



iX Developer用户指南简体中文MACN832F,2014-04iX Developer用户指南序言iX Developer软件用于配置iX Panel和在PC坏境下运行的控制应用程序,包括用于IPC(工业PC)的应用程序。

通过iX Developer,您可以轻松创建出合理、灵活且高效的操作面板应用程序,从而为操作员和其他系统适时提供所需信息。

本手册将通过一个示例项目向您介绍iX Developer项目的分步设计过程。

有关详细信息,请参阅iX Developer帮助文件。

订货号:MACN832F版权所有©2014-04Beijer Electronics AB.保留所有权利本文档中的信息可随时更改,恕不另行通知,并按付印时所能提供的内容呈献给您。

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对于在本软件的安装或使用过程中产生的任何损坏,Beijer Electronics AB不承担任何责任。

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目录1简介 (6)1.1控制器 (6)1.1.1变量 (6)1.2手册结构 (6)2安装和启动 (7)2.1系统要求 (7)2.1.1iX Developer (7)2.1.2iX Runtime (7)2.1.3某些元件的特殊要求 (9)2.1.4启动iX Developer (9)2.1.5帮助 (9)3新建项目 (10)3.1创建新项目 (10)3.2界面 (11)3.2.1项目浏览器 (11)3.2.2功能区组和控件 (12)3.2.3快速访问工具栏 (12)3.2.4迷你工具栏和上下文菜单 (12)4控制器变量 (13)4.1添加变量 (13)4.2保存项目 (14)5编辑元件 (15)5.1添加元件 (15)5.1.1仪表 (15)5.1.2滑动器 (15)5.1.3对齐 (15)5.1.4调整大小 (16)5.1.5更改外观 (16)5.2运行测试项目 (16)6画面浏览和跳转 (17)6.1画面浏览 (17)6.1.1画面管理员 (17)6.1.2添加画面 (17)6.1.3画面跳转 (18)6.2背景画面 (18)6.2.1添加画面 (18)6.2.2背景画面 (18)6.3画面浏览运行测试 (20)7趋势图查看器 (21)7.1添加实时趋势图查看器 (21)7.1.1曲线 (21)7.2运行实时趋势图查看器测试 (22)7.3趋势图查看器历史记录 (22)7.3.1操作 (22)7.4运行历史趋势图查看器测试 (22)8警报管理 (23)8.1警报指示器 (23)8.2警报服务器 (24)8.2.1警报组 (24)8.2.2警报项目 (24)8.3警报显示器 (25)8.4运行测试警报 (25)9配方 (26)9.1创建配方变量 (26)9.1.1添加画面 (27)9.1.2调整浏览按钮 (27)9.2新建元件 (28)9.2.1显示信息 (28)9.3配方项 (28)9.4保存配方 (29)9.5载入配方 (29)9.6配方数据 (29)9.7运行测试配方 (29)10动态 (31)10.1创建元件 (31)10.2调整元件大小 (32)10.3为元件设定颜色 (33)10.4运行测试动态 (33)11脚本 (34)11.1添加元件 (34)11.2脚本标签页 (34)11.3运行脚本 (35)12内部变量 (36)12.1添加内部变量 (36)12.1.1面积变量 (36)12.1.2计算变量 (36)12.2创建模拟数值 (37)12.2.1变量操作 (37)12.3内部变量运行测试 (38)13元件浏览器 (39)13.1添加图形元素 (39)13.2使用元件浏览器 (39)14文本库 (40)14.1配置文本 (40)14.2文本库运行测试 (41)15用户权限 (42)15.1用户权限设定 (42)15.1.1用户权限组 (42)15.1.2用户 (42)15.2访问被拒绝时的登录行为 (43)15.3创建注销按钮 (43)15.4元件用户权限 (44)15.4.1管理员 (44)15.4.2用户 (44)15.5运行测试用户权限 (44)16功能键 (45)16.1定义功能键操作 (45)16.1.1显示画面 (45)16.1.2用户权限 (46)16.1.3设置控制器变量值 (46)16.1.4配方 (46)16.1.5设定时区、地区和夏令时 (46)16.2定义功能键脚本 (47)16.2.1面积计算 (47)16.2.2确认所有警报 (47)16.3功能键运行测试 (48)17元件使用浏览 (49)17.1使用元件使用浏览工具 (49)1简介iX Developer软件用于配置iX Panel s和在PC环境下运行的控制应用程序,包括用于Beijer Electronics的IPC(工业PC)的应用程序。



ROBOTMASTER使用手册Robotmaster Version6目录TUTORIAL1……………………………………………………. 1.1 ROBOTMASTER 入门,使用2D 轮廓刀具路径TUTORIAL2……………………………………………………. 2.1多轴刀具路径TUTORIAL3……………………………………………………. 3.1轮廓追踪TUTORIAL4…………………………………………………… 4.1跳转点TUTORIAL5…………………………………………………… 5.1优化五轴路径曲线TUTORIAL6…………………………………………………… 6.1机器人安装在轨道上TUTORIAL7……………………………………………………7.1外部旋转轴TUTORIAL8……………………………….…….……………8.1外部TCP教程 1、ROBOTMASTER 入门, 使用 2D轮廓刀具路径目标:1. 通过如下步骤,用户能够正确地把一个 CNC 机床专用 2 维刀具路径配置成机器人能用的刀具路径:a. 通过 Mastercam 选择合适的机床类型;b. 理解并掌握 Robotmaster 的基本特性; c. 输入全局设定:➢设置机器人;➢设置坐标数据;➢设置起始点/结束点数据;➢设置工具和配置; d. 输入本地设定:➢设置轴配置;2. 用户能够使用 Robotmaster 仿真器来仿真整个过程本教程需要用户具备必要的运用 Mastercam X7 设计和处理刀具路径的技能。

用户自定义工具栏在使用 Robotmaster 开始工作前, 我们应当激活使用 Robotmaster 必须的工具栏。

参见 Robotmaster 快速入门指南, 第 3 页和第4 页。

步骤 1:打开 .MCX 文件Plate.mcx-7 文件位于Robotmaster_V6\Samples\ 目录。




整理:Kawvin 二〇一〇年十月十三日

1 2 3

MorScript 是什么?/使用许可 ......................................................................................................................................1 功能范围.......................................................................................................................................................................1 安装...............................................................................................................................................................................1 3.1 不同的 MortScript 版本 ...................................................................................................................................1 3.2 PC 安装 .............................



(节点) (单元) (单元边) (单元的面) (点) (曲线) (曲面) (实体) (实体的顶点) (实体的边) (实体的面)
例:节点的选择操作顺序 NODES M<ML>
box 法检取
在用 PLANE 选择方法时,不共面的角度容差设 置。
【最新资料,WORD 文档,可编辑修改】
通过一些节点定义一个边界,凡在该边界内的 或与这些节点相连的节点或单元均属选择范 围。
为隐含模式,将新的选择内容加在原已选择的 内容中。
如该部分尚未存在,新选择内容加在已有的选 择内容中,如该部分已存在则被删除。
只有新选择内容与已存在内容的相同部分成为 被选择的内容。
只允许选择在网格轮廓线上的节点或单元边, 对平面或壳单元比较有用。
只允许单元表面上节点、单元边或单元面被选 择,对实体网格比较有用。
个别检取、box 法检取、闭合环法检取。
根据起止节点(点)确定的路径进行检取,用 户检取路径经过的所有内容。
用户根据在整体坐标系下由 X、Y、Z 最大值、 最小值构成的空间进行选择。

Beckman LX20操作手册

Beckman LX20操作手册

Beckman LX20操作手册-->操作程序一、开机、关机1.1开机1.1.1打开辅助设备(水机),稳压电源(UPS)。





仪器BOOTUP的过程约需要15分钟,若未成功则在仪器右上方,用小棍按一下RES ET钮,再按REBOOT键,可使整个BOOTUP步骤重复一次1.2关机1.2.1确定仪器处于STANDBY或STOPED状态。

1.2.2从主屏幕MAIN中按Instr Cmd键。




(当系统安全地关闭电脑后,系统暂停,“System Halted”会显示于屏幕左上角。

附:*功能键简介主屏幕(Main )显示测试时系统与检体的状况样本(Samples)样本编程键,由此键进入样本输入功能。







仪器控制Instr Cmd)进入中断与更改仪器机械动作的特殊功能控制。


*样本状态按键(Sample Status Icon Legend):按键(Icon)功能(Function)不编程(Not Programmed)表示此架(个)样本没有编程或没有资料被选定与主电脑对话中(Query Pending)样本正在等待从主电脑下载特定的资料进行中(In Prog ress)样本已识别,正在检测选定的测试项目未完成(Incomplete)样本已完成部分项目测试,部分则在等待中已完成(Complete)样本所有测试项目皆已完成*样本架状态盒(Rack Status Boxes)这些块状代表十个进入样本旋转架(Sample Carousel)的样本架(Sample Racks)目前的位置,一旦样本架被加入,样本架状态盒的顶端会显示出样本架的号码,所有位于此样本架的样本号码都会列于样本架号码下面。






EPSON NS-6000 系列操作手冊內容第一章操作前準備第二章工具列與MMI的主視窗第三章NSTOOLPAD第四章NSMAINTEPAD第一章操作前準備1.1NS-6000(MMI)系統1.2NS-6000(MMI)桌面視窗1.3NS-6000(MMI)工具列1.4NS-6000(MMI)主視窗1.5離開NS-6000(MMI)1.1NS-6000(MMI)系統NS-6000(MMI)的軟體系統是建構在Windows95底下的,你可以使用機台右手邊的滾珠滑鼠去操作。





如果要讓Counters出現在視窗的右邊,可在<ToolPad>→NSTOOLPAD→<Counter Select>圖示→[Counter Select]的介面。








klipsch reference premiere 中文手册 - 外观和包装检查说明书

klipsch reference premiere 中文手册 - 外观和包装检查说明书

REFERENCE PREMIERE SUBWOOFERSRP-1000SW RP-1200SW RP-1400SW RP-1600SWWe want your new speaker system to look as good as it did leaving the factory! Please check promptly for any transit damage. Carefully unpack your new speaker system and verify the components against the packing list. In extreme circumstances, items may have become damaged in transit. If any damage is discovered, notify the delivery service and dealer where the system was purchased. Make a request for inspection, and follow their instructions for evaluation. Be sure to keep the product’s original shipping carton.INSPECTIONCONNECTIONS AND CONTROLSCAUTION: Ensure that the subwoofer is unplugged from the AC wall outletbefore making any connections.“LINE IN” Connection - Most of today’s surround receivers (and pre-amplifiers) have a line level subwoofer output labeled Subwoofer Pre Out, Sub Out, SW Out, etc. If you have this output, connect one end of a subwoofer cable to it and connect the other end of the cable into the subwoofer line input labeled L/LFE. This connection allows the subwoofer to operate with both music and surround sound movies (refer to your receiver manual). In absence of a subwoofer output on your receiver, as an alternative hookup, you can connect Left and Right channel Pre-Amp Outputs from your receiver (if provided) to the L/LFE and R inputs on the subwoofer.WA-2 Port Connection - For wireless connectivity of your new Klipsch Reference Premiere subwoofer, the optional WA-2 Wireless subwoofer kit is available. The WA-2 will only operate with select Klipsch, Energy, Mirage and Jamo brand subwoofers that have a “WA Port” input. The WA-2 is a 2.4 GHz product designed to wirelessly transmit a signal up to a 50 foot radius. See for more details.Level - If your subwoofer is connected to a Subwoofer Output of a surround receiver, first set the subwoofer volume level control in the receiver to the “half way” or “0 dB” position. Then increase the volume (or gain) of the subwoofer up until the subwoofer’s volume level matches the output of your main speakers. After this setup is completed, the volume control on your system’s main amplifier or pre-amplifier will be the volume control for both your subwoofer and speakers together. If your subwoofer is connected to the L/R Pre-Amp Outputs of a receiver there will be no subwoofer volume in that receiver to set before setting the subwoofer’s gain control.“LOWPASS” Control - The crossover point chosen determines where low bass frequencies are “handed off” from the speakers to the subwoofer. If setting the crossover point in the receiver, turn the Lowpass Filter knob on the subwoofer to the farthest point right (160Hz). Set the crossover point based on the size of the main left/right speakers you are using in the system. As a general rule, for larger, floorstanding speakers, set the crossover point between 50Hz-90Hz. If using small bookshelf or “satellite” speakers forthe mains, set the crossover point between 90Hz-150Hz. The smaller the speaker, the higher the setting until the bass frequencies blend well between the speakers and your subwoofer once your system is completely hooked up. If your receiver does not have a crossover point setting, set the Lowpass Filter on the subwoofer instead within the same recommended settings (see receiver manual for additional speaker setup info).“PHASE” 0/180 - This control is used to acoustically match the subwoofer’s output to your main speakers. Select the position, either 0° or 180°, in which your subwoofer has more output at the listening position.“POWER” AUTO/ON/OFF - When this switch is in the “ON/AUTO/STANDBY” position, the subwoofer will automatically turn “on” when it senses a signal. It will automatically go into “standby mode” after 15-20 minutes with no signal. When this switch is in the “OFF” position, the subwoofer will remain “off” until the switch is manually turned back to the “ON/AUTO/STANDBY” position. Power LED indicator - Located on the front baffle, this LED indicates the operating status of the built-in amplifier. The LED will light green whenthe amplifier is on and receiving a signal. If the LED is dark and not lit, the amplifier is off. For more information on the controls mentioned in this manual and on bass management, see your dealer or visit Your subwoofer has a durable vinyl finish that should only requiredry dusting or cleaning with a dry cloth. Avoid the use of abrasive orsolvent-based cleaners and harsh detergents. The brush attachment ofyour vacuum should remove any dust from your subwoofer enclosure.CARE AND CLEANINGRegister your product online at /register • Keep up-to-date on new products and promotions.• Your personal information will never be resold.• This registration information is not used forwarranty purposes.Please retain your receipt for warranty claims.PRODUCT REGISTRATIONCAISSONS DE GRAVES REFERENCE PREMIERENous voulons que votre nouvelle enceinte soit aussi belle qu’à sa sortie de l’usine ! Veuillez vérifier sans attendre qu’elle n’a pas été endommagée lors du transport. Déballez soigneusement votre nouvelle enceinte et vérifiez que les composants correspondent à la liste fournie. Dans des cas extrêmes, il est possible que des articles aient été endommagés au cours du transport.Si tel est le cas, avisez le livreur et le revendeur auprès duquel vous avez acheté le système. Faites une demande d’inspection, et suivez leurs instructions pour l’évaluation. Veillez à conserver le carton d’emballage d’origine du produit.INSPECTIONRP-1000SW RP-1200SW RP-1400SW RP-1600SWBRANCHEMENTS ET RÉGLAGESATTENTION : Veillez à ce que le caisson de graves soit débranché de la prise murale avant d’effectuer tout raccordement.Branchement d’entrée ligne (« LINE IN ») - La plupart des récepteurs(et préamplificateurs) surround d’aujourd’hui ont une sortie de niveau depréamplification pour caisson de graves intitulée Subwoofer Pre Out, Sub Out, SW Out, etc. Si vous disposez de cette sortie, branchez-y une extrémité d’un câble pour caisson de graves, et insérez l’autre extrémité du câble dans l’entrée de ligne du caisson de graves intitulée L/LFE. Ce branchement permet au caissonde graves de fonctionner aussi bien avec de la musique qu’avec des films en son surround (reportez-vous au manuel de votre récepteur). En l’absence d’une sortie pour caisson de graves sur votre récepteur, vous pouvez raccorder les sortiespréamplifiées des voies de gauche et de droite de votre récepteur (si disponibles) aux entrées L/LFE (Gauche/LFE) et R (Droite) du caisson de graves.Branchement au port WA-2 - Pour une connectivité sans fil de votre nouveau caisson de graves Klipsch Reference Premiere, le WA-2 est disponible en option. Le WA-2 fonctionnera uniquement avec certains caissons de graves de marque Klipsch, Energy, Mirage ou Jamo qui disposent d’une entrée intitulée « WA Port ». Le WA-2 est un produit de 2,4 GHz conçu pour transmettre un signal sans fil dans un rayon de 15 mètres. Consultez pour plus de détails.Réglage du gain (« LEVEL ») - Si votre caisson de graves est connecté à la sortie « Subwoofer » d’un récepteur surround, réglez d’abord le volume du caisson de graves sur la position « médiane » ou « 0 dB » du récepteur. Ensuite, augmentez le volume (ou le gain) du caisson de graves jusqu’à ce que la puissance sonore diffusée par le caisson de graves corresponde à celle de vos enceintes principales. Une fois ce réglage terminé, le bouton de volume de l’amplificateur ou dupréamplificateur de votre système assurera à la fois le réglage du volume de votre caisson de graves et de vos enceintes. Si votre caisson de graves est connecté aux sorties préamplifiées gauche/droite (L/R) d’un récepteur ou branché via la connexion à haut niveau aux bornes d’enceintes du récepteur, aucun réglage de volume du caisson de graves n’est nécessaire au niveau de ce récepteur avant de régler le contrôle de gain du caisson de graves. Réglage du filtre passe-bas (« LOWPASS ») - La fréquence de coupure choisiedétermine le point auquel les basses fréquences sont « transférées » des enceintes au caisson de graves. Pour régler la fréquence de coupure à partir du récepteur, tournez le bouton du filtre passe-bas (Lowpass Filter) du caisson de graves au maximum vers la droite (160 Hz). Réglez la fréquence de coupure en fonction dela taille des enceintes gauche/droite principales que vous utilisez avec le système. En règle générale, pour des enceintes de grande taille, de type colonne, réglezla fréquence de coupure entre 50 et 90 Hz. Si vous utilisez comme enceintes principales des enceintes de type bibliothèque ou satellite, réglez la fréquencede coupure entre 90 et 150 Hz. Plus l’enceinte est petite, plus le réglage doit être élevé pour que les basses fréquences se complètent harmonieusement entre les enceintes et votre caisson de graves une fois votre système entièrement installé. Si votre récepteur ne dispose pas d’un réglage de fréquence de coupure, réglezle filtre passe-bas (Lowpass Filter) du caisson de graves en suivant les mêmes recommandations (consultez le manuel du récepteur pour des renseignements supplémentaires concernant l’installation des enceintes).« PHASE » 0/180 - Ce réglage est utilisé pour ajuster le niveau acoustique du caisson de graves à vos enceintes principales. Sélectionnez la position (0° ou 180°) pour laquelle votre caisson de graves produit davantage de puissance à la position d’écoute.MISE SOUS TENSION (« POWER ») AUTO/ON/OFF - Lorsque ce commutateur est en position « ON », le caisson de graves reste en permanence sous tension. Lorsque ce commutateur est en position « AUTO », le caisson de graves se met automatiquement en marche dès la détection d’un signal. Il passe en mode veilleaprès 15-20 minutes sans signal. Lorsque le commutateur est en position « OFF »,le caisson de graves reste éteint tant que l’interrupteur d’alimentation est en position « ON » ou « AUTO » ou « STANDBY »Témoin de mise sous tension - Situé sur le baffle avant, ce témoin indique l’état opérationnel de l’amplificateur intégré. Le témoin est allumé en vert lorsquel’amplificateur est sous tension et reçoit un signal. Si le témoin n’est pas allumé,l’amplificateur est hors tension. Pour plus de renseignements sur les réglages mentionnés dans ce manuel et sur la gestion des graves, adressez-vous à votre revendeur ou consultez La finition vinyle résistante de votre caisson de graves ne nécessite qu’un dépoussiérage ou un nettoyage au chiffon sec. Évitez d’utiliser des produits de nettoyage abrasifs ou à base de solvant ainsi que des détergents agressifs. La brosse de votre aspirateur devrait être suffisante pour nettoyer la poussière de votre caisson de graves.ENTRETIEN ET NETTOYAGEEnregistrez votre produit en ligne à /register • Restez informé des nouveaux produits et des promotions.• Vos informations personnelles ne seront jamais revendues.• Ces informations d’enregistrement ne sont pas utilisées à des fins de garantie.Veuillez conserver votre reçu pour toute réclamation au titre de la garantie.ENREGISTREMENT DU PRODUITREFERENCE PREMIERE-SUBWOOFERWir wollen sicherstellen, dass Ihr neues Lautsprechersystem fabrikneu aussieht! Prüfen Sie bitte gleich, ob etwaige Transportschäden vorliegen. Packen Sie Ihr neues Lautsprechersystem sorgfältigaus und vergleichen Sie die Komponenten mit der Packliste. In Extremfällen könnten Teile während des Transports beschädigt worden sein.Falls Schäden festgestellt werden, müssen Sie die Speditionund den Fachhändler benachrichtigen, bei dem Sie das System gekauft haben. Verlangen Sie eine Inspektion und folgen Sie den Bewertungsanweisungen. Werfen Sie den Lieferkarton des Produkts nicht weg.INSPEKTIONRP-1000SW RP-1200SW RP-1400SW RP-1600SWANSCHLÜSSE UND REGLERACHTUNG: Stellen Sie vor der Herstellung von Anschlüssen sicher, dass der Subwoofer nicht an eine Steckdose angeschlossen ist.…LINE IN“-Anschluss – Heutzutage verfügen die meisten Surround-Receiver (und Vorverstärker) über einen Line-Level-Subwooferausgang, der als Subwoofer Pre Out, Sub Out, SW Out etc. bezeichnet wird. Wenn dieser Ausgang vorhanden ist, verbinden Sie ein Ende des Subwooferkabels damit und das andere Ende des Kabels an den Subwoofereingang L/LFE. Dadurch kann Ihr Subwoofer sowohl für Musik als auch Surroundsound-Filme eingesetzt werden (nähere Hinweise finden Sie im Handbuch Ihres Receivers). Falls Ihr Receiver keinen Subwooferausgang besitzt, können Sie auch die linken und rechten Vorverstärkerausgänge des Receivers (falls vorhanden) mit dem L/LFE- und R Eingang am Subwoofer verbinden.Anschluss über WA-2-Port - Für den drahtlosen Anschluss Ihres neuen Klipsch-Subwoofers Reference Premiere steht der optionale WA-2 zur Verfügung. Der WA-2 funktioniert nur bei bestimmten Subwoofern der Marken Klipsch, Energy, Mirage und Jamo, die einen als …WA Port“ markierten Eingang besitzen. Der WA-2 ist ein 2,4-GHz-Produkt, das problemlos ein drahtloses Signal in einem Radius von bis zu 15 m ausstrahlt. Weitere Details finden Sie auf .Verstärkungsregler (LEVEL) – Wenn Ihr Subwoofer an den Subwooferausgang eines Surroundsound-Receivers angeschlossen ist, stellen Sie den Subwooferlautstärkeregler des Receivers zunächst auf die mittlere (0 dB) Position. Dann erhöhen Sie die Lautstärke (oder den Verstärkungsfaktor) des Subwoofers, bis der Lautstärkepegel des Subwoofers dem Ihrer Hauptlautsprecher entspricht. Nach Beendigung der Anpassung dient der Lautstärkeregler am Hauptverstärker Ihres Systems bzw. am Vorverstärker als gemeinsamer Lautstärkeregler für den Subwoofer und die Lautsprecher. Wenn Ihr Subwoofer an die linken und rechten Vorverstärkerausgänge eines Receivers angeschlossen ist oder wenn er über die High-Level-Verbindung an die Lautsprecherterminals des Receivers angeschlossen ist, muss am Receiver keine Subwooferlautstärke eingestellt werden, bevor der Verstärkungsfaktor des Subwoofers eingestellt wird. …LOWPASS“ (Tiefpass) – Der gewählte Crossover-Punkt bestimmt, wanntiefe Bassfrequenzen von den Lautsprechern an den Subwoofer …übergeben“ werden. Wenn Sie den Crossover-Punkt am Receiver einstellen, drehen Sie den Tiefpassfilter-Regler am Subwoofer ganz nach rechts (160 Hz). Stellen Sie den Crossover-Punkt entsprechend der Größe der im System verwendeten linken/ rechten Hauptlautsprecher ein. Als Faustregel gilt, dass man bei größeren Standlautsprechern den Crossover-Punkt zwischen 50 und 90 Hz einstellt. Wenn Sie kleinere Regallautsprecher oder Satellitenlautsprecher als Hauptlautsprecher verwenden, stellen Sie den Crossover-Punkt zwischen 90 und 150 Hz ein. Je kleiner der Lautsprecher, desto höher die Einstellung, bis die Bassfrequenzen nach der kompletten Einrichtung Ihres Systems nahtlos zwischen Lautsprechern und Subwoofer übergehen. Wenn Ihr Receiver keine Einstellung für den Crossover-Punkt besitzt, stellen Sie stattdessen den Tiefpassfilter am Subwoofer im Rahmen der gleichen empfohlenen Einstellungen ein (weitere Informationen zum Einrichten der Lautsprecher finden Sie im Handbuch des Receivers).…PHASE“ 0/180 – Mit diesem Regler passen Sie die Ausgabe Ihres Subwoofers akustisch an die Hauptlautsprecher an. Wählen Sie die Position (0° oder 180°), in der der Subwoofer an der Hörposition lauter klingt.…POWER“ AUTO/ON/OFF – Wenn der Schalter auf …ON/AUTO/STANDBY”steht, schaltet sich der Subwoofer bei Entdeckung eines Signals automatisch ein. Wenn kein Signal vorhanden ist, schaltet er in den Standby-Modus nach 20 Minuten automatisch. Wenn dieser Schalter auf …OFF“ steht, bleibt der Subwoofer ausgeschaltet, wenn der Netzschalter in der Position …OFF“ ist.LED-Netzanzeige – Diese LED an der vorderen Schallwand zeigt den Betriebsstatus des eingebauten Verstärkers. Die LED leuchtet grün auf, wenn der Verstärker eingeschaltet ist und ein Signal empfängt. Wenn die LED gar nicht aufleuchtet, ist der Verstärker ausgeschaltet. Weitere Informationen über die in diesem Handbuch erwähnten Regler und das Bass-Management können Sie von Ihrem Fachhändler oder auf erhalten.Ihr Subwoofer verfügt über eine dauerhafte Vinyl-Oberfläche, die nur mit einem trockenen Tuch abgestaubt oder gereinigt werden muss. Verwenden Sie keine Scheuer- oder Lösungsmittel oder scharfen Reinigungsmittel. Sie können Staub auf dem Subwoofergehäuse mit dem Bürstenaufsatz eines Staubsaugers entfernen.PFLEGE UND REINIGUNGRegistrieren Sie Ihr Produkt online unter /register • Dadurch werden Sie über neue Produkte und Sonderangebote informiert.• Ihre personenbezogenen Daten werden nie verkauft.• Diese Registrierungsdaten werden nicht zu Garantiezwecken verwendet.Bewahren Sie bitte Ihre Quittung auf, um die Garantie in Anspruch nehmen zu können.PRODUKTREGISTRIERUNGSUBWOOFERS REFERENCE PREMIEREDeseamos que su nuevo sistema de altavoces se vea tan bien como se veía cuando salió de la fábrica. Vea rápidamente si se han producido daños durante el transporte. Desempaque cuidadosamente sunuevo sistema de altavoces y vea si en el paquete vienen todos los componentes indicados en la lista de empaque. En circunstancias extremas, es posible que algunas piezas o componentes se hayan dañado en tránsito. Si descubre daños, notifique al servicio de entregas y al minorista donde compró el sistema. Solicite una inspección y siga las instrucciones de evaluación. Conserve la caja de cartón original de envío del producto.INSPECCIÓNRP-1000SW RP-1200SW RP-1400SW RP-1600SWCONEXIONES Y CONTROLESPRECAUCIÓN: Desenchufe el subwoofer del enchufe de corriente alterna de la pared antes de hacer conexiones.Conexión de entrada de línea (LINE IN). La mayoría de los receptores (y preamplificadores) surround de hoy en día tienen una salida de subwoofer de nivel de línea que dice Subwoofer Pre Out, Sub Out, SW Out, etc. Si su receptor (o preamplificador) tiene esta salida, conéctele un extremo de un cable de subwoofer y conecte el otro extremo del cable a la entrada de línea del subwoofer que diceL/LFE. Esta conexión le permite al subwoofer funcionar con música y películas de sonido surround (consulte el manual del receptor). Si no hay salida de subwoofer en el receptor, puede conectar alternativamente salidas de preamplificación de canal izquierdo y canal derecho desde el receptor (si las tiene) a la entrada R y la entrada L/LFE del subwoofer.Conexión de Puerto WA-2. Para propósitos de conectividad inalámbrica, su nuevo subwoofer Reference Premiere de Klipsch tiene WA-2 opcional. El WA-2 funciona sólo con ciertos subwoofers marca Klipsch, Energy, Mirage y Jamo con entrada de “puerto WA” en el panel trasero del amplificador (consulte el manual del propietario del subwoofer). El WA-2 es un producto de 2.4 GHz diseñado para transmitir una señal inalámbrica de 50 pies (15 m) de alcance radial.Hay más detalles en .Control de volumen (LEVEL). Si el subwoofer está conectado a la salida de subwoofer de un receptor surround, ponga primero el control de volumen del subwoofer del receptor “a la mitad” o en la posición “0 dB”. Luego aumente el volumen (es decir, la amplificación) del subwoofer hasta que corresponda a la salida de los altavoces principales. Después de hacer esta configuración, el control de volumen del amplificador o preamplificador principal del sistema será el control de volumen común del subwoofer y de los altavoces. Si el subwoofer está conectado a las salidas de preamplificación izquierda y derecha de un receptor, o está cableado a través de la conexión de alto nivel a las terminales de altavoz del receptor, en ese receptor no será necesario fijar el volumen de subwoofer antes de configurar el control de volumen del subwoofer.Control de pasabajas (LOWPASS). El punto de crossover determina el límite superior de las frecuencias que se pasan de los altavoces al subwoofer. Si se vaa fijar el punto de crossover en el receptor, gire la perilla del filtro de pasabajas del subwoofer al máximo a la derecha (160 Hz). Fije el punto de crossoversegún el tamaño de los altavoces principales izquierdo y derecho que tengael sistema. Como regla general, para altavoces grandes, de piso, fije el puntode crossover entre 50 Hz y 90 Hz. Si los altavoces principales son altavoces pequeños o altavoces satélite, fije el punto de crossover entre 90 Hz y 150 Hz. Mientras más pequeño sea el altavoz, más alto debe ser el ajuste hasta quelas frecuencias de bajos se combinen bien entre los altavoces y el subwooferuna vez que el sistema quede completamente cableado. Si el receptor no tiene ajuste del punto de crossover, fije el filtro de pasabajas del subwoofer según las mismas configuraciones recomendadas (consulte el manual del receptor si desea información adicional de configuración de altavoces).Fase (PHASE) 0/180. Este control se utiliza para hacer corresponderacústicamente la salida del subwoofer con la de los altavoces principales. Seleccione la posición, 0° o 180°, en la cual el subwoofer tenga el mayor rendimiento de bajos en la posición de audición.ENCENDIDO Y APAGADO (POWER ON/OFF). Cuando este interruptor estáen la posición ON/AUTO/STANDBY, el subwoofer se enciende automáticamenteal detectar una señal. Si pasan más de 20 minutos sin señal, el subwoofer entra automáticamente en modo de espera. Cuando este interruptor está en la posición OFF, el subwoofer permanece apagado mientras el interruptor de encendido y apagado (POWER ON/OFF) esté en la posición de apagado (OFF).Indicador LED de alimentación. Este LED está ubicado en el bafle delantero del subwoofer e indica el estado de funcionamiento del amplificador integrado. El LED se ilumina de color verde cuando el amplificador está encendido y recibiendo una señal. Si el LED está oscuro, no iluminado, el amplificador está apagado. Para obtener más información sobre los controles mencionados en este manual y sobre procesamiento de bajos, vea a su distribuidor o vaya a El subwoofer tiene un acabado de vinilo resistente que solamente requiere quitarle el polvo o limpiarlo con un paño seco. Evite losdetergentes fuertes y los limpiadores abrasivos o a base de solvente. El accesorio de cepillo de la aspiradora sirve para quitarle el polvo a la caja del subwoofer .CUIDADO Y LIMPIEZARegistre su producto en línea en /register• Klipsch lo mantendrá al día sobre nuevos productos y promociones.• Sus datos personales no se venderán nunca.• Esta información de registro no se utiliza para propósitos de garantía.Conserve su recibo para hacer las reclamaciones de garantía.REGISTRO DEL PRODUCTOSUBWOOFERS REFERENCE PREMIEREQueremos que seu novo sistema de caixas acústicas tenha sempre a aparência de novo! Por isso, inspecione-o imediatamente para verificar se sofreu algum dano durante o transporte. Desembale com cuidado o novo sistema de caixas acústicas e verifique se foram enviados todos os componentes descritos na lista. Em circunstâncias extremas, alguns componentes podem sofrer danos durante o transporte. Nesse caso, avise a transportadora e o revendedor onde o sistema foi adquirido. Faça um pedido de inspeção e siga as instruções recebidas para avaliar os danos. Não descarte a caixa original utilizada para transportar o produto.INSPEÇÃORP-1000SW RP-1200SW RP-1400SW RP-1600SWCONEXÕES E CONTROLESCUIDADO: Certifique-se de que o subwoofer esteja desconectado da tomada antes de fazer qualquer conexão.Conexão “LINE IN” – A maioria dos receivers (e pré-amplificadores) surround atuais tem uma saída de subwoofer de nível de linha identificada com os dizeres Subwoofer Pre Out, Sub Out, SW Out, etc. Se o aparelho tiver este tipo desaída, conecte uma extremidade do cabo de subwoofer nela e conecte a outra extremidade na entrada de linha do subwoofer marcada L/LFE. Esta conexão permite que o subwoofer seja usado para reproduzir trilhas sonoras musicais ede filmes com som surround (consulte o manual do receiver). Como alternativa de conexão, se o receiver não tiver uma saída para subwoofer, é possível conectar as saídas dos canais esquerdo (Left) e direito (Right) para pré-amplificador do receiver (se existirem) à entrada esquerda L/LFE e R (Right) do subwoofer.Conexão da porta WA-2 - Para conectar o novo subwoofer Klipsch Reference Premiere sem fios, use o kit WA-2 opcional. O WA-2 só funciona com subwoofers específicos das marcas Klipsch, Energy, Mirage e Jamo que têm uma entrada “WA Port” (Porta WA). O WA-2 é um produto de 2,4 GHz projetado para transmitir sinais sem fio em um raio de até 15 metros. Acesse o site para obter mais detalhes.Controle “LEVEL” – Se o subwoofer estiver conectado a uma saída para subwoofer de um receiver surround, ajuste primeiro o controle do volume do subwoofer no receiver para “metade”, ou seja, posição de “0 dB”. Em seguida, aumente o volume (ou ganho) do subwoofer até que o nível de volume do subwoofer corresponda à saída das caixas acústicas principais. Depois de completar este ajuste, o controle do volume no amplificador principal do sistema ou do pré-amplificador controlará o volume do subwoofer e das caixas acústicas. Se o subwoofer estiver conectado às saídas de pré-amplificador esquerda/direita de um receiver ou estiver conectado através da conexão High-Level dos terminais de caixas acústicas do receiver, não será necessário fazer qualquer ajuste no volume do subwoofer no receiver antes de ajustar o controle de ganho do subwoofer. Controle “LOWPASS” – O ponto de crossover escolhido determina onde asfrequências passa baixas são “transferidas” das caixas acústicas para o subwoofer. Se for ajustar o ponto de crossover no receiver, gire o botão de controle do filtro passa baixas (Lowpass) todo para a direita (160 Hz). Ajuste o ponto de crossover com base no tamanho das caixas acústicas principais esquerda/direita usadas no sistema. Como regra geral, para caixas acústicas de piso maiores, ajuste o ponto de crossover entre 50 e 90 Hz. Se estiver usando caixas acústicas de estante ou “satélite” como unidades principais, ajuste o ponto de crossover entre 90 e 150 Hz. Quanto menor a caixa acústica, maior o ajuste, até haver uma boa combinação das frequências mais baixas (graves) entre as caixas acústicas e o subwoofer quando todas as conexões do sistema estiverem feitas. Se o receiver não tiver um controle de ajuste do ponto de crossover, ajuste o filtro passa baixas (Lowpass) do subwoofer com os mesmos níveis recomendados (consulte o manual do receiver para obter mais informações de configuração das caixas acústicas).“PHASE” 0/180 – Este controle é usado para estabelecer a correlação acústica entre a saída do subwoofer e a das caixas acústicas principais. Selecione a posição, 0° ou 180°, na qual o subwoofer tem melhor reprodução na posição ocupada pelo ouvinte.“POWER” AUTO/ON/OFF - Quando esta chave está na posição “ON/AUTO/ STANDBY”, o subwoofer liga automaticamente quando detecta um sinal e muda para o modo de espera automaticamente após 20 minutos de ausência de sinal. Quando esta chave está na posição “OFF”, o subwoofer fica desligado enquanto a chave “POWER” ON/OFF estiver na posição “OFF”.LED indicador de ativação - Localizado no sonofletor frontal, este LED indicao estado de funcionamento do amplificador integrado. O LED fica verde quandoo amplificador está ligado e recebendo um sinal. Se o LED estiver apagado, isto indica que o amplificador está desligado. Para obter mais informações sobre os controles mencionados neste manual e sobre os ajustes de controle de graves, consulte o revendedor ou acesse o site 。















Beckman CX 简明操作手册

Beckman CX 简明操作手册

Beckman CX 简明操作手册(转载)操作程序一、开机、关机1.1.开机1.1.1打开辅助设备(水机、稳压电源)。



1.1.4打开仪器下部右前方处的二个总开关1.2关机主屏幕下按IDLE键- Y- F4(RESUME)- Y- PREVSCREEN- <1>SHUTDOWN THE CX COUNSOLE。


附:*特殊键简介MASTER SCREEN:从本菜单返回至主菜单PREV SCREEN:从本菜单返回上一层菜单HOME:将机械装置恢复到原位IDLE:使仪器进入休眠状态STOP:紧急停机(立即停止一切测试)PAGE UP/DOWN:对多于一屏幕的内容进行上或下的翻页查阅PRINT SCREEN:打印目前的屏幕ALARM STATUS:仪器错误时所发警报声的消除START:开始化学分析CLEAR:清除当前所编辑内容SELECT:挑选所需选择,以大背景框表示确认,原位重复一则取消选择二、试剂准备2.1电解质部分装载(ISE LDAD):因电解质部分的试剂量较大,由2升或500ML的瓶进行贮存并且仪器会定时对电解质部分进行冲洗,故试剂无液面测试,因此仪器在对此部分的试剂采用自动计算消耗量,以(%)表示,其步骤如下:从主屏幕按<F2>REAGENT LDAD键按<F3>ISE LDAD将光标移至所欲选择的试剂处,按<SELECT>键加上背景框,再按F1<CONTINUDE>键继续,此时背景框会一直闪烁。


仪器将新装试剂以100%表示,不是满瓶的则需按<F1>ADJUST VOLUME键手动调节试剂量。




2021ContentsCopyright,trademarks,and disclaimer3 Overview4 Introduction4 How XProtect Screen Recorder works4 Licensing5 Licensing5 Installation6 Installing and configuring on computer6 Set password7 Set port number7 Set MAC address8 Configuration10 Configuring after installing on computer10 Change password10 Change port number10 Change MAC address10 Installing on recording server11 Set frames per second/live frame rate11 Set quality11 Set capture mode11 Optimization13 Security13 Maintenance14 Uninstalling from computer14 Troubleshooting15 Troubleshooting15Copyright,trademarks,and disclaimerCopyright©2021Milestone Systems A/STrademarksXProtect is a registered trademark of Milestone Systems A/S.Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.Android is a trademark of Google Inc.All other trademarks mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective owners.DisclaimerThis text is intended for general information purposes only,and due care has been taken in its preparation. Any risk arising from the use of this information rests with the recipient,and nothing herein should be construed as constituting any kind of warranty.Milestone Systems A/S reserves the right to make adjustments without prior notification.All names of people and organizations used in the examples in this text are fictitious.Any resemblance to any actual organization or person,living or dead,is purely coincidental and unintended.This product may make use of third-party software for which specific terms and conditions may apply.When that is the case,you can find more information in the file3rd_party_software_terms_and_conditions.txt located in your Milestone system installation folder.OverviewIntroductionThis manual describes the Milestone XProtect Screen Recorder feature.It allows a Windows computer to act as an IP video camera,sending the contents of its desktop to the recording server it is connected to.The XProtect Screen Recorder feature is a small application to be installed on one or more Windows computers where you want to record desktop contents,and a camera driver included in XProtect Device Pack6.0and later versions. XProtect Screen Recorder works with all XProtect products on the following Windows platforms in both32-and 64-bit versions:l Client operating systems:Microsoft Windows8.1or newerl Server operating systems:Microsoft Windows Server2008R2or newerIn this document,when the term"recording server"is used,it refers to XProtect recording servers.How XProtect Screen Recorder worksOnce installed,XProtect Screen Recorder is automatically controlled from the startup menu of the computer where it is installed and runs in the context of the user logged into this computer.This means that XProtect Screen Recorder automatically and invisibly starts up every time the user logs in to the computer and closes down every time the user closes down.If online user-switching is done via Window's Fast User Switching feature,the XProtect Screen Recorder will continue to record in the context of the new user,however any other type of user-switching/-logging in or out will result in discontinuation of the feature.Read more about switching users without logging off onhttps:///windows-10-enable-or-disable-fast-user-switching/.This is possible because it is a service running in the background,capturing the computer’s screen at a set frame rate.It is also this service that provides the interface that your XProtect surveillance system can connect to and retrieve images from similarly as any other camera.LicensingLicensingWhen you add a screen recorder device in Management Client,you need a device license,just like with any other device.However,downloading and installing the XProtect Screen Recorder software is free of charge and you can install it as many times as required.XProtect Screen Recorder can and may only be used with Milestone software.InstallationInstalling and configuring on computerBefore you can start using the XProtect Screen Recorder feature,you must first download and install it on one or more Windows computer(s)where you want to receive desktop images.The application part of XProtect Screen Recorder consists of a Windows service and a desktop capture process. When installing the feature,you must have administrator rights to the computer you are using.Uninstalling or stopping the Windows service also requires administrator rights.Locate the file(https:///downloads/)named MilestoneXProtectScreenRecorderInstaller.exe and follow the download and installation procedure.When complete,the computer will work as an IP camera.From Management Client,you can add the XProtect Screen Recorder device,similar to adding a camera,to connect to it.Towards the end of the installation,the Milestone XProtect Screen Recorder-Administrator window appears. Address the configuration parameters below and click OK to save and finish the installation process.Set passwordIt is important that only the relevant recording server connects to and request video from a computer with XProtect Screen Recorder installed.You do this by entering a password of your choice in the text fields displayed in the illustration below.Milestone recommends that you fill in the password fields.In addition,there is no way to be reminded of the password,so it is important to remember the password.You must enter the password in Management Client on the recording server side.Set port numberFor the relevant recording server to connect to a computer with XProtect Screen Recorder installed,you must specify a Transmission Control Protocol(TCP)port.TCP ports are identified by their number.The default number is52111.If this port is already in use by another program,change it.Make sure that the selected port is open on your firewall so the recording server canconnect to it.Set MAC addressFor licensing purposes,you must also select a MAC address.You can choose between all MAC addresses available on the computer with XProtect Screen Recorder installed.1.Make a selection in the MAC address available list.2.Click Set.3.The selected MAC address is displayed in the MAC address used field.When you configure the screen recorder device in Management Client,you must provide a license key that matches the selected MAC address.ConfigurationConfiguring after installing on computerAfter installing,it possible to change all XProtect Screen Recorder configurations.This is done from the Milestone XProtect Screen Recorder-Administrator’s window which can be reached in the following way:1.Open Windows’Start menu.2.Click Milestone XProtect Screen Recorder Administrator.3.Confirm that the XProtect Screen Recorder is allowed to make changes to your hard drive.Next,theXProtect Screen Recorder-Administrator’s window will open.4.From the left-hand menu of the window,click Password,Port Number or MAC Address(depending onwhat you want to do).Change password1.In the Administrator’s window,on the Password tab,move focus to either text field to clear them both.2.Next,click OK to delete the old password(you will be presented with a warning).3.Enter a new password and click OK.This saves changes and restarts the XProtect Screen Recorder.4.Close the window.Change port number1.In the Administrator’s window,go to the Port Number tab.2.Fill in the port number(see Set port number on page7).3.When done,click OK.This saves changes and restarts the XProtect Screen Recorder.4.Close the window.Change MAC addressMAC addresses relate to hardware.If you change your network adapter,the selected MAC address may no longer be available.You must then select another valid address.This also requires that you enter a new license on the recording server side.1.In the Administrator’s window,go to the MAC Address tab.2.Set the MAC addresses(see Set MAC address on page8).3.When done,click OK.This saves changes and restarts the XProtect Screen Recorder.4.Close the window.Installing on recording serverIn Management Client,you must add a screen recorder device that connects to the XProtect Screen Recorder service.It is added and configured like any other IP video camera(see relevant documentation of your surveillance system for details on how to add and configure a camera).When you add a screen recorder device,the user name must be videoos and the device type Screen Recorder.A screen recorder device has the following configurable parameters:l Frames per second/live frame ratel Qualityl Capture modeWhen adding a screen recorder device,you must provide the IP address of the device.Inthis case,the device is a computer.But when adding a device of the Screen Recorder type,you may be in a situation where the computer does not have a permanent IP address.Inthat case,you can use the Domain Name System(DNS)name of the computer.Set frames per second/live frame rateFrames per second in XProtect Corporate/Live frame rate in other Milestone surveillance products.A low frame rate is recommended because high frame rates may cause heavy CPU usage on the computer with XProtect Screen Recorder installed.For this reason,the XProtect Screen Recorder feature never yields more than4frames per second.Two frames per second offers a nice impression of screen activity and causesapproximately5-8%extra CPU usage on an average Windows7computer anno2010.Thus,2or3frames per second is the recommended daily setting.Set qualityVideo frames are sent to the recording server as a series of JPEGs.It is possible to lower network and storage consumption by configuring a lower quality.However,this will result in a more blurred image.The effective valid range is0(poorest quality)to100(best quality).Default is75,which reduces the amount of data nicely without reducing the visual quality too much.However,the JPEG algorithm is not optimized for computer images with many rectangles.So even with a high quality you will still observe glitches around straight lines.Set capture modeWith regards to capture mode,there is a choice of:l Primary screen only:the primary screen onlyl All screens(if there is more than one screen):a mosaic of all screens setup for the computer in question l Screen1,Screen2,etc.(if there is more than one screen):The selected screen onlyOptimizationSecurityAs mentioned earlier,XProtect Screen Recorder’s recording process is controlled from the computer startup menu and runs in the context of the logged in user.This means that the user can use the Windows Task Manager to shut down the process.To prevent that,Windows must be configured so that the user has no access to Windows Task Manager or other programs with similar capabilities.Disabling XProtect Screen Recorder results in the device connecting to the XProtect Screen Recorder service showing a red screen with a cross over it.The TCP based protocol used between the recording server and the computer withXProtect Screen Recorder installed utilizes Digest Authentication(RFC7616)with SHA256as a hashing algorithm.The risk of other products intercepting a desktop is thereforeminimal,but you are urged to define a password in the Milestone XProtect ScreenRecorder-Administrator’s window.MaintenanceUninstalling from computerThe following procedure describes standard system component removal in recentWindows versions;the procedure may be slightly different in older Windows versions.1.In Windows'Start menu,select Control Panel,and:l If using Category view,find the Programs category,and click Uninstall a programl If using Small icons or Large icons view,select Programs and Features2.In the list of currently installed programs,right-click the required Milestone program or service.3.Select Uninstall if you wish to uninstall all components.Select Change if you only wish to uninstall somecomponents.4.Follow the removal instructions.TroubleshootingTroubleshootingA problem which may occur with XProtect Screen Recorder is that the recording server and the computer with XProtect Screen Recorder installed cannot connect.These are probable causes:l The configured TCP port is not open on the firewall that the XProtect Screen Recorder is installed on.Or if communication runs through a router,the router may also have a firewall that causes problemsl The IP address defined on the recording server is different from the IP address on the computer withXProtect Screen Recorder installedl The IP port defined on the recording server is different from the one configured on the computer with XProtect Screen Recorder installedl The password defined on the recording server is different from the one configured on the computer with XProtect Screen Recorder installedl The Device Pack and XProtect Screen Recorder versions are incompatibleXProtect2019R3includes Device Pack10.5.Connection will fail if you are runningDevice Pack10.4(or earlier)and using the XProtect Screen Recorder version2019R3(or later).To investigate other problem scenarios,you can enable the tracing of relevant desktop recordings:1.In Windows Explorer,in the directory:%PROGRAMFILES%\Milestone\XProtect Screen Recorder,locate an editor,for example,Microsoft©Notepad,change the value of the attribute"Log"to"yes"asillustrated below:<?xml version="1.0"?><configuration><startup><supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727"/></startup><appSettings><add key="Log"value="yes"/></appSettings></configuration>4.Save the file under the same name and in the same location.5.Start Milestone XProtect Screen Recorder Administrator(see Configuring after installing on computer onpage10).6.Click OK to restart XProtect Screen Recorder.Logging is now enabled.7.In the AllUsers ProgramData folder,in the subdirectory:Milestone\XProtect Screen Recorder,two logfiles are now available:Servicelog.txt and Desktoplog.txt.l Servicelog.txt is a log of all network traffic and communication between the recording server andthe computer with XProtect Screen Recorder installedl Desktoplog.txt is a log of the process running on the computer with XProtect Screen Recorderinstalled,capturing desktop images and sending them to the Windows service as JPEG images 8.To avoid that the two log files grow extensively,it is important to reset the"Log"attribute to"no"whendone.See step2.9.Restart Milestone XProtect Screen Recorder Administrator(see Configuring after installing on computeron page10).open platform video management software;technology that helps assets and increase business estone Systemscollaboration and innovation in the development and use of scalable solutions that are proven in more than 150,000sitesis a stand-alone company in the Canon Group.For more *************************。

耶格MasterScreen Pneumo 配置清单

耶格MasterScreen Pneumo 配置清单
德国耶格公司MasterScreen Pneumo肺功能仪配置报价
Order No.
MasterScreen Pneumo - PC
RS 2ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้2通讯接口
1)通气功能和慢肺活量检查VT潮气量;BF呼吸频率;VC MAX最大肺活量;FVC用力肺活量;FEV1;FEV2二秒量;FEV3三秒量;FEV1%VC一秒率;FEV*30; FEV1%F; FEV3%F; MEF25/50/75; FEV3%VC;MV通气量;MMEF; IC深吸气量,ERV补呼气量;IRV补吸气量;PIF吸气峰值流速;PEF呼气峰值流速;VC IN吸气肺活量;VC EX呼气肺活量;MVV最大通气量等约七十余种参数……

Jaeger MasterScreen

Jaeger MasterScreen

Jaeger MasterScreen™ PFT System完备的肺功能测试系统具有常规通气、一口气弥散、和重呼吸残气弥散测试功能,高质量的流速传感器和实时快速气体分析器,强大的专业软件,模块化设计,可选配激发试验、IOS、阻力、呼吸力学测定等多种选件,更有创新的一氧化氮膜弥散和快速的内呼吸弥散可选。


∙MasterScreen 系列使用国际公认高精度、长寿命的压差式筛网传感器。




∙MasterScreen 特有的一口气法和重复呼吸法弥散测试工具更有效地帮助患有肺纤维化或肺气肿的病人配合医生的诊断和病历管理。

∙MasterScreen 可使用一口气法测试,整个测试过程不到一分钟,即可得到弥散、残气、功能残气和肺总量等生理参数。



∙我们为用户提供全线产品的肺功能测试系统,包括应用于新生儿及婴幼儿的MasterScreen Pediatrics及Babybody (0-3岁)。

∙MasterScreen PFT系统使用独有的JLab软件数据包,可将用户的珍贵数据共享在下一代SentrySuite 肺功能软件中。

∙APS pro药物激发试验选件,是为用户提供定量喷射式雾化药物颗粒的激发试验设备,喷射药物计量由计算机控制,精准无误。





















2017 Shenzhen Kingpool Technologies Co., Ltd 及其授权方。版权所有 本软件和软件手册及相关文档的版权及其他权利都归深圳市精浦科技有限公司所有并保留一切权利。除 了深圳市精浦科技有限公司授权许可协议所提供的明确书面许可外,拥有本软件和软件手册及相关文档 并不赋予您任何有关这些专利、版权或其他知识产权的许可。 本软件及软件手册所有内容,包括文字、图片,均为原创。未经授权复制、显示、修改、使用或分发本 手册或本手册的任何部分内容都将必依法追究其法律责任。
简介..........................................................................................................................................................5 第一章 基本功能介绍..................................................................................................................................7
1.1 常见操作介绍..................................................................................................................................8 1.1.1 控件大小和位置调整..............................................................

camtasia studio 8 中文版 帮助文档 第5页 网络翻译有错误不要见怪

camtasia studio 8 中文版 帮助文档 第5页 网络翻译有错误不要见怪

屏幕独有的智能聚焦技术跟踪行动发生在你的屏幕录像。然后它产生一个视频也可以在你需 要显示的部分。Camtasia 智能集中™是理想的影片剪辑源或屏幕录像尺寸较大(例如:全屏 幕录像)你想在较小的尺寸产生最终的视频(用于 Web 或 iPod 的例子:)。
当录像在屏幕录像,智能聚焦收集有关的动作完成,光标移动的屏幕录像。智能聚焦何在录 像添加缩放和平移的动画,节省您的时间手动添加缩放和平移动画。
屏幕录制文件(。TREC)的默认记录文件格 式。专有 TechSmith 文件格式用于存储屏幕 和摄像机记录和元数据的各种流封装到一 个单一的。添加标记,使用 Camtasia 智能 集中™,或记录一个网用 Camtasia Studio 8.4 和 Mac 2.8.0 使用 Camtasia。 音频视频交错(.avi)使用 AVI 文件分享记 录 Camtasia Studio 外。您不能添加标记, 使用 Camtasia 智能集中™,捕获击键的快捷 方式,或记录一个网络摄像头与 AVI 格式。
记录一个 PowerPoint 演示文稿
视频录制:学会使用录音机:Camtasia TREC 记录文件 TREC 的 Camtasia 录音文件
Camtasia Studio 记录在一个文件格式:如 TREC 或 AVI。默认情况下,记录保存为一个 TREC 文件。
屏幕录像一个视频:你的第一个屏幕录像使用默认设置 Camtasia 屏幕录像设计简单和易于使用的从你的第一屏幕录像-点击录制按钮。屏幕录像器 中的默认设置给您一个屏幕录像文件,包括:

西蒙斯 simmons VMS 全彩变换信息可变电讯告示牌数据手册说明书

西蒙斯 simmons VMS 全彩变换信息可变电讯告示牌数据手册说明书

Simmonsigns Limited reserves the right to alter or improve this guide without prior notice.Data GuideVMS SignCONSTRUCTIONELECTRICALOPTIONSDESCRIPTIONA range of full colour VMS signs, available in portrait or landscape. Each VMS sign is capable of presenting any number of standard traffic signs, but is programmed at the factory for the customers’ specified images or free text using bmp, jpg or gif files (jpg files retain higher definition). The VMS signs are NMCS2, NTCIP, UTMC compatible and can communicate via TCP/IP, RS485 and RS232 ports. Other optional communications methods can be discussed.The signs are designed in accordance to BS EN 12966-1:2005 + A1:2009Covers Supply HangingPowerAluminium cabinet, protection class: IP65 class P2 (BS EN 12966-1:2005 + A1:2009)Front side: black lustreless polycarbonate board, P20 Red/White LED’s Sign can be configured to work at 12-220V AC 47-63 HzStandard sign railThe power consumption will vary dependent on pitch and size of screenIP 65LEDSimmonsigns Limited reserves the right to alter or improve this guide without prior notice.Data GuideVMS SignOPTIONSLIGHTING EQUIPMENTPackagingElectrical features Orientation Temperature rangeSignWooden crate as standard, flight cases can be requested.In accordance to BS EN 12966-1:2005 + A1:2009Sign can be configured to work at 12-220V (frequency 50Hz ±1% ), power consumption: max 15 W Landscape or portrait available.-40° to 60° CWide range of message setting capabilities.SignSol Ltd P a g e | 1 Version: 2.1 January © 201424hr Response Lifetime Contracts Partnership ApproachThe display is designated for presentation of practically unlimited number of standard traffic signs (according to managing needs). The sign is designed following European recommendations (SIXTHFRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY/INFRASTRUCTURE AND SAFETY/ 506716) and certified in accordance to European norms: EN 12966-1:2004E, Vertical road signs – Part 1: Variable message signs Display presents pictures of selected standard traffic signs in original shapes and colours, previously defined through project and prepared in standard picture formats (bmp, jpg, gif).Intelligent Sign SolutionsSignSol Ltd P a g e | 1 Version: 2.1 January © 201424hr Response Lifetime Contracts Partnership ApproachModel: OS –FC-64x64 The display is designated for presentation of practically unlimited number of standard traffic signs (according to managing needs). The sign is designed following European recommendations (SIXTHFRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY/INFRASTRUCTURE AND SAFETY/ 506716) and certified in accordance to European norms: EN 12966-1:2004E, Vertical road signs – Part 1: Variable message signs Display presents pictures of selected standard traffic signs in original shapes and colours, previously defined through project and prepared in standard picture formats (bmp, jpg, gif).。

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计算机虽然为标准的PC机,但主机中有与CPU主频匹配的接口卡,所以一般我们不建议轻易地为升级而更换计算机,一般计算机最低配置为:●IBM-AT的PC机,至少有一个ISA插槽(IOS和Scope例外)●一个或两个RS 232串行接口(取决于仪器配置)●CPU为奔腾300以上,至少64兆,2G或以上的硬盘●Windows95/98/Me操作系统,800x640的显示分辨率,256色的色彩,15吋或17吋VGA彩色显示器●一个CD-ROM驱动器●一个1.44M软盘驱动器●彩色喷墨打印机(应为报告中不同色彩的测量曲线)仪器的安装需要耶格技术工程师在场,仪器工作所需要的房间面积至少为2m x 2m,以方便操作人员和一名受试者。






将LAB4.5x 的安装光盘插入CD-ROM驱动器,会自动运行安装软件,当提示插入密码时,将密码盘插入软驱,整个过程全部自动完成,大约需要30分钟,其中会自动启动计算机,搜寻所有的硬件设备,配置软件设置。


开机:只要打开肺功能仪的电源总开关,隔离电源就给仪器车上的所有设备提供电源,如果所有的设备电源开关是“On ”状态,则仪器的主经过自检后,启动Windows ,出现Windows 桌面和耶格壁纸(见下图)总电源开关运行测试软件Windows 会自动运行肺功能专用软件LAB4,您也可以在Windows 桌面上用鼠标点击LAB4图标(左下图的两个图标)运行她。

首先出现“System check active ”, 这时LAB4按不同仪器的配置,自动检查接口卡、阀门、气路、各种传感器等硬件设备工作是否正常同时检查硬盘空间,提示可以继续检查的病人数量(见上图右上角窗口中):如不正常则给出错误提示,如一切正常会提示“ System check OK ”,然后自动进入工作的主菜单(见下图)。

主菜单当前界面显示的是“主程序组”(Maingroup),一般平时所有的工作程序都在“主程序组”,其他程序组还有:“数据库程序组”(Data Base),内有病人数据的删除、备份、整理等等程序。



该程序组打开时会提示“Enter password: ”,密码为“ABCD”。









进入测试程序后,各测量控制图标按钮左侧都有数字标记(见上图),这些图标分别代表键盘上的特殊功能键F1, F2….F10, 您可以直接按键盘上相应的功能键,也可以用鼠标直接点击相应的图标(单击一次)莱执行操控制。











定标是在ATP(Ambient Temperature Pressure)条件下进行的,所以在容积定标前一定要先进行“环境参数”校正。



如果是IOS请一定要把后面的终端阻力器小窗口打开,见下图终端阻力器窗口如果对MasterScreen Paed or MasterScreen Babybody的婴儿流速传感器进行校正,请按下图接好微型的定标筒(100ml),注意也要病人标记要正对定标筒,但是不能用45度弯头。


(见下图),仪器允许的最大误差是不能超出±10%,图上用的三条白色虚线分别就是-10%,0%,+10%,按翻页纽(上图红箭头所指),可以出现原始的定标曲线(见下图),:激发试验APS的流速传感器定标要注意:流速不能超过1.0 L/S!所以一定要切换到原始的定标曲线上进行,同时一定要非常缓慢地打气,使流速控制在1.0 L/S以下。


绿色过滤网每10或20个病人需更换一个,它目的主要是吸收从病人肺内呼出的激发药物颗粒,其次是限制呼气流速使之控制在0.5– 1.0升/秒内。

定标系数有:CorrEx 呼气校正系数,越接近1.0越好CorrIn 吸气校正系数,越接近1.0越好Qex 呼气打气质量(偏差),用百分比表示,合格<1.0%Qin 吸气打气质量(偏差),用百分比表示,合格<1.0%如果出现错误提示“请再次定标!”,表示仪器无法通过现有的定标,可以重新定标,如果经过多次定标还是不能通过,请首先检查流速传感器是否接好(定标系数偏小),或流速传感器脏了(定标系数偏大),需要重新清洗流速传感器。

切换测试头的方法:如果仪器配置多个测试头(如Diffusion+IOS),每个测试头都要标定,用鼠标点击工作菜单中的“Measure system”,弹出所有的测试头,然后用鼠标选择你要的测试头即可。
