility of the manufacturer.Hot Water ConnectionWater must be proper hardness. Recommended hardness range is 4 – 6 grains / gallon. Lower hardness can promote corrosion, higher hardness may cause excessive formation of lime scale. A line strainer should be installed in the water supply line at the time of installation. The line strainer prevents frequent clogging of the rinse nozzles and requires only occasional cleaning.The water supply connection point has a 1/2" NPT internal thread (see F ILL C ONNECTION, Fig. 1). The water supplied to this machine must be 180°F and have a flow pressure of 20 – 25 psig for most effective rinsing. CAUTION: The water pressure regulator must have a relief by-pass. Failure to use the proper type of pressure regulator may result in damage to the unit. After installation, a pressure gauge must be visible and access must be available to service connections and areas which require cleaning.Drain ConnectionConnect the drain to the sewer from the 11/4"NPT tapped connection, provided. Use a 11/4" – 11/2" coupling to provide 11/2" line to sewer. If a grease trap is required by code, it should have a minimum flow capacity of approximately 28 gallons per minute.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSWARNING: ELECTRICAL AND GROUNDING CONNECTIONS MUST COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE PORTIONS OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AND/OR OTHER LOCAL ELECTRICAL CODES. WARNING: DISCONNECT THE ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLIES AND PLACE A TAG AT THE DISCONNECT SWITCHES INDICATING THAT YOU ARE WORKING ON THE CIRCUITS.Make the main electrical connection at the motor junction box (Fig. 1) where a knockout for 1/2" conduit is provided. Make the electrical connection for the electric heater circuit at the electric box for the electric heater where a knockout for 1/2" conduit is provided. Refer to the wiring diagram attached to the inside of the control box cover. All electrical supply lines to the machine must be disconnected when disconnection is required.OPERATIONINTERLOCKThe hoods are interlocked with the Control Handle (Fig. 1) which prevents operation of the automatic wash and rinse cycle with a hood open. Also, the hoods cannot be opened while the dishwasher is in an automatic wash and rinse cycle.FILLING THE TANKBe sure that the Overflow Pipe (Fig. 3) is properly seated. Then close the hood and turn the Control Handle to the rinse position (Fig. 2). Hold it there until the wash tank is filled to the top of the Overflow Pipe.DETERGENTUse only commercial grade detergents recommended by your chemical professional. Do not use detergents formulated for residential dishwashers. Contact your chemical supplier to obtain a recommendation for an appropriate detergent that is suited to the water in your locality.The wash tank capacity is 5 gallons. Rinse water usage adds 1.36 gallons of fresh water per cycle at 20 psig.HEATERThe electric heater with thermostat (standard) must also have a fused disconnect switch (not provided) installed in the electric service line supplying this device and should meet the requirements of your local electrical code. The switch must be placed in a convenient location for the operator. To operate the heater, set the dial on the thermostat to the desired water temperature.The heater should be turned on and off by the disconnect switch and not by the thermostat dial. If the thermometer does not indicate the proper temperature with the pump running, the thermostat can be set higher or lower as required.CAUTION: Be sure the tank is filled with water before turning on the heater and always turn off the heater before draining the tank.NOTE: Should the tank be accidentally drained before turning off the heater, the thermostat will automatically shut off the heater. When this type of heater shut-off occurs, turn off the power at the disconnect switch. Allow the thermostat bulb to cool. Fill the tank with water. Press the small re-set button next to the control knob on the thermostat. Then, turn on the power at the disconnect switch.PREPARATION•Make sure the dishwasher tank, the StrainerPans and the chamber are clean.•With the Overflow Pipe properly seated, fillthe tank to the top of the Overflow Pipe byturning and holding the Control Handle inthe rinse position (Fig. 2).•Put Strainer Pans (Fig. 3) in place. Scatterthe initial charge of detergent over theStrainer Pans.•Turn the heater on. Wash water temperature should be 150°F.Fig. 2WASHRINSE INAUTOMATIC DISHWASHINGPre-scrap dishes thoroughly to remove large food particles and debris. Never use steel wool on ware that is to be loaded into the dishwasher.Do not allow foreign objects to enter the dishwasher, especially metallic contaminants.Stack the dishes in a rack. Do not stack dishes one ontop of another as water must have free access to all sidesof every dish. Stand plates and dishes up edgewise asshown in Fig. 2. Cups, glasses, and bowls should beinverted in an open-type or compartment type rack.Silverware and other small pieces may be scatteredloosely over the bottom of a flat bottom rack.Open the hood and slide in a rack of dishes. Have therack turned so the plates stand at right angles to the edgeof the table (Fig. 2). Close the hood. With the ControlSwitch turned to the Auto position and the hoods closed,turn the Control Handle to ON and the timer motor willstart.The timer then lights the Pilot Light and starts the pumpmotor. The Pilot Light (Fig. 1) stays on until the cycle iscompletely finished. The wash pump operates for 73seconds, then stops. A pause of 3 seconds follows toallow the wash water to drain from the dishes. Then, therinse solenoid comes on for 12 seconds to complete the88 second timed cycle. When the rinse shuts off, the PilotLight goes out. Turn the Control Handle to neutral.If your tables are arranged for straight through operation, open the opposite hood, and slide the rack out on the clean dish table.Allow clean dishes to drain and air-dry before removing from rack.Add dishwashing detergent at regular intervals to replace that consumed in the wash / rinse process,as recommended by your chemical supplier.The Control Switch (Fig. 1) in the center position (between Manual and Auto) provides only a Manual Rinse (or Fill) operation — if the Control Handle is turned to Rinse (Fig. 2).MANUAL OPERATIONWith the Control Switch turned to the Manual position, the auxiliary circuit allows the dishwasher to operate manually using the Control Handle in the Wash and Rinse positions (Fig. 2). The same 73second wash, 3 second pause, and 12 second rinse cycles should be used when the dishwasher is operated manually as when operated by the automatic timer.AFTER WASHING•Turn the heater OFF.•Remove the Strainer Pans (Fig. 3) and empty contents into garbage can or disposer.•Lift out the Overflow Pipe (Fig. 3) and let the water drain out.Fig. 3PL-53054OVERFLOW PIPE STRAINER PANCLEANINGWARNING :DISCONNECT THE ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLIES BEFORE CLEANING OR SERVICING THIS MACHINE.The machine must be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each working shift, or at least twice a day. Use only products formulated to be safe on stainless steel.Wash ArmThe Wash Arm can usually be cleaned without removing it from the dishwasher. Swing up the Wash Arm End Covers (Fig. 4) and flush out by closing the hood and operating the wash manually. (Refer to Manual Operation, page 8.)To remove the Wash Arm from the machine, lift off the Rinse Arm and unscrew the Rinse Arm Bearing Pin (Fig. 4) on which the Rinse Arm rotates. This may be done by inserting a rod in the cross holes to serve as a wrench.If the arm should stop revolving, first make sure that the tank is full of water. Then make sure that all wash arm nozzles are clean.Rinse NozzlesIf the rinse water contains lime or other solids, the Rinse Nozzles will need frequent cleaning.Take the Upper Rinse Nozzles apart by unscrewing the winged caps (Fig. 4) and clean the grooves and center hole in the loose Core (Fig. 4). Close the hood and flush out by operating the rinse. Replace the Cores and winged caps.The lower rinse pipes can be quickly flushed out by removing the End Plugs (Fig. 4). Remove the End Plugs one-at-a-time, close the hood, and rinse for a few seconds. Then force a piece of wire, such as a straightened paper clip, into the spray nozzles one side at-a-time, thus pushing any obstruction into the rinse pipe. Close the hood and rinse for a few seconds, then replace the End Plug (Fig. 4). Repeat for other side. Complete removal of the rinse pipes (Fig. 4) is accomplished by loosening the set screws (Fig. 4). Do not change the angled settings of the rinse nozzles from the factory preset angles.Fig. 4WINGED CAP UPPER RINSE NOZZLE RINSE PIPE SET SCREWRINSE NOZZLE END COVER RINSE ARM BEARING PINRINSE PIPEDOs AND DON'Ts FOR YOUR NEW HOBART WAREWASHERDO assure proper water hardness.DO pre-scrap dishes thoroughly.DO use only detergents recommended by your chemical professional.DO at the end of the day, thoroughly cleanse the machine, rinse, and dry (leave hood open).DO closely follow your chemical professional's prescribed deliming schedule.DO use only products formulated to be safe on stainless steel.DO NOT over soften water (recommended water hardness is 4 – 6 grains per gallon).DO NOT use detergents formulated for residential dishwashers.DO NOT allow food soil to accumulate on the tank bottom.DO NOT exceed chemical manufacturer's recommended concentrations for detergent, sanitizer, rinse agent, or lime scale remover.DO NOT use steel wool to clean ware or warewasher surface.DO NOT allow foreign objects to enter the unit, especially metallic contaminants.NOTE: Failure to follow use, care, and maintenance instructions may void your Hobart warewasher warranty.MAINTENANCEWARNING:DISCONNECT THE ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLIES BEFORE CLEANING OR SERVICING THIS MACHINE.LUBRICATIONThe motor ball bearings are permanently lubricated at the factory and no further lubrication is required.TROUBLESHOOTINGTo avoid a service call, check symptoms and related possible causes. If machine still does not operate properly, contact Service.SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSENo machine operation. 1.Blown fuse or tripped circuit breaker at power supply. Dishes not clean. 1.Insufficient wash water due to drain obstruction preventingOverflow Pipe from seating.2.Loss of water pressure due to pump obstruction.DISCONNECT ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLIES (BOTHDISHWASHER AND HEATER) and drain tank. Check for anyobstruction at the pump intake.3.Incorrect water temperature. Check circuit breaker to electricheat supply. Check to see if heater is turned on.4.Inadequate detergent supply.5.Excessive mineral deposits throughout wash and rinse system.Deliming may be nessessary.Spotting silverware, glasses, 1.Improperly loaded racks.and dishes.2.Incorrect rinse water temperature.3.Loss of water pressure due to pump obstruction.DISCONNECT ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLIES (BOTHDISHWASHER AND HEATER) and drain tank. Check for anyobstruction at the pump intake.4.Excessively hard water.5.Incorrect detergent for water type.6.Incorrect rinse additive for water type.7.Incorrect concentration of detergent and/or rinse additive.SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSEInadequate rinse. 1.Dirty line strainer causing reduced water flow. Turn off watersupply, remove strainer cap, withdraw and clean screen.Reassemble.2.Low supply line pressure.3.Excessive mineral deposits throughout wash and rinse system.Deliming may be necessary.Leaking valve (except solenoid 1.Foreign material preventing proper valve operation. NOTE: A type).critical period is soon after installation when pipe compound ormetal shavings may lodge at the valve seat. Shut off supplyline. Unscrew and lift bonnet from valve body. Clean valveand reassemble.2.If a solenoid valve is malfunctioning, it is recommended thatyou contact Service.No wash tank heat. 1.Circuit breaker to heater tripped.2.Because of a low water condition, the thermostat turned theheater off. To reset the thermostat, refer to HEATER, page 7.3.Over-temperature thermostat may have tripped. ContactService.No or slow fill. 1.Dirty line strainer causing reduced water flow. Turn off watersupply, remove strainer cap, withdraw and clean screen.Reassemble.SERVICEContact your local Hobart Service Office for any repairs or adjustments needed on this equipment.。

C44BR洗碗机 说明书

C44BR洗碗机 说明书

C44BR洗碗机安装使用说明书URL: www.hobart.com.cn 目录总览 2 基本参数 3标准设备 3 可另加选购的设备 7 安装 7 开箱 7 组装 8 水管连接 8 排水管连接 9 进水管连接 9 蒸汽连接 10 电路连接 10 操作 13 准备程序 13 清洗碗盘 14 清洁机器 15 维修 18 通风 18 润滑 18 故障排除 19 安装帘子 211C 系列BR型号洗碗机之安装、操作及保养请保留本说明手册总览您新购买的C系列BR型号洗碗机,属全自动层架式机器,具备不锈钢水箱、洗室、碗架及导轨,还有不锈钢支架和可调整的不锈钢脚垫。



C 系列44BR 型号洗碗机右至左方向操作2基本参数体积(长×宽×高): 1725×763×1685MM(门开启高度max1930MM)最大洗涤量: 203筐/小时(4000碟)最大洗涤高度: 450MM洗涤加热功率:7.5KW喷淋加热功率: 36/18KW (进水温度10℃时,选36KW;进水温度45℃时,选18KW ) 总用电量:46/28KW每小时最大耗水量:420公升每筐耗水量:2.07公升每筐喷淋水量:5.47公升标准设备控制开关(图一)及水温表(图二)马达开关自动计时器开关电源开关清洗温度计喷淋温度计图一图二控制开关位于洗碗槽的上部,控制盒内共有三个操作控制开关: 即电源开关( ON- OFF) 、马达开关(ON-OFF)、计时器开关(手动- 自动)。





海尔 EBW12327YHU1 12套嵌入式全自动洗碗机 使用说明书

海尔 EBW12327YHU1 12套嵌入式全自动洗碗机 使用说明书
















洗碗机操作 说明书

洗碗机操作 说明书
检查是否需要再次加入洗碗机盐或洗碗机助洗剂; 将刀叉和碗放入洗碗机; 加入洗碗机清洁剂; 选择适用的洗碗程序; 启动洗碗程序。
在放入碗之前,应该: — 除去留在碗上的大块东西; — 软化盘子上煮焦食物的残余。 将刀叉和碗碟放入洗碗机时,请注意: — 确保刀叉和碗碟不阻止喷臂的旋转; — 放入中空器件(如杯子、玻璃杯、盘等)时,应将开口端向下,以避免水聚集在容
51-70 43-50 37-42 29-36 23-28 19-22 15-18 11-14 4-10 <4
91-125 76-90 65-75 51-64 40-50 33-39 26-32 19-25 7-18 <7
9.0-12.5 IV
7.6-8.9 IV
6.5-7.5 IV
首次使用洗碗机 1、 确保电气和水连接符合安装说明; 2、 从该电器的内部拆下包装材料; 3、 设置水软化器; 4、 将 1 升水倒入盐容器,然后加入洗碗机用盐; 5、 填充洗碗机助洗剂分配器。
该洗碗机配置一个水软化器,用于去除水中的矿物质和盐。这些矿物质和盐可能损坏洗碗机 或对洗碗机的运行有负面影响。 这些矿物质和盐的含量越高,水的硬度越高。 硬度的测量可以用不同的单位,如德国的度(OdH)、法国度(OTH)、毫克/升(水硬度的国 际通用单位)。 软化器应根据当地水的硬度调节。当地水管理部门可提供当地水的硬度情况。 水软化器必须设置两种模式:手动(使用水硬度拨盘)和电动(通过程序选择/停洗碗机可洗石器















Auto Washd–+<>Required if “Refill rinse aid” is displayed.Insert lower arm ...Screw in upper armEliminating minor faults yourself ...... Self-help pays!Display in wrong language Language changedSwitch off and on the device. Press the button M/OK repeatedly until the display shows the language selection. Select the language using –/+, and store the selection using M/OK.Possible Cause2. Clean filter in the water connection.3. Flow rate must be min. 9 l/min when If the flow rate is less, replace the RemedyToo little cleaning productDiscoloration caused by food colourings (tomato sauce)Follow manufacturer’s specifications Discoloration is quite safe; fades after Residual water in the device Waste-water pump blocked Clean waste-water pump (see above)Close the door. Wait for programme stop FaultPossible CauseStains and streaksMilky residues on dishes (can be removed)Cutlery rustyRinse aid dosage too high / too low Milky film, glasses cloudy /dull (cannot be removed)Dishes not clean Sand or grainy residues on dishesUtensils are situated too close to each other or on top of each other Too little cleaning product Unsuitable programme selected Spray nozzles blockedFilters dirty, not installed securely。



GLASS AND DISHWASHERS洗杯和碗碟机AMX系列 安装使用说明书高达食品设备有限公司REV1.0 0909AMX OPERATION INSTRUCTION2 本说明书不适用于身体、感官或精神有缺陷,或经验和知识有欠缺的人(包括儿童) 秉承Hobart不断改进的方针,产品如有改进恕不另行通知目录1 使用须知 (4)2 安装 (5)2.1 位置 (5)2.2 转换成转角操作 (5)2.3 电源连接 (6)2.4 进水连接 (6)2.5 排水连接 (6)3 连接外部分配器 (7)4 控制 (8)5 调试 (9)5.1 清洁剂/喷淋快干剂 (9)5.2 预注吸液管 (9)5.3 软水器(选用时) (10)6 操作 (11)6.1 准备 (11)6.2 运行 (11)6.3 程序选择 (12)7 关闭和清洁机器 (13)7.1 关机 (13)7.2 清洁(每天) (13)7.3 清洁(每周) (13)8 查看温度 (14)9 故障 (14)10 设置和计数 (16)10.1 清洁剂量调整 (16)10.2 喷淋快干剂量调整 (16)10.3 水硬度调整 (16)10.4 工作次数计数 (17)10.5 耗水量累计 (17)10.6 为外部水处理器设置的剩余水量计数器 (17)10.7 激活/关闭药液传感器 (17)10.8 退出设置状态/计数显示 (17)11 结冻预防 (18)12 维护 (18)13 故障解决指南 (18)3AMX OPERATION INSTRUCTION4 1 使用须知按规定使用机器此机器专门用于清洗餐具如碟子、茶杯、酒杯、刀叉勺、托盘等。




机器噪音等级:此机器噪音等级≤70 dB (A).开箱打开洗碗机包装箱后,请立即检查是否有任何运输原因造成的损坏。


ENG-FRM-RIC-4.32, Rev. E
Replace Switch/Breaker part number.
DOC7419 Revision Date:
Page: 3 of 3 Document #:
Approved by: DOC7419
540009403 Rev: F
ENG-FRM-RIC-4.32, Rev. E
Replace Switch/Breaker part number.
DOC7419 Revision Date:
Page: 2 of 3 Document #:
Approved by: DOC7419
540009403 Rev: F
ENG-FRM-RIC-4.32, Rev. E
Replace Switch/Breaker pபைடு நூலகம்rt number.
DOC7419 Revision Date:
Page: 1 of 3 Document #:
Motor Seal 990060800
Strain Relief 990167360
Filler Cap 990167340
Replacement Parts
Jar Assembly 6126-750-CN
Lid 990167331
Quiet Shield, Complete 990167240
Slide Latch 990167260
VFD Board w/ Touch Pad 990167271
Approved by: DOC7419
540009403 Rev: F
Parts and Accessories Diagram HBH750-CN

Hobart C64A洗碗机说明书

Hobart C64A洗碗机说明书

Item # _____________________________________Quantity ___________________________________C.S.I. Section 11400F-7899 – C64A Dishwasher Page 1 of 12STANDARD FEATURES■ 244 racks per hour ■ Opti-RinSe™ system■ Ball detent clutch conveyor drive mechanism ■ Top mounted controls■ Stainless steel anti-clogging wash arms ■ Stainless front panel, frame and legs ■ Automatic fill ■ Auto-timer■ Scrap screen and deep basket system ■ Stainless steel self-draining pump and impeller ■ Fixed pump intake screen ■ Door actuated drain closure ■ Door interlock switch on all doors ■ Vent fan control■ Convertible hot water or low temp final rinse ■ Booster heater controlDIRECTION OF OPERATION❑ Right to Left ❑ Left to RightVOLTAGE❑ 208/60/3❑ 240/60/3❑ 480/60/3OPTIONS AT EXTRA COST❑ Stainless steel pressureless 15 kw or 30 kw booster heater ❑ Single point electrical connection (does not include booster heater)❑ 6" higher than standard chamber ❑ Conveyor dwell ❑ Side loader❑ Blower-dryerMODEL❑ C64A – DishwasherACCESSORIES❑ Stainless steel vent hoods❑ Direct drive unloader ❑ Side loaderSpecifications, Details and Dimensions on Inside and Back.Page 2 of 12 F-7899 – C64A DishwasherC-LINE DISHWASHER NOW STANDARD WITH MORE PRODUCTIVE FEATURES THAN EVER . . .Inside and out the C-Line Hobart dishwashers are packed with standard components and design innovations that make them the biggest value in the dishwasher industry.Stainless Steel Self-Draining Pump and Impeller. Pump and impeller are stainless steel for maximum durability.A fixed pump intake screen prevents debris from entering into the pump.Wash Arms. Computer-designed wash arms resist clogging, easily removed for cleaning.Lift-Out Scrap Basket. Screen design sheds soil more easily than flat screens, reduces frequency of cleaning — easy to empty large soil particles . . . Just lift out scrap basket.OTHER STANDARD FEATURES . . .• Low-Temp Convertibility In Field. Order your C-Line with hot water sanitizing or energy-saving low temperaturechemical sanitizing – then, if requirements change, convert from one mode to the other in the field. An exclusive feature – standard from Hobart.• Auto-Fill. One button automatic fill ensures optimum tank level, and the simplest operation.• Auto-Timer. Automatically activates the warewasher whena rack enters the machine, and after the last rack haspassed, shuts off the pump and conveyor, while maintain-ing tank heat temperature. Extends machine life, requires less operator attention and promotes significant energy savings.• Door Actuated Drain Closures. Closing the door auto-matically actuates drain closures, eliminates extra manualsteps, insures that closures are in the correct position.• Vent Fan Control and Booster Heater Control. Allows for interconnection to dishwasher.Opti-RinSe™. Hobart’s exclusive patent pending Opti-RinSe™ significantly reduces operating cost by reducing rinse water and the energy required to heat the water. The unique spray pattern uses large droplets to more efficiently sanitize the ware.OPTIONAL BOOSTER HEATERBuilt-in Pressureless Stainless Steel Booster Heater. Inter-wired and interplumbed. Saves on installation and saves floor space. Simplifies operation with just one switch to power dishmachine and booster.F-7899 – C64A Dishwasher Page 3 of 12AVAILABLE OPTIONS . . .Flexibility is synonymous with Hobart C-Line dishwashers. If your operation demands a dishwasher with a vent hood, an extended hood . . . a recirculating prewash, just specify the combination of options that suit your needs.Side Loader. Save up to 20 square feet in the dishroom layout with an optional C-Line Side Loader. Racks are indexed 90° into the dishwasher automatically – a feature that cuts space and reduces labor dramatically. Your dishroom team will appreciate this feature.Extended Hood Vent HoodC-Line Dishwashers are available with vent hoods or extended hoods, each with vent stack and locking-type damper, and both designed to fit either end of the dishwasher.OTHER AVAILABLE OPTIONS . . .Condenser, blower-dryer, conveyor dwell, steam booster heater, low-temp final rinse system and a single-point electrical connection for electric heat machines.SPECIFICATIONSHobart Model C64A to operate in a ______ to _______ direction. Voltage and phase to be ______. Tank heat to be ______.Unit to be a minimum length of 64". Motor controls wired to a common electrical point in stainless steel top mounted control box. Wash arms to be removable without tools. Drain handle to be located inside tank chamber and to be automatically closed when inspection door is closed. Final rinse to be no more than 4.6 gpm.C64AMachine Ratings (Mechanical) Racks per hour (193⁄4" x 193⁄4")244 Conveyor Speed - feet per minute 6.8 Dishes per Hour (Average 25 per rack)6,100 Glasses per Hour (Average 45 per rack)10,980Floor Space - Table to Table (Inches)637⁄8Overall Dimensions - H x W x D (Inches)701⁄4 x 651⁄8 x 301⁄4MotorWash 2 – Rinse 2Conveyor Drive1⁄6Blower-Dryer - Motor H.P . (if used)2Electric Blower Dryer Heating Coils (if used)42.0 KW Blower-Dryer - Based on 20 PSIFlowing Steam if used (25 PSIG MAX.)110Number of Tanks 2Tank Capacity - Gallons Wash 23 – Rinse 23Pump Capacity -Gallons per Minute - Weir TestCombined 208Heating Equipment - (For keeping power wash hot) Gas Burners (with Natural Gas) - BTU per hr.94,000 Steam InjectorsRegulated 3⁄4" Electric Heating Unit - Size Used Regulated 25 KW (15 - 10)Optional Booster Heater / Final Rinse 15 KW / 30 KWRinse - Minutes operated during hour of maximum operation60Final Rinse Flow - Gals. per min. At 15 PSI Flow Pressure 1.92 At 20 PSI Flow Pressure2.21Final Rinse Flow - Gals. per hr. - MAXIMUM At 15 PSI Flow Pressure 116 At 20 PSI Flow Pressure 133Rinse 20 PSI Flow Pressure Gal./RackHot Water Sanitizing -Chemical Sanitizing .55 - 180°F – .55 - 140°FSteam Consumption - Pounds per hr. - MAXIMUM Approx. 30 lbs. per hr. = 1 boiler H.P . (BHP)Dishwasher, based on 20 PSI steam and on customer supplying final rinse water at 180°F maximum 130Steam Booster, if used on 20 PSI steam - 20 PSI water flowing - 130°F entering water raised to 180°F min.65Exhaust Requirements - Cubic Feet per minuteEntrance End200Discharge End 400Discharge End w/Blower Dryer1400Peak Rate of Drain Flow - Gallons per minute. (Initial rate with full tank)38Shipping Weight Crated - Approximate lbs.880Page 4 of 12 F-7899 – C64A DishwasherF-7899 – C64A Dishwasher Page 5 of 12Page 6 of 12 F-7899 – C64A DishwasherF-7899 – C64A Dishwasher Page 7 of 12Page 8 of 12 F-7899 – C64A DishwasherF-7899 – C64A Dishwasher Page 9 of 12Page 10of12 F-7899 – C64A DishwasherF-7899 – C64A Dishwasher Page 11of 12Page 12of 12As continued product improvement is a policy of Hobart, specifications are subject to change without notice.Printed On Recycled Paper DESIGN: Fully automatic, high-temperature two-tank, rack-typedishwasher with flexible strip curtains at ends of chamber andbetween wash, power rinse and final rinse compartments. Two largeinspection doors located in front of machine provide easy access towash arms, power rinse arms, rinse arms, rinse pan strainer, strainerbaskets, front and rear strainers, and pump intake screens. Doorsguided for ease of operation and long life. Design provides forchanging of direction of operation in the field. Length of machineinside tank (at table connection) 64". Machine designed to clean andsanitize with hot water 150°F wash, 160°F power rinse, and 180°F(minimum) final rinse. Water hardness must be controlled to 4-6 gr.for best results. Automatic interlocks shut off pumps and conveyor ifa door is opened when machine is in operation.CONSTRUCTION: Tank and chamber constructed of #16 gaugestainless steel, arc-welded. Unitized, welded stainless steel tanks,frame and stainless steel legs. Chamber, control box, doors, and fronttrim panel are polished, satin finish.PUMPS: Recirculating stainless steel pumps with stainless steelimpeller and face seal with stainless steel metal components andceramic seat. Readily removable motor/impeller assembly permitsquick inspection. The pump is self-draining. All piping distributingwater to the upper and lower wash arms or power rinse arms arestainless steel tubing.PUMP MOTORS: Built for Hobart: wash and rinse motor, 2 horse-power, grease-packed ball bearings, splashproof, ventilated withmanual resettable inherent overload protection in each motor.Available in electrical specifications of 208-240/60/3, 480/60/3.Also available are 200-240/50/1, 200-240/50/3, and 380-415/50/3,not submitted for UL Listing.CONTROLS: A stainless steel control center with power “on/off” and“start/stop” switches is mounted on top of machine. All control circuitcomponents will be operated from a 120 volt control circuittransformer. Auto-timer is standard equipment. An “auto/manual”switch is located on the left side of control box for bypassing theauto-timer feature. Electrical components are completely wired with105°C, 600V thermoplastic insulated wire with stranded conductorsrouted through Listed electrical conduit or covered wireway built intothe front of the machine above tank water level.CONVEYOR: Dual rack drive, with stainless steel pawls both sides ofconveyor, designed to eliminate interference with wash, power rinse,and rinse spray patterns. Racks conveyed automatically throughwash, power rinse and rinse sections and onto clean dish table.Factory set overload mechanism on conveyor drive prevents damageto machine or racks, should movement of racks be obstructed.Rack tracks, conveyor structure, and drive units of stainless steel.Conveyor speed: 6.9 FPM.DRIVE MOTOR: Built for Hobart, 1⁄6 horsepower gearmotor, ventilatedwith manual, resettable inherent overload protection. Available inelectrical specifications of 208-240/60/3, 480/60/3. Also available,but not submitted for UL Listing are 200-240/50/1, 200-240/50/3, and380-415/50/3.POWER WASH AND POWER RINSE: Wash and rinse tanks areequipped with upper and lower stainless steel wash arms withspecially shaped nozzles having large openings and arranged toeffectively direct water jets to all ware surfaces. Both upper and lowerarms, along with arm end caps, are easily removable for cleaningwithout use of tools. Removable perforated stainless steel strainerpans support a deep perforated stainless steel basket. Basket andstrainer pans (2) can be removed without lower arm removal.FINAL RINSE: Upper and lower rinse arms have single rows ofnozzles. Rinse is automatically activated by racks in passing. Finalrinse water line is equipped with vacuum breaker in downstream sideof electrically operated solenoid valve in common piping system. Design provides for routing of final rinse water after use to wash tank. Rinse agent dispenser injection port provided in final rinse piping above chamber. Final rinse flow rate: 2.21 GPM at 20 PSI.FILL: Fill water line is equipped with vacuum breaker on downstream side of electrically operated solenoid valve in common piping system, for automatic maintenance of tank level. Fill is interrupted whenever a door is opened.DRAIN AND OVERFLOW: Large bell-type automatic overflow and drain valve controlled from inside of machine. Drain automatically closed by lowering inspection door. Drain seal is large diameter, high temperature o-ring. Stainless steel drain seat. Common drain piping can be plumbed from load or unload end of machine.STANDARD EQUIPMENT: Sealed dial-type thermometers indicate temperatures of wash, rinse and final rinse water. Positive low water protection for tank heat. Plastic strip curtains throughout machine. Stainless steel control box. Built-in wireway. Drain is automatically closed when inspection door is closed. Stainless steel adjustable feet. Stainless steel hang-on/drop-in-place front trim panel. Automatic tank fill. Door interlock. Auto-timer. Pilot circuit. Common drain. Vent fan and booster heater controls.WASH TANK HEATING SELECTIONS (must choose one):ELECTRIC: Two electric incoloy sheathed immersion heaters (15 KW and 10 KW) removable from inside tank. Tank water temperature is controlled by solid-state thermostat with positive low-water protection and magnetic contactor. (Disconnect switches not furnished.) Heating elements are additionally protected by a high limit device mounted on the surface of the element.STEAM: One-inch stainless steel steam injectors or one-inch stainless steel steam coils (for contaminated steam). Tank water temperature controlled by solid-state thermostat with positive low-water protection. Steam supplied to machine through high tem-perature steam solenoid valve and line strainer. Each tank supplied through common steam connection.GAS: Regulated power immersion tube gas burner system. Tank water temperature is controlled by solid-state thermostat, with positive low water protection. Immersion tube is additionally protected by a high limit device mounted on the surface of the tube. A solid-state ignitor board controls the gas valve and provides flame ignition for each tank. A transformer steps the control circuit voltage down from 120 volts to 24 volts to power the ignitor board and gas valve. Each tank supplied through common gas connection.For natural gas, gas pressure to burner (customer connection) not to exceed 7" W.C.For LP gas, gas pressure to burner (customer connection) not to exceed 11" W.C.If gas pressure is higher than 7" W.C. natural or 11" W.C. LP, a pressure regulating valve must be supplied (by others) in the gas line to the dishwasher.OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT AT EXTRA COST:Stainless steel pressureless booster heater. Stainless steel vent hoods with vent stack and locking-type damper. Stainless steel extended hoods with vent stack and locking type damper. SL-23 and SL-30 without hood. Six inches higher than standard. Steam, gas or electric blower dryer (3-phase only). Floor-mounted steam or gas booster. Low temp final rinse system. 193⁄4" x 193⁄4" Hobart heavy-duty peg and combination and miscellaneous racks.Single-point electrical connection for electric heat machine (3-phase only, does not include booster heater). Conveyor dwell. Table limit switch.F-7899 (REV . 10/07) LITHO IN U.S.A. (H-01)。

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GLASS AND DISHWASHERS洗杯和碗碟机AMX系列 安装使用说明书高达食品设备有限公司REV1.0 0909AMX OPERATION INSTRUCTION2 本说明书不适用于身体、感官或精神有缺陷,或经验和知识有欠缺的人(包括儿童) 秉承Hobart不断改进的方针,产品如有改进恕不另行通知目录1 使用须知 (4)2 安装 (5)2.1 位置 (5)2.2 转换成转角操作 (5)2.3 电源连接 (6)2.4 进水连接 (6)2.5 排水连接 (6)3 连接外部分配器 (7)4 控制 (8)5 调试 (9)5.1 清洁剂/喷淋快干剂 (9)5.2 预注吸液管 (9)5.3 软水器(选用时) (10)6 操作 (11)6.1 准备 (11)6.2 运行 (11)6.3 程序选择 (12)7 关闭和清洁机器 (13)7.1 关机 (13)7.2 清洁(每天) (13)7.3 清洁(每周) (13)8 查看温度 (14)9 故障 (14)10 设置和计数 (16)10.1 清洁剂量调整 (16)10.2 喷淋快干剂量调整 (16)10.3 水硬度调整 (16)10.4 工作次数计数 (17)10.5 耗水量累计 (17)10.6 为外部水处理器设置的剩余水量计数器 (17)10.7 激活/关闭药液传感器 (17)10.8 退出设置状态/计数显示 (17)11 结冻预防 (18)12 维护 (18)13 故障解决指南 (18)3AMX OPERATION INSTRUCTION4 1 使用须知按规定使用机器此机器专门用于清洗餐具如碟子、茶杯、酒杯、刀叉勺、托盘等。




机器噪音等级:此机器噪音等级≤70 dB (A).开箱打开洗碗机包装箱后,请立即检查是否有任何运输原因造成的损坏。




2 安装2.1 位置- 机器后背应靠到墙面,不要留间隙.角落安装时机器侧面与墙需要留107mm间隙.不靠墙安装的机器必须安装可选的后挡板.- 旋转地脚调平机器.- 使所有地脚平均承担机器重量.2.2 转换成转角操作机器出厂时筐架安装为通过式(左进右出或右进左出)。

根据现场操作方向调整筐架挡杆位置(参考箭头方向).- 从筐架前面拆下挡杆.- 根据操作方向在适当的位置重新安装挡杆.5AMX OPERATION INSTRUCTION6 2.3 电源连接必须由被授权的技术人员按照当地和国家标准执行. 在本机器的供电线路中必须为本机器安装独立的带有漏电保护功能的全极断开装置,电气参数见机器铭牌。

-电源应与机器铭牌参数一致.-供电线路保险及电缆载流面积应符合要求.- 电源线前应连接断开装置(断路器或容易拔出的电源插头).按照EN 60 33 5要求器具必须连接等电位导线。

连接螺钉( )位于电源线进口旁边。

2.4 进水连接必须由被授权的技术人员按照当地和国家标准执行.机器必须使用可饮用水.对高浓度矿物质水质,强烈推荐使用外部去除矿物质装置. - 无软水器机型:连接到软水,如果可能使用温水 (水硬度最高 4° Clark = 0.5 mmol/l, 水温最高 60°C ).- 带软水器机型:如果可能使用温水(水温最高 60°C). - 进水压力 50 – 1000KPa.重要提示:进水流动压力不得低于50 KPa.- 如果进水压力高于1000 KPa,请在水源安装减压阀. - 将进水软管上的由壬螺母“A”接到进水阀.- 不要扭曲或切割进水软管.如果需要加长软管,其规格必须与原软管相同2.5 排水连接- 机器连接的排水口距地面不能超过0.75 m.- 不要把排水软管散放在地面(软管可能被摩擦)。

将软管固定! - 不要扭曲排水管.如果当地法规规定必须加装油污收集器,则其每分钟流量至少应为95.5升。

您当地的法规可能会要求您加装通风罩或通风机,如若加装,其排气量至少应为2.8 m 3/min。

73 连接外部分配器只对无内置分配器机型必须由被授权的技术人员按照当地和国家标准执行。

- 必须排空水箱。

- 断开主开关或拔下电源插头。

- 拆下前挡板和右侧挡板。

- 拆下清洁剂接头上的橡胶帽,插入清洁剂软管并锁紧。

- 抬起控制箱并向前转。

- 拆下喷淋快干剂接头上的橡胶帽,插入快干剂软管并锁紧。

- 关好控制箱,将清洁剂分配器控制线接到DPS端子上;将喷淋快干剂分配器控制线接到RPS端子上(最大100VA)。

- 装好前挡板和侧挡板。

- 合上主开关或插上电源插头。

AMX OPERATION INSTRUCTION8 4 控制➀ 机器开/关按这个按钮打开机器。


机器关闭后仍然带电!此外按钮发光指示机器状态: 绿色(闪烁) =机器正在注水和加热 绿色(常亮) =机器已准备好工作或清洗完毕 蓝色(常亮) =清洗程序正在运行 蓝色(闪烁) =机器正在排水/关闭 红色(常亮) =故障指示(见第9章) 绿/红(交替闪烁) =故障指示(见第9章) 蓝/红(交替闪烁) =故障指示(见第9章)➁ 程序按钮按这个按钮,可以选择不同的内置程序 程序号 (如P02)将出现在显示器 ➅。

➂ 高压按钮仅AUXX(L/T)机型➃ 停止按钮在错误操作或发生故障时,按这个按钮可以立即关闭机器而不经过排水程序。

机器关闭后仍然带电!➄ 显示器 如:温度指示 清洗 (°C) (见第8章)➅ 显示器 如:温度指示 喷淋 (°C) (见第8章). ➆盐 需要加盐指示(只在内置软水器机型起作用)➇清洁剂/快干剂指示 清洁剂或快干剂缺少指示➈维修指示机器发生故障指示(见第9章)95 调试只用于内置分配器或软水器机型5.1 清洁剂/快干剂只能用商用洗碗机专用清洁剂和快干剂。


药液泵的最大吸程为1.5 m。

请勿混淆清洁剂和快干剂容器!5.1.1 清洁剂不要在内置分配器上使用任何酸性清洁剂!(PH值必须大于7) - 将吸液软管放进机器外部的清洁剂容器。


5.1.2 喷淋快干剂- 将吸液管(带蓝色标记)放进机器外部的喷淋快干剂容器。


5.1.3 更换清洁剂/喷淋快干剂类型- 在更换不同的产品前(即使是相同的制造商),必须用清水彻底冲洗吸液管。


- 如果更换了不同类型的清洁剂/喷淋快干剂,药液传感器可能也需要重新调整。

- 必要时联系售后服务人员。

5.2 预注吸液管- 如果自动注满吸液管可能需要几个清洗周期,因此建议按如下步骤手动预注吸液管。

注意: 必须关闭机器!- 打开机罩。

- 同时按停止按钮➃和程序按钮➁直到上显示器➅出现“CH1”。

- 反复按程序按钮➁,直到出现“d ”。

- 关闭机罩。


.AMX OPERATION INSTRUCTION10 5.2.1 清洁剂吸液管- 按开/关按钮➀,吸液管预注药液60秒。


5.2.2喷淋快干剂吸液管-按程序按钮 ➁。


- 按开/关按钮➀,吸液管预注药液360秒。


5.2.3 停止预注药液- 打开机罩再关闭或在10秒钟内不按任何按钮。

5.3 软水器(仅在选用时)首次运转时,软水器必须加再生盐和饮用水。


- 打开机罩。

- 拧开软水器盖,加入2公斤“颗粒再生盐”(不要用盐片)。

- 注满饮用水(只在第一次运行时)。


- 盖上盖子并拧紧。

- 按10.3章调整水硬度!- 在使用中盐指示灯➆亮起时必须向软水器中加再生盐。


6 操作6.1 准备- 检查筐架,清洗/喷淋臂,排水管,清洗泵滤网和过滤网都已正确安装。

- 打开进水阀。

- 打开机器总开关或插上电源插头。

- 检查桶内的清洁剂和喷淋快干剂。

- 合上机罩,按开/关按钮➀,水箱注水。

- 在注水和加热期间开/关按钮上的绿灯闪烁。



- 将玻璃杯和茶杯口朝下放进筐中。

- 将餐具放入筐以前去除所有食物残渣。

- 冲掉油污。


6.2 运行- 将筐推入机器,合上机罩。


- 一旦开/关按钮变成绿灯常亮,清洗程序结束。

-- 打开机罩,取出筐。


AMX OPERATION INSTRUCTION- 为了避免热量流失,在清洗间隙将机罩放低在“准备”位置。





P 01 = 短程序(对轻/中肮脏程度的碗碟和杯子) P 02 = 中程序(对中/重肮脏程度的碗碟) P 03 = 长程序(对非常脏的碗碟和容器) P 04 = 长洗程序运行长洗程序时显示器上显示移动的亮点。

要停止清洗,按开/关按钮➀ , 短停后,自动开始喷淋。


7 关闭和清洁机器7.1 关机- 关闭机罩。




- 在程序最后,自动关闭机器。

当按钮灯熄灭后:- 关闭主开关或拔出电源插头。

- 关闭进水阀。

7.2 清洁(每天)清洁机器不能使用含氯的,酸性的或含研磨剂的产品,不能使用金属刷。

- 打开机罩,取出筐架。


确保没有食物残渣进入水泵滤网! - 清洁机器内部。

- 将排水管和水箱滤网放回原处。

- 将筐架返回原处。

- 保持机罩打开通风。

7.3 清洁(每周)- 取出筐架。

- 逆时针方向拧松螺栓(A)。

- 拆下清洗臂和喷淋臂清洗。


AMX OPERATION INSTRUCTION8 查看温度-按住程序按钮➁(3秒)直到实际温度(°C )被显示(上=喷淋;下=清洗)。
