



Dali has a long history. It used to be the capital of Yunnan and cen ters of political, economy and culture of Yunnan. The Dali city con sists of two parts: the new city and the ancient city. Dali has four most famous Iandscapeswind”,f lower”, §now”,and the moon ”.Am ong them, the wi nd ” refers to Xiagua n Wind ”.Due to the unique positi on (Xiagua n is a mountain pass), the wind gen erated from here. So Xiagua n is also called Wind City ”. Flower ” means Sha nggua nF lower ”.Here I will not say more about it. Snow” refers to the”Cangshan Mountair”,which is covered by white snow for thousa nd years. The snow on the top of the mountain n ever melt. So people named it Cangshan SnoW.Actually, the reason why the snow on it doesn 'melt is all for its high altitude.(1)The An cie nt City of DaliThe ancient city of Dali is located at foot of the Cang Mou ntai n in the west and overlooking the Erhai Lake in the east. The layout of the city is typical chessboard patterns. There are 5 streets from south to north, and 8 lanes from east to west. All the roads are paved with blue slab ston es. Along the streets are the typical houses of the Bai's. The houses have stone wall and dark tile roofs. They looks delicate.The people of Dali are fond of flowers and every family has a courtyard with seas oned flowers in blossom all the year round. Every year in lunar February, whe n the Flower Festival is held, pots of flowers are displayed in front of every house, which forms a vast sea of flowers in the whole city.In side the city, there are many historical relics and places of in terest such as differe nt ki nd of shops, which sell a variety of han dicraft, the old church, and "the Foreigners street". Along the street you can find many western-style food, music, and En glish-speak ing bus in ess own ers. There are also some coffee sops, bars and Minority characteristic shops. The tourists at home and abroad have bee n attracted to visit Dali.2) The Erhai LakeThe Erhai Lake is n amed after its ear-like shape. It is the sec ond largest fresh water lake in Yunnan. The erhai lake is regarded as the mother lake, the highla nd bright pearl by local people. There are three isla nds in the lake---Jin suo Isla nd, Putuo Isla nd, and the Nan zhao Beauty Style isla nd. Long long ago, many local people made a livi ng on catchi ng fish from the lake. Now there are also many kinds of fish. For example, the sn ake fishes, the silver fish, many kind of carps.During the middle autu mn festival. The BAi people liv ing around will drive the boat to the lake to appreciate the beautiful moon and eat the moon cake with the family members.。



大理古城英语作文有翻译Title: Exploring the Ancient City of Dali。

Dali Ancient City, located in Yunnan Province, China, is a fascinating destination that blends history, culture, and natural beauty. With its well-preserved ancient architecture, unique ethnic customs, and stunning surroundings, a visit to Dali Ancient City is a journey back in time.To begin with, Dali Ancient City boasts a rich history dating back over 1,000 years. It was once the capital of the Nanzhao Kingdom and later the Kingdom of Dali during the Tang and Song dynasties. Walking through the narrow cobblestone streets lined with traditional Bai-style buildings, one can feel the ancient atmosphere permeating the air. The city walls, gates, and watchtowers stand as silent witnesses to centuries of history, evoking a sense of awe and wonder.One of the highlights of exploring Dali Ancient City is experiencing its vibrant cultural scene. The Bai ethnic minority, who are the predominant inhabitants of the region, have preserved their traditions and customs for generations. Visitors can immerse themselves in the local culture by watching traditional performances, such as the Bai people's Three Courses Tea ceremony or the dynamic Bai folk dances. Additionally, wandering through the bustling markets and quaint alleyways, one can encounter artisans practicingage-old crafts like tie-dyeing and silverware making,adding to the charm of the city.Moreover, Dali Ancient City is blessed withbreathtaking natural landscapes. Nestled between the towering Cangshan Mountains and the picturesque Erhai Lake, the city enjoys a serene and scenic setting. Visitors can hike along the ancient paths of Cangshan, offering panoramic views of the surrounding valleys and peaks, or take a leisurely boat ride on the tranquil waters of Erhai Lake, soaking in the beauty of the azure waters and verdant hillsides.In recent years, Dali Ancient City has also emerged as a hub for cultural exchange and tourism. The city hosts various festivals and events throughout the year,attracting visitors from all corners of the globe. From the lively Dali Food Festival, showcasing the diverse flavors of Yunnan cuisine, to the colorful March Street Carnival, celebrating Bai New Year, there is always somethingexciting happening in the ancient city.In conclusion, a visit to Dali Ancient City offers a journey through time and culture, where ancient history meets modern vitality. Whether strolling through its historic streets, immersing oneself in its vibrant culture, or marveling at its stunning natural beauty, Dali Ancient City never fails to captivate the hearts and minds of travelers. As the sun sets behind the distant mountains, casting a golden glow over the ancient rooftops, one can't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to experience such a remarkable destination.(文稿长度已达到要求)。



大理古城简介英语作文English: Located in Yunnan province, Dali Ancient Town is a historically and culturally significant site that dates back to the Ming Dynasty. Surrounded by ancient city walls and preserved traditional Bai architecture, the town offers visitors a glimpse into ancient Chinese civilization. Visitors can wander the cobblestone streets lined with traditional shops selling handcrafted goods, taste local delicacies at street food stalls, and visit historical landmarks such as the Three Pagodas and the Chongsheng Temple. With its stunning views of Erhai Lake and the Cangshan Mountain range, Dali Ancient Town is not only a place of historical importance but also a picturesque destination for travelers seeking to immerse themselves in the rich culture of this region.中文翻译: 位于云南省的大理古城是一个具有历史和文化意义的景点,可以追溯到明朝。



大理景点简介英文作文1. Three Pagodas。

The Three Pagodas are a symbol of the ancient city of Dali. They are located at the foot of Cangshan Mountain and facing the Erhai Lake. The pagodas are made of brick and have a history of over 1,800 years. They are well-preserved and are a must-see for visitors to Dali.2. Erhai Lake。

Erhai Lake is a beautiful highland lake in Yunnan Province. The lake is surrounded by mountains on three sides and is known for its clear water and picturesque scenery. Visitors can take a boat ride on the lake or simply enjoy the view from the shore.3. Dali Ancient Town。

Dali Ancient Town is a well-preserved ancient town witha history of over 1,300 years. It is known for its traditional Bai architecture and cobblestone streets. Visitors can explore the town's many shops, restaurants, and historic sites, such as the South Gate and the Foreigner Street.4. Cangshan Mountain。



完整的大理英文导游词篇一:云南大理英文导游词云南大理英文导游词welcome,everyone!Todaywearegoingtovisitthethreepagodastempleofdali. Beforewegotthethreepagodastemple,iwouldliketogiveyouabriefintroductio nofdali.whyisitcalled“dali”?asweallknowdalihasalonghistory.aftertheKing domofnanz hao,duansipingEstablishedtheKingdomofdali.“li”thischinesew ordrefersto“manners”,indicatedthehopeofthekingthatmakehiscountryapros perousandcivilizedplace.oK,everyone,wearenowattheThreePagodas.Thesethreepagodasmakeabeau tifulpicture,right?ThreePagodasarethesymbolofdali,theyhaveahistoryofmorethan1,000years .ThemajorPagoda,wecallit“千寻”,builtduringtheperiodofnanzhaoState,stands69metersinheightandisdivi dedinto16tiers.EachtierisinlaidwiththestatuesofBuddha.itsfront”sfourchin esecharactersarequitestriking,meaning “EnsuringTranquilitytomountainsandRiversForever.”iamsureyouhavenoticedthetwosmallpagodas.Theywerebuiltatthebeginnin gof10thcenturyduringtheperiodofdaliState.EachStands42metersinheightan disdividedinto10tiers.Theyaremadefrombricks.aftervisitingthetemple,wewillgotoenjoytheotherplaceofinterests,ok,Let’sgo,everyone.篇二:英语导游词(大理景区)dalihasalonghistory.itusedtobethecapitalofYunnanandcentersofpolitical,ec onomyandcultureofY unnan.Thedalicityconsistsoftwoparts:thenewcityandt heancientcity.dalihasfourmostfamouslandscapes”wind”,“flower”,“snow”, and“themoon”.amongthem,the“wind”refersto“Xiaguanwind”.duetotheuni queposition(Xiaguanisamountainpass),thewindgeneratedfromhere.SoXiag uanisalsocalled“windcity”.“Flower”means“ShangguanFlower”.Hereiwill notsaymoreaboutit.“Snow”referstothe”cangshanmountain”,whichiscovere dbywhitesnowforthousandyears.Thesnowonthetopofthemountainneverme lt.Sopeoplenamedit“cangshanSnow”.actually,thereasonwhythesnowonitd oesn’tmeltisallforitshighaltitude.(1)Theancientcityofdali Theancientcityofdaliislocatedatfootofthecangmountaininthewestandoverl ookingtheErhaiLakeintheeast.Thelayoutofthecityistypicalchessboardpatte rns.Thereare5streetsfromsouthtonorth,and8lanesfromeasttowest.alltheroa dsarepavedwithblueslabstones.alongthestreetsarethetypicalhousesoftheBa i's.Thehouseshavestonewallanddarktileroofs.Theylooksdelicate. Thepeopleofdaliarefondofflowersandeveryfamilyhasacourtyardwithseaso nedflowersinblossomalltheyearround.EveryyearinlunarFebruary,whenthe FlowerFestivalisheld,potsofflowersaredisplayedinfrontofeveryhouse,whichformsavastseaofflowersinthewholecity.insidethecity,therearemanyhistoricalrelicsandplacesofinterestsuchasdiffere ntkindofshops,whichsellavarietyofhandicraft,theoldchurch,and”theForeignersstreet”.alongthestreetyoucanfindmanywes tern-stylefood,music,andEnglish-speakingbusinessowners.Therearealsoso mecoffeesops,barsandminoritycharacteristicshops.Thetouristsathomeanda broadhavebeenattractedtovisitdali.2)TheErhaiLakeTheErhaiLakeisnamedafteritsear-likeshape.itisthesecondlargestfreshwater lakeinYunnan.Theerhailakeisregardedasthemotherlake,thehighlandbrightp earlbylocalpeople.Therearethreeislandsinthelake---Jinsuoisland,Putuoisla nd,andthenanzhaoBeautyStyleisland.Longlongago,manylocalpeoplemade alivingoncatchingfishfromthelake.nowtherearealsomanykindsoffish.Forex ample,thesnakefishes,thesilverfish,manykindofcarps. duringthemiddleautumnfestival.TheBaipeoplelivingaroundwilldrivethebo attothelaketoappreciatethebeautifulmoonandeatthemooncakewiththefamil ymembers.篇三:大理喜州英语导游词大理喜州英语导游词关于大理喜州英语导游词afteraneight-hourrideinthenighttrainwearrivedatthedaliTrainStation,which isinthesuburbofthenewcityofdali.wehadmadehotelbookingstostayinolddali,aniceandquietoldtownaboutfourteenkilometersnorthofnewdali.ittookusthi rtyminutesbybustogettoourhotel.itwasstillquiteearlyinthemorning.wechec kedin,hadashower,andthenwentoutsidetotrysomelocalsnackforbreakfast.Si ncewehadmanagedtogetsomesleeponthenighttrainwewereallreadyfortheda y'sevent.aroundninethirtywecaughtalocalbusandsetoutforourdestinat ion,thesmalltownofXizhou. XizhouisaBaitownseventeenkilometersnorthofolddali.Thisplaceiswell-kn ownforitsmanyold,protectedhousesandcourtyardsthatsurvivedfromthelate mingandtheQingdynasties.TheBaipeopleinXizhouareaspecialbreedoftheB aicommunity.TheyhavebeenconstantlyreferredtoastheJewsoftheBai,alabel whichalltownsfolkhappilytaketobeanhonorforitisreallyarecognitionoftheir giftandskillsinmakingsuccessfulbusinessdeals,nowandinthepast.From1920sto1949,thereexistedabout400familiesinXizhou,allengagedinru nningsomesortofprivatebusinesses.itwassaid200ofthefamilieskeptshopslo callyorinotherpartsofYunnan,whiletheother200traveledacrossthecountryto buyandsell,andsomepowerfulfamiliesevenmadetheirwayasfarasthewholeo fSoutheastasiaandthesubcontinentofindia.Theytradedinavarietyofthings:g old,silver,pearls,jade,cotton,silk,naturalminerals,medicinalherbs,tobacco,o pium,andsoon.overafewdecades,themerchantsfromXizhouhadbuiltupagre atfameandwealthwithwhichtheyalsobuiltnicehouseswithopencourtyards. Bywhatthelocalssaid,thereweretheGreatFour,middleEight,andminorTwelv eFamilies,allwerewell-establishedbigmerchantfirmsinthepast.Thetoponeof。





Dali Ancient City is 13 kilometers (8.1 miles) away from Xiaguan in Dali City, Yunnan Province and is one of the 'Three Ancients' (Ancient Cities, Ancient Pagodas and Ancient Steles) of the Dali Scenic Spot. It can be dated back to the year 1382 during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and has been among the top listed historical cities of China since 1982. With Erhai Lake to the east, and Cangshan Mountain to the west, its grand city wall, traditional Bai ethnic minority folk houses and marvelous scenery have been attracting many visitors.According to literature, Dali Ancient City was a gateway to the Silk Road in Southwest China, and also served as a seat of government and a major military barracks for Yunnan Province in ancient times. It enjoyed magnificent scale, with a wall length of 6 kilometers (3.73 miles), a height of 7.5 meters (24.6 feet) and a thickness of 6 meters (19.7 feet). There were four city gates facing west, east, north and south, upon which sat a gate tower. Four further towers were also placed at the four corners of the city wall. As it underwent many phases of prosperity as well as decline, only the city base remains till today. We can explore the mystery belonging to that period of history, especially through witnessing some parts of the city wall, the North City Wall Tower and the South City Wall Tower which were restored in 1982. The citylayout was uniform, with five main streets from south to north and eight main streets from east to west, while marketplaces were neatly arranged within the city, which has remained unchanged to this date.The traditional Bai ethnic minority folk houses give the city distinctive feel, unlike any other Chinese city. A typical house is characterized by '3 rooms and a wall screening' and '4 joints and 5 courtyards'. '3 rooms and a wall screening' means that every house has a principle room and two wing-rooms and facing the principle room stands the wall screening. When the sun shines on the wall screening in the afternoon, the sunlight is reflected back to the courtyard, thus illuminating the whole area. '4 joints and 5 courtyards' means houses are built with four sides; and four courtyards in the joining parts of the houses' corners and one big courtyard in the center makes five courtyards. The decoration is another construction feature of the folk residences, paying great attention to the gate tower, the eaves and corners. The windows, doors and the wall screening are adorned with Jianchuan woodcarvings, colored patterns, marbles and wash drawings. The delicacy, freshness and elegance of their construction may be called first-class among folk residences in Southwest China.When people walk along the cobble-paved streets in the ancient city, a sense of primitive simplicity and elegance will be invoked. Besides the Bai ethnic minority traditional folk houses, the houses all with grey-green roof tiles, peculiar workshops, temples, schools and churches with an antique flavor are scattered. Traditional artworks made of marble, such as pencilvases, striped screens, and a variety of woven handicrafts made of fine straw are laid chockablock on both sides of the street to be appreciated and purchased. The newly?opened Foreigner Street is also a must-see, providing snacks with the traditional flavors of the Bai ethnic munity, as well as the famous 'Three-course Tea' ceremony for receiving guests that includes 'bitter tea', 'sweet tea' and 'final tea'.。



大理古城导游词英文5篇大理古城导游词英文(1)Dali elm leaves for short, is also called the purple city, its history can be traced back to began years, NaZhaoWang GeLuoFeng built my sheep baa city (now the city near the west tower), for its new capital. Ancient city was built in Ming h* fifteen years (AD 1382), around 12, the walls of two zhangs five feet, thick two zhangs. North and south, east and west of a door, in both towers, four corners and turrets.Liberation, the walls are broken down. In 1982, rebuilt south side door, door head "Dali" two characters is a concentration of guo moruo calligraphy. By the gates into the city, south Beijing changfu promotes a pass-through northward, became a bustling streets, shops along the street on a par, selling ethnic handicrafts and jewelry, jade, such as marble, tie-dye, etc. Some old curtilage, the streets are also are still to be found, pond in the garden flowers and trees, birdsong, and outdoor streams flowing water channel. "Three Wells, a door a few potted flower" scene still.The ancient city of east-west nation road, known as the "foreigner street". Here one by one between Chinese and western restaurants, cafes, tea houses and gift shops, trademark, advertising, multi-purpose writing, leaving the country attracts blond "laowai", linger here, looking for ancient east, gradually into a unique scenery.The ancient city of history can be traced back to began years, NaZhaoWang GeLuoFeng built my sheep baa city (now near the city of the west tower), for its new capital. Ancient city was built in Ming h* fifteen years (AD 1382), around 12.On February 8, 1982, the state council announced Dali is oneof China's first batch of 24 historical and cultural city.The gate of the ancient city of Dali in yunnan province, the first batch of key cultural relics protection "emperor sai-jo flat yunnan tablet", it stands on the march street street field.In 1 km northwest of ancient city, is listed as the national first batch of key units to be protected by the state council of the Dali three towers, and, at the southwest corner of the ancient city a holy temple tower, is relatively and added a layer of bright colors for the ancient city.Dali city roads are still maintained the chessboard type grid structure since the Ming and qing, known as the nine street 18 lane. The north-south confrontation of the two towers have been restored.Foreigners' street in the city from south to north, across a street, deep deep and remote street lane, from west to east, across the city to the polished tile roof, the wall of the cobble stones, according to the ancient city of of primitive simplicity, chic and elegant.Seen from the features of Dali, the literature building, south gate house, five China building, beicheng gate house, where towering magnificent, the ancient city has an attractive artistically. Streets, bai nationality ancient sweet patina.An aerial view of Dali ancient city first floor - literature. In Dali ancient north gate 1 km literature building, known as the ancient city of the first door, is the landmark of the ancient city of Dali. Founded in the qing emperor kangxi years. Building the frontal hanging yunnan prefect partial figure Yu Kangxi forty years (AD 1701) the title of "literature of nations" plaque, therefore the literature. Literature building into a Dali passage across the south road on both sides LiuShuCheng shadow, stroke yiyi, quite apicturesque, is the government guideline dignitaries portal. Literature building is two layers of jehiel mountain type civil structure of dysprosium floor, with typical bai architectural features, it stands in the masonry structure above the door, magnificent.Foreigners' street - nation road. The ancient city of east-west nation road, known as the "foreigner street". Here one by one between Chinese and western restaurants, cafes, tea houses and gift shops, trademark, advertising, multi-purpose, leaving the country writing blond "laowai", linger here naked, looking for ancient east, gradually into a unique scenery.Dali ancient nanzhao "world first" - five degrees. 5 China building is ancient NaZhaoWang state guesthouse, also called to a building. Since nanzhao, five China building burned down many times, and rebuilt many times, the smaller is built. Five floor area, has formed a certain scale of calligraphy and painting market, operating varieties include calligraphy, Chinese painting class, character of landscape painting of flowers and birds, etc., and leather trade such as painting, oil painting is very active.Dali Christian churches. Dali Christian church is located in Dali changfu promotes heping road intersections, was founded in 1904 in June, called "Chinese Christian church". In 1956, changed its name to "Dali Christian unity". In 1980, changed its name to "Dali Christian church". Again in 2004 changed its name to "Dali Christ church". In 2008 is listed as the municipal cultural relics protection units. Church timberwork, four left the main structure of soil water tile roof, maintained the style of the western church, but also has strong bai architectural characteristics, is a combination of Chinese and western church.大理古城导游词英文(2)Dali referred to as "elm city, the scenery at the foot of beautiful framed, 13 km from the Dali shimonoseki. Dali ancient city was built in Ming dynasty fifteen years (1382), is one of the first batch of historical and cultural city.Dali erhai lake in the ancient east, west pillow features, towers majestic, beautiful scenery. Dali city the size of the grand square around 12, the original walls 7.5 meters high, thick 6 meters, north and south, east and west four gates, original on towers. If, autonomous prefecture capital of shimonoseki to flourish, the noisy impression, Dali is a simple and quiet.A north-south street in the city, the street has a variety of monopoly marble products, tie-dye, straw and other special products stores and bai trattoria flavour is dye-in-the-wood.With stream in the city, everywhere the bai traditional local-style dwelling houses of primitive simplicity, here people, both rich and poor, are in the habit of inside the courtyard gardening. Dali is also "the every family running water, flowers".Dali from shimonoseki close, more than 10 minutes by bus to arrive before the city's bus station and the main hotel to all of them. Also can be made of shimonoseki by small carriages to, just to talk about in front of the bus.Travel to Dali, if want to stay, the city has many according to the traditional bai local-style dwelling houses building hotel to choose from, the price is not expensive.大理古城导游词英文(3)Dali Ancient City is 13 kilometers (8.1 miles) away from Xiaguan in Dali City, Yunnan Province and is one of the 'Three Ancients' (Ancient Cities, Ancient Pagodas and Ancient Steles) of the Dali Scenic Spot. It can be dated back to the year 1382 during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and has been among the toplisted historical cities of China since 1982. With Erhai Lake to the east, and Cangshan Mountain to the west, its grand city wall, traditional Bai ethnic minority folk houses and marvelous scenery have been attracting many visitors. According to literature, Dali Ancient City was a gateway to the Silk Road in Southwest China, and also served as a seat of government and a major military barracks for Yunnan Province in ancient times. It enjoyed magnificent scale, with a wall length of 6 kilometers (3.73 miles), a height of 7.5 meters (24.6 feet) and a thickness of 6 meters (19.7 feet). There were four city gates facing west, east, north and south, upon which sat a gate tower. Four further towers were also placed at the four corners of the city wall.As it underwent many phases of prosperity as well as decline, only the city base remains till today. We can explore the mystery belonging to that period of history, especially through witnessing some parts of the city wall, the North City Wall Tower and the South City Wall Tower which were restored in 1982. The city layout was uniform, with five main streets from south to north and eight main streets from east to west, while marketplaces were neatly arranged within the city, which has remained unchanged to this date.The traditional Bai ethnic minority folk houses give the city distinctive feel, unlike any other Chinese city. A typical house is characterized by '3 rooms and a wall screening' and '4 joints and 5 courtyards'. '3 rooms and a wall screening' means that every house has a principle room and two wing-rooms and facing the principle room stands the wall screening. When the sun shines on the wall screening in the afternoon, the sunlight is reflected back to the courtyard, thus illuminating the whole area. '4 joints and 5 courtyards' means houses are built with four sides; andfour courtyards in the joining parts of the houses' corners and one big courtyard in the center makes five courtyards. The decoration is another construction feature of the folk residences, paying great attention to the gate tower, the eaves and corners. The windows, doors and the wall screening are adorned with Jianchuan woodcarvings, colored patterns, marbles and wash drawings. The delicacy, freshness and elegance of their construction may be called first-class among folk residences in Southwest China.When people walk along the cobble-paved streets in the ancient city, a sense of primitive simplicity and elegance will be invoked. Besides the Bai ethnic minority traditional folk houses, the houses all with grey-green roof tiles, peculiar workshops, temples, schools and churches with an antique flavor are scattered. Traditional artworks made of marble, such as pencil vases, striped screens, and a variety of woven handicrafts made of fine straw are laid chockablock on both sides of the street to be appreciated and purchased. The newly?opened Foreigner Street is also a must-see, providing snacks with the traditional flavors of the Bai ethnic community, as well as the famous 'Three-course Tea' ceremony for receiving guests that includes 'bitter tea', 'sweet tea' and 'final tea'.大理古城导游词英文(4)Dali referred to as "elm city, the scenery at the foot of beautiful framed, 13 km from the Dali shimonoseki. Dali ancient city was built in Ming dynasty fifteen years (1382), is one of the first batch of historical and cultural city. Dali erhai lake in the ancient east, west pillow features, towers majestic, beautiful scenery. Dali city the size of the grand square around 12, the original walls 7.5 meters high, thick 6 meters, north and south,east and west four gates, original on towers. If, autonomous prefecture capital of shimonoseki to flourish, the noisy impression, Dali is a simple and quiet.Dali ancient rippling erhai lake in the east, west lean on perennial green features, form the "ancient city of monohydrate around features, features" of urban landscape. By the gates into the city, south Beijing changfu promotes a pass-through northward, became a bustling streets, shops along the street on a par, selling ethnic handicrafts and jewelry, jade, such as marble, tie-dye, etc. Streets between some of the old curtilage, also still to be found, former pond in the garden flowers and trees, birdsong, and outdoor streams flowing water channel, "three Wells, a door a few potted flower" scene still. The ancient city of east-west nation road, known as the "foreigner street". Here one by one between Chinese and western restaurants, cafes, tea houses and gift shops, trademark, advertising, multi-purpose, leaving the country writing blond "laowai", linger here naked, looking for ancient east, gradually into a unique scenery.大理古城导游词英文(5)Dali elm leaves for short, is also called the purple city, its history can be traced back to began years, NaZhaoWang GeLuoFeng built my sheep baa city (now the city near the west tower), for its new capital. Ancient city was built in Ming hongwu fifteen years (AD 1382), around 12, the walls of two zhangs five feet, thick two zhangs. North and south, east and west of a door, in both towers, four corners and turrets. Liberation, the walls are broken down. In 1982, rebuilt south side door, door head "Dali" two characters is a concentration of guo moruo calligraphy. By the gates into the city, south Beijing changfu promotes a pass-through northward, became a bustling streets, shops along thestreet on a par, selling ethnic handicrafts and jewelry, jade, such as marble, tie-dye, etc. Some old curtilage, the streets are also are still to be found, pond in the garden flowers and trees, birdsong, and outdoor streams flowing water channel. "Three Wells, a door a few potted flower" scene still.The ancient city of east-west nation road, known as the "foreigner street". Here one by one between Chinese and western restaurants, cafes, tea houses and gift shops, trademark, advertising, multi-purpose writing, leaving the country attracts blond "laowai", linger here, looking for ancient east, gradually into a unique scenery.The ancient city of history can be traced back to began years, NaZhaoWang GeLuoFeng built my sheep baa city (now near the city of the west tower), for its new capital. Ancient city was built in Ming hongwu fifteen years (AD 1382), around 12.On February 8, 1982, the state council announced Dali is one of China's first batch of 24 historical and cultural city.The gate of the ancient city of Dali in yunnan province, the first batch of key cultural relics protection "emperor sai-jo flat yunnan tablet", it stands on the march street street field.In 1 km northwest of ancient city, is listed as the national first batch of key units to be protected by the state council of the Dali three towers, and, at the southwest corner of the ancient city a holy temple tower, is relatively and added a layer of bright colors for the ancient city.Dali city roads are still maintained the chessboard type grid structure since the Ming and qing, known as the nine street 18 lane. The north-south confrontation of the two towers have been restored.Foreigners' street in the city from south to north, across astreet, deep deep and remote street lane, from west to east, across the city to the polished tile roof, the wall of the cobble stones, according to the ancient city of of primitive simplicity, chic and elegant.Seen from the features of Dali, the literature building, south gate house, five China building, beicheng gate house, where towering magnificent, the ancient city has an attractive artistically. Streets, bai nationality ancient sweet patina.An aerial view of Dali ancient city first floor - literature. In Dali ancient north gate 1 km literature building, known as the ancient city of the first door, is the landmark of the ancient city of Dali. Founded in the qing emperor kangxi years. Building the frontal hanging yunnan prefect partial figure Yu Kangxi forty years (AD 1701) the title of "literature of nations" plaque, therefore the literature. Literature building into a Dali passage across the south road on both sides LiuShuCheng shadow, stroke yiyi, quite a picturesque, is the government guideline dignitaries portal. Literature building is two layers of jehiel mountain type civil structure of dysprosium floor, with typical bai architectural features, it stands in the masonry structure above the door, magnificent.Foreigners' street - nation road. The ancient city of east-west nation road, known as the "foreigner street". Here one by one between Chinese and western restaurants, cafes, tea houses and gift shops, trademark, advertising, multi-purpose, leaving the country writing blond "laowai", linger here naked, looking for ancient east, gradually into a unique scenery.Dali ancient nanzhao "world first" - five degrees. 5 China building is ancient NaZhaoWang state guesthouse, also called to a building. Since nanzhao, five China building burned down manytimes, and rebuilt many times, the smaller is built. Five floor area, has formed a certain scale of calligraphy and painting market, operating varieties include calligraphy, Chinese painting class, character of landscape painting of flowers and birds, etc., and leather trade such as painting, oil painting is very active.Dali Christian churches. Dali Christian church is located in Dali changfu promotes heping road intersections, was founded in 1904 in June, called "Chinese Christian church". In 1956, changed its name to "Dali Christian unity". In 1980, changed its name to "Dali Christian church". Again in 2004 changed its name to "Dali Christ church". In 2008 is listed as the municipal cultural relics protection units. Church timberwork, four left the main structure of soil water tile roof, maintained the style of the western church, but also has strong bai architectural characteristics, is a combination of Chinese and western church.。

大理英文介绍 作文

大理英文介绍 作文

大理英文介绍作文英文:As a native of Yunnan province, I have had the pleasure of visiting the beautiful city of Dali on numerous occasions. Dali is a popular tourist destination in China, known for its stunning natural scenery, rich cultural heritage, and laid-back atmosphere.One of the most impressive sights in Dali is the famous Three Pagodas, which are located on the outskirts of the city. These ancient structures date back to the Tang Dynasty and are considered to be some of the most well-preserved pagodas in China. The Three Pagodas are a testament to the incredible architectural skills of ancient Chinese craftsmen, and they are a must-see attraction for anyone visiting Dali.Another popular attraction in Dali is Erhai Lake, which is a large freshwater lake that is surrounded by beautifulmountains and forests. Visitors can take a boat ride on the lake and enjoy the stunning scenery, or they can hike along the many trails that surround the lake. Erhai Lake is also home to many different species of fish, and it is a popular spot for fishing enthusiasts.In addition to its natural beauty, Dali is also known for its rich cultural heritage. The city has a long and fascinating history, and it is home to many important historical sites and landmarks. One of the most famous of these is the Dali Ancient City, which is a walled city that dates back to the Ming Dynasty. The ancient city is filled with narrow streets, traditional buildings, and ancient temples, and it is a great place to explore and learn about the history and culture of Dali.Overall, Dali is a truly unique and special place that offers something for everyone. Whether you are interestedin history, culture, or natural beauty, Dali has it all. I highly recommend visiting this beautiful city and experiencing all that it has to offer.中文:作为云南省的本地人,我曾多次有幸拜访美丽的大理城。




以下是对大理风景的英文介绍:Nestled in the northwest of Yunnan Province, China, Dali is a city steeped in ancient charm and breathtaking scenery. Renowned as one of the most culturally rich and naturally beautiful destinations in southwestern China, Dali captivates visitors with its unique blend of history, culture, and stunning landscapes.Dali is perhaps best known for its picturesque Erhai Lake, a sparkling jewel nestled at the foot of the Cangshan Mountains. Spanning over 250 square kilometers, Erhai Lake is not only a stunning natural attraction but also a vital part of the local ecosystem. Visitors can take leisurely boat cruises on the lake, immersing themselves in the tranquil surroundings while enjoying panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and quaint fishing villages.The Cangshan Mountains, which form a dramatic backdrop to Dali, are another highlight of the region. With their rugged peaks, lush forests, and cascading waterfalls, the Cangshan Mountains offer endless opportunities for outdoor adventure. Hiking trails crisscross the mountains, leading adventurers through bamboo groves, past alpine meadows, and up to breathtaking viewpoints where they can marvel at the beauty of the landscape below.In addition to its natural wonders, Dali is also home to a rich cultural heritage that dates back centuries. The ancient city of Dali, with its well-preserved traditional architecture and cobblestone streets, is a living testament to the region's storied past. Visitors can explore historic landmarks such as the imposing Dali Ancient City Wall, which encircles the old town and offers panoramic views of the surrounding area.One of the most iconic symbols of Dali is the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple, a trio of towering pagodas that have stood for over a millennium. These majesticstructures, with their elegant design and intricate carvings, are a testament to the region's Buddhist heritage and architectural prowess.Beyond its natural beauty and cultural attractions, Dali is also known for its vibrant arts scene and colorful local traditions. The city's bustling markets, where artisans sell everything from handcrafted textiles to intricately carved wooden souvenirs, are a feast for the senses. Visitors can also experience the local Bai ethnic culture through traditional dance performances, music, and cuisine, which is renowned for its bold flavors and use of fresh, locally sourced ingredients.In conclusion, Dali is a place of unparalleled beauty and cultural richness, where ancient traditions coexist harmoniously with the stunning natural landscape. Whether you're seeking adventure in the mountains, immersion in history and culture, or simply a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life, Dali has something to offer every traveler.。




大理导游词英文版范文1:Dali is located in the west of yunnan province, Dali bai autonomous prefecture of state government headquarters. Erhai lake in Dali is located in the yunnan-guizhou plateau plain, zhon mountain foothill, shore of erhai lake, the ancient capital city of nanzhao and Dali kingdom, as the ancient yunnan region's political, economic and cultural center, for more than five hundred years. In 1982, Dali by the Chinese government as one of the first batch of 24 national historical and cultural city. The Dali as China's first top ten charm city, is the bai nationality as the main body of ethnic minority areas, covers an area of 1468 square kilometers, the population of the city of 610000 people, including bai accounted for 65%. Governs 10 towns and 1 township, a total of 20 neighborhood committees and 109 administrative villages. The municipal people's government in shimonoseki town.Dali always is permeated with light of languid is lazy. Foreigner that many books in the streets, bars, small gallery, and so on are good entertainment. Short street, collected too many bars. Lazy people book, birds, not only the name, having a unique style and atmosphere in the store a is also have their own characteristics. Scenic spots and historical sites such as WeiShan scenic spot, TaiHeCheng site.Spring and summer is the best travel time.West emperor period, zhang qian to the western regions, to stimulate the emperor to explore from the southwest to India "shu body poison", southwest frontier. Before 109 (the emperoryuan inside front cover) remote place leaves yu county in Dali region, is the first Chinese dynasty in yunnan county area. When the eastern han dynasty belongs Yu Yongchang county. When the three surrender to the army, zhuge liang's have set up the shu han county in yunnan province. Northern and southern dynasties when the order is a Yang county, xihe river county. At that time, bai has formed roughly, and in the erhai lake BianJianZhu more cities. After the establishment of the republic of China, cut the marble house, taihe county changed its name to Dali county. Analysis of 1950 shimonoseki, 1950, shimonoseki the Dali county level was set up in the merger with Dali county. Now state of Dali bai minority autonomous prefecture headquarters, the population of the city is about two thirds of bai people.Dali bai minority autonomous prefecture in the state of Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism, Christianity, the five teaching. State of registration in accordance with the religious activity places in 300. In addition, there are from the original religion based on bai benzhu faith advocate the folk beliefs such as belief, yi soil small temple temple in 2450.大理导游词英文版范文2:Dali referred to as "elm city, the scenery at the foot of beautiful framed, 13 km from the Dali shimonoseki. Dali ancient city was built in Ming dynasty fifteen years (1382), is one of the first batch of historical and cultural city. Dali erhai lake in the ancient east, west pillow features, towers majestic, beautiful scenery. Dali city the size of the grand square around 12, the original walls 7.5 meters high, thick 6 meters, north and south, east and west four gates, original on towers. If, autonomous prefecture capital of shimonoseki to flourish, the noisy impression, Dali is a simple and quiet.A north-south street in the city, the street has a variety of monopoly marble products, tie-dye, straw and other special products stores and bai trattoria flavour is dye-in-the-wood. With stream in the city, everywhere the bai traditional local-style dwelling houses of primitive simplicity, here people, both rich and poor, are in the habit of inside the courtyard gardening. Dali is also "the every family running water, flowers". Dali from shimonoseki close, more than 10 minutes by bus to arrive before the city's bus station and the main hotel to all of them.Also can be made of shimonoseki by small carriages to, just to talk about in front of the bus. Travel to Dali, if want to stay, the city has many according to the traditional bai local-style dwelling houses building hotel to choose from, the price is not expensive.Around three spirits, is in a summer solstice 23 25 April every year, around three spirit festival for three days. March street, also known as: the goddess of mercy, is in the annual lunar March 15 solstice 21. March street is the most grand traditional festival of the bai, is not only the material exchange event, and horse racing, dian, lanterns and other literary sports center for the performing of the play. Form of singing festival, it is in the annual lunar July 26 solstice August the first. Will play the sea, is also called: body section. On clearance, xizhou area began in the lunar calendar of July 23, Dali, where the area began in August 8th lunar month. 大理导游词英文版范文3:Does not have been to Dali, know Dali mostly comes from two sources, one is Mr Jin yong's novels, the novel middle HuangYe "refers to the magic" highlighted south ancient qingyuan mystery of zhao, and attract plumcakes with random; 2 it is 60 s "five golden flowers" as a song sings through the great river north and south "butterfly spring edge to meet", Dalibeautiful scenery is also well known.In fact, Dali some far more than these. Dali has a long history, known as the "literature of state" reputation. As far away as new paleolithic period, there are ancient human living. West the emperor set counties in yunnan, Dali in the han dynasty. Tang and song dynasties, Dali has belonged to the south zhao kingdom and Dali kingdom of tang and song dynasty two local authority. Before the yuan dynasty, Dali is always the center of politics, economy and culture in yunnan. Yunnan in the yuan dynasty, established, the center of politics, economy and culture in yunnan by Dali moved to kunming. However, Dali is still the center of politics, economy and culture, western yunnan successively with road, office, administrative commissioner's office a political institution of regional level. In 1956, the regional national autonomy, the establishment of Dali bai minority autonomous prefecture. At the same time, also is the transportation hub of western yunnan Dali. After the reform and opening, Dali has gradually developed into western yunnan business tourist center city.Long history and bright culture, left a rich historical relics. Jade Er between silver cang, natural scenery beautiful spectacular, features such as screen, erhai lake as a mirror, butterfly spring deep, both the "moon" four wonders (where the wind, the flowers, zhon mountain, erhai lake month) snow.Dali bai, the most important is simple and full-bodied amorous feelings of bai preserved here. To Dali bai life custom, you can learn to taste the unique bai flavor food, to choose and buy gratified flexibly bai folk arts and crafts, you can also take part in a traditional Dali bai march street festival celebrations.The ancient city of Dali has attracted foreign self-helptourists, formed a nation road in the city's famous "foreigner street". Reveling in bai simple and unsophisticated folkway and long history culture, they might even in Dali long-term residence.。



大理古城简介英文作文Located in the Yunnan province of China, Dali Ancient Town is a charming and picturesque destination. The town is surrounded by the stunning Cangshan Mountain and the serene Erhai Lake, providing a beautiful backdrop for visitors to enjoy.The ancient town is famous for its well-preserved traditional Bai architecture, with its unique grey roof tiles and white walls. The streets are lined with old buildings, ancient city gates, and peaceful courtyards, creating a nostalgic and tranquil atmosphere.Visitors can wander through the cobblestone streets, exploring the quaint shops, art galleries, and cafes that are tucked away in the town's hidden corners. The lively street markets offer a variety of local handicrafts, traditional snacks, and colorful souvenirs for tourists to enjoy.One of the town's main attractions is the Three Pagodas, a symbol of the ancient Buddhist heritage of the region. These impressive pagodas stand tall against the backdrop of the mountains, creating a stunning sight that is not to be missed.For those seeking a more active experience, the surrounding area offers opportunities for outdooractivities such as hiking, cycling, and boat trips on the nearby lake. The natural beauty of the region is truly breathtaking, making it a perfect destination for nature lovers.In addition to its natural and architectural beauty,Dali Ancient Town is also known for its rich cultural heritage. The town is home to a diverse community of Bai people, who have preserved their traditional customs, clothing, and culinary traditions, providing visitors witha unique and immersive cultural experience.。



Dali has a long history. It used to be the capital of Yunnan and centers of political, economy and culture of Yunnan. The Dali city consists of two parts: the new city and the ancient city. Dali has four most famous landscapes”wind”, “flower”, “snow”, and “the moon”. Among them, the “wind” refers to “Xiaguan Wind”. Due to the unique position(Xiaguan is a mountain pass), the wind generated from here. So Xiaguan is also called “Wind City”. “Flower” means “Shangguan Flower”.Here I will not say more about it. “Snow” refers to the”Cangshan Mountain”, which is covered by white snow for thousand years. The snow on the top of the mountain never melt. So people named it “Cangshan Snow”. Actually, the reason why the snow on it doesn’t melt is all for its high altitude.(1)The Ancient City of DaliThe ancient city of Dali is located at foot of the Cang Mountain in the west and overlooking the Erhai Lake in the east. The layout of the city is typical chessboard patterns. There are 5 streets from south to north, and 8 lanes from east to west. All the roads are paved with blue slab stones. Along the streets are the typical houses of the Bai's. The houses have stone wall and dark tile roofs. They looks delicate.The people of Dali are fond of flowers and every family has a courtyard with seasoned flowers in blossom all the year round. Every year in lunar February, when the Flower Festival is held, pots of flowers are displayed in front of every house, which forms a vast sea of flowers in the whole city.Inside the city, there are many historical relics and places of interest such as different kind of shops,which sell a variety of handicraft,the old church, and "the Foreigners street". Along the street you can find many western-style food, music, and English-speaking business owners. There are also some coffee sops, bars andMinority characteristic shops. The tourists at home and abroad have been attracted to visit Dali.2) The Erhai LakeThe Erhai Lake is named after its ear-like shape. It is the second largest fresh water lake in Yunnan. The erhai lake is regarded as the mother lake, the highland bright pearl by local people. There are three islands in the lake---Jinsuo Island, Putuo Island, and the Nanzhao Beauty Style island. Long long ago, many local people made a living on catching fish from the lake. Now there are also many kinds of fish. For example, the snake fishes, the silver fish, many kind of carps.During the middle autumn festival. The BAi people living around will drive the boat to the lake to appreciate the beautiful moon and eat the mooncake with the family members.。



大理英文介绍作文I want to introduce you to Dali, a beautiful and charming city in Yunnan Province, China. It's a place where you can experience the unique Bai culture and enjoy the stunning natural scenery.The old town of Dali is a maze of cobblestone streets, traditional Bai houses, and ancient city walls. You can wander around and discover hidden courtyards, local markets, and quaint little shops selling handmade crafts.The Three Pagodas are a must-see attraction in Dali. These ancient Buddhist pagodas are over 1,000 years old and are a symbol of the rich history and cultural heritage of the region.If you're a nature lover, you'll be amazed by thebeauty of Erhai Lake. It's a peaceful and serene placewhere you can take a boat ride, go fishing, or simply relax and enjoy the breathtaking views of the surroundingmountains.Dali is also known for its delicious food. You can try the famous "crossing the bridge noodles," a traditional dish that is not only tasty but also has an interesting story behind it.One of the best things about Dali is the laid-back and relaxed atmosphere. It's a place where you can slow down, take a break from the hustle and bustle of city life, and simply enjoy the beauty of the moment.I hope this brief introduction has piqued your interest in Dali. It's truly a special place that offers a unique blend of culture, history, and natural beauty. If you ever have the chance to visit, I'm sure you'll fall in love with this enchanting city.。



The introduction to dal iDali is a city which is located northwest of the Yunnan province in the south of China, and 300 kilo-meters northwest of Kunming. Just between the Cangshan mountains to the west and Erhai lake to the east.Dali is an ancient city with a history of over 2000 years. It was established as the capital of the Nanzhao Kingdom in the Tang Dynasty (618AD-907AD). In the Song Dynasty (960-1279AD) it became the capital of the Dali Kingdom. Now Dali is the political, economic, and cultural center of the western part of Yunnan Province.Dali is one of Yunnan's most popular tourist destinations, along with Lijiang, for tourists from both within and outside China. And then I 'll take you to travel around Dali.When you arrived in Dali, the first thing come into your eyes is cangshan, Cangshan, also names the Diancang, it has 19 peaks. As the protective screen of dali, it located from the north to the south. As you can see, it 's covered by the snow all the year, and the clouds make it moremysterious .Then I will take you to the Erhai lake, Erhai isat the foot of cangshan, it 's in the east of Dali city , we can travel around the lake by boat, and there are a few island located at the center of the lake, we can stop by and you can feel the strong customs of our nationality. Next ,I 'll show you around the Three Pagodas temple, they are the ancient landmarks and symbols of Dali .The three pagodas are the only surviving temples through the war, so it 's make them more special. Then I 'd like to show you some pictures about the Dali Ancient City, it 's very mysteriousand attractive. At the last, another attractions we have to introduce is the Butterfly Spring. Travel about 27 kilometers south of Dali and here you are at the Butterfly Spring. The pool is about 50 square meters overall and above it is an ancient decumbent tree called‘butterflytree ', when the spring turns to summer, its fragrant blossom will attracts thousands of butterflies. It 's become a very beautiful picture.Then it 's comes to the food part, our eating habits is basically the same with Han. But we still have some delicious special local food. Such as milk fan(乳扇)、Xizhoubaba (喜洲粑粑)and so on. But the most special one is this, we called it “eight big bowl( 八大碗) ”,we usually use it to entertain the guests to show our welcome.Now I 'll introduce about the local national culture. Dali is a Minority Autonomous Prefecture( 自治州) ,and Bai Minority making up the majority of Dali 's population(65%). The national dress is mainly in white, but now most people don 't dress all the time, except the holidays.located northwest of the Yunnan Province, 300 kilo-mete rs (186 miles) northwest of Kunming, Dali City is the e conomic and cultural center of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture. The area is surrounded by mountains on the east, west, and south, and has the Erhai Lake in its ce nter. Here you will find 25 ethnic minorities, which ha ve created a unique cultural heritage amidst the area's picturesque surroundings.Can gsha n Mountain and Erhai Lake are praised as Dali'sleading scenic areas. Most attractions in Dali lie between these two Iandmarks, such as the Butterfly Spring, and the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple. Ethnic minorities have in habited Dali for gen erati ons, with the Bai Min oritymaking up the majority of Dali's population (65%). Thecustoms of the ethnic minorities bring charm to daily life in Dali. Each spring, celebrations and festivals bring thecity to life. Celebrations such as the March StreetFestival and Butterfly Fest provide excelle ntopport un ities to lear n about local folk customs. 少数民族世代居住大理,白族占多数人口的达利(65%) o海关的少数民族的日常生活带来的魅力,在大理。



关于大理古城的英文作文Dali Ancient City, located in the western part of Yunnan Province, is a famous tourist destination in China.It is a well-preserved ancient city that dates back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). The city is surrounded by mountains and has a beautiful natural landscape. Theancient city is a cultural and historical treasure, with many traditional buildings, temples, and cultural relics.Dali Ancient City has a long history and rich cultural heritage. It was an important trading center on the ancient Tea Horse Road, which connected Yunnan with Tibet and Southeast Asia. The city was also the capital of the Nanzhao and Dali Kingdoms during the Tang and Song Dynasties. The city has a unique blend of Chinese, Bai, and Tibetan cultures, which is reflected in its architecture, customs, and festivals.The ancient city is surrounded by a moat and a city wall, which is 6.5 kilometers long. The wall has four gates,each facing a different direction. The gates are decorated with beautiful carvings and paintings, and are a popular spot for tourists to take photos. Inside the city, thereare many traditional buildings, such as the Three Pagodasof Chongsheng Temple, the Yu'er Park, and the Zhonghe Temple. The buildings are built in the Bai style, which is characterized by white walls and black tiles.The Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple is the most famous landmark of Dali Ancient City. It is a group ofthree pagodas, each with a different height and style. The pagodas were built in the Tang Dynasty and are over 1,000 years old. They are a symbol of the ancient city and a popular attraction for tourists.Yu'er Park is a beautiful park located in the center of the ancient city. It is a popular place for locals to relax and enjoy the scenery. The park has many pavilions, bridges, and ponds, which are surrounded by lush trees and flowers. The park is also home to the Yu'er Lake, which is a natural lake with crystal-clear water.Zhonghe Temple is a Buddhist temple located in the northern part of the ancient city. It was built in the Tang Dynasty and has a history of over 1,300 years. The temple has many beautiful statues, paintings, and carvings, which are a testament to the rich cultural heritage of theancient city.In addition to its cultural and historical attractions, Dali Ancient City is also famous for its local cuisine and handicrafts. The city is known for its delicious Bai cuisine, which is characterized by its fresh ingredientsand unique flavors. The city is also famous for its handicrafts, such as tie-dyeing, embroidery, and silverware.In conclusion, Dali Ancient City is a unique and fascinating tourist destination in China. Its rich cultural heritage, beautiful natural scenery, and delicious local cuisine make it a must-visit for anyone traveling to Yunnan Province. The ancient city is a treasure trove of history and culture, and a testament to the enduring legacy of the Bai, Chinese, and Tibetan cultures.。



大理导游词英文版范本Dali is located in the west of yunnan province, Dali bai autonomous prefecture of state government headquarters. Erhai lake in Dali is located in the yunnan-guizhou plateau plain, zhon mountain foothill, shore of erhai lake, the ancient capital city of nanzhao and Dali kingdom, as the ancient yunnan region's political, economic and cultural center, for more than five hundred years. In 1982, Dali by the Chinese government as one of the first batch of 24 national historical and cultural city. The Dali as China's first top ten charm city, is the bai nationality as the main body of ethnic minority areas, covers an area of 1468 square kilometers, the population of the city of 610000 people, including bai aounted for 65%. Governs 10 towns and 1 township, a total of 20 neighborhood mittees and 109 administrative villages. The municipal people's government in shimonoseki town.Dali always is permeated with light of languid is lazy. Foreigner that many books in the streets, bars, small gallery, and so on are good entertainment. Short street, collected too many bars. Lazy people book, birds, not only the name, having a unique style and atmosphere in the store a is also have their own characteristics. Scenic spots and historical sites such as WeiShan scenic spot, TaiHeCheng site.Spring and summer is the best travel time.West emperor period, zhang qian to the western regions, to stimulate the emperor to explore from the southwest to India "shu body poison", southwest frontier. Before 109 (the emperor yuan inside front cover) remote place leavesyu county in Dali region, is the first Chinese dynasty in yunnan county area. When the eastern han dynasty belongs Yu Yongchang county. When the three surrender to the army, zhuge liang's have set up the shu han county in yunnan province. Northern and southern dynasties when the order is a Yang county, xihe river county. At that time, bai has formed roughly, and in the erhai lake BianJianZhu more cities. After the establishment of the republic of China,cut the marble house, taihe county changed its name to Dali county. Analysis of 1950 shimonoseki, 1950, shimonoseki the Dali county level was set up in the merger with Dali county. Now state of Dali bai minority autonomous prefecture headquarters, the population of the city is about twothirds of bai people.Dali bai minority autonomous prefecture in the state of Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism, Christianity, thefive teaching. State of registration in aordance with the religious activity places in 300. In addition, there are from the original religion based on bai benzhu faithadvocate the folk beliefs such as belief, yi soil small temple temple in 2450.Dali referred to as "elm city, the scenery at the footof beautiful framed, 13 km from the Dali shimonoseki. Dali ancient city was built in Ming dynasty fifteen years (1382), is one of the first batch of historical and cultural city. Dali erhai lake in the ancient east, west pillow features, towers majestic, beautiful scenery. Dali city the size of the grand square around 12, the original walls 7.5 meters high, thick 6 meters, north and south, east and west four gates, original on towers. If, autonomous prefecturecapital of shimonoseki to flourish, the noisy impression, Dali is a simple and quiet.A north-south street in the city, the street has a variety of monopoly marble products, tie-dye, straw and other special products stores and bai trattoria flavour is dye-in-the-wood. With stream in the city, everywhere thebai traditional local-style dwelling houses of primitive simplicity, here people, both rich and poor, are in thehabit of inside the courtyard gardening. Dali is also "the every family running water, flowers". Dali from shimonoseki close, more than 10 minutes by bus to arrive before thecity's bus station and the main hotel to all of them.Also can be made of shimonoseki by small carriages to, just to talk about in front of the bus. Travel to Dali, ifwant to stay, the city has many aording to the traditional bai local-style dwelling houses building hotel to choose from, the price is not expensive.Around three spirits, is in a summer solstice 23 25April every year, around three spirit festival for three days. March street, also known as: the goddess of mercy, is in the annual lunar March 15 solstice 21. March street is the most grand traditional festival of the bai, is not only the material exchange event, and horse racing, dian,lanterns and other literary sports center for theperforming of the play. Form of singing festival, it is in the annual lunar July 26 solstice August the first. Will play the sea, is also called: body section. On clearance, xizhou area began in the lunar calendar of July 23, Dali, where the area began in August 8th lunar month.Does not have been to Dali, know Dali mostly es fromtwo sources, one is Mr Jin yong's novels, the novel middle HuangYe "refers to the magic" highlighted south ancient qingyuan mystery of zhao, and attract plumcakes with random;2 it is 60 s "five golden flowers" as a song sings through the great river north and south "butterfly spring edge to meet", Dali beautiful scenery is also well known.In fact, Dali some far more than these. Dali has a long history, known as the "literature of state" reputation. As far away as new paleolithic period, there are ancient humanliving. West the emperor set counties in yunnan, Dali in the han dynasty. Tang and song dynasties, Dali has belonged to the south zhao kingdom and Dali kingdom of tang and song dynasty two local authority. Before the yuan dynasty, Dali is always the center of politics, economy and culture in yunnan. Yunnan in the yuan dynasty, established, the center of politics, economy and culture in yunnan by Dali moved to kunming. However, Dali is still the center of politics, economy and culture, western yunnan suessively with road, office, administrative missioner's office a political institution of regional level. In 1956, the regional national autonomy, the establishment of Dali bai minority autonomous prefecture. At the same time, also is the transportation hub of western yunnan Dali. After the reform and opening, Dali has gradually developed into western yunnan business tourist center city.Long history and bright culture, left a rich historical relics. Jade Er between silver cang, natural scenery beautiful spectacular, features such as screen, erhai lake as a mirror, butterfly spring deep, both the "moon" four wonders (where the wind, the flowers, zhon mountain, erhai lake month) snow.Dali bai, the most important is simple and full-bodied amorous feelings of bai preserved here. To Dali bai life custom, you can learn to taste the unique bai flavor food,to choose and buy gratified flexibly bai folk arts and crafts, you can also take part in a traditional Dali bai march street festival celebrations.The ancient city of Dali has attracted foreign self-help tourists, formed a nation road in the city's famous "foreigner street". Reveling in bai simple and unsophisticated folkway and long history culture, they might even in Dali long-term residence.。



写大理的英语作文篇一:Dali is a city in Yunnan province in the south of China, located on a fertile plateau between the Cangshan mountains to the west and Erhai lake to the east. It has traditionally been settled by Bai and Yi minority. It is also the capital of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture.Dali is the ancient capital of both the Bai kingdom Nanzhao, which flourished in the area during the 8th and 9th centuries, and the Kingdom of Dali, which reigned from 937-1253. Dali was also the center of the Panthay Rebellion from 1856-1863.Dali is also famous for the many types of marble it produces, which are used primarily in construction and for decorative objects. In fact, Dali is so famous for the stone that the name of marble in Chinese is literally "Dali Stone" (Chinese: 大理石; pinyin: dali shi).Dali is now a major tourist destination, along with Lijiang, for tourists from both within and outside China.Dali is one of Yunnan's most popular tourist destinations, both for its historic sites and the "Foreigners' Street" that features western-style food, music, and English-speaking business owners, making it popular among both western and Chinese tourists, who come to gawk at the foreigners. There are also multiple "coffee shops", such as those in Amsterdam, where foreigners smoke marijuana that grows in the hills surrounding the town. This has caused some tourists to have an extended stay in this beautiful old town.写大理的英语作文篇二:The full name of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Dali in Yunnan Province is located in the central west throughout the city of East Lake Tour and Diancang Mountain West. Here mild climate fertile land beautiful landscape scene in China's southwest border early development of one of the areas in the far more than 4000 years ago the original inhabitants of the Dali area alone.写大理的英语作文篇三:Dali Ancient City is 13 kilometers (8.1 miles) away from Xiaguan in Dali City, Yunnan Province and is one of the 'Three Ancients' (Ancient Cities, Ancient Pagodas and Ancient Steles) of the Dali Scenic Spot. It can be dated back to the year 1382 during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and has been among the top listed historical cities of China since 1982. With Erhai Lake to the east, and Cangshan Mountain to the west, its grand city wall, traditional Bai ethnic minority folk houses and marvelous scenery have been attracting many visitors.According to literature, Dali Ancient City was a gateway to the Silk Road in Southwest China, and also served as a seat of government and a major militarybarracks for Yunnan Province in ancient times. It enjoyed magnificent scale, with a wall length of 6 kilometers (3.73 miles), a height of 7.5 meters (24.6 feet) and a thickness of 6 meters (19.7 feet). There were four city gates facing west, east, north and south, upon which sat a gate tower. Four further towers were also placed at the four corners of the city wall. As it underwent many phases of prosperity as well as decline, only the city base remains till today. We can explore the mystery belonging to that period of history, especially through witnessing some parts of the city wall, the North City Wall Tower and the South City Wall Tower which were restored in 1982. The city layout was uniform, with five main streets from south to north and eight main streets from east to west, while marketplaces were neatly arranged within the city, which has remained unchanged to this date.The traditional Bai ethnic minority folk houses give the city distinctive feel, unlike any other Chinese city. A typical house is characterized by '3 rooms and a wall screening' and '4 joints and 5 courtyards'. '3 rooms and a wall screening' means that every house has a principle room and two wing-rooms and facing the principle room stands the wall screening. When the sun shines on the wall screening in the afternoon, the sunlight is reflected back to the courtyard, thus illuminating the whole area. '4 joints and 5 courtyards' means houses are built with four sides; and four courtyards in the joining parts of the houses' corners and one big courtyard in the center makes five courtyards. The decoration is another construction feature of the folk residences, paying great attention to the gate tower, the eaves and corners. The windows, doors and the wall screening are adorned with Jianchuan woodcarvings, colored patterns, marbles and wash drawings. The delicacy, freshness and elegance of their construction may be called first-class among folk residences in Southwest China.When people walk along the cobble-paved streets in the ancient city, a sense of primitive simplicity and elegance will be invoked. Besides the Bai ethnic minority traditional folk houses, the houses all with grey-green roof tiles, peculiar workshops,temples, schools and churches with an antique flavor are scattered. Traditional artworks made of marble, such as pencil vases, striped screens, and a variety of woven handicrafts made of fine straw are laid chockablock on both sides of the street to be appreciated and purchased. The newly?opened Foreigner Street is also a must-see, providing snacks with the traditional flavors of the Bai ethnic community, as well as the famous 'Three-course Tea' ceremony for receiving guests that includes 'bitter tea', 'sweet tea' and 'final tea'.写大理的英语作文篇四:Before we get to our destination I would like to give you a brief introduction to Dali. Why is it called “Dali”? As we all know Dali has a long history. After the Kingdom of NanZhao Duansiping established the Kingdom of Dali. “li” the Chinese character refers to “manners” indicating the hope of the king which makes his country a prosperous and civilized place.Dali is a world –famous tourist attraction. It is rich in cultural heritages and tourist resources. Dali is widely claimed as “the Oriental Switzerland” “the Chinese Geneva” and “the Pearl on the Yunnan Plateau”. Each year it attracts thousands of tourists both at home and from abroad to pay a visit. And we are all familiar with the saying: wind flowers snow and the moon which refers to the snow on Cangshan mountain the moon of the Erhai Lake the wind of Shangguan county and the flowers in Xiaguang county. There are regarded as the best sight of Dali.。




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大理古城DaliAncientCity 英文导游词
大理古城在唐、宋500 多年的历史间是云南的政治、经济、文化的
中心,在古城内分布了14 处市级以上的重点文物保护单位,承载着大

Dali Ancient City is 13 kilometers (8.1 miles) away from Xiaguan in Dali City, Yunnan Province and is one of the 'Three Ancients' (Ancient Cities, Ancient Pagodas and Ancient Steles) of the Dali Scenic Spot. It can be dated back to the year 1382 during the Ming Dynasty (1368- 1644) and has been among the top listed historical cities of China since 1982. With Erhai Lake to the east, and Cangshan Mountain to the west, its grand city wall, traditional Bai ethnic minority folk houses and marvelous scenery have been attracting many visitors.
According to literature, Dali Ancient City was a gateway to the Silk Road in Southwest China, and also served as a seat of government and a major military barracks for Yunnan Province in ancient times. It enjoyed magnificent scale, with a wall length of 6 kilometers (3.73 miles), a height of 7.5 meters (24.6 feet) and a thickness of 6 meters (19.7 feet). There were four city gates facing west, east, north and south, upon which sat a gate tower. Four further towers were also placed at the four corners of the city wall. As it underwent many phases of prosperity as well as decline, only the city base remains till today. We can explore the mystery belonging to that period of history, especially through witnessing some parts of the city wall, the North City Wall Tower and the South City Wall Tower which were restored in 1982. The city layout was uniform, with five main streets from south to north and eight main streets from east to west, while marketplaces were neatly。
