(交通运输)英文交通词汇与术语释义英文交通词汇与术语释义目录A 1Arterial 1Automated Vehicle Identification (AVI) 1 Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) 1 Average Daily Traffic 1Average Weekday Daily Traffic (AWDT) 1B 2Benefit/Cost (B/C) ratio 2Bottleneck 2C 2Capacity 2Categorical Exclusion 2Central Business District (CBD)3 Changeable Message Sign (CMS) 3 Collector Distributor (CD) 3Commuter Rail (CR) 4Congestion/Demand Management (CDM) 4Congestion Management System (CMS) 4Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) improvement program 4 Congestion Pricing 4Control of Access (COA) 5Critical Movement Analysis (CMA) 5D 5Design Hour Volume (DHV) 5Directional Design Hour Volume (DDHV) 5Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) 5E 6Environmental Assessment (EA) 6Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) 6Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 6Expressway 6F 6Feasibility Study 6Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) 7Federal Transit Administration (FTA) 7Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) 7 Flexible Operational Capability 7Freeway 7Frontage road 7G8Grade 8Grade Separation 8H8High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) 8High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane 8High Speed Rail 8Highway Advisory Radio (HAR) 9Hourly Volume (HV) 9I 9Incident 9Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) 9Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS) 9Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) 9 Intermodal Transportation 10Intermodalism 10K 10K-Factor 10L 11Level Of Service (LOS) 11Light Rail Transit (LRT) or Light Rail 11M 11Major Investment Study (MIS) 11Measures Of Effectiveness (MOE) 11Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) 12N 12National Highway System (NHS) 12National Transportation System (NTS) 12Non-attainment areas 12North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 13 Notice Of Intent (NOI) 13P 13Park and Pool (P&P) 13Park and Ride (P&R) 13Peak Hour Factor (PHF) 13Peak Hour Traffic (PHT) 13Person Trip 13Program 14R 14Record Of Decision (ROD) 14Right Of Way (ROW) 14S 14Single-Occupant Vehicle (SOV) 14Social, Economic and Environmental (SEE) 14Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) 15 Statewide Transportation Plan (STP) 15Surface Transportation Program (STP) 15Surface Transportation Program Category 4C for "Urban Mobility/Rehabilitation" (STP4C) 15T 15Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) 15Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission (TNRCC) 16 Transportation Demand Management (TDM) 16Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 16Transportation Management Area (TMA) 16Transportation Strategy 17Transportation System Management (TSM) 17Transportation Systems Management (TSM) 17U 17Unified Transportation Program (UTP) 17V 18Vehicle Mile of Travel (VMT) 18Vehicles Per Day (VPD) 18Vehicles Per Hour (VPH) 18Volume-to-Capacity ratio (V/C) 18W 18Weaving Area 18TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS 18Software for Traffic Simulation and Analysis 19英文交通词汇与术语释义AArterialA major thoroughfare.Automated Vehicle Identification (AVI)system or Automatic Vehicle Monitoring System or Automatic Vehicle Location System. A system in which electronic equipment on a vehicle sends signals back to a central control facility, locating the vehicle and providing other information about its operations or about its mechanical condition. AVI is also referred to as Automatic Vehicle Monitoring System and Automatic Vehicle Location System.Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT)The total traffic for a year divided by 365.Average Daily Trafficis defined as the total traffic volume during a given period (from 1 to364 days) divided by the number of days in that period. Current ADT volumes can be determined by continuous traffic counts or periodic counts. Where only periodic traffic counts are taken, ADT volume can be established by applying correction factors such as for season or day of week. For roadways having traffic in two directions, the ADT includes traffic in both directions unless specified otherwise.Average Weekday Daily Traffic (AWDT)The total traffic for an average weekday. An average weekday is a representative weekday computed as the mathematical average of several typical weekdays selected at random throughout the year. A typical weekday has no anomaly such as heavy traffic due to a special public event or light traffic due to inclement weather. Average Saturday and Sunday data, including holiday service, are determined the same way.BBenefit/Cost (B/C) ratioB/C is used to compare the benefit versus the cost of proposedalternatives. For highway projects, benefits may include reduced fuel consumption, travel time, and air pollution; costs may include construction, right of way, and maintenance.BottleneckHighway sections that experience operational problems such as congestion. Bottlenecks may result from factors other than reduced roadway width. For example, the close spacing of exit and entrance ramps can cause weaving patterns that result in congestion. A less obvious example is a steep freeway grade that can slow trucks and cause a localized "bottleneck."CCapital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) (formerly ATS)CAMPO is the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Austin area.CapacityCapacity refers to a rate of vehicular or person flow that can be expected to traverse a point or uniform section of a lane or roadway during a specific period, which is most often a peak 15-minute period, and which is not the maximum volume that can be accommodated during an hour, under prevailing roadway, traffic, and control conditions. Capacity and Level of Service (LOS) are analyzed separately and are not simply related to each other; both must be fully considered to evaluate the overall operation of a facility. Capacity analysis may be used in the computation of Volume-to-Capacity (V/C) ratios. In some cases, the V/C ratio is used to define LOS.Categorical ExclusionExamples of categorical exclusions are actions which, based on past experience with similar actions, do not involve significant environmental impacts. They are actions which do not do any of the following: induce significant impacts to planned growth or land use for the area; require the relocation of significant numbers of people; have a significant impact onany natural, cultural, recreational, historic or other resource; involve significant air, noise, or water quality impacts; have significant impacts on travel patterns; or otherwise, either individually or cumulatively, have any significant environmental impacts.Central Business District (CBD)The downtown retail trade and commercial area of a city or an area having high land values, traffic flow, and concentration of retail business offices, entertainment, lodging, and services.Changeable Message Sign (CMS)A CMS is used to advise drivers of traffic or roadway conditions ahead and, in some cases, recommend alternate routes. The CMS also reduces driver frustration by providing advance warning. A CMS is also referred to as a Variable Message Sign (VMS).Collector Distributor (CD)A CD freeway system separates local and through traffic by use of CD roadways and through roadways ("main lanes" or "core roadway"). The CDroadway is located between the main lanes and a frontage road or local street system. On the main lanes, traffic flow is improved since weaving is eliminated and access points are reduced; the CD roadway provides needed freeway access points. A CD roadway is different from a frontage road because access to adjacent properties is not permitted. A CD roadway can complement an existing frontage road system by inclusion of ramps connecting the CD roadway to the frontage road; the frontage road is then better able to handle traffic accessing adjacent properties. For traffic traveling between a freeway system and more distant points, "direct connect" ramps can be used to "directly connect" the CD roadway to major thoroughfares (leading to major traffic generation areas) and, thereby, bypass frontage roads or local streets adjacent to the freeway. This CD roadway and direct connect ramp arrangement eliminates merging and weaving movements that would otherwise occur between the freeway, frontage road, and local roads. During peak traffic, this arrangement can provide the added benefit of keeping open those sections of freeway lanes approaching exit ramps since greater storagelength for exiting traffic queues (lines of vehicles waiting their turn) is made; increased queue storage is made by the greater length of the direct connect ramps, the reduction of turbulence in the queue (no access to adjacent property), and the relocation of the queue away from, instead of parallel with the freeway. A CD system with direct connect ramps can promote intermodalism since it provides for easier movement of transit vehicles like buses. Buses can easily travel directly between the CD roadway and local streets without having to merge and weave on and off of frontage roads. The CD roadway's operating speed is generally lower than the main lanes since the CD roadway has more entrance and exit areas. It is worth noting that a freeway's optimal traffic carrying capacity occurs at around 45 mph. Because of this lower operating speed, the CD roadway may be designed with a lower design speed which allows for more flexible design. In general, a freeway system with high traffic volumes, in a city-type area, can have its overall traffic carrying capacity and flow operations improved by use of a CD system. CD systems are currently in operation in several cities across the nation.Commuter Rail (CR)Commuter Rail is urban passenger train service for short distance (local) travel between a central city and adjacent suburbs and long haul (regional) passenger service between cities. It does not include heavy rail service or light rail service (serving longer distances). Commuter rail service may be either locomotive-hauled or self-propelled, and is characterized by reduced fare multi-trip tickets, specific station-to-station fares, railroad employment practices, and usually only one or two stations in the central business district. Also known as "suburban rail." It may cross the geographical boundaries of a state. Congestion/Demand Management (CDM)See Transportation Demand Management and Congestion Management System .Congestion Management System (CMS)A systematic process which provides information on transportation system performance and alternative strategies to alleviate congestion and enhance the mobility of persons and goods. A CMS includes methods tomonitor and evaluate performance, identify alternative actions, access and implement cost-effective actions, and evaluate the effectiveness of implemented actions.Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) improvement programA special provision of the ISTEA that directs funds towards projects in Clean Air Act Non-Attainment areas for ozone and carbon monoxide. Congestion PricingThe policy of charging drivers a fee that varies with the level of traffic on a congested roadway. Congestion pricing is designed to allocate roadway space in a more efficient manner. Congestion pricing is also known as relief tolling, variable pricing, and road pricing.Control of Access (COA)This is also referred to as access control. COA is the regulated limitation of access and is achieved by regulation of public access rights into (ingress) and out of (egress) properties abutting a roadway. There are two types: full control of access and partial control of access. Also, thereare driveway and approach control regulations. On a roadway with full COA, preference is given to the movement of through traffic by providing access connections only with selected public roads, by prohibiting crossings at the same grade, and by prohibiting direct private driveway connections. On a roadway with partial COA, preference is given to through traffic; however there may be access connections with selected public roads, crossings at the same grade, and private driveway connections. Full or partial access control is usually accomplished by legally obtaining right-of-access from the abutting property owners or by the use of frontage roads.Critical Movement Analysis (CMA)For signalized intersections, CMA focuses on lane groups or movements which control signal requirements. CMA focuses on the identification and provision of capacity for such flows called critical movements. CMA is also used in capacity analysis.DDesign Hour Volume (DHV)Typically, the DHV is the thirtieth highest hourly traffic volume for the design year, commonly twenty years from the time of construction. The DHV is given in units of vehicles per hour.Directional Design Hour Volume (DDHV)Typically, the DDHV is the thirtieth highest hourly traffic volume in one direction for the design year, commonly twenty years from the time of construction. DDHV is given in units of vehicles per hour.Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)An environmental document that is prepared when it is initially determined that the action/project may cause significant impacts to the environment, when environmental studies and early coordination indicate significant impacts, or when review of the environmental assessment indicates that the impacts anticipated to result from the project may be significant. The DEIS compares all reasonable alternatives to the proposedproject and summarizes the studies, reviews, consultations, and coordination required by legislation and Executive Orders to the extent appropriate at the draft stage in the environmental process. This document lists all entities from which comments are being requested.EEnvironmental Assessment (EA)A document that assesses an action that is not a categorical exclusion and does not clearly require the preparation of an environmental impact statement (EIS), or where the Federal Highway Administration believes an environmental assessment would assist in determining the need for an EIS.Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)An environmental document that is required when an action that will significantly affect the environment.Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)A Federal agency charged with protecting the natural resources onthe nation.ExpresswayAn expressway is a divided highway facility usually having two or more lanes for the exclusive use of traffic in each direction and partial control of access (as opposed to a freeway which has full control of access).FFeasibility StudyA study about a project's feasibility which is summarized in a document. The study addresses issues including the project's benefits, costs, effectiveness, alternatives considered, analysis of alternative selection, environmental effects, public opinions, and other factors. The feasibility study for major projects involving Federal funds was replaced under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act by the Major Investment Study.Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)The federal agency responsible for the administration of federal highway funds. FHWA does not have a direct role or responsibilities in the development of urban transportation plans or their development. However, their role is administration of federal funds and in the issuance of policy and procedure timetables for implementation of federal legislative directives is immense.Federal Transit Administration (FTA)The FTA was formerly as the Urban Mass Transportation Administration. It operates under the authority of the Federal Transit Act. The FTA was established as a component of the US Department of Transportation.Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS)An environmental document that is prepared following the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), which includes the results of the public involvement process and agency input on the DEIS. This document summarizes the substantive comments on social, economic,environmental, and engineering issues made as a result of the public involvement process, and documents compliance with requirements of all applicable environmental laws, Executive Orders, and other related requirements.Flexible Operational Capabilityallows the direction lanes to change to accommodate uneven traffic flow. For example, during an evacuation, 7 northbound lanes can be created for evacuees and 1 southbound lane for emergency vehicles. FreewayA divided highway facility having two or more lanes for the exclusive use of traffic in each direction and full control of access. The freeway is the only type of highway intended to provide complete "uninterrupted" flow.Frontage roadAn arterial type roadway that parallels a major transportation facility such as a freeway. It serves to collect and distribute traffic along themajor facility without impeding flow along the freeway. Frontage roads are also referred to by the public as "access," "feeder," and "service" roads.GGradeThe slope (ratio of change in elevation to change in distance) of a roadway typically given in percent. For example, a 2% grade represents 2-feet of elevation change over a 100-foot distance.Grade SeparationA vertical separation between intersecting roads or railroad tracks. One facility travels over the other via an overpass or other structure.HHigh Occupancy Vehicle (HOV)Vehicles having more than one occupant. Examples include carpools, vanpools, buses, and mini-buses. Transportation systems may encourageHOV use by having designated HOV lanes.High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) LaneHigh Occupancy Vehicle Lane. Exclusive road or traffic lane limited to buses, vanpools, carpools, emergency vehicles, and in some cases, single occupant motorcycles. HOV lanes typically have higher operating speeds and lower traffic volumes than adjacent general purpose lanes. HOV lanes have proven to be successful in major metropolitan areas across the US; however, their full effectiveness is usually not realized until about one to two years after implementation.High Speed RailA rail service having the characteristics of intercity rail service which operates primarily on a dedicated guideway or track not used, for the most part, by freight, including, but not limited to, trains on welded rail, magnetically levitated (MAGLEV) vehicles on a special guideway, or other advanced technology vehicles, designed to travel at speeds in excess of those possible on other types of railroads. High Speed Rail has exclusive right of way and serves densely traveled corridors at speeds of 124 milesper hour and greater.Highway Advisory Radio (HAR)A radio station which broadcasts highway conditions and traffic information.Hourly Volume (HV)The volume of traffic (given in units of vehicle per hour) that traverses across a segment of a roadway in one hour. The HV may be determined from traffic counts or may be a projected calculation. Refer to Design Hour Volume.IIncidentAn incident may be any of the following: traffic accident, stalled vehicle, load spillage, or other action that effects one or more lanes of traffic. An "accident" typically involves a collision of a moving vehicle with another vehicle, person, or object.Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)ITS replaces the term Intelligent Vehicle Highway System. ITS is a surveillance system designed to monitor traffic flows on major freeways and to inform motorists or problem areas. Some ITS technology includes changeable message signs, cameras, and video detectors. ITS applications include: the integration of traffic control and transportation management systems; traffic signals which adapt to traffic and change control each cycle; highway advisory radio systems; changeable message signs (CMS); vehicle detectors; closed-circuit television; Global Positioning Systems and route guidance (currently used in some trucks, buses, and rental cars). An ITS may enable drivers to operate their vehicles more safely and with greater knowledge about existing traffic conditions.Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS)See Intelligent Transportation System.Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA)A Transportation Bill passed by Congress in 1991 that provides six year authorizations for development of a National IntermodalTransportation System which consists of all forms of transportation in a unified, interconnected manner. It increased the percentage of federal match funding available for the majority of Texas transportation projects. ISTEA was designed to move goods and people more efficiently by developing an integrated transportation infrastructure system for the United States. ISTEA is this country's first serious effort to promote intermodalism, the idea that all systems and structures for moving people and goods must function as an integrated and cohesive transportation network which includes rail and mass transit as well as highways. Under ISTEA, the statewide planning process must incorporate some new goals: to reduce congestion and improve air quality; to consider national and international commerce; to consider energy conservation; to create an integrated system of several modes; and to concentrate on the most efficient way to move goods and people, not just people. The three major components of ISTEA are the National Highway System, the Surface Transportation Program, and the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program.Intermodal TransportationTransportation of persons and goods that involves the interchange between transportation modes such as surface routes, airways, and waterways. Intermodal transportation for surface transportation of people and goods includes the interchange between modes such as automobiles, mass transit such as buses, railway includingcommuter rail and can include Park And Ride lots or other mode interchange facilities. Intermodal transportation enables people and goods to be consolidated into larger groups that can be transported at lower costs. In addition to reducing costs, it enables greater logistic flexibility than can also reduce congestion and travel time. IntermodalismA holistic view of transportation in which individual modes work together or within their own niches to provide the user with the best choices of service, and in which the consequences on all modes of policies for a single mode are considered. This view has been called balanced, integrated, or comprehensive transportation. Intermodalism includes theprovision of connections between different modes, such as highways to bus feeder services to rail transit.KK-FactorA factor which represents the proportion of Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) expected to occur in the design hour. The K-factor is also known as the design hour factor and is normally expressed in design problems as DHV = AADT x K, where the DHV is the total two-way Design Hour Volume, and K is estimated from the ratio of the 30th Hourly Volume to the AADT from a similar site.LLevel Of Service (LOS)A qualitative measure describing operational conditions within a traffic stream and motorists' perceptions of those conditions. For example, LOS A represents free flow, almost complete freedom to maneuver within the traffic stream. LOS F represents forced flow, more vehicles areattempting to use the freeway than can be served resulting in stop and go traffic.Light Rail Transit (LRT) or Light RailA railway with a "light volume" traffic capacity compared to "heavy rail." Light rail may use shared or exclusive rights of way, high or low platform loading, and multi-car trains or single cars traveling on fixed rails. LRT uses lightweight, streetcar type passenger vehicles operated on city streets that is not separated from other traffic for much of the way. LRT also known as light rail, streetcar, trolley car, and tramway.MMajor Investment Study (MIS)A study and resulting document which replaced Feasibility Studies under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) for major improvement projects involving significant Federal funds. A MIS includes the study of factors that may justify a proposed project such as it's cost effectiveness and overall effectiveness and incorporation ofintermodal transportation. Measures Of Effectiveness are defined and calculated as part of the MIS. The MIS also requires consideration of other transportation modes as well as broader public and agency input. Measures Of Effectiveness (MOE)MOE include: average vehicle speed, vehicle stops, delays, vehicle-hours of travel, vehicle-miles of travel, fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. MOE provide insight into the effects on the traffic stream of the applied improvement strategy.Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)An association of local agencies established for mutual benefit and to help coordinate planning and development activities within a metropolitan region. Establishment of the MPO is required by law in urban areas of over 50,000 population if federal funds are to be used. The MPO consists of two groups. 1) The Policy board is comprised of officials representing the counties, cities, and state agency. 2) The technical advisory group consists of professional planners and engineers who are usually employees of the same agencies. The MPO is not a level ofgovernment. However, the MPO has "effective control" over transportation improvements within the area since a project must be a part of the MPO's adopted plan in order to receive federal funding.NNational Highway System (NHS)The NHS is one of the three major components of the 1991 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act. A major new Federal-aid system was established in the NHS. It includes the Interstate System, other routes identified as having strategic defense characteristics, routes providing access to major ports, airports, public transportation and intermodal transportation facilities and, of particular significance to local governments, and many principal urban and rural arterials which provide regional service.National Transportation System (NTS)An intermodal system consisting of all forms of transportation in a unified, interconnected manner to reduce energy consumptions and airpollution while promoting economic development and supporting the Nation's preeminent position in international commerce. The NTS includes the National Highway System, public transportation and access to ports and airports.Non-attainment areasThese are geographical areas, defined by the Environmental Protection Agency, whose air quality does not meet Federal air quality standards designed to protect public health.North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)A formal agreement, or treaty, between Canada, Mexico, and the United States of America to promote means for improved and increased free trade between the three countries. The affect of NAFTA on transportation was to increase the need to upgrade existing, and build new, transportation facilities between and within the countries.Notice Of Intent (NOI)A notice that is prepared to inform the public that an Environmental。
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Terminals house passenger amenities such as check-in counters, baggage claim areas, and retail outlets, as well as facilities for aircraft maintenance and refueling
Metro and subway systems
These are urban rail transit systems that serve as a fast
and effective way to travel within cities
Light rail and trvelopment
Technical Advancements Technical advancements such as the invention of the internal commerce engine, improvements in materials and manufacturing processes, and
Modes of Transportation
Road Transport
Trucks and Lorries: These are used for carrying goods over land They come in different sizes and can be used for both short and long distance holding
汇报人:XXX 2024-03-28
• Introduction to Transportation
❖ The correct air-fuel mixture is provided by the carburetor. ❖ 精确的空气燃油混合气是由化油器所提供。
❖ 在进气冲程(图2.2a)开始时,进气门开启,活塞从气缸的上止点下 行至下止点。
❖ The partial vacuum created by the moving piston causes the air-fuel mixture to rush in from the inlet manifold and through the open valve, into the cylinder.
Lesson 2 Internal Combustion Engine (PartⅠ)
❖ The four strokes of such an engine are shown in Fig.2.2. ❖ 点燃式汽油发动机的4冲程如图2.2所示。
❖ At the beginning of the induction stroke (Fig.2.2a), the inlet valve opens and the piston travels down the cylinder from top dead centre (TDC) to bottom dead centre (BDC).
Lesson 2 Internal Combustion Engine (PartⅠ)
Lesson 2 Internal Combustion Engine (PartⅠ)
(4)Final Location Survey
A、Determining the horozontal and vertical alignments. B、Locating the positions of structures and drainage channels.
A、Splines B、Curve templates
Feasible routes are inentified by a stereosopic examination of the aerial photographs.
Control points between the two endpoints are determined for each feasible route.
A、Definition B、The sources of the data C、The types of the data D、The preliminary analysis of the data
(2)Reconnaissance survey The object of this phase is to identy several feasible routes,each within a band of a limited width of a few hunderd feet.
2、The highway location process
(1)Office study of exsiting information (2)Reconnaissance survey (3)Preliminary locate survey (4)Final location survey
(1)The first phase of Highway Location(Office study of exsiting information)
交通运输专业英语课件(Vehicle Fuel Economy)
Fuel consumption is substantially related to the type of vehicle, its power unit and drive line, its mechanical condition, the use to which it is put and how it is driven. 燃油消耗实际上与汽车类型、动力装置和传 动系统、机械状况、用途和驾驶方法有关。
Axles on bogies should be correctly aligned because tyres running at slip angles have a high rolling resistance and therefore are a source of increased fuel consumption. 因为轮胎以滑移角旋转时滚动阻力高,这样 会增加燃油的消耗,所以应该正确地调整转 向轴。
In the tests, at 40mph the fuel consumption was 10.5mpg, at 50mph this fell by 2.6mpg to 7.9mpg and at 60mpg a further reduction of 1.5mpg was experienced, making a 3.75mpg difference between 40mph and 60mph. 在试验中,以40英里/小时,燃油消耗为10.5 英里/加仑;以50英里/小时,该数字小了2.6 英里/加仑,下降为7.9英里/加仑;以60英里/ 小时,则进一步降低1.5英里/加仑的差值。从 40英里/小时到60英里/小时,产生了3.75英里 /加仑的差值。
The following activities should be avoided by careful route planning, scheduling and prior thought about the cost consequences. 通过认真的线路规划、日程安排和成本结果 的预先考虑,下列的行为应该避免。
交通运输 英语ppt
People suffer heavy losses in traffic accidents
Drive over the speed limit
Running the red light
Fatigue driving
Drunk driving
Using mobile phone when driving
On the Land
Motor Train
Light rail
Car Van
On the Sea
yacht hovercraft
steamship Super freighter
Wet bike
In the Air
fire balloon
Mini electric car
Transport Indoor
Future car Future bike Safer, smaller, more efficient, environmental-friendly
Thanks For Your Attention
Education for Drivers’self-discipline; education for pedestrians’ self-protection
Strict and effective official monitoring and management Strict rule implementation and severe punishment
Automobile exhaust cause acid rain, atmospheric haze and globe warming,threatening people's life.
② 水路运输:②海洋运输
远洋 航线
北方沿海航线 中心:上海 大连
沿海 航线
南方沿海航线 中心:广州 香港
一 我国主要的交通运输方式
The main way of transportation
③ 航空运输
1 优点
2 3 1 4
2 3 4 1
2 1 4 3
三 选择恰当的交通运输方式
Choose the appropriate way of transportation
1 交通运输方式的选择:
运输方式 水路运输 公路运输 铁路运输 航空运输
船舶 汽车 火车 飞机
①速度快, ②运输效率高。
2 缺点
运量小,能耗大,运费高, 受天气和机场等条件限制较大。
一 我国主要的交通运输方式
The main way of transportation
③ 航空运输
年份 民用航空航线条数
1990 1995 2000 2008
437 797 1165 1532
一 我国主要的交通运输方式
二 铁路运输
The railway transport
2 我国铁路运输的发展:
中华人民共和国成立前 铁路里程短,分布零散
中华人民共和国成立后 经过多年建设,形成较为完整的铁路运输网络
铁路建设速度加快,铁路干线连通了全部省级行政中心,部 分城市之间还有高速铁路连接
倡导低碳、环保的出行方 式,减少交通对环境的负 面影响。
鼓励使用电动汽车、混合 动力汽车等新能源汽车, 减少尾气排放。
推广节能减排技术,如再 生制动、能量回收等,提 高能源利用效率。
航空运输是一种快速、远距离的运输方式,适用于高价值货物的运输,如电子产品、药品等。航空运 输系统由机场、飞机和空中交通管理系统等组成。
管道运输是一种连续、密封、高压的 运输方式,适用于输送液体和气体物 质,如石油、天然气等。管道运输系 统由管道、泵站和储罐等组成。
优化多式联运组织,实现多种运输方式的高效衔 接和一体化运输。
建立物流信息平台,实现多式联运信息的共享和 协同管理。
详细描述:北京地铁作为城市交通的重要组成部分,具有高效便捷的特点。它连 接了城市的主要区域,提供了大量的运输能力,有效缓解了城市交通拥堵问题。
《交通运输》ppt课 件
• 交通运输概述 • 交通运输方式 • 交通运输系统 • 交通运输发展前景 • 交通运输案例分析
交通运输是指利用交通工具和设 施,实现人员和物资的空间转移 。
The Transit Of Great Britain
The taxies and buses in London are bigger than Chinese. And they're colorfull. The bus in the picture is called "double-decker buses".British are conscious.If there are lots of people waiting the bus, they always line up.
• But it's also very crowded in subway station. So it's not very conveniet. • Buses are good choise. It is cheaper than the taxi. But in these times : schools over, work over and festivals , buses are always crowded . • China is crowded nearly every where. Because China has the great number of population.
Transpotation In China
• Traffic jam is ordinary in big citys such as Beijing , Shanghai . And it's not convenient . • The commonest mode of transit in Beijing is the subway.
In certain situations, exhaust system leaks can also lead to death.
Proper vehicle inspections can address exhaust system issues before these problems occur.
1.2 Exhaust system
Carbon monoxide from diesel emissions can be dangerous. Prolonged exposure to concentrations of CO can lead to headaches, shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness or light-headedness. These symptoms adversely affect a driver’s ability to safely control a commercial motor vehicle.
A cause of the fire was determined to be a hole in the fuel supply line, resulting in a fuel leak.
交通运输专业英语 (6)
(3)Some lawbreakers make use of the leaks of the car rental contract to entice away the car. Thus, the car rental company has to pay their own money in exchange of the cars according to a deputy to the National People's Congress in 2010.
The health of the car rental industry partially determines whether the whole car industry can maximize its profits.
China’s car rental industry still faces many problems that need to be dealt with in order to let it develop healthily.
Lesson 1 Car Leasing
1.3 Lacking of Enough Publicity and Advertising
In fact, the authors themselves have to admit that it is hard to find some advertisements about the car rental companies.
Task 1 Passenger Train Type and Equipment——Scene Reading(场景读词)
• 1browse the Web on the train在 火车上浏览网页
• 2charging equipment for mobile phones, laptops and digital cameras手机、笔记本电脑和
• 数码相机的充电装置 • 3China Standard EMU train中国标
准动车组列车 • 4CRH train高铁列车 • 5electric water heater电热水炉 • 6Emergency Call Button紧急呼叫
• 7entertainment clusters娱乐设 备续表序号英文中文
• 8equipment and facilities in the carriage车厢的设备设施
• 9folding table折叠小桌 • 10heating, ventilation and air
conditioning采暖、通风和空调 • 11personal service专人服务 • 12power socket电源插座 • 13rotating seat旋转座椅 • 14seat type water closet坐式马
(请把学生按照两人一组进行分组, 两人在理解下面对话内容的基础上 进行英文对话。)
Task 1 Passenger Train Type and Equipment——Scene Dialogue(场景对话)
Dialogue 1 P PassengerCA Car Attendant P: Excuse me. May I ask a question? 您好。我可以问个问题吗? CA: Yes, of course.当然可以。 P: What’s the speed of the train now? 列车现在的速度是多少? CA: Now speed up to 300 km/h. 现在速度达到300 千米/小时。 P: It is running so fast.What’s the highest speed? 车运行得好快呀,最高时速达到多少? CA: The train can reach a top speed of 350 km/h. The window is made of decelerating glass, so it wouldn’t feel fast. 这个车最高时速350 千米/小时。列车玻璃都是减速玻璃,所以感觉速度不快。 P: Thank you.谢谢。
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交通运输英语ppt【篇一:交通运输专业英语翻译】lesson1 to lesson3engine发动机发动机充当动力装置。
每个车轮具有一个鼓式或盘式制动总成,当驾驶员踩脚制动踏板时,靠液力产生制动principle of operation 工作原理这个发动机的四个行程见图2.2。
carbureted fuel system化油系统在化油器中有六个不同的系统使它工作,这些系统在化油器中的排列方式决定了化油器的尺寸和形状。
multi-port fuel injections多端口的燃油喷射在今天看来,这是一种最常见的燃料喷射系统,无论制造商是谁,它们都以同样的基本原理进行工作。
p25 离合器离合器是一种连接和脱离发动机的动力的装置,使汽车停止和启动。
p57 4汽车的起动系统将电池的电能转换成驱动曲轴转动200转每分钟所需的机械能。
1 内燃机internal combustion engine2汽油机gasoline (spark-ignition engine)3柴油机diesel (compression-ignition engine)4行李舱盖 trunk deck5底盘 chassis6变速器 transmission7液压控制系统 hydraulic control system8传动轴 propeller shaft9后桥和差速器总成 rear axle and differential assemble10万向节 flexible joints11悬架系统 suspension system12转向系统 steering system13静止表面 stationary surface14制动衬片 the brake lining15旋转表面 rotating surface16制动踏板 the food brake pedal17电器设备及仪表 electrical equipment and instrumentation 18充电回路 charging circuit19机械能 mechanical energy20发动机冷却温度 engine coolant temperature21油箱 fuel tank22独立动力单元 self-contained power unit23上止点 top dead centre (tdc)24下止点 bottom dead centre (bdc)25进气冲程 induction stroke26压缩冲程 compression stroke27燃烧冲程 combustion stroke28排气冲程 exhaust stroke29节气门 the throttle valve30断点器触点 the contact breaker points31磁场 magnetic field32润滑系统 lubrication system33热膨胀 heat expansion34冷却系统 cooling system35铁心 iron core36点火线圈 ignition coil37断点器臂 breaker lever38火花塞 spark plug39真空提前 vacuum advance40离心提前 centrifugal advance41单腔化油器 the single-barrel carburetor42电子反馈化油器 electronic feedback carburetor 43排气氧传感器 exhaust gas oxygen sensor44节气门传感器 throttle position sensor45冷却温度传感器 coolant temperature sensor46碳氢化合物 hydrocarbon (hc)47一氧化碳 carbon monoxide (co)48氮氧化合物oxides of nitrogen49燃油喷射系统 fuel injection system50多点燃油喷射 multi-port fuel injection51发动机负荷 engine load52岐管压力传感器 manifold pressure sensors53燃油压力调节器 fuel pressure regulator54回油管 return line55喷油脉宽 the pulse width of the fuel injectors 56压盘 the pressure plate57膜片弹簧 diaphragm spring【篇二:交通运输专业英语英语翻译】choice of modethe choice of mode for long distance travel is heavily dependent on the sensitivity of the traveler with respect to time and cost.by and large,business travel is timesensitive,vacation travel is price sensitive,and travel for personal reasons may be either time sensitive or cost sensitive,or both. 长距离旅行方式的选择在很大程度上取决于旅行者对时间和价格反应的灵敏程度。