灵活 性意味 着根据 应用场 合既 可以为 每 个通道 自由选 择输入电 压,也可以 装入不 同 的机电式继 电器或者半导 体继电器 (光电 耦 合器) 。固 定的可编程控制 器插件板在这 方 面也是 望尘莫 及。灵活性 也意味着 系统可 以 随时 扩展,并且 可以随 时方便、便 宜地更 换 可插拔式继电器和光电耦合器。
PLC 接口 带回拉式弹簧连接 由 底座接线端子 PLC-BSP…/21 和 可插拔微型继电器组成, 用于安装在 3 上
输入电压 UN
12VDC 24VDC 24VAC/DC 48VDC 60VDC 120VAC/110VDC 230VAC/220VDC2)
12VDC 24VDC 24VAC/DC 48VDC 60VDC 120VAC/110VDC 230VAC/220VDC2)
(164,)2 mm
可插拔继电器 和光电耦合器,
两个转换 触点 传感器型 执行器型 通用型
按实际应用优化的 系列产品
可选用螺钉连接或者回拉式 弹簧连接两种形式
U 通断容量高
一体化集成输入电路 和保护电路
执行 器 (例如 电磁阀、接 触器等)的 所 有连接线 (包括回线) 都被直接连接在 PLC 执行器接口上。
传感 器 (例 如接 近开 关、限位 开关 等) 的所有连 接线 (包括开 关的供电)都直 接在 PLC 接口上有相应的连接位置。与传统的耦 合元 件相比,可以 节省两 个输出 接线端子 或 者馈 入连接端 子,同时节 省了中 间接线工 作 和宝贵的开关柜空间。
从上图我们可以看出,变桨系统通过每个变桨柜中的21K8继电器的 触点来影响主控系统的安全链,而主控系统的安全链是通过每个变桨柜 中的24K7继电器的线圈来影响变桨系统。变桨的安全链与主控的安全链 相互独立而又相互影响。当主控系统的安全链上的紧急停机按钮、PLC 紧急停机、叶轮过速、振动开关等节点(不包括纽缆开关)动作断开时, 安全继电器线圈失电断开变桨系统中三个24K7线圈的电源,变桨系统进 入到紧急停机的模式,迅速向90度顺桨;当变桨系统出现故障(如变桨 变频器OK信号丢失、90度限位开关动作等)时,变桨系统切断21K8 继 电器上的电源,21K8 继电器的触点断开,使安全链来自变桨的继电器123K10 线圈失电,其触点断开,主控系统的136K2安全继电器断电。同 时,每个变桨柜中的24K7继电器的线圈失电触点断开,变桨系统中没有 出现故障的叶片的控制系统进入到紧急停机的模式,迅速向90度顺桨。 这样的设计使安全链环环相扣,能最大限度的对机组起到保护作用果有什么问题, 欢迎大家踊跃的提出来,我们共同探讨。
同时也希望各位在各自的工作岗位上能 像雄鹰一样自由的翱翔。
3.2 振动开关 振动开关监测的是机组的机舱的振动摆幅,同时也是机组振动的最后一道保护, 其开关触点被串接在机组的安全链回路里。常见的振动开关有摆锤式和链球式两 种。 2.5兆瓦机组中使用的是摆锤式振动开关。摆锤式振动开关由一个安装在微 动开关上的摆针及重锤组成,重锤按照机组摆动幅度的保护数值被固定在摆针的 合适位置上。当机组因振动出现较大幅度的摆动时,摆锤带动摆针晃动,使微动 开关动作引起机组的紧急或安全停机。机组重新启动时,摆锤必须回到竖直位置。
Kinetix 5700 电容器模块和扩展模块 产品目录号:2198-CAPMOD-2240、 21
![Kinetix 5700 电容器模块和扩展模块 产品目录号:2198-CAPMOD-2240、 21](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5184ac77bc64783e0912a21614791711cc7979d5.png)
安装说明原版说明书译文Kinetix 5700 电容器模块和扩展模块产品目录号:2198-CAPMOD-2240、2198-CAPMOD-DCBUS-IO变更摘要本出版物中包含新增和更新信息,如下表所述。
主题页码变更摘要1关于电容器模块和扩展模块2准备事宜2安装电容器模块和扩展模块3连接器数据7接线要求9其他资源14主题页码更新了安装信息,使其与 Bulletin 2198 直流母线调节器模块一致,并将所有三个模块作为附加模块进行介绍。
整本手册更新了 104 A 系统和 208 A 系统的外部直流母线最大电流值。
将扩展 (208 A) 系统示例中的扩展模块替换为直流母线调节器模块。
4将 8720MC-RPS 系统示例中的扩展模块替换为直流母线调节器模块。
5增加了附加模块上 M8 直流母线螺栓的连接尺寸,以备在需要时帮助确定接线片尺寸。
2, 122罗克韦尔自动化出版物 2198-IN008D-ZH-P - 2019年2 月Kinetix 5700 电容器模块和扩展模块关于电容器模块和扩展模块2198-CAPMOD-2240 电容器模块、2198-CAPMOD-DCBUS-IO 扩展模块和2198-DCBUSCOND-RP312 直流母线调节器模块还统称为 Kinetix® 5700 附加模块。
附加模块可用于任意 Kinetix 5700 驱动器系统配置中,通过直流母线电源、再生母线电源和 8720MC-RPS 电源供电。
请参见 Kinetix 5700 Servo Drives User Manual (Kinetix 5700 伺服驱动器用户手册,出版号:2198-UM002),以针对您的应用选择合适的附加模块。
浅谈金风1.5MW安全链及改进的探讨刘贵星;张艳锋;李杰【摘要】风能是目前一种新型的、绿色的能源,气候的变化,全国各地雾霾加重,利用风能进行发电日益受到人们的重视.随着科学技术的不断发展,风力发电技术尤其是风电控制技术在世界范围内得到了飞快的发展,风力发电逐步走上了功率大、重量轻、造价低、可靠性高的商业化发展道路,风电机组中的控制系统中安全链作为机组的最高级别的保护可谓是风电机组中重中之重了.【期刊名称】《中国设备工程》【年(卷),期】2017(000)015【总页数】2页(P79-80)【关键词】风能;控制技术;安全链【作者】刘贵星;张艳锋;李杰【作者单位】华润电力北方大区运维公司,山西太原 030006;华润电力北方大区运维公司,山西太原 030006;华润电力北方大区运维公司,山西太原 030006【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM614风电机组的安全系统,在行业内称为安全链,之所以称之为安全链,主要是因为安全链是对风力机组造成致命伤害的故障点重点串联起来,这些致命保护中的任何一个点断开,机组将会进入紧急停机以保护机组安全,所以叫做安全链了。
1.1 安全链的组成金风1.5MW中将紧急停机按钮(塔底主控制柜)、发电机过速模块1(19.6rpm)和2(20.8rpm)、扭缆开关、来自变桨系统安全链的信号、紧急停机按钮(机舱控制柜)、振动开关、PLC急停、到变桨系统的安全链信号这些可能给机组造成致命后果危险点的信号串联在一起连接到安全链继电器中,一旦其中任何一个节点动作,将引起整条回路断电,机组进入紧急停机过程,并使主控系统和变流系统处于闭锁状态。
1.2 安全继电器的应用从图1中可以看出,所有安全链中的硬件节点均最后连接到安全继电器中。
北京迈特安技术 报警主机联动扩展模块 说明书
![北京迈特安技术 报警主机联动扩展模块 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ecdbb565b84ae45c3b358cd3.png)
报警主机联动扩展模块使用手册23DR+北京迈特安技术发展有限公司感谢您选用北京迈特安技术发展有限公司的23DR+报警主机联动扩展模块,希望我们先进的防盗报警系统会给您的生活、工作带来安全与方便!文件名称:报警主机联动扩展模块 23DR+ 使用手册文件版本:ver 1.0公司名称:北京迈特安技术发展有限公司目录目录 (1)1. 产品概述 (1)2. 接口描述 (1)2.1. 电路接口 (1)2.2. 主机接线 (2)2.3. 继电器接线 (2)2.4. 电平输出(LED) (2)3. 功能设定 (3)3.1. LED输出设置 (3)3.2. 扩展联动设置 (3)3.3. 报警延时设置 (4)3.4. 注意事项 (4)4. 测试模式 (4)5. 状态提示 (5)6. 电气参数 (5)1.产品概述23DR+是针对Honeywell 23系列主机设计的显示驱动及继电器联动模块。
模块通过报警主机键盘获取防区报警状态,提供多达16路的LED 显示、电平驱动及继电器控制,可以方便的组成报警联动监控系统或电子地图板,可为主机每个报警防区提供一个输出端口。
2.接口描述2.1. 电路接口出厂默认设置:继电器常开/常闭设置:常开NO电平输出设置:常亮状态(L端)扩展联动方式设置:1端,传统联动方式报警延时方式设置:2端,传统联动方式2.2. 主机接线z DC+12:直流12V电源正极;z GND:直流12V电源地线;z KEY-:主机C端;z DATA:主机DATA端。
2.3. 继电器接线通过设定继电器后面对应的跳线,可以独立定义每个继电器的常闭/常开状态。
2.4. 电平输出(LED)z 将LED 的阴极连接到JLED1和JLED2中相应的防区端子中; 助电源输出,每个LED 指示灯应串联一个Ω通端子,可以选择LED 触发时电平输出3. 功能设定23DR+设计了三组跳线,用于设定联动模块的工作方式,依次为LED 输出z LED 指示灯组为共阳极接法,阳极公共端连接到JLED1或JLED2的AUX 端中;z AUX 端提供+5V 辅510~1K Ω的限流电阻;z 过LED 输出闪烁设置为常亮状态(L 端),或1秒周期闪烁状态(F 端)。
位于南京江宁开发区的公司总部目录PHOENIX CONTACT34Phoenix Contact双出线接线端子UK...-TWIN见20页双出线接地端子UK...-TWIN-PE见22页双进双出接线端子UDK...见24页双进双出接地端子UDK...-PE见25页同向通用接线端子UK...-RETURN见26页同向通用接地端子UK...-RETURN-PE见27页PE/N 输入端子块UK...-PE/N见28页紧凑型的PE/N 输入端子块UIK...-PE/N见29页大电流PE/N 输入端子块UKH...-PE/N见30页桥接件应用表格见32页微型双层接线端子MBKKB 2.5见38页双层通用型接线端子系列UKK...系列见39页通用型接线端子UK...系列见10页大电流接线端子UKH...系列见14页通用型接地端子USLKG...系列见16页大电流接地端子USLKG...系列见19页通用端子建筑安装接线端子UIK (54)N线滑块分断端子UKN...见56页三层建筑安装接线端子PIK (60)分断旋臂式保险丝端子UK...HESI见68页螺帽式保险丝端子UK10-DREHSI见69页刀闸分断端子UK...-MTK见72页双层刀闸分断端子UKK...-MTK见74页可插入元器件插头的基座端子UK...TG见76页元器件插头ST-BE见78页带滑块端子UGSK/S见82页通用试验端子URTK/S (83)微型接线端子MT1.5见90页双层接地端子UKK...-PE见43页传感器接线端子DIK (44)执行器接线端子DOK (46)四层传感器和执行器端子VIOK (48)Phoenix Contact56Phoenix Contact小型带状接线端子MBK 6/E见95页小型带状接地端子MSLKG6见97页螺栓接线端子OTTA...见100页滑块分断螺栓端子OTTA6-T见101页测试插座PSBJ...见122页快速标记条/扁平式快速标记板ZB.../ZBFM...见104页端子组的标识UBE见108页分组标记KLM-A,KLM,KLM 1,KLM 2见109页导线标记套筒PMH...见110页导线标记系统PAB...见111页导线标记牌LM、LS见112页塑料电缆标识夹KMK见114页双层微型接线端子MTTB 1.5见91页小型接线端子MBK...见94页小型接地端子MBK...-PE见96页微型接地端子MT 1.5...-PE见92页Phoenix Contact7剥线工具QUICK-WIREFOX...见129页压线钳CRIMPFOXUD 6...见130页气动式压线钳ZAP...见131页管状预绝缘裸端子A...,AI...,AI-TWIN...,AI-XL...见133页螺丝刀SZ...见130页导轨切割机PPS...见132页安装导轨NS...见116页快速终端固定件/终端固定件/小型终端固定件UHV...、E/....、E/M...见118页绝缘保护罩AP...见115页切线钳CUTFOX..见126页8Phoenix Contact菲尼克斯组合端子的附件组合端子的使用舒适性在很大程度上取决于端子的附件。
1. 电源指示灯:当安全输入模块正常供电时,电源指示灯将亮起。
2. 输入状态指示灯:安全输入模块的输入状态指示灯用于显示输入信号的状态。
3. 系统状态指示灯:系统状态指示灯用于显示安全输入模块的整体运行状态。
4. 报警指示灯:报警指示灯用于显示安全输入模块的报警状态。
08/11/2015 页 1 / 6安全继电器 - PSR-SCP- 24UC/ESM4/3X1/1X2/B - 2963776Please be informed that the data shown in this PDF Document is generated from our Online Catalog. Please find the complete data in the user's documentation. Our General Terms of Use for Downloads are valid ()用于急停和安全门监控的安全继电器,满足EN ISO 13849中SIL 3,4类/PL e级的要求,单通道或双通道操作,3个启动电流通路,额定输入电压为24 V AC/DC,插拔式螺钉接线端子为什么选择该产品最高符合EN ISO 13849-1的4类/PL e、EN 62061的SILCL 3、IEC 61508的SIL 3 单通道和双通道控制3路常开安全触点输出,1路辅助常闭触点输出 在一个设备中同时具有手动监控复位和自动复位功能关键商业数据技术数据注意尺寸环境条件输入数据安全继电器 - PSR-SCP- 24UC/ESM4/3X1/1X2/B - 2963776技术数据输入数据输出数据常规08/11/2015 页 2 / 6安全继电器 - PSR-SCP- 24UC/ESM4/3X1/1X2/B - 2963776技术数据常规接线数据分类eCl@ssETIMUNSPSC08/11/2015 页 3 / 6安全继电器 - PSR-SCP- 24UC/ESM4/3X1/1X2/B - 2963776分类UNSPSC认证认证认证UL Listed / cUL Listed / Functional Safety / UL Listed / cUL Listed / EAC / Functional Safety / EAC / cULus Listed防爆认证认证已提交认证详情UL ListedcUL ListedFunctional SafetyUL ListedcUL ListedEACFunctional Safety08/11/2015 页 4 / 608/11/2015 页 5 / 6安全继电器 - PSR-SCP- 24UC/ESM4/3X1/1X2/B - 2963776认证EACcULus Listed产品图电路图电路图K3K4MM (N)(L1)L+双通道急停监视08/11/2015 页 6 / 6安全继电器 - PSR-SCP- 24UC/ESM4/3X1/1X2/B - 2963776电路图K3K4M单通道急停监控Phoenix Contact 2015 © - all rights reserved 。
罗克韦尔自动化 440R-UM007C-EN-P MSR45E 安全继电器扩展模块 用户手册说明书
![罗克韦尔自动化 440R-UM007C-EN-P MSR45E 安全继电器扩展模块 用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/dc6da9c0ed3a87c24028915f804d2b160b4e86f7.png)
MSR45E Safety Relay Extension ModuleBulletin Number 440R2Rockwell Automation Publication 440R-UM007C-EN-P - January 2023MSR45E Safety Relay Extension Module User ManualImportant User InformationRead this document and the documents listed in the additional resources section about installation, configuration, and operation of this equipment before you install, configure, operate, or maintain this product. Users are required to familiarize themselves with installation and wiring instructions in addition to requirements of all applicable codes, laws, and standards.Activities including installation, adjustments, putting into service, use, assembly, disassembly, and maintenance are required to be carried out by suitably trained personnel in accordance with applicable code of practice.If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.In no event will Rockwell Automation, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use or application of this equipment.The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell Automation, Inc. cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams.No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, Inc. with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or software described in this manual.Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation, Inc., is prohibited.Throughout this manual, when necessary, we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations.These labels may also be on or inside the equipment to provide specific precautions.The following icon may appear in the text of this document.WARNING: Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can cause an explosion in a hazardous environment, which may lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss.ATTENTION: Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss. Attentions help you identify a hazard, avoid a hazard, and recognize the consequence.IMPORTANT Identifies information that is critical for successful application and understanding of the product.SHOCK HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that dangerous voltage may be present.BURN HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that surfaces may reach dangerous temperatures.ARC FLASH HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a motor control center, to alert people to potential Arc Flash. Arc Flash will cause severe injury or death. Wear proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Follow ALL Regulatory requirements for safe work practices and for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).Identifies information that is useful and can help to make a process easier to do or easier to understand.Table of ContentsAbout This Publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Summary of Changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Additional Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Chapter 1Introduction General Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Special Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Typical Applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Application Restrictions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Chapter 2System Configuration Terminal Connection Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Connecting Hardware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Status Indicator Display Elements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Arc-limiting Graphs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Chapter 3Maintenance Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Decommission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Appendix ASpecifications Technical Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Catalog Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Product Labels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Approximate Dimensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Declaration of Conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17CE Conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17UKCA Conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Appendix BAccessories Additional Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Rockwell Automation Publication 440R-UM007C-EN-P - January 20233Table of Contents4Rockwell Automation Publication 440R-UM007C-EN-P - January 2023Rockwell Automation Publication 440R-UM007C-EN-P - January 20235PrefaceAbout This Publication This manual covers the connection and configuration of the Guardmaster® MSR45E Safety Relay Extension Module.Summary of Changes This publication contains the following new or updated information. This list includes substantive updates only and is not intended to reflect all changes.Additional ResourcesThese documents contain additional information concerning related products from Rockwell Automation.You can view or download publications at rok.auto/literature.ATTENTION: MSR42 safety module, MSR41 safety module, or MSR45E extension module units can only achieve their function as a safety controller module if the instructions and additional documentation that are given in this instruction manual are exactly followed. You must also consult the valid laws and regulations at the time of installation. Serious injury or death can occur if you do not follow these instructions carefully. The installer or system integrator is fully responsible for a safe integration of this product. Use this instruction manual with the MSR42 safety module, MSR41 safety module, or MSR45E extension module. This instruction must be accessible together with the other machine documentation during its entire lifecycle for all personnel responsible for assembly, installation, operation, and maintenance.TopicPage Corrected Figure 812Updated Figure 917Updated Declaration of Conformity 17Resource DescriptionSystem Security Design Guidelines Reference Manual, SECURE-RM001Provides guidance on how to conduct security assessments, implement Rockwell Automation products in a secure system, harden the control system, manage user access, and dispose of equipment.UL Standards Listing for Industrial Control Products, publication CMPNTS-SR002Assists original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) with construction of panels, to help confirm that they conform to the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories.Industrial Components Preventive Maintenance, Enclosures, and Contact Ratings Specifications, publication IC-TD002Provides a quick reference tool for Allen-Bradley industrial automation controls and assemblies.Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation, and Maintenance of Solid-state Control, publication SGI-1.1Designed to harmonize with NEMA Standards Publication No. ICS 1.1-1987 and provides general guidelines for the application, installation, and maintenance of solid-state control in the form of individual devices or packaged assemblies incorporating solid-state components.Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1Provides general guidelines for installing a Rockwell Automation industrial system.Product Certifications website, rok.auto/certifications .Provides declarations of conformity, certificates, and other certification details.PrefaceNotes:6Rockwell Automation Publication 440R-UM007C-EN-P - January 2023Rockwell Automation Publication 440R-UM007C-EN-P - January 20237Chapter 1Introduction General DescriptionThe MSR4x is a family of compact safety control modules. This main controlling module allows the connection and the control of the compact Allen-Bradley® GuardShield™ Micro400 Safety Light Curtain systems. Depending on the configuration, other safety components can also be connected and monitored simultaneously.Figure 1 - MSR42 Safety Module and Safety Components The MSR41 safety module or MSR42 safety module offer two safety PNP outputs (OSSD). Additional safety relay extension modules can be applied for applications that require more outputs (MSR41 safety modules or MSR42 safety modules) and/or dry contacts (MSR45E extension modules) to switch loads. You can daisy-chain up to three extension modules, which the base module controls.We also offer models in special configurations, which are described in Terminal Connection Diagrams on page 9.Special Features The characteristics of the MSR41 safety module and MSR42 safety module:•Category 4, PLe according to EN ISO 13849-1•Type 4 according to EN 61496-1/-2•SIL 3 according to IEC 61508•SIL CL 3 according to EN 62061•Short response timesIMPORTANT The MSR45E extension module is not a standalone safety relay module. You can only use the unit with either an MSR41 safety module or MSR42 safety module.Safety Light Curtain Main Safety ModuleExtension ModuleChapter 1 Introduction•Up to three extension modules per main safety module•Adjustable stop delay time•Different safety components suitable for connection (MSR42 safetymodule only)Typical Applications Typical MSR41 and MSR42 safety module applications are:•Presses•Robotic cells with automatic insertion•Assembly lines•Indexing tables•Conveyor systems•Automatic storage facilitiesApplication RestrictionsMSR4x modules are not intended for application in explosive (EX) or inradioactive environments.8Rockwell Automation Publication 440R-UM007C-EN-P - January 2023Chapter 2 System ConfigurationTerminal Connection DiagramsFigure2…Figure4 on page10 show the safety output contact configuration of the available MSR45E extension modules. The control and expansion module housings snap together. Use a ribbon cable to electronically link the devices.Figure 2 - MSR45E Extension Module (Cat. No. 440-P4NANS)Figure 3 - MSR45E (3C 3NO) Extension Module (Cat. No. 445L-104860)Rockwell Automation Publication 440R-UM007C-EN-P - January 2023910Rockwell Automation Publication 440R-UM007C-EN-P - January 2023Chapter 2 System Configuration Figure 4 - MSR45E (3C 2NO 1NC) Extension Module (Cat. No. 445L-105938)Connecting HardwareFigure 5 and Figure 6 on page 11 show a main module and extension modules.Figure 5 - Ribbon Cable for One Extension Module ATTENTION: Only use the normally closed contacts (NC) of an extension module for status feedback from the machine controller. NC contacts cannot be used for any safety function. Integration with the safety circuit of a machine is not allowed.!Cat. No. 440R-ACABL1Chapter 2 System ConfigurationFigure 6 - Ribbon Cable for Two Extension ModulesStatus Indicator Display ElementsTable 1 shows information about the two final switching device (FSD) status indicators that are integrated into the MSR45E extension module.Arc-limiting GraphsFigure 7 and Figure 8 on page 12 show arc-limiting graphs and lifespan curves for MSR45E extension modules with secure-off switching, no standing arc, and a maximum of one operating cycle. Each figure is a set of characteristic curves for DC and AC applications.Figure 7 - 2C Relay Expansion ModuleCat. No. 440R-ACABL2Table 1 - Status Indicator DescriptionColor StatusGreen Corresponding contacts of the module are closed (active)Red Corresponding contacts of the module are opened (not active, NC contact)OffNo power at the main module or no internal bus (no ribbon cable connection)Arc-limiting Graph (DC)Electrical Service LifeVoltage (DC)Switching Current (A)C u r r e n t (A )S w i t c h i n g C y c l e s x 10001 = Inductive Load L/R = 40 ms2 = Resistive LoadChapter 2 System ConfigurationFigure 8 - 3C Relay Expansion ModuleArc-limiting Graph (DC)Electrical Service LifeVoltage (DC)Switching Current (A)C u r r e n t (A )S w i t c h i n g C y c l e s x 10001 = Inductive Load L/R = 40 ms2 = Resistive LoadChapter 3MaintenanceService MSR45E extension modules have no serviceable components. Inspection Qualified and trained personnel must periodically test the MSR45E extensionmodule, in accordance with valid regulations, to discover prohibitedmanipulations or unauthorized modifications.Decommission Only remove the MSR45E extension module when the machine or theequipment is shut down completely and can no longer operate without tools.Dismantle a controller if disposal is necessary. The separated materials can berecycled according to state-of-the-art technology and the correspondingregulations of the country where the unit is used.Chapter 3 Maintenance Notes:Appendix ASpecificationsTechnical SpecificationsTable 2 - Technical SpecificationsAttribute ValueProbability of a dangerous failure per hour PFH 6.0 E-9 1/h: MSR42 safety module, MSR45E extension module, and Micro400 safety light curtain9.0 E-10 1/h: MSR42 safety module and MSR41 safety module3.0 E-10 1/h: MSR45E extension module4.0 E-9 1/h: Micro400 safety light curtainPerformance Level PL PLe, Cat. 4 (EN ISO 13849-1) Safety Integrity Level SIL CL 3 (IEC 61508/IEC 62061)Approvals CE Marked for all applicable EU directives, UKCA marked for all applicable regulations, cULus Listed, TÜV Certifiedrok.auto/certificationsGeneralNominal working mode Continuous processTemperature •Environmental: 0…55 °C (32…131 °F)•Operating: 0…55 °C (32…131 °F)•Storage: -25…+70 °C (-13…+158 °F)Enclosure rating (EN 60529)•Housing:IP20•Terminals: IP20Conductor connection, max 6-pin, terminal stripWire cross section: 2.5 mm2 (14 AWG) stranded, spring clamping technology, Minimum 12 mm (0.47 in.) ferrule or wire lengthMounting Quick mount: 35 mm (1.38 in.) top hat rail (EN 50022)Weight Net: 150 g (0.33 lb)Housing dimensions 111 mm x 22.5 mm x 125 mm (4.37 in. x 0.89 in. x 4.92 in.) (including plugs), seeApproximate Dimensions on page17Housing material PolyamideVibration (EN60068-2-6)•Amplitude: 0.35 mm (0.1 in.)•Frequency: 10…55 HzShock resistant (EN 60068-2-29)•Acceleration: 100 ms-2•Impulse length: 16 ms•Number of shocks: 1000 per directionInstallation position No restrictionsShippingPackaging 280 mm x 200 mm x 70 mm (11.02 in. x 7.87 in. x 2.76 in.) Shipping weight Net + 220 g (8.66 in.)OutputsNumber of expansion modules, max 3 per main moduleNumber of contacts 2NO, 3NO, or 2NO/1NCAdditional response time t(em) withU N Protective mode, max≤ 6 msContact type Force guided relay (EN 50205)Contact material AgSN02 + 0.2 µm AU platedSwitching capacity •Min: 0.06VA•Max: 250V AC 8 A, [AC1] = 2000VA•DC 13 (EN 60947-5-1, 0.1 Hz, 24V): 6 A DC/24 V •AC 15 (EN 60947-5-1, 0.1 Hz, 220V):–2NO: 3 A AC/230V–3NO or 2NO/1NC: 3 A AC/120V •Allowed 2C or 3C: 900 switching /h, maxAppendix A SpecificationsCatalog Numbers Switching current•Min: 10 mA•Max8ASwitching voltage, max•2NO:AC250V;DC300V•3NO or 2NO/1NC: AC 120V; DC 170VOutput nominal voltage DC: See Arc-limiting Graphs on page112C•Continuous current I th: 8 A (1 contact)•With simultaneous switching (1 extension module): 6 A (≥ 2 contacts)•With simultaneous switching (2 or more extension modules): 4 A (≥ 2 contacts)Switching capacity According to DC 13 (EN 60947-5-1, 0.1 Hz, 24V)6 A DC/24 VElectronic lifespanAccording to AC 15 at 2 A, 230V AC2C or 3C: 105 operating cycles (EN 60947-5-1),see Arc-limiting Graphs on page11Mechanical lifespan 106Switch on delay after switching on the powersupply< 3 sSwitch off delay after switching off the powersupply< 40 msTable 2 - Technical Specifications (Continued)AttributeValueTable 3 - Catalog NumbersCat. No. (1)(1)All series.Description440R-P221AGSMSR41 On/Off Safety Module•Mounting: 35 mm (1.34 in.) DIN Rail•Size: 22.5 mm (0.98 in.)440R-P226AGS-NNR MSR42 Start/Restart Safety Module•Mounting: 35 mm (1.34 in.) DIN Rail•Size: 22.5 mm (0.98 in.)445L-104794-B xxx (2)(2)x = Customer configurable options that do not impact the standards or directives cited in Declaration of Conformity onpage17.440-P4NANS MSR45E 2C Safety Relay Extension Module (optional)•Input voltage: Supplied by MSR41 safety module or MSR42 safety module•Reset: Determined by MSR41 safety module or MSR42 safety module•Outputs:Two NO445L-1xxxx (2)Appendix A SpecificationsProduct LabelsThe necessary safety information is on the product label, which is on every MSR45E extension module.Figure 9 - Example Product LabelApproximate DimensionsFigure 10 - MSR42 Safety Module and MSR45E Extension Module [mm (in.)]Declaration of ConformityCE ConformityRockwell Automation declares that the products that are shown in this document conform with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements (EHSRs) of the European Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC) and the EMC Directive (2014/30/EU).•EN 61496-1:2012 Safety of machinery – Electro-sensitive protective equipment – Part 1: General requirements and tests•IEC 61496-2:2013 Safety of machinery – Electro-sensitive protectiveequipment – Part 2: Particular requirements for equipment using active opto-electronic protective devices (AOPDs)•EN ISO 13849-1:2015 Safety of machinery – Safety-related parts of control systems – Part 1: General principles for design•EN 61508 Parts 1-7:2010 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems111(4.37)95(3.74)110(4.33)125(4.92)22.5(0.86)Appendix A Specifications•EN 954-1:1997 Safety of machinery – Safety-related parts of controlsystems – Part 1: General principles for design•EN 50178:1997 Electronic equipment for use in power installations•EN 62061:2005 Safety of machinery – Functional safety of safety-relatedelectrical, electronic, and programmable electronic control systems•EN 60204-1:2006 Safety of machinery – Electrical equipment of machines– General requirements•EN 61000-6-4:2007 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 6-4:Generic standards – Emission standard for industrial environments(Class A)•EN 61000-6-2:2005 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) – Part 6-2:Generic standards – Immunity for industrial environmentsFor a comprehensive CE certificate visit: rok.auto/certifications.UKCA ConformityRockwell Automation declares that the products that are shown in thisdocument are in compliance with the Supply of Machinery (Safety)Regulations (2008 No. 1597) and Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations(2016 No. 1091).•EN 61496-1:2013 Safety of machinery – Electro-sensitive protectiveequipment – Part 1: General requirements and tests•IEC 61496-2:2013 Safety of machinery – Electro-sensitive protectiveequipment – Part 2:•Particular requirements for equipment using active opto-electronicprotective devices (AOPDs)•EN ISO 13849-1:2015 Safety of machinery – Safety-related parts of controlsystems – Part 1: General principles for design•EN 61508 Parts 1-7:2010 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems•EN 62061:2005 Safety of machinery – Functional safety of safety-relatedelectrical, electronic, and programmable electronic control systems•EN 60204-1:2006 Safety of machinery – Electrical equipment of machines– General requirements•EN 61000-6-4:2007 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 6-4:Generic standards – Emission standard for industrial environments(Class A)•EN 61000-6-2:2005 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) – Part 6-2:Generic standards – Immunity for industrial environmentsFor a comprehensive UKCA certificate visit: rok.auto/certifications.Appendix BAccessoriesAdditional ComponentsTable 4 - Catalog NumbersCat. No. Description440R-ACABL1 Ribbon cable – two modules440R-ACABL2 Ribbon cable – three modules440R-ACABL3 Ribbon cable – four modules440R-ATERM1P Terminal block kit for MSR41 safety module replacement440R-ATERM2P Terminal block kit for MSR42 safety module replacement440R-ATERM2C Terminal block kit for MSR45E extension moduleAppendix B Accessories Notes:Appendix B Accessories Notes:Rockwell Automation Publication 440R-UM007C-EN-P - January 202321Appendix B AccessoriesNotes:22Rockwell Automation Publication 440R-UM007C-EN-P - January 2023MSR45E Safety Relay Extension Module User Manual Rockwell Automation Publication 440R-UM007C-EN-P - January 202323CSA 107 179Publication 440R-UM007C-EN-P - January 202310000172479 Ver 03Supersedes Publication 440R-UM007B-EN-P - August 2022 Copyright © 2023 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. 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DuplineSafe 安全中继输出模块说明说明书
![DuplineSafe 安全中继输出模块说明说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6930a74603020740be1e650e52ea551810a6c90b.png)
• Safety relay that monitors up to 63 Safety Input Modules• Safety output available on 2 separate relay outputs (NO)• Safety approved according to IEC/EN 61508-SIL3, IEC/EN 62061-SIL3 and ISO/EN 13849-1 PL e• Approval authority: TÜV Rheinland Group • cULus approved• Automatic or manual restart• Status output for external equipment (e.g. PLC)• Operates on a standard Dupline ® network• It is possible to use DuplineSafe modules and standard Dupline ® modules on the same bus • H8-housing• For mounting on DIN-rail (EN 50022)• LED-indication for supply, relay status, manual restart ready and Dupline ® carrier • AC power supply• Configuration with GS73800080Product DescriptionDuplineSafe relay output module approved according to IEC/EN 61508-SIL3, IEC/EN 62061-SIL3 and ISO/EN 13849-1 PL e by TÜV. The module monitors up to 63 DuplineSafe input modules, type number G S751021xx. The NO relay contacts are only in the closed position if a valid “safe state” signal is received from all the Safety Input modules being mon-itored. The module can be configured to operate with automatic or manual restart after the safety relays have been released. A non-safe status output is available for connection to external equipment, e.g. a PLC. The Module must be configured prior to installation by means of the DuplineSafe configur-ation unit GS73800080. Type SelectionSupply Ordering no.DuplineSafe Safety Input Module230 VACGS 3830 0143 230DuplineSafeSafety Relay Output ModuleType GS 3830 0143Safety SpecificationsStandards SFF97% PFD (T1 = 1 year)5.5 x 10-6 PFH9.3 x 10-9/hOutput SpecificationsNote: The GS38300143 must be de-energized (power off) before programming til moduleGeneral SpecificationsSupply SpecificationsPower Supply 230 VAC +/- 15%115 VAC +/- 15% Frequency45 to 65 Hz Power consumption 4 VA Power dissipation3 WWiring DiagramMode of OperationThe Safety Output module G S3******* monitors up to 63 Safety Input modules, type number G S751021xx. Each Safety Input module is monitoring the status of one potential-free contactin a safety device, e.g. anemergency stop palm but-ton or pull cord switch. The Safety Input modules arecontinuously transmitting on the Dupline ® bus the status of the safety contacts using a dynamic signaling princi-ple on two Dupline ® channel addresses (please refer to G S751021xx datasheet for more details). During configuration of theSafety Output module, theuser must define on whichDupline ® channel address-es Safety Input modules shall be monitored. If all themodules are sending avalid “safe-state” signal,then the relay contacts ofthe Safety Output modulewill be closed. In any other situation (non-safe signal received from one or moreSafety Input modules or bus fault), the relay contacts willbe open, thus keeping the system in a safe state. Find below a principle diagram of a DuplineSafe system.The Channel Generator Any type of Dupline ® Chan-nel G enerator can be used, as this component is not part of the safety function. However, it is important to note that all Dupline ® chan-nel addresses used for Safe-ty Input modules must be monostable. Split I/O mode and intelligent channel func-tions are not allowed. If this rule is not obeyed, the relay contacts of the Safety Out-put module will remain in the open position in any situa-tion.Combined SystemsIt is allowed to use stan-dard Dupline ® modules on the channel addresses not used for safety signals, thus allowing combined systems.Monitoring from a PLC, PC or Text DisplayThere are two products available for interfacing a DuplineSafe system to a PLC, PC, Text Display or Touchscreen. One possi-bility is the Profibus-DP gateway (G S3*******), the other possibility is the small Modbus inter-face G STI50 for Text dis-plays and Touchscreens. Using these products, it is possible to monitor theIndicatorsSupply OK Dupline ® OK Relay statusManual restart ready Configuration modeGS 3830 0143DuplineSafe Principle Diagram Input SpecificationsGS 3830 0143Mode of Operation (cont.)status of all the inputs of the Safety Input modules from e.g. a PLC or Text Display. It is not allowed to perform any control function on the channel addresses used for safety signals.Automatic or manual restart Two different operation modes for restart can be configured. A restart is needed whenever the Safety output has been brought to the safe state (relay con-tacts open). If “automatic restart” is selected then the Safety Output module will automatically close the relay contacts as soon as a valid “safe-state” signal is received from all the Safe-ty Input modules. If “manu-al restart” is selected, an activation of the “manu-al restart” input is required to make a restart, and the restart will only happen ifall Safety Input modules aresending a “safe-state” signal.Status outputThe status output is ONwhen a fault or a safetytransmitter is actuated. Thisoutput can be used as anindication by using a LEDor buzzer/horn to sound analarm.Synchronization ChannelThe synchronization channelis used by the Safety Relayto send out a synchroniz-ation signal to the SafetyInput modules on the bus.Therefore, all the SafetyInput modules and the Safe-ty Relay, which together areperforming a safety function,must be coded for the samesynchronization channel.But in case there is alreadyanother safety output mod-ule on the bus sending asynchronization signal onthis channel, then this signalcan be used by other safetyoutput modules.Configuration of the SafetyOutput modulePrior to installation, theSafety Output module needsto be configured by theDuplineSafe configurationunit G S7*******. The fol-lowing parameters need tobe selected:Number of channels on theDupline® busThe “number of channels”is actually selected on thechannel generator, but theRelay Output Module needto know this figure to ensurecorrect operation.Channel addresses of SafetyInput modules to be mon-itoredEach Safety Input Module isusing two channel address-es to send its signal. Thepossible selections are inthe range A3/A4 .. P7/P8.It must be defined whichchannel addresses the Safe-ty Output module shall mon-itor. (Please note that thechannel address A1/A2 isnot allowed in the system).Synchronization channelPlease refer to abovedescriptionPlease refer to the usermanual for the Dup-lineSafe Configuration UnitG S7******* for detailedinstructions on how to con-figure the Safety Outputmodule GS38300143 to per-form the desired function.DuplineSafe - System Characteristics and RulesReaction timeThe reaction time for the total Dupline® safety-loop depends of the num-ber of Dupline® channels. The response time can be calculated as:Reaction time on r elay r elease (wo r st-case): 2 x Number of Dupline® chan-nels + 40 [ms]Note: Reaction time is for the total Dupline® safe-ty-loop; from a safety input goes to non-safe state until the output relay is released. Reaction time on r elay acti-vate (wor st-case): 4 x Num-ber of Dupline® channels + 80 [ms]Note: Reaction time is for the total Dupline® safe-ty-loop; from a safety input goes to safe state until the output relay is activatedTopologyThe Dupline® system has free topology, so cable branches can freely be made at any point in the system. There are no specif-ic length restriction on cablebranches.Cable typesA non-shielded twisted paircable with a cross-sec-tion of 1.5 mm2 is recom-mended, but the Dup-line® bus can also run oncable without twistingand with lower cross-sections. However, the rulesmentioned below must beobeyed.Cabling rulesThe Dupline® system is anextremely robust transmis-sion system, but the followingrules should be obeyed:Rule no. 1The two Dupline® wires mustbe “floating” (none of thetwo wires may be connect-ed to any other potential).Specifically it should bemade sure that the Dupline®common is not connect-ed to protective earth, e.g.through the power supply.Rule no. 2If the longest cable pathexceeds 1.5 km a DT01 ter-mination unit needs to beinstalled at the point farthestaway from the channel gen-erator.If above rules are notobeyed, noise may beinduced in the system, andas a result the relay contactsof the safety output mod-ule will remain in the openposition.Distance, cable and num-ber of Safety input modulesIt is not always the full cap-acity of 63 Safety Inputmodules can be utilized. Itdepends on the cable typeand the length of the cable.The following rule applies:Total current x cable loopresistance < 3,7 VThe total current is the sum-marized current consump-tion of all Dupline®-poweredmodules on the bus. A SafetyInput module typ. uses 1mA.Cable loop esistance = 2x Length of cable (km) xresistance/km (for the cabletype used)Please note that the “lengthof cable” in this calculationis not necessarily the totallength of cable used, it is thecable path from the chan-nel generator to the farthestSafety Input module. In otherwords, only the longestcable path counts.If the above rule is notobeyed, the relay contactsof the Safety Output mod-ule will remain open in anysituation.Example: How many safe-ty Input modules can beinstalled on a 3 km of 1.5mm2 cable ?Cable loop resistance = 2 x3 km x 13,6 Ω/km = 81,6 ΩMax total current = 3,7 V /81,6 Ω = 45,3 mA.Conclusion: In this systemthe max capacity is 45 Safe-ty Input modules, since eachinput module uses 1 mA.DuplineSafe Safety ProcedureIn order to ensure correct safety function of a Dup-line®Safe system, the steps below need to be carried out:1.Identify the exact numberof Safety Input modulesrequired2.Make a table defining thechannel address of each Safety Input module (addresses to be selectedin the range A3/A4 ..P7/ P8)3. Physically allocate thenumber of Safety Inputmodules required andprogram them one by oneaccording to the addresstable, using the Dupline®-Safe Configuration unitGS73800080.4. Configure carefully theSafety Output module tomonitor exactly thechannel addressesselected for the Dupline®Input modules5. Connect all the SafetyInput modules and theSafety Output module tot h e D u p-line® two-wire busand bring all the inputs tothe safe state.6. Now the Safety RelayOutput should haveclosed the contacts. Ifthis is not the case,please review if theaddressing of the safetyinput modules and theconfiguration of the safe-ty output module complieswith each other. If thisdoes not solve theproblem, please checkthat all the DuplineSaferules have been obeyed.7. Now checkeach individualSafety Input module by:a.Remove the busconnection from SafetyInput module and checkthat the safety relayoutput releases.b. Re-connect the safetyinput module to the busand open the inputcontacts. Check that thesafety relay outputreleasesWhen all safety inputmodules have been checkedthis way, the DuplineSafesystem is ready to operate.GS 3830 0143。
罗克韦尔自动化 MSR42 安全继电器和 MSR45E 扩展模块安全功能应用说明书
![罗克韦尔自动化 MSR42 安全继电器和 MSR45E 扩展模块安全功能应用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b5d22cb56394dd88d0d233d4b14e852458fb3931.png)
本安全功能应用说明阐述了如何对 MSR42 安全继电器以及带 GSR SI 安全继电器的 MSR45E 扩展模块进行接线、配置和集成,以监控 440L GuardShield™ 光幕,从而创建 一个具有附加急停功能的双传感器 L 型屏蔽 (单向屏蔽) 系统。如果有物体中断光幕 视野 (光幕未被屏蔽的情况下),或在监控电路中检测到故障,则 MSR42/MSR45E 将使 一对 100S 冗余接触器断电,以停止运动。每当按下急停按钮时,GSR SI 使接触器断电, 以停止运动。 当指定尺寸的物体按正确顺序通过屏蔽传感器时,光幕将被屏蔽。此时允许物体继续 通过光幕,而不会停止运动。一旦物体离开光幕视野,将立即终止屏蔽。 提供了屏蔽超控功能,以清除滞留在受监视区域的物体。 如果物体从“非屏蔽”方向中断光幕视野,或没有在配置的时间间隔内按正确顺序通 过屏蔽传感器,则 MSR42/MSR45E 将使接触器断电。
ਸ๔ǖޅ၃ೠࠚ (ISO 12100)
ඓۨ߳ҾඇࠀీႴ ڦPL (PLr)
ຐǖํ၄ࢅ PL ೠࠚ
1. 由光幕启动的危险运动急停。 2. 光幕屏蔽。 3. 由急停按钮启动的危险运动急停。 该系统执行停止类别 0 停止。允许运动滑行停止。
目录号 440L-P4KL1280YD
889D-F4AC-2 60-2649 92-89 440R-P226AGS-NNR 800FM-G611MX10
接下来,按照以下步骤进行接线:1. 将电源模块的输入端与电源连接器相连。
2. 将电源模块的输出端与目标设备相连。
3. 检查接线是否牢固。
下面是勇于模块的接线步骤:1. 准备所需材料。
2. 连接电源模块的输入端。
3. 连接电源模块的输出端。
4. 检查接线是否正确。
三、注意事项在进行菲尼克斯电源模块和勇于模块的接线时,需要注意以下几点:1. 确保电源模块的输入电压与目标设备的工作电压相匹配。
2. 注意接线的极性。
abb 低压系统数字化方案 扩展模块 用户手册说明书
![abb 低压系统数字化方案 扩展模块 用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/86ded71a302b3169a45177232f60ddccda38e61f.png)
—用户手册低压系统数字化方案 扩展模块•可靠、有效、安全、功能强大—目录01. 绪论0402. 数字量输入输出模块(MB550/MB551)0703. 模拟量输入输出模块(MA552)1204. 漏电保护继电器模块(MR580)2605. 热点监控模块(MT561)3406. 无线测温模块(MT564)4307. 无线测温传感器(WT01)5208. 附录 A 技术参数56— 绪论目标群体本手册主要用于需要了解,工程设计,安装和使用扩展模块的用户。
本手册所涉及的扩展模块,包括: 1)数字量输入输出模块MB550/MB551 2)模拟量输入输出模块MA552 3)热点监控模块MT5614)无线测温模块MT564及无线测温传感器WT01 5)漏电保护继电器模块MR580本手册的目的在于提供所有扩展模块的技术功能描述。
使用本手册时,请同时参照MC510用户手册,FC61x 用户手册和FC710用户手册。
RS485来自EIA(美国电子工业协会)的通信接口标准,工作电压在0V和+ 5V之间。
菲尼克斯EMD-FL-3V-400三相电压监视继电器菲尼克斯EMD-FL-3V-400三相电压监视继电器功能:监视3 相电压,带可调限值、延时,还可监视相序和缺相,以及对称性。
功能的设置在面板的最后一个旋钮:-UNDER 欠压监视-UNDER+SEQ 欠压和相序监视-WIN 欠压和过压监视-WIN+SEQ 欠压和过压监视,同时有相序监视菲尼克斯EMD-FL-3V-400三相电压监视继电器结构:1, LED:非对称性ASYM 2, LED:最大值 3, LED:最小值4, LED:相序SEQ 5, LED:输出继电器REL6,电位计ASYM 非对称性 7,电位计MAX8,电位计MIN 9,电位计DELAY 反应时间10,功能设置旋钮 11,卡脚TOP1功能描述:1,欠压监视UNDER,或欠电压监视+相序监视UNDER+SEQ:设置步骤:1)将面板的功能设置旋钮打至“U”,如带相序监视则打至“US”;2)设置电位计MIN:例:如当电压低于320V 时报警,则按照计算公式:(报警下限-额定电压)/额定电压=(320-400)/400=-20%所以电位计MIN 设为-20%。
当测量电压小于下限时的持续时间超过设置的延时时间,则继电器触点动作(即15 和18断开,25 和28 断开)。
3)设置电位计MAX:在欠压监视模式下,MAX 代表的是一个磁滞区,用于避免振荡。
如虽然当电压低于320V时要报警,此时继电器会切换,但如果此时测量电压在320V(MIN)附近振荡时,继电器输出会频繁动作,所以通过设置一个MAX 值,可以使电压大于该值时继电器才恢复。
电位计MAX 就是设置这个磁滞的。
如只有当测量电压大于360V 时,才不做欠压报警。
按照公式:(360-400)/400=-10%,所以电位计MAX 设为-1 0%。
需要注意的是,当测量电压高于MAX,则继电器触点立刻恢复(即15 和16 断开,25和26 断开),延时时间不起作用。
Eaton Moeller EASY I O 扩展设备 产品说明书
![Eaton Moeller EASY I O 扩展设备 产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/129a487d5b8102d276a20029bd64783e08127d1b.png)
Eaton 197224Eaton Moeller® series EASY I/O expansion, For use with easyE4, 24 V DC, Inputs expansion (number) analog: 4, screw terminal EASY-E4-DC-4PE1Spécifications généralesEaton Moeller® series EASY I/O expansion197224401508089285458 mm 90 mm 36 mm 0.1 kg IEC/EN 61000-6-3 IEC 60068-2-30 CULus per UL 61010 IEC/EN 61131-2 IEC 60068-2-6 IEC 60068-2-27 IEC/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61010 EN 50178CSA-C22.2 No. 61010 IEC 60664 IEC/EN 61000-4-2 UL ListedUL Category Control No.: NRAQ, NRAQ7UL File No.: E205091 DNV GL CEEASY-E4-DC-4PE1Product NameCatalog Number EANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Model CodeAdditional measurement aids: Filtering (software), smoothing of analog input signal (PT1 behavior), only with set sampling time, selectable per sensor: yesExpandableExpansion deviceMeasuring principle: Two or three wire per sensor, selectable by connection of sensorCard diagnosticDiagnostics below lower measurement range IP20According to EN 50178, EN 61010-2-201, UL61010-2-201, CSA-C22.2 NO. 61010-2-201Rail mounting possibleTop-hat rail fixing (according to IEC/EN 60715, 35 mm)Wall mounting/direct mountingScrew fixing using fixing brackets ZB4-101-GF1 (accessories) Front build in possibleIII2Control relays easyE4TCP/IPMODBUS≤ 5 %12 Bit (0- 4095, digital, scaling per sensor)EASYSOFT-SWLIC/easySoft7easyE4 extensionDC50 mm Drop height, Drop to IEC/EN 60068-2-31 0.3 m 795 - 1080 hPa (operation) -25 °CFeatures Functions Degree of protection Insulation resistance Mounting methodOvervoltage category Pollution degree Product category ProtocolResidual ripple ResolutionSoftwareTypeVoltage typeDrop and toppleHeight of fall (IEC/EN 60068-2-32) - max Air pressureAmbient operating temperature - minHorizontalVertical15 g, Mechanical, according to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, Half-sinusoidal shock 11 ms, 18 Impacts57 - 150 Hz, 2 g constant acceleration10 - 57 Hz, 0.15 mm constant amplitudeAccording to IEC/EN 60068-2-655 °C-40 °C70 °CCondensation: prevent with appropriate measuresClearance in air and creepage distances according to EN 50178, EN 61010-2-201, UL61010-2-201, CSA-C22.2 NO. 61010-2-2015 - 95 % (IEC 60068-2-30, IEC 60068-2-78)8 kV2 kV, Signal cableAccording to IEC/EN 61000-4-42 kV, Supply cable6 kV10 V/m at 0.8 - 1.0 GHz (according to IEC EN 61000-4-3)1 V/m at 2.0 - 2.7 GHz (according to IEC EN 61000-4-3)3 V/m at 1.4 - 2 GHz (according to IEC EN 61000-4-3)10 V (according to IEC/EN 61000-4-6)Class B (EN 61000-6-3)According to IEC/EN 61000-4-5, power pulses (Surge), EMC 0.5 kV, Supply cables, symmetrical, EASY…DC, power pulses (Surge), EMC1 kV, Supply cables, asymmetrical, power pulses (Surge), EMC20 ms≤ 10 ms, Bridging voltage dips 0.2 - 2.5 mm² (22 - 12 AWG), flexible with ferrule 0.2 - 4 mm² (AWG 22 - 12), solid3.5 x 0.8 mm, Terminal screw0.6 Nm, Screw terminals3.4 W (at 24 V DC)12.5 A (for 6 ms)1 W1 W24 V DC (-15 %/+ 20 % - power supply)20.4 - 28.8 V DC0 VACMounting position Shock resistance Vibration resistance Ambient operating temperature - max Ambient storage temperature - min Ambient storage temperature - max Environmental conditionsRelative humidityAir dischargeBurst impulseContact dischargeElectromagnetic fieldsImmunity to line-conducted interference Radio interference classSurge ratingVoltage dips Terminal capacityScrewdriver sizeTightening torqueHeat dissipationInrush currentPower consumptionPower lossRated operational voltage Supply voltage at AC, 50 Hz - min0 VAC20.4 VDC28.8 VDC≥ 1A (T), Fuse, Power supplyScrew terminal≤ 30 m, unscreened, Analog inputs temperature resistance Pt100 or Ni1000 sensors Input type resistance sensor: Platinum sensor Pt100 (according to DIN EN 60751, IEC 751)Input type resistance sensor: Nickel sensor Ni1000 (according to DIN 43760)40 mA4NoneBetween Analog inputs PT100 or Ni1000 and Power supply: no Between Analog inputs PT100 or Ni1000 and expansion units: yesBetween Analog inputs PT100 or Ni1000 and Inputs: noYes, for supply voltage (Siemens MPI optional)0 W 0 W 0 W 0 ASupply voltage at AC, 50 Hz - maxSupply voltage at DC - minSupply voltage at DC - maxShort-circuit protectionConnection typeCable length InputInput currentNumber of inputs (analog)Number of inputs (digital)Number of outputs (analog)Number of outputs (digital)Explosion safety category for gas Potential isolationProtection against polarity reversal Equipment heat dissipation, current-dependent PvidHeat dissipation capacity PdissHeat dissipation per pole, current-dependent PvidRated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) Static heat dissipation, non-current-dependent PvsNone1 WMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Explosion safety category for dust 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation 10.2.5 Lifting10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.2.7 Inscriptions10.3 Degree of protection of assemblies 10.4 Clearances and creepage distances 10.5 Protection against electric shock10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections 10.8 Connections for external conductors 10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength 10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. Tous droits réservés.Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners./socialmediaIs the panel builder's responsibility.The panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.DA-CE-ETN.EASY-E4-DC-4PE1DA-MN-h1430de MZ049014EN Video easy E4 control relay IL050021ZU DA-CS-dc_4pe1DA-CD-dc_4pe1TT-197224_EASY-E4-DC-4PE1-de_DE eaton-modular-plc-easy-i-o-expansion-dimensions-002.eps eaton-modular-plc-easy-i-o-expansion-3d-drawing-002.eps10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material 10.10 Temperature rise10.11 Short-circuit rating10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility 10.13 Mechanical functioneCAD modelGuide utilisateur Installation videosInstructions d'installationmCAD model Notes de venteSchémas。
HR2S 型
插拔式接线端子台,薄型机身的 安全继电器改变接线作业!
接线仅需 1 个步骤 , 拆卸只需 2 个步骤!
不需工具 , 只要插入棒形端子即可连接接线 , 削减接 线作业的工序。此外 , 不需要定期点检 (加固锁紧) 。 也无需如同接线螺丝型需用螺丝刀旋转螺丝。 (安装、 拆卸皆不需)
Functional Safety
❏ 型号
触点结构 即断输出 3NO 辅助触点 1NC 输入 同极型 异极型 电源电压 24V DC –15% ~ +10% 24V DC –15% ~ +10% 型号(订购型号) HR2S-301P HR2S-301N 销售单位 1个 1个
❏ 性能规格
EN ISO 13849-1 : 2008 EN 954-1 : 1996 EN 50178 : 1997 EN 55011/A2 : 2007 EN 61000-6-2 : 2005 IEC/EN 61496-1 : 2006 UL508/R2005-07 (注 1) CAN/CSA C22.2 No.14 : 2005 EN 60204-1 2005 额定绝缘电压(输出触点) 250V 250V AC/30V DC(电阻性负载) (注 8) 额定负载 安全类别 3 以下 : 5.0A 以下 端子 (注 6) (注 7) 安全类别 4 以下 : 3.6A 以下 13-14 间 AC15 240V AC/2A cosø=0.3 23-24 间 安全 输 33-34 间 电路 DC13 24V DC/1A L/R=48ms 出 输出数 3(NO 触点输出) 触 点 250V AC/30V DC(电阻性负载) 额定负载 容 安全类别 3 以下 : 5.0A 以下 (注 7) 量 端子 安全类别 4 以下 : 3.6A 以下 41-42 间 AC15 240V AC/2A cosø=0.3 安全 电路 DC13 24V DC/1A L/R=48ms 输出数 机械性耐久性 电气性耐久性 连接电线尺寸 重量 ( 约 ) 1(NC 触点输出) 5,000,000 次以上 100,000 次以上 0.2mm2 ~ 1.5mm2 200g
• 目前使用的继电器主要有魏德米勒和菲尼克斯,超速和安全为图 瑞克产品 • 定义:当输入量(激励量)的变化达到规定要求时,在电气输出电路 中使被控量发生预定的阶跃变化的一种电器,它实际上是用较小的电 流去控制较大电流的一种“自动开关”。故在电路中起着自动调节、 安全保护、转换电路等作用 • 原理作用:电磁式继电器一般由铁芯、线圈、衔铁、触点簧片等 组成的。只要在线圈两端加上一定的电压,线圈中就会流过一定的电 流,从而产生电磁效应,衔铁就会在电磁力吸引的作用下克服返回弹 簧的拉力吸向铁芯,从而带动衔铁的动触点与静触点(常开触点)吸 合。当线圈断电后,电磁的吸力也随之消失,衔铁就会在弹簧的反作 用力返回原来的位置,使动触点与原来的静触点(常闭触点)释放。 这样吸合、释放,从而达到了在电路中的导通、切断的目的 • 根据继电器的型号不同,可以是交流电压,也可以是直流电压。 (PLC-RSP-24DC/1IC/ACT PLC-RSP-230UC/21)
• 偏航计数器:由一个大齿轮、 内部齿轮组、脉冲编码器、4个 凸轮开关 • 作用:1、偏航旋转限位开关: 可以作为风力发电机组的偏航 电机解缆位置信号。 • 2、偏航角度位置信号:脉冲编 码器实时提供风机偏航角度信 号
5 4
10 6 2 3
图一 线圈
图二 储能电机和 齿轮减速装置
页面 4 / 6 2011-6-2
PSR-SCP- 24UC/URM4/5X1/2X2 订货号: 2963734
Nanjing Phoenix Contact Co. Ltd.
页面 5 / 6 2011-6-2
PSR-SCP- 24UC/URM4/5X1/2X2 订货号: 2963734
Nanjing Phoenix Contact Co. Ltd. No. 36 Phoenix Road - Jiangning Development Zone / P.O. Box 236 Jiangning Nanjing CN-211100 Nanjing,China 电话 +86/25-5212-1888 传真 +86/25-5212-1999 or 1555
产品备注 EAN
4 017918 591120ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้
符合WEEE/RoHS指令的日期: 23.11.2006
sales group 包装 关税 产品目录信息
G541 1 pcs. 85364900 页面 18 (IF-2011) 请注意这里提供的数据来 源于在线目录。如需详细的 信息和数据,请查阅http:// 上的用户使用信息。该信息适用网络 下载的一般条款。
PSR-SCP- 24UC/URM4/5X1/2X2
订货号: 2963734
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菲尼克斯电气 保存的技术修改内容;
Nanjing Phoenix Contact Co. Ltd.
页面 6 / 6 2011-6-2
额定输入电压 UN 以UN为参考的输入电压范围 典型输入电流UN 典型响应时间 典型释放时间 并行输入1/2 24 V AC/DC 0,8 ... 1,1 47 mA (每条通道) 20 ms 20 ms 无限
Nanjing Phoenix Contact Co. Ltd.
产品备注 EAN
4 017918 591120
符合WEEE/RoHS指令的日期: 23.11.2006
sales group 包装 关税 产品目录信息
G541 1 pcs. 85364900 页面 18 (IF-2011) 请注意这里提供的数据来 源于在线目录。如需详细的 信息和数据,请查阅http:// 上的用户使用信息。该信息适用网络 下载的一般条款。
a=复位 单通道连接,反馈回路11/12接至安全继电 器主模块,最高安全等级2/4。 根据安全继电器主模块的不同。 带外部监 视触点。
a=复位 单通道连接,反馈回路11/12接至安全继电 器主模块,最高安全等级2/4。 根据安全继电器主模块的不同。 多个扩展模块的连接。
Nanjing Phoenix Contact Co. Ltd.
a=复位 单通道连接,反馈回路11/12接至安全继电 器主模块,最高安全等级4。
a=复位 双通道连接,反馈回路11/12接至安全继电 器主模块,最高安全等级4。
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PSR-SCP- 24UC/URM4/5X1/2X2 订货号: 2963734
Nanjing Phoenix Contact Co. Ltd. No. 36 Phoenix Road - Jiangning Development Zone / P.O. Box 236 Jiangning Nanjing CN-211100 Nanjing,China 电话 +86/25-5212-1888 传真 +86/25-5212-1999 or 1555
标准/规程 额定过电压/绝缘
DIN EN 50178/VDE 0160 4kV/基础安全隔离(输入回路和输出常开安全触 点43/4453/5463/6471/72间以及输出安全常开触 点43/4453/5463/6471/72之间,采用6kV增强型安全隔 离。) 250 V 2 III
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PSR-SCP- 24UC/URM4/5X1/2X2 订货号: 2963734
Nanjing Phoenix Contact Co. Ltd.
CUL Listed, GOST, UL Listed
Nanjing Phoenix Contact Co. Ltd.
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PSR-SCP- 24UC/URM4/5X1/2X2 订货号: 2963734
7 2 2 2 2 2
Nanjing Phoenix Contact Co. Ltd.
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PSR-SCP- 24UC/URM4/5X1/2X2 订货号: 2963734
额定绝缘电压 污染等级 电涌电压类别 实心线最小横截面 实心线最大横截面 多芯线最小横截面 多芯线最大横截面 可连接导线最小横截面AWG/kcmil 导线横截面,AWG/kcmil(最大) 剥线长度 螺纹 连接类型 24 12 7 mm M3 螺钉连接
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PSR-SCP- 24UC/URM4/5X1/2X2 订货号: 2963734
触点类型 触点材料 最大切换电压 最小切换电压 限制连续电流 最大启动电流 最小冲击电流 总电流值的平方 最大额定功率值(电阻负载) 5路常开安全触点输出,1路辅助常闭触点输出,1路反馈回路 AgSnO2,+ 0.2 µm Au 250 V AC/DC 15 V AC/DC 6 A (常开触点) 3 A (常闭触点11/12) 6A 3 A (常闭触点11/12) 25 mA 72 A (ITH = I1 + I2 + ... + I5 ) 144 W (24V DC,τ=0ms,常闭触点11/12: 72W) 288 W (48V DC,τ=0ms,常闭触点11/12: 144W) 110 W (110VDC,t=0ms) 88 W (220VDC,t=0ms) 1500 VA (250V AC,τ=0ms,常闭触点11/12: 750VA) 最大额定功率值(电感负载) 42 W (24V DC,τ=40ms) 42 W (48V DC,τ=40ms) 42 W (110V DC,τ=40ms) 42 W (220V DC,τ=40ms) 最低通断容量 输出熔断器 0,4 W 6 A 快速熔断 C6(24VAC/DC)自动设备 宽度 高度 深度 环境温度(运行) 环境温度(存放/运输) 继电器型号 机械寿命 安装位置 类别符合EN 954-1标准 停止类别 名称 35 mm 99 mm 114,5 mm -20 °C ... 55 °C -40 °C ... 70 °C 有源机电驱动,防尘继电器。 约 10 开关次数 任意 4 0 供电回路间的电气间隙和爬电距离
PSR-SCP- 24UC/URM4/5X1/2X2
订货号: 2963734
单通道或双通道触点扩展,5个常开触点,1个常闭触点,1个确认电流 路径,与基本单元一起使用,符合EN ISO 13849安全隔离标准的Cat. 4 PL e级的要求,可插拔端子,宽:35 mm