• 环保服装概述 • 环保服装的材料与技术 • 环保服装的设计与品牌 • 环保服装的生产与销售 • 环保服装的推广与倡导 • 未来环保服装的发展趋势
采用环保材料和技术,在 生产、加工、销售等环节 注重环境保护和可持续发 展的服装。
在电视、广播、报纸等媒体上投放公益广告,宣传环保服装的理 念和意义。
组织以环保服装为主题的公益活动,如环保时装周、绿色出行日等 ,鼓励公众参与。
提倡购买环保服装,抵制过度消费和浪费,引导公众树立绿色消费 观念。
H&M Conscious
20世纪末至21世纪初,随着可持续发 展理念的普及,环保服装逐渐受到重 视并得到快速发展。
目前,环保服装市场呈现出快速 增长的态势,消费者对环保、健 康的关注度不断提高,对环保服
未来,随着全球环境问题的日益严 重和消费者环保意识的不断提高, 环保服装市场将继续保持快速增长 ,并成为主流趋势。
茹 素质为 目的的教育 , 它与 “ 应
试 教育” 的主要 不 同在 于教 区 育观 、质量 观 、学生 观、教 织 学观 的不 同 ,具 体体现 在如
喜 ( 1 ) 从培养目标看, 藏 .素 质教育 力求德、 智、 体、 美、
中 劳全 面发展 ,应试教 育只重
【 摘 要】 如何在初 中英语教 学中实施素 质教 育 ,这是广 大教育研 究者一直在探 索和 研 究 的 问题 。在 教 学 实践 中, 本 人 主 要 通 过 优 化课 堂教 学 目标 ,改进教 学方法、创 设 交 际情境 ,提 高教 师素质 等途径 ,使 学生形成 有效 的学 习策略 ,激发 和培养 学习兴趣 ,养 成 良好的学 习习惯 ,注重对 学生听、说、读 、 写 综 合 技 能 的 全 面训 练 ,获 得 基 本 的 语 言 交 际能 力,为学生的发展 和终 身学习打下 良好
【 关键 词 】 初 中英语 ;素质教 育;课 堂 教学 目 标 ;教学方法;交际情境
如何在初 中英语教学 中实施素质教育 , 这一直是很多教育工作者探索和研究的问题 , 企 图通过素念 , 满足学 生的求知 欲。那么 , 如何在初 中英语教学 中实施 素质教育呢?笔者通过 l 0 多 年的教 学实践 ,总结 出了一 些观 点,现略作 整理 ,望有 识之士批评指正 。 转 变教育观念 ,面 音 向全体学生 ,实 现从应试 教 州 育向素质教 育的转变 素质 教育是 以提高人 的
张 金炼
( 贵州大学艺术学 院 O 服装设计 贵州 贵阳 50 0 ) 6 5 00 中 图 分 类 号 :5 35 j2 . 文献 标 识 码 : A
摘要 : 近年来刮起了一场席卷全球 的“ 低碳 ” , 风 为顺应环保节能这个大的趋势 , 作为服装设计专业 的从 业人 员, 我们应该大力提 倡低碳绿色环保服装的设计理念. 今天笔者就低碳绿色环保服装 的设计阐述自己的一些观点 。 关键词 : 低碳 绿色环保 服装设计
3大豆蛋 白纤维面料。被称为新 世纪 的“ . 生态纺织纤 维 ” 主要原料来 自于大豆豆粕 , , 由我国率先 自主开发、 研 制成功 。 该纤维单丝纤度细 、 比重小、 强伸度高 、 酸耐碱性 好 。用它纺织成的面料 , 具有羊绒般的手感 、 般的柔 蚕丝 实 行环 保 标 签 认 证 。 和 光泽 , 兼有羊毛 的保暖性 、 棉纤维 的吸 湿和导湿性 , 穿 Oeo T x k — e 标准 分为三等 : 一等是普通环保 指标 , 二 着十 分舒适 , 而且能使成本下降 3 V 0 0 ̄4%。 等表示全部使 用天然染料 ,三等表示不仅 染色使 用天然 4霉 菌丝面料 。英国科学家发明了一种新 的织布方 . 材 料. 而且纺织品全部使用天然纤维。 Oeo Te 从 k — x标准 法 .即把霉菌的菌丝体经人工培育繁殖制成一种新型无 的三个等次 中, 我们可以看出 , 服装绿色设计 在材 料上有 纺织物 。这种无纺织物的面料柔软而轻薄 。 5菠萝叶纤维面料。最近 , . 日本某公 司把菠萝叶纤维 以下途径 :. 1 选用天然纤维面料。天然纤维以其 良好 的吸 湿、 透气 、 纯天 然、 安全 、 生物相容性 深受消费者 的青睐 。 浸入特殊油脂予以改质 ,织成了纯菠萝叶纤维的春夏服 包 括纯棉织物 、 织物 、 麻 毛织物 、 织物等 。除 了常见的 装衣料 。菠萝叶纤维比绢丝还要 细 34 因此 , 丝 /, 用它织成 棉、 、 、 麻 丝 毛品种外 , 国际上还涌现 了一些各具特 色的天 的布料轻薄柔软 , 其服装穿着舒适 。 6海藻纤 维面料 。海 藻具 有保 湿特点 , . 并含有钙 、 镁 然纤维 , 如麻纤维中 的蕉麻 、 风梨麻 , 中的柳 蚕丝 、 丝 具天 、、 对 然绿色 的天蚕丝 , 中的牦牛毛 、 毛 驼羊毛、 驼马毛 , 骆驼毛 等矿物质和维生素 A E c等成份 , 皮肤 有美容效果。 等, 以及菠萝叶纤维 、 香蕉纤维 、 榈叶纤 维等 。 棕 这些天然 利 用海藻内含有 的碳水化 合物 、 白质 、 蛋 脂肪 、 纤维 素和 纤 维除穿着舒适 外 , 同时具有某 种天然色彩 , 无需染 色 、 丰富矿物质等优点所开发出的纤维 ,在纺丝溶液中加入 漂 白, 少了环境污染。2选用新型生态环保型面料 。近 研磨得很细的海藻粉末予以抽丝而成 。 减 . 年 来, 世界纺织服装业为实现可持续发 展 , 推进 绿色环 在 7蛛丝面料 。美国一实验室最近成功地 复制出 4英 . 保方面做 出不少成绩 。 , 如 由于服饰美 的诸要 素中以色彩 寸长 的蜘蛛丝 . 这种蛛丝的拉伸强度为 5 1  ̄ 0倍同样直径 排名第一而不得不依赖于纺织印染 ,但 绝大部分染料是 的钢丝 的强度 , 以延伸 1% 可 8 而不断裂 , 它有蚕丝 的质地 化学物质 . 使服装材料加工成本 增加 , 还产 生了大量污染 和手 感 , 但强度 更好 , 且易染色 , 实验 室准备用它来 制 该 头盔 、 降落伞绳 、 帐蓬 、 军装等 重量轻 、 强度 废液 , 不但造成环境污染 , 可能影响人体健康 。 还 因此 , 天 造防弹 背心 、 然彩色棉 的培植成功 ,被认 为是对绿 色环保 做出的有效 大 的军用物品。 贡献 。彩棉是一种在地里吐絮时纤维就具 有天然色彩的 近年来 , 国外一些科学家与公 司将高新技术 应用于 开发出了一大批 服装绿色新品 , 这些服装功 棉花 。我 国以规模生产为 目的的彩棉研究始于 19 年 , 纺织工业上 , 94 从 美国引种培育 , 并在国内组织 实施 一条龙 开发 , 目前已 能奇特 , 样式新颖 , 深受欢 迎。 : 如 怡情服装 , 防弹服装 , 防 形成了企业构架和产业一体 化的产业 格局 ,整体 水平领 雨服装 , 仿生服装 , 防寒服装 , 抗菌服装 , 青苗服装 , 减肥 先 国际 。3采用天然无毒辅料 。服装辅料对于服装 的造 服装等等 。 型、 实用性 、 档次等各个方面 都起着重要作 用。
浅析服装设计中低碳环保理念的运用1. 引言1.1 低碳环保理念在服装设计中的重要性在服装设计中,通过采用环保材料、降低碳排放、推行可持续发展等方式,可以减少对环境的破坏,并且可以为未来的可持续发展打下基础。
2. 正文2.1 低碳环保理念的定义和意义低碳环保理念是指在生产、使用、处理服装过程中减少碳排放和环境污染的理念。
2.2 低碳环保材料在服装设计中的应用低碳环保材料在服装设计中的应用是服装行业实现可持续发展和环保目标的重要一环。
外文标题:Analysis and Study of Low-Carbon Clothing Design and Fashion Lifestyle外文作者:Yan Zhang, Rong-rong Xu文献出处:Journal of Arts and Humanities,Volume 5,Issue 6,2016,23-29英文3379单词,18792字符,中文5966汉字。
Analysis and Study of Low-Carbon Clothing Design and FashionLifestyleYan Zhang, Rong-rong XuAbstractLow-carbon is not only a slogan, but also a global action to protect the environment. In the clothing industry, low-carbon clothing design has drawn public focus and it also conveyed the notion that we should respect for nature and advocate the concept of conservation. Through the analysis and study of low-carbon clothing design, it comes to two conclusions: On the subjective aspect, low-carbon design consciousness of designers which humanization of costume design, design clothing beyond beauty, thinking and caring about people; on the objective aspects, low-carbon clothing design is analyzed in three main aspects: fabric, color and styling. It is necessary to put low-carbon concept into people‟s behavior consciousness and let the slow fashion environmental concept return back to people‟s fashion lifestyle, so that consumers can look for their self-positioning and rational thinking. Therefore, the design of low-carbon clothing should be raised to the design of humanistic care to ensure that low-carbon concept is a global need and responsibility.Keywords: Clothing Design, Environmental Protection, Fashion, Lifestyle, Low-Carbon.IntroductionWith the rapid development of industrial civilization in 20th century, people have changed their material life. However, global environment suffers from malignant pollution. For example, ecological resource is destroyed and the species diversity is reduced. In order to protect our earth, humans began to focus on ecological protection and emphasize low-carbon sustainable development (Liming, 2010). In the clothing industry, low-carbon clothing design has drawn enough attention. Firstly, people pay more attention to the quality of clothing rather than the quantification. Secondly, the designer's concepts has been more humanization, low-carbon idea of clothing has humanistic concern and slow fashion concept gradually returned back to public‟s lifestyle. Thirdly, consumers pursue clothin g quantitative upgraded to the quality. Starting from the concept of low-carbon environmental protection, low-carbon clothing design is not only the trend of the clothing development, but also a new fashion lifestyle pursued by many people.The background of low-carbon clothing at home and abroadLow-carbon is not only a slogan, but also the environmental protection operation of everyone on earth.With the arrival of a low-carbon economy era, the development of clothing industry should be adapted to the trends of the global economy. Low-carbon clothing design has become the trend of the clothing development (Xiaodan, 2015). People's life has been quickly improved. Humans began to focus on eco-environmental protection and sustainable development. In December 2009, the United Nations Climate Change Conference was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, triggered a hot debate on the low-carbon economy. After that, low-carbon has become a major trend in the global economy and new rules. In Copenhagen climate change conference, the United States promised greenhouse gas emissions in 2020 will be reduced by 17% compared to 2005 (Y uanling, 2015) . Korea will be implemented one of the most rigorous in the three plans in order to cut carbon emissions. Over the next 10 years, the plan will make the 2020 carbon emissions lower than normal levels of 30%. The Chinese government is also committed to that the 2020 unit of GDP carbon dioxide emissions decreased by 40% ~ 50% than in 2005 (Ruixiang, 2015). According to the survey of China's carbon dioxide emissions in recent years (figure 1), China's carbon dioxide emissions are increased. The emissions are growth from 7.7 billion tons to 10.4 billion tons from 2009 to 2014. But China's carbon dioxide emissions decreased by 1.5% in 2015. It can be seen that the emissions have remarkable decrease. It implies that people are concerned about the issues of low-carbon and environmental protection. In order to achieve economic development goals of low energy consumption, low pollution and low emission, people are encouraged to form a low-carbon lifestyle and pursue a low-carbon economy.On May 19, 2015, “Made in China 2025 strategy”, officially released by the State Council, puts forward the basic policy of "Innovation driven, quality first, green development, structural optimization, people-oriented". Made in China 2025 strategy is the key to the development of China's garment industry. Green development policy extends the green manufacturing engineering. It including costume green production, environmental protection design and recycle the old cloth (Y anhong, 2015). On May 20, 2015, the NPC Standing Committee vice chairman Lu Y ong Xiang, president of Chinese academy of sciences says: "We must accelerate the transformation of development mode, the adjustment of industrial structure and achieve green manufacturing" in World Green Design Forum 2015 Y angzhou Summit. It indicated that green manufacturing has been promoted to an important degree. As a developing country, manufacturing industry has not been out ofthe development patterns of high input, high consumption and high emission. The excessive consumption of resources has become an important factor restricting the development of China's economy and society (Huadi, Xinxin & Pan, 2015). From the s tate industry and enterprise, “grow first, clean up late” is the wrong path, we should remember the lessons drawn from others' mistakes.Earth hour is the world's largest environmental action launched by the world natural foundation in Australia from 2007. It appeals to people all over the world to switch off their lights for one hour on Saturday night in March of every year. This action shows their supports for global action to combat climate warming and thinking on environmental problems (Lun, 2010). In 2016, the Earth Hour campaign‟s theme is blue life, encouraging the public farewell sustainable living and consumption patterns for the blue sky and our planet. There are five aspects for public to practice in daily life, clothing, food, housing, transportation and fun. Facing the climate change, it is hoped that the haze disappear and the sky bluer. Turn off the lights for one hour, more than one hour of environmental protection. In the fashion industry, the global fast fashion brand Urban Revivo (UR) takes concrete actions to show that its determination of low- carbon and environmental protection. The night of March 19, 20:30, 104 stores of UR store light to initiatives. It influences the public to pay attention to environmental protection. UR has been vigorously participates in low-carbon action in all areas. In order to reduce the pollution, UR shopping bags are made of low-carbon material and the paper bags are also biodegradable and recyclable. Low-carbon sustainable lifestyles make the action widely supported by the public.Low-carbon clothing designFrom the anti-fur campaign, more and more people realize that environmental protection is not just a slogan. It calls for all human beings put their actions to protect the earth (Ting, 2010). Have you done low-carbon today? Recently, this is the most popular internet topic. This is a new generation of network people committed to environmental protection and low-carbon. They pushed the fashion trend to the low-carbon era. They show low-carbon fashion, lifestyle and advocate low-carbon environmental awareness to their fans. This paper analyzes and studies the design of low-carbon clothing in two aspects. On the subjective aspect, fashion designers need professional ability. In the trend of low-carbon, the designer's work should reflect humanization, thoughts and caring about people. Of course, fashion design beyond the beauty is also required. On the objective aspect, the low-carbon clothing design is analyzed in three essential factors: material, modeling and color. Study on low-carbon clothing designs at the subjective levelFashion designer needs more low-carbon concept of consciousness and thinking. Clothing brand advocate the low-carbon as the trend of development. The public like the low-carbon and creative costumes. Consumer's behavior consciousness is being raised. They are voluntarily looking for the rational orientation and pursue clothing quantitative upgrading to the quality.Fashion designers' low-carbon designFashion design must be beautiful. Japan fashion designers, cubist master Issey Miyake released the 1325.Series clothing design. Among them, 1 represents a whole piece of fabric, 3 represents a three-dimensional, 2 represents the two-dimensional shape after folding, 5 represents a new three-dimensional experience. 1325. Series use low-carbon sustainability as a design concept. Its inspiration comes from Japanese Origami. Every piece of clothing material is recyclable plastic bottle (PET material). Issey Miyake's design has beyond the space of tw o-dimensional and three-dimensional. Three dimensional fashions are folded into two-dimensional geometry plane. Designers need innovative spirit and thinking toward people, design should pay more attention to the cultural and emotional exchanges.Low-carbon activities of brand clothingThe environmental work shows at London Fashion Week, many brands are based on low-carbon concept. For example, organic cotton fabrics can not only protect the environment but also wears comfortable to human body. Bamboo fiber is a special natural fiber which has very good permeability.It is easy to dry and difficult to produce bacteria. Linen and cereal fiber raw materials are also eco-friendly fabrics. South Korea's environmental protection fashion show display designer's w orks using old clothing. For example, the design of the bag, it uses the old suit as the material. Designer re-designs the old clothing or old material into a fashion cloth. Designers want to encourage people to participate in low-carbon activities. Recycling the old clothing merges into people's fashion life style. Low-carbon is activities of brand clothing. For example, H&M introduced organic cotton clothing. Giorgio Armani used flax and corn fiber as raw materials. Armani believes that unprocessed material is the environmental. In the low-carbon activities held by Armani, clothing selling is bond with money donation for African children. This money is used for HIV/AIDS treatment (Xiao, 2012). The clothing design concept of GUESS is low-carbon. It launched Green series. This series is green jeans which are made of organic cotton. Brand clothing‟s principle is green design. Its design concept is low-carbon and advocate that public should participate in low-carbon activities. People should put the low-carbon into the fashion lifestyle, work together to protect nature, respect for nature.Study on low-carbon clothing designs at the objective levelWith the development of high-tech, clothing fabric, shape and color have reached a new level. For example, 3D printing fabric has been widely used in our life. The emergence of 3D printing pen achieves a fairy tale magic brush Ma Liang. 3D printing pen can create on any surfaces, even paint directly in the air. 3D printing pen is small. It is needed to select the right materials. It can start creation. For example, graduated from the United States Charlotte art college, fashion design artist Patrick Tai designed a skirt with the 3D printing pen. The whole works takes 100 hours. Tai using 3D print pen to draws a skirt i n model‟s body. The creative inspiration came from geometry, modern building, and some unique of texture. 3D print Pen has achieved Tai‟s work, ABS plastic and relative soft of FLEXY material have been selected as 3D print material, which can reflected the low-carbon environmental design in material. 3D printing technology has opened a new path of low-carbon materials. Provide designers with a variety of ways to achieve inspiration.In the fashion industry, 3D printing technology has been used in a variety of brands, such as the New balance‟s shoes, Chanel…s suits. Recently, the Ministry of Supply of Boston clothing brand designed a 3D print woven carbon seamless coat. Print quality of this jacket is very classy. Coats, clothing, collar, and the sleeves are needed to design complete clothing. Ministry of Supply‟s seamless coat was printed directly rather than sew. The advantages of this dress are fitted wearing, durable wear and saving fabrics. According to the survey, traditional cut and sew clothing process can waste about 25%-30% fabrics. Waste percentage of low-carbon seamless coat using 3D printing is 0%, which means no waste. Apparently, it can save the cost of fabrics in the production process and reduces environmental pollution. It is intelligent that during the 3D printing process, it can use the intelligent modeling to make consumers more comfortable.3D printing low-carbon era is the future trends in fashion design; Using high-tech low-carbon fabrics to replace ordinary cloth. Fashion design can become low-carbon, environmental protection and intelligent.Analysis and study on low-carbon lifestyle and fashionLow-carbon fashion design is a clothing design based on environmental protection. From a design standpoint, the engagement of low-carbon and lifestyle should be carefully considered. Low-carbon clothing is artistic creation which has been intensively studied and combined with fashion life. Lifestyle under the concept of slow fashionSlow fashion concept gradually returns to people's lifestyle. Designers need to express human emotions, beyond beautiful, user-friendly works. Transmit environmental messages to the people and constantly promote the development of low-carbon trend. For example, the mother of fashion punk Vivienne Westwood encouraged people to buy less clothing in the campaign to save the Arctic, she shouted the slogans: quality not quantity.Consumer conceptNowadays, the public's consumption concept gradually returns to slow fashion culture. People began to pursue a quality of life. The attitudes of low-carbon and environmentally-friendly have gradually penetrated into every consumer‟s lifestyle. Low-carbon is not only the way of environmental protection, but also the lifestyle. Similarly, low-carbon design should be suitable for consumers and a development goal of the recycling enterprises. Consumer consumption concept is the decisive factor which determines the development speed of ecological environment in the clothing industry (Jing & Peipei, 2015). However, who will guide the consumer concept? Consumer attitude is the long-term accumulation result of national culture and the direct reflection of social reality. Among the many factors that lead the concept of individual consumption, the main consumption concept and individual factors are the basic factors to guide the consumption concept (Guangjie, 2012).Firstly, the influence that the mainstream concept of consumption having on the concept of personal consumption. Green low-carbon is the new consumption trend. More and more consum er‟s requirements gradually increased. They focus on clothing durability, environmental protection and low-carbon fabric. Through the network and other ways, consumers should understand the impact to the environment in the process of clothing produce. These consumption concepts gradually formed the mainstream culture and then continue to affect others concept. Based on the data analysis, more consumers would buy fewer clothes and shopping rationally, even some environmental protection consumers pay more 20%-30% price to buy low-carbon fabrics clothing or recycling clothes for their consumption values and lifestyles.Secondly, Personal factors are determined by the degree of people's culture, thinking and the quality of thinking. As 2015 China's first eco environmental fabrics design competition jury expert judges, they think in terms of consumer's personal consciousness, if each category of consumers can be like the mother and infant brand consumers, the promotion of ecological environmental protection will quickly enter a new stage in China's textile and garment industry (Jing & Peipei, 2015). In the low-carbon age, return to the slow fashion and rational way of life, they can clearly know their own consumption concept positioning. Rational lifestyle inc ludes, first, personal subjective reduction in the purchase of clothes or the old clothing renovation, each person reduce one piece of clothes. It is equivalent to a reduction of about 5.7 kg of CO2emissions. Second, consumers need to choose environmentally friendly fabrics and styles. Such as the cooperation fabric clothing of Lining and Teijin, ECO CIRCLE. Through the CIRCLE ECO system recovery process, each 3000 pieces of clothing can reduce the amount of CO2emissions, equivalent to 228 trees one year‟s ab sorbing amount of CO2. Thirdly, choosing environmental washing will save water and prevent the detergent pollution. Washing by hand instead of using machine washing and dry naturally. One time of washing by hand can reduce carbon emissions 0.26 kg. Fourth, consumers can participate in charitable activities and donate money or clothes to the disaster area, helping the needy people. When consumers find their own positioning and the lifestyle that integrated into the consumer's personal concept, they resonate with low-carbon environmental protection.Revival and recovery of old clothingLow-carbon clothing design of the old clothes is related to the life style of the public. It is also one of the acts of green environmental protection. The revival of the old clothing can be the DIY re-design of the old clothing. DIY means do it yourself. Consumers reduce unnecessary clothes. It can put the concept of low- carbon environmental protection into the life style. Consumers can start from the DIY design using the old clothing. DIY can also be understood design it yourself. Creative design can be combined with the popular elements of tassel, bright skin, stitching, simple cut etc. Design creativity can also be the design of worn clothing, made the old clothes into shopping bags. It is redesign of fabric. Let the old clothes DIY design become clothing that can be continually used.Re-surrection using clothes can come from clothing factory. In response to low-carbon and environmental protection slogans, Sweden's fast fashion chain clothing Hennes and Mauritz (H&M) clothing stores in China offer "collection of used clothing " boxes, consumers can use their own oldclothes in Exchange for a H&M 85 percent coupon. Recently H&M brand material on these old clothes to design new "Close the loop" denim. Old clothes for this series of revival in apparel fabric are 20% for cotton and 80% organic cotton, this design is one of the biggest highlights. Clothes recycling cost will be relatively high. H&M, Adidas, PUMA join in recycling o ld clothes project, I:CO company who provides technical support ,said that current 40% to 60% old clothes for recycling after disinfection processing into the secondary market, the remaining part will be recycled for the manufacture of cloth and other products, and others will be used for thermal power generation. Today, H&M launched collection weeks of used clothing, the first world collection weeks of used clothing start at the April 18th, the activities planned to collect more than 1000 tons of used clothing worldwide, and the campaign slogan “recycle one T-shirt, 2100 liters of water can be saved" make everyone raise up the enthusiasm about recycling old clothes.ConclusionLow-carbon is not only the consumption trend in global economy but also a green lifestyle. It is a way to solve the earth environmental problem. Low-carbon slogans should be advocated to upgrade to the environmental protection action for everybody. In the clothing industry, on one hand, every brand donates themselves into low-carbon clothing activities, encouraging consumers to participate in low-carbon behaviors. On the other hand, consumers begin to reposition themselves. They purchase clothes rationally, reuse the clothes with imagination and reduce discarding. In the low-carbon age, designer's creativity should start from human; the design displays human nature thoughts. The slow fashion ideas gradually return to fashion and lifestyle. The low-carbon concept of clothing rose to humanistic, low-carbon concept is connected with the behavior of human beings. All these actions make low- carbon concept become the basic demand and sense of responsibility.ReferencesGuangjie N. (2012). Dialectical Thinking of Chinese Traditional Consumption Concept in Ecological Environmental Percept. Dalian Maritime University, China.Huadi Y, Xinxin Z, &Pan W. (2015). Six keywords see "made in China 2025" core intention. New Era, No.7306:6-8.Jing H, & Peipei C. (2015). Green keys unlock competition puzzle. T extile and Apparel Weekly, 75434,30-31.Liming, B. (2010). Dietary changes impact on public health: cope with challenges andlow-carbon. 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The development and evolution of the Obama administration's climate control policy in the United States. Contemporary World, 40912, 72-75.低碳服装设计与时尚生活方式的分析与研究Yan Zhang, Rong-rong Xu文章网站:https:///index.php/site/article/view/1022杂志名称:Journal of Arts & Humanities(艺术与人文学科杂志)发表时间:第05卷,第10期,2016年页码:第23-29页摘要:现如今,低碳一词不仅仅是一个口号,而且也成为了全球保护环境的行动。
二、方案背景1. 环保意识提升:近年来,我国环保政策日益严格,公众环保意识不断增强,对服装行业的环保要求也越来越高。
2. 服装行业现状:我国服装行业产能过剩,资源浪费严重,环境污染问题突出。
3. 服装比赛现状:目前,服装比赛在追求时尚、创意的同时,对环保问题的关注相对较少,比赛服装的可持续性、环保性有待提高。
三、方案目标1. 提高服装比赛的环保水平,减少比赛过程中的资源消耗和污染物排放。
2. 引导服装设计师关注环保,提升服装设计的可持续性。
3. 增强公众对环保服装的认识,推动服装行业的绿色转型。
四、方案内容1. 环保材料选择(1)天然纤维:选用棉、麻、丝、毛等天然纤维,这些纤维资源丰富、可降解、对环境友好。
2. 绿色设计理念(1)简约设计:提倡简约、实用、耐用的设计理念,减少过度装饰和浪费。
3. 赛事环保措施(1)绿色场地:选择环保型场馆,如太阳能、风能等可再生能源供电的场馆。
运用逆向思维的方式处理DIY服饰色彩,能形成更加具有冲击力的视觉和心理效果, 造成一种独特的效果。
(一)变废为宝,材料创意服装材料作为服装的载体, 以各种不同的面貌出现,为服装设计创造了崭新的空间, 同时也满足了服装各种造型艺术的要求。
艺 术 论 丛 Байду номын сангаас
郑州轻工业学院艺术设计学院服装设计 系 河南省郑州市 4 5 0 0 0 2
凤造型 , 使服装营造如同立体 浮雕艺术般的审美体验。 服装工业化 使我们只能一 味的接受别人设计 好的商 品 , 这样 的审美经验具有历史普遍性 的但却是被动性 的,所 以明 星也会尴尬撞衫 。 而追求低碳经济的后 现代社会 中, 崇尚原生 态的服装手工艺 , 这种 “ 审美体验 ” 是富有主动性 创造性的 , 在 低碳经济时代更符合 一些追求个性 的文艺青 年的小众心 理 。 低碳 是指 二氧化碳排放处于低水平 ,它要求社会发展 以 2 0 0 7年英 国手袋设计 师 A n y a H i n d ma r c h设计 的” I ' mN o t A P l a s — i c B a g ” 手提袋 , 四种不 同颜色 的限量版竟然 吸引 了 1 0万名顾 低能耗 、 低污染 、 低排放 的低碳 经济 模式为方 向, 人类生活 以 t 低碳消费为生存理念和行为标准 。 随着经济高速发展 , 工业化 客起早摸黑的排 队抢购 。 进程 的深入 , 地球臭氧层遭受破坏 , 世界范围内的恶劣气 候变 二、 旧服装的面料再造设 计体现生态美学的动态 平衡 化不断 出现 , 严重危害到人类的生存环境 , 我国是世界上最大 面料再造是对已有 的服装企业库存或过时 旧衣服面料 的 的纺织服装生产大国 , 但是纺织服装产业 向来都是高耗能 、 高 再次加工设计 , 设计师的运用已有 的服装 已有 的面料 , 展开想 耗水 的产业 , 对环境 的也是高污染的。 服装设计是结合艺术与 象 的翅膀 , 创造 出全新 的服装艺术作品 。美特斯邦威 2 0 1 1 年 科学 、 兼具审美 与实用 的综合性设计艺术 , 其审美 的标准是随 的净资产约 3 2 亿元 , 四季度 2 5 . 6 亿存货 中超过 1 5 亿元 的货 时代 而不 断变化 的。“ 语境” 指语言环境 , 包括语言因素 , 也包 物为过季商 品, 占到其净资产 的逾一半 比 例。 运 用面料再造 的 括上下文、 时间 、 空 间、 情景 、 对象 、 话语前 提等非语言 因素 。 低 加法原则在 旧服装表面增加刺绣 、缀珠亮 片 、蕾丝缎带 的装 碳语境就是在低碳 时代下对服装艺术 中生态美学 的探讨 , 这 饰 ; 利用填充物或通过多层 面料 的叠加改变面料 的体积 。 运用 是对人类所创造 的现代工业文明引发 的恶劣生存环境危 机的 裥缝 、 皱缩缝 、 裥饰等立体造 型法 , 使服装 面料 凹凸起伏产 生 种反思 , 是人类社会经历 了原始部落时代 、 早 期文明的农耕 丰富的层次感。 针织面料特殊 的织造方式 , 可 以通过拆除再编 时代 、 科技理性 主导的现代工业 时代后又一次重大进步 。 织来再次利用。 运用面料再 造的减法原则 , 将 已经过时 的牛仔 生态美学是结合生态学和美学形成的新型学科 ,产生于 长裤改为短裤 ,或长袖 T恤改 为短袖 ;对剪过的边缘通过打 以信息产业 、 知识集成为标志的后现代经济时期。 生态学是研 磨 、 化学腐蚀等方 式使服装面料产生减 色、 磨损 , 体现舒 适洒 究生物 ( 包 括人类 ) 与其 生存环境相互关系 的一 门自然科学学 脱 的设计效果。 科, 美学是研究人与现实审美关系的一 门哲学学科 , 两 门学科 运用服装艺术设 计中的面料再造设计对积压库存服装和 的结合点就是人与 自然 、 社会处于一种 动态 的平衡状态 , 包含 过时旧服装进行二次设计创作 ,符合低碳语境下生态美学无 无 污染原则与资源再生原则。 污染可再生 的要求 。韩国仁川一场服装展上都是设计师们利 审美是 人类 重要 的存 在方 式。 服装设计 中生态美学 的“ 审 用旧衣服创新改造设计而成的 , 旧西服做成的挎包 , 重新设计 美体验” 是“ 人生诗意化” 的审美体验 , 符合 了人 与 自 然动态平 剪裁和手工染色做成 的上装 , 旧婚纱改制的晚装 。 设计师们 希 衡原则。服装艺术 的审美过程中往往会 以个体 的审美感受 和 望以此激发人们 的灵感 , 充分挖掘 旧衣服的利用潜力 。 服装 教 审美情趣来评判服装 的美与否 ,但人 们在一定 的历史条 件和 学 中, 要求学生 的服装 图案作业在 旧衣服上运用 彩绘 、 刺绣 、 环境下流行趋势会表现 出一些共同的倾 向 ,即反映了该 时代 钉珠、 拼贴等手法设计图案; 将原来用白坯布做样衣改为无纺 人们对服装审美 的共性 , 该时代服装设计作 品即这种共性 “ 审 布做样衣。 美体验 ” 的物态化 。 低碳社会的生产和实践是服装艺术审美产 三、 结语 生 的基 础和前提 , 低碳语境下服装艺术 的“ 审美体验 ” 体 现人 “ 经验” 是 主体对客体 的单纯认识 关系 , 而“ 体 验” 则是一 类追求绿色 的人生诗 意化 的生活方式 ;实现 了实践美学到生 种 主客体之间融合在一起不分你我 的关系 。服装设计 中生态 存论美学 的进一步深化。 美学 的“ 审美 体验” 不是 人类情感 的痴人说 梦般 的单 向表达 , 服装手工艺是生态美学的“ 审美体验” 物态化 而是通过服装手工艺和面料再造等具体 的艺术手段 ,达到 审 低 碳语境下 的服装设计崇 尚手工艺 中的“ 人性化 ” 审美 , 美主体人类的心灵与审美对象 自 然界生命价值的融合,它追 现代服装艺术 中的扎染蜡染 、 刺绣编织 、 丝 印手绘 、 抽象涂鸦 求的是人 与 自 然、 社会处于一种动态的平衡状态 , 是互 动的审 等各种 “ 人情味 ” 十足的服装手工艺 , 通过人类 的双手的手工 美体验 , 它超越了人类对生命 的 自 我关爱 , 超 越了无度 挥霍 自 艺劳动 , 将人类对 自 然 美的感受 , 对社 会人生的感悟 , 淋漓尽 然资源为我所用 的“ 人类 中心 ” 价值 取向的狭隘 。 致 的表现在服装设计 中。诗( 艺术 ) 就是 “ 审美体验” 的外在形 参考文献 : 式 ,诗让人类认识到 自 我价值 的同时把心灵从现实的沉重中 『 1 1 曾繁仁. 生态美 学导论『 M 1 . 北京 : 商务 印书馆 , 2 0 1 0 . 唤起, 进发出对 自 然对生活的激情 , 当服装设计师将自身情感 『 2 1 王岳川. 生态文化启 示与精 神价值 整体创新. 江西社会 的喜怒哀乐 以服装艺术的形式而存在时 ,着装者就可 以通过 科学, 2 0 0 8 , 4 『 3 1 马驰. 对生态美学研 究的再思考. 社会科学 2 0 0 8 , 2 “ 再度体验” 去与之共鸣, 并悟出一些创作者欲说还休却已然 『 4 ] 吴蓉, 陆小彪. 服装 的生态设计与审美. 安徽农 业大学学 在着装者 心中唤起 的情绪 。A R M A N 、 P R A D A等 国际服装 品 牌. 运用扎染等传统染缬工艺 , 在时装界掀起 了 回归 自 然追求 报. 2 0 0 9 . 3 原生态艺术 的时尚之风 。设计师凌雅丽 的第 十届全 国美展金 『 5 1 袁琳. 传 统染缬 艺术元素在面料设 计 中时尚性重 构的 奖作 品《 紫原戌彩 》 在不 同明度不 同质感的浅米色布料 上 , 以 研 究. 大舞 台. 2 0 1 2 . 9 麂皮绒和亮片为材料运用切挖堆砌的手工工艺创 造出的的龙
下, 充分发挥 引领 生态审美文化 、 培养创新 用设 计学基本 的平 面构成 、 y e c o o T e x t i l e S y s t e m s B . V . 公 司 合 色彩构成 、 立体 司 与 D 人才、 低 碳 科技 研 究 、 低 碳 社会 服 务 等功 构 成 表 现 服 装 的 形 式 美 , 而 忽 视 了服 装 须 作开 发制造 出商用 型纺 织无水 染色机 , 该 能, 及 时调 整教 学思路和培养模 式。
服装 艺术 设计是一 门服装造 型技术和 排第 三 , 2 0 1 2 年染 织行业 占整个 纺织业废 染、 水 污染 , 以及重金属超标 带来的人身危 服装 审美 艺术相 互 融通 的学科 , 属于 艺术 水 排 放 总量 的 8 0 % 。
害等“ 时尚之毒” 。服装产 业升级和转型是 学门类的设 计学科 , 是实用的 、 美的造型计
经济发展 的参 与者 、 奉献者和 受益者 。 时尚产 业的核心 , 体 现 了国家文化创 意、 科 装模 式 , 培养适 应低碳 经 济发展 类 , 在教 学课 程设置 上对科 技创新认 识不
服装 产 业是我 国 的重要 支柱产 业 , 是 的科技创新型人才 。
技创 新 、 商 业竞争 等方 面 的软 实力 。但服 教 学首 先建立 生 态美 学的 审美观
足。 中国服装 产业工艺设备 比国际平均水
2 4 - 5 5 亿吨 , 在 当年统 计的3 9 个工 业行 业中
二、 低 碳 经 济 要 求服 装 艺 术 设计 平还低 , 2 0 1 0 年我 国纺织废水排 放量达到
且 无水 染色使用 的二氧 依 附于“ 人” 而存 在 , 真 正美 的服装 要传达 工 艺没有 水消耗 ,
1. 选择环保面料
2. 设计服装款式
3. 制作服装
4. 检查质量
随着全球气候变化和环境问题的 日益严重,人们越来越关注环境 保护和可持续发展,低碳环保服 装应运而生。
随着消费者对健康、环保和可持 续发展的关注度不断提高,低碳 环保服装市场不断扩大,成为时 尚产业的重要组成部分。
该品牌优先选择来自可持续和可再生资源的原材料,如有 机棉、麻和再生聚酯纤维等,以减少对环境的破坏。
该品牌通过优化生产流程和采用低碳排放的生产技术,降 低生产过程中的碳排放,同时推广使用清洁能源。
该品牌采用可回收和可降解的包装材料,并优化运输方式 ,以减少运输过程中的碳排放。
采用环保的染料和染整工 艺,减少对环境的污染和 对人体的危害。
鼓励企业加大技术研发力度,推动低碳环保技术的创新和应用,降低生产过程 中的碳排放。
政府可以通过税收优惠、财政补贴等政策措施,鼓励企业推 广低碳环保服装。
政府应加强市场监管,打击假冒伪劣、侵犯知识产权等行为 ,维护公平竞争的市场环境。