



MegmaxF 开关安装使用简要说明一包装及拆箱检查说明1 开关包装:F1-F6 固定式开关为单台包装,规格型号及辅件见标签。

F1-F2 抽出式开关为单台包装,规格型号及辅件见标签。

F3-F6 抽出式开关为固定底架和抽出部分分别包装,包装大小不同,标签也不同。

参见附图:(以下均为随机包装所附样本的插图号) (图1:F1-F6 F) (图2:F1-F2 D/O) (图3:F3-F6 D/O)2 开关拆箱及外观检查:- 收货时及拆箱前检查并确认包装箱外观无挤压变形,破损,化工产品污染及其他异常情况。

- 开关包装箱底部四周共计12只十字螺丝钉逐一拧出后,包装箱上盖可以向上拿起并移开。

(图4)- 开关及抽屉外部塑料包装打开后,外观应无变形,损坏及其他异常情况。

(图5)3 随箱附件:摇柄 1只及防潮剂 1包柜门用面框及安装螺丝 1套安装使用说明书 1份保护脱扣器的附加说明和附件(根据配置情况)注意:如为3极开关并且选用PR1/P保护单元时附件中增加电流互感器1只及连接线。

二开关安装1 固定式开关拆卸掉左右两侧紧固螺丝后即脱离包装底座,可以安装于低压配电柜中。

(图6)2 F1-F2型抽出式开关的抽出部分在运输及存贮时安装于固定底架中,处于连接位置并且为分闸状态。

(图7)- 拆卸前必须按照开关操作要求用摇杆将抽出部分抽出至断开位置,再将抽出部分拉出并脱离抽屉。

(图8)- 拆卸掉固定底架下部的紧固螺丝后,抽屉即脱离包装底座。


- 用摇杆将抽出部分从断开位置经过试验位置推进至连接位置即完成F1-F2型抽出式开关的全部安装工作。

3 F3-F6型开关抽屉部分为单独包装,拆卸紧固螺丝并且脱离底托后即可安装。


三开关操作注意事项说明:开关设计时按照电气设备操作规程设置有下列机械联锁,确认下列联锁解除时可以进行合 / 分闸操作。

储能联锁:开关未储能不能合闸失压联锁:失压线圈(YU)未通电吸合不能合闸锁扣联锁:开关面板上的分闸锁扣钥匙拔出时不能合闸 ( 相当于“有人工作,禁止合闸”)故障联锁:开关的保护单元 ( AR1/PR1型电子脱扣器 ) 动作使开关跳闸时不能合闸 ( 需人为检查并排除故障后使机械指示复位 )开关与抽屉联锁:同型号抽出式开关因为电流等级不同,抽出部分装入固定底架前需确认右侧限位螺钉安装位置正确,否则表明两者不属同一电流等级的配置,不应装入此固定底架。

ABB S2系列微型电路断路器说明书

ABB S2系列微型电路断路器说明书

12351020307multiple of rated current123510203018multiple of rated currentKSpace foriden t i fi c a t ion markerTripping leverTrip in d i c a t orOperatorOperatingmechanismElectro-magnetic pro t ec t ionThermal protection-bimetal Upper terminalFixed contactMoving contactLower terminalDIN rail holderArc chamberUL 1077CSA C22.2 No. 235VDE 0641IEC-898Cable protectionBDelivery ClassA - Standard item, stock to 2 weeks lead timeB - Stock to 4 weeks lead timeC - 6 to 8 week lead timeD - 10 to 12 week lead timeE - Call for deliveryCUL 1077 CSA C22.2 - NO. 235VDE 0641 IEC-898Cable & equipment protectionS261-C1NA, 1P+NDelivery ClassA - Standard item, stock to 2 weeks lead timeB - Stock to 4 weeks lead timeC - 6 to 8 week lead timeD - 10 to 12 week lead timeE - Call for deliveryDUL 1077 CSA C22.2VDE 0641 IEC-898Cable & equipment protectionS263-D63, 3 poleDelivery ClassA - Standard item, stock to 2 weeks lead timeB - Stock to 4 weeks lead timeC - 6 to 8 week lead timeD - 10 to 12 week lead timeE - Call for deliveryK UL 1077CSA C22.2 - NO. 235VDE 0641IEC-898Cable & equipment protectionDelivery ClassA - Standard item, stock to 2 weeks lead timeB - Stock to 4 weeks lead timeC - 6 to 8 week lead timeD - 10 to 12 week lead timeE - Call for delivery1 KS is for standard U.S. size.UL 1077 CSA C22.2 - NO. 235VDE 0660Cable & equipment protectionDelivery ClassA - Standard item, stock to 2 weeks lead timeB - Stock to 4 weeks lead timeC - 6 to 8 week lead timeD - 10 to 12 week lead timeE - Call for deliveryUL 1077 CSA C22.2 - NO. 235VDE 0660Cable & equipment protection➀ For use with ring tongue or cable terminals only. Cannot be used with busbar system.2 No charge when ordered with the S280(W).Delivery ClassA - Standard item, stock to 2 weeks lead timeB - Stock to 4 weeks lead timeC - 6 to 8 week lead timeD - 10 to 12 week lead timeE - Call for deliveryUL 1077 VDE 0660CSA 22.2 No. 235Cable and Equip m ent Protection Direct current applicationsThe S280UC differs from standard miniature circuit breakers in that the UC versions include a permanent magnet which aids in the extinguishing of the arc during medium and high level faults. It is necessary toobserve the correct polarity and current direction when connecting the UC breakers. Two examples of correct connection are shown below.Termination points are marked on all UC type MCBs, points one (1) and four (4) are negative and points two(2) and three (3) are positive. Four pole breakers are also available for voltage reversal applications.Delivery ClassA - Standard item, stock to 2 weeks lead timeB - Stock to 4 weeks lead timeC - 6 to 8 week lead timeD - 10 to 12 week lead timeE - Call for deliveryLow Voltage Products & Systems14.13 Z UL 1077VDE 0660CSA 22.2No. 235Fast trip characteristicS281-Z16, 1 poleS282-Z32, 2 poleS283-Z32, 3 poleDiscount schedule CB7multiple of rated current multiple of rated current14.14 Low Voltage Products & SystemsVDE 0660Cable and equipment protectionDiscount schedule CB9480 VACDelivery ClassA - Standard item, stock to 2 weeks lead timeB - Stock to 4 weeks lead timeC - 6 to 8 week lead timeD - 10 to 12 week lead timeE - Call for deliveryLow Voltage Products & Systems 14.151PhaseDiscount schedule CB8For use on load side (bottom) of S260, S270, S280 and line side (top) of S280 MCBs.Insulated busbar assembly contains 2 separate circuits for use with 1, 1+N or 2 pole MCBs.For use on load side (bottom) of S260, S270, S280 and line side (top) of S280 MCBs.Insulated busbar assembly contains 3 separate circuits for use with 1 or 3 pole MCBs.For use on load side (bottom) of S260, S270, S280 and line side (top) of S280 MCBs.Delivery ClassA - Standard item, stock to 2 weeks lead timeB - Stock to 4 weeks lead timeC - 6 to 8 week lead timeD - 10 to 12 week lead timeE - Call for deliveryInsulated busbar assembly contains 4 separate circuits for use with 3+N1 or 4 pole MCBs.For use on load side (bottom) of S260, S270, S280 and line side (top) of S280 MCBs.14.16 Low Voltage Products & SystemsPhase with 1auxiliaryDiscount schedule CB8MCBs.(bottom) of S260, S270, S280 and line side (top) of S280 MCBs.Insulated busbar assembly contains 3 separate circuits for use with 1 or 3 pole MCBs. For use on load side (bottom) of S260, S270, S280 and line side (top) of S280 MCBs.(bottom) of S260, S270, S280 and line side (top) of S280 MCBs.Delivery ClassA - Standard item, stock to 2 weeks lead timeB - Stock to 4 weeks lead timeC - 6 to 8 week lead timeD - 10 to 12 week lead timeE - Call for deliveryLow Voltage Products & Systems 14.17PhaseMCB Busbar accessoriesDiscount schedule CB8For use on line side (top) of S260 and S270 MCBs.Insulated busbar assembly contains 4 separate circuits for use with 1+N or 2 pole MCBs.For use on load side (bottom) of S260, S270, S280 and line side (top) of S280 MCBs.Delivery ClassA - Standard item, stock to 2 weeks lead timeB - Stock to 4 weeks lead timeC - 6 to 8 week lead timeD - 10 to 12 week lead timeE - Call for deliveryInsulated busbar assembly contains 1 circuit for use with 1 pole MCBs.For use on line side (top) of S260 and S270 MCBs.NOTEALL BUSBARS MAY BE CENTER FED IN OR-DER TO DOUBLE THE AMPACITY RATING14.18 Low Voltage Products & SystemsFactory mountingAll accessories can be easily mounted in the fi eld. For factory mounting of any accessory devices, add $30 list to total price per breaker. To create complete catalog number, take suf fi x of accessory device following “S2-” and add suf fi x to end of breaker part number. Multiple suf fi xes must be added in alphabetical order.Example: S272-K20A1 $ 264 (2 pole, 20A breaker with type A1 shunt trip) S272-K20 @ $96 + A1@ $138 + factory mounting @ $30 = $264 S272-K20A2H11 $ 300 (2 pole, 20A breaker with type A2 shunt trip and H11 aux. contacts) S272-K20 @ $96 + A2 @ $138 + H11 @ $36 + factory mounting @ $30 = $300Auxiliary contacts and shunt trips may be mounted in combination.Discount schedule CB8NOTE: Above accesssories are for use with types S260, S270 and S280 breakers only.Delivery ClassA - Standard item, stock to 2 weeks lead timeB - Stock to 4 weeks lead timeC - 6 to 8 week lead timeD - 10 to 12 week lead timeE - Call for deliveryLow Voltage Products & Systems 14.19SA1SA2MB-3PDMB-CLS500-ME2Discount schedule CB8Delivery ClassA - Standard item, stock to 2 weeks lead timeB - Stock to 4 weeks lead timeC - 6 to 8 week lead timeD - 10 to 12 week lead timeE - Call for delivery14.20 Low Voltage Products & SystemsDiscount schedule CB8Low Voltage Products & Systems 14.21MountingUniversal mounting position using snap-on mounting to standard 35x7.5mm DIN rail.Miniature circuit breakers (MCBs) can also be mount e d to front of door using a panel cut-out with breaker handle pro t rud i ng through panel opening for external operation. Special front mount i ng kit type ME is avail a ble (see page 2.12).ConnectionTerminals are suitable for solid or fl exible conductors from 18 to 4 AWG (0.75 to 25mm 2) with no busbar connected. When max i m um busbar size of 36 mm 2 is used, maximum cable is 6 AWG (16 mm 2).Maximum tightening torque of 17.5 in-lb (2 Nm) for line/load terminals and 4.5 in-lb (0.5Nm) for ac c es s o r y device terminals.OperationMCBs are switched on by moving the handle to the upper po s i t ion. Stamped onto the handle switch, a “I” is visible con fi rming that the breaker is closed.The MCBs are “trip-free,” if the handle is being forced to the “ON” position, the breaker will still trip under fault conditions.The “O” marking indicates that the breaker is in the “OFF” position. The MCB is now open and the load is disconnected from line power.When a breaker has tripped, the MCB handle should fi rst be set to the full “OFF” position to make certain the trip mechanism has been reset. Once the fault has been determined and cleared the MCB can again be switched “ON”.MaintenanceABB miniature circuit breakers require no specialmaintenance; only normal electrical system maintenance pro c e d ures are required.Possible mounting arrangements of MCB accessoriesAuxiliary switch/bell alarmneutral disconnect Shunt trip and/or undervoltage releaseShunt trip or undervoltage release mounted with auxiliary switch14.22 Low Voltage Products & SystemsLower terminals can be bussed together with single phase or multi-phase busbars as shown. Upper ter m i n als can also be busbar con n ect e d.Dual function terminals provided in open position for connection to busbars. Pressing on screw head opens box terminal for cable insertion. Only the lower terminal is dual func t ion.Terminals allow for con n ec t ion of cable 18-4AWG. Conductors of different sizes may also be used in same terminal.Up to fi ve conductors, 16 AWG each, can be safely connected per terminal.Lower terminal can also be bussed with solidround con d uc t or.Cables can be connected to box terminals inaddition to busbar con n ec t ions on lower, dual function terminals.Thermal tripping is independent of frequency.1 Available for purchase. See page 14.19.Infl uence of frequency on electro-magnetic tripsMagnetic trip values shown on trip curves are valid for 50/60Hz ap p li c a t ions. For frequencies other than 50/60Hz, the mag n et i c (in s tan t a n eous) trip values are increased by the factor given below:16 2/3 - 60Hz100Hz 200Hz 400Hz DC Approx. factor 1 1.1 1.2 1.5 1.5Thermal tripping is independent of frequency.S260-BS280-KS270-KLet-through values I 2tFor other curves, please contact ABB Control.Version I 2t I PeakS260B TD9980 — S260C TD9981 — S260D TD9982 —S270K TD9972 TD9950 S280K TD9978 — S280Z TD9979 — S290C TD9985 —Version Amps Time-current tripS260B 6- 63 TD9725 S270K 0.5- 8 TD9705 10- 40 TD9706 50- 63 TD9707 S280K 0.2- 8 TD9708 10- 40 TD9709 50- 63 TD9710 S280Z 0.5- 63 TD9711DescriptionAll ABB miniature circuit breakers substantially reduce the maximum let-through current from the peak avail a ble short circuit current.I K - RMS current of fault I D - Max let-through of MCB V n - System voltage V B - Arc voltage of MCB t k - Breaking time of MCBType B, C, D Type K, ZCurrent carrying capacity of type “B”, “C”, “D”, “K” and “Z” thermal trip characteristics as a function of ambient tem p er a t ure.Terminal markingsInput optional from top or bottom.Miniature circuit breaker resistance valuesAmpacities for AWG wire are based on copper cable rated 75° C, except for 16AWG which is based on 60° C wire. Taken from UL508 Table 52.2.Consult applicable standards for futher detail and information. Comparison of IEC and AWG wire sizesS280S260 & S270 S290MB-CLFront mounting clipMB-3PDRHS2-MHandle mechanismAccessories12644126461265012652Many older styles of ABB miniature circuit breakers have been replaced by new and improved versions. Many of these newer styles can be directly interchanged, both electrically and physically, with the older version. There are also many international styles of ABB circuit breakers which are not normal stock items and may be inter-changed with stocked ABB versions.Note: MCB types S260/270 and S280 can be raised to the same height as older style S210 series MCBs through the use of a height adjuster (SZ-ES68/83; $ 30 list per 20). The height adjustor snaps onto the DIN rail and raises the height of com p o n ents 68mm to match that of the S210 series (83mm).S281U-K1S281UX-K1 S282UX-K10S283UX-K2014S281UX-K25LISTED10,00010001001010.10.01Current in multiples of breaker ampere rating1.02345681014.520301.0 1.35T i m e i n s e c o n d sTime –Current trip curveThermal release threshold:1.0-1.35X Magnetic release threshold:8-14.5X Ambient calibration temperature:25°CApproval UL489 UL File No. E212323 CE Marked Voltage240 VAC 1, 2, and 3 poleCurrent ratings (A) 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.6, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8,10, 13, 15, 16, 20, 25, 30, 32, 40, 50, 60, 63Interrupting capacity (A) 0.2 - 25A: 14kA @ 240VAC, 1, 2, and 3 pole 30 - 63A: 10kA @ 240VAC, 1, 2, and 3 pole Frequency 50/60 HzTerminals Dual function, up to (2) stripped wires plus fork style crimp terminals.Ring tongue terminal compatible Terminal range (1) 18 - 4 AWG or (2) 18 - 8 AWG (copper wire only) or (1) 18 - 4 AWG + (1) 18 - 14 AWGSolid or stranded wire, or mixedTerminal torque 18, combination fl at blade /No. 2 posi-drive screw Service life 20,000 operations at rated loadHACR rating Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigerationrating (marked on front of breaker)Ambient temperature 25° CThermal release (A) 1.0 - 1.35 x MCB amperage rating Magnetic release8 - 14.5 x MCB amperage ratingOperational temperature -25° to +55° C rangeScale 1:1141.0526.72.1053.43.1580.12.5464.51.77451.9950.5DINRAIL3.00763.54900.6917.5S281U-K_S281UX-K_S282UX-K_S283UX-K_UL 1077 CSA C22.2VDE 0641 IEC 947-2UL 1077 CSA C22.2VDE 0641 IEC 947-2Delivery ClassA - Standard item, stock to 2 weeks lead timeB - Stock to 4 weeks lead timeC - 6 to 8 week lead timeD - 10 to 12 week lead timeE - Call for deliveryUL 1077 CSA C22.2VDE 0641 IEC 947-1S502-D13Delivery ClassA - Standard item, stock to 2 weeks lead timeB - Stock to 4 weeks lead timeC - 6 to 8 week lead timeD - 10 to 12 week lead timeE - Call for deliveryUL 1077 CSA C22.2VDE 0641 IEC-898UL 1077 CSA C22.2VDE 0660Delivery ClassA - Standard item, stock to 2 weeks lead timeB - Stock to 4 weeks lead timeC - 6 to 8 week lead timeD - 10 to 12 week lead timeE - Call for deliveryS502UC-K0.15UL 1077 CSA C22.2VDE 0660Factory mount only Delivery ClassA - Standard item, stock to 2 weeks lead timeB - Stock to 4 weeks lead timeC - 6 to 8 week lead timeD - 10 to 12 week lead timeE - Call for deliveryBusbarsS500-RD3 Handle mechanism S5001 For use on 3p/3w systems, add jumper between 4 and 8N for operation of test button.Delivery ClassA - Standard item, stock to 2 weeks lead timeB - Stock to 4 weeks lead timeC - 6 to 8 week lead timeD - 10 to 12 week lead timeE - Call for deliveryApproximate dimensionsWiring diagram。



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zxM_ker_ec <uuuu0QS2421L rkgq <uuu Ocq Hocnrckav<uuJw Ocrqo_i pci0<uuu ~K +}2oP}24z /i QS2421L ?K L r K +di Rh\M {K +B E,Y u R 4\:8\,Y u R U w d :m 29Tcq Q_pptlob<\,,,,]PscoUcjmco0Uogm<uuu Ngk0Vk`_i0Qf_pc<uuu L731mM <uuuuuuuu~i l 91z 8.=3+z T JU 44Oct Q_pptlob<2\,,,,]L Elkdgoj QTX<2\,,,,];GS}>q =3+fmK +~/n ^U +8n aEP :7/94z h e x T Z -zI,r N Q Y 5:K +W K +>9<X z \;W \V ;R K +-603203m 6Ulo0pcica0<uuu0IP 80404Z E9y3of QS334L r Rg c8.^d-~|i l}91z?D zct w zIi W f QS334QV;R^U:C?D i l/i.~@U n p9R4>q Rsn L W C R C N.j C m^U:C R Q R s@U E]y V|608^U:C}t w z\z Bo4F7p M f^U:C MyTyK L I R z@Al W A f^U:C TyK L I W\K+C f z f:C T L I\W\8.`+c B zK30*:R z\;~K3J h4S]L9\P K m2R C:q3d[`+R K+K+4z di M^U R j u^:CT/QSPU<q?uuuuu.uuul W A f^U:C TyK L I W\K+C f z f:C T L I\W\8.`+c B0*:R z\;~QJ h4S]L9\P K m2R C:d[`+R K+8f K^U s@K+9f^U T W\K+4z di j u^:C B f^U T L I W\K+4z di_pk P:C B f^U I W\K+~^Ut+9B T4zl9h e x T d[R8s p H/i o QS242L T;7N/i91R r\9~\z U4AMPCF<Pmck3/Pmck4Ka3<uuu~K3.q?q3,316Ka4<uuu~K3.q?q3,31491A 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© ABB Group - 3 23-Apr-20
概 述 全系列柜型
MNS 方案灵活,能够满足各种应用 标准型: 要求,额定电流至 6300A
MNS 后出线:
固定式: 些变频器、软启动器回路进行模块
© ABB Group - 4 23-Apr-20
通风的柜体:为了使开关柜通风,在背板,底部隔室门和顶板上,设置 通风孔。此时防护等级可达到IP30/31/40/41/42 。
不通风的柜体:在这种情况下可达到IP40/54 的防护等级。(不适用于插装 技术,条型插入式技术和无功功率补偿)
三把挂锁(抽屉不能合闸) 在试验位置时,主开关分闸,控
© ABB Group - 14 23-Apr-20
© ABB Group - 15 23验位置 抽出(插入)位置 隔离位置 开关操作 单元机械连锁 门板机械连锁
门板 连杆定位
操作机构 开关操作 连杆
机械连锁 单元隔板
易于安装与连接,免维护 采用优质铜母线,导电率高于99.9% 热缩套管绝缘,提高安全性能,有利于散热 提高动热稳定性能 额定电流至 6300A 背靠背公用母线 边缘预留拼接孔,易于扩展
2. 向里按下操作机构把手,同时(顺时针方向)将操作机构的把手 旋转至“∣”(合闸)位置。此时出线单元(抽屉)处于工作位置( 一次进线插头带电)、主开关处于合闸位置(一次出线插头带电) ,出线单元电缆带电。



由下列事件而导致的一切后果,ABB将不承担任何责任:■不遵守安全及操作规程的行为■ 非专业人员进行不适当的维修■ 任何不经意的运输损坏■ 不当的使用■ 未得到专业人员的授权下修改低压开关柜系统技术保留■ 本样本所涉及的可拆卸式、导轨式技术不适用于中国市场■ 本样本的数据和图片将根据技术发展的要求进行修改目录1 技术说明 41.1 技术数据 41.2 结构设计 51.3 母线系统 51.4 标准模数的组件 142 包装与运输 192.1 概述 192.2 包装 192.3 开关柜各部件的处理 212.4 现场的卸车和运输 212.5 中间存储 232.6 备用抽屉的存储 232.7 到货后检验 232.8 装配要求 232.9 拆除运输外包装 233 安装与调试 243.1 安装 243.2 开关柜的固定 273.3 电缆的连接 283.4 保护导体的连接 333.5 中性排的连接 333.6 特殊信息 343.7 最终准备 343.8 检查 343.9 试车 354 使用操作 354.1 电气设备 354.2 固定式方法 354.3 插入、隔离、导轨式方法 354.4 SR型熔断器开关 384.5 8E/4和8E/2抽屉单元 384.6 4E到48E的抽屉单元 394.7 特别提醒 415 维护与保养 415.1 概述 415.2 插拔式、可拆卸式和导轨式技术 435.3 抽出式技术 455.4 更换和改变抽出式抽屉组件 455.5 设备检查时检查MNS的触头情况 475.6 接触部分的润滑 485.7 润滑抽出式抽屉互锁机构 495.8 安装一次插 495.9 油漆损伤 505.10 机械损伤 505.11 螺栓连接的扭力 505.12 无功功率补偿系统的试车与维护 515.13 测量绝缘电阻 525.14 维护间隔 5441.1 技术数据标准通过型式试验(TTA)的组装式开关柜*IEC 60439-1, CEI 60439-1,DIN EN 60439-1, VDE 0660 第500部分,BS 5486, UTE 63-412试验报告 ASTA英国(按IEC 61641及抗故障电弧试验IEC 60298, 附录AA)DRL德国宇航研究所,核电站震动安全测试振动和冲击试验符合德意志劳埃德 汉堡电气数据额定电压额定绝缘电压U i1000 V 3~, 1500 V- **额定电压Ue690 V 3~, 750 V-**额定脉冲耐压Uimp 6 / 8 / 12 kV **过电压等级II / III / IV **污染等级3额定频率至60 Hz额定电流主母线:额定电流Ie至6300 A额定峰值耐受电流Ipk至250 kA额定短时耐受电流Icw至100 kA配电母线:额定电流Ie至2000 A额定峰值耐受电流Ipk至176 kA额定短时耐受电流Icw至100 kA结构特性尺寸柜体和支件构件DIN 41488推荐高度2200 mm推荐宽度400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200 mm推荐深度600, 800, 1000, 1200 mm模数 E = 25mm 根据IEC43660表面保护/颜色框架覆铝锌板内部小室分隔覆铝锌板内部覆盖层覆铝锌板覆外部覆盖层 铝锌板和亮灰色电漆,RAL7035 防护等级按IEC 60529或者VDE 0470第1部分IP 00至IP 54塑料零件无卤素、自熄、无CFC、阻燃IEC 60707, DIN VDE 0304第三部分内部小室分隔装置小室-装置小室母线小室-电缆小室母线小室-装置小室装置小室-电缆小室小室底板附加说明涂料外壳定制颜色 (标准: RAL 7035)母线系统母线绝缘,镀银,镀锡特殊要求 试验报告见上述的试验报告 *TTA定义:不存在可能会影响性能的差异。

ABB MNS3.0 低压开关柜技术资料

ABB MNS3.0 低压开关柜技术资料
装置小室中为功能单元组件,母线小室中为母线和配电母线,电缆 小室中为进出线电缆(上、下进出线均可)、功能单元组件之间的 连接线以及附件,如电缆夹、电缆连接件、并联线、走线槽等。
主母线布置在开关柜的背部(母线小室内),可分为上、下层。 双层主母线系统分别布置在上、下两层,单层主母线系统布置 在上层或下层。两层主母线的截面大小可以不相同。主母线 单独、串联、并联均可。视母线电流大小,每相可由2条或4条 主母线组成。双面操作的柜体采用共同母线的设计。联屏柜 的母线按其运输单元作分隔。母线材料为铜(Cu),截面面积为 30×10mm,40×10mm,60×10mm三种规格,不同截面的母线也能 相接。
ASTA,英国(按IEC1641, VDE0660第508部分的抗故障电弧试验)
额定电流 Ie
额定峰值耐受电流 Ipk
额定短时耐受电流 Icw
MNS组合式低压开关柜系统,在世界市场上经过多年使用,证实了 它的价值。整个系统充分考虑了将来的发展空间,可避免因为技术 发展而被淘汰的风险。
MNS系统采用的柜架结构具有高度灵活性,结构一旦组装完毕就 不再需要维修。柜体内可安装不同的标准元件,以满足各种使用要 求。由于整个系统包括电气结构均采用了组合式的设计,这种优化 的结构设计满足了各种元件的要求并能符合不同工作环境,达到相 应的防护等级。
MNS系统中安装3150A以下隔离开关,1250A以下塑壳断路器和 6300A及以下空气断路器均作为标准型开关柜。抽出式结构设有 固定安装带分离触头的框架。



13.4 用户界面序号说明1 LED预报警指示2 LED报警指示3 背景灯图表显示4 光标向上移动按钮5 光标向下移动按钮6 通过一个外部装置(PR030/B供电单元、BT030无线连接单元以及PR010/T单元)来连接或测试脱扣器的测试连接器7 输入数据确认键或页面切换 8 退出次级菜单或取消操作键(ESC)9 额定电流插件 10 保护脱扣器的系列编码11 “i test”按钮当有一个辅助供电或有最小母排电流或PR120/V供电时,LCD图像显示器即可显示,请参见13.2.2.1。







“i test”按钮必须在自供电模式下执行脱扣测试,这样就能看到相关信息和断路器分闸48小时内的最后一次脱扣。

13.4.2 阅读和编辑模式在“read”模式(仅仅读取数据)或“edit”模式(可设置参数),菜单显示所有可得到的界面和通过键盘可移动。





门板 连杆定位
操作机构 开关操作 连杆
机械连锁 单元隔板
易于安装与连接,免维护 采用优质铜母线,导电率高于99.9% 热缩套管绝缘,提高安全性能,有利于散热 提高动热稳定性能 额定电流至 6300A 背靠背公用母线 边缘预留拼接孔,易于扩展
© ABB Group - 11 23-Apr-20
低压开关柜装置小室 镀锡,每相独立的分支母线 (3极或4极)
© ABB Group - 12 23-Apr-20
单手柄操作,可实现开关 操作及功能单元联锁
门板在试验位置可打开仪 表板可180翻转,便于安 装及检修
三把挂锁(抽屉不能合闸) 在试验位置时,主开关分闸,控
© ABB Group - 14 23-Apr-20
© ABB Group - 15 23-Apr-20
合闸位置 分闸位置 试验位置 抽出(插入)位置 隔离位置 开关操作 单元机械连锁 门板机械连锁
背靠背安装 公用母线
© ABB Group - 5 23-Apr-20
400mm 200mm 400mm
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ABB 低压数字设备技术规格说明书

ABB 低压数字设备技术规格说明书

© Copyright 2022 ABB. All rights reserved.Specifications subject to change without notice.1S D C 200083B 0201 - 2022.11—ABB S.p.A.5, Via Pescaria I-24123, BergamoPhone: +39 035 /lowvoltage—LOW VOLTAGETechnical specifications for low voltage digital unit1TECH N I C A L S PECI F I C ATI O N S FO R LOW VO LTAG E D I G ITA L U N IT— The goal of this specification is to define the basic design requirements of digital unit for low voltage installations with rated voltage up to 1150V ACand rated current up to 6300A.It shall enable easy update installations, providing monitoring, protection and control functions.The current document describesthe general aspects of the unit,such as conformity with Standards, functional, environmental and construction characteristics and alist of the accessories available.2—General Characteristics-Conformity with StandardsDigital unit used in low voltage installations shall be constructed and tested in accordance with international IEC 60255 and UL 508 series of Standards:• IEC 60255-26 (ECM requirement), IEC 61000-6-2 (EMC-Immunity Standard) and IEC 61000-6-4 (emission standard)• IEC 61010-1 (General requirement)• UL 508 (Standard for Industrial Control Equipment)• UL C37.90 and C37.90.1 (using shielded cables)• CEI 0-16• DNV-GL (type approval certificate)• RINA (type approval certificate).In addition it shall respect the following directives:• CE "Low Voltage Directives" (LVD) 2014/35/EU• CE "Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive" (EMC) 2014/30/EU• UL and cULus.3TECH N I C A L S PECI F I C ATI O N S FO R LOW VO LTAG E D I G ITA L U N IT—Environmental characteristicsTemperature:• Operating temperature for unit and accessories: -25 °C ...+70 °C• Storage temperature: -40°C …. +70°CEnvironmental parameters:Unit shall be able to operate in particularly difficult industrial atmospheres.It shall have been tested in accordance with:• IEC 60068-2-1: dry cold climate• IEC 60068-2-2: dry hot climate• IEC 60068-2-30: humid hot climateProtection degree:shall be not less than IP40Vibrations:Unit shall comply with the following mechanical compatibility standards and classes.• IEC 60255-21 class 1 (vibrations, shocks and blows), with DIN guide assembly • IEC 60255-21 class 2 (vibrations, shocks and blows), with door assembly.• Rated current shall be between 100 and 6300 A with the possibility of set trip threshold of L protection from 40A;• Digital unit shall be suitable for installation with rated frequency 50 Hz or 60 Hz.• Two different versions of digital unit shall be available, according to monitor and protection functions required. It shall be possible to up-grade unit with advanced software functions directly from the online ABB Ability Market-place TM .• Digital unit shall provide supervision functions to monitor main energy parameters and power quality, either locally or on cloud energy moni-toring system, without requiring external unit for communication or gateway.—Functional characteristicsIt shall be possible to connect directly the digital unit in network with phase to phase voltage up to 690V. It shall be possible to connect digital unit with external transformers to enable installation of device in network with rated service voltage up to 1150 V AC.• Datalogger shall ensure information on trigger events for fast diagnosis in case of fault or anomalies.• Digital unit shall be suitable for protection based on current and voltage measurement.• Digital unit shall be provided with specific pro-tection for generators and motors.• Digital unit shall be provided with algorithm to enable optimization of energy consumption of plant and with communication to enable De-mand response functions.• Self-diagnosis functions shall be always available to check continuity of internal connection of unit and with sensors, pre-alarm and alarm for abnor-mal temperature, to guaranty correct operation.4• Digital unit shall be designed to be door or DIN-rail mounted.• Digital unit shall be designed with orientable digital contacts to enable mounting on DIN rail or on the front door of the switchboard.• Labels for wiring connection shall be visible in each mounting solution allowed.• Unit shall be provided with software for commis-sioning, analysis of fault and testing of commu-nication bus.• Terminals for current sensors shall be provided either for 3 poles and 4 poles installations.• Rogowski coil current sensors shall be provided to enable flexibility, linearity and easy detection of quickly current variations as well as harmonic contents.—Construction characteristics• Closed current sensor with copper terminals for busbar up to 6300A shall be available to allow in-stallation in switchboards with reduced space.• Closed current sensors shall be available in ver-sion without copper terminals for cable connec-tions for current up to 1600A.• Opening Rogowski coils up to 6300A, not requir-ing auxiliary power supply, shall be provided also for upgrade of existing switchgears. • Terminal box shall be with spring clamps.• It shall be possible to install the electrical acces-sories without removing the cover.• Dedicated slot for power supply module.• Device unique serial number shall be visible on sticker, available on the touchscreen menu and also remotely readable via data communication.• Warranty shall be available for 1 year with exten-sion up to 5 years.5TECH N I C A L S PECI F I C ATI O N S FO R LOW VO LTAG E D I G ITA L U N IT—AccessoriesThe following accessories shall be available for the whole range:• Digital unit shall be provided with plug-in on board power supply unit.• Remote control and signaling shall be possible through digital I/O freely configurable. It shall be possible to add additional I/O modules for 2, 4 or 10 more digital I/O. it shall be possible to con-nect at the same time up to three external digital I/O module for 11 input and 10 output with one unit by local bus.• It shall be possible to connect 3 or 6 temperature inputs and 1 or 2 analogic 4-20mA inputs.• It shall be possible to adjust the rated current of digital unit by applying at the front part suitable plug.• It shall be possible to upgrade basic measuring functions, enabling measurement of phase and neutral voltages, powers and energy, through ad-ditional plug-in measuring module.When required following accessories shall be available:• Unit shall be supplied homopolar toroid for earth conductor (star center of the transformer), with rated current from 100 to 800 A.• Relay shall be supplied with homopolar toroid for residual current protection to enable monitoring of earth current from 3…30 A.• Unit shall be supplied with accessory to mea-sures voltages from two phases of one line through an external transformer for check of synchronization of parallel lines. Module shall be provided with output contact that is activated when synchronism condition is verified.6—Protection FunctionsMeasurement functions• Digital unit shall be provided with measurement of the currents flowing in the three phases and in the neutral.• Unit shall be able to provide measurement of the currents. Class accuracy of the ammeter measurement shall be equal or better than 0,2 and 1 when connected to current sensors type A, B and C.• Unit shall be able to provide measurement of the voltages (phase-to-phase, phase-to-ground). Class accuracy of the voltage measure-ment chain shall be equal or better than 0,5 and 0,7, when connected to sensors.• Unit shall be able to provide measurement of powers and energies (active, reactive, appar-ent). Class accuracy of the measurement chain shall equal or better than 0,5 and 2 including ac-curacy of sensors (for power) and 0,2 and 2 in-cluding accuracy of sensors (for energy).• Set of measurement functions that shall be available on the protection release:-Current measurements-Voltage measurements-Power measurements-Power factor measurements.-Measurements of frequency and peak factor -Phase Sequence-Energy measurements• Digital unit shall record minimum and maximum values of phase currents, voltage in range of time settable between 5 and 120 minutes.• Digital unit shall record maximum and average values of active and reactive power, in range of time settable between 5 and 120 minutes.Power Quality functions• Digital unit shall be able to provide measure-ment according to IEC 61000-4-30 Ed. 2• and EN50160 standards of the main power qual-ity gauges, like:-Voltage spikes-Voltage sags-Voltage micro-interruptions-Harmonic analysis (voltage harmonics, current harmonics, THD) up to the 50th harmonic • Data logger with 2 independent registers shall be available to record current, voltages and ac-tive power. Sampling frequency shall be setta-ble in a range from a minimum of 1200Hz up to 9600Hz.• Digital unit, when associated with switching de-vice, shall be able to register and store informa-tion about:-Number of operations (mechanical and elec-trical)-Load profile-Last maintenance carried out• Time stamp shall be always available and shall store information of last 200 events with asso-ciated time stamps.7TECH N I C A L S PECI F I C ATI O N S FO R LOW VO LTAG E D I G ITA L U N IT8 Instantaneous Currents (L1, L2, L3, N, rms)Earth fault current (rms)L-L voltage (V12, V23, V31, rms)L-N voltage (V1, V2, V3, rms)Phase sequenceFrequency (Hz)Active power (P1, P2, P3, Ptot)Reactive power (Q1, Q2, Q3, Qtot)Apparent power (S1, S2, S3, Stot)Power factor (cos-phi)Peak factor (L1, L2, L3, N)Cumulative measurement Active power Ep (tot, + and -)Reactive power Eq (tot, + and -)Apparent power Es (tot)Network analyzer Average volts/hour (Vmin= 0.75-0.95 xVn, Vmax= 1.05-1.25 xVn, Events/day in pastyear and total events)Short voltage interruptionsShort voltage spikes, sags and swellsVoltage unbalance and micro-interruptionsHarmonics analysis (THDv, THDi, V/I up to 50th order)2 independent registers for V/I/P with sampling frequency user-settable from 1200to 9600HzTime-stamped values Currents (Imin, Imax)L-L voltage (Vmin, Vmax)Reactive power (Qmean, Qmax)Apparent power (Smean, Smax)Time-stamp of last 200 eventsData logging Currents (L1, L2, L3, N, Ig)Voltages (V12, V23, V31)Active power (Pmean, Pmax)Max recorded durationRecording stop delayRecording intervals = 5 to 120 min, user-settableTrip and opening data/info Type of protection on tripFault values per phase based on trigger (see note below)Time-stamping (date, time, progressive number)Maintenance indicators Last 30 trips info (see note below)Last 200 events info (time-stamped)Mechanical operations (can be sent to alarm)Total number of trips (see note below)Total operating time (hours)Last maintenance performed (date)Maintenance required indicationUnit ID (type, assigned name and serial number)Self-diagnosis Internal connections checksCB failure to open (ANSI 50BF) (see note below)Over-temperature (pre-alarm and alarm)Basic Protection functions• Adjustable protection against overload (L), with a delay up to 144s (with I=3In), L protection shall be excludable;• Digital unit shall have Inverse definite minimum time (IDMT) operating curves in accordance with IEC 60255-151, supporting both IEC and ANSI/IEEE standard.• I 4t equal to constant curve shall be available for better coordination with upstream switching devices or fuses.• A settable pre-alarm on overload shall be avail-able.• Protection against overcurrent, selective (S) shall always be adjustable, with a delay up to 0.8s, and a pick-up threshold ranging from 0.6 to 10 times In.• Protection against overcurrent, instantaneous (I) shall be settable with several pick-up thresh-olds, up to 15 times In.• It shall be possible to enable overcurrent pro-tection of neutral and set up to 200% of phase currents.• Protection against ground fault (G) shall be set-table with several pick-up thresholds, ranging from 0.1 to 1 times In.• For G protection, a pre-alarm indication with settable threshold shall be available and it shall be possible to exclude trip, keeping only alarm for continuity of service.• Protection functions against short circuit and ground fault shall be excludable.• It shall be possible to connect digital unit with external toroid for ground fault protection.—Protection FunctionsAdvanced protection functions:• Thermal memory for functions L and S shall be available;• Start-up function shall be available for protec-tions S, I and G, to avoid trips due to inrush cur-rent during the “start-up” of motors or trans-formers;• Second complete set of parameters for protec-tions shall be stored in the unit and activated by means of a digital input, communication net-work, unit display or started automatically after a set time.• Protection against unbalanced current or unbal-anced voltage shall be provided by digital unit • Embedded additional protections, based on voltage/frequency measurement shall be avail-able:-Under voltage protection (UV) -Over voltage protection (OV) -Under frequency protection (UF) -Over frequency protection (OF)• Shall be possible to enable second protection against under voltage, overvoltage, over fre-quency and under frequency.• It shall be possible to activate residual current function by using dedicated accessory and ex-ternal toroid.• Additional Motor Protection: -Motor protection overload (49) -Rotor blockage - Jam (51R) -Rotor blockage - Stall (51R) -Phase lackand/or unbalance -- Undercurrent (37).Additional Generator Protection• Unit shall have comprehensive voltage protec-tion functions including:• Residual overvoltage (59N)• Cyclical direction of phases (47)• Three-phase voltage-dependent overcurrent protection (51V) against short circuit close to generator terminals. Function shall operate when current exceeds a set value calculated on measured terminal voltage. It shall be possible to select either a voltage restrained/ voltage slope or voltage controlled/voltage step charac-teristics.• To protect generator against harmful effects of excessive overpower, digital unit shall have pro-tection against reverse active power (32R)• Unit shall have under excitation protection (40/32R) to protect synchronous machine against loss of field or reverse reactive power conditions, that can cause excessive heating on stator winding.• Digital Selectivity-It shall be possible to lock overcurrent andground fault protection to enable fast faultisolation, while guarantying continuity of ser-vice in healthy part of installation.-It shall be possible to use logic selectivity with directional overcurrent protection to enableselectivity in ring distribution system.• Directional overcurrent-Digital unit shall provide directional protec-tion with two different time-delay accordingto current direction.• Restricted / unrestricted earth-It shall be possible to connect external unitwith digital unit for restricted earth fault, dis-tinguishing it from a non-restricted earthfault.• Synchrocheck-Function shall include energizing check func-tionality and support the operation modedead-line / live-line. The function shall ensure that the voltage, phase angle and frequencyon two separate sections of networks meetrequirements for safe interconnection.Additional Logics• Load Shedding-Load shedding function shall be available toavoid frequency drop in off-grid state thatmight cause generation protections trip.-It shall be possible to upgrade basic loadshedding function to adaptive logic to discon-nect not priority loads according to powerconsumption and frequency.• Interface protection-Digital unit shall have embedded logic func-tions to disconnected local generation fromthe grid whenever voltage and frequency val-ues of the grid itself are out of the ranges pre-scribed by the standard, in order to avoidfeeding of failure on grid.-Interface protection function shall be certified for CEI 0-16 standard.• Power Controller-Digital unit shall manage active/passive loads by embedded software, sending commandfrom remote to relevant switching devices ac-cording to a user default priority.-Embedded algorithm shall be able to foreseeaverage power absorption calculation whichcan be set over a determined time interval;whenever this forecasted value and to com-pare it with contractual power, in case value is over contractual power it shall operate turning off/or the devices under control, to stay be-yond limits.-It shall be possible to define weekly schedul-ing and to take into consideration tariff bands for maximum saving on billing.-It shall be possible to control up to 15 loads or group of loads.• Predictive maintenance-It shall be possible to enable predictive main-tenance in the cloud with ABB circuit breakers or switch-disconnectors.—Protection FunctionsANSI Code Short description49Overload Protection, excludable, delay to 144 at 3xIn, with thermal memory50TD Time-delayed overcurrent protection, time delay up to 0.8s, settable 0.6 to 10xIn, excludable,with thermal memory and provision to offset inrush50Instantaneous overcurrent protection, settable up to 15xIn, with provision to offset inrush currents50N TD Earth fault protection, settable 0.1 to 1xIn, excludable, with provision to offset inrush currents46Current unbalance protection50Instantaneous overcurrent protectionClosing on short-circuit protection50G TD Earth fault protection64 50N Residual current protectionTD87N Differential ground fault protectionCurrent threshold LCCurrent threshold Iw27Undervoltage Protection59Overvoltage Protection47Voltage unbalance protection81L Underfrequency protection81H Over-frequency protection32R Reverse active power protection47Cyclical direction of phases783-phase power factor (cos-phi)50TD Time-delayed overcurrent protection67Directional overcurrent protection (forward and back)27Undervoltage Protection59Overvoltage protection81L Underfrequency protection81H Overfrequency protection51V Voltage controlled overcurrent protection59N Residual overvoltage protection32OF Active overpower protection32OF Reactive overpower protection32LF Active underpower protection40/32R Loss of field or reverse reactive power protection51V Voltage controlled overcurrent protection81R Rate of change of frequency protection25Synchrocheck (Live busbars)49Motor protection overload51R Rotor blockage - JamRotor blockage - StallPhase lackand/or unbalance37UndercurrentUser interface and HMI• Digital unit shall have high resolution display for monitoring and controlling. Each alarm or warn-ing shall be clearly shown on the display.• Access to control and configuration of the unit shall be allowed by means of a password;• It shall be possible to set as default page of the display to show measure or logics.• 8 analog inputs for current and voltage signals shall be available on digital unit.• Full colour touchscreen for readouts and menu access.• 4 digital outputs and 4 digital inputs with ekip signaling 4k-A. 4 digital outputs, 2 digital inputs with ekip signaling munication (wired)• It shall be possible to connect digital unit, through communication bus twisted pair or Ethernet, with one or more communication pro-tocols at the same time without external inter-face devices, choosing among:-Modbus RS485-Modbus TCP-Ethernet IP-DeviceNet-Profibus-Profinet-IEC 61850• To guarantee the maximum safety, a redundant communication profile shall be provided.• To ensure a redundant communication layer (for example local/system) shall be possible to in-stall up to four different communication mod-ules• Proprietary communication bus should also be available for easy integration of power automa-tion logics.• It shall be possible to store data on cloud by us-ing gateway embedded module.• Communication module with certified cyberse-curity shall be available to exchange date-re-ports with load aggregators and utilities.。



3 安装及尺寸 ................................................................ 4
4 M101-M/M102-M 的接口 ...................................................... 4 4.1 端子定义 ................................................................ 5 4.2 典型应用图 ............................................................. 10
M101-M/M102-M双RS485通讯接口设计,保证了与上位机通讯的快速可靠,同时能快速响 应上位机的实时查询等要求并执行相应操作。M101-M/M102-M对电机运行时间和操作次数的统 计极大方便了对电机维护计划的制定。
对于每一个电机回路,需要配置独立的M101-M/M102-M来进行保护与控制。M101-M/M102-M 标准的配置,完善的功能,大大简化了传统意义上的电机回路的维护,降低了设备维护成本。
4 M101-M/M102-M 的接口
M101-M/ M102-M
图 3 M101-M/M102-M 的典型安装
M101-M/M102-M 具有 4 块 I/O 端子排。 I/O 端子板安装在主单元的上部,如图 4 所示: (端子定义参见 4.1)
4 技术说明,如有变更恕不另行通知。
ABB © 厦门 ABB 低压电器设备有限公司 200703
3 技术说明,如有变更恕不另行通知。
ABB © 厦门 ABB 低压电器设备有限公司 200703



ABB-MNS3.0技术说明1. ABB-MNS概述及特点:本投标⼈是ABB集团在中国唯⼀的ABB-MNS低压开关柜⽣产基地,公司从德国ABB SchaltanlagentechnikGmbH引进世界先进技术,⽣产ABB集团最新技术的ABB-MNS低压开关柜。





1998年11⽉,我们⼜成功地通过了中国电⽓设备检测所低压电器检测站进⾏的5500A的温升试验及5500A进线单元的100KA 等型式试验,据我们所知这是国内⾸家完成此种试验. 新型的ABB-MNS3.0低压开关柜具有以下特点:1) ABB-MNS3.0系统采⽤了具有⾼度灵活性的柜架结构,整个系统考虑了将来的发展空间,柜架⼀旦组装完毕就不再需要维修。







ABB ACS580低压交流驱动器产品介绍说明书

ABB ACS580低压交流驱动器产品介绍说明书

—LOW VO LTAG E AC DR I V E SABB general purpose drivesACS580, 0.75 to 500 kWDesigned to simplify driveselection, set up, operation andmaintenance, the ACS580 generalpurpose drives conquer moreapplications in more industrieswithout the head scratchingcomplexities.One product, many applicationsThe drive includes all the essential components for typical lightindustry applications. The ACS580 is ready to control compressors,conveyors, mixers, chippers, extruders, as well as many other variableand costant torque applications.Reliability and constant high qualityACS580 drives are designed for customers who value high quality androbustness in their applications. Coated control boards, high enclosureclasses, and motor temperature monitoring along with supervision andother protection functions ensure your processes will run smoothly – evenin harsh conditions. In addition, all the drives are tested during productionat maximum temperature and with nominal loads. We make sure thedrives perform as they should so you do not need to worry about it.Easier than ever beforeACS580 drives have all the essential features built-in, reducingcommissioning and setup time. The assistant control panel with a broadset of languages is standard for ACS580 drives. It can be also upgradeto an optional Bluetooth® control panel for wireless commissioning andmonitoring. Primary settings and control macros ensure quick setup andthe help button on the control panel offers instant advice in unclearsituations.Instant availabilityACS580 products are available from central stocks around the world forimmediate delivery up to 500 kW. The product is also widely availablefrom ABB distributors globally.3A U A 0000089905 R E V J 11.2.2019—For more information please contact your local ABB representative or visit://drives/drivespartners/motors&generators—We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein.Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents – in whole or in parts – is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB. Copyright© 2019 ABB. All rights reserved.—Technical dataEssential features inside• Integrated safe torque off (STO)• Removable Modbus RTU terminal• Two option slots, one for a fieldbus adapter and one for an I/O extension • External +24 V AC/DC• USB interface for PC tool connection • Optimized DC choke • Integrated EMC filterGet started, without the hassle• Optional Bluetooth assistant control panel for controlling the drive up to 75 meters and out of the arc flash boundary • Connection to all major industrial automation systems via plug-in fieldbus and Ethernet adapters• USB port for transferring information between PC and drive • Optional remote monitoring module for configuring the drive parameters, and monitoring various data such as load levels, runtime, energy consumption, I/O data, and bearing temperatures of the motor• Free DriveComposer software to program and monitor drive performanceLearn it once, use it everywhere• Common drives architecture enables a smooth transition to other all-compatible drives in the ABB portfolio, such as the ACS480 or ACS880• The drives share the same user interfaces and options, enabling users to use the knowledge gained with the ACS580 drives—There is more to this driveA wide power range includes drives for wallmounting, drive modules, and cabinet-built drives.Adaptive programming for customizing the drive for the application, without any previous programming knowledge.Motor control capabilities include asynchronous motors, permanent magnet motors and synchronous reluctance motors.—Simple. Connected. All-compatible.Online manuals for the ACS580 drivesVideo playlist: ACS580 how-tovideos。























ABB双电源自动切换装置工作原理DPT/SE装置主要用于控制和自动切换两路带有机械和电气联锁的低压断路器:一个4 位置转换开关用于设定四种工作模式:- 自动模式:转换开关置于“自动 (AUTO)”位置-正常供电模式:转换开关置于“正常 (NET)”位置- 应急供电模式:转换开关置于“应急 (EMER)”位置- 关断模式:转换开关置于“关断 (OFF)”位置。

当系统投入运行时,需将运行开关置于“运行 (RUN)”位置,而“复位 (RESET)”按钮可使运行程序恢复到初始状态。

自动模式(自投自复):当转换开关置于“自动 (AUTO)”位置时,系统会处于自动切换方式下:•当正常供电电源正常时,正常供电断路器闭合,而应急供电断路器断开•当正常供电失压和缺相时,柴油发电机起动,正常供电断路器断开,在缺相时系统报警。



正常供电模式当转换开关置于“正常 (NET)”位置时,系统会处于单一正常供电模式。


应急供电模式当转换开关置于“应急 (EMER)”位置时。





关断模式当转换开关置于“关断 (OFF)”位置时。

ABB MC510 低压系统数字化方案电动机控制单元 用户手册说明书

ABB MC510 低压系统数字化方案电动机控制单元 用户手册说明书






版权所有—目录01. 绪论0402. 产品概述0703. 安装0904. 接口1005. 功能1706. 以太网通信5907. 参数设置6508. 附件6609. 参数描述8010. 附录 A 技术参数13611. 附录 B 告警和脱扣140—绪论目的本手册主要针对需要了解、工程设计、安装和使用MC510的用户,并为之提供详尽的产品说明。









ABB 低压自动转换开关商品说明说明书

ABB 低压自动转换开关商品说明说明书

Enclosed automatic transfer switches ABB low voltage component capabilities for critical power applicationsCritical power applications require a constant and reliable power supply to keep fundamental services running and prevent serious consequences arising due to interruption or absence of the electrical grid. This need is even stronger nowadays because of the increasing significance of the key role, capacity and features of these systems.Selection of a source of switching, control and protection components capable of sustaining the needs of a critical power application is paramount, ABB has a well proven track record within this environment.2 Critical Power Automatic Transfer SwitchesIn today’s world, electrical power plays a key role in almost every activity of our life. For some equipment a reliable, uninterruptible and free of disturbance power supply is an absolute essential. Fromthis point of view, a fault in the power supply of communications systems, hospital apparatus, security systems, water and gas distribution devices, banking computers and many other crucial applications may bring about serious problems, with consequences that can be devastating.All these applications can be identified as “Critical Power” applications: ABB can offer a wide range of components for on board installation and complete power distribution systems.These products include:- automatic transfer switches (ATS) and automatic control units (ACU), manual and motorised change-over switches, isolators, switch-disconnectors air, moulded-case and miniature circuit breakers, protection devices against overvoltages, contactors, current sensors and many other devices.ABB products comply with the most important international standards - either European or North American - andwith the requirements of the Navy Registry; they are also designed and built on the basis of the most modern and advanced environmental standards. ABB products are backed by a consolidated experience in power and automation technologies. They are supported through a global assistance and service network which covers more than 100 countries all over the world.Critical Power Automatic Transfer Switches 3Enclosed automatic transfer switches functionality & featuresAs industrial processes and ITapplications diversify, a securepower supply is becoming anincreasingly important assetin the drive to cut productionand maintenance costs.In emergency situations,the system logic of powerdistribution can becomecomplex with mechanicaldevices looking after making, breaking, conducting and isolating power. Loadsmay sometimes need to be transferred from one supply to another — this will be the case when energy use is restricted or when the supply source is overloaded. High performance levelIn change-over applications where the loaded switch may need to be operated remotely, adequate durability has been ensured by testing against the IEC 60947-6-1 standard in the specification of endurance requirements.Utilisation categories:− AC-31 for non-inductive or slightly inductive load− AC-33 for motor loads or mixed loads including motors ABB change-over switches are rated according toIEC 60947-6-1 standard.4 Critical Power Automatic Transfer SwitchesCritical Power Automatic Transfer Switches5FunctionalityIncludes automatic control unit OMD300_OMD800_Manual operation with handlex x Local operation with front panel keypad xxMeasurementsThree phase voltage measurement on LINE 1 & 2x x Single phase voltage measurement on LINE 1 & 2x x Frequency on LINE 1 & 2x x Source failure detections No voltage x x Undervoltage x x Overvoltage x x Phase missing x x Voltage unbalance x x Invalid frequencyxx Incorrect phase sequence xConfiguration By DIP switches x By rotary switches x By keypad and LCDx Voltage threshold setting xx Voltage hysteresis setting x Frequency threshold setting x Frequency hysteresis setting x Time delays Switching delay x 1)x Delay on transfer 2)x Dead band time I-II (stop switching to position O)x Back-switching delayx 3)x Dead band time II-I (stop switching to position O)x Generator stop delayx 4)x Status of time delays on the LCDxFeaturesIncludes automatic control unit OMD300_OMD800_Generator start and stop x x Off-load test sequence x x On-load test sequencex x Source status via front panel xx Source status via digital outputs x Switch position via front panel xx Modbus interface x Event/alarm logx Counter for number of operations x Auxiliary voltage supplyx Programmable digital inputs (eight) and digital outputs (six)x Secondary load control (load shedding)x Digital input - Allow transfer to secondary x Digital input - Generator alarmx Digital input - Remote control to positions I, O and II xOperating mode Line priorityx 5)x 6)Manual back-switchingxx Automatic operation to position O, in case ofsource failurex1) Four options: 0, 5, 10 or 30 seconds2)Delaying the switching sequence before transferring to generator,guaranteeing that in cold locations the generator is properly warmed up 3)Two options: the duration of back-switching delay is the same as switching delay,i.e. the time delay is same for I - II and II - I, or the back-switching delay is fixed 300 seconds 4)Two options: the duration of generator stop delay is the same as Switching delay or fixed 5 min 5)Two options: No line priority, or Source 1 is the priority source 6)Three options: No line priority, Source 1 or Source 2 is the priority sourcex = included as standard6 Critical Power Automatic Transfer SwitchesEnclosed automatic transfer switchesselectionDescriptionRated Current (A)Enclosure Size (mm)HWDATS 40A 40600600250ATS 63A 63600600250ATS 125A 125600600250ATS 160A 160600600250ATS 250A 250600600250ATS 400A 400800600300ATS 630A*6301000800400ATS 800A*8001000800400ATS 1000A*10001400800500ATS 1250A*12501400800500ATS 1600A*16001400800500* Floor standing plinths from accessories below. Bypass options are available on request.Other wall mounting and floor standing versions available on request.Optional extrasAccessoriesEnclosed automatic transfer switches, I-O-II operation, open transitionATS 4 pole with OMD300 & OMD800controller, blank door, wall mountableEnclosed Automatic Transfer Switch with ATS2PL & ATSDMC optional extrasCritical Powerother ABB productsMoulded case & Air Circuit BreakersThe moulded case circuit breakers of Tmax XT series coverlow voltage applications up to 250A, while the Tmax Tfamiliy offer current ratings up to 3200A.The Emax air circuit breakers up to 6300A and it ensuresshort circuit perfomances up to 150kA.Block Contactors- AF series three poles contactors from9A to 2050A (AC1, 40°C), with electronic interface coil- A and AF series four poles contactors up to125A (AC1, 40°C)- EK series four poles contactors from110A to 1000A (AC1, 40°C)ABB offers a range of installation contactors up to 63A forDIN Rail enclosures.Manual Motor StarterManual Motor Starter covers a range up to 100 A formotors protection up to 45 kW / 400 V.Electronic products and relays (EPR)The versatile range of electronic products and relays offers a maximum of security,economic efficiency and capacity. The range covers products from analog signal converterup to measuring and monitoring relays and time relays.Residual current devicesABB range of modular and front panel residual current devicesincludes F200 RCCB, DS200 RCBO and RD residual current relays.Arc MonitorTVOC-2 is ABB’s state-of-the-art solution for arc faultprotection in all applications, providing functional safety.Residual current devicesABB range of modular and front panel residual current devicesincludes F200 RCCB, DS200 RCBO and RD residual current relays.Critical Power Automatic Transfer Switches 7Contact usABB Ltd Tower CourtFoleshill Enterprise Park Courtaulds Way Coventry CV6 5NXTel: ***********Fax: ***********/lowvoltageemail:*******************.com Twitter follow us @ABBUKLVPP u b l i c a t i o n N u m b e r : 9A K K 105713A 8079Power and productivityfor a better worldTM。



13.4 用户界面序号说明1 LED 预报警指示2 LED 报警指示3 背景灯图表显示4光标向上移动按钮5光标向下移动按钮6 通过一个外部装置(PR030/B 供电单元、BT030 无线连接单元以及PR010/T 单元)来连接或测试脱扣器的测试连接器7输入数据确认键或页面切换8 退出次级菜单或取消操作键(ESC)9 额定电流插件10 保护脱扣器的系列编码11 “i test”按钮当有一个辅助供电或有最小母排电流或PR120/V 供电时,LCD 图像显示器即可显示,请参见13.2.2.1。


13.4.1 按钮使用通过↑和↓键可进行选择,通过键进行确认。



为了确定先前配置的参数,请按ESC 一次,这样将完成一个检查和显示参数配置界面。

如果想回主页,请按ESC 两次。

“i test”按钮必须在自供电模式下执行脱扣测试,这样就能看到相关信息和断路器分闸48 小时内的最后一次脱扣。

13.4.2 阅读和编辑模式在“read”模式(仅仅读取数据)或“edit”模式(可设置参数),菜单显示所有可得到的界面和通过键盘可移动。

在任何界面,根据脱扣器的状态具有2 种功能:1“read”功能,120s 后将自动显示其默认界面2“edit”功能,120s 后将自动显示其默认界面状态决定功能:“read”测量和历史数据的查看脱扣器单元配置查看保护参数配置查看“edit”“read”模式下的任何事情脱扣器单元配置保护参数配置脱扣器单元测试功能在可编辑的界面按键可进入“edit”模式,当然需要输入密码。

键盘使用方法如下:键盘功能界面间移动,菜单间移动,改变参数值结束设置阶段和确认结果,选择菜单从默认界面进入菜单,可回前一个界面和回到默认界面,退出参数设置阶段和取消变化在自供电模式,断路器分闸48 小时内可激活显示器。

ZX2 气绝缘中低压开关设备产品介绍说明书

ZX2 气绝缘中低压开关设备产品介绍说明书

Gas-insulated medium voltage switchgearPartitioning of functional compartments Completely protected encapsulation against Metalclad and gas-tight •SF6gas-insulated•Busbar compartment as sealed pressure systemDesignPanels coupled by plug-in busbar connectors without Bus duct connection solidly insulated3-position switch•Motor-operated rod-type switch with three functions–Connecting, isolating and earthing –Disconnected position at center –Limit positions:Disconnector ON or earthing switch ON •Currentless preparation of any connection:Switching is performed exclusively by the circuit-breaker •Limited active switch components in the gas compartment •Operating mechanism outside the gas compartment–Motor operated insulating spindel drives the moveable contact–Emergency manual operation optional with mechanical interlocking –Position detection by sensors or auxiliary switches–Mechanical position indicators3Circuit-breaker VD4 X•Horizontal arrangement of circuit-breaker poles •Operating mechanism outside the gas compartment •Poles and mechanism connected via gas-tight thrust bushing •Additional earthing function in combination with 3-position switchAdvantages–Circuit-breaker of higher quality than an earthing switch–Higher number of switching cycles onto faults –Causes no pollution of the SF 6 during switching operationZX2 Conventional or with digital protection and control equipmentControl and operation via•Multifunctional protection andcontrol unit REF542 plus•Conventional control solution•Customised multifunctional deviceProtection•REF542 plus covers all from overcurrentprotection to distance protection•Independent protection devicesProtection against malfunction•With programmable logic •Alternatively electromechanical protection•Optional with mechanical interlocking between circuit-breaker and3-position switches Monitoring•With modern proximity switches or auxiliary switches •Monitoring of each gas compartment by density sensors •Optional with fast tripping in case of internal arcStatus indications•Four pages each with eight freely programmable LEDs in conjunction with status-dependent plain text messageson REF542 plus•Alternatively display of messages on flag indication relays and indication lampsCurrent / voltage measuring with•Sensors within the gas compartment•Current transformers within the gascompartment•Voltage transformers–Plugged-in in air–Protected against accessfor feeders as well as for busbarsCommunicationConnection to host automation sy-stems is facilitated, depending on thetype of protection and control unit.4ZX2DeliveryComplete panels•Factory tested•Individual panels as transport units •With SF6at rated filling pressure •Suitable for handling by crane or fork lift truck Installation•Easy and fast installation•Suitable for room heights above 2.5 meters respective of the type of pressure relief system•Erection on foundation frame or raised false floor•Simple connection of panels via plug-in connection•Cable termination compartments with plug-in technologyCommissioning•By trained skilled personnel•Direct access to the conductorsthrough a separate test socket isavailable for current and voltagetests on site–Without removing the cableconnection–Without gas work•Test socket can be used forcable tests or maintenanceearthingInspection and maintenance •No refill required under normal condition due to sealed pressure system•Gas compartments are maintenance free under normal conditions•Inspection predominantly comprises visual inspection and functional testing Experiences•ABB has round about 40 years of experience with gas-insulated switchgears.•ZX switchgear has been successfully and reliably positioned on the global market since 1995.5ZX2. T echnical Data.IEC Standard ratings Rated voltage kV12/17.5Maximum operating voltage kV17.5Rated power frequency withstand voltage kV381)Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage kV95Rated frequency Hz50/60Rated busbars current A (2500)Rated feeder current A6301250 (2500)Rated peak withstand current kA62.5...100 (100)Rated short-time current, 3s kA25...40 (40)Rated short-circuit breaking currentof circuit-breaker kA25...40 (40)Rated short-circuit making currentof circuit-breaker kA62.5...100 (100)Rated operating sequence O -0,3 s - CO - 3 min - CO 2) Total break-time ms approx. 60Make-time ms approx. 80Insulating gas SF3)6 Rated filling level for insulation4)kPa130130130 Alarm level for insulation4)kPa120120120 Minimum functional level for insulation4)kPa100100100 Rated data:Charging motor VA(W)150Closing coil VA(W)250Opening coil VA(W)250Auxiliary voltage V60, 110, 220 DC5) Degree of protectionHigh voltage live parts IP 65Low voltage compartment IP 4X6)Ambient temperature:Maximum value°C40Maximum value of 24 hour mean°C35Minimum value°C-5Altitude for erection above sea level m...10007)Dimensions:Height mm2300Depth mm1760Width mm 2 x 4008)6008001) Higher values as per international standards on request2) Other sequences on request3) Insulating gas: sulphur hexafluoride4) All pressures stated are absolute pressures at 20°C; 100kPa = 1 bar5) Other auxiliary voltages on request6) Higher values on request7) Higher altitude on request8) Double feeder panel9) 600 mm panel width until 25 kA rated short-circuit breaking current6IEC Standard ratings Special ratings2436243640.5501)70851251701851)50/6050/6050/60...2500...2500 (2500)6301250...25001250...25001250 (2500)62,5...100...100...100 (100)25...40...40...40 (40)25...40...40...40 (40)62,5...100...100...100 (100)O -0,3 s - CO - 3 min - CO 2)O -0,3 s - CO - 3 min - CO 2)O -0,3 s - CO - 3 min - CO 2) approx. 60approx. 60approx. 60approx. 80approx. 80approx. 80SF3)SF63)SF63)6130130*********120120*********11010010010012015015015025025025025025025060, 110, 220 DC5)60, 110, 220 DC5)60, 110, 220 DC5)IP 65IP 65IP 65IP 4X6)IP 4X6)IP 4X6)404040353535- 5- 5- 5...10007)...10007)...10007)2300230023001760176017602 x 4008)600 / 8009)800600 / 800 9)800600 / 800 9)80078Bus couplerFeeder Everything is possible with ZX2. For the versatile panel variants permit almost every conceivable switchge-ar configuration.Special panels adapted to theneeds of single and double busbar systems round off the range.In both double and single busbarversions, ZX2 panels have the added advantage of partitioning between the busbar and tee-off.In addition, they can be used in voltage ranges up to 40.5 kV .ZX2. T ailor-made for every application.Versatile and adaptable.CompactFlexibleUniversally usableExpandableEconomicalFeeder Busbar meteringCable connection Busbar meteringBus sectionaliserin one panelBus sectionaliser Bus sectionaliser(without C.B.)Busbar meteringBusbar metering9ZX2. A profile for the future.This sectional view of a panel makes the difference visible: the clear separa-tion of the functional compartments for busbars I and II and the corresponding outgoing cable feeders.Around these core functions,Double busbar panel for 2000 A there are the low voltage bay with the secondary system, the operating mechanisms for the switching devices and the passive safety systems in the form of pressure relief ducts.1HMI control unit of REF542 plus2Three position switch operatingmechanism3Three position switch4Pressure sensor (temperature-compensated) 5Circuit-breaker operating mechanism6Cable socket7Cable plug8Bay control and protection unitREF542 plus9Voltage sensor10Combined current sensor with socket 11Pressure relief disc12Pressure relief duct13Circuit-breaker14Measuring sockets for capacitive voltage 15BusbarsInsulating gas1011 14 1716 15 1412 111010 1213ABB AGCalor Emag Medium Voltage Products Oberhausener Strasse 33Petzower Strasse 840472 Ratingen 14542 Werder (Havel) OT Glindow GERMANYGERMANYPhone: +49(0)2102/12-0, Fax: +49(0)2102/12-1777E-mail:****************.comInternet: /mediumvoltageNote:We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail.ABB does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction – in whole or in parts – is forbidden without ABB’s prior written consent.Copyright © 2006 ABB AG All rights reserved.L e a f l e t n o . D E A B B /P T -P M 2331 01 E P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y (02.06-1000-P C I)。

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